HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020717 Ver 1_Certification of Completion_20030823©8/23/2003 00:14 CENTRAL CAROLINA HOMES -~ 73~689~ hJ0,150 D~=11 TO' Fj31 ~~~ a '~ %~ F : i ] ,TI_IL-29-2~~~ 1ti~:12 FROh1=G6Ji~l tJSi ' l ~].'~i,j:~tioJJ .~ ._. ___ WAp~ ~ ~ wrh~~~ F ~a~~y.Gorc~nar _ tivilT~a+sa G. Rosx Ir.. $ec~ern~ s ~G North Ca-Oliae Dep~aut 0~ Enr irwm tx~ t . nd S~7amrn1 RcsOttreee ~ '~ Alan w, C<limct, F.E., Dirveter C~3 -r ~F~;aioe o!'Watu Q+,a13tY Cute.^.;, f~t. So11{,et. Depu[y Dlrlttvr Dl V~scan of Water Rualit7 Dw4 Projoct No.. ~ ~ Q ~.~^ County. t,~,~lk.,~ _ --- --~ ~_ n r Applioarrt: ~.,~,~~~tJ.,s$/ ~' ~ r ~S ~- Pro)ect Names ~a!! r,~ ..~p~/ ~~r„i~~~~~ Gvr~cr~~~ ~- iv~a~- ~if~~6+~G ~~~ Qate Qi issuance of 40t Watr,--. 7ua3ity Certification: ~ 'a ~'.~C _~ Certificate of Co t~letion Upon oompletlott 4f $II work a.,~roved within tho 40t Watr~r Quality Certification and BUf;er F3uf@S, and any subsequent modi~Cattprl5, fhF, ai~piirant is required #v return this certificate to the 40tNVOtla:n<is Unit, Norttr Carolina Division of water Qut1(ity, 16?_1 Mail Service Carter, Raleigh, NC, 27t3g9~162i. This form may be returned to DWQ by iha app.~cant, th® applicant's authorized agent,' or the project enyinger. it is not necessary to send certificates from all of these. diligence was used in the within substantial cpmpii approved plans~d sped Signature: Agc+ni~'s Ceriiircafion _ ,Hereby state that, to' the bes# .of my ~bflisios, iir~e cs~ra aid ~atiur~ of the carastruCtipn Soh that the cgnstrltction was of>served to [~e bumf :1nd intent of the 407 Weter Quality Certification prod i"+uf#E~r Fiul~as, the ns, ~3,~d other porting materials. ~' - ~ ~ ` a~ • Date: --- 1. ., _„ _ ,her®by state that, to the best of my abiiltiF.:,, due sere and dfitgBnCA was used in the r~bse~ -+t~)rr of the construction suctl4ha# the construction was obus~rved to be built within substantial compliance :rid ,ntent of trie 4Q1 Water Quality C6ttif~ailon and F?;t##r~r Rules. the approved plans and specifi,at;4 :::., :~r~d other supporting materials. Signature: •. Date: ~_,~....~•._... H this project was desigrrad L> e3 G ertified Prof`~SSiOrtal . as a duly registered t'rofessianal ~._..._...,.,-_ (i.e., Engineer, Landscape Architec!, Surveyor, etc.) in the Stpte of Noah Carolir-a, .having beQn authorize d observe (periodically, weekly, f~:~~ tune) the Construction Of the project. for the Perrnittee hereby state that, to th6 b®st of my abilities, due carp; ono ctriig~?nCe was used in the abserv&tion of the cor-struclican such tHat the construction was observed to ° ~ .>.r~it wi#hln sul75tantial carnpTiance and intent of thrtin~ r}f+r rr ~IS.QUai~ty Cgrtificativrl and i3uffar Fiulf:~, t~~ : ~'.'~'~?'uved plans and specifscations, and ctheT supp ~} Signature: . Registration No. ~. Data __ _-..__. - __. rJ. C. D1vt:JoD or W ofd Qunlity, e41 wert,mcts , : ~ ,;~,^, o Un~4 1G5~Mnf13.rVietCx~er,~alugh.NC1'6,~9•~, "<:,];~;!°n€.~ddtYSS) 2921 Cnture Alvtl-, xnlct~A. IVC 27604126C',:, ~'~eur~: (9~?)~33a~66lvhooe).915-733-639?if~~,.~.1~~ 'a,~ ..?+~ ctatc.ne.u310CWCtlAPtU