HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080544 Ver 1_Site Plan_20080324Riversedge, LLC Boat Ramp and Dock for Riversedge Subdivision Winton Hertford County Project setting ??@fflowffl D APR 3 2008 DENR - WATER QUALITY WETLANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH p.:,F o00 - 0544 Rle.cvd I Ntoc"d The project site is located off U.S. Highway 158 on the upstream (north) side of the Chowan River Bridge in Winton, Hertford County, North Carolina on the West Side ofthe River. The project site is a residential subdivision that is currently under development. The entire tract encompasses approximately 338 acres. There have been no development activities within any designated Area of Environmental Concerns by the developer to date. Some individual lot owners have received General, Minor and Major Permits for development on lots. Gravel roads with stormwater collection swales currently exist throughout the subdivision. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan ID HERTF-2005-006 and Stormwater Permit No. SW7050433 have been issued for previous development activities at Riversedge Subdivision. Two single-family residences are currently under construction within the subdivision. The project area is the ±13.37 acre common lot for the subdivision. A ±30' high natural bluff vegetated with mixed hardwoods, pines and scrub shrub growth dominates most of the shoreline of the subdivision. The 13.37-acre common lot is located approximately in the middle of the overall length of subdivision shoreline. The adjacent upstream (northern) property is a lot within the subdivision that was bulkheaded, graded and sloped under CAMA Major Permit No. 45-06.The upstream (northern) side of the common lot is 30' above Normal Water Level (NWL) with most of the trees cut from the bluff. Moving in the downstream (southern) direction the bluff transitions into a Section 404 wooded wetland as delineated by the US Army Corps of Engineers approximately 130' from the upstream property line. This wooded wetland bisects the common lot for a distance of ±250' from the Rivers edge until the elevation transitions back to the 30' tall natural bluff. The adjacent property on the downstream side is an undeveloped wooded lot within the Subdivision. There are currently no man-made structures on the project site. The Chowan River is classified as B NSW by the Environmental Management Commission at the project site. The Chowan River is Joint Fishing waters and is not open to shell fishing. The River is approximately 700' in width at the project location. Project description The applicant proposes to construct a ±16' wide by ±22' long boat ramp, with a 35' radius turn around approximately 50' landward of Normal Water Level. This turn around will be between the property line and the delineated Section 404 wooded wetlands. The toe of the slope for the adjacent property is located on the subdivision common lot proper near the wooded wetlands. The developer of the subdivision allowed the upstream property owner to put his slope on the common lot. The remaining natural ungraded 30' high slope within the Coastal Shoreline AEC will be cut to 6' '~~IDE FLOATING FINGER PIER ~ c ~ (RELATIVE NORMAL ELEV: 66.83) PROPOSED FLOATING DOCK 5 ~ ~ 1 I 10 z 0 SL PSM1(13 x20) ~ ~ 8O ~ ~ ~°1 ~ 9 4 ~ a z ~ 4 WIDE FLOATING a. h- Q g 3 PLATFORM Z `~5 Q ^ ~ n 4. F - 6' WIDE FLOATING ~ " ' ~ 7 2 8 PILE SUPPORT FINGER PIER , Z~~ t 6.0' - O N ~ PROPERTY LINE ALONG MEAN WATER 4:~ 6 1 ~ > 16' WIDE ~t' LEVEL OF THE CHOWAN RIVER - 5.3' - - W ~~U BOAT RAMP 4"X4" POST OPTIONAL} W 6' WIDE FLOATING DOCK ~ 54x6" DECK ~ e BOARDS _ a 6' WIDE FIXED WALKWAY _ ~ - - - - _ _ G BBL I ~n 2x6 CROSS m i TOB MEMBER ~ ~ ~ ~ / LEOVELAL WATER I < ~ ~o ~ - 8" TOP -VARIABLE LENGTH _ PILING (CEDAR OR EQUAL) - - _ _ _ _ PLACE BY DRIVING OR JET. o 3 MINIMUM PENETRATION IN ~ i ~ = STABLE SOIL - 5'. SOP ~ 2:1 ~ ~ 3 ti ti ~ P ~ n 1 0 ; ARF; ~ c~r; PROPOSED NEW ~ - , ~ ti~ o m zrEwi~~E, ti~ -a~F~ ` r~"":WA~1 ~ ~ ~ TYPICAL SECTION FOR FIXED PIER N e ~x ~ - - ~ ~ TOP OF BANK ~ i ° 1 ~ B`'X ~ '1`` ~ I b rE v~~~E ti +_~,r F ti~x~ - NOT TO SCALE JERP,'~ B ~ STOREY ~ L~`'' '!N~ 6~,='~-6 \ a, I N/F ~ MELANIE H. ~TORE'r Cl~ p ~ SUZANNE BROWPd - V ~ N ~ 39 I E. wuuDROw SCHOC~~ RD i ~ P BOX 6414 ~ ~ ~ f C.~ ~ M ~ DAVID G. ,,TEPNENS & M1_RFREE.B~R~. N~ i - ~~RC~1NlA. BEACH, VA ~~7~6~~ ,,ANET C. '~TEPHENS 1-~_"_'-398-'468 _ h, W W ~ In i-757-473-G?;,.; h ,,,a ,_h-, ~ A 393 MALL RAVINE RD F'V~ ,_0. ._-1.,1-~~ ~ ~ PIN# 6907-55-85~~0 ~ ;y ~ ,2~ ~ 54x6" DECK ~ ~ ~ Z N M YORkTUWN, VA 4~b9~ . BOARDS i Q ~ ~ -757-898-5C~; 9 ~ / P~N# 690i' S2 X657 ~ o° i i x12 CROSS Q ~ I / ~ MEMBER ~ a' ? P O,p ~ OPEN ~ a I--- ~-NORMAL WATER ~ W ~ XQ b / LEVEL ~ ~ W ~ ; La. ~ ~ - ~ W - ~ ~yc, ā€ž2 ~ ~ ~~-4'x6'x16" DOCKMATE ~ ~ V ~ ~ v~ ā€ž 0~' 6~L ~ ~ IMIT OF L S WETLANDS PER FLOAT DRUM OR EQUAL ~ ~ ~ W ~ r; ~ TRACY WHEELER, ACOE W N li ~ TYPICAL SECTION FOR FLOATING PIER CC,~ ^ ~ I ;o ~ i / ~ / - / / ; ~a w'~ J NOT TO SCALE ~ ~ r ~ ~ 0 ~U ~M _ - N' ~ ' ~l 00 ( ~ O ~ ~ t~ ~ A.J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ ~ , O / :ti % ~ d ~ ~~1F'= i ~ ~r - a i - ' i ~ LIMITS OF DISTURBAN~E_ WOG,DS k, i _ ~P` cy ~ , ~ v ā€¢ s .~i p2 ~ ~ w _ c' ~ ~ ` r ~ ~ -i ~a ~ ~y, Y W ~ 1 z -a U- ~ u N ~ . ~f ~ ~ t? :4~ . c:.' 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