HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171421_Scoping Comments_20160927PAT MCCRURY aoveriiu; DONALD R. VAN DER VAART '� �c:aetan- Environmental JAY ZIMMERMAN Quality n�,v�: r,�����,�� Sept�ir.ber ?7, 2C� 16 MEMOR.�NDLiM TO: Jonathan Williamson, AICP, Stewa:-t, Inc. ^,,,� / FROM: Rob Ridings, NC Division of Water Ftesources, Transportation Permitting Unit �'� SUBJECT: Scaping Review af NC�J�T's Preposed Bridge Replacement Projects for Division 5 In reply to your corresponder.ce received Aubust 30, 2016 in which you requested comments for the abo:�e referenced projects, the NC Division of VVater Resources offers the following comments: SrEdge No. River Basin & County Stream Name Subbasin Stream Classifications Stream Index Iilumber #66 Franklin Little Shocco Geek TAR 04 C; NSW 28-79-22-b #89 Franklin Norris Geek TAR Ol C; NSW 28-30-3 #25 Person North Flat River NEU Ol WS-III; NSW 27-3-2 #50 Person South H co Geek ROA OS WS-I1; HQW; CA 22-58-4-(3) #186 Wake Rockv Branch NEU 06 WS-II; HQW; NSW 27-57-7 I#216 Wake Buffalo Geek NEU 06 B; NSW 27-57-16-(2) #40� Wai�e UT yiiddie �rcen iIGU G3 i C; NSW' 2�-�s-i5 �«�� `vl��ar�e_r, ' Li�t�r �:;�;�ect� i:�e�� � TAfc G� �' i�:;'r.' e:�-'i?-%_-b #�+4 W'arren i�ici�n�ck Creek � TAR �4 � C; iJS�L' �8-i�-y #77 Warren � Fishing Geek TAR 04 C; NSW 28-79-(1) #140 Warren Littie Shocco Geek TAR 04 C; NSW 28-?9-22-6 Project-Specific Comments For the Bridges that are Class NSW waters of the State: NCDWR is very concerned with sediment and erosion impacts that could rzsult from these projects. NCDWR recommends that highly protective sediment and erosion control BMPs be implemented to reduce the risk of nutrient runoffto these waters. NCDWR requests that road design plans pravide treatment of the storm water runoff through best managemert practices as detailed in the most recent version of NCDWR's Stormwater Best Management Practices. For Person C�unty Bridge 50: Th�s project has surface waters classifie� as Water Supp!y Cririca! Area (CA) in the project study area. Given the poten±ial for impacts to these !-esources during the nrojecT imnlementation, the NCDWR requests that DO�' strictly ad'nere to iJorth Carolina regulations entit(ed "Design S[andards in Sensitive Watersheds" (15.A NCAC 04B .0124) throughout design and construction of the project. This would apply for any area that drainc to streams having WS CA (Water Supply Critical Areaj classificatior.s. Should the bridge project be located within the Critical Area of a Water Supply the NCDOT will be required to design, construct, and ma:ntain h�zardous spi!i catch basins in the project area. 'I`he number of catch hasins installed shall b:, determined by the des:gn of the br:dge, so that :unoff wauld enter said basi�(s) raTher than flov✓ir:g dire�ti; i:�tr the �trean�, an� in co<<s��ltatior with th� ;�d;:Dw [t. _ `�"`Nothir�g Com�ares "--.� Sta:e oI'��rtn Cnrolina ; Em��or.mzntal Qualrt:• lbl l Nia�l Sernce Cceter I Raleiah, Norin Caroiina27699-1bi i ; j �_ _-ir- �:r��;: � � F � � �. :�'ft+ I� i i 'H� 'p _ � �^ �� U'�r.� � .� 'fS".af� - `. '3 ,� E f �. �'.; Fsc.��#' ,'�'-� �'„�� ..�` 'G.y} � '~ S �' =,y `r�� >�4'�"� i: � ,-,.�. a 4t `',}�'q�� '�. � � � .�-h �,, r�.- ,,,S.i � �`.» �;} . �r .,: ��*'� a,�, c{'Af4�f �„�, '3"`�,�..���,�'�r:4KSi'r�� -�t�`-�','i'+F�f-�r�-iir,r'x'��q�°,�"S�s�„ `�{��'�}+':R�`�,'X'��' �t"�'3�::^" ` s � ` : r . -� ,z ;.. '.«� .� _ <. ... _' ,, .. .. � . �,... • . � �'. . �': �_ 3. For the Bridges that are Class HQW (High Quality Waters of the State): This is one of the highest �:assifi�a�:or.s for �vatzr quaiity. Fursuant to i 5A NCAC 2�I .1 QG6 ar.d 15A NGAC 2B .0224, iv� DGT wi11 be required to obtain a State Stormwater Permit prior to construction. 4. Except for Person Bridge 50, these projects are within the Neuse or Tar-Pamlico River Basins. Riparian Buffer ir.-,pacts s:�aiE be avaide� an� rr.•inimize� to the greatest e�iznt possible pursuant to 1� 4:�,`CA� 2B.02�� (for Neuse) and 15A NCAC 2B.0259 (for Tar-Pamlico). General Comments Regarding Bridge Iteplacement Projects 5. The NCDWR is very concerned with sedinent and erosion impacts that could result frorr� this project. �TC DOT shali ad�ress these concerns by describing the potential impacts thzt may occt:r to the aquatic e7viror�nents and any :nitigating facto:s that wouid reduce the impacts. 6. If foundation test boru.gs ai•e necessary; it shall be noted in the �ocument. Geotechnical work is approveci under Jeneral �r01 Cer�incation Number 3883/Nation;�ide Permit No. 6 far Survey Activities. 7. If a bridge is being replaced wi'r1i a hydraulic conveyance otrier than another oridge, the NCI'iWR beiieves the use af a 1�Taticnw i3e Derrr.it �r.ay be require3. n;ease contact the US Arrr.y Cor� o: Engineers tc det�rmine the r�qu:red pertr,it(s). 8. If the old bridge is removed, no discharge of bridge material into surface waters is allowed unless otherwise authorized by the US ACOE. Strict adherence to the Corps of Engineers guidelines for bridge demolition will be a condition of the 401 Water Quality Certification. 9. Whenever possible, the NCDWR prefers spanning structures. Spanning structures usually do not require work witiiin ihe sirearn or grabbing of ihe sh-eai�1 lianks atid do nut requu•e sr�eam ciiamiel realigmneni. The �iC"iIZOLii21 u;tC V�P�iCa; Cl:;aruPG�� j,l'OVl:i�C� by �J� 1t.���S 7�.i��.V iQT �UT718Ca c1.1� �%:'i:is;:iE PuSa2�� b�ri; t[�; ��:Z SiP°,iCiUi�, �v ilvi UIOC,: fisk passage ar.d d^v li0i �J:CCIC PaV1�3iIO:i �y' car�ae:sts and uoaters. 1Q. Bridge deck drains s?:all r.ot dischar�e di:ectly into the strear.l. Stormv�ater shall be directed acress the bridge and pre-treated through site-appropriate meaiis (��assed swales, pre-formed scour hoies, vegetated buffers, etc. i before entering the stream. Please refer to the most current version ofNCDWR Stormwater Best Management Practices. 11. If concre�e is used during construction, a dry work area snall be maintained to prevent direct contact beriveen curing concrete and stream water. Water that inadvertently contacts uncured concrete shali not be discharged to surface water.s due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic life and fish kills. 12. Bridge supports (betrts) snall not be placed in the sh•ea�n when possible. 13. If iemporary accPss roads or det�urs are const�-ucted, the site shall be graded to its precor.s±ruction contonrs and eievations. Disturbed areas shall be seeded or mulched to stabilize the soil and appropriate naiive woody s�ecies shall be planted. When using temporary structures the area shall be cleared but not grubbed. Clearing the area with chain saws, mowers, bush-hogs, or other mechanized equipment and leaving the stumps and root mat intact allows the area to re-vegetate naturally and minimizes soil disturbance. i4, Secliment and eresion control meas�ares sufficient to protect wa�er resources r.iust be irplemented �n� maintained in accordance with the most recent version of North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Cont�ol Ulannir�g and Design Man�.zal and the most recent version of NCSO�J0250. 15. All wor:: in or adjacer.t to stream ��ate:s shall be conducted ir. a dry wark zrea unless otherwise appraved by the NCDWR. Approved BMP measures from the most curreiit vzrsion of NCBOT �onstruction ai�d Maintenan�e Hctivities r.tai�u�? su��i1 as sandba�s, r:�ck bemis, cofferd�ms and ather diversian st:zict�:re• sha�l be ased to prevent excavation in flowing water. I5. �ieavy equi�ment sba;I 'r,e operat�d fra;n tne ba�ik rather �hati in stream cs�annels in orcier tc miT�imize sedir_�e.niat;on ar.ri redace �he iikeliE�ood af :ri �ec:uc�nb c�th�e. polluta�rts i7te sh•ea�.�s, This �c;�intrent s1_iali'�e inspected daily and maintained to prevent contamination of surface waters from leaking fuels, lubricants, hyur�ulic �luids, or other toxi� maierials. 17. In most cases, the NCDWR prefers the replacement of the existing structure at the same location with road closure. If road closure is not feasible, a temporary detour shall be designed and located to avoid wetland impacts, minimize the need for clearing and to avoid destabilizing stream banks. If the structure will be on a new alignnlcr.t, tne ol� struc�u:� shali b� i•emoved an� tn� approach �i11s rer�.oved �roci tre 10i�-year �o�dplain. Approach tills shall be removed and restored to the natural ground elevation. The area shall be stabilized with grass and planted with native tree species. Tall fescue shall not be used i� ; iparian areas. General Comments if Replacing the Bridge with a Culvert i 8. Placement of culverts and otl-ier sri�uctures in waiers, streams, and wetlands shall be below the e;evation of the streambed by one fooi for all culverts with a diameter g�eate: than -^T8 inches, ar.d 2Q percent cf the culvert ciiameter fo: culverts having a diameier less than 48 inches, to allow Icw flow passage of water and aquatic life. Besign and placement of culverts and other structures including temporary erosion �ontroi measures shall not be conducted in a manner that may result in d;s-equi!ibrium of wetlands o: strearniueds or banks, adjacent to or upstre�m and downstream of the above structures. The applicant is required to provide ev:dence ihat tne equiii'o� ium is beiri� maititained if requested iri writi�ig by tiie NCDVJR. Ii this co�idition is u�iable io be met due to bedrock or other limitirig features encouniered during construction, please contact ihe NCDWR for guidar�e aa hcw tc praceed ar.d ta determine whethc: ar not a pVT�ITLIL 1T1O�If CUt:cn will be r.,quir:,d. 19. lf multiple pipes or barrels are required, they shall be designed to mimic natural stream cross section as closely as possible including pipes or barrels at flood plain elevation and/or sills where appropriate. Widening the stream channel shall be avoided. Stream channel widening at the inlet or outlet end of structures typically decreases water velocity causing sediment deposition that requires increased maintenance and disrupts aquatic ]ifP passage. 20. Ripra� sl-ia;1 not be �Iaced in tl�e active thalweg cLamlei oi° �laced in the �treambed iiz a manner il,at preciudes 2ci:iafl.r, Il�:. �'i3S5?�@. �:ceiagine:.rir.� rGU�:i;;S ai Sira: �arG-S S:;al� �0 rif,v�i'�_' �:.;12i2: �, S1Z:.1 3;tu lt;3ia:ivt.i. 21. Any anticipaied bank stabilization associated witn culvert insiallations or extensions snould be addressed in the �'ategorical Exclusion (CE) document. it is understood that final designs are not dete:�mined at th� time the CE is develope�. However, the CE should discuss trie pote�ltial for bank stabilization r�ecessary due to cuivert installation. 22. Any a�iticipated dewatering or access structures necessary far consi-ruction of briuges should be addressed in the CE. It is understood that final_ designs are not determined at the time ih� CE is developed. However, the CE should discuss the potential for dewatering and access measures necessary due to bridge constructioti. i hank you for requesting our input at inis time. i he DOT is reminded that issuance of a�O 1 Water Quality Certification requires that appropriate measures be instituted to ensure that water quality standards are met and designated uses are not degraded or lost. If you have any questions or requirP additionai information, piease contact Roo Ridings ai 91�-707-8786. ElectrUnic copy onty distrib�at:on: Eric Alsmever, US Army Co�s of Engineers, Raleigh Field Offire Chris Nurray, NCDGT Division � DEO Fi:e Copy STEWART iTRONGER BY DESIGh P.u��st 29, 2016 P�Ir. R�b Riding� DENR — Division of Water Resources 1b17 Mail Service Ce�ter Raleigh, Nortti Caro�ina 27699-151? RE: Request for cemments on NC:DOT Divisien 5 Br�dge Re�lacement Projec±s WBS Num 17BP.5.R.87 17B�.5.n.E8 17BP.5.R.61 B-5145 176P.5.R.72 176P.5. R.76 176P.5.R.77 i76P.5.R.7S 176P.5.R.86 176P.5.R.79 17BP.5.R.85 Dear Mr. Ridings, Count Descri tion Frankiin �ric�ge No. 66 o��er Little Shocco Creek on NC 58 Frankli� Bridge No. 89 over Norris Creek on SR 1001 _ ___L�Pearces Rd) _ ?erson I Bridge No. 25 over Flat River on SR 1144 (Flat River Church Rci) Person Bridge No. 50 over South Hyco Creek on SR 1343 John Brewer Rd Warren Bridge No. 9 over Little Shocco Creek on NC 58 Warren Bridge No. 44 over Richneck Creek on SR 1600 �Baltimore Rd) VJerren Bridqe No. 77 over Fishing Creek on SR 1640 (Pich�r�son Rd; A: ----- �,��!y� Pd>>. '•_4n r.ver Li ria c;,er_cv Creek on SR 1,��rrer � fi47 (May Rob Alston Rdl Wake � a�'d�e P��. 186 over Rocky Branch e�, SR 2320 (Lizard Lick Rd) Wake Bridge No. 216 over Buffalo Creek on SR 2366 � (Uld Ba[tiebridge Rd) Wake �r�dye lVc. 405 o��er Norfolk Southern Railroad I on SR 2752 (Air Park Rd) The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCCiOT) is preparing the planning anJ environmental studies for the above re�erenced bridge reGlacement projects. It is anticipated that ttie Froject� Nill meet the requireme�ts of a USRCE PJationwide Permit 3. The purpose of this letter is to solicit your input concarning the potential impacts of the proposed projects upon social, economic, demographic, land use or environmental conditions near the project sites. A vicinity map is attached iilustrating a descriptiQn of each project. Please n�te that there ��ill be no formai intera�e��cy sc�ping meeting for t�is project. This letter constitutes solic�tation for scoping comments. Tc allow us to f�.:lly evaluate the impacts of the proposed projects, please respond in �nrriting by October 3!, 2016, to the address below concerning any beneficia! or adverse i;ripac�s c� t7e �ropos��i prvjec:s :'E�aLl,�a ko t'r;e ;n�e�est er yo�r ag�nc�. 421 FAYETTEVILLE ST. RALEIGH, NC T 919.380.8750 SUI?E 4C0 2760? F 9:9380.8752 STEWART STRONGER BY DESIGN If you have any questions or comments concerning the projects, please contact me a± 91.9-865-4Q47 or email jwilliamson�stewartirc.com. Thank yc�u far your as�istan�e. Sincerely, Jorathar� `dNiliiamson, AICP STEWART Attachment Cc: Lisa Gilchrist — Division S Bridge Prograrr� Manager David Ruggles - STEWART 421 FAYETTEVILLE ST. RALEIGH, NC T 919.380.8750 SUITE 400 27601 F 919.380.8752 i � �� < � / � / s �� o�a Ra FR�4tVKLiN BRiDGE NO. 0089 ,; � �� � � N 1723 � v � � � ��2 a � ��o- _ � Map Cre2ted: August 2C16 B�n F RAN KLI N � �� � `' i \ ��/ \� � �`- - i ���i A t� � \ ` Z ,\ T!/ !�\ C� / � �� � �J Y ! � � � � Feet 0 2,000 4,000 � Zebul�n er a,�f�ey � fo�y �� a � �e�'% $�a/ ��hhs �R_ �n To �,2g �',, Rd � ` � J � v � � Data So�rces: NGCQT GIS Unit, NC Or.eMap, ESRI, STEWA.RT 1�� 490 NORTH CAROLINA DEP��lRTMENT OF � TRANSPORTP.T[ON g DI`v,SIi!'�C+I� �ilG�l�i�.�iS 99�F�TOFTII�NS�P ��,,��illi` � ��9DG� ��c. �G89 O�IE!? l�iG'?R!� ��EEh GN SR 1t�.01 FRA�Ji<LiN �OJNTY TIP !'P.OJECT 178�.5.R.68 PROJECT VI�IN!TY FIGURE 1