HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160685 Ver 1_More Info Received_20160901*;SPY MG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP NG Ajc/ j Environmental Consultants r August 30, 2016 TO: Mr. John Policarpo U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 RE: Response to Request for Additional Information 14' NWP 12 Application; EF Middleton (SR 1105) Water Main Improveme St. James, NC (Brunswick County) Action ID# SAW -2016-01384 :)@gu y 0 j 2016 Dear John: Thank you for your letter dated 7/18/16 in which you request additional information related to the NWP 12 application we submitted for the above -referenced utility line project in Brunswick County, NC. Below is a response to each of your comments. 1. The proposed project has not avoided and minimized impacts to wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. Please indicate why the water line cannot be directionally drilled under the larger forested/scrub-shrub pocosin wetlands. The project has been modified to directionally bore under Wetland Pockets F and G. This reduces total temporary wetland impacts to 0.30 acre. 2. Please indicate if the proposed 20 foot right-of-way (ROW) will be permanently maintained or if it will be restored to pre -construction vegetation conditions. The 20 -foot wide ROW will be allowed to revegetate to pre -construction vegetation conditions. 3. It appears that there are fire hydrants proposed to be constructed within wetlands. The construction of fire hydrants within wetlands is considered a permanent impact and must be quantified as such. All but one of the fire hydrants have been relocated to uplands. The remaining hydrant (in Wetland H) will permanently impact 1 sf of wetlands (see Site Map 4). Installation of the hydrant in the wetlands will occur from the construction corridor. 4. Submitted plans indicate that the proposed 12 -inch diameter waterline will be directionally drilled under EF Middleton Boulevard. Please address the following: a) Please indicate the entry and exit pits on both sides of the directional drill, Please see figures C-4 and C-5 for location of entry and exit pits. b) Please indicate any pipe pullback areas for the proposed directional drill, and, Please see Site Maps 2 and 3 for location of pipe pullback areas for Wetland F and G. Note that the pullback area shown for the HDD through F and G is the same length as the HDD. This is worse -case scenario, assuming they fuse all of the pipe at once and lay it out. It would be laid on top of the ground during pullback until it all finally gets pulled underground through F and G. There would be no additional impact on any of the areas because they would have been cleared and cut already. The applicant is not cutting any extra areas to allow for the pullback of the HDD pipe. c) If pipe pullback areas are required on the west side of EF Middleton Boulevard, please show all temporary construction impacts to wetlands. To minimize impacts to wetlands, the Corps highly suggests that if pipe pullback areas are necessary, they be located on the Seafield Drive side of the proposed construction. As shown on Figure C-5, the pipe pullback area will be located in uplands off of Seafield Drive. 5. Please describe how the construction of the water line will occur including where construction materials will be stockpiled and which side of the ROW corridor construction will occur. All temporary impacts within waters of the U.S., including wetlands, associated with the construction of the proposed project (i.e., construction mats, pump -around systems, etc.) should be quantified separately and shown as such on project plans. Please be advised that stockpiling of material should not occur in wetlands. Please show stockpile areas on revised plans. Construction will occur within the 20' -wide construction corridor, as shown on the site plans. Specific stockpile areas have not been determined yet and are typically chosen by the contractor. However, the contractor will be instructed to stockpile material in uplands. 6. Per the requirements of Nationwide Permit (NWP)12, please provide a wetland restoration plan to include grade and vegetation planting. Attached is the restoration plan. www.lmgroup.net • info@lmgroup.net • Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15 • Wilmington, NC 28403 10 7. Please provide a breakdown of which wetland impact areas are emergent, forested, or scrub - shrub. Wetland pockets A, B, C, and E are mowed and would be considered emergent. Wetland Pockets D, F, G, and H are forested. As noted above, the project has been revised to directionally bore under Wetlands F and G. Below is a breakdown of impact by wetland type. Note that all areas of impact will be allowed to revegetate. Wetland Pocket Emergent Forested A 2,652 B 2,561 C 4,538 D 379 E 1,570 F Avoided with DD G Avoided with DD H 1,467 (temp) Fire Hydrant Impact: 1 sf (perm) TOTAL IMPACT (sf) 11,321 sf (temp) 1,846 sf (temp) 1 sf (perm) TOTAL IMPACT (ac) 0.26 ac (temp) 0.04 ac (temp) 1 sf (perm) 8. Per Regional General Condition 4.3.9, mitigation is required for any portion of the ROW proposed to be permanently maintained through forested wetlands. However, due to the potential permanent conversion impacts to forested and/or scrub -shrub wetlands, the Corps has determined that mitigation is required to offset impacts to both habitat types. Please submit an appropriate mitigation plan to offset permanent conversion impacts. Approximately 0.04 acre of forested wetlands will be temporarily impacted to install the proposed water line. However, these areas will be allowed to revegetate. Therefore, no mitigation is proposed. hope this response adequately addresses your comments. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. Thank you for your assistance with this project. Sincerely, Digitally signed by Kimberlee Williams Ki m be rl ee DN: c iZimberlee Williams, o=LMG, ou, email=kwilliams@lmgroup.net, c US Williams Date: 2016.08.30 08:26:48 -04'00' Kim Williams Environmental Scientist www.lmgroup.net • info@[mgroup.net • Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15 • Wilmington, NC 28403 3 Encl. Cc: Mr. John Nichols, Brunswick County Mr. Kevin Plemmons, McKim & Creed Mr. Chad Coburn, NC DWR—courtesy copy Ms. Jennifer Burdette, NC DWR — courtesy copy www.lmgroup.net • info@lmgroup.net • Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15 • Wilmington, NC 28403 4 RESTORATION PLAN EF Middleton (SR 1105) Water Main Improvements All work will occur within the 20' -wide construction corridor; as shown on the site plan. No disturbance of soil or vegetation shall occur beyond this corridor. Where installation of the utility line will occur by open -trench, material excavated from the trench will be stockpiled in upland areas on site (specific areas to be determined by contractor). Following the placement of pipe, the trench shall be immediately backfilled to preconstruction grade/elevations. Within 48 hours after pipe placement, the disturbed area will be seeded with a wetland seed mix and allowed to revegetate. No vegetative maintenance of this area will occur.