HomeMy WebLinkAbout05_U5603_USACE_Stream_FormsUSACE Am# DWQ #_ . STREAM QUALITY � Prawide the following information far the stream reach u i. Applicant's name: N� j�T 3. Date of evaluation: �l�f � ��' 5. Name of strearn: SB G �I 7. Approximate drainage area; .�(�� G�-[ n-5 r 4. Length of reach evaluated: �� 11. Site coordinates {if knownj: prefer'rn decimal degrees. Latitude (ex. 34.872312): � �' � G � G "� � Methvd location determined (circle�: ,{iP� Topv 5heet Ortho (A 13. Loeation vf reach under e�al�n (oate nearby roads and I� 14. Praposed channel work {if any l5. Recent weather conditivns: r"�- �� �'' ��'�-+ 16. Site conditions at time of �isit: ��- �" ►�-� �, `� C! ] 7. fdentify any special waterway classiftcations �.Trout Waters ,_Outstanding Resource Waters _ 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the e�a{uation p 19. Does channel appear an USGS quad map? � 1'�I�D 21. Estimated watershed land use: ��%01a Residential �% °/a Forested 22. Bankfull width: L� � a r 24. Channel slope down center of stream: /'� Flat (0 tv 2%) . 25. Channel sinuosity: 5traight ,�Occasional bends . Instructinns for completion of worksheet (Iocated on psge location, terrain, �egetation, strearn classification, etc. Every c to each characteristic within the range shawn for ti�e ecore characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scares should refl characieristic cannot be e�aluated due to site or weather conc comment sectian. Where tliere are vbviaus changes in the cha intn a forest), the stream may 'be di�icled into smaller reaches tl reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range highest quality. Total Score {fram re�erse}: � E�aluatnr's Signature � "'� � ' This chsnr�e! evstuation orm is inte'nded to be used only ; gathering the data required by the United States Army qualiiy. The total seare resniting from the camptetion a partieular mitigation ratio or re�uiremeet. Farrn subject ta Site # (indicate nn attached map) �SESSMENT WQRK5HEET ,� , � �D� r assessment: 2. Evaluatar's name: �.� C•: �•-^� i F� X � o M� 4. Tirne of ewaluation: � '• `�`� 6. Ri�er basin: NPw � �,rV S. Stream order: i S� 10. County:_ l_ll�-�= v=1��-� 12. Subdivision name (if any i.ongitude (ex. -77.55661 I j: '� �• �9 � U�' i� �� PhotalGIS �ther GI5 Other irks and attach map identifying stream(s) location}: � s � t�.� v� av �' Section 16 _Tidal Waters _Essen#ial Fisheries Nabitat lutrient Sensitive Waters _Water Supply Watershed (I-IV) nt? YES � If yes, estimate the water surface area: 20. Dves channel appear on USDA 5aii 5urvey'�S NO _% Commerciai _% Industrial _°!o Agricultural _°1a Cleared / Lvgged _% Other { 23. Bank height (from bed to top of bank}; J� Z (2 to 4%) _Moderate (4 to ! 0%) _5teep (� 1 Q%) nt meander _Very sinuous _$raided channel ; Segin by determining the most appropriate ecaregican 6ased on acteristic rnust be scored using the same ecoreginn. Assign points m. Page 3 pro�ides a brief descrip#ion af how to re�iew the an o�erall assessment of the stream reach under evaluatian. If a ans, enter 0 it� the scoring btsx ar�d provide an explanation in the ter of a stream under review (e.g,, the stream flows from a pasture dispiay mare continuity, and a separate farm used ta evalaate each ween 0 and 100, with a seore of ] Ufl representing a stream of the Date �( � � I%�i a guide to assist landowners and en ronmental professionals in orps of Engineers to make s preliminary assessment of stream this form is s�ubject to USACE approval and does not imply a iange - �ersivn 06/03. To Comrnent, please call 919-87f,-8441 x 26. STREAM (�UALITY # CHARA�TERISTICS � Presence of flow f persistent pools in stream no flow ar saturaEion = 0• stran flow = m� oints 2 Evidence of past human alteration extensive alteration = 0° no alteration = rnax oints 3 Riparian ione no buffer — b• conti upus wide huffer = ma}c oint� 4 Evidence uf nutrient or chemicai discharges extensi�e dischar es = 0; no dischar es = maac oint �5 Groundwater discharge V na dischar e= D• s rin s, see s wetlands, etc. = max � � � Presence of adjacent floodplain �„ no flaod [ain = 4• extensive flood lain = max oint � T Entrenchmeat I Eloadplain access dee 1 entrenched = 0• fre uent floodin = ma;c oin $ Fresence af adjacent wetlands no wetlands =(1; lar e ad'acent wetlands = max oirr 9 Channel sinuosity extensive channelir..ation = U; natural rneander = maac c �Q Sediment input extensi�e de ositian= 0• little or no sediment = max o �� Size & dir�ersity of channel bed substrate fine hnmo enous = D� lar e diverse sizes = max oii lZ Evidence of channel incision or widening � dee 1 incised = 4• stable bed & banks = max oinY! � Presence nf majar bank failures � 13 severe erosion =�; na eros�on, stable banks = max oi C� 14 Raa� depth and density pn banks "� no wisible roots = 0; dense roots throu hout = max oi N � �$ Impact by agr'rculture, livestvck, or timber prndac substantial im act =0• no evidence = max vints 1& Presence af rif#]e-pool/ripple-pool complexes � no riffleslri les or aols = Q• well-de�elo ed = max c Q Habitat complexity � �� little ar no habitai = 0; fre uent, varied habitats = rnax �18 Canopy cor+erage o�er streamhed x no shadin ve etation = 0• continuous cano = max � �� Substr�te embe�dedness dee 1 embecfcted = 0• lovse strueture = max z� Presence of stream in�ertebrat�s {see page 4) �„� no e�idence = 0• common numeraus es = max ai (� Presence of amphibians Q zl no evidence = Q, corr�mon numeraus es = rnax i Presence uP fish � 22 na e�idenee = 4� commvn numerous es = maac i �3 Evidence af wildlife use no e�idence = 0• abundant e�idence = max oints Total Po'snts Foss'rble TUTAL SCQ�tE (also eate * These chaeacteristics are not assessed in coastal streams. 2 WORKSHEET ECOREGION POINT RANGE Coastal Piedmont Mountain (1-5 U-4 0—S 0-6 0-5 U-5 d—b 4-4 i}-5 ��� 0-5 4-4 0-4 U-3 6-4 Q-4 nts 0-4 U-4 0-2 [I—S �-4 Q-2 � 0-6 0-4 �-2 1� 0—S 4-4 0-3 1s �-5 4-4 0-4 NA* 4-4 U-5 0-5 U-4 4-5 0—S fl-5 0-5 s 0-3 U-4 D-5 s }n U-5 0-4 0-5 �ts 0-3 0—S 0—G 0-6 0—b 0-6 nts rts 0-5 D-5 p—S NA* 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-5 0-5 s s 0-4 4-4 0-4 s 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-6 0-5 �—S I00 lU0 lOD Qn first page) SCORE Q n �U