HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080149 Ver 1_Buffer Determination_20070618r -r U Proieci = Wa:Ri)-()7-1()i itt Count\ en \\ Imams iv ers &. Associates )i?; Conference DriyC Greenville t tilities Commission fold poN%er plan( site) - (sreen-ille N( T !o Li, RP. cr. I ar-Pam 11co Ri\cr Bassin 7n-Site Determination for Appiicahilit% to the Tar-Pamlico Ri\ er Riparian Arta Protection Rules (15:v NC.v 2B .1)2-;t)t )n Nla} 11. 200 7, at your request I conducted an on-site determination to rex ie.\ drainage features located on to subject properi\ for atpplicahilit, to the i ar-Pamlico Butter Rules ( i 5A NCAC 213 .0_2591. Ne projvrty is )sated off of the north side ol'West Third Street.. approximately 11.1 miles west of the intersection of West -hird Street and Green street (SR 1 i31) The feature is labeled as "tit aRt?-t)?-1164" on the attached nial> iitialed h\ me on _iune 18. 1ta{)7 The Division of a ster Quality (D\i Q) has determined that the portion of the feature that is highlighted in pink on the attached map is Exempt from the Tar-Pamlico Buffer Rules. Hiis fcatur: should hz identified on any future plans tier thin p!opcrty Hic o? rler for fitturC oven r1 Should nobs' the f)t%VQ (aiid salter rele\aint agencws) of this decision to aan\ 1uIUrC correspondence, concerritno this property this, detei-mination pertains it, the suh)'W prOpert\ onl%. This tin-site determination shall expire tine (51 \ears from the date of this letter. andimners or at'lccted parties that dispute a determination made h\ the DWQ OT Delegated Local Authorit\ hat a surtace water exists and that it is suhteet to the huffier rule may request a determination by the Director A equest tiyr a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in vv riting c o () ndi kaToly. DWO k. etlands401 l nit. 2 321 ('rabtrec lilvd.. Raleigh. NC ?7604-2 hi). Indio iduals that dispute as determination 1)v he IM Q or Delegated Autho it} that -'exempts" a surface \%ater lr.yni the gutter rule Ina\ ask f rr an djudicatory hearing. You must act %%-]thin Fro) da\s ofthe date that \ou recei\e this latter. Applicants are iereh\ notified that the fit)-da\ statutory appeal time does net start until the affected pan\ tittcluding ltmnsireani and adiacent landowners; is notified of this decision. DWQ reco imendk flial the applicaltt 011duct dwt n(itilicaition in order to he certain that third t)arty appeals arc 1i:a;l in a uniciv manner. _W01I1W?/11' I1I.Ift•I4 .'. MY lie UaLYlt YrlIct G`}nrip,n 1;qumrc M.P Phone: 23. 4JC •6181 Sri )Rl'"t y, r nm rr1. ti(7:434 1 \ti. 26? 44e*•,)2ii NophC artifina a! OcoorwN. Afftnratwti* Amn trrOuv - F Re v:ae' f CA? vOV Gmsu-e Pte' lAA a t l / I t I N I o ask for a hcaring. send a %%ritten petition. ?ti htch contunns to C hapter I ?()B Stauitcs !o the tllIIc of Admr-;tramc I li;arines. 6714 ilaul 4enice Center. R fin:i[ ;md hindinL, nrtlc,t wu ask for o hearinu v ithin hU dim-, I hip letter oniv addresses the applicability to the puffer rules wid dues not approve an\ actin it\ within i huffers Nor dries this letter approve any activity v: ithin Waters ofthe I nited States or Waters of the S1 OU have an\' additioiwl ouc,non? or reouire additii nl inl(mnalion PIC 3C? all me it i 25-21 948- Z9?tl ti t,) WaRO f1 1 Central {?tf mral Flies Filename. 'W aRt l .rr C11 , •• •'• . r • • y Y e f?IVER e Er €hild St 48 S-ch t: ; ,,f,• 4 } Mt Calvuyv aft - ! Chi',. 'S r; a .1 ? ? t t.F jut`aw r Memorial Ch F ? Sch 40 Pildtppi Ch tIM ?i .. ?. i. 47 • a ?,?,.., ? ?w,.k--•..7.. _.__ ' _ r"?„?,_ ? ads C-7 ar+a r _ A r e'k its ; *-•: g,, J VIA., r- Ux"wnwd Eff it E , i +y f Q. %q 41?j5r* Dk- p-_..c cs 'x *Job LOP rt GREENVILLE xT? .wit ?'??. _ ?? ?' iG"?v?' i 4•?9i. `?? ? a.: ` } ? r