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Lyn i�ardisan, Environmen�al Cc�ordinatar, Ofiice Qf Legistative a�ad [nter��vernmentai Affairs
Garcy Ward, Division of Water It,.esources, Washington t?fiice
Comments oan the Final �nvironmental Assessrnen� related ta the proposed C.F. Harvey Parl�way
f,N� 148} Extensian frorm NC 58 t� t�iC 11, Lenoir �County, W�S I'�ut�ber 46375, STIF R-57Q3.
This ofiice has reviewed the reFerenced document dated 3une 2016. The NC Division of Watar Resc�urces
(NCDWR) is respansible %r the issuance of the Sec[ian 401 Water Quality Certifi�cation for activzties that impact
Waters of the U.S., includin� wetlands. It is aur �:m�erstanding that the prpj�ct as presented will result in impacts to
jurisdictional weilands, streazx�s, and other surface waters. The PJCI3WR offers the follawin� connments based on
review �f the �f�retnentioned dacument:
Fro,�ect Speci�c Ccrrnments:
This proj�ct is being planned through a rvorkgroup thraugh the N� DOT Diwision 2 o#fice. As a gartieipating
teatn member, t�e NCDW�C will continue to wark wit� tha t�am.
The project area includes Stonyton Creek, Beaverdam Branch and assaciated unnamed tributarie� as w�ll as
unnamed tributari�s to :�ericha Run and Briery l�un. Thase features are class CySWi NS'E�47 wa�ers Qf th� State.
T'he N�I7W1�, is v�ry concerned wit� sediment and �rasion impacts that c�uld result frQm this praject. The
NCDWR recommends that hi�ltly protective sediment and erosi�n control �MPs be implem�nted to reduce
the risk ofnutrient r�tnaff to these tributaries. Additionally, to me�t fihe requirem�nts o�NCDC7T's N�DES
permit NC�QC�Qi�250, �he NCDWR req�ests tha� road design plans pravide treattn�nt of the st�rm �tirater runoff
throug� best management practices as detaiied in Yhe most recent uersion caf the 1Vc,rth Carr�linc� L7epartment of
Trans,�r�rtatian StormwateY �est Management Pr�actiees 7'aalbox manuaL
'I'his project is within the Neuse River Basin. Riparian buffer itnpacts shall be avoided and mini�nized ta the
greatest a�tent ppssihle pursuant to 1SA NCAC 2B.0233. New developnaent activities loc�ted in the
pratected 50-foot wide riparian areas within the bas�n shall be [imited to "use�" id�ntified within and
co�str�cted in aceordance with 15A NCAC .02B .0295. Buffer rriitigatic�n may be required for L uffer impacts
resuliing fr+�� activities elassi�ied as "allawable with mitigation" within t�e "Table af [Jses" sectiQr► of the
Buffer Rules ar r�quire a uari�r�ce under the Buifer Rul�s. A buffer mitigation plan, coardinated with the
Nortka �arolina Division of Mitigation Services, must be provided t�a the NCDWR prior to approvai af the
Water Qivality eertification. F3uffear mitigation tt�ay be required for buffer impa.cts resulting from activities
classifed as "allo�able with mitigation" within the "Table flf Uses" section of the Buffer �ules ar require a
varianc� under t�e Buffer Rules. A buffer mitigation plan, coardi�ated with the Nnrth Carolina Division of
Mitigatian Seraices, tz�ust be pravided to the NCDWI� prior to approval of the Waier Quality Certiification,
General Co�nrnents:
State ofNorth Carolina IEnvirocamental f2uality I 4Vater Resouxces
1617 Mail Service Genl�r, Raleigh, North Carolina 27fi99-1B17
The environment�3 tiacumez�t should pravide a detailed anci itemized gresentaiion of the prop€ased impacts to
wetlands and streams with corresponding ma��aping. If mikigation is necesSary a� r�quire�i by I SA 1*1�'A+�
�H.05ED6(�}, it is prefera:ble tt� present a cor�ceptua[ (if not fnalized) mitigation plan with the enviranrnental
documentation, Apprapriate mitii,gation plans will be rec�uired pricar to issuan�e of a 401 Water {�u�lity
�nv�rranmental impact s�atement alternatives shall consider desig►t criteria that reduce the irrapacts io s�reams
�nd wetl�nds frs�m st�rm water run�f�, Ta meet the r�c{uirements of NG�7C3T's �1PDES perrnit IVC�t3Q0t1250,
these alternativea shauld inciude roat� designs that allaw far treaiment of the st�t�n water ru�tOff t�t�'tau�h b�St
mar�ag�ment practices as de[ailed in t�e most rece�t v�rsiara �af ihe N�arth �arolina L��partm�nt caf
Trr�nspnrtation .St��rmwuter Best Mana�ement PrAciic�s Tdc�l6vx manuaV, whi�h �ciud�s �MPs such as
grasse� swales, buffer areas, preforrz�ed scour hales, retentian basins, etc.
After the selec�ian of the preferred alternative and pri�r to an issuar�ce c��the �O1 Water Quality Certi�cation,
the IVC[��T is res�aectfuily r�minded that tlaey wil! need to demcanstrate the avai�f�nce and minim�za�ic�� caF
impacts ta wetlands (and st�-�azns} ta ihe maximum extent practical. It� accordar�ce with the Environmental
Managexn�z�t Comrnission's �ules (15A NCA� 2H.OSO�i�h]�, mitigation will be req�ired f€�r irnpacts c�f
grc:ater than i acre ta evetla�cis. l� tl�e �v�nt thaC m'rtigation is r�quired, tt�e mitig�tian plan shall l�e designed
tr� rep�aGe ap�ra�priate lost firnct�c�ns and va�ues. The North Carolina C3�visio� �f Mitigat4on Services Enay be
awa[lable to assist witt� wetlartd mitigation.
�n accardan�� wit� ihe E�viror�rreental Management �c�mmission's Rul�s (ISA t�IGAC 2H.C15t36[l�]},
mitigaeian will be reqtair�d fcar itnpacts of g�e�t�r tt�an ➢ Sa linear feet tQ any single siream. In the event thaE
mitigation is r�quired, the mitigaiion pian shall be desi�ned ko replace apprc�priate last functic�ns a�td �al�res.
Tkae North Caralina Division q�Mitigation Services may b� �vailable ta assist with s�ream mitigatiQn.
�'utur� dacum�nt��iQn, including the 4f11 Wa�er Quality �ertifi�atian Application, shall cont`rnue to inc�ude an
ite�iz�d list�ng of the proposeti wetEand and stream impacts rrr�th correspandir�g z�ap�ing.
T"h� NCDWI� is vety cancerned wQt� sedi�nent and erasian impacts that co�ld result from this prpject. "�"l�e
NCUO`I' shall address thes� concerns t�y describing �he potential itr�pacts th�t rr�ay s��cur t� the aquatic
environments anr� any €t�itigating fact�rs t�at ivaul� red�ce th� impacts.
10. An analysis of eumula�ive and secmndary i�npacts anticipated as a res�iC afthis pa�oj�ect i� requ�red. 'i"he type
and deta�[ r�f analys�s shaYl conf€aara�� ta the NC L}ivision of Water Resources polit;y �n tite �ssessQnetti af
secondary and cuznulative impacts dat�d April 10, 2004.
1 I. 'T'he NCL�O'i is respectfully remindeci that ��l imp�cts, includin� but not limit�d to, bri�l�in�, �ll, excav�tic�n
dnd c�earing, a�ad rip rap to jurisdzctional wetl�nds, skrearns, and ripari�n buff�rs nee� t� be oncluded in the
tinal ampact caCeula�3ans. Tlae�e impacts, in addi�ion to ariy cons[ructian irnpacts�, tetnpor�ry �r atheewis�,
alsp need tc� be includec! as park e>f the 4Q 1 Water Quality Certificatian Applicat�c�n.
12. W'here streams must be crass�d, the NCDWI� prefers bridges be used in lieu of culverts. Ht�wever, we reali�e
thai econo�nic cc��n�ideratians cs�en require the use af �ulv�ets. Please b� advise� �hat �uiv�res should be
cauntersunk tt� allaw unimpeded passa�� �p �sh and ott�er aquatic c�rganisms. Mareower, in aeeas where hi�h
qua,lity w�tlands car st�earns are impacted, a hr�d�e rnay prove preferable. When app�icable, t�►e I�+ICDC7T
shauld n�t i��tall the brid�e bents in �he creek, Eo tt�e maxitnu�n ext�nt pr�Gticabie.
13. Wh�never possible, the 1�[:D'WR pref�rs spanning structures. Spanning structures �sually do na� require
w�rk avithin the s�reazn ar grubbing c�f the s�reambanks ar�d d� not r�equir� stream c�atuael realignm���, The
hc�riz�rntal and verkical clearanc�s pravidecl by bridges shall allow fc�r hurrr�n ar�d wildli�e passage beneath ihe
stt'u�t�re. F'ish pass�ge a�d navigatic�n b� canoeists and boat�r� shall nak be l�locEceci. Bridge suppQrts (bent�)
shou�lt� r�ot be giaced in the stream when passible.
LS. Bridge dec[� drains shail nQt discharge directly inia the streann. Stormwater shall he �directed across the brid�e
and pre-treate�i through site-appropriate means (grass�d swales, pre-formed scaur hales, vegetated buf%rs,
etc.) b�fore enterin� the stream. To tz�eet the require�nents of NCDQ'T's NPI7�S permit NCSO�(}0250, please
refer to t�� �ast �'ecent versio� of iha Nvrth Carolina Depar�trner�t of 7'ransp�rtatzvn Stormwater B�st
Mcanc���ment Prczctices Taolbox maanua� �or approved rneas�ares.
14. �ediment aaad excasion control tneasures shouid not be piaced in wetlands or streams.
15. Borrow/waste areas shoulci avoid wetlands to the maximum extet�t practical. lmpacts to w�tlands in
bc�rrawlwaste areas will need to be presented in the 401 Water C�u�lity Certification and cau�d precipitate
compensatory miti�atian.
16. 'Fhe 4(}1 Wat�r Quality Certification applicatic�n will need ta specifcally address the proposed methods for
stormwater rnanagement. Mare specifically, stormw�ter shall nok be permitted CQ discharge directly `rntca
streatns or surface waters.
i 7. Based on the in%rm�tion presented in khe document, the magnitude of impacts ta wetlands and streams m�y
reQuir� an Individual Permit (IP� application ia the Cc�rps of Engineers �snd corr�espondin�; 401 �/ater �ualitiy
Gertif eatian. Ylease be advised that a 401 �Natez' Quality Certification requires s�atisfactory pz'otection of
water quality to ensure that water q�alit� standards are met and no w�tland or streana �ases are l4st. Final
perinit �uth�ri�ation will require the sub�nitial o� a forn�al application by the NCDOT aa�d written concurrence
fram the NCI�WI�. Please be awar� that any approval vvill be contingent on appropriate avaidance and
rniniziaization af wetl�tid and stream impacts to the �xaaximum extent practical, th� �lev�l�pment of an
accepiable stonnwater management pl�n, and �he inGlusion of app�opriate mitigatian plans where appropriate.
18. If conerete is used during co�stn�ctian, a dry worF� area sl�all be mai�tained ta prevent direct contaet between
curin.g cvnGr�te and stir�eam water. Waier that inadvertent�y cant�cts uncured cancrete shall nat be discharged
tcr surfac�e waters due ta the patential for elevaied pH and possible aquatic life and �ish kills.
i 9. If temporary aceess rc�ads or detours are constructed, the site shall be graded to its preconstruction contaurs
and elevations. Dist�rbed areas sl�all be seedeti ar tnuic�ed ta stabilize the soil anci appropriaie native woody
species shail be planted. When using iem�oa�ary structures the az�ea s�all be clear�d but not gt7ubbed. Clearing
the area witt� chain saws, mawers, bush-hags, or othe� mechanized equipment and leaving the sturr�ps and raot
mat intact allows t�e ar�a ta re-vegeeate naturally and minimizes soil disiurbaz�ce.
Z0. Unless �therwise authorized, placemment of culverts and other skructures in w�ters and streartis shall be placed
belnw the eievat�can o�the streambed by one foot for all culverts with a diameter greatez° than 48 inches, and
20 percent of the culvert diam�k�r for culverts having a diameter less than 48 i�ich�s, to allow low �%taw
passa�e o�'water and aq�aa[ic life. Qesign and placement af culve�rts �nd other structures includin� t��parary
erosic�n control measures shall no� be eonducted in a rnanz�er tlaat may �esult in dis-equilibrium of wetlands ar
s�reambeds or bat�ks, adjacent to or upstream and downstr�ar� of tiae ahove sCructur�s. The applicant is
r�quir�d to �rovide evidence that the ec�uilibrium is being maintained if requested in wrztin� by th� NCDWR.
If tt�is conditiQn is unable to be met due ta bedz-ack or other limiiing features �nc�u�tered during �onstruction,
please cantact the NCDVVR for �uidance on l�ow Co proce�d and to determine whether car not a per�mit
mQdi%cation will be requir�d.
� 1. lf m�ultiple pipes ar barrels are required, th�y shall be designed to mimic natura}. stream cross sectian as
ciasely as possible including pipes or barrels at f�ood pl�in elevation, flo�odplain benches, and/ar sills rn�y be
required where apprapriate. UVidenin� th� streazn cttatxnel should be avoided. Streatn channe� widening at th�
inlet ar autlei end of structu�res typically decreases water v�locity causing sediment deposition that requir�s
incz'easec� maint�r►ance ar�c! disr�pks aquatic �ife passag�.
22. lf foundation test �aorings are ��e�essaryi it shall be nQied in the docu�nent. G�otechn�cal work �s approved
uu�der Genera1401 Certificatior� Nuurnnber 3883/1Vationwide Permit No. 6 far Survey AcCivities.
23. Sedim�nt and �;rosic�n contr�l measur�s sufficient to prcat�ct water resvurces must be [mpietnented and
mainta�n�s� in aecordance with the rnc�st cec�nt versi�n o�i�Ivrth C'arcalina �edzrne�� an� Erc�swcrn �on�rQl
I'1��r1�g and I)esign Manu�l and th� r�rast r�cent version csf NCSO{}Q25Q.
24. r�il w4rk in �r adjacent t� st�ea�t wa#�rs shail be ct��du�ted in a dr}i work area. Apprc�ved BMP' meas�res.
frotn the most current ver�ion Qf th�e 1VCDC)T C;anstru�tic�n and Maintenance Activities z�an�al snch as
sand�a�s, rack berrns, cnfferdams a�d ather diw�rsion structures shall be u�ed �Q prevent excavation ir�
flowir�g waier.
ZS. Whi�e t�te �s� afNatianal V4�`etland Inr��ntary (NWI} map�, NC Caastal �te�ion �va�uation c�f Wetianci
Signi�canCe (TVC-�R�WS) znaps a�d soil survey maps are usefuE toals, th��r �nher�nt inacGuraci�s require
that qua[efi�;d �aerst�t�nel perform ansite wetlartd delin�atians pritar to pezl�aii apgz-caval.
26. Heavy equip�er�t sh�uld t�e operaied fr€�m the banic rat�er than in stream cl�anzzels i�► octier to �inianize
sedamentation and redue� t�e likelihood af iniroducing t�ther pol9utants intc� streams, Tktis �quipsment shall be
inspected daily a�td ��intained to prevent cantamina�ion of surface waters frsom leakin� f€�els, 1�ub�ricaz�ts,
hydraulic fluids, or oth�r taxic nnaterials.
27. Riprap shall nc�t l�e pCaced i� th� actiue thalweg chaaxn�l or �laced in the s�rea�bed in a�x�€anner tkaat �r�cludes
aquatie lif� pas�age. B�aeng�nee�in� bau�ders ar struct�res shoa�id b� pr�perly �esi�ned, sized �ndf irastalled.
28. Riparian vegetativn (nativ� tre�s and shrubs) skaa�l b� preserved t� the maximu�ra extent perssilale. �Zaparian
vegetation m�st be reestablished wifihin fihe �c�nstruc�ia� limits c�f t�Ze prc�ject try the �nd of �h� groaving sea�o�
fa�low�n� completion of canstr�ction.
The NCDWR appr�ciat�s the opport�nity to �rdvide �c,mments a� your gro�ect. Sh�ould y�au laave any q�estic�ns or
require any additic�nal infc+rmaticrn, pl�ase cot�tact G�rey W�rd �t (252} 946-6481 or garcy.tivard�a ncdenr.gov.
Electranic co�y only distributi�n:
Tom Sieff�ns, US Army Corps of En�ineers, Washin�ton �ield C)ifice
Garcy Ward, NC Divisican of Water R�sources Washingtan RegionaE Offic�
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