HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071982 Ver 1_Major Variance_20071127OFFICE USE ONLY: Date Received Request # --- rya -- State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality "General" Major Variance Application Form -, L; zoQ From the Neuse and Tar Pamlico Riparian Buffer Protection Rules for residential structures on existing lots within the coastal counties as defined by the Coastal Area Management Act (As approved by the Water Quality Committee of the Environmental Management Commission on 5/9/2001) Please identify which Riparian Area Protection Rule applies. o Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC .0233) Tar-Pamlico River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC.0259) NOTE. To constitute a complete application, all of the information requested in this form must be provided. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant The original and two copies of the completed "General" Variance Application Form and any attachments must be sent to the DWQ 4011Wet1ands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650, 919-733-1786 to constitute a complete submittal. This form may be photocopied for use as an original. Part 1: General Information (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) 1. Applicant's name (the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the property): 2. Print Owner/Signing Official (person legally responsible for the property and its compliance) Name: 1e.4._._Cbc%?y_._._ Title: ---..- Street address: -- -_- J(? y- City, State, Zip: 13cJAAV(n-_ _ ff kL)- Telephone: Fax: i - - -- - - - - - - - 3. Contact person who can answertestions bout the proposed project: .... nr L Name. - - ------ - - -?- .... - P - - -- - .- ._ - - y3.1`?. Telephone:1 `T46 Fax: Email: "General" Variance Application Form Version 1: May 2001 4. Project Name (Subdivision, facility, or establishment name -consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letter operatio and maintenance agreements, etc.): e_S.tdl!Z.._ a I v_J1Q:2 -------------- ---- -------- 5. Project Location: Street address: ?i ?b? ,LS?4r? -------------------------------- City, State, Zip: ------??? -C-- ----------------------------------------- IT— ---- ---- --- Latitude/longitude: -------------- ----------------- -------------------- 6. Directions to site from nearest major intersection (Also, attach an 8 %2 x 11 copy of the portion of t e USGS topographic map indicating the location of the site): 4-A 0? ddh - -Iv S-Ff ? -f r r i Or1 _ /-P-ari-- rmond--g . L-rAa0w_A-- L4_14 -1-LQL-i s__? -? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Stream to be impacted by the proposed activity: Stream name (for unnamed str ams label as "UT" to the nearest named stream): .?nG?1_ ?f_.Xi.lh_ ?1a?_ 110 --W _k6r.=.h1lYv-N-. 'a-A Stream classification [as identified within the Sc eule of Classifications 15A NCAC 2B .0315 (Neuse) or.0316 (Tar-Pamlico)]: 8. Which of the following permits/approvals will be required or have been received already for this project? Required: Received: Date received: Permit Type: CAMA Major CAMA Minor 401 Certification/404 Permit On-site Wastewater Permit Active Connection to Sanitary ewer System NPDES Permit (including stormwater) Non-discharge Permit Water Supply Watershed Variance Others (specify) --- Part 2: Proposed Activity (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) 1. Description of proposed activity (Also, please attach a map of sufficient detail (such as a plat map or site plan) to accurately delineate the boundaries of the land to be utilized in carrying out the activity, the location and dimension of any disturbance in the riparian buffers associated with the activity, and the extent of riparian buffers on the land. Include the area of buffer impact in ft2.: cal{ __dos - t uLhhctid ('-,( 1t _4CCr ---------------------------------- ;?.i r?enNl?y__f`?ntltxd.?q ------------------ _.----------------- r?t?211f_kl-_/1?(: --------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------- -------------------------------- ' _ _q !m !ouc-f lA?nQyt, --------- _A-rxL-CLUB r 11_r] ._/n ll_(..J 4nd-.o? t Vr4inU -c 11npt0O n'?rnt 1J)rt( furl of. (RnA/. 2. State re6sons why this plan for the proposed activity cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to better minimize or eliminate disturbance to the riparian buffers: "General" Variance Application Form, page 2 Version 1: May 2001 4" Alf -- &1W Slz-c- A V 3. Description of any best management practices to be used to control impacts associated with the proposed activity (i.e., control of runoff from impervious surfaces to provide diffuse flow, r?-planting vegetation or enhancement of existi g vegetation, etc.): ? fin{ lei C4. L- ------ ------ c c`Qr?i?!l?c ors _o??__F?r11!t`_ a??_?nc?at?l?? A2V. --- ? c,_U ?ti? r1_{??-rcL?rt_r•nhQ? K_r_? - bJ4#(hed pkl- 61)67 -444 p?? W'A b-' maf%+a'1)ed• ?;?n vvc drffGac -Flow 4. Please provide an explanatioh of the following: d. debris and land &91o« (1) The practical difficulties or hardships that would result from the strict application of this (dun l9fF fv Conc Rule. and iained 1-?nLcklf_-+-v___e_e Fuj_home L- ----- ------------------------- f.1dn(J .-.(?+Lr1I -L? cd-; laii_ ? AL,,J,&fL^- _------------------------- fya ?r ----------- ?a _?r11 Q// t?_?j! II ? ? J1 _lA.X?i1_ .Q-C1e 12 PC__. ?Q?(J L_?L(%1_®? ------------- S-&Uejs i need,G -to ft ;,fu;n plan &.1011 of IC(,d p4e,P03G (2) How these difficulties or hardships result from conditions that are unique tot the property involved. ------------------------- ?_ ---Q`i -- (3) If economic hardship is the major consideration, then include a specific explanation of the economic hardships and the proportion of the hardship to the entire value of the project. ???rhaic 4 f .I at fn ..15 7_ -_P . o cd _ ! !n,l _,h_61n..Gc ?! - Sr s-_ ------- ?'11 1+?P19trx.1Ax_?t_n?.?__ '2`_?. __----_---- -_----- ----- Part 3: Deed Restrictions -- ?t°eds ANpch`ol ?(tvn+ j t4HlRCl??c1 ?I,,/ ?>?ctifd lvlJq ?)anj (o By your signature in Part 5 of this application, you certify that all structural stormwater best management practices required by this variance shall be located in recorded stormwater easements, that the easements will run with the land, that the easements cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that the easements will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. Part 4: Agent Authorization if you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section: Designated agent (individual orfirm):.. Mailing address: -------- --- --- ---- -- -- -- -- --------- ---------- City, State, Zip: ----- - -- -- --- --- Telephone: --- --- - -- - - - - ---- "General" Variance Application Form, page 3 Version 1: May 2001 j i Fax: Email: Part 5: Applicant's Certification i I, ------------Junk--Lee--t et,t-?_---- ---- -- (print or type name of person listed in Part I, Item 2), certify that the information included on this permit application form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans and that the deed restrictions in accordance with Part 5 of this form will be recorded with all required permit conditions. Signature: -- Date: - -- -L1 7? t2? - - - - - - - - Title: -DW n c - P:C Division of Water Quality (DVVQI, 401 VVellAnds Certification Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd. (LOCATION.) 16,50 Mail Service Canter iMAILING ADDRESS') 'alcic;h, NC 276,99-1650 t.JS A, my cat , nrirr =e:'. 3508 Fails ct` li;is hdeus.; i•,a;i :r;1:_. i :(i Rat; hail, Nlo; h Carolina ;_ 16i `; Ce3r)s=r ai iv,.+i;it3r`ir. (ti:? :'r Ta i ?ttf); ii+IJbUbV. S%iVY.;_!5(dci-, am 1V. r{lil?F•letlal r!:511'rei,) lC)rJ I'.ht!1'I l'VA.'3HINGTONI F'F(;!,;l_ATOR)' FIELD i Fti:G Post Oif4:a -nov 1.0t4;. ?Friiir191 t,J7;:Er: (????1% 1?; ci-1ill fiti?!Ji?iJ?1JW.Sc 7?,1!?iaCc;, afrl-iV.ii'liliL^:(?.tl?IliSe"rc_?71:i!.1r.fltn"! i.)f,'•i(.'.ci Yh3shillclian, NC 27889 iflf?fTF,: 112 "D 46' 1481 P,lorartcati City District OffirE- Division of Coastal Pdian cic:rr,ent i 51-Ci Highway 24 lvlorahead City, NC 28557 p iione:252.i8 P-28013 "General" Variance Application Form, page 4 Version 1: May 2001 r ,NORTH CAROLINA y �BgAUFORT COUNTY Y DEDICA't'ION Alai% DECf.+ARA'IQN,+OF',I"'.iQTECTIV CQVENANT �Nlade as of this the 14th day o;fNovember, X968; by Kilby I'lan�l Cor�oratJ. jp>R u North Carolina co'rporationj- hereinafter ca],ted KILI3Y;. 5.�t °x ti- tic ^yC fi•' °i rF Str r� w t tLt r '�, •rE F IT S } -.pry u- y,� $w r,y A.t�t f7'�~,• .,�...��. s _.;e. -.0 . � 6, ..:r . ' a,,.-r�i��, �: _ , _ . At E. ' S E 'T r'H � � ..• �;r��.�:.�a��.��,�..; .�''- � • ;s:,. /..•t� ,�:.._nv ..t.,..r i',' -�wM1• Iti`+iAi:.,r..1. e��1� tin•, WIiE111aAS, KILDYJ9,14e owner'.e2'tnose numae; a;�ocs�ar-re resuF upon a plot entitled "Kilby Island Lot Layout," recorded in Map hook .2 gageu2 4 , Beaufort County Registry; and WHEREAS KII�BY is desirous of subjecting said numlx3rred lots to th protective covenants he set forthp each ane all of which is and are or benefit of such property and for each owner thereof, and shall inure to the bene i �. of and lass and run.with said property, and each and every lot thereof, and shal apply, to,411d.bind tic• successors in interest of any, owner thereof; and WIIEREAS KILIW is desirous of making a dedication of'the road�ya s i ;, ,� �-�-�-• �•` �.ti��l� C'jij,Cd tilxtii�iiTtT�trtt �h"`�' et•nc�w�v�th'titg°'t.� {y� tn� ; ,-�a: =',. i+. ::ti/'"'.n,�a��'T r.- dji),r E'irj�:rt; -l.t "'S `� .. �. l+":1.,W^%5"''.",'�'8''q""* :.,�.,.,.�iq �: -rryti "4f "tF' ? � iw•, � c-` •''• �Yf axein,iltcsr. set ouL; f , .Aie :: esaid'nuc, • ha hc, afoi NO�'V, '1'IIl.ithl UItE, hILi3Y hereby cieclar s t ttlots of real «state arc: and shall he held, transferred, sold and conveyed su to the liruLective covenants bot forth..below: 1. No lot sha11 he further subdivided it has less than 6Q et -0 ., frontage and only one residential unit shall be placed upon ea,cl such lot. 2. All the lots shown on said plot.'shall be used only for residential purposes: Na animals, liveptoek or poultry of any Idncl; Qtlier thi 1tc)usehold pets, shall be Relit or'maintained on.,Rny, lot.:y.14o or offensive. activity shall 49. carried gn, nor shall anytainla 4o`�anq 1:e the rcoli �vl)icl� ii)lZy be or b ame an annoyup(:e ;Ar nuisn�leo to tho , t liljal Boot --1 twithsta illil; e._Sc1L'' r * ' , b„,F ,�' �-: ,. ri�ht to' cT�tie0C.4oiie"13r"��iai'c� '?said�iots �s a Marl � dfiv dec ,. MGMULLAN ' a , that one or more ,ol' said lots may be usedlfor a`club', or for Gomm r r •'j4'ATTORNEYS Ar LAW WAiN�NaTON,,y. F. purposes of a.sort than it bolieves will ienefieiallto.the rennaiii n •� rty r d ,.?'"' C. KILBY reserves a 20 foot wide right of way along the edges of all �59 canals which it may use for the purpose of maintaining said canals. D. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein expressed, KIL13Y reserves unto itself the right and privilege to grant to N. C. State ` Highway Commission, or its successor, or any other public or quasi -public authority, rights of way over said roadways, and the 7_' right to regulate and control the use of said canals. JN WITNA$$ N'VH-I REOF; KILBY has caused this i stru x.. sn npent to W exe^2Cuteri x-="G-t�` +rl:aG"r� '''-wti �'._ t;,� `;i.� y,•M`.a•+w-'�^..•E`:c•-�.., _ •ifv,..,•+- .t: •-... � in its'nalne by its 1'reside?nt, atested by its Secretary, And its corporate seal to fie lierdto affixed, all by prober corporate authority duly given, as of the day and yQar first above written. ' I YISLAND ORAT CORPIO r 1 �;. . , t President S lcrctary �. CA —T1 rw•w-------1------------------------------------------r '1'A*�'E Oh NUIt'1'I! 1tULI1\A S iy:` 1 .<—.�'•+. , y;,,,ql�: 4 err — ,� 75 f r p' Tj +r . A'ota"iy ublic i►i uiid or Co unty'alcarebaid, cci�tiCy that William 1'. Mayo personally appeared before me this day and adaiuNvied-ed that lid is Secretary of Kilby island' Corporation, and that uy 44 talol'Gty dill „ivci� and as tic act o' ..,i, J b c 1 tile, corporation tie toie„oing instrument Wat, WgUed in its manic I)y Illurray B. Lynch, Jr. , its nt, sealed with its cpy'Qp.tv.scal, and aticstud by Wimielf as its Secretary. �J � 1' Yilnc is ill and and notarial seal this day of 1968. lr r. Notary Public 11'Iy Commission expires: t1,y Commission E piroy 2, 1970 !: Tlorth Carolina Reufort CGt1i'{�� � _ ii�� 1 he '2 vro�;oir Tlotci,'ti' 1't,`,71c/!:�3#ris/nf-t- certified to be correct. rl"01: 0rnted for re,,,LAration and recorded ?r. ofi'icu at Booki�_5, Pace This / .:_day o:� /gi d �r' ,1910 Vat // oclock_"" .14. John I. Morgan By -_--d.••Jc..f�-t:�,t,l x/• � t. �-.2 .moi--�c...-'� Register of Deeds Register or Tord:, 8K1394PC295 FOR REGISTRATION REGISTER OF DEEDS JENNIFER LEGGETT WHITEHURST BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC 2404 MAY 18 10:53:10 AM B0394 PG:295-311 FEE: $59.00 INSTRUMENT # 2004003690 THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: FRANZ HOLSCHER AFTER RECORDING, MAIL TO: FRANZ HOLSCHER INDEXED IN GRANTEE INDEX: KILBY ISLAND SUBDIVISION KILBY ISLAND OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. INDEXED IN THE GRANTOR INDEX: KILBY ISLAND OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (EACH PERSON EXECUTING THE DECLARATION 47 F-2-103) KILBY ISLAND OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. NORTH CAROLINA AMENDMENT TO DEDICATION AND DECLARATION OF BEAUFORT COUNTY PROTECTIVE COVENANTS KILBY ISLAND SUBDIVISION THIS AMENDMENT TO THE DEDICATION AND DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS is made pursuant to the North Carolina Planned Community Act, Chapter 47F of the North Carolina General Statutes (hereinafter the "Act") and is entered as of the 4th day of July, 2003, by KILBY ISLAND OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a North Carolina non-profit corporation (hereinafter "Association"), the Owners of Lots as the same are shown on the "Kilby Island Lot Layout" recorded in Map Book 20, Page 25 and as revised and recorded in Map Book 23, Page 83, and Plat Cabinet A, Slide 78, Beaufort County Registry and otherwise known as "Kilby Island" located in Bath Township, Beaufort County, North Carolina, and all parties hereafter acquiring any of the Properties described below (hereinafter jointly referred to as "Declarant"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Kilby Island Corporation, predecessor in interest to Kilby Island Owners Association, Inc., by that Dedication and Declaration of Protective Covenants (hereinafter referred to as the "Dedication") dated November 14, 1968 and duly recorded in Deed Book BK1394PG296 1 633, Page 557, Beaufort County Registry, placed certain covenants, reservations and restrictions on the property described therein: WHEREAS, the Dedication contains the following paragraph: "These covenants, reservations and restrictions are to run with the land and shall be binding upon all lots on said plot and the owners of such lots, and upon all persons claiming under them, until Kilby has divested itself of the title to all of the lots, at which time said covenants, reservations and restrictions shall continue until the then owners of a majority of the lots record an instrument in the Beaufort County Register of Deeds office agreeing to change these covenants in whole or in part." WHEREAS, the Act authorizes a planned community created prior to January 1, 1999 to elect to make the provisions of the Act applicable to it by amending its Declaration to provide that the Act shall apply to it by affirmative vote or written agreement signed by Lot Owners of Lots to which at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the votes in the Association are allocated. WHEREAS, the majority of the Owners of the Lots referred to in the Declaration as well as Lot Owners of Lots to which at least sixty- seven percent (67%) of the votes in the Association are allocated passed this amendment to the Dedication at the annual meeting of the association held on July 3, 2003. WHEREAS, Declarant desires to amend the Dedication and elect to make the provisions of the Act applicable to it. WHEREAS, Declarant desires to subject said real property to the covenants, reservations, and restrictions hereinafter set forth in order to provide for the preservation of values, amenities, desirability and attractiveness of said property, and for the continued maintenance and operation of any recreational and/or Common Areas. WHEREAS, it is in the best interest, benefit, and advantage of the Declarant, each Owner of such property, and every party hereafter acquiring such property that these covenants, reservations, and restrictions, which shall regulate the use and occupancy of the property, be established. The covenants, reservations, and restrictions are for the benefit of the property as well as each Owner thereof and shall inure to the benefit of and pass and run with said property, and each and every Lot or parcel thereof, and shall apply to and bind the successors in interest and any owner thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, Declarant hereby declares and agrees with all parties hereafter acquiring any of the property that all the property hereinafter described is and shall be held, transferred, sold and conveyed subject to those covenants, reservations, and restrictions contained in the Dedication, the Act, and this Amendment to the Dedication. These covenants, reservations, 2 80399PC297 and restrictions shall run with the property and be binding on all parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in any of the property or any part thereof, there heirs, successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each Owner thereof, as well as their successors in interest. DECLARANT FURTHER DECLARES that these covenants, reservations, and restrictions insure the best use and most appropriate development and improvement of each Lot; protect the Owners against improper use of surrounding property, including Lots, as would depreciate the value of their Lot; preserve, as far as practicable, the natural beauty of the property; guard against the erection thereon of poorly designed or built structures; encourage and secure the erection and maintenance of attractive residential, single-family dwellings and thereby enhance the value of investments made by the purchasers of Lots therein. ARTICLE I The real property which is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the Dedication, the Act, and this Amendment to the Dedication is all of that property shown upon a Plat entitled "Kilby Island Lot Layout", recorded in Map Book 20, Page 25 and as revised and recorded in Map Book 23, Page 83, and Plat Cabinet A, Slide 78, Beaufort County Registry. Declarant hereby subjects the property described above to this Amendment and the jurisdiction of the Association in order to provide enforceable standards of improvement and development whereby aesthetics, living conditions and property values may be enhanced. ARTICLE II DEFINITIONS Section 1. "Association": shall mean and refer to the KILBY ISLAND OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., its successors and assigns. Section 2. "Common Area": shall mean and refer to all real property owned by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the owners, including the point of the island, any piers, waterways, canals, walkways or streets, if any, which now exist or may be constructed. Section 3. "Declarant": shall mean and refer to KILBY ISLAND OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., the Owners of Lots contained in KILBY ISLAND, all parties hereafter acquiring any of the properties, and their respective successors and assigns. Section 4. "Lot": shall mean and refer to any plot of land designated for separate ownership and shown upon any recorded subdivision map of the Properties, with the exception of the Common Area, and includes all improvements thereon, if any. Portions of the 3 A1394PC298 properties not owned by the Association or comprising part of the Common Area and not designated as a lot are to be considered an appurtenance to the lot with which initially conveyed, and may not become a lot by separate conveyance. Section 5. "Owner": shall mean and refer to the record Owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of a fee simple title to any Lot which is a part of the Properties, including contract sellers, but excluding those having such interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation. Section 6. "Properties": shall mean and refer to that certain real property hereinbefore described and such additions thereto as hereafter may be brought within the jurisdiction of the Association, and specifically includes all of that subdivision known generally as KILBY ISLAND in Bath Township, Beaufort County, North Carolina. ARTICLE III GENERAL RESTRICTIONS Section 1. "Residential Use": All the Properties, including Lots and the water access thereto shall only be used for residential or recreational purposes. None of the Properties, including Lots or water access thereto shall be used for a trade, commercial, or related purposes, no matter how small, including, but not limited to, any commercial fishing, crabbing, or other related commercial enterprise, or leasing of the Property solely for water access. No trade or commercial materials, inventories, or equipment may be stored upon any of the Properties, including Lots. Section 2. "Residential Construction": No structure shall be erected, constructed, altered, maintained, used, placed or permitted to remain on any Lot other than one single-family dwelling, not to exceed two (2) stories in height. Each one-story dwelling shall contain a minimum of 1000 square feet. Each two-story dwelling shall contain a minimum of 1400 square feet, including a first floor of at least 1000 square feet. The Board may require approval of plans by an Architectural Control Committee. Any residence constructed and allowed to remain six months without protest shall be deemed to have been approved, including residences in existence at the time of the adoption of this Amendment to Dedication and Declaration of Protective Covenants. Section 3. "Built Upon Area": The Bo, Control Committee created by the Board, may percentage of any Lot which may be covered including asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, material but not including wood decking or pools. 3rd, or an Architectural set standards of maximum by impervious structures stone, slate, or similar the surface of swimming Section 4. "Compliance with Wetlands Regulations, CAMA Regulations, and any other and all Governmental Setbacks and other 4 A1394PC299 Regulations": It shall be the responsibility of each Owner to determine what portions of their Lot are regulated by wetland regulations, CAMA regulations, or other governmental setbacks and other regulations. It shall also be the responsibility of each Owner, prior to alteration of any Lot, to determine if any Lot shall have been determined to meet the requirements for designation as a regulatory wetland and if any such Lot is subject to any of the regulations referred to above. Any subsequent fill or alteration of this wetland shall conform to the requirements of state wetland rules adopted by the State of North Carolina in force at the time of the proposed alteration. The intent of this restriction is to prevent additional wetland fill, so the property Owner should not assume that a future application for fill will be approved. The property Owner shall report the name of the subdivision in any application pertaining to wetland rules. This covenant is intended to insure the continued compliance with wetland rules adopted by the State of North Carolina. This covenant is to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them. Section 5. "Prohibited Structure": Any outbuilding must be constructed in a workman-like manner; the Board or Architectural Control Committee may require prior approval of such structures. No structure of a temporary character, trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn, shed, detached garage, pump house, fence (other than fences erected by the Association on Common Area property) or other outbuilding shall be used on any Lot at any time as a residence either temporarily or permanently. No trailer, single-wide or double- wide mobile home /manufactured home, other mobile home, camper; bus or like vehicle shall be situated on any Lot for any period of time or for any purpose, including, but not limited to use as a residence or for storage, either temporarily or permanently. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the temporary use of campers on Port Road lots in the same manner as used for the past three years, but not to exceed two weeks per year, shall be permitted, provided written notice of such intended use is given to the Association prior to the adoption of this Amended Dedication and Declaration of Protective Covenants. It is specifically the intention and purpose of this covenant to prohibit the location of trailers, single-wide or double-wide mobile homes /manufactured homes, other mobile homes, relocatable houses, or similar type structures on the Properties, including any Lot. Section 6. "Structure Location": No structure may be built within ten (10) feet from any property line. Section 7. "Construction Time and Activity": Once construction of a dwelling or other improvements are started on any Lot, the exterior construction of the dwelling and other improvements must be substantially completed in accordance with the plans and specifications, within twelve (12) months from commencement. Construction activity shall be confined within the boundaries of each 5 BX1394PC300. Lot. Each Owner shall be responsible for any damage done to any streets, roadways, accessways, Common Areas, or property of other Owners within the subdivision, including but not limited to drain fields, which may be caused by any Owner, his agents, employees, guests, licensees or invitees during construction and at any other time. The Association shall have the right to assess any Owner for such damage and such charge shall be an assessment against the Owner and the Lot and shall be subject to collection as any other regular assessment. Section 8. "Construction Debris and Damage": During construction of improvements on any Lot, adequate portable sanitary toilets must be provided for the construction crew and the Lot must be kept cleaned of excess debris weekly. Each Lot Owner shall be obligated to collect and dispose of all rubbish and trash resulting from construction on his Lot and shall be obligated to repair any damage to the roads caused by such construction traffic. Section 9. "Nuisances": No noxious, offensive, or illegal activity shall be carried on or conducted upon any of the Properties, including Lots, or water access thereto, nor shall anything be done or omitted to be done thereon, which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the individual Owners, the Subdivision in general, or the neighborhood. No trade, commerce, or other activity, ,which may be considered a nuisance to the neighborhood, shall be carried on upon any of the Properties, including Lots or water access thereto. Any commercial use or activity as well as related uses or activities, no matter how small, including, but not limited to any commercial fishing, crabbing, or other related commercial enterprise shall constitute a noxious, offensive, annoying, or nuisance activity in violation of this section. No house trailers, or mobile homes may be stored, regularly parked or allowed to remain on any Lot. No junk, debris, salvage, lumber, commercial fishing or crabbing equipment or supplies or unsightly vehicles or boat of any type or description may be placed upon or allowed to remain on any Lot or on the Common Area. No abandoned, uninhabitable, unsightly or storm-damaged structure, or contents thereof, may be allowed to remain on any of the Common Area or lots. In event of hurricane or other natural disaster, each property owner shall have 180 days to effect reconstruction or removal of the damaged structure. Section 10. "Animals": No animals, swine, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, kept, bred, or maintained on any Lot or in any dwelling except that household pets, such as dogs and cats, may be kept provided they are not kept for breeding or commercial purposes. Owners shall be liable for the acts of their pets as provided by law. Improvements constructed for the maintenance of animals shall be kept in good repair and must conform generally in appearance with any dwelling upon a Lot, although such improvements need not be constructed of materials identical to an existing dwelling. Each Lot 6 A A1394PG3O1 Owner shall maintain any such improvements placed upon any Lot, and no unsightly or dilapidated buildings or other structures shall be permitted on any Lot. Section 11. "Signs": No commercial sign or billboard of any kind shall be erected or allowed to remain on any Lot other than a "For sale" sign. Section 12. "Subdivision": No Lot or Lots shall be subdivided except to enlarge an adjoining Lot, but any Lot so enlarged cannot be improved with more than one single-family dwelling. In no event, shall any Lot be subdivided if the result of each subdivision is separate ownership of less than a whole Lot or the creation of an additional Lot. Section 13. "Piers and Bulkheads : Piers and bulkheads may be constructed on the property or adjacent thereto provided that, prior to construction, written approval has been obtained from the appropriate Federal, State, County, and/or local authority. Section 14. "Road-ways, Right of Ways and Driveways": The roadways and right of ways constructed throughout the Properties are for the common uses of Declarant, Lot Owners, and Lot Owners of the future development of the Properties and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. There will be no on-street parking allowed within the Properties. Any damage by driveway connections to the private road shown upon said plats, or to the ditches or shoulders of the road, or to the flow of drainage water along said road, shall be repaired at the expense of the Owners connecting such driveways, within thirty (30) days of notification from the Board. Section 15. "Use of Canal": Except as set out in Section 17 below, and not in derogation of the Owners property rights, acquired by deed, by adverse possession or otherwise, each Lot owner shall have the exclusive use of that portion of land between the extension of the Owner's Lot lines across and perpendicular to the street on which the lot fronts and lying between the street on which the lot fronts and the adjacent canal. Any easement, license or other interest held by Kilby Island Owners Association, Inc., and its predecessor, with the exception of the easement for maintenance of the canals, is expressly withdrawn, terminated and released and shall not constitute "Common Area" for purposes of this Amendment to Dedication and Declaration of Protective Covenants. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Association hereby affirms and ratifies the existing accommodations relating to the use of the canals for owners of Lots without canal frontage, including the designation of assigned boat slips and other arrangements. Nothing in this Section 15 shall be construed to affect Kilby Island Owners Association, Inc., and it predecessor's interest in such land between Lots 35, 36 and 37, otherwise known as the "Point," located at the eastern end of the Kilby Island subdivision. A 7 ex1394PG302 Section 16. "Piers, Boatlifts, Boatramps and Boathouses." The permissibility, regulation and maintenance related to piers, boatlifts, boatramps and boathouses, located on or appurtenant to each of the three canals of the Kilby Island subdivision shall be determined on a canal-by-canal basis by majority vote of the Owners of the property contiguous to that canal. Notwithstanding the foregoing, until such time as a majority of the lots bordering the canal between Port Road and Queen Anne Road are developed with single family homes, decisions regarding the use of such canal shall be determined by the Board and not by majority vote of the Owners of property contiguous to such canal. Without regard to this general right to regulate such structures on each canal, each Lot Owner or easement holder, under Section 15 above, as well as all other Lot Owners owning property adjacent to any canal or creek shall have no right to erect a pier, boatlift or boathouse that interferes with the normal and customary use of the canal or waterway by other Owners owning property on such canal. The use of any such pier, boatlift or boathouse shall be consistent with the covenants, reservations and restrictions contained herein, including, but not limited to Article III, Sections 1 and 9. Boathouses and piers constructed or rebuilt hereafter may not exceed thirty (30) feet in combined length along a canal. Boathouses on a canal may not exceed ten (10) feet in height above the adjacent land, may not be erected so as to substantially block the view of other Lot Owners, and must be designed for one boat, and jon-boats, jet skis, canoes or sunfish-type sailboats. Persons who build piers, boatlifts or boathouses on the canals must bulkhead the adjacent shore. This clause has no application to piers, boatlifts or boathouses constructed on the Pamlico River. Section 17. "Lots Without Canal Frontage": Certain lots do not border Mixon Creek, nor is a canal located across the street from the lot. Owners of such lots shall be permitted to erect a pier not exceeding thirty (30) feet in length parallel to the canal at any point along the canal located nearest the intersection of Port Road and Queen Anne Drive, provided the construction does not impede the ability of the Owner of the nearest adjacent lot to such location to erect such a pier, nor interfere with the use of canal by the Lot Owners of Port Road. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Association hereby ratifies the accommodations made to provide canal access to Owners of lots without canal frontage. Section 18. "No Wake Speed": Owners and their guests shall operate watercraft in the canals at no-wake speed. Owners shall be responsible for any and all damage caused to boats, bulkhead or other property caused by the wake of boats operated by them and their guests. Section 19. "Sale of Miscellaneous Property": No Lot owner shall sell, convey or otherwise transfer any property lying between the extension of the Owner's Lot lines across the street from which such owner's house fronts the canal, separately or apart from their numbered Lot; and, if a Lot Owner sells, conveys or otherwise 8 r...... .... ......,......._...y ..... fil394PC303 transfers their numbered Lot, they shall also sell, convey or otherwise transfer to the Grantee of their numbered Lot the portion of the canal bank lying between the extension of the Owner's Lot lines. A transfer of a numbered lot shall be deemed to include any adjacent owned canal bank property and any easement over canal bank property, whether or not expressly described. Section 20. "Port Road Lots": During the years prior to adoption of these Amended Covenants, Lots along Port Road have been used to park vehicles or boats belonging to persons commuting to work by boat, and some such lot owners may have collected money for such privilege. Lots # and # have been used to dock commercial fishing or crabbing boats, with no cleaning or processing carried out. No expansion of such activity may be allowed after this date and no such activity not being carried out as of September 1, 2002 may continue. If, at any point the historical activity does not continue for a twelve month period, it may not be resumed. Section 21. "Port Road Maintenance": Hereafter, the same annual assessments shall be collected on Port Road lots and Port Road shall be maintained to the same standard as for Queen Anne or Widgeon Drive. Section 22. "Other": No Lot shall be used for ingress or egress to any Properties not part of this subdivision. ARTICLE IV ASSOCIATION: MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS Section 1. "Association": KILBY ISLAND OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. was chartered pursuant to the Non-Profit Corporation Act and subsequently made subject to the North Carolina Planned Community Act of the General Statutes of North Carolina. Its purposes are to enforce the covenants, reservations, and restrictions herein, including but not limited to any architectural control standards established herein; maintain KILBY ISLAND its entrances, streets canals and boat ramps in a clean attractive functional and secure condition; own, manage and maintain certain of the amenities as are more fully described herein; provide an organization for the benefit of the Lot Owners within KILBY ISLAND and hold and administer funds derived from assessments. Every Owner of a Lot shall be a member of the Association. Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any lot which is subject to assessment. The Association shall be comprised of all Lot Owners. Section 2. "Organization and Administration": The Association shall organize, elect officers, and operate freely within the restrictions herein contained. Section 3. "Membership and Voting Rights": The Association shall have one (1) class of voting membership. Every Owner of a Lot in Kilby Island which is subject to Assessments shall be a Member of the Association and shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each Lot owned. 9 sx1394PC30q Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any Lot which is subject to Assessment. When more than one (1) person holds an interest in any Lot, all such persons shall be Members. The vote for such Lot shall be exercised as they among themselves determine, but in no event shall more than one (1) vote be cast with respect to any Lot. ARTICLE V COVENANTS FOR ASSESSMENTS Section 1. "Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligations of Assessment": Every Lot hereinbefore described shall be subject to assessment for maintenance and other expenditures hereinafter set forth. Declarant, for each Lot owned within the Properties, hereby covenants, and each Owner of any Lot by acceptance of a deed therefor, whether or not it shall be so expressed in such deed, is deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association for each Lot so owned: (1) annual assessments or charges; (2) special assessments; and (3) a pro rata share of ad valorem taxes levied against the Common Area if the Association shall default in the payment therefor for a period of six (6) months, all as hereinafter provided. The annual and special assessments, together with interest thereon and costs of collection thereof, as hereinafter provided, shall be a charge, continuing lien upon the property against which each such assessment is made, which shall exist until satisfied, regardless of ownership of the property. Each such assessment, together with interest and costs, and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Association in collecting delinquent assessments shall also be the personal obligation of the person or entity who was the Owner at the time when the assessment became due. Section 2. "Purpose of Assessments": The assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively to promote the recreation, general health, safety, and welfare of the residents and Owners of the Properties; improve and maintain the Common Areas; to protect the value and desirability of the Properties; satisfy road maintenance expenses, administrative and enforcement costs hereof, and future developments; and, in particular, for the maintenance of the road ways and canals as shown on the aforementioned maps of the Properties. Section 3. "Minimum Annual Assessment": The initial minimum and annual assessment for each Lot shall be $75.00 per year, and shall be due and payable on or before January 15th of each year. The annual assessment may be increased or decreased by the Board up to fifteen percent (15%)annually, or in any amount at any time if by an 10 MA1394PC3O5 affirmative vote of a majority of all Lot Owners' present at an Annual Meeting or a duly called meeting therefor. Section 4. "Special Assessments": In addition to the annual assessments authorized above, the Association may levy, in any assessment year, a special assessment applicable to that year only for any purpose, provided that any such assessment shall have the assent of a majority of all Lot Owners present at an Annual Meeting or a duly called meeting therefor. Section 5. "Notice and Quorum for any Action Authorized under Sections 3 and 4": Written notice of any meeting called for the purpose of taking any action authorized under Section 3 and 4 of this Article V shall be sent to all members by ordinary mail not less than 30 days nor more than sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting. The presence of members or proxies entitled to cast one-third of all the votes shall constitute a quorum. Section 6. "Remedies for Non-Payment of Assessments": Any assessments which are not paid when due shall be delinquent. The assessment shall bear interest from the due date at the rate established by the Board of Directors of the Association, or if not set by the Board, at the highest rate allowed by law, together with such late fees as may be set by the Board. The Association shall have the power to file a lien of record against any Lot where there remains ^ an assessment unpaid for a period of thirty (30) days or longer. Said lien shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Beaufort County in a manner provided therefor by Article 8 of Chapter 44 of the North Carolina General Statutes. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for herein by the non-use of the Common Area or abandonment of his dwelling unit or site. The Association may bring an action at law against the Owner personally obligated to pay any assessments and interest. Costs and attorneys' fees awarded by the Court not less than $1000.00 for the prosecution of any such action shall be added to the amount of such assessment. In the event of such action at law and in the further event that such action results in a judgment being entered against the Owner and in favor of the Association, then and in that event, the Association shall collect on such judgment in such manner and to the extent provided and permitted by the laws of the State of North Carolina. The Association's lien may be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real estate under power of sale under Chapter 45 of the North Carolina General Statutes. All fees, charges, late charges, fines, and interest are enforceable as assessments. In any foreclosure action brought under the power of sale provisions, the Association shall be deemed to be the holder and it ^ ................. y............ .. Bx1394PG306 Owner of the obligation secured by this Declaration. The Registered Agent of the Association shall be the Trustee for all purposes of the foreclosure proceeding and the Association shall have the power to appoint a substitute trustee if for any reason the Association desires to replace the trustee, and the said substitute trustee shall succeed to all rights, powers and duties thereof. The Association shall request of the Trustee to sell the land subject to the lien at public auction for cash, after having first given such notice and advertising the time and place of such sale in such manner as may then be provided by law for mortgages and deeds of trust, and upon compliance' with the law then relating to foreclosure proceedings and under power of sale to convey to the purchaser in as full and ample manner as authorized by Chapter 45. The Trustee shall be authorized to retain an attorney to represent him in such proceedings. The proceeds of the sale shall, after the Trustee retains his commission, together with any additional attorneys' fees incurred by the Trustee, be applied to the costs of the sale, including but not limited to costs of collection, taxes, assessment, costs of recording, service fees, and incidental expenditures, the amount due on any note secured by the property, and any advancements made by the Association in the protection of the security. Section 7. "Effect of Default in Payment of Ad Valorem Taxes of Assessments for Public Improvement by Association": Upon default by the Association in the payment to the governmental authority entitled thereto of any ad valorem taxes levied against the Common Area or assessments for public improvements to the Common Area, which default shall continue for a period of six (6) months, each Owner of a Lot in the development shall become personally obligated to pay to the taxing or assessing governmental authority a portion of such unpaid taxes or assessments in an amount determined by dividing the total taxes and/or assessments due the governmental authority by the total number of Lots in the development. If such sum is not paid by the Owner within thirty (30) days following receipt of notice of the amount due, then such sum shall become a continuing lien subject to the lien of the governmental authority levying said ad valorem taxes on the Lot of the then owner, his heirs, devisees, personal representatives and assigns, and the taxing or assessing governmental authority may either bring an action at law or may elect to foreclose the lien against the Lot of the Owner. Section B. "Subordination of the Lien to Mortgages": The lien of the assessments provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any mortgage. Sale or transfer of any Lot shall not affect the assessment lien. However, the sale or transfer of any Lot pursuant to mortgage foreclosure or any proceeding in lieu thereof, shall " extinguish the lien of such assessment as to payments which become due prior to such sale or transfer. No sale or transfer shall relieve such Lot from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due or from the lien thereof. 12 691394PC307 ARTICLE VI Architectural Control Committee The Board is authorized but not required to create an Architectural Control Committee to, or to act as a Board to promulgate reasonable rules and regulations designed to carry out the provisions and intent of these covenants. Such rules may include, without limitation, plan approval, minimum lot size, setbacks, overall height, roof angle, building, siding or window type, styling consistent with neighboring structures, construction in accordance with plans prohibition of fences, protection of canals and roads. Any such rules and regulations shall be approved by the Board of Directors prior to implementation, and shall address negative economic impact, specificity of standards, architectural compatibility, and disturbance of natural features of the properties. ARTICLE VII OWNER'S EASEMENT OF ENJOYMENT Every owner shall have a right and easement of enjoyment in and to the Common Area, as well as a right of ingress and egress, and an easement in, to, over and across all of the road ways and canals shown on the aforementioned maps of the Properties, which shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every Lot, subject to the following provisions: 1. The right of the Association to charge reasonable admission and other fees for the use of any recreational facility situated upon the Common Area, 2. The right of the Association to limit the number of guests of members, 3. The right of the Association to suspend the voting right and use of the recreational facilities by an Owner for any period during which any assessment against his Lot remains unpaid and for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days for any infraction of its published rules and regulations, 4. The right of the Association to impose regulations for the use and enjoyment of the Common Area and improvements thereon, which regulations may further restrict the use of the Common Area, and piers. 5. Provisions in this document relative to canal frontage and ARTICLE VIII GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. "Term": The covenants, reservations, and restrictions of this Amendment to the Dedication shall run with the land and shall A 13 fil399PC308 be binding on all the Properties as well as all parties and all persons claiming under them for a period of twenty-five (25) years from the date these covenants are recorded, after which time said covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years. During which time, these covenants, reservations, and restrictions shall also inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Association or the Owner of any Lot subject to this Amendment, their respective heirs, successors and assigns. Section 2. "Enforcement": Every Owner of the Properties, including Lots, shall comply strictly with the use restrictions contained herein, as well as all other covenants, reservations, and restrictions set forth in this Amendment to the Dedication. In the event of a violation or breach of any of these covenants, reservations and restrictions by any person or concern claiming by, through or under the undersigned, or by virtue of any judicial proceedings, the Association, the Owners of the Lots in the subdivision, their respective successors and assigns, or any of them, jointly or severally, shall have the right and standing, but not the obligation, to institute any proceeding at law or in equity to enforce all covenants, reservations, restrictions, liens and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Amendment to the Dedication, as well as the provisions contained in the original Dedication, which are not amended or supplanted by this Amendment thereto; compel compliance with the terms hereof; prevent the violation or breach of any of them; and/or recover damages, if appropriate, against any party or entity and recover any appropriate remedy thereby, including, but not limited to the following: collection, enforcement, and foreclosure on assessment liens; injunction enjoining further violation hereof; and recovery of a " monetary sum for any damages arising hereunder. The appropriate remedy for violating this Amendment, other than in the case of the nonpayment of assessments, shall be the remedy of specific performance, there being no adequate remedy at law. All costs of enforcement, including, without limitation, all reasonable attorneys' fees incurred pursuant to such enforcement, shall be a charge against both the Lot owned by the violator and a personal charge against the violator. All such costs shall be recoverable and collected as an assessment for common expense against the violator and shall therefore be a charge and lien against the land if such charge remains unpaid after demand is made by the Association for payment. In addition, such costs and reasonable attorneys' fees shall be recoverable as part of any judgment or order to enforce these covenants. The failure by the Association or by any Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction contained herein, however long continued, shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter as to the same or different breach or as to a breach occurring prior or subsequent thereto and shall not bar or affect its enforcement. 14 gk1394PC309 The Association may employ a legal representative for the purposes expressed herein and may compensate said representative from the assessment fund or through special assessment, as the case may be. Section 3. "Modification of Restrictive Covenants": These restrictive and protective covenants are subject to being altered, modified, canceled or changed at any time as to said subdivision as a whole or as to any subdivided Lot or part thereof during the first twenty-five (25) year period from the date of recording hereof by written document executed by the Declarant or their successors in title after affirmative vote or written agreement signed by Lot Owners of Lots to which at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the votes in the Association are allocated. Any such amendment must be recorded properly. Section 4. "Severability": Invalidation of any one of these covenants or restrictions by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect and the failure of any person or persons to take action to restrain the violation of any of these covenants and restrictions shall not be construed as a waiver of any enforcement rights and shall not prevent the enforcement of such covenants. Section 5. "Variances": The Association may allow reasonable variances and adjustments of the restrictions set forth in this Declaration in order to overcome practical difficulties and prevent unnecessary hardships in the application of the provisions contained herein; provided however, that any such variance granted must be done in conformity with the intent and purposes of the general development scheme and provided also that in every instance such variance or adjustment shall not materially be detrimental or injurious to other property or improvements within the Properties. Section 6. "Reasonable Access": The Association, acting through its officers, agents, servants, and/or employees, shall have the right of unobstructed access at all reasonable times to all properties as may be reasonably necessary to perform the various inspections necessary to enforce these covenants. Section 7. "Other": If any of the original covenants, reservations, and restrictions as contained in the Dedication are, or ^ shall be determined to be, in conflict with the covenants, reservations, and restrictions contained in this Amendment thereto; then, in that event, the covenants, reservations, and restrictions contained in this Amendment shall control. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE DECLARANT OF THIS AMENDMENT TO THE DEDICATION, having been duly approved by the Board of Directors and the Owners, has hereunto set their respective hands and affixed their respective seals for the purposes contained herein, this the day and year first above written and KILBY ISLAND OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., has caused this instrument to be signed in its name by its President, 15 c139`PG310 and attested by its secretary, with its corporate seal hereunto affixed, all by authority of its Board of Directors duly given, this the day and year first above written. KILBY IS D OW N T( E A 50CIATION, INC. (corporate seal) ID C10 (11 ,?, ATTESTED: S? ?PRESID NT ? ?L y T? Se t a r y N4'?11? ?blJl`?' STATE OF NORTH CAROLI COUNTY OF BEAUFORT C I, 4,btvlu A. Sww-k , a Notary Public in and for said County agitate, hereby certify that Rusty Williams personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that he is Secretary of Kilby Island Owners Association, Inc., a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal, and attested by himself as its Secretary. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this day of 2004. GZ ?AI. SEAL' Nc. North Carding Inty of Plat n a Swank Notai%jr Public My commission Expires: /Zq Ls 16 911394PG311 JENNIFER LEGGETT WHITEHURST BEAUFORT COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS COURTHOUSE BUILDING 112 W. 2ND STREET WASHINGTON, NC 27889 Filed For Registration: 05118/200410:53:10 AM Book: RE 1394 Page: 295-311 Document No.: 2004003690 AMEND 17 PGS $59.00 Recorder: JENNIFER L WHITEHURST State of North Carolina, County of Beaufort The foregoing certificate of KIMBERLY A SWANK Notary Is certified to be correct. This 18TH of May 2004 F (kg-5?? *2004003690* 2004003690 A STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BEAUFORT THIS INDENTURE, Made as of this 1`i by and between Horace S. Lee and wife Olga A PURCHASE MONEY DEED OF TRUST 4 "day of June, 1977, B. Lee, hereinafter called Grantors, and James B. McMullan, of Beaufort County, North Carolina, hereinafter called Trustee, and Mason Lumber Company, Incorporated, a North Carolina corporation, hereinafter called Beneficiary (said designations shall include the respective parties, whether one or more, individual or corporate, and their respective successors in interest or assigns); WITNESSETH: ($ 7,000.00------- ) Dollars, as evidenced by a note or notes of even date herewith executed by Grantors and payable, with interest as specified therein, to Beneficiary, as follows: $141.93 on the first day of July, 1977, and the same amount on the first day of each month thereafter until a total of sixty (60) monthly payments have been made. ;i ,? t R Cc AND WHEREAS, Grantors have agreed to secure the payment of the said debt and interest and also the taxes, assessments and insurance premiums hereinafter mentioned by the conveyance of the property hereinafter described; ?i NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, and for the purposes aforesaid, and in consideration of the sum, of One Dollar paid to Grantors by Trustee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantors have bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do bargain, sell and convey to Trustee, his successors and assigns, the following real estate, wh'.h all improvements, fixtures, and appurtenances, whether detachable or not, located in Bath Township, Beaufort County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Being Lots Nos. 3, 61, and 62, as said lots are shown upon a plat entitled "Kilby Island Lot Layout," and which said plat is recorded in Map Book 20, page 25, Beaufort County Registry. Being a part of that property conveyed to Mason Lumber Company, Incorporated from Kilby Island G Corporation by deed recorded in Book 643, page 373, Beaufort County Registry. luc r, WHEREAS. -Grantors are indebted to Beneficiary in the principal sum of SEVEN THOUSAND TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same with all rights, ways, privileges and 60 appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the Trustee and successors in interest of Trustee forever. And Grantors covenant with Trustee that they are seized of said premises in fee, that they have the right to convey the same, that the same are free and clear of all encumbrances and restrictions not specifically mentioned herein, and they do hereby warrant and will forever defend the title to the same against all claims of all persons whomsoever. ~ THIS DEED OF TRUST, HOWEVER, is made upon the trusts and for the uses and purposes following: That if Grantors shall pay all sums required to be paid by the note or notes secured hereby, and shall perform and observe all of the covenants, conditions, and agreements contained in this Deed of 't'rust, then this Deed of Trust shall be null and void, and shall be cancelled or released of record at the expense of Grantors, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. If the Grantors shall fail to pay the aforesaid indebtedness, or any part thereof, or any installment thereon, promptly, as it or any part thereof shall become due, or shall fail to pay any part of the interest that may accrue thereon, promptly, as the said interest may become due, or shall fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this instrument, or any of the promises or agreements contained herein, or any note secured hereby, then immediately upon such default, or at any time thereafter, in any one of these respects, the Beneficiary, or any holder of any note secured hereby, may declare the whole of said debt and interest and all other monies secured by this instrument then owing from the Grantors to the Beneficiary instantly due and payable, and it shall be the duty of the Trustee, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to sell said land and premises, with all and every appurtenances thereunto belonging, at the County CoL thouse door in the County where said land is situated, as aforesaid, by public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, or upon terms acceptable to the Beneficiary, having first given notice of such sale once each week for four successive weeks, in some newspaper published in the said Coun4l (ar-if than in a-newspaper published in an adjoining County), and to convey said land and premises to the purchaser, or purchasers, in fee simple, and apply the proceeds of said sale to the payment of the expenses of such sale, including a Trustee's commission of five percent, to the discharge of said debt and interest on the same, the surplus, if any, to be paid to the Grantors. And the Grantors promise to and agree with the other parties hereto, to pay all taxes and assessments on said land before the same become delinquent, and to keep the buildings, and other improvements erected and to be erected on said land, at all times in good repair and said buildings insured against loss by fire or other casualty, by insurers acceptable to Beneficiary for such amount as Beneficiary shall require, not exceeding the amount. of indebtedness secured hereby, and assign and deliver the policies thereof to the Beneficiary, to be held as additional security for the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust. If Grantors shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this paragraph, then Beneficiary or any holder of any note secured hereby, may pay said taxes and assessments and effect and maintain such insurance and pay the premiums thereon, and any sum or sums so paid shall be added to the principal of said debt, shall be secured by these presents, shall draw interest at the rate of six percent per annum, and shall mature at the same time as the next payment of the indebtedness secured hereby, provided that this power and authority or the exercise thereof shall in no way prevent the monies of every description secured by this Deed of Trust from becoming instantly due upon the conditions and terms hereinbefore provided. And it is further covenanted and agreed by Grantors that all defenses that C}'?L0 may at any time be available to them to defeat the lien of this Trust Deed, or the collection of any note hereby secured, on the, ground r holders thereof to them,eor to payment thereof that may be given by the holder o any surety or endorser thereof, are hereby waived and surrendered by said Grantors; and any note secured hereby may at any time be extended or renewed without releasing or discharging the liability of any party to the same, or any endorser or surety thereon, or the security of this Deed of Trust. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors have hereunto set their hands and d of Trus to be execute by its du seals, or, if corporate, has caused this D aff xedt all by p operc corporately authorized officers and its seal to be hereunto authority duly given, as of the day and year first above written. /J (SEAL) Horace S, Lee -(SEAL) _L019a_ Lee------------------- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA a Notary Public of said State and I, County, do hereby certify that Horace S. Lee and wife Olga B. Lee personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. ???i day of June., 19 77 Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, this Z4L2- Y Notary Public My Commission expires: ------------------- -----------Z=- ------------------------------------- STATE OF , COUNTY OF I, a Notary Public of said State and County, certify that . ared°before me-tl:iactay_aad acknowledged that he persolPd'.Tip-alTe is Secretary of a corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the President, sealed foregoing instrument was signed in its name bYs its if as its Secretary with its corporate seal, and attested by Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, this _day of 19 Notary Publi My Commission expires: -___-___-__- ----------------------------- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ,. The foregoing certificate- of 49 Notary Public/Notaries Public is/are certified to be correct. This instrument was, presented for registration and recorded in this office at Book Sf g 1,0 1977, at ! / o'clock, This day of Registe of De a ?a Z-, {! ? • 14 '6Y ' • _,I 3I O O O 0 m D m D j of `v' GS jM1 G N r• G ? z ?' r J '!' •v v 111 111 t? ? W ti? i 2? +T .t. ? C W J m J i X C L rt O = T C ` ? !?? t Ill 1' W r W J "_ i 1 Q ' 4 ?I T - Q Ti 0 • 1 1 = 111 a! p C c A = O N r0 Q ID ? - -T 1 r r u 1 U L C W (_1 lJJ (t ? f? w J J l W i? ? ? _ o W t T T o _ w w \. W ,•- N F M J W Ul Q W i I ui 1 ? ' I 1 l I it l _ . , 1 L 111 ? F. IU i1 i] it I ir t _ CL (1 •T 11 n (, Ill 'T 't -t ?YaMph Q? a ?Jos.S; b horn Casty This three-bedroom transitional design conveys wart. per venality with its neighborly front porch and decorative detaila. F,.mbracing today's family arc the amenities included throughout: • Interior boundaries arc defined by coiumos. a half will, and a kitchen counferthar in the spscioav main living area • A screened porch off the kitchea/dining areas pmvidce a groat place for outdoor dining - Master bedroom suite features a walk-in closet and a private fill bath - Mother full bathroom is located within cagy reach of the other bedrooms and the main living areas • Onccar garage offers indoor acccs9 to the kitchen • Separate utility room reduces laundry Heise and can acaommodame a built-in ironing board CflRISTY Plan No. 4-CS Overall Dimension, 42'-0" Hamad Area: 1481 sq. ft. in siding Front Perch, Screoncd Porch 8t ("raragc: 300 sq. ft. V MIUI " CLOWT MASTER BEOROOM C, 1c.cxt•r-tt° tvmtt 9CrtWOM K OM _ oe?r " " ra .e . q KQC M DO M AREA 11._0., x t 14•-V' x 10._a. 1c1-o- BMW. 3 ft.Mor OR DIAL 11._o.' xII.?g.. 42" HIGH WALL • N. ILM .p1J T aM 2 y W ROOM 4 GARWE U M 1s-s' x 1e'-o° 12'-0" x BEDROOM 2 PORCH ir-g° x 12.-6" 4r-n° A Y II T ? i 1 III P z 0 II ?00t D LLJ 1 0 Q ILL Ca N ill?w? II Z J W , 0 J m ol?OZ < J J ?l ?-- 8 i ?n Z Q,.1 W U U Z in i cr J J w A z Z u) Y w W CC U a ? . M , iv Aa, .? f I ? tl10. n \ ? ? ,, . ` ? . f. 9ati t.. ii i ??'SS U a A Z ,•? may. o • -;?, - ?I W Vi W w r V 111<.9 ® I II Ix ?.FI II. ? I W J i// ?W It ^v ?i: TO rc• 1 12 41 O M .1 IW + } , p ?\v •r. ' in VQ t? 04 1 ? } W ? S I O LL J 1 J \ s r ' r Itz. J ?1t P O rF??Y =^I'p I.f 'K.1,'' .... . ' 1 40 acv \ n L ' '31AV oNOwaO ?• M? L O n'ab.1 9N'a?'Y IS KOJ 1? M31AAVq SOEZ:(' t 0.. M Iz- Y u NO scale. Y % O _ o AIN ?. r!V bb SEPn E N?_?,, O oOa , 0 O _ p.23 AC"E ' O 3.0 4J y o Q sa 6 -- ?' O •??b- OC • E it r N 30o 1 42 91.95 ? mod cc W O 00 4. H g N s = oroc• E 0190 O o ? E a? Q l o t6?? to 606 751 • R s.oo' PGw Y 3?c 592PG112 W° d BEAUFORT COUNTY LWD RLCORD.4 ?> Q a ROUTING FORS! Lend :?-ecor9e flci.al Date FOR REGISTRATION REGISTER OF DEEDS JENNIFER LEGGETT WHTEHURST BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC 2007 JUN 22 10:51:14 AM 80592 P012-115 FEE420.00 INSTRUMENT # 1007005100 NORTH CAROLINA PREPARED BY CARTER, ARCHIE, HASSELL & HOLBROOK, L.L.P. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, i OST OFFICE DRAWER 2187 BEAUFORT COUNTY WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 27889 THIS DEED, made and given this Gl';O"day of -,/ 2007, by OLGA B. LEE, hereinafter referred to as "Seller"; to JUNE LEE CHERRY, whose address is 164 Warren Lane, Belhaven, North Carolina, 27810, hereinafter referred to as "Buyer; WITNESSETH: That Seller, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to her paid by Buyer, the receipt ofwhich is hereby acknowledged, has bargained and sold, and by these presents does hereby bargain, sell and convey unto Buyer, her heirs and assigns, in fee simple, the following parcel or tract of land located in Bath Township, Beaufort County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lots 61 and 62, as said lots are shown upon a plat entitled "Kilby Island Lot Layout" which map is recorded in Map Book 20, Page 25 in the Beaufort County Registry. Reference is also made to that deed to Horace S. Lee and wife, Olga B. Lee dated June 14, 1977 which is recorded in Book 751, Page 606 of the Beaufort County Registry. BK1592r,G1i3 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land together with all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining unto Buyer, her heirs and assigns, in fee, forever, subject to the following: Beaufort County ad valorem taxes for 2007 and subsequent years. 2. Easements and rights of way for public utility lines crossing and/or serving the property. 3. Seller expressly reserves the right to use and maintain the septic tank drain field which is located on Lot 62 for the benefit of, and as an appurtenance to Lot 3 of"Kilby Island Lot Layout" which map is recorded in Map Book 20, Page 25 in the Beaufort County Registry. And Seller covenants and warrants to and with Buyer, her heirs and assigns, that she is seized of the above described lands in fee and has the right to convey the same, that the same are free from all liens and encumbrances except those above set forth, and that subject only thereto Seller will warrant and defend the title to the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Seller has hereunto set her hand as of the day and year first above written. zo? 91 4R-i OLG B. LEE -2- B?1592I,c11`i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BEAUFORT Before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the state and county aforesaid, personally appeared C)W-,& 8. LC-9- , unmarried, and she voluntarily acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. The undersigned Notary Public has personal knowledge of the identity of the principal or satisfactory evidence of the principal's identity. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal, this -0/ 6*day of ZS, rte- _, 2W NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: A GAIL MANNING NOTARY PUBLIC -'AUFORT COUNTY ITH CAROLINA S.\SID\llEEUS. mist\Lee, Olgakolgato june.wpl ? Ex irQ$ A. GAIL MANNING NOTARY PUBLIC BEAUFORT COUNTY NORTH CAROLIN M Commission Ex ires J-I i -3- sK1592PG115 JENNIFER LEGGETT WHITEHURST BEAUFORT COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS COURTHOUSE BUILDING 112 W. 2ND STREET WASHINGTON, NC 27889 Filed For Registration: Book: Document No.: Recorder: 0612212007 10:51:24 AM RE 1592 Page: 112-115 2007005100 DEED 4 PGS $20.00 PATRICIA COLUMBUS ;. Y 6,-d passe-0 *2007005100* 2007005100 BK1592Pc 116 v? d FOR REGISTRATION REGISTER OF DEEDS URST N G L ? COUNTY, JENNBE UFORT C 2007 JUN 22 W5114 RM r g "F0 Q0"'?" ' s 1592 P016-118 FEE : $11.00 BK tx k ?' a ROtTMIQG FOtilS 1 INStRUMENT 2001005101 Z Lard 1te"ord _ f i _al nat` NORTH CAROLINA PREPARED BY CARTER; ARCHIE, HASSELL & HOLBROOK, L.L.P. A fTORNEYS AT L %W, POST OFFICE DRAWER 2187 BEAUFORT COUNTY WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 27889 THIS QUITCLAIM DEED, made this /'? ` day of June, 2007 by and between FRANKLIN EDWARD CHERRY, party of the first part, to JUNE LEE CHERRY, party of the second part, whose address is 164 Warren Lane, Belhaven, North Carolina, 27810; WITNESSETH: In consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considerations to him paid by the party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the party of the first part has bargained and sold and by these presents does hereby bargain, sell, convey and quitclaim unto the said party of the second part, her heirs and assigns, in fee simple, any and all interest including all ofthe right to such property and free and clear of such interest in such property as the other spouse might have acquired as a result of the marriage, including any right arising now or at any time hereafter under North Carolina General Statutes 29-30 and 50-20 et seq. which said party of the first part has in that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in Bath Township, Beaufort County, North Carolina, more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lots 61 and 62, as said lots are shown upon a plat entitled "Kilby Island Lot Layout" which map is recorded in Map Book 20, Page 25 in the Beaufort County Registry. Reference is BK1592PC117 also made to that deed to Horace S. Lee and wife, Olga B. Lee dated June 14, 1977 which is recorded in Book 751, Page 606 of the Beaufort County Registry. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining unto the party of the second part, her heirs and assigns, in fee simple. The party of the first part agrees that the party of the second part can convey the above described real property, or any interest therein, without the consent of the party of the first part. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has hereunto set his hand as of the day and year first above written. G FRANKLIN EDWARD C RRY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BEAUFORT Before me, _a, 1 NNP;?4, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared FRANKLIN EDWARD CHERRY, and he voluntarily acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. The undersigned Notary Public has personal knowledge ofthe identity ofthe principal or satisfactory evidence of the principal's identity. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, this day of June, 2007. NOTARY PUBLIC :A.GAIL MANNING My commission expires: RY PUBLIC S\SID\DEEDS.mist\Lee.Olga\eddie.R . COUNTY CAROLIMy on Ex ire -2- AX1592Pc118 M Y JENNIFER LEGGETT WHITEHURST BEAUFORT COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS COURTHOUSE BUILDING 112 W. 2ND STREET WASHINGTON, NC 27889 Filed For Registration Book: Document No.: Recorder: 061221200710:51:24 AM RE 1592 Page: 116-118 2007005101 Q/C DEED 3 PGS $17.00 PATRICIA COLUMBUS SI- j ?RSSe?( *2007005101* - BK1592PG112 ?o W a ¢J BFAtwoRT coTmw LwD RscoRD$ W CQ X ? ROUTSIQG FORM Land RecordI f flcial tlatc FOR REGISTRATION REGI STER OF DEEDS JENNIFER LEGGETT WHTEHURST 2007uJUNT22 10:51:24 AM BK:1592 PG: 112-115 FEE: $20.00 INSTRUMENT # 2007005100 NORTH CAROLINA PREPARED BY CARTER, ARCHIE, HASSELL & HOLBROOK, L.L.P. LATTORNEYS AT NvV, DUST OFFICE DRAW; R 2187 BEAUFORT COUNTY WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 27889 THIS DEED, made and given this l:l1""day of 2007, by OLGA B. LEE, hereinafter referred to as "Seller"; to JUNE LEE CHERRY, whose address is 164 Warren Lane, Belhaven, North Carolina, 27810, hereinafter referred to as "Buyer; WITNESSETH: That Seller, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to her paid by Buyer, the receipt ofwhich is hereby acknowledged, has bargained and sold, and by these presents does hereby bargain, sell and convey unto Buyer, her heirs and assigns, in fee simple, the following parcel or tract of land located in Bath Township, Beaufort County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lots 61 and 62, as said lots are shown upon a plat entitled "Kilby Island Lot Layout" which map is recorded in Map Book 20, Page 25 in the Beaufort County Registry. Reference is also made to that deed to Horace S. Lee and wife, Olga B. Lee dated June 14, 1977 which is recorded in Book 751, Page 606 of the Beaufort County Registry. ax1592Pc113 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land together with all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining unto Buyer, her heirs and assigns, in fee, forever, subject to the following: 1. Beaufort County ad valorem taxes for 2007 and subsequent years. 2. Easements and rights of way for public utility lines crossing and/or serving the property. 3. Seller expressly reserves the right to use and maintain the septic tank drain field which is located on Lot 62 for the benefit of, and as an appurtenance to Lot 3 of"Kilby Island Lot Layout" which map is recorded in Map Book 20, Page 25 in the Beaufort County Registry. And Seller covenants and warrants to and with Buyer, her heirs and assigns, that she is seized of the above described lands in fee and has the right to convey the same, that the same are free from all liens and encumbrances except those above set forth, and that subject only thereto Seller will warrant and defend the title to the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Seller has hereunto set her hand as of the day and year first above written. OLG B. LEE -2- aK 1592"'211`I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BEAUFORT Before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the state and county aforesaid, personally appeared QW-40- B. Lee. , unmarried, and she voluntarily acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. The undersigned Notary Public has personal knowledge of the identity of the principal or satisfactory evidence of the principal's identity. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal, this ?/-Si-day of ?rte , 200_. NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: 4? A: GAIL MANNING NOTARY PUBLIC ?'- AUFORT COUNTY ,'.rH CAROLINA S.\SID\DEEDS.misc\Lee, Olga\olga,tojune.wpd h Ex Tres A. GAIL MANNING NOTARY PUBLIC BEAUFORT COUNTY NORTH CAROLIN M Commission Expires 09 -3- BK1592PG115 JENNIFER LEGGETT WHITEHURST BEAUFORT COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS COURTHOUSE BUILDING 112 W. 2ND STREET WASHINGTON, NC 27889 Filed For Registration: 06122/200710:51:24 AM Book: RE 1592 Page: 112-115 Document No.: 2007005100 DEED 4 PGS $20.00 Recorder: PATRICIA COLUMBUS Y 0J W?SSe< *2007005100*