HomeMy WebLinkAbout20072227 Ver 1_More Info Received_20080317 Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants, Inc. March 14, 2008 N.C. Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section NC Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit Attn: Ms. Cyndi Karoly Attn: Mr. Kevin Barnett 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250 2090 US Highway 70 Raleigh, NC 27604 Swannanoa, NC 28778 al Re: Devin McCarthy Land Development LLC Queens Gap (+/- 3500 acres) DWQ #07-2227 / Corps Action ID 20073208381 MAR 17 2008 Rutherford and McDowell Counties, North Carolina DFPik '6AIERWAUTY WETLANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH Cyndi and Kevin: This response letter and the enclosures are being submitted on behalf of Devin McCarthy Land Development, LLC for the Queens Gap project in response to the two additional information request letters received from your offices. Perennial stream impacts (including the previously approved Nationwide permit) have been reduced from 1,916 linear feet to 1,381 linear feet. Intermittent stream impacts increased from 250 linear feet to 640 linear feet. Total stream impacts (including the NW) have been reduced from 2,166 linear feet to 2,021 linear feet. We are proposing to mitigate at a 2:1 ratio for the perennial stream impacts as was previously proposed in the original IP application. There will be 2,762 linear feet of stream mitigation completed for the proposed impacts. Wetland impacts increased from 0.178 acre to 0.218 acre and open water impacts did not change. To summarize, total impacts for the project will be 2,021 linear feet of stream impact, 0.218 acre of wetland impact, 0.221 acre of open water impact, and 15,741 linear feet of stream enhancement. 4,143 linear feet of the stream enhancement is being proposed for mitigation. The remainder (11,598 linear feet) is being done by the developer in order to enhance the remainding streams within the golf course and Harris Creek drainage. Canton Office PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax WNR had an office meeting with Kevin Barnett at the Swannanoa office on March 11, 2008 to review the enclosed information. Based on Kevin's review and comments during the meeting, WNR believes that this information should be satisfactory for your offices to proceed with approval of this project. From DWQ-Central Office Request For More Information, January 31, 2008: Additional Information Requested: 1. Please submit your signed USACE Individual Permit application or direct the DWQ to where this is located in your application materials Response: The Corps Form 4345 (signed by WNR) was included in the application as well as an agent authorization form from Queens Gap (signed by Burt Baine). However, enclosed in Attachment 1 (Corps Eng Form 4345 and Agent Authorization Form) is a signed Corps form and updated agent authorization form. 2. Please provide plans that show fill slopes, head walls, dissipater pads, etc, for your proposed crossings Response: All impacts were accounted for in the initial application. A detail of each road crossing depicting culverts, headwalls, and fill slopes is attached. Please see Attachment 2 (Road Crossing Details). The head walls will not add additional length to pipes, so are not counted as additional impact, they actually allow for pipe length reduction at every road crossing. All fill slopes are outside of jurisdictional channels at road crossings. No dissipater pads or any other structures other than those depicted on the plans are going to be installed at road crossings. 3. Impact #14 (road crossing) angle is not perpendicular. Redesign or reconfigure to cross between 75 and 105 degrees Response: The road at impact #14 has been re-aligned to cross the stream at more of a perpendicular angle. This change included shifting the alignment upstream by approximately 60'. Please see Attachment 2 (Road Crossing Details) which includes a 50' scale detail of the change and the previously submitted 100' scale (Impact Site #14 & 15) map within the original IP application. Canton Office PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax 4. Impacts 17 and 18 (road crossings) cross two streams approx 50 feet upstream of the confluence of the two channels Also, Impact 18 is approx. 45 degrees Redesign this area to cross at a more perpendicular angle. Ideally, you should push the road east and downstream of the confluence to minimize impacts Response: The road alignment was shifted to allow for more of a perpendicular angle at stream crossing #18. Shifting these two road crossings downstream would require construction of the road in a much steeper section of terrain below the confluence. This would require, even with a headwall of 50', equivalent pipe (120 which would not result in a reduction of impacts. Please see Attachment 2 (Road Crossing Details) which includes a 50' scale detail of the change and the previously submitted 100' scale (Impact Sites #16, 17 & 18) map within the original IP application. 5. Impact 25 (road crossing) appears to pass beneath the road, presumably through a pipe, and appears to be directed into a sharp meander bend. This will likely result in streambank instability at this location. Please redesign or relocate this crossing to a more straight reach of the stream. Response: Please see Attachment 2 (Road Crossing Details). There is an existing road and culvert at this location. The new culvert will be installed in line with the channel and will incorporate the sharp meander bend as an impact to prevent bank instability downstream. The proposed impacts increased as a result from 20' to 40' of new impact but the overall road crossing impacts decreased for the project. 6. Lot 10751s bisected by a stream. Please provide proof that the lot is buildable without impacting the steam, or these impacts need to be included in this permit application. Response: Please see Attachment 3 (Lot Details) for lot 1075. A driveway, garage, and house are shown on the drawing for lot 1075. The footprint shown will allow for an 1875 square foot single story home. Most of these homes will be larger due to multiple stories. 7 Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for all aquatic life passage. Response: A typical of the aquatic life passage provisions should have been included in the original application just before the Alternative Table Canton Office PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax and Impact Maps attachment but another copy is included in this package. Please see Attachment 4 (Aquatic Life Passage Culvert Typical). All culverts will be installed to allow aquatic life passage as described in Corps & DWQ permit general conditions. Also see the profile details for each road crossing (Attachment #2 - Road Crossing Details). 8. Please provide the location of any proposed stormwater management practices Response: From the Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) requirements for applicants other than the North Carolina Department of Transportation a "A SMP must be submitted to the 401 Oversight/Express Unit for every drainage area within the project that is anticipated to have impervious surface cover of equal to or greater than 24 percent." See Attachment 5 (Impervious Calculations & Maps). An impervious map per drainage area was created which shows that none of the drainage areas within the project area exceed 24% impervious surface. The highest impervious calculation for the drainage areas on site is 14% and the lowest is 4.59%. An impervious map per phase was also created and is included in Attachment 5 along with the calculations. There are some areas of more concentrated development (see Phase 2 on the Phased impervious map) within certain phases of the project but none of these areas exceed 24% impervious surface either so a Stormwater Management Plan was not developed. The following information was provided by the project engineer. Curbs and gutters will not typically be constructed along roadways through residential lot areas. Stormwater runoff will be conveyed primarily by vegetated swales. Cross pipes will be installed in the swales in order to reduce the amount of discharge at any one location. Energy dissipaters will also be installed at pipe outlets to reduce the erosive capability from storm events. Erosion control measures will be installed during construction to prevent sedimentation. Proposed erosion control measures include inlet protection, silt fences, sediment traps, temporary and permanent seeding, and stone check dams. For the golf course area, clean water ditches will be constructed at the interface of the proposed grading and the undisturbed areas. These ditches will lead to culverts and storm drainage, which will take clean water from undisturbed areas through the construction site in order to prevent off-site drainage from influencing the construction area. Some of the temporary sediment basins constructed within the golf course will be converted to permanent stormwater basins/wetlands. Canton Office PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax 9. Please provide plans, profiles and worksheets for all the stormwater management devices Response: Please see response to Item 8. 10. Please locate any planned sewer lines on the site plan (or indicate where the septic tanks may be used. Response: This site will be served with a community sewer system. Infrastructure will be similar to municipal infrastructure, with all waste water being collected from each building unit and transported via an underground pipe to a community wastewater treatment plant. All sewer lines will be installed along road corridors in the shoulder of the road above any jurisdictional waters. Lot access lines will be through high ground (typically following driveways). The wastewater treatment plant will be self contained (with no discharge to jurisdictional surface waters). Treated wastewater will be used to irrigate the golf course. Irrigation lines will follow roads and golf cart paths (no further impacts to jurisdictional waters will be necessary for irrigation line routing). Any irrigation line that crosses a stream or wetland will be tied to the cart path bridge (all cart path stream and wetland crossings will be bridged). 11. Please indicate all stream impacts including all fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the site plan. Response: All impacts were accounted for in the initial application. Please see response to Item 2. 12. Please indicate all wetland impacts including All slopes on the site plan. Response: All wetland impacts were depicted in the original application (other than the one golf course change herein at impact #6). No further impacts related to fill slopes are planned. Please see response to Item 2. 13. Please submit copies of final impacts from the proposed golf course on the plans at a scale of no smaller than 1 "=50 : Please indicate impacts at each site. Response: Please See Attachment 6 (Golf Course Impact Maps) and Attachment 7 (Revised Impact Table). The changes to road impacts and golf impacts are shown in orange in this table. Canton Office PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax From DWQ- Asheville Regional Office Request for more information, February 8, 2008: Additional Information Requested: 1. The submitted application indicates that half of the golf course impacts will be for a practice facility. As golf courses do not have to have a practice facility, please provide a complete and thorough alternative analysis (including, but not limited to, relocation of the proposed facility, electronic practice facilities, instructor based indoor practice facilities, or virtual practice facilities) for this purpose. Response: The proposed practice facility is intended to be the hub of the golf course, providing a warm up facility, a practice range with distance targets, and center for private lessons, especially important for young and/or inexperienced players who need to practice without disturbing player flow on the championship course. The practice range would engage the typical player for 1-2 hours, versus 4-5 hours required from the main course. Indoor or "virtual" ranges would not be practical, as it would negate being outdoors, a major draw to the sport. The proposed range is of adequate size to not be overshot by players. Rock Barn in Catawba County recently had to construct a new range due to complaints from members that the existing range was too short. The existing range could not be lengthened to due site constraints. However, the development team has determined that the practice facility location can be shifted to be aligned parallel to Harris Creek as opposed to perpendicular which has eliminated the necessity for any stream impacts. Please see Attachment 6 (Golf Course Impact Maps). There is a portion of the practice facility on the opposite side of Harris Creek from the main area which will require wetland impacts (Attachment 6) and see Attachment 7 (Revised Impact Table). 2. The submitted application requests that 200 linear feet of stream be culverted for golf hole 1 while a stream immediately adjacent to, and parallel, as proposed not to be impacted, you must provide a complete and thorough analysis with respect to this impact. Response: The original plan (See the Alternative #1 Maps from the IP Application) for this location was to divert the tributary directly to Harris Creek, and pipe Harris Creek under the fairway. This would have resulted in Canton Office PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax 655 linear feet of stream impact. It would have provided the most playable option, by eliminating a hazard from the very first shot on the course, and it would have been the most economical option, requiring only one culvert. However, WNR suggested we could reduce impacts at this location, which resulted in Hole 1-Alternative 2, which had 400 linear feet of channel impact by piping both channels. WNR again suggested we could reduce impacts at this location and Alternative 3 was developed with only 200 linear feet of channel impact (a reduction of 455 linear feet). This option avoided the larger Harris Creek, but impact on the tributary was necessary to minimize the play-over length and allow a flat landing area at the bottom of the slope to reduce shots from rolling down the slope and directly into a stream channel. Impacts have been reduced by 70%, and reduction in impact has taken precedence over costs and playability at this location. A boulder wall may be constructed adjacent to Harris Creek but no impacts will take place to Harris Creek. 3. The submitted application requests that 250 linear feet of stream be culverted for golf hole 2 and 7. As the submitted plans do not show any impact for golf hole 2, this should be removed from the impacts chart. For golf hole 7, the impact is proposed for approximately 213rds of the way down the fairway, a perfect opportunity for a play over. You must provide a complete and thorough analysis with respect to this impact. Response: The original plan (See the Alternative #1 Maps from the IP Application) for this location was to pipe the channel for the entire length of the channel from above Golf Hole #7 to below Golf Hole #21 resulting in 890 linear feet of impact. It would be the most playable option eliminating the hazard on both holes as well as the preferable option for course aesthetic continuity as well as grading continuity and stability. The two holes are close together and each hole will be clearly visible from the other. WNR again suggested we could avoid impact here, and the impact was eliminated from Golf Hole #2 since a play-over would be more suitable here on a tee shot for a Par 3 hole. This reduction impacts 640 linear feet or 72%. Golf Hole #7 already has a creek play-over off of the tee; having two play- overs is not only uncommon, but would be especially difficult in this situation because of topography which would extend the hazard far beyond the limits of the channel by drawing balls down into the draw. This would result in a difficult shot to the green. We are proposing additional impact than was presented in the IP application. After further review of the grading for the hole, more fill will be required to Canton Office PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax get the fairway to the elevation of the green. The mound in between the two streams on Hole 7 will need to be flattened in order to play the hole. This soil will be pushed into the steep valley proposed for impact in order to make the fairway flat and to make the fairway be located at a closer elevation to the tees and green. The terrain is both too steep and too deep (valley) for a play-over and the grading must be extended further than originally thought to make the hole playable. Please see Attachment 6 (Golf Course Impact Maps) for the current proposed layout and grading for Hole #7. We are proposing to create a waterfall off the edge of the fairway of #7 that will flow into the remainder of the stream not being proposed for impact. There will be a re-circulating pond at the bottom below the end point of the stream (where it goes underground). Kevin Barnett indicated during the meeting on March 11th that he would not consider the additional water from the created waterfall and pond an impact to the remainder of the stream. 4. The submitted application shows that for the residential portion of this project, that 40, 50 and 60 foot culverts are needed for a road network. As this portion of the project is for residential road network, for no more than a 2 lane road segment or for driveways, and the indicated topographic overlay does not show significant slopes, these culverts should be minimized as much as possible (potentially including the use of headwalls and footwalls) to reduce impact lengths below the requested 1,160 linear feet of impact a. As a subset of the above comment, Crossing 21 should be evaluated for re-alignment above the stream. b. Crossing 30 should be moved above the stream to eliminate this impact c. Lots 1073, 1014, 827, 832, 834, 832, 525, 405, 406, 378, 419 are bisected by waters You must clearly show how these lots can be built without impacts to these waters and how the waters will be protected from future impacts Response: Based on conversations with Civil Engineers and Landscape Architects 40, 50, and 60 foot culverts are short for road building in mountainous topography. Over 85% of the project has slopes greater than 10%. The shortest culvert lengths practical were selected for each crossing, and headwalls were utilized for all of the road crossings. Please see Attachment 2 (Road Crossing Detail). a. The road alignment at Crossing #21 has been realigned to avoid a stream impact. The road was shifted downstream by approximately 200' to cross Canton Office PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax at an underground section of the stream. Please see Attachment 2 (Road Crossing Detail). b. The road alignment at Crossing #30 has been realigned to reduce impacts from 40 linear feet 10 linear feet. The road was shifted downstream by approximately 50' to cross at an underground section of the stream. Please see Attachment 2 (Road Crossing Detail). c. Please see Attachment 3 (Lot Details) for Lots 1073, 1014, 827, 832, 834, 525, 405, 406, 378, and 419. A driveway, garage, and house are shown on the drawing for each of these lots. The footprints shown will allow for an approximately 1875 square foot single story home. Most of these homes will be larger due to multiple stories. A condition of the 401 will be the recordation of deed notifications on all remaining streams and wetlands within lots. The developer will not be able to record deed notifications until the lots are platted which given the projected timeline for the project may be upwards to 10-15 years. 5. In your Qualitative Analysis of Cumulative Impacts, Product Induced Growth, you state that "no commercially directly associated with "the Queen s Gap Development. The intent and purpose of this exercise is to determine if there will be impacts to waters not "directly associated" with, but as a result of this development. Response: As stated in the Qualitative Analysis (see the Qualitative Analysis from the IP application), this is primarily a second home development, and as such will not require the municipal services such as schools necessitated by permanent residents. Nor will it necessitate the amount of adjacent services that a permanent resident population would. Queens Gap will have several dining establishments onsite. The Queens Gap residents could draw a few basic service providers (grocery, gas, pharmacy) but any such adjacent development would have to go through 404/401 permitting (justification, avoidance, and minimization) for any potential impacts to jurisdictional waters. DWQ's Internal Policy on Cumulative Impacts specifically mentions "water quality impairment is usually tied to urban runoff," however DWQ now requires stormwater management facilities associated with projects requiring a 404 permit and greater than 24% imperviousness. Any potential impacts to waters nearby Queens Gap would have to go through this approval process. 6. In your Qualiative Analysis of Cumulative Impacts, Product Induced Growth, you also indicate that the retail and restaurant establishments of the Rutherfordton community will absorb the needs of these 1,189 residential lots, yet have supplied no data to support this Please provide data, from local government agencies, tourism boards, etc, which would show the likely Canton Office PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax impact of this development in relation to the resources available to support 1,100+ new homes Response: Chimney Rock is within 20 miles of the property, Lake Lure is within 18 miles of the property, Forest City is within 16 miles of the property, Rutherfordton is within 10 miles of the property, Spindale is within 15 miles of the property, Marion is within 15 miles of the property, and Old Fort is within 20 miles of the property. All of these cities/towns are within Rutherford County except Marion and Old Fort which are in McDowell County. The aforementioned cities/towns are the larger ones within both counties. There are 109 restaurants listed on the Rutherford County tourism website which are all within less than 25 miles of Queens Gap. The City-Data.com website for Rutherford County was referenced for the following information. This website reports 263 retail trade businesses which include gas stations, grocery stores, clothing stores, furniture stores, building material stores, and appliance stores. There are 73 professional services (legal, accounting, veterinarian) reported on this website for Rutherford County as well as 129 health care businesses. The City-Data.com website for McDowell County reports 148 retail trade businesses, 38 professional services, and 69 health care businesses. There are many existing retail and restaurant establishments to meet the needs of 1,100+ new homes. Since these are second and third homes they will not all be occupied at the same time during the year. Once again even if the development of Queens Gap motivates a few entrepreneurs these basic service providers would have to go through 404/401 permitting (justification, avoidance, and minimization) for any impacts to jurisdictional waters. Since the land in the vicinity surrounding Queens Gap is not urbanized the "developable" land is still available which includes small parcels of 1 to 5 acres. Parcels that do not contain jurisdictional streams and/or wetlands should be available for the development of such facilities if any occur. 7 The submitted Enhancement Plan indicates 8,518 linear feet of enhancement on Harris Creek and its un-named tributaries is proposed. On page 2 of the submitted plan, you state that 'Harris Creek' is a "moderate size stream of overall good quality. " Based on this, you may only apply mitigation credit from the Interagency Mitigation Guidelines for the least credit multiplier. The onsite observations also indicate that Harris Creek and its unnamed tributaries are of good condition. Your plan includes photographs in un- vegetated stream banks, indicating instability. The agency observation of these situations in the field indicate that the streams were previously impacted by the land use (timber for paper manufacturing), but are at a level Canton Office PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax of transitional equilibrium. Should you desire to perform stream work on these channels beyond buffer enhancement, you must show graphically the instability on a site map, show both BEHI and calculate sediment delivery from hillslope processes along with calculations for bedload and suspended bed-material load transport capacity (stream power) in order to calculate how much material is actually being lost from these stream banks over time (sediment yield). Lastly, you must re-calculate the mitigation credit for the proposed work and resubmit this data for review. Response: It is WNR's understanding that the stream mitigation ratios are determined based on the 2003 Interagency Stream Mitigation Guidance. In section 5.A. "General mitigation requirements associated with direct impacts to stream channels including culvert/pipe installation." compensatory mitigation requirements (ratios) are based solely on the quality of the stream being impacted. Stream quality is not generally assessed on the stream being restored. Instead there is intensive data collected and analyzed. During this data collection and analysis it is determined what type of work needs to be done to improve the quality of the stream being proposed for mitigation credit. Please see Attachment 9 (Mitigation Table). While the agency has indicated through field observation that the streams are in a state of transitional equilibrium, WNR personnel has observed active bank erosion after rain events over the past year. This is also well documented with photographs showing fresh soil in the channel and mass wasting of incised banks. See Attachment 8 (BEHI Maps). The Harris Creek watershed will benefit from the proposed Enhancement Level I & II. Removing invasive species, enhancing the existing buffers, redirecting shear stress away from actively eroding banks, and providing access to the floodplain would be beneficial to the targeted reaches. While enhancement is targeted at bank failures on major bends, WNR personnel has assessed entire reaches and Devin McCarthy Land Development, LLC will enhance these with softer approaches such as resloping where banks do not have vegetation, adding bankfull benches, and replanting. Data supporting this need is represented in the following discussion. In order to properly predict sediment yield throughout the targeted mitigation site, WNR personnel administered Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) and Near Bank Stress (NBS) field monitoring measurements. BEHI and NBS ratings were determined throughout the watershed to give an accurate representation of targeted enhancement reaches and the current need for enhancement. There are several ways to estimate near bank stress. WNR personnel used both Level II-2 and Level III-5 to determine the NBS rating at each BEHI site. Location of BEHI and NBS ratings were based on Canton Office PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax representative sections of each surveyed reach. Data was further extrapolated based on reach characteristics. Each survey is presented on the site plan with data and pictures in Attachment 8 (BEHI Maps). BEHI ratings showed the need for bank stabilization. Monumented cross sections were also shot with a total station for continual monitoring of stream instability at specific BEHI and NBS stations. Bank Erosion Pins were driven in banks in order to monitor long term bank erosion and bank failure lengths were surveyed with a total station. Total Annual Erosion Rates were calculated using the EPA Watershed Assessment of River Stability and Sediment Supply (WARSS) Worksheet 23 at each cross section having a corresponding BEHI and NBS rating. Utilizing data from the NC Stream Restoration Institute, we were able to predict an annual erosion rate per bank (each BEHI location). This was then extrapolated based upon reach characteristics to yield a total erosion in tons per year. For example, homogenous reaches with similar incision and failing banks were grouped into the same reach. Data was also collected on reaches with less erosion. Data collected from BEHI and NBS surveys indicate severe entrenchment and erosion throughout the watershed. Using these data, WNR was able to predict total annual erosion rates per bank failure and extrapolate this to show total erosion per year per foot for each reach. The following data shows predicted erosion rates based on BEHI and NBS ratings: Table 1 Reach Station Total Erosion Rate tons/ r/ft Total Erosion tons/ r Upper/Middle Harris 0+00-32+00 .002 6.40 Lower Harris 32+00-65+00 .0048 15.84 UT1 0+00-12+33 .007 8.63 UT2 (Upper) 0+00-24+00 .06 144.00 UT2 Lower 24+00-50+00 .0066 17.16 UT3 0+00-17+00 .012 20.40 UT4 0+00-25+19 .011 27.71 UT5 0+00-6+00 .007 4.20 UT6 0+00-12+00 .017 20.40 After analyzing BEHI and NBS data from the entire watershed, stream reaches were summarized based on their varying degrees of erosion. This divided the total length of each reach into sections of higher erosion and sections of lower erosion. The erosion rates and average bank heights of each of these sub-sections were extrapolated to project estimated erosion sub-totals for the total reach. Canton Office PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax Calculations for bedload and suspended bed-material load transport (stream power) were calculated per cross section. Please see the previously submitted mitigation plan in the IP application. Shear stress and stream power were calculated and summarized in the design summary presented in the plan as well. Shear stress was plotted on the modified or revised version of Shield's Diagram to indicate entrainment. For example, Lower Harris Creek reveals a shear stress of 1.02lbs/sq.ft. Using a modified or revised version of Shield's Diagram to predict sheer stress, we can see that an 85-90mm particle will be entrained. Our largest particle was 95mm. It is important to note that past field studies have reported transport of larger particles than Shield's tested at the upper range of shear stress (Rosgen, 2002). Devin McCarthy Land Development is proposing 2:1 compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the Queens Gap development. For 1,381 linear feet of impact, Devin McCarthy Land Development, LLC will be required to mitigate for 2,762 linear feet. We are proposing Enhancement Level I and II throughout the Harris Creek watershed to satisfy the required 2,762 linear feet. This is summarized in Table 2. There is a surplus of 1,539 linear feet of enhancement credit being completed with 50' buffers. There is also additional surplus of 8,864 linear feet of enhancement that will not have full 50' buffers. Table 2. Stream Linear Description Mitigation Multiplier * Generated Feet Type Credit Upper Harris 415 0+00-4+15 Enhancement 1.0 415 Level I Lower Harris 353 61+47-65+00 Enhancement 1.5 235 Level I UTi 1,138 0+00-11+38 Enhancement 1.5 759 Level I Upper UT2 1,766 0+00-17+66 Enhancement 1.5 1,177 Level I Lower UT2 576 31+25-37+50 Enhancement 1.5 384 Level I UT3 1,580 0+00-2+80 Enhancement 2.5 632 4+50-17+50 Level II UT5 300 0+00-3+00 Enhancement 1.5 200 Level I UT6 749 0+00-5+90 Enhancement 1.5 499 Level I 6 877 4,301 *Mitigation activity multipliers were based on type and amount of work proposed for each reach. Higher credit multipliers were given to reaches where dimension and profile were altered throughout. Lower credit multipliers were given to those reaches with a combination of this and bank stabilization. This is the case for areas where the banks will be resloped, bankfull benches added, and additional buffer enhancement. Canton Office PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax There are two sets of full size site plans included as well as full size plans of the impervious maps. Thank you for your review of this information. Best regards, Jennifer L Robertson Copies To: Corps - Amanda Jones US FWS - Bryan Tompkins NC WRC - Dave McHenry Queens Gap - Burt Baine Melrose Design Group - Matt Fusco Canton Office PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax Attachment 1 Corps Eng Form 4345 and Agent Authorization Form APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-0003 133 CAR 325) Expires December 31, 2004 The Public burden for this collection of information is sestimated to average 10 hours per response, although the majority of applications should require 5 hours or less. This includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the date needed. and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-00031, Washington, DC 20603. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any-other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB controi number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: River and Harbors Act, Section 10,. 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection , Research and Sanctuaries Act, 33 USC 1413, Section 103. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state. and local government agencies. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application is" sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. IITEIlAS I THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE COR 1. APPLICATION NO, 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED Irr;=Ivq BELOW TO BE M LED BY APPLIrAAm 5. APPLICANT'S NAME S. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE !an epenr snot reou reds Mr. Burt Baine Jennifer Robertson, President 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS 313 Oak Springs Road PO Box 882 Rutherfordton, NC 28139 Canton, NC 28710' PHONE NO W/AREA CODE APPLICANT'S 10. AGENT'S PHONE NOS. W/AREA CODE - a. Residence 1-800-388-4640 1 a. Residence 828-648-8801 b. Business i b. Business 828-712-9205 11. STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize, to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to nirnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. See Agent: Authorization APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE NAME. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE iseewwrucriom, Queens Gap 13. NAME OF WATERBODY. 1F KNOWN n/.,o.w.. A i Broad River IS. LOCATION OF PROJECT Rutherford NC 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS !irnpauenioi winter's Gap Road/ Thertnal City Road Thermal City, NC r= rQ !! d Q COUNTY STATE I MAR 1 r7 f 2008 i ?6. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, iF KNOWN, saeinsvucrlansl JrNVs ?NAIERGUAUTY n - iiANQS AND STORMW4TER E '7. OIRECTICNS TO THE SITE From Asheville, NC take 1-40 East to exit 35. Turn right on Highway 22= heading South. After -9 miles, take a right onto Thermal City Road. Continue -- mile to a "fork". Take the -hL fork and continue on Thermal City Road f= another mile. T'he entrance co the propert<r will Ce on tae -right. EN t-ORM 4345, Jw 97 EDITION OF ;ES 94 IS OBSOLETE. (Proponent: CECW-OR) 18. Nature of Activity (Description or project, induce alrtmrweO The basic project purpose of the proposed development at Queens Gap is to develop a viable, residential community with a championship golf course amenity in Rutherford County. The proposed project will feed the demand for residential housing for the growing population of Rutherford County. All road crossings are necessary to access lots (high ground) for development purposes. Heavy equipment will be used in construction of roads (see attached narrative for detail). 19. Project Purpose roasvme the rewson or pwpaae d me proixr, see irtifruci Orel This project will provide housing oppurtunities and jobs on a local, regional, and national level (see attached narrative for greater detail). USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge Impacts are necessary for road construction to access lots and for the championship golf course amenity. 21. 7ype(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Two in Cubic Yards Total channel impacts with culverts and fill will be If cubic yards. 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled isee;nurucrmns) Total wetland impacts with culverts and fill will be 0.161 acres. Total open water impacts will be 0.221 acres. 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes No IF YES. DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental fist). See Attached List 25. List of Other Certifications or ApprovalslDenials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED JSACS NW 29 SAW-2007-3208-381 6/11/07 9 "Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building and flood plain permits 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this appication is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized age of the applicant. y SIGNAT RE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent 4 the statement in block 11 has neen filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides thar. Whoever, in any manner within the ;urisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or traudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or frauduient statements or entry, snail be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants, Inc. Department of the Army Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Attn: Ken Jolley, Chief Regulatory Division PO Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 -and- NC Division of Water Quality Attn: Cyndi Karoly 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260 I, the current landowner of the property identified below, hereby authorize Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants, Inc. to act on my behalf as my agent during the processing of permits to impact Wetlands and Waters of the US that are regulated by the Clean Water Act and the Rivers and Harbors Act. Federal and State agents are authorized to be on said property when accompanied by Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants, Inc. staff. Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants, Inc. is authorized to provide supplemental information needed for permit processing at the request of the Corps or DWQ. Property Owner of Record: q` d nAoA*- -C It Vin Address: I's 0 01 T Address:) Address: Phone Number: ? -1?a)Ca - 3 z - + Property Location: a n Owners Signature:^ Date: aK, " S ? - L?/ 0 - Canton Office Newton Office PO Box 882 wnrinc.com PO Box 224 Canton, NC 28716 Newton, NC 28658 828-648-8801 828-465-3035 828-648-8802 Fax 1 828-465-3050 Fax N C N E L U f0 Q Attachment - Z Road Crossing Details LIAR ? ? `008 DENi?-`'NS'?MWAYERBRI+?'? vfnp`SOS Atz r? V C' y ro x ti r r ro to DO 00 0 0 N O O Cx F Cn Q LL t? QJ v v a 0 U E ro Ch U a 0 U c ro v V; ro v y 0 0 0 0 Ln O CL C7 v d / a -7 OWNER. DEN INSHIRE LAND CONIPANS 3i5 OAK SPR LNGS ROAD P THERFORDTON, N( .328,277-5074 :Melrose Design Group, P.A. Landscape Architecture Land Planning Environmental Design 96 %vhae O? k H-d Ai?teii, Nnrili C 28704 Vlwiie L8 D`) 684-5135 Fay ,82816,£4-5156 QUEENS GAP CROSSING '8' INDIVIDUAL STREAM CROSSING PERMITS 1?SLED.4TE M4RCH6,20Fi RE%'VSDNS DESIGNEDBF. •IDB .?HEETMMBER DRAxN BY. DBr,1H IP1.8 APPRDVEDBF:ME_ Capyry?M ©100$ Mrlmx Doign GineO P.,4. 4 c u ! CC :C II MI 00 ? ?CID PROP. RETAINING ROW WALL (TYP.) 0+50 1+5 0 I O 0 0 0 0 + O `- N I LEGEND: :Jurisdictional 25 ft. Trout NOTES: I 'CHISPLAN ILLUSTRATES AGENERAL PLAN. WHICHISSUBJEC'I?I?O CROSSING STATISTICS. Wetland(s) Buffer FUTURE CHANGE AND REVISION. DIMENSIONS, BOUNDARIES, AND CULVERT' DIAMETER: 36" J : Jurisdictional POSITION LOCATIONS ARE FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE. PAVEMENT WIDTI l: 18' Stream(s) : Culvert / Road :Lot Line NOT INTENDED TO BE EXACT. SHOULDER WIDTH: 4' Crossing STREAM IMPACT: 60' 2+5p 1 0 O M 000 PLAN SCALE: I"= 50' CROSSING 9 PROFILE SCALE: HORIZ. F= 50' VERT. Y'= 10' 11500 !?( Lg 7 2008 S P`tC' ;;AU1F1 N pI FYI J,'NL IR1?fYM1M?:}.y1,..1.; ', 1490 1490 i 1480 1480 PROPOSED GRADE 1470 1470 1460 EXISTING 1460 1450 1450 I 1440 1440 1500 -7 DEV'LNSHIRE LAND IONIPANY 3 i5 OAK SPRLNGS ROAD RUTHERMRDTON, NC'. 8281277 COi4 '.Melrose Design Group, P.A. Landscape Architecture Land Planning Environmental Design 56 wLUe Ouk Road Arlen. N," , ( eml-a 28704 Vhnue te29i 68+5135 Fay i828)6S4-5156 QUEENS GAP CROSSING '9' INDIVIDUAL STREAM CROSSING PERMITS I. (,EDATE:. MARCH5.2 REVISIONS. DESIC,KEDDY: J iD13 SHEETRLMER DRAN60Y. D'JH IP I .9 .A PPROCED RY: CnpirHht B?rll8, Mulms Dcec f ocD PA. x ti nz 06 00 CD 0 N 0 7 ? CROSS. WALL (TYP.) r i LEGEND: : Jurisdictional 25 ft. Trout Wetland(s) Buffer :Jurisdictional ;Culvert /Road Stream(s) ?'? - - - Lot Line Crossing 0+50 1+5o 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ?- N ES: CROSSING STATISTICS: IIS PLAN ILLUSTRATES A GENERAL PLAN, WHICH IS SUBJECT TO IRE CHANGE AND REVISION. DIMENSIONS, BOUNDARIES, AND CULVERTDIAMETER: 36" TION LOCATIONS ARE FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE. PAVEMENT WIDTH: IS'' INTENDED TO BE EXACT. SHOULDER WIDTH: 4' STREAM IMPACT 40' 2+50 rn N PLAN SCALE: I "= 50' PROFILE SCALE: HORIZ. I"= 50' VERT. 1" = 10' 1300 r% MAR t 1 7 ?OG8 Vya ` h ? 1 r^'v STORIdyy1A`I1 + 1290 1290 PROPOSED --\ 1280 GRADE , /1 2 1270 1270 1260 1260 / EXISTING GRADE 1250 1250 1240 1240 1300 OWNER. DEVINSHIRE LAND l OMPANY 315 ()AK SPRLNGS ROAD RL'THERFORDTON, NC 15281 277-5074 Melrose Design Group, P.A. Landscape Architeetwe Land Planning Environmental Design 56 Wh:t,e Oukliua0 Arlen. Nnnh c-'l-, 28704 Phone [828) 684-5155 1-,(828)689-5156 QUEENS GAP CROSSING ' 10' INDIVIDUAL STREAM CROSSING PERMITS ISSLEDATE:. Nb4RCH6,AXIE REVISIONS. DESR;NEDBY: •IH/DR SHEET NCMDER: DR,ANCNRY. DD),IH IPI 1 APPEM ED RY, ME Enpyrmht ? 2(qR, Mclr.MC Dcs.:?n Gmcry P..4. ro x E c oc oc O O N O O 7 I I I I I I Q+Q? I 1 1 1 1 r PLAN SCALE: I"= 50' i ROW--?/ Ns? owl -EXISTING CULVERT CROSSING I I 1320 0+50 1+50 2+50 ° ° ° CC) o o 0 O N N 1 1310 1310 I I, 1300 I 1300 PROPOSED G?ADE 1290 \ EXISTING GRADE ` I 1280 ` 1280 1270 12 1260 1260 LEGEND: NOTES: CROSSING STATISTICS: Jurisdictional 25 ft. Trout I. THIS PLAN ILLUSTRATES A GENERAL PLAN, WHICH IS SUBJECT TO Wetland(s) Buffer FUTURE CHANGE AND REVISION. DIMENSIONS, BOUNDARIES, AND CULVERT DIAMETER: 30 POSITION LOCATIONS ARE FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE PAVEMENT WIDTH: 18' Jurisdictional Culvert / Road NOT INTENDED TO BE EXACT. SHOULDER WIDTH. 4' Stream(s) Crossing ' -:Lot Line STREAM IMPACT: 2S PROFILE SCALE: HORIZ. I" = 50' VERY I"= 10' ?,pR .? ? Zpu$ rpJA????yp??C,N 1320 r- 0'DEVINSHIRE LAND COMPANY 315OAK SPRLNGS ROAD RUTHERFORDTON, NC 13261277-5074 t? - Melrose Design Group, P.A. Landscape Architecture Land Planning Environmental Design 56 %"" Oek Rout A,,1, Nan lh C;sotllr 2ti7:14 Pli Uf2Y) b,34- 5 Fa-v (828) 6F4-5156 QUEENS GAP CROSSING 'l I' INDIVIDUAL STREAM CROSSING PERMITS FSt,EDATE , MARCH C. 20(15 REVGIOpS: DESIGNEDBY:, JWDB SHEET M.MBER DR.AxhBY. DE ;1H IPI.II APPROVED BY. F C'nYrnA1920RR, NL-1mx D1?gn fnx.p. RA. ti F Cl? L7 CO oc 0 O N co O PLAN 1 SCALE: I"= 50' 1 ? i i ? 1 1 i CROSSING 12 i PROFILE SCALE: HORIZ. F= 50' VERT. F= 10' 1210 1200 1200 i 1190 ?I j 1190 1180 1180 PROPOSED GRADE 0 - \ ----------- - 1160 - 1160 EXISTING GRADE 1150 1150 o I° I t I to I to cv ? ? o ROW 1 ? 1 ? e 1 e 1 ?• / 1+50 2+50 3+50 o o 0 000 o ° 0 1? r N M 1 1 NOTES: CROSSING STATISTICS: LEGEND: Jurisdictional :25 ft. Trout 1. THIS PLAN ILLUS'T'RATES A GENERAL PLAN. WHICH is SUBJECT Wetland(s) Buffer FUTURE CHANGE AND REVISION. DIMENSIONS, BOUNDARIES, AND CULVERT DIAMETER: 36" POSITION LOCATIONS ARE FOR ILLUSTRATIVE. PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE PAVEMENT WIDTH: IS' Jurisdictional Culvert / Road NOT INTENDED TO BE EXACT. SHOULDER WIDTH 4' Stream(s) Crossing -:Lot Line STREAM IMPACT: 40' 0 0 MAR ' '? 1210 -7 OWNER: DEVINSHIRE LAND COMPANY 31.50.4h SPRLNGS ROAD RUTHERFORDTON, NC (828) 277 5074 Melrose Design Group, P.A. Landscape Architecture Land Planning Environmental Design Raad 56 1Vldle OA A.d Nnrlh(a-h,,a 2'704 PH„ne 128] X54-5155 F- 1x28) 6,145156 QUEENS GAP CROSSING ' 12' INDIVIDUAL STREAM CROSSING PERMITS ISI.EDATE:. MaA[H 6, 20f6 RE% TOR DEIGNEDBY:: JWDB ?HEETBLNIIdER, DRANp BY. B1<IH IP 1.12 APPROt"EDBY: E G.pyrgM ®21- M[Im.¢ D-p, Grog P.4. 7. CL y ? C-? 2 ? ? ? N C1. 7 00 T '? ? CIS w Q V V w z 6 z 7 Y I I' n y^ r ?? (••,, [ry 7 1 7F ?r rCi ? -i u: C 'n ?l I = r '> 'r 4 n W 2 O .? Lj Q U W c w a ! I I I e °' ¢ [?1I P N LJ? N 0 W I? _ o w U DO o II W 0. d oO+Z I \ o \ U ? i \\ 3 o x O? I I -c ? o o ? v L) u 1 1 1 1 1 v jW O CU N 99+Z 0 N - QQ+Z n - QQ+ l r 4 QQ+Q ''?? rp v l ?v v cG Z ??C d ?n J E?- V V0.. (lr U Lil tx Z -oz - ? z f?r ? U Jzd. vi w wQ? z >? wx? zpUw viQp? Z<COwn \ Co C) C) \ O :?pO ? y C\j C) r N C) I N r? CO N N ? \ t.. I N r O N r Q W Q C) Q Off. 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Q J V fu Q Specifications: Placement of culverts and other structures in waters and streams must be placed below the elevation of the streambed by one foot for culverts with a diameter greater than 48 inches, and 20 percent of the culvert diameter for culverts less than or equal to 48 inches, to allow low flow passage of water and aquatic life. Any rip rap required for normal pipe burial shall be buried such that the original stream elevation is restored and maintained. I-n -n f` I - A - Longitudinal Profile CULVERT SHOWING PARTIAL BURIAL AT INLET AND OUTLET Not to Scale Cross Section 1 /2 DIAMETER OF PIPE OR 12" WHICHEVER IS GREATER FILTER FABRIC MV`e DESIGNED TO HANDLE HIGH WATER OR FLOOD CONDITIONS. o y -O - o Ito I COARSE AGGREGATE EARTH FILL COVERED BY 6" DEEP LARGE ANGULAR ROCK -- 02 /0 I I "I V I I I N y_ 1a+ 99 . 3 I'LE Culvert showing Aquatic Life Passage Typical 1 WM;t Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants ?. P.O. Box 882 Canton, N.C. 28716 828-648-8801 Not to Scale DATE: REVISION: PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR RECONSTRUCTION Attachment 5 Impervious Calculations and Maps QUEEN'S GAP WATERSHED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE GRINGER BRANCH 5.88% OLD EY CREEK 4.59% STONE CREEK 11.5% CHAULK CREEK 9.87% MORGAN CREEK 9.10% STONEY CREEK 10.46% ROCK CREEK 8.37% HARRIS ;REEK 8.07% COBS CREEK 14.0% LEWISCREEK 5.50% 0?gqgj MAR 1 7 2aag -irk DES ? D S `OR???? 6?e??DH NFETIAND Melrose Design Group, P.A. THIS PLAN ILLUSTRATES A GENERAL PLAN, WHICH IS SUBJECT TO FUTURE CHANGE AND REVISION. DIMENSIONS, BOUNDARIES, AND POSITION LOCATIONS ARE FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE EXACT. BASE INFORMATION DERIVED FROM ILI- AND COUNTY DATA AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. WATERSHED -DELINIATION MAP SCALE: I"=800' FEBRUARY 29, 2008 0 800' 1600• QUEENS GAP ?roposed Rosa SSL*qgd Improved Road Proposed Lob - c.--ay / Park I Cottages Proposed Cottages ® ARached Singb Family Xomes M,hn Design Grouu PA. E?n.monnutel THIS PLAN ILLUSTRATES A GENERAL ALAN. WHICH IS S-RIE-TOR-nuRECHANGEAND REVISION. mENSIONS. BOUNDARIES AND POSITION LOCATIONS ARE FORILLUSTRATNE-POSLSONtTAND O SE EXACT. BASE INFORMATION OERNFD FROM USGS AND COJI-DATA ARE 'OT-NDED AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE ACTUAL FIELD CONDFL N S, CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN • SCALE: I"=800' "`?I "' January 8, 2008 D Bw IA,V lVV/ J of ?../ ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? i?v./ ?" Ls ??.i) ? R ? ,.. ? ??+ f I , ?,+-??'/'-J? r` ?? ? ss J cZ` y u=, n, oc c? .5 ?-OT7 X R`1 &ILI Oro,., 17 L/62-Z ?P: your ? 7?7 A-c 2,7, 30 Z .) PHI- -- 23, Fy A ;, ? acs -0/Ivt?-=2?;DO ?2 -Z -Gyrry- / 7? T?-Z-- ? ! p / t+ t 4 {/ `PLC !?/! r"mss f`?f `? `7 1 lL/ / ! 'rr .. / ! 1 iuau.wy:)e:gy I deg suaanb t cP_. ' ? rc VIP y : till W t lt;• ? ?o y? 00 + u V1 0. fu to , i u fo a..? E E C? ? L O Q U O (D ?M! ^rV. ` V I ?` mil' I- I -C--f NORTH X!A4?.k. ¦ Impact #1: 200 linear feet of channel wNR 3-10-08 Map: Golf Impact Map (1) 0 25' S0' 100' 150' - Name: Queens Gap {. ?. ; Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants 4`- P.O. Box 882 Canton, N.C. 28716 . Rutherford and McDowell County, North Carolina 828-648-8801 Dent COW: Devin McCarthy Land Developers, LLC DMLDL-1000 X 1 I NOF2TH ?f 9G \ I 00000 O 55> Impact #2 r l 1170 0.17 acre open water - - -! 1"_50` WNR 3-10-08 Map: JI o zs' so, im. ISO, Prord Golf Impact Map (2) Name: Queens Gap Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants P.O. Box 882 Canton, N.C. 28716 Rutherford and McDowell County, North Carolina 828-648-8801 Devin McCarthy Land Developers, EC DMLDL-1000 \ r 00 N NORTH i c SO ,y0 C r,. U q *?? c ?55O'/7Q? nrt ? 00 Sneet 7: Ur. -- ?, _ 1••=50' 17 WNR 3-10 OH 011, Map: 0 25' S0' 100' Golf Impact Map (3) - 150' Queens Gap -r. c- -•-. Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants xcabm: .:= P.O. Box 882 Canton, N.C. 28716 Rutherford and McDowell County, North Carolina 828-648-8801 rft Code: - Devin McCarthy Land Developers, LLC DMLDL-1000 i NORTH . i I! il\ eoxl'--;? ? O Impact #4a and 4b: 4a -0.076 acre wetland 4b - 0.01 acre wetland i ee 1n=50' wNR 3-10-08 Mao. n I? 0 25' 50' 100' 150' Golf Impact Map (4) project Name: Lora r•..... Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants Queens Gap P.O. P.O. Box 882 Canton, N.C. 28716 Rutherford and McDowell County, North Carolina 828-648-8801 ? • • • ?• r I lent: Devin McCarthy Land Developers, LLC e. DMLDL-1000 7V 105 dU14 d OS6 it yyG O??p cos U3 1 0 NORTH 1 1 G. r1V ko Impact #5a and 5b: 5a - 0.05 acre open water 5b - 0.01 acre wetland WNR 3-10-08 ? 1 ? Map: Golf Impact Map (5) 0 25' S0' 100' 150' __.. ., ro7ect Nan*: Queens Gap -•• - Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants ad on: P.O. Box 882 Canton, N.C. 28716 Rutherford and McDowell County, North Carolina 828-648-8801 I Devin McCarthy Land Developers, LLC DMLDL-1000 7y/\v7/ .3 -•-. - Wetland and Natural Resource Consu S;• w?v.,-? P.O. BOX 882 Canton, N.C. 2871 828-648-8801 Impact #6: 0.04 acres wetland Sneet 1"=50' wNR 3-10-08 Map: Golf Impact Map (6) 0 25' 50' 100' 150' Projed arm: Itants Queens Gap anon: b Rutherford and McDowell County North Carolina OJ????p? BOO .??? Devin McCarthy Land Developers, LLC pro, DMLDL-1000 I NORTH 1154 75 Yds, Artificial Waterfall Feature 1 l .S)/ ?a ZI t -y S'00, JP , 6 ?.r Impact #7: 9 Y 640 linear feet of channel - Y) AV c --? 1"=50' WNR 3-10-08 Map: Nv Golf Impact Map (7) 0 25' 50' 100' 150' Profed ate: Queens Gap .. Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants P.O. Box 882 Canton, N.C. 28716 xcation: Rutherford and McDowell County, North Carolina 828-648-8801 `''`•` • -fient: Devin McCarthy Land Developers, LLC DMLDL-1000 1154 X115=1.? 5 174 ?- = - 178 - 1180 - ?\_ _ -- - - -' NORTH `L,. Artificial Waterfall j Feature 1 Iro 61 ?y as Stormwater Re-circulation Pool MAR 1 7 D \ zoos WA tR Impact #7: - - - - 640 linear feet of channel 1"=60' WNR : 3-10-08 Golf Impact Map (7b) 0 25' 60' 120' 180' 'map: Project Nam: Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants Queens Gap P.O. Box 882 Canton, N.C. 28716 Rutherford and McDowell County, North Carolina 828-648-8801 nt: _ Devin McCarthy Land Developers, LLC DMLDL-1000 Attachment 7 Revised Impact Table Queens Gap Revised Impact Table Golf Impacts: Site # Type Stream Impact Wetland Impact Open Water Impact Stream (linear feet) (acres) (acres) 1 perennial 200 UT to Harris 2 open water 0.17 UT to Harris 3 linear 0.065 UT to Harris 4a linear 0.076 UT to Harris 4b linear 0.01 UT to Harris 5a open water 0.051 UT to Harris 5b herbaceous 0.01 UT to Harris 6 perennial 0,04 Harris 7 intermittent 64C UT to Harris total 840 0.201 0.221 Road Crossing Impacts: Site # Stream Type Stream Impact Existing Impact New Impact Stream 8 perennial 50 0 50 UT to Harris 9 perennial 60 0 60 UT to Harris 10 perennial 40 0 40 UT to Harris 11 perennial 50 25 25 UT to Harris 12 perennial 40 0 40 Harris 13 perennial 40 0 40 Harris 14 perennial 40 0 40 Harris 15 perennial 50 0 50 UT to Harris 16 perennial 50 0 50 UT to Harris 17 perennial 60 0 60 UT to Harris 18 perennial 60 0 60 UT to Harris 19 perennial 50 0 50 UT to Stone 20 perennial 4C 0 40 Harris 21 perennial 0 0 0 UT to Harris 22 perennial 50 0 50 UT to Harris 23 perennial 40 20 20 UT to Morgan 24 perennial 40 20 20 UT to Morgan 25 perennial 60 20 40 Morgan Creek 26 perennial 40 0 40 Rock Creek 27 perennial 45 20 (UG) 25 Rock Creek 28 perennial 50 40 10 UT to Rock 29 perennial 40 0 40 UT to Rock 30 perennial 40 30, G, I J UT to Rock 31 perennial 40, 0 40 UT to Lewis 32 perennial 40 0 40 Lewis Creek 33 perennial 40 0 40 Old Bone 34 perennial 40 0 40 UT to Old Bone 35 perennial 30 15 (UG) 15 UT to Old Bone 36 perennial 40 40 0 UT to Old Bone total 1265 230 1035 7 3 #?t mpac Indiv:dua 'Permit) = 1875 iinear feet a .'Ve ar=ia im1nact ;Individual Permit; = 0.201 acre Total Open Water Impact (Individual Permit) = 0.221 acre Phase 1 = 146 linear feet and 0.0165 acre wetland Key: UG = Underground --:__ s - luawy:)e b ( deE) suaanb r ? W 1 m C E 1--i V LJJ Q NORTH UT5 Enhancement Level 1300' 4 UT2 Enhancement Level I 1,766' 5 4146 13 53 4 1 3 43 2 5 6 Upper Harris UT3 ? Enhancement 9 UT1 Enhancement Enhancement Level 1415' Level 11 Level I o - 1,580 1,138' Z UT2 Lower 3 Enhancement Level 1576' 7 6 3 ixh L;r E 5 4 ?n 3 `zc N - ?L O UT6 Enhancement -- Level 749' Lower Harris 3 Enhancement Level 1353' UNDISTURBED 50' BUFFER # BEHI LOCATION Queens Gap Mitigation Areas and BEHI Locations I Scale: 1"=450' lwm? .OE:=..T :aleos 06+SS sx -1@@JD SIJJeH J@MOI :T IH?19 r' w a ?ry? '? O d y? -r---?1 y v• C U- Y o O E 8 J L W > W W _ S LL i°n ^ 0 D X 1 \ V a 'U' W L11 W M m OW o Lr) 1 N ?O 4 O o a Y O W ? C 0? (v (n Ln Un o L9 ? 0 0D X Lri II V- IM 0 d- a z LO Ln Q H L z = .? N U e O Q :3 LL w B J m U) p C C LLI :3 U) LU 4-1 (D w Y U 3 1--i ) OL (d :F =3 M LL U ^ 7 W aJ `- z z u o Q N V {NJ O ? 1 J a -0 c' a J O T- . O N O OD CD tt O O O O O O O ? ? ? 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LL U , N .2 Y Y M: =3 '1 I L a j W -? m L6- 0 Y m m °w Z 41 u { 1 N a -0 cn cox°° 00 4P :a,p:)s 06+ZT sX - z in aaaan •9 IH Z -?9 j? C "IN VO STA ? 00 OO x Q o ? Y v O O J L (D L 8 LL N ?- N N Y o w o N O m d o L u Q -" LO Z v~i z o a V) X Ln O ? Z ? o J a S ? A z 1 of N J M 8 N M J z nnL .jJ u _0 ^^W CL I Q. z 17 ?..f. H 1 C: r W 1 x m J -J O L ) ?p cn o a. /J z fu N c .? o J o g =3 W M Y LL Y U Y I o V) = = 'n Q L J V V- O m m ow V 0 p Z W u l a 0) C J 71SX' yr, C?u? LAS U oc=„T :a,p?s 00+0T pis - z in aaaa n :a IH?9 o? ?P e N L p ? L C O O '- N LL o o O CC N L G ?. M LL O O Ln C) LLI O nj o f o to 00 II N M I r4 ? N z ? q i 0 O u 3 CL cn (a X Z o. _ W CL) t; c W W Ln •Ui c L..L LLI z cu LU 4-J D N O O fo W w 'i to •r1 L - 4-J Q C) Q m ° °; m y Z r r= l a ah a? c I..L J 1\ 111. o° ,yx ti 0OX U sx STA 1blkp0 P ?HLn I ,oc=..T :aI?S OO+Z p}s - Z in aaddn :8Z IH39 NORTH Boll ??3?b?vso O i 1kp0 ??CP Y o J w w c cu E ?` L L (O co LL pY p O Y LL O OL w o c) + X M E ul ° o ? N p 00 N Q ? W a o s Z 4-+ II N .? N Z n ' W ?- 4-J 4-j ^O^ Z ` v :3 LU ui llJ m 66 •. y J O C: ^C: z f11 _ O LL / cl, w Wa' cn 0 O O U T 2 U4--J ) w 70 0 w fu m Z7 LL U n 0 U) 2 Co =3 ''1 P L +J 70 4- Y Y Y U O Q V o N 4-J O N L CL J 00 ?P Q t STN I ,o£=,.z :aie:)s ? oo+Lz sx - Z in aannol :6Z IH39 {+t l Y ` cJ a ac OX O 'i -aC oil' OX O a o > > Of f CD O E J i- (LO N U- m 2 LL n + aL.i I -I >. \ _ Cie o T cv ii O z Z ° V ) X O Lf? r? o, OC) Z p J Q O 0' y Z Q N J i _ J -- LU z a N + O Q) V) 0 U .? Q c J H = cn w . M c i •? o a fV u W w D U) Y S " w -O O w C m Z LL u " = W -0 fo 4-j U -0 w O Y Z m Y Z m Y U U p Q Z U 1 a • -0 0) J a J d?ook?1, dyy Oti OX O I N 0 N 0 0 O I 0 i 0 co 0 I I i ? o 1,O 3 i 0 - In 1 i 0 14- I i 0 (U 0 I 0 ON r- In m -' 0? I- Ln m 0 0 0 0 0? ON m m (U (U N N (lJ .-? .-? .-a roc=,,T :ales SZ+Tc SX- Z in aamoi :0C IHD9 Lvv J? O fu !` L C: a) O LL g N o >, _ L ,°n c O p X M C) X°O W u wo x r-I W t.0 + M N o LLJ u o w $ M .-? c' w ? o a z Lf1 l? d? ???zg ? a ? 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ReXope d 1-s Reslope ? m ? ? ry?o' Yd 01- d' O y 4 ?5 01?+6 plS - £ in :V5 IH39 r-L o O J i L ?oPe LL Y a g o N L fo N es w m n cl N C LL v? Y O o O 4-J X I m .., _ 0 o a '? '' O ui .--? M Z Ox?•d 0 o o m O? fo d' LP) II .-i m M a z • N J M Res?o z a O y? U Z ¦ ¦ ~ (n f Q 0- w ? le / Ln w o U) Id w m . -j • o a / LLJ :3 Z _ ? -? a) c O L- w -se / Y m r U w co o W f? '0 0 C U ? a U V) 4-J W m 4- Y Y Y Up O V a-J O m m° V - C 4-J N L -0 0) ? J - Res?ope .?? ?? a C .0c=,.T :ale:)s ,6ok?d? NORTH 05) ?o x? d L5 00+6 OO+OT pis - £ in :SS IH39 a ° ro LL Y a0 ? Q? m = LL n O 0 0 4-J x W m a Y l1J X O w 4- 0 0 Q V- z c 3 M + O ' O Lfl ri M z a o 00 Z a T-i d" N '? Lli z (Q a " a-J w z 4-J -a z L 0 Z 6 x r-L w - :3 v , LU X [O w u / m 4-J Q . •c D Z % ~ -0 c: 2 O •? a ,G w> Y ? w w 0 m W - O ra M p w 0 W Ca D LL U .i cn O z Y Y ' ^1 Q L N 4 V - (3) 4 J O m m z o - u 4, -0 0) J J pp+OZ d i5 ,oc=„T :aims OZ+T T pis - c in :9S IHD9 'A61, NORTH C O J j L Y g a ° m Y 0) > f? a? 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