HomeMy WebLinkAbout03_U5603_USACE_wetland_formsWETLAND DETERMINATION DA7A FORM - Fro�jecttsrte: (�C (D 0 3 citytca, AP#�ar►Uowrt�: 7 investigator(5): _S/�t 1�;,a�E17F-I A?�/ fIll-� Sectiati. �andtorm (h�is�pe. terrace. ��.>: �pr,p,��-mPa c� �oca� re�et Su#xe�� (LRR o�: I3(� g Lat: 3(0 • 2r�S-7(p Z sainn�purTMc�a�: Sr.�- SAv,N60k �..0�` IS-3o% Are climatic ! hydr tondition5 on tt� site Fyp�al for tt�s time of y�ar? Yes Are veg�a�ion so�i _�, or HYa�daJY � s���nuy aisu� Are Yegetation Soii �� . or Hydrotogy �' n�aRy problematic SUMMARY 4F FINDINGS - Attach site map showing sampl Hy��hytic Vegetat� Present? Nydric Soil Presen[? Wetland Hydrobgy Present? Remarks: �►"G� %jHY HYDROI.OGY Yes '� No Yes �- No Yes �_ No )� �''�� ����� -1� /� _ Surface Waier {A1) ,� Hi� Water Tabie {A2j ,�, Saturat{on (A3) � W�ter Matks E61) ➢� Sediment Depos�s (62) „_, �riR Deposits (B3) _ Algal hAat or Crust (84) _ Iron Deposits (65) _ Inundation Visibte on Aerial Irnagery (67j � Water-Sfained Leaves (B9) „_ AquaUc Fauna (813) SuAace Water Prese�? Water Table Present7 Satu�ation Present? _ True Aquatic Pianis 167 _ Hydrogen Suifide Qdor � � Oxidized Rt�zospt�2s _ Pre5enCe oi REduCed It _ Rece�t Iron Reductlon ii _ Thin Mucic S+xtace (C7j _ Clther (£xpi�n in Remai Yes No � Depth (inches}: Yes D� No depth pnches}: Yes _,L No De�Kh {inChes}: ��• Mourrtsins and Piedmont Region W�d3 �' [�O6N� f INIl1-i�1,�1 i>A samp�ing pats. � 1 S Sta�e: �(,�,�_ Samplirx� Paint: 1N ? �. RAr�ge: I�IE1N R.IV�Y� ��. convex. �ro�): �arv c,4� S� (°�): �• �ong: - !a d 3 7 w fs-S � .-o P �" S Nw� dass�cation: � (N no, exp�in in RemBrks.} Are "Normal Circumstanc�5" present7 Yes � No (it needed, ex�a� arry answers in Remarks.) point locations, Vansects, importar�i features, eu. �r,� s�►,a�a � th3� a Wettand? Yes No 1� _ Surface 5oii Crack5 (B6) I _ 5parsely Veg�ated Concave Surface (68) ;1) �, Drair�ge Pattetns (810) °► living Rooi.s (C3) _ N1oss Trim Lines (Bl6) t (C�I) _ Dry-Season WBter TatKe (C2) TiNed SoNs (C6) ,_ CrayBsh BuRows {C8) _ SaEur�t� Vi�We an Ae.ria! imagery {C9? s) Stur�ed ar Stressed Plancs (01y � G�rnarphic Posdtion (D2) „_, Shalicwu Aquitard (D3) _ Nkcr�opographic Relief (D4) ,,,_ FAGNeutral Test (D5j Wettand Hydrology Present? Yes ,�,,,_ No U5 Army Corps of Engin�rs � Eastern Mountains and P�dmo� - Version 2.0 11�G�TATION (�ive Strata} — Use sci�c names of Tr� traq.�n (Piot size� ) , 1. , 2. , 3. , a. 5. � 6. , 50% of total cover: 20Rb oi t Sa i� S�atum (Plot size: 1 1. i 4 5096 ot total cover. �D96 � t Strrub Suatum {Ptot size: ) 1. 5096 ot total cover. 2A96 of t (Plot size: � � � ) � . � *i13 /�1� Pivl f 13 _�.� 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. e. 9. 10. 11. 5056 oi total cwer. 285�6 d t �r�y vine �tratum ip�o� size: } i. 5046 of tcKa! cover: 20% a( t r5 here a on a seRarBee sheet. us army corps or erx�ineers Santpting POir1t• wt► d� �►� p-t staurs Nurttber of Daninant species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: � iA) Totnl Number of pomir�nt Species Across AU Stt�ta: Percent of Qorernant Species That �re 08L, �ACW, or FAC � tB) � • ta�e� al Cover - ---------- ------- ---------- Tata! % Cover af: Mukiolv bv: cover: pgL species x 1= � FACW species x P . FAC speties x � � FACU s}�ci� x 4 = UPL speaes x S = Golumn Totais: (Aj (�) Prevalence Index = BIA = al Cover Hydrophyt� VageAation indicetors: cover 9• Repici iest tar Hydrophytic Vegetation � 2 - Dominance Test is >5096 ' 3- Prevafence Index is s3.d' 4 - Mcxphological Adaptations' (Provide supporting data in Rem�ks or on a separate sheet) Prablematic Hydraphytic ve�taaon' (E�Ia�) 'Irxi�atas o( hydnc soii and wetland hydrology must be present. unless disturbed a problemapc. �1 COv+F� pe,���s of Five Vegetation Strata: Cover: Tree - Wupdy p18M5, BxCkrdir� woody ving5, �appraximatety 2Q ft(6 m) or more in hea�ht and 3 in. (7.6 cm} or larger in diameter at Ixeast f�ight (DBN). Sapling - Wa�dy plarMs. exae�ding wooay �es, approximatety 20 ft(6 m) or more in height arxi I�ss thh�n 3 in. (7.6 cm) DBH, ShruD - Woody plsrrcs, e�ccWd(ng woody vines. c apprwcimateFy 3 to 2o ft(7 to 6 m) in height. Herb - AII herbaCeous f�n-waady) �ants. indud�g herbacenus v�es, regardless of size, arxi wuody plants. except waody vtnes, less thari approximately 3 ft (1 m) in t�eight. Woody v� - AII woody vir�s, regaMless ot height. Cover cover: al Cov� VYdroP�Y� / cover: Pre�tn? Yes ✓ No Eastsm Mountaa"v�s and P�drrwru - Version 2.0 � � - � ,�; • ' �r.,r . a � a � _� �eA - w•, u�•� � � .•. 11.� I � / � � �� Hy�ic Sail Indicators: _ Hi�osol (A1 j _ Hist� Epipedon (A2) _ Btack M�dc (A3� _ Hyckogen Su�ide W4) _ SErat�ied lnyers (A5) _ 2 cm Muck {A1Q) (E.RR f� _ Depieteti Below Dark Surf�ce (A11 j _ Thick Da�k Sur(�e (At2) _ Sendy Mi�ky M'rn@r81 iS1} (L.RR N, M�,RA t�T, 7� _ Sandy Gie�!d Metrix {S4) _ Sandy Redox (SS) _ Stry�ped Matrix (S6) Restriative Le7er (if ot�serve�j: Type: Depth Cmches}; _ Dark S�utace (S7) tu _ Poiyvalue Beinrv Surf�E i _ Tt�rt Dark Surtace (S9} pN laam� Gleyeti AAgtrix tF2) j� Oeplested hAatrix (F3) , Retbx D�rk S�fiace (F6) _ ���tted [�'k St�rfBCe tF � „_ Redox Depressiatti5 {F�) _ tra�-Mangartes�e Masses ( MI.RA 138) _ Umbric Surtace (F131 M� _ �iedmait Fioodpla�in Soils _ Red Parertt Mstetiai (F21) cx Sampiing Poin� wa �3� Texture Si, i l�f � � �(+� � ,, ' _ 2 Cm MuCk (A10) (Mi.RA 147) (NIIRA 14?, 148) _ Coast Prairie Redax (A16) 1147.1A8) (AALRA 147,14� _ Pi�drru�t FIoOCi�ein So�s (F19) (MLRA 136.14� _, Very Shalbw Oark Surface (TF12) _ Other {Explain in Remarlcs) 2) (LRR N, 13B, 122) 9) (MLRA 148} .RA 127, 147) � 'incbcators of hyck�phytic vegetation and wetlarx! hydroEogy must tx+ present. unless disturbed a proE�ematic. HydriC Soit Rrese�t? Yes � No US Army Corps W Engineers � East�rn Mountains arxi Piedr�nt - Version 2A WETLAND DETERMiNATtON DATA FQRM -�astem Mourrtains and PiedmoM Region P%j�cusice: l�l StiO3 cay�ca4 Ap��anUOwner: C�0 investigaior(s}: T� �ttialE lan�orm {MIt�, terrace, etc.): � I Ls(�vsr Locai reief Sulxegio►t (LRR or N R�� 130C� LaL _3(0. Za S��: Soil Mep Unit Neme: cS � T�' S Av.tv d1� K� AM I S� 30'/. Are climaac ! hydr+�agic conditions on dYe site rypical for Ehis time of year? Yes Are Vegetat�On _`L, Soil r � , or Hydro�gy �_,�„__ sig�ficantly dist�abe �re vegetat�n I`� . soi� N. or Hydrotogy naauai�j probiematic SUMMARY OF FIN�INGS - Attach site Hydrophy6c Vegetation Present? Yes Wydric Soi Preseru? Yes Wetland HY��9Y Present? Yes Remarks: �b , ` � IIeYHAnI I 1 �� � I �U[ ) HYDROLOGY _„_ Surface Waier (A1} _, Hi� Water Table {A2) _ Saturaiion iA3) _ W�er Marks (61) _ Sediment Depostts (621 _„_ Drift Deposi[s {83) _ Algai Mat or Crust (B4) _ Iron Oepos��s-�85� showing No No� No _ True AquaGc Piants (81 ,,,,_ Hydrogen Sulfide Qdor _ Oxidized Rhizaspt�eres _ Preserxe of Reduced Ir 12ecent t edc�i oi�n i � �in AAuck Sur[ace (C7) _ dther (Exptain in Remai � Inu Y'rsib[e q� Aeriallmagery (67} _,,,_ �er•Stained LeeVes (63) � Aquetit feURB f813) Field UbSeNat�ts: Surface Water Present? Yes No � DepEh (inchesj: Water Table Pres�t? Yes No � depth (inches}: Satu�ation Preseru? Yes No � Depch (inches}: Data (stream ga�, photos, aDOtJ+E.� WA�1PtUb�+ Sampting Date. �0 I5 State: N�� Samplirx,� Point: �� 3 t�P �li�, RAM,j@: I `.n� �rJ ����`_ �cave,�nane): C.,,.�►-�C Stope (9F,): s Y i �ong: - c' � ( y_� '� s—; Datwn� _ w l7 J� o Ge � Nw� ctessiec�t�a,: Nf� � Mo pf no, explain in Remarks.y Are "Normal C�rcumstances" �xesenE? Yes � No {i! needed, explain amr ansrwers in RemarksJ paint locations, transects, importani features, etc. tF� Sampled Araa thin a Wetland7 Yes No _,_� livir�g f2oois Tiped Soils (Cfi) _ Surface 5oii Cracks (B6j _.._ S�arsety vegeta ncave Surtace (B8) _,,,_ Drai ttems (B10I _ ss Trim Lines (B16) _ Dry-Season Water Tal�e (C2) _ G�r��sh Burrows iC8} � SatursCion Visible on Aeriai imagery (C9) _ Sturu� or StreSsed Piarxs (Dtj _ Geornwphic Position {D2) _ Shalloar AquRard (Q3) _,,,_ Nkcrotopographic Reliet {p4) _ FAC-Ne�rat Test (D5) Wettand Hydrology Present? Yes No v US Army Corps of Enginesrs � Eastern Mounta�s and Pieclnx� - Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Fi� Strata} — Us+� sciertitific t�ames o# Tr�Str�atu�m (Pbt size: ,� � ) ��!'LLS'r� . 1. � '' � 2. �/ a I! � �. � 3. 4. 5. 6. �� ' 509b oi total cover. I� 2096 af E ,S� b'{�,pg Stratum (Plot size: ) 2. J 50% ot total cover: 2d'% ot , Shrub S a m(Piot size: ��7 � ) ,. I�k.o��� Mxx�►��u `f"� 2. 3. 5. 6. 5096 of total couer: �R6 of ���, Pk>t size: I r ) kt , . � - � ��,�, �o z. ' I � 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Waodv Vine Stratum (Ptot size: 1. 2. 3.,..�...., a. 5. us army Caps of engi�ers � � � _ 5096 of tatal cover. 1��� 2d95 of U 0 5t1°k of total cover. _ rs here or on a separ8te zo� a � Sam�ling P�rrt: w�� �'� Status Number ot Dominant Species �� � That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: �_ (A) � r-� Totnl Number pf Dorniru��t Species Across AI� Strata: � (B) Petcent af Darmr�anE S�pecieS � �'n • That Are OBI, �ACW, or FAC: ��� �(At6) ai Cover Prevstence index wackst�eet: Total 96 cover of: Mukidv bv: COvfx:� QBl Spe�cies x 1 g FACW species x 2 = � FAc spect�s 3 D x�_ �' O FACU 5peci� � x 4 =� UPL species x S =�� Column Totak�: � � 0 (A) (B) Rreva�ence mdex � B�A = 3 ��1 � � ai Cover Hvd�hYtic Veraetatiam irxiicsturs: I cavar: _ 1- Rapid 7est for Hydrophytic Vegetati4n 2 - Dominance Test is >5096 ✓�-�,C v, _ a- Prevalence ��dex is s3.o' 4 - Morpholog'scal Adaptatior►s' (Provide wpporting data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) Problematic HydropMytic Ve�tation' (Expia�) 'Ind�ators oi hyckic sail and �tland hydrobgy must be presern. tmiess disturbed or problernatic. Cover al cover: Tree - Wdady plan[s. exclsufing ►vaody vines, / approximstely 20 ft(6 m) or rta�e in height and 3 in. '�/ �u� (7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at lxeast f�t (OBH). v -�� Sapling - Wc�ody plarus. cxduding wpody v�tes, approxim�eiy 20 ft(6 rn} or �re � heighi and less th�► 3 in. (7.6 Cm) DBH. 5hrub - Woady plarns, exchidi� vyoody vf�s, approximatety 3 to 20 ft{1 to 6 m) in heigM. Herb - AII he�bac�s tncm-wopdy) plants. indud�g heri�aceous vines, regardless af size, and woody pl�ts, except woody vines,less than approximately 3 ft (1 m) i� t�eigM, 1 Woody v�e - All woody vines, regaMless of he�jht. � .� al Cover VYdroPh��i� cover: P�t7 Yes No " Eastern Mouraatt�s snd Piedmoru - Versipn 2.0 SUiL P�iie Descr�tion: (Desscride to the deptn needea co aocurnenc u,e i �P� it�I�f�iL Redox feature� (inchesl � Co�r tr►x�isU � U -1� u 'Type: C=Concerqrtati�, D=pet�tion, I Ftydric Sail I�icattxs: _ Hista5al (A1) ,,,! Hist� Epipedon (A2) _ BiaCk Histic (A3} — yY�'n9� Su�lde (A4) � Sttatified Layers (A5) _ 2 cm Muck tA10} (LRR N) _ Depleted BeFow Uark 5urface (Ai1) �,,,,, Thick Qark Surta�e (Ai 2) _ 5antly M�Ky Niineral (S1 } (�RR N, ML.RA 1A7, 1t8j _ Sandy Gteyed Matr6c (S4) _ Sarxiy Rcdox (S5} _ Str�ped Matrix (S6) Type: Depth {i�ches); a Sampling Poin� A ,� � Teactuc� � f� l..;s� u �(�ti 3rain5. xl.oc�tion: PL-F'ote Linin�, M=MFaVix. IndiCatorS for ProbletlfettiC FtydriC SC _ Dark Surface (S7) _ Polyvalue Bek1w S��face ()(MLRA 147. 1 � Thin D�rk Surface (S9j p1A RA t�7,1�8) _ loamy Gdeyed MaVix (F2) _ Depiei�i NfBVix iP3? _ Redox Dark St�face (F6� _ De�eted Q�'k St�6aCe (F _„_ Redox Depressians t�@) _ iron-Mengar�se Mass�s ( 12) (t,RR N, MLRA 136? _ Urttbric S�r(a� (F13} pAL A 136, 122) _ Pi�cimoM Fl�dpiain Sais f 19) (MLRA 148) _ Rett P�etX tNateri� (F21j �RIA 127. 14T) _ 2 cm A+k�ck (A10j (MLRA 147) 48) _ Coast PrBi�ie Redox (A16) (M�RA 147, '148) _ PiedmW�t Fiooclplain 5aE5 (F1S) (MLRA 138.1477 _ Very Shallaw Dark Sariace (TF12j _ Ocher (Expia�n in Rematks} 'indicatnrs o[ hydraphytic vegetation and wetland hydrdogy r�st be present. unless disturb�d or prc�err�atiC. HydriC Soii Prese�t? Yes No �,_ US Army Corps of Engineers � Eastern Mour�tains arxi Pfe�nt - Versiai 2.0 m WE'fLAND DETERMINATtON DATA FORM -�astern Mourtitains and Piedmont Region 1�✓� O� Wt�' Project/Site: �(S�L'13 GdytCsn apptk�vawner: T 1���u�m�Cs�� Sm ��rr+,. �r -r+-+ A�nn� se�non. la�dform (hNisk�pe, terrace, etc.j: /l�v+� �, ,_ Local reiet Sulxec�cm (LRR o LR )� �3� g l.at: 3l0 � 2o�Z37 Soil Map Unit Name: ,�� - 1ADDR�l�E1�1"�5 �..p A�{ Are C�imaGc / hydr+�og� Conditia»5 n the 5ite typicai fo-r/ t�s tnne ot year? Yes are vegeca�an su�i �or rrydraogy N s�nii�antiy dist�be do Are Vegetafinn Soil _�� , or Nydro�gy �_ natura�}r proaematrc SUMMARY OF FINdINGS - Attach sit� map showing Hydrophytic Vegstatinn Prssent? Hydtic Soil Preserrt? Wetland Hycfroiogy Present? ��� b� � P��M HYDROLOGY ves `' No �, Yes ✓ No M Yes� No R��v»vr a rca . S}� ri c� � ��� �, Suriace Watt� (At) �, Hi� Watet T�le {A2) � Saturation (A3) _ Water Marks (B1) _ Sediment Deposits (62} ,_„ DriR Deposits (83) _ Algai Mat or crust (Ba} _, Iron Oepesits (Sb) _ Irrurxlaiion Visibte on AE*rial Imagery (B7} _ Water-Siained Leaves {B9) _ Aquatic Fauna (813) Surface Water Preserx? Water Tabfe PresenC7 Sawration Present? (inGudes capill�rv trinqel Describe Recorded Data Remark5: Yes �_ No Yes � No Y� _,p�,_ No 9a�• � True A�aGc PEarits t61 ,,,,_, H}xJrogen Suffide Qdcu � Oxidized Rhizos�teres _ Pres�ence c�f Reduced Ir _ Rar.�t Iron Reduction i _ Thin IN�cic Surface (C7) _ Other (Ex�lain in Remai Oepth (inches}: f! ' Depth ('mches}: � D�Exh (inches}: � y, cav� /W��aclh� sa�mp��ng oac�: � l� State: � Sampling Paint: W !J� w9��. , R�nge• NEIN Q.i �/t 1Z. �. Corrvex, none): CONC A�/`� Slope (96): L Z� Long: � / • [c� `IO � 1 Z �atum� �(N6-.S� .�f NWI classifi���� �dfi.i ��i1 �I/�%�' IH ✓ 1do (if no, expiain in emarksJ Are "Narmal Circumstances" present? Ye5 ✓ M1to (I! r�eded, ex�sin artyr arrswers in Remarics.) ing point locations, Vans�cts, importar�t featur�s, eic. tt�e S�npted A�a thin a Wetia�d? Yes � No - ��,�d �!-),� �,�T _ Surface Soil Cr�ks (B6) ! _ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface t�) :1) _„_ flrainage Panems (814) n Livir�g Roots (C3} _ Moss Trim Lirt�s {B76} � (C�I) �C Dry-Season Water Ta#�e (C2} Titled SoNs (C6) _ Crayfish Bunows (CS) _ Saturatian Yisible on A�ial Imagery {C8} s) Sturued w Suessed Pla►xs (01) OC G�morphic Posltion {D2} _ Shalicwv Aqu�aard (03) _ MiGr�opographic Relief (D4j _ FAC-Neutrai Test (D5) Wetlarxl Hydroloyy PreseM? Yes � No US Army Ccxps � Engine.ers � Eastern Mountains and PiedmoM - Verston 2.d VEGETATIOW (Five Stra�ta) — Use Scietttifi+G r�arrues of Tree Strat�r► (Plot size: ) � Gave� 1. 2. ��C 50% of kdal cover. Saeli{�g Stratum (Pbt size: ) 1. 2. 5Q% ofi total cover. Shrub Stratum (PicR size: ) 1. 2. 6. � Total Cover 2096 of ai cover Sampling Poirn: 1r�C��+� StaWs Numtter of Dorr►in�nt Spec�s � That Are OBI. �'ACW. ar FAC: (A) Totui Number of thrminont Sp�ies ACrosS AI1 Saata: {B) Percent of C}ominaM Species 1 That Are OBL, �'ACW, w FAC: I��J �(A!B} Tatai 96 Cover af: Mukiol�c bv: QBL Spec�es x 1 = FACW species x 2 = FAC speci�s x 3 � �' FACU species x 4 a UPL speraes x 5 = Cofumn Tatais: (A) (B) ffili�l Cover 2690 oi t{�tai covc�: 5U96 af tu{al caver: ZO% M t i �,wrb Suawm (Plot size: 5 ` } 1. %D 2. � b � SC tll � _�D 3. � 4. i�l � �_ _� 5. 6. 7. S. 9. 10. 11, 5046 at total caver. 24� ot t Woo Vine Stratum (Plot size: } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. � 50Ro of total cover. 2(}�b a[ �rs here � � a sspatate sh�eC.) i1S Army Corps � Engineers Prevalencelndex = B/A = 1- R��f 1`est !a Nydrapitytic Vegetation � Oominance Test is >SO% 3- Prevaler�ce Index is 53.0° _ 4- Morphologi�al Adsptations' tProvide wpp�ting data in Rem�ks a on a separate stx�et} _ i'rohlematic HydropttytiC Vegetatron' (Expla�} 'Indicators ot hyd�ic soi! artd wetland hydrolagy must be preserri. unle55 disturbed or pt�lematiC. �� �°v� Definitions of Five Vegetation Streta: i cover: Tree - Wqpdy piants, exciuding wood)r vines, approximateiy 2Q ft(6 m) or rteore in height and 3 in. ✓ � (7,6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast hei�t (DBH). '� -C�� Saplin9 - W�Y Giarxs, �d�a�„g wooctyy,��„es. ✓ �`+� approxim�eiy 2Q R(6 m) or rtrore in f�ight arxi tess � than 3 in. (7.6 cmj dBH. St�rub - Vlioody plarNs. excluding woody vin�s. ru approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to fi m) in heigM. Herb - AN t�asGaceais (non-waody) RFants. ir►duding herbaceous vin�s, r�rdless ot siae, arxl woody piarrts, except waody vines, less than approximately 3 ft (1 m) in heigM. Woody vine - Ail woody vines. regard�ss oi heigM. �I Cover crner H' �� Hydrophytic V�getation cover: PreserN? Yes No Eastern Mouruaa�s arxi Pie4monR - Versiai 2.0 SOiL Sampiing Point: ��` we-} Profile Description: (Describe to ttfe depth needed to �mern the ind t� a� catfam the absence of indicatorsJ Q�th Marrix (inchesl Cokx [�istl � Gaku frr�isU 96 Texture �„m ; ric . 6 _I'� o z s�� )wr►� Hydric Soii indicators: ,r Nistosol {A1) _ Histic Epipedon (A2) _ Biack HisNc (A3) _ Hyclrpgerr Su�ide (A4} _. Stratifiea lay�rs ias) _ 2 cr11 MuCk (A10) (lRR N) _ De�eted BeMw Dark Stu7ACe (A11) ,_ ihiCk Qaik SuA�e tAl2} _ 5andy Mt�Cky Nlineral tS1 }(L(tR N. MI.RA 1�T,10� _ Sandy Gieyed Matrix (54) _ Sarxiy Redox {S5) _ 5trq�ped Matrix CSB? Type: �epcn (�,a,�sr; us Am,y cc�Rs a er�g�e�ers _ Dark Surface {S7) _ Polyvelue Below SurfaCe I _ Tt�n Dark Su�face (S9) (M laamy Gieyed MaVix (F2) ✓De�lexed Mairix (f 3} _ Recbx Dark Surface (F6) , D8(�ed D�k St�fBCe (F � ,_ Redax Depressians {FS) _ lrat-M�ganese Masses ( MLRA 138j _ Utr►bric S�'face (f 13) (YiL _ Piecimcmt ft�dpE�in So�s _ Red Pa►etn Materiel (F21) l�r;aiors fca� Problematic Hydric 5c _ 2 cm hAuck (AtOy (MI..RA 1A� (MLRA 14T, 148) _ Coast Prarcie Redox (A16) i 147,1A� (MLRA 1�17.1d8) _ Piedm�t F�o«iplain sa�s (F'i8} (MLRA 136.14'n _ Very ShaE�w Dark Surface (TF12} _ pther (Expiain in Rerr►ahcs} 2) (LRR N, f36, 12z) 'inc�gtors ot hydraph}Ric vegetation and 9j (MLRA 148} w�tiand hydrology rriust be presseMM. RA 127,14� unt8ss disturbed ar prot�emat�. Hydric Soii Prese�t? Yes V No Eastern MourNair►s arui Piedmor�E - Verslon 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - ProjecUsite: IA�04 3 cicyJCou E►pplicanUowner. O T- Investigotor(s): �SGYL� T�-F , l4XlOM Section. Landform ('F��, terrace, etc.): hi II Local refet Subregion (LRRor It )� J.3a�5 Lat� �(p.2O�23 � Soil Map Unit Name: U� '(���i�ETltS �QMV4�i Are climatic 1 hydrologic conditioru on the site typical for this time oI year? Yes Are Vegetation iJ . Soil �_, or Hydrdogy N significantly distixbei Are Vegetation �� Soil 1`� , or Hydrolagy � naturatly problemat� SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing sam Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Fiydric Soil Preserri7 Wetland Hydrology Presertt? Remarks: HYDROLOGY Yes `� No Yes No_� Yes No� _ Surface Water (A7) _ High Water Table (A2) _ Saturation (A3) _ Wates Marks (81) _ Sediment Deposits (B2) _ Dri(t Deposits (63) _ Algel N18t or Crust (64) _ Iran Deposits (BS) _ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B _ Water-Stained Leaves (89) � � _ Aquatic Fauna (813} `� S�fate Water'Presen Water Table Present? Saturation Present? Yes Yes Yes gauge. _ True Aquatic Planls 161 _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor � _ Oxidized Rhizospheres _ Prese�e o( Reduced In _ Recent Iron Reduction ii _ Thin MuCk Surf�ce�(�7) _ Other_(��cptain in Remai No �� Qepth (inches): No X Depth (inches): No,� Depth (inches): Mountains and Piedmo�t Region �YU��1/�//�"i74v� Sampiing Date: 1p 1 1I� 1 1� �rT State: Q(� Sampting Poinr. -D i� m�ip. Range: N��/ P.l VA2 cave, cornex, none): G�"�� X Slope (%): �_ _ Long� --F'< < b9 03)7i �awm� Y1k�rS� NWI class�cation: N� _ No (If rro, explain in Remarks.) Are "Normal Circumstances` present? Yes � No (tf needed, explain any answers i� Remarks.) point locations, transects, important features, etc. the Sampled Area ✓ thin a Wetland? Yes No _ Surface Soil Cracks (66) _ Sparsely Vegeta� ave Surtace (68) ;1) _ Orai erns (B10) i Uving Roots (C3) _.. 1v�oss Trim lines (Bt6) i (C4) , _ " _ Dry-Season Water Table (G2) TiNe�Soils (C6) _ Cra�sh Burrows (C8) _ SaturaUon Visible on Aenallmagery 1C9) s) _ Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) _ Geomorphic Position (D2) _ Shallow Aquitard (D3) _ Micrntopographic Reliei (D4) _ FAC-Neutral Tes[ (D5) Wetland Hydrology Presern? Yes No US Army Corps of Engineers � Eastern Mountains and PiedmorK - Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata) - Use sciernific names of , . ......,._.,. ........ Tree SVaum (Pio size: 30 � ) 46 Cov� S_ i� , . � � � ,� 2. � ✓ 3. 4. 5. 6. Indicacor lus S�_ � � � = Total Cover 5096 oF total cover: � 2096 of tal cover:� Sanlinn Suatum (Plot size: 1 1. 2. 4 50% o( total cover 20% of Shrub Svat m (Plot,size: �S ` ) ,. � al� �� b 2. RO�(A �� 3. 4. 5. 6. �� . 50% of total crner. � 2Q96 of Her (Pbt size: S � r ) 1. � � 2. l � 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 50% of total cover. ____ 2096 of woody vine Stratum (Plot size: ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 50% of total cover. 20% of Rem�ks: (Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheetJ Total Cover cover: ✓ � Sampling Point: �� �'p Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL. FACW. or FAC: (A) Totnl Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: � (B) Percent of Dominant Species �j' That Are OBL, FRCW, or FAC: /" � J (A/B) Total 96 Cover of: Mu�inlv bv: OBL species x 1 a FACW species x 2 = FAC species x 3 = FACU species x 4 = UPL species �_ x 5 = Culurnn Tolals: (A) (B) Prevalence Index = B/A = Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 1- Rapid Test for Hydrophy[ic Vegetation � 2 • Dominance Test is >50% _ 3- Prevalence Index is 53.0' _ 4 - Morphological Adaptations' (Provide supporting data in Remarks or ai a separate sheet) _ Prablematic Hydrophyt� Vegetation' (Explain) 'Indicatas of hydric soil and wetland hydrobgy must be present, unless diswrbed or prob6ematic. Total Cqver Definitions of Five VegeWtian Strata: �tal cover: � `I' Tree - Woody plan[s, excluding woady v�nes. approximately 20 h(6 m) or more in height and 3 in. ✓ .� {7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH). Sapling - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in height and less than 3 in. (7.6 cmj DBH. 5hrub - Woody plants. excluding woody vines. approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m) m height. Total Cover cover: Total Cover cover: Herb - All herbaceous (non-woody) plarKs. induding herbaceous vines, regard�ss ot size, and woody plants, except woody vines. �ess than approximately 3 ft (1 m) in height. � Woody vine - All woody vines, regardless ot height. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No US Army Corps of Engineers � Eastem Mountains and Piedmont - Versi� 2.0 sa� to the death needed to Depth Mavix Redox Feature (inchesl r q Color (maist) �6 � � o Hydric Soil �dicators: _ Hi5I0501 (Al ) _ Histic Epipedon (A2) _ Black Histic (A3) _ Hydrogen Su�de (A4) _ Strati�ed Layers (AS) _ 2 cm MuCk (A10) (LRR f� _ Dep�eted Below Dark Surtace (Ai i) _ Thidc Dark SuNace (Al2) _ Sandy M�ky Mineral (S1) (LRR N, MLRA 147, 148) _ 5andy Gleyed Matrix (S4) _ Sandy Redox (S5) Stripped Matrix (S6) Resvictive Layer Cf observed): Type: DePth (inches): or Sampling Poin�W g �5 wj> Texture Remarks n lo�� _ Dark Surface (S7) _ Polyvalue Bebw Surface 8) (MLRA 147, 148) _ Thin Dar1c Suriace FS9) RA U7, 148) _ Loamy Gieyed Matrix (F2) _ De�eted MaVix (f'3) _ Redox Oark Surface (F6) _ De�eted Da�k Swface (F ) _ Redox Depressions (Ffi) _ Iron-Manganese Masses ( 12) (LRR N, MLRA 136) _ Umlxic Surface (F13) (ML A 136, 122) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 1,8) _ Red Parent Material (F21) (MLRA 127, 147) �naicacors ror Probiemat;c Hydric sa _ 2 cm I�ck (A10) (MLRA 147) _ Coast P�airie Redox (A16) (MIRA 147,148) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 136,14� _ Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) _ Other {ExpiBin in Remarks) 'Indicators of hydrophyt� vegetation and wetland hy�ology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydric Soil Presentl Yes No � US Army Corps of Engineers � Eastem M1Aountains ar�d Piedmorx - Version 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM -�astem Mountains and Piedmont Region Projecusite: L[Sb0_� city�co ty: B0a/VF�IN�l1?4GCt�q sampling �ate: 4� �'s _ ApplicanUOwner State: � Sampling Point: bs Ya� Investigator(s): �Q Section, � Range: f'O La�dform (hilislope, terrace, e[c.): S�]K Local reief �, cornex, none): � P Slope (96): L 2r Subregion (lRR or L�)� 1308 Lat� , 2 Long: '�l • 705—! (D � Datum: Soil Map Unit Name: — NWI class�cation: k Are Climatic / hydro,b/gic conditio�u on the site typiCal tor this time of year? Yes ✓ No pf no, explain in Remarks.) / Are Vegetation /Y . Soil n , or Hydroloyy it/ significantly distur ? Are "Normai Circumstances" present? Yes ✓ No Are Vegetation �,, Soil ,�, or Hydrobgy,�� naturally problemat' ? pt needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes '� No � Hydric Soil PreseM? Yes ✓ No � Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes � No Remarks: �u�G �TS�, h��l� Ilh� IV�p�lj�� j %QNr1+ HYDROLOGY � Surface Water (A1) ,� High Water Table (A2) � Sawration (A3) _ Waier Marks (61) _ Sediment Deposits (82) _ DriR Deposits (B3) _ Algal Mat or Crust (64) _ Iron �eposits (BS) _ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) _ Water-Stained Leaves (89) _ Aquatic Fauna (B13) Field Observations: Swface Water Presern? Yes � No Water Table Present? Yes K No Saturation Present? Yes _� No Rem�'ks: _ True Aquatic Plants IBl _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor � Oxidized Rhizospheres _ Preser�e ot Reduced Ir _ Recent Iron Reduction ii _ Thin Muck Surface (C7) _ Other (Ex�ain in Remai Depth (inches): D ' Depth (inches): b Oeplh (inChes): � Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, point locations, transects, imponant features, etc. the Sampled l4rea thin a Wetlandl d� 5����, Yes � No _ Surface Soil Cracks (B6) i _ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (BS) ;1) _ Drainage Patterns (B10) i Living Roots (C3) _ Moss Trim �ines (676) � (C4) _ Dry-Season water rable (C2) Tilled Soils (C6) _ CrayCsh Bunows (C8) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) s) _ Stunted or Saessed Plants (D1) _ Geomorphic PosiUon (02) _ Shallow Aquitard {D3) ,,� Microtopographic Relief (D4) _ FAC-Neutral Test (D5) WeUarxl Hydrology Present? Yes � No inspections), it available: US Army Corps of Englneers � Eastern Mountains and PiedmorN - Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five SVata) - Use scier�tific names of p�ants. Tree Stratum (Plot size: ) % Cover 1. � �— 2. � 3. d � 5. � / 6. d 50% of total cover: Saaling SVatum (Plot size: 1 1. 3 4 5 6 5096 of total cover: 2096 of f Shrub vawm (Plot size: �S � l 1. �,r,,, :S /A��dnq�sLV�tln.9LS /'O 2. 3. 4. 5. - - 50% of total cover. 20% of Herb Svatum (Plot site: .5 << ) � . Nk � 2- _�� 3. _�, 4. � � 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. '�S 50% of rotal cover: 3? ,S 209b of Waody Vine Suatum (Plot size: ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 50% of total cover: _ rs here w an a separate Sampling Point: 5 -� Status I Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL. FACW, or FAC: � (A) Total Number of Domintmt Species Across All Svata: (B) Percent of Dominant Species ' That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: � a(A!B) al Cover • ---------- ------- -- Total 96 Cover of: A�kiolv bv: cover: OBL s�cies x 1= FACW species x 2 = FAC species x 3 = FACU species x 4 = UPL species x 5 = CoNnm Totals: (A) (B) Prevalence Index = BIA = =�Total Cover d cover: �- Rapid Test far Hydrophytic Vegetation 2 - Dominance 7est is >50% ✓ �V _ 3- Prevalerice Index is s3.0' a - Morphologicat Adaptations' (Provide supporting data in Remarks or ai a separate sheel) Problematic Hydrophy[ic Vegetation' (Explain) 'Indicators o( hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Total Cover Definitions of Five Vegetation Svata: �i cover: Tree - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in heigM and 3 in. ��� (7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH). � Sapling - Woody plants, excludi�g woody vir�es. ✓ �C W approximately 20 k(6 m) or more in hei�t and less rs, ,�� than 3 in. (7.6 cm) DBH. � Total Cover ual cover:�� Total Cover 20% of tj�tal cover. Shnib - Woody plants, excluding woody vines. approximately 3 to 2o ft(1 to 6 m) in heiyht. Herb - All herbaceous (non-woody) plaMs. includw►g herbaceous vines, regardless o( size, and woody plants, except woody vines, Iess than approximately 3 h (1 m) in heigM. Woody vine - All woody vines, regardless oi height. Hydrophytic Vegetation � Present? Yes No US Army Caps of Engineers � Eastern Mountains and Piedmoru - Versian 2.0 SOIL to the depih needed to Depth Matrix Redox FeaWr� i r 96 Coior lmoistl �_ ('I" 0 Hytlric soi� h,dicacors: _ Histos0l (A7) _ HistiC Epipe�n (A2) _ 81ack Hisdc (A3) _ Hydrogen Su�ide (A4) _ Strat�ed Layers (A5) _ 2 cm Muck (A10) (LRR N) _ DP.pleted BelOw Dark Surface (A11) _ Thidc Oark Surface (Al2) _ Sa�dy Mucky Mineral (51) (LRR N, MLRA 147, 148) _ Sandy Gleyed MaVix (S4) _ Sandy Redox (SS) Sttopped MaVix (S6) Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches): Remarks: _ Dark Sur(ace (S7) _ Polyval� Bebw Surface ( _ Thin Dark SuAace (S9j (M loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) �De�eted MaUix (F3) _ Redox Dark SuAace (F6) _ Depleted Dark S�xface (F � _ Redox Depressiais (FE) _ Iron-Manganese Masses ( e MLRA 136) _ Umbric Surface (F13) (ML _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils � Red Parent Mate�ial (F21) or Sampling Point: Wt 5 � Texture R rks �t uR ►'y Indicators for Problematic Hydric Sa _ 2 cm Muck (A10) (MIRA 147) (MLRA 147, 148) _ Coasi Prairie Redox (Al6) 1147, 14� (MLRA 147,148) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soits (F19) (IWLRA 136,14� _ Very Shalbw �ark Surface (TF12) _ Other (Explain In Remarks) 12) (LRR N, 136, 122) 31nd�atas of hydrophytic vegetation and 9) (MLRA i18) wetland hycNotogy �st be present. _RA 127, 147) unless diswrbed a problematic. Hydric Soil Present7 Yes � No US Army Corps of Engineers � Eastem Mountains and Piedmont - Version 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINA7'ION DATA FORM - ProjecUSite: U S �BU3 City/Co� ApplicanUOvmer: Investigntor(s): SNLI'Tti � 1�/�XI OM Section, Landiorm (hilislope, terrace, etc.): �la� Locai re�ef Subregion(LRRo�)� �.�8 �at: 3/0� ZO7��I � Soil Map Unit Name: �' ii��OR-Ti'�ET1'15 �pAM� Are climatic ! hydrd ic conditions on the site typical f this Gme of year? Yes Are Vegetation Soil �, or Hydrology � signif�cantly disturbe Are Vegetation Soil �, or Hydrology _� naturaily problematH SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes Hydric Soil Preserri? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Remarks: `��l'1�I:Z�I��Z� Hydrology Indicators: _ Surface Water (A7) _ High Water Table (A2) _ Saturation (A3) _ Water Marks (61) _ Sediment Deposits (62} _ �itt Deposits (B3) _ Algal Mat or Crust _ Iron �e�p 'a!S( 5� �ncfation Visibfe on Aerial fmagery (67) _ Water-Stained Leaves (89) _ Aquetit Feuna (613) Surface Water Present? Yes _ Water Table Present? Yes _ Saturation Present? Yes _ (includes capillary frinqe) Describe Recaded Data (stream gauge. Remarks: Mountains and Piedmont Region �00/V� �%l//�-ll� 1i �'1� Sampling Date: � � State: LVl.._ 5ampling Point: 1�L D � Ranae: R�►,� �D� ,,ear v, none): �/%�i'-'�iC sloPe c96): L 21 , �ong� - �l • 7a �llo l oatum� `I/�J�i NWI cfassification: /�//l No (If no. e�iain in Remarks.) Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes �No (I( needed, explain srty answers in Remarks.) ing point locations, transects, important features, etc. � I the Sampled Area No—�— ithin a Wetland? Yes No ✓ No� _ True Aquatic Plants IBl _ Hydragen Sulfide Odor _ Oxidized Rhizo�ppef�5 �t Iron Reduction i _ Thin Muck Surface (C7) _ Other (Explam in Remai No '� Depth (inches): No _ ✓i Depth (inches): No � Qepth (inches): well, aerial photos, I _ Sparsely Vegetated C�cave Surface (68) ;1 _ Drainage Patterns (610) n Living Roots (C3) _ Moss Trim Lines (616) � (C4) _ Dry-5eason Water Table (C2) Ti�led Soils (C6) _ Cra�sh Burrows (C8) _ Saturation Visibte on Aerial Imagery (C9) s) _ Swnted or Stressed Plants (D1) _ Geomorphic Position (D2) _ Shallow Aquitard (D3) _ Microtopographic Reliei (D4) _ FAC-Neutral Test (D5) WeUand Hydrology Present? Yes No � US Army Corps of Engineers � Eastem Mountains and Piedmorx - Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata) - Use scientific names af Tree Stratt^n (Plot si e: ��U � f ) % Covet ,.�b�m�K ,�s �� z. 3. 5. 6. , 5096 of total cover. 2d96 of Sauling Siratum (Plot size: ) 1. -� � 5096 0( total cover: Shrub SVatum (Pla size: 1 �. 3 4 6 Sampling Pant: 'W [ �5 vp Ind�ator pominance Test waksheet: Status Number of Dominant Species 'iA-( u That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Q (A) Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Svata: (B) Percent ot Dominant Species / '' Tha[ Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: C� �(A!B) al Cover �evalence Index worksheet: Total 96 Cover of: Mutinlv bv: COV�: OBL species x 1= FACW species x 2 = �— FAC species z 3 = FACU species x 4 = UPL species x 5 = Colwnn TUIaIS: (A) (B) Prevalencelndex = B/A = =1Total Cover 2096 of t tal cover. _ �- Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation 2 • Dominance Test is >5096 3- Prevalence Index is 53.0' 4 - Morphofogical Adaptations' (Provide supporting data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) Problematic Hydro�ytic Vegetation' (E�lain) 50% of total cover. 2096 of Her m(Piot size: 5 r ) � `/J� 2. 1 � C. 5 1 N�Nr-• �_ 3. � a —�L 4. 7�I�D � l � _� rJ. KG� V\.G�J AS 'S1i'r I.A.�- ^ � .�_—� 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. -ITotal Cover n cover: Tree - Woody plants, excludir►g woody vines. approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in heigM and 3 in. — (7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH). � � Sapling - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, � approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in height and less �' � r,� than 3 in. (7.6 cm) DBH. -�1-'.. " ✓ � Shrub - Woody plants, excluding woody vines. aPproximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m) in hei9ht. � � = Ta�.al Cover 5()96 of total cover: � 2096 � t tal cover: � Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 50% of total cover: 2096 af photo numbers here or on a separate sheet.) US Army Corps of Engineers -ITotal Cover caver. Herb - All herbaceous (rwn-woody) plants, including herbaceous vi�es, regardless o( size, and waody plants, except woody vines, less than approximately 3 ft (1 m) in height. Woody vine - All waody vines, regardless of height. Hydrophytic VegeEation Present? Yes No� Eastern Mournains and Piedmorn - Version 2.0 SOIL to the deplh needed to Depth Matrix Redox Feature (inches) r � Cobr (moist► � � D=Deoletion. RM=Reduced Hydric Soil k�dicators: _ Histosol (Al) _ htistic Epipedon (A2) _ Black Histic (A3) _ Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) _ Stratified Layers (AS) _ 2 cm Muck (A10) (LRR N) _ Depleted Below Dark Surface (Ai i) _ TF�dc Da�k Surtace {Al2) _ Sandy M�ky Mineral (S1) (LRR N, MLRA 147, 148) _ Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) _ Sandy Redox (S5) Stripped Matrix (S6) ResVicti�re Leyer Cf observe�: Type: Depth (inches): _ Dark Surface (S7) _ Potyvalue Bebw Su�face I _ Thin Dark Surface (S9) (M _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix (f2) _ Depleted Mavix (f3} _ Redox �ark Surface (F6) _ Depleted Dark Surtace (F ; _ Redox Oepressi�s (FS) _ Iron-Manganese Masses ( MLRA 136) _ Umbr� Surtace (F13) (ML _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils _ Red Parent Material (F21) Or Sampling Point: w� 5 +-P ;rains. `LocaGon: PL=Pore Lininq, M=Malrix. Indicators for Problematic Hy�ic Sc _ 2 cm Muck (A10j (MLRA 147) (MLRA 1�7, 748) _ Coast Prairie Redox (A76) i 14i. 148) (MLRA 147.148) _ Piedmont Floodplain Sals (F19) (MLRA 136, 147) _ Very Shalbw Dark Surface (TF12) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) 12) (LRR N, 136, 122) 'Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and 9) (MLRA 148) wetland hydrdogy must be present, _RA 127, 14T) unless disturbed or problematic. Hydric Soil Present? Yes No � US Army Carps of Engineers � Eastern MouMains and Piedmont - Version 2.0 WETLAND DETERMiNATION DATA FORM - ProjecUsite: IA_S/i 03 CrtylCou ApplicanVOwner: Investgntor(s): SM /77-1 ./�E / 7i / /4X�/d M Secti� Landform (hillsbpe, terrace, etc. }: 1y��Nir*'C �11po �-�'�yl Local re�ef Subregion (LRR �): 13c'Z. B Lat: 3(o • Zo7CJ j`� So,� �,,eP �� Ne�: ��d- u�,�-�-5 ��.�, Are climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for his time oi year? Yes Are Vegetation,�� Soil �L, or Hydrobgy � sgnificantly disturbe� Are Vegetation �p,L, Soil ��, or Hydrology _� naturally problemat� Mountains and Piedmont Region ay: �oONE �1�/�4Tt� u t� Sampling Date: ��r— State: N� Sampling Point: wD-o� •�•L �, rza�ye: BRvS#V Fvi2.� �or�ave.cornex, none): <dr� l*�r� Slope (%): L � Long� -�I � 70�i(i/ � Datum� 6s 8�i NWI class�cation: No (if no, explain in Remarks.) ? Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes ✓ No (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing samp,ing point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytit Vegetation Present? Hydric Soil Presern? Wetland Hydrology Present? Remarks: HYDROLOGY Yes `� No Yes `� No Yes ✓ No _ Surface Water (A1) � High Water Table (A2) X Sawration (A3) _ Water Marks (61) _ Sediment Deposits (B2) _ Drift Deposits (63) _ Algal Mat or Crust (B4) _ Iron Deposits (B5) _ Inu�ation Visible on Aerial Imagery (87) � Water-Stained Leaves (B9} _ Aquatic Fauna (B13) SuAace Water Present? Water Table Present? Saturation Present? _ True Aquatic Planls IB1 _ Hydrogen Sulfde Odor � ,�, Oxidized Rhizospheres _ PreSence ot ReduCed Ir _ Recent Iron Reduction ii _ Thin Muck Sur(ace (C7) _ Other (Explain in Remai Yes No K Depth (inches): Yes _ '� No Depth (inches): Yes _� No Depth (inches): gauge. the Sampled Area t/ thin e Wettand? Yes No _ Surtace Soil Cracks (B6) i _ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surtace (68) ;�) � Drainage Patte�ns (Bto) i Living Roots (C3) _ Moss Trim Lines (816) � (C4) _ Dry-5eason Water Table (G2) Tilled Soils (C6) _ Cra�sh Burrows (C8) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) s) _ Stunted or Suessed Pla►us (D1)" ,�' Geomorphic Position (D2) _ Shallovy Aquitard (D3) _ Microtopographic Relief (D4) � FAGNeutral Test (D5) ✓ WeUand Hydrology Present? Yes No US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and PiedmorN - Version 2.0 \ VEGETATION (Five Strata) - Use sciernific names ot � Absolute Tree Siratum (Plot size: ) 9y �Qyg� 1. � 2. 5 = Total Cover 5096 of total co+rer: 2U96 0( Saolinq SVatum (Piot size: 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5096 of total cover. 20% of Shrub Stratum- (Plot size: /� �r ) � .�L,�. )o 6. 5096 ot total cover. 2096 of Herb SVatum (PIo[ ize: .5 � ) 1. �1Y� � 2. Jr+ f 1 D 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. � Sb% of total cover: '1 S 2096 af Woody Vine SUatum (P1ot size: ) 1. 2. / 4 - 50% of total cover. 2096 � iarks: (Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheet.) US Army Corps of Engineers Sampling Poinr. IN� 0`�' Muc�f Dominance Test worksheet: Number of Dominant Species � That Are OBL. FACW, or FAC: (A) Total Number of Domiruint 2 Species Across Ail Strata: (B) Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FaC: � � (A!B) Total % Cover of: Mukinlv bv: CO"�: OBL speCies x 1= FACW species x 2 = �� FAC species x 3 = FACU species x 4 = UPL species x 5 = Colurnn Totals: (A) (B) Prevalence Index = BJA = Total Cover I cover: —/� • Rapid Test Ior Hydrophytic Vegetation �� 2 • Dominance Test is >50% � �� _ 3- Prevalence Index is 53.0' a - nnorphological Adaptations' (Provide wpponing data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) � Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain) 'Indicat�s of hydric soil and wetland hydrobgy must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Total Cover Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: ��� COVe�' Tree - Woody plants, excluding woady vines. a�roximately 20 h(6 m) or more in height and 3 in_ ✓ �1LW (7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH). Total Cover ital cover.,�_ Total Cover cover: Sapling - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in height and less than 3 in. (7.6 cm) DBH. Shrub - Woody plants. excluding woody vines. approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m) in hegM. Herb - All herbaceous (non-woady) pla�5, including herbaceous vines, regardless of size, and woody plants, except woody vines, less than approximately 3 fl (1 m) in height. Woody vine - All woody vines, regardless of height. HydrophytiC VegeWtion Presertt? Yes v No Eastem Mountains and Piedmorx - Version 2.0 SOIL to the depth Depth Matrix (inches) Color (mastl 96 b �`i 0 �� �_ � D=Deoietion. RM=Reduced Hydric Soil Indicators: _ Histosol (At} _ Histic EpipeAon (A2) _ BlaCk HIStiC (A3) _ Hydrogen Suifide (A4) _ Stretifiect LeyerS (A5) _ 2 cm Muck (A10) (LRR N) _ Oepleted Below Dark SuAace (A11) _ Thick Dark Surface (Al2) _ Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) (LRR N, MLRA 147, 118) _ Sandy Gleyed MaVix (S4) _ Sandy Redox (SS) Strq>ped MaVix (S6) Restrictive Layer (if obsenred): Type: Depth (inches): Sampling Point: WD- � yv� � % ' Lo •c` Texwre m rk S�l ua h �, T�� _ Dark Surface (S7) _ Polyvalue Below Surface I _ Thin Dark Sur(ace (S9) (M _ Loamy Gieyed MaUix (F2) ✓Depleted MaUix (f3) _ Redox Dark Surface (F6) _ Qepleted Dark Surtace (F; _ Redox Depressions (FE) _ iron-Mangar►ese Masses ( MLRA 136j _ Umbric Surtace (F13) (ML _ Piedmont floodplain Sals _ Red Parent Material (F21) Indicators tor Problematk Hydric Sc _ 2 cm Muck (A10) (MIRA 147) (MLRA 1�7, 146) _ Coast Prairie Redox (A16) � 1�7, 148) (MLRA 147, 1A8) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 136, 14n _ Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) 12} (LRR N, 136, 122) 'Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and 91 (MLRA 118) wetland hydrology rtwst be present. JtA 127, 147) unless diswrbed or problematic. Hydric Soil Preserrtl Yes � No US Army Corps of Eru,�ineers I Eastern Mountains and Piedmont - Versiai 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATiON DATA �ORM - ProjecUshe: 11��p03 ciiylCoi ApplicanVOwr�r. Investigator(s): s'M l7}l r� IQXrO'YY'� Secnon Landform (hiilsbpe, terrace. etc.): [T(�S,laoP Locai refef �� Subregion (LRR o�A : ���8 �at� 3�0 �20 �3`I Soil Map Unit Name: u�" �A��i�fTS �Oh"(V�� Are climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site rypical for this time of year? Yes Are Vegetation �, Soil _�, or Hydrology (� significantly disturbe Are Vegetation �� Soil �, or Hydrology _� naturally problematu SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing samp Nydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes Hydric Soil PreserN? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes Remarks: HYDROLOGY _ Surface Water (A1) _ High Water Table (A2) _ SaWration (A3) _ Water Marks (B1) _ Sediment DeposiEs (82) _ Drift Deposits (63) _ Algal Mat or Crust (B4) _ Iron Deposits (BS) _ Inundation VisiWe a�Ceria _ Water- � d Leaves (89) _ adc Fauna (B13) Field Observations: Surface Water Preserx? , Water Table Present? Saturation Presen[? No � No� No _ True Aquatic Plants IB1 _ Hydrogen Sutfide Odor _ Oxidized Rhitospheres _ Presence at Reduc�.N �n Muck Su�tace (C7) Other {Explain in Remai I Imac�ry (67) Yes No 0� Depth (inches): Yes No � Depth (inches): Yes No � Depth (inches): gauge. Mountains and Piedmor�t Region �: 8/e/1/����'�uC� Sampling Date: � %� % State: /V=' Sampling Point: WD �D� � �, Ronge: �r.[S'��K yncave�co�t� none): �'�,r� �c Slope (%): �L Long: - �l . 7�i(p 1 `� Datum� �� NWI qassiticatiw�: � ✓ No (if no, explain in Remarks.) Are "Normai Circumstances" present? Ye� No (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) point locations, transects, important features, etc. the Sampled Area ✓ thin a Wetland? Yes No _ Surface Soil Cracks (66) _ Sparsely Veg�ated Concave � Livin e�C3r_ Moss Trim Lines (616) 4) _ Dry-Season Water TaWe (G2) Tilled Soits (C6) _ Cra�sh Burrows (CS) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery {C9) s) _ Stunted or Svessed Plarns (D1) _ G�omorphic Position (D2) � Shallow Aquitard (D3) _ Microtopographic Relief (D4) , FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Wetland Hydrology Preserit? Yes No ✓ 'vny Corps of Ergineers � Eastern Mountains and Piedmorn - Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata) - Use scieMific names of pNants. (P�ot si\ze_: 3 D� r ) � Cove� 1. d I_ 111� /►�i� t�1L�A L 2. 4 6. 5096 of totai cover: 2096 of Sanling Suawm (Plot size: ) 1. � "_ i z. _ 3. 4. � 5. 6. 50R6 0( total cover. 2096 of Shrub Suatum (Plot size� �5 �� 1 1. � wx � 2.�%� �LLr"0 �.� /�n � 3. 4. 5. 6. Sampling cies? Status Number o( Dominant Species � �Vl That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: (A) Total Number of Domino�t Species Across All Svata: �._ (B) v Percent of Dominant Species `/ Thai Are OBL. FACW, or FAC: \� a(A/B) Total Cover • •-----•--- ------- ------------- Total % Cover of: AM�kiolv bv: ►lal covy= �/ OBL species x 1= / FACW species �_ x 2 = �{`t� FAC species �_ x 3 =� FACU species �_ x 4= a_ UPL species x 5 = Colwnn Totals: � (A) �3 S (B) Prevalence Index = B/A = 3� � 3• 6 Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: rial cover: _ �• Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation 2 - Dominance Test is >50% ✓ C;� _ 3- Prevalence Index is 53.0' �� �=p�� — 4 - Morphofogical Adaptations' (Provide supporting data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Exptain) _�� �Total Cover ,� 50% of total cover: �� 20°16 of ��� cover�_ Her (Plot size: ) �( ) t. S � 2. �� � C,Vi-3'1 �'V 3. �� A. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. �� 54% ot total cover: �S 2096 of Wood Vine U tum (Plot size: 3��( ) i . �e i u dw► ,•+b � 2. 3. 4. 5. 5046 of total cover: 20% of rs here � on a separate sheet.) 'Indicators ot hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Tree - Woody plants, excludir►g woody vines. approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in hei9hl and 3 in. ��w {7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH). ���� Sapling - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in height and less than 3 in. (7.6 cm) DSH. Total Cover ital cover. � ✓ r� /, ��,= Total Cover cover: Shrub - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, a�roximately 3 ro 2o ft(� to 6 m) in hegtR. Herb - All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, indud'mg herbaceous vines, regardless of size, and woody plants, except woody vines, less than approximately 3 Ft (1 m) in height. Woody vine - AII woody vines, regardless of heght. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No US Army Corps d Engi�eers I Eastern Mountains and Piedmont - Version 2A � � SOIL to the depth needed to Depth Mavix Redox Feawr,g (inchesl r 96 Color (mas8 % D _� �d l Hydric Soil k►dicators: _ Histosd (A1) _ Histic EPiPecbn (1�2) _ Blatk Histic (A3) _ Hydrogen Su�de (A4) _ Stret�ed Leyers (A5) _ 2 cm Muck (A10) (LRR N} _ Depleted BelOw Dark SuAace (A11) _ 7hidc Dark SuAace (Al2) _ Sandy Mucky Mine�al (S1) (LRR N, MLRA 117, 148) _ Sandy Gleyed MaUix (S4) _ Sandy Redox (SS) _ Stripped Mavix (S6) Type: Deplh (inches): Remarks: _ Dark 5ur(ace (S7) _ Polyvalue Betow Surface ( _ Thin Dark Surtace (S9} (M _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) _ Depleted MaUix (f3) _ Redox Oark Surtace (F6) _ Depleted Dark Surface (F � _ Re�x Depressions (f8) _ Iron•Mangar�se Masses ( MLRA 136) _ Umbric Surface (F13) (1NL _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils _ Red Parer►t Material (F21) or Sampling Pflint: ,�.Q�� Loc` Texiure Remarks �bar� ;rAins. `Locniion: PL=Pore Lininq, M=Matrix. indicators for Prob�matic Hydric Sa _ 2 cm Muck (A101 (MLRA 147) (MLRA 147, 148) _ Coast Prairie Redox (A16) 1147, 148) (MLRA 147, 148) _ Piedm�t Flood�ain 5oi15 (F19) (MLRA 136, 14n _ Very Shallow Dark Surtace (TF12) _ Other (Expiain in Remarks) 12) (lRR N, 136, 122) 'Indicators of hydrophycic vegetation and 9) (iVILRA 146) wecland hydrology must be present, RA 127, 147) untess disturbed a problematic. Hydric Soil Present? Yes No � � US Army Corps of Engineers I Eastern Mountains and Piedmoru - Version 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM -�astem Mountains and Piedmont Region ProjecUSite: _ _�/1 SI?03 CitylCoi ApplicanUOwner. Investgotor(s): S 7 Section, Landform (hiilslope, terrace, etc.): OLt.G� Local reie( Subregion (LRR or�i�RA): 1,3� B �at� 3l0 • ZoS229 Soil Map Unit Name: ��f}J\l L�4T�D Are ctimatic / hydrologic conditions on the site rypical tor this time at year? Yes Are Vegetation Soii �✓ , or Hydrology _� sigrrificantly disturbe Are Vegetation Soil �, or Hydrology _,� nawrally problemat� SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing HydrophyGc Vegetation Present? Hydric Soil Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? HYDROLOGY W�land Hydrology Yes x No Yes � NO Yes �� NO X 5urface Water (A1) 9C High Water Tabte (A2) X Saturation (A3) _ Water Marks (B1) _ Sediment Deposits (62) _ DriR Deposits (63) _ Algal Mat or Crust (64) _ Iron Deposits (BS) _ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (87) _ Water-Stained Leaves (69) _ Aquatic Fauna (B13) S�xface Water Presern? Water Table Present? Saturatan Present? Rem�ks: US Army Corps of Engineers Ye5 � No Yes �_ No Yes �_ No gauge. _ True Aquatic Planls IB1 _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odw � Oxidized Rhizospheries _ Presence of Reduced Ir _ Recent Iron Reductlon i _ Thin Muck S�face (C7) _ Other (Explain in Rema Depth (inches): Depth (inchesj: Depth (inches): G �/�NE��II�Ll� Sampling Date: � �b State: �_ Sampiing Point: - �Range: r�rj�VQ1Vt� ca��e, convex, none): Cowc �-..-� Slope (96): � Zx _ Long: - �l � b 9S,�S� oatum� �'vj NWI class�cation:� - � _ Na (If no, explain in Remarks.) Are 'Normal Circumstances" present7 Yes Y No (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) ing point locations, vansects, imponant features, etc. the Sampled Area thin a Wedand? ;1) i living Roots (C3) t{G4) Tilled Soits (C6) Yes � No Secondary Indicators (minimum of two reauiredl _ Surface Soil Cracks (B6) _ Sparsely vegetated Concave Surface (68} ZC Drainage Patterns (Bt0) _ Moss Trim Lines (616) _ Dry-Season Water Table (C2) _ Crayfish Burrows (C8) _ Sawration Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) _ Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) � Geomorphic Position (D2) _ Shallow Aquitard (D3) �, Microtopographic Relief {D4) _ FAC-Neutral Test (DS) WeUand Hydrology Present? Yesy No Eastem Mountains and Piedmont - Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata) - Use scientific names of Tree Stratum (Plot size: ) % Cover 1. 2. _ i 4 5 5096 of total cover: Saolin� Vatum (Piot size� 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [•�J � Sampling Point:��l.� wr�- Dominance Test woMcstieet: �� Number o( Dominant Species That Are OBI, FACW, or FAC: � (A) Total Number of Domirx�rtt � Species Across All Strata: � (B) Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: _�� (A/B) Total 9b Co�r ol: Mu�iWv bv: cover: OBL species x 1 = FACW species x 2 = FAC species x 3 = FACU species x 4 = UPL species x 5 = C�lumn Totals� (A) (B) Prevalencelndex = B/A = = Total Caver Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 50% of total cover: 2096 of tal cover: _�- Rapid Test fw Hydrophytic Vegetatbn Shrub Stratum (Plot size: /S �� ) ,�2 - Dominance Test is >50% ��l�ic y��, _Lo `� CX�L — 3- Prevalence Index is 53.0' 2 �Vf� �OLI�.� _� �C�,..� _ 4 - Morphological Adaptations' (Pravide wppoNng data in Remarks or ai a s�arate sheet) 3� Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain) 4. — 5. 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrobgy must 6• be present, unless disturbed or problematic. `� = Total Cover Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: 50% o/ total cover. �,b 20% ot t tal cover � / Tree - woody plants, excluding woody vines. Her m(Pbt size: � l ) approximately 20 h(6 m) or more in height and 3 in. 1,Rv� 1 D�i.�,�0�,,k�iw��iYL 3� �. ,�� (7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (OBH). 2_ "` S � � C� Sapling - Woody plants, exGuding woody vines, 3. ' �D approximately 20 h(6 m) or more in height a�d less 4 , � p �� �6 than 3 in. (7.6 cm) OBH. 5. � Shrub - Woody plants, excluding woody vines. � approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m) in heighc. �� Herb - AU herbaceous (non-woody) plants, inGuding g. herbaceous vines, regardless of size, and woody plants, except woody vines, Iess than approximately 3 9• ft (1 m) in height. 10. 11. Woody vine - RII woody vines, regardles5 ot height. � = Total Cover 5096 ot total cover: � 2Q9b at t tal cover:� Woody Vine Suatum (Plot size: ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - Total Cover 5096 of total cover: 2046 of tal cover: rs here a on a separate sheetJ US Army Corps of Engineers Hydrophytic v@getation Present? Yes No Eastern Mountains and Piedmont - Version 2.0 SOIL Profile Desc�iptio�: (Describe to the depth n��d to document the i Depth Matrix Redox Feature [inches) r 96 Cobr (moistl 9� �� o '' L 'Type: C=ConcerNration. D=Depletion, RM= HydriC Soil k�dricators: k _ Histosol (A7) _ Histic Epipedon (A2) _ BleCk Histic (A3) _ Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) _ Stratified Layers (A5) _ 2 cm N�ck (A10) (LRR N) _ Depleted Be1ow Dark Surtace (A71) _ Thidc �ark SuAace (Al2) _ Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) (LRR N, M�RA 147, 148y _ Sandy Gleyed Mavix (S4) _ Sandy Redox (S5) Str�ped Mavix (S6) Resiricdve Layer Cf observe�: Type: Depth Cmches): ,:i Sampling Point: W�'13 wc1F Texture rk Sl��' �in'� Indicators tor Problematic Hydric Soils' _ Dark Surface (S7) _ 2 cm Muck (A1Q) (MLRA 147) _ Polyvalue Below Surface 8) (MLRA 147, 148) _ Coast Prairie Redox (A16) _ Thin Oark Surtace (S9) RA 1I7, 148) (MLRA 147, 118) Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) _ Piedmont Ftoodplain Soils (F19) �Depleted MaUix (F3) (MLRA 136, 14n _ Redox Oark Surtace (F6) _ Very Shalbw Dark Surtace (TF12) _ Depleted Dark Surtace (F ) _ Uther (Explain fn Remarks) _ Redox Depressions (FS) _ Iron-Manganese Masses ( 12) (LRR N, MIRA 136) _ Umbric Surface (F13) (ML A 136, 122) 'Indicators oF hydrophyt� vegetation and _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 148) we[land hydrology must be present, _ Red Parent Material (F21) (MIRA 127, 147) unless disturbed or prablematic. Hydric Soil PreseM? Yes �� No US Army Carps of Engineers � Eastem Mountains and Piedmont - Versi� 2.0 � WETLAND DETERMINATION DA7A FORM -�astem Mountains and Piedmont Region Projea/Site: Iii..S bQS City/Coi AppiicanuOwner. NCi�OT Investigator(s): S/1'1/T7-I� Ei7N Awor� Section. Landform (hilisbpe, terrace, etc.): �11�f Local refef Subregion (LRR or�: 131� B Lat� 3fi. 205 2 2 Soil Map Unit Name: 1i4� � 111ZlifiN l.��Y_ Are climatic ! hydrologic conditions on the site typical (or [his dme o( year? Yes Are Vegetation �. Soil �, or Hydrology N significantly disturbe Are Vegetation , Soil , or Hydrotogy � naturally problemata SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Hydric Soil PreseM? Wetland Hydrology Present? HYDROLOGY _ SuAace Water (A1) _ High Water Table (A2) _ Saturation (A3) _ Water Marks (B1) _ Sediment DeposNs (62) _ Drift Deposits (63) _ Alget Mat or Crust (64) _ Iron Deposits (B5) Inundation �siWe on Ae _ Aqua�na(B13) Siaface Water Present? Water Table Present? Saturatron Present? (69) Yes _ Yes _ Yes _ tream gauge, Yes Yes Yes (67) No�� No � No� _ True Aquatic Pianls 1g1 _ Hydrogen Sulfide Ocbr _ Oxidized Rhi2osphere5 _ Presence of Reduced Ir _ Recent Iron Reduction i � Thin Mu C7) er (Explain in Rema� No � Oep[h (inches): No /�_ Oepth (inches): No 01_ Depth (inthes): � ity: ���{NAT%�N f''14 Sampling Date: Iv^%v � State: Nr" 5ampling Point� �� T�, Range: _ NE"W �i vE:�. concave.� none): ��-. e�� Slope (%): L 2: l Long:- �/• 6 9 SSS�o Datum: �_ NWI classification: /V�/i `� No (If no, explain in Remarks.) I? Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes ✓ No (If �eded, explain any answers m Remarks.) ing point locations, transects, imponant features, etc. the Sampled Area `� thin a Wetland? Yes No _ Surface Soil Cracks (B6) _ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (BS) 1) _ Drainage Patterns (610) � Living Roots (C3) _ Moss Trim Lines (616 (C4) ater Table (C2) fj��lise _ Crayfish Burrows (C8) � _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) �) _ Stunted or Suessed Plants (Dl) _ Geomorphic Position (D2) _ Shaltow Aquitard (D3) _ Microtopographic Relie( tD4) _ FAC-Neutral Test (DS) Wedand Hydroloyy Present? Yes No � US Army Corps o/ Engineers � Eastern MourHains and Piedmorx - Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five SVataj - Use scientific names of � Absok�te Tree Stratum (Plot size: ) 96 Cover 1. 2. 3. 4. _ 50% of total cover: Saoling Stratum (Plot size: ) 1. 2. 3. 4. � 5096 of total cover: Shrub Svatum (Plot size: 1 1. 2. �_ -�- -r— + 7— _ 'fotal Cover 2096 0( tqtai cover. ='Total Cover 20% oi tQtal cover. �� 1 � Sampling Pant: WG (3 � Dominance Test worksheet: � Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: (A) Total Number o( Dominont � SpeCies Across All Strata: (B) Percent of Dominant Species Tha1 Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: (AJB) Tot�l 46 Cover of: Mu�ioiv bv: OBL species x 1 = FACW species x 2 = FAC species x 3 = FACU species x 4 = UPL species x 5 = Colwnn Tutals: (A) (B) Prevalence Index = B/A = _ 1• Rapid Test for Hydrophyuc Vegetalion 2 • Dominance Test is >5096 3- Prevalence Index is s3.0' _ 4 - Morphological Adaptations' (Provide wpporting data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) , ProWematic Hydrophytic vegetation' (Explain) a �— 'Indicators oi hydric soil and wetland hydrolagy must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. -'Total Cover Definitions of Five VegeWtion Strata: 50% of total cover: 20% of tf�tal cover Hsrb �SVa[um (Plot size: � � r ) � t. R�3W�E �L ! JD'� S�-c0 �� S _ iS �'� 1"l�i C.t� 2. 'SLCv t101 �� V � � ^ � � 3. 5 � _1� � �� 4. �M l ____,� ✓ F �1l.1� � � 5. '— 6. 7. 9. l 0. �_. 11. %� = Total Cover 5096 ot total cover. �� - S 2096 ot tntaLrrr�er ►-.� Woody Vine Stratum {plot size: 1. � 2. i 4 5096 of total cover: _ rs here or on a separ = Total Cover 20% of tptal cover: Tree - Woody plants. exc�uding woody vmes. approximately 20 h(6 m) or more in height and 3 in. (7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at 6reast hefght (pBH). Sapling - Woody planis, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in height and less than 3 in. (7.6 cm) DBH. Shrub - Woody plarns, excluding waody vines. approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m� in heigM. Herb - All herbaceous (non-woody) plarNs, indud'u►g herbaceous vines, regardless o( size. arxf waody plants, except woody vines, less than approximately 3 ft (1 m) in height. Woody vine - All wpody vines, regardless ot height. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont - Version 2.0 SOIL Profile DeSCr�pGon: (Descrfbe to the depth needed to document the i Depth Mavix Redox Feawre (mches) Cobr (moistl 9 Color fmoist) 9� �� o �' Hydric soi� u,dicac«s: _ Hisiosol (A1) _ Histic Epipedon (A2) _ Bl�k Histit (A3) _ Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) _ Strat�ed Layers (A5) _ 2 cm Muck (A10) (LRR N) _ Oepl�ed Below Dark Surface (A1 i) _ Thick Dark Surtace (Al2} _ Sarttiy Mucky Mineral (S1) (LRR N, MIRA 147, 148) _ Sa�y Gleyed Mavix (S4) _ Sandy Redox (S5) _ Su�ped Matrix (S6) Type: Depth (inches): _ Dark SurfaCe (S7) _ Polyvalue Bebw Surtace ( _ Thin Oark Sur(ace (S9) (M _ loamy Gleyed MaVix (F2) _ Depleted MaUix (t"3) _ Redox Dark Surface (F6) _ Depieted Dark Sixface (F; _ Redox Uepressions (F8) _ tron-MBnganese Masses i MLRA 136) _ Umbric Sur(ace (F13) (ML � Piedmont Floodplsin Soils _ Red Parent Material (F21) or Sampling Point: �nrE � 3 �P Texture m rt s� � Indicators for Problematic Hydric Sc _ 2 cm Muck (A10) (MLRA 147) (MLRA 147, 148) _ Coast Prairie Redox (A16) 1147, 148) (MLRA 147, 148) _ Piedmont Floodpiain Sals (F19) (MLRA 136, 147) _ Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) _ Other (Ex�ain in Remarks) 12) (LRR N, 1136, 122) 'indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and 19) (MLRA 148) wetland hydrology must be prese�, ILRA 127, 147) unless diswrbed or problematic. Hydric Sofl Present? Yes No � US Army Corps o( Engineers � Eastern Mountains and Piedmont - Version 2.0