HomeMy WebLinkAboutCosler_ResumeDOUGLAS J. COSLER, Ph.D., P.E.
10240 Stonemede Lane
Matthews, NC 28105
Chemical Hydrogeology
The Ohio State University
Civil Engineer Degree
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Civil & Environmental Engineering
The Ohio State University
B.S. Civil & Environmental Engineering The Ohio State University 1977
Summa Cum Laude
2009- Principal Hydrogeologist and Commercial Software Developer,
Adaptive Groundwater Solutions LLC, Charlotte, NC
2007-2009 Environmental Consultant, Hart Crowser, Portland, OR
2006-2007 Research Scientist and Instructor, School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH
2003-2006 Research Assistant, School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
1987-2003 Environmental Consultant, MACTEC (now AMEC), Nashua, NH
1984-1987 Research Assistant, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
1979-1984 Environmental Consultant, D'Appolonia Consulting Engineers, Pittsburgh, PA
1977-1979 Research Assistant, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering,
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Registered Professional Engineer: Pennsylvania and Vermont
Member of Tau Beta Pi
University Graduate Fellowship, The Ohio State University, 1979
The Brown Scholarship (top undergraduate in Civil Engineering), The Ohio State University, 1977
Environmental Consulting
1979-1984, 1987-2003, 2007 -present
• Areas of Specialization: Groundwater flow and chemical transport analyses and computer modeling,
contaminant fate and transport in the environment, numerical code development, ground water and
surface water hydraulics and hydrology, contaminant fate and transport, expert witness testimony and
litigation support, hydrogeologic investigation, nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL/DNAPL)
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investigation, subsurface remediation and remedial design, natural attenuation and risk assessment, and
hydrologic and wetlands impact evaluation.
Responsibilities: Principal Hydrogeologist/Hydrologist responsible for technical aspects of a wide
variety of projects, including: investigation, remediation, and regulation of Superfund, RCRA, and
other hazardous waste sites; ground water flow and chemical transport model development for
numerous projects; expert witness testimony and litigation support for several clients and hazardous
waste sites; natural attenuation/biodegradation assessments for chlorinated solvent and petroleum
contamination sites; volatile organic compound vapor (soil gas) migration and exposure assessment;
exposure modeling for health risk assessments; hydraulic and hydrologic modeling of impoundments
and spillways for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dam safety assessments; stream hydraulics and solute
transport modeling; hydrologic impact assessment for minerals and coal mining; leachate collection
system modeling and design for waste disposal impoundments; and design of runoff, sedimentation,
and erosion control plans.
Types of Sites and Contaminants: Sites investigated include: landfills, manufactured gas plants, wood -
treating facilities, chemical plants, water supply well fields, gasoline and fuel oil storage/delivery
facilities, nuclear waste disposal sites, hazardous waste incinerators, mining operations, and various
industrial facilities. Investigated dissolved, nonaqueous-phase (LNAPL/DNAPL), and vapor -phase
contaminants: chlorinated solvents, gasoline and fuel oil constituents, wood -treating products (e.g.,
creosote and pentachlorophenol), coal tars, polychlorinated biphenyls, pesticides, dioxins and furans,
phenolic compounds, flame retardants (PBDE), phthalates, radionuclides, biological constituents, and
various metals.
• Representative Project Experience:
Expert Witness Testimony and Litigation Support
Litigation and Expert Witness Support, Wells G&H Superfund Site, Woburn, MA (MACTEC). Doug
provided technical support for property owners involved in litigation related to economic damages
associated with groundwater contamination in a fractured bedrock aquifer resulting from upgradient sources
of chlorinated solvents (DNAPL and aqueous -phase). He completed a thorough review ofRI/FS technical
reports (including groundwater pumping tests) and performed modeling of chemical transport in the
fractured bedrock aquifer that accounted for the effects of horizontal anisotropy on transport directions.
Based on the evaluations, Doug developed an alternative site conceptual model that incorporated the effects
of bedrock fractures on solute transport in order to define probable contaminant migration pathways in
overburden and bedrock aquifers that were not identified in historical documents. He demonstrated the
existence of these pathways using two-dimensional models of groundwater flow and contaminant advection
(particle pathlines) that established a connection between DNAPL sources areas and groundwater
contamination beneath the subject properties.
Expert Witness Testimony and Litigation Support, Gasoline Remediation Site and Sewer/House Explosion
Case, Winneconne, WI (MACTEC). Doug provided expert witness testimony and investigated the potential
causes of and chemical fate and transport mechanisms responsible for a house explosion case. Plaintiffs
alleged that vadose and saturated zone petroleum remediation activities at a service station located a few
blocks from the residence and subsequent transport of gasoline vapors through a sewer line/backfill were
the fuel source for the explosion. He analyzed gasoline vapor transport rates and concentrations in the
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subsurface at the service station site, in the 12 -inch sewer pipe, and within the sewer backfill. Doug
demonstrated that gasoline vapors could not have migrated to the residence between the time that
remediation stopped and the house exploded. He also demonstrated that gasoline vapors at explosive levels
could not have migrated up the sewer lateral and into the house. His analyses showed that sewer gas
(methane) was the likely cause of the explosion because a methane source was present in the sewer line
near the residence (sewage blockage due to tree root growth through pipe joints) and lighter -than -air
methane naturally migrates upslope along sewer lines and laterals.
Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (REFS) and Expert Witness Testimony for the Old
Southington Landfill Superfund Project, Southington, CT (MACTEC). Doug developed a three-
dimensional groundwater flow model (MODFLOW) to evaluate source control alternatives for a municipal
landfill that received solid and semi-solid waste materials (primarily VOC). In the vicinity of the landfill,
high -permeability deposits in the bottom portion of the aquifer and the presence of a neighboring pond
caused large downward groundwater flow components that complicated contaminant transport analysis. He
directed the site investigation that focused on the landfill and underlying and downgradient portions of the
regional aquifer. He prepared an expert report and provided expert witness testimony for insurance
litigation regarding the nature and timing of waste disposal in the landfill.
Expert Witness Testimony, Hydrogeologic Investigations of a Gasoline Station, CT (MACTEC). Doug
provided expert witness testimony regarding the results of a hydrogeologic investigation to determine the
source of petroleum contamination within a telephone company utility conduit. He provided opinions
concerning groundwater flow and chemical transport rates in the surrounding aquifer, age dating of
petroleum products, and the potential relationship of gasoline -related contaminants in a utility manhole to
historical petroleum releases at an upgradient gasoline station.
Remedial Investigation, Site Remediation and Expert Witness Testimony, Former MGP Site, Concord, NH
(MACTEC). Historical discharges of carburetted water gas tar contaminated a 10 -acre pond and the
underlying groundwater with aqueous -phase constituents and NAPL. Contaminants included PAHs and
BTEX compounds. Doug designed the hydrogeologic investigation to determine the nature and extent of
groundwater and NAPL contamination. He performed data evaluations to assess the potential for vertical
and horizontal migration of NAPL and the potential for contamination of a river adjacent to the site. He
also prepared two expert reports and provided expert witness testimony for two related insurance litigation
actions regarding the timing and ongoing nature of pond contamination and contamination from the former
MGP, located upgradient from the pond.
Remedial Design Evaluation and Expert Witness Support, Chlorinated Solvent and Petroleum
Contamination Site, MO (MACTEC). Doug served as a company expert for litigation involving a
groundwater extraction system designed to control LNAPL and aqueous -phase contaminants. Plaintiffs
(downgradient property) claimed that the extraction system was not controlling contamination. Doug
developed a hydraulic model of the site, analyzed in detail the groundwater capture zone, and demonstrated
that the system was very effective in controlling LNAPL and aqueous -phase contaminant migration.
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Expert Witness Testimony, Petroleum Contamination Site, Concord, NH (MACTEC). Doug served as a
hydrogeology, coal tar, and petroleum fate and transport expert for property damage litigation involving a
fuel oil distributor and former MGP site. The plaintiff claimed that coal tar contamination from the former
MGP caused environmental damage and increased construction costs for a new hotel being built at the site.
Doug performed petroleum transport and fingerprinting analyses and demonstrated that the fuel oil
distributor located immediately upgradient from the subject property was the likely source of contamination
- not coal tar.
Remedial Investigation, Design, and Expert Witness Testimony, Former MGP Site, Laconia, NH
(MACTEC). Doug reviewed site investigation reports and evaluated hydrogeologic conditions, contaminant
sources, and NAPL mobility at a former MGP site. Historical MGP waste releases (coal tar) had
contaminated soil and groundwater and dissolved -phase constituents, and NAPL had migrated into adjacent
surface water bodies. He developed conceptual remedial alternatives for the site and evaluated NAPL
containment and collection designs. He prepared an expert report and provided expert witness testimony
for insurance litigation regarding the timing and ongoing nature of pond contamination.
Expert Witness Report, Former MGP Site, Goshen, IN (MACTEC). Provided litigation support and expert
report preparation for a case involving a former MGP site. Technical aspects of the project involved
hydrogeology, coal tar, and petroleum fate and transport.
Remedial Alternatives Evaluation and Expert Witness Report Preparation, Former Electronics
Manufacturing Facility, Manchester, NH (MACTEC). Historical releases of tetrachloroethene (PCE) and
PCE dissolved in fuel oil caused soil and groundwater contamination at the site. Contaminants were
present as dissolved -phase constituents and DNAPL. Doug evaluated data regarding site hydrogeology and
contaminant fate and transport to assess the relative contributions of the PCE sources. He evaluated the
feasibility and costs of potential remedial alternatives and prepared an expert report assessing the relative
contributions of the two different sources of contamination.
Groundwater Flow and Aqueous -Phase Chemical Fate and Transport
Developed Adaptive Groundwater, a Three -Dimensional Groundwater Flow and Chemical Transport
Code based on the Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method (Adaptive Groundwater Solutions LLC). Adaptive
Groundwater is a highly -scalable, three-dimensional numerical code for high-resolution simulation of
groundwater flow and solute transport problems. Dynamic adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) and multi-
threading are used to automatically generate unstructured grids to handle multiple scales of flow and
transport processes. This is done by translating and adding/ removing telescoping levels of progressively
finer subgrids during simulation (hiips://www.rockware.com/product/overview.php?id=329).
Groundwater Flow, Contaminant Transport, and Biodegradation Model, Feasibility Study and Natural
Attenuation Assessment, Estes Landfill Site, Phoenix, AZ (MACTEC). Doug developed three-dimensional
groundwater flow and contaminant transport models to simulate current and future, long-term TCE, cis 1,2-
DCE, and vinyl chloride (VC) concentrations in the sand and gravel, overburden aquifer at the Estes
Landfill site. He used MODFLOW and MT3D99 to simulate chemical transport and fate mechanisms,
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including advection, dispersion, dilution by surface water, sorption to soil, and TCE>DCE>VC
biotransformation modeled as a sequential, first -order decay -chain process. He computed site
biotransformation rates from historical chemical data and transport model calibration. He demonstrated
that natural attenuation was a viable remedial alternative, primarily due to significant source -area VOC
depletion and high biodegradation rates (reductive dechlorination and direct oxidation of DCE and VC).
Combined MTCA REFS and RCRA RFI/CMS Plus Independent Cleanup Actions, Confidential Metals
Manufacturing Facility, WA (Hart Crowser). As the Hydrogeologist and Technical Lead for PCB fate and
transport issues during work on this large metals manufacturing facility, Doug developed a three-
dimensional transport model of the PCB plume that incorporated the variation in mobility and mass fraction
of each of the 209 congeners in the PCB mixture. He constructed a three-dimensional groundwater
flow/transport model (MODFLOW/MT3D99) to analyze the capture zones and effluent concentration
variations for multiple extraction wells with various screened -interval depths. He investigated PCB
contamination sources at the site, including industrial wastewater transfer line leaks and
unsaturated/saturated zone water contact with contaminated soils.
Doug also developed an innovative two-dimensional, rate -limited PCB congener and colloid transport
model to evaluate fate and transport mechanisms at the site. The model simulates the transport of all 209
PCB congeners simultaneously, both as aqueous -phase (i.e., dissolved in groundwater) and colloidal
(sorbed to mobile colloids flowing with the groundwater) fractions. Colloid filtration due to interactions
with the porous media is included. Because of the high groundwater velocities at the site, the model also
incorporates rate -limited soil to groundwater chemical partitioning (nonequilibrium chemical sorption) and
nonequilibrium groundwater to colloid PCB sorption mechanisms.
Remedial Design and Natural Attenuation Modeling, Savage Municipal Water Supply Superfund Site,
Milford, NH (MACTEC). Doug developed three-dimensional groundwater flow and solute transport
models of this extensive drinking water aquifer using MODFLOW and MT3D. DNAPL releases (PCE and
TCA) caused groundwater contamination. Doug directed evaluation of data collected during field
permeability testing, monitoring well sampling, and extensive vertical groundwater profiling using
microwells. He modeled the effectiveness of various remedial design alternatives that included soil
excavation and hydraulic containment in the source area, hydraulic control of downgradient portions of the
PCE and TCA plumes, and natural attenuation due to biodegradation, natural groundwater flushing, and
dilution by rainwater and river recharge. Doug estimated biodegradation rates using 1) long-term
measurements of VOC concentration reductions along the plume centerline, 2) comparisons of parent to
daughter compound concentrations, and 3) computations of total VOC mass reductions in the aquifer. In
addition, the natural attenuation evaluation used other analytical parameters (e.g., electron acceptor
concentrations) to assess the strength of the biodegradation evidence based on the Technical Protocol for
Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in Ground Water. He used the MODFLOW
model and the AQTESOLV software to analyze the pumping test data. He used AQTESOLV and the
Hantush solution for partially -penetrating wells to analyze the single -well tests.
Natural Attenuation Software Development, Risk -Based Correction Action (RSCA) Tier 2 Analyzer
(MACTEC). Doug authored the commercial software package RBCA Tier 2 Analyzer, a two-dimensional
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groundwater flow and biodegradation (transport) model. The software provides five different transport
simulation capabilities: 1) single constituent; 2) the PCE>TCE>DCE>VC sequential -decay sequence that
occurs during reductive dechlorination; 3) instantaneous BTEX biodegradation with a single electron
acceptor (oxygen); 4) instantaneous BTEX biodegradation with multiple electron acceptors (oxygen,
nitrate, iron(III), sulfate, carbon dioxide); and 5) kinetics -limited BTEX biodegradation with multiple
electron acceptors. The transport model can simulate either equilibrium or non -equilibrium (one-, two-, or
multi -site sorption) partitioning between water and soil. The software provides a design tool that can be
used for a wide variety of problems, including the analysis of remedial alternatives such as groundwater
pump and treat systems (including extraction well concentration "tailing" effects caused by slow
contaminant desorption from soil), natural attenuation evaluation, and source remediation level
Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RDFS) for the Gallups Quarry Superfund Site, Plainfield, CT
(MACTEC). Designed investigations of this former waste disposal site to evaluate the nature and extent of
groundwater and residual soil (source area) contamination. The initial field program included geophysical
surveys, a source -area soil vapor survey, installation and sampling of 50 microwells, wetlands delineation,
and surface water/sediment sampling. Doug performed three-dimensional computer visualization of the
contaminant plume based on microwell results to direct monitoring well installation. He performed two-
dimensional flow modeling to identify an off-site source of groundwater contamination and developed a
three-dimensional groundwater flow and chemical transport model (MODFLOW/MT3D) of the site to
facilitate the evaluation of remedial alternatives during the FS process.
Darling Hill Superfund Site Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RDFS), Lyndonville, VT
(MACTEC). As Technical Leader during the Rl/FS for a municipal well field contaminated with VOCs,
Doug directed the site investigation, which focused on a disposal area upgradient of the well field and a
highly permeable sand and gravel aquifer. The investigation included geophysical investigations, a soil gas
survey, boring and well installations, groundwater sampling and analysis, air sampling, surface water and
sediment sampling, and pumping and slug tests. Doug developed a three-dimensional analytical
groundwater flow model to evaluate potential plume control at the disposal area and the municipal well
field. He also constructed a one-dimensional, numerical contaminant transport model, coupled with a
chemical leaching model of the waste disposal area, to estimate cleanup times in the regional aquifer in
response to various source control alternatives.
Evaluation ofNew Monitoring Well Design and Sampling Techniques to Determine Vertical Concentration
Variations in an Aquifer, Independent Research Project (MACTEC). Performed independent research to
determine new monitoring well designs and sampling techniques that can provide the necessary data to
evaluate vertical concentration variations in an aquifer. Doug developed two-dimensional, numerical
axisymmetric groundwater flow and chemical transport models to analyze time -dependent monitoring well
concentrations during sampling as a function of various vertical concentration distributions in the aquifer
and different well designs. The results of this research demonstrated that discrete intervals of monitoring
wells with long screens (e.g., 10 to 20 feet or more) can be sampled in a manner that allows both the
vertical plume location and concentration variation in the aquifer to be determined. The research also
showed that the time vs. concentration responses of a well during a sampling event lasting a few days
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exhibit characteristic shapes that can be directly related to aquifer properties and well design parameters
and the vertical concentration distribution. He computed a series of concentration vs. time "type curves,"
analogous to time -drawdown type curves for aquifer permeability tests, that can be matched with measured
time -concentration responses.
Evaluation and Recommendation of Hydrologic Models for the Department of Natural Resources,
Commonwealth ofKentucky (D'Appolonia). Doug performed an extensive analysis of hydraulic/hydrologic
simulation models for the Department of Natural Resources, Commonwealth of Kentucky. He evaluated
more than 60 hydrologic (i.e., watershed), surface water, and groundwater computer models for simulating
flow and contaminant transport that could be used in determining the potential hydrologic and
environmental impacts of coal mining operations at various locations in Kentucky. He made several code
modifications to the USACE's STORM, Stream Hydraulics Package (SHP), and Water Quality for
River/Reservoir Systems (WQRRS) models.
Mine Inflow Evaluation for the Shell Minerals Company, IN (D'Appolonia). To evaluate groundwater
inflow rates into a 30 -square mile underground coal mine in southwestern Indiana during a 30 -year mine
life, Doug developed a three-dimensional computer model to simulate groundwater flow into various mine
panels from an overlying sandstone aquifer by three processes: (1) artesian flow from portions of the
aquifer outside of the mine plan area, (2) gravity drainage of water from the voids in the overlying
sandstone, and (3) infiltration through a shale layer separating the aquifer and coal seam.
Site Investigation and Hydrogeologic Study, Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), Manufacturing
Facility (MACTEC). Designed an investigation to characterize the nature and extent of VOC contamination
in a shallow overburden -bedrock aquifer system underlying a manufacturing facility. The investigation
included soil vapor analysis, overburden and bedrock monitoring well installation, and permeability testing.
Doug designed an interim pump and treat system to control contaminant migration from a source area
containing PCE in the form of a NAPL.
Hydrogeologic Study and Groundwater Remediation for an Industrial Facility, NH (MACTEC). Served as
the Technical Leader during the Phase I investigation and performed data evaluation for this 70 -acre
salvage yard site. The investigation included evaluation of VOC contamination in the groundwater and the
design, installation, and operation of a pump and treat system. Doug developed a two-dimensional,
axisymmetric groundwater flow model to evaluate the data from a pumping test involving a large -diameter,
partially penetrating water supply well. He performed groundwater flow modeling for the final engineering
design of the pump and treat system.
Design of Waste Disposal Facility for the U.S. Department of Energy, WV (D'Appolonia). Doug designed
the leachate collection system for a waste disposal facility that contained process waste from a proposed
solvent -refined coal preparation plant near Morgantown, West Virginia. The 800 -acre-foot impoundment
consisted of two embankments approximately 60 feet in height constructed from coarse refuse, a primary
spillway system, a 5 -foot clay liner beneath the impoundment, and an underdrain system directly above the
liner to reduce the liquid content of the waste and thereby decrease seepage of contaminants through the
clay blanket. He performed a detailed computer simulation of the underdrain system performance to
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determine the hydrostatic pressure reduction above the clay liner as a function of waste permeability, drain
spacing, ground slope, saturated waste depth, and drain dimensions.
Remediallnvestigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) forAllied Chemical Company, OH(D'Appolonia). Doug
performed a groundwater contamination evaluation and remedial design study for a chemical plant
bordering the Ohio River. He developed two-dimensional groundwater flow and chemical transport models
to evaluate migration beneath a stream to a local municipal well field and computed a groundwater mass
balance to determine the percentage of site groundwater flow reaching the well field, the Ohio River, a
neighboring stream, and an adjacent property. He used the calibrated model to screen remedial alternatives
and determine cleanup levels.
Vadose Zone Flow and Transport
Vadose Zone and Hydrogeologic Modeling of Storm Water Detention Facilities, Vancouver, WA (Hart
Crowser). Doug developed a three-dimensional saturated/unsaturated groundwater flow model of a storm
water detention facility using the USGS computer program SUTRA (Saturated -Unsaturated Transport). He
dynamically linked the SUTRA code with watershed hydrology (i.e., runoff hydrograph) and detention
basin (storage and discharge rate vs. elevation) models. He modified the SUTRA code to incorporate the
hydrologic and hydraulic models as subroutines, which provided storm water runoff inflow rates and time -
dependent water elevations in the detention basins. Water elevations were converted to time -dependent
specified pressure node values in SUTRA. He added transient discharge rates through the porous
boundaries of the detention facilities (computed by SUTRA) to the outflow hydrographs. Doug used the
models to evaluate the impacts of several factors on the storm water detention facility performance and
design, including groundwater table mounding, hydraulic conductivity (K) heterogeneity, the ratio of
vertical to horizontal K, detention basin storage capacity, and storm event recurrence interval.
Hydrologic Impact Assessment at a Waste Isolation Pilot Plant for the U.S. Department of Energy, NM
(D'Appolonia). Evaluated potential salt removal from beneath a radioactive waste disposal facility
enclosed in a 2,000 -foot -thick salt formation in southeastern New Mexico. The objective was to determine
the size and geometry of a dissolution cavity that could form beneath the facility in the next 10,000 years
due to hydraulic interaction with a water -bearing unit located 1,000 feet below. Doug evaluated potential
mechanisms for salt dissolution and migration to the underlying unit (e.g., diffusion or advection currents
produced by density differences), derived analytical equations to quantify the salt removal rate and cavity
geometries, and developed a computer model of salt transport in the water -bearing unit.
Hydrologic Impact Assessment and Vadose Zone Modeling for the Exxon Minerals Company, WI
(D'Appolonia). Evaluated potential hydrologic impacts on the groundwater and surface water regimes due
to minerals mining and the related disposal of inorganic wastes at a 400 -acre site. Doug developed
site-specific computer models of saturated/unsaturated flow and transport to predict changes in groundwater
flow rates, water quality, and water levels in hydraulically -connected lakes. He used predictions
encompassing an estimated 100 -year mine life to negotiate a work plan with the Wisconsin DNR.
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Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Vadose Zone Modeling, and Remedial Design for a Former
Wood -Treating Facility, Olympia, WA (MACTEC). Doug directed the hydrogeologic investigation and
remedial design for this wood -treating site. The site involved tidally influenced groundwater contaminated
with polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, pentachlorophenol (PCP),
LNAPL (PCP carrier oil), and DNAPL (creosote). The investigation consisted of installation of monitoring
wells specifically designed to detect LNAPL and DNAPL, aquifer tests, long-term tidal monitoring, salt
water intrusion evaluation, aquifer water budget (infiltration) modeling, and treatability studies for
bioremediation of soil and groundwater. Doug designed a NAPL and groundwater extraction system and
developed a two-dimensional, numerical groundwater flow model as part of the groundwater extraction
system design. He performed one-dimensional unsaturated zone vapor transport modeling to estimate
leachate and soil gas flux loadings to groundwater. He used the AquiferTest software to analyze the
pumping test data and analyzed tidal variations in water -level amplitude and phase lag to evaluate hydraulic
conductivity variations.
Vapor -Phase Transport Modeling, Lipari Landfill Superfund Site, NJ (MACTEC). Doug constructed a
vertical, one-dimensional vapor (soil gas) flux model to calculate VOC emission rates from contaminated
soil downgradient of the landfill. He used the emission estimates as source terms in an atmospheric
dispersion model to compute air concentrations in the immediate vicinity of the contaminated soil and at
several downgradient receptors and used the results to estimate health risks caused by inhalation exposure.
These modeling results and health risk estimates provided the necessary data to determine excavation
depths for contaminated soil and the thickness of a soil cap that would reduce future exposures to
acceptable levels.
Health Risk Assessment, Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), Auto Auction Facility (MACTEC).
Doug performed the exposure assessment for potential exposure to VOC contamination resulting from a
leaking underground fuel tank. He developed a one-dimensional, unsaturated zone, soil gas flux model for
estimating indoor air concentrations in domestic buildings overlying subsurface areas contaminated by the
spill. He also developed a two-dimensional groundwater transport model for estimating downgradient
concentrations beyond the existing monitoring network.
Development of Performance Goals for Remedial Measures, a Risk -Based Approach for a Manufacturing
Facility, OH (MACTEC). Computed exposure point concentrations for a health risk assessment to
determine performance goals for soil and groundwater remediation at a 2 -acre site contaminated with
several organic chemicals. Doug was responsible for the exposure assessment that involved the
development of a groundwater transport model to perform two basic calculations: 1) rate of chemical
removal from the contaminated areas of the unsaturated zone soil, and 2) two-dimensional chemical
advection and dispersion in the shallow groundwater unit downgradient from the source area. The
computation of contaminant removal from the unsaturated zone involved a one-dimensional (vertical)
analysis of advection due to infiltration and molecular diffusion through the water and air phases of the soil.
He also calculated contaminant dilution in the sand layer using a calibrated two-dimensional (horizontal)
transport model.
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NAPL Characterization and Modeling
Petroleum Extraction System Optimization, Former Manufacturing Facility, MA (MACTEC). Developed
and calibrated a two-dimensional fuel oil flow model using the SPILLCAD software to evaluate historical
free product recovery volumes and optimize extraction well locations and oil and groundwater pumping
rates. He used the calibrated oil flow model to (i) demonstrate the effectiveness of the recovery system in
minimizing the future risk of off-site free product transport and (ii) estimate the time period required to
obtain the remedial goals for the site.
Remedial Design and Investigation, Former Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) Site, Fort Wayne, IN
(MACTEC). Doug designed a groundwater and NAPL (coal tar) containment and collection system for this
former MGP site adjacent to a river. A sheet pile wall provided containment along the perimeter of the site,
and a trench system with collection pipes and wells collected groundwater and NAPL. Doug developed a
three-dimensional groundwater model (MODFLOW) to determine the required water levels in the various
collection trench segments to provide hydraulic control of the groundwater plume and optimize NAPL
Remedial Design and Investigation, Former MGP Site, Hammond, IN (MACTEC). Doug designed a
NAPL (coal tar) containment system at this former MGP site to prevent NAPL migration into a river that
formed the downgradient site boundary. Doug evaluated slurry wall and sheet piling designs. He
developed a three-dimensional groundwater model (MODFLOW) of the site to evaluate optimal
containment wall designs (e.g., wing wall orientation and length) for minimizing off-site groundwater
transport of contaminants. In addition, he used the model to evaluate water level increases on the
upgradient side of the wall and potential design options (e.g., gates) to mitigate this effect.
Surface Water Modeling
Evaporation Prediction for Heated Water Bodies, Research Project for the Electric Power Research
Institute, GA (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Evaluated the evaporative heat loss from a series of
heated (70 degrees Celsius) cooling ponds (1 to 5 acres) and canals. Doug developed a one-dimensional
hydrothermal model to evaluate the temperature distribution and the energy budgets for the system of water
bodies. He performed a literature review of evaporation prediction methods, emphasizing methods capable
of predicting combined free (thermally induced) and forced (wind) evaporative heat loss. The research
resulted in the formulation of a new evaporation equation that more accurately predicts heat loss from water
bodies for conditions, such as high water temperature, where both free and forced evaporation are
Site Evaluation of Two Nuclear Power Plants for Northeast Utilities, New England (Massachusetts
Institute of Technology). Doug evaluated waste heat transport from two nuclear power generation facilities
located along the coast of New England. He developed two-dimensional numerical tidal hydrodynamic and
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thermal transport models to evaluate temperature increases in adjacent estuaries. He used the temperature
simulations to locate new water intakes and to determine heat effects on sediment biota.
Sewage Disposal Outfall Siting Study for the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Boston, MA
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Doug evaluated tidal hydrodynamics and contaminant transport in
Boston Harbor as part of the design of the new Deer Island sewage treatment plant. He used mass loading
data at the existing Deer and Nut Island treatment plants in conjunction with measured concentration
distributions for six chlorinated VOCs to calibrate dispersion coefficients and first order surface
volatilization rates for the compounds. He used current meter measurements for calibration of the two-
dimensional, harmonic hydrodynamic model. He simulated harbor concentrations for several planned
diffuser outfall locations using a two-dimensional, transient contaminant transport model that was linked
with the hydrodynamic model.
Estimate of Toxic Chemical Loadings to Puget Sound, Washington State Department of Ecology Toxics
Cleanup Program, WA (Hart Crowser). Doug was the Technical Director assisting Ecology with a multi-
year effort to develop strategies, remedial actions, and performance measures to protect and restore the
overall health of the Puget Sound ecosystem. He identified toxic chemicals of concern and characterized
contaminant sources and pathways (e.g., stormwater runoff, municipal/industrial wastewater effluents,
groundwater discharge, chemical spills, and atmospheric deposition). For each of the 17 chemicals of
concern, Doug estimated average annual rates of mass loading (runoff rates and stormwater concentrations)
to Puget Sound via each pathway. He developed a probabilistic approach to characterizing data uncertainty
that involved computing cumulative probability distributions for each mass loading pathway.
Surface Water Quality Impact of Treatment System Effluent, In dus tri-Plex Trust, Sup erfund Site, Woburn,
MA (MACTEC). Developed two-dimensional hydrodynamic and contaminant transport models of a 10 -acre
impoundment to evaluate water quality impacts of the treatment system effluent from a series of
groundwater extraction wells. Both organic (VOC) and inorganic contaminants were present in the waste
stream. Steady-state hydrodynamic simulations, qualitatively verified by field observations, provided an
understanding of the velocity distribution in the impoundment that was a function of both tributary and
treatment system inflows and large water depth variations of 5 to 20 feet. Doug incorporated depth -
averaged contaminant concentration distributions computed using the transport model in an aquatic impact
assessment designed to determine preferred effluent discharge locations and rates.
Surface Water Quality Impact of Dam Breach, Bangor Hydroelectric, ME (MACTEC). Doug developed a
numerical, one-dimensional dissolved oxygen transport model to evaluate receiving water quality impacts
from hydrodynamic changes caused by the breaching of a dam in a large river system. He used the
USACE's stream hydraulics model HEC -1 to simulate river stage and velocity for a range of breach
elevations and stream flow rates. For each flow field the transport model provided estimates of dissolved
oxygen changes in the river system. These results demonstrated the beneficial effects of leaving the dam in
Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan Design for DuPont, SC (D'Appolonia). Designed the
sedimentation and erosion control plan for a 200 -acre site disturbed during construction of a waste
Douglas J. Cosler, Ph.D., P.E. - Page 12 of 15
processing facility. Evaluations included calculation of storm runoff hydrographs, the design of three
sedimentation basins with heights ranging from 10 to 20 feet and storage capacities of 3 to 5 acre-feet,
hydraulic design of primary and emergency spillways for the basins, specification of diversion ditch
locations and sizes, and design of various other erosion control measures.
Research Assistant, School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 2003 — 2006.
• Dissertation: Numerical Investigation of Field -Scale Convective Mixing Processes in Heterogeneous,
Variable -Density Flow Systems Using High -Resolution Adaptive Mesh Refinement Methods.
Advisor: Motomu Ibaraki.
• Ph.D. Research: Developed new adaptive simulation software for high-resolution, field -scale modeling
of non-linear, variable -density ground water flow systems. Examined practical problems such as in situ
chemical oxidation of contaminants by dense treatment fluids, water supply applications such as
freshwater storage and recovery in coastal aquifers, and saltwater intrusion assessments. The software
automatically adjusts to multiple scales of convective mixing processes by translating and
adding/removing telescoping levels of progressively finer subgrids to maintain a specified numerical
accuracy throughout the global simulation domain. Adaptive mesh refinement methods and higher -
order Eulerian-Lagrangian discretization schemes were used to construct a three-dimensional flow and
transport code capable of simulating fine -scale (-1-10 cm) instability development and resulting
convective mixing in field -scale variable -density ground water flow systems. Because the flow and
transport solutions for each subgrid are computed independently, field -scale simulations are broken into
multiple smaller problems that can be modeled more efficiently and with finer detail.
Convective mixing in heterogeneous porous media is shown to be more amenable to prediction than
previously concluded. Convective mixing rates are related to the geostatistical properties of the aquifer
(variance and mean of the log permeability distribution, horizontal and vertical correlation scales), the
fluid density difference, the magnitude of local small-scale dispersion, the effects of different
permeability field realizations, the injection well size and orientation, hydraulic parameters such as
injection rate and regional hydraulic gradient, and the spatial resolution. Further, three-dimensional
fluid mixing rates are related to mathematical expressions for density -dependent macrodispersivity that
are based on stochastic flow and solute transport theory.
Colloid transport modeling: Simulated colloid and radionuclide injection experiments for fractured -
rock test site in Switzerland. Used two-dimensional finite element code COLFRAC (flow and transport
of colloids and contaminants in discretely -fractured porous media) to perform sensitivity analyses
involving: fracture aperture, spacing, connectivity; secondary permeability and diffusion rate in rock
matrix; equilibrium and kinetic radionuclide sorption parameters for colloids and fracture walls;
longitudinal dispersivity; colloid filtration coefficient; and radionuclide decay rate.
Research Assistant, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1984 — 1987.
• Areas of Specialization: Hydraulics/hydrology, surface water heat transport mechanisms, heat transfer
in unstable atmospheric boundary layers, tidally- and density -driven flow/transport, chemical
fate/transport, numerical methods (finite element, finite difference, Eulerian-Lagrangian).
• Thesis: Evaporation from Heated Water Bodies, Predicting Combined Forced Plus Free Convection.
Advisor: Eric Adams. Constructed hydrothermal model to compute evaporative heat loss from 70° C
cooling ponds and canals based on simulated temperature distributions and energy budgets.
Douglas J. Cosler, Ph.D., P.E. - Page 13 of 15
Formulated new evaporation equation that more accurately predicts heat loss from heated water bodies
for conditions where both free and forced evaporation are important.
• Surface water modeling: Analyzed tidal hydrodynamics and contaminant transport in Boston Harbor
and Massachusetts Bay for design of new Deer Island sewage treatment plant. Constructed two-
dimensional, finite element hydrodynamic (harmonic) flow and Eulerian-Lagrangian transport models
to evaluate mixing of treatment plant effluent for alternative multi -port diffuser designs and locations.
• Hydrothermal modeling: Developed two-dimensional finite element, tidal hydrodynamic and thermal
transport models to evaluate waste heat transport in estuaries for two nuclear power generation
Research Assistant, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH, 1977 — 1979.
• Areas of Specialization: Turbulent transport processes, hydraulics/hydrology, numerical methods.
• Thesis: Numerical Simulation of Turbulence in a Wind -Driven, Shallow Water Lake. Advisor: Keith
Bedford. Developed three-dimensional hydrodynamics code (finite difference) using large -eddy
simulation techniques. Evaluated energy cascade process for turbulent flows in lakes through spectral
analysis of velocity fluctuation time series.
Independent Research, 1990 — 2002.
• Effects of Rate -Limited Mass Transfer, Vertical Concentration Distribution, and Well Design on
Ground -Water Sampling and Remediation: Constructed numerical axisymmetric flow and
nonequilibrium (multi -rate) transport models to simulate monitoring/extraction well concentrations as a
function of plume shape and well design. Showed how sample concentration variations with time can
be used to determine vertical concentration distributions in plumes and aquifer properties such as
vertical anisotropy ratio, porosity, retardation factor, and soil -water mass transfer parameters.
• Commercial Contaminant Transport and Biodegradation Modeling Software: Author of the Risk -
Based Correction Action (RBCA) Tier 2 Analyzer, a two-dimensional ground water flow,
nonequilibrium (multi -rate) transport, and biodegradation model. Software is based on Eulerian-
Lagrangian solution of transport equation with alternating direction implict (ADI) technique for
dispersion, and fourth -order Runge-Kutta scheme for PCE decay chain and BTEX biodegradation
Instructor, School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 2006.
• Instructor for graduate -level courses in hydrogeology and environmental risk assessment, and
undergraduate courses in hydrology and water resources.
Teaching Assistant, School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 2003-2006.
• Taught several class sessions of graduate -level courses in hydrogeology and environmental risk
assessment, and an undergraduate course in water resources. Assisted in the preparation of lecture
materials and homework assignments, developed class projects involving field applications, and guided
group discussions among students during classes.
• Instructor for laboratory sessions of class in earth sciences and water resources. Prepared review
materials and lectured on fundamental concepts, and directed students during laboratory exercises.
Mathematics Tutor, Boston Partners in Education, Boston, MA, 2001.
Douglas J. Cosler, Ph.D., P.E. - Page 14 of 15
• Served as volunteer tutor for high school students in Boston Public School system. Taught individual
studies mathematics course in preparation for Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System
(MCAS) proficiency tests.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1984 — 1987.
• Instructed laboratory sessions of undergraduate fluid mechanics course. Conducted laboratory
demonstrations and directed students during experiments using various fluid mechanics apparatus. Led
field trip to conduct a stream tracer study and evaluate stream hydraulics and dispersion characteristics.
Engineering Tutor and Coordinator, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University, 1974 — 1977.
• Tutored undergraduate engineering students in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and engineering
mechanics. Served as student program coordinator responsible for evaluating undergraduate
educational requirements, and tutor assignments and schedules.
Cosler, D.J. 2006. Numerical Investigation of Field -Scale Convective Mixing Processes in
Heterogeneous, Variable -Density Flow Systems Using High -Resolution Adaptive Mesh Refinement
Methods. Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University, School of Earth Sciences, Columbus, Ohio.
Cosler, D.J. 2004*. Effects of Rate -Limited Mass Transfer on Water Sampling with Partially Penetrating
Wells. Ground Water 42, no. 2: 203-222.
Cosler, D.J. 2000. Risk -Based Correction Action (RBCA) Tier 2 Analyzer, Two -Dimensional
Groundwater Flow and Biodegradation Model, Ref. Manual. Waterloo Hydrogeologic, Inc., Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada.
Cosler, D.J. 1997*. Ground -Water Sampling and Time -Series Evaluation Techniques to Determine
Vertical Concentration Distributions. Ground Water 35, no. 5: 825-841.
Adams, E.E. and Cosler, D.J. 1990*. Evaporation from Heated Water Bodies: Predicting Combined
Forced Plus Free Convection. Water Resources Research 26, no. 3: 425-435.
Adams, E., Kossik, R., Cosler, D., MacFarlane, J., and Gschwend, P. 1990. Calibration of a Transport
Model Using Halocarbons. Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, M.L. Spaulding, ed., ASCE, New York,
N.Y., pp. 380-389.
Andrews, D.E. and Cosler, D.J. 1989*. Preventing and Coping with Water Pollution. Journal of Testing
and Evaluation, ASTM 17, no. 2: 95-105.
Walton, R., Kossik, R., Adams, E., and Cosler, D. 1989. Far -Field Numerical Model Studies for Boston's
New Secondary Treatment Plant Outfall Siting. Third National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering,
New Orleans, Louisiana, August 14-18.
Adams, E.E. and Cosler, D.J. 1988*. Density Exchange Flow Through a Slotted Curtain. Journal of
Hydraulic Research 26, no. 3: 261-273.
Adams, E.E. and Cosler, D.J. 1987. Predicting Circulation and Dispersion Near Coastal Power Plants:
Applications Using Models TEA and ELA. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Energy Laboratory
Report No. MIT -EL 87-008,113.
Adams, E.E., Cosler, D.J., and Helfrich, K.R. 1987. Evaporation from Heated Water Bodies: Analysis of
Data from the East Mesa and Savannah River Sites. Civil Engineer Degree Thesis, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Cosler, D.J. and Snow, R.E. 1984*. Leachate Collection System Performance Analysis. Journal of
Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE 110, no. 8: 1025-1041.
Snow, R.E. and Cosler, D.J. 1983. Computer Simulation of Ground Water Inflow to an Underground
Mine. In Proceedings of the First Conference on Use of Computers in the Coal Industry, AIME, (Y.J.
Wang and R.L. Sanford editors), pp. 587-593. W. Virginia University, August 1-3.
Douglas J. Cosler, Ph.D., P.E. - Page 15 of 15
Cosler, D.J. 1979. Numerical Simulation of Turbulence in a Wind -Driven, Shallow Water Lake. M.S.
Thesis, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
* Denotes peer-reviewed journal.
Cosler, D.J. 2015. An Intelligent Graphical User Interface for MODFLOW and MT31) based on
Dynamic Adaptive Mesh Refinement Methods. MODFLOW and More 2015 Conference.
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, May 31 - June 3.
Cosler, D.J. 2013. Numerical Simulation of Multiscale Transport Processes in Variable -Density Flow
Systems Using High -Resolution Adaptive Mesh Refinement Methods. MODFLOW and More 2013
Conference. Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, June 2-5.
Cosler, D.J. 2006. Numerical Investigation of Field -Scale Convective Mixing Processes in Heterogeneous,
Variable -Density Flow Systems Using High -Resolution Adaptive Mesh Refinement Methods.
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, October 22-25, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Cosler, D.J. and Ibaraki, M. 2006. Numerical Investigation of Multiple-, Interacting -Scale Variable -
Density Ground Water Flow Systems. American Geophysical Union, Western Pacific Geophysics
Meeting, July 24-27, Beijing, China.
Cosler, D.J. and Ibaraki, M. 2005. Numerical Investigation of Multiple-, Interacting -Scale Variable -
Density Ground Water Flow Systems. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, October 16-19,
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Cosler, D.J. 2003. Modeling the Effects of Multirate Mass Transfer on Water Sampling with Partially -
Penetrating Wells. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, November 2-5, Seattle,