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20160511 Ver 1_More Info Received_20160628
Corps Submittal Cover Sheet Please provide the following info: 1. Project Name: Hendersonville Publix 2. Name of Property Owner/Applicant: Halvorsen Development Corporation 3. Name of Consultant/Agent: Kiml!Z -Horn & Associates, Inc. *Agent authorization needs to be attached 4. Related/Previous Action ID number(s): N/A 5. Site Address: 701 Greenville Highway, Hendersonville, NC 28792 7. City: Hendersonville 8. County: Henderson 9. Lat: 35.304473 Long: -82.458797 (Decimal Degrees Please) 10. Quadrangle Name: Hendersonville 11. Waterway: Johnson Drainage Ditch (Tributary to Mud Creek) 12. Watershed: HUC: 06010105/French Broad 13. Requested Action: X Nationwide Permit # 14 General Permit # X Jurisdictional Determination Request Pre -Application Request (Mitigation Proposal) The following information will be completed by the Corps office: AID: Prepare File Folder Assign number in ORM Begin Date Authorization: Section 10 Section 404 Project Description/ Nature of Activity/ Project Purpose: Site/Waters Name: Keywords: Kimley»>Horn June 3, 2016 Mr. David Brown Asheville Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Mr. Andrew W. Moore Asheville Regional Office Water Quality Regional Operations Section NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources 2090 U.S. Hwy. 70 Swannanoa, N.C. 28778 Re: 404/401 Permit (Nationwide 14) Application Hendersonville Publix Hendersonville, Henderson County, NC Dear Mr. Brown and Mr. Moore: On behalf of our client, Halvorsen Holdings, LLC, Kimley-Horn is submitting the enclosed joint Section 404/401 Preconstruction Notification Application for the above referenced project for your review pursuant to Nationwide Permit 14 and General 401 Water Quality Certification number 3886. This application is to conduct a culvert extension for the purpose of bank stabilization in Johnson Drainage Ditch located at approximately 35.304473°N, -82.458797°W. The following information is included as part of this application submittal: • Project Summary Sheet • Agent Authorization Form • Pre -Construction Notification Form • Project Site Figures o Figure 1 — Vicinity o Figure 2 — USGS Topo (Hendersonville Quadrangle, 2003) o Figure 3 — SSURGO Soils (2015 Aerial Photograph) o Figure 4 — JD Features and Proposed Impacts (2015 Aerial Photograph) o Figure 5 — FEMA Map • Site Construction Plans for South Market Village • Project Site Data forms o USACE Stream Quality Assessment Worksheet o NCDWQ Stream Identification Form • Project Site Photo Pages • Agency Correspondence Kim ey>))Horn Paget • Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Request The 404/401 (NWP 14) application presents site conditions evaluated by Kimley-Horn staff (Chris Tinklenberg, PWS) on September 30, 2015. The stream delineation was performed by utilizing survey prepared by a licensed surveyor (verified by Kimley-Horn). The project is located on the southwest quadrant of White Street and Greenville Highway (Hwy 25) in the City of Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina. Existing land use in the vicinity of the project commercial development. The proposed project seeks to construct a f 50,000 SF Publix Grocery anchor with two 9,600 SF of additional retail adjacent to Greenville Highway. The site plan will also include a new parking lot and two outparcels to be developed in the future. Offsite roadway improvements are necessary in order to service the new shopping center including widening for additional turn lanes, driveways and sidewalks. In order for a driveway to be constructed for the development at the corner of NC 225 (Greenville Hwy) and White Street, a left turn lane is required by NCDOT (see attached correspondence letter) to be installed on Greenville Hwy at the proposed entrance to the development. The addition of this required left turn lane necessitates an extension of the existing 6 -foot by 8 -foot box culvert underneath the Greenville Hwy. Additionally, sidewalk is required by the City of Hendersonville along the road frontage, including the area above the proposed culvert extension. In order to place the sidewalk along the roadway, NCDOT is requiring an addition of 30" curb & gutter for the safety of the pedestrians and the addition of guardrail to protect vehicles from the unrecoverable slope and water hazard within the clear recovery zone of the roadway and the headwall of the culvert. The proposed project seeks to extend the existing concrete box culvert by 35 linear feet in order to facilitate roadway widening for the required left turn lane and associated sidewalk, guardrail and curb and gutter. The culvert extension will require 20 linear feet of temporary construction impacts necessary to install impervious dikes, stone rings, and a pumped bypass to allow work in dry conditions. The project will result in permanent impact to 35 linear feet of stream and 20 linear feet of temporary stream impacts from the culvert extension. The proposed project will result in a net loss of 35 linear feet of waters of the US. Please feel free to contact me at (704) 409-1802 if you have any questions, or if additional information is necessary. Sincerely, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Chris Tinklenberg, PWS Environmental Scientist Kimley>>> Horn Project Summary Sheet Project Name: Hendersonville Publix Applicant Name and Address: Mr. Thomas Vincent Halvorsen Development Corporation 1877 S. Federal Highway, Suite 200 Boca Raton, FL 33432 Telephone Number: (561) 367-9200 Type of Request: ® Nationwide PCN (NWP # L4) ❑ Individual Permit Application ® Jurisdictional Determination ❑ Other: Included Attachments: ® Project Plans ® USGS Map ® NRCS Soil Survey ® Agent Authorization ® Delineation Sketch ❑ Delineation Survey ❑ Data Forms (Up & Wet) ® NCDWR Stream Forms ® USACE Stream Forms ❑ NCEEP Confirmation ® Aerial Photo ® Site Photos ® Agency Correspondence ❑ Other: ❑ Other: Check if applicable: ❑ CAMA County ® Trout County ❑ Isolated Waters ❑ Section 7, ESA ❑ Section 106, NHPA ❑ EFH ❑ Mitigation Proposed (❑ NC EEP ❑ On -Site ❑ Off -Site ❑ Other) County: Henderson Nearest City/Town: Hendersonville Waterway: Johnson Drainage Ditch H.U.C.:06010105 Property Size (acres): 6.86 Site Coordinates (in decimal degrees): 35.304473 °N River Basin: French Broad USGS Quad Name: Hendersonville Approx. Size of Jurisdiction on Site (acres): 0.27 -82.458797 °W Project Location: The project area is located at southwest quadrant of White Street and Greenville Highway (Hwy 25) in the City of Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina. Site Description: Existing land use in the vicinity of the project is commercial properties. Impact Summary (if applicable): The project will result in 35 linear feet of permanent stream impacts and 20 linear feet of temporary stream impacts from the extension of a 6'x8' box culvert. The proposed project will result in a net loss of 35 linear feet of waters of the US. NWP # Open Water (acres) Wetland Stream Channel (acres) Intermittent and/or Unimportant Perennial and/or Important Aquatic Function Aquatic Function Temp. Perm. Temp. Perm. Temp. Perm. Temp. Perm. if ac if ac if ac if Ac 14 20 0.004 35 0.006 Total 20 0.004 35 0.006 Total Permanent Impact to Waters of the U.S. (acres) 0.006 Kimley-Horn Contact: Chris Tinklenberg, PWS Direct Number: (704) 409-1802 Email: chris.tinklenberg(a kimley-horn.com AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Name: Publix North Carolina, LP c/o Jeffrey Chamberlain Address: _3300 Publix Corporate Parkway, Lakeland, Florida 33811 Phone: 863-284-5522 Project Name/Description: South Market Village Date: .lune 23. 2 The Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District Attention: David Brown Field Office: Asheville Regulatory Field Office Re: Wetland Related Consulting and Permitting To Whom It May Concern: Publix North Carolina, LP hereby designates and authorizes Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to act in my/our behalf as my/our agent solely for the purpose of processing Jurisdictional Determinations, Section 404 permits/Section 401 Water Quality Certifications applications, and to furnish upon request supplemental information in support of applications, etc. fiom this day forward until successful completion of the permitting process or revocation by the owner. In addition, I, the undersigned, Owner of the properties identified herein, do authorize representatives of the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to enter upon the property herein described for the purpose of conducting on-site investigations and issuing a determination associated with Waters of the U.S. subject to Federal jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Authorized this theday of , Publix North Carolina, LP c/o Jeffrey Chamberlain- ._._.. Print Property Owner's NaW operTyT w rer's Signature Ce: Karen Higgins NC Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Name: Halvorsen Development Corporation c/o Thomas Vincent Address: 851 South Federal Highway Suite 201, Boca Raton, FL 33432 Phone: 561-367-9200 ProjectNarne/Description: South Market Village Date: May 9, 2016 The Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District Attention: David Brown Field Office: Asheville Regulatory Field Office Re: Wetland Related Consulting and Permitting To Whom It May Concern: The Halvorsen Development Corporation hereby designates and authorizes Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to act in my/our behalf as my/our agent solely for the purpose of processing Jurisdictional Determinations, Section 404 permits/Section 401 Water Quality Certifications applications, and to furnish upon request supplemental information in support of applications, etc. from this day forward until• successful completion of the permitting process or revocation by the owner. In addition, I, the undersigned, a duly authorized optionee of the property/properties identified herein, do authorize representatives of the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to enter upon the property herein described for the purpose of conducting on-site investigations and issuing a determination associated with Waters of the U.S. subject to Federal jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Authorized this the 9 day of May 2016 Print Property Owner's Name Property Oer'&Silgnature Cc: Karen Higgins NC Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 o�0 W ATF9QG ' Em I I > Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Page l of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form A. Applicant Information 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: ®Section 404 Permit El Section 10 Permit 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or General Permit (GP) number: 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ❑ Yes N No 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR (check all that apply): N 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non -404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR 401 Certification: ❑ Yes N No For the record only for Corps Permit: ❑ Yes ® No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program. ❑ Yes N No 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h below. ❑ Yes N No 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes N No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Hendersonville Publix 2b. County: Henderson 2c. Nearest municipality / town: Hendersonville 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state project no: N/A 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: See attached Preliminary JD Request 3b. Deed Book and Page No. 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if applicable): 3d. Street address: 3e. City, state, zip: 3f. Telephone no.: 3g. Fax no.: 3h. Email address: Page l of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, specify: 4b. Name: Thomas Vincent 4c. Business name (if applicable): Halvorsen Development Corporation 4d. Street address: 851 South Federal Highway Suite 201 4e. City, state, zip: Boca Raton, FL 33432 4f. Telephone no.: (561) 367-9200 4g. Fax no.: Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: 4h. Email address: River basin: 5. Agent/Consultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: Chris Tinklenberg, PWS 5b. Business name (if applicable): Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 5c. Street address: 200 South Tryon Street, Suite 200 5d. City, state, zip: Charlotte, NC 28202 5e. Telephone no.: 704-409-1802 5f. Fax no.: 5g. Email address: Chris.Tinklenberg@Kimley-Horn.com B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): See attached Preliminary JD Request 1b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latitude: 35.304473 Longitude: -82.458797 (DD.DDDDDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) 1 c. Property size: 6.86 acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to proposed project: Johnson Drainage Ditch (Tributary to Mud Creek) 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: Class C 2c. River basin: French Broad (HUC 06010105) Page 2 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The project area is located at the intersection of White Street and Greenville Highway (Hwy 25) in the southwest quadrant in the City of Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina. Existing land use in the vicinity of the project includes mostly commercial properties. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 0 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: —520 If of Mud Creek and 380 If of Johnson Drainage Ditch 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: The purpose of the project is to construct a commercial shopping center with associated parking lots and offsite roadway improvements necessary to service the facility. 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: The proposed project seeks to construct a ± 50,000 SF Publix Grocery anchor with two 9,600 SF of additional retail adjacent to Greenville Highway. The site plan will also include a new parking lot and two outparcels to be developed in the future. Offsite roadway improvements are necessary in order to service the new shopping center including widening for additional turn lanes, driveways and sidewalks. In order for a driveway to be constructed for the development at the corner of NC 225 (Greenville Hwy) and White Street, a left turn lane will be required to be installed on Greenville Hwy at the proposed entrance to the development. The addition of this required left turn lane necessitates an extension of the existing 6 -foot by 8 -foot box culvert underneath the Greenville Hwy. Additionally, sidewalk is required by the City of Hendersonville along the road frontage, including the area above the proposed culvert extension. In order to place the sidewalk along the roadway, NCDOT is requiring an addition of 30" curb & gutter for the safety of the pedestrians and the addition of guardrail to protect vehicles from the unrecoverable slope and water hazard within the clear recovery zone of the roadway and the headwall of the culvert. The proposed project seeks to extend the existing concrete box culvert by 35 linear feet in order to facilitate roadway widening for the required left turn lane and associated sidewalk, guardrail and curb and gutter. The culvert extension will require 20 linear feet of temporary construction impacts necessary to install impervious dikes, stone rings, and a pumped bypass to allow work in dry conditions. The project will result in permanent impact to 35 linear feet of stream and 20 linear feet of temporary stream impacts from the culvert extension. The proposed project will result in a net loss of 35 linear feet of waters of the US. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / El Yes ®No El Unknown project (including all prior phases) in the past? Comments: 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type El Preliminary El Final of determination was made? 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: Name (if known): Other: 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. S. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Unknown this project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes ® No 6b. If yes, explain. Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlands ® Streams - tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact number — Type of Permanent (P) or Type of impact Type of Forested jurisdiction Area of Temporary (T) wetland (Corps - 404, impact (if known) 10 (acres) DWQ — non - 404, other) W 1 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W2 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Total wetland impacts 2h. Comments: 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact number - Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of Average Impact Permanent (P) or (PER) or jurisdiction stream length Temporary (T) intermittent (Corps - width (linear (INT)? 404, 10 (feet) feet) DWQ — non -404, other) S1 - Impact 1 Culvert Extension Johnson ® PER ® Corps 8 35 ® P E] T Drainage Ditch ❑ INT ® DWQ S1 — Impact 2 Construction activities Johnson E] PER ® Corps 8 20 E]P ® T Drainage Ditch ❑ INT ® DWQ S1 - Impact 4 ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑P❑T E] INT ❑DWQ S - Impact 5 ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑P❑T ❑INT E] DWQ Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 55 3i. Comments: The proposed project will result in a net loss of 35 linear feet of waters of the US. 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. Open water impact number — Permanent (P) or Temporary (T) 4b. Name of waterbody (if applicable) 4c. Type of impact 4d. Waterbody type 4e. Area of impact (acres) 01 ❑P❑T 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑P❑T 04 ❑ PEI T 4f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comments: 5. Pond or Lake Construction If pond or lake construction proposed, then complete the chart below. 5a. Pond ID number 5b. Proposed use or purpose of pond 5c. Wetland Impacts (acres) 5d. Stream Impacts (feet) 5e. Upland (acres) Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 P2 5f. Total 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: Page 5 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. ❑ Neuse El Tar -Pamlico El Other: Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Buffer impact number— Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) or for Stream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Temporary (T) impact required? 131 ❑P❑T F-1 Yes ❑ No B2 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ No B3 ❑P❑T F1 Yes ❑ No 6h. Total buffer impacts 6i. Comments: D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1 a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. The project will utilize particular care to culvert orientation and skew to minimize potential impacts to the stream bed. The project will construct a custom built headwall and install handrails in order to maximize slope and minimize additional stream impacts. The sidewalk was designed to the minimum width required to minimize impacts to the stream channel during and post -construction. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. The side -slopes are at a maximum of 2:1 to minimize stream impacts. Handrails and a headwall will be constructed to maximize side -slopes. Temporary construction impacts will be limited to the installation of stone rings, impervious dike and pumped diversion and all disturbed areas will be restored and/or stabilized when construction is complete. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for ❑ Yes ® No impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps ❑ Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this ElPayment to in -lieu fee program project? ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Quantity Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 3c. Comments: 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In -lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: ❑ warm ❑ cool ❑cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4f. Non -riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Comments: 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires buffer mitigation? ❑ Yes ® No 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. Zone 6c. Reason for impact 6d. Total impact (square feet) Multiplier 6e. Required mitigation (square feet) Zone 1 3 (2 for Catawba) Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in -lieu fee fund). 6h. Comments: Page 7 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified ❑ Yes ® No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? 68.1% 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? ® Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: Water quality treatment for the South Market Village development by means of permanent Best Management Practices (BMP's) will be provided using two proposed underground detention and water quality systems. The underground detention systems are designed to treat the 1 -year, 1 -hour storm event runoff or the difference between the pre- and post -condition runoff from the 1 -year, 24-hour storm event per the Hendersonville City Code and will draw down over a period of two to five days. The under detention systems have been designed to provide a minimum 85% average annual removal of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) requirements. ® Certified Local Government 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program ❑ DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is this project? City of Hendersonville ® Phase II ❑ NSW 3b. Which of the following locally -implemented stormwater management programs ❑ USMP apply (check all that apply): ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ® No attached? The Stormwater Management Plan is currently under review. The approval will be provided to the NCDWR project manager once received from the City. 4. DWQ Stormwater Program Review ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of the following state -implemented stormwater management programs apply ❑ ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Other: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the ❑ Yes ® No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes ❑ No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes ® No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after -the -fact permit application? ❑ Yes ® No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in ❑ Yes ® No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. The culvert extension is to address channel side slope stability and will not cause any additional impacts. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Sewage disposal will be handled by existing infrastructure Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or ❑ Yes ® No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act ® Yes ❑ No impacts? A copy of this application will be provided to USFWS-Asheville F-1 Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. ® Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? North Carolina Natural Heritage Program; Pedestrian survey performed by Kimley Horn staff on September 12, 2014. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes ® No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? North Carolina Natural Heritage Program 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation ❑ Yes ® No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office HPOWEB GIS Service accessed 5/5/2016 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA -designated 100 -year floodplain? ® Yes ❑ No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: Project will not result in an increase in flood elevation. 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? FEMA Map Number 3700956800J (Effective Date October 2, 2008) Chris Tinklenberg, PWS- 06/28/2016 Applicant/Agent's Signature Applicant/Agent's Printed Name (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant Date is provided.) Page 10 of 10 PCN Form - Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version r r7 carwedl S. s rnrn s Hil l Dr - 2 5'� � LA yJ sA e Whit, SJ 1 if i�, Hebran Ry phi#eSJ r .a r awit palkJlblrr� jl ._.. i' 0 11 taF 3a I Cy P@JlJly s C.dW, 'i 47 / 0,y_ t% 4i q �I�N' Iti �tl f Ota wo ala t i�P - i -a vo � r a fi, ? s u .J 4p 12511 �r * JON L,lurel Park H�nd�rs�n}tal� � �• coo - Figure 1 g Flat E �+ = t F I o t R" * rj _ 0 �F G 711-i-nnia*•'ifl" 11 Figure 1: Vicinity Map Legend: �[ rY1I f1 r1 0 500 1,000 Project Boundary Ki1 1 f ley )}) Hoo 1 Feet I 4, qp s ,d► R'v .- �r � � • �+ •_ mss; i � • — r;fin w r Fi V L) qpt s 43 ib • i • * # '� of 46 t / a lk ,r ! i • # Copyright:© 20ti103 tion+aIII eographic,Society, ii -.cubed Figure 2: USGS Topo (Hendersonville Quad, Rev 2003) Legend: rY1 I �� ry 0 500 1,000 � Project Boundary i mley ))) Horri Feet I se pMiff`' )i 'a .(=�' r' . 't - 4 t , ,,. ,/ .►° � , 1 V+ �,V 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 20' DISTURBANCE SAM E RIDDLE AND WIFE, SAM E. RIDDLE AND I ALLOWED RBANC LINDA S. RIDDLE WIFE, LINDA S RIDDLE SAM E. RIDDLE AND WIFE, CITY OF OR FORMERLY) STREAM E DB 770, PG 849 LINDA S. RIDDLE (NOW OR FORMERLYI M BUFFER �2ARCEL 0116726 DB 771, PG 007 DB 1470, PG 426 LARRY BAKER AND WIFE 30' UNDISTU �# PARCEL #9944647 PARCEL #1014267 ANNETTE BAKER j RBEp SIRE \ PART OF DB 1402, PG 223 AM BUFFER e _ PART OF TAX PARCEL 1017854 CITY OF HENDERSONVILE 1 \ AREA MARK D. THOMPSON 3,247 S0. FT OR AND WIFE, TOP OF 0.075 ACRE LEAH H. THOMPSON RIP -RAP APRON \ DB 1169, PG 270 J&D BURNS INVESTMENTS, LLC BANK _ 1029, PC 749 CLASS 1 \ \ ` \ PARCEL #1014204 PARCEL 10111719 - _� APRON WIDTH (START) = 6' \ \ 7,,��- _ V YED -` -777R-E J 1 K AM � � � � APRON WIDTH (END) = 12' SURVEYED � CE_RLINE I - T TOB - HENDERSON MLLE � i LENGTH = 8' BOB TO BOB \ � � � _ CITY LIMITS / 9= DEPTH = 18" - v v � GR=2091.37 \ IN -2087.57 OUT -2087.07 CREEK - - MUD � � � 12"RCP TOP OF BANK--� ,. � � 24 "MA 30' UNDIS O o 9 N �. - - - = \'� = o "_ _ 12'R TURBED ST 60 HW 10" WYE 1W Cf s - �� - _ I � STREAM = M BUFFER L _ - 2085 ST -03 -CB '� �_� ���208 w 20 DISTURBANC --• 90. `� ALL OWE D STREAM B FFER 2088. \\- - - ®� _ =_?ap - ELEV 2083' I �, /< 2092.83. ST -01 -MH ST -61 -MH 12"X12 4" WYE \ 2069.91 -- - - - - _ _ \ 2090.61 2089.5 - - - -- - ' = = -Ir CV j SIt T -CB -10 i 9 10. 0 - - - -\5 9ti - � - - 1 - 13094.00 � 2092.78 ~ � � 2087- � -•_�-� � _ � _ 090.92 LP: 2091.63 2091.84 09 2094.00 2Og220g1 0090- 2090.00 I 2093.00 HENDITYOFERSON ILLE / IST -29 -CB CITY OF 2091.82 2091.50 4" DS 12" WYE /W CO 2092.5- `D DB 1107, PG 172 IE: 2087.0_ 12'12 X10 WYE 2091.04 rn 2092.81 12"X10"X4" WYE 10" DS A 20� 2092.42 i - -?!n, PARCEL #9904276\ Nl 10" DS IE: 2087.3± ® n, PARCEL 1 11IE: 2087.0± /2093.98 10" WYE 1W CO 2092.42-1 (� l 2093156 IE:, 084.6± 12"X1 0'10" WYE 2092.36 • " DS 2092.33 2 0 ° 2091• 090.85 3 4 DS 10 DS - 4092.09 1I E: 2084.2± I E: 2086.8± 093.95 2090.66 x llj N 12" PVC 1.0% 12" PVC @ 1.0% � MIN (TYP.) MIN (TYP.) �� 2092.70 `Og3 2092.11 20f.1 - TIN. 2091.29 2 2.94 2091.19 2092.82 ST- -CB BW: 2090.96 I / 2092.91 2093.25 'I / i 2092.65 o P U B L IX GROCERY 0 2092.802092.76 2092.47 12092.36 I 2089.58 N N l \ \ I3 092.36-12093.04 49'4 • 2092.71 I 209 3--,\ I ■ ■ CONTRACTOR SHALL CONVERT EXISTING STRUCTURE TO MH FRAME AND COVER. CB GR=2090.01 FULL \ I49,0981 209.21 a el/ W GR=2089.02 2092.62 6" PVC @ 1.0% 2092.10 TW: 3.19 CB MIN (TYP.) FIFE: 2094,00 2092.17 B 092.86 0> 7p FULL / / / - 0 89 92.73 20 2.77 /�% �, �, 2093.33 - - _ u ° CLEANOUT 2092.88 2092.69 2092.22 _ - ' 30" RETAINING WALL TW: 2092.00 _ 6" DS BIN: 2088.00 - - 6" DS 1.0± 2093. 4 -_ - - / 2092.0(, 2091.86 I ABUTTING BACK OF CURB I DII2092.59 / sT-27-cg - _- I �' (SEE DETAIL BELOW) ST -62 -MH I ', ` 2092 25� TW: 2092.00 I' 2 2.80 BW: 2089.00 I[ 2093.23 _ - - -- r - \i 2092. - - I 2092.16 2092.14- N- 8`' / TW: 2092.33 _ 2093.24 2093.32 , 2092.38 I 209 2093.00 - 2093.98 8" DS 8" DS 92.7 2092.86 2092.20---,,,,,.,1 2092.11 BW: 2090.81 r ' I \ CB BW: 2092.00I GR=2085.92 Jll' �` 2093.21 2093.16 FIE. 2090.0± IE: 2090.0± N 2092.54 2092.07. 2091.72 _I (FULL) 136'MH _ _ - _ r 2092.23, 3 TREES TO REMAIN I l I i� 2092.65 I •:.#;. 2093.30 2 • 20 I 2093.68 2093.69 2092.59 o�ol I / X 2092.13 P: 2092.72 6 _ m m -�. 2 ' G - UNDISTURBED (TYP.) f p - - - - - - - - - - i�2093.00\�21 N tiST-26-CB w �.ICITY of 2092.85 - 2093.22 _ 2093.38 I .2093.49 3.54, HP: 2093.69 2093.53 2 3.35 2093.16 2093.09 2092.76 2092.07- - � - / \ HENDERSONVILLE 30 MAI / III I 2092.92 8 2093.31 DB 1107, PG 172 2091.98 2092.93 209 16 293.28 -€EL9904276 _ _ - 09 BW: 2092.00 27 • _ ------ ---- - _ _ - - 28 0 4 2093 - - -_-_ - -7-- 2092.78 20 22 93. 2093.082 9 2� 2 ---- g _ _ _ _ - 270 - J - - 2 - I � 092 90 I � I 2093.00 - - 2093.37 _ 2091.8 ST -52 -CB - _ 2093.1 2.;8? 99 \ 20 11 \ I - - - \ 2093.23 .!� _ A6 BW 2087.00 -_ I ? \ ti r TW: 2094.00 2093.50 - - - -i \ C, 2091.62 2088- v \ _ � I rq / ew. 2063.00 I 2 �� �� o 4- \\ \N 4 r CO 4 -2093.40 j 209224 - �� - = L 1\ qK I Iq 8" PVC 1.0% IN0 30"M\ 2093.27209Z38 , 209 2092.68 MI 2092.36 2093.61 i V TW: 2093.00 2093.39 8" C �I 2092.54 - 2092.07 2092.01 BW: 2084.00 �_ , - 2092.00 2092.15 _ 2092.17 ST -21 -CB 2092.61 2092.16 ST -71 -CB TW: 2092.45 TW: 2092.33 ap 2092.56 2092.60 TREES TO REMAIN t�� \ BW. 2084.00 BW- 2092.00 1� /ZOg� is 2091.82 ST 54 -MH 2092.41 .� 2092.26 1 UNDISTURBED TYP. ��� 2085 1 (TYP.) � � - � ST -50 -CB / \ - tY rvin ♦ 2092.23 20 TW: 2092.33 2092. 20�v v \ v ° G�2092.23 2os4.e2 ��' 2085.42 BW: 2092.00 - ` 2091.972091.90 i 25 2093 �\ \\ TW. 2092-2 0.50. - 20 �_2uHP:2093.3: 8W. 2091.40 20 TRESS _ �o� v ��/� -� o' S�UTH MARKET L C 2- H _ TW- 2091.53 OB\129 , PG 076 V� UNDISTUROE_ ) v 2092.0. \ E 0116725 V v v v �� \ 1 TIN: 2093.24 _ BIN. 2089.94 i # / /, iii \ . \ '� \ \ 2092.06 BW' 2090.72 0�l NG PCD � - iii � _" - `- ���vv V A _ � � • V - =08' -41-CBS2092.58 7.22 i �, TW: 2092.68 2092.41 - ST -30 -FES BW: 2090.17 _ - - \\\ DO NOT DISTURB�� VERTICAL LIMITS TW: 2086.10 9.28 •2088.56 c\ 2082.25 I 24" �b �� BW: 2082.3/0 � � GR HIGHWAY OF�WAY �{P-RAP APRON 1 ! i ,, U•S� \` AA CLASS 3 TW: 2087.02 / , -�I (PUBLIC RI x Row EDWARD BAYNARD BW:2080.47 60 - E DB 726, PG 723 ON T (START) = 6' PARCEL 10117092 SWI H,NGTH = 13' _ ROW ASPHALT CURB \ _ TW: 2089.57 - ' Ex- CO�C NGTH - 10' 208 • _ �\ 1 ASPHALT D PTH = 1,3" 8W. 2089.44 089.60 _ - �� EOP Ex_ROW ASPHALT CURB G� ASPHALT CURB �133 o ro & wooD �o� 22 n0 & SIDEWALK DESIGN FOOT BRIDGE 'L SEE OFF-SITE ROADWAY PLANS (UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT) h � � ZONE A OP ® SEE OFF-SITE ROADWAY PLANS FOR CULVERT DESIGN. 60 LF OF STREAM IMPACT. SEE OFF-SITE ROADWAY PLANS Fp�l� \q�' 2092.98 2Ful 092 90 15 i '-2092.06 � X093.39 � y ST -24 -CB 2092.72 I \ 2092 9 2092.63- O \ 8" PVC @ 1.0,0 209 .08 I I I MIN (TYP.) ST -23 -CB 20 2.43• 2093.01 2092.67 full 92_.28_ 209 \� \ 2092.59 ST -22 -CB N 2093,34 BW: 2090.67 '092.69 \ 1.48 HP: 2093.38 i LP: 2092.73.. 208! ? TW: 2091.62 CB V=208 BW: 2090.53 j GR=2085.67 Op CB GR=2085.60 o (FULL) 2 p \ ROADWAY DESIGN W�30" RETAINING WALL SEE OFF-SITE ROADWAY PLANS ABUTTING BACK OF CURB (UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT) Ex,Ro (SEE DETAIL BELOW) per\ G CB GR=2085.53 FULL GR=2085.40 IN A=2083.80 IN B=2083 70 IN C=2084.05 OUT=2083.45 B C1 P GR --2086.08 IN=2083.43 OUT=2083.18 »G&G \ �� 18'RCP % C 1 's, GR=2085.87 IN A=2083.67 �`� 8&G IN B=2083.22 IN C=2083.12 OUT=2083.07 GR=2085.63 (FULL) f4' HIGH HANDRAIL MOUNTED INTO RETAINING WALL. HANDRAILS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND A 200LB CONCENTRATED LOAD APPLIED IN ANY DIRECTION AND AT ANY POINT ON THE TOP RAIL. WHEEL STOP SEE SITE 5.0' SIDEWALK PLAN 1.5' SEE OFF-SITE 2.5' C&G VARIES ROADWAY PLANS C&G SEE TYPICAL SECTION 1' FOR PAVEMENT DESIGN UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT 4.0' \_ 30" RETAINING WALL ABUTTING MAX BACK OF CURB RETAINING WALL 1 // -DESIGN BY OTHERS 4' RETAINING WALL DETAIL NTS ROADWAY DESIGN SEE OFF-SITE ROADWAY PLANS (UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT) 17 1 18 1 19 ST -25 -MH J 1 Q = 2093.13 *2093.36 2092.36 TW_ 2092.95 PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR 20. 0 2093.36 2092.98 2 .� 2092.44 2092.23 BW: 2090.02 w � 4P09J4 9A2092. • :.. 2091.94 - II� 100.000 0100.00 y 2093.00 TW:2091.31 PROPOSED GRADING ARROW 01 -FES 14 -DI 2089.00 BYII.2090 07 C0 2092.98 2Ful 092 90 15 i '-2092.06 � X093.39 � y ST -24 -CB 2092.72 I \ 2092 9 2092.63- O \ 8" PVC @ 1.0,0 209 .08 I I I MIN (TYP.) ST -23 -CB 20 2.43• 2093.01 2092.67 full 92_.28_ 209 \� \ 2092.59 ST -22 -CB N 2093,34 BW: 2090.67 '092.69 \ 1.48 HP: 2093.38 i LP: 2092.73.. 208! ? TW: 2091.62 CB V=208 BW: 2090.53 j GR=2085.67 Op CB GR=2085.60 o (FULL) 2 p \ ROADWAY DESIGN W�30" RETAINING WALL SEE OFF-SITE ROADWAY PLANS ABUTTING BACK OF CURB (UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT) Ex,Ro (SEE DETAIL BELOW) per\ G CB GR=2085.53 FULL GR=2085.40 IN A=2083.80 IN B=2083 70 IN C=2084.05 OUT=2083.45 B C1 P GR --2086.08 IN=2083.43 OUT=2083.18 »G&G \ �� 18'RCP % C 1 's, GR=2085.87 IN A=2083.67 �`� 8&G IN B=2083.22 IN C=2083.12 OUT=2083.07 GR=2085.63 (FULL) f4' HIGH HANDRAIL MOUNTED INTO RETAINING WALL. HANDRAILS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND A 200LB CONCENTRATED LOAD APPLIED IN ANY DIRECTION AND AT ANY POINT ON THE TOP RAIL. WHEEL STOP SEE SITE 5.0' SIDEWALK PLAN 1.5' SEE OFF-SITE 2.5' C&G VARIES ROADWAY PLANS C&G SEE TYPICAL SECTION 1' FOR PAVEMENT DESIGN UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT 4.0' \_ 30" RETAINING WALL ABUTTING MAX BACK OF CURB RETAINING WALL 1 // -DESIGN BY OTHERS 4' RETAINING WALL DETAIL NTS ROADWAY DESIGN SEE OFF-SITE ROADWAY PLANS (UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT) 17 1 18 1 19 ABBREVIATIONS CB NCDOT STANDARD CATCH BASIN JB NCDOT STANDARD JUNCTION BOX CS NCDOT STANDARD OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE FES FLARED END SECTION DI DROP INLET EX EXISTING CATCH BASIN TO REMAIN HW NCDOT STANDARD HEADWALL DETAIL 838.80 GRADING NOTES 1. SEE GENERAL NOTES SHEET FOR OVERALL PAVING, GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW, UNDERSTAND AND IMPLEMENT ALL REQUIRED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES PRIOR TO ANY DISTURBANCE. 3. ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS ALONG PAVEMENT REPRESENT FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. ALL PROPOSED STORM PIPE TO BE CLASS III RCP UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. ALL STRUCTURES SHALL BE ADJUSTED AS NECESSARY TO BE FLUSH WITH FINAL PAVEMENT. 6. INLET PROTECTION - CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION ON ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED INLETS UNTIL CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREAS ARE STABILIZED. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITION BETWEEN PROPOSED PAVEMENT AND EXISTING PAVEMENT AND STORM STRUCTURES 8. ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH (4) SIDED BEARING HEAVY DUTY H-20 RATED TRAFFIC RIMS AND GRATES 9. ALL CLEANOUT COVERS SHOULD BE RATED FOR HEAVY DUTY TRAFFIC. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE PAVING IMPROVEMENTS TO AVOID TIRE MARKS FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. FINAL PAVING SHALL BE AS SMOOTH AS POSSIBLE AND FREE FROM ANY CRACKS, SCRAPES, GOUGES, TIRE MARKS, ETC. CAUSED DURING CONSTRUCTION. 11. DURING CONSTRUCTION AND AFTER FINAL GRADING, NO SURFACE WATER RUNOFF MAY BE DIRECTED TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES, AND ALL SURFACE WATER RUNOFF MUST BE ROUTED TO APPROVED DRAINAGE FACILITIES OR BE RETAINED ON SITE. ALL RUNOFF FROM THE SITE, BOTH DURING AND AFTER CONSTRUCTION, MUST BE FREE OF POLLUTANTS, INCLUDING SEDIMENT, PRIOR TO DISCHARGE. 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE IN BOTH AUTOCAD AND SIGNED/SEALED PDF AN AS -BUILT SURVEY OF FINAL BUILDING PAD PRIOR TO VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION AND AS -BUILT SURVEY OF ALL FINISHED WORK PRIOR TO PAVING ALONG WITH AN AS -BUILT OF THE STORM DRAINAGE DETENTION SYSTEM FOR OWNER AND ENGINEER APPROVAL PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH FUTURE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION. THE PROPOSED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BMP HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO CONTROL AND TREAT RUNOFF FROM THE FIRST ONE -INCH OF RAIN OVER THE TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA. THE DESIGN AND PLANS ARE SUFFICIENT TO COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND POLICIES FOUND IN THE NCDENR STORMWATER BMP DESIGN MANUAL AND CITY'S PHASE II STORMWATER ORDINANCE. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 80 [HIS DOCUMEN I, IUGEIHER WI IH ]HE CUNCEP IS AND DESIGNS PRESEN IED HEREIN, A5 AN INSIRUMEN I OF SERVICE, 15 IN IENDED UNLY FUR [HE SPECIFIC F'URF'U5E AND CLIEN I FUR WHICH 11 WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE UN ]HIS DOCUMEN I WI IHOU I WRI I IEN AU IHOHIZA [ION AND ADAF' IAIIUN BY KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSUCIAIES, INC. SHALL HE WI IHOU I LIABILI IY IU KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIAIES, INC. Know what's below. Call before you dig. Kimley*Horn NC License #F-0102 200 SOUTH TRYON ST. SUITE 200 JA CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28202 PHONE: (704) 333-5131 © 2016 L,\N CARpj /4, ' �°��FESS/pN919 B ° SEAL g 034426 $ C H AMP J PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Q = wz J Z 135 V PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR 134 PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR -/\ w � EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR CW G - EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR 100.000 0100.00 PROPOSED SPOT GRADE 1.00 3:1 PROPOSED GRADING ARROW 01 -FES 14 -DI PROPOSED STORM SYMBOL 0 - C0 PROPOSED STORM SEWER Cf) w - H L PROPOSED RIP RAP >• • >• • DIVERSION DITCH 24' RCP EXISTING STORM SEWER ABBREVIATIONS CB NCDOT STANDARD CATCH BASIN JB NCDOT STANDARD JUNCTION BOX CS NCDOT STANDARD OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE FES FLARED END SECTION DI DROP INLET EX EXISTING CATCH BASIN TO REMAIN HW NCDOT STANDARD HEADWALL DETAIL 838.80 GRADING NOTES 1. SEE GENERAL NOTES SHEET FOR OVERALL PAVING, GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW, UNDERSTAND AND IMPLEMENT ALL REQUIRED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES PRIOR TO ANY DISTURBANCE. 3. ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS ALONG PAVEMENT REPRESENT FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. ALL PROPOSED STORM PIPE TO BE CLASS III RCP UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. ALL STRUCTURES SHALL BE ADJUSTED AS NECESSARY TO BE FLUSH WITH FINAL PAVEMENT. 6. INLET PROTECTION - CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION ON ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED INLETS UNTIL CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREAS ARE STABILIZED. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITION BETWEEN PROPOSED PAVEMENT AND EXISTING PAVEMENT AND STORM STRUCTURES 8. ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH (4) SIDED BEARING HEAVY DUTY H-20 RATED TRAFFIC RIMS AND GRATES 9. ALL CLEANOUT COVERS SHOULD BE RATED FOR HEAVY DUTY TRAFFIC. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE PAVING IMPROVEMENTS TO AVOID TIRE MARKS FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. FINAL PAVING SHALL BE AS SMOOTH AS POSSIBLE AND FREE FROM ANY CRACKS, SCRAPES, GOUGES, TIRE MARKS, ETC. CAUSED DURING CONSTRUCTION. 11. DURING CONSTRUCTION AND AFTER FINAL GRADING, NO SURFACE WATER RUNOFF MAY BE DIRECTED TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES, AND ALL SURFACE WATER RUNOFF MUST BE ROUTED TO APPROVED DRAINAGE FACILITIES OR BE RETAINED ON SITE. ALL RUNOFF FROM THE SITE, BOTH DURING AND AFTER CONSTRUCTION, MUST BE FREE OF POLLUTANTS, INCLUDING SEDIMENT, PRIOR TO DISCHARGE. 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE IN BOTH AUTOCAD AND SIGNED/SEALED PDF AN AS -BUILT SURVEY OF FINAL BUILDING PAD PRIOR TO VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION AND AS -BUILT SURVEY OF ALL FINISHED WORK PRIOR TO PAVING ALONG WITH AN AS -BUILT OF THE STORM DRAINAGE DETENTION SYSTEM FOR OWNER AND ENGINEER APPROVAL PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH FUTURE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION. THE PROPOSED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BMP HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO CONTROL AND TREAT RUNOFF FROM THE FIRST ONE -INCH OF RAIN OVER THE TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA. THE DESIGN AND PLANS ARE SUFFICIENT TO COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND POLICIES FOUND IN THE NCDENR STORMWATER BMP DESIGN MANUAL AND CITY'S PHASE II STORMWATER ORDINANCE. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 80 [HIS DOCUMEN I, IUGEIHER WI IH ]HE CUNCEP IS AND DESIGNS PRESEN IED HEREIN, A5 AN INSIRUMEN I OF SERVICE, 15 IN IENDED UNLY FUR [HE SPECIFIC F'URF'U5E AND CLIEN I FUR WHICH 11 WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE UN ]HIS DOCUMEN I WI IHOU I WRI I IEN AU IHOHIZA [ION AND ADAF' IAIIUN BY KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSUCIAIES, INC. SHALL HE WI IHOU I LIABILI IY IU KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIAIES, INC. Know what's below. Call before you dig. Kimley*Horn NC License #F-0102 200 SOUTH TRYON ST. SUITE 200 JA CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28202 PHONE: (704) 333-5131 © 2016 L,\N CARpj /4, ' �°��FESS/pN919 B ° SEAL g 034426 $ C H AMP C U E F It W J W Q = wz J Z Q z V z a� �a = C J -J > w � cn z CW G U z H O z } Q N w O O O M M J TEB 0 - C0 CHECKED BY: Cf) w - H L o W w 0 L, I- LU LL 0 U � LU U w F z � Q O O I-- V) V o U) O z Q O V OO U 0 0 r m > 0 U v �a 0:�11� w w 0 LJ Ln 0 w v) w 0' w o- LU N N Q C) Lo Ln �\ Zo C U E F It W J W Q = wz J Z Q z V z a� �a = C J -J > W J J > LU w z°0 �Z< U) w p w = CW G U z H O z } Q N w O Z = M M J TEB 0 - Q CHECKED BY: W - H L o W _j ��O LU LL LU U w F z 5 O W 19 U) O O V OO U m > 0 �a 0 C U E F It W Z J W Q = wz J Q z V z a� �a = C J -J > W J J > LU w z°0 �Z< U) w p w = O i W o w U z H O z J w J DESIGNED BY: TEB DRAWN BY: DMH CHECKED BY: ECH DATE: 01-25-2016 PROJECT#: 018667009 C3-0 0 LU a Z J V z w J DESIGNED BY: TEB DRAWN BY: DMH CHECKED BY: ECH DATE: 01-25-2016 PROJECT#: 018667009 C3-0 M L a Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i I Uv I I O v CONNECT PROPOSED ----- I j cc SITE HEADWALL TO CULVERT HEADWALL PROPOSED SITE -- OUTFALL FROM \ I BMP DEVICE - ---- - 1ul - ° - - 11+ o a -o - + - 10 00 _ - ---- - ---- - — — — _20B4- — — — — - - -- - - - - - - 40 2085- 10 r PROPOSED HANDRAIL PROPOSED GUARDRAIL + 8 X6' CONC __-- — --- –20B7- _-- 8'X6' — PROPOSED PROPOSED -- ---- HEADWALL BOX CULVERT — — — — EXTENSION - -- - -2088- — — ')089- 12092 12076 10+00 PROPOSED HEADWALL tn co O N 13 5 6 EXISTING 8'X6' I i�� A�v�� ->0BOX CULVERT �1I��� 1 < I �\ U � RETAIN EXISTING BOX CULVERT, EXISTING HEADWALL AND PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE _ >:�/ of co I y~ I PROPOSED HANDRAIL 5' S/w rn "' co O O 00 OO N N 11+00 REMOVE EXISTING HEADWALL AND CONNECT PROPOSED BOX CULVERT EXTENSION TO THE EXISTING BOX CULVERT EXISTING 8'X6' BOX CULVERT REMOVE" EXISTING HEADWALL AND CONNECT PROPOSED BOX CULVERT EXTENSION TO TH EXISTING BOX CULVERT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RETAIN ' EXISTING BOX CULVERT, EXISTING HEADWALL AND PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE 17 Imo' �Tti GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 0 5 10 20 20921 20801 20761 Kimley>>> Horn NC License #F-0102 200 SOUTH TRYON ST. SUITE 200 A CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28202 PHONE: (704) 333-5131 © 2016 CARS'. SEAL 034549 E F W A/ W G w J J � Q z U) w U-11 Z a J > = w J U-1 z°0 0 w= o z LLJ 0 W J y 0 N _ a O �co = M ALM DRAWN BY: ALM CHECKED BY: TRB DATE: 03/15/2016 PROJECT#: 018667009 W L� r a J fY �CNo W G 0 �Lc") ~ z H Z a wu 0 W Q y0 o a Q Ov - 0 > 0 m za z 111111■ w J U I E F L IN W A/ W G w J J � Q z U) w U-11 Z a J > = w J U-1 z°0 0 w= o z LLJ 0 W J y 0 N _ a O �co = M ALM DRAWN BY: ALM CHECKED BY: TRB DATE: 03/15/2016 PROJECT#: 018667009 W L� r a J fY �CNo W G 0 �Lc") ~ z H Z a wu 0 W Q y0 o a Q Ov - 0 > 0 m za z w J U I L IN W A/ W Q = w J J } � z � Q z U) w U-11 Lai g = > a J > = w J U-1 z°0 0 w= o z LLJ 0 Q U 0 J y 0 _ U ALM DRAWN BY: ALM CHECKED BY: TRB DATE: 03/15/2016 PROJECT#: 018667009 R2-05 0 a L IN W W U) w U-11 J_ J Ov a_ w J DESIGNED BY: ALM DRAWN BY: ALM CHECKED BY: TRB DATE: 03/15/2016 PROJECT#: 018667009 R2-05 L IN STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment: 1. Applicant's name: Halvorsen Development Corporation 2. Evaluator's name: Chris Tinklenberg, PWS 3. Date of evaluation: 9/30/2015 4. Time of evaluation: 9:00 am 5. Name of stream: Johnson Drainage Ditch- Stream 1 6. River basin: French Broad 7. Approximate drainage area: 200 acres 8. Stream order: 1 9. Length of reach evaluated: 100 ft. 10. County: Henderson 11. Site coordinates (if known): prefer in decimal degrees. Latitude (ex. 34.872312): 35.304718 12. Subdivision name (if any): Longitude (ex. -77.556611): -82.458206 Method location determined (circle): GPS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo/GIS Other GI Othe Survey/GIS 13. Location of reach under evaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location): The reach under evaluation located near the intersection of Greenville Hwv and Conner Pennv Street. 14. Proposed channel work (if any): Culvert Extension 15. Recent weather conditions: Trace precipitation within 72 hours 16. Site conditions at time of visit: Partlycy, 75-85 degrees 17. Identify any special waterway classifications known: Trout Waters Outstanding Resource Waters _Section 10 Tidal Waters Essential Fisheries Habitat Nutrient Sensitive Waters Water Supply Watershed (I-IV) 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES NO If yes, estimate the water surface area: 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? YES NO 20. Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? YES NO 21. Estimated watershed land use: 50 % Residential 35 % Commercial % Industrial % Agricultural 15 % Forested _% Cleared / Logged % Other () 22. Bankfull width: 81 23. Bank height (from bed to top of bank): 51 24. Channel slope down center of stream: Flat (0 to 2%) X Gentle (2 to 4%) Moderate (4 to 10%) Steep (>10%) 25. Channel sinuosity: _Straight X Occasional bends Frequent meander Very sinuous Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2): Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section. Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluate each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Score (from reverse): 41 Comments: Evaluator's Signature Date 9/30/2015 This channel evaluation form is intended to be used only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement. Form subject to change - version 06/03. To Comment, please call 919-876-8441 x 26. Stream Quality Assessment Worksheet * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams. # Characteristics Eco -region Point Range Score Coastal Piedmont Mountain 1 Presence of flow / persistent pools in stream 0-5 0 - 4 0-5 4 (no flow or saturation = 0; strong flow = max points) 2 Evidence of past human alteration 0-6 0-5 0-5 1 extensive alteration = 0; no alteration = maxpoints) 3 Riparian zone 0-6 0-4 0-5 1 (no buffer = 0; contiguous, wide buffer = maxpoints) 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 0-5 0-4 0-4 2 extensive discharges = 0; no discharges = maxpoints) 04 Groundwater discharge 0-3 0 - 4 0 - 4 3 U5 (no discharge = 0; springs, seeps, wetlands, etc. = max points) 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain 0-4 0 - 4 0 - 2 2 no floodplain = 0; extensive floodplain = maxpoints) 7 Entrenchment / floodplain access 0-5 0-4 0-2 1 P. (deeply entrenched = 0; frequent flooding = maxpoints) S Presence of adjacent wetlands 0-6 0-4 0-2 0 no wetlands = 0; large adjacent wetlands = max points) 9 Channel sinuosity 0-5 0-4 0-3 2 (extensive channelization = 0; natural meander = max points) 10 Sediment input 0-5 0-4 0-4 1 extensive deposition= 0; little or no sediment = maxpoints) 11 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate NA* 0 - 4 0 - 5 2 fine, homogenous = 0; large, diverse sizes = maxpoints) 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening 0 - 5 0 - 4 0 - 5 3 >+ (deeply incised = 0; stable bed & banks = maxpoints) 13 Presence of major bank failures 0-5 0 - 5 0 - 5 3 (severe erosion = 0; no erosion, stable banks = max points) 14 14 Root depth and density on banks 0 - 3 0-4 0 - 5 3 no visible roots = 0; dense roots throu hout = max oints) (A 15 Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber production 0 - 5 0-4 0 - 5 2 substantial impact =0; no evidence = maxpoints) 16 Presence of riffle-pool/ripple-pool complexes 0-3 0-5 0-6 2 E (no riffles/ripples or pools = 0; well-developed = maxpoints) Q 1 Habitat complexity 0-6 0 - 6 0-6 3 (little or no habitat = 0; frequent, varied habitats = max points) 1 S Canopy coverage over streambed 0 5 0-5 1 no shadingvegetation = 0; continuous canopy= maxpoints)0-5 - r" 19 Substrate embeddedness NA* 0-4 0-4 3 (deeply embedded = 0; loose structure = max 20 Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) 0-4 0 - 5 0 - 5 0 no evidence = 0; common, numerous types = max points) u' 21 Presence of amphibians 0-4 0-4 0-4 0 O (no evidence = 0; common, numerous types = max points) a O 22 Presence of fish 0-4 0-4 0-4 0 � (no evidence = 0; common, numerous types =max points) 23 Evidence of wildlife use 0-6 0-5 0-5 2 (no evidence = 0; abundant evidence = maxpoints) Total Points Possible 100 100 100 100 TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) 41 * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams. STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment: 1. Applicant's name: Halvorsen Development Corporation 2. Evaluator's name: Chris Tinklenberg, PWS 3. Date of evaluation: 9/30/2015 4. Time of evaluation: 9:00 am 5. Name of stream: Mud Creek- Stream 2 6. River basin: French Broad 7. Approximate drainage area: 20 sqmi 8. Stream order: 4 9. Length of reach evaluated: 100 ft. 10. County: Henderson 11. Site coordinates (if known): prefer in decimal degrees. Latitude (ex. 34.872312): 35.305782 12. Subdivision name (if any): Longitude (ex. -77.556611): -82.460046 Method location determined (circle): GPS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo/GIS Other GI Othe Survey/GIS 13. Location of reach under evaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location): The reach under evaluation is located southwest of the ProSource Plumbing SUDD]v store 14. Proposed channel work (if any): None 15. Recent weather conditions: Trace precipitation within 72 hours 16. Site conditions at time of visit: Partlycy, 75-85 degrees 17. Identify any special waterway classifications known: Trout Waters Outstanding Resource Waters _Section 10 Tidal Waters Essential Fisheries Habitat Nutrient Sensitive Waters Water Supply Watershed (I-IV) 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES NO If yes, estimate the water surface area: 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? YES NO 20. Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? YES NO 21. Estimated watershed land use: 30 % Residential 10 % Commercial % Industrial _15 % Agricultural 45 % Forested _% Cleared / Logged % Other () 22. Bankfull width: 15ft. 23. Bank height (from bed to top of bank): 81 24. Channel slope down center of stream: Flat (0 to 2%) X Gentle (2 to 4%) Moderate (4 to 10%) Steep (>10%) 25. Channel sinuosity: X Straight Occasional bends Frequent meander Very sinuous Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2): Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section. Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluate each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Score (from reverse): 45 Comments: Evaluator's Signature Date 9/30/2015 This channel evaluation form is intended to be used only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement. Form subject to change - version 06/03. To Comment, please call 919-876-8441 x 26. Stream Quality Assessment Worksheet * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams. # Characteristics Eco -region Point Range Score Coastal Piedmont Mountain 1 Presence of flow / persistent pools in stream 0-5 0 - 4 0-5 4 (no flow or saturation = 0; strong flow = max points) 2 Evidence of past human alteration 0-6 0-5 0-5 1 extensive alteration = 0; no alteration = maxpoints) 3 Riparian zone 0-6 0-4 0-5 3 (no buffer = 0; contiguous, wide buffer = maxpoints) 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 0-5 0-4 0-4 2 extensive discharges = 0; no discharges = maxpoints) 04 Groundwater discharge 0-3 0 - 4 0 - 4 3 U5 (no discharge = 0; springs, seeps, wetlands, etc. = max points) 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain 0-4 0 - 4 0 - 2 4 no floodplain = 0; extensive floodplain = maxpoints) 7 Entrenchment / floodplain access 0-5 0-4 0-2 2 P. (deeply entrenched = 0; frequent flooding = maxpoints) S Presence of adjacent wetlands 0-6 0-4 0-2 0 no wetlands = 0; large adjacent wetlands = max points) 9 Channel sinuosity 0-5 0-4 0-3 1 (extensive channelization = 0; natural meander = max points) 10 Sediment input 0-5 0-4 0-4 1 extensive deposition= 0; little or no sediment = maxpoints) 11 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate NA* 0-47 0 - 5 1 fine, homogenous = 0; large, diverse sizes = maxpoints) 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening 0-5 0-4 0-5 2 >+ (deeply incised = 0; stable bed & banks = maxpoints) 13 Presence of major bank failures 0-5 0 - 5 0 - 5 2 (severe erosion = 0; no erosion, stable banks = max points) 14 14 Root depth and density on banks 0 - 3 0-4 0 - 5 2 no visible roots = 0; dense roots throu hout = max oints) (A 15 Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber production 0 - 5 0-4 0 - 5 2 substantial impact =0; no evidence = maxpoints) 16 Presence of riffle-pool/ripple-pool complexes 0-3 0-5 0-6 1 E (no riffles/ripples or pools = 0; well-developed = maxpoints) Q 1 Habitat complexity 0-6 0 - 6 0-6 2 (little or no habitat = 0; frequent, varied habitats = max points) 1 S Canopy coverage over streambed 0 5 0-5 4 no shadingvegetation = 0; continuous canopy= maxpoints)0-5 - r" 19 Substrate embeddedness NA* 0-4 0-4 3 (deeply embedded = 0; loose structure = max 20 Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) 0-4 0 - 5 0 - 5 0 no evidence = 0; common, numerous types = max points) u' 21 Presence of amphibians 0-4 0-4 0-4 1 O (no evidence = 0; common, numerous types = max points) a O 22 Presence of fish 0-4 0-4 0-4 1 � (no evidence = 0; common, numerous types =max points) 23 Evidence of wildlife use 0-6 0-5 0-5 3 (no evidence = 0; abundant evidence = maxpoints) Total Points Possible 100 100 10 100 TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) 45 * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams. North Carolina Division of Water Quality - Stream Identification Form, Version 4.11 Date: 9/30/2015 Project/Site: Hendersonville Publix/S1- Johson Drainage Ditch Latitude: 35.304718 Evaluator: Chris Tinklenberg, PWS County: Mecklenburg Longitude: -82.458206 Total Points: 37.5 Stream Determination Other Stream is at least intermittent Ephemeral Intermitten Perennial e.g. Quad Name: Hendersonville if >_ 19 or perennial if >_ 30 0 1 A. Geomorphology Subtotal = 19 Absent Weak Moderate Strong Score 1a. Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 2 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple- poolsequence 0 1 2 3 2 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 2 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 2 3 2 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 3 8. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 0 9. Grade control 0 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 10. Natural valley 0 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No = 0 Yes = 3 0 a artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual B. Hydrology Subtotal = 11 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 3 1 14. Leaf litter 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 0.5 Yes = 3 1.5 3 C. Biology Subtotal = 7.5 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 0 3 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 3 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 0 21. Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 0 22. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 23. Crayfish 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 24. Amphibians 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 25. Algae 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5; Other = 0 1.5 'perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes North Carolina Division of Water Quality - Stream Identification Form, Version 4.11 Date: 9/30/2015 Project/Site: Hendersonville Publix/S2- Mud Creek Latitude: 35.305782 Evaluator: Chris Tinklenberg, PWS County: Mecklenburg Longitude: -82.460046 Total Points: 41.5 Stream Determination Other Stream is at least intermittent Ephemeral Intermitten Perennial e.g. Quad Name: Hendersonville if >_ 19 or perennial if >_ 30 0 1 A. Geomorphology Subtotal = 23 Absent Weak Moderate Strong Score 1a. Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 2 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple- poolsequence 0 1 2 3 1 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 2 3 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 3 8. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 0 9. Grade control 0 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 10. Natural valley 0 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No = 0 Yes = 3 3 a artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual B. Hydrology Subtotal = 11.5 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 3 1 14. Leaf litter 1.5 1 0.5 0 1.5 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 0.5 Yes = 3 1.5 3 C. Biology Subtotal = 7 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 0 3 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 3 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 0 21. Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 0 22. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 23. Crayfish 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 24. Amphibians 0 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 25. Algae 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5; Other = 0 0 'perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes Photo Page ] ,z a - Johnson's Drainage Ditch looking upstream towards proposed culvert extension Johnson's Drainage Ditch looking downstream Title Photo Pages Prepared For Hendersonville Publix Prepared By Project Halvorsen Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina Development Date Project Number Klmley»)Horn Corporation 6/28/16 1 018667009 Photo Pale 2 I .> �.• � k do ✓� 1�s _ Johnson's Drainage Ditch looking upstream towards the existing culvert outlet �� _ �� ,�, � :✓,"YAG. F► JZ Kms^ - _ �i� `$ d r ?u f FIr' iy• I _ ik A �f Johnson's Drainage Ditch looking downstream towards the existing culvert inlet Title Photo Pages Prepared For Project Hendersonville Publix Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina Prepared By Halvorsen Development Date Project Number Kimley»>Horn Corporation 6/28/16 1 018667009 rnoto rage s Title Prepared For Halvorsen Development Corporation Mud Creek Photo Pages Project Hendersonville Publix Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina Date Project Number 6/28/16 018667009 Prepared By Kimley»>Horn Transportation June 1, 2016 Mr. Tim Brumfield, PE Kimley-Horn 802 Gervais St., Ste. 201 Columbia, SC 29201 RE: Publix on NC 225 Dear Mr. Brumfield: PAT McCRORY Governor NICHOLAS J. TENNYSON Secretary In order for a driveway to be constructed for the development at the corner of NC 225 (Greenville Hwy) and White Street in Hendersonville, a left turn lane will be required to be installed on Greenville Hwy at the proposed entrance to the development. This requirement was outlined in the traffic study dated 12/7/2015. The addition of this required left turn lane necessitates an extension of the existing box culvert underneath the Greenville Hwy which impacts the jurisdictional stream, Johnson's drainage ditch. To the best of my knowledge sidewalk is required by the City of Hendersonville along the road frontage, including the area above the proposed culvert extension. In order to place the sidewalk along the roadway, NCDOT is requiring an addition of 30" curb & gutter for the safety of the pedestrians and the addition of guardrail to protect vehicles from the unrecoverable slope and water hazard within the clear recovery zone of the roadway and the headwall of the culvert. Should you have questions or comments concerning the above information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 828-891-7911. SLC/co Sincerel EDocuSignedb 7y:y1WG G~V*VID L OFECB6ABFE95408... Steve L. Cannon, PE District Engineer Nothing Compares!� State of North Carolina I Department of Transportation I Division 14 — District 1 : Henderson, Polk & Transylvania County 4142 Haywood Road I Mills River, NC 28759 Phone 828 891 7911 I Fax 828 891 5026 aP�SM�NT }OF�,yFi �! p —.au yv 4�CH 3 1� United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Asheville Field Office 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, forth Carolina 28801 March 24, 2015 Mr. Chris Tinklenberg Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2000 South Boulevard, Suite 440 Charlotte, NC 28203 Dear Mr. Tinklenberg: Subject: Proposed Retail Development at the Intersection of Greenville Highway and White Street, Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina We have reviewed your letter dated February 24, 2015 (received February 27, 2015), concerning the subject project. The following comments are provided in accordance with the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C.§ 4321 et seq.); the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 703); and section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543) (Act). Streams and Wetlands. Because Mud Creek and one of its unnamed tributaries border the property, we want to emphasize stringent measures to control sediment and erosion should be implemented prior to any ground disturbance and should be maintained throughout project construction. Any stream impacts will require a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. One of the most important and effective measures that can be taken to protect stream health is the preservation of riparian buffers. Wide, contiguous riparian buffers have greater and more flexible potential than other options to maintain biological integrity' and can ameliorate many ecological issues related to land use and environmental quality.' Riparian buffers accomplish the following: 1. catch and filter runoff, thereby preventing nonpoint-source pollutants from reaching streams; 'R. Horner, C. May, E. Livingston, and J. Maxted. 1999. Impervious Cover, Aquatic Community Health, and Storm Water BMPs: Is There a Relationship? In: Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial Storm Water Research and Watershed Management Conference. Southwest Florida Water Management District, Tampa, FL. 'R. J. Naiman, H. DeCamps, and M. Pollock. 1993. The role of riparian corridors in maintaining regional biodiversity. Ecol. Appl. 3:209-212. 2. enhance the in -stream processing of both point- and nonpoint-source pollutants; 3. act as "sponges" by absorbing runoff (which reduces the severity of floods) and, by allowing runoff to infiltrate and recharge groundwater levels, maintain stream flows during dry periods; 4. catch and help prevent excess woody debris from entering the stream and creating logjams; 5. stabilize stream banks and maintain natural channel morphology; 6. provide coarse woody debris for habitat structure and most of the dissolved organic carbon and other nutrients necessary for the aquatic food web; and 7. maintain air and water temperatures around the stream. For most projects, we recommend the maintenance or establishment of minimum 100 -foot native forested buffers along each side of perennial streams and 50 -foot native forested buffers along each side of intermittent streams and wetlands throughout the project area.3 We additionally encourage the implementation of buffers on ephemeral streams due to the important functions they provide as headwater streams. 4, S We realize that the project area is already highly impacted and that there is only a very narrow riparian area along Mud Creek and its tributary (slightly larger on the tributary). If your proposed development could allow for the expansion of these buffers, it could greatly increase the protection of these streams. Impervious Surfaces/Low Impact Development (LID). The proposed development will contribute to the quantity and quality of storm water entering project area waterways. Recent studies6 have shown that areas of 10- to 20 -percent impervious surface (such as roofs, roads, and parking lots) double the amount of storm -water runoff compared to natural cover and decrease deep infiltration (groundwater recharge) by 16 percent. At 35- to 50 -percent impervious surface, runoff triples, and deep infiltration is decreased by 40 percent. Above 75 -percent impervious surface, runoff is 5.5 times higher than natural cover, and deep infiltration is decreased by 80 percent. The adequate treatment of storm water in development areas is essential for the protection of water quality and aquatic habitat in developing landscapes. Impervious surfaces collect pathogens, metals, sediment, and chemical pollutants and quickly transmit them (via storm -water runoff) to receiving waters. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, this nonpoint-source pollution is one of the major threats to water quality in the United States, posing one of the greatest threats to aquatic life, and is linked to chronic and acute illnesses in human 3 For projects that potentially could affect waterways that contain federally listed species, the above -recommended buffer widths should be doubled (100 feet for intermittent streams and 200 feet for perennial streams). 4R. B. Alexander, R. A. Smith, and G. E. Schwarz. 2000. Effect of Stream Channel Size on the Delivery of Nitrogen to the Gulf of Mexico. Nature 403:758-761. 5B. J. Peterson, W. M. Wolheim, P. J. Mulholland, J. R. Webster, J. L. Meyer, J. L. Tank, E. Marti, W. B. Bowden, H. M. Valett, A. E. Hershey, W. H. McDowell, W. K. Dodds, S. K. Hamilton, S. Gregory, and D. D. Morrall. 2001. Control of Nitrogen Export from Watersheds by Headwater Streams. Science 292:86-90. 6Federal Interagency Stream Restoration Working Group (15 federal agencies of the United States Government). October 1998. Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices. GPO Item No. 0120-A; SuDocs No. A 57.6/2:EN 3/PT.653. ISBN -0-934213-59-3. 2 populations from exposure through drinking water and contact recreation. Increased storm -water runoff also directly damages aquatic and riparian habitat, causing stream -bank and stream -channel scouring. In addition, because impervious surfaces reduce groundwater recharge, they result in even lower than expected stream flows during drought periods, which can induce potentially catastrophic effects for fish, mussels, and other aquatic life. Accordingly, we recommend that all new developments, regardless of the percentage of impervious surface area they will create, implement storm -water -retention and -treatment measures designed to replicate and maintain the hydrograph at the preconstruction condition in order to avoid any additional impacts to habitat quality within the watershed. Further, we recommend the use of low -impact -development techniques,7 such as reduced road widths, grassed swales in place of curb and gutter, rain gardens, and wetland retention areas, for retaining and treating storm -water runoff rather than the more traditional measures, such as large retention ponds, etc. These designs often cost less to install and significantly reduce environmental impacts from residential development. Where detention ponds are used, storm -water outlets should drain through a vegetated area prior to reaching any natural stream or wetland area. Detention structures should be designed to allow for the slow discharge of storm water, attenuating the potential adverse effects of storm -water surges; thermal spikes; and sediment, nutrient, and chemical discharges. Also, because the purpose of storm -water -control measures is to protect streams and wetlands, no storm -water -control measures or best management practices should be installed within any stream (perennial or intermittent) or wetland. Utility Crossing/Directional Drilling. Your letter does not describe or state if there will be a need for utilities to cross the stream on the property. We strongly recommend that open -cut trenching be avoided. From our experiences with similar projects, we believe this technique increases the likelihood of future lateral movement of the stream (which could undercut or erode around the utility line), and the correction of these problems could result in additional future maintenance and impacts to the stream. Therefore, we recommend the use of directional boring under the stream in order to prevent stream impacts. All utility crossings should be kept to a minimum, and all utility infrastructures should be kept out of riparian buffer areas. Directional boring under streams significantly minimizes impacts to aquatic resources and riparian buffers. If this method cannot be used and trenching is determined to be the only viable method, the crossing should be made perpendicular to the stream flow, and we recommend the development of a stream -bank monitoring and maintenance program that would allow for the prompt stabilization of stream banks near the utility crossing (should any stream -bank erosion or destabilization occur) throughout the life of this project. 7 W recommend visiting the Environmental Protection Agency's Web site (http://Www.epa.govlowowlnpsllidl)for additional information and fact sheets regarding the implementation of low -impact -development techniques. 3 Sewer lines associated with crossing areas should be maintained and operated at all times to prevent discharges to land or surface waters. In circumstances where minimum setbacks cannot be attained, sewer lines shall be constructed of ductile iron or a substance of equal durability. Stream Crossings. Use bridges for all permanent roadway crossings of streams and associated wetlands. All stream crossings should be made perpendicular to the stream. We recommend bridges that span the entire floodplain because it is important for streams to have access/connectivity to the floodplain. Bridges that span the stream and floodplain are the best option because they minimize impacts to aquatic resources, allow for the movement of aquatic organisms, and eliminate the need to place fill in streams and floodplains. Bridges should be designed and constructed so that no piers or bents are placed in the stream, and approaches and abutments should not constrict the stream channel. Bridges should also be designed to allow for safe terrestrial wildlife passage. To provide for terrestrial wildlife passage, the new bridge design should span beyond the waterway so that unsubmerged land is also bridged. If bank stabilization is necessary, we recommend that the use of riprap be minimized and that a riprap-free buffer zone be maintained under the bridge to allow for wildlife movement. Longer bridge spans also cost far less than a separate wildlife crossing under an existing roadway. Also, floodplain culverts must be installed if fill is placed in the floodplain for bridge construction. If bridges are not possible and culverts are the only option, we suggest using bottomless culverts. Bottomless culverts do not need to be buried, thereby preserving the natural creek substrate and not disturbing the streambed. Culverts should be sufficiently sized to mimic natural stream functions and habitats located at the crossing site; allow for water depth, volume (flow), and velocity levels that will permit aquatic organism passage; and accommodate the movement of debris and bed material during bank -full events. Widening the stream channel must be avoided. Consideration should be given to minimum water depth during low-flow/dry periods when designing culvert placement. Sufficient water depth should be maintained during low flows to accommodate both the upstream and downstream movement of aquatic species. Water depth inside the culvert must be adequate for fish to be completely immersed and not scraping the bottom of the stream. The culvert should be designed and installed at the same slope as the stream grade to maintain an acceptable water velocity for fish passage, and the stream substrate characteristics should be retained within the culvert. Where feasible, we recommend the use of multiple barrels (other than the base -flow barrel), placed on or near stream bank -full or floodplain bench elevation, in order to accommodate floodwaters within the stream corridor. These should be reconnected to floodplain benches as appropriate. This may be accomplished by using sills on the upstream end to restrict or divert flow to the base -flow barrel(s). If the culvert is longer than 40 linear feet, alternating or notched baffles should be installed in a manner that mimics the existing stream pattern. This should enhance the passage of aquatic life by: (1) depositing sediment in the barrel, (2) maintaining channel depth and flow regimes, and (3) providing resting places for fish and other aquatic organisms. Measures to control sediment and erosion should be installed before any ground -disturbing activities occur. Grading and backfilling should be minimized, and existing vegetation should be M retained (if possible) to maintain shoreline cover for fish and wildlife. Disturbed areas should be revegetated with native grass and tree species as soon as the project is completed. The proper planning, design, and installation of stream crossings provide year-round aquatic organism passage and preserve healthy streams. We recommend the following Web site for additional information regarding stream crossing activities: http://www.stream.fs.fed.uslflshxinglpointers.htm1 Federal Endangered and Threatened Species. According to our records and a review of the information you provided, no federally listed species or their habitats occur on the site. Therefore, we believe the requirements under section 7 of the Act are fulfilled. However, obligations under section 7 of the Act must be reconsidered if: (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered, (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner that was not considered in this review, or (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat is determined that may be affected by the identified action. Thank you for allowing us to comment on this project. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Allen Ratzlaff of our staff at 828/258-3939, Ext. 229. In any future correspondence concerning this project, please reference our Log Number 4-2-15-196. E -Copy: Andrea Leslie, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, andrea.leslie@ncwildlife.org 5 AP15% VLOt"A NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Office of Land and Water Stewardship Pat McCrory Bryan Gossage Donald R. van der Vaart Governor Director Secretary March 23, 2015 Mr. Chris Tinklenberg Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2000 South Boulevard, Suite 440 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 Chris.Tinklenburg@Kimley-Horn.com RE: Hendersonville Retail Site (REVISED) Greenville Highway and White Street, Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Tinklenberg: Thank you for the opportunity to provide information from the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) database for the proposed project referenced above. As noted in your request for information dated February 24, 2015, and received by our office on March 2, 2015, we previously provided information on natural heritage resources for this project on September 12, 2014. Upon review of the REVISED project area, the NCNHP database does not show any records for rare species, important natural communities, natural areas, or conservation managed areas within the project area as depicted in the maps submitted with your request for information. Also based on a review with the revised project area, the NCNHP database shows element occurrence records for the following rare species within one mile of the proposed project area: SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME ELEMENT OCCURRENCE STATUS* ACCURACY STATE STATUS* FEDERAL STATUS* Acontium reclinatum Trailing Wolfsbane Current Low SR -T --- Asplenium pinnotifidum Lobed Spleenwort Current Medium SR -P --- Colopteryx amata Superb Jewelwing Historical Very Low SR I --- Crotalus horridus Timber Rattlesnake Historical Low SC --- Dendrolycopodium dendroideum Prickly Ground -pine Historical Very Low SR -P --- Glyceria laxa Lax Mannagrass Current High SR -P --- Hexastylis rhombiformis French Broad Heartleaf Current Medium (4 records) SR -L FSC Sagittaria fasciculata Bunched Arrowhead Current High E E Sarracenia jonesii Mountain Sweet Pitcher Plant Historical Low (2 records) E E Senecio suaveolens Sweet Indian -plantain Historical Low SC -H --- Spilogale putorius Eastern Spotted Skunk Historical Very Low SR -G --- Stachys eplingii Epling's Hedge -nettle Historical Low SR -T --- Current High Tholictrum macrostylum Small -leaved Meadowrue Current High SR -T FSC Thermopsis mollis Appalachian Golden -banner Current Low SC -V 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 Phone: 919-707-8600 \ Internet: www.ncdenr.gov An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer— Made in part by recycled paper Hendersonville Retail Site (REVISED) Greenville Highway and White Street, Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina March 23, 2015 Page 2 *For status and accuracy definitions, please see the Rare Species Status Definitions and Element Occurrences documents at https://ncnhde.natureserve.org/content/help. The occurrence of Trailing Wolfsbane is from the vicinity of Hendersonville, and the occurrence of Lobed Spleenwort is from the Canteloup Estate, south of Hendersonville in the vicinity of US -21 to Highland Avenue. The occurrence records for Superb Jewelwing, Prickly Ground -pine, and Eastern Spotted Skunk all have very low accuracy because the records lack site-specific locational information, but these three species have been documented in Henderson County. The occurrences of Timber Rattlesnake and Appalachian Golden -banner have also been documented in the vicinity Hendersonville. Occurrences of Lax Mannagrass, Epling's Hedge -nettle, Small -leaved Meadowrue, French Broad Heartleaf, Mountain Sweet Pitcher Plant, and Bunched Arrowhead are all documented at the Ochlawaha Bog natural area, located south of the proposed project; the NCNHP database also shows a record for a high-quality Swamp Forest -Bog Complex (Typic Subtype) in this natural area. The Ochlawaha Bog natural area is owned and managed by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Plant Conservation Program (PCP), as a plant conservation preserve, and a portion of the natural area is a Dedicated Nature Preserve. An occurrence of Mountain Sweet Pitcher Plant is also located in the Bat Fork Bog natural area, located northeast of the project area; a portion of this natural area is also owned and managed by the PCP and is a Dedicated Nature Preserve. Additional occurrences of French Broad Heartleaf are known to occur at Osceola Lake, Tom Hill, and in remnant wetlands in the vicinity of Fitzsimons Street in Hendersonville, and occurrences of Sweet Indian -plantain and an additional population of Epling's Hedge -nettle have been documented in the vicinity of Flat Rock. In addition, the NCNHP database shows that a parcel adjacent to the southern portion of the proposed project area is considered to be City of Hendersonville Open Space. Other conservation/managed areas near the proposed project area include those at Ochlawaha Bog and Bat Fork Bog (mentioned above), as well as various parcels considered to be Henderson County open space, the Jackson Park Wetland Registered Heritage Area northeast of the project area, and conservation easements in the vicinity of Ochlawaha Bog that are held by the Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy and the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The locations of natural areas and conservation/managed areas nearby the project area, including those referenced above, may be viewed by accessing the Natural Heritage Data Explorer online map viewer, or by downloading and using Geographic Information System (GIS) data; both options are available from the NCNHP Data Services webpage (see www.ncnhp.org). Please note that although the NCNHP database may not show records for rare species within the proposed project area, it does not necessarily mean that they are not present; it may simply mean that the area has not been surveyed. Occurrences of rare species documented within one mile of the proposed project area increase the likelihood that these species may be present within the project area if suitable habitat exists. The use of Natural Heritage Program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys if needed, particularly if the project area contains suitable habitat for rare species. If rare species are found during field surveys, the NCNHP would appreciate receiving this information so that we may update our database. Hendersonville Retail Site (REVISED) Greenville Highway and White Street, Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina March 23, 2015 Page 3 Thank you for your interest in information available from the NCNHP database. Please feel free to contact me at 919-707-8629 or Allison.Weaklev@ncdenr.gov if you have questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Allison Schwarz Weakley, Conservation Planner NC Natural Heritage Program North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 0 Gordon Myers, Executive Director March 24, 2015 Chris Tinklenberg 2000 South Boulevard, Suite 440 Charlotte, NC 28203 SUBJECT: Hendersonville Site, revised Halvorsen Development Corporation Henderson County Dear Mr. Tinklenberg: Biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) received your February 24, 2015 letter about the proposed retail development project. You requested comments on any potential issues that might emerge with respect to fish and wildlife. Comments from the Commission are provided under provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.) and the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4332 (2)(c). Our staff is not aware of any particularly important fish and wildlife habitats in or near the project area. However, according to the NC Flood Risk Information System (htlp:Hfris.nc.gov/fris/Home.aspx?ST=NC), the site is situated in the floodway of the Mud Creek floodplain, which stores and treats floodwater. The NCWRC does not support commercial or residential development within the 100 -year floodplain. The filling of floodplains increases the potential for flooding and degrades in -stream habitats for fish and other aquatic organisms. We do have the following recommendations for the project: 1. The site is adjacent to Mud Creek, which is on the 2014 303(d) list and suffers from urban impacts such as stormwater flows and pollutants. We recommend that the applicant treat and retain stormwater on-site, using stormwater control measures to mimic the hydrograph consistent with an impervious coverage of less than 10%. 2. NCWRC recommends a minimum 100 -foot undisturbed, native, forested buffer along Mud Creek and any other perennial streams, and a minimum 50 -foot buffer along intermittent streams and wetlands. We understand that the site is already impacted and that a narrow Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 707-0220 • Fax: (919) 707-0028 Hendersonville Site Halvorsen Development Page 2 March 24, 2015 Mud Creek, Henderson County buffer exists along Mud Creek; however, we recommend that the applicant widen this forested buffer as much as feasible. Maintaining undisturbed, forested buffers will minimize impacts to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife resources, water quality, and aquatic habitat both within and downstream of the project area. Wide riparian buffers are helpful in maintaining stability of stream banks and for treatment of pollutants associated with urban stormwater. In addition, these buffers will provide an adequate travel corridor for wildlife species. 3. Use non-invasive native species and Low Impact Development (LID) technology in landscaping. Using native species instead of ornamentals should reduce the need for water, fertilizers and pesticides. Using LID technology in landscaping will not only help maintain the predevelopment hydrologic regime, but also enhance the aesthetic and habitat value of the site. 4. Sediment and erosion control measures should be installed prior to any land clearing or construction. These measures should be routinely inspected and properly maintained. Excessive silt and sediment loads can have numerous detrimental effects on aquatic resources including destruction of spawning habitat, suffocation of eggs, and clogging of gills of aquatic species. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. Please contact me at (828) 400-4223 if there are any questions about these comments. Sincerely, Andrea Leslie Mountain Region Coordinator, Habitat Conservation Program ec: Allen Ratzlaff North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Pat McCrory Secretary Susan Kluttz March 17, 2015 Chris Tinklenberg Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2000 South Boulevard, Suite 440 Charlotte, NC 28203 Office of Archives and History Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry Re: Amendment to Construct Retail Building & Parkling Lot, Intersection of Greenville Highway & White Street, Hendersonville, Henderson County, ER 14-2073 Dear Mr. Tinklenberg: Thank you for your letter of February 24, 2015, concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill -Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-807-6579 or environmental.reviewkncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, (1� aL�L-��. 60VRamona M. Bartos Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 807-6570/807-6599 Jurisdictional Determination Request U5 Army Corps of Engineers. Wilmington District This form is intended for use by anyone requesting a jurisdictional determination (7D) from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (Corps). Please include all supporting information, as described within each category, with your request. You may submit your request to the appropriate Corps Field Office (or project manager, if known) via mail, electronic mail, or facsimile. A current list of county assignments by Field Office and project manager can be found on-line at: http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Missions/RegulatoryPermitProgram.aspx , by telephoning: 910-251-4633, or by contacting any of the field offices listed below: ASHEVILLE REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE US Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 General Number: (828) 271-7980 Fax Number: (828) 281-8120 RALEIGH REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE US Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 General Number: (919) 554-4884 Fax Number: (919) 562-0421 WASHINGTON REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE US Army Corps of Engineers 2407 West Fifth Street Washington, North Carolina 27889 General Number: (910) 251-4610 Fax Number: (252) 975-1399 WILMINGTON REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 General Number: 910-251-4633 Fax Number: (910) 251-4025 Version: December 2013 Page 1 Jurisdictional Determination Request INSTRUCTIONS: All requestors must complete Parts A, B, C, D, E and F. NOTE TO CONSULTANTS AND AGENCIES: If you are requesting a JD on behalf of a paying client or your agency, please note the specific submittal requirements in Part G. NOTE ON PART D — PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION: Please be aware that all JD requests must include the current property owner authorization for the Corps to proceed with the determination, which may include inspection of the property when necessary. This form must be signed by the current property owner to be considered a complete request. NOTE ON PART D - NCDOT REQUESTS: Property owner authorization/notification for JD requests associated with North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) projects will be conducted according to the current NCDOT/USACE protocols. NOTE TO USDA PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS: A Corps approved or preliminary JD may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should also request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural RPcrmirr-Pc Cnncam7atinn CPm71!`P nrinr to ctartincr Az7n1-lr Version: December 2013 Page 2 Jurisdictional Determination Request A. PARCEL INFORMATION Street Address: 701 Greenville Highway City, State: Hendersonville, NC County: Henderson DirectioiiS: From Hendersonville head south on Greenville Highway, site is located to the west. Parcel Index Number(s) (PIN): 9568739994, 9568840380, 9568842052, 9568831970, 9568833809,9568841291,9568832720,9568842176 B. REQUESTOR INFORMATION Name: Chris Tinklenberg, PWS Mailing Address: 200 South Tryon Street, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28202 Telephone Number: 704-409-1802 Electronic Mail Addressi: chris.tinklenberg@kimley-horn.com Select one: ❑ I am the current property owner. I am an Authorized Agent or Environmental Consultant ❑ Interested Buyer or Under Contract to Purchase ❑ Other, please explain. C. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name: Halvorsen Development Corporation Mailing Address: 851 South Federal Highway, Suite 201 Boca Raton, FL 33432 Telephone Number: 561-367-9200 Electronic Mail Address i: ❑ Proof of Ownership Attached (e.g. a copy of Deed, County GIS/Parcel/Tax Record data) 1 If available Z Must attach completed Agent Authorization Form 3 If available Version: December 2013 Page 3 Jurisdictional Determination Request D. PROPERTY OWNER CERTIFICATION' I, the undersigned, a duly authorized owner of record of the property/properties identified herein, do authorize representatives of the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to enter upon the property herein described for the purpose of conducting on-site investigations and issuing a determination associated with Waters of the U.S. subject to Federal jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. See attached agent authorization Property Owner (please print) Date Property Owner Signature E. JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION TYPE Select One: W1I am requesting that the Corps provide a preliminary JD for the property identified herein. This request does include a delineation. I am requesting that the Corps provide a preliminary JD for the property identified herein. This request does NOT include a delineation. ❑ I am requesting that the Corps investigate the property/project area for the presence or absence of WOUS5 and provide an approved JD for the property identified herein. This request does NOT include a request for a verified delineation. ❑ I am requesting that the Corps delineate the boundaries of all WoUS on a property/project area and provide an approved JD (this may or may not include a survey plat). ❑ I am requesting that the Corps evaluate and approve a delineation of WoUS (conducted by others) on a property/project area and provide an approved JD (may or may not include a survey plat). 4 For NCDOT requests following the current NCDOT/USACE protocols, skip to Part E. 5 Waters of the United States Version: December 2013 Page 4 12 ❑✓ Jurisdictional Determination Request ALL REQUESTS Map of Property or Project Area (attached). This Map must clearly depict the boundaries of the area of evaluation. ❑✓ Size of Property or Project Area 6.86 W/1 G. acres I verify that the property (or project) boundaries have recently been surveyed and marked by a licensed land surveyor OR are otherwise clearly marked or distinguishable. JD REQUESTS FROM CONSULTANTS OR AGENCIES (1) Preliminary JD Requests: Completed and signed Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Form6. Project Coordinates: 35.304473 Latitude -82.458797 Maps (no larger than l lxl7) with Project Boundary Overlay: Longitude ❑✓ Large and small scale maps that depict, at minimum: streets, intersections, towns ❑✓ Aerial Photography of the project area ❑✓ USGS Topographic Map W] Soil Survey Map Other Maps, as appropriate (e.g. National Wetland Inventory Map, Proposed Site Plan, previous delineation maps, LIDAR maps, FEMA floodplain maps) 6 See Appendix A of this Form. From Regulatory Guidance Letter No. 08-02, dated June 26, 2008 Version: December 2013 Page 5 Jurisdictional Determination Request Delineation Information (when applicable): Wetlands: ❑ Wetland Data Sheets Tributaries: ❑✓ USACE Assessment Forms ❑ Upland Data Sheets ✓❑ Other Assessment Forms (when appropriate) ❑ Landscape Photos, if taken ❑✓ Field Sketch overlain on legible Map that includes: ■ All aquatic resources (for sites with multiple resources, label and identify) ■ Locations of wetland data points and/or tributary assessment reaches ■ Locations of photo stations ■ Approximate acreage/linear footage of aquatic resources (2) Approved JDs including Verification of a Delineation: ❑ Project Coordinates: Latitude Longitude Maps (no larger than llxl7) with Project Boundary Overlay: ❑ Large and small scale maps that depict, at minimum: streets, intersections, towns ❑ Aerial Photography of the project area ❑ USGS Topographic Map ❑ Soil Survey Map ❑ Other Maps, as appropriate (e.g. National Wetland Inventory Map, Proposed Site Plan, previous delineation maps) 1987 Manual Regional Supplements and Data forms can be found at: http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/RegulatoryProgramandPermits/reg supp.aspx Wetland and Stream Assessment Methodologies can be found at: http://Portal.ncdenr.org/c/document library/get file?uuid=76f3c58b-dab8-4960-ba43-45b7faf06f4c&groupld=38364 and, httD://www.saw.usace.armv.mil/Portals/59/docs/regulatory/Dublicnotices/2013/NCSAM Draft User Manual 130318.Ddf 8 Delineation information must include, at minimum, one wetland data sheet for each wetland/community type. Version: December 2013 Page 6 Jurisdictional Determination Request Delineation Information (when applicable): Wetlands: ❑ Wetland Data Sheets9 Tributaries: ❑ USACE Assessment Forms ❑ Upland Data Sheets ❑ Other Assessment Forms (when appropriate) ❑ Landscape Photos, if taken ❑ Field Sketch overlain on legible Map that includes: • All aquatic resources (for sites with multiple resources, label and identify) • Locations of wetland data points and/or tributary assessment reaches • Locations of photo stations • Approximate acreage/linear footage of aquatic resources Supporting Jurisdictional Information (for Approved JDs only) ❑ Approved Jurisdictional Determination Form(s) (also known as "Rapanos Form(s)") ❑ Map(s) depicting the potential (or lack of potential) hydrologic connection(s), adjacency, etc. to navigable waters. 9 Delineation information must include, at minimum, one wetland data sheet for each wetland/community type. Version: December 2013 Page 7 Jurisdictional Determination Request I. REQUESTS FOR CORPS APPROVAL OF SURVEY PLAT Prior to final production of a Plat, the Wilmington District recommends that the Land Surveyor electronically submit a draft of a Survey Plat to the Corps project manager for review. Due to storage limitations of our administrative records, the Corps requires that all hard- copy submittals include at least one original Plat (to scale) that is no larger than 11"x17" (the use of match lines for larger tracts acceptable). Additional copies of a plat, including those larger than 11"x17", may also be submitted for Corps signature as needed. The Corps also accepts electronic submittals of plats, such as those transmitted as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. Upon verification, the Corps can electronically sign these n1nfe and rpfnrn therm -.ria p -mail fn flip rpnnpefnr (1) PLATS SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL ❑ Must be sealed and signed by a licensed professional land surveyor ❑ Must be to scale (all maps must include both a graphic scale and a verbal scale) ❑ Must be legible ❑ Must include a North Arrow, Scale(s), Title, Property Information ❑ Must include a legible WoUS Delineation Table of distances and bearings/metes and bounds/GPS coordinates of all surveyed delineation points ❑ Must clearly depict surveyed property or project boundaries ❑ Must clearly identify the known surveyed point(s) used as reference (e.g. property corner, USGS monument) ❑ When wetlands are depicted: • Must include acreage (or square footage) of wetland polygons • Must identify each wetland polygon using an alphanumeric system Version: December 2013 Page 8 Jurisdictional Determination Request ❑ When tributaries are depicted: • Must include either a surveyed, approximate centerline of tributary with approximate width of tributary OR surveyed Ordinary High Water Marks (OHWM) of tributary • Must identify each tributary using an alphanumeric system • Must include linear footage of tributaries and calculated area (using approximate widths or surveyed OHWM) • Must include name of tributary (based on the most recent USGS topographic map) or, when no USGS name exists, identify as "unnamed tributary" ❑ all depicted WoUS (wetland polygons and tributary lines) must intersect or tie -to surveyed project/property boundaries ❑ Must include the location of wetland data points and/or tributary assessment reaches ❑ Must include, label accordingly, and depict acreage of all waters not currently subject to the requirements of the CWA (e.g. "isolated wetlands", "non - jurisdictional waters"). NOTE: An approved 7D must be conducted in order to make an official Corps determination that a particular waterbody or wetland is not jurisdictional. ❑ Must include and survey all existing conveyances (pipes, culverts, etc.) that transport WrAT Tc Version: December 2013 Page 9 Jurisdictional Determination Request (2) CERTIFICATION LANGUAGE When the entire actual Jurisdictional Boundary is depicted: include the following Corps Certification language: "This certifies that this copy of this plat accurately depicts the boundary of the jurisdiction of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as determined by the undersigned on this date. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, the determination of Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five (S) years from this date. The undersigned completed this determination utilizing the appropriate Regional Supplement to the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual." Regulatory Official: Title: Date: USACE Action ID No.: When uplands may be present within a depicted Jurisdictional Boundary include the following Corps Certification language: "This certifies that this copy of this plat identifies all areas of waters of the United States regulated pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as determined by the undersigned on this date. Unless there is change in the law or our published regulations, this determination of Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from this date. The undersigned completed this determination utilizing the appropriate Regional Supplement to the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual." Regulatory Official: Title: Date: USACE Action ID No.: Version: December 2013 Page 10 Jurisdictional Determination Request (3) GPS SURVEYS For Surveys prepared using a Global Positioning System (GPS), the Survey must include all of the above, as well as: ❑✓ be at sub -meter accuracy at each survey point. include an accuracy verification: One or more known points (property corner, monument) shall be located with the GPS and cross-referenced with the existing traditional property survey (metes and bounds). ❑✓ include a brief description of the GPS equipment utilized. Version: December 2013 Page 11 ATTACHMENT A PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD): May 5, 2016 B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PRELIMINARY JD: Chris Tinklenberg, PWS 200 South Tryon Street, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28202 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: Wilmington District - Asheville Field Office D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: 701 Greenville Highway, Hendersonville, NC 28792 (USE THE ATTACHED TABLE TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE WATERBODIES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NC County/parish/borough: Henderson City: Hendersonville Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format): Lat. 35.304473 °N; Long. -82.458797 0W Universal Transverse Mercator: 1983 Name of nearest waterbody: Johnson Drainage Ditch Identify (estimate) amount of waters in the review area: Non -wetland waters: 900 linear feet: 8 width (ft) and/or 0.17 acres. Cowardin Class: Stream Flow: Perennial Wetlands: 0 acres. Cowardin Class: Name of any water bodies on the site that have been identified as Section 10 waters: Tidal: N/A Non -Tidal: None E REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ Office (Desk) Determination. Date: ❑✓ Field Determination. Date(s): 09/30/15 SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for preliminary JD (check all that apply - checked items should be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources below): ❑✓ Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant: vicinity map, topo map, SSURGO soil map, Waters of the U.S. map, FEMA Map, overall design plans ❑✓ Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant. Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: ❑ U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: ❑ USGS NHD data ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps ❑✓ U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: Hendersonville ❑✓ USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: Henderson County SSURGO Soil Survey ❑ National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: ❑ State/Local wetland inventory map(s): FEMA/FIRM maps: Map Number 3700956800) ❑ 100 -year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) ❑✓ Photographs: ❑✓ Aerial (Name & Date): 2015 Aerial Imagery Other (Name & Date): 2015 Field photos ❑ Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: ❑ Other information (please specify): 2 or 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional waters of the United States on the subject site, and the permit applicant or other affected party who requested this preliminary JD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved jurisdictional determination (JD) for that site. Nevertheless, the permit applicant or other person who requested this preliminary JD has declined to exercise the option to obtain an approved JD in this instance and at this time. 2. In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre -construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non -reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an approved JD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware of the following: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a preliminary JD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional waters; (2) that the applicant has the option to request an approved JD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an approved JD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) that the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) that the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) that undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an approved JD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the preliminary JD, but that either form of JD will be processed as soon as is practicable; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a preliminary JD constitutes agreement that all wetlands and other water bodies on the site affected in any way by that activity are jurisdictional waters of the United States, and precludes any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an approved JD or a preliminary JD, that JD will be processed as soon as is practicable. Further, an approved JD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331, and that in any administrative appeal, jurisdictional issues can be raised (see 33 C.F.R. 331.5(a)(2)). If, during that administrative appeal, it becomes necessary to make an official determination whether CWA jurisdiction exists over a site, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional waters on the site, the Corps will provide an approved JD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. 3 This preliminary JD finds that there "may be"waters of the United States on the subject project site, and identifies all aquatic features on the site that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarily been verified by the Corps and should not be relied upon for later jurisdictional determinations. Signature and date of Regulatory Project Manager (REQUIRED) Pi Digitally signed by --- chris.tinklenberg@kimley-horn.com -- c--- '� ON. —chris.bnklenberg@kimley-horn, cam Oat,: 2016 05,13 10:49:06 -04'00' Signature and date of person requesting preliminary JD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable)