HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020717 Ver 1_Certification of Completion_20080401~1~~;- J1:~L-2'~-2~Lt~ 1i7:1` FF'Of~l:C~lJi;-;;`r 'i?~~~6893 T0:891-~~`~i,: _ ~ F':1 ~~A~ WAT~~G ?~'C~ct:yrt F. Easley. Gavetnor '~Yi;iiact? G. Rocc Jr., Secretary North Carn]iae DepEttiment of F,ltv:r>[uI1Cx!: asd Natur,U Re.°•oRroes i- ~' ~ .-.t A I an W T(7imck, ?'_~„ DircrtOf C~' ~ Ct;., ;.aioa of h'aC::[' Quality Q (1;1..-c: :C. `.~cifiAS,Dcin,tyDlrecror 03 ~/ 1( ' ~iti:scan of watet Qusliiy _.,~._ DWQ Project No.: ~ Z ©7~ County: ~A~c,E ~_ ---. L ~ ____.~_ _ _ ____ Applicant: ~ ~.r.~~~-.~_ ~nTf ~~~S ~ G Project Name: ~ / r n ~j (/ ~rPC.nT` G~a1o•~tT C~fl~ivic Cf~,n _ __.-_ r-- ~a Date of Issuance of 401 1~latr~ ~ ~,~l.r:~it CertlficaY~~ ~~~ y ~~ 'on: Z - L 0-~- Certiiicatc of Cvr>tipletion Upon completion of all work ~ ;~::ra~red within the A01 Water Quality Certification and Butter Hules, and any subsequent modifications thF ~;.;pfi~~ant is required to return this c®rtiffcate to the 40iMJ:}tian,is Unit, North Carolina Division of Water pu.~ tY, i 6?_1 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 276991621. Thi3 form may be ratumad to DWQ by the app,~rarn the applicant's authorized agent, or the project erlc~ineer. It is not necessary to send certificates +-~lm all of these. Applicant' C rtlflcaifon /~ ,t~~s ~~~ ~~~~ 1, _.~ ___ ,hereby state that, to the best of my dbilr':a>~, tfue care and difig®nce was used in the ob ~~ : atlas ; of the construction such that the construction was c;l;~sf~rvNd to be built within substantial eompliE{ c ~r~,a i;ltent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and ~+.;ft,:r Rules, tha approved plans speeiti at+~. .: i td ether porting materials. ~ - z Z - 03 Signature: __._._.._~_ ._ _ ~ Date: .~.~.......~_ AgQnNs Crartification i, _„- __ __, her®by state that, to the best of my abi!itiR•s, ;it;e care and diligence was used in the oust: ~ +r, :r ~ ref the construction such that the construction was n?~ .~>rvF~ti to be built within substantial compli:.r~ce ai :tent of the 401 Water Quality Certification anti '~'~.:`<`t--° Rules, the approved plans and spec~~cat~:. ., ~ other supporting materials. Signature: __._... Date: tr t~±Fs prr~,i~~t was desigrz.~d t:.:,s (""•~rtified Professions! 1 _ as a duly registered Profiessional _ ~, ___ (;.e., engineer, Landscape Arch~tec;. ;.~n'eyvr, etc.} In the State of North Carolina, having br~cin a1.,thorized to observe (periodically, weeki~r, t~.; =;~r,r,, the construction of the project, for the Permittee hF~,r~~hy~ state that, to the b®st of my abilities, duH +:.aY~ : i~'r' ~;~!igence was used in the observation of the canstru_:' ~ k1 ~;::ch that the construction was obsPrvp+°± to - ~"'E-'t rv!thin substantial compliance and intent of tha ~~.~' '~~ti`::~ter C:Jt~aliry C~srtifieation and Buffer Rul=~r~;, ~~ ..~-~~'wt:d plans and specifications, and other supportirc~ r-,t;t~~rials. Signature: __ _..~ Registration No. ti. C Div~don of Woter Quality. dl)1 S`v'r! ,, ,~- + ,. tlniC teen Iwr^it :et~~la Center, xaleigh Nc ~°, ~ .~ ~aa>r.~e, 2?21 Cnbtrte 137vd., An1c1gL. iVC Z'16 -. !9)Q) 733-1785 (phone). X29.733 G3v ` i;: ~, ~ „ •aaEc.nc.usJnc~ret7ands Date __ _. ~NET~~~1~1~0~ ~RQl1~ AUG !~ ti fllt`i:i u~JiNTER QU~ILITY SECT~QI~