HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080386 Ver 1_401 Application_20080208-f r60 V * CLEARWATER ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. February 20, 2008 Ms. Lori Beckwith U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Ave, Rm 208 Asheville, NC 28801 Ms. Cyndi Karoly N.C. Division of Water Quality 2321 Crabtree Blvd, Ste 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 RE: Scenic View Terrace After-The-Fact Permit Application Buncombe County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Beckwith and Ms. Karoly: 08 0386 ?ID Enclosed for your review and approval is an After-The-Fact permit application for 515 linear feet of stream impact for construction fill and road crossings. This application includes the plans representing activities resulting in impacts to jurisdictional Waters of the U.S. and addresses the unauthorized activities as described in the Notice-of-Violation (NOV) issued by the NC Division of Water Quality on March 23, 2007. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (828) 698-9800 with any questions or comments you may have concerning this application. Sincerely R. Clem nt Ridd e, 4PWt.S. Principal Cc: Roger Edwards, NCDWQ Bryan Tompkins, USFWS Dave McHenry, NCWRC FFB 2 9 2008 QUAUTY RANDSNAND ST E ti' ORMWATER BRANCH 718 Oakland Street Hendersonville, North Carolina 28791 Phone: 828-698-9800 Fax: 828-698-9003 www.cwenv.com 02/28/2008 15:44 FAX [A 002 APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT OMB APPROVAL NO.0710-003 (33CFR 325) Expires Octobcr 1996 I'ublie reporting burden for this coUection of information is estimated to average 5 hours pct response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing dre collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this COCC642 of information, including suggestions forreducing this burden, to Department of DcSense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of Information Ope:ations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Higbway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 222024302; and to the Off cc of Managcmcni and l3udge1, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washington, DC 20503. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed annlications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMEN'T' Authority: 33 USC 401, Section I0; 1413, Section 404. Principal Purpose: These laws tequircpcrmits authorizing activities in, or affecting, navigable waters ofthe United States, the discharge of.ircdged or fill material into waters of the Untied Stales, and the transportation of dredged material for the purpose of dumping it into ocwR waters. Routine Uses: hrformation provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit Disclosure: Disclosure of requested information is voluntary- lfinformation is not provided, however, due permit application cannot be processed nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which sbow the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and irrsaUCtions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location ofthe proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. 1. APPLICATION NO- 5. APPLICANT'S NAME D ay Associates 6- APPLICANT'S ADDRESS Attn: David Day 6 Roberts Rd Asheville, NC 28803 7_ APPLICANT'S PHONE N09- WiAREA a. Residence VA b. Rosins 828-277-3292 I hereby support 1 (ITEMS I TT3RU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE 2. FIELD OI- FTCE CODE J. DATE RECE: (ITEMS BELOW TO BE MLED BY APPLT 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME 6t TITLE (in agent is not Attn: Clement Riddle 718 Oaidand St llcndersonviDe, NC 28739 10- a_ Residence N/A b_ Business 828-698A800 08 0386 Inr- to act in my behal£as my agent in the processing- of ibis application and to famish, upon requeyt? supplemental information in APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE \j AIN A- It 11110 12 PROJECT NAME OR TTI LE (see instructions) Scenic View'Cerrate 13_ NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) 14. PROJECT STREFT ADDRESS (if applicable) UT of Lee Creek 15. LOCATION OF PROMC T o [E@ WW R p _ BuncQMhe NC COUNTY STATI: 16.OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN, (see instructions) DENR . WATER QUAUTY WETLANDS AND STORMWA?ER BRAN I7_ DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Take US 19-23 South from .Asheville. Turn north (right) onto New Leicester Highway. After approaimotely 3 miles, the site wltl be located on the left (south) side of New Leicester Ilighwcty. 02/28/2008 15:44 FAX Z003 18. Nan= of Activity (Dmcription of project, include all features) SEE ATTACII.E.D 19. Project Purpose (Dcsr nbe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions) SEE ATTACHED LUSE BLOCKS 20-221F DREDGED AND/OR FILE. MATERIAL 1S TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Rcason(s) for Diacharge SEE ATTACHED. 21. Type(s) of Material Ecing Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards. Fill of approximately 1,948 cubic yards and culverts in jurlsdictional.streams. 22. Surface Area in Acre's of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see instructions) Approximately 0.04 acres of jurisdictional Waters of the U.S./wetlands are proposed for impacts. Tlds Includes the following: 515 linear feet of perennial and intermittent streams 23_ Is Any Portion of the Work Already Compacted? Yes 91 No IF YES, DEMURE TIIE COMPLETED WORK All portions of the work are complete. 24. Addr sscs of Adjoining Propny Owners, L.tsseea, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than Gan be entered here, please attachod a supplcmmtal list). SEE ATTACHED 25, list DFOthc r Cedifications or Approvala/Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL; IDENTIFICATION # DATE APPLIED IIATS APPROVED DATE DENIED USAGE Nationwide Permit No. 39 7,00230341 01103/b002 Buncombe County Land Disturbing Permit E-1109 06107/2002 Buncombe County Land Disturbing permit E-1137 06107!2002 *Would include but is not=trictod to zoning. building and floodplan per-nits 26_ Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize thew k described in this application. I certify that the infortnetian is this a liration is comple and accurate. I further certify that 1 possess riry to un thew d®cribed herein or am acting as the duly arizrd erg Tuber licant / fli, 1- 71 -AWO SIGN OFAP)PLIC ATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed the person wbo desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be sued by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block I1 has been filled out andsigped. ) 8 U.S-C- Section 1001 provides that Whoever, in any mannrrwithin the jurisdiction of airy dcpa=mt or agency ofthe United States knowingly and wil)fiilly falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact ormakes any false, fictitious or fiauduleot statements or entry, shall be lined not mare than S l 0,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. Items 18, 19 and 30: Nature of Activity, Description, Project Purpose The 35±-acre project site is located approximately three miles north of Asheville on the southern side of New Leicester Highway (Figures 1 and 2). The property is developed as a mix of commercial and residential area with most of the commercial areas located along the frontage of New Leicester Highway. An unnamed tributary of Lee Creek runs from south to north in the eastern portion of the project site. The surrounding area is a mix of residential and commercial areas. Mr. David Day received a Nationwide Permit No. 39 (Action ID 200230141) from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on January 3, 2002 (Appendix A). The 2002 permit authorized impacts to 150 linear feet of the unnamed tributary of Lee Creek for the placement of culvert and associated fill material. The stated purpose of the culvert was for "site preparation for the residential and commercial development". No Water Quality Certification from the NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) was required at that time. Construction on the site began in 2002 and is on-going based on phasing. This after-the-fact permit application is being submitted in response to the Notice-of-Violation (NOV) issued by the NCDWQ on March 23, 2007 (Appendix B). The NOV refers to approximately 400 linear feet of stream impact (Impact 1) from earthen fill and pipe installation (Photo 1) as well as 15 linear feet of impact (Impact 2) from an in-stream sediment basin (Photo 2) and two 20-linear foot road crossing culverts (Impacts 3 and 4, Photo 3). The NOV also states that approximately 270 linear feet of stream downstream from the road culverts has been impacted by 8" to 12" of sediment (Figure 3). The purpose of the 400-linear foot impact is to allow the site to be prepared for commercial and residential development (Figure 3). The 400-foot culvert is tied to an existing culvert network adjacent to and beneath New Leicester Highway. Commercial development will be located along the frontage of New Leicester Highway while residential townhouses are proposed to the south of and adjacent to the commercial area. The two road culverts are to provide access to existing residential single family homes located in the Mt. Carmel Village subdivision. The road culverts were measured in the field at 40 linear feet (Impact 3) and 75 linear feet (Impact 4). A total of 515 linear feet of stream impact is proposed for authorization by this after-the-fact permit application. No additional impacts from utility line activities are proposed for the project. Sanitary sewer will be tied to the municipal system operated by the Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County. Avoidance and Minimization The applicant avoided 469 linear feet of permanent impacts to streams. No future impacts are anticipated on this project. Conceptual Mitigation Plan Approximately 469 linear feet of the unnamed tributary (UT) of Lee Creek is not permanently impacted by the project. However, the avoided segments have been temporarily impacted by sediment runoff and rip-rap check dams placed in the channel (Photo 4). The stream also has a degraded riparian buffer and consists mostly of grass, early successional and invasive species. Some large trees remain but only in very limited quantities and in isolated pockets. The stream is characterized as having a steep slope and vertical, eroding banks. Under natural conditions, a stream of this type would be dominated by step-pool sequences. The stream originates just off of the applicants property and joins Lee Creek on the north side of New Leicester Highway after passing through a series of culvert networks (Figure 2). Lee Creek is in the 06010105 HUC of the French Broad River basin and is classified as "C" by the NCDWQ. Deposited sediment will be removed from the stream channel using hand labor (buckets, shovels, and wheelbarrows), taken to high ground away from the stream channel, and stabilized. The rip-rap check dams will also be removed during the sediment removal process. The applicant is proposing Enhancement I activities on the 469± linear feet of the UT of Lee Creek not permanently impacted by the project (Figure 4). Overall slope of the reach will not be changed and will be maintained with the construction of step-pool structures (Figure 5). The banks will be sloped 3:1 to reduce erosion potential. Following step-pool and bank construction, the banks are to be matted, seeded, and live staked (Figure 6). Riparian tree and shrub planting (283 trees and shrubs) will take place in the riparian areas (0.65 acres) to provide a 30-foot buffer on either side of the channel. All enhancement activities are to follow the USACE/NCDWQ approved Stream Mitigation Guidelines (2002) and the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program's Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration (2003). Following completion of enhancement activities, the sediment basin at the downstream end of the enhancement area will be removed and the channel restored with a buffer planted. The same design criteria will be applied to the 15-foot restoration segment as in the Enhancement I reaches. Impacts related to the after-the-fact permit application total 515 linear feet. Proposed on-site enhancement/restoration activities will take place on 469 linear feet of stream channel. The remaining 46 linear feet of required compensatory mitigation credit will be accounted for by payment into the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). A total of 515 stream mitigation units will be generated through on-site enhancement and payment into the NCEEP. Cumulative Downstream Impacts Minimal cumulative impacts are anticipated as the UT of Lee Creek on the project site was previously contained in a culvert network under New Leicester Highway. The surrounding area was already a mix of residential and commercial uses and the addition of the 400± if culvert as well as the road crossing culverts is unlikely to cause more than minimal additional stress on the watershed. Photo 1: Beginning of 440-foot culvert installation Photo 2: Sediment basin constructed in the stream channel Photo 3: Road culverts Photo 4: Sediment and rip-rap in the channel 41, S URPE DELO R \ T POUSA Ba rd Mount in • ? ? rio dvie F b Leicester T J? Kila`n Mo 63 ?, ? Rdyne-' loanta¢r ; r ..P ton C ove t t "Juno Craggy Dam / ?. J X Baird Co ve . ??- .,ElkMountain rte { L, ?j Green Valle Y i { ? 1 S -LjI Woodfin T ,Beave;Lak?eDar ' ? ? ? ? _ r ? I r..{ ?. ? ? ? ? C lay'ey' i .'? ?t ? ' ` ?,> - Soaom Ho!!ov? t ?l Georgetown V Craggy 1 +I ?H t Mount1 11 s?o?e PR4]ECTL-O CATTON rr y Mou taus" P i rWt1Mauntain -0, ?? y BinghamHeiuhts ? ?- r _ / f /Y .i *) . I Y t1 - . -. %N" "[I, i ,1 718 OAKLAND ST I INCH = 1000 FEET SCENIC VIEW TERRACE SHEET NO. earWater HENDERSONVILLE NC 28791 PHONE: (828) 698-9800 DRAWN BY - USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 2 Environmental Consultants, Inc. FAX: (828) 698-9003 DATE 5-08 CEC PROJECT NO sae DAY ASSOCIATES BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NC ON 'A1Nn0:) 38WOONne S3IVI0OSsv AV(] US ON i:)grOHl 03) eons sl 31va 2006-969 (929) :YVA oul `sluellnsuoo to}uauJU0JInu3 2 inoA`v'1 JNUSIX?l A9NMV80 0096-969 (929) :3NOHd ?/]? 16L9Z ON 3??1ANOS82ON3H 9 0V?J? 91 M31A OIN90S 1334 091 =HDNII LS ONV,AVO91L ON 133HS Idw- co C? ? O 00 O _ I- LLI ` W ( - LL Q W w O CL F- C) i 141& .0(f! 1j I N # Z a a ,I L j \a H Z W 4g a- C] J?- 1 N Lo z 0 O w 0 z w w 37 LL E c, I? Lu 0% K7 Q ? W W z > a -J U U J Q Q ?- p O+ V a? \ \ \? ? ? 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U J LL- J U- J LL J? a +I +I J U- J LL. J +I J +I O+ O +I +I 0% +I L (D Lc) L0 +I +I 10 10 ?o 0% - = In O w - - 0 z0 w Z H m O a W N N N (.D V) W `" v N U Z F- H N r a N E F- Z H- Lu < a J K a. LU LJ > J - O W w } a x O N Z = ?- F w z F CL a N W W U J a LLJ J N Z d a s E 0 0 0. w 0 (L Z V U w F- W N H ? w Z O O W F- F- a F U 0 w cr- Z 9b m \ Z r w LL 0 Z J W 0 Lr) X: w U U- Z _I Z to l i I I I I I I i ? I I I / I I I I ? % I I O 7 \\ \ J " ?? F J > ?..__..__.,.. 0 Q Z w w u Z t1_ a -' w i i/ 0 z Lo w w x FILTER FABRIC ROCK SIZE SHOULD BE MINIMUM 2'X2'X1i MISTING TREAM BED z 0 u s 1.u 0 i u Q ? J a W H J W O - O ? a- U_ w Z ? W U U) a a a 0 ?o N a?D O u P o Z w? P P N 3 v a ? ? p = v m z O .. w i a ? x a w c 0 L U c N E --- c o W L c Q? y --j c co 0 RIPARIAN TREES PLANTED ON 10-FT CENTERS t TzT 1/ ?' ` tF i'r=,Vr* STAKE COIR LOG ffi L- I 1T-1Tf- I ?" z Sri' CO ?12" COIR LOG SEED PRIOR TO INSTALLING MATTING _ TYP. HIGH FLOW 7=m= - 800 GRAM COIR MATTING =mmTfi= TYP. LOW FLOW -'-f=1'11=7i -_? STREAM GRADE 12" MIN. OVERLAP STAKE BLANKET -? d UNDER COIR LOG BANK TREATMENT DETAILS .cf1? j- Ga , r r s ^?s 1 z? l :a ?t a tf..n.?7e a:,., c? 4r"!? t s v s x "4 } Z r CLV /y,, `g TYPICAL BANK STABILIZATION Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Inc. O Cn Co 0) 718 OAKLAND ST HENDERSONVILLE NC 28791 PHONE: (828) 698-9800 FAX: (828) 698-9003 IINCH = N.T.S.FEET DRAWN BY: Csc DATE: ISFE92008 CEC PROJECT NO.: 538 SCENIC VIEW TERRACE BANK STABILIZATION TYPICALS DAY ASSOCIATES BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NC SHEET NO, 6 Scenic View Adi acent Landowners Max and Mary Hagood 727 Monte Vista Rd Candler, NC 28715 PIN# 962905070817 VFW Post 891, Inc c/o Water Riddle 102 Furman Ave Asheville, NC 28715 PIN# 961908976714 Larry Bane 1881 NE 26"' St, Ste 212 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 PIN# 961912974344,961912973274 William Beckett 1647 NE 12`h TER Ft. Lauderdale, F133305 PIN# 961912972144 Mary & C. Robert Carter 47 Kilpatrick Crest Asheville, NC 28806 PIN# 961912869804 & 961912869655 Aleksandr Butmerchuk 10 Heath Ridge Rd Asheville, NC 28806 PIN# 961912966338 Anatoli & Lyubor Karatchoun 423 Kingfisher LN. Mills River, NC 28759 PIN# 962909061527 Veniamin But-Gusaim 36 Timberwood Dr. Asheville, NC 28806 PIN# 962909063558 Tatyana Andronova 141 Thea Ln Fletcher, NC 28732 PIN# 962909068851 Jesse & Candace Jones 34 Village Creek Dr Asheville, NC 28806 PIN# 961912971036 C. Robert & Deborah Carter 5 Kilpatrick Crest Asheville, NC 28806 PIN# 961912961354 Nataliya Parchuk 5 Manningfield Dr Fletcher, NC 28732 PIN# 961912967490 Volodymyr & Lyumila Shkinder 3 5 Timberwood Dr. Asheville, NC 28806 PIN# 962909061679 Viktor Kozhokaru 43 Timberwood Dr Asheville, NC 28806 PIN# 962909065711 Irene Taylor PO Box 546 Leicester, NC 28748 PIN# 962909160727 Sally Gould-Richard & Mark Bradshaw 35 Village Creek Dr Asheville, NC 28806 PIN# 961912960924 Sergey & Olgay Severenchuck 99 Ascension Dr, Apt C l 10 Ashville, NC 28806 PIN# 96191296438 Federico Marquez 55 Timberwood Dr Asheville, NC 28806 PIN# 961912969570 Sergey & Oksana Shtempel 28 Woodberry Ln Asheville, NC 28806 PIN# 962909062840 Sepah But-Gusaim 36 Timberwood Dt Asheville, NC 28806 PIN# 962909067558 Ronald Redmond 305 Macedonia Rd Asheville, NC 28804 PIN# 962909170262 Ingles Market c/o Easley McCalb First Citizens Bank and Trust Michael Ross PO Box 98309 PO Box 27131 101 Blossom Rd Atlanta, GA 30359 Raleigh, NC 27611 Leicester, NC 28748 PIN# 962905077858,96290588174 PIN# 962905084036 PIN# 962905081243 APPENDIX A USACE Nationwide Permit No. 39 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. 200230141 County Buncombe GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property owner: David R. Day Address: 204 Charlotte Highway, Suite F Asheville, North Carolina 28803 Telephone No.: (828) 299-7401 Size and Location of project (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): An unnamed tributary to Lees Creek flowing through the 34.98 acre Mt. Carmel Commercial Center property located at the intersection of New Leicester Highway and Mt. Carmel Road in Asheville, North Carolina. Description of Activity: to culvert 150-feet of the unnamed tributary in conjunction with site preparation for the residential and commercial development. Applicable Law: X Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C.1344). (check all that apply) Section 10 (River and Harbor Act of 1899). Authorization: Regional General Permit Number. 39 Nationwide Permit Number. Your work is authorized by this Regional General (RGP) or Nationwide Permit (NWP) provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted plans. Please read and carefully comply with the attached conditions of the RGP or NWP. Any violation of the conditions of the RGP or the NWP referenced above may subject the perminee to a stop work order, a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal action. This Department of the Army RGP or NWP verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. The permittee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. If there are any questions regarding this authorization or any of the conditions of the General Permit or Nationwide Permit, please contact the Corps Regulatory Official specified below. Date 1/3/02 Corps Regulatory Official David Baker Expiration Date of Verification 1/3/04 Telephone No. (828) 271-7980, extension 6 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETLAND DELINEATION FORMS, PROJECT PLANS, ETC., MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE YELLOW (FILE) COPY OF THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. CESAW Form 591 Revised July 1995 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 151 PATTON AVENUE ROOM 208 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801-5006 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF Permit Number: 200130141 Permit Type: NW 39 Name of County: Buncombe Name of Permittee: David R. Day Date of Issuance: January 3, 2001 Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Attention: CESAW-RG-A 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by an U.S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. If you fail to comply with this permit you are subject to permit suspension, modification, or revocation. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said permit, and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Signature of Permittee Date APPENDIX B NCDWQ Notice of Violation F WAIF Michael F. Easley, Governor G { William G. Ross Jr., Secretary N l R O . esources atura North Carolina Department of Environment and Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director 1! Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality SURFACE WATER PROTECTION March 23, 2007 CERTIFIED MAIL - 7006 2150 0005 2459 7407 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED William E. & lean M. McCoy 33 Timberwood Drive Asheville, NC 28806 CERTIFIED MAIL - 7006 2150 0005 2459 7421 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Scenic View Terrace, LLC Attn: David R. Day 6 Roberts Road Asheville, NC 28803 CERTIFIED MAIL - 7006 2150 0005 2459 7445 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Anatoli and Lyubov Karatchroun I I I North Cardinal Drive Asheville, NC 28806 CERTIFIED MAIL - 7006 2150 0005 2459 7469 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Veniamin & Mariya But-Gusaim 36 Timberwood Dr Asheville, NC 28806 CERTIFIED MAIL - 7006 2150 0005 2459 7483 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Federico M & Maria T Marquez 55 Timberwood Drive Asheville, NC 28806 CERTIFIED MAIL - 7006 2150 0005.2459 7414 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Viktor I. & Galina Z. Kozhokaru 61 Bingham Rd Asheville, NC 28806 CERTIFIED MAIL - 7006 2150 0005 2459 7438 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Sergey & Oksana Shtempel 28 Woodberry Lane Asheville, NC 28806 CERTIFIED MAIL - 7006 2150 0005 2459 7452 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Volodymyr & Lyudmila Shkinder 61 Bingham Rd Asheville, NC 28806 CERTIFIED MAIL - 7006 2150 0005 2459 7476 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Matthew R King 3 Murough Drive Biltmore Lake, NC 28715 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION and RECOMMENDATION FOR ENFORCEMENT NOV-2007-SS-0007 Removal of Best Usage Other Waste (In-stream sediment) Failure to Secure a 401 WQC General Construction Stormwater Permit NCGO10000 Serenity Forest Site Buncombe County Dear Sirs: On February 28, 2007, Division of Water Quality (DWQ) and Division of Land Resources (DLR) staff from Asheville Regional Office and the Central Office conducted a site visit of the above subject site. During the site visit DWQ and DLR met with Mr. William E. McCoy and Mr. Anatoli Karatchoun. rl orth Carol '1vatllml, N. C. Division of Water Quality 2090 US Highway 70, Swannanoa, NC 28778 828-296-4500 Asheville Regional Office An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Page L of Serenity Forest Site Buncombe County NOV-2007-SS-0007 During the site visit, DWQ noted several houses under constriction by various owners upslope and in the drainage area of the stream onsite, an hint te. -. t?-ib?F taly fo sty edits n ?ne DWQ also noted an adjacent and upslope residential area off of Fallen Spruce Drive known as Mt. Carmel Village developed by Scenic View Terrace, LLC. Also during the site visit, DWQ staff observed a stream crossing, measuring approximately 20 feet in length, with two pipes installed. Mr. McCoy explained that this crossing has been in place a number of years, however one of the pipes was installed recently. Upstream of this crossing, approximately 50 feet the streambed had been excavated and there were several rock check dams installed. Mr. McCoy and Mr. Karatchoun explained that this was in response to Buncombe County's request. Downstream from the crossing DWQ observed approximately 270 linear feet of stream impacted from 8" to 12" of sediment and approximately 151inear feet impacted from an in-stream sediment basin with an installed riser. DWQ records indicate that the sediment impacts are on the property of Mr. McCoy, Lot #'s 5807 and 4021, according to the Buncombe County website. Mr. McCoy and Mr_ Karatchoun explained that the sediment basin was also in response to Buncombe County's request. Downstream of the sediment basin, DWQ observed a large area of land disturbance and fill material for development purposes including Lot # 5296 owned by Scenic View Terrace, LLC and Lot # 6576 owned by Anatoli and Lyubov Karatchroun, according to the Buncombe County website. This fill material and land disturbance was located near the intersection of New Leicester Highway and Timberwood Drive. Under this fill material, more than 400 feet of the stream has been impacted from earthen fill and pipe installation. A large borrow pit was also observed on Lot # 6576 with an installed corrugated pipe leading to the roadside ditch. As a result of the site inspection and file review, the following violations and issues are detailed below: 1. Removal of Best Usage 2. Other Waste (In-stream sediment) 3. Failure to Secure a 401 WQC General -Construction Stormwater Permit NCGO10000 Item 1. Violation of Title 15A NCAC 02B.0211 (2) - Removal of Best Usage The streambed excavation, installation of the rock check dams, installation of the stream crossing, installation of the sediment basin and riser within the stream, and the placement of earthen fill and pipe represent violations of Title 15A NCAC 02B .0211 (2) which states, "The waters shall be suitable for aquatic life propagation and maintenance of biological integrity, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture; sources of water pollution which preclude any of these uses on either a short-term or long-term basis shall be considered to be violating a water quality standard." Item 2. Violation of Title 15A NCAC 02B.0211 (3)f - Deposition of Sediment The stream impacts from sediment deposition represent violation of Title 15A NCAC 02B .0211 (3) f which states "Oils; deleterious substances; colored or other wastes: only such amounts as shall not render the waters injurious to public health, secondary recreation or to aquatic life and wildlife or adversely affect the palatability of fish, aesthetic quality or impair the waters for any designated uses;" Page S of D Serenity Forest Site Buncombe County NOV-2007-SS-0007 Item 3. Violation of Title 15A NCAC 2H .0500 - Failure to Secure a 401 Water Quality Certification The impacts in Item 1 require authorization from DWQ with a 401 Water Quality Certification. DWQ file review revealed that a 404 permit Nationwide 39 was issued to David Day for 150 feet of stream impacts. DWQ observed impacts to over 400 feet of stream from earthen fill and pipe installation. The file review also confirmed that a Pre-construction Notification has not been received by the Division of Water Quality for this project and that a 401 Water Quality Certification has not been issued. Item 4. Construction Stormwater General Permit NCG010000 Land disturbances of 1 acre or greater, including the large area of land disturbance located near the intersection of New Leicester Highway and Timberwood Drive (Lot # 5296 owned by Scenic View Terrace, LLC and Lot # 6576 owned by Anatoli and Lyubov Karatchroun), requires an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan approved by the Division of Land Resources or the appropriate delegated agency. Upon the approval of an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, the site is also covered under a General Permit (N00010000) to discharge Stormwater under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) in accordance with Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0100. Adherence to the approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan is an enforceable component of the General Permit. The General Permit not only requires that you follow the specifications of the approved Plan, but also includes inspection and record keeping requirements for the project site. Some of the other major permit requirements are outlined below. A full copy of this permit (NCG010000) may be obtained . on line at http://h-o.enr.state.nc.us/su/Forms_Documents.htm#StormwaterGP or at your request. A. A rain gauge must be maintained on site and a record of the rainfall amounts and dates shall be kept by the permittee. B. The permittee must inspect all erosion and sedimentation control measures at least once every seven calendar days [more often in some areas (Part I, Section B-1)] and within 24 hours after any storm event of greater than 0.5 inches of rain per 24-hour period. C. Stormwater runoff discharges must be inspected by observation for stormwater discharge characteristics as defined in the permit (Part I, Section B-2) at least once every seven calendar days [more often in some areas (Part I, Section B-1)] and within 24 hours after any storm event of greater than 0.5 inches of rain per 24-hour period to evaluate the effectiveness of the pollution control facilities or practices. D. The permittee shall retain records of all monitoring information for a period of at ]east 5 years from the date of the sample, measurement, report or application (Part I, Section B-3; Part II, Section D-3). Required Response This Office requires that you respond to this letter in writing within 30 days of receipt of this Notice. Your response should be sent to both this office at the letterhead address and to the attention of Mr. Shelton Sullivan at the Wetlands and Stormwater Branch, NPS Assistance and Compliance Oversight Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. Your response should address the following items: E Please explain the history of the above sites including when grading and construction began. Page 4 0£5 Serenity Forest site Buncombe County NOV-2007-SS-0007 2. Please explain why these impacts occurred without prior authorization. 3. Please provide documentation that all jurisdictional water features (e.g. streams, wetlands). This plan should also describe and quantify the impacts to those jurisdictional features, and should include plans to avoid further stream and wetland impacts on the site. 4. Please submit the following documents for review and approval: a. Stream Restoration Plan (earthen fill and pipe impacts) - Please explain how you plan to restore the pattern, profile and dimension of the impacted stream channels to include the removal of pipes, fill and riprap. The streambed must be restored to the original profile, the stream banks must be stabilized, and any fill material must be removed from the riparian zone. Replanting of the riparian zone will be required. b. Permit Application - If you wish for any impacts to remain in place, you must contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) for information on the type(s) of permit required. Depending on the type of permits USACOE requires, application for a 401 Water Quality Certification to DWQ will also be required. Please note that sediment impacts to streams are not permittable. c. Please indicate in your response a detailed schedule with dates explaining when the restoration will be accomplished, and if you plan to seek a permit for the permutable impacts, when an application will be submitted. d. Stream Restoration Plan (sediment impacts) - Sediment impacts to the streams onsite and downstream of the site must be removed. As a part of this plan, you should provide the amount (depth) of material that has been deposited in the floodplain, stream and any wetlands. This information should be depicted on a map you provide. It is recommended that you use hand labor (buckets, shovels and wheelbarrows) to remove deposited sediment from the stream channel. The sediment should be removed from the channel, taken to high ground away from the stream channel and stabilized. Also, the plan must address the measures that will be used for temporary stabilization/sediment control while this work is under sway. e. You are encouraged to secure a consultant to assist you with your plan development, permit, certification and authorization necessary to achieve compliance. 5. It is required that you contact the Division of Land Resources and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. These contacts are necessary to ensure that your restoration efforts are in compliance with the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. 6. Please explain your compliance with your Construction Stormwater General Permit NCGO10000 for Lot # 5296 owned by Scenic View Terrace, LLC and Lot # 6576 owned by Anatoli and Lyubov Karatchroun, according to the Buncombe County website. a. Please explain when you anticipate being in full compliance with the Construction Stormwater Permit and your Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. b. Please provide information detailing your compliance with the minimum monitoring and reporting requirements as detailed in Item 4. above for each phase of the project. This information must include monitoring records through to the date of your written response to this letter. Specifically, it is requested that DWQ be provided a copy of all rain gauge data and weekly inspection/monitoring reports related to your inspections of the approved sedimentation and erosion control facilities and stormwater outfalls. Copies of all corresponding inspections subsequent to rain events greater than 0.5 inches are requested as well. Failure to provide this information will constitute