HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100780 Ver 2_Emails_20160823 (3)U.SI. ARMY CORPISI OF ENGINEERSI W]JUMINGTON IDJIIRICII A a lioni 1D. 2014-•017111 County: C rallami U.S.G.SI. C uac : Taipocai an d Fcinitainai Dlaim GENERAL PIERMI'D (REGIONAL AND NAIICNWIDD) VDRIF V( ATIC N Aermittee: U.S. Forest Sen ice - Nanitt hada Naticmad F(Iresl, C_Heoaih Ranged Uis Iria l /A I In.: Jason Foamier Acdress: 101,10 Massey Branch Raac Roll] b in sin ille, NC 28'171 -flelel hone Number: fl?Jf1-4 791.64 311 Sive ijacues): (1_14 Nearesl Towni: Alabinismille Nearest Walerway: CheoaH River Clacirc mates: 3°L4(1 M N 81'.88] 41 WI River Basin, HUCI: Lower Uhlie Tennessee NMI] 01:1014) Lacaliori descripllicin: The prupc and praieal sites are Gine (EI) approximallely 101 lkioil by 21'.1 foot locations in IHe CheoaH Hiveu between the SianileellaH Uam and Tapaico in C raiHam Celur ly Norllh C arcdina. Illescidpl1ion of pro ,jecils area anic acl ivity: This permit verificalion aulbuniaes 129 lineaw feel of permanent stnoam impaials la IHe Cheoah Rimer associated will] placement oil niver gravel lcl resllore aquatic fi lfllatl Appnoximiallely 201 cubic yawds of gravel will be place( at eaab laicaliani. THis is an air -gating slreami Hed reslloration proieal kr owns as tlbe CHaaaib Rimer C ramel A dditianis. Speckil Condilion(s): Pen commends Ill U.S. NO and Wild life 'len ices; ]I) suitable Appalachians eNtoe habilal (cis c ellerniiniec by a penmiilltec bieilogisl) will be sun eyed wilhini each area whena Ilhe gravel is fa he placed to apprcuoimiallely 50 meters below eacH gravel placemienil lacatian. The surveys will He cunduclled within 3 months of gravel placemenil and 2) if A pparlachiani elHlee is found during the surveys, gravel will not plaiaed in that location. A ppllicat le Law: ® Section 404 (Cleans Water A at, 33 USCI 1344 ) ❑ Secticm 10 IlRivens and Haibors Act, 31 USC 401; Aulhairizalion: Reglioral C eneral Iierniill NLmber on Nalicinwk a IlermitNumber: NWII 27 SEE ATTACBIED RIGP or NW H C ENLR91L, RLIG110NA LAND SPEC IAL CONDIITIONS Yowl work is autl]arized Uy the above referenced garruit plravidec ill is accomglisl]ed in slriall aaaorc ance with IHe aillacl]ed conditions, above paled special candilion(Is; and your submiltec aAAlicaitian vine aillaebed information Gated Seglember 16, 210!14. An3i vicilation of the all tached candiIians ar demiati(in from your submitted glans may subject the Permittee 110 a stag work girder, a restairalian ander, a Class I ad ministnilive per alt}l, and /ar a[in naguialte la gal aialion. This verification will uamaini valid until 111a expiralion date identifies below unless the nialioruwide)lreglional aultlouizalliaini is miadifred, suspence( or revoke(. If, grion lathe exlllkation ( ale icenlified balaw, the nalionwideihlegional plermii'l authorization is neissuec and/or modified, THis vanifiaalion will uemiain vatic until the exAluiatian dale idenitifiec below, pnovidec it con-iplies wilt all requirernieriA of 1He modified niatianwide,Vegiorial plermi'l. ]if the niationwide,lreglianal Alarmiit authorization expires or is suspleniced, revcikec, or is modified, such 1hail Vhe aalivity waulc no longer corrip]31 with the learns aid cariditions of the naliarwicaAraglional permit, aclivities which Have commenced Ii.e. are under canstruclion) or ane unicer contract 'lo acummience in nelianice Uplon the natlionwiceilreglional plerrriit, will remain aLlharized ppiovided the activity is aomplatec within twelve rriunlHs of Il]e date o9 the naliarwic dMagional plerni it's expluiatiuni, madifieatian ar remocallion, u nless c is(netianary autHonit) Has been exercise( cin a cw a -t N-ame b asis la rniac if)I, suslllenc cir iievoNe the authorizationi. Activities subjecl to Secilicini 404 Ijas indicatec aba%e) miay also vequire an indivicual Heclion 401 Wateli Qualit) Cert:ificaticmi. You showlc aontaci the NC I]ivision of Water Resources (elelphone 9: 51-807-6300) to catermiine Secliori 4(I] requirements. For acclivities occurring within the twenty aciasilal caLnlies subject la uegulation uriden the Coastal Area Managlemeno Ael IICAMA;, puiur to beginning work }lou must ccinlact ilhe N.C. Ilivisiari of Coastal Management. THis Deplartmenl of the Army vlerifrcatian does rot relieve the plarmittee of the responsiHility 1ci obtains any athen required Hederal, Slate or local aggiiovals/permits. If there are any cluesl:ion; reglarcirngl this verificallicir, ary of IHe conditiuns of IN Aarmill, ar the Carps of Engineers negulalary gnagraml, please canlact Uavid Bnam n at 8281-21711-7911101, extl 11.23 an david.N.H uawnC usaice.arm].ruil. C clrp s Re�lulador)II Clffaial�: —1 - ,- Il Octaller :13, 71(171.4 Ipavid Brovvni Explirallictnl Data of Venifiaadian: MarcH IFI, 2017 Mill elnm inatia ni oil Junisdicti( n: A. ❑ Basec cmiplreliminary infarmialion, there appear ilo he walais of the UJ including wel lands within the above cescribec piajeal area. This preliminary deilermiiiniation is ncit ani appealable aalioni uric an the Rlegulailory Pnogrami Admiinistuatime Appleal>:Inacess ( Reilerenice 33 CIIRI Hart 311). B. ❑ 7111here are Navillable Waters of Ito Unilled Staias within the abama cescribec praject area subject 110 the plermit uequiremenits of Section 1(I of1lhe Rivers and FlanNars Acl arc 9aalion 404 ofllhe Cleans Wallen Ac11. Unless there is a change iii the law or cmn pub listed reglu ]ail for s, I His c eterminal iani miay He re lied upon fou a ple riac not 1 o emceed five Neatis fill 111 a t ate of this nail Me aliorn. C. ® Ahem are waters of the L 9 and, or wetlands wilHin the above c esaribec plrcjacl area subject to the permit requfi errienls of Secilion 4(14 of the Clean WaterAcl IICWA,,(33 USC 1 1341). Unless lhene is a ahanigle in the law on our published reglulalianis, This deterrnirationi maN be reliec upan for a period nat ila emeeec five Naans from i1he c ate of this notification. D. ❑ 79he jurisdictional areas within ilhe ahome descrilled project area Nave hemi kentifled uncer a previous aation. Hlease refanence _lw isdictionial deilermiinationi issuec AaIion 1D: HAW- Blasis tktn D(Itenmination: 11he stream channel in the permiit area is the Cheoah Rimer, traditionally r avigab le water ilTNW) wh ah f1ciws inlc tl a Illittle lenriassee Riven, a TNW and Section 10 wateus, acid then flows indlo 9He Tennessee Rimer. The Tennessee Rimer drains in110 the Oflio Rimer them tci the Mississ.ippli Rlmen befare erterir g 11he C ulf of Mexico. lihe Cheoah Wver, in ilhe permit area, llas plerennial flaw, is a blue lime featwle ori tl a U.S. Gealogical SurveN topographic rriapl, anc ext ib it inc icalors of ordinaryhigH wailer mark. "phis jurisciclional ceterminialllion is valid fon the impact areas anlN. RcmanM; None E. A ti elnti( ni UEIUA Pnagratm F articirlanits This c alinealion, deilarminialion has bean coniduciled 9a iderutify -Ibe limiills of Clarps' Clean .Waller A c1 jurisc ialion for the particular she idertifred it this nacIluiest. T11e celinaaliondeilermiralion may exit Ile malic foi the we'lland coniservaliari plramisionis cif ilhe Food Security Act of 1985. ]If }lou au your tenanil ane USDA Hhograrn-i plartiaiplanls, of anlicilllale participatlian in USL1A programs, you should request ai aertifiec wetland c etermiinaition from the local office of the Natu lel Resources Conservalian Service, plrior to s -lar irigl work. A. A Ftp pals Inlonmatianl (THis infarmalior applies only to aH1AP ovedl jurisclicticnad cleilermiiniaticins ass it dliaaitec it B amid ( above;. This carresplanic ence canisilih tes aril apIl junisdiclianal deterrriiiniationi for the allame descrilled site. if you object to This delerminiatian, you may recluest ari ac miinistralive aplfllaal urican Clarps regulailianis al 33 CFR Part 131. Enalosed Noui will fir a Natificailiari of APF1eal Hnaceas (NAP: feat sheet and request for aIIlFleal IIRFA, farm. If you request to appeal ilhis (a tenniraticin Noui must submit a car Melee RBA farrnito the fcdlowingl address: UM Army Carps of Engine ems Sauilh Atlantic Divisic ri Attn: Jason Steele, Remiew OIffiaei 6CI FlcrosytH Street 9W, Room 1 CIM 15 Atla ta, C aorgia 3(1303-88(11 Ph orae: (4 04,' V 2-5131 If arder far an RHA 90 be accel tec bN the Corps, the Clarps mus'l delennine ilhall i1 is compllele, IHat it meells the arniteria for appeal unc en 13 (IHR P1art331.5, arc that it has beenuieceimad Ily the Dimisian Office within (0 cays of ilhe carte of the NAP. Shaulc you decide la suiHmiii an RFA farm, it muisil be receivec at the above ac dress EN Uecamitlem 2:1, 3014. 1 *I1 is not r aaessary la submit an R1 A forrrii to the Uivis�iani Offlaa if Nou do rat otl ject la 1He eeterminaiian in this con aspanidenae.*1 Corps Regulatory Official: David Brown Issue Date of JD: October 23, 2014 Expiration Date of JD: Five years from Issue Dale The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey, located online at http:Jlre ug 14M.usacesq ey.comf. Copy furnished: NC Wildlife Resources Commission, Atm.: Chris Goudreau, 615 Fish Hatchery Road, Marion, NC 28752 f Aation ID Numiber: 2014-017-'18 C aunty: Graham Perrnitllecr. U.J. Farest Jarviaci - Nantahala Nalional Humcist, CIcoah Rangcm Dislluiat / Attn.: Jason Farman Projcicil Na mci: C hcioaf. River Graval Add iIiins Dal e Variflaation. h sucid: Oatobor 2-�I, :ICI: 4 Projcicl Managar: David Brown Upon campleition aflllhe aatiNiilN authaiiizod gN llhis plermit and any midigaition iiaquired by thea plcirrriit, sigln this aartif1aalion anc rdurnit Flo the fo:llowinig addross: UJ ARMY C CIRPS CIF ENGINEBRS WHIM fNICITON DISTRICT Atlin.: C ESAW-MC -A 111 Pa ttari Avanue, Rlaom 20f1 Asheville, Narth' Carol ina ]M(l,1-.IOCIE Ploaso note 0 at your parmiittcid aclivity is sub jest to a camip.lianae insplacilion by a U. J. Army Corps of Bngiriecros rapresanilaliva. Failure to campy wilh any torms an aond:itians of lhis aulhoriaalion may resu l in thea Carps suspuriding, modifyingl or rciNaking tNa aull ariaailion anc�lor issuing a Class I adminislralivei panallty, ani inil iating al her aplpropriatu legal action. I hcireby aartify that lhci work auilhoriocic by tfici abova reifaiianaad permiil has boon camplcitcid in mciordaricei wilh lhci teirrr s anc ciand:ilion of thci said permil, and rocluiirod miligatiar.i was campIcitcid in mciordarcci wish lhci pcirrnit aondit:ians. Siquatuire of Purmitilau Moo NOTIFICATION OF AI)li NISTRATWE APPEAL OPTIONS AND PROCESS ANIS REQUEST FOR APPEAL Applicant: U.S. Forest Service - Nantahala National File Number: SAW -2014-01758 Date: October 23, 2014 Forest, Cheoah Banger District! Attu.: Jason Farmer Attached is. See Section below INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT Standard Permit or Letter ofpermission) A PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter ofpermission)B PERMIT DENIAL C APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION D PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION E SECTION I - The following identifies your rights and options regarding an administrative appeal of the above decision. Additional information may be found at h :1/ww%v.u,,ace.arm .mil/Missions/Civil Works/Re latoryPro M mandPermits.as K or Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. A: INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly. You must complete Section II of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the permit ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of a permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this fonn and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. • ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved JD. APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the district engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. E: PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You do not need to respond to the Corps regarding the preliminary JD. The Preliminary JD is not appealable. If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. SECTION I1- REQUEST FOR APPEAL or OBJECTIONS TO AN INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT REASONS FOR APPEAL OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons for appealing the decision or your objections to an initial proffered permit in clear concise statements. You may attach additional information to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the administrative record.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The appeal is limited to a review of the administrative record, the Corps memorandum, for the record of the appeal conference or meeting, and any supplemental information that the review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information or analyses to the record. However, you may provide additional information to clarify the location of information that is already in the administrative record. POINT OF CONTACT FOR QUESTIONS OR INFORMATION: If you have questions regarding this decision and/or the If you only have questions re-arding the appeal process you may appeal process you may contact: also contact: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division, Attn.: Mr. Jason Steele, Administrative Appeal Review Officer Daviel Brown CESAD-PDO 828-271-7980, ext 232 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division 60 Forsyth Street, Room 1OM15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone: (404) 562-5137 RIGHT OF ENTRY: Your signature below grants the right of entry to Corps of Engineers personnel, and any government consultants, to conduct investigations of the project site during the course of the appeal process. You will be provided a 15 day notice of any site investigation, and will have the opportuni to participate in all site investi ations. Date: Telephone number- umber:Si Signature ature of appellant or agent. For appeals on Initial Proffered Permits send this form to: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division, Attn.: David Brown, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 For Permit denials, Proffered Permits and approved Jurisdictional Determinations send this form to: Division Engineer, Commander, U.S. Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic, Attn: Mr. Jason Steele, Administrative Appeal Officer, CESAD-PDO, 60 Forsyth Street, Room 10M15, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone: (404) 562-5137 RCDENR North Carolina ClapaIMEirlt of Envirorimerli arc Nallurai Rlelcourcias Pail McQrc Iry C oveirrim Ocitcabeu .1A, JCI 114 U.S. Faresi � elrvicie Attna: Jlasani Farmer 160 21illiaciai 9treai Suille A Ast nillc� NC J8801 Brcicikfield 9mdk3r Mcaunl afn Hydreipowicai, LIBC Attn: Myra Hair 20(1 Elcinald Lygclh Blvd, Suites 300 Manld aurae gh, MA 01 W12 Subjcct: APIPROVAL OF 4011 VHATiFIR QUALM Y CEIRTH I CATION Cl: eoai Rfu err Graawil Reis i oratior i Dciar: Mr. Farniar and Ms. Hail: J(* n 8. "Ikvala, III Secpetar)l n)WA fil la -C78(1 -V2 Graham Clourlty Iii Eiccordaneei with Maur app: is atior d.a: ed Lleipterrlbur 12,30114 rec eihec cm Sciptcuiber 2SI, 2(114, alpp Iroyall has 11acm1 ggantcld for tEe implacts lusted in tie table beilaw. This Eappnoval relquines yciui to follow thea curiditions listedl in the enclosed celrtificatianllis) ar genarall pleirmil air d any eidditionlal aonditieins listeld II elow, Projcicl impacits ane aovelred by the aamchad Walov Qujality General Clea ificalfion Numt er =188.1 and the clone itions listed belcawa. This cartifeaf eln is atssoainted mdth t} a uses cif Natf cnv6dea Pcnr t Number 27 cimicl ii is isst ed tel ylou by thea L .S. Army C carps of Erigirleers. Please note ti all }lou sbeluid obtain or cithelrwiisa aampIN with any otter fiedearal, s ftitci car locial p amdts t efdrel plloceadir g wilh yovii prcilelcl, inaluldirig those required by (I4t nat l:irru tead ta, Erasiun ane I Sec imcint Cont:reat, Water Supply Wlalcirshed anld 'Ika ut llu ffclr l egulatiorts. IMPACTS Al PROVEIEI Tl*a Hallowing impaacits area ht a et app roveld pravi(ed that all of the other sp a c, ficl and gcuxiral cor dil ions of tl e Cera ificatiori, Gclneiial Hermit andlor Buffcar Rules are mall. No other impacts ara apptloued, inch ding incidental impacts. Typ1e ollImpacit Almotint Appnaiviid Amcaumil Approwidl 'Demponary Plclrmancivil Sttic lam 125 linear fgat) (linear feet) WaU n C k aliay Regional Op a rations— Alf ertlae Regional airmd 20! 0 US Hwy 70, Swan nano i, W 128771 P of E : 176 29 E 45801 FAX: MOW x043 Interrel fittpJpgrtel.ncdenrunylna bf* Mm An Equal C1ppgrttmriy WCmraM Act'an 9mpkyer US Foju t Sevici & Blrookfiold Smoky Mountain Hlydna, LLC Octa ben 11. 201 Al llage2oll] AIIIII'DIONAII COIN IIIUONS I. IUs app ra-W is fali 1hel purposei anc c esign desarib ec in yaui application, Thcl plans and spacif caltlans for this pro'eat are inicoglaralted by ref�lrencle as plarl of tl• a Celrtificlatlian/Autroriaal icln. If you change your plrojeal, 31ou rrusi notify lha Divisic n and you may be requirud tcl sulbmat anew appliclai ion p aekage with the apprapri2lta fee. Ifllhel plrop eily is sold, the new c wn(lll mum be gli-len a copy of th's approval lest ter and Geneilall Certif.laationl s)/Pa mit,Authoriaaltian and is resplansibllo for acimr tying with aL condiition: . `Illus alpprova. arx its conditiclrls anel fine] anc binding unless aantested. RETS Cerliflcation can be clonlustad as provided in Ardalas 3 anlc 4 c Cleneral Statuiel 15(IH t filing a written petition for an a& inistilaf ve hearing to da Office of Ad rri inistratilvel Hearin€p I haruEy known as OAU with f n simt)l 1160) calendar days. A peiitian fbrm maybe abtalrled from thel OAH al htlU://www,nc clay xamr ar by calling tho OAH Clerk's Offi(ia al X1511151) 4.11-_I(ICIO for infarmalicn. Apetitialn:is acnsidclrec filed wbemlthe original and arch (:I) copy aloe it with any arplicladlcl CIAH film gl f6a is reacived in thel OAH during nalrmal offlae Hours (Monday through Friday belweer. &(10arri and `.:00plrnl, elxaluding afficlial siatc f allidays). 1he1 petite ion may to faxeld to the OAH ask (5114) 431-3100, pray is ed the clriglinall and ana copy of the pelti& n along with any aplpFcsibie OAH filing fele is rcceliyecl ty thel CIAH wiilhinl five (5) businlciss c ays fclllclwina the fbxed transmis aian. Mailing address for tho CIAH: Jfsleindingv,ia USRL,11aJSenticc: Offic e of Adrrl ini strait i vel Haar i n lgs 677 4 Mail 9ervicicl C antcr Raeigr, NCI 2i16S 51-6714 If senc.Ing via aelivery . en&6 (UPS, Fed.6x, elle,: Clfficel cif Adminisbaltivel Hearings 1711 Now Hope CH urah Road Flak igb , NIC 776(151-f 28!, Ona Ql) clapy ofltha petil:ian must also bel seaveld to DENR: Lakly Prasnel1, Genera Clciunsell Dlepartmelnt oflBavironmani anlcINatural Rasciurecei ;16(1:1 Mail Service Cantor Ralaigh, NCI 27( 919-I601 U1 Aones Sen iiae M Hnaakfield Smokj N a untain H3Oro, 11W Octol an 17, 9014 Aa8e3 of Tlhis ]eater completes the revielw ofltfe Dirlisicln unser sciciianl 401 of thea Clean Watuur Act as duicribed in1.15A NCIACI.O! CIO. Please) alrltacrt Tim Aax at � 2I3 -A64664 all limfhx@ncdunr.gov if } e1u halves any questions or aaricerria. Sinceretly, G. Landan Davidson, P.G., Rlegliclnal Stpe1rvimclr VAater Quality Negianal Clpeitltlt ans Asheville) Regional CHficel Bnalclsutes: GC 388! Cerificlaiei aflC'orrlplation c1c: DWR AR C 401 filar e1c1: C hr's Gciudrealu - NCWRCI David Brawn - USACB A:Ihevillle Repllatury Fieda Clf u And reia Eesllie -• A CWRC poauQ:Iwm%QtCUahanil�OI&Woa-DOTCleaat RlvtiGnaveil2(114WPJ'41.4011heoalGraveIRcitorationl0-17-1,l.docmentl ® Ncrth Carolina WAdliife Resources Conu-nission Gordan Myers, E)-aauitiva Duectar Oc d obcir 11;1,1014 Mr. Llavid Browne U.S. Any y Corps of E rngir,iecirs, Mciguilailoq Blrariah 11 -'11 Nu an Avar uci, Roam 208 Ashcivillci, Norlh Carolina 218801-500( SUBJECT: Commends ani Chcioar Rivar Gravel Rleslaratian Graham Couirdy Deur Mr. Brown, B iolagisls with tre Norlh Canalina W:ildlifei Mesatrc cis Comrriissioni (NC WMC) rcivieiwcic an arlPliciationi to f1hiaci €lrava: in flea local iaim in thei Chunah Fdivar for habilal nestaratiani. Our aammants on tris aplplicatian area offarcid far your cans ceration uniden plravisions of tho Cleiar,i Waler Act of 197A 1133 U.S.C. 4 (6 el. seq.; avid Fish and Wilc lifa Coandirialiori Aat (48 Snail. 401, a9 amended; 1( U.S.C. 6(11-661d). We supplart tris project and have na aanaarr9 pravic cid it is perfarmec ais casaribcid in ilhe aplpl i aail i ori. thank }lou for the oplrloriun'ly to rciview and aommenl an Ihis Alro-*iI. Pleiase aonilaail mu at (UB) 219(1 -47, -IC if }lou have any qucistians abauit those aammeiMs. S inceiredy, d� Andrea Les Iia Mauintair,i Megiori C aardinalor Haibilai Coriscirvation Program CO: Chris Gaudrelaui, NCWRC Chuiak Cranfard, N C Division of Waler %souracis Mail inig A dldlress: FINisioni cif Inland Fishcirie9 • :1711 Mail SIEoivice Cenolen • Ralei€Ih, NC 171E 91 1-1721 Talephonc: (SI191 707-0221(1 • Fax: (5119)701-00:18 1. Brow r1, David W SAW Hram: Caritnell, Mark [mank_a_aantuell@fws.gav] Selril: Rric ay, Ocltabeu '17,,2014 9:47 PM Ta: grown, Dc, ivic W SA" Cc: Ratz laff, P Iler i; CH nis C auc peau "Iu bjeat: [EXTERNA L] Re: Cclare irziliori Recluesl bi Chuciah River Guavel A ddilion - GlrziYam Caunb QUNCLASSIFIED; Ii AplpalacEian E11ktICIE1 - Nes,tie assisted RElnningtan anc Associates lith mussel surwErys and iaunc no mLSSEIIIS in tNE1 gravel augnrErnitatliori ariEias_ I-apEifully thE1 gravel augmentation iAill ilmrlriavEI the substirAllEl caridiillianis for mussels Hari fluturiEl nElintraductlion Eiffarit9. This tlriavel treatment will ElrihariaEI cianditlionis of tTe cEISiEnatElc critical habitlatl. Vir€linia spiriaezl - IT E1 U51 ForlEISII Service t atantsts riev EIWEic thEi arElas f Tari Klrie9Elnce of Va sptriaea. I have riot SEieri th(iiri r(plortl,, but we alrE1ady knew about sFliriaEia acjacEint Ila one sitlEi. llhe flriavEll Will ILEI plaoec in Ito ctannE11, away flriom any Va spliraea stems,, anc will nat harim any of the �a spiraea. thalriks, Marik A. Caritlriell U.9. Fish 81 Wilclife Service 1E EI aillicaa Stlrieetl Asheville, NC :188011 KIS/2138-3939, EI> t 212171 mat ile: El;lS/:1115-1139 On Mon,, Oct 6, 210111 at 21:OE RM, eral"ri, Ravic W 51AIW <0avic .W.Hriown@usacia.arimy.nii1> %,riotlEi: Classiflicaltlion: LN(ILASSIIFIE1I Cav Balls : NCIA E Marik , Alleri Ratzlaff stated Ito acditlianal suriveys fora thEI mussel and the spliriaEia have tatty teen concuctEic within the aplpriapriate time flriamEl. oa you kriaw iJat the flincings of ttesu surlvEIyS ImE1rie: All this times, the Clarips canricit make a dEItlElrimirall ian a+ na eftect Pari Viri€liriia spliraEla and nat likely to advEirisely affElctl splotlfliri chub ari Alppalacflian ElktlaE1, tlteriutari(i u,aulc hike t1a infarimail]ly aaorcinatlEI/cansultl thE1 applicaitliori witlf thEl USIFI S. Rllease rlElviEIIA tNE1 e-mail string belaw and FlriavicEI the Clarip9 same cornmentls. V ar iN s, Ravic RraA ni, RCI Regulatory SrjEicialisll/Cleo1c isti 81218-217111-1980, exll. 2321 c avic . w. t riown(lu sake. alrimy. roil LSA(IE WilmiriElton 11istlriijull - Ashev Alle Regu latariy Fiel( Office 151 Rattlan Av E1nue, Raam WIS Asiheville, NCI 2EISE11-9006 -----OrJgirial MEISsa€Ia----- Friam: Ratzlaff, Allen imailila:alleni_rizitzlaflf@ilws.gav] -Eiri Thursday, Ocilaber EM, 21012 7:35 AM Ta: Brown, Clavic W SAW Subject: OEXTERNAL] Re: FW: Clooric>lnatliori RequEist flari Clheoah Riveri Clriavel Accitiari - ClraHam Claunily (UNCILASSIIFIECI; Fay 13avic, The surivEiys furl 1lhE1 mussiel anc the sipliraea Have tatH teen aoricucilEic wiilHin tlhe arlprioplriiatle timE1 frame. If you r1E1eid cacumentlatlion, glEiase contlaat Nark Clantlriell at marik_a_caritriell@fws.gov . Cin Nan, Sleep 219, ;IE1114 at 131:23 ANI, Brown, David W SAW <David. W.9riawn@usace.arimy. mil> wrote: > Classification: UNCILAS!IIFIEO > Caveats: NCINE > From: Brown, Davic In Milk > Sleniil: Moricay, September 255, 20314 111:118 AN > 1a: 'alari_riailzlaff@fws.gov',; 'CantrEill, Narik' Cla: 'Cloucrieau, Chris I.'; 'jfarimEir@ils.fEic.US' Slubjeat: Cloorcinatian Request ilari C hEiaaH Riiveri Gravel Adc itiion - (Inaham Caunty (LNUAIS'_IIFIED) Cllassitfiaatiori: UNCILASISIIFIE❑ Claveats: NONE > Alluri Ratlzlailfl, > 11he Corps i<i requesting caari(inatian with the USI Fish anc Wilcliile 9tirivieE! IJUSIFWS) an the recuntly submittec Natliar ice REirimitl 27 aplpliaailiani ilari placement cif 3190 cutin yarics of clean riivEiri EIriavEil as strivam implactsi fon strieam riesilariatian cin thEi ChEicah Rivera all five (5) locations I -IEI cuHic yarids at each lciaatliian; tetwEien the Slanteatlah Clam anc Tapaco in Griaham Clou nty. > THis is the riexil insitlallnient afl gravel to improve aquatlic hatitatl. The last pllaeemeritl of griavel was canductled in-IEIIIO-:IEI1111 and tlFeses aullMllies %moria covEiried in a GeriEirial Rermilt VEirilficaticir issuec Ey tlhe Clarip<-i LnidEiri actliori ID -10110-01156 1 dMIEid OctobEiri J. -dl, 20110. Ocriing this pEirimiiil verifliicatlion plriocesis, LSFW9 reviewec aric commented cin ilhEi nENv sec Siolagieal Evaluation (RE) preFlarec by the ISVI-Naritiahala Natlionial Foriesils, Clheoah RanEpri District. 7hEise CCimmEints concludEic thEi plroplasec plrajeull will have no affect an Viriginia sipiriaea ani( riot likely to adWirisely afflEiet tlhe siplollflin chub ari Appalachian E1Ntloe. > In 21010, U'_IFI S riequui iced aur permit verificatian inclucEi special coricitlanis 11) suitable Appalachian Eilkilae hatitatl las detlEirimiried ty a plenmiittec biolagisit; will to surivEiyed willrin each area wheriEi the gravel is tla be pllaeed 11a aplplriaximately 5E1 metlEiris tElloW each gra%Eil placEimentl location. The suriveysi will be coricuallEic witlhiri 3 morith<i of EIriavEil placemEinit anc 3: if AAIFlalach ian elHtlae is faund c urin® tH Ei su riveysi,, gravel will moll pllacEid in that locat iori . > Alsia, l9FS' rievi_sied HE fari 11Hisi plriaject 9tlatec aftlEiri 1ur1E1 15, 20313, additlional Viriginiia spiriaea suri%Erys will to canducted at 11HEi priaplosEid llrieailmenit siitEisi priiari tic placemEint 2 of niEiu gniavel (Sactian 3.3) . llhe Clriopls' has nat rEicei%ed any c acurnEintativon this adc itiioriall su rivEiy hast bEiEini condu ctec nor riesult9 of an ac c itianal surN ey. > At this tiMEi., 11he Carpis canniat make a detlEirimiratian ai no effact iari viriginia spliraea and riat llkaly 110 ac%Eirigaly affects spatfin chut or Appalachian Elkticae, therEiforEi would like to infonimally cooridiriate/consult the application with the LSIFWSI. Attached aria criawirigs of the plrioplosec area of impacts to waters of the L.11. Ii you ha%Ei any, quEistian pllea9a ciaritlacit ME]. > Ha% e a gooc weEik , > David Brown, PCI > REiElulatlary 9plecialist/GEIGIOElis11 > 8:18-271-79EI0, art. 232 > dav1d.a.bro►An@usacEi.arriy.mil > USIACIE b iln ingtlan District - Asheville Re®ulatary FiEild Oi f iCEi > 151 Ratton AvEinue, Room 20EI > Asheville, NC 28801-50EIE > Clas9ificatlion: UNCILMSIIFIECI > (Iaveatls: NCINN > Classification: UNCILA519IFIE0 > (Iaveatls: NCIN9 AllEir Ratzlaff Fish anc Wildlife Bialo€list L.51. Fish and Wildlife 51erivice 160 aillicaa `111raetl Mlaville, NC .18801 KEI-258-35139. )1229 Clas9iiicatltor : UN(ILASSIIFIEE] Cav Elailsi : NCIN E 7 Brown, David W SAW Fram: Buoy+ n, Dav id W SA" SElnll: Rnic ay, Octot Em 17, 21014 21-. Cl PM Tci: 'Glow d reau Chnisl J.' Su bjecit: RE: [EX-UBRNAL] REI: Cc oiid in allicin REIquEISI 1cn Clleoah River C navel Ado ilio n - Cnaham C(Ium) IIL NCUP IESIFIEIDJ Atllaall rmanit9: RE: [E?cTBRNF L] Re: Rbc: C aaidinatian REquEsl fun Cheaah Riven C navel A( c itian - Graham Cauml QL NC LAIr Ir IFIHDJ ClIzissiificailian: LNCLASSIFIED GavEats: NONE Clhr is, I have not yet received the niequEstec commenlls fram USFMI. AtltlachEc is the last) e-niai]I I sentl Ila L!IFVS on Ocitlaber EI. Ha% EI a gooC weElk E nic ., Dav id Bnown, PCI RE16JU latlany 5pleoiiall! sti/GEIalloplistl 8:18-2111-7SI80, EINt. 3312 david. u .hrciwn(@usaCEI.anmy.mil US AGE H ilningttc n Distnict - AshEIV III]a REI@lula llany Fielc Off icu 11511 Patton AvElnue, Roon 30f1 Asheville, INC 388011-9006 -----Clnigina]I Message----- Fnam: Goucneau,, Chrlis 3. Omailtla:chris.gaucriEau(@riawilldlife.orip] SlEntl: Fricay, Octlaher 111, 30714 1:53 RM 7a: Brown,, David N SAW,; Cantrell, Nank; Allen Ratz]aff Go: iflarmEirl(ts.f`Elc . us SubjElat: [EXIERNML] RE: Caarcination REIgUEIStl font ChElaah Riven Gravel Adcitiori - Clrahaim Caunil� (LN(ILASMFIEU) I hate ticl bEI a plain atoull tris,, but has thEI nequestled acdillianal infarimatlion beuri pravicElc Ila the Clorpls? -----Originiall Massage------ Fron: Brawn, DzIvid W SAW [mzli]Ito:aavic.W.Brown(@u9aae.arrny.mil] Sent: N anday , SlElplten t e ri 39, 30714 1171:118 AM To: alain natlzIaff(&I%,s.Qci ; (lantrEIIII, Nark C<i: Goucrieaiu, Chris J.; jfarmer(a)fs.fElc.us Sutjecitl: (laandinatian RElduestl far Cheaah River Gravel Adcitlion - Clraham County (UNCILASMFIlEE: Classificaitliom: UN(ILASSI]IFIE[I Cavealls: NONE Allem Ratlz]laff ,, The (larps is riequEIStinipl aoaridinatian witlh 11he U51 Fish zinc Wildlife SlElrvice IUSFWSI) on tlhEI neaentlly subrniUtElc Nallianwide Remit 21 appliaatlioru for pllaCElnentl of 1100 cubic yard9 of clean riven grav al as stlrieanl impacts for stream r 0starlaticm on thEI ChElaah RivEir all f iVEI 1 5 i 1 lo(atliorrs 1:10 cullic yarid9 at each lacailian, tEtWEEn 111-e SlarteEti]lah Cam and lapoca in Clriaham Clou rally. This 151 the roxil insllalIMEint cif gravel to iniplrlO%Er aquatic hatitall. The ]lasts placement cif gra%E1 aas (crrdtcted it :16110-:IEIII and theses activities worse coveried it a GErierial RErimitl Veriiflicatiicir issued 11y t11E Coripls under acilian IU 210]10-0119E9 tate( Octater 2121, 210110. Duriing this pEirirnitl veriflicatlion p riot Erss, 1.911111451 riev iewec anc commenillEic ori the rievised Eliolcipical Evaluatliar {BE; plrieparied by 111-e U9FS-Nantahala National Fariestis, Clheoah Ranger ❑i!itlrictl. ThEise (arnmErrtis can(luce( the plrioplasec plriojEict will have no aflfle(t1 on kirigiriiia spvraEa and nail likely, to adversely affect 11116 spotifin chut on PIppalachiar ElktoE . In 21011E, USIFWS riEquE site( our plerimiti Varilficaticrn incluc Er spE CiA con(itions 1) suitlablEi Appalachian Ei Ntlae hatillat (as dEllErimined ty a plerimitilec bialogisll; will to surive)cid within each area aherE tNEr gria\Er]1 is to be pl]lacEic to applrio�lmatlaly 50 maters below each €InavEil placernEint ]Iciaalliori. THEr sur%Ey!i Hull be ccrnductec Hiillhin 3 rrontlhs of gravel plla(Eimenil an( 3: ill Appalachian 011411cre is fourid (uriiri€I the surivEry9, ®na%Eil will not place( iri tlhall ]locatliori. Also, LSF9' rievi9ac BE flan tlhis projEct sliatoc after June 115, JE1113, additUoral Virigiriia spliriaEra SLrivet's will be cont ucllErc all the p roplasec tlreatlrrentl sitles r uiar tla r lacernenit cif nErk €1rIaVE11 (51ecticin 3.3; . llhe Crops' Has notl rie(ErivEic any documentation this accRiarial surivEry 1- a9 Loan cont u c tec nor riesru ]Itis of ari adc itlionall !iu rivEiy . Pit 111 -is time, til Ei Cloripls aannot maker a ( Ertlerimiriatiori of no EiffEicti fon Vin®inia spliriaEra aric noll likEily tici acvEiri9elly affleail sgollfin (hull an Appalachian Elktoe, tlEiriEiforiEr would like to kfarurallly cacrridinate/consult tlhe aplpllicatiori witlr 11NEi WIFt S. Attlachec ariEr driavkigsr of tlhe plrioplasec area of impacts 11a watlErris cifl 1110 MI. Ifl you have any (luEisticrn pkiasei contact ME. F-avEi a Mood H Eiek, Cav is Brawn, RG Regu]lallariy 5lpleaialiisll/Cleologistl 82EI-2171-l9FIEl,, ext1. 23:1 diiv id .4 . t r(ia r(a)usace. army. roil U!VICIE WAmiriglton Cistlriict -• Ashoville REigulator) FiE]Id Offli(Er 11511 Ratllion ;Iver uE, Rciam -HIS A4avil10, NCI :IEIE101-5606 Classiflicallton: LNCLPISISIFIED Cav ea11s : NONE Email (ariresploricenicE1 'do and from this sencErri is subjEcil to 111-e N.C. Pudic Records Law and may be cisclasec to 11hiirc planillies. ClasslitcalJon: LNCLASISIFIED Caveats: NC IN E Brown, David W SAW Hnom: E now nl, Davic V1 SF W fleinit: IVoriday, SEIpllembEm 2% 20' 4 '1:18 AM Ila: 'alanl_natl laff@fwsl.gov'; 'Caritnell, Mark' Ccl: 'Gciu(I eau, Christ J.'; 'jilai mer@ ki.fec . us' au d.jelat: Caarcinalicin Rcquasl fan Cheoat River C navel Ad c ilion - C naham County ilUNCLASSIFIIED) Atihlahments: Cteoah Gravel Acdifloris Loaalioris Sepl 3a'lz.pldf ' Cllassifiaailiani: LNCLASIS]FIIED Caveats: NONE Al]Elni Ratzlziif, THa Corps is riequestling aaorcimatliionl aiilH the LS Fish anc Hilclife Service (USFHS; and 11118 rieaenitly su t miiltled N atiariwic El Pffimiil 217 aplplliaaticin fori platen cant cif 1E10 aut is y anc s of ci lean riiveri €lriavel as stream impacts for stlneani riestlanatiori cin the Clheoah Riven at five (5) ]loaatianis (121EI au t IC y anc s all Gact lciaaticiri; HEItW(Mri llh a SlariteEltllah Liam anc llapaco in Graham County. This is the nie)itl iristallmeritl of gravel 110 implriovc aquatic) haHitat. The last placeMEirit cif gravel iAas aan(uCtElc iri 20110-201111 anic tflElses activities wEirie cimerEld in a CIElnemal REirimitl Vorifiaatiari issue( by lite Carps uri(Elri aetiari ID 2010-0115651 datlEld ClctoHen 22, 2010. Duning this perimitl verification praciess., USIFWSI riavi(nned and aammEintoc cin the rlevised 9iolcigiaal 11%aluatlion (HE) plrEirlariec by the LSFSI-Naritlahala National Fariestls, Clheoah Rangler Distlriiatl. These aarnments eariciludec the praplosac project will have na affleat cin Viriginia spiraea and not likely to acvenisEIly affElCt lite sploti ini chub an Appalachian Elktoe. In 20110, USFWS riaqucistec ours plerimit %arifliicatlion include special cant itlions 11; suitlab]lEI App1a]lachiari elNtlae tabitlat (as ceteniminEic by a pElrimilltled tiola8istl) will He suriveyElc within eaah arl0a uherie the grimElll is ila be placed iia applrioximataly 50 motleris telciv each gniavel placemEint locatliari. ThEI su riveys will ba Boric uc11EIc within 3 mariths of ®navel pllacEmient anc 2 if Appalacihiari a]lkticie is founid cunirg thEl sunveys., gravel will ncitl place( in tlhail lacatlion. Also, LSF51' rievisec BIE far this pnojectl stated alter JUnIEI 115, 20113, acdillianal Vir®inia spliraEla suriveys will be eoriducllEId all tHEI praplosac tniElatMrit sites pnicin ila plaeemElrit of nElin gniavel 115IEIetion 3.3). llhe Crops' Has riat reaeivE1d any dcieumElritailion this ad(itional survEIN has bEien canductec nor riesu]ts of ari acciticirial survey. At this Clime, the Clarips cannotl make a c Erterminatlion cif ria eff ectl for � it llriia spiriaea anc not likely to adverisely afflectl spotlflin chub an Aplpalactlian Elkt(IEI, 1111eneicirie voulc like ila informally aociridinatei cansult tlhe applicaticir with lite LSIFW51. Atltac had are c riawinip cif 11he plropased area of implactls tla watlaris of 111-e L .9. If )au Nave any questliori please contact mE1. 1 -ave a gacid Week, Davic BraHn, RC FlGgu latoniy Slpleci alistl/ Cleolagist 8a8 -TA 1-a980, axil. 212 cavi(. w.trown0usace.zmmV.m!l LSACIE Wilmin€lton Distlrlictl - ;Ishev ille Regulatory Fie]lc Office 11911 Aattlan Av EmUEI, Racim AEI8 AsHeville, NCI 288011-9006 Classiitcallian: LNCILASSIFIEID Broiw n, Davic W SAW From: Glaucneeiu, Chnis J.[ahnis.claucneau@namildlife.orcl] Send: Tuesday, SaplembEln 'I EI, 2CI,14 13:;171 HN To: Bram n, Dai id W SAkA Cc: N yra Hain; Mask Cantrell; Jason Fenmei Subjecit: [EXTERNAL PCN - Cheaah RNEui graved auclrr omalion AblaciPmenito: aheo2ih grrivEII PCS fcmm 2CI'14-09-1J.pldf; ciheaah duavel RCN adc iiiorial daaurr arils 3014-09-15.gc 1 Ilavic ,, ]I am submitilirg a RCN for NWP 27 and appricipri!ZMEi WQCI ila cllacEi river ®ravEtl into Clheoah River telov Lake'_IarteEitlllaH. This till to tlhe 4tlh such irstallMEint sirae 3008 as claritl of a llorg- tlerim efiarit t1a impriove hatitatl for aquatic ariganisms PEiri the HEHCI licersEi fare the BraakfiloIc Smoky Mat, retain Hy d rio (ibrmeril) TaAlaco) . ]If you have any cluestlians,, P10asEi letl me Nraw. Chris Chris Claudreau SPeaia] Rrajecils Coaridir actor Norith Clariol>tna uKclife Resauruias Canmisstori 645 Fish H atcH Eiriy Hctad Manion,, NCI 2f1a52 E128-652-4300 E114t. 2231 Email corinespandEtrae tict arc frictrn this sencEtri is sutljeictl to tlhe N.C. Hublie HEtcores Lath anc may to c isclasec to t hiric Flaritlies. Agent Authorizati©n Goudreau, Chris J. From: Hair, Myra <Myra.Hair@brookfield renewable.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2014 1:08 PM To: Farmer, Jason -F5; Goudreau, Chris J. Cc: Mark_A_Cantrell@fws.gov; Olson, Marshall Subject: RE: cheoah gravel - PCN Chris, Thank you for following up on this issue. Please act as the agent in tiling the required documentation. Thanks, Myra S. Hair Compliance Specialist Brookfield Smoky Mountain Hydro Brookfield Renewable Energy Group US operations 314 Growdon Blvd. Tallassee, Tennessee 37878 T 865.977.2101 C 865.247.7902 F 865.856.6164 mora, hair(@brookfieldrenewable.rgm www. b rookfield re newabl e. co m Brookfield This message, including any attachments, may contain information that is proprietary, privileged and/or confidential and is intended exclusively for the person(s) to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply email and permanently delete the original transmission from the sender, including any attachments, without making a copy_ From: Farmer, Jason -FS rmailtoJarmer fs.fed,us] Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2014 10:04 AM To: Goudreau, Chris J.; Hair, Myra Cc: Clark A CantrelWfws.ciov Subject: RE: cheoah gravel - PCN Chris, Please file the PCN on behalf of the US Forest Service. We support the gravel additions. Please act as the Forest Service agent in filing this documentation. Thank you. Jason Farmer Fisheries Biologist Nantahala National Forest, NFsNC Cheoah Ranger District 1070 Massey Branch Rd Robhinsville, NC 28771 (828) 479-6431 x 4101 Fax (828) 479-6784 From: Goudreau, Chris J. fmailto:orris.goudreauC�ncwildlife.oWJ Sent: Monday, September 08, 2014 4:22 PM To: Myra Fair; Farmer, Jason -FS Cc: Mark A CantrellPfws.gov Subject: cheoah gravel - PCN Myra and Jason, I'm putting together the 404/401 PCN for the Cheoah River gravel augmentation. I've attached a draft of the PCN, minus the maps, etc., which I'll include in the final submittal. It is my understanding that the biological evaluation from 2010 is still good (through 2015), but that we need to do another Virginia spiraea survey at the locations. Mark is coordinating. with USES botanists to conduct those surveys. The EIktoe surveys are happening this week. One of the things I need is an authorization from each of you to act as agent. Last time an email was sufficient (see attached). if you want to do a formal authorization, the Corp$ template is also attached. At this point, I'm shooting to have the gravel installed by the contractor by the end of November. Chris rmait correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the M.G. Pubtic Records Caw and may W disclosed to third parbes Clffce Lse Only: Clogs aclicin ID no. fJWQ piojacl no. Form Vension 1.4 January .10109 PagE1 1 cif 10 PCN Flarm — VEIrsicin 1.4 Januar�l 30C 9 Pre-Constnucticln Notification IIPCNj Fla1rm A. p p p liciar t Ir formation 1. Rruclowin g 1a. Typeuls) oil appnuval saught Intim thea Cc cps: [X 9eciicin , 04 Flenmit ❑ Section '10 Peirmit 1b. 9pecify Natianwidu PEirmi jj WFI) nurribein: 27 on GEineuial PElnnit SGP; numter 1c_ 1- as IhEi N WP an GFI numbEir bEien vEmifiEid btl the Conps%r ❑ N as ® Na 1 d. Typei 1s) ail approval sought lrorri thu DVS Q I1chEick all that apply): 21401 Walar Qualily ClEirtifc€ tian — Ragulan ❑ non -4041 Junisdiciiunal Goncimail Hermit ❑ 4[111 "alar Qualify Cleirtifcatlian — Bxplress ❑ Ripailian Buflen Aulhanizalian 1e. Is Ihis nolificalion soleily lar the reicoiK bEicause writlEin app oval is nut requinEida Flan thEi neaand only I& D111Q 41(11 Cer ificatian: ❑ YEis a Flail the ilecond anly Ilan Corps PEmmit: ❑ Yes a 11. Is payment inia a miligalian bank ar in -lieu lae pna<piarri proplosEid skin miliga- ion of implacis? If su, attach ihei accappance IEIIIEIr dram mitigation Itank an in -lieu fee plragnam. ❑ YEis [X No 11 g. Is Ihei pinajecl lacaled in any of NUs Manly coastal caunii(is. I1yEis, answaa 1h bEdaw. ❑ YEIs ❑X No 11 h. Is 1hEi project lcic<deld w iihin a NC DCM Alicia cd Enviruna entail Clanaem PIEIC)? ❑ YEis x❑ a 2. RnoiciOInfarmaliori aa. � ama of pnaject: ChEiaah Riven gravel rEistanaticin .Ib. Claunly: Clnaham ,Ic_ � eancist rriuniciplality ,I tawn: Rot bim, ilia .Id. 9ubdivisiun name: ,lei. � CDOI anly, I.I.P. an stale piojecl nu: 3. Ow nein In farmaticin .la. � arriciIs,' on Reciondeic Defied: Seer attachec sheet :Ib. Defied Buak and Pagel IS a. 1c. Flespans ible Harty (tkir it LC if applicable): :Id. 9tneel add lies s: :Ia. Clity, state, zip: IEll0ril ane na.: :Ig. Flax no.: :Ih. Bmail acdnEiss: PagE1 1 cif 10 PCN Flarm — VEIrsicin 1.4 Januar�l 30C 9 4. AF plliaainit Inillormlal ions (ill d ifferenll from off nlEui) �a. Appllicani Is: ❑ AgElnl ❑ Olt Elr, SpElcllfy: b. arT e: Sue attachuc shed a. BLISiness namEI (if applicable): 4d_ S111601 adcnEl:s: 4e. Ciiy, slata, zip: 4f_ TelciFlhane ncl.: 4c. Fax nu.: 4h. Email acdiEiss: SI_ AgentlCan su ItA nit Informal ion (if appllicat le) 9a. Name: Chnis Coudreau 9t. BusinEiss name (if applicablu): N.C. Wildlile RElsaunues Carrimissian C. StueErt ac dress: 6� 9 Flish Hatchery Rciac 9d. City, stale, zip: Nanionl, NC 2EI753 9% lelEiphonEl nu.: E 28-6,121-43E10 x2113 51. Rax na.: 8218521-212ag 5g. Bmail ac cress: clhris.gcluc neauta ncwilc life.arg Page 2 of ' (1 B. Proj(lat Inlfeulmatlielri ane Prior Prcljelat Histelry 1. Rrciplerty Iderlifrcalion la. RraAlerty is enlificalion na. lllax PIN ar p incel ID): gee attached shcieN and rrlapl 1b. Site caardinates ilin decimal celgncies;: Ladilucel: Longitude: 1c. Praplerty size: acres 21. Su r acei Wall ers 21a. Name ofl neeirelst body of wa1Em'lo Alnapasec ppiojeal: ChEloah RNEln 21b. Wa1Em Quality Classificatian of nElanesl receiving walEln: C, To 2k1. Rivelnbeiiin: LittlElllennessee 31. Prajoul Desciiipltian tea. DElsariba tho existing condi'lians an the si'le and the genalal land use in the vicinity co thE1 plrajElct al lhe'limEl CI' this appllicalian: Clheoat River below Lake Sanleetlal is a bypassed river rea at tt at is part of PIHCII's llapoao Hydroelectric Prajecl (FEIRCI #7169). llhe rnajori ty of tt a 4)ia r lies an it roperty owned by the U A. Forest Service but a ilew s e atians are owr ed t 1l APGI. Tt a rive r corridor is nearly all undeveloped and in a forested condition. 2b. List'IhEI talal Elslirnaiod acouagel cd all exisling wellands an ihEi pnoplury: Cl 3a. Ilist IhEt talal aslimatEid Iinuar bet of all Eo+isting streams jjinterrnitlent anc perennial) an lhei pnaperty: 3d. Explain 1ho plunplaso cif the pinapased pnojeal: The F9RCI license for the Taill Hydroelectric Rrojeat requires thal gravel be added to tt a (lheoat River lortt a ptirpose oilrestoring aquatic hat itat. 0 3EI. DesciibEi thEl avenall plrajElal in detail, including 11' a IyplEl of EI(1uip1rn1E1n1 la be usE1c Approximately 00 cubic )I< rds of natural river gr, Niel will It e added directl)l to the stream channel at 5 sites. Gravel will be installed using a backhoe on 41. Jurisidictfanial Delteirrviirall icinsi 4a. Havc jurisdialional wEitland cin stIlEorni determinations by thEt 0 y as ❑ No ❑ Unknown CooF11s cin Slale bE1en nEiquElSlEld an abllain(ld fan this P1uoFlert� it CornimElnis: project (includingall riot phases)in the past? 4b. If the Carps made the junisdiclianal delermlinaiian, what typEi ❑ Pneliminar)1 ❑X Rinal cif delEinmina'Iion was made? Oct. 111 yeas, who delinealod the jurisdicitional areas? Agency4Cansullanl Carrip1lany: Narno (if known': Lori 13eckwitt Othoo: 4d. 111 yes, list 'IhEi dales ol'IhE1 Clarpls jurisdiclional dederminailians an State ceilenrniinaticins and �itiach documentalian. 10132/3 01 0 to 3/ 8/2012 S. Pnojecit Hisllary 5a. F av a plermits ar aeriificaticros beEin requastec ar ablaincid Ilan ®Yes [I ll� a ElL nknawn this plraj(icl lincluding all ppion phasEts) in lhel plasl? 5b. 111 yes, exF111ain in dellail accardind 1a' hEdpl file" inslnualicins. Uorps Actian II12C 10-01569, iss Lie d ' 0122120 0. DV1 Q WQCI 3689, issued 812 512 01 0. EI. nullurel Rrajetci Rlarls Ela. Is this a phased pllnajeal? ❑ YEts ❑ N a E b. 111 yes, explain. llhe license for the Bnookla Id Smoky Mountain H) ldnoelectnic Rroject Nom It a Federal 9margy RegLilatory Clommission requires that gra Niel be aclde< to the Cheoah Rivertoolhe purpa;e of restaring aquatic habitat. The requirement is for 100 cubic �larcls oflnatural river guavel everyotheryean. RalgE1 21 CH '10 FICIN Form — \oensian 1.4 Janu aryl 2{ICICI C. Pnopascic Impacts Irvclrtciry 1. Impacts) .I u mimary .1a. WII ich sections were cornplleltec t elaw tar yauii puoject ilcheck all that aPAIIN): ❑ Watlanes X❑ Slneaams— tnibutanies ❑ BOWS ❑ Oplen Walens CI Panc Clonsinucilion 2. Welland Impacts) 11 theire ane weilland impacts pi aposeld cin hel siiel, then camplledel this quest ian fall elach wetland area impacted. 2a. WErlland irripacl number Pelrrrianenl (IP; or llem ora 21b. Type of impact 21c. Typle of weltland 2d. flaiieskid 2El. -Hype o1 juilisdicl ion Clorps 1404,'101 cm 17WQ (4[11, olhe+I) 21f. Area of impaal jacnes) W 1 Clt a a s e aria Choose one Yes /N o - Me - (it oos a one Choose one Yes/N o W31 Clloase one Choose one les/No - w4 Cit a r i a arra Choose one ll e s IN 0 W9 Ctaaseane Clhooseone ties/No W9 CP oa s e a ae (it oos a one N es, IN o 'Ig.-Iot.11 Wet and Impacts: 21h. Canlmants: 3. Stroam Irripactsl lilhaim are pereinnial on inienmitlani stream implacis Qinclucing teniponarM impacts) Hlnctposec an the site, hen corripllele This question tan all sl ream sites impact ec . 38. Slreaml impact number Pemmanant fit an Terniplaiury QT) Jb. Typle all implacl 'Ac. Siream name 3c. Perennial (IPER; or inienrnitlerni QlNTp 3e. 7)lpel of jurisdicltian all. Average sneiarn width (feet) 3g. Impact length (11inear feer ) E11 R Fill C t aoah River AER Corps 90 7! 92 R Fill Clt aoah River PER Corps t 0 75 931 F7 Fill Cit aoah River PER Corps 50 25 E14 R Fill Clt eoah River PER Corps 50 71 S9 R Fill Cit eoah River PER Corps 50 71 S9 Ctaasearia 3h. TcilU I strearri anc trlibutarM implaclts a: 3i_ Comments: Plpprommately 20 cubic yards oil clean gravel w'll be placed at each site. Clheoah River is actually w'der than 50 feet at each site, but 50 feat by 75 feet is tte projectedlootprint oil the gnaiiel fill. Page 4 clt 1 CI PCN F orrrn — Version '1.4 January 2C109 4 . Ogler Water Impact If then anei pnopased impacts to lait as, pont s, asIuanies, 'Inibulanias, saun( s, IM Atlantic Ocean, au any cdhen Open water of 'It a i then individually list all open water impacts below. ,ea. Open water impact numben Renmanenl 11`I) on Temporary 411. IN ame olwalembody lif appllicable) c. 1 ypei of implacil 4c. Walant ody type fie. Ali cif impact jaares) 01 - Choose one Clhoose O2 CR oose one Cthoose 03 CR oose one Clhoose 04 CR oose one Clhoose 411. Tat:A I (iii waden impacts �g. Carnmemis: 5. Ror d or LaNe Cor structiOr If pond au lake cansiruclian proposed, the complete the chart bei Ela. Rand ID nurn1i 511J. Rnopasec use or punplosei of pand 9c. 5d. `le. Mitland Implacis ijaicii Slnearn Impacts (iltel) L p land (acnEis) RloOded Filled Excavalec filaOdec Billed Bxcava tad P1 Clhoase one PSI Clha as e o n e Elf. lata I: °Ig. Corrimari Eli Is a dam high hazard pemmii nEiquirec ? ❑ ) es ❑ No 111 yes, p Errnii ID no: Eli. Expeclec pond surface area ijaicnes;: Eli Sima of pond waienshec ijacnes): Ell. Malhod of can sirualion: El. 13L ffer Implacts Ifor DWQ) If project will impact a proiecled ripanian buflan, then complEite the char bEIOW. 111 yus, then indivic ually list all Ituftem impacts below. If any impacts re uine mitt ation, thein Vou MU Ell fill aui Sucdian D oil this fanm. Elai. Rnaject is in which pnolected basin? ❑ Neuse ❑ Tan-Ramlica ❑ (Ii ❑ Rancleman ❑ Othem: 61 Buffer Irmpaicl number — Pemmar i i1i ar Temporary Elc. Reason ilon impact ac . Slaeam name 6e. li rmiligalion raquiued? 6f. Zone 'I impact I1squanEi feet Elg. Zone 2 imFlaci Qsquame feet g, Yes/N a ga Yes/t` a 93 Yes IN o aq - Yes/fro gp - Yes IN o ag - Yes /N o 6h. Notal 9uffen Implaats: ai. Clommenis: FlacIEl 5 0111 C D. Imflael Jusflification and Miligalliclr 1. Avoic ancle zinc Mir imiaalion 1a. 9pElclifiaally d(is aibe measures lakEln to avoid on miinimize the piaposelc impacts in designing plrajElcl. It e 11 noject is designed to in g hove aquatic habitat in the riven by adding natura I grade I. 1b. Specifically dusciibe mElasunErs laE en to a% aid an minimize the prunclsec irrpads lhraugh aonstnuciicfn ieahniglues. Glavel will be added (lirectl)l to tf a stream bottom in at all possit le t )I using a t ac M hoe or 4a nueyor. 1lnees in the dpania n a rea w'll not be disturbs d. 21. Compensatory Mitigation far Impacts to Walclrs (Al the U.S. an Waters of Ther Stater 2a. Does the plrojeal require CorripElnsalary Mitigation kir in pacts is WaNms oil ihEi l S. of Waiens all ihEl State? ❑ YesX❑ Na ab. I'l YEIS, mitigatian is recluiilec by (check all lhat aplply]: ❑ D"Q ❑ Canpls 2c. III )les, which n iticlalion cfpliun will bEl used far this plrajElal%I ❑ Miligatian bank ElFlaymElnt 'lo in-licur heel pnograinl ❑ FleumilleEl I'llespansible Mitigalicrn 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Ban 3a. � aMEi all IViticla-lion Bank: 3b. GlEidils Fluiichasec I1allaah receipt and Ietion] IyplEF Choose clnEl -HYPE: Chooslcl cinEl -type: Chaoscl cfnEl Quanlity: Quanlity: Quantity: 3c_ Corrimcnls: 4. Complete ill Making a Payment ila In-lietu Flee Program 4 a. Af plro�al IEltter 1i am in -lieu llEle glrcignEtrri is oiltachElc . ❑ Yes 4b- 91nEiarri mitigatian nequeslec : linean feel Z c. 11 using sllneam miiligalion, sl ream Ierriplcuatuiie: Choose ones 4 d. Buffer mitigaition mcqu(ISIEId 111"Q only): square 1kiel 4e. Riparian mitland miliclation rEtcluElslEid: acmes 4f. fan-lipalrian wellalnd miliclation racluElstec: acres 4g. Clazlsiall (tidal] wErlland niitigalicln recluElsted: MIMS 4 h. CamlrriElMs: S. Comf Heater i1 l sing a Rerrnitteci Remlp on sible MAlgalion Plan 5a. If using al pelrrr ittelcl nesplonsiblel milligallian plan, glravidEi a dElscniptian of the prclpasEld miligalion plan. Page E I of 1 Cl PCN Aclrm — VEInsion 1.4 January 'ICI09 EI. Bufllcin Mitigatiein JENtei Reiciulatec Ripainiar B01(ri Rules) —required by D1NC Ela. Will thea plrajeici result in an irrpacl within a prcdlecieid ripe niari Huflem Iheit requires buffer mitigolion? YEis Q � a Elb. If yes, 11 en iecni fl the squanEi leiel cit impact 1ci Eiach zcine (ill the nipenian buffeu Thal reicluics rmiligalion. Clalculatu the amciunt cif mitigation sequined. 2cine 6c. Reason kir impact Ek . 1olal impact (square feErl) Multiplier 6e. Required miligatian (s quare Ikiel) Gane 1 3 QUI tkin Caimba) 2lone �l 1.9 Elf. Tutal b Olen miticlaticin rciquired: Elcl. If 1:A m rniHigalian is requiced, discuss what type (ill mil iclalian is pcopused i le.g., playmenl 'lo pinivate mil igalicin bank, pecmibee nEisponsible sipleirian buff in reistomilion, payment inia an applUVEid in-liEIU Jim hind). Elh. Carrirvenis: Flaclei 71 oil 'I CI E. Stanmmiler Managennarit avid Diffuse) Rlclw Hlan Iraquinec by DVYQ1 1. Diffu vel Rlowti Alan 1a. DOSIS the pncijecI includes ou is i1 adjacent 'Ia pnuteicled airlarian buffers identiflEid ❑ Nes X❑ NcI within one cd the N C Riparian EltiflEu Flnaleclion Rules? 1b. Ill It an is a diffuse flow plan includEid? Ili no, explain why. ❑ lies ❑ Na 2. Siormwatein Management Plan 2a. Mal is the civenall parcent irriplEirUiciusness of this pilajEict? 21 Dues this project require a 91cirrriwalEin Management Plan? ❑ Yus ® No 2ci. III this pnoject DC I I OT iii a 9tanmlwatEin Manaclarr ant Plan, axpllain why: It is prc ject is only adding cla an gravel to the stream. N o construation or a Ite ration oil uplands w'II occur. 'Id. Ill This pnoject DOSIS nEigluire a Stanamaten ManagEimeril Rlan, then I e a brie-111, navialive c esti lliar oil lhEi plan: 2e. Who will da respansitle li it El NEIN law of lhei 9larnriwalE11111 Management Plan? 21. Certificid Local Goverrmcint Sllormwalein Heview ala. In whicih laualgovernment's jurisdiction is this r9jeal? ❑ Flhase II ❑ n `IW 31 Whiah o-1 1hEl lcllawing locally-imglElmEinlEld slanmw IlEir manaclerrlent pnagKims ❑ L 9MP apply i1cl all that apply;: ❑ WatEln Supply Watershed ❑ Other: aa. Has the appuoved Stonniwaiea Mamlgerruni I viilh puOcf cif aflpnoval lean El as ❑ Na att achEid? A. DWQ Sllorniwateir Pro rami Flevieiw ❑Caasial acwnlies EN c" 4a. Mal of the lallawing state-implurrleniec 91arrnwalEm management Elnagrarris apply ❑OM 1chEick all that aplply;: ❑9ession Law 21CIaEl-214EI ❑Other 4N. F as the applaovEid Slonmwater ManagEirreni I with plrocif cd approval tElen ❑ Yes ❑Nci attached? S. DWG 4 (I'I L nit Sllormw allcm Rev sew 9a. Duos ti .Itann'iwai Management Plan mEiet the appropriate IecluinEimianis? ❑ YEis ❑ t cI 9b. FavEiall ail ihe4Cl'I Unit sutmittal relcluiiclml(inls tEien mlei,l ❑Yes ❑Nci Page EI cif 1 a RCN Rcirm — Version 1.4 Jalnuary eI(109 H. Supplernentary Ir llormation 'I. Bin viranmeintal Documentat'an (DWCI Recluhienner11) 'I a. Dcie s 1hE project invc Ives an axpandiiunel all public jadauablsiateAlau 1) funds c n ihEl 'A ® YEis ❑ N a use cf public Qleidenallstale; land b. 111you answeiiac "y Els" to lhEl aba%Ei, COGS the pnajocl relqui1e pnElparalion of an anvinc nrr anlal c acurrianl punsuanl is thEl iiequinamenis all thEi National an Stales ® YEI9 ❑ N e (Nall h Cancilina; E nr iranmenlal Palicy fIcl (N ERFIASEIRPI)%I 1c. 11 you answerec "y Els' la ihEl abovEl, has the dacun ant imviaw bEian finalized by thEl Eltal(i Clawing F ousa',l lllf sa, attach a ac py c I the IN BIRA on SEIAA final approval x❑ Yeas ❑ Na lets er.) IN BRA documentation has been completed by LA. Fanest Service. E ee a ttac t ed. Go n rr enils: A of sent to clearinghouse. 2. Vialafiar s (DWCI Relquiremenll) 2a. Is the site in viclalicln cd MAQ WEilland Rules 1,15/1 N CAC 2H .OEI(la:, Isolated Welland Rulus i11 EIA N CIACI 2IE .13CI(I), OWQ SurfaCEI Walar cii Welland Ellandsmc s, ❑Yes Q No on Ripanian Buffeu Rulas ,J'MA N (IACI AEI .CI:ICICI) 'l 2Ib. Is this an altar-lha-fact penmil applicatic n l ❑N as Q Nc etc. If yciu ansmunad "yes" to anel all hcth o11he above queslic ns, previda an ( xplanatian cf the vic lalic nijs): 31. Cumulative Impacts (DVYQ RElquiramelnil) 3a. W ill chis prc jest QbasEld an pasl and reqs anal 11 anliciAIEItEld 'lutune impacts) result in ❑ � es ® Nc adc ilio nal devalopmanl, whiah cauld impaal nearby downstream water qualitj?I 3b. 11 ycu answEmad "N as" is the abclva, submit a qualilali%(i an quanlilativEl cumulativEi irrlpaci analysis in acclandance wish thEl n est accent DV1 Q Flaliay. 11 you answered "no," provide a short nanualive cescuiplic n. 4. flew age 119F asal QD1NQ Re quirelmEmt) 4a. Clelarly dEilail thEl ullirrlale treatrrlen'l rrlElthc ds and (isposilicln Incn-discharge or disahaigal cf wastoNalen cleineiialfid from F flapased c jecl, c n availabla f aciq of the subject llacility. INAthe RaclE1 9 a11' (I PON Ron — VEinsian 1.4 January xim 5. 9nc aingered Specieti anis Deisidniallec Crillical Habitat IICalrplls ReeluinEirrle il] Ela. Will this FlrcljElal aaclun in ar noar an eima wiih ikidEVIlly plraloded spElCies on ® YEIS ❑ N a habila ?I 9b. F aver yat clhaciked with the USHWEI cianclEmning Ondangerac 9plElaiels Alai x❑ Yels ❑ No in- laclls? 9c1. If yes, indicate the USRW9 Rield Offiae you have clon'ladec. Ashav ilia 9c . "hal da a saunces cid you use to der ermine whet herr ycwu site wcullc impact 9nc angered SpElaies ar Designated Critical Habii ai? Dire at con, ultalion with l 9FW9 and U,IF9. flield site investigatian:. Slee attached daaf me nt:. 6. Es_IenilialFlit h HabitatlICclrpsRcicluircirrenil] 9a. Will .I is 1pajecil acaun in cul neon an area designated as Elssential fish habitat? ❑ Yes ® No 6b. Mall calla sources dic you use is (elEwmino whelhen yawn s ite wauld innglacli Essential Rish HabilaIll Not in coastal county 7. Histcmic or Pnet istaric Culllural Resclurclrls QConps Requirement) 7a. WIII Ihis pinojecl ocicun in cm near an ancia I hathe state, 11Eldonell an lnibal gavelrnrnents have) c esignaled as having historic ar cultural pneserva ian ❑ Yes ❑X No siatus (IEI.g-, Nalianal Hislauic llnusl designatian Or properties significant in P arth Claralina history and archaElcdagy) ,l 7b. What cala saullces did you usEI la dEllElrn'Iir1El whElthen yaun site would irrlpact histaria an anuhealagiaal nelsourcas?I t ttp:jiwww.hpo.ncdcr.gov/ 8. Rlclad Zana Dasidralialn lClcuips Requillerrleinl] Ela- Will this prajElct aacur in a FEMA-designa ed ' (10 -yew floadpllain? ® YEIS ❑ Na 8b. If yels, mplain haw PluajElCt rrwElts FEIMA nequirarrients: Will only raise stream bed elevation a 'lew inches oven a very small anea. Pnoject area is a minis UL le percentage of the tolal sirearn t c cl area over a 9.1 mile stretch of river. 8u. VW al sauncle(js] cid you use to make) the flood plain dEltelrrrlinalion", httpaVfloodmaps. nc.govillmA AMainMap. aspx# ' Dgitally big Et 1, Uhrt eplar J Chnistopher Jaid l.a�� Chris Gauc neslu DN: -CMu 1.0. r J. Goud—. a. eau, e. 1 chre.goudreau(9-1dlife.org, F>s Gciudreir u v'Da1e_201409.,],Q7,51-&'CaI 09-12-2014 AppllicantPgan-'s Prin'lac Name DEtEI Aplplliclant/Agelnl's clignatune (Agent's 3ignatL re is %alid only it an authorization letter from the applicant is rovided) PagE1 '10 oil 'I (I Chciaat River Graved Rusloratian Adc itional Shcels Poe sides 1, 2, 4, and 9 A.3, Ownien Inlonmallion Site 7 'lai. Name(s) an Meaorded Dead: U.S. flavest Seniiae A. Decid Bool and Page Na. hisan Farmcir _la. Responsible Part fau IIDC if appliciat lei): NanllaH ala National Form 1 A. Struel address: 160 2lillicoa Street, Suites A _la. C ity, state, zip., A <. N ev ille, NC HEM] !If. Telephone no.: 828-:I574AT (Charlie Pawcll) 11g. Fax no.: A. Email ad dross: jfarmer@fs.fad.us A.4. Applicar t Information Site 7 4a. Applicant is: OAgent ❑Olhcir, specify: 41i . Name: hisan Farmcir 4a. Bu sineiss names (if applicaE lei : NanllaH ala National Form 1 4d. SIl resat addross : C huciat Rangur Ili stricl 1070 Massey BrancH Raaid 4u. City, state, zip: 14obfl insville, NC 21ll'Al 4f. Telephone no.: 818-419 -64 211 Exil . 41 (I1 4g. flax no. 4h. Email acduciss: jfarmer@fs.fad.us B.1. Property Idcmllificanlion Site 7 1 a. Property ideritificim ion no.: Tlrao NNF 1047-a 1 b. 9ito wore inAes in decimal degrees): Latiluder M.MAC18 Lon itude:-8_L868CI0 1 c . Property six: Unknown aarus B.1.Property Idcmllification Shc2 1 a. Property ideritifiaao ion no.: Tlrao NNF 1047-a 1 b. Situ aoard inarteis (in dec imal degrees): IJatiluc er 3:1.39855 Longitude: -818( 7319 1 c . Property sizes: Unknowr acres B.1.ProperIdcrIificaition Site l a. Property idciritific w ion no.: Traci NNF 10z Ib lb. Mites aoorcinaitus (in decimal degrees): Ilatilucer -'1.1.4(1175 Longitude: 1147 la. Property siaei: .-KIK Urknowr acres B.1. Property Idfmillificalion Sitc 5 1 a. Property idenitifiow ions na.: Tlracl NNF 1047- 1 b. Sites coand iniac us (in dec'mal dei ees): Uftituc u: -11.421807 Lan itude: -821.91N] 1a. Property suits: Urknowr acres Far s iter ?I A.21. Ownur hiformatiani 3 a. Name(s) or Reiecuidec Dueid: firciokfield Smoky Mau r taiini Hydropower IJLC 3 b. Due( E cak anc Page Na. Back Na. 56 page 4-'t (b agins cr flaga 4 36 and auntiniues dmau gh 465) 3(1. Responsible Pa (for LIJC ifla licable): 3 d. Sid mect ac d runs: 2(1(1 Dar aid Lynch Blvd., 5 L h a 3 00 3e. City, state, zip: Marlbourou h, MA (I1 x52 3 f. Telephone no.: 8(5-971-x101 3g. Fax rio.: 8E `I-8_`IE -E 'I 6(1 3h. Erriail ad(mess: m ra.hair brookfreldreineiwable.eam A. 4. Applicant Information 4a. Applicanil is: XAgent LjOther, specify; 4b. Names: Myra Hain 4(1. Blusir ass r ame (if lapplicable): 4d. Silmeeit acdreiss: = 14 Grcwdon BIN d. 4e. City, state, zip: Tlallassee, T unnusscia 37M81 4£ Telephone nia.: 8(5-971-x101 4g. Fax r o.: 8E `I-8_`IE -E 'I 6(1 4h. Email ad( mass: m ra.hair brookfreldreineiwable.eam B.1. Property Ideritifiaation ;I a. Property 1ceniifixation no.: b. Sites cioorcinMis (in decimal degrees): Laiituldtr 15.1911(l Longitude: -813.8172_`14 1 a. Property si21e: Unknown acircis Maps Vicinity Map—Cheoah River downstream of Santeetlah Dam, Graham County. Along US 129. y --E "-- s4r'. k 001)k Giamel Stoc kI p He ..Elite 2 - ite I F. oli QF. i, LOW A-1 t-.rrat ..... (21♦ Ni- -,% 1;17 • .;i4 1- 4. 46 is al 1 te I \Cit, t 'iiAYrr Li E,.r. !4 ti E "t P� • • r !-j 1. t.'M T.a. A .77 . 771. `7' T.; L;l • ......... .......... t IN 771L - a JP m :p: :7i rr ff ,. P, 7-� It JMF IS N6 20'10 USI RorEl9t Slervice Biological Evaluation HICIL CIGICAL EVAL UA TICO CINE OAH RIMER GRAVE U AD UI'EICD S NAN`IIA.HA L A NA'IIIONAL FORES11 CHEGAH RAINCIEM DISWICT GRAHAM C OUN'II)d NOWIH CA MOL INA Im cin K. Fanner Fiisherics Hiolcigisil,NaritahadalNational Forul C hociah Ranger Districit 1 q70 Mass(i) Brand Road Rcftirisuillei, NC 381771 Chociaih Graived Addilicins 1 ALgust , 21g1(I Hialogiaad Evaluation 1.0 Project Description 1.1 Alternative 1 No activities proposed. 1.2 Alternative 2 Coarse sand, gravel, and cobble would be placed within the Cheoah River at approximately 12 locations over a 5 year period (see Attachment 1; Gravel Addition Site Map). placement of the gravel would utilize existing roads and river access points. The gravel would be placed by dump trucks and/or bobcats_ The gravel additions would improve habitat for many species of aquatic organisms living within the Cheoah River, including the federally endangered Appalachian elktoe and the federally threatened spotfin chub. Gravel placement sites were surveyed on June 15, 2010 for the presence of Virginia spiraea. One gravel site (B-06) was relocated approximately 100 feet upstream to the existing boat access area to avoid potential effects to a spiraea population. Suitable Appalachian elktoe habitat (as {determined by a permitted biologist) will be surveyed downstream (approximately 50 meters below the proposed gravel sites) within 3 months prior to gravel placement. After three years (after June 15, 2013), additional Virginia spiraea surveys will be conducted at the proposed treatment sites prior to placement of new gravels. 2.0 Aquatic Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Species 2.1 Boundaries of Aquatic Analysis Areas This analysis addresses project area waters and analysis area waters associated with the Cheoah River Gravel Addition project. Project area waters are defined as those in the area of potential site-specific impacts on aquatic habitat and populations, and do not necessary overlap effects to botanical and wildlife resources. In addition to project area waters, the analysis area encompasses waters downstream that potentially could be impacted by project activities. The aquatic analysis areas for this project consists of the following watershed: the Cheoah River. Data for aquatic resources exist in two forms: general inventory and monitoring of forest resources and data provided by cooperating resource agencies from resources on or flowing through the forest. Both of these sources are accurate back to approximately 1980 and are used regularly in project analyses. Data collected prior to 1980 are used primarily as historical data. Additional information specifically addressing aquatic Proposed, Endangerd, Threatened, and Sensitive (PETS) species was obtained from NCWRC biologists, North Carolina Natural Heritage Program records, and US Fish and Wildlife Service biologists. 2.2 Species Evaluated and Rationale Cheoah Gravel Additions 2 August 5, 2010 Biological Evaluation Ir formal ian splaaificadly adc uessir g aqL all ie PE119 spacies was obilainae fiiom Nar1N Carolina Wildlifa Resauuc as Corr miss iori (NC WRIC) biologists, Narth C aralira Natural Hewiilaga Program (NCNHP; ue ciords, U9 Fish and Wilc life Service (USFWS) hialoglists, and "Ilannesscia']allay Aulharig IlTVA; biala8ists. 21.21.11 Previous 8u rwiy In formation Previaus surveys havei loeanlec ilhci fcidcmalll)l cirdargeiiec Aplpalachian alkiloe within tha Chuciah Ilivar. Thasci survie) s iricluda mussel] surveys by thea U.S. Fish and Wildlifei Surviac, U.S. Foruil Serviaci, arid thararth Caralir.ia Wildlifei Resouraas Cammissian, as well as electrafishing survieNs candLciled bN ilhe NC WRC and USFS. In adcitioni, aqualic inscialls llaivci Eucin mariiilareid h y l he NC UENR zit fiNec lacaitions it i iI h e aquartic aniailN s is arcia (NC EIENR, 210(15; . Th o f6c eral ly lhrcaleried spolfiri chut has alsa haeri inuaducck io the Clhcaah Rlivar. 21.21.11 New Survels of Invcintor ins Car c uctk '11ho riecid for ac6liarial survieNs was cansicereid usinig the 1SWI Vaglelaliar.i Managamaw 9laridarc far PETE Splaaicis Inveritory, as irRarpreted by thea llnteirim Guidariaei far Nailiorial Ilanests ini Texas (Nomomhcui 1, 2005). No adc ulional survigs wcme doomec nacessaDl far this pinojaat buciause preiviaus survtiys failec ilo yicilc any poplLlatians af, an plateinlial Eat Itals fcm, ancangareid, Ihmalenieid or serisitiva aquatic spcicieis in tNe immadialci vicinity oflthe proposed 11ravel addition laaatians. Na additional] aqualic strvciys far fET9 species wcma caniducted for this plrojecrt. Hxisliniq calla wiarei usad iri this aniallysis Niumse previaus sLrveiys far lhroalcriec, enicIargcrad avid sensitive agLatic spocicis havci beieri contuclec in the arcia. Suitaitki Appalachian cdktoei Eatitvht (as cletcirmincd bj a permittkl bialc»ist; will bci surveNcid dlawnslrciam (at p roa imalely 90 mailers bfdcwi tHci p roposcdl glramcil sites) witdin ?I mainths F ricr to graiwil p lacemer t. 2.3.3 Sp(iaies L ncleirguir» Analysis for I+] acts Th in ecin acIL all is PETS spcicies alio eitheir knawni ilo acciur or maN oa(lL r an 1 hei Nantah ala Nall iar al Foresl IlAttachmenil A 1). Th e North C aiialina Na tuna l Harilagle Datah asci was qu ericid far oaaunienaas oflPFTS species in Graham Clourit)I. Zlwo PETS splacicis reimainiec aftarthis initial filter; hav<iever, Mo sansit:ivo species wera int[ Ldec in lhci anad)lsis tcaause lhase spociies have eith or been initraduaec or wil l soar.i h a inlroc u aed to th e Ch eoah River. Thaso fou v species weave then filtarcid usir ig Ihoir hat ital inform ation and the availlat iIig cif 11lhesci hall itats wilhin the acluat1c anal }Isis arcia (Attachmcint A2). Blasec upon tfia rcisu Its oflthis fl.1terina process four PF TS aduall ic splouim wcme evaluattic far this analysis (Tat le 1:1.=1; . 'HE (i fcidcralIN cinidanigcmec Applallachian cilk11aci occLais within tha Cheoah Rlivor and iho Cheioah Rivcm is dasiglnalac crilical hah itat fcm lhci speicicis. 71hci fcidcirallN iIhrciailenad spollfini chut, Erimonax momcici tis, was reimlroduaeic1 10 tha Qhaoah Rlivar ini Juria 10(1cl. Theire arca na alher kr awn proplased, thraatcnioc, or cir.idmigcmec species cu nieritly with iri the prajact area. V ci seirisltivci splaeieis, Eht6istcnici uuinenaium avid Ttrciria syluamaia, arca pllar.neic far ceiribiaductiom C h eaah Graval Ad d:il ions .I A L gush 5, 3010 E iollogicail Bvaluzdian to the Cheoah River during the 5 year gravel addition period. Approximately 332 juvenile wounded darters were released into the Cheoah River in August 2008 (Ruble et al. 2009). Table 2.2.3. Summary of endangered, threatened and sensitive aquatic species undergoing effects analysis for the Cheoah River Gravel Additions Project. Status Species Habitat Reason for Effects Analysis Endangered Alasmidonta Large streams and Known to occur within the raveneliana rivers analysis area Threatened Erimonax monachus Large streams and Known to occur within the rivers Cheoah River Sensitive Etheostoma Large streams and Proposed for reintroduction vulneratum rivers, Little TN to the Cheoah River — Some River system, individuals stocked in Jackson, Macon, August 2008 Swain Co. Sensitive Percina squamata Higher gradient upland Proposed for reintroduction rivers, Tennessee to the Cheoah River River system, Cherokee, Jackson, Macon, Swain Co. 2.3 Effects of Alternatives on Aquatic Species 2.3.1 Endangered and Threatened Species Proposed, endangered, and threatened species considered in this analysis are those included in the National Forests in North Carolina (TES) species list (January 2002). All PET species that might occur on the Nantahala National Forest were considered. Potentially affected species were identified from information on habitat relationships, element occurrence records of PET species as maintained by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program and field data on the project area. Species Evaluated and rationale The Appalachian elktoe is federally listed as endangered. It is known to occur in the project area. The USFWS has designated the Cheoah River in the project area as critical habitat for the Appalachian elktoe (Federal Register, 2002). Appalachian elktoe have been found at several locations in the Cheoah River during the various surveys. Appalachian Elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana) The Appalachian elktoe is a rare freshwater mussel that is native to streams and rivers of the southern Appalachian region. It has a thin, but not fragile, kidney -shaped shell, reaching up to Cheoah Gravel Additions 4 August 5, 2010 Biological Evaluation ahaut -1.2 inichus in ltingih anc 1.4 inichus in heighl. Mittla is knowni about its habitat raquireimenls, though the spcicias has boon rciporlec fiarr ralativaly shallows, me( ium-siaec cirfiaks ak rivars with coal, cluani, well-axygonateid, moc®rata-to-faisl flowing walcin. The spocies is mast aftcin found in rifflcis, rums, anic shallow flawiin€l paals with stab lei, ruled ively sill 4uci, caarsci sand ak graved su h strata assoaiatod with Cobh lei, boulders, aind/ar h ec Mack . A caording to the USFW9, IT a sptiaieis is scilc am fhiu nid in stnaam reiaches with acau mu latians of sill an sh if ingl sarid, gpii ar cab bla. Mussell seanahas aoncualoc by Aanningllon and A ssaciates, Inia. IlfIA 11, in the Choaall River in MCICI fliunc onie lives spaciman oflthe elktae. T7 a live individual was located jusi cownstuemv ofl the cctniflueniati with Gladcens Creek, in a shallow run with a subsilnaile oflsilt avid sand flanked bbl aclual is vegleilat Toni. A single ralia shell oft th a Appalaich iarn alk as was fbunic ait ai buav ar dam ju st dawirislrciam from Ihci conflucinao oilCoahrain Creek. No other inicividuals weirs found anc na othom mussol splaaicis warci found ini ita Cheoah River. In August 2100:1, tHa Norh Claralina Doparlmerit afTlranspartatian (NICDO71) in canjunaliarnwith the USFS aind the USFUlS aanduailad a mussel surveil afllhri C heciah River in preparation Ib iihe planiniec raplaaemtirit of Bridgci I -,umber 7(1, wihiah crasseis lhci Ctaciah Rivcui an JciNcei I<lilmeir Rua( . Tlho NCILICITi survery found 10 live specimens anc `_I relic shrills in soveral difleircirit laxations in the river. U.S. Fish arid VUlilc life Srirviicri parsonnieil suruie]ad five seatiems of thea river in 20(17 anc faund Aplpalaahian tilktae iri twl o socd ions afllhu nivur (lCa ritrall, pars. comm.). Tlh e paplulation belwaeni Glaccenis Hranch anc Cachiari Cnecik was well established with "lots of mussels" ppiescinit. Aniath er situ bot -Mian Half l Mile C rac& and the bridgci at Rivou Milo 1.8 had "same mussels" ppesunit. A plproximailaly 4 (10 maters downislroam anc ]'IQ mcittiiis upslrciam of tha plropcisad Bridgei Ayl O loaailion wcirei surveyed in May 2001 fan Aplpalaahian cilkiloos. Na rriussols wcirti hearted during lhaso su rvoys. T flu pope lotion laaadoc appraximaii 0.5 miles c awnstream of the eN isting h ric gle wene rci- su rvayoc and uanfirmad to sal i ll acaupy t hci ansa. flish spleaicis that serve as hosts for if.e Appailaiahiain elktcia (IDr. Jim Ila]a(ir, Tonrasseci Tlecliriola8iaa] University , uniplublishud data, wbiah have Kean callacitic in the Clhuaah River include warp ainil shineii 1 jAux;7us cc cc o& n `s' , norl horn h ogsueker 1 jHypenteliti m nigricans), ni\ er neichorsri (Mbxci,ijlomci canincturr,, greeniflni darter (EilhEostama chionobnanelliium), larig(winia dairtan IIFErCma ciunanilicica;, mattleid saulpiri IjCohlusi ba,irdi), anc Haak rochorse IIMoaiostema auquesn'i). T11a alktaa population appears to ba rapraduaingl and inicividuads thuiuing in aurlain areas of tha river. The praplasec praicicl ploteiniliailly affeicis lhti Aplplalachian tlklati bbl passibla sadimanl inputs to the river du ringl graved ac d l iaris. Howe% er, Ihesa effects w auld liE ely h e minimal duo to the dusigni of the prajtict. The gravel addition silles ahasan would allow easy aacess far aqu ipmonit and w ill riot requirci aonstruial ictni of anal new Woad s an rivou aaacs s paints. Proviaus grmel additions to the Clhciaah River fhilcid to xneatc any measuraihla sedimaniaidoni to Ihci river. C h eciah Gravel Ac diliar.is J Au gulst 5, X110 Hiolagiaal Evaluialiani FurtHermorei,1Ihis projciat hats Heicini cesiglncic to impruvo habitals fcm lhci Applalacihiain elk -tae by inlroc uiainig caarsci sands to tHa 6N or, a IaHiilail rciquircimcint which is Iaakirig in tfla Clheaal- Rlivar. Dirt ctand indirectcjfecils: Gnavel Addiflons: Alicirnialiva : Na gravel wauild ba adc ad to the C buaah River. Altannalivu 2 (Profdnad Allornialiva): Gravol acciliaris will require triiniimal soil d:islurbainae bocaiusci misilin€I roads anic rivclll a i(3ciss plaints wavic ba Utilized. Previous grawil ac6lionis iri lhei Clbeaah Rivera have niat caustic an} mciasurciab lci scie imorvition. Project des igni mciaisurm wciL Id prcivcirt v isibla s edimow fi:•am cinturing tha Chcioah Aver. Bas ad upani lhesu clusign meaisures, implurrienlaliari cif llho praposcie €paval aiedilianis waulc haivci bunefiaial ciffciails to lho Aplplalacihiain eilktae boaause no mussels havei bean lacialac art tbei praplased graival acdiliar.i situs, proaludirig dirual Moos to thu splecius, ainc tY a caarsci sands wauld f uovidu aid d it ianad habitat fcui 1 hci mussels as :I h ci sarid s move thrau gh 1ho sysilem. Piievious graval a&illiaris enihanacid da substrate uari€Ifni€I foam ]a51 rnz to 1664 m' at each si:le (MaManiaimaN cit al. 201CI51). Thesci anhaneamerits ara explacduc. to dissipvr a over time ais Ihei raw 9r,ivciIs acre c isperosad wilhini Ihci aharincl. The acdiliari cif lglravaIs and aaarse sarids ,Aiauilc anhanaa similar aunaLFits Oflhal: 11al reair Ihu 12 fuopased situs. Tba duraition ofltbe effhals deplands uplan slrciam typo (slrciam onurgN aivailabIci to movci plarlicilcis, aind starm ruriaff maignituce and fiieCILienial. Tlhci effciail could mave dowrislrciam adlhoLgh 11 wauild dissipalci ilhci f4rheu rcmavcc it is fram tha saurou. Higlhcm guadiend stream charincils may have tl-osci gnavals anc sands scoured and the eiffecd waulc be eissiplailec duoughoul lhci stream cbaririel. Much aft thci habitat w"thiri the plvajual area is bud rock anc baulcor. Riparian vugutatian: No now roads ar aecuss painds waL k ba nieedeic fcm this prcljeict; tbeirckre, the nipairian vegIcIalian wau lc ardl ba c istunboe (aovurcid by tba ggavel; at i1he spaaifie €piavel adc ition sites. This activity would kava no affect on tha Appalacliiaini ulktaei ar lho casi€maleic critical habital ba(iausei no ovcrostor) vagotation would to rcimavec. Thu minior rocuclian in henibacieaus pllairits al 1ha gpiaved aedilian sites waulc nal affleicl AiEtor terriperaturcis within 1ho Cheoal Rlivur. Effects to thci AppalaciHian ellllocr Thu offocts cif Ih:i9 piiajacl 10 tha Appailachiar cilkloo and its Habitat aro evaluailed abovo. Addilianall), arty offacds that may occur Ila lhci I Primary Caristilucmt Hlcmeirrls oflthe Appa hiaH i€iri alkt'oo arilieail habitat arae likcily to aaciur as a rcisL hl c&ihci nciw flow rcilciaiscis and riot as a rcisuihl aflilha praposcic gpiaval aidditiaris. Any possibJci ciffocls ila lhu Primary Cars litucint Elamcirits flrom lho riuw fla-.Ai reigimc ward c isalosuc in the Tapoaa firaicicl FHRCI HA and its s u pparl irig c ociL menilail iari. Thorcifbre, tH a cu mu lal iv a effdats of this pro j ecl an 1 ho I Primary Clonsil itulenit Elemcirits of tlf ei Appadaiahiani cilkfoci ciril icail l^ ab itat arae: 1. P6tmancrt, flcw,ing, coo,, edcGir ualer. The nciw flow rogime will pravic a made flawing, aaalan waiter. Tl a graivul acd11larns wauild nal affcicl silcuam lemporalurus. Clhuaah Graivul Additions 6 Au El st 5, 30 ] 0 Bialogicial Hvailuatian Reisarvciir releiasm will mil iglal a any minor (amid imrr eaisu rale lei) tcimplaratu ce iniareiaseis tHal miglht reisuhl fham the ahairigo in sHading from tha temporary lass of hortaaciaus. veigeitaitian alit lhei graval sides. 111hcma would to na ciff'ciats to lhci Cheaah Rivcm flow, walciti lemfleiraiturei ar Mailer quality rasulling ft-om this ppa.leud. 3. Gcicimonpllk ciLly iiiafflc sitream cklanneilsi and 11cinks. llhci niaw flawi reigimci will inevitably alter Ihci slteeim char.incl anc Hanks as subslratcis and largo waady dutris aua rcianiangec bN the flows. TE use reiarnaniglingl aclicing will rastaiie tha river to ai malia nartLltialcoricitioriwHiaH shaulc ppiavidebciVlerhabilal for theiAppalaiciliaric6toei. luilracucil ion of gravels and coarse sands to tha Chaoah Miver will imppiave ilho cixisllin€I h abitat for the AppalaKih ian elktaa by pravic ing bu niowirig hat Mat fat lhci species. llhema would hei na ciffciats to lhci slteam ahaninel ar tanks fiiom this prajeiat. 3. FIooil, niff e, and nun ,iequenccis w;itklin tllei cllcinneil. THei ploal, riffles, rLni complex within the C hcioah 14iveir is imply determincid by tH a unc erlying t ec back. A c dil iani aflpltiaveils will nal alfbcd those attribuleis. 4. Silallile stand, gr aue,l, cobllile, cind be uI&ji or beidnocksituMot v4 -s witll nc mcinci ihein low cimcunni cf fine medimcint. 11hei neiw flaw reigimci is raaniar.igirig sutstraiteis, deipositinig samci fineis in t ackwatcm arcias avid sciqueslaringl same su � slralta plarl icleis ft am old c apasits. Ac c itionial gravels will suppllam cint the hahital with in the river. 5. MbdEinatei io hig H sblecim grcidieint_ Thei silwaim €piac icmit of th a Cheoah Mivar will only change cvei II imie as th e rriauntains arae a away. Graved ac c it ictri will r iat affbct tH e slruam gp ac icirit. 6. PIE niodic ncitunaJ flacding. Whilu the dam ma31 hava sama aushianinig efl'aats tci th e natural flaadir,ig platteirns, it cianr at preiverit major flaads from affeudinigl Ihci river. Acdil icirially, high flaws eivcirits area schciduled fcu iha nciw flaw rcigimei. Theise civenrts wiarci saheidulad based uplan iha hydragpphs fbr similar straams avid iha liallutarias cif lhei Cheicah Rivcir. Gravel additions will not iincteaise or ducireiasci Ihci incideince oft flaad s ati H anile flull avant s (natural ar oth arwise; . I FLAII Awits, x iitA adegnatei living, fonaging, and splam ning cireiar for t1lem_ Tha impravec miriimium flows anc ipiaval augmiuritartian should improve hat ilalls for the flsheis within tha Cheioaih Flivar and invariet tiaies (Alcoa Pawiar Generating, Ina., Tapaco Div isiari, :1003). FisH specias Dat scirvci as halls fbr thei Appailachiani cdkloci (Dr. Jim Bayaor, Tunnesseei Tacliriolagical Univ arsity , uriplublished data; which hava boon callecteid in the Cheioalh Miver ir,ialudci warpaird Airiar (Luxdhs cocecgenisi), norl hum hoplsuakar ([Hy[enilk ilium nigrican.-i], river rudhausa (Mcxositcma caninatum), greieriflri dartar (Eiheostcma ch,lonollnancllium), targo6ria darlcm i ftincina aunantliaec', miottleid scu 1pirn IlCottusi baindi;, and t lack redhaiise (Ili ixositoma dughi sinii;. Araicicl plans will ppicivand visit le seidimeint fram cnter:ing the riveir, Thus therei wiaulc He no impacts to an}l of these fishes. THa minor reduction oflshoraline haibita I assoaiatcc with lho gravel acditians wcu Ic nat affect the overall foraging habit I fbr any fish spucies. FurtHermatue, lhu piaval additians will provida spawning hab:ital fbr manN cif I1lhci hast flshas. f ffecits Ila 11H ei splatfin ah u U: C r eaah Gravel A d dil ictus 7 A L gust 5, 1010 E iologicail 13valuadian Spoilfln chub "hat itat irialudcis gaol and warm, typically clear, lal craeks an mcicium-sizcid rivers oflmacicualla gradiew, ini upllanid anc mandarie areas, gcirserally ini ar neiaii moderaw and swifll aurranls Guar graivcd to bcidrack, rarcilN guar sank cui sib I1111cio ell al. _I 9£I(I, Burkheaid air.id Rinkins I SISI]). Eggs are laid in silanci araaks, cruvicies, or in the niarcow inIerfaea ofltwa tcuehingl ranks (113u rkb cad avid Jenkins 1991; . Jank ins arid E u rkH ead 11.19514 ; raparled t rcadinig sides in moderalci currcint oflshei law plartions oflrunis, in araas strewn wilh unsilted ru 1: la and bauilders" (Nartu ne Servie 20( ISI, . Mayen anc Sulherdarid {20(151; f6unc itall spptfin chuhs in the Little leuinicissee River spawneic aver cuieviees w ith in badrecik riffles with very littki finci scidimurit. Spawning has been reporlec from mic-MaN llhrough eauly Surltemter (Jenkiris and BuiiUciad 1 M4; in Mayur and Suthenlaind 1005'. The C heicall Rivera at the praplasec graved ac dilliarn arcias dosis ppiavic e suitable Habitait for ilt e splatfin cbuih. Dint ct and lhdinc cel Ef E cts: The effbals of 1hci ppapascid gravel aidditions would ba triiniimiaed by the prajcict dcisign fl:ialurcis to prale0 Ihci Apflalacihian olktaa. ApplrcximatcdN 6(ICI splatfin chubs Have l=ean neleasec iinta ilhe Cheoah Bliver. Givan the lcwi ncmbor of iridividuaIs pcm rivar mile IISl milcis;, t1la likelihood ofIa spotfin cih ub bciin�l prescinit ail anie of tH e ] 2 graved s ite s ail the moment of gravel c alivury is oN trcimalN low. Furth ermara, indivic u al splatfin ch u b s sH aids H a rriab He uriou pl• to avoid tH a graivcl as ill is being pllaiacid inila lha rivar. MtiNor (MCI5) fou rid splotfin cbulbs splawning "uridem smaath loose c abb] as lel ing on bodracik...". '111hc i ac dill icin of c ob b lci sub s 1 ra l I a 1 ha C h eciah R ver shay Id pravida ads illional spawininig suhstieita fbr Iha splaaies. Effcc iI,�i cfPccsi, Ongoing and ftinE,,iecab,le ,� ctionsi: Preiviou:r aciicimi. Previous aalions within tHa Chcio4. Mixer walersilad irialuda llhu E arkar/Be'ldinigBlaak€tum Project HAI and Goldmina flalvagei. Thesei aicilivities ouciurrad betwaeni 1515E anc XICIO. (hese sodas iricludcid limber harvicisl llalaair auttinig, shollerwiaod, Iwo-eigad ragemieration, salvage cutting, and irrtcrmadiale thinning;, cianistrualiorni oflaippraNimallely 3.5 mi'las of noaids, avid raaanstruclicri aflappnaximaitcly 1.6 miles of raacs. Accilicirial aiciliviticis asscaia ted with these timb ar sales inialu deic : plrci-h aniesil rl orb ieidci 11 reatmants, h erIlieide site praparalion, cihainsaw rile prcipaiialiani, hand planlin€1 Aline sees lirigs, prascribud flra fcir wilclife habital anc sile prepauialicri, vinie eantnol, wildlife habilal imprcvemcmils, large wood}l c ebris pl aaemcir.it fbr fi s H habitat, ainc racroal ianial trail imppiovcimanl s . As a rasu ll aft l hci'length ofl tima sincici completion of tHesci sailcs, anal afflucts ila lhci aquatic resauiraes arca neflectad in the currant affbatad eniviranrrianll. THe Haaal limber Proieicil is curranilly being impllemewed. Parlicins (Al this project occur wilhiin thci Chccali Rivar Awarshad. 'IlHi Haaanicl Prcijecl ineluc as two -age tiniheii rlarviest, lhinninig, rcigeinierai4oni, burr M& graup sedadiani Harvest, oak micslory pnaharvest traartmorit, vinci cionlrol and timber stand imppiavoment, avid wilt Life hatilal irrproveimanils. This prajaail also iria:ludcis aonstruieliari cifl(1.-`I mile oflroad in the Hands Braniub c nainaga (Ccmplarlrrenl 33); canstr ailioni afl(1.2`I mi. sN lem road in CcmpartmciW =15; construcition o110.4 mile oflterrporary haul road in Compartment =15; iiaeonsilruclian of appnoximatelN (1.21riila oil road tri Clamplanmaml 33. Blest maniagemenit praiciliaas aric fhnesll pllan silanicares acre bciingl Chaoaih Clraval Ac c ill ions 8 A ugusil -`I, 2101(1 E ialagicial Evaluiaoioni implemunitud fbr these acilivities avid ria measuuaHo aidvcuise effecits area acaurring to the aiquantic w3ciuroes in they Cheoaih Rliver. Ilha C teaah Rivera Rlecruation Prajeat iricludad car slruction oflai whiteimiatar boating put -ini fheilityl telow 9amleeitlall Dam, car.istruction A2 acdilicmal taalirg access situs, and a take-aut facility or C aldemiaod Laka. 5inea lha aslat Iishmunil of a t igli flow rogimu, onu adc itionial boat access site has been cionstnuckic ori Fluivatu land downstilciam afllhu aanflL mice of C ac if rants Creek. PrciviaLs aplerationis al 9armleotlah Dam haiva had nugative effbcts upor 1Ihe aiquaitic organisms avid th a aqu al is h ah iilail. Me cam has roil cmrupll ec 1 h e Ch eoah Riveu's N y drologiiaail praccuses, aueaitiing a c ugraidud hat itail situatian. Shu currant acndition Attu Oeoaih RINeir hatital ainc its aquatics spacias allLindainaa and civursily is a rcifleialion of iho eiffacls oflrivav implouncmunl (Hou Alcoa Powem C unaraling, lric., T aplaca Divisian, 2C103, for a ciamplluta c isaumion ofltta effbats of niveir implaunc mcmif . Zlhere etre no olher plrevioL s mail icmis ori pinivarta larids with in the anialy3is areia th and ame krlawni 10 bci aifflioinig iIha aqu otic rusauraas of thu Chuoah PIN eir. Thu now flaw rcigima Has inaruasud 1ha amaunl aflin-ahaninel wigulaliari clumps being scourad fkam the river. Acdiliorial13, some ofltpis vegatation has tecir.i cull 10 imprave boater 3af6q. Chia h L ndrad au t is y arcs of graval was acd& lo the C hcioah Piver in :ICICIS. Cumultuitie efijectx: T11 a only affaals aniliaiplailad would het 1Ihose c ascribed in ttu praplasec aidians teaause Ihcme ame no ongloir.igl offbcls Nom pinevious actions. Ongoing cicilic ii�i. Thu Chciaah R iveir recaiveis moc erata u set E the mih iilewatur Eoming community fbr airlprciNimalely 2(1 days pleir yciar. The L1 SFS canitinucis to mainta in tha Eoat access fhcilitius al thu existing situs. They NCWRC and USFW4 hava bugu ri to inilroducc lhci feideralIN lhraaleriac spolfin shut into 1Ihe C heaah River. Ar iniliad stacking taak place in 2(1(lq anc XI] 0. Thu Nortt ( arolir a Daplarl menl of Tlreinsporlalion is vepllaair g lha Ai) cci Kilmur Rloac Hine ge. Repllaccimcint of IIh is bridge is riot uxpcielad to h avec an) advcirse uffacts on th ei Appadach iaini eilktoei ar lho splatfin ah Lib. Tterei aro rio angaingl aiailianis or plL Elic orprivata lames within the analysis arua tHat aro krlawn to bu affbalir.ig Iha aquatia resources ofltflei Chuoe& Rliver. Cumulative effeic�I;i: Siricei nio meiasuMallle aflfucts ava oaeuruinig, the auimuilail ive effects oflthis project wou Id bei Ie samci as the cifftiails deisciribod fbr thei proplased aicllior Fuilum octiorisi. Thea Chaoah Ranger Distuiat also plroplloses to treat nor-nalivei invasive speicieis willhin the Cheoah Riveu corridor using heuticices. Ihesci aulians waudd ba impleimanlec using project dcisign stancairc s davulapled duvingl consultation with tha U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to avoid uffbals to any lhrcialenied or anidanigarec spaaias. Cumiuknliue EfeicMi: Tlhci anlN ciffaels ainitiaipartad -wauld to thasa deisaritec in lhci ppiopmad actions bueause na ciffcidsi ame a ir,iticipaileic fiiom am} futurci aicilians. AppluaximaiteIN 131% oflthu Chuoaih Rliveir shoredinci is uridtiu plrivatu awnevshipl (excluding Alcoa Powcir Generating ownurshipl,. There arca ra ] nowri p1rcijcic1l3 pllaniucic far lhci Cheioah River an plrivatc lanids. The Land (bust for *e: ilitllei Tenncissou River is proplasm l 1Ia 1real r an -native invaisivu spaaicis using hcwticicas anic restane native veigeitatian wiilhini ilhe Yedlaw Creieik tract. C h eaah Graivel A d dit ictus Sl AL gust '1, 2101 (1 Biological Evaluatian Na plateniihil eff✓✓cits to tf a projecit area aquatic rcisaurcies airci expcid(ic ilo aaciur from fi,tulro aatians an adjaciurt pr:ivalci lands. Summary cf CumnilaiAe Ilffecil : Me aff✓✓cts of l tN ci Eric go raplau icini kava been d esarit ec at ovci and wou Id bei miniimial b ecause tE a prajeat dcisigri feiatdres wou ld prcivcinit sec imenlaiiani an aonlain sadimeirnls. 'Hhei small ami Asec imenils that may b(i initroduaed dutiinfl giiaved acdiliarn wauk likcil3 be inaonscicluertial to th o ovciral l riven scic imcinit budfleil. Tlhei sodimcint dilul iani ais su tnfhaci wal(m fiiam Sainiteiellah Lakci ciniteirs 1 ho waitarshcid wou lc miniimiae tl o offbcds afl amyl miniar incuieaises of 9adimanl rasult.irig ficim greivel acciilions artlivsties. lEes(i eiffectls wau ld bci irrimciasurabla in tEe Cheioah Mier. Tih(i miniini flow tnegime (with sahedu lec high flaws; wau lc f�cilitatci lh(i reicaveiry of lhei aiquaitia aommunNy anc s(iour sadirricirii from the Jannial. 21—L2 8einsitiw Sp(icies a Wlau nd(id Daintur (Etlheositcimici vulneratlum): Tlhci wounded darter f as teen sloakoi into lho C heaah Rivar (approximalcily 2(10 inidi%ic uals;. Those fish weitie stacked in 2008 but theitu suniival raiteis airci nal kuowni. Tlhei splaaicis is assumed to b(i presorit wiiiHni iihe tneatmemit area of 4e praplasec gray ell acdiliar.i pltnojeicil. TE is spleciicis is typically fourk in madeuanla to larges rivers and As assaaiatad witlh macerate aunienls ager baulcar suEstrates IjEtriieir anc Starr cis 1519.1; . Th(i speuiies t3lpicialIN spaimnis fiiam mid May through lata July (Stileis ISM1; ailec by Etnii(in wind Starnes 1519:1). A:Ithaugh mcisI oflhci substrata in the traallmemt arcia is Eec soak, some ban lder substratas exist at tEe site. AEereifora, the area providers soma potent) sad hat itail fcui lhci wau r id c art cir. Direct, Indirect, cnd Cumujative Effccil!i: Pa diracit, indineat, and aumu lativu eiffciats of tE a praplasec gravel ac a fl iani pp ajecl waulc bei the same as thase d(isaribec fcm lho spalfin ahuE. '1hei ppiojei(i1 design fbartutnes to minimi effbcits to the Aplpalaahiani elkloci aind spoilflni citub would prevenil anal affaats from oaauniing ila this spcaieis. 7lh(i Graiwil Addition Hrnoieuil waulc bavci ria affbicl an anal se irisitivci aquatic spciaies at ills haibital baaausa projecrt design features to pinotaal lhci Aplpalaahian cilklou and splatfin chub would plroN idci pratcicliari far 1ha waundcid darlcir. • Olive Darten (jPcrcina �iquamoila : AElhougl ria alive darteirs havei teem rciaorced wilh:ini lhu CEeaah River, the spleaias is proposed for inlrocuctliari ty Cons(inaliani AisEorius arid thci ChciaaE Funic Blaarc. "Hatilal inolucas small to medium uplamd ri-v(irs, inciluclnfl high-gracieint straams in ahuteis with modaral(i to lorremilial cu nienl avcui ruibble at d t aulders, c ecipen c awnstreom purl iasis of fpiaN eil riffleis in slrciams of moderate grad iemt, anc samcitimeis shallow pools with graiwil or rocik E atlloms (C cirri ry anc Etzliar :1972; Burn and Warran :19W; Etniar and 51tarnes 119513; C. F. 5laylar, peirsonal communication)" (N al a ruSici ei d al at asci;. Tlhci propasad treial marl area car.tains suitat la f abiatl for this spleicii(is . Dirt ct Indirect, and Cumuilathe Effecil is ChcioaE Gravel Additions A Augu 9 51, :IQ 10 Bialogiaal Evaluation The direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of the proposed gravel addition project would be the same as those described for the spotfin chub. The Gravel Addition Project would have no effect on any sensitive aquatic species or its habitat because project design features to protect the Appalachian elktoe and spotfin chub would provide protection for the olive darter. There are no other known sensitive species in the analysis area. For Alternatives I and 2, there will be no direct, indirect, or cumulative effects to any sensitive species. 2.4 Determination of Effect for Aquatic Species The project may provide additional spawning areas for host fishes and burrowing substrate for the Appalachian elktoe. Suitable Appalachian elktoe habitat (as determined by a permitted biologist) will be surveyed downstream (approximately 50 meters below the proposed gravel sites) within 3 months prior to gravel placement. The Gravel Addition Project may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the Appalachian elktoe because project design features developed in consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service would prevent sedimentation to the Cheoah River and the gravel additions would have beneficial effects on Appalachian elktoe habitat. This project may also provide additional spawning areas for the spotfin chub. Implementation of this project may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the spotfin chub because the project design features to protect the Appalachian elktoe would also protect the spotfin chub. Consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is required. The Gravel Addition Project would have no effect on any sensitive aquatic species or habitats because project design features to protect the Appalachian elktoe and spotfin chub would provide protection for the wounded darter and olive darter. Table 2.4; Determination of effect of the Gravel Addition Project on the evaluated proposed, endangered, threatened and sensitive aquatic species. USF'S Status Species Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Endangered Alasmidonla ravenehana No effect. May affect, Not likely to adversely affect Threatened Erimonax monachus No effect. May affect, Not likely to adversely affect Proposed Kane No effect. No efT'ect. Sensitive Etheostoma vulneratum No impact. No impact. Sensitive J Percina s uamata No impact. No impact. 3.0 Botanical Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Species 3.1.1 New Surveys or Inventories Conducted Wilson Rankin, botanist for the Nantahala National Forest, visited eleven proposed treatment areas where gravel and coarse sand would be dumped into the river to enhance habitat for aquatic resources, primarily spotfin chub and elktoe. During the visits, he surveyed the proposed Cheoah Gravel Additions 1 l August 5, 2010 Biological Evaluation troatmeril arcias for eiridanglcmac, threalar.iec, praplasec, sensitive or forest aanaarn planl speuieis, and aspocialIN fcir Virngliniia spiraea, a threaReneid splacics krlawn to grciw along the bank of the Cheioaih River. Ha cid nw visiil the nartharru-mast ppiopcisad treialmonl arcia, B -]I -'I, Iacause it was oulsic ei lhci known ranige ciflilha Viiiginiia spiraeia. 11he proposcic lrciatmant aueais wciru typical cif the Eank alcnig thea Chaaah Rivari, wilh sunnN areas c amina lck Ey lhiak weadN species alturnal ing w ith shadcid arcias containing small trcias anc large racks. Duriingl ilhci surviay, he focrid rio ancanglerad, Ihruailenad, plropaseid, sansiliva ar fdircisI coniccirni pllarit species, including the'lirginia spiraea. 31.11 Effacisi of A1llenniatives on Hota meal Sfleicicis E ukci Rankin, Nantahalai National Foreist Bolanust, su rvayec 13 pi aposcid gpavel augmentation arcias wilhiri ilha C heciah River ori Jluna 15 anic July 15, Wh 0 for the prciseince oflary anc anglarcid, threalcir.iec, praplased, seinsitive or forest ciciniciern plant splacies. In plan ieuileir his survay was fbausad or Sjlira661 uinginiana, a fdcaraillly lhreialciried spacies,which has Peen documanlcic aicross 16 subpaplulations along the CEaoah Rliver. T fl a proposed treal menl arcias were typ ficial afl it h e bank along th e Ch eioaih River, with sunny areas dominated by think wecicy spleciies ahlerrating with shacad areas conlAiningl small tines and largo rock s. During the suinioy, Duke Manikin f6unid no c ridarigerad, lhrealciriac, proplaseid, seinsilive ar forest coricam plant spades, incli. c ingl Virginias spliraea. Because niona of the ppiapaseid traailmeni arcias contained any eine angarcid, itreataneid, ppiapascid, scirisitiva cm fcirusi concerni pllanit specias, the project will prciduaa no divest effects to any of these species. An asscissmend was also corripletad for any inc ircio ciff ios oflgravel travalinig downslream in rcisplcnsci to High walcm avcnts, plarlicularly to kriiawini plapulaliaris ciflVivginiia spiraea. BcciaL9a most of the gravel remains in the matin ciharir.iel cdflhci river, most oflthe `lirginia spiraea poplulations area above c Apectad high water lavals, and all] oftha Virginia spliraea plopu laliarns grawiing dawirislrciam afllhci ppiapascid irciailmanil aircias arei ait laaisl '10 - 1CIQ flaeit bcilow the aLgrnenlaliani sitas, that wilsting Viudiniai spiraea sullflopulalioris willuxparicinaa no inicirecil ciffdcts as a reisLiIt oflilhe prc jeio. 3.3 DOcinminatiani of Ilffeat fon Blaitanica 1'Species It is uncartain iflthe graved auglmeiniailioni will cruata mcme suilaElci habitat, such as gravel Ears, for Vivginiia Spiraaa amid other ripariari vagetation. Preivicits glaval augrrienlaliani c id ncil iiesult in any nuwi fdatdres; valhcm lhei gvavel was tvarns:ilcit3 ilJlason Farmeui, Naritahala NF F ishcros biologist, porsanial communication. While it is unlikely lhci additional pavel augmcirntation will not result in naw Virginia Spliraea suitable habital it cianniat bei absolLitely ba c iseauinted. If so the proposed acliarns ciaulc result in bancifiaial effects. As a vesult the project may affdet Virginia Cheoaih Ciiaveil Additions 112 Au Bust 5, Xl10 BicloElicial Evaluation Spiraea, but is not likely to adversely affect the species. Informal consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service is not necessary for botanical species. After three years (after June 15, 2013), additional Virginia spiraea surveys will be conducted at the proposed treatment sites prior to placement of new gravels. Consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service is not necessary for botanicalspecies. 4.0 Terrestrial 'Wildlife Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Species 4.1 Species Evaluated and Rationale Proposed, endangered, threatened, and sensitive (PETS) species considered in this analysis are those included on the Regional Forester's PETS species list (January, 2002). All 30 PETS terrestrial animal species that might occur on the Nantahala National Forest were considered (see attachment). Potentially affected species were identified from information on habitat relationships, element occurrence records of PETS animals as maintained by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program and field data on the project area. All but one of these (the Indiana Bat) was dropped from further consideration due to a lack of suitable habitat. 4.1.1 Previous Survey Information Stands of possible PETS species habitat were surveyed previously. Species-specific effects are described below by alternative. Recommendations are based on best available information and include direct and indirect effects to PETS species off site or on private land. Potentially affected species were identified from information on habitat relationships, element occurrence records of PET animals as maintained by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program and field data on the project area. All but one of these (the Indiana Bat) was dropped from further consideration due to a lack of suitable habitat. 4.1,2 Species Undergoing Analysis for Effects No federally proposed or listed species are known to occur in the project area. The Indiana bat (Myatis sodalis) may occur. The Junaluska salamander (Eurycea junaluska) is a sensitive species that is known to occur between Santeetlah Ilam and the SR 1134 bridge. Three other sensitive species could possibly occur in the project area. Recommendations are based on best available information and include direct effects and indirect effects to PETS species off site or on private land. All but four of the 25 sensitive species considered in this analysis were dropped from consideration due to lack of suitable habitat in the project area or being outside the known or expected range of the species. The northern bush katydid (Scudderia septentrionalis), Diana fritillary butterfly (Speyeria diana) and southern Appalachian salamander (Plethodon teyahalee), may occur in the project area. Cheoah Gravel Additions 13 August 5, 2010 Biological Evaluation All but one of the PET animals (the Indiana Bat) was dropped from further consideration due to a lack of suitable habitat. Sensitive species considered in this analysis are those identified by the Regional Forester for which population viability is a concern (August, 2001). All sensitive terrestrial animal species that Tright occur on the Nantahala National Forest were considered. Potentially affected species were identified from information on habitat relationships, element occurrence records of sensitive animals as maintained by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program and field data on the project area. All but four of these were excluded from further analysis due to lack of suitable habitat in the activity areas, or being outside the known range of the species. The northern bush katydid, Diana fritillary butterfly, southern Appalachian salamander and Junaluska salamander are may occur in the project areas (Table 4.1.2). Table 4.1.2: Known and potential endangered, threatened and sensitive terrestrial wildlife species undergoing further evaluation for the Cheoah River Gravel Enhancement Project. Species USFS Habitat Description Likelihood of Status Occurrence Northern bush katydid Sensitive Treetops at edges of broadleaved May occur Scudderia se tentrionalis) forest Diana fritillary butterfly Sensitive Deciduous and pine woodlands May occur S e eria Ana S. appalachian salamander Sensitive Moist forests at all elevations May occur Plethodon to ahalee unaluska salamander Sensitive '[Wider portions of streams below Known to occur (Eurycea junaluska) 2395"; Tululah and Santeetlah creeks, Cheoah River and ributaries 4.1.3 New Surveys or Inventories Conducted The need for additional surveys was considered using the 1989 'Vegetation Management Standard for PETS Species Inventory, as interpreted by the Interim Guidance for National Forests in Texas (November 1, 2005). No additional surveys were deemed necessary for this project because previous surveys failed to yield any populations of, or potential habitats for, endangered or threatened terrestrial animal species. Inventories were not conducted for four sensitive species potentially occurring in the activity area (Table 4.1.3), because habitat is not limited across the forest, so information on the number and location of individuals in this particular area would not change the assessment of effects to viability of the population. Surveys for the 3unaiuska salamander were completed recently within the project area. 4.2 Effects of Alternatives on Terrestrial Wildlife Species Cheoah Gravel Additions t4 August 5, 2010 Biological Evaluation 4.,'111 Endangereid arid 'BE neatenieid 9pcncies Inds aria Hat (M�otis scidahis) Me Iri6ana bat (114 atk sodailk) may utilize 1he plrajecil area. This projecil will have no effecd ani lhci lridianai tai. 4.11.1 9ensilive Stcuies a Junaluskaisalamancleir(Eur}IccajuncilusAla) The Junaluska siilamanidlen (Eur}Icca junciluskd is ani eiqueitie to scimi-aiqu,�ici salamanieeir iIha1 ini abits mid- to larpla streams ar c riwics in as ilurni'lonnosseei air.id westerns North Cairolir a. It vias cescrilled in 19716 from callaatians Wens fram the ClIcioah Aivar,'lanileetlah Ciiecik arc 'lululah Creek in Gciaham County, North Caralir.ia (Seiner D. M., at ail 197(:. Collodions oflE. bislimato autniumherad E. junnivska aloe€11jatH Tlulu lash and Santeellaih Creelds, buil not along the Chuaah River. Ov:iposilin8 aaciurs in the spring, with hatching adaut a monlh 1211 The aclualia kirwil pocioc ranges fiiom 1-3 }Tears, with meilarriiasis occurring mainly in Ano and Jlu1). T111u juvunilo salamancers leave the wager later in ilhe summer. Slaver (I'l91() seamalled tNu Chuoah Rliver during the clary, avid tflu adjacicirt roads cur'nig rainy niights. In I5 73 anc 19174 hei aallucited a eiiglil E. juncidusika, six on U.S. 1391 along the Cheoaih River beitwueni iwo anc sciveni milas SB ofiJaplaca, anic talo in the ac jaaent rivcm. In 1975 Na aalleoleic ain acdiilianial 1 1 sadaiman: ars on U.S. 129 and ane an S.R. 113z, along the upplar pairt of the Chciaah. He noiled than 1ha spleoicis was carr mein ori samci raac s ail ni€lht, tut very difficiult to fink Uy lurninq racks, utc. du rinng 1he c ay in wli at waL Id seem llo ten suilat le h all itat (Sciv eu 1 S 84). In 19SI4 and 151515, Dr. Rlicihaiand C. Bruau annc Tlraivis J. Rjan 9pur.nt nearly 40(1 haLrs searching for the JLniailuskai sadamancor al 0 sites in weslerni Norlh Carolina. E. junciluska was loaa cd in tiv eci aiwas. Th eN werci nal reloaanlad in'lulu la Croak, t ut onna niciw paplu4 ion was dacu mented it Snawl:irc Cueuk it soulhwoslorn C raham County. Hes rii lhail E. juncidnska was tfla mail Aundant larvnal salaunander ad 1he Chciaah Rivcm site, but aompr:isad onnly 7-191% ofltfia larval Eurycea cammuriigl in 9andtietlaih Creak, and (1-30% in 9niawbird Craek. 'the Cheaah Rivom situ also ciffdrud from tNe other twa silos it Thal lhci ve€latatior was early ILcaessianail anc ii he lar%ae appuarcid to rneilamorplhosu eiarlliur, indicating a faisler grawtN ratu. Bruca and RNan (1 5195) aannsidurcid thu Hannleutlali Creeik plopulaliarn to ba stable aired thu Snawd ird C recik popu fail ions 10 bci plreoariou s, primarily duo 10 lhei lack of it d ividuals calleoted duuing the scieionnc Neam. Althou€Ih a 9Lbsequenit survciy in :19517 1l14yain 1991; alsa lbiilec ila lociaile any Il j urialusAla, H e carisidorcc it preni L ra 1 o concnlL do ai plopulal ior fa' lure. Popu la1 ion flucduatians may be eommar.iplai ie for salamandons with limnlec habilal uanlles and low paplulationi siati. 'ihesc flL ailual ianis antiafilein L neiNplair ad amid maty bei c u e to r atclrail f4citaiis inhcmennl in metaplapulailicmis. C h eoah Graivol Ad dit ans 15 AL Aust 5, 3011 (I Biological Blvaluatian As for the Chciaah Rivar, lhayl concluded iIhal heavy coristruction vehicles driving aarass the 11iiacidinig sites had acverselyl affeieplad the poplulaition. Tlhis Ioaaplion aantairiec lite majority of Iarvaci co:lluailed al aryl silei in 15194, whereas aftlati c istuubanuo rianci warn found iri ]q515. In 3CIC10 avid Y101, Du. WlI]iam C utakc amid his drew seawchad over 50 11rciarms, tiibuIauias and rivars in Nan h C aroliria for Junalu ska s a larriaricers, splanc ing over 1(C CI maim -tau rs. EL junai uska was riot found in the uppar part of the Chanah Rivar, but teen adults were fourid on H.R.. 1134 baside iha river. This spauicu was also found an U.S. l:Iq abaut a rriila hoth upstream arc c awnstrea rn of Tapaco Ilcdgei I C utaka 2(C2). Alihau8h ttl e c ifficiu ltyl cif fir c ing ilh a Jlunalu s k a salamanc ar iri the river was previously) ricrtcid by Haver (19W), ilhe number of salary kers in the uppar plan afllhei riveui may to dcipruisad duce to the dor Iiriucc c amaEle amsec Hyl aquipmanil Travers ing the river al 1ho hneedirig site. A recanil heaivy input ofIsuc imerit f1•om an ac jaacnt curisIruction siila maty halve also cluguacad tEa hatilanl and iniarciased the huildupl of woody ve€letatiori. Tibia Fluesaniou cif the c am waulc ppieivanil ilh is daimaige from bcinifl rapairad by a s cou Hing flood av eril . During these survays the spleai(is was a ]so fouric in F aaiahlraa Craal, in Chemakee Cau rii and ail two locaitions in Blair Crack iri C lay) County iri MCICI. 7]h asei riles aw in the Hiwaissaa Rivar drainiagc and ane lcicalcid an plrivaile land. On the Nailiarial Forests in Norlh Cauolina, E. ,'unaluska is limited to Sarweiihih Crack, 9nowbiud Crack, ani (cawnstroam past Hamlaatlah Uakei) thea Chaaah Rivera. Thu maiicuiiily ofllho species hahital is alcnig the mans than 9 mile lonig C heoah Buyer, with about 31 miles of occupied hatiii at alurig Hriawbiud Crack, and a small ansa, parhgjs C. -fl rnile, afl9ainlaatlah Craek. 11he most raaanit survey ofltHu Cheoah River uias aancucilod curin8 April and May cfIICIM facnd Jlunialu ska salamarideus only in iiEe upper part of the river, hemecn S14 l E14 avid HanleertlaN Dam. Adu Its weua fouric an the road du ring rains evanits, mo-, ing betwuer waoc land hat: it a1 s and th a riven, eggs and larvate wane found unidar 1he 91411=14 Bridge. Gravel additions are proposed for curdy one localiciri Heilwacin SRI 11314 anc Sainiloutlah Dam, and will nal occur al 1ha known bueeid iri€l sites. Tlhis prajouil may :implant inc ividuails of the Jurialuska salamander (Euryc ea,,'unalusika;, but will nat affbat the viaLility of th is speaieis across the Aaiiest. 4.3 lleturm ination cif Effuct for 'llerreistrial Wildlife 11his praicial will have nidi aififacit on the lndiaria bat. TV project will halves na aft Fins an any ollher fadatially proposuc cm Iisilad terrestrial ainimoil spaeies. Corisu Ration with the U.S. Hist anc Wildlifei Services is not requircid. 11his project may) imp oia inic ividuals of the Jlunaluska salamander (IEuryc ea,'una1rA4a;, but will not affacil ills vial ilit)l morass the Foreisl. The project will haiva nci impact on any athar sensitive spacies. No mmulailiva effbats an spleaies viahilityl acinoss ilha Forest will rusult. Tlallki 4-3: Dallarmirwian of affcail of ciach alternaitive on the avalualeic endangarec, thueatancid and sensitive tarrostria] wlildlifb species. C tai Gravel Ac c iliciris 1 E A ugusil 41, 3010 Bioladica l Evailu ailior Species USFS Staid 9 Allernatime I A Iternalive 21 iridian ba -1 Endangered Nu effect Na effect Nartherni Bush katydic Sensitive Nci impacts Na impacts Diana fritillary bureffly Sensitive Nci impacts Na impacts Saulhern Appalachian salaimancen 9enisitive Na impacts Na impacts Junialuskasalamancen Sensitive Naim acts May impact* *Mary irripact inc ivicuah full is ricil likely to cause a irerid to federal Hilin€ ar a loss of viafility across the forest Car suhatian Him tory 'Hi U.S. Fish and Wile lif i Surviaci was consulted for t1 is project oni Jlunei 18, ]all 0. C ommunts weird received ori July I'1, Mall 0. 5„0 Determination of Effects This prajacl will Have ries cdlciell ari Ihci Irlciamai fat (Mycil,is sodaAis;. 11hci Chciaah R ivar Clnave.l Ace illior Prcijciail may aff6cl, bLt is noel likuly ilo adverscily affeiail ilha Apflalaahian tilktae, lha sflatfin ahL 17, or Vitigiriiai spliraea 1; eaaumia plrojeat dusigr fhatdras c ovolapec in aorl L Itailiori with the U.S. Fisli and 'Wildlifli Seirviiaci woL Id pravent sacimanitation to ilhe CHaoah Rivur. Tlhei plrojecl may pravida adcitioniatl spawning areias ftir Nast flsheis and bL niowing substrata fbr tlia A rlpalaahiani alki oci. TE is rlpio jecl will have no ciffclat ori any oil h er f6daral IN praposeie ar lisloc leniestniatl animal sfle ies. Consu Itation with tNa U.S. Ii anc Wild:lif✓ri Seiniicei is rccluireid. Thu Chtiaall Rivar Chiaual Acciiliari Prajcicil maiy imp�ict ir.idividLa]s afllhe Jluriia salamalridctn IlEurjocajunalw4a;, bull will riot affoct ils viability] across thea Harosl. THis flrojeat wauld have rio irripacls on any oilher scirisiiliva splacicis ar Habitats bcicauso prajcicil des4lri f�zituras to pralacil Ihci Aplpalaichiani cilkloci and spalfrri ahuf waLld pravice pralocition fclri ilho woLniclad cail (iii and alive dar or. `Ilhis prajocill will niat impact aryl serisiilivel sA1eaicis. Na cumulative affacls an srlocicis viability across the fbrusl mii 11 ncisult from th is project. /s/ Jason K. Falrmeit Hi sharias I3 i alogis t, Nantahala N all iarial Faresil June H, 2ala Rev iscid A u gush 5, 201 a Conti ibutinig Hialoglists: Wilsan Rankiri Halanist, Narita kala Naltianal Fareisl Daroclri M i11(III Wildlifei E ialogist, Nantallala Nalliarial Farest C h eaah Gra ail A cl ditians -17 A u gush `_I, 201 a Hiologiaal Evalualian Gary Kau ffman Natianal Faroms in NC T otanist A u ou st 9, :1(110 C heiaah Gra wl Ad dit ions is Augc sl 51, 2(11 (1 Hialogiaal ENaluatiar 6.0 Rleifeirencieis amd Data Souicies Crabllucia, D.M. 2004. Bffdats aflpelroleum and various inicustrial anc autamativo oglania compaL rids an fishes, wilh particu lau rekrcmiaci to : almanic fi! Nis ini flush wales and plavod panikirig loll rLnoffl Umatilla Naliarial Fanesil, Walla Walla, Wei, hingltari. 15 Pageis. Htnieiu, D.A . anc W.C. Stan es. VKII. TE a Fishes (if l' leninesscie. Univcm! ity afl`Ileinnei.,acid Prase. Klriaxv illei, annas: eci. (S 1 Paflos. Lev incl J.F., W.G. C apci, D. Shea, A .B. Blagari, M.Stciskapf, B. Shawars, L111. GL slafl ari, P. Llazaro, W. T fl ate en, f7. Forci: l ier, C .B. Bads, B.F. Andersor. . IC104. Assossment afl tH o impao afl H igH way runaff an fl v h wailer mussel! iri1, a& C aral iiia stroams. Norah Catalina Slale UniiversitN, Deplarmeml aflBnvironimcintal avid Molecular Tlaxiaolagy. RlaloigH, Nor Caralira. 109 Hageis. Meyeu, J.L. anc A.B. Sul hcuiland. x0105, Effecls aflexacssive sedimerl an lr& s, glrowh arc neppiodu ation of tui a sUL thorns Applalach ian mi nrnaws, Erimonax monac hus ar c C yj rinc 1,1a ,galcic&Ara. Firial Aepartto iIhei Deiparlmemd of tNei lntariar. 21 CI Pagers. Nature Serve. htlp://www.natLrieiscirvci.cuig/axplorcir/servleit/Naitute9cirvci?iniI=Specias. Acciosscid May 201CI51. NCIIENRI, 20(19. Basinwke aisscr< mcint rciporl—Liltlo Tlenniessuo River Blaisin. Narlh Carolinia Deplar meml afl Env iror mant and Nail ural Rcis auraes. 74 Paglos. hluble, C.IJ., P.IJ. Rakas, grid J.R. Shush. 2(1(11. Priopagatian anic nelrRraductian ofltlla Aiouncec dairter, itlleostoma vu1nemitim, to 1I Eu Cheaah River, Norih Canalina. Final cuplart:la U.S. Fish anc Wildlifb Slery ice, Asheville, NartH Caraliria Ficilc Office. 'A Haggis. 7.x1 Attachmenlls Attacili me rill Al: Bndangcuied, thieateincic and seri itiva aquatic spacieis, N anlallala Nail iarial Farcisl. iJSFS Status w. T "T e 'S ecies J- Habitat/Distrilut�on;.... Endarigerc Bivalve Ak7sm,idorula mivene iana Dittlei Tlcinneis�eci Rliveir drainaigei aind Thr( 6uIc nc d 'flu ct asciel loci Rlvar; Noliclhuclky River Bivalve Peg ins fabi jla Lawcui IJittle Tlenr essue River; histania regard from Vallay River, C h erakcie Co. Ch eaah C raivel A c d it iaris Iq August 5, IC110 Biolagiaal Elvalualiar.i Cru stacieain Fisk CypninelAa monciclici LiViki TN Miyeir; FrunciE Broad Miser Cru staaciain Camllarus tic ttlutiriu si s steam Crtstaacian SensihiiuE Hivalva Alasmidomia varicase Ilitliki Tlcirmisseio River, Macion acrid 1Wwtiomiti mcirgari,ia Swain Co. Elhcositcimo tiulneriailum Bivalve Fwiccinain lkvinc siiana Hower Illitlllei TN River arid Percina siqucimcita Hiwaisseei Mveir Hivalye Lasimigonci llcilsitciniGi Vallay River, Histcuiia Peuord, C N arab eci C o. Crustacoan Camhanus gcongiae Streams in Tuttle TN River, Macron C Cl. Cru stacieain Camhcmus plarrriisAi Cru staaciain Camllarus tic ttlutiriu si Crtstaacian Camllcimschaugacnsisi Dragonfly 1Wwtiomiti mcirgari,ia Fish Elhcositcimo tiulneriailum Fish Percina siqucimcita SiIneams in Him asscie Rliveir drairiap Tlritutary to HarsapasIure Rlivar, 'lrarisylvanriiaCo.;Lppcu Freincih Hroad MiNieir Simarrs in Saivaruic& Aiver drainaip, Jaicb son, Macari, and Tlransyly ann is C o.; SIC aind GA Miveirs, Macara, Swain, Tlransylvanniai Co.; Caldwell Co. Umgci streams anal riveirs, Uittla TN River systeirr , laab san, Maaan, Shmair.i Co. HigNar gradionll uAlkinid uiveirs, Tlannassou Rivcm s3 slem, Charokoe, Jauikson, Maaani, Swain Co. Cheioah Cmavel Adc itions 2(I AL gust _I, MI (I Biological HvalLaiilion Atllachment A2: Drlc arlglercld, l hrclalalr ed anld s ansit ive ac ual icl sfleaicls clvaluated fbr tN e Cheloah Rlivelr Cllaval Ac c iiliarl Prajclepl. The1 anal} sis inaluc els known alnld potter Iiallly aciclurring aqualticl spaoicls flram tNa Cral am County, NC. Patelnliall auciurrance is balled on krlawn disiIriHutions of lhcl species and lha fplesuri ma aflsulitafilcl habilall. USFS Hilatu s_ Typei Species Ilikali N uod elil Ocleu rremlcel in Analysis Area Endangered Bivalvm Ala rr idorltcl naueveliarlcl Mr awn to Occur Ihrelalurlec Fish Elnimclnaa monalchw May Occur 9clnsilliva Fish Mheomoma vt eranm May Occur 9clnsiliva Fish Aitinas uamata May Occur Notes : I = 9pecies not comidered further in analysis because there is no suitable ha bilat prem nl cm viciniq records in Sha analys ill area The prc(aat will nol affect IHa species. 2 = ilia inity recards, in or dawnstrearri cif the ana lysis area, bul nol necessarily in ppiojecil a rea. 3= 9uiuble habitat presanl, bu l no vicinity reccinds. 4 = 9pecies proposed for reinlracuclicr plriar ilo bridge construction C N aoalh Cluaval Ac c iii iarm a 1 Aug sl 51, ',IC 10 Molagiciail lavak alliar Attachment Bl.: Endangered, threatened, proposed and sensitive plant species evaluated for the Cheoah Seedling Release Project. USES Status Species Habitat/Distribution Endangered Geum radiatum High Elevation Rocky Summit Endangered Gymnoderma lineare High Elevation Rocky Summit, Moist hock Outcrop in Acidic Cove in Gorge Endangered Houstonia montana Grassy Bald, High Elevation Rocky Summit Endangered Isotria medeoloides White Pine Forest, Mesic Oak-Hicko Endangered Sagittaria fasciculata Southern Appalachian Bog, Streamside, Swamp Forest - Bog Complex Endangered Sarracenia 'onesh Southern Appalachian Bo Endangered Sarracenia oreo hila Southern Appalachian Bo Endangered Sisyrinchiwn dichotomum Montane Oak Woodland, Mafic Rock, Escarpment Threatened Helonias bullata Southern Appalachian Bog, Swamp Forest -Bog Complex Threatened Hexastylis nani ora Rich Cove Forest,Mesic Oak-Hickoll Threatened Hudsonia montana High ElevatioIE2Sky Summit, Pine-Oak/Heath Forest Threatened Liatris helleri High Elevation Rocky Summit, Montane Acidic Cliff Threatened Solider o s ithamaea Hio Elevation Rocky Summit Threatened S iraea vir iniana Riverside Scour Zone Sensitive Aconitum reclinatum Northern Hardwood Forest, Boulderfield Forest, High .Elevation Seep,Rich Cove Forest Sensitive Acrobolhus ciliatus Spruce -Fir Forest, Spray Cliff Sensitive Allium cuthbertii Low Elevation Granitic Dame Sensitive Aneura maxima Spray Cliff Sensitive Anzia americana Gorge, Acidic Cove Sensitive Arabis patens Montane Mafic Cliff, Montane Calcareous Cliff' Sensitive As iromitus appalachianus Stream _ Sensitive As lenium X ehenoides Montane Calcareous Cliff Sensitive Bartramidula wilsonii Spray Cliff, Moist Montane Acidic Cliff, Gor e Sensitive Bazzania nudicaulis Spruce -Fir Forest Sensitive Berberis canadensis Rich Cove Forest, Glade, Mafic Rock Sensitive Botrychiumknmanff Rich Cove Forest Sensitive Brach dontium trichodes Spruce -Fir Forest Sensitive Bryocrumia vivicolor S ra Cliff, Moist Montane Acidic Cliff, Gorge Sensitive Buckle a disticho h lla Hemlock Hardwood Forest, Acidic Cove Forest, Sensitive Buxbaumia minakatae Rotting Lois Sensitive Calama rostis cainii High Elevation Rocky Summit Sensitive Cam to usEELqdOxus High Elevation Rocky Summit Sensitive Cardamine clematitis Boulderfield Forest, Northern Hardwood Forest, Spruce - Fir Forest, High Elevation See Sensitive Carex biltmoreaw High Elevation Granitic Rome, Montane Cedar - Hardwood. Forest, Montane Acidic Cliff Sensitive Carex communis var. am lis uama Rich Cove Forest, Mafic Rock Sensitive Carex misera High Elevation Rocky Summit, Montane Acidic Cliff, Ifiah Elevation Granitic Dome Sensitive Carex rad ordii Rich Cove Forest, Es went Gorge Cheoah Gravel Additions 22 August S, 2010 Biological Evaluation USFS �" �" EIallus Species Habitat/Distributior Hensilive Cairea rcariersis Rich C ave Forest, Mcntane Clak-Hickory Hensilive Care), scllweir,itlzii Hot them Appalachian Bag, Swamp Fumes t -Bog Complex Henisilive Cephcilcziai mamstcch}la ssIl aw to iailis Rack OuIcrap ini Acidic Cove Farest in Garge Henisilive Ce halcziellci massalon i High Elevatian Roc 'lummit serisilive Cheilole-eunea evaraii Acidic Cove, Oak-Whille Pine Forest, Escarpernent Gorge Henisilive Chelcne cuthllenlii Sauthern Appalachian Bo Herisilive Oeistles bi aria Pirie-Gak/Heailh Forest, Pine-Oald Waadlard serisilive Coreo shi lati olia Rich Cave Forest, Narthern Flaidwiacd Fonesl senisilive Dcvrfl is e ills High Elevatian Graniilic Dome, See Henisilive Delphinium excihlatlzim Rich Cave Farest, Gra s}1 Hald, Clace, Manlane Gak- Hickory, Mafic RacN sanisilive Desrr odium cchrcleticum Openings, Xeric Waadlanc s sensitive DierviJlai nivubris Silrearnside, .e cidia Cove Flares'l senisilive Dipkpllyillum apiculaturn var. taxi c dioides Raadtanik Henisilive Di to h Him c dtimulum Spruce -Air Fairest sensitive Ait►liellum ambi uum Acidic Cove Horest, High Elevanliani Rec Clak Henisilive Dmiepane,lejeuneci appalachiana Acidic Cove, Manlame Oak-Hicl ory, Herpenline Woodland, Serpentine Horesil sensitive Elnticdcn ccncinrus Maisl McnlanieUlcareausCliff senisilive E hebe air ericar a High Elevarlian Rocky Hummit Sensitive ElupJwrIIia jlurpureia Narthem Ha iidwiaad Faiiest, Rich Cave Fcmest, Mesic Oaik- Hickory Fcmest senisitive Eurybia aivitla Rack Outcrops Henisilive Ffissiaeins appalachiensis Streams al High Elewtionis sensitive Pk tlhergilla mcycr Pine-Clak/Healh Farest, Manlane Oak Waoc lar d, R aad9ic e Sensitive Flrtilbiia appalachiana Spruce -Air Harem sensitive Flruhlaria ciaklesiara S race-HirFlarest Sensitive Centiona oustrom6i,ji ci Chiassy Bald, High Elevartiani Rec ClaJ Poresl, Northern )Flardwaoc Horest Sensitive Ceurn geniculatum EouIderfrelc Horest, High Elev anion See Sensitive 6lycenici nulligiinci Narthem Harc woad Farest, Haulc erfreld Farest, High Elevartion Seep, H race -Rh Harest Sensitive 6ram mitlis rim ba to Spray Cliff Sensiliva Hasilealasuanecler s Moritame Alluivial Farest Sensitive Hediantlhus gJaucophyllzis Rich Cave Rarest, Northern Harcwaad Hclrest, High Elewaian Rled C Horest, Meg is Clak-Hickcry Fcmesl, Moac s is e Sensitive HEiucheirci Jorgic ria vair. a c e� imides Rkrcl Guictops in Rlch Cave Bores 1, Mafic Rock Sensitive Hexastylk contraim A cic ic Cove Foiies I Hen911ive HExastyk,, rhomhifcrmis Aeicic Cave Faiiest, Hemlack Harcwiaac Forest, Manlane Alluvial Horesi1 Hemilive I�kma�liadeil husshar 11 Dry MonRartCalcareoLs Cliff Hensilive H droth ria vencsa Htueam C r eaah Grarvul Ad diticrns 2=1 A u gusil `, 301 CI E iologicall Hvalualtian USFS Status Species Habitat/Distribution Sensitive Hygrohypnwn closteri Stream Sensitive H eno h Ilum tayloriae Spray Cliff, Grotto, Gorge Sensitive Hypericum graveolens High Elevation Seep, Wet Meadow Sensitive Hvvericum mitchellianum High Elevation Seep, Wet Meadow Sensitive Hypetrachyna virginica High Elevation Forest Sensitive Ilex collina Northern Hardwood Forest, Boulderiield Forest, Southern Appalachian Rog, Swarnp Forest Bog Coln lex Sensitive Juglans cinerea Rich Cove Forest, Mesic Oak -Hickory, Montane Alluvial Forest Sensitive Juncus caesariensis Low Elevation Southern Appalachian Bo Sensitive Le "eunea blow uist&i Spray Cliff Sensitive Le todontium excelsum Spruce -Fir Forest Sensitive Le toh menium sharii S ruse -Fir Forest Sensitive Lialris fur ida High Elevation Granitic Dome, Montane Oak Woodland Sensitive Lilium grayi Northern Hardwood Forest, High Elevation Seep, Grassy Bald, Wet Meadow Sensitive Lo hocolea a lachiana Spray Cliffs, Wet Rocks Near Mountain Streams Sensitive Lysimachra fraseri Mesic Oak -Hickory Forest, Montane Oak Forest, Rich Cove Forest, Acidic Cove Forest, Roadside Sensitive Malaxis b ardii Southern Appalachina Bog, Wet Meadows Sensitive Mannia call ornica Dry Montane Acidic Cliff Sensitive Marshallia grandiflora Southern Appalachian Bo Sensitive Marshallia trinervia Poloist, Rocky Stream Banks Sensitive Marsupella emarginata var. latiloba Spray Cliff Sensitive Me aceros aenigmaticus Stream Sensitive Metz eria fr wiculosa High Elevation Forest Sensitive Metzgeria furcata var. set& era Spruce -Fir Forest, Acidic Cove Forest in Gorge Sensitive Metz eria unci era Acidic Cove Forest Sensitive Monotropsis odorala Rich Cove Forest, Mesic Oak -Hickory, Xeric Oak- Hicko , Pine-Oak/Heath Forest Sensitive Nardia Iescurii - Peaty Soil over Moist Rocks Sensitive Packera mille olia Rock Outcrops Sensitive PelliaX appalachiana Rock Outcrops Near Spray Cliffs Sensitive Penstemon smaIN Rock Outcrops, Woodlands Sensitive Ph scia pseudos ciosa Hi Elevation Granitic Dome Sensitive Pla 'ochasma intermedium Streamside Limestone Rock Sensitive Pla 'ochasma wri hili Streamside Limestone Rock Sensitive Plagiochila austinii Moist Montane Acidic Cliff Sensitive Plagiochila caduciloba _ Spray Cliff, Streamside, Rock Outcrop in Acidic Cove Forest in Gorge Sensitive Plagiochda echinata Spray Cliff, Streamside, Rock Outcrop in Acidic Cove Forest in Gorge Sensitive Plagiochila sharpii High Elevation Rocky Summit, Rock Outcrop in Acidic Cove Forest in Gorge Sensitive Plagiochila sullivantii var Spray Cliff Cheoah Gravel Additions 24 August 5, 2010 Biological Evaluation 'USFS Status , -Species HaUitaitlDislrib utiuni :. s ini era Serisilive PLgioclliiastilliwn,Iii vair smVi van tii Slnay Clifft Spruce-Fit FoiesI Serisilive PLgioclli is virginien vair e arc ilinian a Spray Cliff, Rack Outcrcip in Acicic Come Farestin C cirge 9erisilive PZaigicchi1a uirginic ai vair vir mica Limesllorie Cluilauofls Senisilive Plagicimnium comlinianum Aack Outcrcip in Acidia Cova flared in C argyle, Srl reamb arnk Serisilive Plainkillera integrilchia Sciuilhern Appalachian Bog, Swamp Fcirest-Bog Complex Sensitive Pla,lyll}Ipnidium pringlei Sppary Cliff, Rack Outcrap in Acidic Cave Farest in Gorge Senisilive Fc ai patudigena Sciullhern Appalachian E o Sensitive Pol trichtrm appalachiami4m Rocky Summits, Mic Io High Ellevailian Sensitive Flc rejlla je pc nu a ssp appalachiana Spray Cliff Sensitive Pc reilla watau ensis Rack Outcrop in Acidic Cove flarest in Gorge Sensilive Por idia diversa High Elevanlian Rocky Summit Sensitive Flor idia llenleRaria High Elevarlicin Rocky Summit Sensitive Flremm1hes roainenais Narthern Hlardwaad Fanest, Grass} Bak, Meacaw, Roadside, High Elewrtion Rled CIA Haresl S(insilive P enanthemum heaa lei Rack Outcrops, Waac lands Senisitive P enanthemum ticrrei Xeric Claik-Hickory, Claic e Sensitive Rciduki sahlivanilii ST ray Cliff, hack Outcrap in Acidic Coma flarest in Gorge Sensitive kc du& i v r Autic i Spray Cliff Sensitive Rllachitilecitim per usillum Hardwood Trees Sensitive Rllodadiindrein vase}li Narthem HaQd"oad Fanest, Higli Elevarliarn SeaFb Moul hem Appalachian Bog, Meadow, Roadside Sensitive Ric cairdia u ata Rlotl eri Logs in Acidic Cove Forest ini Gor e Sensitive Rebinia vieccrsa High Elevauliari Granitic Dome Sensilive Robinia visccrsa var. hartwe ii High Elevadiari C nanitic Dome, U aadlands Sensitive Rudbeckia trilolla vair innatiloda Rlct Cave Aoresl, Moritaine Maflc Cliff, Maific Rlack Semiliwe Ru elia nuaicaiudij Spruce-Fin Haresl Scinsilive Shtlajliaca ita,la C1ade,Pinu-Clak 'v�aadlaurids Sens iliva Nuxifraga car( Jiniaura Nortflem Haircwaac flared, Montane Acidic Cliff, High Eleverlian Rocky Summit Ileriiiilive Schilorllleimia lancifclic Clak-HicNary Aoresi, A aic is Cave Floi a s1, Hernlaek Hard,A oad Forest, Highlands Plateau, Gorge Jernsill ive Sco elo hila cailarac tale Copper-rich Soils, Moan sic es flerisilive Scutlellarie16hamalla Web Outcrops, Woadlancs 9emillive Scutlehlariaar uta Boulderfleld Fanest Sernisilive Scutlehlarki seudoserrata Rack Outcrops, Woadlancs Serisilive Scutelklrici:aaaliilis NcirthemHardwood Floresl,BciLlderfield Florest,R14f Cave Fanest Chuciat Graved Additions 2`1 Augi. sl 5, 201CI Hialogicarl Bvailuaitian USFS Status Species Habitat/Distribution Sensitive Shortia galaccfolia var. brevis la Acidic Cove Forest, Streambank, Gorge Sensitive Shortiagalacifolia var. alaci olia Acidic Cove Forest, Streambank, Gorge Sensitive Silene ovata Rich Cove Forest, Mesic Dak-Hicko , Roadside, Sensitive Solids o simulans Hi Elevation Granitic Dome Sensitive Sha um avicomans Seeps on Rock or Spray Cliffs Sensitive S henalpba sis earsonii Fraser -Fir Forest Sensitive S lachnum penniylyanicum Southern Appalachian Bo Sensitive Stach s clingmanii Northern Hardwood Forest, Boulderbeld Forest Sensitive Sticta limhata High Elevation Forest Sensitive Taxi h llum alternans Spray Cliff, Mafic Rock Sensitive rhalictrum macros lum Serpentine Woodland Serpentine Forest Sensitive Thal item pinnatjqdwn Southern Appalachian Bo Sensitive rhermopsis fraxinifvlia Xeric Dais -Hickory Forest, Montane Oak Woodland, Pine-Oak/Heath Sensitive Torcula ammonsiana Moist Montane Mafic Cliff Sensitive Trillium pusillum var. usillum Rich Cove Forest Sensitive Trillium ru eld Rich Cove Forest at Low Elevation Sensitive Trillium simile Rich Cove Forest Sensitive Tsuga caroliniana Carolina Hemlock Forest, Montane Acidic Cliff, Pine- Oak/Heath, High Elevation Rocky Summit Sensitive Viola appalachiensis Serpentine Woodland, Serpentine Forest, Rich Cove Forest, Mesic Oak -Hickory Sensitive Waldsteinia lobata Acidic Cove Forest, Mesic Oak -Hickory, GoTe Sensitive Xanthoparmelia monticola High Elevation Rocky Summit Cheoah Gravel Additions 26 August 5 2010 Biological Evaluation Attachment Wll. Prarlasec, enidarigpiiec, thleateniec, and 9ensitivci speaiies carisic erec. Species,, _ T e;� Habitat.'d(isciri ,tion Likelihood of occurrence ]Fled einall Zlhrciatcned avid Endangered Species Noonday lobe Snail Restricted to iihci Nanitahala Gore a; autside ilhu range Bag tun lei Reptile Sunlit, mairshN meadows, b ags, wart pasturesNa; lacks s u it ab lei H abitat Bald eagle Birc Nests in larlle, apciri gpiawn tracis noan lah es a; riests ane unlU el Carolinas ri. flying squirrel Mammal 'Hprucie-fir arie riartherr. liaruwaods abave 40(1(1'Na; lacks s L itab lei b abitat Inc iaria bait Mammal Roosts in caves arc Hallow treieis Yei9 21001 Region 8l Regional Flcirusllen's Senisillimci S ecies Ciaindala ancociiscaric risis Beetle High eleivatian forests; > 40(1(1'Na; alevaition is <4(100' Tnechus h culenitus uniaai Beetle Rocks anc moss in well ravines ini W. Graham coup a; autsidei thci range Divergent melano lus Insect Glades and bolds, 18100 — 1141 T; Jackson count Na; autsidu lhu range Serrulatei meilano lus Insect Valleys anic l owcm slopcis, ci. C iiah am count o; aut9idci fIho range arlhurn bush katydid Insect In th a tradopls at thea ed€las of broadlciavad forests Yas Rock -loving grasshopper Insect Lichen -c civened rook outcrops Yas )Fraslec elfin Butterfly Open wooc s and h orc ers, L su allyl ins dry situations Yas Diana frifillary butturf y Butterfly Deciduous and pirie woac lands nciar streams Yes Clhc oah Graivcd Additcros 27 A u gusil -I, 201 (1 Hiolagiaal Evaluation Species Type �abitat description Likelihood of occurrence Fraser fur angle Moth Spruce -fir forests with fraser fir o; lacks suitable habitat Lost Nanatahala cavespider Spider Blowing Springs and Lost Nantahala Cave No; outside the range esticus sheari Spider Boulder fields in moist or rich forests; Graham co. o; lacks suitable habitat esticus silvanus Boulder fields in moist or rich forests o; lacks suitable habits _Spider Black mantleslug Snail High elevation forests; mainly spruce -fir o; lacks suitable habits Gloss supercoil Snail Leaf litter on wooded hillsides and ravines o; lacks suitable habits Santeetlah dusky salamander Amphibian Stream headwaters and seepage areas o; outside the range unaluska salamander Amphibian Wider portions of streams below 2395' elevation o; outside the range Tellico salamander Hardwood forests in Unicoi Mountains o; lacks suitable habitat _Amphibian S. Appalachian salamander Amphibian Moist forests at all elevations Yes Peregrine falcon Bird Large vertical rock cliffs o; lacks suitable habits Migrant loggerhead shrike Bird Fields and pastures o; lacks suitable habits . Bewick's wren Bird Woodland borders or openings at high elevations o; lacks suitable habitat Rafines ue's big -cared bat Mammal Old buildings, caves, mines, bridges o; lacks suitable habits Southern rock voleMammal Rocky areas in spruce -fir, n. hwds and balls o; lacks suitable habitat Chcoah Gravel Additions 28 August 5, 2010 Biological Evaluation S: ecies Type Habitat description Likelihood of occurrence E. Small-fkicitcld hal Hemlack t6iiests, soak clrciv icicis, Mammal caves, mincis o; lacks sL iilall le Habitat Southern waters shraw Small slrciams Lrl to -1 2-15' widci Mammal above JCC0' Yeas N ailes `The caurties lisled are those iri Ahich the spleaies is known to accur, has occurned in the plasl bct Has ral daeri fbu nic in recenil yearns, ar is BON 10 accur accoi ding to ilhe Narth Caralina Nalural Hedlage Pragam and tlla LIS Flish and Wilc life Service. JCourity Abllrevhaions A le=A Iexander Buri-Bunicambe CH=CHeiiokaa Ha=Ha ym and Li=Liuicoln NH=1\ ewi Hlariauer Sw=',lw ain Eualuiadiani Criteriai All=Allagh eniN Bur-iBu nkei C 1=C laN He=Her dersan Mac=Macon Orr=Onslow Tr -Ti ansylvania A s=Ash e Cad=Cadd well CUr=qC uniituck HIy=Hlyc a Mard=M ad is ar i C r --C rainpla W ak=Wal' e Av-iMery C ar-iC arl erci l Da=Dau a Ir-Arec ell N C=M CDlawieII Pa= Rolk Wat--Wartau ga = PoleniliallN suitable habitarl; May accuI. 2 = Lack of suitaHle hat iilal ar aullsice the knoA n of explecled range. B ru =Brunswick Cat=Ca-lam ba C r -C raham fila= Jacksan Mi=Mitchell R u =Ru th erf Circ Y ar=Yancey C h ticiali Graivcd Ad dit icins 29 August M I (I Blialogical HNaluatian