HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110410 Ver 3_WILMINGTON #89202v1 Marina_Letter_20160729SNI1 a�� : MOORE LEATHERWOOD ATTORNEYS A T L A W July 28, 2016 VIA FEDEX and E-MAIL: Karen.Higgins@ncdenr.gov Karen A. Higgins, Supervisor N.C. Dept of Environmental Quality - Water Quality 512 N. Salisbury St. 9th Floor, Suite 9424 Raleigh, NC 27604 Re: CAMA Permit Application Submittal for Bailey & Associates, Inc. Client -Matter No. 05019651.000001 Dear Ms. Higgins: 101 N. Third Street Suite 400 Wilmington, NC 28401 With regard to the above -referenced hatter, enclosed please find the following: 1. Letter to Braxton Davis, Doug Huggett and Robb Mairs of Division of Coastal Management responding to the Town of Wrightsville Beach's 3/28/16 letter; and, 2. Report of Charles D. Cazier, P.E. with one (1) 24"06" copy of Cross Section Profiles for Grand Petiv Cornnlanrify Marina. If you require any additional information please let nae know. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. Sincerely, Smith Moore Leatherwood LLP Matthew A. Nichols MAN/nc Enclosures cc: Heather Coats - DCM Wilmington (via hand -delivery) Matthew A. Nichols I Direct: 410.815.7132 I matt.nichols@smithmoorelaw.com I www.smithmoorelaw.com ATLANTA I CHARLESTON I CHARLOTTE I GREENSBORO I GREENVILLE I RALEIGH I WILMINGTON SNA " -T I NIOORE LEATHERWOOD A i, 0 Ii R' E Y '. A i f. A July 28, 2016 VIA E-MAIL AND FIRST CLASS U.S. MAIL Mr. Braxton Davis, Director NCDEQ - Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce AvenVe Morehead City, NC 28557 braxton.davis(ir�,ncdem .gov Mr. Doug Huggett, Manager - Magor Permits NCDEQ - Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 Ooug.huggett@ncdenr.gov Mr. Robb Mairs, Field Officer NCDEQ – Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 robb.niairs@ncdeiir.gov ncdenr.gov Re: Response to Town of Wrightsville Beach 3/28/16 Letter Applicant: Bailey and Associates, Inc. Grand View Community Marina 202 Summer Rest Road, Wilmington, New Hanover County, NC Client -Matter No. 05019651.000001 Dear Messrs. Davis, Huggett and Mairs: 141 N. Third Street Suite 400 Wilmington, NC 28401 We represent Bailey and Associates, Inc.—the property owner and Applicant—with regard to the above -referenced matter. Please accept this letter as a response to the comments and objections raised by the Town of Wrightsville Beach ("Town") in a letter to you dated March 28, 2016, from Town Attorney John C. Wessell, III ("Town's Objection Letter"). Matthew A. Nichols I Direct: 410.815.7132 1 matt.nichols@smithmoorelaw.cont I www,smithmoorelaw.com ATLANTA I CHARLESTON I CHARLOTTE I GREENSBORO I GREENVILLE I RALEIGH I WILMINGTON Mr. Braxton Davis, Director Mr, Doug 1-1riggett, Manager - Major Perinits Mr, Robb Mairs, Field Officer NCDEQ-DCM July 28, 2016 Page 2 I. Issues Raised by Taivn Regarding its Claimed "Easement" As to the Town's objections, we disagree with a number of legal assertions and conclusions in the Town's Objection Letter regarding the purported existence and scope of the Town's "easement." A. Following Requests for Supporting Documentation, the "Easement" Remains Unsupported By Fact or B,Law More than 18 months ago, my client requested that the Town provide us with some basic information regarding the Town's claimed easement, to which the Town has never responded. Specifically, on November 14, 2014, we sent a formal public records request to the Town of Wrightsville Beach Town Manager with a copy to the Town Attorney. A copy of that public records request is attached to my client's CAMA application in this matter, and we have also attached a copy of that public records request as Exhibit "1" to this letter for ease of reference. In that public records request, we asked the Town to provide us with a copy of the recorded easement or the recording information from the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office for the Town's claimed easement (recorded Deed Book and Page Number), This basic information has never been provided to us by the Town.' To our knowledge, the Town has also not provided this information to NCDEQ-DCM ("MM"), and no such information is contained in the Town's Objection Letter to VCM. Our independent search of the New Hanover County Register of Deeds records revealed that, to the best of our knowledge, the easement has not been recorded. We also asked the Town to provide us with any documents (memoranda, correspondence, emails, maps, surveys, drawings, letters of understanding or refinement, or other documents) that supplement, amend, modify or supersede the Town's claimed easement. Again, the Town did not respond. As to the actual easement claimed by the Town, the only document we have seen is an unrecorded photocopy of a document from 1982 entitled "Easement" which does not bear any original signatures. We would also note that no copy of this document was attached to the ' In fact, the Town has never responded to Bailey and Associates, Inc.'s November 14, 2014 public records request, which is not consistent with the requirements of North Carolina's Public Records statute, Chapter 132 of the North Carolina General Statutes. Mr, Braxton Davis, Director Mr. Doug Huggett, Manager - Major Permits Mr. Robb Mairs, Field Officer NCDEQ-DCM July 28, 2016 Page 3 Town's Objection Letter to DCM. For your reference, a copy of that "Easement" document is attached as Exhibit "A" to the public records that was sent to the Town on November 14, 2Q 14. We take several issues with this easement document under North Carolina zeal estate law principles. First, as noted above, the easement document does not bear any original signatures or copies of original signatures. The Town's Objection Letter states: "The easement was approved by the Governor and the Council of State on May 4, 1982 and signed by the Governor on May 27, 1982." (Town's Objection Letter, p. 4). We have never seen such a document signed by the Governor, and the Town has produced no such document. Without an original signed copy of the easement, it is difficult to assure that this 30+ year old unrecorded document with unoriginal signatures is the final approved version of the purported easement. Accordingly, we think it is reasonable and prudent to request that the Town produce a copy of the original signed document, as this would be expected of any other party claiming an interest in real estate in North Carolina, and particularly where that party is objecting to a permit application. B. The Easement is Unrecorded and is Not a Valid Interest In Land Second, and more importantly, to the best of our knowledge, the easement is unrecorded. N,C. GEN. STAT. § 47-27 mandates that the easement be recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office in order to be binding upon third -parties, such as my client. N.C. GEN. STAT. § 47-27 states: All persons, firms, or corporations now owning or hereafter acquiring „ ny any -deed or agreement for rights-of-way and easements of a character whatsoever shall record such deeds and agreements in the office of the register of deeds of the county where the land affected is situated. Where such deeds and agreements may have been acquired, but no use has been made thereof, the person, firm, or corporation holding such instrument, or any assignment thereof, shall not be required to record them until within 90 days after the beginning of the use of the easements granted thereby. If after 90 days from the beginning of the easement granted by such deeds and agreements the person, firm, or corporation holding such deeds or agreements has not recorded the same in the office of the register of deeds of the county where the land affected is situated, Mr. Braxton Davis, Director Mr. Doug Haggett, Manager - Major Perinits Mr. Robb Mairs, Field Officer NCDEQ-DCM July 28, 2016 Page 4 then the grantor in the said deed or agreement may, after 10 days' notice in writing served and returned by the sheriff or other officer of the county upon the said person, firm, or corporation holding such lease or agreement, file a copy of the said lease or agreement for registration in the office of the register of deeds of the county where the original should have been recorded, but such copy of the lease or agreement shall have attached thereto the written notice above referred to, showing the service and return of the sheriff or other officer. The registration of such copy shall have the same force and effect as the original would have had if recorded: Provided, said copy shall be duly probated before being registered. Nothing in this section shall require the registration of the following classes of instruments or conveyances, to wit: (1) It shall not apply to any deed or instrument executed prior to January 1, 1910. (2) It shall not apply to any deed or instrument so defectively executed or witnessed that it cannot by law be admitted to probate or registration, provided that such deed or instrument was executed prior to the ratification of this section. (3) It shall not apply to decrees of a competent court awarding condemnation or confirming reports of commissioners, when such decrees are on record in such courts. (4) It shall not apply to local telephone companies, operating exclusively within the State, or to agreements about alleyways. The failure of electric companies or power companies operating exclusively within this State or electric membership corporations, organized pursuant to Chapter 291 of the Public Laws of 1935 [G.S. 117-6 through 117-27], to record any deeds or agreements for rights-of-way acquired subsequent to 1935, shall not constitute any violation of any criminal law of the State of North Carolina. No deed, agreement for right-of-way, oz• easement of any character Mr. Braxton Davis, Director Mr. Doug Huggett, Manager - Major Permits Mr. Robb Mairs, Field Officer NCDEQ-DCM July 28, 2016 Page 5 shall be valid as against any creditor- or purchaser for a valuable consideration but from the registration thereof within the county where the land Affected thereby lies. From and after July 1, 1959, the provisions of this section shall apply to require the Department of Transportation to record as herein provided any deeds of easement, or any other agreements granting or conveying an interest in land which are executed on or after July 1, 1959, in the same manner and to the same extent that individuals, firms or corporations are required to record such easements. N.C. GEN. SWAT. § 47-27 (emphasis added). We are not aware of any provisions in the General Statutes exempting the Town from recording its purported easement, and the Tow cites none. The burden is on the Town to establish the existence of its easement, particularly where the Town alleges that its rights are superior to my client's eights. As stated by the North Carolina Supreme Court more than a century ago, it is an "elementary principle of law that a party who claims to have acquired the title to property or any easement therein or right to put any burden thereon by presumption must establish his claim by showing the facts upon which it is based[.]" Barker u. Southei°n R.R. Co., 137 N.C, 214, 222, 49 S.E. 115, 118 (1904). In contrast, Bailey and Associates, Inc. has a 50 -year nonexclusive casement from the State of North Carolina Department of Administration, State Property Office, over the subject riparian area for the existing dock facility, which ivas mcoi-ded on March 23, 2015, in Book 5875 at Page 2810 of the New Hanover County Registry, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 112". The Town has not proven the existence and validity of its easement, nor has the Town otherwise demonstrated that its rights are somehow superior to my client's rights. Contrary to the assertions in the Town's Objection Letter, an unrecorded easement does not provide the basis for the Town's assertion of rights superior to the rights of Bailey and Associates, Inc.—the actual riparian landowner. We strongly disagree with the Town's unfounded assertion that "[t]he applicant is proposing to work in a riparian area to which it has no rights" (Town's Objection Letter, P. 3). The Town's assertion that Bailey and Associates, Inc. has "no rights" in this riparian area is without merit. Furthermore, the Town bears the burden of establishing the validity of its claimed easement under North Carolina law, which it has failed to do. Mr. Braxton Davis, Director Mr. Doug Huggett, Manager - Major Permits Mr. Robb Mairs, Field Officer NCDEQ-DCM July 28, 2016 Page 6 C. The "Easement" is Undefined, Unlocated, and Non -Exclusive Third, even if the Town's easement was properly executed, acknowledged, recorded, and indexed in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office, the Town's easement document does not state that the Town's easement is exclusive, and it does not specify its boundaries, width, or general dimensions. In the public records request, we asked the Town to provide us with any documents (memoranda, correspondence, emails, maps, surveys, drawings, letters of understanding or refinement, or other documents) related to the location, size, scope, length, width, depth and/or maintenance of the Town's claimed easement. The Town has not provided us with any information responsive to this request. To our knowledge, the Town has provided no such information to I7CM, and none is contained in the Town's Objection Letter. We can only conclude that the Town has no such evidence to support its easement. Additionally, the Town's reliance on United States v. Seagate, Inc., 397 F. Supp. 1351 (E.D.N.0 1975), is misplaced. A copy of this case is attached as Exhibit "Y' for your reference. The case involved a dispute over the construction of a residential subdivision on lands adjoining both sides of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway in Carteret County. The land at issue was subject, in whole or in part, to an easement reserved by the United States in 1957. As noted by the Court, the United States' easement rights are very broad. The Court stated: This easement gives the Government the right to use the burdened lands for the purpose of operating and maintaining the Intracoastal Waterway; the right to cut away and remove any pant of the subject property in order to widen or otherwise improve the Waterway; the right to construct and maintain aids to navigation on these lands; the right to use these lands for the deposit of material dredged from the Waterway; and the right to enter upon and use the lands for other purposes needful in preserving and maintaining the Waterway. Id. at 353. The United States Government sought an order declaring that the construction of residential dwellings and other permanent improvements on lands subject to the easement is inconsistent with the terms of the easement and an order enjoining the property owners from such construction. The Government also sought an order requiring the owners of three existing dwellings to remove those dwellings if notified that the land they occupy was needed in connection with operation, maintenance or enlargement of the Waterway. See id.. Mr. Braxton Davis, Director Mr. Dotig Hr►ggett, Manager - Major Permits Mr. Robb Mairs, Field Officer NCDFQ-DCM hly 2s, 2016 Page 7 Unlike the present LAMA permitting matter, the easement in favor of the United States in Seagate "was contained in deeds which were duly recorded" when the United States sold its fee interest in this property in 1957. Id at 135$. Additionally, unlike the present matter, in Seagate the Court specifically found that the terms of the easement were unambiguous. The Court stated: "There is nothing ambiguous about the nature or terms of the easement in question." Id. at 1360. In contrast, the location and scope of the Town's purported unrecorded/unsigned easement are ambiguous at best. The general dimensions in the Town's purported easement document, and particularly the width, are unspecified. It is also unclear where the Town's easement is located. This is also in complete contrast to the aforementioned recorded easement granted to Bailey and Associates, Inc. from the Department of Administration, which contains a precise description of the easement area. It should also be noted that the Court in Seagate did not rule that all construction should be stopped. Rather, the Count took a balancing approach, stating in part: C. For these reasons the Court finds that the construction of permanent residences and their attendant utilities on both banks of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway within the Sea Gate Subdivision would impair and abridge the rights reserved by plaintiff by easement in 1957. 7. However, the Court further finds that it would not be unreasonable at the present time to permit the construction of dwellings along the western side of the Waterway only. Limiting construction to the west bank only would minimize any interference with dredging operations by the Corps of Engineers, since dredging contractors would have free access to the large spoil disposal area located in the Sea Gate vicinity on the east side of the canal. Moreover, the exclusion of dwellings from the east bank would also allow reasonable provision for operations to widen the Waterway channel or to provide passing zones, should either action prove necessary in the future. Seagate, 397 F. Supp, at 1359 (emphasis added). Mr. Braxton Davis, Director Mr. Doug t-Iuggett, Manager - Major Permits Mr. Robb Mairs, Field Officer NCDEQ-DCM July 28, 2016 Page 8 Based upon the foregoing, and for the additional reasons stated herein, we strongly disagree with the Town's assertion that "[t]he applicant is infringing on the easement rights granted by the State of North Carolina to the Town for construction of the NEI." (Town's Objection Letter, p. 3). An unrecorded, unsigned easement document—which on its face is not exclusive and is missing important dimensional information—does not somehow confer rights upon the Town that are superior to all of Bailey and Associates, Inc.'s rights as the riparian owner and the current holder of a valid, recorded, nonexclusive easement from the N.C. Department of Administration, State Property Office. 2, Town's Cvncei-tis with NEL Bailey and Associates, Inc.'s existing pier facility on this site, which was permitted by ICM, currently crosses the NEI line in two locations. The proposed dock facility does not call for any additional cross -points with the NEI line. There is no subaqueous construction or other modifications planned or required below the surface of the water at the points where the existing pier already crosses the NEI. We understand that within the past approximately two years, the riparian owner to the immediate north of and adjacent to Bailey and Associates, Inc.'s property applied for, was granted permission, and performed dredging in this general vicinity without incident pursuant to a CAMA permit. Furthermore, we understand that this dredging was permitted by DCM to a depth of -6.0 feet mlw, which is 2.0 feet more than the dredging depth contemplated by Bailey and Associates, Inc.'s current CAMA application. Did the Town object to that dredging near what, at that time, was an unlocated NEI? As to maintenance of the NEI, the Town has not stated with any real specificity how the proposed dock facility would prevent the Town from maintaining the NEI. The Town states; "The need to periodically maintain, repair or replace the sewer line will be made impossible by the existence of the pier and docks." (Town's Objection Letter, p.2 at 1.3) (emphasis added). It is unclear from the Town how the existing or proposed dock facility makes or will make such maintenance "impossible." According to statements made by Town Assistant Director of Public Works Steve bellies to the Board of Aldermen at a Public Meeting on November 13, 2014, we understand that the pipe was reconditioned in 2007 all the way to Bradley Creek and that the interior is in good shape. The Town has not provided my client with a regular maintenance schedule for the NEI. Furthermore, the Town has not explained how the NEI line is inaccessible or cannot be adequately accessed from the north or south of my client's riparian area for maintenance purposes, either currently or with the addition of the proposed facility. Mr. Braxton Davis, Director Mr. Doug Huggett, Manager - Major Permits Mr, Robb Mairs, Field Officer NCDEQ-DCM July 28, 2016 Page 9 With regard to construction and operation of the proposed facility, please see the attached report from my client's engineer, Charles D. Cazier, P.E,, with Intracoastal Engineering, PLLC, dated July 28, 2016. Also, does the State have any reports, studies or other information from the Town related to any contingency plans maintained by the Town regarding the NEI in this vicinity? 3. Other Issues Raised by Town. The Town also raises an issue with what it characterizes as the enlargement of structures and "the allowance of dredging in areas that are not within the applicant's riparian corridor." (Town's Objection Letter, p. 4). The Applicant respectfully contends that the Town's analysis is erroneous, N.C. Administrative Code 71-1,0208(b)(6)(1) states in part: "The line of division of areas of riparian access shall be established by drawing a line along the channel or deep water in front of the properties, then drawing a line perpendicular to the line of the channel so that it intersects with the shore at the point the upland property line meets the water's edge." 15A NCAC 7H.Q208(b)(6)(1). The riparian line at the eastern end of the property was correctly drawn perpendicular to the AIWW channel so that it indeed intersects with the shore at the point the upland property line meets the water's edge (rnhw). The existing permitted pier and docks support this point. The Applicant strongly disagrees with the Town's position, The Town also objects on the basis of N.C. Administrative Code 7H.0208(b)(5)(F). This objection is without merit, There are no leaseholders or owners of submerged land from which written consent must be obtained. Last, the Town has no standing or authority to enforce or interpret the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance, and likewise, the Town has no standing or authority to raise purported objections on behalf of NCDOT, which to our knowledge the NCDOT is not raising. Conclusion Based upon the foregoing, we respectfully assert that the Town's legal objections are insufficient to deny Bailey and Associates, Inc.'s CAMA permit application, Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the foregoing or if you require any additional information at this time. Mr, Braxton Davis, Director Mr. Doug Huggett, Manager - Major Permits Mr. Robb Mairs, Field Officer NCDEQ-DCM July 28, 2016 Page 10 Sincerely, Smith Moore Leatherwood LLP Matthew A. Nichols MAN/ne Enclosures cc: Karen A, Higgins, Supervisor NCDEQ - Water Quality (via FedEx and e-mail: Karen,Higgins@ncdenr.gov) Heather Coats, NCDEQ-DCM, Wilmington (via hand -delivery) Jim Gregson, Regional Supervisor NCDEQ- Division of Water Resources (via e-mail: jim.gregson@ ncdenr.gov) John C, Wessell, 111, Esq. Counsel for Town of Wrightsi,ille Beach (via e-mail: jwcsseli@wessellrancy.com) Steve Morrison Land Management Group, Inc. (via e-mail: sinorrison@lmgrotip.net) Charles D. Cazier' P.E. Intracoastal Engineering, PLLC (via e-mail: charlie@iiitracoastatenginecring.com) Christopher W. Bailey President, Bailey and Associates, Inc, (via e-mail: ewbailey@baileyandassociates.biz) SiHANKLIN & NICHOLS, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 214 MARKET STREET POST OFFICE BOX 1347. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1347 TELEPHONE (910) 762-9400 • TELEFAX (910) 251-1773 E-MAIL: SHANKLAW@EARTHLINK,NET KENNETH A. SHANKLIN4 *BOARD CERTIFIED SPECIALIST IN REAL, PROPERTY LA%N- RESID5t-MAL. BUSINESS, COI,IMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TRANSACTIONS November 14, 2014 _VIA EMAIL TO towens i0owb.or AND U.S. MAIL Mr. Tim Owens Town Manager Town of Wrightsville Beach P.O. Box 626 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Re: Bailey and Associates, Inc. FIRST PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST Our File No. 2014060.2 Dear Mr. Owens: d EXHIBIT 4 MATTHEW A. NICHOLS" "ALSO AOMI7T£O IN NEW YORK Pursuant to Chapter 132 of the North Carolina General Statutes, we request on behalf of our client, Bailey and Associates, Inc., that the following public records and materials be available for our inspection at a reasonable and convenient time within the next twenty (20) calendar days at the Town of Wrightsville Beach ("Town") Offices: 1. A recorded copy of that document entitled "Easement" between the State of North Carolina and the Town dated May 27, 1982, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", or in lieu thereof, the recording information from the New Hanover County Register of Deeds Office (Deed Book and Page Number) for that instrument (hereinafter referred to as the "Easement"), 2. Any instruments, memoranda, correspondence, emails, maps, surveys, drawings, letters of understanding or refinement, or other documents that supplement, amend, modify or supersede the above -referenced Easement. 3. Any memoranda, correspondence, emails, maps, surveys, drawings, letters of understanding or refinement, or other documents related to the location, size, scope, length, width, depth and/or maintenance of the above - referenced Easement. Mr. Tim Owens Town Manager Town of Wrightsville Beach November 14, 2014 Page -2- Please consult with N.C. GEN. STAT. § 132-1 et. seq. regarding the scope and extent of the term "public records." We request the opportunity to copy any document or other responsive record either in'written or electronic form for compliance with this public records request. If it is more convenient for you and the Town for Lis to make the copies ourselves or make arrangements for a third -party copy service to make the copies, please let us know and we will gladly arrange for the same. Also, we will gladly pay any reasonable administrative or copying charges associated with this request, and we ask that you 'please let us know in advance if there are any such charges associated with this public records request. With best regards, I remain KAS/pec Enclosure Kenneth A. NhanXim cc: John C. Wessell, III Town Attorney — via email and U.S. Mail Mr. Christopher W. Bailey STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA A S E M E N T COUN,ry of NMW HANOVER TFITS EASUMrNT, made and entered into this the day orIS82 P-1; , by and between the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, party of the first part, and the TOWN OF WRIGHTS- VMLE BEACH, Party of the second part; W I T 11 U. S. S B T It THAT, WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Alm Ln -J ,tration has auj 11ori zed and approved execution of this i1t-1-trumoliL for the porposos hclraLn set forth, and WHEREAS, the execution Of this instrument for and on bphall- Of the State of North Carolina has heen duly approved bY the Covornor and Coillir -1 of State by re,-;olution adopted aL a ineeting held to the City -Lf Raleigh, North Carolina, on the 4th day of may, 1982; and MIEREAS, the Parties hereto have mutually agreed to tile terms of this casement as hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, in Consideration of the sum of OtIF HUNDRED ($IOQ.Qo) DOLLARS paid bs, the party of the second part IIII to tho party of tlim first part, the receipt of which is hereby a0krlowl,2-dgod, Che Val:tY of the first part does hereby q1tre, grant and convey to tfici said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, the right., Yrivilego and easement construct, install, improve, remove, replace, inspect, repair a-md Maintain a sanitary sewer pipeline as follows: A. 8611kc- Ch,truiel subaqueously for approximately 750 fl -OL :1100(1 the south :ride of U. S. Highway 74 causeway alld B. Ronnans Crook on bent plies along the south side of tho U. S. Highway 74 causeway and bridge for a disLince of at -proximately 126 fcot. AIVAI subairjueou5ly north of the U, S. 74-76 High- way causeway and bridge for a distance of approximately Boo 1). Bradley Creek tsubaqueously near the U. S. 74-76 Highway causeway and bridge for a distance of approximately 900 feet. The Purpose of the easement is to provide the Town or Wrightsvil,le Beach with a connection to the Northeast 111LOrcopLor Crcoatc-1, ;�JlnijjjqLoij Area 201 Facilities Plan. See clrawiJly_: "ntJtled "Sanitary Sewer Improvements Vorco Main, Town of Wri.ghtsvi)le Beach, North Carolina". It is understood and agreed that this conveyance is made sub�tct to the condition that the party of the second part shall properly obtain all necessary permits required by State and rpderal. law. Fiijurt, to obtain such permits in a VIA101Y Manner .:hall be deemed an abandonment of said easement;� TO HAVE AND To HOLD the aforesaid rights, privileges, kind easement unto the said party of the second part, its successor.: and assigns, for as long as said pipeline is utilj2ed by [-he party of the second part, its successors and a55ignr, for the purposes -set forth herein, and no longer. IN TESTIMONY WUREOP, the State of North Carolina has caused this instrument to be executed in its name by JAMES 11. HUNT, JR., Governor, attested by THAI) EURE, Secretary of St -ate, and the Great Seal of the State of North Carolina hereto affixed, by virtue of the power and authority aforesaid, as of the day and year fIrst above written, N ATTEn;'V. rc. ta r } of State lJ'PR0VFD AS TO POW.I.- RUFUS L. EDMISTEN Attorney 03encral fit ay.>on LU. A4,sistant. Attorney celloral I STATE OF NORTIJ CAROEJNA STATF OF NORTH CAROUNA IOMtITI OF MAKE 1, DEBORAH ANN CAJIDLER, a Notary Public in and foe the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that JAMES B. HtMT, JR., Governor of the State of North Carolina, and 711AD ELM, Secretary of State of North Carolina, personally came before me this day and being by me duly sworn says each for himself that he knows the Great Seal of the State of North Carolina and that tho seal affixed to tha foregoing in8truzaent is the Great Seal of the State; that JAMES B. MIT, JR., Governor of said State, and MMD EURE, Secretary of State, subscribed their names thereto, all by virtue of a resolution of the Council of State; and that said Inscru2ent, is the act and deed of the State of North Carolina. IN WITNESS URERC,0F, I have hereunto set ny hand and Notarial Seal, 01 n the c5�)7 day of 198. Notary Publit I My commission Expires: I 74 . - •— CREEK 1 .wM, 'M%LL BEaCH Yom`= i � l4"F. H.tx Y j h14 P£LE i:2 Ki:) a �I PILE 9 e u 14 FCRCt; M4 KKW EL. 2.0 W. EL. -18 1 r eLE BENT, ace SITE 'n` FOA S ITE B SPACING 18 C -C. PILE BENT DETAIL. P LA N PR 0 FFlLE K ANS CREED GR9_S,9 G LgrMICAL_OATA S1TE C' I CVOTH OF $LrS OQ 'OV3 Ct74.3eiNa -too' 0CM1 OF EXCAYATr6" r 6 FVERA4E '{1'f LUUL OF KATtMAL . 14°J CV.YD4 AL=. OTKFR FACYOAS a CDNOIY10N3 _ T:Ik: ;; LUL' AS SIVE 'A' CPO11(tta. F=U"QuZous J 14` FttRCk fI?J7 N.C. V!!LDLIFE BOAT RAMP r 'ATJCHOA.bLoco �� c 1 0 E 1, �� 1 , AHcHoR BLGCk c Sii t3i•i•QLti \ ..L f 1 { I 1 u %! t, ;IF,DF_ TNASK'MEM. BRIDGE Pt,A 1A . -CROSSING i 5 EL 'I APPROX. MIT. °OTTO'N t) '• \—.-nTM,-".� '.::y3J'7'Z7`•• j'rza'JG;'s`.kava"R1«"TIIL-',.x,�.a..._::+�s— EL -113 _ 0 'J.z J 1{ s ANCHOR -• [ O EL. -r<J.2 - PI CF ILE A.I WW. CRQSSING DATUM: iiEAw ll �7I I F 1C' SEA LEVEL -0,00 :!EACH 0JTERCEPToR • •-;I:rrAY XVi OESEN a ASSOCIATES- w)Luttaru, , tic, FILE ?;}o 2157 a 13R)D 71 ANCIlop BLOCK S ra. k) 4 55 SP -1 AFTUMO:i T E AREA S I f'REEK CROSSING wfw cl- (,6 K. A PROFILE BRADLEY CREEK CROSSING i XL:AY41 l.r, m;.7cf,:4, -ACL UE TEfl-i IGH AU ILT F F, Ric -I I.L I P -..0 towl I,: W t3bM, (tETUITICM AREA, ME CAP Pusr m MAY T:E 110ti'Af; (Imc. + rEhr-F SITE V WV VL. - s 0 ELEV. SECTION R C—k K N f 10 N 'A - A' KENNAM CK. PILE BENT SPOIL WSPOSAL: ll.J; R CLASS jr.• SILT UETENTION AUAS - IL' U. Lo. sop. -ti LOCATEO A^ ShOWN, "A f13 , U : , Y111 V MAI :Cris Vo or f., t. j- /,I E , J.') 10 U+ I- OF r X '.AVA I I C) PJ M'ATJ'.f.iA$— 1,U410 c A t 10 r�C. S� mr_1Aj Li l IWI A lu I TT, A D L F_ Y c _,RLE ]�.. C[�O SSI piLF PDEMT e--., _. swt,"'v /.-IJ Ij c 1, — - vAL Mr '!5H F ET A, 0 L P, i -A t 10 r�C. S� mr_1Aj Li l IWI A lu I TT, A D L F_ Y c _,RLE ]�.. C[�O SSI piLF PDEMT e--., _. swt,"'v /.-IJ Ij c 1, — - vAL Mr '!5H F ET A, 0 a EXHIBIT a 2015007733 sFOPt EOISTRH£ti1SCN 6EA6LEY of pE£© M HANOVER COUNTY NC ppVv 2@#5PG R 2a 04,30 281428v FEE $26 00 16%jig 12flia 7m Prepared by State Property Office, NC Department of Administration 1321 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1321 SPO File No.: 065 -DX 1 DOJ Pile No.: PC -14.00228 Return to STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA EASEMENT COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER THIS EASEMENT ("Easement"), made and entered into as of the date set forth in the notary acknowledgment below, by and between the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, a body politic and corporate, ("Grantor") and BAILEY AND ASSOCIATES, INC, a North Carolina corporation ("Grantee"), P.O. Box 400, Jacksonville, NC 28451 WITNESSETH, THAT, WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Administration, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §146-12, has authorized and approved the execution of this instrument for the purposes herein expressed. NOW, 'THEREFORE, in consideration of the public interest in promoting citizen access to navigable waters and for good and valuable consideration, Grantor does hereby grant unto Grantee, their heirs and assigns, an easement located in the Harnett Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina, as more particularly described on Exhibit -A and Exhibit, B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Easement Area"). The terms and conditions on and for which this Easement is granted are as fellows. 1. This Easement is appurtenant to and runs with the adjacent riparian or littoral property as described in Book 5031, Page 1350, New Hanover County Registry (the "Adjacent Property"). 2. Grantee shall not exclude or prevent the general public from exercising public trust rights, including commercial and recreational fishing, shell fishing, seine netting, pound netting, and ether fishing rights in navigable waters within the Easement Area. 3. This Easement confers upon Grantee no additional rights to interfere with the approval, issuance, or renewal of shellfish or water column leases or to interfere with the use or cultivation of existing shellfish leases, water column leases, or shellfish franchises 4. This Easement is subject to all rights conferred in previous conveyances by Grantor in and to the Easement Area 5. This Easement is granted for a term of fifty (50) years beginning on the 18th day of February, 2015, and terminating on the 17th day of February, 2065, unless earlier revoked. 6. Subject to compliance with North Carolina General Statute §146-120), this Easement is eligible for renewal for one (1) additional fifty (50) year term. 7. This Easement covers those structures allowed by CAMA Permit Number 84-01 (the "Permitted Structures"). The Permitted Structures shall be used for the following purposes: providing reasonable access for all vessels traditionally used in the main watercourse area to the Atlantiee Intracoastal Waterway; mooring of vessels at or adjacent to certain areas of the Permitted Structures and enhancing or improving the value of the Adjacent Property. All terms and conditions of CAMA Permit Number 84-01 are hereby incorporated in this Easement and made a part hereof 8. Subject to compliance with Article 7, Chapter 113A of the North Carolina General Statutes, Grantee shall have the right to repair, rebuild or restore the Permitted Structures located upon the Easement Area. 9. The exercise of the rights under this Easement shall be contingent upon Grantee obtaining all necessary permits and authorizations and complying with all federal, state, municipal and other laws, codes, ordinances, rules and regulations applicable to the Easement Area. Grantee shall not make or permit any unlawful use of the Easement Area 10. As set forth in the calculation below, the riparian credit exceeds the footprint of the Permitted Structures; therefore, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §146-12(h), no easement purchase payment is owed The easement purchase payment, of any, has been calculated based upon the following information 1. Footprint of Permitted Structures: 4,267 square feet. 2 Ripanan shoreline; 420.00 linear feet 3. Fttparian credit 22,692 square feet. It. Grantee shall not exercise any rights granted herein in any areas outside the Easement Area without first obtaining a written modification of this Easement in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §146-12(k). 12 Upon transfer of title of the Adjacent Property during the term of this Easement or any renewal thereof, the easement rights granted herein shall be transferred automatically to the subsequent owner of the Adjacent Property, subject to the limitations hereinafter set forth, In the event the subsequent owner of the Adjacent Property (1) gives written notification to the State Property Office, pursuant to Paragraph 15 herein, within twelve (12) months of the date of transfer of title of the Adjacent Property accompanied by a copy of the instrument of transfer, and (2) remits the easement purchase payment as provided in North Carolina General Statute §146-12(d , such subsequent owner shall be entitled to receive an easement document transferring to such owner the easement rights granted herein for the remainder of the unexpired easement term. Failure to comply with North Carolina General Statute §146-12(4 shall result in termination of this Easement. 13. It is expressly understood and agreed between the parties hereto that if Grantee shall neglect to do and perform any matter or thing herein agreed to be done and performed by him, and shall remain in default thereof for a period of sixty (60) days after written notice from Grantor to Grantee calling attention to such default, Grantor, with the approval of the Governor and Council of State, may declare this Easement revoked Said notice shall be given by certified mail to Grantee at the address set forth in Paragraph 15(a) of this Easement Revocation of flus Easement shall entitle Grantee to seek administrative review in accordance with the provisions of Article 3, Chapter 1 SOB of the North Carolina General Statutes. 14 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit Grantee from granting other persons rights of use of portions of the Permitted Structures on the Easement Area for periods not to exceed the term of this Easement. All rights so granted shall automatically terminate upon expiration or revocation of this Easement. 15. a All notices herein provided to be given, or which may be given, by either party to the other, shall be deemed to have been fully given when made in writing and deposited in the United States mail, certified and postage prepaid and addressed as follows. Grantor- Director/Deputy Director -State Property Office 1321 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 276991321 Grantee Bailey and Associates, Inc. PO Box 400 Jacksonville, North Carolina 28541 Nothing herein contained shall preclude the giving of such notice by personal service. The address to which notices shall be mailed as aforesaid to either party may be changed by written notice b, In the event title to the Adjacent Property is transferred subsequent to the date of this Easement, Grantee agrees to give written notification to Grantor by certified mail at the above address within twelve (12) months of the date of such transfer of title. Such notification shall include. (1) A copy of the title transfer document (2) The name(s) of the subsequent owner(s) of the Adjacent Property. (3) The mailing address(es) of such subsequent owner(s). 16. This Easement shall become effective only upon recordation in the Office of Register of Deeds for New Hanover County. Grantee shall mail a copy of the recorded Easement to Grantor at the address set forth in Paragraph 15(a). 17. Failure by Grantor to require strict compliance with any term or condition of this Easement shall not be construed as a waiver of Grantor's right to enforce compliance with such term or condition or any other term or condition contained herein. 18. Grantee, by acceptance of this Easement, agrees to comply with and be bound by all terms and conditions set forth herein REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK IN TJ✓STIMONY WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed in its name by the undersigned as of the date set forth in the notary acknowledgement below. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA By: North Carolina Department of Administration By- Spee"sFleggas, 8411' r Deputy Secretary, North Carolina Department of Administration, acting Director of the State Property Office STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE 1, a Notary Public for the County of North Carolina, do hereby certify that Speros Fleggas personally came before me this day and acknowledged the due execution by him of the foregoing instrument as Senior Deputy Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Administration, acting Director of the State Property Office, for the purposes therein expressed IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal, this the gr day of February, 2015. My Commission Expires: T g . . -& Olt jedd U-10AXtE Notary Public Print Name: 66re-f . .... . LTCA 01 *0 lr'qt� Lio EXHIBIT A Description of Easement Area Those certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the Harnett Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina and being more particularly described as follows Commencing at an existing mag nail at the centerline intersection of U.S. Hwy 74 with N.C.S.R. 1417 (Summer Rest Road); thence along the centerline of N.C.S.R. 1417, north 56 degrees 35 minutes 41 seconds east 260.53 feet to an existing survey spike in the centerline of N.C.S.R. 1417 and in the center of a bridge; thence leaving said intersection, south 29 degrees 55 minutes 14 seconds west 64.37 feet to a point on the southern right-of-way line of N.C.S.R. 1417, said point being THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF A 10' PIER EASEMENT; thence from the above described point of beginning and leaving said right-of-way line, south 74 degrees 55 minutes 41 seconds east 15 36 feet to a point; south 64 degrees 29 minutes 14 seconds east 55.94 feet to a point; thence south 51 degrees 10 minutes 05 seconds east 144.58 feet to a point, thence south 51 degrees 10 minutes 57 seconds east 181.38 feet to a point; thence south 48 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds east 190.04 feet to a point, thence south 51 degrees 49 minutes 44 seconds east 75.70 feet to a point; thence south 47 degrees 51 minutes 16 seconds east 4.89 feet to a point, thence north 44 degrees 59 minutes 36 seconds east 62 04 feet to a point; thence south 45 degrees 00 minutes 24 seconds east 10.00 feet to a point; thence south 44 degrees 59 minutes 36 seconds west 71.55 feet to a point; thence north 47 degrees 51 minutes 16 seconds west 14.06 feet to a point, thence north 51 degrees 49 minutes 44 seconds west 75.63 feet to a point; thence north 48 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds west 190.09 feet to a point, thence north 51 degrees 10 minutes 57 seconds west 181.18 feet to a point, thence north 51 degrees 10 minutes 05 seconds west 143.42 feet to a point; thence north 64 degrees 29 minutes 14 seconds west 53.86 feet to a point; thence north 74 degrees 55 minutes 41 seconds west 23.18 feet to a point on the southern right-of-way line on N C S.R. 1417; thence along said right-of-way line, north 56 degrees 12 minutes 34 seconds east 13 28 feet to the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, being shown on a survey prepared by Johnny J, Williams Land Surveying, P.0 , dated August 25, 2008 (last revised February 5, 2015), captioned "PIER AS -BUILT SURVEY FOR: BAILEY & ASSOCIATES, INC." attached hereto as Exhibit B, and reference to which survey being hereby made for a more particular description. The above described 10' pier easement crosses that property recorded in Deed Book 5031 page 1350 and extends beyond this deeded property and into the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway It is the intention of the above easement description to surround the existing pier as actually surveyed in August 2008 and for the margins of this easement to be located 5 feet on each side of and parallel to the center of the existing pier and to extend 5 feet beyond the end of the pier. The above description was prepared by Johnny J. Williams Land Surveying, P.0 from an actual pier location on August 25, 2008. The actual margins of this easement have not been surveyed All courses are correct in their angular relationship to North per Map Book 24 page 22 of the New Hanover County Registry. \atlslifaIX '1 TAMMY THEUSCH BEASLEY REGISTER OF DEEDS, NEW HANOVER 216 NORTH SECOND STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401 •####f#Alk**f!#i**kfklki#*i!t##iiiA*r**IAk!###**A!*#A*i}*AAS*#iiAttlMlikf#f#ltl!*!!#*}}f*}***tiitii*Ati kA*Ak AA*kf**k*t*} Filed For Registration: 0312312015 04:38.29 PM Book, RE 5875 Page: 2810-2817 Document No : 2015007733 8 PGS $20.00 Recorder: JOHNSON, CAROLYN State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover PLEASE RETAIN YELLOW TRAILER PAGE WITH ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. *2015007733* 2015007733 U.S. v. Sea Gate, Inc., 397 F.Supp 1351 (1975) 397 F.Supp, 1351 United States District Court, E,D. North Carolina, New Bern Division. UNITED STATE of America, Plaintiff, V. SFA GATE, INC,, et al., Defendants. No. 74 -20 -CIV -4. I July 21,1975 United States brought suit seeking an order declaring that the Construction of residential dwellings, their attendant utilities, and other permanent improvements on lands adjoining the Atlantic Intercoastal Waterway was inconsistent with the terms of the casement reserved by the Government for the occupation and use of adjoining lands in connection with the operation, maintenance or enlargement of the Waterway. The District Court, Larkins, J., held that (1) construction of permanent residences and their attendant utilities on both banks of the Waterway within defendants' subdivision would impair and abridge the rights reserved by the Government, but it would not be unreasonable at the present time to permit the construction of dwellings along the western side of the Waterway only, (2) the United States was not estopped from maintaining the action by any course of conduct followed since 1972 by officers of the Corps of Engineers with respect to the development, (3) the failure of the United States to prevent the construction of other improvements on easement lands elsewhere along the right-of-way did not estop it from attempting to prevent the infringement of its rights in the instant case, and (4) the Government could not be estopped by representations made prior to the sale of the property in 1967 concerning uses to which the property could be put. Judgment for United States. Attorneys and Law Firms *1353 Thomas P. McNamara, U.S. Atty., Raleigh, N.C. by Bruce H. Johnson, Asst, U.S. Atty., Chief, Land & Natural Resources Section, Charles N. Estes, Atty., Land and Natural Resources Div., U.S. Dept, of Justice, Washington, D.C., for plaintiff. Q EXHIBIT Q 4 Herman Wolff, Jr., Andrew S. Martin, of Wolff, Harrell & Mann, Raleigh, N.C., William W. Staton, of Pittman, Staten & Betts, Sanford, N.C., for defendants. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Opinion LARKINS, District Judge. This action was filed on April 19, 1974, by the plaintiff, the United States of America, and jurisdiction is based on 28 U.S.C. § 1345. The controversy centers around the construction of a residential subdivision on lands adjoining both sides of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway in Carteret County, North Carolina. The defendant Sea Gate, Inc., is the developer of this residential community, which is called `Sea Gate Subdivision.' The remaining defendants own lots within the subdivision. The lands owned by the individual defendants and upon which Sea Gate Subdivision is being constructed are subject, in whole or in part, to an easement reserved by the United States in 1957. This casement gives the Government the right to rise the burdened lands for the purpose of operating and maintaining the Intracoastal Waterway; the right to cut away and remove any part of tine subject property in order to widen or otherwise improve the Waterway; the right to construct and maintain aids to navigation on these lands; the right to use these lands for the deposit of material dredged from the Waterway; and the right to enter upon and use the lands for other purposes needful in preserving and maintaining the Waterway. Plaintiff seeks an order declaring that the construction of residential dwellings, their attendant utilities and other permanent improvements on lands subject to its casement is inconsistent with the terms thereof and seeks an order enjoining defendants from such construction. Plaintiff seeks a further order requiring the owners of three existing dwellings to remove same if notified that the land they occupy is needed by plaintiff in connection with operation, maintenance or enlargement of the Waterway. This matter was heard before the Court without a jury on July 1-3, 1975. The Court having considered the evidence VAt'�ILA'N 1OJ6 Ihor� ito iI f-%,eulels, f�jo claiRrn 10 original tJ.S. Car v(. rnr new VVnrt,s. 1 U.S. v. Sea Gate, Inc., 397 F.Supp. 1351 (9975) presented and the briefs filed by the parties makes the following FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The portion of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway in controversy is a land cut connecting the Neuse River and Pamlico Sound with Beaufort Inlet and the harbor at Morehead City. Congress *1354 authorized the improvement and construction of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway from Pamlico Sound to Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina, in 1907 and further authorized the Secretary of War to enter into such contracts as might be necessary for the completion of the project, 34 Stat. 1083. In 1912, Congress authorized the Secretary to contract with the Chesapeake and Albemarle Canal Co. for the purchase of the already existing Adams Creek Canal (hereinafter `Core Creek band Cut') through this area, along with certain appurtentant lands belonging to that company. 2. These original lands, which amounted to approximately 583.28 acres, were held by the United States in fee. The lands formed a strip approximately 800 feet in width through which this segment of the Waterway was constructed. 3. By condemnation in 1947, the United States acquired fee simple title to several other adjacent tracts to be used for purposes related to the construction, operation, maintenance, improvement, and enlargement of the Waterway. One such tract, which is approximately 1,500 feet deep and 13,800 feet in length, is located adjacent to the eastern boundary of the original right-of-way lands in the area in question. 4. In 1955, these lands along both sides of the Waterway in Carteret County, North Carolina, along with lands similarly situated along other portions of the Waterway in North Carolina, were reported to the General Services Administration as being excess to the needs of the United States Government. After screening by various federal agencies in an effort to determine whether these lands could be used for other purposes, it was determined that the fee interest should be sold to private purchasers subject to the easement quoted below, with title to be given by quitclaim deed at an auction sale. Sale of the original right- of-way lands was held in Morehead City, North Corolina, on August 1, 1957. 5. Richard Wright was the successful bidder and purchaser of a portion of the 800 -foot wide right-of-way lands lying in Carteret County. The fee interest in these lands was conveyed by the United States of America to Wright in 1957 by quitclaim deed. Contained in the deed was a reservation in (lie following language, to wit: ... there is reserved to the Government and its assigns the perpetual right and casement to maintain the said Intracoastal Waterway and to enter upon, dig or cut away, and remove any or all the hereinbefore described tract of land as may be required at any time in the prosecution of the aforesaid work of improvement, or any enlargement thereof, and maintain the portions so cut away and removed as a part of the navigable waters of the United States; and the further right to maintain aids to navigation presently established by the United States on the land herein described with the rights of ingress and egress thereto; and the further perpetual right and easement to enter upon, occupy and use any portion of said tract of land, not so cut away and converted into public navigable waters as aforesaid, for the deposit of dredged material, and for placement thereon of such aids to navigation deemed necessary by the Government, and for such other purposes as may be needful in the preservation and maintenance of said work of improvement; provided, however, that the party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, shall enjoy all rights and privileges in said tract of land as may be used and enjoyed without interfering with or abridging the exceptions and reservations herein contained. The deed from the United States to Wright containing this language was duly recorded. *1355 G, Sale of the 800 -foot wide right-of-way lands was conducted for the General Services Administration by J. L. Todd Auction Company. Circulars and newspaper advertisements which were distributed prior to this sale indicated that recreational developments such as `commercial marinas, lodges and fishing installations' were permissible on the subject property. However, there was no evidence that such circulars and advertisements were issued with the authority of the United States. The auction sale agreement between the United States and the Todd Company expressly provided that the property was to be sold subject to (lie easement quoted above. VA."; f LAIN ?01k-)�thwlll ion t��:�i#f�,i.,. No chim lea OIlgillal U.S. C'ov(�rnflv.nt V'liws, U,S. v. Sea Gate, Inc., 397 F.Supp. 1351 (1975) 7. The tracts adjacent to the right-of-way lands which had been acquired in 1947 were subsequently sole to other purchasers, subject to the same easement, 8. The approximate location of the property subject to the easement quoted above insofar as relevant here is shown with a solid fine on [lie map attached to these findings as Exhibit A. 9, The 800 -fool wide right-of-way land was subsequently conveyed by Wright and ultimately acquired by Charles M. Reeves, Jr., a defendant herein, in 1972. Reeves subsequently formed Sea Gate, Inc„ the corporate defendant herein, to retain ownership. 10. Prior to purchase of this right-of-way land, Reeves had both actual and record notice that the property was subject to the easement quoted above. Before purchase of this property, neither Reeves nor any other officer or agent of Sea Gate, Inc., had knowledge of any representations concerning its possible development made prior to the auction sale in I957. At the time Reeves purchased the property subject to the Government's easement in 1972, it was not occupied by any substantial permanent structures. 11. In 1972, Sea Gate, Inc., began the development of 'Sea Gate Subdivision' with a plan partially to subdivide the right-of-way lands, together with certain adjacent properties not subject to the Government's easement, into single family residential lots with certain amenities, such as a small -boat marina, clubhouse and swimming facilities and park and playground areas. With the exception of a portion of the park and playground areas and the access channel to the Marina, the amenities described are not located within the Government's easement, The boundaries of the Sea Gate Subdivision are shown on Exhibit 'A' in a dashed line. 12. Sea Gate Subdivision consists of over 700 individual lots, 243 of which are waterfront lots which are located in whole or in part within the 800 -foot wide right-of- way easement retained in 1957. These waterfront lots are subject to restrictive covenants which limit their use to sites for permanent homes with a minimum interior floor space of 1,000 square feet. The President of Sea Gate, Inc. testified that a house of this size would cost at least $22,000 to construct at prevailing prices, Use of these waterfront lots for house trailers is expressly forbidden by the covenants, 13. The Sea Gate waterfront lots are located along both banks of the Waterway for a distance of approximately three miles. The average width of these lots in 120 feet and they range in depth from 90 fect to 265 feet. 14. At the time of trial only three houses had actually been constructed within the waterfront lots. 15. The Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway is operated and maintained by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, which has its District office for eastern North Carolina in Wilmington, North Carolina. 16. Plans for the development of the Sea Gate Subdivision first came to "1356 the attention of the Corps of Engineers in August of 1972. At that time representatives from Sea Gate, Inc., made preliminary inquiries at the Wilmington District concerning the application procedures necessary to acquire a permit from the Corps to connect a small -boat marina, to be located on the west side of the Waterway behind the Government's easement lands, with the Waterway. A formal application for such a permit was filed with the District on October 13, 1972, 17. At a meeting held in January, 1973 representatives of Sea Gate, Inc., were informed that the Corps of Engineers was concerned that the development proposed the construction of numerous dwellings along the Waterway on lands subject to the Government's easement. The Sea Gate representatives were informed that the Charleston District Office of the Corps had recommended that litigation be commenced to remove a trailer park from easement lands in the Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, area and that a uniform policy concerning the location of structures within the Waterway easement was being formulated at higher levels in the Corps. 18. In a latter dated April 18,1973 directed to the President of Sea Gate, Inc., Mr. David C. Reeves, the Wilmington District Engineer advised Mr. Reeves that lie had been advised by higher authority that 'it would be incompatible with the Government's interest to support in any way your development plans which include encroachment onto lands subject to our casements along the AIWW.' Mr. Reeves was informed that because the Sea Gate development involved the construction of permanent improvements on easement lands, Sea Gate's request for a marina permit could not be granted by the District Office but would have to be referred to the Office of the Chief of Engineers. -- --- — -------------------- 0 -.--- ---_ 0 2016 Thojwion Nr,uleis. iNo daim to orjoin� l U.S. C3o+,rp.mwent U.S. v, Sea Gate, Inc., 397 F.Supp. 1351 (1975) 19. By letter dated October 15, 1973, the District Engineer advised Mr. David Reeves that the request for a marina permit was denied on the grounds that granting the permit would be inconsistent with the Corps' policy of opposing permanent construction within the Waterway easement. 20. The Corps of Engineers is currently authorized to maintain this portion of tine Waterway to a 12 -foot depth, a 9040ot bottom width, and 1 to 3 side slopes. 21, Evidence indicates that the total width of this segment of the Waterway when first constructed to the present I2 -foot depth in 1922 varied between 150 and 250 feet. At present the Waterway width betwccn banks varies between 300 and 400 feet. The difference represents erosion of the Waterway banks which has taken place over this period. Soils in this area are sandy and quite susceptible to erosion. 22. Mr. William Sanderson, Chief of the Operations Division of the Corps' District Office, testified that dredging on nearly an annual basis has been required to maintain the channel of the Waterway in the Core Creek Land Cut to its authorized dimensions. On the average, 100,000 cubic yards of material has annually been removed from the segment of the Waterway in the vicinity of Sea Gate. 23. In the past it was the practice of the Corps of Engineers to pert -nit contractors performing the maintenance dredging to discharge the material directly onto the toe of the Waterway banks at the water's edge. The evidence indicates that this practice had a stabilizing effect on bank erosion. However, in I973 the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife of the United States Department of the Interior strongly recommended that this practice be abandoned for environmental reasons and that the spoil be pumped instead into diked areas located on the high ground adjacent to the Waterway. The purpose is to minimize the turbidity which is *1357 caused by sidecast dredging and which has an adverse environmental impact on fish in the area. Starting with the annual maintenance dredging operations in the summer of 1974, it has been necessary to utilize diked disposal areas located on the Government's easement lands. The material is pumped into dreged areas, the sand and silt are permitted to settle and then clear water is allowed to run back into the Waterway. In 1974 approximately 186,000 cubic yards of material were removed from the Waterway in the vicinity of Sea Gate and placed in two disposal areas on easement land on the east bank of the canal. 24. Mr. Sanderson testified that in general it is more convenient and less expensive to locate spoil disposal areas relatively near the Waterway banks and as close as possible to the segment of the canal to be dredged. Because its depth permits disposal sites of adequate dimensions to be laid out, the large rectangular easement area on the Waterway's east bank, and adjacent portions of the right- of-way lands, are well situated for the placement of spoil dredged from the canal in the Sea Gate vicinity. This large tract is not part of the Sea Gate property, as indicated on Exhibit A. In contrast, the narrow strips of right-of- way land on the west bank-- and on both banks where the Government has only its 800 -foot right-of-way--- are less desirable for spoil placements, but could be used if necessary. These narrow strips might be used for spoil disposal if dredging were necessary at a point in the canal some distance from a larger disposal tract, 25. Testimony further indicated that the large rectangular tract on the east bank and adjoining right-of-way land could accommodate the spoil expected to be removed from this segment of the Waterway for many years into the future. 26. Mr. Sanderson's testimony further indicates, however, that the presence of numerous dwellings along the east bank of the Waterway in the vicinity of spoil disposal areas would greatly complicate the process of dredging and spoil disposal and create a substantial safety hazard, even if the lands occupied by houses were not themselves required for spoil placement. Among the dangers cited as associated with the dredging and disposal process were the operation of heavy machinery, the possibility of pipes bursting from the heavy pressures involved in pumping spoil, the danger of retention dikes giving way, and the danger of children getting into disposal areas themselves, It is clear that substantially greater precautions would have to be employed in conducting these operations in the vicinity of dwellings and that the necessity of such precautions would add significantly to the Government's expense in maintaining the Waterway. 27. Should houses be constructed in areas actually required for spoil disposal, the removal of such houses would greatly complicate the Government's dredging operations. Testimony also indicated that the presence of houses near the Waterway banks would make it more 4'1t:`3thtnV�! ? 2816'I'homson No denim to oli(tinaf t1. ;. C,ovnfnrllf.111 t -Vo: k','. t U.S. v. Sea Gate, Inc., 387 F.Stipp. 1351 (1975) difficult to use the banks as staging areas for dredging and for securing the anchors used to pull the dredges from side to side across the canal. 28. Figures kept by the Corps of Engineers indicate traffic oil this segment of the Waterway has recently increased significantly. However, it appears unlikely that the navigation channel of the Core Creek Land Cut will need to be widened beyond its existing bottom width within the next 20 years. Testimony did indicate that limited widening to provide passing zones might well be considered at a sooner time. Since the three-mile waterfront of the Sea Gate development is located near Hie center of the seven -mile long land cut, it was sitggestcd that a passing zone might well be constructed within the Sea Gate area. *1358 29. Should numerous dwellings be constructed along both banks of the Waterway within the three- mile reach of Sea Gate Subdivision, problems similar to those expected in dredging in a densely populated area would be encountered. Where necessary, removal of such houses would complicate any widening operation and the presence of houses along the banks would rule out their use as staging areas. Removal and disposal of the spoil involved in such an operation would pose the same hazards discussed above in connection with regular maintenance dredging. 30. The difficulties which can be anticipated in conducting either normal maintenance dredging or operations to widen the Waterway channel should dwellings be constructed Oil all Sea Gate waterfront lots, could be mitigated by the following measures: (a) permitting the construction of houses solely on lots located on the western bank of the Waterway; and (b) requiring any houses constructed oil said western bank to be set back from the top of the existing bank a minihnum of forty feet. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW [11 1. The easement in favor of the United States, plaintiff herein, is binding oil all the defendants joined in this proceeding to the extent that their property falls within its bounds. The easement was contained in deeds which were duly recorded when the United States sold its fee interest in this property in 1957, and the parties have stipulated that the principals of Sea Gate, Inc., had actual knowledge of the existence and terms of the easement before their purchase of the subject property and that all individual lot owners were advised of its existence and terms in the H.U.D. Property Report on this development. 2. The terns of the easement in question are unambiguous and give the United States the right to maintain the Intracoastal Waterway; to `dig, cut away and reinove' the land if needed in order to enlarge the canal; to enter upon and use any part of the land for the disposal of material dredged from the Waterway; and to enter upon and use the land for the placement of navigation aids and for 'such other purposes as may be needful in the preservation and maintenance' of the Waterway. In the face of ail easement giving the Vnited States rights of such magnitude, defendants cannot complaint should their property be used by the Government for the purposes enumerated at some future time. Should permanent improvements be constructed on land subject to the Government's casement, the owners cannot complain should use of the easement rights require the alteration or destruction of such improvements. 121 131 3. The owner of an estate subject to an easement cannot use the fee in a fashion that obstructs or materially impairs the easement holder's use and enjoyment of his right under the easement. Any activity by the fee owner which would result in increased cost or inconvenience to the easement holder in exercise of his rights or which would created a safety hazard should those rights be exercised amounts to a material impairment of the easement interest. In Carolina Power and Light Co. v. Bowman, 229 N.C. 682, 51 S.E.2d 191 (1949), ail electric utility was granted a mandatory injunction requiring the removal of a theater from lands subject to a right-of-way easement for its power lines. The building did not actually touch the lines nor make servicing them impossible. However, the court granted an injunction because of the safety hazard created and because servicing the liens was made more difficult and costly by the presence of the building. See also, Collins v. Alabama Power Co., 214 Ala, 643, 108 So. 868 (1926); Arkansas -Louisiana Gas Co. v. Cutrer, 30 So.2d 864 (La.App.1957), *1359 [41 4. An injunction is the proper remedy to prevent interference of this type by the fee owner with the easement holder's property rights. Carolina Power Co. v. Bowman, supra; see also 25 Am.Jur.2d, Easements and Licenses § 120. 151 5. Plaintiff reserved the rights enumerated in its easement in 1957 not only to meet certain immediate needs VlISt1 AVI lc) M16 l homson INlouters. f Jo c1dirn to oii(linA 0-S, Goveriimeot VVolhti. 5 U.S. v. Sea Gate, Inc., 397 F.Supp. 1351 (1976) but to provide a means to deal with future contingencies which could not then be entirely foreseen. The easement retained thus gives the Government both the right to make immediate use of the subject property, as for spoil disposal, and certain rights which plaintiff may choose to exercise should future conditions warrant. Plaintiff is therefore also entitled to prevent activities by the fee owners of this property which would unreasonably increase the cost, complexity, or difficulty of exercising these rights at some future time, even though the necessity for exercise of these rights may not be entirely foreseeable at present. In Midland Valley Ry. Co. v. Jarvis, 29 F.2d 539 (8th Cir., 1928), the court granted an injunction prohibiting the use of a railroad right-of-way for the construction of buildings and other structures, even though the railroad had no plans to put the property to immediate use. The court stated that `the necessity of immediate use is not essential to preserve the rights of the railroad .... It can never be stated with certainty at what time any particular part of a right-of-way may become necessary for railroad uses.' Id. at 541. See also, Seaboard R.R. Co, v. Banks, 207 Ala. 194, 92 So. 117 (1922) and Olive v. Sabine & L.T.R.R. Co., I I Tex.Civ.App. 208, 33 S.W. 139 (1895). [61 6. For these reasons the Court Finds that the construction of permanent residences and their attendant utilities on both banks of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway within the Sea Gate Subdivision would impair and abridge the rights reserved by plaintiff by easement in 1957. No question has been raised in this lawsuit concerning plaintiffs legal power to require the destruction or removal of such improvements should use of the property for the purposes enumerated in the easement be reasonably necessary. Nevertheless, the Court finds that the mere existence of numerous substantial dwellings along both banks of the Waterway in this area would so greatly complicate and burden plaintiffs exercise of its easement rights, whether exercised now or at some future time, that their construction would very materially impair plaintiffs rights under the casement. 7. However, the Court further finds that it would not be unreasonable at the present time to permit the construction of dwellings along the western side of the Waterway only. Limiting construction to the west bank only would minimize any interference with dredging operations by the Corps of Engineers, since dredging contractors would have free access to the large spoil disposal area located in the Sea Gate vicinity on the cast side of the canal. Moreover, the exclusion of dwellings from the east bank would also allow reasonable provision for operations to widen the Waterway channel or to provide passing zones, should either action prove necessary in the future. 8. The Court further finds that the construction of residential dwellings on the west side of the Waterway should not be permitted closer than forty feet from the top of the existing bank. Exclusion of dwellings from such a forty -foot wide strip would leave such land available for use by the Corps of Engineers for staging operations in dredging and for widening the channel and would provide an area for the location of anchors used in maneuvering the dredges. Moreover, a set -back restriction of this sort would take account of existing bank erosion and prevent the construction of houses on potentially precarious sites. *1360 171 181 9. The Vnited States is not estopped from maintaining this action by any course of conduct followed since 1972 by officers of the Corps of Engineers with respect to the Sea Gate development. The principle is Firmly established that the Government cannot be estopped by any unauthorized representations made by its agents concerning uses to which Government property can be put. Utah Power and bight Co. v. United States, 243 U.S. 389, 409, 37 S.Ct. 387, 61 L.Ed. 791 (1917); United States immigration and Naturalization Service v. Hibi, 414 U.S. 5, 8, 94 S.Ct. 19, 38 L.Ec1.2d 7 (1973). Moreover, the record clearly reveals that soon after their development plans came to the Corps' attention, representatives of Sea Gate were advised that the construction of permanent improvements on the Government's easement land posed serious policy problems which the District Engineer was taking up with higher levels of authority. Under these circumstances, Sea Gate, Inc., had no right to assume that it plans would not ultimately be opposed by the Government, 191 [101 10. Likewise, failure of the United States to prevent the construction of other improvements on easement lands elsewhere along the Intracoastal Waterway cannot estop plaintiff from attempting to prevent the infringement of its rights in this case. The Supreme Court recently stated that: As a general rule laclics or neglect of duty on the part of officers of the Government is no defense to a suit by it Y1t I t,3aY< �) 2016 Thomson Rer lou> , No clarrii to oij(c incl US. GDveri1111P.nt Vsiorl.s. ii U.S, v. Sea Gate, bac., 397 f=.Supp. 1351 (1975) to enforce a public right or protect a public interest .... deed, and parole evidence is inadmissible to vary or A suit by the United States to enforce and maintain its contradict the instrument's plain meaning or to show policy respecting lands which it holds in trust for all the that the parties intended something other than what they people stands upon a different plane in this an sonic other wrote. Weyerhaeuser Company v. Carolina Power and respects from the ordinary private suit to regain the title to Light Company, 257 N.C. 717, 127 S.E.2d 539 (1962). real property or to remove a cloud from it. United States There is nothing ambiguous about the nature or terms Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Hibi, 414 U.S. of the easement in question. Parole evidence that an 5, 8, 94 S.Ct, 19, 21, 38 L.> (1.2d 7 (1973). `understanding' in derogation of the Government's rights under the easement had previously been reached clearly This principle unquestionably applies to the present case. cannot be considered by this Court to vary or contradict [11] [12] 1131 [141 [15] 11. Plaintiff finally camidbe final written terms. Finally, the firm of auctioneers be estopped by representations made prior to the sale hired by plaintiff to dispose of this property was not of this property in 1957 concerning uses to which this authorized to mace representations in contravention of property could be put. In the first place no evidence was the easement terms. The contract between the United adduced at trial to suggest that Sea Gate, Inc., or any States and the firm expressly stated that the property of its officers relied upon, or indeed had any knowledge was to be sold subject to the easement in question. The of such representations prior to its purchase of this auctioneers had no authority to offer the property on property in 1972, Moreover, a deed creating an casement any other terms and plaintiff cannot be '1361 bound by by express reservation is a contract, and by fundamental any actions they may have taken beyond their authority, principles of contract law, where the language of a deed United States v. Stewart, 311 U.S. 60, 70, 61 S.Ct, 102, 85 is clear and unambiguous, the intent of the parties can L.Ed. 40 (1940); Federal Crop Ins. Corp. v. Merrill, 332 be shown only by the terms of the instrument itself. U.S. 380, 384-385, 68 S,Ct, 1, 92 L.Ed. 10 (1947). All prior and contemporaneous agreements between the parties are considered merged into the final written 'lvt.`>' ILA'Al 2016 Thai--;ois No to or€ts wfl tJ U.S. v. Sea Gate, Inc., 397 F.Supp. 1351 (1975) C - r -,--CORL CRLLK a R I VII G LI -XHTR17 -A- All Citations 397 F.Supp. 1351 rnd of Document 2016 Thomson Reuters. No diia) to original U.S. Government Works. 1, A'Y%' 16 Thom -'01 I N(-!ut(:I c; IN)o 0r-Ihn 1(; origin d 0.!." ( ovef flim'.0 'Afor};t�� Intracoastal Engineerin.' July 28, 2016 NCDEQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Attn: Karen Higgins Re: Grand View Community Marina DWR# 2011-041ov3 Wilmington, NC PN 2014-036 Dear Ms. Higgins, We are writing in response to the request for additional information dated May 10, 2016. Within this request, item No. 2 calls for "an engineering analysis demonstrating the construction and future operation of the proposed facility will not negatively impact or damage the NEI". In review of the proposed facility we do not feel the construction or operation of this facility will negatively impact or damage the NEI. The proposed construction of dredging or proposed pilings is shown to be a minimum of approximately 15ft away from the NEI. This should be an acceptable distance with the use of normal jetting of piles and bucket to barge dredging. The operation of this facility as represented within the attached cross section profiles shows the depth of the vessels within these areas not in conflict with the NEI. Please note that these areas are open for vessel operation at the current time with no limitations. The limitation of a maximum draft depth of 44" should maintain no conflict or damage. This analysis is based on the lowest tide reading in the last 5 years. This reading was taken from NOAA Station 8658163 Wrightsville Beach, Johnny Mercers Pier October 4, 2015 and measured -2.46' in relation to MLW @ 0.0. Please contact us with any questions, comments or additional information needed. Sincerely, Intracoastal Engineering PLLC Charles D. Cazier, P.E. 5725 Oleander Dr. Unit E-7 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910)859-8983 fTl _AL o o� ` p/ os D o°� v�/ Open Deck o o GRAND VIEW COMMUNITY MARINA PLAN VIEW 30 15 o 30' 6o' Scale: 1"=30' wz o wZ o� aA zW w� �o QQ 378 ww PROPOSEDZ ° v DREDGEJ PROPOSED PILINGS -\ 0 -5 -5 -10 IA -15 EXISTING BO OM -0+20 0+00 0+20 '*LOW TIDE READING TAKEN FROM NOAA STATION 8658163, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH JOHNNY MERCERS PIER (16.7'). LOWEST TIDE LEVEL RECORDED IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS, OCTOBER 4th, 2015 (CONVERTED VS MLW ELEVATION -2.46'). PROFILE 2-2 HORIZ. 1" = 1o' VERT. 1" = 5' -10 3.2 -15 -0+40 -0+20 0+00 EXISTING FM 0+20 PROFILE 1-1 HORIZ. 1" = lo' VERT. 1" = 5' 30 15 o 30' 6o' Scale: 1"=30' 00 18) QQ zw Q� Wo A Hw a � W z *LOWEST TIDE U � 22.48' P. PROPOSED DREDGE EXISTING BO OM , _. MAXIMUM VESSE 3.53' DRAFT' OF 44" COVER EXISTING F d' X666 >>th NOTES: 1) TOPOGRAPHY IS SHOWN RELATIVE TO MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN LOW WATER = o.o' 2) CONTRACTOR TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY DEPTH OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ENGINEER TO BE NOTIFIED OF ANY CONFLICTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3) INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS A COMPILATION OF SEVERAL SURVEYS. A. DEPTH CONTOURS WERE PROVIDED BY TI COASTAL SERVICES INC. SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 SURVEY. Horizontal Datum: NC State Plane NAD83 Vertical Datum: MLW Beaufort Datum Data collected by TI Coastal on September 15, 2014 shown and represent conditions at that time. Soundings indicate conditions at the time of survey and are subject to change. B. SPOT DEPTHS ALONG SOUTHERN PROJECT EDGE BY GAHAGN & BRYANT 2-19-2007; TAKEN FROM MARITECH DREDGING LLC 2-16-2009 PLAN. DEPTHS ARE RELATIVE TO NGVD29. MEAN LOW WATER IS -1.54 FT CONTOUR RELATIVE TO NGVD29. C. NORMAL HIGH WATER FLAGGED BY LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. AND SURVEYED BY TI COASTAL SERVICES INC. SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 SURVEY. D. WATERWARD EDGE OF MARSH GRASS DIGITIZED BY TI COASTAL SERVICES INC.AND LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP INC., WITH 2012 AND 2010 NC OneMap PHOTOS. E. EXISTING PIER, SEWER FORCE MAIN LOCATION, AND SUMMER REST ROADRIGHT-OF-WAY LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY JOHNNIE J WILLIAMS LAND SURVEYING PC WITH PIER LOCATION ON 4/20/07 AND FORCE MAIN LOCATION ON 12/10/07. F. REMAINING PROPERTY BOUNDARIES, ADJACENT FEATURES AND AIWW SETBACKS PROVIDED BY MCKIM AND CREED FROM A MAY 1, 2014 SURVEY COMPILED FROM PREVIOUS SURVEYS WITH LIMITED FIELD WORK. MCKIM AND CREED MAY 2014 SURVEYFIELD-LOCATED BULKHEAD ON EASTERN SIDE OF AIWW. REFERENCES PROVIDED BY MCKIM AND CREED INCLUDE: • BOUNDARY ITEMS IN BLUE FROM A MAP RECORDED IN MB 24 PG 22 BY SHERWIN D. CRIBB TITLED "MAP OF SURVEY FOR SUMMER -REST ASSOCIATES" DATED OCTOBER 1984, AND DEED BOOK 5031 PAGE 1350• • HIGH WATERLINE AND LOW WATERLINE FROM A PIER AS -BUILT SURVEYFOR BAILEY & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY JOHNNY J. WILLIAMS LAND SURVEYING, PC DATED AUGUST 25, 2oo8. • ALL OTHER INFORMATION, MARSH AREA EDGE OF MARSH, PIERS, DOCKS, FROM VARIOUS MAPS FROM MARITECH DREDGING, LLC TITLED "BAILEY PROJECT" DATED DECEMBER 15, 20o9, AND CGRS ENTERPRIZES, LLC MAP TITLED "LAMA MAJOR PERMIT PLAT" BY QUIBLE AND ASSOCIATES P.C. DATED DECEMBER 11, 2000. �Q••Q�oFESS� 'yl,•� �� SEAL y - CLIENT INFORMATION: BAILEY &ASSOCIATES P.O. BOX 400 JACKSONVILLE, NC 28541 (910) 346-8443 Office (910) 346-8637 Fax DRAWN: JAE SHEET SIZE: 24X36 CHECKED: CDC DATE: 7/28/201 6 APPROVED: CDC SCALE: PROJECT NUMBER: 2014-036 DRAWIN G NUMBER: 1 OF 1 wz o 0 -5 -10 IA -15 -0+20 0+00 0+20 '*LOW TIDE READING TAKEN FROM NOAA STATION 8658163, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH JOHNNY MERCERS PIER (16.7'). LOWEST TIDE LEVEL RECORDED IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS, OCTOBER 4th, 2015 (CONVERTED VS MLW ELEVATION -2.46'). PROFILE 2-2 HORIZ. 1" = 1o' VERT. 1" = 5' 00 18) QQ zw Q� Wo A Hw a � W z *LOWEST TIDE U � 22.48' P. PROPOSED DREDGE EXISTING BO OM , _. MAXIMUM VESSE 3.53' DRAFT' OF 44" COVER EXISTING F d' X666 >>th NOTES: 1) TOPOGRAPHY IS SHOWN RELATIVE TO MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN LOW WATER = o.o' 2) CONTRACTOR TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY DEPTH OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ENGINEER TO BE NOTIFIED OF ANY CONFLICTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3) INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS A COMPILATION OF SEVERAL SURVEYS. A. DEPTH CONTOURS WERE PROVIDED BY TI COASTAL SERVICES INC. SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 SURVEY. Horizontal Datum: NC State Plane NAD83 Vertical Datum: MLW Beaufort Datum Data collected by TI Coastal on September 15, 2014 shown and represent conditions at that time. Soundings indicate conditions at the time of survey and are subject to change. B. SPOT DEPTHS ALONG SOUTHERN PROJECT EDGE BY GAHAGN & BRYANT 2-19-2007; TAKEN FROM MARITECH DREDGING LLC 2-16-2009 PLAN. DEPTHS ARE RELATIVE TO NGVD29. MEAN LOW WATER IS -1.54 FT CONTOUR RELATIVE TO NGVD29. C. NORMAL HIGH WATER FLAGGED BY LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. AND SURVEYED BY TI COASTAL SERVICES INC. SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 SURVEY. D. WATERWARD EDGE OF MARSH GRASS DIGITIZED BY TI COASTAL SERVICES INC.AND LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP INC., WITH 2012 AND 2010 NC OneMap PHOTOS. E. EXISTING PIER, SEWER FORCE MAIN LOCATION, AND SUMMER REST ROADRIGHT-OF-WAY LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY JOHNNIE J WILLIAMS LAND SURVEYING PC WITH PIER LOCATION ON 4/20/07 AND FORCE MAIN LOCATION ON 12/10/07. F. REMAINING PROPERTY BOUNDARIES, ADJACENT FEATURES AND AIWW SETBACKS PROVIDED BY MCKIM AND CREED FROM A MAY 1, 2014 SURVEY COMPILED FROM PREVIOUS SURVEYS WITH LIMITED FIELD WORK. MCKIM AND CREED MAY 2014 SURVEYFIELD-LOCATED BULKHEAD ON EASTERN SIDE OF AIWW. REFERENCES PROVIDED BY MCKIM AND CREED INCLUDE: • BOUNDARY ITEMS IN BLUE FROM A MAP RECORDED IN MB 24 PG 22 BY SHERWIN D. CRIBB TITLED "MAP OF SURVEY FOR SUMMER -REST ASSOCIATES" DATED OCTOBER 1984, AND DEED BOOK 5031 PAGE 1350• • HIGH WATERLINE AND LOW WATERLINE FROM A PIER AS -BUILT SURVEYFOR BAILEY & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY JOHNNY J. WILLIAMS LAND SURVEYING, PC DATED AUGUST 25, 2oo8. • ALL OTHER INFORMATION, MARSH AREA EDGE OF MARSH, PIERS, DOCKS, FROM VARIOUS MAPS FROM MARITECH DREDGING, LLC TITLED "BAILEY PROJECT" DATED DECEMBER 15, 20o9, AND CGRS ENTERPRIZES, LLC MAP TITLED "LAMA MAJOR PERMIT PLAT" BY QUIBLE AND ASSOCIATES P.C. DATED DECEMBER 11, 2000. �Q••Q�oFESS� 'yl,•� �� SEAL y - CLIENT INFORMATION: BAILEY &ASSOCIATES P.O. BOX 400 JACKSONVILLE, NC 28541 (910) 346-8443 Office (910) 346-8637 Fax DRAWN: JAE SHEET SIZE: 24X36 CHECKED: CDC DATE: 7/28/201 6 APPROVED: CDC SCALE: PROJECT NUMBER: 2014-036 DRAWIN G NUMBER: 1 OF 1 d' X666 >>th NOTES: 1) TOPOGRAPHY IS SHOWN RELATIVE TO MEAN LOW WATER. MEAN LOW WATER = o.o' 2) CONTRACTOR TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY DEPTH OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ENGINEER TO BE NOTIFIED OF ANY CONFLICTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3) INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS A COMPILATION OF SEVERAL SURVEYS. A. DEPTH CONTOURS WERE PROVIDED BY TI COASTAL SERVICES INC. SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 SURVEY. Horizontal Datum: NC State Plane NAD83 Vertical Datum: MLW Beaufort Datum Data collected by TI Coastal on September 15, 2014 shown and represent conditions at that time. Soundings indicate conditions at the time of survey and are subject to change. B. SPOT DEPTHS ALONG SOUTHERN PROJECT EDGE BY GAHAGN & BRYANT 2-19-2007; TAKEN FROM MARITECH DREDGING LLC 2-16-2009 PLAN. DEPTHS ARE RELATIVE TO NGVD29. MEAN LOW WATER IS -1.54 FT CONTOUR RELATIVE TO NGVD29. C. NORMAL HIGH WATER FLAGGED BY LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. AND SURVEYED BY TI COASTAL SERVICES INC. SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 SURVEY. D. WATERWARD EDGE OF MARSH GRASS DIGITIZED BY TI COASTAL SERVICES INC.AND LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP INC., WITH 2012 AND 2010 NC OneMap PHOTOS. E. EXISTING PIER, SEWER FORCE MAIN LOCATION, AND SUMMER REST ROADRIGHT-OF-WAY LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY JOHNNIE J WILLIAMS LAND SURVEYING PC WITH PIER LOCATION ON 4/20/07 AND FORCE MAIN LOCATION ON 12/10/07. F. REMAINING PROPERTY BOUNDARIES, ADJACENT FEATURES AND AIWW SETBACKS PROVIDED BY MCKIM AND CREED FROM A MAY 1, 2014 SURVEY COMPILED FROM PREVIOUS SURVEYS WITH LIMITED FIELD WORK. MCKIM AND CREED MAY 2014 SURVEYFIELD-LOCATED BULKHEAD ON EASTERN SIDE OF AIWW. REFERENCES PROVIDED BY MCKIM AND CREED INCLUDE: • BOUNDARY ITEMS IN BLUE FROM A MAP RECORDED IN MB 24 PG 22 BY SHERWIN D. CRIBB TITLED "MAP OF SURVEY FOR SUMMER -REST ASSOCIATES" DATED OCTOBER 1984, AND DEED BOOK 5031 PAGE 1350• • HIGH WATERLINE AND LOW WATERLINE FROM A PIER AS -BUILT SURVEYFOR BAILEY & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY JOHNNY J. WILLIAMS LAND SURVEYING, PC DATED AUGUST 25, 2oo8. • ALL OTHER INFORMATION, MARSH AREA EDGE OF MARSH, PIERS, DOCKS, FROM VARIOUS MAPS FROM MARITECH DREDGING, LLC TITLED "BAILEY PROJECT" DATED DECEMBER 15, 20o9, AND CGRS ENTERPRIZES, LLC MAP TITLED "LAMA MAJOR PERMIT PLAT" BY QUIBLE AND ASSOCIATES P.C. DATED DECEMBER 11, 2000. �Q••Q�oFESS� 'yl,•� �� SEAL y - CLIENT INFORMATION: BAILEY &ASSOCIATES P.O. BOX 400 JACKSONVILLE, NC 28541 (910) 346-8443 Office (910) 346-8637 Fax DRAWN: JAE SHEET SIZE: 24X36 CHECKED: CDC DATE: 7/28/201 6 APPROVED: CDC SCALE: PROJECT NUMBER: 2014-036 DRAWIN G NUMBER: 1 OF 1 G NUMBER: 1 OF 1 I, DANIEL S. NORMILE, REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEYED LOCATION OF THE SEWER FORCE MAIN UNE, AND PIER AND THAT ALL OTHER INFORMATION SHO REON RE TAKEN FROM SOURCES AS NOTED HEREON. H.cARo�, DANIELS. NORMILE, P.L.S., L-4589 O�•'FES S%D.�y% 4 SEAL ';y L-4589 C; C 9y0 SURF' LEGEND: OF = EXIBTING IRON PIPE EIS EXISTING IRON STAKE ERR EXISTING RAILROAD SPIKE ISS = IRON STAKE SET PKS = P.K. NAIL SET AG = TOP ABOVE GROUND SURFACE BG = TOP BELOW GROUND SURFACE R/W = RIGHT—OF—WAY f = CENTERUNE It = PROPERTY UNE O = NONMONUMENTED POINT ZULU MARINE SERVICES 1 LOCATION SURVEY FOR: BAILEY cPc ASSocfATrS, INC. INDIVIDUAL TRACT AT THE INTERSECTION OF N.C.S.R. 1417 NOTES: REFERENCES: (SUMMER REST ROAD), U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 74 AND ii THE INTENT OF "' SURVEY SEWER LOCATIIXJ AND EPTN AND IiS RElAT10NSHIP TO THEFEXISTINGORCE AINS DEED BOOK 5037, PAGE 1350 N C CITY 10F5WILM WILMINGTON CANAL DRIVE) PIER AND DOCK, THIS MAP IN R WAY IMPLIES THE LOCATION OF HARNETT TOWNSHIP, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N.C. ANY ROADS, UTILITIES OR PROPERTY BOUNDARIES, DATE: AUGUST 15, 2015 10 R0 w• eo SCALE: V = 40' ✓OIINNY J. ArlZL14JfY LAND SfIRt'LYINC P.C. P.O. BOX 778, BEULAVILLE, N.C. 28518 PHONE: 910-298-8272 FAX: 910-298-2310 EMAIL JWILLIAMS 0 JWSURVEY.COM