HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081317 Ver 1_Table 13 Wells with Wetland Hydroperiods on Mapped Non-hydric Soils_20160314TI 2 N L7 � v c 3 v � v U) � n Q 0 L7 c (D m O v 77 ;0 0 0 v CO 0 -1 n 0 O a3 c � v v N - Table 13. Summary of occurrence of hydroperiods, PDSI and PHDI drought status, and soil profiles for 23 wells at Hell Swamp that met the hydrology restoration criterion 2010- 2014, one well (91) that met the criterion when 2015 data are included, and were all shown as underlain by non -hydric soils on Beaufort County soil survey. (WH=wetland hydroperiod, NN= nearly normal, BN= below normal, MBN= much below normal, AN= above normal, and MAN= much above normal). All typical pedons for mapped units in vicinity of these 17 locations are described as loam (Portsmouth) or fine sandy loam (Arapahoe, Augusta, Dragston) although December and January soil investigation described fine sandy loam and loamy fine sand. Italics indicate indicator assigned retrospectively based on installation profile and noted post restoration soil changes in vicinity (wells 53, 76, 78, 102, and 105). Note: The longest hydroperiod at each well in Hell Swamp is depicted as a percentage of the 282 -day (or 283 -day for leap years) growing season when the water table was recorded as -12" or above for each monitoring year. *At installation of well 101, only 5 inches of soil was able to be augered out; it was too wet for more retrieval. % of Munsell descriptors # of Years Mapped soil unit as Dec 2015 or National Well 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Years with WH shown on county Installation Jan -Feb 2016 Notes (2015/2016) hydric soil with WH for All survey (2010/2011) (measurements in indicators Years inches 0 - 5 10YR2/1 0 - 2 10YR3/1 and Water in well -6.5 inches; 5 - 21 10YR5/1 streaks of 10YR5/3 no water in hole. Sandy 2 - 5 10YR5/2 with loam to 9 inches, far less 10YR5/3 mix sand deeper. Difficult to 5 - 9 10YR3/2 with dig and to remove soil 10YR6/3 mix from auger deeper than Augusta/Tomotley 9 - 18 10YR6/2 —14 inches, so there was 19 <6 8.9 6.7 8.2 4 80 boundary w/7YR5/8 & 7YR6/6 some distortion of profile. F3 mottles 18 - 20+ 10YR5/1 with 10YR5/2 mix w/10YR5/8 mottles w/GLEY1 8/5GY rims around mottles 0 - 21 10YR5/3 0 - 1 10YR4/1 Water in well -5 inches, 1 - 12 10YR6/2 surface saturated with 0.5 w/7YR5/8 mottles inch water in places, water 12 - 25+ 10YR7/1 in hole -12 inches. All w/10YR5/8 with sandy loam with slightly 20 <6 9.2 12.0 4 80 Augusta GLEY1 8/5GY rims sandier looser character in F3 around mottles at 20 top couple of inches. The 10YR7/1 seems to become less "bright' within minutes. Mottles clear distinct and many. Dragston/Araphoe 0 - 17 10YR2/1 53 <6 25.5 17.7 28.7 26.6 4 80 boundary 17 - 21 10YR3/1 Was not revisited S7 0 - 12 10YR2/2 0 - 10 10YR3/1 Water in well -10.5 inches, 12 -21 10YR4/1 10 - 25+ 10YR4/2 water in hole -9 inches, and 10YR5/2 mix profile saturated at -14 inches. Loamy sand; 65 <6 7.8 6.7 16 15.6 4 80 Dragston much looser and wetter None below 15 inches; missing soil from —19-22 inches PDSI NN BN NN AN AN PHDI NN BN BN NN AN TI 2 N � v c 3 v -0 sv Cn Q O In - C n m v 77 ;(J CD O 3E TI C7 O O V3 C: -p v v N � T,ki- 1'2 1n +;n..e.d\ % of Munsell descriptors # of Years Mapped soil unit as Dec 2015 or National Well 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Years with WH shown on county Installation Jan -Feb 2016 Notes (2015/2016) hydric soil with WH for All survey (2010/2011) (measurements in indicators Years inches) 0 - 3 10YR2/2 0 - 6 10YR3/1 Water in well -7 inches, 3 - 13 10YR 4/3 6 - 12 10YR3/1 with water in hole -11 inches. 13 -21 10YR5/6 10YR4/2 mix Loamy sand. Few mottles 12 - 17 10YR4/2 in 17-21 section but more w/10YR5/8 mottle towards the bottom portion 66 <6 <6 <6 7.1 16.7 2 40 Dragston 17 - 21 10YR6/2 and mottles in lowest A11 21 - 23+ 10YR6/2 section more numerous with 10YR6/4 mix but diffuse w/10YR5/8 mottles; a few 5YR5/8 centers 76 <6 7.8 6.7 17.4 15.6 4 80 Dragston/Araphoe 0 - 21 10YR2/1 Was not revisited S7 boundary 21 - 26 10YR4/2 0 - 14 10YR3/2 78 <6 16.7 6.7 16 12.8 4 80 Dragston Was not revisited S7 14 - 21 10YR4/2 0 - 21 10YR2/1 0 - 18 10YR 2/1 Water in well -3 inches; 3 18 - 24+ 10YR 2/2 inch soil ribbon at top; 88 6.0 23.4 17 27 25.2 5 100 Dragston/Araphoe loamy fine sand to fine S1; S7 boundary sandy loam 0 - 5 10YR2/1 0 - 10 10YR 2/1 Water in well -7.5 5 - 21 2.5Y6/2 10 - 23+ 10 YR 4/2 inches;nearby surface water 0 - 2 inches; loamy 89 7.1 19.9 8.8 28.7 31.6 5 100 Dragston fine sand to fine sandy S1; S7 loam 0 - 12 10YR2/1 0 - 12 10YR 2/1 Water in well -7 inches; 12 - 18 10YR4/2 12 -18 10YR 2/1 loamy fine sand to fine 90 <6 13.8 6.4 7.8 16.7 4 80 Dragston/Araphoe 18 - 26 10YR4/2 w/streaks 2.5Y 3/2 sandy loam; mottles small, A11; S1; S7 boundary 18 - 23+ 10YR 6/2 many, distinct w/7.5 YR 5/8 mottles 91 <6 <6 <6 7.1 6.4 2 40 Dragston 0 - 4 2.5Y2/2 Was not revisited S7 4- 21 2.5Y5/6 0 - 18 10YR2/2 0 - 13 10YR 2/2 Water in well -4 inches; 1 18-21 2.5Y5/4 13 - 23 10YR 2/2 to 2 inch soil ribbon at Dragston/Araphoe w/30% 2.5Y 3/2 top;loamy fine sand to 92 12.8 25.5 23.7 27.6 31.9 5 100 boundary 23+ 10YR 6/2 fine sandy loam; mottles A11; S1; S7 w/7.5YR 5/8 mottles small, many, distinct; few 5 YR 5/8 pore linings in mottles PDSI NN BN NN AN AN PHDI NN BN BN NN AN TI 2 N � v c 3 v -0 sv Cn Q O to = C n m v 77 ;(J CD O O 3E TI C7 O O V3 C: 0)v N � Table 13. (continued) % of Munsell descriptors # of Years Mapped soil unit as Dec 2015 or National Well 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Years with WH shown on county Installation Jan -Feb 2016 Notes (2015/2016) hydric soil with WH for All survey (2010/2011) (measurements in indicators Years inches) Water in well -5 inches; loamy fine sand to fine 101* 9.9 27.7 33.2 30.5 29.8 5 100 Dragston 0 - 5 10YR2/2 0 - 22+ 10YR 2/1 sandy loam; hole dug to - S1: S7 41 inches but too soupy to pull below -22 0 - 10 10YR3/2 102 <6 7.1 6 7.8 13.1 4 80 Dragston Was not revisited A11 10 - 21 10YR6/3 0 - 12 10YR2/1 0 - 7 10YR 2/1 Water in well -0.5 inch; 2 12 -22 2.5Y6/1 7 - 13 10YR 2/2 to 3 inch soil ribbon at top; w/50% 10YR 6/2 loamy fine sand to fine 103 <6 18.8 7.4 17.4 16.0 4 80 Dragston 13 - 23+ 10YR 4/1 sandy loam; mottles large, Al2; S1; S7 w/7.5YR 6/8 mottles few, distinct 0 - 16 10YR2/1 0 - 7 10YR 2/1 Water in well -8 inches;3 16 - 21 10YR6/4 7 - 13 10YR 2/2 inch ribbon at top; loamy 13 - 25+ 10YR 5/4 fine sand to fine sandy 104 <6 18.4 7.4 25.2 13.1 4 80 Dragston S1; S7 1 w/7.5YR 6/8 mottles loam; few 5YR 5/8 pore linings in mottles 0 - 4 2.5Y4/2 105 <6 <6 7.8 7.8 12.8 3 60 Dragston/Arapahoe 4 - 9 2.5Y4/3 Was not revisited S7 boundary 9 - 21 2.5Y6/4 F 0 - 15 10YR2/1 0-17 10YR2/1 Water in hole 4 inches; 15 - 21 7.5Y3/1 17+ 10YR 5/2 loamy fine sand to fine Dragston/Arapahoe sandy loam to fine sand 111 <6 23.4 15.9 25.6 25.2 4 80 S1; S7 boundary 0 - 8 10YR2/1 0 - 12 10YR 2/1 Water in well -7 inches; 8 - 21 10YR3/2 - 12 - 23 ??? loamy fine sand to fine 112 <6 19.9 11.3 27.7 24.8 4 80 Dragston 23 - 31+ 10YR 6/2 sandy loam; auger bites 3 S1; S7 & 4 too soupy to pull 0 - 21 10YR2/1 0 - 11 10YR 2/1 Water in well -8.5 inches; 11 - 22 10YR 2/2 1 inch ribbon at top; loamy j w/30% 2.5Y 3/2 fine sand to fine sandy 113 19.5 7.1 15.6 13.1 5 100 Dragston 22 - 25 2.5Y 3.2 loam S1; S7 w/30% 10YR 2/2 25+ 10YR 6/2 PDSI NN BN NN AN AN PHDI NN BN BN NN AN TI 2 N (/) � v c 3 v -0 v Cn Q O C/) - C n m v 77 ;(J CD O 6 3E TI n O O V3 C v v N � Table 13. (concluded) National Field Indicators of Hydric Soil: Sand: S1 -sandy mucky mineral S7 -dark surface Loam: F3 -depleted matrix All: A11- depleted below dark surface Al2- thick dark surface % of Munsell descriptors # of Years Mapped soil unit as Dec 2015 or National Well 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Years with WH shown on county Installation Jan -Feb 2016 Notes (2015/2016) hydric soil with WH for All survey (2010/2011) (measurements in indicators Years inches) 0 - 2 10YR2/1 0 - 7 10YR 2/2 Water in well -4 inches; ■ 2 -21 2.5Y6/2 7 - 10 10YR 6/2 loamy fine sand to fine 10 - 23+10YR 6/2 sandy loam; mottles large, 117 <6 65.6 17.7 26.6 25.2 4 80 Dragston w/few 10YR 2/2 many, distinct A11 streaks at top and then 10YR 5/8 mottles 0 - 8 10YR2/2 0 - 11 10YR 2/1 Water in well at -8.5 8 - 21 10YR5/2 11 - 24 10YR 6/2 inches; 0.54 to 1 inch 24 - 27+ 10YR 6/2 ribbon at top; loamy fine 118 7.8 19.1 6.7 7.8 15.2 5 100 Dragston w/10YR 6/8 mottles sand to fine sandy loam; A11; S1; S7 mottles large, many, diffuse no profile -soil too 0 - 21 10YR 2/1 Standing water +3 inches; wet to extract with 21 - 26+ 10YR 5/1 0.5 to 1 inch ribbon at top; 121 12.8 17.4 26.1 30.9 45.4 5 100 Dragston auger loamy fine sand to fine S1; S7 sandy loam PDS! NN BN NN AN AN PHDI NN BN BN NN AN National Field Indicators of Hydric Soil: Sand: S1 -sandy mucky mineral S7 -dark surface Loam: F3 -depleted matrix All: A11- depleted below dark surface Al2- thick dark surface