HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071868 Ver 2_More Info Received_20080229D .I.A Devine Tarbell & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers, Scientists, & Regulatory Specialists Februarti 29, 2008 Mr. John 1)orney North Carolina Department oI Environment and Natural Resources Dix'ISion M' Water Quality - Wetlant-k Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Ralei?-,h. North Carolina 27699-1650 i P t J Q C2@ ROWL FEB 2 9 2003 DENR - WATER QUALif;' WETLANDS AND STQRMWATER OK440 Subject: Duke Energy Carolinas, Lift - Bridgewater Powerhouse Construction Project 401 Water Quality Certification, Agency Review EMension Authorization MWQ No. 071868 Ver. 2) 1)car Nfr. Dorncy: The following letter is to confirm our February 28, 2008 phone ecrnversallon regarding the Bride cvN atcr PtnNerhousc Construction Project - 401 w"ater Quality CCrtification ("'0(') Application (,0`A"O No. 071; 08 Ver. 2). As we discussed, the -101 `'Q(' application wa. Subtrtittc?C1 to the North Carollna Ui\ision of Water Quality (D 'Q) ore Ik.ernbcr 28,'_007. AlthOUL111 the 60 dtty f)NVQ reNtcw peritad her:, heen exceeded, on behalf of' Duke l nervy C'iuolinns (Ihtke f.ner<,>.? i, 1)evine Tarhell & ?s,i>ciatet (i 'V,,A ) authorizes an oxtension of the review period until Nkirch 7, ?608. 1Ve feel that thi ; e xten?,ion is m keeping with Duke hnergy's IOn<; history of agency cooperation on projects of hoth large and small >cale. and will serve to continue building our positive relationship with the llWQ. With that in mind, we would ask that the Project timetable he given some measure of deference and that the 401 WQC be issued without Schedule impacting Conditions. Alsip, we appreciate your clarification t)I the Catawba River Buffer Rules Sts they apply to this unit{tie project, ,zl cificaliy that Project impact,, t,) the riparian buffer are nllotivablc without miti2M tiixt. On behalf of Mike: Fncrg), DTA would like to thank-vou for votrr attention to the Project. Should )ou lraNc any further questions or concern',, please do not hesitat: to conuict hither me at (704) 3-12-7304 ±;r Nlr. Tim Huffinan of I)tike Fnergy at (704) 3522-5155. Sincer,J?.. Jason N. Ishanioly lames A. McRacken Jr. Scientist Senior Scientist JNI/J ,%M cc: T. Huffman, Duke Inert=v -- -- -------- I. 704.377.4182 400 S. I'mon Street, Suite 2401, Oiarlotte, NC: 28285 f': 704.377.1185 ell ,ui6?rr "?,? ?.:er:nu,i' y t. 1 1'ur6.. I' ???a-.u•-:. l ( ?. •lc.??' , I5..,iy ii i;n. Ai`, h>i, fl! I'?,c;n .l,`< NVk'IA'. t?)1A it CTArh ll.corr