HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080425 Ver 1_Emails_20080318Re: Cemetary Branch Subject: Re: Cemetary Branch From: Amy Chapman <amy.chapman@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:31:41 -0400 To: Todd Preuninger <TPreuninger@withersravenel.com> See my responses below.... Todd Preuninger wrote: Amy, i think we can get something to you this week - i guess you need mitigation amounts for the zone 1 impacts? Just for the parallel Zone 1 impacts. can we leave the tree species open -depending on what's available at the time they pruchase the trees from the forest service? Yes. Just say you'll be consistent with the Buffer Restoration Guidelines. How detailed do the plans need to be? will a 10x10 spacing suffice? I basically need to see where along the sewer line corridor you'll be planting the trees. Oh and I need the plan sheets at a 1 "=50' scale. Thanks! -Amy thanks, todd From: Amy Chapman [mailto:amy.chapman@ncmail.net] Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 8:25 AM To: Todd Preuninger Subject: Re: Cemetary Branch Todd, In the application is says, "NA" in the buffer table for Zone 1 mitigation. I'll need the square footage of impact that requires mitigation put in that table. Also, I need to see a planting plan. Essentially where the trees are going to be planted on your plan sheet, when they're going to be planted and species to be planted. If you can get this to me this week, I won't have to put it on hold. Thanks. -Amy Todd Preuninger wrote: Amy, 1 of 5 3/19/2008 12:51 PM Re: Cemetary Branch Hope you had a good weekend. Sorry for the delay getting back to you - i was waiting to hear from the City. We don't need written concurrence for the stream crossings, just the parts that require buffer authorization. Let me know if you need any additional information to move forward. Thanks, Todd From: Amy Chapman [mailto:amy.chapman@ncmail.net] Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 11:15 AM To: Todd Preuninger Subject: Re: Cemetary Branch I can't recommend. However, the written concurrence on the exempt portions of the project are not required. But if you want it included, you have to pay. Both ways work. -Amy Todd Preuninger wrote: 2 of 5 3/19/2008 12:51 PM Re: Cemetary Branch Thanks for getting back to me - Do we need written concurrence for the stream crossings? From your a-mail, it doesn't sound like we do. What would you recommend doing? Todd From: Amy Chapman [mailto:amy.chapman@ncmail.net] Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 10:50 AM To: Todd Preuninger Subject: Re: Cemetary Branch Todd, You wouldn't have to pay the fee if you do not want written concurrence on the two sewer line stream crossings in the application. If you and the City of Raleigh only want written concurrence on the portions of the project that require a buffer authorization, then just let me know and I can proceed that way. Otherwise we'd require the fee if you want all the impacts included in our acceptance. Thanks. -Amy Todd Preuninger wrote: Amy, Got your letter for Cemetary Branch - Not sure why we need to pay for the 401 Certification -The activities are authorized under NWP12 for the USACE and we don't need to notify them for the impacts, since there are only 2 stream crossings, and they are less than 500 linear feet. As far as the 401 goes, i thought we were also authorized (or at least didn't need prior approval). Specifically, the 401 applies to impacts to Waters or Wetlands, not buffers. The general certification states that prior notification is not required if the activities are expempt. Our stream crossings are less than 40 linear feet and are perpendicular, and therefore, i would assume do not require 401 Certification. That's why i only applied for the. buffer impacts and checked the box for courtesy 401 notification. What are your thoughts? Thanks, Todd fi0t~0 PF2EUNINGER WITHEIR~ ~. R.4VENEIL i~x MacKenarr Grive i Cary, Worth Caralirna z7~,rt Cel: 91ri 469 334u ,fax: 9t9 535 N~45 direct: g~3.118.u3o7 'y~~twwy.~*r th e r~ ra ire fae I.c om 3 of 5 3/19/2008 12:51 PM Re: Cemetary Branch itri_• clrclrcrnic rnec+sage, which inciudcs any attachments Ind utherdrxuments referred k, hrrein, crantains in(urrnation frurn Wither; 8 RavcncT, inc. lhal may br IcgallY privileged and con(idc+rtial The in(unnation ir=. inlrndcd Fvr the usr ~a(lhr addrcsrct_.} only. If you arc nut the addn~ssee, notr that any disclr+ure, ;c,pying, ftrinling, dislribulion.:~r use o1 ihr u~ntrnts of lhris message is pruhibiled. If you rrccived ltris rnes;~~Ct;c in error, pease arJvrsr the sender ty nrply and delete ibis clectranic mrssagc and anY altachrncnls COPYRiG411 NOTICE: Cupyrit;hl 1c~v6 by Withers 8 Ravrnel, Irrc. ~kll Rivht> Rr;rrvrd by Witter , ~ Rax~rnrl, Irrc, ibis ngli,e applir~ lu Ihisclrclronic nressaue, all altachrnrnls [tre~lt), Ind ate drxurnenls rr(errrd lu therein. This rlrclnanic me>sa~x, any att~chrnrnt Ihenat7 and all ducunrent; rc(rrnd to lhcrcin arc the proprietary pn~lxrty uF Withers & Ravrne(,Inc This clrclrmic message, any attaehrncnts lhenelr~ and ala dutumenl_; rrfcrn•d !rJ therein arc provided (nr the redpirnl'; intrrrnali~n only, and no rights are irans- h_rmd by ltre cram,mission ai this rlrctronit rness~agr try Withers & Ravrnel, inc. r)r receipt of Ibis nressas;r by lire rccic~irnl urany Ulhcr party. Amy Chapman NC Division of Water Quality 401/Wetlands Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Phone: 919-715-6823 Fax: 919-733-6893 E-mail: amy.chapman(a,ncmail.net <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endifJ--> Amy Chapman NC Division of Water Quality 401/Wetlands Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Phone: 919-715-6823 Fax: 919-733-6893 E-mail: amy.chapman(a,ncmail.net <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> Amy Chapman NC Division of Water Quality 401/Wetlands Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Phone: 919-715-6823 Fax: 919-733-6893 E-mail: amy.chapman(a~ncmail.net <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endifJ--> 4 of 5 3/19/2008 12:51 PM