HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140404 Ver 1_W-5203L Corps NW14 permit 050714_20160715Electrnnically Submitted U.S. ARM�' CORPS OF EI'�iGINEEI�S WILMINGTdN D�S'��tIC'� Action Ic�. SAW-20X4-00825 County: �nslow U.�.G.S. Quad: NGSNEADS �'ERAY GENERAL PERMI°T (REGiONAL AND NATIQNW�DE) VE��FICAT�O�T Pern�it�ee: NCI]�OT - llivision 3 Ms. Karen Fussell. P.E. Address: 550I Barbados Blvd. CastIe Hayne. I�'C, 28429 .Agent: NCDOT. DE� Mr. Stonewal� M�this, p.�. 5501 Barbados I31vd. Castle Havne. NC 28429 Size {miles) 3_5 Nearest Town SNEt�lDS FERRY Nearest V4'aterway ()nslarv Bav River Basin New. Narth Carolinx. �SGS HUC 3030001 Coordinates Latiiude: 34.544732 Longitude: -77.402842 Location descr�ption: The secondax-v road iinnro�ve�nenC proiec� is lncated aIon2 SR/1�18/1519 {Old Folkstone R[�ad1 from i'�iC210 to SR1515 �n Sneads Ferrv in Onslowv CounEv. Descriptian o�projects axea and acizvity: THE PRO.IECT I�V+�LVES A TWO-FOOT SYMMETRICAL WIDENING ALQNG SR1518/151� . TI-IE AUTHORIZATiON COVERS IMPACTS "YO 7' pERMANENT STREAM CF�A,��TNEL, 14' TEMPOR�RY STREAM CHANNEL. A��TD �0.01 ACRES OF TRIBUTARY. AppIicable Law: Autho�izatio� � Section 404 (Clean WaterAct, 33 USC �344j [� Sectxon ] 0{Rive�s and �Iarbors Act, 33 �JSC 443)` Regional General Permit Number oar �Fationwide �ermit Nuxn.ber: 14 SEE ��"TACHED RGP or NWP GENE.RAL, REGIDNAL AND SPECIAL CpNDITII�IVS' Your fvork is authvrized by the ahove referenced perm�t provided it is aceom�lished i�n strict accordaucc �vith t�►e attached conditions and your submitted apFlication a�d attached infoxr�nataon dated Apa7i1 22, ZO1�. Any violak�on of the a�tached conrlitions or deviation from yaur submitted plans may subj�ct tb�e permittee ta a stop wori� order, a restor�tion order, a Class T administrat�ve penalty, and/or appropr�afe legal action. This verification will remain valid until the expiratiion date identifted belo��v unless �e natianwide autharization is mocIified, suspe�d�d or revoked. If, �rior to t�e expiratio�x date iden�ifed belaw, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued and/or modi�ed, t�s veriiication �iTl rernain valid until the expiration da€e identii`ie�i �elow, provided it complies with all requ�reznents af tk�e rtaodif�ed nation+��ide pertnit. If the nationwide permit authorization expires pr is s�uspend�:d, rev4ked, or is mpdified, suc�. that the activity wo€�d no longer comply with the terins and conditions of the nationwic�e p�rmit, activitic:s which ha�ve coxnrmez�ced (i.e., are under consiruction) or are under con�ract te commence in reliance upon th� nationwide pemlit, will remain authorized provided the activity is coinpletec� within ttivelve mon#hs af the date of the nationwide pennit's expiration, modification or revaca�ion, unless disGretianary authorit�y has been exe�cased on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend or revoke the authorization. Activities subjecf to Seetian 4a4 (as i�.dzcated above} may also require an individ�al Sec#ion 441 Water Quality Certi�eation. You should con#act the NC Division o�Water Quality (t�lephone 9i9-8Q7-63Qa) to detez-�zne Sectio�n 401 requirements. �'or activities occurring within tti� twenty coastal couniies suhject to z'egu�ation under the Crastal Area Management Act �CAMA}, prior to beginning work yo�. must cantact tY�e N.G. �ivision o�Coasta] IVlanagement in Morel�ead City, I�C, at (252) $48-2808. T�rs D�partrnent of the Am�y veri�cation does nat relieve the permittee of the respan�ibility ro obtain any other reqniced Federal. S#a#e ar local apprava�slpe�xnits. If there are any questions regarding this verification, any aF the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of �ngineers regulatory pro��rarr�, please contact Brad Shaver at 91Q-251-4511 nr at Brad.E.Shaverr cr usace.arrnv.mYl. SHAVE�i.E3RAD.'�.127�ifi oir�:°ci�o:i;s��K; mp.�a�`eo'�`.�'��. Cor�s Regulatory Official: o��ss ,<� '<'��`'�'�"'�` Date: Mav 7, 2014 Expiratiazt Date of Verification: iVIarch 18, 2fl17 Determination af Jurisdiction: A. ❑ Based on prelinunary informatio�a, tiiere appear to be waters af the L15 including wetlands within khe above descnbaci pr�ject area. This prelitv►inary detennination is not an appealable action under the ReguIatory Program Adn�inistrative Appeal Process ( Referenee 33 C'FR Pa�k 331 }. I3. ❑ There are h'avigable Waters of tl�e United States within tlre abave described projeet area subject to the pernx�t requir�ments of Section 1Q caf the P�ivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Unle�� there is a chat�ge in t}ze law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years fram the daie of this notif�carian. C. � Ther� are waters of the LTS and/ar wetlands witliitk tl�e above described project area subjeet to tlfe pemiit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Aci (CWA)(33 USC ti 1344). Unles� there is a chan�e in the �aw or our published regularians, tliis deterniuiation rnay be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. D. ❑`The jurisdactional areas within the above descri�ed prc�ject area have been identified under a previous action. Please reference jurisdictional deternvnation issued . Action ILI: SA�V- . Sasis For Determiu�tion: The su�ject area exlubits an Ordinary High Wat�r Mark �nd is a tributary of Charles Creek, a ddally influenced waterbody, which is a anavigable �vater of the U.S. Re�narh�s: E. Atte�ntion USAA Prvgram Participants "I'Eus delineatian/deternlinatinn 1�as been canducted to tdenti£y ihe limits of Coips' Clean Water Act jurisdietion for the particular site identified in this request. Tfie delineat�onldeterminatian may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions ofthe Faod Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USIIA Progra�n participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, yau should request a certified v��etland determinarian from the loca] office of the Natural Resotarces Conservation Service„ priar to starting work. F. Ap�eals Inform�tion (This information applies only to approved jurisdicaonal deternunat�ons as indicated in B and C �bove). `I'his correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictional detern�ination for the above deScribed site. If you object to this detem�ination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps re�ulations at 33 CFR P�i� 331. Enclosed you will find a Natificaiion of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RI'A) form. If yau request to appeal this deterniinatinn yau must submit a completed RFA tonn to t7�e %Tlowin� address: U� Arnly Corps of Engineers 5outh Atlantic Divisic�n Attn: Jason 5teele, Review Olficcr 60 Forsyth Street 5W, RpQm IOM15 Atlanta, Georgia 303R3�$?�Ql Phone: (404) 562-5137 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the CarpS must detern�in� thai it is compkete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it Eias been rcceived by tlie Iiivision �Oftiee within 60 days c�f tlie date of'the N1�,P. Sliould you decide to submit an ItFA form, it must tae received at the above address by Ji�v 7. 2fl14. **[t is nat necessary tQ submit an RFA �t�nn to the Divisian Office if yau do not object to the determination in this corcespandence.** 5Fii4V�f�.BRi1�.E.12%fi64 �N""nus,o-usbUa��p��memA4�rmo��Pm Corps Regulatcary Official: �%�5 y,i. �or. asn� ��a is-�civa ecm�w Bt�ad Shaver Date of JD: May 7, 2Q1� Expirati�n Date of JD: May 7, 2019 The Wilniington I]istrict is coi�tmitted to providing the highest Ievel af support ta the public, Ta h�lp us ensure we continue tfl do so, please ccrtuplete our c�stomer Salisfaction S�rvey oi�line at I�ttp://r���ulatar�1,usacesui�rey_coml. C'opy fumished {electronic}: NCDNR-IIWR attn. Mr. Mason Herndon