HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080411 Ver 1_Application_20080307d~~~4 `, wa a r.~ Mir. `~ a.w ~. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ~. `~ ~~~J M ~` Cl o - ~ 4'Cp8 t~~ ~?~JNaj~ pry DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY March 4, 2008 Mr. Steve Lund US Army Corp of Engineers O ~ ®~ 1 1 Asheville Regulatory Field Office i 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, N. C. 28801-5006 SUBJECT: Secondary Road Paving/Pipe replacement, SR 1885 (Selkirk Road), Cleveland County Dear Mr. Lund: The North Carolina Department of Transportation proposes to replace a pipe in conjunction with a secondary road paving project on SR 1885 (Selkirk Road) in Cleveland County. The existing 35-foot, 81" x 59" CMPA will be replaced with a 50-foot, 81"x 59" CMPA. The new pipe will be placed on a skew to better align the upstream and downstream sections, which will result in the loss of 30 linear feet of stream length. Approximately fifteen feet of new stream channel with arock-faced bench will be constructed to connect the existing channel to the new pipe inlet. The new channel dimensions will be based upon a reference cross-section surveyed approximately 70 feet upstream. Five feet of riprap will be utilized at the new pipe outlet for structure stabilization. Surficial bedrock is evident in the project area; therefore, the proposed pipe cannot be buried one foot below the streambed elevation. NCDOT proposes to place the new pipe on the existing streambed grade. Due to the existing site conditions, NCDOT requests a waiver from the Regional Condition 2(b)(e) permit depth specification, for the construction of this project. Temporary cofferdams and bypass pumping will be utilized to manage the stream during construction. Upon project completion, the channel disturbed by the temporary cofferdams will be restored to pre- project conditions and the area seeded and stabilized. The total scope of the work will result in 20 feet of permanent impacts to unnamed tributary to Magness Creek, which is classified as a WS-IV watershed by the Division of Water Quality. The project is not located within Y2 mile of any critical watershed area nor is SR 1885 a rural or urban arterial; therefore, hazardous spill basins are not required. Enclosed is the hazardous spill basin checklist. Based upon correspondence with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), dated 1/09/07, the proposed project area has been reviewed and SHPO has determined that no historic properties will be affected (ER Number 07-1973). This office has conducted a GIS and field survey for the project threatened/ endangered species. The federally listed species for Cleveland County (USFWS listed dated SR 1885, Selkirk Road Page 2 March 4, 2008 March 8, 2006) include the dwarf-flowered heartleaf (Hexasrylis naniflora). Natural Heritage Program records document the nearest dwarf-flowered heartleaf location ~2.9 miles northwest of the proposed project area. The heartleaf is usually found on dry to moist ravine slopes (usually north facing and of the oak-hickory-pine forest type) and in boggy areas near springheads. No heartleaf species were observed and there appears to be limited suitable habitat within the proposed project area. NCDOT is recommending a finding of "no effect" for T&E species. I have enclosed apre-construction notification for a NW#14, sketches of planned activities, and location maps relative to the project. Project information for the 401 Automated Payment Procedure is as follows: • Work order number: 150455-55120005-120.023083-3855 • TIP #: NA • Project Category: $240.00 Fee If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (704) 480-9044. Thank you for your time and consideration to this matter. Respectfully yours, M.L. Holder, P.E. Division Engineer Twelfth Division BY: Trish Simon Division 12 Environmental Supervisor Enclosures Cc: Polly Lespinasse, DWQ, Mooresville Regional Office Office Use Only: Form Version March OS USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. 2 0 0 8 0 4 1 1 ~u any part~cu~ar item ~s not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) I. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ^ Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ^ Section 10 Permit ^ Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ® 401 Water Quality Certification ^ Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: NW #14~WQC#37041 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ^ 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: ^ If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ^ II. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: Mike Holder N.C Department of Transportation Mailing Address: P.O. Box 47 Shelbv North Carolina 28151 Telephone Number: 704-480-9020 Fax Number: 704-480-5401 E-mail Address: 2. AgenUConsultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Trish Simon Company Affiliation:_ N.C. Department of Transportation Mailing Address: P.O. Box 47 Shelbv North Carolina 28151 Telephone Number: 704-480-9044 Fax Number: 704-480-5401 E-mail Address: tsimon(a,dot.state.nc.us Page 1 of 8 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Pipe Replacement/Secondary Road Paving SR 1885 (Selkirk Road 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): 120.023083 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): NA 4. Location County: Cleveland Nearest Town: Shelby Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): NA Directions to site (include road numbers/names, landmarks, etc.): From Shelby, north on Highway 18, turn left onto SR 1808 for ~1.5 miles turn right on SR 1803 for ~1/4 mile left onto SR 1801 for ~1/2 mile. Turn right onto SR 1885 and proceed to site 5. Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): 35°24'11"°N 81°31'55''°W 6. Property size (acres): < 0.10 acres- permit site: Entire secondar ry oad project ~5 acres 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: Unnamed tributary to Magness Creek WS-IV Watershed (from source to First Broad River) 8. River Basin: Broad (Note -this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h?o.enr.state.nc.us/admi~~/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Existing Conditions-pipe on unpaved secondary road General Land Use- wooded, agricultural. Page 2 of 8 t 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used_ Replacement of a 81 "x 59", 35-foot CMPA with a 81 "x 59", 50-foot CMPA placed on a skew. The new longer pipe will be placed on a new alignment to better align the upstream and downstream sections. Approximately 30 linear feet of the existing stream channel will be filled and 15 feet of stream channel will be constructed at the new ape inlet. The new channel dimensions will be constructed based upon a reference cross-section surveyed approximately 70 ft upstream of the project site. A fifteen foot rock-faced bench will be constructed at the inlet where the old channel fill intersects the new constructed channel. Five feet of riprap will be utilized at the pipe outlet for structure stabilization. Typical heavy equipment (trackhoe, backhoe, etc.) will be used for the construction of this project. 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: The purpose of the proposed work is to grade base, and pave an unpaved secondary road to paved road standards and replace a deterioratingpipe. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules.NA V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. No future permit requests are anticipated at this site. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. Page 3 of 8 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts:Impacts from change in pipe ali nment and increase in pipe length to create an adequate roadway width and road shoulder 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. Wetland Impact Site Number indicate on ma (~ P) Type of Impact Type of Wetland (e.g., forested, marsh, herbaceous, bog, etc.) Located within 100-year Floodplain ( es/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) Area of Impact (acres) Total Wetland Impact (acres) 0 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: 0 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. To calculate acreage, multiply length X width, then divide by 43,560. Stream Impact Average Number (indicate on Stream Name Type of Impact Perennial or Stream Width Im act Len th g Area of Impact Intermittent? Before Impact ma) (linear feet) (acres) 1 UT to Magness Creek Stream Fill Perennial 5 feet 30 feet .0034 * * Stream ,~ Reconstruction/ 1 Rock-Faced ,< " 15 feet .0017 Floodplain Bench 1 Riprap stabilization at outlet 5 feet .00057 Temporary 1 Cofferdams/Bypass 60 feet .0069 Piping *20 feet *.0023 acre Total Stream Impact (by length and acreage) ermanent permanent *Permanent impacts contained within area of temporary impacts 60 feet .0069 acre temporary temporary im acts impacts **Please note that 15 feet of the 30 feet of stream channel filled will be reconstructed based upon an upstream reference cross-section; therefore, the total permanent impacts for the stream relocation ~+~ould be 15 feet. Page 4 of 8 t ~ 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill. excavation. dred~ine. flooding. drainage. bulkheads. etc. Open Water Impact Name of Waterbody Type of Waterbody Area of Site Number (if applicable) T e of Im act ~ P lake, ond, estua ( P ry, sound, bay, Impact (indicate on map) ocean, etc.) (acres) Total Open Water Impact (acres) ~ 6. List the cumulative impact to all Waters of the U.S. resulting from the proiect: Stream Impact (acres): 0.0023 Wetland Impact (acres): 0 Open Water Impact (acres): 0 Total Im act to Waters of the U.S. (acres) 0.0023 Total Stream Impact (linear feet): Permanent 20 feet 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ^ Yes ®No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USACE. NA 8. Pond Creation NO POND IMPACTS If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ^ uplands ^ stream ^ wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. The road is being_paved on the existing roadway footprint. The increase in pipe length is necessary to provide adeauate roadway width and adequate shoulder width for the safety of the travelling public The new longer pipe will be placed on a skew to better ali ng the upstream and downstream sections Page 5 of 8 i ~ Thirty feet of channel will be filled; fifteen feet of stream channel will be reconstructed using natural channel design principles. Streambed material will be salvaged from the filled stream to be used in the reconstructed channel. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h?o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strm~ide.html. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. MITIGATION NOT ANTICIPATED 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at http:/ih?o.enr.state.nc.us/«~rp/inde~:.htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount ofNon-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): Page 6 of 8 IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) 1. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ® No ^ 2. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ^ No 3. If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ^ No ^ X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. 1. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 02B .0243 (Catawba) 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ^ No 2. If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* I Impact Multiplier Required (square feet) Mitieation 3 (2 for Catawba) Total * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from the top of the near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone I . 3. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration /Enhancement, or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0244, or .0260. Page 7 of 8 XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating total proposed impervious level. The total acreage of DOT right of wav on SR 1885 is ~10 acres. The existing paved roadway width is 20 feet the proposed Waved roadway width is 20 feet. Minor road alignment changes and minor widening will be done to bring the unpaved road up to paved road standards. Erosion control measures will be in place as shown on the attached erosion and sedimentation control plans for protection of surface waters XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. No wastewater is generated from the project XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ^ No Is this anafter-the-fact permit application? Yes ^ No XIV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yes ^ No If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at http:Hh2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description:The pipe replacement/secondarv road paving project will not result in additional development of the surrounding area. XV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). J ~ ~ , Applicant/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 8 of 8 -7 \ - ~ ~I/ feu \ 1e~. ~ ~ Feu ~ I 1e!z ~ /, I - . a., \ e.2 I~ ~. \ - w. 3\ \ ~~ lesz \ '~ ~ les / A s.' ew \ \ a Is~c / / ~~ bsl lesi \ OG \ ~ ~ ) \ 2~ _ ~ \ eez , ~ uss \ lev ~ 1e.e i x^ / \ y ~ CO ~ I Ifiel 16.J f ~ ~ \ i Ifi51 165. \ Ibex T e.s \ 1:1, ) u Ifiw r Y 16 5 \ lesz ._3_ .. - I leso /~°~. lsrz ie~r • tb]] ` n y f T / \ IfiS. 1e56 16s] \ 1506 - . 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'-, ~~ ti s '}~`~ia~11L~v 4 4i4 . '~ • `~ `T _ -- .:~ . ~. ~3 /'f F :~ ~. „~ .~ _~. ~!...: ~ Outlet Upstream Downstream BoCkfillthe hatched area 1n firont pfi the wing w011 to create o flood bench. Then ploctng colr fiber matting as noted Rlp Rop to be \ placed os needed ~~ Reconstructed Stream Width t0 be Appr 5-lift wide. Proposed 81'x59' CMP~X~ ~ with Headwalls _ "" (Proposed 50' Long) -" ~~~n ~- _ See iel,~e ~ - "~"-Prai0•~. _" ,~. ""- -: ' Sg1K~rK ~r \v e "_ - " -, " ~. "-""~ ~ Q -" ~ i '~ i a ~~ ~ ~~ ~~'Q I `~ ,~° ) ~ Qo r a ~ 0° i ~\ 0~r ~ ~ ~ Q I Rock Face the edge ofi the proposed channel. embedding rock into the streombed after placing coir filber ~ matting on the flood bench to key in the matting. (Placing the matting under the rock before the rock in embedded) ( Rock OlOng the channel to be approximately IS' long) ~- Backftll the hatched area behind proposed wing wall to tie bock into proposed and --- exlsting grades --" /~ _ " /,/ (e Fence Q--"" """- ~aQ\ Pas~`u SR - ~~ "-"-"- Q - ""- Existing BI'x59' CMPA with -^"-""-" Headwalls (Approx. 35' Long) -- ~ ~~~ Unnamed Tributary to Magness Creek ~~ ( Outlet Area around the end 1 of the pipe Is Bedrock ~ I ~ "1 I Q ~ < I / ~ ~ I ~ f I 0 ~ ~ I ~ I Notes: NaI1Set In the Base I) Stream to be shortened by oDDroxlmotely 15' of a 8' Tree TBM Assume EIev.100.0' after stream restructuring has taken place. 2) Pumping system to be used to divert stream around the construction site os needed 3) Any contaminated water within the construction sit I5 to be Dumped into o s11t bog 4) Sllt fence to be placed around stock pile and project os it allows. 5) Upon completion of the protect all stlt fences are to be placed os needed. Also seeding and mulching of disturbed areas 6) Class II R1p RoD or Shot Rock to be placed up to 5' Out from the proposed Headwalls on 0114 Corners 8) Solvoge streombed Material in the Notched area before backf1111nq to be used to reconstruct the Proposed streombed NCDOT 12th DIV Bridge Mvintenvnce Cleveland County SR 1885 Selkirk Dr Pipe Replacement wBS: 120.2023083 7) Headwalls to De Built 8' Higher than Existing streombed I drs 2-08 100 O °~ _°~ 95' ~-~ 77.6' 71' 90' Total Gradient 95.7' - 91.6' EX RD ~+/ ~ h, ~ 15.8' 57.5' 46.' 30.3' 20.5 13' Existing Stream Grodlent 95.7' - 95.0 0.7'/ 57.8'= 1.2% 100 O oi~ r ~~ c o~ 95' 57,2 50.4' 36.9' 24.5 90' i ~c • '~ °° 0 23.5' 39.5' 51.2' 67,5' 87' . Q'~/ ml Exlstinq Pipe O 100.7' 110.5 Grodlent 95.6' Exlstinq -94.9 5treom Gradient 0.7'/36.5 = 1.9% 94.0 - 91.6 2.4/63.5'= 3.8 CL CL PROP EX RD RD I I I i 4.3' 0' Proposed Pipe Grodlent 95.4' - 94.9' 0.5'/50 = I.0% Existing Stream Profile scale: r=1o• ~ ~ Aa p$J 25.5' 29.5' 45.5' 57.2' O loo• ws. 95' 90' 0' S' 10' IS' 20' 25' 30' Refierence Cross Section (Located Approx. 72' UDStream firom the Existing Centerline of the Rood)( Looking Upstream) Scale :I'=10' 100 95' IMoter Sheeting 90• Across Rock Bed 0' S' 10' 15' 20' 25' 30' 40' 45' S0' Cross Section (Located Approx. 37' Downstream from the Extst(nq Centerline of the Road) (Looking UDSteam) Scale :I'=10' t i NCDOT HAZARDOUS SPILL BASIN CHECKLIST Division: 1 ~ County: C'1PVPland Project ID: River Basin: Broad Bridge No: Secondary Road Pavin Pipe Replacement Route: SR 1885 (Selkirk Road) Stream: Unnamed tributary to Ma ess Creek. WS-IV Watershed Water Quality Criteria: Yes No Stream Crossing Blue Line On USGS r r ORW r WSI ~ r WS II,III OR IV, Crossing Within O.Smi of W.S. Critical Area r ~ Roadway Criteria: Route Designation- Additional Site Information: Yes No Arterial Urban r r Arterial Rural r r Yes No Is a Hazardous Spill Basin Required? r r Criteria Based Upon NCDOT "Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters" (March, 1997). EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN CLEVELAND COUNTY SR 1885 Selkirk Road DATE February 25, 2008 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA W.O. # 120.023083 PURPOSE The purpose of this Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program of the Division of Highways is to control accelerated erosion and sedimentation resulting from the construction and maintenance of roads and highways in North Carolina. This program is developed pursuant to the requirements contained in the Rules and Regulations for Erosion and Sedimentation Control which were adopted by the North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission on April 10, 1974. PROJECT DESCRIPTION SR 1885 (Selkirk Rd j from its intersection with SR 1801 to SR 1802. It will be constructed to the attached typical section. No problem areas are anticipated. The work will be completed during the 07/08 construction season. CONSTRUCTTON SEQUENCE I. Grading to be started by state forces. Install all necessary silt fences, sediment basins, and check dams and begin clearing construction area. 2. Rough grade the construction area and begin installing any storm drainage and/or cross lines. Install inlet and outlet protection as storm drainage is being installed. 3. As an area is brought to finish grade and the black base is placed for the road, and the shoulder finished, then seed, mulch and tack should be provided for denuded areas. 4. Leave all erosion control devices in place until vegetation has been established sufficiently to withstand erosion. DO NOT remove any erosion control devices until directed by the County Engineer. MAINTENANCE PLAN 1. All erosion and sediment control practices will be checked for stability and operation following every runoff producing rainfall but in no case less than once every week. Any repairs will be made immediately to maintain all practices as designed. 2. Sediment will be removed from behind the sediment fence when it becomes about O.S feet deep at the fence. The sediment fence will be repaired as necessary to maintain a barrier. 3. All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseeded as necessary- and mulched according to the instruction in the seeded specifications to maintain a rigorous, dense vegetative cover. 4. Outlet protection will be installed when outlets are installed. Filter fabric will be placed under the entire stone section and will be repaired and replaced if damaged during any phase of construction. 5. Sediment will be removed from the basin when it reaches 1.0 foot below the emergency spillway. The filter stone is to be cleaned or replaced when basin no longer drains properly. GROUND COVER FOR SLOPES. FILLS AND OTHER GRADED AREAS The angles for graded slopes and fills shall be no greater than the angle which can be retained by vegetative cover or other adequate erosion control de~tioes or stnrctures. Seeding should be done in accordance with the specifications for that season of the year. Additional erosion control measures may be required depending on the actual field conditions. SE-d- . 1630.03 1630.05 1605.01 1606.01 1622.01 1630.01 1630.02 1633.OY 163.01 163.02 1635.01 1635.02 1630.0 1632.01 1632.02 1632.03 .~is~'!'1 D~ E10a Temporary SiIE DiEch ............................ Temporary Diversion ....................... .............. -~ .~.p _-~, Temporary SiIE Fence ............................ Special SedimenE ConErol Fence .......... Temporary Berms and Slope Drains ........................ ~'- +- Riser Basin ............... SiIE Basin Type B ......................................................... Temporary Rock SiIE C~eck Type-A......... Temporary Rock SiIE C}~eck Type-B ............. WaEEIe ..................................~~- Temporary Rock SedimenE Dam Type- ............... Temporary Rock SedimenE Dam Type-B .... Rock Dipe InleE SedimenE Trap Type-A .................. Rock Dipe InleE SedimenE Trap Type-B....... SEilling Basin .................................................................. bock In1eE SedimenE Trap: Type A ................................................................... A Type B .................................................................... ~ Type C ............................:...................................... C Skimmer Basin ........................ Tiered Skimmer Basin ..................................... Inf ilEraEion Basin .......................................................... Ten spencrmtn 2d 4-06-07 rotated.dan ~~ii~i~nnQ no•~Q.n~ ~~~ i i^ y i \~`~ Salem ~ 82 Cemetery E Stage ~~ Tri Qa 1802 \y ~a 5~`°"- ~afi`aa 1867 ~-'_, ~ _~ 1885 1801 v 'o PROJECT ~ t a m r a NgRTH CAfla/NA ~~` ~~ CIEVEUwO C011NTT SfLK~IC AOAD 1885 SR ~ cvnMl11.. A7I7G nnne n..~._n.. .-. ~,~. s.a 10.0' 1o.a s.a OIIIGNJAL GEOUND E.0' S.O' 1~~-- OEK.INAI GAg1ND 0.0E F[~f 0.07 FLfT O.OE 1.~ ~.1 ~ ~..,.. C D T Y~'~F ~ T D " ~~-~ T T -~•~--- ---L~- TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1 :vpical.dpn 02!25/2008 01 •a3.5R aM PAVEMENT SCHEDULE `. PROP. A-PRO%. 11p' AEPMALT CONCRETE tURFACE COURSE. TVPF tP. EA, AT AN AVERAGE MTE OF 1tt LEG. PER BO. YD. D PROP. A-PRO%. •" COMPACTED AEBREOATE EASE COURSE T EARTN MATERIAL MOTE: PAVEMENT EDGE tLOPEt ARE 1:1 UNLEtt tN011N OTNERMItE + STEP f: input Project Infonnadorr •items in red are inputs Seciron ~c^Pt~: 10+00 [0 15+25 ~ e Construction tlrne county: cJeveHrd kss than 8 months Y (Y/N) ' ~ a HQYVi' N (Y/N) SRN 1685 RightlLeft: Rt (RVLt) Contributing ' • ' , '' RNy Width: 30 feet Length of Run X 525 feet Disturbed Area = 0.36 saes X DiMh Gnds: 1.50 % STEP 2: Ditch LNrer ragrd/emsntr: 118f¢e the Regtdred I.Nrer tab and nde racanrrrerrdafions on plans- STEP J: Recomrrrarrded spackng 1bi Rock SNI[ Check Typs•B1(fw refocity corrbW only) Spacing = ,,~00 / 1.`i00 % dACh grade = X00 feet 'Type -B Checks will not be required for velocity control if the 2quired spacing is greater than the Length of Run shown in Step 1. 'Type A Rock Silt Checks can be substituted to satisfy the storage requirements found in Step 5 STEP 4: EnOerD-sirrageArtna: 0.36 acres See Steo 5 'Must equal or exceed the Disturbed Area found above STEP 5: IF DRAINAGE AREA < 3 Acre: Use RUSLE2 to dstermine storage (y~Rl(s~ Regression Constant, C 549 Table 2-7 (level 111 Ret Manual) RainfaN Fagor, R 200 Figure 2-1 Erodibikty Factor, K 0_3 Table 2-2 orhttp://SpldatamarLnrts.usda.gov/ DdcMine Sbpe, s 0.01600 ft/ft V= 405.18 ft /aGyr Required Stonge Volume= 718.49 ft3 Using 82 % of Rainfall Factor see note in cell CS Stonae from Tvoe A Rock SiK Checks Enter Ditch Side Slope Gradient (H:1~: 2 :1 Enter Check Height 1.5 ft Ala BehirKl Check: 4.5 ft Length of Ditch BehirM Check: 100 00 ft Storage Behind Check (assumes 65% et/ecienc»: "d7.dtl ft TypeA Checks required: X ~ GOOD, Place measure(sj on EC Plan Total ~ 195.00 ft STEP 8: IF DRAINAGE AREA > 3 Acre: Use Surface Area Ceku/atlons to determine storage, A=435Q n a. Determine the Peak Runoft Rate, qP (O, = D1e (Qa for HQyy)) USE Q10 ~~iA Runoft Coefident, C 0_5 Tabk; i-5,1-5,1-7 Time of Concerttngon, 4 (minutes) 1 Shortcut Method E IA<4.BS) Watershed Slope, S 3 % 4= 5 minutes 2 Ki-pich Method Flow Path, L 350 feet 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 Watershed Slope, S 0.02 R/ft 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 Kirpich, 4= N/A minutes Using a Return Aerpd (T) off 0 yrs (25 Por HQWJ and a t ~ of 5.00 minutes, the rakrfal! intensity, l (irvh~, rxn be read from Appendor A or the NOAH me6siAe, htgpl/hdsc.mvs.noaa-gov~lr~/p~rync_plds.hhnl RairtfaN Intensity, I (in/hr) 7.19 irVhr Appendix A Drainage Area given as 0.36 saes Peak Rate of Runoff, ~ ~a 129 ds b. Determine the Required Surface Area= 58298 ft c. Use Surface Area (A) to determine required VOLUME of Temporary Type-B Sediment Dam Design Depth: 3 ~ Required VOLUME using the design depth; 1888.93 R' CMck to aes H Sod'ment Sronge Requiramancs sn mer.~ Sedimard Storage Required ueng 3000 R3/ac S[o rage calculated using Surface Area governs - DsturbedNea(a«es)- o.ae See Sediment Dam Dimensions Below Required Sediment Storage (Il')~ 1701.65 ~, Temporary Type-B Sediment Final Required Storage: Wrrly Storage ~ t /~ 1764 OK OK VarMy Surrau Aran ta'I 578 588 OK me Place Type B Sediment Dam at outlet point. Ensure Rock Silt Check Type-B's are used to satisfy requirements of Step 3- See Step 7 if installing [his measure is not practical. STEP 1. Input i°ro~ect tnlorrnayon 'items in red are inputs SeC~ ~c~Ption: 10+00 to 15+25 ~ • ConaWction time less than 8 months y Coin' mad ~ HOW7 (Y/Nl ' ~ Right/Lett: N (Y/N) SRI 1885 • Lt (Rt2t) Contributing ~ • r . r , R1YV YVidth: 30 feet Length of Run X 525 teat Disturbed Area = 0.38 acres X Ditch Grade: 1.50 % STEP 2: fN•ch Lirrer requ/rernents: UtAire the Required Urrer tab and note recwnmerrdations on plans. STEP 3: Rleconanartded speelnp for Root Silt Chf/ck Trpe•B9 (Iw vatociry cprpp/ pdy~ Spacing = 300 / 1.500 % ditch grade = Z00 feet 'Type -B Checks will not be required fir velocity control i/the required spacing is g2ater than the Length of Run shown in Sfep 1 'Type A Rock Silt Checks can be substituted to satis/y the storage requirements found in Step 5 STEP I: Err•erDralnageArea: 0.36 acres 'Must equal or exceed the Disturbed Area /ound above See Steo 5 STEP S: IF ORA/NAGS AREA < 3 Acre: Use RUSLE2 to da[srntine storage ~y~RKS~ Regression Constant, C 549 Rainf~l Factor. R Table 2-7 (Level Ill Ref Manual) Erodibikty Factor, K 200 Figure 2-1 Ditchline Sbpe, s 0=3 0.01500 ft/ft Tale 2-2 orhttpJ/soildatamartnrts.usda.gov/ V= 105.18 ft''/at•/yr Required Storage Volume= 118,19 ft Using 82°/ of Rainfall Factor- Storage from Tvoe A Rock iK Chec ~ see note in cell CS EnterOitch Side Sloce Gradent (H:V): EnlprChadr Haight. ? '1 Area Behind Check ' 1_5 R . Length of Ditch Hehind Check: 4.5 1tZ Storage Behind Check (assumes 85% el/ecierrc~: : 100.00 ft n e0 ft' : TypeACheeksrequirttd: X~I' , , .~ GOOD, Place measure(s) on EC Plan Total 195.00 ft~ STEP 8: lF DRAINAGE AREA > 3 Acre: Use Surface Area CakutatYons to determ/ne a. Determine the Peak Runoff Rate, pv (Qv = Q+o (Q~ for HQW)) US'c Qsm1 p~ A-I35Qe l]e~iA Runoff CoefBdenl, C Time of Concentration, 4 (minutes) 1 Shortcut Method, ~ (AU,BS) Watershed Slope, S 4= i'Clrpich Method Flow Path, L Watershed Slope, S Kirpicit, 4= 0_5 Table 1-5,1,1-7 3% S minutes 350 feet 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 0.02 }TAI 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 NIA minutes Using a Return Ponod (T) oP 10 yrs (25 /or HQI~ and a t~ of y,~ ~~ krlertsi!); / (~~, can ~ read hoar 5.00 minutes, NOAH »ebsita. hNpl~dscrrws.n~oaa.govAtdstypldyorbrnc «~ ~. hbnl Rainfall Imensity, i (inrtv) 7.19 irt/hr Appendix A Drainage Area given as 0.36 acres Peak Rate of Runoff. Qe xiA 1.29 ds b. Determine the Required Surface Area= 56298 ftZ c. Use Surface Area (A) to determine required VOLUME of Temporary Type-g Sediment Dam Design Depth: 3 ~ Required VOLUME using the design depth: 1888 93 ~ ro sae X Sednrent SYarape Requirerrrenb are met: M Storage Required usirp 3900 ft3/ac DWUrbed Area (acres). Required Sediment Slwape (R')• Storage calculated using Surtace Area governs - See Sediment Dam Dimensioes t3elow Temporary Typo-B Sediment Final Required Storage: storage iR') I 773 OK Ana ia') 3 Place Type B Sediment Gam at 1/ outlet point. Ensure Rock Silt 42 Check Type-B's are used to 1 satisfy requirements of Step 3. 1764 O~ See Step 7 if installing this 588 measure is not practical. OK ~ STEP 1: Input Project lnfwmation 'items in red are inputs Sectiort Description: 15125 to 36*20 Construction time leas than 8 months9 Y (Y/N) HQW7 N (Y/N) RighULeR: Rt (RULt) Contributing RIVII yVfdtlt: 30 feet Length of Run X 2095 feet Disturbed Arsa = 1.44 saes % Ditch Grade: 1.50 % County: oerelane ~ SRN 1885 STEP 2• Ditch if-ter ~: (~y~ ~ Ufrer tab ertd rrofe reoommendahons on pans. STEP 3: Rsconanertdad spacing Ibr RotA S1M Check Typs•B's (Ibr rebcny coned orrl» Spacirtp = 3_QO / 1.500 % ditch grade = Z00 feet 'Type -8 Checks will not be required for velocity control Athe required spacing is greater than the Length of Run shown in Step 1 'Type A Rock Silt Checks can be substituted fo satrsly the storage requirements found in Step 5 STEP 4: Erfter Drainage Antra: 1.44 saes 'Must See S[eo 5 equal or exceed the Disturbed Area found above STEP S: IF DRAINAGE AREA < 3 Acre: Use RUSLE2 to detevmine storage (y~RKs~ Repression Constant, C 549 Table 2-7 (Level 111 Re/Manual) Rairtfell Parlor, R 200 Fpure 2-1 Erodibilily Factor, K 0_3 Table 2-? or hftp://s~ddatamart nres.usda.gov/ Ditchline Slope, s 0.01500 1t/R V= 105.18 R'/adyr Required Storage Volume= 584.58 ft Using 82°b of Rainfall Factor- seenote in cell CS Storaae front Tvoe A Rock Sik Checks EnferOdch Side Stops Gradient (H:1~: 2 :1 Enter Check Height. 1.5 ft Area Behind Check: 4.5 ft LengM of Ditch Behind Check: 100.00 ft Storage Behind Check (aswfrres 85% eneciency) ~/ (~ ~ TypeA CAecks required: X~~~~0 GOOD, Place measurejsj on EC Plan Tote/ 585.00 Ra STEP N: tF DRAINAGE AREA > 3 Acre: Usa Surface Area Caku/atywrs to determine storage A=1,15q n a. Determine the Peak Runoft Rate, pv (Oo = Q,o (Qa for HQW)) USE Q10 Qa=CiA Runoff Coefficient, C Time of Concentration, 4 (minutes) 1 Shortcut Metltod, ~ (A<4.65) Watershed Slope, S 4~ Kirpich Metlrod Flow Path, L Watershed Slope, S Kirpich, 4= 0_5 Table 1-5,1-6,1-7 3% S minutes 350 feet See Module 1 Eq. 3 0.02 ft/fl 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 N/A minutes Using a Retum A.nod (T) 0110 yrs (25 /orHQl4~ and a t~ of 5.00 minutes, Ore rainfdN intensity, i (irvhr), can be read hdn Apperrdor A or the NOAH tte6siAe, h11pJ/Adsti.rtws.noaa.govAr~rjp~ync~lds.html RairtfaN Intensity, l (iNhr) 7.19 irUhr Appendix A Drainage Area given as 1.14 acres Peak Rate of Rurtofl. 0. xiq 5.18 ds b. Determine the Required Surface Area= 2251.91 ft c. Use Surface Area (A) ro determine required VO~ LUME of 7emporen, Type-B Sediment Dam Design Depth: 3 Required VOLUME using the design depth: 6755.72 ft3 fhecit f0 aN a ~•~iAlf $fOr1a~ R~Q/lryrrMA(S iltr /Mt_ Sediment storage Required usip 7iig0 KS/ac Storage calculated usiny Surface Hrea yovems - D"sturbedArea(acres)' 1.M See Sedir^ent Dam Dimensions Below Required Sediment Storage (It~• 5191 I1 Temporary Tj pe-B Sediment Dam Final Required Storage: 8755.72 ft OPTIONS 2:1(L:IN) 3:1(L: N~ De fh tt : 3 3 Width ft : 31 28 Len fh ft): ~ ~ Warr widen rt : 1 1 vertry storage (1P) 6936 7p~ OK OK Wrify Surlaw Ana Ut') 2312 2352 OK OK Place Type 8 Sediment Cam at outlet point, Ensure Ruck Sil[ Check Type-l3's are used to satisfy requirements of Step 3. See Step 7 if installing this measure is not practical. STEP 1: Input Project In/orrna0orr •items in red are inputs ~~ Deacripdorr: 15+25 to 36+20 ~ • Construction time less than 6 months? Y (Y/N) CourKy: ~„d_ n HQW7 N (V/N) SR • -_L-J ~ • RigfWLe(t Lt 1885 (RULt) Contributing r • r . r r RIVII ~~~ 30 feet Lengtlt o/ Run X 2095 feel Disturbed Aroa = 7.44 acres % Ditch Grade: 1.50 % STEP Z: Ditch Lirrar regrMrer-rsrres: Uttize the Required Liner teD and role moornmendations on plans. STEP 3: Recormbnded "P~k+g for Rock Sitt Check Tope-B s (!w re%cNY cwrbW on/~ Spacing = 300 / 1_500 % ditch grade = T00 feet 'Type -B Checks will not be required for velocity control it the required spacing is greater than the Length of Run shown in Step 1. 'Type A Rock Silt Checks can be substituted to satisfy the storage requirements found in Step 5 STEP I: Enter Oralrnge Arse: 1.44 acres 'Must equal or exceed the Disturbed Area found above See Stec 5 STEP 5: ~DRA/NAGEARiEA < 3 Acre: Use RUSLET M obten-drte storage (~RKs 1 Repression Constant, C RairdaO FaUOr, R 200 Table 2-7 (Level 111 Re/Manual) Erodibitty Factor. K Figure 2-1 DOchline Sbpe, s 00_3 Table 2-2orhffpl/soildatamaR.nn^s.usda.gov/ 0.01500 ftAt V= 405.18 1f'/edyr Required Storage Volume= 584.5! ft Using 32°4 of Rainfall Fattor- Storaae /rom Tvoe A Rock SiO Checks see note in cell C5 Enter Ditch Side Slope Gradent (H: ~: Enter Chedr Height ? '~ Area Behind Check 1_5 ft 4.5 ~ Length of Difdr Behind Check: 100.00 ft Storage Behind Check (aswmes QS% e/teciency): ~;yT,<p R~ TypeA Checks required: X ~'`` _ - ,.8.0 GOOD, Place measure(s) on EC Plan Tofil 585.00 ft STEP B: IFORA/NAGEAREA > 3 Acre: Use Surface Area Cak:u/etlons to dessnnine ~ • A=4JSQo a. Determine Ore Peak Runoff Rate, (]~ (po = O,o (O7s for HOW))CSE Q 1 D Qo=CU1 Runoff Coefficient, C 0_5 Table 1-5,1-6,1-7 Time of Concentration, F (minutes) f Shortcut Metlrad, 4 (AU.6S) Watershed Sbpe, S 3 yb E~ 5 minutes 2 iYirpkh Met/rod Flow Path, L 350 feet see Module 1 Eq. 3 Watershed Slope, S 0.02 ft/R see Module 1 Eq. 3 Kirpich, fc= N/A minutes Using a Refum Aerrod (T) o/ 10 yrs (251or HQI~ and a t~ of the ~~ ~ 5.40 minutes, tensity, 1 (rrvhn, can he read horn Appertdar A Or the NOAH nebsrie, hf4r/AWSC.nws.noaa-govAwlsdp/t1s/wNnc_plUS.html RainfaN Intensity, i (irVhr) 7.19 inlhr A p~~ A~ 9~ ~ Ppendix A 7.44 acres Peak Rate of Rurtoft, q, CIA S.f 8 ds b. Determine the Required Surface Area= 2251.91 ~ c. Use Surface Area (A) to determine required VOLUME oT Temporary Type-B Sediment Dam Design Depth: 3 ~ Required VOLUME using the design depth: 6755.72 ft ro a« a SMnwrr sronw Regrrirrrnrents an met rs~8a°RB4'~~1°'~~~r~ StorayecaiculatrdusinySu:faceArea DisturbedArea(aaeep Repaired Sediment Storage (It~• 7.41 See Se governs- dimrrt Dam Dimensions Below 519.21 Temporary Type-B Sediment Dam Final Required Storage: 8755.72 fl OPTIONS De th (ft 2:1(L: M~ 3: f (L: t49 Width ft : ~ 3 Ptat:e Type 8 Sediment Dam at Len th (ft : ~ ~ outlet point Ensure Rock Silt Weir Width ft • 4 ~ Check Type-B's are used to vrey stony. tm'1 6936 4 7056 satisfy requirements of Step 3. veAhaurhaMafa°) OK O OK See Step 7 i{ instaliiny this K OK measure is not practical. r STEP f: Input Project /nfomration 'items in red are inputs ~~ Desc~P~: 36+20 TO 48+00 Construction time kss Man 8 mortMa7 Y (Y/N) HQLN7 N (Y/N) RighULeR: Rt (RULt) Contributing RNy WidM: 30 feet Length of Run X 1180 feet Disturbed Aroa = 0.81 acres % DKch Grads: 1.50 X County: Oeveland ~ SR M 1885 STEP 2: DiECh Liner rtequNbrrrerrtr: Uhilae the Requhed Liner tab and Hole reoorrrmendations on pans. STEP J: ReconanerMed spacing for Rxk Sik Chock Tppe.BY (for velocity conb'ol only) SPa~t9 = X00 /]~ % dACh grade = 00 feet 'Type -B Checks will not be required Por velocity control i/the required spaang is greater than fhe Length o(Run shown in Step 1 'Type A Rock Srlt Checks can be substituted to satisfy the storage requirements found in Step 5 STEP 1: Eater Drainage Area: 0.81 acres c..A grr.n 5 'Must equal or exceed the Disturbed Area found above STEP S: IF DRAINAGE AREA < 1 Acre: Use RUSLE2 ro deMrmine storage (y--CRKs) Regression Consfard, C 549 Table 2-7 (Level 111 Ref Manual) RairdaN FaGOr, R 200 Figure 2-1 Erodibilily Factor, K 0_3 Table 2-2 orhtfpl/soildatamart.nres.usda.gov/ Ditchline Sbpe, a 0.01500 iVR v= ao5.16 tr'/auyr Required Storage Volume= 329.26 ft3 Using 629!: of Rairtfati Factor- see note in cell C5 Storage from Tvoe A Rock Sift Checks Enfer Ddch Side Sbpe Gradient (H: V): 2 :1 Enter Check Height 1.5 ft Area Behind Check , 5 ~ Length of Ditch Behind Check: 100.00 ft Storage Behind Check (assumes 65X et-ecfenc»: 9T.6d ft l ypeA Checks required: X ..~ .Q GUVU. Place measurels) on EC Plan .~. Total ~ 390.00 ft STEP 8: IF DRAINAGE AREA > 3 Acre: Use Surface Arw Calculations to determine storage, A=~35Q n a. Determine the Peak Runoff Rate, qp (Op = Oto (Oa for HOW)) USE 010 po=CiA Runoff Coelfiaent, C Time of Concentration, ~ (minutes) 1 Shortcut Medror~ ~ (A<4.65) Watersfed Sbpe, S tom= Kirpkh Method Flow Path, L Watershed Skrpe, S Kirpich, t~= 0_5 Table 1-5,1-6,1-7 3% b minutes 350 feet 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 0.02 ft/lt 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 N/A minutes Using a Relum Period (T) of 10 yrs (25 for HQW) and a to o/ 5.00 minutes, the ravrfaN intensity, f (rMu), can be read hom Appertdda A or the NOAH t~ebsiAe, htlfolAMsc.nws.rpaa.gov/hdyr/pkRvbrbnc~lds.html Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 7.19 irtRtr Appendix A ~~~ Area gh'en ~ 0.81 atxes Peak Rate of RunolF, Qe xiA 2.91 ds b. Determine the Required Surface Area= 1268.70 ft c. Use Surface Area (A) to determine required V LUME of Temporary Type-B Sediment Dam Design DepM: 3 ~ Required VOLUME using Me design depM: 3600.09 ft' Clreek ro see i/ Sedmenr Storage RegWrerrwrts an met: Sediment Storage Requked !airp 38001Y!/ac Storage raleul atoll ~!Sir!g Sntfec2 q'>2 gcv?'=t5 - ~~~~ (scree)' O.et See jeGr;re,-•i Jain! nnie!'s ~G 75 tciGW Required Sediment Storage (fY)~ 2a25.6S Temporary Type-B Sediment Dam Final Required Storage: 3800,09 ft OPTIONS 2:1(L:WJ 3.1(L•N~ DB M R : 3 3 P!ar.e Tyna R Snnime.^.! [?am at WidM ft : ZB 21 outlet point Etsu:e ^nuck Silt Lsn M R-: 52 63 . Check Tyoe-B's are used to Weir WidM (ft : 4 ~ satisty requtrcmc; :s of Ste 3 Varay 9rorage ~ ~`~ OK 3969 OK p . cee $t^ 7 if inst !li `hi y~ySe~e ~ (~) 1352 OK 1323 OK p a r~ s measure is not praciical. STEP 1: /opal project Irdormat/on 'items in red are inputs ~~ Description: 36+20 TO 48+00 Construction tines County: oerciarM ~ Iess than 8 months? Y (Y/N) HQW7 N (Y/Nl SR / 1885 Righf/LeR: Lt (RULt) Contributlrrg rt~ca..yrai RNV Width: 30 feel Largth of Run X 1180 feel Disturbed Area = 0.81 acres X Ditch Grade: 1.50 % STEP 2 D/ech LJner requlrenser~r: Upi4ze Ure RcgWred L.krar bb and note recomrnendadons on plans. S7g+ 3: Recanrnerrded spac/ng for Reek SMt Check TppsB1(for velocity co+rbo/ orrlyl SP~rtg = 300 / 1.500 96 d'Adt grade 220 feet 'Type -B Checks will not be required for velocity control it the required spacing is greater than the Length a/Run shown in Step 1 'Type A Rock Silt Checks can be substituted to satisfy the sfcrage requirements round ;n Step 5 STEP 4: Enter Drainage Area: 0.81 aces cAe Stan 5 'Must equal or exceed the Disturbed Area found above S7EP 5: IF DRAINAGE AREA < 3 Acre: Use RUSLE2 to determine storage (W~RKiJ Regressrort Constant' C 549 Rakrt~l Factor R Table 2-7 (Level 111 Ref Manual) , 200 Erodibility Factor K Figure 2-1 , ^_? Ditchline Slope s Table 2-2 orhttpY/soildatdma2nns.usda.gov/ , 0.01500 Nfl V= 405.18 R'/ac/yr Required Storage Volume= 329.28 R ~ Jsin, 62°~ of P,!Mal~ e3~to,- Storage from Tvoe A Rock Silt Checks see note in ceii %5 Enter Ditch Silo Slope Gradient (H: V): 2 :1 Enter Check Heiphk Area Rehired Check 1.5 R 4.5 ft LergM of Dikdr Behind Check: 100.00 ft Storage Behind Check (assumes 65% eneciercyJ: !7.l~ ft3 TypeAChecksrequirtd: X ~ ,u,~ •,~~ GUOD. Place measurelsl on EC Plan Total 390.00 R STEP 6: IF DRAINAGE ARFA > 3 Acre: Use SuAsce Area Calculations to determine storage, AJ35Qo a. Determine the Peak Rtutoft Rate, Qv (Op = Ota (O~ for HOW)) US E t]10 Qe~iA RunoR Coeficient, C Time of Concentration, 4 (minutes) 1 Shortcut Method, 4 (Ac4.6S) Watershed Sbpe, S ~_ K/rp/ch Method Fbw Path, L Watershed Sbpe, S ~rPic-t, 4= 0_5 Table 1-5,1-6,1-7 3% 5 minutes 350 feet 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 0.02 ft/R 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 NIA minutes Using a Retum Penod (TJ 0110 yrs (25 ku HQWJ and a t~ o/ 5.00 minutes, Ore rahMa/l intensity. ! (svlrh, can be read /torn Apperrdor A Or tire NOAH robsle, htQ~lMrJSC.mvs.rroaa.govApsryplriyfprync~Ids.hbM RainfaN Intensity, i (iNM) 7.19 irVhr ApperKlix A Drakrapelvea ghren ~ 0.81 acres Peak Rate of Runoff, Oe =CiA 291 ds b. Determine the Requked Surface Area= 1266.70 R c. Use Surface Area (A) to determine required VOLUME of Temporary Type-8 Sediment Dam Design Depth: 3 ~ Required VOLUME using the design depth: 3808 09 ft3 Cfreck ro see h Sedment Sforape RegWrermnn are met: sediment Storage Required uairq 3800 R3rec C(orage ca!cul=L~J ufr.:~C~_r ~, r.eLe !i,fea ~OVerrrc . DsturEsd Aree (aces). O.S1 ..e. Jedirnent 6ar:r Gimenn::;^s 8eicw Required Sediment Storage (It')• 2925.62 Temporary Type-8 Sediment Dam Final Required Storage: OK sunec. Arm. ~) 135. 3 Place type B Szdimznt Dam at 21 outi6t paint. sauce Rvck $rt Check Type-8's are used to satisfy :c:ruircm~^ts cf Step 3 1969 OK coo prep ? ~f inc•2n~ny ~)ys 323 OK measure is not praciicai. ' STEP 1: tnprrt Project lrrforr-radorr 'items in red are inputs Secdon Daecription: 48+00 to 50+45 Construction time lass than 6 monthaP y /y/N) HgW7 N (Y/N) Righf/LaR Rt (RLLt) Contributing R/V11 ~~~ 30 feet Length of Run X 245 feet Disturbed Area = 0.17 acres X Diteh Grade: 1.50 % County: (]eeland ~ SR g 1865 STEP 2: DMch LArter raqulrevrrerrfs; Utitira the Repuked Urrer tab and rate repomrrtendafions on plans. S7EP 3: Raconertsrtdsd sPec~D for Rock SJIt Check Typa.BY pbr trolbetty car-no/ only) Spacirp = X00 / 1.500 % dNch grade X00 feet 'Type -B Checks will not be requuied for velocity control i/ the required spacing is greater than fhe Length of Run shown in Step 1 'Type A Rock Silt Checks can De substituted to sahsly the storage requirements found to Step 5 S7EP 1: Errfer Orelnage Area: 0.17 saes 'Must equal or exceed the Disturbed Ala found above S^e Steo 5 STEP S: IF DRAINAGE AREA < 3 Aere: Use RUSLE2 Iti determine storage (y-~R/ts~ Regression Constant, C 549 Rairrfa8 Fedor, R Table 2-7 ~ (Level llI Ret Manual K 200 Eroditulity Factor Fqune 2-1 , DitchlineSbpe,s 0=3 0.01500 ft/R Tab/e2-2orhtfpJ/soildatama2nres.usda.gov/ V= x05.16 iN/acJyr Required $tORge VOlUR16= 89.38 ~ I lcjng R7^/, pr Painfall F3Ctnr. Storage from Tvoe A Rock Sift Chaet_s see note in cell CS Enter Ditch Side Sbpe Gradient (H.' ~: Enter Check Height ? ~ 1 Area Behind Check: 1_5 ft Length of pitch Behind Check 4.5 ftr Storage Behind Check (assumes 85% eHeciency~: 100.00 ft ~~ ft TypeAChecksrequired: X, _ _;.~ GOOD, Placemeasure(s)onEC?Ian Total 97.50 R3 STEP 6: IF DRA/NAGEAREA > 3 Acre: Use Surfsce Area Cafculethons [b determi a. Determine the Peak Runoff Rate, Qv(Qe= Qro (Q~ for HQW)) ne stye A~SQP USE Q70 Qe=CiA Runoff CcefficieM, C 0_5 Table 1- 5 1-6 1-7 Time of Concentration, 4 (minutes) , , 1 ShortcutMedrod, t~(A<4.BS) Watershed SbPe, S 3 % E= 5 minutes 2 Ki-plch Metlgd Flow Path, L 350 feet Watershed Slope S •see Module 1 E 3 V , 0.02 ft/ft Kuptch• 4= N/A minutes 'See Module 1 Eq. 3 Using a Return Pored (T) o/ 10 yrs (25 /or HQt1~ and a to o/ 5.00 minutes, fhe rakrPdB irrlensify, ! (irvhrj, can be read /rpm Appertdbr A or the NOAA tsebsite, hflp/Atdsc.rtwsnpaa.gpv~j~~ryx~.hbM Rairrta8 Intensity, I (iruhr) 7.19 in/hr Draktage Area given as APpenda A 0.17 saes Peak Rate of Runoff, 0e ~iA 0.81 ds b. Delennine fhe Required Surface Area= 285.85 fTz c. Use Surface Anew (A) to delermice required VOLUME of Temporary Type-g Sediment Dam Design Depth: 9 ~ Required VOLUME using the design depth: 797.55 ft3 Chock ro see H Sedtrrlenf SYoreee Re4rrrernentr are flMf: 6eOkneM Storeys Rsquked uNrp 7a00 R7isc D4turbW Ares (ease). Rsqukad aWlment etore0s (It~• :Uge c: ar;riatr:i ~iS:nq Jur:aCe Aran yn 0.77 S.~r, .~ .eiirrc.a ;'a!n Ginee~s:,x'~. )'eibrv:;"' Temporary Type-B Sediment Dam Final Required Storage: 9tora0s IR'1 Surfeu Ana try') 3 Place Tree 8 Sarimert Oartt at 10 ~tlet point E~~ure Ruch Silt ~ Check Type-e's are used to 4 sausfy requirements of Step 3. 900 OK cee c.o 7 :r . ih r .ice 300 p . ns!a..ng h _ measure is not pracucal. OK STEP 1: input Project fnftrrmayon 'items in red are inputs ~~ DaacnDtrorr: 48+00 to 50+45 ~ Catstrvetion tons County: CkrelaM ~ less than 8 rnonfha9 Y (Y/NI / HOW7 N (Y/N) SR N RiOhf/LeR: 1865 ConMWrtirp Lt (Rt/Lt) RIW ~~~ 30 feet Length tN Run X 245 feet Disturbed Arsa = 0.17 acres % OMclt Grade: 1.50 X STEP 2: Ditch Ltlrrer requirar-tartb: l/bfize ~ ~~ ~ and rpte recanmertdafions on plans. S7EP J: Reearranar-drd spegnD !or Rock Silt Check Type.BY (-or trelocity corrbol only Spacing = 300 / 1.500 % ditch grade = 'Type -B Checks will not be ~ feet required for velocity control i/the required spacing is greater than the Length o1 Run shown in Step 1 ~TYPe A Rock Sdt Checks can be subsfituted to satisfy the storage requirements found rn Step 5 S1EP4: ErrtMDraktageArsa: 0.17 acres 'Must equal or exceed the Disturbed Area found above ~°° Steo 5 STEP 5: fF DRAINAGE AREA < 3 Acne: Use RUSLE2 b determine storage (y~R/~j Rairt(a8 Factor, R~~ C 548 Table 2-7 (Level 111 Ref Manual) K 200 Erodibilily Factor Fqure 2-1 , a 0-3 Ditchline Slope TaUe 2-2 orhttpl/soildafamaR.nrts usda gov/ , 0.01500 R/II . . V= 405.18 ft'/acJyr Required Storage Volume= 88.38 fl' Using 82°G of gail(g 11 F3Ct^!- Storaae from Tvoe A Rock Silt Checks see note in cell CS Enter pitch Side S/oPe Gradient (H: V): Enter Chedr Haight 2 :1 Area Behind Check: 1 5 ft 4 5 Az Length of Ditch Behind Check: . 100.00 ft Store9e Beh1rM Check (aswmes 65X eHeciencyJ .- (yZ~ ~ TypeA Cheeks required: X ;;,~ GOOD. Place measure(s) on £C Plan Tool ~ STEP B: /F DRAINAGE AREA > 3 Acne: Use Surface Anna Calculations to determlrre a. Determine the Peak Runoff Rate, ~~ ~ A-~35Qr t],=CiA Qv (Qn= Qtp (Qa for HOW)) USE 410 RunoR CoeRCient, C Time of Concentration, ~ (minutes) 1 Shortcut Method ~ (AU.BS) Watershed Slope, S Kitplch Method 4 Flow Path, L Watershed Slope, S Kiryich, tc= 0.5 Table 1-5,1-8,1-7 3% S minutes 350 feet 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 0.02 ftRt 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 N/A minutes Using a Return Aeriod (TJ o/ 10 yrs (25 kor HOW) and a t~ of 5_00 minutes, fire rairtfaN irrlerrsiry ! (aVh~, cart be read parr Apperttbr A or the NOAA xebvte, hftpJ/hdsc.rrws.rpaa.govArdsr/pttlsbryrtcytdshhM Rainfall Intensity, 1(irtRtr) 7.19 irtrttr A Drainage Area ~~ ~ PPendix A 0.17 acres Peak Rate of Runoff, ~ ~tA 0.61 ds b. Determine the Required Surface Area= 285.15 fez c. Use Surface Area (A) to determine required VOLUME of Temporary Type-B Sediment Dam Design Depth: 3 ~ Required VOLUME using the design depth: 787.55 ft3 b,.. asMhrent stony. RogWtvrtsnb sn rttst: rt Stonpe Raqured usirp Sapp tl3lec DirWrbeA Nee (saes). ReQuired sedhnenr Shape (It'l• Storaye -akulateJ usdiy Surface Area gov?ins - See Sediment unm Dimensions Sriuw Temporary Tj pe-B Sedlment Final Required Storage; Menas Ares (rye) I ltJtl OK ~ ?lace Type D Sediment Darn a. 10 auL'et i>oirt Ensure Ruck Silt ~ Check Type-8's are used to 4 satisfy requi-ements of Step 3. 900 O~ coo g,ep ~ .r ,nyrat!;ng th!s 300 measure is not practical. OK ~ STEP 1: /opal Project lrrlormaHon •items in red are inputs Section Descnptbn: 50+45 to 71+25 Construction lima less than 8 monfhs9 Y (ViN) HQUTt N (V/N) R1phdLett: Rt (RdLt) Confributktg RNV widflt: 30 teal Length of Run X 2080 feet Disturbed Area = 1.43 saes % Desch Grade: 1.50 yb County: Derelard SR K 1885 S7FP 2: DNch Llnar raquhsrnarrts: lltirize ~ ChM L.irrer bb and note reoornmendatiwts rNt plans. STS 3: Reepnntandb sPacl~ 1br Roc4 Silt Check Typs-8'a (for vsbclfY tonbol on/y~ S~°~ _ ~ / 1.500 % ditch grade = 'Type -B Checks will not be repaired for velocity contra( if the req~--wired spat ceng is greater than the Length of Run shown in Step 1. 'Type A Rock Silt Checks can be substituted to satisfy the storage requirements found in Step 5 STEP 4: Enter Drainage Area: 'Must 1'43 acres See Step 5 STEP S: /F DRAINAGE AREAtAcrerS UseeRUSLE2 rod amine store 9e N-CRKs) Regression Constant C , Rainfa8 Fedor, R 549 Tale 2-7 ) (Level IIJ Re/Manual Erodibility Fedor, K 200 Fqure 2-1 DitchlineSkipe,s 00_3 0.01500 fllft Tab/e2-2 orhtfp.//sodldatamartnrts.usda.gov/ V= 408.16 ft''ladyr Required Storage Volume= 580.40 ft U sing 82 % of Rainfall Factor- Storaaa from 7voa s Rook Sift Checks see note in cell C5 Enter Di1cYt Side Sbi1e Gradient (H:1~: Enter Check Heght ? :1 Area Behind Check 1_5 ft Length tN Ditch Behind Check: 4.5 RZ Storage Behind Check (assumes 85% eHeciency); 100.00 ft ~~ ~ TypeAChecksrequired: X a h~S: GOOD, Place measurejs) en EC Plan Tofg/ 885.00 ft STEP 8: /F DRA/NAGE AREA > J Acre: Use Surface Area Catcuptknts to determlrte storage, A=435Qr a. Determine the Peak Runoff Rate, QP (qv = Qto (O~ for HQ W)) ~~~ USE (i10 Runoff Coel6dent, C Time of Concentration, 4 (minutes) 1 Shornut Methtxl, 4 (A<4.BS) Watershed Sbpe, S ~_ Kirpich Method Flow Path, L Watershed Sbpe, S Kirpich, f<= 0_5 Tade 1-5,1,1-7 3% 5 minutes 350 feet 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 0.02 ft/Il 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 N!A minutes (/sing a Retum Flerbd (T) o/ f0 yrs (251orHQWj and a t~ of 5.00 minutes, Ure raeMaN intensify, 1 (rMtd, can be read hom Appertdnc A or /the NOAH , AfgplArQgc.nuvs.rtoaa.gowltdsdp/dsrorbrrtc~.hfrM Rainfa8 Intensity, I ('mRtr) 7.19 irtlhr Draktage Area given as Appendix A Peak Rate of Runoff, 1 ~ atxes Qa °°CIA 5.14 ds b. Determine the Required Surface area= 2236.27 ft2 c. Use Surface Area (A) to determine required V L ME of Temporary Type-B Sediment Dam Design Depth: 3 ~ Required VOLUME using the design depth: 8708.81 ft' Crock to sae N SWmnt Storage Re9ufreurwrfs rn rrral: Sediment Storage Required using 3800 R3/ac Disturbed Area (aces). Required Sediment Storage (Its. Storage calculated using Surface Area ga•.•erns - See Sediment gam Dimensians Below Temporary Type-B Sediment Dam Final Required Storage: atorage (Ifr) Burlap Ana (fltl 3 .O1ace Type B Sediment Dan( at ~ outlet point. Ensure Rock Silt ~ Check Type-B's are used to 4 r056 satisfy requirements of Step 3. OK See Step 7 if installing this ?352 OK measure is not practical. STEP is Input Project lniorrrratlon •items in red are inputs Section Description: 50+45 to 71+25 _ Construction time Couttty: CleretaM ~ less than 8 months9 Y (y~N) HQW? N (VM/ SR * 1885 RIghULaR Lt (RdLt) Corrtributkp RAN Width: 30 feet Lerpth tN Run X 2080 feet Diabrrbed Area - 1.4j acres % Dkeh Grade: 1.50 % STEP 2 Ohch Liner rsquirarmenM: l/hirize Hre Raqulrad Lkwr tab and mote recwnmerrdadons on plans. STEP 3: Recorrrnarsdad tpactng for Rock SiR Check Typ-8"s (-or l/daGty corrbW only Spacing ' 300 / 1~ % ditdt grade = ~ feel 'Type -B Checks will not be required for velocity cbntro/ d the required spacing is greater than the Length of Run shown in Step 1 'Type A Rock Silt Checks can be substituted to satisfy the storage requirements found in Step 5 STEP 4: EmerDralnageArtea: 1.4J acres See Sten 5 'Must equal or exceed the Disturbed Area !ound above STEP 5: IF DRAINAGE AREA < 3 Acre: Use RUSLE? to determine storage (V~RKs) Regression Constant, C 549 Table 2-7 (Level ll! Re/Manual) RaarfaH Factor, R 200 Fgure 2-1 Erodibdity Factor, K 0_3 Table 2-1 orhftpl/sd/datamaRnres.usda.gov/ Ditchline Sbpe, s g 01~ ~ V= 108.18 R /ac/yr Required Storage Volume= 580.40 fl' Using 82 % of Rainfall Factor- see note to tali CS Storage from Tvoe A Rock Silt Checks Enter Ditch Side Sbpe Gradient (H: V): 2 :1 Enter Check Height 1.5 R Area Behind Check' 4.5 ftz Length of Ditch Behind Check: 100.00 ft Storage Behlrrd Check (assumes lS5% eHecienc»: ' ' t}:d0 ft~ TypeAChecksrsquired: X l ~ r,~~; ~ GOOD. Place measurers) on EC Plan Totat 685.00 R~ STEP 8: If DRAINAGE AREA > 3 Acm: Use Surface area Cakulations to determine storage, A y35Q n a. Determine the Peak Runoff Rate, Qe (Qe = Q1e (Qb for HO1N)) USE Q10 t]e~iA RunoR CcelTicient, C 0.5 Table i-5,1,1-7 Time of Concentration, 4 (minutes) 1 Shortcut Method, 4 (Ad.BS) Watershed Slope, S 3 % t~= 5 minutes 2 Kirpkh Method Flow Path, L 350 feet 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 Watershed Slope, S 0.02 R/R 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 ~~. ~= N/A minutes Using a Retum FLrrod (T) of 10 yrs (25 /or HQi~ and a t~ of 5.00 minutes, the rairrhW irrtensdy, I (rVh~, pre be rtaad horn Appencl6r A W the NOAA teebtsite, htgo//tWsc.mvs.nogg.govRrdsr/Pldstorhhtc_p/ds.html Rakt/a8 Irdertsily, I (iNhr) 7.19 irVhr Appends A Drainage Area given as 7.13 acres Peak Rate of Runoff, Q. =CiA 5.14 ds b. Determine rite Required Surface Area= 2238.27 ft c. Use Surface Area (A) to determine required V L ME of Temporary Type-B Sediment Dam Design Depth: 3 ~ Required VOLUME using the design depth: 8708.81 R3 Cneck to s« 1rsdkrrenr SYonee Requirement ere rneh Sediment Storage Requ"red usrtg 3600113/x Storage =alcul_ted u_ n ~urfrce P.rea go„erns - Oisturbed Area (wasp 1.4] See Sediment Dam~Dimensions Bcinw Required Sediment Storage (IY). 5137.02 Temporary Type-8 Sediment Dam Final Required Storage: 8708.81 ft OPTIONS 2.1(L.w) 3•i (L. ft ~ ' 3 3 UITr P T~•'1P t? S f Width R . 34 28 . . P( l^let`t Dm d: outlet oint E R Lsmgth (ft : 88 84 p nsure ock Silt Check T B' Weir Width R : ype- s are used to F re ; sat r y,Nry~,,,ye~ 6936 7056 , ; q , ament„ of Stet: . OK OK See St 7 if i WrMy aurlace Area tit') OK OK ep nstalling this measure is not practical. + STEP 1: Input Project tn/omfatlon 'items in red are inputs Section Oeacriptfon: 71.25 to 72+85 Construction time less than 8 montha7 Y (V/N) HQW7 N (Y/N) RiphULeR: Rt (RULt) Carrtributkrg RNY Width: 30 feet Lsrrgtlt of Run X 160 feet Dfsturbsd Arsa = 0,1 ~ ~~ % Dkch Grade: 1.50 X CourHy: pereland ~ ~ I SRN 18855 STEP 2: DNch LJrrer regfrlrar-rantr: llElize the Raqulvsd Lhrer tab and rtote reoormmarrdatFwfs on plans. STEP 7: Reconarrendsd spaclnp Ibi Rock SIIt Chock TypsB's (Tw vdocky corrbW onl» Spedng = X00 / 1.500 % ditcfi grade X00 feel 'Type -B Checks wit! not be required for velocity contra/ it the required spacing is greater than the Length of Run shown in Step 1 'Type A Ruck Siif Checks Can be subs(i(uled to SaGS/y the storage requiremen(s IUUnd in Step v STEP ~: EMSr DMnage Area; 0.11 saes 'Must See Steo 5 equal or exceed the Disturbed Ala found above STEP 5: IF DRAINAGE AREA < 3 Aae: Use RUSLE2 to determine storage /V=CRKs) Regression Constant, C 549 RakrFaq Fedor R Table 2-7 (Level 111 Rel Manual) , 200 Erodibilily Fedor, K 0 3 Fgure 2-1 _ Ddchline Slope s Table 2-2 orhltpl/soildatamart.nres.usda.gov/ , 0.01500 ft/R V= 405.18 R'/ac/yr Raryuired Storage Volume= 14.85 ft3 Using 82°a of Rainfall Factor- Storage from Tvoe A Rock Silt Checks see note in cell C5 Enter Ditcft Side Sbpe Gradient (H:1~: 2 :1 Enter Check Height 1.5 ft Area Behind Check: 4.5 R2 LengM o/Difch Behind Check: 100 00 ft Storage Behind Check (assumes 85% etYecierrc»; ~''` ; . "'~ 00 ~ TypeA Checks required: X ~i;;,';;';;~;.,,~,0 GOOD, Place measureis) on EC Plan Tobl ~ STEP 8: IF DRAINAGE AREA > 3 Acre: Use Surlsce Area CaMulafions to determine storage A~35Q n a. Determine the Peak Runoff Rate, Qo (Qv= Qto (Qa for HQW)) USE Q10 Qa~tA Runofff Coefficient, C Time of Concentration, ~ (minutes) 1 ShrxtcutMefriod, 4(A_y.6S) Watershed Sbpe, S 4~ 2 Klrpich Method Flow Path, L Watershed Sbpe, S Kirpich, 4= 0_5 Table 1-5,1-6,1-7 s% S minutes 350 feet 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 0.02 1t/ft 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 N!A minutes Using a Refum Phrkld (T) o/ 10 yrs (251br HQIA~ and a to o/ 5.00 minutes, ~ re'n~ i^Nn~Y. I (~hd, can be read hom APPeno6r A or the NOAA r-ebsde, ht1pJ/Irtisc.nws.noaa.gov~JPkiyortYnc_ptds.h(ml RaiMaN Iraensity, i (krRtr) r. i yy irVhr APpendbc A Dralnape Area 9Nen ~ 0.11 aces Peak Rate of Runoff, Qe ~iA 0.40 ds b. Determine the Required Surface Area= 17202 fl c. Use Surface Area (A) to determine required VOL ME of Temporary Type-B Sediment Dam Design Depth: 3 ~ Required VOLUME using the design deD~~ 516.06 ft3 cnatA fo sea r/ Sadnwrf SYorapa RaquManwrtr aro mat: SedvneM SYowpe Requked ueiq ]600 a3iac Sturaye calculated using Surface Area governs Dsturbed area (area)- 0.11 Ser. Sedirnr•rt Dam Dimensions Below ReQUiretl Sedimerrt Slrage (Its- ,sa ee Temporary Tj pe-B Sediment Dam Final Required Storage: ~ I 600 OK suAaca Area f>t') 3 Place Type B Sediment Dam at 8 outlet point. Ensure Rock Silt 24 Check Type-B's are used to 1 satisfy requirnrments of Ste P i76 '~~ See $tep 7 if installing Utis X92 measure is not practical. ~K STEP t• Input Pro/ect/ntormation 'items in red are in t pu s ~~ Descnptiorr 71+25 to 72+85 ~ e Constnxtlon time __ - less Man 6 moMtta9 Y (v/N) C~~: ~~ ~ RWhf2eR: SR* 1885 Con6>btrdrp Lt /RULE) , • , . r r RIyY WidM: 30 feet LertgM of Run X 160 feet Disturbed Ana = 0.11 acres X Ditch Gndo: 1.50 x S7EPT DHcA LJner rsgtr/~,ym; UDi~fze the ttequlred L/ne- tab and opts recpnrnertda0urts on plans. STEP 3: Recprartrtt~ spac/np Ibr Rock S/ft CAsclt TyprB'1(fpr ~itY cprpW orMn SPau~r>A = ~ / 1.500 % ditch grade ~TYPe -8 Checks will not be required /or velocity conrm/ i/the 2~ spacgng is greater than the Length of Run shown in Step 1. ~TYFh' A Rock Sil! Checks Can be subs(ituted to salisly the sloraye repWremen(s /ound in Sfep 5 STEP ~: Fitter Drahtage Anew: 'Musl 0 11 BCfeS SeP. StPO 5 STEP S: IF DRAINAGE AREA tAcre1S Use RUSLE2 tod adbtennins storage (v=CRKs) Rttgresston Constant, C 549 Table 2-7 (Level 111 Ref Manual) RairtfeN Factor, R 200 Erodibib'ty Factor. K Fqure ?-1 Ditchkne Skgte, s 0.01500 11A1 Table 2-2 or ht~l/sor/datama2nns.usda.gov/ V= 105.18 R'/adyr Requied Storage Volume= 11.85 ~ Using 82°, of Rainfall Factor- Storaae from Tvw A R see note in cell C5 Eck SiR Chicks EnterD7clt Stria Slope Gradient (H: V): Enter Check Height 2 :1 Area Behind Check 1_5 R LengM of Ditch Behind Check: 1'S ~ 100.00 n Storage BahInd Check (assumes 85x effeci~ertty): - "K.ltl R' TypeA Checks raqu/red: y GOOD, Place measurejsj on EC Plan X '~!~ ~ ~''R6 Tone/ 97.50 Rt STEP 8: /FORA/NAGS AREA > 3 Acre: Use Surface Area Cak:u/atrons [o determ/ne a. Determine Ote Peak RunoR Rate, Q q - O ~ ' A=435Qo r( n- to(QaforHOW)) USE 410 Qp~iA RunoR CoeRCient, C 0.5 Table i-5,1 ~,1-7 Time d Cortcentration, fc (minutes) 1 S/rortcutMet/wd, 41a<s.fs) Watershed Slope, S 3 ,~ E= S minutes 2 Kirp/ch Method Flow Path, L 350 feet 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 Watershed Slope, S 0.02 R/R K~• ~' NIA minutes •~ Module 1 Eq. 3 Using a Retum Perad (T) of 10 yrs (25 /or HpIM artd a t, of ~ /airtfaN intensify, J (a-rhr), Can De read l)orrt S-~ minutes, NOAH rebsile. AItpJAtdsc.mvs.rroaa.gov/hdsd~~AorRte Ptdsbrt/iacy/ris. hbrN RainfaN Intensity, I (kt/ftr) DreKtage Area given as 7.19 iNltr Appends A Peale Rate d Rurto}f, ~iq Qe 0.11 acres 0.40 ds b. Deternirte Ote Required Surface Area= 17202 R' c. Use Surface area (A) to deternirte required VOL ME d Temporary Type-B Sediment Dam Design DepM: 3 ~ Required VOLUME using Me design depth: 518.06 R Clwck ro se. n sednwrr srorspe aeveir.n..nce ar. me Sediment Storage Re9wred os^B 3800 R3ix DieturCed Mae (acres). Repaired Sediment Storage (It')~ Temporary Type-B Sediment Dam Final Required Storage: 5 DeMR: z: f (L WidM R : 3 10 Len M R : ~ Weir WWM R : 4 Vertry sror.a. tit') 600 OK VerNy Wrha Area (R') 200 Storage calculated usiny Surface Area governs - See Sediment Dam Dimensior•.s Bnlow 3 Place Type B Sediment Cam at 8 outlet point Ensure Rock Silt 24 Check Type-B's are used to 1 576 satisfy requirements of Step 3 OK See Step 7 if installing this 192 OK measuro is not practical. ~ STEP 1: Input Project /n/omutfon -items in red are inputs ~ipn Descnptron: 72+85 to 82+29 Construction time kiss than 6 moMha7 Y (Y/N) HQW7 N (Y/N) Right/LaR: Rt (Rt/Lt) Cornribiding RIVII tNidth: 30 feet Length of Run X 944 feet Disturbed Ana = 0.65 acres X Ditch Grads: 1.50 % County: ~~ SR i 1885 a ' • r•.. r~ STEP 2: Ditch Liner requlrerrbrrta: (/G1ize Ure Regedred /~ taD and note recpnmendaGions on pans. STEP 3: RecorrrrrerMed spckrq /or Rock SNt Cheek Tppa.@'s rybr relockY cwrttol only) t9 = 300 / 1.500 % ditch grade ~Op feet 'Type -B Checks will not be requtred for velocity control it the required spacing is greater than the Length of Run shown m Step 1. 'Type A Rock Silt Checks can be subslituled to sahsly the storage requi,ernents found in Step 5 STEP 4: Sneer Drainage Arse: 'Must 0.65 aCre3 .ice ir.•n 5 STEP S: IFDRA/NAGSAREAec 91AcresU aeRUSLE2rodab~ovreu~ storage (V=CRKtJ Regression Constant, C Table 2-7 Rainfall Fagor, R 549 (Level 111 Ref Manual) Erodibility Factor, K 200 Fqure 2-1 Ditchline Slope, s 0=3 Table; 2-2 orhffpJ/soddafamart.mcs.ustia.gov/ 0.01500 flRt V= 406.18 fl /acJyr Required Storage Volume= 283.41 fl Using 81% o' Rainfall Facicr- SWraoe from Tvrr A Rock eta r•ti~ see note in cell CS Enter Ditch Side Sbpe Gradient (H:1~: En(ar ChacYr Height ? ~ 1 Area Behind Check: 1_5 fl Length o/Ditch Behind Chedt: 4.5 ft 100.00 fl Stooge Behind Check (assumes 85% eflecierrcy~: ,r,%~;>~ 1ta TjrpeA Checks required: X `~:,~~ .`Y,~~id.Q GOOD. Place measuretsj on EC plan Tots/ 292.50 fta STEP 6: lF DRAINAGE AREA > 3 Acn: Use Surface Area Cak:ulsitions to determine storsge A=435Qo a. Determine the peak Rurtofl Rale, Qo (Q, = Qro (Qa for HQWj) ~~~ USE Q10 Runoff Cceffident, C Time of Concerrtralion, 4 (minutes) 1 Shortcut Method, fc(A<4.BS) Watershed Slope, S Kirpich Method 4 Flow Path, L Watershed Sbpe, S Kirpich, 4= 0_5 Table: 1-5,1-5,1-7 3 % 5 minutes 350 feet 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 0.02 fl/R 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 N/A minutes Using a Refum Ponod (T) o/ 10 yrs (25 ibr HQIN) and a tr of 5.00 minutes, Ore rairrfaN iri(ensify, ! (avh~, cart be read Irorrt Appenclbr A ar the NOAA wabsile, h0pl/hdsc.roes.noaa.govAtdsrJPIds/ab~nc_pMs.hhM Rairrfa6 Intensify, I (ktlttr) 7.19 iNhr A Drainage Area given as Ppendix A Peak Rate o/ RurroR, ~iA 0.66 acres O• 234 ds b. Determine the Required Surface Area= 1015.49 fir c. Use Surface Area (A) to determine required V LUME of Temporary TypeB Sediment Dam Design DepUr: 3 Required VOLUME using the design depth; 3049 46 ~ ro s•• H S•drrwrt Srora• RpuM•rrnrab an rrr•h rot Storage Requred urine 3800 e3/ac Disturbee Area faaes)~ ReQuired Setliment Slorape (1t~. Storage calculated usiny Surtace Area governs - See Sedimcrt Dam Dimensions ~e!o~s Temporary Type-B Sediment Final Required Storage: atoraaa (n') audau Area ptr) 3 Mace ~ yPe B Jemment gam at 19 nutlet point. Ensure Rock Silt S7 Check Type-B's are used to 4 satisfy requirements of Step 3. 1249 OK See Step 7 if instailinq this 0&3 measure is not practical. OK STEP 1: Input Project Irrlormatlon 'items in red are inpu(s Section DescriPtiort: 72+85 to 82+29 ~ Constrtretion tkm County: CJeveBM ~ Mee than 8 moMhs7 Y (YM) , HQW9 N (YTl) SRN 1885 Right/LeR Lt (RULt) Contributing RNV Wider: 30 feet Length of Run X 944 feet Disturbed Area = 0.85 acres % Dkch Grade: 1.50 % STEP 2: DAkA Lirrar +rts: Utilize Ule Ra9uhed%Mle/ bb and note rtacornmarldabpns O/I plans. STEP 3: Reoonrnended tpac/nD Jbr RocR SNt Clrack Type-B•s Abr rabdtY conbol only) Spacing = 300 / LSQO % dRCh grade : ~ feet 'Type -B Checks writ not be requved for velocity control Athe required sparing rs grnater than fhe Length o1 Run shown in Step 1. 'Type A Rock Srlt Checks can be substituted to sabsly the storage requrements found in Step 5 STEP 1: F_rder prsinage Area: 0.65 acres - 'Must SNO nu•n 5 STEP 5: N=DRA/NAGEAREAec 31Acre15Use RUSLE2 rod adet~ ~/ne s~r~ (y~R~) Regression Constant' C 549 Table 2-7 (Level 111 Re/ ManuaQ RairdaN Fatdor, R 200 Figure 2-1 6odibikty Fedor, K Table 2-2 or h / Ditchline Slope, a 0 01500 ftm nP: /sawHatamaR.nres.usda.gov/ V= 106.18 R /adyr Required Storegs Volume= 283.11 ~ Using 8T;6 of Rainfall Factor- Storage horn Tvw A Rock ift Checks see note in cell CS Enter Ditch Side SbPe Gradient (H: ~: 2 :1 Enter Check Hepht 1.5 ft Area Behind Check: 4.5 R~ Length o/Ditch Behind Check: 100.00 ft Storage Behind Check (assumes 65% elhciency). c4 ~~ ~ Type A Checks required• X ~ :,~,1 ~ GOOD. Place measure(sj on EC Plan Tool 29250 R' STEP 8: IF DRAINAGE AREA > 3 Acre: Use Surface Ara Calculations to determine stwaye A~35Q , o a. Determine the Peak Runoff Rate, Q Q q Q ~ HO v( o' ro ( xs ~) USE Q10 Qe~iA Runoff Coelfidertt, C 0_5 Table 1-5 1-5 1-7 Time of Concentration, 4 (minutes) , , 1 ShortcutMet/rod, f=(A<4.85) Watershed Sktpe, S 3 % 4= 2 Kirpich Method S minutes Fk„v Path, L Watershed Sbpe S 350 feet 'see Module 1 Ep. 3 , Klrplch• IC= OAT RRt 'see Module 1 Eq. 3 N/A minutes Using a Refum Aerlod (T) o/ f0 yrs (25lor HQt1~ and a to of S_00 minutes, lYle raNrfaN inbrlsiry; 1(iN-tr), can be read from Appendur A d the NOAH . htto/Atds~c.rlws.noaa.gov~rjp!yyyrync~Ids.htrnl Rainfall Intensity. I (irlrttr) 7.19 in/tlr Appendix A D~Oe'4rea ~~ ~ 0.85 saes Peak Rate d Runol/, Qo =CIA 2.S1 ds b. Determine Ote Required Surface Area= 1016.19 ft~ c. Use Surface Area (A) to determine required VOLUME of Temporary Type-B Sediment Dam Dealgn DepUl: 3 t Required VOLUME using the design depth: 3049.18 ft' Cheek ro see n Sednwrr Storage RegWrerrwrn are met sedYnenl Storage Requred ueiq 3900 a71ec Storage calculated usiny Surface Area governs - DieturbsdArea(aaee)• 11.85 See Sediment Cam DimC^siCnS P.elov.~ Requned Sediment Storage (It)' _~.~ Temporary Tj pe.B Sediment Final Requited Storage; sfanee tn'1 .f7 /~ OK suAace Area In'I 1051 OK 3 Place Type 8 Sediment Dam at 19 outlet point Ensure Rork S!II S7 Check Type-8's are used to satisfy requirements of Step 3. 3249 OK See Step 7 if instaitinq this 1p83 measure is not practical. OK -~--~--~}{-- ~ Temporary Sin Fence (TSF) :1605.01 IS a silt fence which reduces water flow and retains sediment in orderto prevent off site sedimentation. USE at the toe of a fill section where sediment runofl~ can be contained and stored within project limits. Do not install across a stream, ditch ortivaterway. CONSTRUCT posts to be ~ fl. in height and space Them 10 ft. apartwith wire orbit. apartwithoutwire. Buryfabric a minimum of 8 in. deep The fence must be maintained regularly and monitored aver rainfall. ~~ ~D ~ Temporary Sift Ditch (TSDJ :1630.03 I IS a small ditch or channel that intercepts water flowfrom slopes and directs the runoffinto a basin, sediment dam andlor rock silt check. USE at the foe of a fill slope where vertical fill height exceeds 3 fl. or along a stream bankto tliver<water flow info a controlled outlet. CONSTRUCT the ditch to be 1 fl. deep with a 2:1 side slope. ~t Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-B (TRSD-B) :1634.02 IS a small dam with a weir outlet and built-in sediment basin. USE at the outlet of a temporary diversion, temporary slope drain, temporary silt ditch, drainage ditch or channel to trap sediment before water runoff leaves the project site. Do not use in a live stream CONSTRUCT of Class-B stone lined with sediment-control stone. Basin should be 3600 cubic ft. per acre, and dam weir length variable to the drainage area (minimum 4 ft. for 1 acre or less). Apron length should be approximately equal to the height of the dam, with minimum 2:1 side slope. Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-A (TRSC-A) :1633.01 1S a small dam with a weir outlet that uses a naturally-formed storage area to trap sediment (rather than an excavated pit). USE at the outlet of a temporary diversion, temporary slope drain, temporary silt ditch, drainage ditch or channel that outlets off the project site. CONSTRUCT of Class-B stone lined with sediment-control stone. Install a weir at the center of the dam that is approximately 2/3 channel width. The weir should be at least 4 ft. long for a drainage area of 1 acre or less, and the apron length should be approximately 3 times the height of the dam. Temporary Rock Silt Check Type B (TRSC-B) :1633.02 IS a small dam with a centered weir that limits erosion in a drainage ditch and helps to reduce the flow velocity of water. USE during construction in a channel, roadside ditch outlet, temporary silt ditch or temporary diversion ditch where grade meets and/or exceeds 3 %. CONSTRUCT of Class-B stone, with spacing equal to: (3 % ditch grade) * (100 ft.). COIR FIBER BAFFLE: Description Furnish material, install and maintain coir fiber baffles according to the details in the plans or in locations as directed. Coir Fiber Baffles shall be installed in silt basins and sediment dams at drainage outlets. Work includes providing all materials, placing, securing, excavating and backfilling of Coir Fiber Baffles. Materials (A) Coir Fiber Mat Matting: Provide matting to meet the following requirements: 100% coconut fiber (coir) twine woven into high strength matrix Thickness - 0.30 in. minimum Tensile Strength 1348 x 626 lb/ft minimum Elongation 34% x 38% maximum Flexibility (mg-cm) 65030 x 29590 Flow Velocity Observed 11 ft/sec Weight 20 oz/SY Size 6.6 x 164 ft (120 SY) "C" Factor 0.002 Open Area (measured) 50% (B) Staples Provide staples made of 0.125 in. diameter new steel wire formed into a u shape not less than 12" in length with a throat of 1 " in width. (C) Posts Steel posts shall be at least 5 ft. in length, approximately 1 3/8" wide measured parallel to the fence, and have a minimum weight of 1.25 lb/ft of length. The post shall be equipped with an anchor plate having a minimum area of 14.0 square inches, and shall be of the self-fastener angle steel type to have a means of retaining wire and coir fiber mat in the desired position without displacement. (D) Wire Provide 8-gauge wire strand of variable lengths. Construction Methods Place the coir fiber baffles immediately upon excavation of basins. Install three (3) baffles in basins with a spacing of one fourth (I/4) the basin length and according to the detail sheets. Two (2) coir fiber baffles shall be installed in basins less than 20 ft. in length with a spacing of one third (1/3) the basin length. Steel posts shall be placed at a depth of 2 ft. below the basin surface, with a maximum spacing of 4 ft. Attach an 8-gauge wire strand to the steel posts at a height of 3 ft. with plastic ties or wire fasteners. Install a steel post into side of the basin at a variable depth and a height of 3 ft. from the bottom of the basin to anchor coir fiber mat. Secure anchor post to the upright steel post in basin with wire fasteners. The coir fiber mat shall be draped over the wire strand to a minimum of 3 ft. of material on each side of the strand. Secure the coir fiber mat to the wire strand with plastic ties or wire fasteners. Place staples across the matting at ends and junctions approximately 1 ft. apart at the bottom and side slopes of basin. Overlap matting at least 6" where 2 or more widths of matting are installed side by side. Refer to details in the plan sheets. The Engineer may require adjustments in the stapling requirements to fit individual site conditions. Measurement and Payment Coir Fiber Baffles will be measured and paid for by the actual number of linear feet of coir fiber baffles which are installed and accepted. Such price and payment will be full compensation for all work covered by this section, including, but not limited to, furnishing all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to install the coir fiber baffles. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Coir Fiber Baffle Pay Unit Linear Foot --- -_ MATCNUNE C _______ _ v I 1 ~ ~~ ~~ / I I 1 _ ~ I ~ £ y ~ I~ S'- r 6 I C~~ emu. ,, o I 3 ~ ~«~~~ I I 1 80 75 70