HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160825 Ver 1_Application_20160823 Carpenter,Kristi From:Slaughter, Johnathan H Sent:Tuesday, August 23, 2016 3:52 PM To:Kichefski, Steven L SAW; Wanucha, Dave; Carpenter,Kristi; Chambers, Marla J; Marella Buncick (Marella_Buncick@fws.gov) Cc:David Petty (dpetty@tgsengineers.com); Laws, Joseph L; Souther, Zachary S Subject:R-5745 Permit Application, Caldwell Attachments:R-5745, signed PCN 2016.pdf; R-5745_Permit Drawings_20160810.pdf Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Completed All, Please see attached permit application. There are a number of attachments so I’ll send multiple emails. Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 � �� ���a ����� ���I�� � ��. � �1"����� ��. F�r� ���i�� 1. ����� ��Q� f " i i � � � � ! � � i�� t 1 f � ��� � , r������� � �. �y����� �� �p r���� �o�a h� �r� �h� ��r��. �C ����i�� 0 ��r�n�t ���i�� � ���r��� 1 b. �p��i ��i�r���de F'�r�it � � r���b��: � � �r ��r��r�� P�r�i� �GP} r��mber: � �. �� �h� F� �r � ��mb�r b��r� ��ri��d �y �h� ���p�� ��s � �d. �ype{�} �� �ppro��l ���g�� fr�r�n t�e �V�/� {��e�k �ll ���� appiY�� �01 ��ter C���li Cer�if�c��io� —��g�i�r �r�- 04 J�arisdic�ional �e��ra� P�rm�� 4�0� VVater {��ality Certifi�atior� — Express �ipar��r� �u#�er Ac�thori��tiat� � e. 1s �hi� �o�ifi�atia� solely for th� record For �he recard on�y �f�r DVV{� F�r �h� record onl� for Corps F'errr�i�: beca�se �ri�t�r� �pprav�l �s ��t req�ired? 401 C�rti�c��ion: Yes X �i� Yes � �o 1 f. 1s payment int� a mitigatic�n bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation �f impac#s? If so, a�tach the acceptar�ce letter from mitigat�on b�nk X Yes �o c�r in-lieu fee progr�m. � g. Is the project located in any of ��'s tvventy caas�al counties. If yes, ans�rer � h Yes X� l�o beiow. 1 h. Is �he project located �i�hin a NC DCM Area of Environm�ntal Cor�cern (AEC)? Yes � Rlo 2. �ro��ct [nformat�or� 2a. Name af proje�t; R-5745, US �41NC�fl lr�prov�ments 2b, County: Caidvveli 2c, Nearest municipality 1 town: Lenoir 2d. Subdivision name; 2e. NCDt�T only, T.i.P. or sta#e projec� no: R-�745 WBS. 50200.1.1 3. Owner information 3a. Name�s) on Recorded Qeed; NCDCJT 3b. Deed Book and Pa�e No. 3c. Responsible Party {for LLC if applicab#e}: 3d. Str�et address: 801 Statesville Road 3e. City, state, zip: North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 3f. Telephone no.: 33C-903-9202 3g. Fax no,: 33�-�67-4�49 3h. Email address: hslaugh�erC�ncdot,gov Page 1 of 10 PCN Form — Versio� 1.4 January 2009 Page 2 of 10 : � - :: # ; f u ! a.t !_ ' � i, . "` � ., -- � Y, � , � � � �� � �a ��'� � � �����1 ��E)i� ��s �� � � �� �t°'��� � �: ` � �n i�� ���r���at�� {ir� �c� �� � r���}: ���i��d�; 3 . � � ��� it�.�d�: - � . � c. �'�op�r�� �i��: � a�r�� a � � 2�. �r�� �f r������� b�dy �� �a�er �� pr�p��ed prc���c�: �� �� r��k �r� ��� �T Zb. VVa��r ��a�l��� ���s�if����i�� �f n��re�� recei�ir�g ��t�r; 2�. �i��r ���i�: � �� � . r j��t ���ri �� 3�. �������� tn� ����t��� ���d������ �� ��� ��t� ��a �n� ������� ���a ��� �� ��,� ����n��y �� tn� ������t �t �,� ���� �� �ns� ������a��a�: Pav�d road fln th� edge of an urban area. �rban, r�siden#ial and golf �c��arse lar�c� c�n be fo��d �r� ��e �icin��y �f ihe proj�c�. ���. � � �. :I � . . i �: � . . : � �� � i �: � �. �. �, a �. �.! �: � � � �. : � i� :� a �� � � ` � � �� ... "� ! . � i `. ' ` . f f` � �: i ` S ��` # • i . � i '' i ! s i' �' � ! f i � ! ! •'" • • - - - s . • ••'.�' •. _ _ _ • s � � � ,` ,! � ` ! , ` ;. ! • ` . . . ; � � .; , • # � i � ! � ! i � i # " _ �; _ � � 4m J�r�sdi�tion�Il�e°�er inati��� �a. Have jurisdiciianal we�land or stream determinations by the ��� ��� �����0�� Corps or State been requested or obtained for this proper�y / ro�ect includin all rior hases ir� the as#? Comments: 4�b. ff #he �orps made the jurisdictional determination, vuh�t type of de�ermination v�ras made? ❑ Preliminary ❑ Finai 4c. if yes, who delinea�ed �he jurisdiciional areas? Agency/Cot�sultant Campany: ��om Enuironmental Narn� ��f kn�v�n�: Sandy Smith �ther; 4d. 1f yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or S�ate determinations and attach documentation, 5, Praject History 5a. Have permits or certifica�ions been requested or obtained for ��,�5 � No ❑ Unknown this project {including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. 1f yes, explain in detail according #o "help �le" instructions. 6. Future Pro�ect Plans 6a. Is �his a phased project? ❑ Yes [�X No �b. 1f yes, explain. Page 3 of 1 � PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 � $ � � � �. ��� ����i��� ��r� ��������d ����� ��r y���- ���j��� ������ ��� ���� ����Y�� ���� � ��� � — �� �� r��s � ��� �p�� �� r� �� � ��tr���i�� s �� l � �f �h�re ��e ������d �r�p�c�s ����s�d �r� ��e si��, ���r� ��r�p�e�� ���s q�e��i�r� �c�r �� ����a�d �r�� impac�ed. �. � . 2�. d. �ee Zf. �����d � p��� �"y � �f i ��� �y � �� ��i��� F�r���� �'yp� �f j�ri�di�t��� re� �f ��ar�ber C�rps ��04,1 �} �r �r�pac� ��rr�a���� � � �r � � 0� , ����r} {a�re�� T�r�t c�r� 1 - �hoose �ne C�aose �rae � �esi�o - VV2 - Ch�ose one Ch�ose 4ne �esl�o - �/3 - �ho��e ��e Chc�c�se �r�e l'�sl�c� - �V�. - Chflose one �hoc�se one �eslNc� - W� - Choose one Ch4ose one 'Yes1�1t� - �� - Choose one Choose one YeslNo - 2g. �t � ��I�rt I ��t�: 2h. Carr�m�n��: . �tr�� 1 �� If there are perennial or intermi�ten� stream impacts {inc�uding temporary impacts} proposed on the site, then comple�e this question for al1 s�ream si�es impact�d. 3a. 3b. 3e. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial (PER} o� �ype of Average Impact number in�ermittent {INTj� j�risdic�ior� stream length Permanent {P) or wid#h {linear Tempora►-�r (T} (feet} ���t) S� P Cufvert Lower Creek PER Corps 12 58 S2 T Dewatering Lower Creek PER Corps 12 2G4 �3 � Fi11 UT to �ower Creek PER Corps 1 . 201 �4 P Stabilization �ower Creek PER Corps 12 154 �� - Choose �ne - - �� - Choose one - - 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts � �77 3i. Comments: Streambed impacts = 259 ft. Bank Stabilizatian is a littie more than normal due to the steep bank in the northern quadrant of the culvert. !t is necessary to protect NG 18 as we11 as the new water fine installation. Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 � �� �� ���r� r ������ i� ��t� �� ��� �, � �, �����r���, �r� �� r���, ���� �, �� �I���i� ����, �r ��� � � � �� ���� �� ��� . . ���� �� ��� � �� ���� �� � � ���r � ���� ��� a �. C�p�� ����r ��r�� �� ����rb�dy i�p�c� �� er {if �pp�i��b��� iy�� �f �r�p� VV��er��dy ��� �f � p��� ���r��� �'�rmar�e�t {F'� a� t�pe T�r� c�ra Q � - ��o�s� �r�e C�o�s� �� - Chc��se Qr�e ChoQse C.J3 - C�oo�e ane Ch�ose ��. - �hc�Qse 4�te Chot�se 4�f. � � r� � r i �� �g. �arr�men�s: . r � �r ��� if ond or iak� �or�stru�tion ro osed, th�r� com let� the char� belovv. 5a. 5b. 5�. 5d. 5�. Po�d ID nurr�ber Propc�sed �se or 1nletla�d Imp�c�s {acres} Strearn impac�s {fee�) �pland purpose of po�d {acre�) Flo�ded Fiiled E�cava��d Flooded Filled Exca�ated p � Chaose �ne p� Cho�se one 5f. Tot�l: 5g. Commenfis: 5h. !s a dam high hazard perm�t required? i�es �X �10 If y�s, permit 1D no: 5i. Expected pond sur#ace area (acres): 5j. Size of pond �nratershed {acres}. 5k. Method of construction: �. �u�f�r ��p�c�� ���r D�t�� If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then comple�e the char� below. If yes, ihen individually list all buffer impacts below. 1f an im acts re uire miti ation, then ou 11�UST fiil aut Section D of this forrn. 6a. Project is in which protec#ed basin? ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Catawba [� Randleman ❑ Qther: �b. �c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Buffer Impact Reason for impact S�ream name Buffer Zone 1 Zone 2 number — r�itigation impact impact Permanent (P} or required? (square {square Tem ora feet feet g � - Yes1No g� - Yes/No B3 - Yes/N� B4 - Yes/No g� - YeslRlo B� - Yes1No Gh. Total Buffer Impacts: 6i. Comments: Page 5 of 10 � � t s � xt � � s � - � � � � �� � �. �p����i� ��� ���r� � ��r� � �� �� ��� �� i�� �z t�� �� ��� � �t� �� d��i ��� ��j��ie �ulver� is �he mi�ir��� ��ng�� r�ecessarr� to ob�ai� the reguired �C �4� and �#� � 8 ir�tersec�ic�n ��prt�ver�er�is. �"�e �J� rel�c�tia� �as �r�a��id�bl� �ue �� �he �onger cta��ert, � , ��. � ; � I '�; � � _: , , � � � �� a = .� � � . � ' s ,....� � . �7' ai ? � i- � � �. � � � � ' .� � '. � I. -�. i ��. � � � . �, � ` � � i � � i .r #�' •# r `� j � E; �i i : ; i ' ` • �w�;. �'.`.,...w.:� :` V!, f,.>._,�; f:. ��.w i i E f s i�►- - • • - -• ' • #` . •" i.: • s � � +� :i +I . > �' . ! ..... s .. � � . . ` � .; � a., i ,. , �: . , .- ..: � ,' a !. s .. _ '. . . - .. . -.: _, , - : . . ... - .. . .. . . _ -. . • s - : � �, ��.s a._' ' t: :..• . '_. ..;�.. < s. � <,. . . � i i. i i. .f -• ' . -� . . - • . f: - -. n�it�gation w�ii ae pro 3c. Cor�nmen#s: ��� �•• ■ .. . �. � .� � _� - -- • •t . ' �._ _�•_ f• •� i� � �,� -, f- ii - i � i� •i � • � QLl�lltlt�l: 5 � $ Qli�litl�Y- Ql�antlt�/: 4. Com iete ifi Makin a Pa ment ta ln-iieu Fee Pro ram 4a. Approvai ietter from in-lieu fee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: 518 linear feet 4c. 1f using stream mitigation, stream temperature: warm 4d. Buffer mitigation reguested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigatian requested. acres 4f, Nan-riparian wetland mitigation requested. acres 4g. Coastai {tidal) wetland mitigation requested. acres 4h. Comments: �, �t��np�et� �f i�s��g � P'�rrnittee R�spc�n�ible 1Ui�tigatien Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mi�igation pian, provide a description of �he propased mitigation pfan. Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 a � �� � { � � r� � �� �� ��. ���� ��� �r����� ������ �� �� ��p��t ������ � �������� ��p����� ��ff�� t��� �������s ��� �� b� �� i�i ����r�� �b� �� y��, �h�� �d��t� ��� �q���� f��� �f irr�p�c� �� �� ���� ��f ��e ��p����� b�f��r ���� re�c�ir�� rr�it����i��a �al����t� �h� �����t ��f �i�ig��i�� req�ir�d. �c. �d. � ��. + ���� ����r� f�r � p �� �Tc���� i�p��� �9�ipli�� � �q�ir�� �it�g����� ��q��r� �ee�� _ �sq��r� �e��} ���� � � � � 3 {2 f�r �a���b�} ���e 2 � .� f�f. � 1 ff�r iti �� r� ir � � �g, If b�ff�r mitiga�ion is req�ired, discu�s wha� type of mi�iga�ion is prc�p�sed (e.g., payr�en# to pri�a�e r�itiga�i�n ba�k, perr�i#��� r�spor��ib�e r�pari�r� bc�ffer r����r��io�, pa�r��r�fi in�� an �ppr�v�c� ir�-li�u f�� fund�. Page 7 of 10 �.:w-�.: - . � . ^Y � +f j . ; �����-. f , ,�%`. �- � ; _ � - � i .�- _ �' � :� 1[. � -� � . � � - _ : `' " "_ : � �, .--- _ ; .� � # � � . # � f � � �� � i� i ; : ' � . � ` � ! � � fI` � � i � �' � , � - ' ��:' . fi -.. f � � � ��. .�� � '. � . � � � i> ,. , � " i � � ar. # , ;•' � : �. � . �. � � � +� - ` - . s ` i '; • s s`• � -> s � � -.. ' � .,: � "'.. , � � ' � Za ���r���t�r ��� ���r�t ��r� 2�. a� i� �he ��era11 p�rc�r�t ir�p��i��s���� �f �his pr�jec�� �°l� 2b. ��� ��is ro°e�t re �ir� � �t�r����er a�� �r��r�� ����� ��� � 2c. I� �his proje�� E� C3T r�quire ���arrr��r��er ar��c��rn�r�� �la�, e�plair� ��y: ���., .: , -.. .,! �� . �a � � _.. . a. � ... _ !�. �� � '� � A1 � � � , fI. : I � ��. ' � �. O ....... a � ��� , S�� s ! .� a ,;; . !: �.�� ! _� ` � ��:. � �. � �� . � �:� la: � � �-�. i�. . ; �: �. �: ., i � � ; � � � � � , 't ` � i. ,, r,` � • s �� #,,'r ' ':. -; .� � � : - x _ - . . � . , � ,� ie_ i.- � ,� . , � .� .. � � * . .r :� ' � �; ` � ��� -� + � s� ��' �� . �� � .: . . . � . �: . # � .... .* � � i .. `. . . � ..� . . �. .:�� ! ! .:. . : �� � � I .� � . � a. �. � �� � �: I . �� .. � i, �/. �. �. .. � .� � �. . � . , ... - . . .., 3c. �as t�e appr�ved �torm�at�r l��r��c��r��nt F'1�r� �ith pr��f �f �ppr��al b��r� attached? 4. �WQ Stormwa#er Proc�ram Review 4a. VVhich of the following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply (check all that appiy): 4b. Has �he approved S�ormwater Managemen� Plan with proof of approvai been attached? 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. D�es the Sfiormwa�er Manager�er�t Plan meet the appropriate requirements? 5b. Have all of the 4a1 Unit submittal requiremen#s been met? Ph�S� 1� NSW ❑ US�� � Water Supply V1/atershed flther: ❑ �'�s ❑ R�c� 0 Coastal c�unties ❑HQW ❑QRW ❑ Session Law 200�-24� � Other: ❑ Yes ❑ N o � _ � . �_ # ■ ■ Page 8 of 1 � P�N Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 a i j $ �� � '�1 � �t° � �. ��� t�� p��j� ������� �� ��p��d�t�r� �f pt� �ic ��� era�l�t�t�f���a�� ���c�� �r ��� �e� � ��� �� ��ab��c �f��e���/��at�} i��d� � e ��f y�� �����r�d "y��9} �� ��� ��V�is, �e� �he pr����� r�q�ir� ��ep�r����r� �� �� �r�vir�nr��r�t�� d�ac�r���� p�r���r�� �� ��e r�q��re�er��� of �he ��ior��l �� �t�t� ��� � � o�� ��ro�i��} �r��ir�n��r�t�� Po�icy ��� { ��'�/�EP�}� 1�. �� y�u ar���ered "�e�" �� the �b��e, �a� �he d���rn��� r��ie� b�e� f��li�ed by h� St�te �le�ring F�o�ase� {If so, a�iach a��py gf �he �EPA or SEP� fin�l �pp����i ie���r.} Ye� � C�r�r�e��s. . _ � � �i . � . � i r . t� 2�. Is the site in violatior� of DVVQ Wetl�nd Rules {15A �i�AC 2H .0500}, Isc�iated �letiand F�ules {15� R1CAC 2F� .13fl�}, C3W'Q ��r��ce VV��er or We�la�d S�ar�dard�, �e� >C �o or Ripari�n Bt�ffer Rules (� 5A �iCA� 2B .�2�0)? 2b. Is this ar� after-the-fac� permit appli�a�ion� Yes X�o 2c, if yo� answered "yes" #o one or botn of the a�ave q�estions, provide an exp[anati�n ot �he viaiation{s}: , urnulatiue Ir�p���s {D�1/ �eqc��rern�n�} 3a Will this project {based on pas� and reasonably anticipated f�ture impacts) result in _� Yes Q No add�t�onal development, which could �mpact nearby do�rnstream water quali�y? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitatiue or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with #he most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. �... 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement� 4a. Clearly detaii the ultimate treatment methods and dispositifln {non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of �he subject facility. NIA Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 ' _ ::#.;::#. �. # '� � _ _ T�. _.. s . � e . _ P _ �� � _. __ „ " f; � �. , #� w � _ '_` # �_ ' _ . _. . . "" _ f . : N < _ # : i ._ ;` ! _ '" _ _ ; ; � g �i� ���� r�j �� ���� �r� � � r � �r � ��� f� �r �� r������ �p ���� � � � i���°� . ���� ��� ������ ��� ��� � �c�������� ��d�� ��� ������ �� �mp���� ��� � ��� � ��o �fi ye�, ir�di��� �h� ��F��� Fie�d ��c� yo� ���e �������d. � 5d. �� d��� �c��r��� d�d y�� ��� �o �#��-���� ��t��r y��r �i�e ���d � p��� �r���r���r�d �pe�i�s �r ��i r���� r�ti��� �a�it��'? ��EE3 �abi�at inc�udes Cald�ell Co�n�y. � _ � , � . � _v� , �.� 1; .�• � v�r �= '_• � �/�. � � � _ � �� ���� 'It:���. : �� -�; I �. :t S s, # �" �" � r: � I ,, a , � i� �-. :t � . I , a, . .. �; M � . 1�. ,.: • .. � i: .. !;: " ! �.� � " � ; � � _ i, ' ` �. i i,. " .r: ,...� . � ;� . „ i i, s • �' � _ *.-� • � i< . # � ` i S' `. r . '�r . � . ` ��' e # �. !:. � , � . ,. , � � �� I : � a � :... � ' ... � � �; I � s ,�� � �� �. �. ��. . � I !� �� � a � �� � � � �� ■ . ` �� . � . ' •` . i . i i � i . i • ! i i = � i , : � ;i ' . ! : i . ' . .'`"� 1i ; i' . f. . i . * ` • � � i_ � � � � • ' � i • #. i ! . ` 'i �'i' . � i ' � t ' . i` 'i i � . Flc�c�d �n� e��gnation � c�rps �.�quir�rn�nt} 8a. Wili #his project occur in a FE�IA-designated 7 00-year floodplain? X� Yes No 8b. if yes, explain how project meets FEIVIA requirements: The culvert replacement is occurring in both the 100-year floodplain and floodway of Lower Creek. The project will result in decreases to the 100-year water surface elevations and slight changes to the #loodway. FEI�A approval was c�btained on August 11, 2016 through the NC�OT-North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program M(JA process. 8c. VVhat source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? FRIS J. Heath Slaughter Applicant/Agent's Printed Name s ApplicantlAger��'s Si #�re {Agent's signature is vaiid only � authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 10 of 10 LOWER CREEK IMPACTS PROPO EDCCULV RT�DIMENS�IONS 1@3@72 X72$'412RCBC, 73RDEG� SKEWG. SKEW Fi TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH - 2600' C Length Type Description �; r ; i II i $ Pro osed Reinforced Concrete P I� Permanent 58 ft Fill � - � Box Culvert 131-73-58ft � ) � I �� � ��� � , � I o � I � , J�., � i � � m � � Im ervious Dikes O m �;�, �� - b o. � p , II� F . �� � � � � � i� �i�� �� � Temporary 247 ft Temporary Dewatering Line Diversions and o<o , � j , � �� �, CLASS I RIP RAP TYP� o� , ��-+ - Pump around (See Sheets 6&7) ( �� � � ;' ; Temporary dewatering, , � rl� PROP. RET. WALL; � � ' � ' � � � ' Temporary 17 ft Waterline Relocation/ impervious dikes, pump-around, � ,;� � z ;; I �� ��� -� � Dewatering � � � , � T, ,_�� and temp. excavation for �� , ,, � �� �� � relocation of 8" WL FLOQ;DPLAIN BENCH LWE� �� wi__ � 8" _�' WITH � I�IP RAP (TYP.) �;; �� �'_ _ � � UT TO LOWER CREEK IMPACTS � � �,� ��-"� �'�,' � � �-�� ��TREAM BAM< � i � � J a a��- � �Iil Length Type Description � I �TABILIZATION (108 , 114 �� �� � � � � � ��� ��� �I �� � �`� i � i �� l i. ,�� �-r i Permanent � Relocated Stream in east quad �� i 18" CSP W/ROD &� L� G � ��- ����n �C � � � i St eam� 63 ft Natural Stream Design due to widened roadway �� � CONNECTORS ANQ� ; SKETS �� ��,i i�� � � a � �� Relocated Stream in east quad ' � ' ; I j � � I F� -� � � � � � t Permanent 201 ft Fill -L- POC 1.��-4'8,59 = � � 1�4-� > ��_ 1' � due to widened roadway -y- POT 15+�32.22 i,' � II ���,/, ,� � � ��, )_� �' -r%_ � I No temporary impacts � � ' � ' �� � -, � � t Temporary 0 f# None =� �� , �� T � I � I � i I I_i� ��� � I i �� , � _ BEGIN PROJECT R-5745 � `� ��� �� � �� �MP ��� ;' � � �; ��, �' -L- STA. 10 + 00.00 _ � � � � ��� \ � �' - \ � RETAI \ I �5,,� � �-- - - - _ --- - - - - - ----- - � � � ---- � � � , __ �-- - ---- - - - - � -- --- � �� � � DI�� � RE � � � � -♦ � , �� --- _ _ 15" RCP �i � � �� � =�ET7��--�i � � � - � !, �-- �F - _ � � � ,� F=__-_=====F =__===-=F =-�--_-_--__- � � STREAM (131 L ) � � _-- - - ---- -- ���,- -- - - ,� _ - PROP. CULV RT I - - -- � - - - - - - - --- , ,_ , , I RD ,�� E � � , , „ � TAYLORSVILL � 3@12 X12 -4 20' BST ' � -' RCBC — �;. � � �� - ------ -- , � -- -- , - - - ' - ---- � - _— - —�-- L � - ----- � -, ---- ----- -- �,� - - --- -- T � � � ,- _— — _ � - -- - --- �-- - - -- W — - _ - - � m - =- -- � �� / _ � � _ EIP ' �; S� � o I � �� 1 � � � � BST � � I o <° � ' r �� __ � �� � � � ! ! , - - — � � � ���. - ----- � ------- - �---� �� � � � �� �-- ` � � �N HI - � U � __---- �� �_� P � - - _,� _ �z I I �- 8 C IH ��� _ - 8 � NOTES: D I' � � - � � I 1. LOWER CREEK IS IN THE CATAWBA RIVER BASIN. �� �}� � � I � �� �� � �v � P � C �I _. _ 2. CLEARWG SHALL BE PERPORMED PER � � �� II �� NCDOT METHOD II. ��V -� II i� I� i � J � � � ��r _ ��� / I ,-: �, --��� � � I E� P , % -- � � � � �� , ----- ---- °-','iZ ' � � U � GRAPHIC SCALE BST �II� �� II 2o io 0 2o ao I �', I� I � � ��ll�— I = - �� i I'' _� �I PROJECT REFERENCE NO. E RM I T D RAW I N G 50200.1.1 �R-57451 O R C U LV E RT R E P LAC I N G T_ TG5 ENG/NEERS �I �II� I���� SE LBY. NC 28/50TE ST TRUCTURE #130039 �r PH l704J476-0003 CALDWELL COUNTY o���� i� � _ 0 � STREAM & WETLAN D IMPACTS � -, � LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE AND TEMPORARY DEWATERING FOR , ' � PROP. WATERLINE (17 LF) ,' � ,- � PROPOSED WATERLINE � �m � � INSTALLED BY OPEN / TRENCH METHOD �m '-' � 57"x38" CS PIPE-ARCH � � - �' ,� � BURIED 8" �,� � : � PROP. GREENWAY ' / I r � ? �� . , � � �� , i - �� � � �:, ��, �� ��- r � i`, �C �` �,F, �, i� HW � �,_� _ ��y" C� � SEE %DETAIL K r � � �i����z ��� � � � ; ��� � � I �_i �l�� . , ' � � � RESTORED r ', 8--� �� % / `-� � REALIG�IED _ _ �� � � ,� � D �� / -, STREAM (63 LF) // � I . �� ' � �,� � ' SEE �7ETAIL B I � � � f�� '`� �,�0 � FILL; EXIST. � i i�� SE�� DETAIL A ���� � �� � � ' � � � STR,�AM (201 LF) �il SEE I�ETAIL C ��� ! � � '�� ; � _,-� � I 7-�,. \ / � �` � F '�� ; �� � W 0 D S i �i ` � �� - �� u F � i � , �� _ � N ---_ � � ` � ' - F� i � ; � _ � � .� �� - - - -� - '� ----- - �, , , , ._� , ,- � � ,`\ "� , , 2�' 4t�Pµ#V -- -- } '; ��a � i� �- � -- � � . � J, J = ,- - � �� - -i_ ,, � w EXIS�.-atCBC - - - -t- - �.-' � To BE REM. END PROJECT R-5745 � ��I \ \ -- . + . - - - - --_ __-- � _ ��J J F � � ,� ��� � � 15 - ----8,� �� � �-- -- -- _ � _ � �_ � �� �� �A � '� � � i i F�— � " �_ � - �,.., C , �� � r i i✓i�,, i , �.�. i �J � C r 1� � _ �i �" � � - - -� - ,.- _ �' - - - - - � r� , � � � �� '' ; ,�� i`_i s.��'�`f �, � ;SEE DETAIL E �� 1', ! , . , `, � �', P SEE DETAIL D �� � � �,�� ;'i�� CONCRETE PIERS FOR I AERIAL SEWER LINE � '�� ���, M(L � ' '-�ATE � - � i � � � , �� , , , , , , � � � � - ,_. , , �� WOODS ���: ,-� PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 13 � �� EXISTING CULVERT DIMENSIONS - 1@8'X7',2@8'X72',1@8'X7'RCBC,81 DEG. SKEW PERMIT DRAWING Pao�ecTReFeaeNceNo. _ CBC, 73 DEG. SKEW 50200.1.1 �R-57451 LOWER CREEK IMPACTS PROPOSED CULVERT DIMENSIONS - 3@72'X72'-4" R TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH 2600' �/� TGS res ENG/NEERS � �, � FOR CULVERT REPLACING ���_ 8�-� N.LAFAYETTE ST � � � -� � � � � ��� � STRUCTURE #130039 �r PH "°4'4'6_�50 Length Type Description �� � � � . _. � � 0003 C � SHELBY NC 28 Permanent 58 ft Fill Proposed Reinforced Concrete I I , � -' BoXcui�ert i3i-�3=5sft I � i' � � CALDWELL COUNTY - c ) �� J � , - II �� � , � � � � � ��o � �I � j� � � ' � � � o � � - � � � � 1. �, ;' � �� TRE WETLA D IMPA T� � o� S AM & N C S � � � � J '� � ; I � I I � �j c� � , I �'�� , � � � � r ,� ' LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE AND - � � c� � �� I _ ��; ' TEMPORARY DEWATERING FOR p � p Y g Impervious Dikes, �b� � � � � � � �^ �� i � � �_ �, � !, ;'� ' � � PROP. WATERLINE (17 LF) � � � Tem ora 247 ft Tem orar Dewaterin Line Diversions and �� -N � PROPOSED WATERLINE ��m , CLASS I RIP RAP TYP: � �-+ -� -� � , � Pump around (See Sheets 6&7) � �� c,� � � - m- � INSTALLED BY OPEN ��� Temporary dewatering, PROP. RET. WALL' � v �' ' �' � TRENCH METHOD �m � / �'� � , % II � ���, Waterline Relocation/ � � ��� r, r /, Tem ora » ft Dewatenn im ervious dikes um around , � ' p rY g p , p p- , � ' �� � Tr �_��-�-� 57"x38" CS PIPE-ARCH ! � - ''� and tem . excavation for � � , . , a� , � � i�_� ,��_ ,��i ,�� G BURIED 8" �-' relocation of 8" WL FLOQjDPL.AIN BE�H LINE� � ' �_ �_ �. 8� ' i PROP. GREENWAY � �-L� � WITH � I�IP RAP (TYP.) �� � I �-� -�`t �. ir� � I �,, � ii � � ,, �� UT TO LOWER CREEK IMPACTS � � � ' � � ""'',� i! � _� ' � �����'� ` r�� ��i � ��,_� - i _ �', i i �A� � ,� , , i ij� 1 � � i ���� � � ��,_ � � �� � �TREAM B � NIF , - - �.. � , �� (��' cr' ii i, , I � , Length Type Description � �� �TABILIZAT�OI� (108 �� �.F�' � � � ' 'r i' � �'�� i I i jrtl �� i < < � i�', � � �� �C - � ' /'��- <`��` � � �� , � � ' l',� _i l.a� �' �� i HW i ` Permanent � � j � ' I' � � ay� J l � � � � i -� - � `�� � SEE ;'DETAIL K Relocated Stream in east quad � I � � 18" CSP'W/ROD &�� L� G � a 1 i��� �� � r�� � � O �'��� �, � Restored 63 ft Natural Stream Desi n � � -� �'- � � Stream g due to widened roadway ' � � ' � � CONNECTO�RS AN�i ; SKETS � `�a �. r� �i�� � �� ` � � �� �� � � �� � � �� ��� �� � � � �'RESTORED PO � r"� � REALIG%lED Relocated Stream in east quad _ , � �� � �� -� ��� a ���� t � ._� '�� �T�� �� ,�� �����, �� � �� STREAItV1 (63 LF) � � Permanent 201 ft Fill -L- POC 1.��-48,59 - ��� � i�d-!_ �, ,�; I � � ��' � � / �- � ,� due to widened roadwa i�'I �� � �i i ��� // � I`��. �iJ� � SEE 47ETAIL B Y -Y- POT 15+�32.22 � � � � I� � i � � _, �� . � ' � f �-� � �� �/ �`_i C- � I " �' i� �, � ;�O FILL%EXIST. � i 4� � SFj� DETAIL A� ��� '� � d i � � STR,�AM (201 LF) � � � Temporary 0 ft None Notemporaryimpacts � � ,� ; � ' �! � �! �� t�, a �� � �� � � > > i ��; �EE ��1'AIL C �- � � / � ' � ,, , � /5 s, � � � ��� n � � , � �� � , � � �;�� � , , ,`� � ' ,�- ` , � ' �� , � _� - �_ ' - �� ��:� � � 7��`'''�� F ' � � � � �� � ` - � ` W ODS i i , � � _ � -57 5 � � = _ �MP r � _ i �,� ��.i� � -L- STA. 10 + 00.00 � i � � � � - _ � � _ - �� � / � , _ 11 _ - �� -'- _ � � � � - � RETAI � __ - � - - - - - � `�' � � �� / \� �' U - ------ - - - - - — - - — - 1, �S \ \� / � . - , � ° , ,� _ � --- - � � � � � — - � � --- -- , , � (' �� � ��� DI� � � ,�L _ � _- -- --- ' - �------- , , -- , �� _ � � , � `�� �--- � � � RE . � ' � ��� r> ���,� , � , , � , �� __ , ' � �� � - �� � i ; - � _ - � � - - 15" qCP� ,��� X , ' - - ------- � � _ _ n_ ` , _ , i ����� � ��- � � � , —= -,� - =-�Erz�rtr�--�' �—' F _ f - - - _---� - - - - - ;,;J;/ 2�����`� - _ -----�`�_ - _ _ � ------ � - -- - F . � M �J ;� _ -- � � . - - - _ _ _ � - - - __- ---------- ^--------- c� , � � EMQ � - �' --- ' - � � STREAM (131 L ) � _ � -- -- - -�- ----, -� PROP. CULV RT I � , - -'` - -- - - - - - - - -- - ` - -- � � w\ � EXI�T. RGHC -- -L- ' ��� TAYLORSVILLE R� ' � � 20' BST ', �, � � 3@i2�xi2�-a�� To BE REM. END PROJECT R-5745 � -� R B O r N � i I ,� C C - . ------ -- -- ---- ' --- � - - - � _ �� - - � . -� . �_ _— � - _ �--- ----- i _ - � ------ � - ��,% � -, --- -- / V � � � — .-- — -- --- uV_— _�� — I � �`�- - � - - - - y ,� - I Lr,� , �� y�� - _ --- - - , � - --- - - --- ---- � Y � � � „ 1�-�- � -�� � - - - - � �, -� , o � � � _ �� � � �,� _ �5 ---- -8-- � � ;� „ `, _ - w — �� �,,� � �' -' .'� 4� RA �3�Q TL_3 . � _ � � _ �BST ��� __ � I o � � , � -_ , _ � � i � � �' � ��, ,_ � � � _ _Y �� -- � _. - - ---- � � � ti ---- - _ ��� � � I �, � - - � .�� - � -� - --- - - �_ < _ �� � � ,' � � � , , � �- � � �-- -- - - _ � _- �,, ,, , � _ ' i � i � M � i �` : ; �1,� � ,, ; _ _ � i��� F , �" � H � — � I �-�- �` � � -� i � �z �r � � 'o C r' � - _ � - - � - -; - �- - - - � � �� '� �F �, i� r� r�" I 1;� ���__ i 8' NOTES: DI� � � (i i i-r1 i� �i� _�_ � �'�" i�� �' �� , ;'SEE DETAIL E �� �', 1. LOWER CREEK IS IN THE CATAWBA RIVER BASIN. ___ �}� � � i � -� , �� 1 i i_ � � � � I I I_ � I I i �' V ` _ PVC � �i�i=��_ , � _ � - ' ��� %� ��I ( 1 � i � . �- � � � � '� � ', � � 2. CLEARWG SHALL BE PERPORMED PER � �-�� � II � � � i I��i ! I��' ` P- SEE DETAIL D �' NCDOT METHOD IL �� �� �� i��� � � \ C ����r�r�i �� � ', o �' � '�� ;u � � �r�i��i� _ �. , � �; ', � �r� � II I � � �`l i`� � i � ` �� CONCRETE PIERS FOR I FOOTHILLS PARTNERS, LLC � _ I; � I � �' dqb ���� � � EI� �'� ��r� ��� �� � � AERIAL SEWER LINE �, '�� ���, MTL --� �_� � \ ' � � ,, � , DB 1166 PG 744 I ---- ' ` `� C ' ` ��rE --- � � � � � � A — � I � ,, " (TRACT I) 'iz �' ' GRAPHIC SCALE BST � � �Q � � � � � '� � � F- - _ r _ RA 35 TL 3 _ _ G U 0 20 10 0 20 40 o���w � �-� � � � I i��� � � � — , - WO�DS ���1�— _ - i � , I � � �� ' ' , I I' � , � , PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 2 OF 13 - � � -. � � � ��2� �I I I I I I oc�iAi �onnc PROPOSED CULVERT C�L -L- STA. 14 + 68.00 PROP. 3@ 12'(SPAN) x 12'-4"(RISE) RCBC PROP. GRADE =1108.78' SKEW = 73° i 12 + 00 CULVERT HYDRAULIC DATA 13+00 DESIGN DISCHARGE = 2600 CFS DESIGN FREQUENCY = 50 YRS DESIGN HW ELEVATION = 1106.0 FT BASE DISCHARGE = 3/00 CFS BASE FREQUENCY = l00 YRS BASE HW ELEVATION = 1107.25 FT OVERTOPPING DISCHARGE = 3500 CFS OVERTOPPING FREQUENCY= 200+/- YRS OVERTOPPING ELEVATION = llOB.IOFF FT ==OVERTOPPING ELEVATION REPRESEN%S LOWEST HIGH POINT ON DECK/ROADWAY,WHICH OCCURS AT SAG @ -L - ST A. l5 +26 14+00 PROFILE ALONG 15+00 ROADWAY 16+00 - L- 17+00 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 3 OF 13 ����� $9gVI�IO�T �� �II��IW.�Y9 �.��,�w��,a, ��u�vT� ���,r�C�; ���O�,i.i �t-���� P E RM I T D RAW I N G ����,�c����� �� �u�,���� ��. g�pp�< FOR BRIDGE #130039 �� u� �.�!�� �� �.���,����ILL� �� CALDWELL COUNTY �`'�� �-�W�� ��EK 1120 1110 1100 1090 �:� PROPOSED GRADE \\ �-:-_ - - -----__� ,- _��� ��, 100 YR. W.S. ELEV = 1107.25 =� � � — 50 YR. W.S. ELEV. = 1106.0' —� -- GL —L— STA. 14 + 68.00 PROP. 3@ 12'(SPAN) x 12'-4"(RiSE) RCBC PROP. GRADE =1108.78' SKEW = 73° � �� � �— —� ' - / -'--- -- - --,_ _, ' r---�--_--- ---�-� i � � � � � �— —i � � — i � i � � � � � � � o � I � ,— ; NORMAL W.S. ELEV. = 1094.5' � _� � , � l�l� --�� � —�--- —�— � --- — —�— � — -- — --- ---. " i 1.1,1 ��f �,I��_:�.1fT[T17�TI7 � ��r 2 00' 150' 100' S0' 0 PROFI LE ALONG EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED - ___ --- �! __ _------------ � --� / ��—EXISTING RIGHT � — OVERBANK — _ � \ �, ! \ `--EXISTING LEFT OVERBAN K -- ------ -� -- ----- - -�---_- I � BED PROFILE \�_ � GL INVERT =1091.84' TOP OF SILT SLOPE = 0.005 FTiFT I I I I _ I _!- : � _ � 50' 100' 150' STRE�J�/1 2 00' PERMIT DRAWING FOR BRIDGE #130039 CALDWELL COUNTY PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 4 OF 13 DETAIL A CHANNEL CHANGE ( Not to Scale) Natural _ Natural _ _ Ground �y p �,'� Groun�lc d� C�. i 2ir aa.P — B I Min. D=3 Ft. Min. d=D B= 5 Ft. Type of Liner= CL. I RIP RAP FROM -L- STA. 14+40 TO 14+55 LT DETAIL E STANDARD 'V' DITCH ( Not }o Scale) Natural Naturol Ground 2.� 1 Ground D �' d �eote�r�ie Min. D=7 Ft. �pe of Liner- CL. B Rip-Rap Min. d=1 F. FROM -L- STA. 15+07 TO 15+85 RT DETAIL B PILL EXISTING NaturalGround� CHANNEL CHANGE cHnNNe� wr � ( Not to $cale) COMPACTED � BACKFILL Natural _ --.,C---------- ' Groun�d ?.�� D �'. 50:1 ��%�%<�� ,� Min. D=3 Ft. COIR PIBER ���� Min. (i=� ��Existing MATfING (TYP.) � � g=$ Ff. Channel FROM -L- STA. 14+99 TO 16+05 LT DETAIL K TYPICAL SLOPE PROTECTION AT STREAM PLUG ( Not to Scale) NG FILL EXISTWG --� CHANNEL WITH � COMPACTED BACKFILL � CLA55 I RIP RAP son �< <, ,8.. �>� � y> ;x ; �� � �� �" EXISTING STREAMBED c: " ;� ` � � ��.-r.L•�'�,� .� � i iz„ GEOTEXTILE � FROM -L- STA. 15+64 TO 16+11 LT DETAIL C STANDARD BASE DITCH ( Not to Smle) Naturol Nafural Ground 2•� .y�;� Ground d D Geotextile �J g Min. D= 2 Ft. Min. d= D Ft. B = 2 Ft. of Liner- CL. B FROM -L- STA. 15+17@740'LT TO 15+25@63'LT SLOPE = t°/a DETAIL D RIP RAP AT EMBANKMENT ( Not to Scale) FLOOD PLAIN 5'min.-�1 f�- � BENCH Ditch —�' � �, Grade 7.5' min. —� � �� GEOTEXTILE � � Type of Liner-Closs 1 Rip-Rap on Geotextile Fabric FROM -L- STA. 75+04 TO 75+19 RT PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 5 OF 13 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. �—.�)�`,i�J E�—Q/!l;0/V�il,4 2W SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER CU LVERT CONSTRUCTION SEQU ENCE STA. 14 + 68 -L- 1. CONSTRUCT CHANNEL CHANGE & PIPE-ARCH TO DIVERT JS AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 1. INSTALL IMPERVIOUS DIKES AS SHOWN TO DIVERT WATER INTO NEWLY CONSTRUCTED Pl. 2. INSTALL IMPERVIOUS DIKE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EASTERNMOST CULVERT BARREL (Pl). 2. CONSTRUCT CULVERT BARRELS P2 & P3 (UPSTREAM PORTIONS OF THE TWO 3. CONSTRUCT Pl (UPSTREAM PORTION), BUT DO NOT CONSTRUCT 4' SILL OR WESTERNMOST BARRELS). BACKFILL UNTIL PHASE 4. 3. UPON COMPLETION OF P2 & P3, COMPLETE DETOUR ROADWAY AND DIVERT TRAFFIC. 4. DEWATER WORK SITE AS NEEDED INTO SPECIAL STILLING BASIN. 4. REMOVE REMAINING EXISTING CULVERT TO 1' ABOVE WATER SURFACE. 5. DEWATER WORK SITE AS NEEDED INTO SPECIAL STILLING BASIN. PHASE 1 �� �, PHASE 2 � �oy � ��'9 �, 'l� �p�� <�, ; � � � . II �� '� I��� II � i�i DIKE ,��� ,�- IMPERVIOUS LINE DIVERSION WITH GEOTEXTILE II ��� � II DIKE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION TYPE 4 IMPERVIOUS I� �'I;� �I � -_ - � cv ss i ki 2na � I� VA ;:� �' . . � � c�ass i Ri w,P �r{P �� ; i� � . I ST. TOTA 430 T. N I •� I r I7I ��/ ,S Sf_ TOTA 430 T N$ � I I � � �� / � I� V�:, �� i IMPERVIOUS j'� V -� I / . �'I.. � DIKE �� � ��.� I. _ ✓ � / �� I� �� � - '!s� ��� �� � r� "'� ����� �� k' � � � ` i � : . s� � � , �� �� �, `' s' � �� �� i '� ,� �' � � > ,'� II il r� f ��c w �/���/ �� � II II II � ��- �c W_T. �`� `�J% Y�'�v� j I � p � , �� �,' � I II �I �� /�� ��I GTD„y�'� 7� � � � . II � �� � GTD,� /r''t � 1 I � 1 i �,� ♦ .j `'�_ :(' � �I . �_ , ;r�� � �, 3�.�^N (� � I �:/,�1 � I � � i� � I � r J � � , I � � �'� - 0 — � �� F� � I J � � � I�� \. / 1u Fl � I J . ' i \� I ���II P3 P2� Pl � � —i—-��� t I �— � � P3 P2�P� _ \\� �c� _—� � �. . � . \ /. . . , - ._ `— � I I � \'� � � �t� . I � �� ' -i� I�_���� / �� � ' I 7 l / � — _ i �- �, _'-- - -- — - \ _ � � � `-- --- � — ����-- _ _ � � "_.- �,, — — � — -- ��s-= _$" — — � � - � - �'� _� __ � ' F �_.'__ � � �_� i _ . _ — __— —_ — _� _—_--_— . .F— ___' "-" _ ''_-.i � _— —__—_— -�-- � __ __ _—_ ___ � �_ � , . .'_ __� �_-- .— _ . .. '_ -`_— � I _— _ � , �, i — I - - ---_� II � _, 1 -- - _ ---_� I i , - -- � � �. ' ---- � � ,-„�'�'�-r'"'-�' �:�...� . �� � � � � f-�rrr i . - -- . -� — � —� � \ I rr r '. � � � `�*� I �- I ' ��^�� �`��� . c � �� � �' � � �� � �` �� � �� �r-„-�,1� �. 1 I � � c � 1� � I �' 4� � �� � ,� � i' �-' II � ;<� c � � �� � �I I � II � � �� �� � � s iMPeRvious � ��i !, � - _ —�{ � � � �� �y� �� i �� ���a j �� - � _ -= '�� � � . i � V DIKE � � � � � I � � � � ^� ;� � � �� �� �:r i i �; �� � � � i i 'S m � I � � �� � <' r �, ,t���'� .n �i��I�l Ili EXCAVATION (TYP.\ \`C\y�''� \� �" �\ I�` � �"j�"`�� �I�,I III ` � ESTCTOTALODDETYP25 CY \ I� I` �� .� � ({`.�_ EST.TOTAL DDE=125\CY � '-y � � I �14Y . � a � � � �� � � � IIII \��\�\ �\ II \ \ ��� � \ � �� � � ^�'" \ '\� II � �� ��'�� � II � ' � � ` �� �� I,I,i � �� '� � II� 'I I I '� I PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. �—�-)7�ij t;�—�I�S!i.(i!`l�)��.4 2W SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER CU LVERT CONSTRUCTION SEQU ENCE STA. 14 + 68 -L- 1. UPON REMOVAL OF EXISTING CULVERT TO 1' ABOVE WATER SURFACE, 1. UPON COMPLETION OF BARRELS P2 & P3. DIVERT FLOW TO THESE BARRELS. MAINTAIN FLOW THRU Pl AND INSTALL IMPERVIOUS DIKE AS SHOWN. 2. INSTALL IMPERVIOUS DIKES AS SHOWN IN ORDER TO COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION OF 2. REMOVE REMAINDER OF EXIST. CULVERT FOR P2 & P3 AND Pl AND RETAINING WALL AT UPSTREAM END. CONSTRUCT REMAINDER OF P2 & P3. 3. UPON COMPLETION OF CULVERT RESTABLISH STREAM ACCORDING TO CONST. PLANS. 3. DEWATER WORK SITE AS NEEDED INTO SPECIAL STILLING BASIN. 4. DEWATER WORK SITE AS NEEDED INTO SPECIAL STILLING BASIN. PHASE 3 �� �, PHASE 4 � � �oy � � ��'9 �, 'l� �p�� <�, ; � � � � II � ��� � � II �� `', , , II "�� �� ; i �; � �� '�I�� ��`'' � � � IMPERVIOUS � � � I � � �'' ' DIKE � cv ss i ki 2na �.� � �� � � ? � � � c�ass i Ri w,r �r�� � � � � i � � � � . i�ST.TOTA 430 T�N I� I rl7l � I � ��/ �$ �ST_TOTA 430 T N$ ' I rI I ,� I ._ -y ;jS /� � � o"� �, j i'� � \ \� -� ,' � � � / �� _ � 4 � �sY/ � �ii � .� � 4 � i � �� � , �. � � ��� �i sr , � c '� " l � � � ��c / II �I — ; '� �' — �s= ' II I� '� , ; �' � II II r�� �.i f„ I�HW � *`""% 5 ;5�, �` 5 � / I II II J m �j' �'�� HW \ � �'y � , � �i I � ' .. II � � � ��� p�' � � II �I — ; : �/ � � i �� � � , � �� �� /t�� �I GTD�,y�� 7�� I �� . � . .. GTD,� � � I � � . �I i I I i �, � J�.f 5 � � � I I \ �f �, � iJ �, }�w� f,� � � � � - d�i,'` � �� � V ' � '� ' � I �� J i° J \ / / r i - }^ \ a ���� __ _ _— � \ � _ ' . L I I � �� F � F _l I I \ `P3�p2�p� F FL = F I—,: � � `/ I -- _ I �P2�p� ��_�� i ,. . �� � � � V A � \ � ���F� � — c �\P3\ \ \ F ��,F --,__— —� � ��� � � V � �' �-- � � \ M � \ / _ --�_ t � , : \ ;� i! I ���r� - � `s� - - ,� ; I �aw� � ' � ������ _� � �� - � - - - ;' % _� ��_ , __ — I � --� ---F � � -- � �-=�1 -_ -� - , � i� \ w �� � _ - - �� _ - -- , _ -J � - - _ - � --- - - _ - --- - '� -- ---- - -- - � - _ � � - -- -= - - - - �".�-��- ,_ � � � � � -- ---- - --- - � -- - I — - - - � - -- � �� - � — - r -- - � � - � �, �- E_ � . � P3 P2 Pl .�F _ -- _ ' � — — _ . � , � P3�p2 f- e - ��'���� C .. _\ I .. C C `\ I /- .:,,... �� C C � C \ v — { \� � "��'-'-'_^_''"�tr(.�... \ I � — f �' � � ^v{"1'—n_`^—n^Lr_`yi-1"�..`.. � :i I II � � � C � 1 I � � �^` � , � ,_„ r,v, ,� � � � � o � i � �F �r� �-=�-�"�-� �.,�� I f' I ` I I � � 1 I � —i{ �� �� � s�;_�� `��- �; = ���� �I� � `� ��s�� ��� � I I li � _ , �� � � � II ! �,� � ��� � I '� �, , o 7 yd �� � ����iA� exc aTioN �rva�)� � 1 I �'`z'�n"""� IIVI I�i �cnvnrioN jTVP� ��� ��� �� �, ��-�`"'�.�–,__� .� � _ EST. OTFlL DDE=125 CY � � � � - , ({ _ E57-TOiAL E=125 CY -��'� � � � ` � � � �� �� IMPERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS � DIKE \ �. � � � II DIKE �, ����,� �� ����� \ \ ��n � , T �� �, s I, �_ ^ � � IMPERVIOUS �� I � . � '. I DIKE � � - � LINE DIVERSION WITH GEOTEXTILE I II FOR SOIL STABILIZATION TYPE 4 I I I I e ---� ;"`—% I II i CALOWELL COUNTY D8 1844 PG 637 ��' ���i I i RICHARD M. & qg,pp �� / ReTn�N -L- CURVE DATA CYNTHIA H. EX. ww �./ 11 eaR�owE Pl Sta 10+90.43 Pl Sto 22+2995 DB 1698 PG 379 � 0= F 2,3' 12.6" (f�T) �_ %%.�'6' 00.9' (LT) l, m D- 2' 07' 372' D= 4' OS' 332' PB 25 PG 209 �23.00' � ,, u �, �� - � � � L 20625' L= 43006' o� i"� — i=° aoPE � �`� 2�o � T- 103.17' T= 2/673' � � � CALDWELL �� _�., �_, , ,�r,,,, � 2 � I � � I � COUNTY . t;.i . r . ._ . . . . . i�� uis`.a7--==� � ``a ' � 1r�F=ms.ir I `'� ��� i i DB 1844 '�� . O . . . „ . , � PG 637 � . '� ' CL I RIP RAP / Place Matting for Erosion Control on Slope as Work Allows. -L- Sta. 14 + 50 to 16 + 00 LT -Y- C RVE DATA Pl 14+40.4/ � 34' 33J' (LT1 = r 3s� i3.�• = 5��, T - 2 2.43' R - 3 00.00' . RA PROPERTY, LLC � . � n"x3s" cs PiPe-aacH � --� ��.� ��`� > . DB I74S PG S3O CLA55 I RIPRAP �TYP.� I � / BURIED 8" � � � PB 25 PG 209 w EST. TOTAL: 430 TONS, (?I5. SEE DETAIL B� SHEET 2D 1 YAW j / %0 -GRN- CURVE Pl Sta 11+54.70 P! Sra 1� r: �= 25 42' 3/.6" (RTJ p- 46' 0,. ', D= l43' l4' 22.0" D= l43' l L = 18.65' L = 32J5' T = 9.50' T = (7 00' R= 4o.oa R= 90 oc OO -GRN- PC 11+452/ � -GRN- ; -i r� ��: ll -GRN- PRC ll-h63.85 �-6RN- POT l3-%; �- Q S 2T 53' 5/.7" W N � -Y- STA. 14+98.16 � SEE DETAIL K � � BEGW 2' �" Ct�!'� � ��� ��t� SHEEr 2D-t I STEVENS ENi _., l8" CSP w/ROD & WG "I� �� A' C8 775 f' ., , BEGIN �C .. � CONNFCTORS AND GASKETS � N� —SEE DETAIL C � � CL. B RIP RAP � � O40 � w� EST. 1 TONS � � v"�� 3 E G I N P R O J E C T R- 5 7 4 5 GEOTE%TILE , I� � F��� `-L- STA 10 + 00.00 EST. 5 SY ','� �� ,,; � � -L- POT l3 ' � -Y- POC l5-h�r.��� � oaa ���ye�' � � ' EX 2W � ELBOWS � \ �,�N \�H PROP. ASPHALT � � r WALK AND RAMP "�\. � \ \�i .. � �,� . RETAIN �040 .. � _ ��---- —_— - / -L- PT 11t93.5/ � -- +7 � ���,,. REM. `� ■ RETAIN .- �� _ - - - - - - � 0478'::,: � �� I . . _ni rzs�—�— � —=i = �N narFr3o.iai-'�� _ �- I � _ —r= —� --- � ,Y-- �.vBI c -- ��N T — �\ w -L- PC t.26 � P°14 o r � N �4r � '�_-- �ti��,r.ir - �4 CON_ ��` PAMP �� FOOTHILLS PARTNERS, LLC DB 1166 PG 744 fTRACT U �• _ Z r �4' _'. z � �9 i i i�_ Y � y :,• � Y �. � � � � ; � _ �.:. �. � >loues �i�J f�ct cs gr���ee. ��q � � SHEET 2D-1 ,p� CL. B RIP RAP �EST.S TONS $EE DETAIL F � GEOTEXTILE SHEET 2D-1 - SEE DY � 24" CSP W/ROD & LUG SHE � .,, �. EST.14 SY CONNECTORS AND GASKETS 6 GTD ... �O� . � � . F �I" � ' I-USE SEE DETAIL F �' �� - � '� SHEET 2D-1 �� � ���� � � / � ao 00 .. / ��� � �E SEE DETAIL G I jf -!?� / �' E �"- � C 50.00' .� � � SHEET 2D-1 0417 - oa,o ��/�'.�\ `i �i'�—R � oa,a ELBOW� .kC�""i .. .. � . . _ _�'-- . — ' / , H E:i ,. , ■ �.-a za acr_ , � � � ` � � > _ >' � � � � �s" ace-iv , � �. 04(�'.�p REA�� .-. REMOVE IV CB 040 ■� B 24" RCP-IV .� ■ r.B �"" F� _ 24" RCP-IV REMO�t 0413 � � 0411 � E%IST. RCBC ' � TO BE REM. � ' I 15 � T r�- �4'.: �:�. �j '��` o� a�o� ;RAVEL I _ �� x� > - '��� , F -� u. ''���Et v�fAIL E C� v ,- .�' � r i� � \ SHEET 2D-1 E +:- r � 1 `�SEE DETAIL D �' � t 00 00'��� � I�� �b`_ . � � SHEET 2D-1 .. � . �� m� - . - I \\w `e .. � , � I� ' . � � � E%CAVATION (TYP.\ � - ` I EST.TOTALDDE=125 CY \ � O�j � 1 �. m\ � �\\1\ a / O, RO' \ � \ JOEL D. BARLOW Y � a)B 1734 PG 161 DEBRA K. I', �. m\ � �� �'B 2 PG T6 DB 1382 PG �.. \ i Place Matting for Erosion Control on Slope as Work Allows. -L- Sta. 14 + 70 to 16 + 00 RT 3 --- .. . ��� � N,,.--.�- -_ — --.�i- ,, � -.—.e,—� O4 e C�Wi.T � �� —r�� � ���0416 � IN. BETWEEN �-�'-'�� ��'_"� F�O� TYP ___ �--. �- CL. B RIP RAP �� pq75 E%IST. SS AND 18" PIPE — T � � GREGORY BARLOW DB 726 PG 1013 PB 2 PG 76 - EST. 1 TONS . GEOTEXTILE _ _ - -- . . _. - _., _,.-., . EST. 5 SY . L 320'TA,i �� v �'"�= � o ��c� r� . �. 5 JOEL D. BARLOW � D8 1T34 PG 161 �' PB 2 PG 76 INSTALL MATTING IN THE � I PROPOSED DITCH LINE �Y -L- STA 16+25 TO 24+00 RT . FST..545 SY � PLANTING DETAILS LIVE STAKCS PLANTING DETAIL LIVE STAKE sau�RE cuT � �� l3UDS (FAC'NG UPWARDI �.�E ��TT�N� il/�`_7"DIAMEfFRi -� \ _ — 3 Feet ANG_E CJ' 30°. q5" —. /' \ EXISiING/PROPO�E� STREAMBE� BANK STABILIZATION WITH LIVE STAKES Nr,TF: LiVE STAKES SHALL BE SPACEf) APPROXIMATE Y 4 FEET oN ��N1E� CVE STAKES SHALL BE �RNEN IJNTIL APPROXIMAT'cLY 3/4 OF LIVE STAKE IS WITHIN GROUND � BAREROOT PLANTING DETAIL DIBBLE PLANTING METHOD USING THE KBC PLANTING BAR \ �� ~��i i I� -- i�iniiii'Hi _= i i � i i-�l i i il i il��li'iii�i �iiii���1i���� 1. Insert planting bar as shown and pull handle towurd planter. `�r \ � _ — IIII li IIRI _— II � 1-1 I I I -111=! I I I II Il« �� �� �� ���� �� ��I I I, ���I I �I I II I I I 4. Yull handle of bar toward planteq tirming soil at boCtom. ui iii � ii il�iii�ii _ li� � li li i�� li lil� I� �i���III�Kemo��ve plentiug bar and place seedling at uorrect dcpth. � ���1 �� -i=1 I I1=1II I IHII IFII�!II II I I1i=11 II -III �I I I I I 111-11 IIII IIIIL-11 III—III I L=1 I I-1 I�I I I��C I I I I 5. Push handle fon5-ard tirming soil at top. PLANTING NOTES: PLANTING BAG During planting, seedlings shall bc kept in a moist canves bag or similar contamer to prevent [he root systems from dning. I�"RC I'i,:1NTING 13AR PlanCing bu shall have a blade �vith a triangular cross sectioo, and shall be 12 inche� lang, 4 inches wide und 1 inch thick �t center. xoo�r Yxu_�inc All seedlings shall be root prun�d, if neccesary, so [hat no roots extend more than 10 inches below the root collar. � 2 ���n Illi �i � ��i�i li� l��i�i ii�i�i ��i ii�i�i�iii i��i Il�lllllllllliil �Ililllllill 3. Insert planting bar 2 inehes roward planter from seedling. y _ III-IIIi 11=i11=11 IIIIIIII IIII�IIIIIIIIIII = IIIIIII�IIIIIIIIII1111. I I I r l-�I—L',1-11 6. I,eave compaction holc open. �V�tcr thoroughly. u ❑ TI'PE 1 STREAMBANK REFORESTATION SHALL B� PLANTED 3 I� 1'. TO 5 FT. ON CENTEI2, RANDOM SPACING, AVERAGING 4 I'T. ON CENTLR, APPROXIMATELY 2724 PLANTS PER ACRE. ❑ TI'PI. 2 STRI,AMBANK REFORESTATION SHALL B� PLANT�D 6 I�"1'. TO 10 N 1'. ON CENTER, RANDOM SPACING, AVERAGING 8 FT. ON CENT�R, APPROXIMAT�LY 680 PLANTS PER ACRE. ❑ NOTE: TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2 STREAIVIBANK REFORESTATION SHAI,L BE PAID FOR AS "STREAMBANK REFORESTATION" STRF.AMBANK REFORESTATION TYPICAL TYPE II ITYPE I I 8 FG I I ; ��. STREAMBANK REFORESTATION MIX'I'URE, TYPE, SIZE, �D FUR�'ISH SHALL CONFORM TO THF F'OLLOWINU: TYPE 1 50% SALIX NIGRA BLACK VVILLOW 2 ft - 3 ft LIVE STAKES 50% CORNUS AMOMUM SILKY DOGWOOD 2 ft - 3 ft LIVE STAKES TYPE 2 25% LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA TULIP POPI,AR 12 in - 18 in BR 25% PLATANUS OCCIDENTALIS SYCAMORE 12 in - 18 in BR 25% PRUNUS SEROTINA 25% BETULA NIGRA BLACK CHERRY 12 in - 18 in BR RIVER BIRCH 12 in - 18 in BR ❑ SEE PLAN SHF.ETS FOR ARFAS TO BE PLANTED STREAMBANK REFORESTATION DETAIL SHEET 1 OF 2 N.�.➢D.�.'➢'.� �B�.�IDSI�DE IENV�I$�DNNI�NT.�L UN3'lf° DIRECTION OF FLOW � ANChvn� vi� 1' CENTERS MATTING � ANCHOR TRENCH IN TRENCH �' ON 1' CENTERS / AAI/`LIAD A\/CDI AD COIR FIBER MATTING ANCHORS ON 3' CENTERS EXTEND MATTIN TO NWSEL STREAM BED PLAN VIEW F 18„ (TYP) BACKFILL � ;HORS ON CENTERS ANCHORS ON 1' CENTERS FLOODPLAIN/ EXISTING GROUND V'; . � 6" MIN � � ANCHORS ON 1' CENTERS IN TRENCH / MATTING SHALL BE PLACED IN TRENCH AND BACKFILLED ANCHORS ON 1' CENTERS TYPICAL CROSS SECTION COIR FIBER MATTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 2" x 2" (nominal) WOODEN STAKE 1 ,� � 1-2" 1-2 12-24„ #10 STEEL REINFORCEMENT BAR 4,� y IAMETER BEND L 4" 24„ 1" (nominal) STAPLE 1" � 12 �� ANCHOR OPTIONS STREAMBANK REFORESTATION DETAIL SHEET 2 OF 2 N.�.➢D.�.'lf.� �B�.�IDSI�DE IENV�g$�DNh��NT.�L LiNS'lf° �����.������ ���z�� DO NOT U3E FOR CONSTRVCTION _. _.. xI�L� - ' f'� //fJJ� CALDWELL COUNTY PROPOSED 90° TEE � DB 1844 PG 637 — -L- STA. 21+31.23 RT 158.47' I ` TIE TO EXISTING 12" WATERLINE f -WL1- STA. 0+00 I � -WL3- STA. 2+35.56 RICHARD M. & RETAW � ��;� nn CYNTHIA H. ex. P�w1 � � ,' � � BARLOWE � DB 1698 PG 379 +oo.00 �� PB 25 PG 209 123.00� � J 01 3 � ..��� ��� �" -' --_ ~_ � . � �� 'Wl� I�II � � CDBU644L.�� 12 VALVE ,� �, PG 637 � 12 . RA PROPFRTY, LI..0 ' � DB 1745 PO 530 i �c�-�� � PB 25 PG 209 � s. �> . ... . � � -Y- STA. 14 � 98.16 � cv BEGIN 2' 6` C&G � -WLQ+S�� � BEGIN 10' MUL71-USE ��a�� csi w,eo' � �u� � REMP7V« EXIST��NC�iP VAL E i coNNicroasl �No cn o Gv c EST. 1 TONS ;��GIN PROJECT R-5745 �Eo�EXT��E ` � �= � L- STA 10 + 00.00 ES, 5 SY j; � -L- POT 13+48.59 = � ' �, � -Y- POC 15+8222 � � ( � +27.4 ` � � PROP. ASPHALT �X � � �� � * WALK AND RAMP � \ i I . � , �" 4 � _ \ REfAIN � i �� `� o'v� ' �� PT 11+935/ +73./5 �� I `' � �a� ♦ • i I 5. �.F . O � oaot .��i -�fk�l� � � F - - - - _ /, _ _ � _�--F _ — _ — _ i FOOTHILLS �PARTNERS, LLC DB 1166 PG 744 (TRACT U � DCpM� T --� � za Nr� & L 1MP � � � � -1 = --� PROPOSED 236 LF OF 12" WATER LINE (DUCTILE IRON CLASS 350 REMOVE EXISTING VALVE— ABANDON APPROX. 238' LF 12" UTILITY PIPE WORK NEEDED ON EXISTING 6" AC WATER LINE WILL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO PROPOSED 12" WATER LINE REPLACEMENT. HOY DERMONT ANDREWS FpMILY 1�RUST oa ib3a �c �su TIE TO EXISTING 12" VALVE -WL3- STA. 0+00 • -L- STA. 13+97.40 RT 66.96' r� � 12" VAL -GRN STA i4 I BEGIN GREENWA /57'x38 CS PIPE AR BUftIED 8' . SEE AIL 13 - ET 2 D-1 II n CL. I RIP R� . _ —I �4 0.0 � �\ > .. ,85o a2 , � /�STEPHEN A. PHILYAW� T/ DB 1114 PG 320 - �w�SFE DETAIL K �'" / SHEET 2D-1 �/— SEE DETAIL C y� y� SHEET 2D-t '�I / CL 8 RIP RAP' � 3+uu 2+50 1 2+00 1 o I5o,;;, ifQqcP i+�5o 1 � �1i2 _�� -1�� � �enu sso � -3 \ � ��Y� m � 3t„ I E%CAVATION � .\ �F` EST.TOTAL DDE= CY III r- Pr n+oi.s �;� �;,, bll ll 03 m, 1 ROY R. & ,rl I �LLT J DEBRA K. POPE D8 1382 PG 55 �II III I a I .. I � � I Gilll � I � �� � �,� � --"C�TNY M. BIDDIX & 'F; REY C. BIDDIX _. �:l It�6 PG I7�38 \ 4PGtl 2 76 �' � UTILITY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. R-5745 UC-04 DESIGNED BY: ,4/-/C DRAWN ev: AHC CHECKED BY: BCH APPROVED BY: ;7;7;7 REVISED: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IITILITIES ENCINEERING SEC. PHONE:(9191707-6690 UTILITY CONSTRUCTI01 FAX:(9191250-4151 PLANS ONLY DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL PROP 4�J° HORIZ. UNLESS ALLSIGNATURESCOMPLETED �BEND -L- STA. �CSS TGs eniGit�eeRs 14+g6.74 LT 166.62' �� aoa-c ni. �.e.F.wveTre sr SHELBY, NC 28750 PH (704) 476-0003 CORP. LICENSE NO.: C-0275 PROP 45° HORIZ. •BEND -L- STA. 15+99.22 LT 48.90' RELOCATE WATER METER PROP 11.25° HORIZ. BEND -L- STA. 17+17.35 LT 46.21' PROPOSED 1045 LF OF 8" WATER LINE (DUCTILE IRON CLASS 350) PROP 11.25° HORIZ. BEND -L- STA. �17+75.30 LT 34.00' N ( J G,- SfEVENS ED _. DB 775 i �« ��� �� v n_ ,, SHEEI _� � � oP � A � „�KETS c PROP.lO' -L- PC 20t13.2/ MULTI-USE � see oerna F o ��a PATH sHEer 2o-i � �� �o� �s o� , ;r� orr,: g�,r� � 8+so -WL�+oo 5+00 WL�+50 6-t00 6+50 7-/00 7+50 �8� u,� . . . ., w� 6 „ � - .__ /'' _ __ -_- _--_ . � ' '_ �i Nl�-�.. �' c � ��W T — --- �-�� -"7 DB 726 PB 2 � CONCRETE PIERS� � PROPOSED 40 LF I -OF AERIAL g„ SANITARY GRAVITY SEWER CONCRETE PIERS PROPOSED 115 LF OF 8" SANITARY GRAVITY SEWER LINE I TIE TO EXISTING MH --L- STA 14+01.97 RT 74.33'; ADJUST TOP AS NEEDED INVERT IN=1100.76 INVERT OUT=EXIST �� � 1. � _ Z � r O� � � V' O � O - � � 44 FppS ' _ _ ,—'B�— � �. O —�� -_- E C)- . _''-__ ---* - — -_ - ---__ . --_ -. � G _,._ , =�c�— ., _ -- - � `'r�' ADJUST � QErNEEN - ` exisr nNo is ePe MANHOLE aluc aiw — �. B RIP RAP 15 - EST. 1 TONS �, v � ' - - GEOTEX7ILE � ABANDON APPROX. 1010' LF - J-J `� _ Es{��� - i g" UTILITY PIPE TIE TO EXIS�$Q�T�R iNffD�� -L- STA. 17+12.07 RT 41 .02' cuNT�N r�.:= ADJUST TOP AS NEEDED r�� INVERT IN=EXIST, INVERT OUT=1102.48' � PROPOSED 198 LF JOEL D.BARLOW ADJUST �r ^I OF 8" SANITARY DPB 2 PG 76I MANHOLE '. GRAVITY SEWER LINE �' 4' DIA UTILITY MANHOLE -L- STA. 15+16.95 RT 74.58' TOP=1102.07' INVERT IN=1101.40' INVERT OUT=1101.38' - PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. � r 8►► WAT E R L I N E - WL 1 R-5'45 ��-°6 � i�, � ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS 1�� 5O I` I I I I I I I 1', ENGINEER ENGINEER - - - PROP. 11.25° HORIZ. BEND ' PROPOSED GRADE �������Z� ��"�-�N� -� DO NOT IigF. FOR d W ACQIII9ITION -WL1- STA. 3+64.99 EXISTING GRADE �- 1,14� _ - - _ -L- STA. 17+17.35 LT 46.21' ' - � ���.� PROPOSED 15" RCP ����� ' INV. = 1109.69' . � -: - : � J�_� -�- � �. --T�. �. -- �. �- ' -WL1- STA. 4+16.75 ----� / 3 1 �130 � � � � � � � � � � ��'�''� i �'� - L - STA . 1 7+6$ . �� LT 35 . 54� � / � � �Vi 1 N �, �.�_ �, � DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL - UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED -. i. i. . . �i_ �. /� � � / / � �. . �. �. �.. �: �. EGIN WATER LINE. . // �� ��� � ' ' ' 1,1ZO TIE-IN TO 12" WATER LINE � � �'� .- WITH PROP. 8" VALVE. `_ ' _ � PROP 45° VERT BEND. _�� � PROPOSED 24" RCP - '_ -WL1- STA 0+00 INV. = 1118.79' . 1,110 -L- STA 14+02.76 LT 168.54' �i -WL1- STA. 6+62.12 � /��� -L- STA. 20+13.21 LT 34.00' t �,IOO � �/ MAINTAIN 18" MINIMUM . �_ 1J PROP. 11.25° HORIZ. BEND CLEARANCE BETWEEN OUTSIDE '- -- -WL1- STA. 4+24.21 FACES OF PIPES � -' - �- -L- STA. 17+75.30 LT 34.1' 1,090 �' MAINTAIN 18° MINIMUM - _- -` - ` - ` 5' MIN CLEARANCE BETWEEN OUTSIDE -_i_; �_--_ - - _- FACES OF PIPES Y~ Y Y- PROP. 45° HORIZ. BEND PROP. 45° HORIZ. BEND - -- 1,080 -WL1- STA. O+g4 -WL1- STA. 2+46.82 , ' - - - _____ _.. __, � -L- STA. 14+g6.74 LT 166.62' -L- STA. 15+99.20 LT 48.90' - SO 25 0 50 100 PROP. 45° VERT. BEND `-- - - ', 1,070 -WL1 - STA. 0+13.86 ' ', PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) � f'_ T� �+ T� � - T� �+ T� �+ -�+ T� �+ T� � - T� �+ T� �+ -�T T� �+ T� - -- - ---- --- -- - -- -- 1.0 5 0 1.0 20 PROFILE (VERTICAL) 0 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 8" WAT E R __ �a 25 0�o ,00 �o z5 0�o ,00 -- 12 WATER -- �! PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) ' PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) , 1.0 5 0 1.0 20 1.0 5 0 1.0 20 L I N E W L 1 - PROFILE (VERTICAL) L I N E W L L� PROFILE (VERTICAL) BEGIN WATER LINE -�- {�- PROPOSED 15" RCP TIE-IN TO PROPOSED VAULT r INV. = 1153.92' -WL2- STA 0+00 -L- STA 29+7g.70 LT 39.34' EXISTING GRADE ,-- ' . _� _ - -WL1 - STA. 14+55.67 1,180 PROPOSED GRADE � - - -L- STA. 28+17.21 LT 34.00' PROP. 11.25° VERT. BEND ; TIE-IN EXISTING -WL2- STA. 0+19.96 PROP. 11.25° VERT. BEND � PROPOSED 15" CSP -WL2- STA. 2+03.89 6" WATER LINE 1,170 1,170 INV. = 1144.20' END WATER LINE -WL1- STA. 12+62.62 -WL1- STA. 15+19.91 TIE-IN TO EXISTING , -L- STA. 28+79.50 LT 35.74' - - � -L- STA. 26+24.16 LT 34.00 - � �, 12" WATER LINE WITH - END WATER LINE. ��� � PROP. 12" VALVE _ � :� 1,160 TIE-IN TO PROPOSED 1,160 �.,� -WL2- STA 2+15.81 s �� UTILITY VAULT. -L- STA 31+88.18 LT 16.57' ` ~~ -WL1- STA 16+18.67 3.5' PROP. 22.5° HORIZ. BEND -L- STA 29+74.51 LT 39.72' MIN -WL2- STA. 1+g5.81 - 1,150 � PROP. 11.25° HORIZ. BEND 1,150 -L- STA. 31+68.19 LT 16.21' - �i�� -WL1- STA. 15+91.81 PROP. 11.25° VERT. BEND ���� -L- STA. 29+48.70 LT 41.97' -WL2- STA. 1+76.65 � 1,140 �� EXISTING 8" PVC 1,140 PROPOSED 15" CSP MAINTAIN 18" MINIMUM GRAVITY SEWER. INV. = 1163.1' � CLEARANCE BETWEEN OUTSIDE INV. = 1152.65' PROP. 11.25° VERT. BEND -WL2- STA. 1+63.11 FACES OF PIPES -WL1- STA. 15+21.46 -WL2- STA. 0+47.60 -L- STA. 31+37.76 LT 28.18' z 1,130 �r MAINTAIN 18" MINIMUM -L- STA. 28+g1.00 LT 35,82' 1,130 MAINTAIN 18" MINIMUM °v � CLEARANCE BETWEEN OUTSIDE MAINTAIN 18" MINIMUM CLEARANCE BETWEEN OUTSIDE " �� FACES OF PIPES , CLEARANCE BETWEEN OUTSIDE � FACES OF PIPES - 112 O = FACES OF PIPES. 1120 � PROP. 22.5° HORIZ. BEND � _ , -WL2- STA. 1+37.24 . � �_ . r � �- �- ---- -- --- ---�- _ -L- STA. 31+13.69 LT 37.65' - - - __ --. _: ,- - - - --_ , � � _, �� �0 1 110 1 11 �z' 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 0 1+00 2+00 � � � � �:€::0:� :€TB:C�' "0" 'p' 0'C 'p" E' 'p"0 � CC �C C� CCE C C�C C CCC�gC C�C C� C CC C���C C C �C C C CCCC C CC C� C�C C� C . .... . ..... .....�.C. ...�.C..� �.C...�SC .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . �� �� ■ ■ ■ ■ �� �i ■ �� oiooii o�oioiC�oiio� �ioioo oiooii iooioi �oioiooioioo oiooii o I � I N I I ■ ��������� �������� ��������� �������� ��������� �������������������� ��������p��������� �������������������� ��������p��������� ������������� C: CC :�pC:C:� :�pCCC�C�'C TC:CTCC C�C :CT CC :�pTCp � CC:CCT:C::CCT:CC:ECT:CC:CCCC:C::CC���C::CCT:C.:CCT:CC:ECT:CC:CCC::CC:CC���C::CCT:C.:C ' : : : C:: : ::�C:�:G::C:� :G::C::�:C::C::�:C: C::�:C::�C:�:G::C�:�C::::::::C::C :::::::::::::::CC:::::::::E::::CT.::C::::::::::C:::::::CC:::::::::E:::::::::C:: ''" iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiie . � ..............�................... ...................�.......................................�.......................................�............ . , .. � ............. ......... ......... ................... ....................................... ....................................... ............. ............ �......... 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