HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160676 Ver 1_More Info Received_20160805CMS 743 W. JOHNSON STREET, SUITE C ENGINEERING OFFICE: 919.833.0830 RALEIGH, NC 27603 FAx: 919.833.1926 E-MAIL: info(dcrosen ineerin .net * * *TRANSM ITTAL* DATE: August 2, 2016 TO: Danny Smith AUG 0 2 2016 Supervisor, Water Quality Regional Operations Section NC Division of Water Resources NCDWR&1W0RegbnW0Mo9 FROM: Patti Hildret 5� RE: Providence Creek Subdivision \� v Buffer Permit DWRO16-0676 V v_ Per your letter dated 7/25/16, attached are 4 copies of the site plan with Zones 1 and 2 of the NRB shown and the impact area shaded. V `r AUG 0 5 2016 M E NEW 5' GENERAL UTILITY-�> PLACEMENT EASEMENT Mi NEW /' R/W DEDICATION .M,,/ A FOL, C1 -Y" MP4 T" i k 0 L I C i 2T,If 0 7 S. F. _" M S 8500 ji )3,8)Ir 4.5 7' 11� E -7 5)) 8 WAT E R M ET E R THIS PORTION OF Fr --NCE TO BI L REMOVED. IPS W S U 5 > I PS S WAT E R M LET E R 64 moi, x DRIVEWAY IPF 16r, F PF NITROGEN EXPORT CALCULATIONS TABLE PROJECTNAME: 70DI L"IM110 Road CONDITION: Proposed Condition - On S Ite '41 A -iii;' 9A11tPn.9n111S 8.49' P M I LIJ < Z LJ LL, < 0, LLJ 3) LLJ x LLJ 0 00 ck: L.LJ (0 0 RFPE-330.7 20,492 S.F. 5TORMWATER NOTES: THEKE 5I�ALL DE A MAXIMUM Off 15% IIS PEKVIOU5 TOTAL ffOR 5UBDIV1510N, TO DE ALLOCATED A5 fOLLOW5: 00 LOT I - 3,400 5f MAX. 00 LOT 2 - 3,500 5E MAX. *0 LOT 3 - 4,025 5f MAX. A 5UYDOWN WILL 13E MADE TO OFE ET TME NITKOGEN EXPORT. I EX. PERMANENT PoNn DRAINAGE EASEMEN'T I BM 1988; PG 112 110 (D BM 2006, PG 222 IV) 0 JOINTLY USED DRIVE (0 W Cr JB C CN4 C 56" RCP C C (n 0 Z E OSED C 0 -10LE r -C -C M Ci. -5-- 0 ARK ON CON 0 M (D " 00 OAK Dod` 1 N,E-W,,P I N ce- I UJ J", ..... . . . M io 469 00 FLOOD H-AZARD"8011-S Y PER S&EC A 34 ti yt loom rM W Z HEADWA 1 ,, 1' 11 2�1� 1? 0 7 ;A 6 3 3 1118 z ell, 9 too k CA Ss RYPE-335.8 7 AX 3 10 4: 26 0 25 IJ3 D �q I 5. 5 IC i �834 S. F. --t C 61 fOP OF BANK 22 5 WAT ER 8 OF C RJz-,,E K ITER v TV ' 2 F 19 —s r� - - 7N 0 Z Z N 5' GENERAL� U y . . .....LASM,FNT PLAHMENT E IPS 184� 5-'-'F J" ".J I ii4 P F EASEMENT k % #4" c T Int 1. NEUSE RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER SEE NOTE #3 T7 GRAPHICLE' io 20 ( I N L'E LT ) I inch = 20 ft ATTENTION coNTRACTORS The Construction Contractor roponsicle for the extension of the for the Public Works Department at 21gLV§:M and the Publie Ufflibles Department at kR1&19&4540 at least twarrtvfbur�2urs priorto beginning any of their construction. Failure to notify,both City Departments advance of beginning rk in the City of Railelgh N.C. UNDERGROUND UTILIT[E5 3 DAY5 BEfORIL:7- DIGGING CALL A ONE CALL 5Y5TEM fOK COMMUNITY AND JOD 5AfETY 13 ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY 'OF RALEIGH STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND NCDOT, IF APPLICABLE. ONO2UNLUSIM-AeMA CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with spitillicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be omsideriad to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors we each responsible for compliance with all applicable Cltv, S and Federal [OWL "IS specific authorization below is not a pormift, nor shall it be construed to permit any vidation of City, State or Federal Law, All Construction 80 must be Ileaccordanoo with all Local, State, and Federal PIqlas, and Rissulartlom TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES PUBLIC UTIU STORMWATER P1ANNING/ZON1NG,,_,,', FIRE I9 FARE Y_ SITE Public ewer Collection/Extension System The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the it s pu c sewer system as shown on this plan. The mate Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the standards an S ciFications of the pity "s pu l o lJtilities Nan City of Raleigh ublic Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct— Date—,— SITE, UTILITY DWG 14AME: a C K RI CRECKED� CMS LAN �DATE- 054��l i DATE ISSUED: 08/02/16 SCALE- 1"=20' TYPE OF LAND COVER SURFACES 8.49' P M I LIJ < Z LJ LL, < 0, LLJ 3) LLJ x LLJ 0 00 ck: L.LJ (0 0 RFPE-330.7 20,492 S.F. 5TORMWATER NOTES: THEKE 5I�ALL DE A MAXIMUM Off 15% IIS PEKVIOU5 TOTAL ffOR 5UBDIV1510N, TO DE ALLOCATED A5 fOLLOW5: 00 LOT I - 3,400 5f MAX. 00 LOT 2 - 3,500 5E MAX. *0 LOT 3 - 4,025 5f MAX. A 5UYDOWN WILL 13E MADE TO OFE ET TME NITKOGEN EXPORT. I EX. PERMANENT PoNn DRAINAGE EASEMEN'T I BM 1988; PG 112 110 (D BM 2006, PG 222 IV) 0 JOINTLY USED DRIVE (0 W Cr JB C CN4 C 56" RCP C C (n 0 Z E OSED C 0 -10LE r -C -C M Ci. -5-- 0 ARK ON CON 0 M (D " 00 OAK Dod` 1 N,E-W,,P I N ce- I UJ J", ..... . . . M io 469 00 FLOOD H-AZARD"8011-S Y PER S&EC A 34 ti yt loom rM W Z HEADWA 1 ,, 1' 11 2�1� 1? 0 7 ;A 6 3 3 1118 z ell, 9 too k CA Ss RYPE-335.8 7 AX 3 10 4: 26 0 25 IJ3 D �q I 5. 5 IC i �834 S. F. --t C 61 fOP OF BANK 22 5 WAT ER 8 OF C RJz-,,E K ITER v TV ' 2 F 19 —s r� - - 7N 0 Z Z N 5' GENERAL� U y . . .....LASM,FNT PLAHMENT E IPS 184� 5-'-'F J" ".J I ii4 P F EASEMENT k % #4" c T Int 1. NEUSE RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER SEE NOTE #3 T7 GRAPHICLE' io 20 ( I N L'E LT ) I inch = 20 ft ATTENTION coNTRACTORS The Construction Contractor roponsicle for the extension of the for the Public Works Department at 21gLV§:M and the Publie Ufflibles Department at kR1&19&4540 at least twarrtvfbur�2urs priorto beginning any of their construction. Failure to notify,both City Departments advance of beginning rk in the City of Railelgh N.C. UNDERGROUND UTILIT[E5 3 DAY5 BEfORIL:7- DIGGING CALL A ONE CALL 5Y5TEM fOK COMMUNITY AND JOD 5AfETY 13 ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY 'OF RALEIGH STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND NCDOT, IF APPLICABLE. ONO2UNLUSIM-AeMA CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with spitillicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be omsideriad to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors we each responsible for compliance with all applicable Cltv, S and Federal [OWL "IS specific authorization below is not a pormift, nor shall it be construed to permit any vidation of City, State or Federal Law, All Construction 80 must be Ileaccordanoo with all Local, State, and Federal PIqlas, and Rissulartlom TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES PUBLIC UTIU STORMWATER P1ANNING/ZON1NG,,_,,', FIRE I9 FARE Y_ SITE Public ewer Collection/Extension System The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the it s pu c sewer system as shown on this plan. The mate Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the standards an S ciFications of the pity "s pu l o lJtilities Nan City of Raleigh ublic Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct— Date—,— SITE, UTILITY DWG 14AME: a C K RI CRECKED� CMS LAN �DATE- 054��l i DATE ISSUED: 08/02/16 SCALE- 1"=20'