HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Kimmel SalinityTrends_20160708Trends in salinity in the Tar -Pamlico River 1988-2014 David G. Kimmel', Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Institute for Coastal Science and Policy, East Carolina University 'Present Address: Lead Research Oceanographer, NOAA, EcoFOCI group, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Building 4, Seattle, WA; david.kimmel@noaa.gov Introduction A program of routine measurements of Pamlico nutrients and related hydrographic parameters was begun in 1967 by Dr. John Hobbie at N.C. State University. That study, which continued through 1973, was supported by funds from two sources: 1) the Office of Water Research, U.S. Department of the Interior, through the University of North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute, and 2) Texas Gulf Sulfur Company. The initial objective was to study the effects of phosphorus from the phosphate mining operation (Copeland and Hobbie 1972). Later, when it became obvious that phosphorus was not the only factor controlling algal growth in the estuary, the scope of the project was broadened to include nitrogen. After the N.C. State University sampling ended, there was an 18 -month lapse until East Carolina University began a new program in 1975 and this program continues to the present. The purpose of this study was to determine if there exists a trend in Tar -Pamlico River salinity over the course of the data record. Methods Data were compiled from the Tar -Pamlico river transect data that have been collected since 1975. At the time of this report, data have been compiled and digitized from 1988-2014. Data were compiled from 6 stations that have been part of the regular monitoring of the Tar - Pamlico River (Figure 1; Table 1). Salinity has been measured using a YSI meter. Also used in the analysis were discharge data from the Tar River at Tarboro (http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?site no=02083500) and Palmer Hydrological Drought Index (PHDI) data from http://climate.ncsu.edu/climate/climdiv.php. The PHDI was selected from the Central Coastal Plain climate region. PHDI is a long-term drought index that takes into account hydrological impacts and indicates the relative "wetness" or "dryness" of a region and is based primarily on soil moisture. Trend testing was conducted using the Seasonal Kendall test for trend (Hirsch et al. 1982; Millard and Neerchal 2001). This test tests for trend across seasons (in this case, months) when the trend is in the same direction from year to year. This test allows an overall trend (slope) to be computed while accounting for seasonal variability in the parameter of interest. Salinity varies significantly over the year, thus the reasoning for choosing this particular trend test. Results and Discussion Each station represents a different salinity region of the estuary, having means that differ (Table 2). The mean salinities are relatively stable across all years as indicated by the similar standard deviations seen at all stations (Table 2). The similarity among standard deviations suggests that the degree of variability in salinity as each station is not appreciably different compared to any other station. In other words, each station may act as a proxy for salinity trends of the entire estuary. Even stations at the landward and seaward end of the estuary appear to be no less variable than those in the central, mesohaline area. The range of salinities experienced at each station is large (Table 2). This is expected as the Tar -River is primarily a wind -driven system and is subject to events in the form of strong nor'easters in the fall and winter and extra -tropical cyclones (hurricanes) during the summer and fall. Tar River discharge showed distinct seasonality from year to year (Figure 2). Tar River discharge had weak negative correlation with time as well as a negative slope (Table 3). Salinity also showed distinct seasonality (Figure 3) and was negatively correlated to discharge (R = - 0.34, p = 0). This correlation was not as strong as might be expected, given the clear relationship between river discharge and salinity; however, the role of wind in water movement as well as some distance (approximately 80 km) between the discharge measurement point (Tarboro) and the first measurement station, may explain the lack of a stronger correlation. Salinity had weak correlation with time and small positive slopes (Table 3). These data suggest that there is a minimal, positive trend in salinity detectable over the entire data record. There does appear to be a significant change point in the salinity record that occurred in 2003 (Figure 3). Tar River discharge from 1988-2003 showed a slightly weaker relationship with time that resulted in a negative slope, but one that was less negative than that of the entire data record (Figures 2, 4; Table 4). Measured salinities from 1988-2003 had very weak relationships with time and slopes that were mostly positive, though the slope was negative at Station 1 (Figure 5, Table 4). In contrast, the latter part of the data record showed major differences. Tar River discharge from 2003-2014 showed a stronger correlation with time and a more negative slope compared to the other time periods (Figure 6, Table 5). Salinities values increased significantly over the 2003-2014 period (Figure 7, Table 5). The relationship with time was strong and an increase of approximately 1 salinity unit per year was observed in this period, on average (Figure 7, Table 5). The trend was system -wide and consistent across all stations. A time -series of mean, monthly salinity was compared to the Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index, as discharge showed a weaker relationship to salinity (r2 = 0.23, p = 0). Salinity appeared to relate to the PHDI more closely (Figure 8). This suggests that salinity is responding in a cyclic manner with the regional climatological patterns that oscillate between wet and dry periods. Discharge is part of this signal as well, but its effects are moderated by wind influence and lags that are not captured by these simple, statistical models. When the residuals from the PHDI regression are used tested for trend, the slope is 0.06 units per month. Thus, the overall trend in increasing salinity appears to real and not an artifact of wet dry cycling. Conclusion Overall, a positive trend for salinity was found in the Tar -Pamlico River. This trend was found to be robust over the entire data set, even when accounting for climatological variability in drought and flow. The overall trend in salinity is comparable to estimates made from the Delaware River estuary (2.5 to 4.4 units per m of sea level rise) (Ross et al. 2015). This estimate was similar to what was estimated from the Tar -Pamlico data (Table 3.1 to 5.2 units by 2100). Sea level rise in North Carolina is expected to be on the order of 1 m by 2100, depending on location (Kopp et al. 2015). Thus, it would be reasonable to conclude that sea -level rise is likely the cause of the upward trend in salinity; however, more thorough analyses would further elucidate the validity of this trend The more recent rise in salinity (2003-2014) appears to be a function of the recent drought experienced in North Carolina (Figure 8). Salinity values were correlated to this prolonged drought period and the severity of the drought can be seen the salinity projection to 2100 based on raw salinity (+72.24 units!) data and a linear model (Table 6). This projection is clearly absurd, as open ocean salinity is on the order of 35. Using the residuals from the regression against PHDI yields a more modest salinity projection (+13.76; Table 6); however, this rate of salinity increase would appear to be too large to be maintained when compared to the entire data record. Finally, the differences between the two time -periods may also be due to differences in sampling intensity (Table 7), though sufficient data sampling appears to have occurred in the latter period. Whatever the case, the more recent and strong linear increase in salinity is likely to dissipate as the region recovers from drought conditions. However, I do expect a modest salinity increase over time based on this analysis and it is likely that sea -level rise is the cause of this trend. In the absence of other major events, such as a breach of the Outer Banks and the formation of a new inlet, salinity values in the Tar -Pamlico River will rise as the next century approaches in concert with sea -level rise. Acknowledgements I wish to express thanks to Laura McKenna for data collection and quality control. Rebecca Woody -Cooper helped with data preparation and quality control. Thanks also to Dr. Donald Stanley for beginning the monitoring program and Dr. Lisa Clough for continuing the program. References Copeland, B.J. and J.E. Hobbie. 1972. Phosphorus and eutrophication in the Pamlico River estuary, NC, 1966-1969 - a summary. University of North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute, Report No. 65. Raleigh. 86 pp. Davis, G.J., M.M. Brinson, and W.A. Burke. 1978. Organic carbon and deoxygenation in a coastal plain estuary: phytoplankton growth in large scale continuous cultures. University of North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute, Report No. 131. Raleigh. 123 pp. Hirsch, R.M, J.R. Slack, R.A. Smith. 1982. Techniques of trend analysis for monthly water quality data. Water Resources Research. 18(1): 107-121. Kopp, R. E., B. P. Horton, A. C. Kemp, and C. Tebaldi. 2015. Past and future sea -level rise along the coast of North Carolina. Climatic Change 132: 693-707. Kuenzler, E.J., D.W. Stanley, and J.P. Koenings. 1979. Nutrient kinetics of phytoplankton in the Pamlico River, North Carolina. University of North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute, Report No. 139. Raleigh. 155 pp. Millard, S. P. and N. K. Neerchal (2001). Environmental Statistics with S -Plus. Boca Raton, Florida, CRC Press. Ross, A.C., R. G. Najjar, M. Li, M. E. Mann, S. E. Ford, and B. Katz. 2015. Sea -level rise and other influences on decadal-scale salinity variability in a coastal plain estuary. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science. 157: 79-92. Table 1. Descriptive characteristics for Tar -Pamlico River stations. Station Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) Description 1 35.35000 76.48333 Between Pamlico Point and Rose Bay 3 35.37306 76.64639 Lighted marker "3" off Indian Island 5 35.40028 76.73833 Between lighted marker "1" in Gaylord Bay and lighted marker "1" at ferry terminal 7 35.43056 76.84167 Lighted marker "5" off Core Point 8 35.45278 76.91944 Lighted marker "7" at Mauls Point 10 35.48194 76.98750 Lighted marker "12" at Camp Hardee Table 2. Descriptive statistics for salinity measurements in the Tar -Pamlico River. Station N Mean ± SD Salinity range 1 2771 13.42 ± 4.24 0-27 3 3555 10.18 ± 4.31 0-22 5 5663 9.76 ± 4.67 0-24.5 7 4653 7.74 ± 4.72 0-21.5 8 3992 6.36 ± 4.68 0-21.5 10 3822 4.78 ± 4.51 0-22 Table 3. Seasonal Kendall trend statistics for Tar River discharge and Tar -Pamlico salinity measurements at each station from 1988-2014. Variable Kendall's r Slope p -value Tar River Discharge -0.10 -0.31 0 Salinity ST1 0.04 0.04 0 Salinity ST3 0.09 Salinity ST5 0.07 Salinity ST7 0.08 Salinity ST8 0.05 0.10 0 0.07 0 0.10 0 0.06 0 Salinity ST10 0.07 0.03 0 Table 4. Seasonal Kendall trend statistics for Tar River discharge and Tar -Pamlico salinity measurements at each station from 1988-2003. Variable Kendall's r Slope p -value Tar River Discharge -0.05 -0.27 0 Salinity ST1 -0.04 -0.07 0.02 Salinity ST3 0.03 Salinity ST5 0.01 Salinity ST7 0.03 Salinity ST8 0.001 0.08 0.002 0.05 0.02 0.07 0.001 0.03 0.07 Salinity ST10 0.02 0.01 0.03 Table 5. Seasonal Kendall trend statistics for Tar River discharge and Tar -Pamlico salinity measurements at each station from 2003-2014. Variable Kendall's r Slope p -value Tar River Discharge -0.16 -1.58 0 Salinity ST1 0.44 1.35 0 Salinity ST3 0.48 1.14 0 Salinity ST5 0.45 1.10 0 Salinity ST7 0.44 1.10 0 Salinity ST8 0.41 1.00 0 Salinity ST10 0.42 0.82 0 Table 6. Monthly and yearly linear slopes for mean, monthly time -series of salinity and residuals of a regression between PHDI and salinity. Final column shows the estimated rise in salinity by 2100 based on extrapolation of the linear model. Time -Period Monthly slope Yearly slope Salinity by 2100 1988-2013 0.003 0.036 +3.10 1988-2013 (PHDI residuals) 0.005 0.06 +5.16 2003-2013 0.07 0.84 +72.24 2003-2013 (PHDI residuals) 0.01 0.16 +13.76 Table 7. Sample sizes for the two time periods (1988-2003, and 2003-2014) at three representative stations (1, 5, and 10). Month Station 1988-2003 N 2003-2014 N 1 1 100 54 2 1 144 32 3 1 102 89 4 1 115 75 5 1 94 47 6 1 149 161 7 1 200 141 8 1 216 157 9 1 123 72 10 1 258 107 11 1 121 54 12 1 89 71 1 5 217 93 2 5 227 155 3 5 219 168 4 5 239 159 5 5 292 135 6 5 445 252 7 5 381 225 8 5 408 217 9 5 316 206 10 5 350 183 11 5 251 160 12 5 203 162 1 10 143 61 2 10 168 98 3 10 157 110 4 10 163 97 5 10 199 91 6 10 287 162 7 10 250 148 8 10 273 141 9 10 232 136 10 10 248 118 11 10 196 106 12 10 137 101 Estuarine Monitoring Program Sampling Sites Washington Tar River I Broad Creek ChOCOW"fy 1 ay 10 Blounts say Biounts Creek ljN1 Created by: S. Ludwig -Monty Duke University - NSCE s Pungo River Bath Creek 7 5N S 406 S •3 e a�Gx dS`' MIA r S � nC, � .00 Sou'rv, 4 Goose Caeek Figure 1. Map of sampling locations in the Tar -Pamlico River. Black circles represent the stations used in this analysis. Blue squares represent other stations that have been sampled historically (map created by S. Ludwig -Monty, Duke University). 2.4 a 0.1 O.0 I'a�lJ I�J�JD LUUU LUUU LV IU LU 13 Figure 2. Tar River discharge (log10 M3s-1)at Tarboro, NC (US gage 02083500) from 1988-2014. Line represents linear model fit. w 25 20 75 10 5 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 1999 7995 2000 2005 2070 20115 Bi 7 8 + • • H W 14 y� 8 1999 7995 2000 2005 2070 20115 Bi 7 B + • • H W 14 �• moi `�° �w �t � �; 19915 1495 2000 2005 2010 3019 25 20 915 10 5 0 9 25 s 5 S R vg° g 8 K ®yR� 6 w Ea P 1890 1895 2000 2005 2010 2(175 25 20 915 10 5 0 9 1940 4495 2000 2005 2010 2715 00 25 r 1940 4495 2000 2005 2010 2715 00 25 5 $ 6 v •$ 1990 1995 70L0 700.5 7010 2015 Figure 3. Tar -Pamlico River salinity at stations 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 10 from 1988-2014. Line represents linear model fit. 3 LTJ 0 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Figure 4. Tar River discharge (log10 M3s-1)at Tarboro, NC (US gage 02083500) from 1988-2003. Line represents linear model fit. 2.5 20 15 t© 5 e $!4 9 a:. aoe a .: �•• ; ��e � ii M 19E9 1990 1991 1998 1943 1994 3495 199E 1997 1996 1900 2000 2009 20U22003 25 1906 1989 1990 1991 1992 199319941991519%199719%B 19D200D 2001 3007 2003 25 20 15 10 9 0 19154 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 7994 1995 14.4% 1991 t998 1949 2000 200t 20023003 25 29 915 10 5 26 20 1S 10 5 0 $8° '�6 >f a 8a A a + s• 55bd �i � 8 iS61489 1990 MI 1992 199a 1994 1996 IM 100111%819020M 2001 20Q, M. ° o A_ IPad $ pfIf 1988 1960 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 199$ 1994 1997199$1459 2000 2001 2002 2003 25 b ro � ga IrNg • .� $ e • 4 16.1 �. 10.1 .f _4S 19154 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 7994 1995 14.4% 1991 t998 1949 2000 200t 20023003 25 29 915 10 5 26 20 1S 10 5 0 $8° '�6 >f a 8a A a + s• 55bd �i � 8 iS61489 1990 MI 1992 199a 1994 1996 IM 100111%819020M 2001 20Q, M. ° o A_ IPad $ pfIf 1988 1960 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 199$ 1994 1997199$1459 2000 2001 2002 2003 25 20 Z ae�` -�.. .�,,, 4" 6 P1.. ii . 14P81 ON 1A001901 11M 1093 tIA4 199x. 19ti; 11?37 1998 1999 7&k1 3001 711107 7004 Figure 5. Tar -Pamlico River salinity at stations 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 10 from 1988-2003. Line represents linear model fit J ! ' ! ! a{/K! ]/ \2 /\�g #/ § 7 � \ _ \ \, ! a !!! ;/ MI j ! a !!! MI i � 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Figure 6 Tar qvr discharge(oEE M3 s-1) at Tarboro,NC(US gage 02083500) from 2003-2014. Line represents linear model §t 25 20 m i5 10 5 7,003 7006 202 700E 7007 7000 2009 70tO 2.011 2017 7013 M i5 m 2.0° L Fa ���� °• rer�� ais s ema % gr 1&dL m d e &�, •, '�,o 10 e e 0 7003 7004 2W,, 700E 2007 2000 74'19 70t0 2,011 2012 2013 2M4 25 20 �15 i0 5 0 700:1 7004 2Off 2006 2007 2000 2009 2M 2011 2012 7013 2014 25 20 � 15 10 5 2003 7004 2Dor 200E x.007 2000 2009 7010 7011 7012 7013 7M, 25 20- 2003 0 7003 2004 200.5 2006 7007 2000 ?009 7010 2011 2012 2013 2M4 zs zo a � 5 • °8ga B�' .j� °� ° i. 0 • a' PY11:1 2104 7004 ?ML 700? 2n{19 ?1rvi xi" 2 11 nu 701, nail Figure 7. Tar -Pamlico River salinity at stations 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 10 from 2003-2014. Line represents linear model fit F) A 25 20 m 15 10 5 0 1990 199', 2000 2005 2010 25 20 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 PHDI Figure 8. Mean, monthly salinity (as calculated from all stations) compared to Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index. Top panel shows time -series and bottom panel shows a regression (r 2 = 0.43, p = 0) • + s • •. s 25 20 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 PHDI Figure 8. Mean, monthly salinity (as calculated from all stations) compared to Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index. Top panel shows time -series and bottom panel shows a regression (r 2 = 0.43, p = 0)