HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160607 Ver 1_Application_20160620AECOM Technical Services of North Carohma, Inc 919 461 1100 tel 1600 Perimeter Park Drive 919 461 1415 fax Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 www aecom corn June 16, 2016 Ms. Karen Higgins Wetlands and Buffer Permitting Unit NC Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Fnn M 4 Subject: City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department u'1 TUU 2 0 2016 Caldbeck Drive Sanitary Sewer Repair and Bank Stabiliza io Project No. 2015-15 and 2015-22 D,Q'oAGGFR PERM Dear Ms. Higgins: Enclosed are five copies of a Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Permit Application Package for the City of Raleigh Caldbeck Drive Sanitary Sewer Repair and Bank Stabilization project. For your review we have enclosed five copies of the PCN Application Form, Attachment A (site maps, photos, and construction details), and the $240.00 application fee. The project will entail replacement of exposed sanitary sewer at two locations within the streambed. The work and access to the worksite is via an unmaintained easement. The PCN requests coverage for the activity under NWP12 and corresponding Water Quality Certificate 3884. Please contact me with any questions regarding this permit application. Sincerely, AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc. /���7Z�,,. ell Mary T Brice, P.E. LEED AP Senior Environmental Engineer Attachments wAr f;7 $ PAID 20160607 Office Use Only: Corps D •.. .. orm :���,. n:,•�,o�E n ir►cr— iu Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) F r JUN 2 0 2016 A. Applicant Information DEQ -WATER RE OURCES 40 & B ER PER I N 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: ❑X Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 12 or General Permit (GP) number: 1 c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ❑ Yes ❑X No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non -404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express X❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWQ 401 Certification: ❑ Yes ❑X No For the record only for Corps Permit: ❑Q Yes ❑ No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program. ❑ Yes ❑X No 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h below. ❑ Yes ❑X No 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes ❑X No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Caldbeck Drive Sanitary Sewer Repairs 2b. County: Wake 2c. Nearest municipality / town: Raleigh 2d. Subdivision name: 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state project no: N/A 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: 3b. Deed Book and Page No. 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if applicable): City of Raleigh Public Utility Department 3d. Street address: 222 W. Hargett St. 3e. City, state, zip: Raleigh, NC. 27601 3f. Telephone no.: 919-996-4540 3g. Fax no.: 919-996-1866 3h. Email address: Page 1 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, specify: 4b. Name: 4c. Business name (if applicable): 4d. Street address: 4e. City, state, zip: 4f. Telephone no.: 4g. Fax no.: 4h. Email address: 5. Agent/Consultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: Mary T. Brice 5b. Business name (if applicable): AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc. 5c. Street address: 1600 Perimeter Park Dr. Suite 400 5d. City, state, zip: Morrisville, NC 5e. Telephone no.: 919-461-1358 5f. Fax no.: 919-461-1415 5g. Email address: mary.brice@aecom.com Page 2 of 10 B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): 1b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): I Latitude: 35.89 Longitude: -78.68 1 c. Property size: acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water to proposed project: Unnamed Tributary of Mine Creek 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: C; NSW 2c. River basin: Neuse River Basin 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The project is within a sanitary sewer easement and the general land use in the vicinity of the project is residential. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: See attachment A.The temporary stream disturbance which will result from the sanitary sewer repairs is covered under NW12 without written notificatio 3e. See Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: attachment A. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / ro'ect(including all priorphases) in thepast? ❑ Yes ❑ No Q Unknown Comments: 4b If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made? El Preliminary El Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Agency/Consultant Company: Other: 4d If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past? ❑ Yes Z No ❑ Unknown 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes X❑ No 6b. If yes, explain. Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlands ❑X Streams — tributaries ❑X Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. Wetland impact number Permanent (P) or Temporary T 2b. Type of impact 2c. Type of wetland 2d. Forested 2e. Type of jurisdiction Corps (404,10) or DWQ (401, other) 2f. Area of impact (acres) W1 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No W2 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No W3 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No W4 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No W5 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No W6 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No 2g. Total Wetland Impacts: 2h. Comments: 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. Stream impact number Permanent (P) or Temporary (T) 3b. Type of impact 3c. Stream name 3d. Perennial (PER) or intermittent (INT)? 3e. Type of jurisdiction 3f. Average stream width (feet) 39• Impact length (linear feet) S1 P Excavation UT to Mine Creek PER Corps 8 31 S2 P Excavation UT to Mine Creek PER Corps 10 55 S3 Choose one - - S4 - Choose one - - S5 Choose one - - S6 Choose one - 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 8s 3i. Comments: Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then indivi ually list all open water impacts below. 4a. Open water impact number Permanent (P) or Temporary T 4b. Name of waterbody (if applicable) 4c. Type of impact 4d. Waterbody type 4e. Area of impact (acres) 01 - Choose one Choose 02 - Choose one Choose 03 - Choose one Choose 04 - Choose one Choose 4f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comments: 5. Pond or Lake Construction If pond or lake construction proposed, the complete the chart below. 5a. Pond ID number 5b. Proposed use or purpose of pond 5c. Wetland Impacts (acres) 5d. Stream Impacts (feet) 5e. Upland (acres) Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated P1 Choose one P2 Choose one 5f. Total: 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below If any impacts require mitigation. then vou MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. Project is in which protected basin? ❑X Neuse ❑ Tar -Pamlico ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman ❑ Other: 6b. Buffer Impact number — Permanent (P) or Temporary T 6c. Reason for impact 6d. Stream name 6e. Buffer mitigation required? 6f. Zone 1 impact (square feet) 6g. Zone 2 impact (square feet 61 P Sewer Replacement UT to Mine Creek No, 9,700 B2 P Sewer Replacement UT to Mine Creek No 1,130 133 - Yes/No 64 - Yes/No 135 - Yes/No 66 - Yes/No 6h. Total Buffer Impacts: 9,700 1,130 6i. Comments: Page 5 of 10 D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. Buffer disturbance will be the minimum necessary to replace the sewer lines and provide stable access to the sanitary sewer easement. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. Work areas will be confined to the minimum extent necessary to perform the work. Disturbed areas will be perpendicular to the buffer to the extent possible. Erosion control devices and measure will be installed prior to construction. Disturbed areas will be reseeded and mulched immediately upon completion. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? ❑ Yes Q No 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this project? ❑ Mitigation bank ❑Payment to in -lieu fee program ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type: Choose one Type: Choose one Type: Choose one Quantity: Quantity: Quantity: 3c. Comments: 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In -lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: Choose one 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4f. Non -riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Comments: 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires buffer mitigation? Yes X No 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. Zone 6c. Reason for impact 6d. Total impact (square feet) Multiplier 6e. Required mitigation (square feet) Zone 1 3 (2 for Catawba) Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in -lieu fee fund). 6h. Comments: Page 7 of 10 E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified ❑X Yes ❑ No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. Project is easement maintenance and sanitary sewer repair and will not result in a point -source ❑ Yes ❑X No stormwater discharge. 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. • What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? 0 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ YesX❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: Project will not result in a point discharge or creation of measureable impervious surface. 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which localgovernment's jurisdiction is thisproject? ❑ Phase II ❑ NSW 3b. Which of the following locally -implemented stormwater management programs ❑ USMP apply (check all that apply): ❑ Water Supply Watershed 0 Other: Not Required 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Program Review ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of the following state -implemented stormwater management programs apply ❑ ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑X Other Not Required 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the ❑X Yes ❑ No use of public (federal/state) land? 1b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes Q No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter ) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes ❑X No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after -the -fact permit application? ❑ Yes ❑X No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in ❑ Yes No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Project will generate no wastewater. Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. - 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes ❑ No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status (e.g , National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA -designated 100 -year floodplain? ❑ Yes Q No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? The area of interest is south of map #3720079800.1 (dated 5/02/2006), but no FEMA maps exist for this location There is no floodplain in the project area. Ruffin L. Hall City Manager City of Raleigh Post Office Box 590 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 (Agent's slf letter O F R,�� If an *� caRCi Page 10 of 10 A=COM ATTACHMENT A LLQ J o ,CY,� L O 3 E Q O w. - Eco X ' N O E N i Q M C,,J 0 d 0 1/o co Q N 00 J 4 8 O O (0 m 00 � O u) O L Q) C m O ` Q� (BJJ i We .1 Harkers Ct r`'1 w J C:) '� •� I L ?:coo_ , / (D X' O O Ll E 0 .c cy) U) NCO C�•�� 00 M 00 0o C: co s .y +► U Q ✓'1 Q� (oJJ 0 v � v 0 N 0 N N L 0 0 ZQ s Z i 0 U G1 U W A cz \ k / ® CL 0 'E \ \ g / � \ � k � � § .E § \ / \ / S ).£ / - k ai Lf) a ° -C 2/ \ § t 0 ° '2 a \ ./ m _ \ D = e \ ± u % ' 'c 76± 7 / / / \ u 2 u x\ Q 2 Q) t k \ ( / ± 0 � m § 3 2 % c f Ec k 0 2 x E \ \ / / \ & 0_ ƒ o § . / '\ E = § u .� 5 t ƒ U '- = o a \ q E » \ \ � / * / / $ % * \ CL ± ® t / \ a m 2 ob % B / 'E ' .\ E E — 7 / < % \ » & \ ® e \ \ \ / � \ � » u rn \ ) .E § \ / / \ U ).£ / - ' ai \ ° -C 2/ bnE4 t 0 / C _ / .( ± _ \ _ ccR ± / ./ 9992 ¥ ? 3.§ u x\ Q 2 Q) n / a / / 3 f k cu5 ra a /use E 0_ ƒ o § o \CL o - \ q \ § » 2 m / a 3 " — / -Ck k .E ® 2 / \ a 7 \ ob / 5 'E SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EROSION CONTROL LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, SPECIFICALLY THE SEDIMENT POLLUTION CONTROL ACT OF 1973, AS AMENDED, AND THE LOCAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ORDINANCES. THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE OF EVENTS AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE FOR THIS PROJECT AND SHALL APPLY TO ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS: 1. INSTALL SILT FENCE, CHECK DAMS, AND INLET PROTECTION DEVICES AS DEPICTED ON DRAWINGS AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS. 2. THE EROSION CONTROL REVIEW AND INSPECTION WILL BE ADDRESSED BY NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES (NCDENR) LAND QUALITY SECTION, NOT THE TOWN OF CARY. 3. AREAS WHICH ARE NOT TO BE DISTURBED SHALL BE CLEARLY MARKED BY FENCING, FLAGS, SIGNS, ETC. 4. UPON ACCEPTANCE OF ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES, COMMENCE EXCAVATION AND/OR GRADING ACTIVITIES. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESTRICTED TO A 25 FOOT WIDE AREA FOR EXCAVATION, EQUIPMENT STAGING ACTIVITIES AND TEMPORARY STOCKPILING OF EXCAVATED SOIL ALONG THE LENGTH OF PIPELINES 4 -INCH THROUGH 8 -INCH AND 30 -FOOT WIDE ALONG THE LENGTH OF PIPELINES 12 -INCH THROUGH 20 -INCH. TEMPORARILY STOCKPILED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED UPSLOPE OF THE EXCAVATION. FOR ANY DEMOLITION OR OTHER ACTIVITIES DESIRED PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES, INTERIM MEASURES ACCEPTABLE TO AND PRE -APPROVED BY ENGINEER, AND NCDENR DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL LAND RESOURCES, LAND QUALITY SECTION MUST BE PROVIDED. AS SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, ALL OPERATIONS SHALL BE CONFINED TO THE RIGHT-OF-WAYS OR DESIGNATED EASEMENTS. TOTAL DISTURBED AREAS NOT TO BE GREATER THAN 9.6 ACRES. 5. LIMIT CLEARING AND GRUBBING OF THE TRENCH TO THE AMOUNT OF PIPE THAT CAN BE CONSTRUCTED IN ONE DAY. LIMIT TRENCH EXCAVATION TO THE AMOUNT OF PIPE THAT CAN BE CONSTRUCTED AND BACKFILLED IN ONE DAY, OR 50 LINEAL FEET, WHICHEVER IS LESS. EXCAVATED TRENCH MATERIAL MUST BE STOCKPILED UPSLOPE OF THE TRENCH. OPEN TRENCHES SHALL BE BACKFILLED AND STABILIZED AT THE CESSATION OF EACH WORK DAY. ALL DISTURBED SURFACES MUST RECEIVE TEMPORARY STABILIZATION AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY. PROVIDE PUMP FILTER BAGS OR OTHER APPROVED DEWATERING DEVICES FOR DEWATERING OF TRENCH EXCAVATION AS NEEDED. SOIL SUPPLEMENTS, SEED AND MULCH, IF APPLICABLE, SHOULD BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER THE PIPELINE/UTILITY LINE IS CONSTRUCTED. ANY TEMPORARY ACCESS CONSTRUCTED FOR PIPELINE WORK MUST BE STABILIZED WITH A NON -GRADE AGGREGATE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TEMPORARY PROTECTION AND PERMANENT STABILIZATION OF ALL SOIL STOCKPILES ON SITE AS WELL AS SOIL INTENTIONALLY TRANSPORTED FROM THE PROJECT SITE. INSPECT ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES ONCE PER SEVEN DAYS, AND IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING ANY RAINFALL OF 0.5" OR MORE IN A 24-HOUR PERIOD. SEDIMENT ACCUMULATIONS ALONG SILT FENCE AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED. THE PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES. 7. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL WILL BE CHECKED REGULARLY FOR UNDERMINING OR DETERIORATION AND BUILDUP OR CLOGGING WITH SEDIMENT. CORRECTIVE ACTION WILL BE TAKEN IMMEDIATELY. 8. ANY AREAS WHICH ARE NOT TO BE FURTHER GRADED WITHIN A 14 -DAY PERIOD, OR WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN GRADED WITHIN 14 DAYS SHALL BE SEEDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING: SITE DESCRIPTON STABILIZATION TIME TIMEFRAME EXCEPTIONS PERIMETER DIKES, SWALES, 7 DAYS NONE DITCHES, AND SLOPES HIGH QUALITY WATER (HQW) 7 DAYS NONE ZONES IF SLOPES ARE 10' OR LESS IN SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 7 DAYS LENGTH AND ARE NOT STEEPER THAN 2:1, 14 DAYS ARE ALLOWED 7 DAYS FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN SLOPES 3:1 OR FLATTER 14 DAYS 50' IN LENGTH ALL OTHER AREAS WITH SLOPES 14 DAYS NONE, EXCEPT FOR PERIMETERS AND FLATTER THAN 4:1 ZONES SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES A COM SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES CONTINUED: 9. PERMANENTLY STABILIZE ALL DISTURBED AREAS BY SEEDING AND MULCHING PER THE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS, MINIMUM. 10. ALL SEEDED AREAS WILL BE CHECKED REGULARLY TO ENSURE THAT A GOOD STAND OF GRASS IS MAINTAINED. AREAS SHOULD BE FERTILIZED AND RESEEDED AS NEEDED. UPON FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETE STABILIZATION OF THE SITE BY THE ENGINEER AND NCDENR, REMAINING TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REMOVED. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TO BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION OR AFTER MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR. 11. UPON COMPLETION OF PROJECT, THE SELF-INSPECTION/SELF-MONITORING FORMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR CONVEYANCE TO THE OWNER FOR REGULATORY RECORD MAINTENANCE TIME PERIOD. 12. WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES INTERSECT WITH PAVED PUBLIC ROADS, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING, AND TRANSPORTED TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL DISPOSAL AREA (STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER). 13. SITES UTILIZED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR THE PURPOSE OF STORING EQUIPMENT, EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIALS, STRIPPED TOPSOIL, ETC, SHALL BE ENVIRONMENTALLY SUITABLE FOR SUCH PURPOSES AND SHALL BE APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY THE OWNER. ENVIRONMENTALLY SUITABLE SITES SHALL BE LEVEL, DEVOID OF MATURE STANDS OF TREES, AND ISOLATED FROM DRAINAGE FACILITIES AND FEATURES, WETLANDS STREAMS, AND STREAM CORRIDORS. SITES SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS OF THE TOWN OF CARY. 14. THE CLEANUP AND DISPOSAL OF EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIALS SHALL BE DONE AS SOON AS PRACTICAL AND AS THE OWNER MAY DIRECT. 15. CHECK DAMS, SILT FENCE, OR OTHER FILTERING DEVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT AREAS OF STOCKPILED MATERIALS, EXCAVATED AREAS, CATCH BASINS, AND OTHER STORM WATER INLET STRUCTURES IN CONSTRUCTION AREAS TO CONTROL SILT RUNOFF. 16. ALL DEWATERING FLOWS SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF SILT, SEDIMENT, DEBRIS, AND OTHER POLLUTANTS THROUGH APPROPRIATE MEANS (SETTLING BASINS, FILTER, ETC.). FOLLOWING THIS, THE FLOWS SHALL ONLY BE RELEASED DIRECTLY INTO STORM SEWERS, STREAM CHANNELS, TO OTHER STABILIZED DRAINAGE COURSES AND NOT INTO EXPOSED SOILS, STEEP SLOPES, OR ANY OTHER SITE WHERE FLOWS COULD CAUSE FURTHER DAMAGE. 17. CUT AND FILL SLOPES ARE TO BE VERTICALLY TRACKED, HORIZONTALLY SCARIFIED, MATTED, OR OTHERWISE CONSTRUCTED TO ENHANCE VEGETATIVE GROWTH AND EXPEDITE STABILIZATION. SEEDING SHALL BE INSTALLED AS PORTIONS OF THESE SLOPES ARE COMPLETED. 18. THE EXISTING EROSION CONTROL FEATURES SUCH AS ROCK CHECK DAMS AND RIP RAP ALONG THE NEW RECLAIMED WATERLINE ROUTE MUST BE REMOVED AND REPLACED TO FACILITATE INSTALLATION OF THE NEW RECLAIMED WATERLINE AS SHOWN. 19. IF AT ANY TIME BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF THE CONTRACT BOND ANY PART OF THE SEEDED AREA IS NOT IN GOOD CONDITION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FERTILIZE AND RESEED AS OFTEN AS NECESSARY TO GET A GOOD STAND OF GRASS. 20. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT CROSS ANY DITCH WHEN FLOWING WATER IS PRESENT OR DURING WET WEATHER UNLESS A PUMP AROUND SYSTEM IS PROVIDED DURING INSTALLATION OF PIPELINE (SEE DETAIL 1/DT5). PRIOR TO CROSSING A DITCH, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT A TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP OR CHECK DAM EXISTS DOWNSTREAM OF CROSSING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF PIPELINE. IMMEDIATELY AFTER BACKFILLING OF PIPELINE, DITCH SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL GRADE AND STABILIZED. USE EXCELSIOR MATTING OR RIP RAP AS NECESSARY TO STABILIZE THE DITCH. INSPECT DITCHES IMMEDIATELY AFTER WET WEATHER EVENT FOR STABILIZATION. 21. WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION CAUSES LAND DISTURBANCE OF ANY KIND WITHIN THE LIMITS OF A DITCH, THE CONTRACTOR MUST INSTALL EXCELSIOR MATTING OR RIP RAP AS NECESSARY TO STABILIZE THE DITCH. 22. ALL OPEN CUT CROSSINGS OF DITCHES SHALL BE COMPLETED IN ONE WORK DAY. 23. ALL CHECK DAMS SHOULD APPROPRIATELY FILL THE DITCH THEY ARE PLACED IN, SO THAT DRAINAGE IS FORCED THROUGH THE STRUCTURE. THE ENGINEER WILL NOTIFY THE CONTRACTOR IN WRITING IF ANY CHECK DAM IS INSUFFICIENTLY SIZED BASED ON THE ENGINEER'S JUDGEMENT. CONTRACTOR WILL REMEDY THE PROBLEM WITHIN 3 DAYS. SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES ALSICOM o � �a 0 0 00 i4 a_ SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES CONTINUED: 24. JHOOK HAS BEEN CALLED OUT FOR USE AT SEVERAL LOCATIONS WHERE THERE ARE SILT FENCE OUTLETS. USE OF THE JHOOK MAY BE WARRANTED AT ADDITIONAL LOCATIONS TO PREVENT LONG, UNINTERRUPTED CHANNEL FLOWS OF STORMWATER AND TO ENHANCE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE SILT FENCE OUTLET. THE ENGINEER SHOULD BE CONSULTED ON PLACEMENT AND/OR RELOCATION OF ANY ADDITIONAL OR EXISTING JHOOK FEATURES TO THE SILT FENCE. 25. IF EXCAVATED SOIL IS PLACED ON ANY ROADWAY PAVEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SAND OR SCREENING FINES ALONG PAVEMENT SURFACE FOR SUFFICIENT REMOVAL OF SEDIMENT. 26. IN THE EVENT THAT SEEDING IS PERFORMED AFTER EXCELSIOR MATTING IS PLACED AS A STABILIZING FEATURE, IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO REMOVE THE MATTING WHEN APPLYING GRASS SEED AND FERTILIZER. CONTRACTOR MUST REPLACE THE MATTING AT THE END OF EACH DAY TO STABILIZE THE SOILS. 27. SPOIL OR DEBRIS SHALL NOT BE PLACED WITHIN 50' OF STORM DRAINS OR STREAMS. 28. PROVIDE PORTABLE SELF—CONTAINED CONCRETE TRUCK WASHOUT SYSTEM. ALL CONCRETE TRUCKS WILL UTILIZE PORTABLE WASHOUT SYSTEM FOR CLEAN OUT. NO CONCRETE TRUCK WASHOUT WILL BE ALLOWED TO REACH GROUND, AND NO CONCRETE WASHOUT DEBRIS SHALL BE ALLOWED ON GROUND. 29. REMOVE DEMOLITION DEBRIS FROM SITE ON A DAILY BASIS AND DISPOSE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. 30. HYDROSEEDING SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED ON THIS PROJECT. CRIMPING STRAW MULCH SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED ON THIS PROJECT. 31. SEED SHALL BE UNIFORMLY BROADCAST AND LIGHTLY CULTIVATED PRIOR TO MULCH AND TACKIFER OPERATIONS. 32. MULCH AND TACKIFIER OPERATIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF SEEDING. 33. CONTRACTOR STAGING, TEMPORARY STORAGE, LAY DOWN AREAS, AND DIRT PILES SHALL BE WITHIN LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE. 34. OBTAIN AND PAY FOR EROSION CONTROL PERMITS FOR OFF—SITE STORAGE YARD, BORROW AREA, AND DISPOSAL AREAS AS REQUIRED. INSTALL AND MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL DEVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH CONTRACTOR'S APPROVED PLAN. 35. A LAYER OF SAND, FINES, OR SCREENINGS SHALL BE PLACED ON PAVED SURFACES BEFORE DEPOSITION OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL. AFTER REMOVAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL FROM PAVED SURFACES, A MECHANICAL SWEEPER SHALL BE USED TO REMOVE ALL MATERIAL FROM PAVED SURFACES. PAVED SURFACES SHALL BE SWEPT ON A DAILY BASIS WITH MATERIAL PLACED ON NON—PAVED SURFACES WITHIN LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE. 36. ON SLOPES GREATER THAN 5:1, DITCHES, AND OTHER AREAS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS, PLACE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET IMMEDIATELY AFTER BACKFILL AND GRADING, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS. 37. NOTIFICATION OF LAND RESOURCES SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL SELF—INSPECTION PROGRAM: THE SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT WAS AMENDED IN 2006 TO REQUIRE THAT PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR LAND—DISTURBING ACTIVITIES INSPECT A PROJECT AFTER EACH PHASE OF THE PROJECT TO MAKE SURE THAT THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN IS BEING FOLLOWED. RULES DETAILING THE DOCUMENTATION OF THESE INSPECTIONS TOOK EFFECT OCTOBER 1, 2010. THE INSPECTIONS MUST BE CONDUCTED AFTER EACH PHASE OF THE PROJECT, AND CONTINUED UNTIL PERMANENT GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCGS 113A-54.1 AND 15A NCAC 4B.0131. TO SIMPLIFY DOCUMENTATION OF SELF—INSPECTION REPORTS AND NPDES SELF—MONITORING REPORTS, A COMBINED FORM IS NOW AVAILABLE. THE NEW FORM WAS DEVELOPED TO SATISFY REQUIREMENTS OF THE SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT AND THE NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, NCG010000. BEGINNING AUGUST 1, 2013, THE DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL, AND LAND RESOURCES IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADMINISTERING BOTH THE SPCA AND THE NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, NCG 010000. THE COMBINED FORM SHOULD MAKE IT EASIER TO COMPLY WITH SELF—INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS. THE COMBINED SELF—MONITORING FORM IS AVAILABLE AS A PDF AND WORD DOCUMENT FROM THE LAND QUALITY WEB SITE, HTTP://PORTAL.NCDENR.ORG/WEB/LR/EROSION. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CANNOT ACCESS THE FORM, PLEASE CONTACT THE LAND QUALITY SECTION OF THE RALEIGH DENR OFFICE AT (919) 791-4200. 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SCARIFY SUBSOIL TO MINIMUM 3' DEPTH. REMOVE DEBRIS GREATER THAN 1.5" IN SIZE IN ANY DIMENSION. 2. UNIFORMLY APPLY A MINIMUM OF 4" OF TOPSOIL AND LIGHTLY CULTIPACK. 3. APPLY LIMESTONE AT 4,000 LB/ACRE AND FERTILIZE 500 LB/CRRE (10-20-20) OR PER SOILS TEST. LIMESTONE MAY BE OMITTED FOR TEMPORARY SEEDING REQUIREMENTS. 4. UNIFORMLY INCORPORATE LIMESTONE, AS APPLICABLE, AND FERTILIZE INTO UPPER 2" TO 3" OF SEEDBED. 5. SEED MIXTURES, SOIL AMENDMENTS, MULCH AND TACKIFER RATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PERMANENT SEEDING REQUIREMENTS PLANTING DATES MATERIAL DESCRIPTION POUNDS/ACRE WITHIN RIGHT-OF-WAY: JAN. 1-DEC.31 TALL FESCUE 50 KENTUCKY BLUGRASS 15 HARD FESCUE 30 MAY 1 -SEPT. 1 ADD BROWNTOP MILLET* 10 AUG. 1 -JUNE 1 ADD RYE GRAIN 25 LIME 4,000 FERTILIZER 10/20/2020 500 MULCH STRAW 4,000 * VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION NOTES ASCOM