HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190188_W5600_CE_Final_20160829... .; �;' PAT McCRORY Governor NICHOLAS J. TENNYSON Secretary Transportation August 22, 2016 Mr. Rob Ridings NC Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Dear Mr. Ridings: SUBJECT: Federal Categorical Exclusion for Improvements to US 70 from US 70 Business to the Neuse River Bridge, Johnston County, Federal-Aid Project HISP-0070(163), WBS Element 50056.1.1, TIP Project W-5600 Attached is a copy of the Categorical Exclusion for the subject proposed highway improvement. No significant adverse environmental impacts are expected as a result of this project. The document is also being distributed for review to other agencies as appropriate. Distribution of the Categorical Exclusion is being made on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration in accordance with 23 CFR 771. Sincerel�, 1''�`�� � Jay Mclnnis, PE Project Engineer, Project Development & Environmental Analysis Unit �Nothing Compares�_ State of North Carolina ( Departmen[ of Transportation ; Project Developmen[ and Environmen[al Malysis 1000 Birch Ridge Dnve I 1548 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 919-707-6000 D ����1�� ��, D �UG � Q 20i6 � I�EIJi3 • N1fiT�4 R�:iOURCES TRANSPOR7A?I�R�'EFh41TTING UNIT U.S. 70 Improvements From US 70 Business to the Neuse River Bridge Johnston County Federal Aid Project No. HISP-0070(163) WBS Element 50056.1.1 STIP PROJECT NO. W-5600 �� �,����� ��� � � �.'�'� � �`�• � � �t � „"� �e � .� . � � �� � �: ���*��'� �±F TR ��'������ ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION U. S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION AND N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Submitted pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(c) and 49 U.S.C. 303 Approved: DocuSigned by: 7/29/2016 �'� � � , e��e.€�e.e�a,Ti$ Date Robert P. Hanson, P.E., for NCDOT Eastern Project Development Section Head DacuSigned try: 7/ 2 9/ 2 016 ��'�'d' �u`e.rr'�'� l�] �,'- l `-� Date John F. Sullivan III, P.E., Division Administrator for Federal Highway Administration U.S. 70 Improvements From US 70 Business to the Neuse River Bridge Johnston County Federal Aid Project No. HISP-0070(163) WBS Element 50056.1.1 STIP PROJECT NO. W-5600 Administrative Action CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION July 2016 Document prepared by: Stantec Consulting Ltd. DocuSigned by: 7/29/2016 �,��� Date Ryan L. White, P.E. Consultant Project Manager Stantec Consulting Ltd. For the North Carolina Department of Transportation DocuSigned by: 7/29/2016 ��"'�'��, Date James A. Mclnnis, Jr. P.E. NCDOT Eastern Project Development Section Project Engineer DocuSigned by: 7/29/2016 ��� `��� Date Kim L. Gillespie, P.E. NCDOT Eastern Project Development Section Project Planning Engineer � � S p��.�� ��i�/'� � 033127 /. 7/29/2016 Table of Contenis Secfion Page 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTION ......................................................................................................1 1.1 General Description ....................................................................................................................1 1.2 Project Schedule ..........................................................................................................................1 1.3 Cost Estimate ................................................................................................................................1 2.0 PURPOSE AND NEED FOR PROJECT ...........................................................................................................2 2.1 Project Purpose ............................................................................................................................2 2.2 Project Need .................................................................................................................................2 2.2.1 Safety .................................................................................................................................2 2.22 Mobility ..............................................................................................................................2 2.3 Description of Existing Conditions .......................................................................................3 2.3.1 Functional Classification .........................................................................................3 2.3.2 Physical Description of Existing Facility .................................................................3 Roadway Typical Section ....................................................................3 Horizontal and Vertical Alignment .....................................................3 Right of Way and Access Control ......................................................4 Speed Limit .............................................................................................4 Intersections/Interchanges ..................................................................4 Hydraulic Structures ...............................................................................5 2.3.3 Utilities .................................................................................................................5 2.3.4 School Bus Usage .....................................................................................................5 2.3.5 Roadway Capacity .................................................................................................6 Existing Traffic Volumes .........................................................................b Future Traffic Volumes ........................................................................... b Existing and Future Levels of Service .................................................. b 2.3.6 Crash Data and Safety ...........................................................................................7 2.4 Transportation Plans ....................................................................................................................8 2.4.1 Johnston County Comprehensive Transportation Plan .........................................8 2.4.2 US 70 Access Management Study .............................................................................8 2.4.3 US 70 Access Management Handbook ....................................................................9 2.4.4 US 70 Corridor Commission ...........................................................................................9 2.4.5 Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act ...............................................9 2.5 Adjacent STIP Projects ................................................................................................................9 2.6 Logical Termini .............................................................................................................................10 3.0 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS .....................................................................................................................11 3.1 Roadway Cross-Section and Alignment .........................................................................11 3.2 Right-of-Way and Access Control ....................................................................................11 3.3 Interchanges/Intersections ................................................................................................12 3.4 Service Roads .......................................................................................................................12 3.5 Speed Limit and Design Speed .........................................................................................13 3.6 Anticipated Design Exceptions .........................................................................................13 3.7 Proposed Structures .............................................................................................................13 3.8 Utilities .....................................................................................................................................13 3.9 Noise Barriers .........................................................................................................................14 3.10 Work Zone, Traffic Control, and Construction Phasing .................................................14 4.0 ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED ACTION 4.1 Preliminary Study Alternatives ................................................................................................14 4.1.1 Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Alternative .................................14 Secfion Table of Contenis Page 4.12 Transportation Systems Management (TSM) Alternative .....................................14 4.1.3 Mass Transit/Multimodal Alternative .........................................................................15 4.1.4 No-Build Alternative .....................................................................................................15 4.1.5 Improve Existing Alternatives .....................................................................................15 Swift Creek Road Interchange Options ...............................................15 Swift Creek Road Interchange Options ...............................................1 b 4.2 Alternatives Studied in Detail ..................................................................................................16 4.3 NCDOT Recommended Alternative ......................................................................................18 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF PROPOSED ACTION .............................................................................19 5.1 Natural Resources ................................................................................................................19 5.1.1 Physiology and Soils ...............................................................................................19 5.1.2 Biotic Resources ......................................................................................................20 Terrestrial Communities .......................................................................20 Terrestrial Wildlife ..................................................................................21 Aquatic Communities .........................................................................22 Invasive Species ...................................................................................22 5.1.3 Water Resources and Water Quality ..................................................................23 Streams, Rivers, Impoundments ........................................................23 Water Quality .......................................................................................24 5.1.4 Jurisdictionallssues .................................................................................................25 Streams ..................................................................................................25 Wetlands ...............................................................................................26 Clean Water Act Permits ....................................................................28 Norfh Carolina Riparian Buffer Rules ................................................28 5.1.5 Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10 Navigable Waters ...................................28 5.1.6 Avoidance, Minimization, and Mitigation .........................................................28 5.1.7 Federally Protected Species ................................................................................29 Northern Long-eared bat ..................................................................30 5.1.8 Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act .................................................30 5.2 Community Impacts and Land Use .................................................................................30 5.2.1 Population and Land Use .....................................................................................30 Minority/Low-Income Populations ....................................................30 Limited English Proficiency Populations ...........................................31 Existing Land Use Plans and Regulations .........................................31 Zoning and Future Land Use ..............................................................32 5.2.2 Neighborhoods and Communities .....................................................................32 Community / Neighborhood Cohesion and Stability ...................32 Impacts to Mobility and Access .......................................................32 Economic and Business Resources ..................................................32 Impacts to Community Safety and Emergency Response.........33 Other Public Facilities and Services .................................................33 5.2.3 Right of Way and Relocation Impacts ...............................................................33 5.3 Cultural Resources ...............................................................................................................34 5.3.1 Historic Architectural Resources ..........................................................................34 5.3.2 Archaeological Resources ...................................................................................34 5.4 Section 4(f) Resources .........................................................................................................34 5.5 Section 6(f) Resource ..........................................................................................................34 5.6 Prime Farmlands .................................................................................................................35 5.7 Air Quality .........................................................................................................................35 5.8 Noise ..............................................................................................................................39 5.9 Hazardous Material and Geotechnical Impacts ..........................................................42 N Secfion Table of Contenis Page 5.10 Floodplains ............................................................................................................................42 5.11 Indirect and Cumulative Effects .......................................................................................43 5.12 Geodetic Markers ................................................................................................................43 5.13 Summary of Environmental Effects ...................................................................................44 6.0 COMMENTS AND COORDINATION .......................................................................................................45 6.1 Comments Received from Federal, State, and Local Agencies .................................45 6.2 Local Officials Meeting and Public Involvement ..............................................................45 6.3 NEPA/404 Merger Process ........................................................................................................47 7.0 BASIS FOR CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION .............................................................................................47 Ust of Tables Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Table 18 Table 19 Table 20 Table 21 Existing Hydraulic Structures .................................................................................................5 Level of Service and Delay for US 70 Intersections - Signalized ....................................7 Level of Service and Delay for US 70 Intersections - Unsignalized ...............................7 US 70 Mainline Crash Rates Comparisons ......................................................................... 7 AdjacentSTIP Projects .........................................................................................................10 ProposedBridges .................................................................................................................13 Proposed Hydraulic Structures ...........................................................................................13 Jurisdictional Impacts of Interchange Options .............................................................. l b Alternative Studied in Detail Comparison .......................................................................17 Soilsin the Study Area .........................................................................................................19 Terrestrial Community Impacts ..........................................................................................20 Water Resources in the Study Area ..................................................................................23 Physical Characteristics of Water Resources in the Study Area .................................24 Jurisdictional Characteristics of Water Resources in the Study Area ........................25 Stream Impacts of Alternatives Studied in Detail ..........................................................26 Jurisdictional Characteristics of Wetlands in the Study Area ......................................26 Federally Protected Species Listed for Johnston County .............................................29 Predicted Traffic Noise Impacts ........................................................................................40 Preliminary Noise Barrier Evaluation Results ....................................................................42 Summary of Environmental Effects ...................................................................................44 Public Meeting Alternative Preference Summary .........................................................46 !Ii Secfion Uat of Figures Figure 1 Figures 2A-D Figure 3 Figures 4A-B Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figures 9A-B Figures l0A-B Appsndicea Table of Cantenta Vicinity Map Proposed Improvements Proposed Typical Sections 2012 - 2035 Average Annual Daily Traffic Johnston County CTP US 70 Corridor Improvement Projects Adjacent STIP Projects Interchange Options Alternatives Studied in Detailed Jurisdictional Features A. Agency Correspondence B. Relocation Report C. Public Involvement Iv Page PROJECT COMMITMENTS US 70 Improvements From US 70 Business to the Neuse River Bridge Johnston County Federal Aid Project HISP-0070(163) WBS No. 50056.1.1 STIP Project W-5600 Hydraulics Unit - FEMA Coordination NCDOT will coordinate with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program (FMP), to determine the status of the project with regard to applicability of NCDOT'S Memorandum of Agreement, or approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). Division 4 Construction-FEMA Coordination This project involves construction activities on or adjacent to FEMA-regulated stream(s). Therefore, the Division shall submit sealed as-built construction plans to the Hydraulics Unit upon completion of project construction, certifying the drainage structure(s) and roadway embankment within the 100-year floodplain were built as shown in the construction plans, both horizontally and vertically. W-5600 Categorical Exclusion Page 1 of 1 July 2016 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeef W-5600 This Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Categorical F�cclusion (CE) has been prepared for State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Project W-5600 in Johnston County. This CE was prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended (42 USC 4321 et seq.); the Council on Environmental Quality regulations implementing NEPA (40 CFR 1500-1508); and the FHWA Environmental Impact and Related Procedures (23 CFR 771). 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTION 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The proposed project involves upgrading US 70 to a freeway from US 70 Business to the Neuse River in Johnston County. The project will construct interchanges at the intersections of US 70 with SR 1501 (Swift Creek Road) and SR 1903 (Wilson's Mills Road). The project will close the remaining at-grade intersections and median openings that provide direct access to US 70 from adjacent properties. Access to properties adjacent to US 70 will be provided via newly constructed service roads. Figure 1 shows the project location. 1.2 PROJECT SCHEDULE The project is included in the 2016-2025 STIP. The following schedule is based on the 2016 - 2025 STI P. Right-of-way Acquisition: Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Construction: 1.3 COST ESTIMATE FY 2020 The total cost for the project included in the 2016-2025 STIP is $30,914,000. This includes $26,008,000 for construction, $4,380,000 for right of way acquisition and $526,000 for utility relocations. The current total cost estimate for the project is: Construction: Right-of-Way: Utilities Relocation Mitigation TOTAL: $ 46,050,000 $ 8,275,000 $ 3,830,500 $ 3,510,000 $ 61,665,500 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeef W-5600 2.0 PURPOSE AND NEED OF THE PROPOSED ACTION 2.1 PROJECT PURPOSE The purpose of the project is to improve the safety and mobility of vehicular travel along US 70 within the project limits. 2.2 PROJECT NEED The proposed project is intended to address the following needs. 2.2.1 Safety Detailed crash data was collected within the project study limits between May 2009 and April 2014. The data indicates 137 crashes occurred within the project limits during this time period. Two of those crashes resulted in fatalities. One other crash resulted in serious injuries to two people. The fatal crash rate for the section of US 70 within the project limits is higher than the statewide average for similar facilities, although it is lower than the critical crash rate. See Section 2.3.6 for more detailed crash data. The two traffic signals within the project limits are a concern, given the high speed traffic and free-flow nature of adjacent sections of US 70. Drivers, especially after travelling along freeway sections, sometimes do not expect traffic signals on rural four-lane highways such as US 70. Much of the traffic on US 70 in the project area is long distance, intercity traffic. During the summer, US 70 is heavily utilized by travelers destined for the Carteret and Onslow County beaches. The current section of US 70 in the project area is an expressway with limited control of access, while the portion of the project to the west is a freeway with full control of access. For eastbound traffic on US 70, the traffic signal at Swift Creek Road is the first signal encountered in approximately 19 miles. For westbound traffic on US 70, the traffic signal at Wilson's Mills Road is the first signal encountered in approximately 7.4 miles (this will be the first signal in approximately 13.1 miles following completion of STIP Project W-5107, which is under construction and will convert the next signalized intersection on US 70 east of Wilson's Mills Road to an interchange). Traffic safety studies indicate that closing at-grade intersections and replacing them with interchanges may reduce total crash potential by as much as 42 percent and injury crashes by as much as 57 percent. 2.2.2 Mobility The existing traffic signals along the section of US 70 within the project limits result in delays to traffic. These conflict points cause the substantial regional through traffic on US 70 to stop or slow down to accommodate vehicles crossing and turning onto US 70, as well as vehicles turning from US 70. The mobility of US 70 will continue to erode as traffic volumes increase on US 70 and intersecting roadways. In addition, the speed limit can only be set to 55 miles per hour (mph) because of the at-grade intersections. The speed limit of the adjoining freeway section of US 70 to the west is 70 mph. In the 2 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeet W-5600 year 2035 without construction of the project, it will take an average of approximately six minutes to travel the 4.7 mile section of US 70 within the project limits. Following construction of the proposed interchanges and removal of at-grade intersections within the project limits, the speed limit can be raised to 70 mph. In the year 2035 with construction of the project, it will only take approximately 4 minutes to travel the 4.7 mile section of US 70 within the project limits. This is an approximately 33 percent reduction in travel time over the no-build alternative. The latest federal surface transportation reauthorization, entitled Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act or the "FAST Act" was signed into law in December 2015. The law designates US 70 from I-40 to the port at Morehead City as a future Interstate highway. The improvements proposed as part of this project are compatible with this overarching plan to upgrade the US 70 corridor. 2.3 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS US 70 is a major east-west route in eastern North Carolina, connecting Raleigh to the coast at Morehead City and is the primary east-west route in Johnston County. West of the project, US 70 transitions into the full-access controlled Clayton Bypass which connects to I-40. At the western project limit, US 70 also intersects US 70 Business, a four- lane divided arterial that connects Clayton to Smithfield. Approximately 3.5 miles east of the project, US 70 connects to I-95, the principal north-south interstate of the East Coast. 2.3.1 Functional Classification Within the project limits, US 70 is classified as a Principal Arterial. US 70 is included in the National Highway System. 2.3.2 Physical Description of Existing Facility Roadway Typical Section Within the project study area, US 70 is a four-lane divided facility with two 12-foot lanes, 4-foot wide paved outside shoulders, and 2-foot paved shoulders in each direction. The eastbound and westbound lanes are separated by a variable width grassed median ranging from 30 to 46 feet wide. Horizontal and Vertical Alignment The existing horizontal and vertical alignment of US 70 is acceptable, although a curve west of the Wilson's Mills Road intersection limits sight distance for eastbound US 70 approaching the intersection. To improve safety, flashing "signal ahead" warning signs were installed in both directions along the approaches to the two intersections to notify travelers when the through-signals are turning red. US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5600 Right-of-Way and Access Control The existing right-of-way width along US 70 within the project limits is approximately 250 feet. Limited control of access (access from public roads only, no driveways) exists along US 70 within the project limits, with one exception. A driveway providing access to a farm field exists on the north side of US 70 across from the SR 2566 (Sadisco Road) intersection. The remaining accesses onto US 70 are public roads. Speed Limit The posted speed limit along US 70 within the project limits is 55 miles per hour. Intersections/Interchanges Two signalized and six unsignalized intersections are located along US 70 within the project limits. Other than one unsignalized at-grade intersection east of the project limits, these are the only at-grade intersections along US 70 between I-40 and I-95. The existing signalized intersections are: SR 1501 (Swift Creek Road) - Swift Creek Road provides access to the town of Wilson's Mills from US 70 and areas south of the highway, including US 70 Business and the Johnston County Airport. SR 1913 (Wilson's Mills Road) - Wilson's Mills Road provides a connection between the town of Wilson's Mills and the western portion of Smithfield to the south of US 70. North of US 70 the roadway is generally parallel to US 70, serving as the only continuous east-west roadway through the town on the south side of the North Carolina Railroad Company's railroad tracks. From west to east, median openings are located at six unsignalized intersections within the project limits: SR 2566 (Sadisco Road) - Located on the south side of US 70, Sadisco Road is an approximately 0.4 mile-long roadway intersecting US 70 Business to the west and terminating at several businesses to the east. On the north side of US 70 at this median opening, there is an unpaved driveway. SR 2574 (Uzzle Industrial Drive) - On the south side of US 70, U�le Industrial Drive is an approximately 0.2-mile long roadway providing the only access to an industrial park. On the north side of US 70, SR 2580 (Uzzle Drive) is an approximately 0.3-mile long service road that provides access to a nursery business. SR 1907 (Strickland Road) - A north-south route, Strickland Road connects Swift Creek Road south of US 70 to Wilson's Mills Road approximately 0.1 mile north of US 70. SR 1914 (Bear Farm Road) (west section) - On the south side of US 70, SR 2568 is a service road that provides access to several properties. Bear Farm Road is on the north side of US 70. Bear Farm Road has two intersections with US 70. Bear Farm Road was previously a loop street but a connecting segment of the roadway has 4 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeet W-5600 been abandoned. This western section of Bear Farm Road provides a connection to Uzzle's Pond Road/Main Street, which provides the only continuous east-west road through Wilson's Mills on the north side of the North Carolina Railroad Company railroad tracks. NCDOT Johnston County Maintenance Yard - At this median opening, the NCDOT facility entrance is on the south side of US 70. The NCDOT facility also has access from Turnage Road to the east. On the north side of US 70, SR 2568 is an approximately 0.1-mile long service road that provides access to several properties. SR 1915 (Turnage Road) - Turnage Road intersects US 70 to the south, providing a connection from Wilson's Mills Road approximately 0.9 miles to the southwest. The eastern section of SR 1914 (Bear Farm Road) intersects US 70 to the north. Hydraulic Structures Three existing hydraulic structures exist along US 70 in the project area. These structures are described on Table 1. Table 1. Existing Hydraulic Structures Culvert No. Descri tion Roadwa Stream Condition N/A 3 barrel 6'xb' 172' long RCBC US 70 Little Poplar Good Creek 513 3 barrel 10'xb' 139' lon RCBC US 70 Po lar Creek Good 514 2 barrel 7'x7' 74' long RCBC SR 1501 (Swift Poplar Creek Good Creek Road 2.3.3 Utilities Two high voltage power transmission lines pass through the project study area. The two lines converge at the US 70/Swift Creek Road intersection and continue eastward along the same alignment, crossing over US 70 approximately midway between the Swift Creek and Wilson's Mills Roads intersections. A 16-inch water main runs along the south side of US 70 between Strickland Road and Swift Creek Road. Between Swift Creek Road and Wilson's Mills Road, a 24-inch water main parallels the north side of US 70. Waterlines cross under US 70 in the vicinity of the Strickland, Swift Creek, and Wilson's Mills Roads intersections. 2.3.4 School Bus Usage Wilson's Mills Elementary School is located approximately 0.4 mile north of US 70 along Wilson's Mills Road. Smithfield Middle School and Smithfield-Selma High School are located approximately two miles southeast of the project study area near Buffalo Road. According to the Johnston County Schools Transportation Supervisor, approximately 18 school buses per day utilize US 70 within the study area, making a total of 40 trips. � US TO Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5600 Below is a summary of school bus usage at intersections within the study area: Swift Creek Road - 18 buses cross over US 70, 14 buses turn onto or from US 70 Wilson's Mills Road - 22 buses cross over US 70, 24 buses turn onto or from US 70 Turnage Road - 3 buses turn onto or from US 70 Strickland Road - 9 buses turn onto or from US 70 Sadisco Road - 7 buses turn onto or from US 70 2.3.5 Roadway Capacity Existing Traffic Volumes The 2012 traffic volumes along US 70 range from 21,800 vehicles per day (vpd) to 24,800 vpd through the project area. The highest volumes are concentrated along the eastern end of the project. Future Traffic Volumes The 2035 (Design Year) projected traffic volumes along US 70 range from 37,200 vpd to 41,700 vpd. Figures 4A and 4B show the 2012 and 2035 projected traffic volumes along US 70 and the major intersections in the study area. Existing and Future Levels of Service The level of service along US 70 is projected to deteriorate slightly from B to C for signalized intersections and for most turning movements at unsignalized intersections. However, level of service for northbound and southbound movements (through, left- turn, and right-turn) at unsignalized intersections is projected to deteriorate to level of service F in most cases. Tables 2 and 3 compare the 2012 no-build level of service to the projected 2035 no-build level of service for signalized and unsignalized intersections, respectively. 6 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJecf W-5b00 Table 2. Level of Service and Delay for US 70 Intersections - Signalized 2012 No Build 2035 No Build US 70 Intersection LOS Delay LOS Delay Swift Creek Road B 15.2 C 24.4 Wilson's Mills Road B 19.3 C 30.0 Table 3. Level of Service and Delay for US 70 Intersections - Unsignalized US 70 Intersection 2012 No Build 2035 No Build LOS* Delay* LOS* Delay* Uzzle Industrial D 25.8 F 126.3 Drive Strickland Road D 26.3B F 100.6 Bear Farm Road D 28.9 F 169.6 west Turna e Road D 28.6 F 160.9 *Level of service and delay presented are for the worst operating movement, the Highway Capacity Manual does not provide a method to calculate an overall level of service for unsignalized intersections. Note: Due to low volumes on Sadisco Road and at the NCDOT Maintenance Yard, these intersections were not included in the capacity analysis. 2.3.6 Crash Data and Safety Detailed crash data was collected within the project study limits between May 2009 and April 2014. The data indicates 137 crashes occurred within the project limits during this time period. Two of those crashes resulted in fatalities. One other crash resulted in serious injuries to two people. Table 4 provides a comparison of the crash statistics within the project study corridor and similar statewide facilities. The analysis indicates the fatal crash rate for the subject section of US 70 is higher than the statewide average for similar facilities. Table 4: US 70 Mainline Crash Rate Comparisons Categories Crashes Crash Rate Statewide Crash Rate Average Critical Crash Rate� Total 137 67.67 123.43 136.53 Fatal 2 0.99 0.93 2.29 Non-Fatal Injury 37 18.28 34.58 41.63 Night 51 25.19 44.35 52.30 W et 31 15.31 22.83 28.60 �The critical crash rate is a statisticaily derived number that can be used to identify high accident roadway segments. The crashes are distributed along US 70 throughout the project limits, with clusters of crashes at most intersections. According to overall crash location data for Johnston County, sections of US 70 through the project limits are among the county's highest frequency crash locations. Twenty seven percent of the crashes in the project area resulted in injuries. Rear-end slow or stop crashes were the most common crash type, 7 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeet W-5600 accounting for approximately 27 percent of crashes along this section of US 70. Most of these crashes occurred in proximity to the US 70 intersections with Swift Creek Road and Wilson's Mills Road. Rear-end slow or stop crash types are an indicator of congested conditions and/or turning movements and represent the effect such conditions can have on driver behavior. Rear-end accidents typically occur where unexpected traffic queues force sudden stops, at signalized intersections during signal- phase changes, and when drivers are distracted. Studies indicate converting at-grade intersections to grade-separated interchanges results in significant reductions in crashes. According to the 2012 NCDOT Crash Reduction Factors, replacing an at-grade intersection with an interchange will result in a 42% reduction in total crashes and an estimated 57% reduction in non-fatal injury crashes. 2.4 TRANSPORTATION PLANS 2.4.1 Johnston County Comprehensive Transportation Plan The Johnston County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTPJ, adopted in September 2011, recommends US 70 be upgraded to a freeway in conformance with the US 70 Access Management Study and indicates proposed interchanges at the US 70 intersections with Swift Creek Road and with Wilson's Mills Road. The highway map also indicates a realignment of Swift Creek Road north of US 70. The plan's pedestrian map proposes sidewalks along Swift Creek Road crossing US 70 and along Wilson's Mills Road north of US 70. Figure 5 shows the Wilson's Mills area recommendations as shown in the Johnston County CTP. 2.4.2 US 70 Access Management Study The US 70 Access Management Study (NCDOT July 2005) reinforces the primary function of US 70 for providing mobility between regional destinations. The study evaluated operational characteristics and safety concerns along the corridor and identified preliminary access management recommendations for the 134-mile US 70 corridor east of Raleigh. General access management concepts recommended include median u-turn treatments, traffic signal coordination, on-site traffic circulation, and interchange retrofitting. The US 70 Access Management Study notes that "implementation of the treatments over any segment or the entire study area would serve to reduce travel time for motorists traveling on US 70 as well as reducing the number and severity of potential crashes, thereby increasing highway safety." Within the W-5600 project limits, the study identified the US 70 intersections with Swift Creek Road and with Wilson's Mills Road as "points of concern." Analysis of NCDOT crash data from 2001 to 2004 indicated a cluster of crashes in these locations. The long-term recommendation for the US 70 intersection with Swift Creek Road was to construct a grade-separation. The long-term recommendation for the US 70 intersection with Wilson's Mills Road was to construct an interchange. 8 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeet W-5600 2.4.3 US 70 Access Management Handbook The US 70 Access Management Handbook (NCDOT May 2007) is a companion document to the 2005 access management study. The handbook presents a toolkit of access management treatments, other design considerations, and policy guidelines. While the focus of the handbook is on implementation of interim access management strategies, the handbook acknowledges the overall vision of the US 70 corridor is a freeway-type facility with full control of access. Access to properties adjacent to US 70 would be provided via connections to a secondary street system. 2.4.4 US 70 Corridor Commission The US 70 Corridor Commission is comprised of representatives of state and local jurisdictions with an interest in enhancing the mobility, safety, and economic development potential of US 70 from I-40 to the Morehead City area. The commission was formed to facilitate multi-jurisdictional coordination and establish consistency among the jurisdictions traversed by US 70, including Johnston, Wayne, Lenoir, Jones, Craven, and Carteret counties. The US 70 Corridor Commission's Conceptual Freeway Plan (March 2012) recommends interchanges at the US 70 intersections with Swift Creek Road and with Wilson's Mills Road, as well as the closure of inedian openings within the W-5600 project limits. 2.4.5 Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act On December 4, 2015, the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act was authorized. The Federal transportation authorization identifies US 70 from I-40 to the Port at Morehead City as a High Priority Corridor on the National Highway System and the future Interstate 42. Figure 6 highlights the US 70 corridor, the existing freeway segments, and proposed improvements along the US 70 corridor included in the NCDOT 2016 - 2025 STIP. 2.5 ADJACENT STIP PROJECTS Table 5 summarizes projects adjacent to W-5600 and are included in the 2016 - 2025 STIP. Figure 7 shows the location of STIP projects in the vicinity of W-5600. 9 US 701mprovemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5600 Table 5. Ad'acent STIP Pro'ects STIP Project Right-of- Number Project Description Way Construction Acquisition R-5718 SR 1003 (Buffalo Road): Widen to three lanes from FY 2017 FY 2019 US 70 to SR 1934 (Old Beulah Road) SR 1913 (Wilson's Mills Road): Intersection R-5722 improvements from SR 1501 (Swift Creek Road) to FY 2017 FY 2017 east of SR 1908 (Fire Department Road) SR 1923 (Booker Dairy Road Extension): Construct a U-3334B two lane road, part on new location from SR 1003 FY 2016 FY 2018 (Buffalo Road) to US 301 (Brightleaf Boulevard) U-3464 US 301 /NC 96: Widen to multi-lanes from NC 96 to FY 2023 FY 2023 SR 1007 (Brogden Road) US 301 /NC 39-96: Construct Access management U-5726 from SR 1623 (Book Dairy Road) to SR 2302 (Ricks FY 2023 FY 2023 Road) U-5795 SR 2302 (Ricks Road): Widen to three lanes from US FY 2017 FY 2018 70 to US 301 US 70: Safety improvements from SR 2305 (Firetower Under W-5107 Road) to SR 2310 (Davis Mill Road/Stevens Chapel Complete construction Road). 2.6 Logical Termini FHWA regulations (23 CFR 771.111(f)) require that logical termini be established during the development of all highway improvement projects. According to the FHWA, "for projects involving safety improvements, almost any termini (e.g., political jurisdictions, geographical features) can be chosen to correspond to those sections where safety improvements are most needed" (FHWA 1993). The purpose of the proposed project is to improve the safety and mobility of vehicular travel along US 70 within the project limits. The project limits were selected in order to address safety concerns at two signalized and several unsignalized intersections along US 70. Although the proposed improvements are compatible with and will result in completing a part of an overall long-term plan to upgrade a 134-mile length of US 70, the project is a usable and reasonable improvement, even if no additional transportation improvements are made. In addition, the project will not restrict the consideration of other transportation improvements in the foreseeable future. 10 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJecf W-5600 3.0 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The proposed improvements are presented in Figures 2A through 2D. 3.1 Roadway Cross-Section and Alignment Within the study area, US 70 will remain a four-lane divided facility with a variable width median ranging from 30 to 46-feet wide. The project will add 10-foot outside and four- foot wide inside paved shoulders, which is consistent with the 2005 AASHTO Interstate Standards Policy. The proposed typical sections of US 70, Swift Creek Road, and Wilson's Mills Road are shown in Figure 3. The project will widen Swift Creek Road within the interchange area to a four-lane facility with left-turn lanes in each direction to allow access to US 70. Exclusive right-turn lanes are also proposed along the north and southbound approaches to accommodate traffic accessing US 70. Wilson's Mills Road will be widened to a four-lane facility with exclusive left-turn lanes in each direction allowing access to US 70. Exclusive right-turn lanes are also proposed along the north and southbound approaches to accommodate traffic accessing US 70. From the western project limit to just west of the Wilson's Mills Road interchange, US 70 will follow its existing alignment. In the vicinity of the proposed Wilson's Mills Road interchange, US 70 will be realigned slightly south of its current alignment to avoid impacts to two businesses in the northeast and northwest quadrants of the interchange. 3.2 Right-of-Way and Access Control The proposed alignment of US 70 generally follows the existing alignment throughout the project except for in the vicinity of the Wilson's Mills Road Interchange. At the Wilson's Mills Road interchange, US 70 will be realigned to the south to avoid two businesses in the northeast and northwest quadrants. The construction of the two proposed interchanges will require the acquisition of right-of-way beyond the existing 250-foot wide right-of-way. The right-of-way along Swift Creek Road approaching US 70 will be widened from the existing 60 feet to 130 feet to accommodate turn lanes and drainage. In the vicinity of the Wilson's Mills Road interchange, the right-of-way width will be extended a maximum of approximately 320-feet along the south side of US 70 to accommodate the realignment of US 70. The right-of-way width along Wilson's Mills Road will range from 120- feet to 150-feet along the southbound and northbound approaches to US 70, respectively. The right-of-way widths present the worse-case scenario and it is likely that the right-of- way widths will be reduced once preliminary hydraulic design is completed. The project will upgrade US 70 to a full freeway throughout the project limits. This will require the implementation of full control of access along US 70 and along Swift Creek and Wilson's Mills Roads within the interchange areas. 11 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJecf W-5600 3.3 Interchanges/Intersections The intersections of Swift Creek Road and Wilson's Mills Road will be upgraded to interchanges as a parf of the project. The Swift Creek Road interchange will be configured as a modified diamond interchange with ramps and loops in the northeast and southwest quadrants at the location of the existing US 70/Swift Creek Road intersection. Swift Creek Road would be carried over US 70 on a new bridge. The Wilson's Mills Road interchange will be configured as a compressed diamond interchange. US 70 will be realigned slightly to the south of the intersection and would be carried over Wilson's Mills Road on new bridges. All other intersections along US 70 within the project limits will be removed. Service roads will be constructed (see Section 3.4) to provide access to nearby properties. 3.4 Service Roads Service roads will be constructed to replace access lost due to the closing of existing at-rade intersections along US 70 in the project area. Proposed service roads are shown on Figures 2A through 2D and described below. Service Road 1, located on the north side of US 70 near the western project terminus, acts as a western extension of Uzzle Road. Service Road 1 would provide a connection to the east via Uzzle Drive and Service Road 3. (Service Road 3 connects to the western end of Wilson's Mills Road). This service road would provide access to an agricultural property currently accessed directly from US 70 opposite Sadisco Road. Service Road 1A, located on the south side of US 70 provides access to Uzzle Industrial Drive properties, via an extension of Sadisco Road. Service Road 2, located on the south side of US 70 provides access to Uzzle Industrial Drive properties via a connection to Strickland Road to the east. Service Road 3 would extend Wilson's Mills Road to the west, providing access to agricultural properties and a nursery/landscape business on the north side of US 70. Service Road 4, located south of US 70, connects Strickland Road to Swift Creek Road and enhances connectivity provided by Service Road 2. Service Road 5 would realign the Twin Creek Road intersection with Swift Creek Road, located on the south side of US 70. Service Road 6 provides access to properties on the south side of US 70. Service Road 6 would extend from an existing service road west to Wilson's Mills Road. Service Roads 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 would connect the eastern-most segment of Bear Farm Road to Wilson's Mills Road on the north side of US 70. The combination of the service roads ensures access for businesses along Wilson's Mills Road Extension and Bear Farm Road. 12 US 701mprovemenfa Categorlcal Excluaion 3.5 Speed Limit and Design Speed STIP ProJecf W-5b00 A 60 MPH design speed is proposed for US 70 within the project limits. The posted speed limit for US 70 following completion of the project will be determined prior to completion of construction. 3.6 Anticipated Design Exceptions No design exceptions are anticipated for the project. 3.7 Proposed Structures The recommended alternative will require the construction of three new bridges. Table 7 summarizes preliminary dimensions of the bridges proposed by the recommended alternative. Table 6: Pro osed Brid es Feature Crossed Length Width Facility Carried US 70 215' S6' Swift Creek Road Wilson's Mills 160 40 US 70 (eastbound) Road Wilson's Mills 160 40 US 70 (westbound) Road The recommended alternative includes three existing major stream crossings. Section provides detailed descriptions of the existing hydraulic structures within the project study area. Table 8 summarizes the hydraulic recommendations for the proposed major stream crossings. Table 7: Proposed Hydraulic Structures Stream Crossing Existing Structure Little Poplar Creek � Triple Barrel 6' x' 6' RCBC (152' ) Poplar Creek Poplar Creek 3.8 Utilities Double Barrel 10' x' 6' RCBC (139') Double Barrel 10' x' 6' RCBC (74' Recommendation Extend Upstream 51' and downstream 64' Extend upstream 27' and downstream 27' Realace with new culvert Numerous utilities are located within the study area. The project will require the relocation of several power lines, water and sewer lines and a gas line. 13 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJecf W-5600 3.9 Noise Barriers Noise barriers are not recommended for this project (see Section 5.8). 3.10 Work Zone, Traffic Control, and Construction Phasing Resurfacing, shoulder reconstruction/ widening and other improvements to US 70 along the existing road alignment will be completed with lane closures such that a minimum of one lane of travel will be open in each direction at all times. Similarly, areas where new alignments diverge from existing alignments along both US 70 and intersecting streets, such as Swift Creek Road, will create tie-in areas between the new and old alignments. Tie-ins will also be constructed with lane closures; two-lane roads having tie-ins will be constructed using a flagging operation to reduce the road to a one-lane, two-way pattern. These lane closures will be subject to peak hour restrictions in order to minimize construction-related congestion and to avoid commuter delays. 4.0 ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED ACTION 4.1 Preliminary Study Alternatives 4.1.1 Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Alternative The Transportation Demand Management (TDM) alternative includes walking, bicycling, ride-sharing, teleworking, non-standard work schedules, and the use of public transportation. TDM alternatives would not address the safety concerns at the existing at-grade intersections and would not provide the same level of safety and mobility improvement along US 70 as the proposed interchanges and access control. TDM alternatives would not meet the project purpose and need and were therefore eliminated from further consideration. 4.1.2 Transportation Systems Management (TSM) Alternative Transportation Systems Management (TSM) alternatives include low-cost improvements designed to maximize the utilization and efficiency of the existing system. TSM improvements involve increasing the available capacity of the facility within the existing right-of-way with minimum capital expenditures. Items such as the addition of turn lanes, striping, signalization, and minor realignments are examples of TSM physical improvements. Traffic law enforcement, speed restrictions, access control and signal timing changes are examples of TSM operational improvements. TSM improvements have previously been made at both the Swift Creek Road and Wilson's Mills Road intersections. "Be Prepared to Stop" warning signs with flashing lights have been installed at both intersections. Despite these measures, crashes including some fatal, have continued to occur. Additional TSM improvements would not provide the same level of safety and mobility improvement along US 70 as the proposed interchanges and access control. TSM improvements would not meet the project purpose and were therefore eliminated from further consideration. 14 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeef W-5600 4.1.3 Mass Transit/Multimodal Alternative GoTriangle Transit provides bus service between points in Johnston County, Raleigh, and the Research Triangle Park. The closest bus stop is located approximately 7.5 miles northwest of the study area in Clayton. The Mass Transit/Multimodal Alternative would not address the safety or mobility concerns associated with US 70 within the study area. Therefore, the Mass Transit/Multimodal Alternative would not meet the project purpose and need and was therefore eliminated from further consideration. 4.1.4 No-Build Alternative The No-Build Alternative would forego any improvements to US 70 with the exception of routine maintenance. The No Build Alternative would not improve the safety or mobility of vehicular travel along US 70 and this portion of US 70. The No-Build Alternative was eliminated from further consideration because it would not meet the purpose and need for the project. 4.1.5 Improve Existing Alternatives The Improve Existing Alternative proposes to upgrade US 70 to a freeway within the project limits. The alternative would construct interchanges at Swift Creek Road and Wilson's Mills Road. The alternative would also remove all at-grade intersections within the project limits and construct service roads to provide access to adjacent properties. Three interchange options were developed for the Swift Creek Road intersection and two interchange options were developed for the Wilson's Mills Road intersection. The interchange options are presented in Figure 8. Swift Creek Road Interchange Options Swiff Creek Road Option 1(SC1) proposes to construct a half-cloverleaf interchange with ramps and loops in the northwest and southwest quadrants along a new location alignment of Swift Creek Road. The proposed interchange would include a new bridge carrying the realigned Swift Creek Road over US 70. The proposed interchange would be located approximately 0.5 mile west of the existing US 70/Swift Creek Road intersection. The new location section of Swift Creek Road will leave the existing alignment just south of the Wilson's Mills Baptist Church and connect to Wilson's Mills Road just east of Pear Tree Lane. SCl includes a variation of Service Road 4, which was described in detail in Section 3.4. Swift Creek Road Option 2(SC2) proposes to construct a modified diamond interchange with ramps and loops in the norfheast and southwest quadrants at the existing US 70/Swift Creek Road intersection. The proposed interchange would include a new bridge carrying Swift Creek Road over US 70. SC2 includes a variation of Service Road 4 and Service Road 5, both of which were described in detail in Section 3.4. 15 US 701mprovemenfa Categorlcal Excluaion STIP ProJecf W-5600 Swift Creek Road Option 3(SC3) proposes to construct a modified diamond interchange with ramps in the northeast, norfhwest, and southwest quadrants and a loop ramp in the southwest quadrant at the existing US 70/Swift Creek Road intersection. The proposed interchange would include a new bridge carrying Swift Creek Road over US 70. SC3 includes a variation of Service Road 4 and Service Road 5, both of which were described in detail in Section 3.4. Wilson's Mills Road Interchange Options Wilson's Mills Road Option A(WMA), proposes to construct a compressed diamond interchange at the intersection of US 70 and Wilson's Mills Road. WMA would realign US 70 slightly to the south of the intersection and would include two bridges carrying US 70 over Wilson's Mills Road. WMA includes a variation of Service Road 6, which was described in detail in Section 3.4. Wilson's Mills Road Option B(WMB), proposes to construct a modified diamond interchange with ramps and loops in the northeast and southwest quadrants at the intersection of US 70 and Wilson's Mills Road. The proposed interchange would include a new bridge carrying Wilson's Mills Road over US 70. WMB includes a variation of Service Road 6, which was described in detail in Section 3.4. Jurisdictional impacts of the interchange options are presented in Table 8 below. Table 8: Jurisdictional Impacts of Interchange Opti Swift Creek Road Option Option Option 1 2 3 Streams linear Feet 1060 1620 2030 Wetlands (acres) 5.9 5.8 7.0 Wilson's Mills Road Option A � Option B Service Roads (not associated w/ interchange ..� � Swift Creek Road Option 3 was dropped from further consideration following detailed environmental surveys because it would affect the most wetlands of the Swift Creek Road interchange options. 4.2 Alternatives Studied in Detail The detailed study alternatives are combinations of the Swift Creek Road and the Wilson's Mills Road interchange options retained for further consideration and the service roads not associated with either interchange option. The alternatives retained for further consideration were: Alternative lA: Swift Creek Interchange Option 1 and Wilson's Mills Interchange 16 US 701mprovemenfa Cctegorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5b00 Option A Alternative 1 B: Swift Creek Interchange Option 1 and Wilson's Mills Interchange Option B Alternative 2A: Swift Creek Interchange Option 2 and Wilson's Mills Interchange Option A Alternative 2B: Swift Creek Interchange Option 2 and Wilson's Mills Interchange Option B The detailed study alternatives are shown in figures 9A and 9B. Table 6 summarizes the impacts of each detailed study alternative. Table 9: Alternatives Studied in Detail Comparison Resource Alternative 1 A Alternative 1 B Alternative 2A Alternative 2B Residential 3 5 5 7 Relocations Business 6 9 6 8 Total 9 14 11 16 Minority / Low Income Populations No No No No (Disproportionate Im acts Historic Resources No No No No Adverse Effects Community Facilities 0 0 1 1 Im acted* Section 4(f) Impacts N/A N/A N/A N/A Prime Farmland (acres) 68.0 73.8 62.0 67.8 Wetlands (acres) 8.8 8.6 8.7 8.5 Streams (linear feet) 3,060 2,770 3,300 3,010 Riparian Zone 1 74,050 65,340 52,270 43,560 Buffers (square Zone 2 82,760 77,540 34,850 30,490 feet Total 156,810 143,880 87,120 74,050 Floodplain (acres) 0 0 0.1 0.1 Federally Protected No Effect No Effect No Effect No Effect Species Right-of-Way Acquisition $9,875,000 $15,800,000 $10,550,000 $16,800,000 Utility Relocation $894,000 $997,000 926,000 $939,000 Mitigation $3,780,000 $3,530,000 $3,860,000 $3,630,000 Construction $44,900,000 $39,700,000 $43,300,000 $38,100,000 Total $ 55,449,000 $ 60,027,000 $ 58,636,000 $ 59,469,000 *Alternatives 2A and 2B will potentially require the relocation of 45 graves. 17 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeef W-5600 4.3 NCDOT Recommended Alternative Alternative 2A has been identified as the preferred alternative by NCDOT because it would best serve the project's purpose and need while balancing environmental concerns and costs with the concerns of the citizens and leaders of the Town of Wilson's Milis. Alternative 2A was selected for the following reasons: ■ Based on comments received at the February 2016 public meeting, Alternative 2A was preferred by the public. Over four times as many people who stated a preference selected Alternative 2A over the next most popular alternative (Alternative 1 A). ■ The Town of Wilson's Mills passed a resolution supporting Alternative 2A. ■ Alternative 2A would require less total relocations than two of the other alternatives. The alternative with the least number of relocatees, Alternative 1 A, would affect the most wetlands and the most riparian buffers and has the second highest cost. ■ Alternative 2A would affect less wetlands than Alternative 1 A. Alternative 2A would affect 0.2 acre more wetlands and 13,070 square feet more riparian buffer than Alternative 2B, the alternative with the least impact on either of these resources. However, Alternative 2B would relocate the most homes and businesses of any of the alternatives, and would affect more prime farmland than Alternative 2A. ■ Alternative 2A would affect 530 feet more streams than the alternative with the least impact on streams, Alternative 1 B. However, Alternative 1 B would have more total relocations than Alternative 2A, would affect the most prime farmland of any of the alternatives, had the least support from the public and had the highest total cost of any of the alternatives. ■ Alternative 2A would affect less prime farmland than any of the other alternatives. ■ Alternative 2A has the least total cost of any of the other alternatives. ■ Alternative 2A provides the most direct access to US 70, allowing emergency services to respond faster to incidents that require them to travel east or west along US 70. On June 15, 2016, the NEPA/Section 404 Merger Team concurred that Alternative 2A was the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative (LEDPA). The recommended alternative is shown in Figures 2A-2D. 18 US 701mprovemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5b00 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF PROPOSED ACTION 5.1 Natural Resources 5.1.1 Physiology and Soils The study area is located in the Southern Piedmont physiographic region and consists of agricultural land, bottomland hardwood forests, headwater forests, freshwater marshes and ponds. Elevations within the study area range from approximately 180 feet above mean sea level (MSL) to 250 feet above MSL. The Johnston County Soil Survey identifies 27 soil series within the study area. Table 10 summarizes the soil series within the project study area. Table 10. Soils in the Stud Area Soil Series Mapping Unit Drainage Class Hydric Status Appling-Marlboro AmB Well Drained Non-Hydric com lex Bibb sand loam Bb Ve Poorl Drained H dric Bonneau sand BoA Well Drained Non-H dric Cecil loam CeB Well Drained Non-H dric Cecil loam CeC Well Drained Non-H dric Cowarts loam sand CoB Well Drained Non-H dric Gilead sand loam GeB Moderatel Well Drained Non-H dric Goldsboro sand loam GoA Moderatel Well Drained H dric* Grantham silt loam Gr Poorl Drained H dric L nchbur sand loam L Somewhat Poorl Drained H dric* Marlboro sand loam MaA Well Drained Non-H dric Marlboro sand loam MaB Well Drained Non-H dric Nason silt loam NnB Well Drained Non-H dric Nason silt loam NnD Well Drained Non-H dric Nason silt loam NnE Well Drained Non-H dric Norfolk loam sand NoA Well Drained H dric* Norfolk loam sand NoB Well Drained H dric* Norfolk-Urban land NuA Well Drained Non-Hydric com lex Rains sand loam Ra Poorl Drained H dric Rains-Urban land RbA Poorly Drained Hydric com lex Rion sand loam RnF Well Drained Non-H dric Toisnot loam Tn Poorl Drained H dric Uchee loamy coarse UcB Well Drained Non-Hydric sand Varina loam sand VrA Well Drained Non-H dric Wa ram loam sand WaB Well Drained H dric* Wedowee sandy loam WoB Well Drained Non-Hydric 19 US 701mprovemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5b00 Soil Series Mapping Unit Drainage Class Hydric Status Appling-Marlboro AmB Well Drained Non-Hydric com lex Bibb sand loam Bb Ve Poorl Drained H dric Bonneau sand BoA Well Drained Non-H dric Cecil loam CeB Well Drained Non-H dric Cecil loam CeC Well Drained Non-H dric Cowarts loam sand CoB Well Drained Non-H dric Gilead sand loam GeB Moderatel Well Drained Non-H dric Goldsboro sand loam GoA Moderatel Well Drained H dric* Grantham silt loam Gr Poorl Drained H dric L nchbur sand loam L Somewhat Poorl Drained H dric* Marlboro sand loam MaA Well Drained Non-H dric Marlboro sand loam MaB Well Drained Non-H dric Nason silt loam NnB Well Drained Non-H dric Nason silt loam NnD Well Drained Non-H dric Nason silt loam NnE Well Drained Non-H dric Norfolk loam sand NoA Well Drained H dric* Norfolk loam sand NoB Well Drained H dric* Norfolk-Urban land NuA Well Drained Non-Hydric com lex Wehadkee loam Wt Poorl Drained H dric * Indicates a soil that contains hydric soil inclusions. 5.1.2 Biotic Resources Terrestrial Communities Terrestrial communities are classified using "NC WAM User Manual, Version 4.1" and "Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation". Seven terrestrial communities were identified in the study area: agricultural, maintained/disturbed, headwater forest, piedmont/mountain semi-permanent impoundment, hardwood flat, mesic mixed hardwood forest (piedmont subtype) and non-tidal freshwater marsh. A brief description of each community type and figures showing the location of these terrestrial communities are included in the Natural Resources Technical Report (February 2014). The primary terrestrial communities in the project study area are maintained/disturbed and agricultural. Table 1 1 summaries the terrestrial community impacts resulting from the project. Table 11: Terrestrial Communitv Imnacts Community Maintained/Disturbed Agricultural Headwater Forest Piedmont/Mountain Se Hardwood Flat Area within Study Area acres 438.8 102.4 44.8 dment 1.6 20.5 20 Impacts (acres) 43.27 27.64 7.8 0.2 0 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeet W-5600 Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest (Piedmont Subtype) 87.2 25.0 Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh 4.3 0.6 Terrestrial Wildlife Wildlife populations within the study area are limited to those species that are adaptable to human impacts and disturbance and habitat fragmentation. The regular logging and agricultural practices are the normal condition within the study area. Avian species exhibited the greatest diversity followed by amphibians and reptiles. Individuals or evidence of a wide variety of animal species were sighted within the study area. Species or evidence of species observed in the study area is indicated with an asterisk (*). Many birds utilize wooded and shrubby edge environments for breeding sites and foraging. American robin*, northern mockingbird*, turkey vulture*, mourning dove*, white throated sparrow* and eastern bluebird* are a few of the more common birds that utilize the area. American robin, northern mockingbird, mourning dove, and white throated sparrow are tree nesters commonly observed in residential areas. A variety of amphibians and reptiles were observed utilizing the streams, wetlands and ponds within the study area. Frogs were the most diverse group of amphibians. Bullfrog*, gray tree frog*, upland chorus frog* and pickerel frogs* were present in most areas of standing and ponded water. Other amphibian species expected to occur are spring peepers, southern cricket frog, American toad and Fowlers toad. No salamanders were observed. Salamanders expected to occur within the study area are spotted salamander, slimy salamander, and marbled salamander. Reptiles occurring within the study area are expected to include eastern garter snake, northern water snake, king snakes, black rat snake*, black racer, eastern corn snake and copperhead. The diversity of mammal species found within the study area is limited due to the disturbances and habitat fragmentation. The recent cutovers and brushy field edge communities provide an excellent combination of food and shelter for many species, while the mature forests and agriculture fields provide good foraging habitat. Evidence of eastern cottontails* and white-tailed deer* was readily observed throughout the study area. Other mammals likely to be found in the study area include eastern gray squirrel, muskrat, beaver*, red fox, raccoon*, and Virginia opossum*. Impacts Temporary fluctuations in the population of animal species that utilize these communities are anticipated during the course of construction. Slow-moving, burrowing, and/or subterranean organisms will be directly impacted by construction activities, while mobile organisms will be displaced to adjacent communities. 21 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5600 Aquatic Communities Aquatic communities in the study area consist of both perennial and intermittent streams as well as ponds. The only fish identified in the streams and ponds were mosquito fish. However, the perennial streams are large enough to support various sunfish, salamanders and benthic macroinvertebrates. The intermittent streams, being smaller in size, are expected to support crayfish, amphibians and a suite of benthic macroinvertebrates. There are also ten ponds located within the study area. Eight of the ponds are impoundments of jurisdictional streams or drain to a jurisdictional stream. The remaining two ponds are excavated in upland areas and have enough depth to collect or retain water. The only fish species identified in the ponds were mosquito fish. Several fish species are expected to be present in the ponds including largemouth bass, bluegill, and crappie. The majority of the reptile and amphibian species were observed in the ponds. Impacts The aquatic habitat in the project study area will be both directly and indirectly affected by the construction of the project. These impacts include fluctuations in water temperatures, as a result of the loss of riparian vegetation. In consequence, shelter and food resources, both in the aquatic and terrestrial portions of these organisms' life cycles, will be affected by losses in the terrestrial communities. This loss of aquatic plants and animals would affect the terrestrial fauna which rely on them as a food source. Both temporary and permanent impacts will be inflicted on aquatic organisms residing in the project study area. These impacts may result from increased sedimentation, having the potential to affect fish and other aquatic life in several ways, including the clogging and abrading of gills and other respiratory surfaces, affecting the habitat by scouring and filling of pools and riffles, altering water chemistry, and smothering different life stages. Increased sedimentation may also cause decreased light penetration through an increase in turbidity. The influx of organic materials may also cause dissolved oxygen rates to be lower, and the water temperature to increase. The level of impacts to the aquatic communities will be minimized by adherence to best management practices. Invasive Species Nine species from the NCDOT Invasive Exotic Plant List for North Carolina were found to occur in the study area. The species identified were Chinese privet (Threat), kudzu (Threat), Japanese grass (Threat), multiflora rose (Threat), tree-of-heaven (Threat), princess tree (Threat), lespedeza (Threat), mimosa (Moderate Threat) and Japanese honeysuckle (Moderate Threat). NCDOT will manage invasive plant species as appropriate. 22 US 701mprovemenfa Cateqorical Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5600 5.1.3 Water Resources and Water Quality Streams, Rivers, Impoundments Water resources in the study area are part of the Neuse River Basin [U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit 03020201 ]. Table 12 lists the surface waters identified in the study area. Table 12. Water resources in the stud area Stream Name Map ID NCDWQ Index gest Usage Classification Number Reedy Branch, Reedy Branch 27-43-14 C; NSW includin ond PA SA Little Poplar Creek Little Poplar 27_41-1 WS-IV; NSW Creek SB UT to Little Po lar Creek SC WS-IV; NSW UT to Little Po lar Creek SD WS-IV; NSW UT to Little Poplar Creek SE WS-IV; NSW UT to Little Po lar Creek SF WS-IV; NSW UT to Poplar Creek, including ponds (PB SG WS-IV; NSW and PZZ UT to Po lar Creek SH WS-IV; NSW Po lar Creek Po lar Creek SI 27-41 WS-IV; NSW UT to Po lar Creek SJ WS-IV; NSW UT to Poplar Creek, S� WS-IV; NSW includin ond PD UT to Poplar Creek SM WS-IV; NSW includin ond PH UT to Po lar Creek SN WS-IV; NSW UT to Neuse River SO WS-IV; NSW UT to Po lar Creek SP WS-IV; NSW UT to Neuse River SQ WS-IV; NSW UT to Po lar Creek SR WS-IV; NSW UT to Po lar Creek SS WS-IV; NSW UT to Neuse River ST WS-IV; NSW UT to Neuse River SU WS-IV; NSW UT to Po lar Creek SZZ WS-IV; NSW 23 US 701mprovemenfa Cctegorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5b00 Table 13 identifies the physical characteristics of each stream identified in the project study area. Table 13. Ph sical characteristics of water resources in the stud area NRTR Map Bank Bankful Water Channel Velocity Clarity ID Hei ht ff Width ft De th in Substrate SA* 1 5-10 6 Sand Slow Clear2 SB* 2-3 6-10 12 Sand, gravel Moderate Clear SC 0-2 4-6 8 Sand Moderate Clear SD* 0-1 6-8 8 Sand Moderate Clear SE 4-6 4-6 4 Sand Slow Clear SF 2-3 5-10 8 Sand, gravel Moderate SG* 4-5 4-6 6 Sand Slow Clear SH 2-3 4-5 3 Sand Slow Clear SI* 1-2 10-15 12 Sand, gravel Moderate Clear SJ 1-2 2-3 3 Sand Slow Clear SL 2-3 2-3 3 Sand Moderate Clear SM* 2-3 3-4 4 Sand Moderate Clear SN* 3-4 10-15 12 Sand Slow Clear SO 1-2 4-6 3 Sand, silt Slow Clear SP* 1 2-3 8 Sand, gravel Moderate Clear SQ* 2-3 2-3 3 Clay Moderate Clear SR* 1-2 8-10 8 Sand, gravel Moderate Clear SS* 2-3 2-3 2 Clay Moderate Clear ST 1-2 3-4 4 Sand Slow Clear SU 1-2 1-2 2 Clay Moderate Clear SZZ 2-3 3-4 4 Sand, silt Slow Clear * Water in these streams is tannin stained. Water Quality Water resources in the study area are within the Neuse River Water Supply Watershed protected area and are classified as WS-IV Nutrient Sensitive Waters, with the exception of Reedy Branch which is classified as C. There are no additional water classifications, such as anadromous fish waters or primary nursery areas, associated with the streams in the study area. There are no streams identified in the study area that are listed on the 2012 Final 303(d) list of impaired waters. There are no streams designated as High Quality Waters (HQW), Outstanding Resources Waters (ORW), or water supply watersheds (WS-I or WS-II) located within one mile downstream of the project study area. There is no benthic or fish monitoring data for the streams located within the study area or within one mile downstream of the project study area. 24 US 701mprovemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5b00 Impacts Soil erosion and siltation are the most common water quality impacts associated with highway construction activities. Other potential impacts associated with the project include scouring of streambeds, soil compaction, filling of wetlands, and loss of shading as a result of vegetation removal. NCDOT's Best Management Practices for Protection of Surface Waters will be strictly enforced during project construction. Under the conditions described herein, permanent impacts to water quality associated with this project would be negligible. 5.1.4 Jurisdictionallssues Streams Nineteen jurisdictional and one ephemeral streams were identified in the study area (see Table 14). The location of these streams is shown on Figures l0A-B. All jurisdictional streams in the study area have been designated as warm water streams for the purposes of stream mitigation. Table 14. Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources in the stud area Map ID Classification Compensatory River Basin Alt 2A Miti ation Re uired Buffer Rules Im acts SA Perennial Yes Sub'ect 0 SB Perennial Yes Sub'ect 182 SC Intermittent Undetermined Not Sub'ect 91 SD Intermittent Undetermined Sub'ect 138 SE Intermittent Undetermined Not Sub'ect 0 SF Perennial Yes Not Sub'ect 248 SG Intermittent Undetermined Sub'ect 208 SH Intermittent Yes Not Sub'ect 37 SI Perennial Yes Sub'ect 875 SJ Intermittent Yes Not Sub'ect 0 SL Intermittent Undetermined Not Sub'ect 0 SM Intermittent Yes Sub'ect 500 SN Intermittent Yes Sub'ect 0 SO Intermittent Undetermined Not Sub'ect 97 SP E hemeral Undetermined Sub'ect 0 SQ Intermittent Yes Sub'ect 0 SR Perennial Yes Sub'ect 379 SS Intermittent Undetermined Sub'ect 0 ST Intermittent Yes Not Sub'ect 297 SZZ Intermittent Undetermined Not Sub'ect 0 Total 3,070 Stream SP was determined to be ephemeral using the NCDWQ Stream Identification Form; however, it is depicted as intermittent on the USGS Selma quadrangle map. 25 US 701mprovemenfa Cctegorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5b00 Table 15. Stream Im acts of Alternatives Studied in Detail Stream Name NRTR Map ID �ength of Impact (feet) by Alternative lA 1B 2A 2B Reedy Branch, SA 0 0 0 0 includin ond PA � Little Po lar Creek� SB 182 182 182 182 UT to Little Po lar Creek SC 91 91 91 91 UT to Little Poplar SD 138 138 138 138 Creek� UT to Little Po lar Creek SE 0 0 UT to Little Po lar Creek SF 248 248 248 248 UT to Poplar Creek, including ponds (PB SG 990 990 208 208 and PZZ � UT to Po lar Creek SH 0 37 37 Po lar Creek SI 20 20 875 875 UT to Po lar Creek� SJ 0 0 0 0 UT to Poplar Creek, SL 0 0 0 0 includin ond PD UT to Poplar Creek SM 0 0 500 500 includin ond PH � UT to Po lar Creek� SN 0 UT to Neuse River SO 97 285 97 285 UT to Poplar Creek SP 0 0 0 0 e hemeral � UT to Neuse River� SQ 0 0 0 00 UT to Po lar Creek� SR 379 193 379 193 UT to Po lar Creek� SS 297 0 0 0 UT to Neuse River ST 246 192 297 192 UT to Neuse River SU 0 57 246 57 UT to Po lar Creek SZZ 50 50 0 0 Other UT 320 320 0 0 Total 3,060 2,450 3,300 3,010 Wetlands Thirty-nine jurisdictional wetlands were identified within the study area (Figures l 0A-B). Wetland classifications are presented in Table 15. All wetlands in the study area are within the Upper Neuse River basin (USGS Hydrologic Unit 03020201). Table 16. Jurisdictional characteristics of wetlands in the stud NCWAM Hydrologic NCDWQ Map ID Wetland Classification Classification „ __�._ __ WA Headwater Forest WB Headwater Forest WC Headwater Forest WD Headwater Forest an 51 an 54 an 52 an 47 26 area Area AIt.2A (ac.) Impacts 3.12 0 1.02 0.1 1.00 0 4.53 0.42 US TO lmprovemenfa Ccteqorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5b00 NCDWQ Map ID NCWAM Hydrologic yyetland Area Alt. 2A Classification Classification Ratin �°c.) Impacts WE Headwater Forest Ri arian 35 0.29 0.17 WF Non-Tidal Riparian 19 0.02 0.02 Freshwater Marsh WG Headwater Forest Ri arian 29 0.75 0.1 WH Headwater Forest Ri arian 23 0.58 0 Headwater WI Forest/Non-Tidal Riparian 35 3.32 0 Freshwater Marsh WJ Headwater Forest Ri arian 35 1.26 0.01 WK Hardwood Flat Non-Ri arian 50 5.08 3.92 WL Headwater Forest Ri arian 44 3.81 0.77 WM Headwater Forest Ri arian 44 0.03 0.03 WN Hardwood Flat Non-Ri arian 12 14.81 0 W� Non-Tidal Riparian 45 0.46 0 Freshwater Marsh WP Headwater Forest Ri arian 65 0.51 0 WQ Headwater Forest Ri arian 49 0.18 0 WR Headwater Forest Ri arian 46 9.79 0 WS Hardwood Flat Non-Ri arian 44 0.79 0 WT Non-Tidal Riparian 30 0.12 0 Freshwater Marsh WU Headwater Forest Ri arian 40 0.72 0.43 WV Headwater Forest Ri arian 33 2.00 0 WX Headwater Forest Ri arian 65 2.03 0 WY Headwater Forest Ri arian 31 0.11 0 WZ Non-Tidal Riparian 31 0.49 0.65 Freshwater Marsh WAA Headwater Forest Riparian 43 0.72 0 WBB Hardwood Flat Non-Ri arian 19 1.53 0 WCC Hardwood Flat Non-Ri arian 23 0.64 0 WDD Headwater Forest Ri arian 38 0.37 0.14 WEE Hardwood Flat Non-Ri arian 27 0.43 0 WFF Headwater Forest Ri arian 27 0.09 0 Headwater Forest/ WGG Non-Tidal Riparian 50 1.54 0.65 Freshwater Marsh WHH Non-Tidal Riparian 32 0.17 0 Freshwater Marsh WII Headwater Forest Ri arian 31 0.73 0.27 WUU Headwater Forest Ri arian 23 1.29 0 WVV Headwater Forest Non-Ri arian 32 0.41 0 WXX Headwater Forest Ri arian 34 0.12 0 WYY Headwater Forest Ri arian 31 0.43 0 WZZ Headwater Forest Ri arian 31 0.05 0 Total 7.7 27 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeet W-5600 Impacts As shown in Tablesl5 and 16 above, the project will result in 3,070 linear feet of jurisdictional stream and 7.6 acres of wetland impacts. Clean Water Act Permits It is anticipated a Section 404 Individual Permit will be required for this project. The Corps of Engineers will determine the applicable permit required to authorize project construction. A North Carolina Division of Water Resources Section 401 Water Quality Individual Certification will be required prior to issuance of the Section 404 permit. Other required 401 certifications may include a GC 3366 for temporary construction access and dewatering. North Carolina Riparian Buffer Rules Streamside riparian zones within the study area are protected under provisions of the Neuse River Buffer Rules administered by NCDWQ. Table 14 indicates which streams are subject to buffer rule protection. Impacts The project will result in 43,990 and 28,750 square feet of Zone 1 and Zone 2 riparian buffers, respectively. 5.1.5 Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10 Navigable Waters There are no water bodies within the study area designated as Section 10 Navigable Waters. 5.1.6 Avoidance, Minimization, and Mitigation The proposed project involves improvements to an existing facility. Wetlands and streams are located near existing US 70. Total avoidance of wetlands and streams is not possible. In order to reduce stream and wetland impacts along the western end of the project, Service Roads 1 A and 2 were realigned closer to US 70, utilizing a concrete barrier to provide the separation. These minimization efforts reduced the stream and wetland impacts of the project by 230 feet and 1.0 acres, respectively. Where practical and safe, steeper slopes (no greater than 3:1) will be utilized along the project. During project design, special consideration will be given to slopes in wetland areas and near streams. 28 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeet W-5600 On June, 15, 2016, the interagency team of state and federal resource agencies (NEPA/404 Merger Team) concurred with the avoidance and minimization measures for the proposed project. A copy of the concurrence form is included in Appendix A. The NCDOT will investigate potential on-site stream and wetland mitigation opportunities, as needed. If on-site mitigation is not feasible, mitigation will be provided by the NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). 5.1.7 Federally-Protected Species As of December 13, 2013, the United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) lists four federally protected species for Johnston County (see Table 16). Table 17. Federal Name Picoides borealis Alasmidonta heterodon Elliptio steinstansana Rhus michauxii d species listed for Johnston County Common Name Federal Habitat Biological Status Present Conclusion Red cockaded woodpecker Dwarf wedgemussel Tar River spineymussel Michaux's sumac E No E Yes E Yes E Yes No Effect No Effect No Effect No Effect Suitable habitat for the red-cockaded woodpecker does not exist within the study area. There are no stands of pine within the project area that have trees of the size and age required for nesting, nor is there appropriate foraging habitat. Additionally, the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) GIS data files (July 2013) have no records of any populations of this species within a one-mile radius of the study area. It is expected the project will have no effect on the red-cockaded woodpecker. Sections of Reedy Branch and Little Poplar Creek meet the habitat requirements for the dwarf wedgemussel and Tar River spinymussel. No individuals of these species were identified during the onsite investigations conducted in July 2014. A review of NCNHP GIS data files (March 2016), indicates no known dwarf wedgemussel or Tar River spinymussel occurrences within one mile of the study area. Dwarf wedge mussel are known to occur in Swift Creek approximately three miles to the south of the project area. It is expected the project will have no effect on either the dwarf wedgemussel or the Tar River spinymussel. Suitable habitat for Michaux's sumac is present in the study area along roadside shoulders and utility easements. Surveys were conducted by biologists throughout areas of suitable habitat during June and July 2013 and October 2013. No individuals of Michaux's sumac were observed. A review of North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) GIS data files (March 2016) indicates no known occurrences within one mile of the study area. It is expected the project will have no effect on Michaux's sumac. 29 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeet W-5600 Northern Long-eared bat On October 2, 2013, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) proposed the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) for listing as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The northern long-eared bat was officially listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act April 2, 2015. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and NCDOT for the northern long-eared bat in eastern North Carolina. The PBO provides incidental take coverage for the NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1 through 8, which includes Johnston County This level of incidental take is authorized from the effective date of a final listing determination through April 30, 2020. The programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is "May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect." 5.1.8 Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act The bald eagle was declared recovered, and removed (de-listed) from the USFWS Federal List of Threatened and Endangered Species effective August 8, 2007. The bald eagle remains federally protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Species Act. Habitat for the bald eagle primarily consists of mature forest in proximity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large dominant trees are utilized for nesting sites, typically within one mile of open water. Mature forests and large dominant trees do not occur within the study area or within a 1.13 mile radius (one mile plus 660 feet). A review of the NCNHP database in March 2016 showed no occurrences of bald eagle within two miles of the study area. 5.2 Community Impacts and Land Use The project study area is located within the southern boundary of the Town of Wilson's Mills. The town of Clayton lies to the west of the study area and the neighboring towns of Smithfield and Selma lie to the immediate east of the project study area. The project study area is rural in nature and is surrounded by a mix of residential, agricultural, institutional/governmental, and commercial/industrial land uses. 5.2.1 Population and Land Use Minority/Low-Income Populations Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, protects individuals from discrimination on the grounds of race, age, color, religion, disability, sex, and national origin. Executive Order 12898 provides that each Federal agency shall make achieving environmental justice part of its mission by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high 30 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeet W-5600 and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income populations. Special populations may include the elderly, children, the disabled, low- income areas, American Indians and other minority groups. Non-white individuals comprise approximately 43 percent of the population of Census Tract 409.01, Block Group 2, compared to approximately 22 percent of the population of Johnston County. These data indicate that an Environmental Justice population is present in the Demographic Study Area. However, the census block group is large and includes areas that are far removed from the US 70 corridor. Wilson's Mills officials noted there may be minority populations in subdivisions in proximity to the proposed Wilson's Milis Road interchange (northwest quadrant). In Census Tract 409.01, Block Group 2, 28.2 percent of residents were below the poverty level, and 1 1.8 percent of residents were very poor (incomes less than 50 percent of the poverty level), compared to 16.1 percent and 6.2 percent, respectively, of Johnston County. During site visits, several additional areas with minority or low-income populations were identified in proximity to the US 70 corridor. The Adelphos mobile home park, with approximately six homes, is on the north side of Sadisco Road. This mobile home park also includes a potential low-income population. The mobile home park would not be directly impacted by closure of the US 70 median opening at Sadisco Road. Access to US 70 for this neighborhood will be provided via US 70 Business and the eastward extension of Sadisco Road, connecting it to the US 70/Swift Creek Road interchange. A public meeting was held for the project on February 2, 2016. The meeting was advertised in local news media. Newsletters were mailed to property owners and residents in the project area based off of a mailing listed developed from the most recent Johnston County GIS property data. Based on the public involvement process and studies conducted, the proposed project has been implemented in accordance with Executive Order 12898. Limited English Proficiency Populations The presence of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) populations in the study area was determined in order to inform the public involvement process. LEP populations are defined as individuals who speak English less than very well. LEP populations within the project study area meet or exceed the U.S. Department of Justice's Safe Harbor Thresholds. As a means to ensure outreach to LEP populations within the study area, the project newsletters distributed in May 2013 and January 2015 consisted of English and Spanish text. Existing Land Use Plans and Regulations The Town of Wilson's Mills does not have an adopted land use plan. The area surrounding the Town of Wilson's Mills, is considered a"Primary Growth Area" according to the Johnston County 2030 Comprehensive Plan, adopted in March 2009. The area is 31 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5600 one of the areas identified as best suited to accommodate development and growth. This is primarily due to the completion of the US 70 Clayton Bypass, which sends travelers around Clayton and ends at the beginning of the subject project. However, substantial development has yet to materialize. The proposed interchanges are consistent in concept with local plans for the US 70 corridor. Zoning and Future Land Use The Town developed a new "General Business" (GB) zoning district to apply along the US 70 corridor (within 500 feet). Properties were rezoned to GB based on property owner consent. It is assumed the primary land use along the US 70 corridor will be commercial, while residential land uses will continue to develop behind the commercial uses and along the intersecting roadways. The project has the potential to influence the location of development along the US 70 corridor. The modification of two signalized intersections to interchanges will create new land use nodes, because the interchanges would be more conducive to non-residential, highway oriented commercial development. There are a number of large tracts adjacent to the proposed interchanges and along the proposed service roads. However, the project is not likely to attract development to the area because of the limited scope of the proposed project. 5.2.2 Neighborhoods and Communities Community / Neighborhood Cohesion and Stability There were no specific signs or indicators of community cohesion observed within the project area. Therefore, the project will not have negative impacts to community cohesion or stability. Impacts to Mobility and Access Current access to the Town of Wilson's Mills and the properties surrounding US 70 are via direct connections at the at-grade intersections within the project study area. The project will convert US 70 to a freeway, which includes full control of access. Access to US 70 and areas north and south of US 70 will be limited to Swift Creek Road and Wilson's Mills Road and the proposed service roads. The addition of the service roads minimizes the overall access impacts of the project. This will result in minor changes to existing travel patterns throughout the project study area. However, the project will enable Swift Creek Road and Wilson's Mills Road to function as the primary access routes to Wilson's Mills from points south. Economic and Business Resources The primary commercial resources within the project study area are located in the 32 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5600 vicinity of Uzzle Industrial Drive, along Sadisco Road, and at the Wilson's Mills Road intersection. These areas currently have direct access to US 70 via at-grade intersections. Following construction of the proposed project, access to these commercial areas will change and be via interchanges and service roads, resulting in minor access impacts to businesses. The closure of the at-grade intersections will also result in changes to access to agricultural areas along the north and south sides of US 70. Farmers who must cross US 70 to reach farm fields will now have to travel via service roads and one of the interchanges to cross over US 70. This will result in longer travel times. The construction of the project will result in the displacement of two businesses. Impacts to Community Safety and Emergency Response Primary emergency services within the study area are provided by Wilson's Mills Fire Station Number 1, located approximately three-quarters of a mile north of US 70. EMS access to areas north of US 70 will not be impacted by the project. However, EMS access from Wilson's Mills Fire Station Number 1 to the US 70 corridor and areas south of US 70 will be limited to Swift Creek Road and Wilson's Mills Road and the proposed service roads due. The project will have a minor impact on EMS response times. Other Public Facilities and Services Three churches are located within the project area. Wilson's Mills Baptist Church is located immediately south of US 70 on Swift Creek Road. Wilson's Mills Church of God is located along Wilson's Mills Road, less than a quarter of a mile west of Swift Creek Road. Wilson's Mills Church is located along Wilson's Mills Road, approximately three- quarters of a mile northeast of the US 70/Swift Creek Road intersection. The project will not impact any of these community resources. Two cemeteries are located within the project area. The Wilson's Mills Cemetery is located approximately 700 feet north of US 70 on the east side of Swift Creek Road and the Lassiter Cemetery is located just opposite of the Wilson's Mills Baptist Church on Swift Creek Road. Additional right-of-way will be required along Swift Creek Road north of US 70. The project will result in the relocation of 45 grave sites within the Wilson's Mills Cemetery. In relocating the grave sites, NCDOT will comply with NC General Statutes Chapter 65, Article 12, Part 4). The project will not impact the Lassiter Cemetery. 5.2.3 Right-of-Way and Relocation Impacts The project will result in the relocation of four residences and two businesses. None of the homes and businesses are minority-owned or occupied. The relocation program for the project will be conducted in accordance with the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-646), and/or the North Carolina Relocation Assistance Act (GS-133- 5 through 133-18). The NCDOT relocation program is designed to provide assistance to 33 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeet W-5600 displaced persons in relocating to a replacement site in which to live or do business. Appendix 6 contains copies of the relocation reports prepared for the project. 5.3 Cultural Resources This project is subject to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and implemented by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106, 36 CFR Part 800. Section 106 requires federal agencies to take into account the effect of their undertakings (federally-funded, licensed, or permitted) on properties included in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and to afford the Advisory Council a reasonable opportunity to comment on such undertakings. 5.3.1 Historic Architectural Resources Twenty-six architectural resources fifty years in age evaluated within the project's area of potential effect Places (NRHP)-listed or eligible properties are present. 5.3.2 Archaeological Resources and older were identified and . No National Register of Historic Eight archaeological resources (one previously recorded site and seven newly identified sites) and three historic cemeteries were documented. None of these sites exhibit the qualities necessary to be recommended as eligible for the National Register of Historic Places per Criteria A through D. Grave locations within one of the historic cemeteries (Wilson's Mills Cemetery [Site 31JT419**]) will be impacted by the proposed project. 5.4 Section 4(f) Resources Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation (DOT) Act, as amended, stipulates that publicly owned land from a park, recreation area, wildlife or waterfowl refuge, or land of a significant historic site may be used for federal projects only if there is no feasible and prudent alternative and all possible planning to minimize harm resulting from such use is included in the project. No properties protected under Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act, as amended will be impacted by the project. 5.5 Section 6(f) Resources Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 (LWCF) protects grant-assisted areas from conversion to uses other than the original intended purpose. No public parks or recreation areas funded with LWCF monies were identified in the study area. Therefore, the project will not impact any Section 6(f) resources. 34 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5600 5.6 Prime Farmlands The Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA) of 1981 requires all federal agencies or their representatives to consider the impact on prime and important farmland of all construction and land acquisition projects. According to the FPPA, "farmland" includes prime farmland, unique farmland, and farmland that is determined to be of local or statewide importance. North Carolina Executive Order Number 96 requires all state agencies to consider the impact of land acquisition and construction projects on prime farmland soils, as designated by the US Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Land which is planned or zoned for urban development is not subject to the same level of preservation afforded other rural, agricultural areas. Prime and important farmland soils are located in the proposed right-of-way. In accordance with the FHWA Guidelines for Implementing the Final Rule of the Farmland Protection Policy Act for Highway Projects, a preliminary assessment of farmland conversion impacts in the project area has been completed (Part VI of the NRCS Farmland Conversion Impact Rating Form AD 1006) and a score of 46 points out of 160 total was calculated. Because the total site assessment score does not exceed the 60- point threshold established by NRCS, this indicates a notable impact on protected farmland soils is not anticipated as a result of the project. Impacts The project will impact approximately 60.4 acres of prime farmland soils. No properties participating in Johnston County's Voluntary Agricultural District program were identified in the study area. 5.7 Air Quality Air pollution originates from various sources. Emissions from industry and internal combustion engines are the most prevalent sources. The impact resulting from highway construction ranges from intensifying existing air pollution problems to improving the ambient air quality. Changing traffic patterns are a primary concern when determining the impact of a new highway facility or the improvement of an existing highway facility. Motor vehicles emit carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NO), hydrocarbons (HC), particulate matter, sulfur dioxide (S02), and lead (Pb) (listed in order of decreasing emission rate). The Federal Clean Air Act of 1970 established the NAAQS. These were established in order to protect public health, safety, and welfare from known or anticipated effects of air pollutants. The most recent amendments to the NAAQS contain criteria for sulfur dioxide (S02), particulate matter (PM�o, 10-micron and smaller, PM2.s, 2.5 micron and smaller), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (03), and lead (Pb). 35 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeet W-5600 The primary pollutants from motor vehicles are unburned hydrocarbons, NOx, CO, and particulates. Hydrocarbons (HC) and Nitrogen oxides (NOx) can combine in a complex series of reactions catalyzed by sunlight to produce photochemical oxidants such as ozone and NO2. Because these reactions take place over a period of several hours, maximum concentrations of photochemical oxidants are often found far downwind of the precursor sources. These pollutants are regional problems. A project-level air quality analysis was prepared for this project. A copy of the unabridged version of the full technical report entitled Air Quality Analysis, "US 70 Improvements From West of SR 2565 (Sadisco RoadJ to West of SR 1915 (Turnage RoadJ" dated April 2016 is available for viewing at the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit, Century Center Building A, 1010 Birch Ridge Drive, Raleigh . Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT� Controlling air toxic emissions became a national priority with the passage of the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) of 1990, whereby Congress mandated that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulate 188 air toxics, also known as hazardous air pollutants. The EPA has assessed this expansive list in their latest rule on the Control of Hazardous Air Pollutants from Mobile Sources (Federal Register, Vol. 72, No. 37, page 8430, February 26, 2007), and identified a group of 93 compounds emitted from mobile sources that are listed in their Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) ( http://www.epa.gov/iris/). In addition, EPA identified seven compounds with significant contributions from mobile sources that are among the national and regional-scale cancer risk drivers from their 1999 National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA) (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/nata 1999/). These are acrolein, benzene, 1,3-butidiene, diesel particulate matter plus diesel exhaust organic gases (diesel PM), formaldehyde, naphthalene, and polycyclic organic matter. While FHWA considers these the priority mobile source air toxics, the list is subject to change and may be adjusted in consideration of future EPA rules. The 2007 EPA rule mentioned above requires controls that will dramatically decrease MSAT emissions through cleaner fuels and cleaner engines. According to an FHWA analysis using EPA's MOVES2010b model, even if vehicle activity (vehicle-miles travelled, VMT) increases by 102 percent as assumed, from 2010 to 2050, a combined reduction of 83 percent in the total annual emissions for the priority MSAT is projected for the same time period. MSAT analyses are intended to capture the net change in emissions within an affected environment, defined as the transportation network affected by the project. The affected environment for MSATs may be different than the affected environment defined in the NEPA document for other environmental effects, such as noise or wetlands. Analyzing MSATs only within a geographically-defined "study area" will not capture the emissions effects of changes in traffic on roadways outside of that area, which is particularly important where the project creates an alternative route or diverts traffic from one roadway class to another. At the other extreme, analyzing a metropolitan area's entire roadway network will result in emissions estimates for many roadway links not affected by the project, diluting the results of the analysis. 36 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeet W-5600 Incomplete or Unavailable Information for Project Specific MSAT Health Impact Analysis In FHWA's view, information is incomplete or unavailable to credibly predict the project- specific health impacts due to changes in MSAT emissions associated with a proposed set of highway alternatives. The outcome of such an assessment, adverse or not, would be influenced more by the uncertainty introduced into the process through assumption and speculation rather than any genuine insight into the actual health impacts directly attributable to MSAT exposure associated with a proposed action. The EPA is responsible for protecting the public health and welfare from any known or anticipated effect of an air pollutant. They are the lead authority for administering the Clean Air Act and its amendments and have specific statutory obligations with respect to hazardous air pollutants and MSAT. The EPA is in the continual process of assessing human health effects, exposures, and risks posed by air pollutants. They maintain the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), which is "a compilation of electronic reports on specific substances found in the environment and their potential to cause human health effects" (EPA, www.epa.aov/iris/). Each report contains assessments of non- cancerous and cancerous effects for individual compounds and quantitative estimates of risk levels from lifetime oral and inhalation exposures with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude. Other organizations are also active in the research and analyses of the human health effects of MSAT, including the Health Effects Institute (HEI). Two HEI studies are summarized in Appendix D of FHWA's Interim Guidance Update on Mobile Source Air Toxic Analysis in NEPA Documents. Among the adverse health effects linked to MSAT compounds at high exposures are; cancer in humans in occupational settings; cancer in animals; and irritation to the respiratory tract, including the exacerbation of asthma. Less obvious is the adverse human health effects of MSAT compounds at current environmental concentrations (HEI, http://pubs.healtheffects.ora/view.php?id=282) or in the future as vehicle emissions substantially decrease (HEI, http://pubs.healtheffects.ora/view.php?id�3061. The methodologies for forecasting health impacts include emissions modeling; dispersion modeling; exposure modeling; and then final determination of health impacts - each step in the process building on the model predictions obtained in the previous step. All are encumbered by technical shortcomings or uncertain science that prevents a more complete differentiation of the MSAT health impacts among a set of project alternatives. These difficulties are magnified for lifetime (i.e., 70 year) assessments, particularly because unsupportable assumptions would have to be made regarding changes in travel patterns and vehicle technology (which affects emissions rates) over that time frame, since such information is unavailable. It is particularly difficult to reliably forecast 70-year lifetime MSAT concentrations and exposure near roadways; to determine the portion of time that people are actually exposed at a specific location; and to establish the extent attributable to a proposed 37 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeet W-5600 action, especially given that some of the information needed is unavailable. There are considerable uncertainties associated with the existing estimates of toxicity of the various MSAT, because of factors such as low-dose extrapolation and translation of occupational exposure data to the general population, a concern expressed by HEI (http://pubs.healtheffects.ora/view.php?id=282). As a result, there is no national consensus on air dose-response values assumed to protect the public health and welfare for MSAT compounds, and in particular for diesel PM. The EPA (www.epa.aov/risk/basicinfor mation. htm#q) and the HEI (http://pubs.healtheffects.org�aetfile.php?u=395) have not established a basis for quantitative risk assessment of diesel PM in ambient settings. There is also the lack of a national consensus on an acceptable level of risk. The current context is the process used by the EPA as provided by the Clean Air Act to determine whether more stringent controls are required in order to provide an ample margin of safety to protect public health or to prevent an adverse environmental effect for industrial sources subject to the maximum achievable control technology standards, such as benzene emissions from refineries. The decision framework is a two-step process. The first step requires EPA to determine an "acceptable" level of risk due to emissions from a source, which is generally no greater than approximately 100 in a million. Additional factors are considered in the second step, the goal of which is to maximize the number of people with risks less than 1 in a million due to emissions from a source. The results of this statutory two-step process do not guarantee that cancer risks from exposure to air toxics are less than 1 in a million; in some cases, the residual risk determination could result in maximum individual cancer risks that are as high as approximately 100 in a million. In a June 2008 decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld EPA's approach to addressing risk in its two-step decision framework. Information is incomplete or unavailable to establish that even the largest of highway projects would result in levels of risk greater than deemed acceptable. Because of the limitations in the methodologies for forecasting health impacts described, any predicted difference in health impacts between alternatives is likely to be much smaller than the uncertainties associated with predicting the impacts. Consequently, the results of such assessments would not be useful to decision makers, who would need to weigh this information against project benefits, such as reducing traffic congestion, accident rates, and fatalities plus improved access for emergency response, that are better suited for quantitative analysis. Conclusion Based on the qualitative analysis completed, for all detailed study alternatives in the design year it is expected there would be slightly higher MSAT emissions in the study area relative to the No Build Alternative due to the increased VMT. However, in considering the entire project study area, EPA's vehicle and fuel regulations, coupled with fleet turnover, will over time cause substantial reductions that, in almost all cases, will cause area-wide MSAT levels to be significantly lower than today. In comparing the 38 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5600 detailed study alternatives, MSAT levels could be higher in some locations than others, but current tools and science are not adequate to quantify them. However, in considering the entire project study area, EPA's vehicle and fuel regulations, coupled with fleet turnover, will over time cause substantial reductions that, in almost all cases, will cause area-wide MSAT levels to be significantly lower than today. Summarv Vehicles are a major contributor to decreased air quality because they emit a variety of pollutants into the air. Changing traffic patterns are a primary concern when determining the impact of a new highway facility or the improvement of an existing highway facility. New highways or the widening of existing highways increase localized levels of vehicle emissions, but these increases could be offset due to increases in speeds from reductions in congestion and because vehicle emissions will decrease in areas where traffic shifts to the new roadway. Significant progress has been made in reducing criteria pollutant emissions from motor vehicles and improving air quality, even as vehicle travel has increased rapidly. The project is located in Johnston County, which has been determined to comply with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The proposed project is located in attainment areas for CO; therefore, 40 CFR Parts 51 and 93 are not applicable. This project is not anticipated to create any adverse effects on the air quality of these attainment areas. 5.8 Noise This section summarizes information contained in the Noise Impacts Analysis Report prepared for the proposed US 70 Improvements.' In accordance with Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations Part 772, Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise (Title 23 CFR 772) and the North Carolina Department of Transportation Traffic Noise Abatement Policy, each Type I highway project must be analyzed for predicted traffic noise impacts. In general, Type I projects are proposed State or Federal highway projects for construction of a highway or interchange on new location, improvements of an existing highway which substantially changes the horizontal or vertical alignment or increases the vehicle capacity, or projects that involve new construction or substantial alteration of transportation facilities such as weigh stations, rest stops, ride-share lots or toll plazas. Traffic noise impacts are determined through implementing the current Traffic Noise Model (TNM) approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and following procedures detailed in Title 23 CFR 772, the NCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy and the NCDOT Traffic Noise Analysis and Abatement Manual. When traffic noise impacts are predicted, examination and evaluation of alternative noise abatement measures must be considered for reducing or eliminating these impacts. Temporary and localized noise impacts will likely occur as a result of project construction activities. Construction noise control measures will be incorporated into the project plans and 1 Traffic Noise Analysis for the proposed US 70 Improvements. Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. June 201 b. 39 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJecf W-5b00 specifications. A copy of the unabridged version of the full technical report entitled Traffic Noise Analysis-US 70 Improvements from west of SR 2565 (Sadisco RoadJ to West of SR 1915 (7urnage RoadJ-June 2016 can be viewed in the Project Development & Environmental Analysis Unit, Century Center Building A, 1000 Birch Ridge Drive, Raleigh. Traffic Noise Impacts and Noise Contours The maximum number of receptors in each project alternative predicted to become impacted by future traffic noise is shown in Table 18. The table includes those receptors expected to experience traffic noise impacts by either approaching or exceeding the FHWA Noise Abatement Criteria or by a substantial increase in exterior noise levels. The maximum extent of the 71- and 66- dB(A) noise level contours measured from the center of the proposed roadway is approximately 150 feet and 250 feet, respectively. iabie is. rreaicred iramc Noise im acrs Approximate # Of Impacted Subst'I Impacts Total Alternative Description Receptors Approaching2 Noise Due To Impacts Or Exceedin Fhwa Nac Level Both Per A B C D E F G Incr.3 Criteria4 23 Cfr 772 Existin 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 45 No-Build 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 Build Alternative 1 A 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 145 Build Alternative 1 B 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 145 Build Alternative 2A 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 145 Build Alternative 2B 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 145 �This table presents the number of build condition traffic noise impacts as predicted for the build condition alternatives and the no-build alternative presently under consideration. Refer to Appendix B of the TNA for a detailed analysis of traffic noise impacts at each noise sensitive receptor location. 2 Predicted traffic noise level impact due to approaching or exceeding NAC. 3 Predicted "substantial increase" traffic noise level impact. 4 Predicted traffic noise level impact due to exceeding NAC and "substantial increase" in build condition noiselevels. 5 The total number of predicted impacts is not duplicated if receptors are predicted to be impacted by more than one criterion. No Build Alternative - The Traffic Noise Analysis also considered traffic noise impacts for the "no-build" alternative. If the proposed project does not occur, five receptors are predicted to experience traffic noise impacts and the future traffic noise levels will increase by approximately one dBA. Based upon research, humans barely detect noise level changes of 2-3 dBA. A 5-dBA change is more readily noticeable. Therefore, most people working and living near the roadway will not notice this predicted increase. Traffic Noise Abatement Measures Measures for reducing or eliminating the traffic noise impacts were considered for all impacted receptors in each alternative. The primary noise abatement measures 40 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeet W-5600 evaluated for highway projects include highway alignment changes, traffic system management measures, establishment of buffer zones, noise barriers and noise insulation (NAC D only). For each of these measures, benefits versus costs (reasonableness), engineering feasibility, effectiveness and practicability and other factors were included in the noise abatement considerations. Substantially changing the highway alignment to minimize noise impacts is not considered to be a viable option for this project due to engineering and/or environmental factors. Traffic system management measures are not considered viable for noise abatement due to the negative impact they would have on the capacity and level of service of the proposed roadway. Costs to acquire buffer zones for impacted receptors will exceed the NCDOT base dollar value of $37,500 plus an incremental increase of $210 (as defined in the NCDOT Policy) per benefited receptor, causing this abatement measure to be unreasonable. Noise Barriers - Noise barriers include two basic types: earthen berms and noise walls. These structures act to diffract, absorb and reflect highway traffic noise. For this project, earthen berms are not found to be a viable abatement measure because the additional right of way, materials and construction costs are estimated to exceed the NCDOT maximum allowable base quantity of 7,000 cubic yards, plus an incremental increase of 100 cubic yards per benefited receptor, as defined in the NCDOT Policy. A noise barrier evaluation was conducted for this project utilizing the Traffic Noise Model (TNM 2.5) software developed by the FHWA. Table 19 summarizes the results of the evaluation. The first potential barrier location evaluated is north of US 70, south of Wilson's Mills Road and west of Strickland Road. Based upon criteria defined in the NCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy, a barrier at this location is not preliminarily justified and is not recommended for construction, contingent upon completion of the project design. The second potential barrier location evaluated is south of US 70 and east of Swift Creek Road at Twin Creek Drive. Based upon criteria defined in the NCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy, a barrier at this location is not preliminarily justified and is not recommended for construction, contingent upon completion of the project design. The third potential barrier location evaluated is south of US 70 along Bear Farm Road. Based upon criteria defined in the NCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy, a barrier at this location is not preliminarily justified and is not recommended for construction, contingent upon completion of the project design. 41 US 701mprovemenfs Categorlcal Excluaion STIP ProJecf W-5b00 rabie i y. Preuminary Noise �arrier evaivation Resuits Square Feet per preliminarily Alternative Length / Square Number of Benefited Receptor Recommended (Noise Barrier Location) Height Footage Benefited / Allowable Square for (feet) Receptors Feet per Benefited � Receptor Construction NSA-1 /-N W 1- 2,580/ 14- 44,481 4 1 1,120/2,544 No Alts. 1 A, 1 B, 2A, and 2B 18 NSA-2/ -N W2- 1,660/ 10- � 9,841 5 3,968/2,556 No Alts. 1 A, 1 B, 2A, and 2B 12 NSA-3/-NW3- �,g40 33,123 4 8,280/2,549 No Alts. 1 A, 1 B, 2A, and 2B SUC71l71qN A preliminary noise evaluation was performed and no noise barriers were identified that meet preliminary feasible and reasonable criteria found in the NCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy. A more detailed analysis will be completed during project final design. Noise barriers found to be feasible and reasonable during the preliminary noise analysis may not be found to be feasible and reasonable during the final design noise analysis due to changes in proposed project alignment and other design considerations, surrounding land use development, or utility conflicts, among other factors. Conversely, noise barriers that were not considered feasible and reasonable may meet the established criteria and be recommended for construction. This evaluation completes the highway traffic noise requirements of Title 23 CFR Part 772. In accordance with NCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy, the Federal/State governments are not responsible for providing noise abatement measures for new development for which building permits are issued after the Date of Public Knowledge. The Date of Public Knowledge of the proposed highway project is the approval date of this Categorical Exclusion. For development occurring after this date, local governing bodies are responsible to insure that noise compatible designs are utilized along the proposed facility. 5.9 Hazardous Materials and Geotechnical Impacts A hazardous material evaluation identified one underground storage tank (UST) facility within the study area and one likely UST site. The confirmed UST site (ID# 0-036319) is located at the Handy Mart at 3657 Wilson's Mills Road. The other potential UST site is located in the vicinity of the eastern end of Sadisco Road. The project is not likely to impact either site. 5.10 Floodplains Johnston County is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program. According to the Effective Flood Insurance Study and Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map obtained from the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program, Little Poplar Creek and Poplar 42 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeet W-5600 Creek are currently located in Federal Emergency Management Agency Detailed Study Areas. NCDOT will coordinate with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program, to determine the status of the project with regard to applicability of NCDOT'S Memorandum of Agreement, or approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). 5.11 Indirect and Cumulative Effects The project is expected to improve mobility through the area, and cumulatively with other US 70 corridor projects, would contribute to improved mobility for the 134-mile US 70 corridor between I-40 and the Port of Morehead City, which is designated as the future Interstate 42. The project has the potential to influence the specific location of development along the US 70 corridor, as the proposed interchange locations would be more conducive to non-residential, highway oriented commercial development. However, the project is not likely to attract development to the area. When considered in combination with the US 70 Clayton Bypass, the project could play a role in influencing development in the area and into eastern Johnston County. However, the Johnston County 2030 Comprehensive Plan acknowledges development at the terminus of the Clayton Bypass, a freeway facility, will likely extend east of I-95, with or without the project. The contribution of the project to cumulative impacts resulting from future development is expected to be negligible. 5.12 Geodetic Markers NCDOT will coordinate with the N.C. Geodetic Survey prior to construction to identify any geodetic survey markers which will be impacted by the project. Any affected markers will be relocated before construction. 43 US TO lmprovemenfa Cateqorical Exclualon STIP ProJect W-5600 5.13 Summary of Environmental Effects Table 20 provides a summary of the environmental effects of the NCDOT- recommended Alternative. Table Z0: Summa ot Environmental Ettects Pro'ect Len th miles 4.7 Residential 4 Relocations Business/non-profit 2 Total Relocations 6 Minority/Low Income Populations - No Dis ro ortionate Im acts Historic Architectural Properties (adverse No effect Archaeological Resources No Community Facilities Impacted 1 Section 4(f) Impacts N/A Noise Impacts (impacted receptors) 14 Prime and Unique Farmlands (acres) 64.4 Wetland Impacts (acres) 7.7 Stream Impacts linear feet 3,070 Floodplain (acres) 0.1 Riparian Buffers square feet 72,740 Federally Protected Species May Affect, likely to Adversely Effect Right-of-Way Cost $8,275,000 Utilities Cost $3,830,500 Cost Mitigation Cost $3,510,000 Construction Cost $46,050,000 Total Cost $61,665,500 + Wilson's Mills Cemetery (45 grave sites impacted) 44 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exelualon STIP ProJeef W-5600 6.0 COMMENTS AND COORDINATION 6.1 Comments Received from Federal, State, and Local Agencies In a scoping letter dated November 16, 2012, NCDOT requested input from the federal, state, and local agencies listed below. Written comments were received from agencies noted with an asterisk (*). These comments are provided in Appendix A. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Department of Agriculture - Forest Service U.S. Department of Interior- Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Federal Highway Administration N.C. Department of Administration - State Clearinghouse N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services - Agricultural Services N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources - Division of Archives and History N.C. Department of Cultural Resources - State Historic Preservation Office N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Natural Heritage Program N.C. Department of Environmental Division of Water Resources* N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission* Johnston County 6.2 Local Officials Meeting and Public Involvement A Local Officials Meeting was held at the Wilson's Mills Town Hall on February 2, 2016. NCDOT presented maps of each of the four detailed study alternatives. Based off of the impacts to businesses in the vicinity of the proposed Wilson's Mills Road interchange and concerns about connectivity and access along Swift Creek Road, on February 16, 2016, the Wilson's Mills Town Council passed a resolution in favor of Alternative 2A. 45 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJecf W-5600 A Public Informational Meeting was held on February 2, 2016 at the Wilson's Milis Elementary School. Approximately 180 citizens attended the meeting. Alternatives 1 A, 1 B, 2A, and 2B were presented at the meeting. All of the meeting attendees were provided a meeting handout providing a description of each interchange option, impacts and costs of each alternative, project mapping and a comment sheet. Seventy-seven comment forms were either submitted at the meeting or received via email or mail after the meeting. Table 21 provides a summary of the alternative preferences on the comment sheets received. Table 21: Public Meeting Alternative Preference Summary Alternative 1 A Alternative 1 B Alternative 2A Alternative 26 No Preference 12 I 2 I 58 I 8 I 5 The primary concerns noted at the meeting and on the comment sheets are summarized below. Other concerns not listed included future land use changes and property values. ■ Property Impacts/Relocations: Twelve comment forms noted concerns due to property impacts and relocations. Of primary concern was the potential impact of Wilson's Mills Interchange Option B, which is a component of Alternatives 1 B and 2B, on the Handy Mart/White Swan restaurant and the Family Dollar store. Also, of concern was the potential relocation of elderly community members due to new location alignments. Citizens noting concern for the project's impact to businesses generally preferred either Alternative 1 A or 2A. ■ EMS Access and Response Times: Eleven comments were received expressing concern about EMS access and response times. Members of the Wilson's Mills Fire Department, including the Fire Chief, and citizens in attendance noted the project would have impacts to EMS routing and response times. The Wilson's Mills Fire Station is located north of US 70 and closing the at-grade crossings of US 70 would limit EMS routing to incidents south of US 70 to the new interchanges and the service roads. Most attendees noting concerns about EMS access selected Alternative 2A as their preference due to its use of existing Swift Creek Road. ■ Access: Fourteen comment forms noted concern about changes to access. Citizens and business owners stated the project would have a direct impact on daily routines and access to and from businesses, schools, and other community resources. Attendees noted that Swift Creek Option 1, a component of Alternatives 1 A and 1 B, resulted in a much longer route for travel between the community resources on opposite sides of US 70. The single access proposed by the project to the Uzzle Industrial Park also gave concern. Business owners and community leaders noted additional travel time and transportation costs associated with single access to the industrial park could result in business closures or relocations. Comments received also expressed concerns related to extended travel times for farm equipment due to the removal of the at-grade intersections and new routing via service roads. 46 US 70 Improvemenfa Categorlcal Exclualon STIP ProJeef W-5600 6.3 NEPA/404 MERGER PROCESS The NEPA/404 Merger Process is an interagency procedure integrating the regulatory requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act into the National Environmental Policy Act decision making process. The merger process allows federal and state environmental regulatory and resource agencies to participate in the transportation decision making process. The NEPA/404 Merger Process is structured with milestones called "concurrence points" occuring at key decision points in the NEPA process. The project is being developed through the NEPA/404 Merger Process. A merger screening meeting was conducted on July 17, 2014 and it was determined the project would enter the Merger Process at Concurrence Point 2A (bridging decisions). Concurrence Point 2A was reached on November 18, 2015. The merger team concurred on Concurrence Point 3(least environmentally damaging practicable alternative) and Concurrence Point 4A (avoidance and minimization measures) at a meeting held on June 15, 2016. Copies of concurrence forms are included in Appendix A. 7.0 BASIS FOR CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION Based on the studies performed, it is concluded the proposed project will not result in significant social, economic or environmental impacts and the categorical exclusion classification, as defined in 40 CFR 1508.4 and 23 CFR 771.117, is appropriate. 47 US 70 IMPROVEMENTS, JOHNSTON COUNTY STIP PROJECT NO. W-5600 WBS NO. 50056.1.1 FEDERAL AID NO. HISP-0070(163) ■ i u res � � US 70 Improvements From US 70 Business to the Neuse River Bridge Johnston County TIP W-5600 Figure 1 Vicinity Map � N ��;%.' , :���-�l� � �-i. f ;i . �� �� '�'�-r� . � f � n/ . � / ,� .Y4 ,!� ���. t '4 ,� � � /, %� � 4 `� ,� � _�., �., _ � . . . � � �' � BU.S � .�.� � , � 70 f r ,� #K,�' BEGIN , ` �' PROJECT , _ _ � � � - � � S a . y= ' "�v o- R 2566 (SADISCO RD) @ �� ".��� � :� ��� `ti , �..�.., �. � �T � , � . s �� , � � ���-�_ � _� �y � : �� . .Y W�� .�:C f _ ' B..���.. ``=.t�+� . a r - q, •,�,�,�'j�, - � , f�� , � , �� —i�r� ,� �� ��- "` ` f , _ •' . i rt� .. , ` s�)' .a� � ) - h . � � - {`� - ;.. �5 i ..5. ' ��r:• � y 1 ' - - .x �,'J�' .� ,+► ,. �,y.,.. � � , _-� T�� ^ .. t _ � - � � * y ��- •. �+4a�'�+� r � � WILSON'S MILLS _ • — ��� ._ r o� � * r�. ��'� ��:,, y`��w, ; ��� � � ° -;� — v'��_ � =>. �- -.�; . ;�i. F '� � _. ,s. r9_ . , �I M1 �� �i p �I��m. -��� � y •��+ �j � .c�` ` i'i�� `�`•� . 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Fire Station ,�� ` . � ' � Community Features : , .`� � , � High VoltagePower Line � /' / Exist Right of Way -r� �r :'r � • , ' ' "� , ` , t�� Municipal Boundary e�_ � f s'. � �. � r '` � � . ' ' 3" '`�� Exist Property Line , @€",�� �r� . �� ' .�� � - ' ; ,. .. " . - e .. _ } . . . , �� .�''�' � I . , � ' � *��x , , f . 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I �--_ � ��.-�� � 1(� ' � ` ,` � � \ �. ,�; � �i J `� , J � N Z O N J � WILSON'S MILLS OPTION A .� '`'��� ,� , fi!, � a �9 r . . . , �j �'1.. � il, s{ .: M e� ar . •! �ti. . �� f � ��-" � \ �r�( . •U'.`• � � � `�� \ _._ .�ji i �E�\ M .. � , �',�j ,�: . � � \\ \��` � i? '� � •� ,..' '�1.�� . ���� � "€ _ • � `� � . . � . ' .. �� �\ ..�t : � �\ � . t- . _ . \ � _ . ��� � � � � —�� G \�\� ``\ � � ,` \\ . \ \` \\ �/ � \ �� \��\ \1 � % • � / � �• \ � � � �\ � � i � �� �� i \ � ����� �\ �\ _ ;_ \> �/ `�� / i/ \ Q v: � ��� \ �v � , . . v� '> .. �; � . •�•. , . _ - •- -- + 5�� . .. SWIFT CREEK OPTION 3 � � ; = �� `" �: .� . � -- � , �� � . .�. - . �. - ��� ;' � I � --�,�� � � �� � � n._ \�� ���. � -� � L 1�;� � � =� ���( � � � `, `\\. 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" ' � " L `� =ti 'u x,,���" ',� � :,� r , ,' � �s;�, /./ ' �, � � � � �� � � a'��^f� ^ � • . . �� ���. •r + �: , ,�,�. -- W/LSONS M/LLS RD � �_�. �:,� 70 � ` - _ � '�� � - N ._ N � . ... .. ` ISC� RD � <. = D ,,��, < � � SA � <� ' � �� ,: f =__�� . *i „ ��' ,._ .�- - ��'Yc,� � . l � " � �;`t�9 � ; : ��k � � LEGEND �� l`�/ Railroad Tracks ,, Prop Roadway Improvement ; �'-r- Municipal Boundaries f Hydrologic Resources ,� � o ��. �:. _�, -._ . � � �� Wetland �, ` � � Y , N ,-��� I� � .� ~'� � , , Streams � �_ � •� y ,,��� 3 �:r � y � _ t.�:.'.� ff'r,,'� _ •� r�� �,9�j� M i.�' � - � � Q _ � � � � �. � ' i , I% I � ' � , . j ��i �/� �n � �, � �t .$�s � � . : {�. • ��� A . � � i} ' _:. '�� � �K 5.. ' ' � ' y� �� � -- � � . 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Feet - ,� , � � � - 70 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 � - � N � � ' � ��� �O US 70 Improvements From US 70 Business to the Neuse River Bridge Johnston County TIP W-5600 Figure 9A Detailed Study Alternatives 1 A and 1 B � � -,��+' . �� J �. + � � . � c � � ;�' ' � �s�, /' �� ��� '�� ' 70 �� �, s� � � � ;�;`t�9 -- '� W/LSp�y S M/LLS RD � , ",��X E '. � `"�`. �" °� �' ' °�`„ �,t - r � �, � a�, � �,. ;. �, � y , � �� �� � ,"� , � �'."� _ .- .� , : � �_ � � '��� � . - .- ----��, 7O N � ..., u�T r it 1 inch = 2,000 feet� Feet 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 m 0 G � � r � �� 'ti ��� � �� r 1 � :����� W/�SON :: �� - .* � � S M��CS '�` RD t.� . t � � f t', ��-� + � _ �. • � � •�},' :�� �� � � �o ��--����"�..�_ .,a� . �_ � �� _ �� .� - � ��� �� - .� _ � � �,��:. ��!� _ � .��_ �. - . c.� . -�, . ,�, •, �. .v�. � . e� —'1- F4 `r -. �x �! . , .'�'T' �� � {7i � R�, _ ' ' . , � �pi�� _ �� . � � .;'o:. � �� � . y .. , . . � .. . 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A • - US 70 Improvements From US 70 Business to the Neuse River Bridge Figure 9B Johnston County Detailed Study Alternatives 2A and 2B — TIP W-5600 „;r -ro- ^•-- t�:= �- r ti, � �.�- -' '� 4 �� �...� ►. , j*. i - . ,r �i �j � . . -� � �~� _ . �!!� � � . � e . . . � L1l++�' .. .. +�.�. : . � . � i ► .�• . � . . . �� � � � � � , ' ,.*. � ,�'1 ���++��'� � � F +- F'' , M f'i�,��'� � i � G S.Q�,. ��,h� �� .! � iJf .__ � GY r � �, � � a=r. S: 9j, . a �, d �._' �� � „r, �� 4 . . �, � . 9?i .� � '� '��- ,� ''#.'r y�l:_j� � ��y- �� .• r . ' . �O '��.A .�' ` L. •�• �.. ,� '�. . ._ .� � e ��� . •��. •p� l��,�l6'E �"'� � SR 2566 ($q `� 70 �� �� . • � ; � �a . � '�'�', '�` ) � r _ . - - � ' • � ���� DISCO Rp .,� _ , � � �� � � � - ��t� �! �� .. . SB . —`�.�..�r.� �M' � _ `_ r� "a -.!;, , •..� .�� -'� �,� .SC.� !� � � _ i ,� r � • +� f - � ���, `� � � �s'� . � j s .��-� . y..” .. , .. . � t, �'-3`� , .,_. Y �. �r !t,� .+', � • � SF, '�SGi'� SD , ':` • ��'�ef ' R � r `� . 1r ' �i - ' �i1 � �-I ��, i .� ' ' - �, l :�,� •�' � ' � �a �1"y` i• �F � 'r .f�Rf Y i� � J � ' � •�rr • Y A . • fe ..�, ' � � t �� - ' � �� . - �- A � .. - �$���' . . .� Y � J -� ',���""�' � N ' S. f'�-� ``r1 ��.. � � �.4 t ~'�_ � m -- R �s�3`� . . �^ �. _ ¢� � . � � ~ '� , � , � , c,� :1 ' ( ���-G"` '� t f � ' : �' �4 �r��+ � �, � , — _ ' �� M`'�•, Fr .s ��a''�✓ t••�i� ri+:r� •, ` - f � . � . � • . � i> '�r �<< �l SJ� • ,�, . _ _ � � » ` A ,.'' � � ' � , ' � �.'� ,� � .�' � �• .� �� �jt'' ,� y � � i :. J � .4 �� � • �7 . � Sl �. ..`ia1.�,.T� •- � � " - i , . � Y �6e,� . t , � .. � ' ,�.. . ` i +' � y , ;� �, • ,+�.!� r' ' � � ,�._ ' + - F ,t ,� . �,, �,r � . ��._ = � ' BUS a .� + ��t � y• ' �+ � . • ' •' � . . ' � .. . . _ . • , • , , �, A • • 70 ��'��r� 4����'�`as,�� �,� � � y .�. � ` =�k _ `y� � • .h� �!`��.. �.. � �� r :F� f R ,i '� . � ,i;� � . , �SG �� s =, !�� ��__ }' ••` f � �, � ��'' ,T �� � �� �' F'/ �Y� t � ,� �,yAt� ` _ , . . SH `� � i r � b " ' ��s �,b �,�'' � r,' �'�� � r „�, ir , � O� . � �> ,., � _,�' �+ f.o;� n :.. i � �r� 2 . ��� '� -�. �= -- _ : ::. - �- � - �.-�. _ �� .. ► � - ,� ;� . �" ` �� �� Y s.�=.� �. � - .. � 70 SM •s��, • • �► '�,� � / . � % r � � �p� � ^t � ^ o ''"' rn .,; ��" �. . a" �C u�j �f G�� � ; -. i LEGEND ,�� � t � , — _ J _ ,� �� �.. J.'+� 4�� � �' � � y� �, .. � Study Area •�� �;r� . ; ; i s o� _ �� t ° � � R �`� SL � Delineated Stream � "" �� ^ `+ �;� Y • �'' yQ- . ,� : _ . � - . � �� . . . . �. � . . Wetland . "�" - � z 1 inch = 1,000 feet ", �;.� ;� .�-�` � Floodway . �� �� . -- . .. ._ .. � � , .: . . � Feet � " � . 100 Year Flood 0 500 1,000 2,000 F � - r � US 70 Improvements ��`� From US 70 Business to the Neuse River Bridge Figure 10A _ Johnston County Jurisdictional Features TIP W-5600 US 70 IMPROVEMENTS, JOHNSTON COUNTY STIP PROJECT NO. W-5600 WBS NO. 50056.1.1 FEDERAL AID NO. HISP-0070(163) ■ e n ix Agency Coordination BeveAy Eaues Pekue Govema MEMORANDUM �n CDE�TR Nodh Carolina Deparlment of Environment and Natural Resources Divisian M We�er Quality Charles Wakild, P.E Direclor December I7, 2012 To: Kim Gillespie, NCDOT PDEA � From: Rob Ridings, NC Division of Wa[er Quality, Transporta[ion Permitting Unit � SubjecC Scoping comments on proposed improvements to US 70 in Johnston County, Federal Aid Projec[ No. HSIP-0070Q63), S[ate Project No. 50056.1.1, TIP No. W-5600 DeeFreeman Secretary Reference your corrupandence received November 26, 2012 in which you requested commen[s for the referenced project. Preliminary analysis ofthe project reveals [he poten[ial Por impac[s to streams and/or jurisdic�ional wetlands in the project area. More specifically, impacts m: Further investiga[ions a[ a higher resolu[ion should be undertaken [o verify [he presence of other streams and/orjurisdictional weNands in the area. In [he event that anyjurisdictional areas are identified, [he Division of Water Qualiry requests that NCDOT consider the following environmen[al issues for the praposed praject: Project Specific Commenffi: 1. These streams are NSW waters ofthe State. NCDWQ is very concerned with sediment snd erosion imac[s [hat could result from [his project NCDWQ recommends that highly protective sedimen[ and erosion control BMPs be implemented to reduce the risk of nuVient mnoff to these waters. NCDWQ requests that road design plans provide treatment of the storm water mnoff [hrough best menegement practices as defailed in the most recent version of NCDWQ's Starmwaler Bes( Management Praclrces. 2. This project is within the Neuse Basin. Riparian buffer impacts sltall be avoided and minimized ta the grea[es[ exten[ possible pursuan[ to 15A NCAC 2B.0233. New developmen[ activi[ies loca[ed in [he protected 50-foot wide riparian areas within the basin shall be limited to "uses" identified within and cons[ruc[ed in accordance with I SA NCAC 2B.0233. Buffer mitiga[ion may be required for buffer impac[s resulfing from activi[ies classified as "allowable with mitigation" within the "Table of Uses" seMion of the Buffer Rules or require a variance under [he Buffer Rules. A buffer mi[igation plaq including use ofthe NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program, must be provided [o NCDWQ prior W Tmneaamnan ena rami�re unn ne /+ 1650MaIISaNxCankr,Fple��.NOMCamNnaE]W31877 l.u� `t� Lo�Wn:51P N. SeIbWrySt RekipA, tbM Cemine 1]HOl {�� p�y Phone:919A0F89WIFAX;91990]$192 a6%�{µ %� I�mffi w�nv.ndretemueHN.om MEqu910ppo1uniylA94metlrePstlonEmpo�a approwal o#'the Water Quality Cenifi�atiaii. F3uffer ittitigatioi� may be required f'ar buffer impacts resulting fi•nm act�vities classified as "a�lawable witli t77iti�atioi�" withi» tlie "Table of Uses" seclion af the F3uffer Rules or require a wariance under the Biiffe�• Rules. A buffer �ttiligatiai7 plan, including tisc of the 1VC �,cosysteir �.r�hanceme»t Pragram, �nUst 6e provided ta NCDWQ prior ta approwal of the Water Quality Certification. General Praject �ominen#s: The e»viranmental docun�ent sliould pravide a dctailed and itemized presentatioi� oftl�e pz�opos�d i�npacts to wetlands and sti�earns with GQrrespvi�din� mappi��g, f f mitigatian is necessary as required �y i SA NCAC 2 H.�S�G[li), it is pr�ferable to present a canceptu�l (if nnt �na�ized� mitigalion plan witl� the environrnental documentatinn. Appropriate mitigation p�ans will be required priar ta issuance of a 441 Water Qi�ality Certificatioi}. 2. En�ironmeistai i�npact state�neitit alteritati�es sE�a�] cansider design criteria that red��ce t�ie iinpacts to streams a��d wetlanc�s fi•om sto,•m water ru�ioff. T��ese alternatives sIiall i�iclude road designs that allow for treatment oftl,e stvrm water i�znoff through best inanagement practices �s detaiied in t>>e mast rcce�it vers�Qn af NCDWQ's S1or•rtai�rater 13est M�rnager�zen! Pructices Mcmuul, July 20Q7, such as grassed swa�es, �uffer areas, prefornted scour I�o�es, reteiitio�i basins, etc. After tEie selectioi� of the preferrec� alternati�e aiid prior to an issuance of tl�e 4q i Water Quality Certificatinn, the iVCDDT is respectfully reittnZded tliat tliey will need to deii�al�sYrate ti�e avoidance and minimization of iinpacts to wetla��ds {and strea�ns} ta the maxi�nurn extent practiGal, !n aecordance with tfie Ei�vironmental Manage�net�i Camrnission's Rules {15A NCAC 2f I.Q��6[h}�, mitigatio» wi[l be req��ired for impacts af grcatei� tlian 1 acrc tv wctlands, In t>>e e�ent tl�at mitigation is rcquirecf, tlie mitigatia» plan sl�a�l be desigited to replace appropriate lus� functioi�s and valucs. Tlie NC Ecosystern Enl�anceine�it Prog��a�n rnay �e a�ailahle for use as wetland ��itigation. 4. Ii� accordai�ce witl� t��e En�ironmental Mai�ageinent Cnmmissi�n's R�iles { I SA NCAC 2H.45Ub(h}}, mitigatio�i wil l he reqiiirec� for iinpacts of greater thais 1 SU linear f'eet to ai�y si�igie stream. fn the ewen# that inifigation is reqiiired, t�te miti�atiali pla�� shal� be desig,�ed to replAce apprapriate l�st functians and values. The NC Ecosyste�n Enhanceme��t Pragram may bc �Wai[able for use as strearn miti�a#ion. 5. �'utu��e documentatio», iiicluding tl�e 4D1 Water Qualit�� Ce1-iiCcati�n Applicatioi3, slia�l continue tn include an iternized listing af the propased vwetland and stream impacts with cnrresponding rnappin�. G. NCDWQ is �e�y concerned with secfimei7t a�id e�•asioi� impa�ts tE��t co�Eld result fi•om tl�is projecl, N[:DU'i� slial I address these coiicertfs by descril�in� the pote��tia� impacts tl��t may occur ta thc aquatic environrnents and any rnitigating factors th�t would reduce the impacts, An arialysis af cumufative and secoudaiy impacts anticipated as a result of tliis project is reyuii�ed. Tlle type and detail afanalysis shall canfur�t� to lhe NC Division of Water Quality Policy on the assessmeizt of secondaiy a�ld cumulative impacts dated April 1 d, 2004. 8. NCI]{7T is respe�tflilly reminded t��at all impacts, i�tGludiiig but ��ot li�nited to, brid�i��g, fill, excavation and ciearin�, aitid rip ra�� tajiirisdi�tional wetla��ds, streams, a��d ripar;a» bufFcrs necd ta be ii7cluded ii� tl�e fii�al impact calculatio��s. Tl�ese impaGts, i�i Addition tn any coi�str�iction impacts, temporaiy or otl�erwise, a[so need ta be includcd as pai�t of t[ie �Q1 Water Qualiiy Certiiication Application, Where strean�s must be crossed, NCDWp prefers hridges be used i�� lieu of cul�erts. Hawever, we realize that e�onoinic �onsicierativns often require tlle use nfcul�erts. Please be advised tliat cu]Werts sho�ild be catintersunk to allow unin3pedec� passage by fish �nd other aquatic organisrns. Morea�er, in areas wllere fiigh quality ��etlands or streants are impacted, a�ridge �i7ay prave preferable. When applicable, NCDQT should not install the brid�e bents in the Greelc, ta the iraximuin extent practicadle. 1�, Whenevcr possible, NCDWQ prefers spanning structures. 5panning structures usually do nnl requia-e work within the streain vr grubbiiig of the streambank5 and do nUt re�uire s[�eam ch�iu�el realigi�ment. The horizontal a��d veitical clearances prn�ided by hridges sliall allaw for hu�nan and wildlife passage beneatfi tiie structure. Fisl� passage and �iavigation by canoeists and hoaters slsall not be hlacked. F3ridge supparts (bents) shauld not be placed in the stream wl�er7 possible. 1 l. Brid�e deck draii�s s17a11 itot discltarge directly i��to tl�e st�•eam. Starmwater sltafi be directed across tl�e beidge aaid pre-treated tllrough site-approp�•iate mcans {grassed swalcs, prc-formed scour ltoles, vcgctatcd buffers, etc.) before e�ttering the stream, �lease refer to the invst cui�rei�t version of NCdWQ's Sta��r�a�k�ater Bes� Munu�ci�zent PracEice.s. 12. 5edirnent and erosion cnntrol �neasures sliould nnt be placed in wetlands or streains. l3. Borrawlwaste areas sl�auld avoid wetlands to tlte maximum extent practicaf. Iinpacts ta wetla��ds i�t borrowlwaste areas will need to be presented in the 4Ui Water Quality Certification �nd could preci�itate compe�is�tary �nitigatipn. 1�. Tl�e 4� 1 Water Quality Ceitifi�ation appli�ation wi11 need to speci�cally address the pt�oposed methods for sla��mwater manage�nent. More specifically, storrnwater shal] nrrt be perrnitted to discl�arge direct�y into streams or sUrface waters. l S. Based on t}�e inforination presei�ted in tl�e document, tlte ma�nitude af impacts to wetlands and streams inay require an Alatiaiiwide Permit appli�ation to tlte Corps af Engi��eers and correspondisig �Q] Water Quality Certification. Please be ad�ised th�t a�O 1 Water Qualiiy Certification requires satisfactory protcction of water quality to ensiirc tl�at watcr qualiry standards are met aiid na wetlaiid or stream uses are lost. Fiaia] permit authorizat�vn wil l require il�e su�mittal uf a forrnal appiicatian by the NCD�T and writlen concurre�ice from NC�WQ, Please be aware tllat ai�y approval will �e contingent on appropriate avaidance a�id minimi7atini� of wetland and stream impacts tn the i�axim�un extent practical, tl�e de�elnp�nent nfan ac�eptahle storrnwater rnanagement plan, s�id tlie incli�sian af appropriate mitigation plans where appropriate. 16. Ifconcrete is used durinb construction, rz diy wOrk area sl�al� be �n�intaII1CCI t0 prc�ci7t [iireCt CDtltaCt bctween curing coi�crctc and strcai�n water. Watcr that inadaertently cnntacts uncured concrete shall »at he disGharge� to surfa�e waters due ta the �otential for elevated �H and possible aquatic [ife ai�d f15�] ki��5. 17. f f tempoi�aiy access roads or detours are eonstructed, the site shall he graded to its preconstructian cantoi�rs and ele�atiaiss, ❑isturbed areas sliall be seeded or mulcl}ed to stabi lize tlie sai� and a��ropriate native woady s�ecies slial l be planted. W[ien usi�ig tem�oraiy stru�tL�res tl�e area shall be cleared �ui n�t gi•ubf�ed. Clearirtg tlte area with cliaii� saws, �nowers, b�ish-hags, or athcr mechanized equiprnent and leA�i�ig the stumps and root inat intact al lows #l�c area to rc-vegetate i3atura�ly a�id mi�iimizes soi! disturbancc. i 8. U�Siess vthe��wi$e authaE•ized, placemcnt of culvc��ts and other structures in wate��s and streamsshall bc placcd bclow the clevatian of the strearnbed by one fQot for all cE�lv�i�ts with a diameter greater than 4$ inches, and 20 percent uf the cul�ert diai�aeter for c:ulvert5 ha�ing a diarneter iess t�ian 48 inches, tQ allow low Claw passage oFwater and aquatic life. Design and pla�ement af cul�erts and �ther structures including tempnrary erasion cnutrol measures shall not be ca»�fueted in a manner tliat may result in dis-equilibriunt of wetlai}ds ar streantbeds or banks, adjaeent t� or upstreai� and dowii stream af tl�e aba�e structures_ "I'I�e applicant is required to pra�ide evi�le��ce tliat the equiliht•iurn is bei��g rnaintairoed if requested in �vriting by NCDWQ. Iithis conditian is ui�ablc ta be met due ta bedrack or otl�er limiting features encauntcrcc! during constructian, p�easc contact I�CDWQ for guidanec an how to proceed and to determine whetlier or nat a permit mQdification wil! bc rcquired. 19. If miiltiple pipes or barreis a»e req�aired, t�iey sliall be designed tn mimic �iatural stream cross section as closely as possible including pi�es or harrels at flaod plain ele�ation, floodplain bencl�es, andl�r sil ls may be required wl�ere ap�ropriate. Widening the streain chan�zel shou�d be a�oided. Stream clian�}el widei�ina at the irtlet or outlet end af structures typically decreases water WelQcity causi»g sedime»t depasition that requi��es if�creased maintcnai�ce and disrupts aqtiatiG lifc passage. 2D. [f foui�datio�i test borin�s a�•e necessaiy; it s[ial! be noted in t�ie dacument. Geotecl���ical work is approued under Gene�al4Ul Cei�tificatia�l h�umber 36871Natianwide Permit Na. 6 foi� 5ur�ey Acliwitie�. 21. Sediittent aiid erasion coiitrol measures sufficient to protect water resourees must be implernented and inaintained in accordance witE� the rnost recent �ersion af No��tli Caroli,�a Sedi�nent and Erosion Contral Plan��i,�g and Design Manual and the rnost recent w�rsio�i of NCSU002�0, 22, All work in or adja�eFit ta stream waters sl�all Ue conducted i�i a diy work area. Appro�ed �MP measures fi�aiii tiie masi current uersion of NC�3�T Construction a�jd Maintenattce ActiWities man��al siicl� as san�bags, rack bern�s, �affer�{ams and other di�er�ioi� structures sl�all be used to prevent excavatinn in flowing water. 23. While tltie use vf Natio�ial Wetla�tid lnventory (1V WI} �naps, NC Coastal Region E�al�iation of Wetland Signi�ca�i�e (NC-CREWS} maps and soil survey maps are useful too]s, tl�eir inlicre�it inac�uracics require tl�at qualificd personncl perfos•m ansite wetlanc� delineations prior to peri�zit approval. 24. Heavy equipmeni shoulcl be operated from the 6ank rather tha�i in streant chaiinels in ❑r•der in minimize sedimentation a�u[ reduce the �ikelilinod nf intr�ducing ocher poll�rt�izts into streams. This equip�nent sllal] he inspectect daily and inaiiitained to �re�ent contaminatioi� of surface waters frv�i7 leakii�g fueis, lubs�icants, Itydraulic f7uids, or oti�er taxic �naterials. 25. ' Riprap shall nat be placed i�, the active thalwcg channcl oi• placed in the strcarnbed ii� a manne� that pre�ludes aquatic IifG passag�, Biacnginccring boulders or structures shouid be prvperly desigi�ed, sized a�id ii�stal f ed. 2S. Riparian ve�etatian {nati�e trees and si�ruhs} shall he pres�rved to the rnaxiinum extent possi6ie. Riparian �e�etation must he reestablishecl witl�in the canstr�ictioi� liirits of tl�e praj�ct by the et�d af the grawing seasan follaw�iisg coinpletion of construction. Thank yvu for requesting aur input at this time. NCDOT is reminded that issuance af a 401 Water Qua[ity Ce��tification requires tl�at appropriate rneasures he institutecE to ens�re tliat water qual iry standards are met and designated uses are ilot degrade� or lost. If you ha�e aE�y questioi3s o�• require additian�l inforir�ation, ple�se contact Rob Ridings at 919-791-871b �c: Tarn Steffens, L]S Army Corps of Cngineers, Washington f ield dffce C1�ad CoggEns, �i�isiau 4 Environrne�ital Officer File Cv�}� Project Tracking No. 12-08-0007 p���� ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM ��y`'.�_ ih� ��� This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLO ICAL RESOURCES far this project. It is not t�: , d �, p _ . , �'f �� : � Q Qo �' valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. ou must consult separately with the ��0� ¢: �; `'.....:::,..: �� � . �.��`C��� Historic Architecture and Landscapes roup. ��Q� PROJECT INFORMATION Project No. WBS No F.A. No. W-5600 :YIII�Yx�I HSIP-0070(163) Federal Permit Required? County: Document: Johnston Categorical Exclusion Funding: ❑ State � Federal ❑ es ❑ No Permit Type: To Be Determined Project De cri tion The proposed project is described as US 70 Improvements from West of SR 2565 (Sadisco Road) to West of SR 1915 (Turnage Road), in ohnston County. The Purpose Need for the project is described as: "Improve the safety of US 70 within the project area." Otherwise known as US 70 Improvements at Wilson's Mills, the proposed project is part of the US 70 Corridor Plan, which intends to upgrade US 70 to a freeway facility from the Clayton Bypass to Morehead City. Potential improvements include grade-separated interchanges with US 70 at Swift Creek Road and Wilson's Mills Road. The project will also explore access management techni ues for the corridar, and consider median modifications and service roads within the project limits. Project length measures about 5.5 miles (29,040 feet). Permanent easements as well as additional ROW will be re uired. The Area of Potential Effects (APE) re uiring archaeological field investigations cannot be sufficiently deternvned until preliminary design plans have been prepared and reviewed. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES REVIEW: SURVEYRE UIRED Brie de cri tion o re ie cti itie re u t o re ie nd conc u ion A map review and site iile search was iirst conducted at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on Friday, August 10, 2012. Comprehensive archaeological surveys have been conducted in various locales along the US 70 corridor, resulting in numerous archaeological sites having been recorded. Digital copies of HPO's maps (Powhatan and Selma uadrangles) as well as the HPOWEB IS Service (http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/) were last reviewed on Friday, une 14, 2013. At this time, there are no known historic architectural resources located within the project area that may have intact archaeological deposits within the footprint of the proposed project. In addition, topographic maps, historic maps (NCMaps website), USDA soil survey maps, and historic orthophotography were utili ed and inspected to gauge environmental factors that may have contributed to historic or prehistoric settlement within the project limits, and to assess the level of modern, slope, agricultural, hydrological, and other erosive-type disturbances within and surrounding the archaeological APE. Federal funds are to be spent on this project, which may also re uire Federal permits. Permanent easements and additional ROW may be necessary as well however, their locations are not known at this time. From an environmental perspective, the APE consists of relatively level to gently undulating terrain, drained by the Neuse River and its tributaries. Based on the overall length of the project, soils along the corridor fa11 within three (3) different soil associations: 1) Cecil-Pacolet-Nason, 2) Rains- oldsboro-Lynchburg, and 3) Norfolk- oldsboro-Rains. Descriptions of soil types within these associations range from well-drained to poorly drained and occur on the nearly level to moderately steep terrain of the Uplands of the Piedmont and Coastal Plain. Much of the previous archaeological work "ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYREQUIRED "form far Minar Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 4 Project Tracking No. 12-08-0007 (1981) conducted in the vicinity was a result of what was known at the time as the US 70 Bypass of Smithfield, which was eventually constructed by the early 1990s. Various archaeological sites were recorded on the upland flats and slopes overlooking tributaries of Poplar and Little Poplar Creeks as well as those creeks themselves. However, despite the previous archaeological survey and the disturbances such new location construction causes, it cannot be determined what has and has not been previously surveyed until preliminary design plans have been prepared and reviewed far the current limits of the Proposed Study Area may be greater than what is actually to be ac uired andlar impacted. It is known that much of the area far any proposed interchange location may not have been previously surveyed since interchanges were not a component of the early US 70 improvements. It should also be noted, too, that historic cemetery locations were not ade uately taken into account either. Based on the information provided, an archaeological survey is recommended for the proposed project contingent upon review of preliminary design plans when they are made available. Once preliminary design plans have been reviewed and the potential need for an archaeological survey is deternuned, a visual inspection of the Area of Potential Effects (APE) should be conducted, followed then by systematic archaeological excavations within areas of moderate to high archaeological probability. Should the description of this project change, additional consultation regarding archaeology will be re uired. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: � Map(s) � Previous Survey Info ❑ Photos ❑ Photocopy of County Survey Notes Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST — SURVEYRE UIRED NCDOT ARCHAEO�LOGIST PROPOSED FIELDWORK COMPLETION DATE ❑Correspondence une 20, 2013 Date TO BE DETERMINED "ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYREQUIRED "form far Minar Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 2 of 4 Project Tracking No. 12-08-0007 , ; .�, . � . , .* - ,: , � , V , _ , , , ,� .� � �;�� � ' � � � s , t �: z—ti, -- �`� � °'' � � �;' ' '`, �� i � _, � ''� `��� �' : , ` _� ra' f 1.: ..,��7 ' � � � l 154 >� `7 . 5� � � '3 .�`� � � I ' � 1 �, � � � . � �'r i � � � �C � 1 ��,.., '_ � �j .�i -• ��,. � /.,: `.� n _`�..�r I{ �� I y i j�/ ' F� Zr I ! ' , r � ���-� ��:� ti :4 , �� �..__� � .t� f, ( � � , � .N ` �;_ '�.,� � �� -� � _ ,. � ,! � tae: �,�1 � ' ''' �^ lrwi�`�m a�hv f _ � �.:✓ '4. _ ����� 5�.'�. 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ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY RFQUIRFD"form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified an the 2007 Pr�ogramrnatrc Av eernent. 3 of 4 Project Tracking No. 12-08-0007 Figure 3: Current US 70 Alignment superimposed on Powhatan, NC (US S 1964 PR1981 ) and Selma, NC (US S 1964 PR1973, PI1988 ). "ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY RFQUIRFD"form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified an the 2007 Programmatrc Av eernent. 4 of 4 -:� +� !"ra..,F � �t-+y T4'L% �„ �,s.. � :i ,.r'� . . .�{ T� _ . � � . �R �+YS�F ." '., .a� �� 1 ,. _ � `'i ^ � �' n'�,�C,'`' '�`h �����{�'; .J ���,� - � n� 'r'^�Y � ��- •g�\ �' ,�� ,�'� � 2 ' , ., _ .: ��, . „ -, � y, r +• ' . h t � � M , . `�y� . _„ , , , �-., . , - , ,. � �. . , i, �G ,� ,. i? � ��/�' a� . . � • *. �, �= t.c� �. 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" �."'_r: _ � .... � . . s � , T � .... ,:�[_ .� _ h . - . � ' • � . .. � "�. . . � �1 .. _ � .� / NF s � Named streams � �a � . { • a ��p �4 � �-r+r ;� �� . � .. � t� — . :'�., �'� , `,9.°, �:°� " �! .� ' .,',:_ . � , k+c�n r� ..r , _ . ,� - , - - . :� � , _ �.. . Unnamed Tributaries �* {� '"� "�� � '"` � � - , - '� , � � . �- - , �,/�. . . 'Q a}� }� � .. .. .'. . . , ...,� � ,.e , ...r ..: i � Q fT '�j 'l.r �► 1W�' � I � > ' �' .,'W � - �,•,� �4"'.. ... � = ,•. - �w, ,/� . , 4 � . � . .., , .�t �y , .- , � � ��• �� ''r ' � ''r • :�� �'� � ' � � ' � ' . ^� � y�° `'��t+ �e {' �� r� •.��� w � " � " �u" � � � i . � •'� � ' � s� ��'�Pn �,�. . '-ti' � � .� '�s.. r �r� i��� � � Streets ,. , ' . - � �;`� � u � ma fldhazar � � x+S„�,.'^` � f � - — ,�� Ii � � � • " _ ��� 0 0.125 025 0.5 0.75 1 j � � � �-�� � L�� p �.,� � , 1' ,w; �,l r � � ' 3°'�i��� :� � ����."� ��i�' . _ �� . . �T' e � Miles Project Tracking No.: 12-08-0007 NO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES o���. ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES '�Y`�c� �` �� PRESENT OR AFFECTED FORM t� �"� r�a � p -��" �; [� s � �- . ° � !� ¢�o, �,0 �,�" This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLO ICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not �,��..,,,; ,.�. ��`.� '' valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. ou must consult separately with the ��� Historic Architecture and Landscapes roup. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No. WBS No F.A. No. C�ii�.Y11Z17 50056.1.1 HSIP-0070(163) Federal Permit Required? County: Document: Johnston Categorical Exclusion Funding: ❑ State � Federal ❑ es ❑ No Permit Type.• To Be Determined Project De cri tion The proposed project is described as US 70 Improvements from West of SR 2565 (Sadisco Road) to West of SR 1915 (Turnage Road), in ohnston County. The Purpose Need for the project is described as: "Improve the safety of US 70 within the project area." Otherwise known as US 70 Improvements at Wilson's Mills, the proposed project is part of the US 70 Corridor Plan, which intends to upgrade US 70 to a freeway facility from the Clayton Bypass to Morehead City. Potential improvements include grade-separated interchanges with US 70 at Swift Creek Road and Wilson's Mills Road. The project will also explore access management techni ues for the corridor, and consider median modifications and service roads within the project limits. Project length measures about 5.5 miles (29,040 feet). Permanent easements as well as additional ROW will be re uired. The Area of Potential Effects (APE) re uiring archaeological field investigations cannot be sufficiently determined until preliminary design plans have been prepared and reviewed. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS T e Nort C ro in De rt ent o Tr n ort tion NCDOT Arc eo 0 roject nd deter ined: rou re ie ed t e u ject � There are no National Register listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ No subsurface archaeological investigations were re uired for this project. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. � Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. � All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and S 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. � There are no National Register Eligible or Listed ARCHAEOLO ICAL SITES present or affected by this project. (Attach any notes or documents as needec� "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 5 Project Tracking No.: 12-08-0007 Brie de cri tion o re ie cti itie re u t o re ie nd conc u ion A map review and site file search was first conducted at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on Friday, August 10, 2012. Comprehensive archaeological surveys have been conducted in various locales along the US 70 corridor, resulting in numerous archaeological sites having been recorded. Digital copies of HPO's maps (Powhatan and Selma uadrangles) as well as the HPOWEB IS Service (http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/) were last reviewed on Friday, une 14, 2013. At this time, there are no known historic architectural resources located within the project area that may have intact archaeological deposits within the footprint of the proposed project. In addition, topographic maps, historic maps (NCMaps website), USDA soil survey maps, and historic orthophotography were utili ed and inspected to gauge environmental factars that may have contributed to historic ar prehistoric settlement within the project limits, and to assess the level of modern, slope, agricultural, hydrological, and other erosive-type disturbances within and surrounding the archaeological APE. As stated in the Survey Required Form for this project, "Federal funds are to be spent on this project, which may also re uire Federal permits. Permanent easements and additional ROW may be necessary as well however, their locations are not known at this time. From an environmental perspective, the APE consists of relatively level to gently undulating terrain, drained by the Neuse River and its tributaries. Based on the overall length of the project, soils along the corridor fall within three (3) different soil associations: 1) Cecil-Pacolet-Nason, 2) Rains- oldsboro-Lynchburg, and 3) Norfolk- oldsboro-Rains. Descriptions of soil types within these associations range from well-drained to poorly drained and occur on the nearly level to moderately steep terrain of the Uplands of the Piedmont and Coastal Plain. Much of the previous archaeological wark (1981) conducted in the vicinity was a result of what was known at the time as the US 70 Bypass of Smithfield, which was eventually constructed by the early 1990s. Various archaeological sites were recarded on the upland flats and slopes overlooking tributaries of Poplar and Little Poplar Creeks as well as those creeks themselves. However, despite the previous archaeological survey and the disturbances such new location construction causes, it cannot be determined what has and has not been previously surveyed until preliminary design plans have been prepared and reviewed for the current limits of the Proposed Study Area may be greater than what is actually to be ac uired and/or impacted. It is known that much of the area for any proposed interchange location may not have been previously surveyed since interchanges were not a component of the early US 70 improvements. It should also be noted, too, that historic cemetery locations were not ade uately taken into account either. Based on the information provided, an archaeological survey is recommended for the proposed project contingent upon review of preliminary design plans when they are made available. Once preliminary design plans have been reviewed and the potential need for an archaeological survey is determined, a visual inspection of the Area of Potential Effects (APE) should be conducted, followed then by systematic archaeological excavations within areas of moderate to high archaeological probability. Should the description of this project change, additional consultation regarding archaeology will be re uired." URS Corporation (URS) conducted terrestrial archaeological Phase I Identification and Phase II Evaluation for an approximately 5-mile section of US 70 from just west of Sadisco Road (SR 2565) to just west of Turnage Road (SR 1915) in the vicinity of Wilson's Mills, ohnston County. Much of the existing US 70 facility was subjected to archaeological survey in December 1980 prior to its construction in the early 1980s therefore, the current project consisted of selective survey in areas where specific project enhancements (e.g. new service roads, grade-separated interchange ramps) were planned and where the earlier 1980 survey had not covered. Fieldwork was conducted during une and uly 2014, and primarily consisted of shovel test pit excavation and/or surface inspection of agricultural iields. The Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the project covers about 520 acres however, survey coverage was not complete in all areas based on the selective survey coverage. As a result, eight (8) archaeological resources were encountered the location of 31 T193/193** was re- established, with seven (7) other sites newly identified and assigned the following site numbers: "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLB OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 2of5 Project Tracking No.: 12-08-0007 31 T411/411**, 31 T412/412**, and 31 T413 through 31 T417. In addition, three historic cemeteries were documented and assigned the following site numbers: 31 T418** through 31HT420**. None of the eight archaeological sites exhibit the ualities necessary to be considered eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Erosion and agricultural practices have severely impacted these sites that they no longer retain any clarity or integrity to their deposits. No subsurface cultural features were identified during the project. The artifact assemblages generally lack both variety as well as uantity. Therefare, additional work at any of the sites would not substantially add to our understanding of prehistoric or historic cultures and lifeways. As such, URS recommended that none of the eight archaeological sites are eligible for inclusion in the NRHP, and that no additional archaeological work be re uired in conjunction with the project. The three historic cemeteries fall just outside the project's APE, and do not exhibit the ualities necessary to be considered eligible for the NRHP. As planned, the current project will not adversely impact these cemeteries. Should project plans change to potentially impact the cemeteries, then the NCDOT will need to comply with State laws governing the treatment of cemeteries. RECOMMENDATION An archaeological investigation of the Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the US 70 Improvements in ohnston County was conducted by URS Corporation (URS) in the summer of 2014. During the course of the survey, eight (8) archaeological resources were encountered, with one being the location of the previously-recorded 31 T193/193** along with seven newly-identified sites. Three (3) historic cemeteries were also documented during the proj ect. None of the eleven (11) resources eight (8) archaeological sites and three (3) cemeteries e�ibit the ualities necessary to be considered eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) per Criteria A through D and applicable Criteria Considerations. No further archaeological investigations are re uired. Based on the information provided by URS, I concur with these recommendations since the proposed improvements will not impact any significant archaeological resources. A finding of "no historic properties" is considered appropriate in association with the proposed US 70 improvements. Should the description of this project or design plans change prior to construction, then additional consultation regarding archaeology will be re uired. Should project plans change to potentially impact the cemeteries, the NCDOT will need to comply with State laws governing the treatment of cemeteries. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: � Map(s) Signed: � � NCDOT ARCHAE O ❑ Previous Survey Info � Photos ❑Correspondence IST November 24, 2014 Date "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 3 of 5 Project Tracking No.: 12-00-000� Figure ]: Powhatan, NC (US S 1964 PR1981 ) and Selma, NC (US S 1964 PR1973, PI1988 ). Figure 2: 2010 Aerial Photography, showing the Extent of the Proposed Project. "NO NATLONAL RECISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCfIAEOLOGLCAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualifi'ed in the 2007 Programmalic Agreement. 4of5 Project Tracking No.: 12-00-000� Figure 3: Current US 70 Alignment superimposed on Powhatan, NC (US S 1964 PR1981 ) and Selma, NC (US S 1964 PR1973, PI1988 ). "NO NATLONAL RECISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCfIAEOLOGLCAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualifi'ed in the 2007 Programmalic Agreement. 5 of 5 -:� +� !"ra..,F � �t-+y T4'L% �„ �,s.. � :i ,.r'� . . .�{ T� _ . � � . �R �+YS�F ." '., .a� �� 1 ,. _ � `'i ^ � �' n'�,�C,'`' '�`h �����{�'; .J ���,� - � n� 'r'^�Y � ��- •g�\ �' ,�� ,�'� � 2 ' , ., _ .: ��, . „ -, � y, r +• ' . h t � � M , . `�y� . _„ , , , �-., . , - , ,. � �. . , i, �G ,� ,. i? � ��/�' a� . . � • *. �, �= t.c� �. 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" �."'_r: _ � .... � . . s � , T � .... ,:�[_ .� _ h . - . � ' • � . .. � "�. . . � �1 .. _ � .� / NF s � Named streams � �a � . { • a ��p �4 � �-r+r ;� �� . � .. � t� — . :'�., �'� , `,9.°, �:°� " �! .� ' .,',:_ . � , k+c�n r� ..r , _ . ,� - , - - . :� � , _ �.. . Unnamed Tributaries �* {� '"� "�� � '"` � � - , - '� , � � . �- - , �,/�. . . 'Q a}� }� � .. .. .'. . . , ...,� � ,.e , ...r ..: i � Q fT '�j 'l.r �► 1W�' � I � > ' �' .,'W � - �,•,� �4"'.. ... � = ,•. - �w, ,/� . , 4 � . � . .., , .�t �y , .- , � � ��• �� ''r ' � ''r • :�� �'� � ' � � ' � ' . ^� � y�° `'��t+ �e {' �� r� •.��� w � " � " �u" � � � i . � •'� � ' � s� ��'�Pn �,�. . '-ti' � � .� '�s.. r �r� i��� � � Streets ,. , ' . - � �;`� � u � ma fldhazar � � x+S„�,.'^` � f � - — ,�� Ii � � � • " _ ��� 0 0.125 025 0.5 0.75 1 j � � � �-�� � L�� p �.,� � , 1' ,w; �,l r � � ' 3°'�i��� :� � ����."� ��i�' . _ �� . . �T' e � Miles North Carolina Depaztment of Culmcal Resources Stare tliaroric Preaeevation Ofiice Famvn M. B�r�ce..iJmirvsuum 6m<mmPni n1Fmq k�ma] Fusm KW�s October 23, 2014 1vIEMOR9NDUM TO: VanesssPaMck Flumnn Envuonmeot Utdt NC Deputtnent oET�anspoetauon�A�� FAOM: Acnce Gledhill-Eaxley �+�+� T-���" �� Em�i�onmen[al Review Cooedinaroc Uffice uf AmAima and llu�. IkpuTSx.emyAminOmrry SUBJGCT: Hismrie Sttucmres Suevry Repoet foi the US 70lmprovcmrnts from Nest of SR 2566 To Wcst of SR 1915, W-5600,]o6nsmn County, ER 14-?332 17wuk you Fav youi� memoeaud�m of Octoba 7, 2014, hnnsmitting [he ahove eeEcxenced repoi�y CDs, xnd Hisroric Propaty I'ield Datx Fottns. W<have veviaved the submitted malaials nnd offu the following comments. We co�cuc that the Pavieh Fums QT1877)� Jones House and Bazu QTI876), Langetm Houee and Outbuiidings (J1Y879)� and Lassimc Cememry QT1880) am not eligible for lieevg in the Nntional Regist¢ oE Hisrouc Plnces. Fuethu�, we do not concut ihat [he Jones Houae QT187� ie eligible (or liating in the Netlonal Registee. �Yfiile it i> tvue that the oce-srory (not one-and-one-helGsmry) house appcavs ro ce�an most of its hisloeic fabiic o� [he exreuor, the house is in only Fa¢ rondition nnd there is uo inCormntion abwt the inrenor. If the only potential area oE significan¢ is aechitecros, ive must know that the inmrior retans good integnty for the house ro be eligible Thrse is mihing e�cltitecnus0y outstancling xbout dm building. Whiic one-smry, oue- mom-dcep frame houscs �vith hiple-A moflincs azc slowly disappeatiug hom the landacape, t6es are still many Ieft in JoUnsmn Caunty. The Fact that this one netai��s decontive (amrcs of stendeed lnte 19'"-cenmry milhvoik [hat might hace come fi'om che Ndsov & Wxddell lumbee wmpany does not rnise it m the kvel oF significana nmessary Eot National Register eGgi6ility. Were d�e hovse eli�ble, an appeop�ure bomdery wodd noe bc resrci¢ed m the 6uildi�g fourynint. 7he nbove cortunrnts ace mede purs�unt lo Section 10G oE the Nationnl Hisronc Peesen•a[iw Act and the Advisory Council on Hisforic Presexvauon's Regulations For Complian¢with Section 106 codiFied ac 36 CPR Paa £N10. w.nm�:�u��s.ilu��.v�,.n.rz.k���Nr.num mwimgemRn�u,namikn4<<�.�...mk�nrvrnr�waun uenno.eira�P�v)m�nsmlam-s.m� contect Renee Gledhill-Fnclry, rnvixonmentel eeview cooedinaroy xt 979-BOZ6579 ox c�rv iofunental icvicw ncdcc ¢ov. ]n all Eunue commmiw4on conceming [hu project, pleas< dte the abwe afuenced mcking num6et. a: Maey Pope Fucy NCDOT/PDEA/HES 6 e(a1 dot eov m jK� r.mti�� No. �ia..�a� uAq iz-os-000� HIS7'6RIC ARCfITTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES � ELIGIBILITY EVALUATION FORM This Form only pertains to HistoricArchi[ecture and Landsrapes for this project It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separate(y with the Archaeology Group. SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW There are no National Register-listed or Study Listed properties within the project's area of potential efFects. The following properties vrithin the area of pocential effeccs have been ewluated for eligibility in the a[tached documentation: SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION X Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. ❑Photos X Corrupondence X Report EVALUATION BY NCDOT ARCHITECTUAAL HISTORIAN Jones X Eligible U Not Eligible Survey Site Na.: I JT1876 I Criterion: I C I SCC Bf.YdChOd �Cp01'k. Five propedies are evalua�d in ihe technical repod for National Re9isMr eligiblllty: Jones Farm (Jf1876, PIN: 168600-94-1187), Parrish Farms (JT1877, PIN: 16961433-5125), )ones House and 6arn (]T3878, PIN: 166600-83-3722), Langston House and Outbuildings (7T1879, PIN: 168600-74-2905), aM the Lassiter Cemetery (JTS880, PIN: I6B600-89-3292J. Only one of Ne frve, the circa-1890 dvrelliig house of the Jones Farm, is recommended as ellgible for the Natlonal Regis[er under Criterion C as a good representative of Its type Incorporatlng archltec[ural elements pmduced by the locally prwninen[ Wilson and Waddell millworks. HPO disagrees with eligibility for historic architecture, cHing the existence of many simllar buildings in the county and the Wilson and Vladdell cannectlon as insuffidently signifiwnt (see attached correspondence). For purposes of the W-5600 projeet NCDOT agrees to proceed with non-eligibility of the resource for historic architedure (see attached correspondence). The project complies with both GS 121-12(A) and Section 106 for historic architecture. IOnunaArclunnnrcmxllan4'nrp�N.KlINIl.19'Y/'IAIIUI%ONlrmh��Mnmr)"�um+MrnnlmiPrv/�mwC�f Im�IrtIW:Yrv4*^x+����W�'�'anu. Puge I of 2 �M1I=560�Johnstan County WBS No. 50056.1.1 PA Tracking No. 12-08-0007 Page 2 NCDOT Arohi[ectural Historian Date REVIEW BY STATE HIS7'ORIC PRESERVATWM OFFICE HPO Representative HPO Comments: Date w.v�nr nnd;�e.n,,. mNi,ma.mN.., e'ur,mna9'r r.iaLuarrc�x mmil,n nr,,,n, nm.p,�rvw�wi r.wm,a..wayin� o� ne .v�ov r,om••.'�wrc+�m�. Page 2 of 2 r �! V �" i V � North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission � MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: ordon Myers, Executive Director Kim illespie Project Development and Environmental Analysis, NCDOT Travis Wilson, Highway Project Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program December 19, 2012 SUB ECT: Response to the start of study notification from the N. C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) regarding fish and wildlife concerns for the proposed improvements to US 70 from west of SR 2566 to west of SR 1915, ohnston County, North Carolina. TIP No. W-5600. This memorandum responds to a re uest from NCDOT for our concerns regarding impacts on fish and wildlife resources resulting from the subject project. Biologists on the staff of the N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the proposed improvements. Our comments are provided in accordance with certain provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(c)) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended 16 U.S.C. 661-667d). At this time we do not have any specific concerns related to this project however, to help facilitate document preparation and the review process our general informational needs are outlined below: 1. Description of fishery and wildlife resources within the project area, including a listing of federally or state designated threatened, endangered, or special concern species. Potential borrow areas to be used for project construction should be included in the inventories. A listing of designated plant species can be developed through consultation with: NC Natural Heritage Program Dept. of Environment Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601. WWW.ncnhp.org Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 707-0220 • Fax: (919) 707-0028 W-5600 and, Page 2 December 19, 2012 NCDA Plant Conservation Program P. O. Box 27647 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 (919) 733-3610 2. Description of any streams or wetlands affected by the project. The need for channeli ing or relocating portions of streams crossed and the extent of such activities. 3. Cover type maps showing wetland acreages impacted by the project. Wetland acreages should include all project-related areas that may undergo hydrologic change as a result of ditching, other drainage, or filling for project construction. Wetland identification may be accomplished through coordination with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). If the COE is not consulted, the person delineating wetlands should be identified and criteria listed. 4. Cover type maps showing acreages of upland wildlife habitat impacted by the proposed project. Potential borrow sites should be included. 5. The extent to which the project will result in loss, degradation, or fragmentation of wildlife habitat (wetlands or uplands). 6. Mitigation for avoiding, minimi ing or compensating for direct and indirect degradation in habitat uality as well as uantitative losses. 7. A cumulative impact assessment section which analy es the environmental effects of highway construction and uantifies the contribution of this individual project to environmental degradation. 8. A discussion of the probable impacts on natural resources which will result from secondary development facilitated by the improved road access. 9. If construction of this facility is to be coordinated with other state, municipal, or private development projects, a description of these projects should be included in the environmental document, and all project sponsors should be identified. Thank you for the opportunity to provide input in the early planning stages for this project. If we can further assist your office, please contact me at (919) 528-9886. A RESOLUTION IN FAVOR OF NCDOT ALTERNATIVE 2A FOR STIP PROJECT W-5600 WHCREAS, thc Toum of Wilso��'s Mills Town Council recognizes the efforts of [he Nor[h Carolina Department of 'Cransportation, tlie US Highway 70 Coaidor Commission, and numerous o[her planning agencies involved with thz STIP Project: W-5600 — Proposed improvements- aloug U.S. 70 wes� of S.R. 2�6� (Sadisco Road) to west of S.R. ]915 (Tumage Itoad); and WHF,RF.AS, the'1'own of Wilsods Mills Town Council understands the impor[ance of the mobiliry and connectivity along Ihe U.S. 70 coaidor not only in Wilson's Mills bu[ in Johnston County and across the state as well; aod WHERF.AS, the Town of Wilsods Mills Town Council believes the proposed interehanges are importaut to the future plamiing, development, a�d success of the Town; and WHEREAS, the 7�owu of Wilson's Mills Town Council believes [hat the diffecent proposals create new and unique challenges [o [he Town. YOW, THERFFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Wilson's Mills Town Council that the Tow� Council voted unanimously in favor of Alternalive 2A in which Swift Creek Road reinai�s open and Wilson's Mills Road is diverted south [o avoid any adverse ePfects on local businesses off of US Highway 70 and Wilsods Mills Rd. ADOPTED THIS 16`^ DAY OF FF,BRUARY 2016 �� � � �„'�>;,/ �.., `j/��!� rxr�ivx.�-w��T Hc M �, ����� �CMC, Town Clerk LEICHANNA T. WORLEY, CMC-� �� At�oject TrackaugNo. (fnteii�nf Use} x�-as-oaa� HIST�luC ARCHITECTUI� AND LANDSCAPES N� HISTURIC P�tUPERTIES PRESENT �R AFFCCTED F�RM This form only gertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project_ It is nat valid for Archaeolagical Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFURM�,.TXUN Praject No: VI!-55�Q C��n�y: Jahnston W�S No.: �0�56.1.1 DacumeMt T e: Fed, Airl No: HSIP-Q074�163} �'uradir�g: ❑ Stat� �C Fcderai Federrrl ❑ Yes 7C Na Permif Permif s : Ty e�s : PraiectDescri�tion: Establish grade-s�parated interchanges with lJS 7D at 5R �501 �Swift Cree�C Road] a�d Wilson's Mills Raad, and possible median madificatians, seruice roads, and Y-line improvemen�s alang US 7D fr�m west of 5R �565 [Sadisco R�ad} ta west of SR 1915 �Turnage Road}, same RDW acquisitian anticipated, need far aff-site detour currently unknawn. SUIVIMAR'Y 4F HIST�RIC ARCHITECTLIRE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW ❑ There are no Natinnal Register-listed ar 5tudy Listed properties within the project's area of patential effects. ❑ There are no prvperties less than fifty years old which are considered to meet Criteria Consideration G within the project's a�•ea of patential effects. ❑ There are no praperties within the �roje�t's area of potential effects. ❑ There are properties o�er fif'ty years old witl�in the area of potentiai effe�ts, but they do noC meet the criteria for listir�g on the Natiaz�al �tegister. X There are no historic pro�erties present ar affected by this project. (Attach any notes ar dacuments as needed.) Date of �eld visit: Feb�'udry 27, Z�13 Descr' t�on e rev�ew rrctiveties resulls a�d conclusio�as: HPnWeb reviewed on 22 August 2012 {revi5ited 26 Fehruary 2013} and yielded na NR, SL, DOE, SS, or LD properties in the pro�e�k area. )qhnston Cvun�y eurrent GIS mapping, aerial phQtography, and tax information identified multiple properties containing pre-1960 resources {viewed 22-23 August 2012} in the Area of Potentiaf Effecks (AP�). APE established as extending i�a4 feet to either end of the propased 5.S-mile projecr length and 1�00 Feet tv either 5ide oF the existing US 70 centerline to encarnpass all pr4pased cqnstru�tion ackivikies as currently def�ned. Rvaila�le imagery proved insufficient to accurately assess the pre-19G0 proper�ies and p�ssibly other resvur�es in the APE, indicating the field survey carried out on 27 Fehruary 2013 Field survey recorded eight unexceptianal domestic proper�ies {twQ including agricultural buildingsj dating to t�e early- and mid-twentieth century in �onstruction and alteratian. None are likely to be adversely affected by the proposed canstruction, Similarly rema�ed from prabable impacts are fvur cemeteries: two on the north side oF L�S 7D nea� the western end �f the praject area {PINs; 16770�-91- 7947 and 167i00-81-32b2j, the Lassiter Cemetery (PIN: 1G8bOD-8�+-3292) located on th� Jones Farm Nisf oric Ar'c'l ii�ecr�rre aur! 1.arrc[scnpes NC? H�SI'UNlC' YIi[?Y8H IT1sS Yli1:'S!:'NT' OR kl'Fh'('7 �'!) jar�u f"or h�firrnr ] i unspo+'rufiuFr N�r�jc c�+ a.s (h�nfifierl ur rh�r )lJ07 P1v�gru1r111�aiic .4grc emeui. Page 1 of 2 (#801 Swift Creek Road), and the Wilson Mills Cemetery (PIN: 168600-96-6473) on the east side of Swift Creek Road north of US 70. A flnding of"no historic properties affected" satisfes Section 106 compliance requirements. There are no propertles Iisted on the NaUonal Register in the APE. Should any design elements oP the proJect diange (Including the additlon of an off-site detour), please notify NCDOT Historic Architecture as additlonal revlew may be newssary. 5UPPORTDOCUMENTATION X Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. Photos {]Correspondence ❑Design Plans Photog2phs on fi/e, NCDOT— HistoricArchifec[uir FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHTTECTURAL HISTORIAN HISiOiIC ALCIl1IBCfUIC Htt(I L3tlaSC&�1CS —NO HISTORIC PROPERTIES PRESENT OR AFFECTEO NCDOT Archiiectural Historian / Date Tracking No. 12-08-0007 W-5600,Johnston County WBS No. 50056.1.1 HlnonoAMlrcolnrcaW(nm6��NON/STORICPftOPG/t]VGSPRF,SGNTORAFFlCiLDI^rrn/w'MmwDmi�ndiwr/' %em m�mlledlnl0e}00]YroB✓^nnwlioARreemem. Page 2 of 2 ` \ , �_ �t �� , J .. -�': ��i - � � � �� r 3°-'_ � � V ♦ � __ . �. . _ . ". •�'':�i �� �� _ : • ' Start S71P Prolect '�+� .. . �v 1�.. � ..,/ No. W-S6C0 _ � h'@:tY_ . \ j' � � .' " <� _' i ] - . _. :'. _ . .:__ � .,. . .g.'\ � SADIS� �D / ` --�- � �i.�. 1 ' ��_ �o , � . ',`, . ��<.:' � �' I`^_�--J 'I�.. �.�.. _ : _ ' -- . 1 ..', _ ' _ . '— - I" . � ! l _� 1 _ _� . ,., y �. �.� �� O.' �. � ..}.., ' . � ' f � : ,� �.�.. Y -__ r. __� _ .. . . ��. , ' Q; „�i'. ., . � . �j. . . _ � � ' Q � '�[•`��Sor� � . � A` � �,, � ' N _ � `Y 70 � ' ^�S .- � � Mi �.t � � � � i .-: . n � t : . u C SRp� .�f _ `\. ° , . -- � ' __ i. _ . P� ,C ''•� . � '�- .. I �,�F � _ . ; _ : � � . .: G�4i .,:_ . . _ � �'-•. . '_..,. . �t '., � `: - . � \ \ . ' ' . ' '., yS� . . _ � . �, � _ Entl STIP Prajec[ �� � --- . No W 5600 . <,:� �! . � -- � . } _ 4 p 10 v - ' � ; iS'arNyAe . - V-_'�" . " AGE R� • w ��. . , ' __ iURN . � `—__ \ _ . . .. ; _ _ _ . .t- _ . _ � . ._ _ KL � . .y" 1 . 9 . . � � •'4� . , \'�� . ,. 1: � �M� _ � �� __ � - . �' __ �� . �_.. -- _ / S I • �A A � � �'' � � o `, � �.� � �o _. ' _ . . . " � . � ,� � '�� — u - - - ' ._ v i S�, � ,.y�,,� n� US701mprovements i "' � o �soo a.000 sooc � �� ,:.w'' - 1j '�� � Fee� STIP Pro]ect Na W3600 cp . � � Johnsion Counry 1 � ' t rvcM1=3�WC;eEt Sow SGS,snano.a o�e9�aa�rcOwa� O '�. Poxnamn.s.'n,a �:t O _O11 r �,� i w �,r' � f � ` SubjecE� U5'74, From West of 5R 25bb {Saciisco Road) ta West of 5R 1915 (Turt�age lZoad} Johnston Gounty STIP Project Nu, W-5GD4 PlacelCale aF Meetir�: Centwy Center, Building A 1�:OD g.m., Thursday, duly 17, 20i4 Meeting Summary by: 6` ,r"a � ,,,�"°" Roy �urrin ,�ti� ,�,f ,�* ��, ��r�� ,�mm �� �,��, ��� ,........ Team Participants: Kirn Gillespie, NCDOT-PDEA fiij' MGII]1725r NCDOT-PDEA Steve Smallwval, ARCADIS Ray Cur�rin, ARCADIS Tam Steffens, USACE ]erry Page, NCD�T Divisian 4 Rob Hansan, NCDOT-PDEA James Salmons, L7pper Caas#al Plain Rural Plarming Organization {U�PRPQ) Copies: Psrrish Stricklana, ARCI�DIS ARCAQIS�iMaf NC, Inc. 804 Corporate Center Drive 5�ite 300 Raleigh, NC 278D7-5073 Tel $7S $5d 72$2 N� Engin�ring LiGBnge Np, G-1$S9 �V aR�npig Projecl No.: �vcsoaaa5.oaa� Issue Dale: 12J23114 Final �no carramerrts received on draftJ Rob Ridings, NC DWR Cynihia Van I?er Wie]e, USEPA Travis Wilson, NCWRC Gary lardan, USFVVS Chad �aggins, NGD�T DED Gordon Cashin, PDEA-NES Ran Lucas, FHWA Meeting Q�erview: The purpose of the meeting was to review the proposed project, decide if it shauld go thmugh the merger process, and if so, decide the appropriate pZacemenl in the mer�er pracess, A handout was provided including the praject descriptian, preluninary alternatives, purpose and need, technical reporEs ta date, potential impacts, and figures showing the project vicinity, study area, and preliminary alternati�es. The fallawiug was presented l�y NCD[]T: + I�im Gillespie af PDEA presen#ed an a�ez�viaw of the project and preliminary alternati�es, passible median �losures, and service raads. The rec�rnmended fa�ility type is a freeway with interchanges at Swift Creek Road and Wilsan's Mill Road. The existing facility type of US 70 to the west an� east of this project is a freeway. Each of the six preliminary alternatives were presenieti and discussed. � Ms. Gillespie and Rvb Hanson of PDEA discussed the U5 70 strategic carridor, on-going prajects along the corridor, and h�w this proje�t fits inta the overall LT5 ?� Strategic Nighway Corridor. Ms. Gillespie discussed the purpose and need and work �ornpleted to date. Jerry Fage of Divisian 4 di�cussed the history of the project, accident history �nd, public involwemenf to date. lvir. Page Page: 1�5 muuWi �I�III,Iy m �III pumo �I� I� Illl�l�luuuu�"III IIII�II I�uu�iillllll� Gi u II menti�ned t,here was recently a fata�ity at the Swift Creek l�aad intersection. �► car faiied fo stop for the traf�c signal and rear-ended anather wehicle stvpped at the light. The following discussians tvak place follawing tbe presentaxion of the prelirninary alternatives: • Tam Steffens of the Carps af Engineers rnentioned it was not clear from the tables which seruice road.s went with eaeh alternative. He asked the table be updated to provide this inforrnati�n. Table 2 frpm the m�eting handnut has been reviised and is attached. � Mr. Steffens also said service roads 7, 8&9 were mentioned in the handvut bul were not shown in the handout figeires and not inclutfed in lhe impact tables. Information regarding these ser►�ce roads is in�lud�d on the attached updates to Tables 1, 3, 4, and 5 af the meeting handout and the atta�hed figures. + The hyd.raulic recommendatians have nut been campleted yet. There are two existing hox cul�erts at the SwiR Creek intersection. There is a se�ere skew between the #wo 6oxes and it is not known at this tim.e how these hoxes will be impacted. � G�rnthia Van Der Wiele of the US�PA asked if the Town of Wilson Mill's had been contacted about the project and if they had a land use plan. Mr. Page and James Salman nf UCPRP� stated thaf they had cnordinated with the Tawn af Wilson Mill's planning staff and that the town h�as a land use plan. � D�pending nn fiu�ding, the project �ould he implemented in phases. AIl of the parficipants agreed the project shauld go thrvugh the merger process and will enter fhe merger process at Conourrence Point 2A. The foliowing steps x+ill be performed moving forward: * Complete the preliminary designs. • Hold a pu}�lic workshap in tbe fall. � Hold tha CF 2A rnerger meeting by the end of the year. Page: 2�5 ��Irl I°'llll,i������������I��I��I �,��i�w�l��iill� � �"�i3�' � � w :�. �ak�rr�ativ� Ir�#�r�h�rr�� �pti�ns 5�iit �r��k �a Wilson's Mills Road N�If—cl�v�rl�af r� s I�� s in �n � 1.A cp��dr��ts � s i�Y v�v�s� � Ir�clu �s rvi Ti� t ia �nd ��ds1,2o3, , ,7<�, 9 �If �l���rl�af ra s/I�� � in ar�d S 1 qua rar�t� � shi �d ��t — Includ�s S�r�ic� �rnp�llt�a s ir� E�nd � quadr�r�is Ri�2 51� �, 3, �p 6, 7, �, � 2� �� s0l�rsp� in E� d 5 q�r�d�a�t�—Inclutl�s i�ht di� �� Se i�� ��� s 1� �. 3, 4�, �, �, 7, �, �� a slf�� s in E an 5 u�dr��t� — I�cl�d�� 2 5�r�i�� �e� s qua rants — Inel�d�� S�rr�ie� �rn sll���� in � S quadran8s ��ads 1, 2. 3, 4�g 5, �� 7, �, 9 �a ps in �n E u�dr�ntsg �� /l�ap in 3� 5 qu� ra�# �ua r��rts — Ir�clud�s 5�rvi�e �ads Ti t i� �rrd 1, 2, 3, 4A, 5, �, 7, �, 9 �a s i� a�rd E q�� r�nts, r� �/I�a� rs� 3 S �a�dr��t qu�dr�rst� — I tlu �� S�rvic� a�d� �arr� �]I��p� in �r�d 5 qu� ra�ts l, �, �, 4A�, 5, �, 7, �, � * s ice cls ar� sirrtalar for a21 al ativ�, ws the exce�titrri nf S 'ce R 4. i�. 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Page: 5�5 r NEPQj4D4 MERGER T�AM MEETING AGREEMEIYi Cancurr�nte pafnt 1Vo. �A: Bricfg�ng De�isians and Alignrnenf Re�iew PROJECT NO./TIP NO.� IVAMEfDESCRIpTlON: State Pro}ect Number: WB$ �lemer�t 5Q055.1_1 T!P Praject Number: W-55t?D TIP pescriptian: t�S 70 Improvernents from west of SR 2565 �Sadisco Road} ta west af 5� 1915 (Turna�e �oadj - �,••,� ••�o-•�pi ti�ccn ALL 3@ 6'xb' RCBC 3@ 6` x 6' RBC ; ...--- -- --•- - ----.--- - -......._.—... ._ x en rea � , . . _ -- .... _ --... _ .. ,.. . -- -- -- . - - 5� us rn . _.. p , .. . 2:..... ;,:. r,�rgck.. _ — — - Po�iJa ---- „-. , . ,.. .. .:� .., . _ � � ,;:� _ �. �-. ,. .... §_ ,_ ,: ..s.... , �:� � - Swift:Creek Qptio� 1 °�2;�,j•:x 6'. .��..` �. .. - ,., �: ,, R�6C� �� .:R�BC•;�;�. _;.,,; ;;-..:�.;� ��/ ..�.; :.N:,. ��L"�''� "p. ' ��i�E - S': _.. 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' :�� :...`.:'.�.�,�.�.. ti T_.�__.�.......,.T....._"""" �—"... :::. :. . ..- . ...." __—"'-.. �..._.:�-::.�_.—>:...�_..'__._.....:'e....__:�:: _..�_'. _ ". :.. ... � ' . . . . (Site 3 was a �rassing af 5wift Creek Dptian 3, whriGh was elirninated from ConsideraEiQn, J �W ��"""' -__�_..,..,.._.._�__.___.. Iln� u5igned �y_ Fi-i1NR {�p.t«�,pd. �u�c�u�.� h.. STEF� E N S.THO MAS.A PdER 1��u4: Y'F Dhl! rUS, o� U.S. Go�ernment, ou=Dad, ou=PKl, ou-USA� Lf SAC E rn=STEFFEN S,THOMAS,ANC RUM, i 154706273 �� R.. i . Y USERA USFWS �ICWRC SHPt�^ NCDWC� NCDQT �..�... DacuSigned Ay: ,��, �C ��., --• DacuSi[�ned hy: �,{11 f 1hI1F:1 f��17h-`�'J �f�viS i•.��4JM ., �.�.,.,.,,,���r,. � �.�„ uocusiyned Gy: f•-Efi-PK+ ✓.-3YF.�AA�R,'LLL�R�`.{- �� '� ` ��i.n,n�r�r�i�n:�r,�i�� �C'1„�p��wr V Upper Caasfal Plain RPD. °�i,�u. �Ji,Q.P.eA.pi.e, 11 �� c' t `:::� —�a�������eu �y J l,.JiQ,s.�o.L �i4.�r...ol� �� -- nn m� � � u �n� r,�n•�na w.ssoo us 7Q �n��RavFn�r��vrs �- c��� rv��Er�rvc NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING AGREEMENT Concurrence Point No. 3: Least Environmentally Damaging and Practicable Alternative TIP Description: US 70 Improvements from US 70 Business to the Neuse River Federal-Aid Project: HISP-007(163) TIP Project: W-5600 WBS Number: 50056.1.1 - Alternative 1 A: Swift Creek Option 1, W ilson's Mills Option A - Alternative 1 B: Swift Creek Option 1, Wilson's Mills Option B �- Alternative 2A: Swift Creek Option 2, Wilson's Mills Option A - Alternative 2B: Swift Creek Option 2, Wilson's Mills Option B The Merger Team has concurred on this date of �UnL !�� i�b!�D with the selection of the Least Environmentally Damaging and Practicable Alternative as stated above, as indicated by the signatures below. FHWA DocuSigned by: �Ia.. C�n�/,.�.;d. I�..n. �w I�i,y�e.,2016 i � i� USEPA � NCW � r NCDW � Upper Coastal Plain RPO % USACE USFWS DocuSigned by: �R ����_� ° 7/1/2016 HPO � i� L..._ � _.� ��.�!�_ �• W-5600 US 701MPROVEMENTS, JOHNSTON COUNTY - CP3 and CP4A MEETING NEPA/Section 404 MERGER TEAM AGREEMENT Concurrence Point No. 4A: Avoidance and Minimization TIP Description: US 70 Improvements from US 70 Business to the Neuse River Federal-Aid Project: HISP-007(163) TIP Project : W-5600 WBS Number: 50056.1.1 Section 404 Resources ■ In order to reduce stream and wetland impacts along the western end of the project, Service Roads 1 A and 2 will be realigned closer to US 70, utilizing a concrete barrier to provide the separation. These minimizafion measures reduced stream and wetland impacfs by 230 feet and 0.5 acre, respectively. ■ Where practical and safe, steeper slopes (no greater than 3:1) will be utilized. During project design, special consideration will be given to slopes in wetland areas and near streams. Human Environment ■ In order to minimize impacts on the Wilson's Mils Cemetery, the proposed right of way along the eastern side of Swift Creek Road, adjacent to the cemetery was reduced by 20' . ■ In response to concerns regarding reduced access to businesses along Uzzle Industrial Drive, Service Road 1 A, which extends Sadisco Road eastward to U�le Industrial Drive, was added. ■ In order to minimize the impacts on businesses along the western end of the project, Service Roads 1 A and 2 will be realigned closer to US 70, utilizing a concrete barrier to provide separation. These minimizafion measures will reduce the number of relocatees by fhree businesses. The Merger Team has concurred on this date of �LcnL �5� 2��% with the avoidance and minimization measures as stated above, as indicated by th signatures below. � ^ � �.�C..�� \ �A/ l�A i �� � FHWA USEPA . NCWRC . , NCD 11'�. Upper Coastal Plain RPO CE � FWS HPO i�,._:� o� • Q� �� NCDOT W-5600 US 701MPROVEMENTS, JOHNSTON COUNTV — CP3 and CP4A MEETING US 70 IMPROVEMENTS, JOHNSTON COUNTY STIP PROJECT NO. W-5600 WBS NO. 50056.1.1 FEDERAL AID NO. HISP-0070(163) ■ e n ix Relocation Reports EIS RELOCATION REPORT � E.I.S. ❑ CORRIDOR ❑ DESIGN N/B$ ELEMENT: 50056.1.1 CnIINrv .Inhncfnn Kcvi,.eA lu ncmunl (nr ESTIMATED DISPLACEES of acees Owners Tenants Total Minorities 0-15M ential 4 0 4 0 esses 2 0 2 o vni Farms tzp�am all "vtJ"answers. i. Will special reloca�ion services be necessary 2 Will schools or churches be affected by tlisplacement? 3. Will business services still be available after pmject? 4. Will any business be tlisplaced7 If so, intlicate size, type, oslimated number o/ employees, minorities, etc. 5. Will relocation cause a housing shotlage? 6. SourceforavailablehousingQist). 7. Will atltlitional hausing pmgrams be neetletl? B, Should Las� Resort Housing be considered? 9. Are there large, disabletl, eltleAy, etc. families? W. Will publir, housing be neetled for projecl? 11. Is public housing available? 12. Is it fel� �here will be adequale DSS housing housing available duriny reloca�ion period? 13. Will there be a pmblem of housing within financial means? 74. Are suitable business sites available Qisl source). I5. Number months estimatetl lo complete RELOCATION? 12 mnnfl— hc � FRM15-E Revised 7I7/14 02/29/2016 o-zoM 20-4�M 4O�IOM North Carolina Department of Transportation RELOGATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Iternate A of 2 Alternate :cd tiadipto service road . 2565 (Sadisco Rd.) to west of SR 1915 INCOME LEVEL �-25M 25-35M 35-SOM 50 UP 150 250 ]5D�400 REMARK5 (RCSpOfltl by NUrtlb¢�) 1.) Wilson's Mill Cemetery � This option would require appx. 45 graves to be displaced, with ihe possi6ilit! of atltlitional, unmarked graves also being present. Additionally, there wlll he appx. 10 bill6oards displaced 4.) Please see addendum orfollow link W-5600 -Ootion 2-A � Sadisco Service Road xls 6.) MWtiple Lisling Services, Local Realtors, E[c 8.) As required �4.) MultipleListing Services, Local Realtors, Ete. Ex[ra Notes: -There may be atltlitional relocatees due to lack of suitable repair area and/or perka6le soil. -Potential miscellaneous move on parcel 034-Parrish Family Trust. -Miscellaneous move on parcel 002-Automotive Recovery Services EIS RELOCATION REPORT North Carolina Department of Transportation RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM � E.I.S. ❑ CORRIDOR ❑ DESIGN WBS E�EMENT: 50056.1.1 COUNTY Johnston Alternate A of 2 Alternate T.I.P. No.: W-5600 �EscRiPTioN oF PRo�ECT: US-70 Improvements from west of SR 2565 (Sadisco Rd.) to west of SR 1915 (Turnage Rd.) ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Residential Businesses Farms Non-Profit Owners Tenants Total Minorities 0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP 4 1 5 0 0 0 1 2 2 5 O 5 O VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent 0 0 0 0 0-20nn � $ 0-150 � 0-20M � $ 0-150 � ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40nn 0 150-250 0 20-40nn 3 150-250 5 Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70nn 0 250-400 0 40-70nn �] 250-400 15 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100nn 2 400-600 � 70-100nn 13 400-600 30 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 uP 2 600 uP p 100 uP 400+ 600 uP 50 displacement? TOTAL 4 1 433+ 100 3. Will business services still be available after project? 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, indicate size, type, estimated number of employees, minorities, etc. 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 6. Source for available housing (list). 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. families? 10. Will public housing be needed for project? 11. Is public housing available? 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? 13. Will there be a problem of housing within financial means? 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 12 months ���- C. James Coughlin Right of Way Agent FRM15-E Revised 7/7/14 02/19/2016 Date REMARKS (R@SpOf1Cl b�/ NUIl1beY� 1.) Wilson's Mill Cemetery - This option would require appx. 45 graves to be displaced, with the possibility of additional, unmarked graves also being present. Additionally, there will be appx. 10 billboards displaced 3.) Businesses are still available 4.) Please see addendum or follow link W-5600 - Option 2-A.xls 6.) Multiple Listing Services, Local Realtors, Etc 8.) As mandated by law 11.) Public housing is available 12.) There is adequate DSS Housing. 14.) Multiple Listing Services, Local Realtors, Etc. Extra Notes: -There may be additional relocatees due to lack of suitable repair area and/or perkable soil. -Potential miscellaneous move on parcel 034-Parrish Family Trust. Relocation Coordinator 3/1/16 Date EIS RELOCATION REPORT North Carolina Department of Transportation RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM � E.I.S. ❑ CORRIDOR ❑ DESIGN WBS E�EMENT: 50056.1.1 COUNTY Johnston Alternate A of 2 Alternate T.I. P. I�O.: W-560� *Rcviscd to acco�mt for proposcd Sadisco scrvicc road �EscRiPTioN oF PRo�ECT: US-70 Improvements from west of SR 2565 (Sadisco Rd.) to west of SR 1915 (Turnage Rd.) Type of Displacees Residential Businesses Farms Non-Profit ESTIMATED DISPLACEES Owners Tenants Total Minorities 4 0 4 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Explain all "YES" answers. 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 2. Will schools or churches be affected by displacement? 3. Will business services still be available after project? 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, indicate size, type, estimated number of employees, minorities, etc. 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 6. Source for available housing (list). 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. families? 10. Will public housing be needed for project? 11. Is public housing available? 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? 13. Will there be a problem of housing within financial means? 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 12 months ���- C. James Coughlin Riaht of Wav Aaent FRM15-E Revised 7/7/14 02/29/2016 Date INCOME LEVEL 0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP 0 0 0 2 2 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent 0-20nn � $ 0-150 � 0-20M � $ 0-150 � 20-40nn 0 150-250 0 20-40nn 3 150-250 5 40-70nn � 250-400 � 40-70nn �] 250-400 15 �o-� oonn 2 400-soo p �o-� oonn � 3 400-soo 30 100 UP 2 600 UP � 100 UP c�00t 600 UP 50 TOTAL 4 0 433+ 100 REMARKS (R@SpOf1Cl b�/ NUIl1beY� 1.) Wilson's Mill Cemetery - This option would require appx. 45 graves to be displaced, with the possibility of additional, unmarked graves also being present. Additionally, there will be appx. 10 billboards displaced 3.) Businesses are still available 4.) Please see addendum or follow link W-5600 - Option 2-A - Sadisco Service Road.xls 6.) Multiple Listing Services, Local Realtors, Etc 8.) As required 11.) Public housing is available 12.) Adequate DSS housing is available 14.) Multiple Listing Services, Local Realtors, Etc. Extra Notes: -There may be additional relocatees due to lack of suitable repair area and/or perkable soil. -Potential miscellaneous move on parcel 034-Parrish Family Trust. -Miscellaneous move on parcel 002-Automotive Recovery Services '6���� 3/ 1 / 16 Relocation Coordinator Date US 70 IMPROVEMENTS, JOHNSTON COUNTY STIP PROJECT NO. W-5600 WBS NO. 50056.1.1 FEDERAL AID NO. HISP-0070(163) Public Involvement U.S. 70 Improvements North Carolina Department of Transportation Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Attn: Kim Gillespie, PE 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 �oF MORT/�/ cq9 O � `� * . 4 �O Q Q � ���TOF TRAN�'�O Issue 1 Johnston County May 2013 �w��i�u ` W r. �Y �� fia. �,'�`�3,�d ifd il�.� � � ��' - Introduction The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes im- provements to US 70 east of the US 70 Clayton Bypass through Wilson's Mills. In accordance with the National Envi- ronmental Policy Act (NEPA), a plan- ning, environmental, and engineering study is under way for the proposed project. Why Is This Project Needed? urpose of the project is to improve � and mobility along the US 70 or in Johnston County. What Improvements are Proposed? The project proposes to convert two intersections to interchanges and close or modify median openings. The pro- ject begins west of SR 2565 (Sadisco Road) and ends west of SR 1915 (Turnage Road). Interchanges are pro- posed at the following intersections with US 70: 1501 (Swift Creek Road) 1913 (Wilson's Mills Road) Median opening modifications or clo- sures will be studied at the following locations along US 70: SR 2565 (Sadisco Road) SR 2574 (Uzzle Industrial Drive) SR 1907 (Strickland Road) SR 1914 (Bear Farm Road) SR 2569 (NCDOT Maintenance Facility) • SR 1915 (Turnage Road)/ SR 2815 (Bear Farm Road) It has not been determined which me- dian openings would be closed or modi- fied. Service roads along US 70 will also be considered. Current Project Activities This project is in the early planning stage of project development. As part of the process to develop the project's environmental document (Categorical Exclusion), the NCDOT must identify and document environmental resources so that they can be avoided or impacts reduced. Streams and wetlands are two of the resources to be identified during the review process. If you own property within approximately 250 feet of US 70, representatives of the NCDOT will need to perform field inves- tigations on your property. What are the next steps? After existing conditions information is collected, engineers will begin develop- ing interchange designs and evaluating median openings and service roads. This will include evaluating several in- terchange concepts already developed by NCDOT. A public meeting will be held to provide the public an opportu- nity to comment on the preliminary de- signs. A date for the public meeting will be announced in the next project news- letter. 550 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $467.50 or $0.85 per copy Connecting people and places safely and efficiently, with accountability and environmental sensitivity to enhance the economy, health and well-being of North Carolina. U. S. 70 Improvements Notice to Property Owners Along the US 70 Corridor Over the next several weeks, representatives of the NCDOT, as well as the US Army Corps of Engineers, may be present on your property for the purposes of con- ducting or verifying the limits of waters and wetlands pur- suant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Sec- tion 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. These representatives will wear orange safety vests, have pic- ture ID badges, and will hang pink and black flagging, or ribbons, on trees and shrubs to identify the limits of streams and wetlands, if present, on the property. This flagging does not indicate the location of a proposed transportation project, but it is very important in our envi- ronmental review process. Please do not disturb this flagging. Please note: If you are aware that the US Army Corps of Engineers has issued a Jurisdictional Determination on your property, determining the presence of streams and/ or wetlands, contact the NCDOT Natural Environment Section at (919) 707-6162 to inform us as soon as possi- ble. This will avoid potential duplication of effort. When you call, please mention the NCDOT project number W-5600. For general questions about the project, please contact NCDOT Project Planning Engineer, Kim Gillespie, PE at 1548 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1548, phone (919) 707-6023 or via email klgillespie .ncdot.gov. Thank you for your cooperation. Introduccion del Proyecto EI Departamento de Transportacion de Carolina del Norte (NCDOT) propone mejoramientos a la carretera US 70 al este de la carretera de circunvalacion US 70 Clayton que pasa por Wilson's Mills. De acuerdo con La Ley de Poli- za de Ambiente Nacional (NEPA), un estudio de planea- cion ambiental, e ingenieria ya esta en camino para este propuesto proyecto. �Cual es la propuesta de mejoramiento? EI proyecto propone de convertir dos intersecciones a intercambios y cerrar o modificar aperturas medianas. EI proyecto empieza al Oeste del SR 2565 (Sadisco Road) y termina al Oeste del SR 1915 (Turnage Road). Intercam- bios se proponen para las siguientes intersecciones con el US 70: • SR 1501 (Swift Creek Road) • SR 1913 (Wilson's Mills Road) Modificaciones de las aperturas medianas seran estudia- das en los siguientes lugares a lo largo del US 70: • SR 2565 (Sadisco Road) • SR 2574 (Uzzle Industrial Drive) • SR 1907 (Strickland Road) • SR 1914 (Bear Farm Road) • SR 2569/NCDOT Maintenance Facility • SR 1915 (Turnage Road)/SR 2815 (Bear Farm Ro- ad) Todavia no se ha determinado cuales aperturas media- nas seran cerrados o modificadas. La construccion de calles de servicio a lo largo del US 70 tambien seran con- sideradas. Seran consideradas en un esfuerzo por mejo- rar el acceso de las propiedades impactadas. May 2013 �Por que se necesita este proyecto? EI proposito de este proyecto es para mejorar la seguri- dad y movilidad a lo largo del corredor del US 70 en el condado de Johnston. Actividades Actuales del Proyecto Este proyecto esta en la planificacion inicial del desarrollo de proyecto. Como parte del proceso del desarrollo de este proyecto ambiental , el Departamento de Transpor- tacion de Carolina del Norte debera identificar y docu- mentar recursos ambientales para que puedan ser evadi- dos o reducir el impacto del proyecto en su ambiente. Corrientes y patones seran dos de los recursos que se identificaran en el proceso de revision. Si usted es dueno de su propiedad dentro de 250 pies del US 70, represen- tantes del Departamento de Transportacion de Carolina del Norte tendra que efectuar investigaciones sobre su propiedad. �Cuales son los siguientes pasos? Despues que la informacion existentes es coleccionada, los ingenieros empezaran desarrollando disenos inter- cambiables y evaluaran aperturas medianas y calles de servicio. Esto incluira la evaluacion de varios conceptos intercambiables ya desarrollados por el Departamento de Transportacion de Carolina del Norte, NCDOT. Una reu- nion publica sera efectuada para proveerle al publico una oportunidad para comentar sobre los disenos prelimina- res. Una fecha de esta reunion publica sera anunciada en el siguiente boletin del proyecto. Notificacion al los Duenos de Propiedad a lo largo del corredor del US 70 A traves de las siguientes semanas, representantes del Departamento de Transportacion de Carolina del Norte , ademas de Los Ingenieros del US Army Corps, pueden estar presentes en sus propiedades con el proposito de conducir o verificar los limites de agua y pantanos consi- guiente a la Seccion 404 de la Ley de Agua Limpia y/o Seccibn 10 de la Ley de Rios y Puertos de1899. Estos representantes estaran uniformados en chalecos anaran- jados, portando insignias de tarjeta de identidad, y colga- ran banderitas de negro y rosa, o listones, en los arboles o arbustos para identificare limites de corrientes y pato- nes , si estan presentes, en la propiedad. Estas banderi- tas no indican el lugar donde se esta proponiendo un proyecto de transportacion, pero si es muy importante para el proceso de revision ambiental. Por favor no to- que las banderitas. Por favor tome nota: Si usted esta enterado que ya los Ingenieros del US Army ha publicado una Determinacion Jurisdiccional de su propiedad, el poder determinar la presencia de corrientes y/o patones, debera contactar al Departamento de Transportacion de Carolina del Norte Seccion Ambiente Natural al 1-800-481-6494 para infor- marnos lo mas pronto posible. Esto evitara el potencial de trabajo duplicado. Cuando Ilame, por favor mencio- nes el numero de proyecto W-5600. Para preguntas generales acerca de este proyecto, pongase en contacto con nosotros en el mismo numero de telefono. Gracias por su cooperacion. US 70 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT North Carolina Department of Transportation Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit Attn: Kim Gillespie, P.E. 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 4 Project Description PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), is proposing to upgrade US 70 from west of SR 2565 (Sadisco Road), east of the Clayton Bypass to west of SR 1915 (Turnage Road). The project will remove the existing signalized, at-grade intersections at SR 1501 (Swift Creek Road) and SR 1913 (Wilson's Mills Road) and replace them with interchanges. Other at- grade intersections and median openings will be removed. Service roads will be constructed to provide access to properties along US 70. Proposed Improvements Swift Creek Road Interchange Option 1 Swift Creek Road will be moved west of its existing location. The ramps for the proposed interchange will be constructed on the west side of the relocated Swift Creek Road. Swift Creek road will be bridged over US 70. Option 2 Swift Creek would remain on its existing alignment. The proposed ramps would be constructed in the northeast and southwest quadrants of the Swift Creek Road crossing of US 70. Swift Creek Road would be bridged over US 70. Wilson's Mills Road Interchanqe Option A Interchange ramps will be constructed in all four quad- rants. US 70 would be bridged over Wilson's Mills Road. Option B Interchange ramps would be constructed in the north- east and southwest quadrants. US 70 will be bridged over Wilson's Mills Road. Service Roads Access to US 70 from adjacent properties will be pro- vided via service roads connected to the Swift Creek and Wilson's Mills Road interchanges. � Elementarv S.chool Caieteria l What Happens Next NCDOT is completing a Categorical Exclusion (CE), which will document the environmental impacts of the preferred alternative. Comments received from the public will also be included in the CE. The CE will be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration for approval. Schedule Categorical Exclusion Approval .................April 2016 Begin Right of Way Acquisition .........................2018 Beqin Construction ........................................ 2020 500 copies of this newsletter were produced at a cost of 38¢ per newsletter. Descripcion del Proyecto AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Y SESION INFORMATIVA EI Departamento de Transporte de Carolina del Norte (NCDOT), propone actualizar US 70 desde el oeste de SR 2565 (Sadisco Road), al este del Clayton Bypass hasta el oeste de SR 1915 (Turnage Road). EI proyecto eliminara las intersecciones senalizadas existentes por SR 1501 (Swift Creek Road) y SR 1913 (Wilson's Mills Road) y las reemplazaran con intercambios. Otras intersecciones a nivel y aperturas medianas seran eliminadas completamente. Calles de servicio seran construidos para proporcionar acceso a las propiedades a lo largo de US 70. Propuesta de Mejoramiento Swift Creek Road Intercambio Opcion 1 Se moveran Swift Creek Road al oeste de su ubicacion presente. Las rampas del intercambio propuesto se construiran en el lado oeste de la reubicado Swift Creek Road. Vehiculos viajando por Swift Creek Road pasaran el US 70 por medio de un puente. Opcion 2 Se mantendria en su alineacion presente. Las rampas propuestas se construiran en los cuadrantes del noreste y suroeste de la interseccion de Swift Creek Road ay US 70. del cruce de Swift Creek Road de US 70. Vehiculos viajando por Swift Creek Road pasaran el US 70 por medio de un puente. Wilson's Mills Road Intercambio Opcion A Se construiran las rampas del intercambio en los cuatro cuadrantes. Vehiculos viajando por US 70 pasaran Wilsons Mills Road por medio de un puente. Opci6n B Se construiran las rampas del intercambio en los cuadrantes del noreste y sudoeste. Vehiculos viajando por US 70 pasaran Wilsons Mills Road por medio de un puente. Calles de Servicio EI acceso propuesto a US 70 de las propiedades al lado de la carretera sera por medio de calles de servicio conectados a los intercambios de Swift Creek y Wilson's Mills Road. �Cuales son los siguientes pasos? NCDOT esta realizando una Exclusion Categorica (CE por sus siglas en Ingles) que documentara los impactos ambientales de la alternativa preferida. Comentarios recibidos del publico sobre los diferentes alternativos estaran incluidos en la CE. La CE sera entregada a la Administracion Federal de Carreteras por aprobacion. Schedule Aprobacion de la Exclusion Categorica .......Abril 2016 Inicio de Adquisicion de Derecho de Via .............2018 Inicio de Construccion .....................................2020 2 � _ �o � ,:� � .�.: - _. � � North Carolina Department of Transportation PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING ,���� � ��� : p },,� � : ' T s al' : s'.:;Jfiil�i �; PROPOSED UPGRADE OF US 70 FROM WEST OF SR 2565 (SADISCO ROAD), EAST OF THE CLAYTON BYPASS TO WEST OF SR 1915 (TURNAGE ROAD) STIP PROJECT W-5600 FEBRUARY 2, 2016 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), is proposing to upgrade US 70 from west of SR 2565 (Sadisco Road), east of the Clayton Bypass to west of SR 1915 (Turnage Road) to a freeway. The project will remove the existing signalized, at-grade intersections at SR 1501 (Swift Creek Road) and SR 1913 (Wilson's Mills Road) and replace them with interchanges. Other at- grade intersections and median openings will be removed. Service roads will be constructed to provide access to properties along US 70. The purpose of the proposed project is to improve safety and mobility of vehicular travel along US 70 within the project limits. The proposed project is intended to address the following needs: • The fatal crash rate for the subject section of US 70 is higher than the statewide average for similar facilities (although it is slightly lower than the critical rate). • The existing signalized intersections within the project limits present concerns regarding driver expectancy given the rural, high-speed and free-flow nature of the adjoining sections of US 70. • The existing signalized intersections within the project limits result in delay to traffic along this section of US 70. DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATIVES, IMPACTS, AND COSTS Swift Creek Road Interchange Options Swift Creek Road Option 1: Swift Creek Road will be moved west of its existing location. The ramps for the proposed interchange will be constructed on the west side of the relocated Swift Creek Road. Swift Creek road will be bridged over US 70. Swift Creek Road Option 2: Swift Creek Road would remain on its existing alignment. The proposed ramps would be constructed in the northeast and southwest quadrants of the Swift Creek Road crossing of US 70. Swift Creek Road would be bridged over US 70. Wilson's Mills Road Interchange Options Wilson's Mills Road Option A: Interchange ramps will be constructed in all four quadrants. US 70 would be bridged over Wilson's Mills Road. Wilson's Mills Road Option B: Interchange ramps would be constructed in the northeast and southwest quadrants. Wilson's Mills Road will be bridged over US 70. Service Roads Access to US 70 from adjacent properties will be provided via service roads connected to the Swift Creek Road and Wilson's Mills Road interchanges. Alternative Impacts and Cost: Alternative 1A Alternative 1B Alternative 2A Alternative 26 Stream Impacts 2, 060 1,840 1,460 1, 240 (linear feet) Wetland Impacts 6.3 6.0 7.4 7.0 (acres) Farmland Impacts 50.2 55.8 30.1 35.7 (acres) Residential Relocations 4 4 6 6 Business Relocations 3 5 4 6 Estimated Construction Cost $33,950,000 $32,850,000 $28,700,000 $27,600,000 * Impact and relocation quantities are estimates. Final numbers will not be known until designs are further developed for right of way acquisition and construction. PROJECT $CHEDULE Alternative Selection ....................................................................................................................March 2016 Environmental Document Approval .............................................................................................April 2016 Rightof Way Acquisition .........................................................................................................................2018 Construction..............................................................................................................................................2020 ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION US 70 Improvements Team Members Jerry Page, P.E. NCDOT Division 4 Project Manager jpa�e@ncdot.�ov (252) 237-6164, ext. 3551 Kim Gillespie, P.E. NCDOT Project Development Engineer kl�illespie@ndot.gov (919) 707-6023 Ryan L. White, P.E. Stantec Consulting Senior Transportation Engineer ryan.white@stantec.com (919) 865-7374 More detailed project maps can be viewed and downloaded on the NCDOT Public Meetings website at the following link: http://www.ncdot.�ov/prolects/publicmeetin�s/ ' .� NOT TO SCALE � LEGEND � Study Area J'�� Railroad Tracks Municipal Boundarie� Streams �� t '=4� =r � 1�y . .'I • _-,. � i �� r I� �. , � . � � � p���N i1R i[tl21e ����'- j i a x�;_: � ;�,�} I }' d N4 �I �`f ,�!'� It� I�. Garnat � � I � I_... � , �. � . � �1:�. , ` : s '� t�aysvn � an,� � '�� � , �� � � ! � �� �' 39�. .; I ',i l If� j'�'a�� p� , c� `�,.� p N�� , !� �I= #'„ , �,y t� r a<ai -ne-� 7., . ,� � ;5d7� 4 � ��`�`' � � SmEth ��I� � - ���3yI£m ' ..�� ♦� � 1 r . �. 1��- i - � �.:•i � uT �;;; � � �• � � �. �� � �m �. / �. � ' u. ,�'� . " ` �§,: I P,.,Fti T T `` .. 55 •�: � � gg '.I �. . �. : ,.� 2� � � + f � _�p. .�,:.. ��� � - >'� ` I• .ea. 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Alternative 1A � Alternative 2A ❑ Alternative 1B � Alternative 2B � Comments, concerns and/or questions regarding this project: To help improve our public involvement process, we would appreciate your responses to the following questions. The following questions relate to today's workshop: Was the project adequately explained to you? Yes No Were NCDOT representatives understandable and clear in their explanations? Yes No Please explain Were NCDOT representatives courteous and helpful? Yes No Please explain Were display maps and handouts easy to read and understand? Yes No Please explain How might we better present proposed projects and address citizen's concerns in future informational workshops? How did you hear about this meeting? Do you feel that the workshop was adequately publicized? Yes No Please explain Do you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding our public involvement process? Please leave your comments with NCDOT representatives at the workshop or mail them to: Ms. Kim L. Gillespie, Project Planning Engineer NCDOT, Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 TITLE VI PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT FORM Complefing this form is completely voluntary. You are not required to provide the information requested in order to participate in this meeting. Meeting Type: Public Informational Meeting Location: Wilson's Mills Elementary School TIP No.: W-5600 Date: February 2, 2016 Project Description: Upgrade US 70 to a freeway from Sadisco Road to west of Turnage Road In accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 antl related authorities, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) assures that no person(s) shall be excluded from participation in, denietl the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any of the Department's programs, policies, or activities, based on their race, color, national origin, disability, age, income, or gender. Completing this form helps meet our data collection and public involvement obligations under Title VI and NEPA, and will improve how we serve the public. Please place the completetl form in the designated box on the sign-in table, hand it to an NCDOT official or mail it to the NCDOT Office of Civil Rights, Title VI Section at 1511 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1511. All forms will remain on file at the NCDOT as part of the public record. Zip Code: Gender: ❑ Male ❑ Female Street Name: Age: �i.e. Main Street) ❑ Less than 18 ❑ 45-64 Total Household Income: ❑ 18-29 ❑ 65 and older ❑ Less than $12,000 ❑ $47,000 — $69,999 ❑ 30-44 ❑ $12,000 — $19,999 ❑ $70,000 — $93,999 ❑ $20,000 — $30,999 ❑ $94,000 — $117,999 Have a Disability: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ $31,000 — $46,999 ❑ $118,000 or greater Race/Ethnicity: National Origin: (ifborn outside the U.S.) ❑ White ❑ Mexican ❑ Black/African American ❑ Central American: ❑ Asian ❑ South American: ❑ American Indian/Alaskan Native ❑ Puerto Rican ❑ Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander ❑ Chinese ❑ Hispanic/Latino ❑ Vietnamese ❑ Other (please specify): ❑ Korean ❑ Other (please specify): For more information regarding Title VI or this request, please contact the NCDOT Title VI Section at (919) 508-1808 or toll free at 1-800-522-0453, or by email at s�scomb(a�ncdot.qov. Thank you for your participation! TrQ,�spor-tatir�r� MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Kim Gillespie, P.E., Project Planning Engineer SUBJECT: STIP Project No. W-5600, Public Information Meeting Summary PAi McCTtC�RY GUl•E'fFlOr 1�d[�C�EOLAS ]. T£Ni�fYS[]N Sce:rctcrry On February 2, 2016 at 4 pm, a Public Information Meeting was conducted for STIP Project W- 5600, at the Wilson's Mills Elementary School cafeteria. The following project team members were in attendance: Tim Little, P.E.: Division 4 Engineer Wendi Johnson, P.E: Division 4 Construction Engineer Jerry Page, P.E.: Division 4 Operations Engineer Jiles Harrell, P.E.: District Engineer Jay Mclnnis, P.E.: Project Engineer Kim Gillespie, P.E.: Project Planning Engineer Steve Smallwood, P.E.: Stantec Consulting Ryan White, P.E.: Stantec Consulting Per the attached sign-in sheet, 184 citizens attended the meeting. Meeting handouts were made available to all attendees as they entered the cafeteria. The meeting handout consisted of background information, a description of each interchange option, impacts and costs of each alternative, a project schedule, project mapping, a comment sheet, and a Title VI survey form. The comment form provided meeting attendees the opportunity leave specific comments and to note which alternative they preferred or to note if they had no preference. Seventy-seven (77) comment forms were either submitted at the meeting or received via email or mail after the meeting concluded. Below is a summary of the alternative preferences and primary concerns noted on the comment sheets received: Alternative 1 A Alternative 1 B Alternative 2A Alternative 2B No Preference 12 2 58 8 5 Property Impacts/Relocations: Meeting attendees were generally concerned with how the proposed alternatives would impact businesses and residences within the community. Twelve comment forms noted concerns regarding property impacts and relocations. Of primary concern was the potential impact of Wilson's Mills Interchange Option B, which is a component of Alternatives 1 B and 2B, on the Handy Mart/White Swan restaurant and the Family Dollar store. Also, of concern was the potential relocation of elderly community members due to new location alignments. Citizens noting concern for the project's impact to businesses generally preferred either Alternative 1 A or 2A as Wilson's Mills Interchange Option A avoided impacts that would require the relocation of the Handy Mart/White Swan and the Family Dollar. �'�'I*�othing Compares �.._ State of Noith Carolina I Dcpartment of "franspoitation I Projcct Dcvclopment and Environmental Analysis 1000 Bircl� Ridge Dnve � 1548 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 919-707-(,000 EMS Access and Response: Eleven comments were received expressing concern about EMS access and response times. Members of the Wilson's Mills Fire Department, including the Fire Chief, and citizens in attendance noted that the project would have impacts to EMS routing and response times. The Wilson's Mills Fire Station is located north of US 70 and closing the at- grade crossings of US 70 would limit EMS routing to incidents south of US 70 to the new interchanges and the service roads. Most attendees noting concerns about EMS access selected Alternative 2A as their preference due to its use of the existing Swift Creek Road. Access: Fourteen comment forms noted concern about changes to access. Citizens and business owners stated that the project would have a direct impact on daily routines and access to and from businesses, schools, and other community resources. Of particular concern is the single access proposed by the project to the Uzzle Industrial Park. Business owners and community leaders noted that additional travel time and transportation costs associated with single access to the industrial park could result in business closures or relocations. They stated that additional access could be provided via an extension of Sadisco Road. Comments received also expressed concerns related to extended travel times for farm equipment due to the removal of the at-grade intersections and new routing via service roads. ■ Future Land Use: Two comments submitted noted a solar energy farm proposed on farmland east of Strickland Road. Alternatives 1 A and 1 B would have direct impacts on the land that would be used for the proposed solar farm. Property Values: Two comments submitted questioned how the project would impact property values of residences and businesses. In particular, there was concern that single access to the Uzzle Industrial Park would devalue properties. Corrections and Omissions: This summary is the writer's interpretation of the events, discussions, and transactions that took place during the meeting. If there are any questions and/or corrections, please inform Kim Gillespie at 919-707-6023 or at klaillespie@ncdot.aov. Attachments: Meeting Sign-in Sheet Page 2 of 2