HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160659 Ver 1_CAMA Permit Application_20160617N.-I , r- P. Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY June 17, 2016 MEMORANDUM: TO: Chad Coburn 401 Wetlands DWR - WiRO PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary RECEiVEDMCDENROR JUN 17 2016 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office BRAXTON DAVIS Director FROM: Heather Coats, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator NCDEQ — Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilm., NC 28405 heather. coats@ncdenrgov Fax: 395-3964 [Courier 04-16-33)] SUBJECT: CAMA/Dredge & Fill Application Review Applicant: Cecil Worsley Project Location: 407 Bradley Creek Pt. Rd., adjacent to the AIWW & Bradley Creek, in Wilmington New Hanover County Proposed Project: to excavate anew access channel and basin within Bradley Creek Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form to Heather Coatsslat the address above by July 10, 2016. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Jason Dail at (910) 796-7221 when appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATE —'�` Nothtng Comparesf ti State of North Carolina i Environmental Quality i Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: Mr. Cecil Worsley Mailing Address: 123 Shipyard Boulevard Wilmington, NC 28412 Phone Number: 910-395-2870 Email Address: cecil@springeroil.com I certify that I have authorized Land Management Group, Inc. Agent i Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: Dredging for existing dock at my property located at 407 Bradley Creek Point Road, Wilmington in New Hanover County. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application, j i Signature W Cer ( Ike Nam6 PNam Print or Type Owner Title -1 D 1' "a Date. J/ RECEIVED This certification is valid through I 1 �� DCM WILMINGTON, NO APR 2 9 2015 I MAJOR PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE Worsley/$40/46789 /New Hanover Co. DCM % DWQ % Development Ta Fee 14300160143510009316256253 2430016024351000952341 I. Private, non-commercial development that does not involve the filling or excavation of any wetlands oro en water areas: $250 100%($250) 0%($0) II. Public or commercial development that does not involve the filling or excavation of any wetlands oro en water areas: $400 100%($400) 0%($0) III. For development that involves the filling and/or excavation of up to 1 acre of wetlands and/or open water areas, determine if A,B, C, or D below applies: III(A). Private, non-commercial development, if General Water Quality Certification No. 3490 See attached can be applied: $250 100%($250) 0%($0) III(B). Public or commercial development, if General Water Quality Certification No. 3490 See attached can be applied: $400 100%($400) 0%($0) III(C). If General Water Quality Certification No. 3490 (see attached) could be applied, but DCM staff determined that additional review and written DWQ concurrence is needed because of concerns related to water quality oraquatic life: $400 60%($240) 40%($160) III(D). If General Water Quality Certification No. 3490 see attached cannot be applied: $400 60%($240) 40%($160) IV. Development that involves the filling and/or excavation of more than one acre of wetlands and/oro en water areas: $475 60%($285) 40%($190) DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT L APPLICANT'S NAME: Cecil Worsley c/o Land Management Group, Inc. 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: 407 Bradley Creek Point Road, adjacent to the AIWW/Bradley Creek, in Wilmington, New Hanover County Photo Index -2006: 22-7423, H, 7 2000: 22-272, H, 6 1995:22-254, H, 7 3. 4. 5. 6. State Plane Coordinates - Y: 169259 X:2355832 Let: 34012'33.36"N Long: 77149'21.00"W INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA/ D & F INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - 05/13/2016 Was Applicant Present - Yes (agent) PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received - Completed 05/31/2016 Office - Wilmington SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - New Hanover County Land Classification From LUP - Developed (residential)/Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: ES, PT, EW (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Private (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - Municipal Planned - None (F) Type of Structures: Existing - Single-family residence, pier, platform and floater. Planned - Excavation of channel and basin (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - NIA HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED FILLED OTEER (A) Vegetated Wetlands (B) Non -Vegetated Wetlands Open Water 5,520 sq. ft. 8 sq. ft. (C) Other- Upland (Disposal Site) -13,068 sq. ft. (D) Total Area Disturbed: 18,596 sq. ft. (0.43 acres) (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (Permanent Secondary) (F) Water Classification: SC Open: No 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to excavate a new access channel and basin within Bradley Creek. Cecil Worsley Page Two 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant's property is located at 407 Bradley Creek Point Drive, in Wilmington, New Hanover County. To locate the property from the Wilmington Regional Office (WiRO), take Eastwood Road and travel east towards Wrightsville Beach approximately 2.0 miles. Turn right onto Military Cut -Off Road and travel south approximately 0.5 miles until you reach Airlie Road. Turn left onto Airlie Road and travel approximately 0.7 miles east until you reach Bradley Creek Point Road. Turn right onto Bradley Creek Point Road and continue until the road forks. Turn left at the fork and continue until you reach the property of interest, which will be located on the left. The subject property is bordered by residential properties. The property is approximately 0.87 acres and is currently developed with a two story single-family residence, which borders the confluence of the AIWW and the northern side of Bradley Creek, in Greenville Sound. Vegetation on the site consists primarily of maintained lawn grass and ornamental landscaping. The property ranges in elevation from 4'-10' above normal high water (NHW). There is a narrow section of section "404" type wetlands located on the waterward side of the property, which consists of Wax Myrtle (Myrica cerifera), Marsh Pennywort (Hydrocotyle umbellate), and Groundsel Bush (Baccharis angustifolia). Coastal Wetland species located adjacent to the property include, but are not limited to: Black Needle Rush (Juncus roemarianus), Sea Lavender (Limonium, spp.), Salt Meadow Grass (Spartina patens) and Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alternitlora) in an area approximately 50' in width. The applicant also maintains an existing docking facility, which is currently located within a shared basin area and access channel that connects to the main stem of Bradley Creek. The existing access pier, measures approximately 56' in length by 6' in width and spans over the existing wetlands towards Bradley Creek. The pier terminates to a covered platform, measuring approximately 16' in length by 16' in width. An access ramp then leads onto a floating dock, measuring approximately 32' in length by 8' in width which runs parallel to the shoreline. The existing docking facility currently accommodates one to two vessels. It should also be noted that the adjacent riparian property owner to the west also shares an existing access channel and basin with three other property owners along this side of Bradley Creek. The adjacent riparian property owner to the east (Bradley Creek Point Investments, LLC c/o Watson Caviness) was issued State Permit No. 131-12, which authorized the excavation of the basin and access channel. Located between this basin and the main stem of Bradley Creek is a band of Coastal Wetlands, consisting primarily of Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora), which measures approximately 200' in length by 30' in width. Waterward of this area of low marsh along the creek are several areas of oyster reefs which are visible in the mud flats at low water. Based on site visits at this location and the provided drawings, the water depth within this basin adjacent to the existing docking facility is approximately -3.5' at normal low water (NLW). The application states that the water depth outside the basin to the west range from approximately 0.0' to -3.0' at NLW (See Sheet 3 of 9 and Project Narrative). The waters of Bradley Creek, which are located adjacentto the property, are classified as SC bythe Division of Water Resources. This area is NOT designated as a Primary Nursery Area (PNA) by the Division of Marine Fisheries and according to maps provided by the Shellfish Sanitation Section, the area is CLOSED to the harvesting of shellfish. PROPOSED PROJECT: The applicant proposes to excavate a new access channel and basin within Bradley Creek. The application states a new access channel, measuring approximately 276' in length by 20' in width to a final project depth of -5' @ NLW, which would be the same depth as the connecting waters of Bradley Creek. The proposed excavation dimensions also include the basin area which is located within the adjacent property owner's riparian corridor to the west. The application states that the dredging limits would maintain a 10' setback from the existing marsh substrate. The material would be excavated mechanically by bucket -to -barge method, which would result in the removal of approximately 612 cubic yards of material. The excavated material would then be hauled to a privately owned spoil island located approximately 0.9 miles south of the project site at the confluence of the AIWW and Motts Channel (US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Disposal Site No. DA•0248). Cecil Worsley Page Three The application states that the material would be off loaded and placed outside the USACE Easement Boundary on the eastern portion of the island. The proposed spoil site is commonly used as a disposal site by local marine contractors. The applicant also proposes to install eight (8) channel markers within the access channel from the mouth of the creek to the basin area. The two most waterward markers would be located at the mouth of the channel and would not be located any farther than the existing channel markers (Green Buoy #3 and Red Marker #4) within Bradley Creek (See Sheets 1 through 9 of 9 and Project Narrative), 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS The proposed dredging would disturb approximately 5,520 sq. ft. of shallow bottom area, and would result in the removal of approximately 612 cy of material from the existing basin and access channel system. The application states that the dredging limits would maintain a 10' offset from the location of the existing Coastal Wetlands. The disposal of the material would impact approximately 13,068 sq. ft. of highground, which would be located on an existing spoil island at the confluence of the AIWW and Motts Channel (USAGE Disposal Site No. 0248), which is commonly used as disposal site by local marine contractors. Minor increases in turbidity should be expected during the dredging event; however, no long term adverse impacts are anticipated. The proposed eight (8) channel markers within the access channel do not appear to impede established navigation within this area of Bradley Creek. The two most waterward markers would be located at the mouth of the channel and would not be located any farther than the existing channel markers (Green Buoy #3 and Red Marker #4) within Bradley Creek Submitted by: Robb L. Mairs Date: June 14, 2016 Office: Wilmington 407 Bradley Creek Point Road, New Hanover County, North Carolina CAMA Major Permit Project Narrative Mr. Cecil Worsley — owner/applicant April 18, 2016 The project site is located on Bradley Creek in the City of Wilmington, New Hanover County. Waters of Bradley Creek are classified as "SC" by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. The NC Division of Marine Fisheries classifies this vicinity of Bradley Creek as a permanent secondary nursery area. The applicant, Mr. Cecil Worsley, proposes to excavate approximately 612 cubic yards of sandy sediment within Bradley Creek to provide navigable access to an existing dock on the property. The purpose is to provide safe water access to the navigation channel of Bradley Creek and to secure future docking access. Proposed dredging would re-establish a previously existing connection to the mainstem of Bradley Creek which has apparently shallowed due to redirected flow. Aerial photographs from 1956 and 1966, prior to and just after dredging of the navigation channel, show a natural channel along the property's waterfront. An aerial photograph from 1981 shows the channel and a clear connection to the dredged mainstem of Bradley Creek. All aerial photographs referenced here are enclosed as Sheets 6-9 of this permit application. The applicant requests to re-establish this previously existing connection to the mainstem of the Bradley Creek channel. No upland development within the 75 ft AEC is proposed, and all existing uses of the property will remain the same. The applicant proposes to excavate approximately 612 cubic yards of sediment to a final depth of -5 ft MLW. Proposed excavation includes the area within and around the floating dock as well as a 20 ft wide entrance channel to the -5 ft MLW contour of the Bradley Creek channel. Sediment will be excavated via a bucket -to -barge (clamshell) operation and transported to a dredge deposition site located on an island approximately 0.5 miles southeast of the property. The deposition site has been historically utilized for dredge projects in this vicinity and is frequently maintained by contractors. The applicant also proposes a total of eight (8) navigational aids along the entrance channel. Navigational aids will be timber pilings and will feature reflectors for visibility at night. In order to protect fisheries and water quality resources, LMG GPS -located the waterward edge of marsh along the northern side of the dredge footprint. LMG also conducted a shellfish resource survey within the proposed dredging footprint. Sampling was conducted on a transect along which depths are shown on Sheet 3 of 9 (enclosed). A 1 m'area was raked at sampling points spaced approximately 20 feet apart along the 170 transect. No oysters or clams were found along the transect. The small intertidal island located south of the proposed dredging footprint contained dense oysterbeds along its intertidal and shallow subtidal edges. In order to avoid impact to this resource, LMG GPS -located the limits of shell bottom around island. A ten foot dredge offset from the shell bottom and coastal marsh was included to allow for stabilization of the dredge cut and to avoid impact to these resources. Given the large grain size (sand) it is anticipated that any turbidity from dredging would settle quickly, and impacts to the water column would be temporary. Opportunistic benthic invertebrates are expected to quickly recolonize the dredged area based on studies of similar dredging conducted for beach RECEIVED nourishment projects. [30M WIUAJ GTON, NC :r R ,; 2016 Boo MP4 APPLICATION for Maior Development Permit past revised 12/27/e6) North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1. Primary Applicant/ Landowner Information Business Name Project Name (if applicable) N/A 407 Bradley Creek Point Road Land Management Group, Inc. Applicant 1: First Name MI Last Name Agent/ Contractor 1: First Name Mr. Cecil Last Name Worsley Steve Applicant 2: First Name MI Last Name Agent/ Contractor 2: First Name If additional applicants, please attach an additional pages) with names listed. Last Name Mailing Address PO Box City Stasavich State 123 Shipyard Boulevard Wilmington City NC ZIP Country Phone No. Wilmington FAX No. 28412 USA 910-395-2870 ext. - Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP 407 Bradley Creek Point Road Wilmington NC FAX No. 28403- Einail 910-452-0060 cecil@springeroil.com 2. Agent(Contractor Information Business Name Land Management Group, Inc. Agent/ Contractor 1: First Name MI Last Name Steve Morrison Agent/ Contractor 2: First Name MI Last Name Laura Stasavich .Mailing Address PO Box City State 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15 Wilmington NC ZIP Phone No. 1 Phone No. 2 28403 910-452-0001 ext. ext. FAX No. Contractor# 910-452-0060 Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP same Email smorrison@lmgroup.net; Istasavich@lmgroup.net <Form continues on back> REGFIVED DaCM WILMINGTON, NC PR 2 7 2016 �s�-•�ca-�sca ;; �-aae-4acomsr ;. ,��vv.oe����sn�a�W��ae����.,�ea Form DCM MP -1 (Page 2 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 3. Project Location County (can be multiple) Street Address State Rd. #. New Hanover 407 Bradley Creek Point Road 0.8746 per NHC tax records Subdivision Name City State Zip Bradley Creek Point Wilmington NC 28403 - Phone No. Lot No.(s) (if many, attach additional page with list) 910 - 395 - 2870 ext. One existing, a. In which NC river basin is the project located? b. Name of body of water nearest to proposed project Cape Fear Bradley Creek; AIWW/Greenville Sound c. Is the water body identified in (b) above, natural or manmade? d. Name the closest major water body to the proposed project site. ®Natural ❑Manmade ❑Unknown AIWW/Greenville Sound e. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? f. If applicable, list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed ®Yes []No work falls within. City of Wilmington 4. Site Description a. Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft.) b. Size of entire tract (sq.ft.) Approx. 200 Ift (no new structures requested) 0.8746 per NHC tax records c. Size of individual lot(s) d. Approximate elevation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or N/A, I I NWL (normal waterlevel) (if many lot sizes, please attach additional page with a list) — 4' based on NCDOT Lidar ®NHW or ❑NWL e. Vegetation on tract Lawn and landscaping on upland portions of the lot. Spartina alterniflora along waterfront. f. Man-made features and uses now on tract Single family home; fixed pier with roofed gazebo; floating dock. g. Identify and describe the existing land uses adiiacent to the proposed project site. Residential; single family lots. h. How does local government zone the tract? I. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? R-20 (residential) (Attach zoning compliance certificate, if applicable) ®Yes [:]No. [INA j. Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal? ❑Yes ®No - k. Hasa professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes, attach a copy. ❑Yes ®No [INA If yes, by whom? I. Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a ❑Yes ®No [INA National Register listed or eligible property? UUVI WILMINGTCN, NC <Form continues on next page> APR n � r 2016 252-808.2808 :: 1.888-4RC®AST :: www.necoastaimanagement.net Form DCM MP -1 (Page 3 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit m. (i) Are there wetlands on the site? EYes ❑No (ii) Are there coastal wetlands on the site? EYes []No (iii) If yes to either (i) or (ii) above, has a delineation been conducted? ❑Yes ENo (Attach documentation, if available) n. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. Municipal services. o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. Municipal services. p. Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems. Sheet flow across lawn of single family lot. 5. Activities and Impacts a. Will the project be for commercial, public, or private use? ❑Commercial ❑PublictGovernment EPrivate/Community b. Give a brief description of purpose, use, and daily operations of the project when complete. Proposed dredging will provide access to the existing dock and will be used by the homeowners and their guests. c. Describe the proposed construction methodology, types of construction equipment to be used during construction, the number of each type of equipment and where it is to be stored. Bucket to barge (clamshell dredge) equipment anticipated. If necessary, may be moored at existing dock overnight. d. List all development activities you propose. Dredging within subtidal portions of the property's riparian corridor. From the existing dock to the Bradley Creek Channel; final project depth of -5' MLK Eight pilings for navigation. e. Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? Both f. What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? No upland disturbance ❑ Sq.Ft or ❑Acres g. Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement, public accessway or other area ❑Yes ENo [INA that the public.has established use of? h. Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state. There are no existing direct discharges to waters of the state and none are proposed. I. Will wastewater or stormwater be discharged into a wetland? ❑Yes ❑No ENA If yes, will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? ❑Yes []No ENA j. Is there any mitigation proposed? []Yes ENo [:INA If yes, attach a mitigation proposal. RECEIV D D 'i <Form continues on back' APR 2 "-- 2010 252-808-2808 :: 7.888-4RCOAST :: wwrw.necoastaimanagement.net Nc Form DCM MP -1 (Page 4 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 6. Additional Information In addition to this completed application form, (MP -1) the following items below, if applicable, must be submitted in order for the application package to be complete. Items (a) — (i) are always applicable to any major development application. Please consult the application instruction booklet on how to properly prepare the required Items below. a. A project narrative. b. An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to scale. Please give the present status of the proposed project. Is any portion already complete? If previously authorized work, clearly indicate on maps, plats, drawings to distinguish between work completed and proposed. c. A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. d. A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. e. The appropriate application fee. Check or money order made payable to DENR. f. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Name Bradley Creek Point Investments, LLC Phone No. 910.964.9089 Address 639 Executive Place, Suite 400, Fayetteville, NC 28305 Name Mr. John Farris Phone No. Address 409 Bradley Creek Point Road, Wilmington, NC 28403 Name Phone No. Address g. A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. CAMA General Permit for existing dock 2013 to 2014- number unknown. h. Signed consultant or agent authorization form, if applicable. 1. Wetland delineation, if necessary. j. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. (Must be signed by property owner) k. A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A 1-10), if necessary. If the project involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 7. Certification and Permission to Enter on Land I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. Date 26147 I9 ZUl & Print Name _Land Management Group, Inc. Agent Signature Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project. ®DCM MP -2 Excavation and Fill Information []DCM MP -5 Bridges and Culverts []DCM MP -3 Upland Development ®DCM MP -4 Structures Information RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC '11R. 1( s 't� qq llln �, .; LQ i c� 252.808-2808 :: 1-888.411C®AST :: www.nccoasta lmanagement. net Form—ClIC111ill sialls-2 E%,W 161ft XCAVATION and FILL (Except for bridges and culverts) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP -1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation and/or fill activities. All values should be given in feet. Channel(excluding I Rock Canal Boat Basin Boat Ramp Ill Groin we (NLW or Breakwater I shoreline NWL! stabilizationl- Length 303 fft N N/A /A N/A NIA N/A -1 N/A avg 20' NIA NIA Width J NIA NIA NIA N/A Avg. Existing NA NA NIA Depth 1.5'NLW N/A N/A N/A Final ProjectNNA N/A -5'NLW NIA N/A /A Depth d: High -ground excavation in cubic yards,. None IR E G E I V E Ell DCM V)ILMINGTON, NC o. (I) Do you claim title to disposal area? d, (1) Willa disposal area be available for future maintenance? OYes ®No [INA Byes O&INS04 [INA (I!) If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. (11) If yes, where? Use of the Shore Acres Co. disposal area may, be requ sted for future maintenance dredging. Otherwise, disposal for future maintenance dredging will be a. (1) Does the disposal area Include any coastal wetlands/marsh ti (1) Does the disposal include any area in the (OW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), [:]Yes [OND [INA or other wetlands,(WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the (11) If yes, how much water area is affected? 252-808-2808 11.8118-4RCOA87 revised; 12126106 Form ®CM MP -2 (Excavation and Fill, Page 2 of 3) number of square feet affected. N/A . ❑GW ❑SAV ❑SB ❑WL NNone - (ii) Describe the purpose of disposal in these areas: NIA 3. SHORELINE' ST 911ZATION N This section not applicable (if development is a wood groin, use MP -4 - Structures) a.: i. YVom agmmmo o,avmpuur,,, �. _...a•..• []Bulkhead ❑Riprap ❑Breakwater/Sill ❑Other..._- Width: c_ Average distance: waterward of NHW or NWL. d.. Maximum distance waterward of NHW or NWL: e. Type of stabilization material #.: (i) Has there been shoreline erosion during preceding.. 12. months? [:]Yes ❑No ❑NA (ii) If yes, state amount of erosion and source of erosion amount 'iinformation. „ . Number of square feet of fill to be placed below water level, Bulkhead backfill Riprap, _ Breakwater/Sill_ Other_ ''L. Source of fill material. h. Type of fill material. 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES N This section not applicable I (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) '. (i) Will fill material bebroughtio the site? [Yes No ' NA b. (i) Wail fdl material be placed m coastal well antlslmarsh:(CW), If. yes, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL). If any boxes are checked, provide the (ii) Amount of material to be placed in the water _ number of square feet affected, (iii) Dimensions of fill area []CW ' ❑SAV. _ ❑SB. _ (iv)Purpose offiill. i]WL ❑None ill) Describe the purpose of the fill in these areas: c. (i) Will navigational aids be required as a result of the project? d. []Yes NNo [INA (ii) if yes, explain what type and how they will be, implemented. -NIA. - - (i) Will wetlands be crossed In transporting equipment to project site? ❑Yes NNo [INA (ii) If yes, explainsteps that will be taken to avoid or minimize environmental impacts. NIA !Cl;.l; VVILM1Nl4`j`ON, NO 2916 252.8013.2808 :: 1-888.4RCOAST r.. www.nccaasta]maeeagement.net revised: 12126106 Form ®CI MIS -2 (Excavation and Fill, Page 3 of 3) MAY 3 12016 252-808-2808::1-888-4RCOAST;: w.,wWkicpPL44ILalMq!lktgement.net revised: 12126/06 Form DCM MP -4 (Construction within Public Trust Areas) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP -1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. 1. DOCKING FACILITY/MARINA CHARACTERISTICS a. (i) Is the docking facility/marina: ❑Commercial ❑Pubiic/Government ❑Private/Community c. (i) Dock(s) and/or pier(s) (ii) Number (iii) Length (iv) Width _ (v) Floating ❑Yes []No e. (i) Are Platforms included? []Yes []No If yes: (ii) Number (iii) Length (iv) Width _ (v) Floating ❑Yes []No Note: Roofed areas are calculated from dripme dimensions. g. (i) Number of slips proposed (ii) Number of slips existing i. Check the proposed type of siting: ❑ Land cut and access channel []Open water; dredging for basin and/or channel ❑Open water; no dredging required []Other; please describe: k. Typical boat length: _ m. (i) Will the facility have lie pilings? ❑Yes []No (ii) If yes number of tie pilings? ®This section not applicable b. (i) Will the facility be open to the general public? ❑Yes ❑No d. (!)Are Finger Piers included? []Yes ONO If yes: (ii) Number (iii) Length _ (iv) Width _ (v) Floating []Yes []No f. (i) Are Boatlifts included? []Yes ❑No If yes: (ii) Number _ (Iii) Length (iv) Width h. Check all the types of services to be provided. ❑ Full service, including travel lift and/or rail, repair or maintenance service ❑ Dockage, fuel, and marine supplies ❑ Dockage ("wet slips") only, number of slips: ❑ Dry storage; number of boats: ❑ Boat ramp(s); number of boat ramps: _ ❑ Other, please describe: j. Describe the typical boats to be served (e.g., open runabout, charter boats, sail boats, mixed types). I. (i) Will the facility be open to the general public? ❑Yes ❑No RECEIVED DOM WILMINGTON, NC APR 2 2 2016 252-808-2808 ." 1-888ARCOAST :, www,nccoastalmanagement.net revised: 12/27/06 Form ®CM MP -4 (Structures, Page 2 of 4) 2. DOCKING FACILITY/MARINA OPERATIONS ®This section not applicable a. Check each of the following sanitary facilities that will be included in the proposed project. ❑ Office Toilets ❑ Toilets for patrons; Number: _; Location: ❑ Showers ❑ Boatholding tank pumpout; Give type and location: b. Describe treatment type and disposal location for all sanitary wastewater. C. Describe the disposal of solid waste, fish offal and trash. d. How will overboard discharge of sewage from boats be controlled? e. (1) Give the location and number of "No Sewage Discharge" signs proposed. (ii) Give the location and number of "Pumpout Available" signs proposed. f. Describe the special design, if applicable, for containing industrial type pollutants, such as paint, sandblasting waste and petroleum products. g. Where will residue from vessel maintenance be disposed of? - h. Givethe number of channel markers and "No Wake" signs proposed. _ L Give the location of fuel -handling facilities, and describe the safety measures planned to protect area water quality. j. What will be the marina policy on overnight and live -aboard dockage? k. Describe design measures that promote boat basin flushing? 1. If this project is an expansion of an existing marina, what types of services are currently provided? RECEIVED m. Is the marina/docking facility proposed within a primary or secondary nursery area? DMWILMINGTON, NC ❑Yes []No - - XPR ti l i z1 252.8082868 :: 1-888.4RCOAST :: www.nccoastaimanagernent.net revised: 12/27/06 Forret DCVI Mlle -4 (Structures, Page 3 0f 4) n. Is the marina/docking facility proposed within or adjacent to any shellfish harvesting area? ❑Yes ❑No o. Is the marina/docking facility proposed within or adjacent tocoastal wetlands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB ❑WL []None p. Is the proposed marina/docking facility located within or within close proximity to any shellfish leases? []Yes ❑No If yes, give the name and address of the leaseholder(s), and give the proximity to the lease. 13. BOATHOUSE (including covered lifts) 0This section not applicable a. (i) Is the boathouse structure(s): []Commercial ❑Publio/Government ❑Private/Community (ii) Number (iii) Length (iv) Width Note: Roofed areas are calculated from ddpline dimensions. 14. GROIN (e.g., wood, sheetpfle, etc. ff a rock groin, use MP -2, Excavation and fill.) ®This section not applicable a. (i) Number (ii) Length (iii) Width 15. BREAKWATER (e.g., wood, sheetpile, etc.) ®This section not applicable a. Length c. Maximum distance beyond NHW, NWL or wetlands b. Average distance from NHW, NWL, or wetlands 6. MOORING PILINGS and BUOYS []This section not applicable a. Is the structure(s): ❑Commercial ❑PubliGGovernment ®Private/Community C. Distance to be placed beyond shoreline 10' to 170' Note: This should be measured from marsh edge, ff present. e. Arc of the swing N/A b. Number 8 pilings to be used as channel markers d. Description of buoy (color, inscription, size, anchor, etc.) Pilings OCA4 WILf NIGTON, NO A13R 1�?016 252-808.2808:- 1-888.4RC®AST :: wvvw.ncc0astatmanauement.net revised: 12/27/06 Forret DCM MP -4 (Structures, Page 4 of 4) a. Proximity of structure(s) to adjacent riparian property lines b. Proximity of structure(s) to adjacent docking facilities. >40' > 100' to docks to north Note: For buoy or mooring piling, use arc of swing including length of vessel c. Width of water body 360' across Bradely Creek e. (i) Will navigational aids be required as a result of the project? ®Yes ❑No [INA (ii) If yes, explain what type and how they will be implemented. 8 pilings to be placed along proposed dredge channel d. Water depth at watenward end of structure at NLW or NWL ex depths -1.0' NLW to -3.0'N 8. OTHER E] This section not applicable a. Give complete description: hmir /9. Ldi 6 Date 407 Bradley Creek Point Road, Wilmington (Worsley) Project Name _ Mr. Cecil Worsley Applicant dei �///.A� a..,�en AppliWrlt Signatur RECEW LD DCM WILMINGTON, NC APR 2, < 2iji,, 252-808-2808m 1-888-4RCOA5T n www.nccoastaimanagement.net revised. 12/27/06 . I � t a mom` t 19 �� est Is4an P c Sl Slut O%6°he a.Qm resttyick �n \Q& / �O°p a oar 0 °c Or a has � Gt f drO°0. m oP0 J' a � 6 7 Y �Bt&r Ce c t� � -rigs Pim ,y� m ��,�.�' �d•i --cr_ .,.��' ry v :n �- � aSITE r Went r Dr rd Bradley Pd e i< ,� �'"� L� m reenville S° 7 hilice Rd rm i`l st COI n r7 asdll p r P °yyles nrs ra Or r`" f"' n k ��- :m alipr a r , Me�O � ;• ��, _ ° r CL a1 in07 hCCI+GIVEV A i OCM WILMINGTO gNC fA Ryas r, L LMG 407 Bradley Creek Point Drive, Wilmington, NC 3/2/2016 y y UND.. een.uicaou — Mr. Cecil Worsley (owner/applicant) Scale: Jo Num er Title: : 39o5Wrightsville ave..Suite ls CAMA Major Permit Application 1"= 1000' 02-15-036 Wilmington, Nonh Carolina 20403 Vicinity p Ma Drawn By: Sheet: Telephone: 910-052-0001 1 01`9 APIC 2 9,016