HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080499 Ver 1_More Info Received_20080324TOWN OF KERNERS'VILLE P.O. Box 728 Kernersville, NC 27285-0728 March 20, 2008 Ms. Amy Chapman, Environmental Senior Specialist Division of Water Quality 401 Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Subject: Approved Findings, Conclusions, Decision and Conditions Request for Major Exception -the "Hermes Project Randleman Reservoir Watershed -Upper Portion Town of Kernersville -Watershed Review Committee Guilford County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Chapman: Dawn H. Morgan, Mayor Curtis L. Swisher, Town Manager 134 East Mountain Street Telephone (336) 996-3121 Fax (336) 996-4822 Qc~c~r~oer~a MAR 2 4 20D8 DENR - WATER l1WWTY yyET1.ANDS ANO STORMWATER BREWCN Pursuant to our telephone conversation, please find enclosed Findings, Conclusions, Decision and Conditions approved by the Watershed Review Committee (Committee) of the Town of Kernersville, which have been certified by the Town Clerk, for the proposed "Hermes Project". After publishing notices in local papers and sending written notices to affected local governments, the Committee conducted a public hearing, today, which was held in accordance with the notices and the Town's Environmental Ordinance. Representatives for the "Hermes Project" requested a major exception (variance) as provided in the Town of Kernersville's Code of Ordinances (Chapter C -Environmental Ordinance, Article III -Watershed Protection, Section 3-7.4 Exceptions, Major). The "Hermes Project" is proposed for a tract containing approximately 130 acres, which is located within the Town of Kernersville, Guilford County, North Carolina, having a street address of 1540 Old Greensboro Road. A complete record of the hearing has been developed. Should you desire, we can provide copies of the recorded documents and minutes of the hearing. Please let me know if you need, or want, this information. Should you have questions or need additional information, please contact me at (336) 996-5530. You may send email to rradford(a~toknc.com. Si rely, D R sell D. Radford, P.E., Wa ershed Administrator Town of Kernersville Enclosures CC: Ms. Sue Homewood Mr. Jay Devaney, Attorney Mr. Curtis Swisher, Town Manager Mr. John G. Wolfe, III, Attorney ALDERMEN Kevin Bugg -Brooke W. Cashion -Dana Caudill Jones -Keith Mason -Bob Prescott _ NORTH CAROLINA'S ~_ PIEDMONT TRIAD TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE P.O. Drawer 728 Kernersville, NC 27285-0728 Dawn H. Morgan, Mayor Curtis L. Swisher, Town Manager 134 East Mountain Street Telephone (336) 996-3121 Fax (336) 996-4822 I, Dale F. Martin, Town Clerk of the Town of Kernersville, North Carolina, do hereby certify that the attached document is a true and accurate excerpt of the Minutes of the Kernersville Watershed Review Committee Hearing held on March 19, 2008. Witness my hand and the seal of the Town of Kernersville, this 20th day of March, 2008. ~_~ Dale F. Martin, CMC Town Clerk ~~~r~oa~~ MAR 2 4 2008 r7ENR - YYA7tR QUALITY VIEETLANDS ANID STORPAWATER BRANCH ALDERMEN Kevin Bugg -Brooke W. Cashion -Dana Caudill Jones -Keith Mason -Bob Prescott ®~~ ~f ~f~ ,`~~C, ~ less ~y~. °OBjOi+'~ eecnscaws ~_A ~ ~ -~.~ / ~ VV~Gi ® ~ .`-r~.~~Y~ r ..,.E -__ ', ',':'~- Rt i ^'owr r • e C,q n ORATto NORTH CAROLINA'S PIEDMONT TRIAD WATERSHED COMMITTEE HEARING TOWN OF KERNERSVILLE, N. C. MARCH 19, 2008 AT 10:30 AM Present: John G. Wolfe, IIII, Hearing Officer; Curtis L. Swisher, Town Manager; Russell D. Radford, Town Engineer/Watershed Administrator; Timothy G. Shields, Public Works Director; Doran Maltba, Asst. Public Works Director; Ana Jaramillo, Engineer; Elizabeth Binkley, Stormwater Technician, Jeff Hatling, Community Development Director, and Dale F. Martin, Town Clerk. Full public hearing with all persons wishing to be heard having been heard from including: Jay Devaney, Attorney; Denise Poulos, LLS, ECS Carolinas, LLP; Keith Price, Jr., PE, Samet Corporation; Brian Hall, Samet Corporation; Andy Scales, PE, The Schneider Corporation. At conclusion of the public hearing: Action taken by Committee: Russell Radford, Watershed Administrator presented the following Motion, which was subsequently amended by Committee, based on the findings of fact as stated below: Based upon the application for major exception, including supporting documents, and upon sworn statements presented today, I offer the following in the form of a motion for consideration and approval by the Committee: Findings of Fact: 1. The site for the "Hermes Project" is proposed to be located within the Town of Kernersville and in the Upper Portion of the Randleman Lake (Deep River) Water Supply Watershed. If approved, discharge of storm water runoff from the site will be into an unnamed tributary to Deep River, which has a current stream classification of WS-IV. The Town's Environmental Ordinance requires that a 50-foot wide, two-zone stream buffer be maintained adjacent to streams and ponds. Among other conditions, the Environmental Ordinance imposes strict limits on development within the stream buffer, and also limits new impervious surfaces on a site within the watershed to no more than 70%. 2. The Town of Kernersville's Code of Ordinances (Chapter C -Environmental Ordinance, Article III -Watershed Protection, Section 3-7.4 Exceptions, Major) provides for an applicant to request a major exception (variance), which would be considered by the Town's Watershed Review Committee. Pursuant to the request for a major exception to the stream buffer rule, the Watershed Review Committee has scheduled this public hearing to receive sworn testimony and to permit citizen input for and against this matter. 3. A preliminary plan for the "Hermes Project", which was submitted with the application for major exception, shows a proposed disturbance and encroachment of development within a regulated 50-foot wide stream buffer on the site. 4. The "Hermes Project" is intended for a large distribution center, which has been pre- engineered to achieve maximum logistic efficiencies for the needs of the business. The minimum site requirement is for 110 acres, on relatively flat land. In this instance, approximately 130 acres has been proposed for the site. 5. The application for variance identified ten (10) sites in the Triad area that were evaluated for their potential to serve the intended business. Except for the site under consideration, all other sites were reported by the applicant to be unacceptable for various reasons. Discounting limitations imposed by the stream buffer rules, the site proposed for the "Hermes Project" is acceptable to the applicant. 6. Five (5) site development alternatives were evaluated for the "Hermes Project" in an effort to avoid disturbing a stream buffer. Given the size and organizational requirements for the project, the engineering consultant could not "fit" the project onto the site, while not also impacting a stream buffer. 7. The applicant has proposed an impervious cover on the site of 57.3 percent. 8. Vehicle wash water, any discharges from vehicle maintenance, and runoff from the fuel island will be pretreated and discharged into a municipal sanitary sewer system. 9. The application for major exception (variance) to the stream buffer rules includes a proposal to collect and to treat stormwater runoff from both onsite and offsite surfaces. Treatment of the stormwater is to include, in series, a "Stormceptor(s)", a wet detention pond, and a level spreader/filter strip. The "Stormceptor" is a proprietary device intended to collect and treat runoff from vehicle operations and storage area(s) prior to discharge into the wet detention pond. A Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan will be developed for the fuel island and other areas of the site subject to spills; this plan will function to further prevent and/or control spills. The wet detention pond has been proposed to reduce suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorous from stormwater runoff leaving impervious surfaces on the site. A level spreader/filter strip is proposed to be used in series with the water quality draw-down flow from the pond to provide additional treatment for suspended solids, phosphorous and nitrogen. 10. The applicant has proposed to control post-development, peak runoff rates for the 2-year, 10-year, 25-year and 50-year storm events to that of pre-development peak runoff rates for the same storm events. 11. The applicant has proposed to obtain other environmental permits, as may be required, specifically those addressing handling of any hazardous material that may be onsite, temporarily. Hazardous wastes passing through the site, but not stored, will be handled in a Hazardous Material Processing Area designed for that purpose. 12. The applicant is involved in a company wide program to quantify and to reduce its carbon footprint. This program will include the proposed site. Based upon the above proposed findings, I further propose the Watershed Review Committee conclude the following: Conclusions: 1. Assuming the request for variance is granted by the Environmental Management Commission, a final site plan will be submitted by the applicant, which will contain a detailed Stormwater Management Plan to meet requirements of the Environmental Ordinance and any conditions attached to an approved variance. 2. The applicant for the "Hermes Project" has presented information that describes the proposed site to be unique in that it is the only one out of ten (10) potential sites that met the selection criteria. It was reported that practical difficulties associated with (a) minimum site development requirements and (b) site configuration needs of the applicant preclude being able to avoid disturbance of the stream buffer. 3. As currently proposed, site development is proposed for 57.3 percent of impervious cover, which is compared to a maximum allowed by the Town's Environmental Ordinance of 70 percent. 4. In order to minimize impacts on the stream, buffer disturbance has been limited to no more than that required to make the site feasible. 5. As established by the State's BMP Manual, a treatment scheme has been proposed for the site, which is estimated to reduce pollutants from the discharge of stormwater by: (a) 90% of suspended solids, (b) 40% of nitrogen, and (c) 61 % of phosphorous. The proposal meets the required level of treatment for stormwater, established in the Town's Ordinance. While providing additional pollutant removal, treatment through the "Stormceptor" was not included in the projected removal calculations. 6. Control of post-development, peak runoff rates to pre-development rates for the 2-year, 10-year, 25-year and 50-year storm events is anticipated to minimize stream bank erosion downstream from the site. 7. Payment into a mitigation bank, or other forms of buffer mitigation, has not been proposed as part of the Town's consideration of this major exception. The Town of Kernersville's Environmental Ordinance does not provide for mitigation. However, the applicant has stated his intent to apply fora 404 Permit and 401 Certification, which will very likely include buffer mitigation. 8. Other environmental permits, coupled with site development plans, that are required for handling of any on site hazardous wastes will be followed by the applicant to further ensure public safety and to limit exposure to the environment. If members of the Committee agree with my proposals for findings and conclusions, I propose the following decision and conditions: Decisions and Conditions: In accordance with The Town of Kernersville's Code of Ordinances (Chapter C -Environmental Ordinance, Article III -Watershed Protection, Section 3-7.4 Exceptions, Major), the application submitted on behalf of the "Hermes Project" for a major exception to stream buffer rules in the aforementioned Environmental Ordinance is granted pursuant to the following conditions: 1. This major exception shall only apply to the applicant for the "Hermes Project, to the specific property and for specific uses identified in the applicant's supporting information. 2. Detailed site development plans, specifically including a Stormwater Management Plan, shall be developed in accordance will all applicable local and State laws, rules and regulations. Prior to commencing site work, all site development plans shall be reviewed and approved by relevant agencies. The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining all permits needed for the proposed development. Detailed development plans for this project shall not deviate more than allowed by existing ordinance from plans and documents, which were submitted in support of this request. 3. Treatment of stormwater runoff from this proposed site shall meet, or exceed, treatment efficiencies for suspended solids, nitrogen, and phosphorous from best management practices proposed for this project. Treatment removal efficiencies for best management practices shall be determined by application of relevant design criteria identified in the Stormwater Best Management Manual -Jul 2~ published by North Carolina Division of Water Quality. 4. The applicant's final development plans for this project must include means to control the post-development, peak runoff rates from the 2-year, 10-year, 25-year and 50-year storm events to pre-development, peak runoff rates for the same storm events. 5. The applicant submitting an application for an erosion and sediment control permit to the Land Quality Section of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for this project must set forth proposals which exceed the Section's minimum performance standards for erosion and sediment control. 6. The applicant provides mitigation for stream buffer disturbances as may be specified by the Environmental Management Commission and in the Section 404 Permit and Section 401 Certification. 7. At such time as a variance may be approved by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, the applicant shall submit to the Town of Kernersville for approval detailed, final development plan(s), which meet, or exceed, the most restrictive condition(s) approved by either the Town of Kernersville - Watershed Review Committee or the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. Motion and amendments were seconded by Doran Maltba and the vote was all for and motion carried. _ JoJ~I G. W~1"fe, III, Hearing officer and Town Attorney ATTEST: -~C~/~ Dale F. Martin, Town Clerk