HomeMy WebLinkAboutVolume 1 Text Only_20160418www.haleyaldrich.com REPORT ON EVALUATION OF NC DEQ PRIVATE WELL DATA VOLUME 1 - REPORT DUKE ENERGY by Haley & Aldrich, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts for Duke Energy Table of Contents Page List of Tables List of Figures iv List of Acronyms v 1. Introduction 1 1.1 APPROACH TO EVALUATION OF PRIVATE WELL DATA 2 2. Sources of Data 4 2.1 DEQ PRIVATE WELL DATA 4 2.2 DEQ REFERENCE OR BACKGROUND WELL DATA 5 2.3 DUKE BACKGROUND WELL DATA 5 3. Screening Methodology 6 3.1 SCREENING LEVELS 6 3.2 SCREENING METHODOLOGY 6 3.3 CCR RULE CONSTITUENTS 7 4. Summary of Screening Results 9 4.1 DEQ PRIVATE WELL RESULTS 9 4.1.1 Screening Results 9 4.1.2 "Do Not Drink" Letters 10 4.2 DEQ BACKGROUND PRIVATE WELL RESULTS 10 4.2.1 Screening Results 10 4.2.2 "Do Not Drink" Letters 11 4.3 DUKE BACKGROUND PRIVATE WELL RESULTS 11 4.3.1 Screening Results 12 5. Background 13 5.1 BACKGROUND THRESHOLD VALUES 13 5.2 LITERATURE SOURCES OF BACKGROUND 14 5.3 COMPARISON TO BACKGROUND 14 5.3.1 Boron 14 5.3.2 Vanadium 15 5.3.3 Hexavalent Chromium 15 6. Evaluation of Potential Correlation 16 6.1 CORRELATION EVALUATION APPROACH 16 6.2 ALLEN STEAM STATION 17 Table of Contents Page 6.3 ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT 17 6.4 BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION 18 6.5 BUCK STEAM STATION 19 6.6 CAPE FEAR STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT 19 6.7 CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION 20 6.8 HF LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 20 6.9 MARSHALL STEAM STATION 21 6.10 MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT 21 6.11 ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT 22 6.12 LV SUTTON ENERGY COMPLEX 22 6.13 WH WEATHERSPOON POWER PLANT 23 6.14 CORRELATION SUMMARY 23 7. Screening Level Considerations 25 7.1 VANADIUM 25 7.2 HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM 26 8. Summary 28 9. References 29 Tables Figures Appendix A - Correlation Charts List of Tables Table No. Title 1 Summary of NC DEQ and Duke Private Well and Background Sample and Well Counts 2 Summary of Screening Values 3 Statistical Summary of DEQ Private Well Sampling Data 4 Summary of DEQ Private Well Sampling Data Screening 5 Statistical Summary of DEQ Background Private Well Sampling Data 6 Summary of DEQ Background Private Well Sampling Data Screening 7 Statistical Summary of Duke Energy Background Private Well Sampling Data - Excluding Sutton Plant 8 Summary of Duke Energy Background Private Well Sampling Data Screening - Excluding Sutton Plant 9 Comparison of DEQ Private Well Sampling Data Detected Results to Background 10 Summary of Available Background Data 11 Summary of Background Levels for Boron and Hexavalent Chromium from AWWA 12 USEPA UCMR3 Results for Hexavalent Chromium in Public Water Systems in the U.S. 13 Summary Statistics of DEQ Private Well Sampling Data by Station 14 Coefficients of Determination (R2) for Constituent Correlation Charts iii %UICH List of Figures Figure No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8a 8b 9 10 11 12 13 14a 14b 14c 15 Title Duke Energy Coal -Fueled Fleet Allen Steam Station - Receptor and Background Wells Sampled by NCDEQ Asheville Steam Electric Plant - Receptor Wells Sampled by NCDEQ Belews Creek Steam Station - Receptor Wells Sampled by NCDEQ Buck Steam Station - Receptor and Background Wells Sampled by NCDEQ Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant - Receptor Wells Sampled by NCDEQ Cliffside Steam Station - Receptor Wells Sampled by NCDEQ HF Lee Energy Complex - Inactive Basin Receptor Wells Sampled by NCDEQ HF Lee Energy Complex - Active Basin Receptor Wells Sampled by NCDEQ Marshall Steam Station - Receptor and Background Wells Sampled by NCDEQ Mayo Steam Electric Plant - Receptor Wells Sampled by NCDEQ Roxboro Steam Electric Plant - Receptor Wells Sampled by NCDEQ LV Sutton Energy Complex - Receptor Wells Sampled by NCDEQ WH Weatherspoon Power Plant - Receptor Wells Sampled by NCDEQ Boron — Background Data Comparison Vanadium — Background Data Comparison Hexavalent Chromium — Background Data Comparison Map of Vanadium in Groundwater in North Carolina iv List of Acronyms ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry AWWA American Water Works Association BTV Background Threshold Value CaIEPA California Environmental Protection Agency CAMA Coal Ash Management Act CAP Corrective Action Plan CCR Coal Combustion Residual CSA Comprehensive Site Assessment CSF Cancer Slope Factor DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources DEQ Department of Environmental Quality DHHS Department of Health and Human Services HRE Health Risk Evaluation HSSR Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance ID Identification IOM Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences IRIS Integrated Risk Information System MCL Maximum Contaminant Levels mg/kg milligrams per kilogram mg/L milligrams per liter NCPH North Carolina Public Health Department NJDEP New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection NTP National Toxicology Program NURE National Uranium Resource Evaluation PWS Public Water System RfC Reference Concentration RfD Reference Dose RSL Risk -Based Screening Level SAB Science Advisory Board SMCL Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels List of Acronyms (continued) UCL Upper Confidence Limit UCMR3 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule ug/day micrograms per day ug/L micrograms per liter UL Tolerable Upper Intake Level UPL Upper Prediction Limit USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency USGS U.S. Geological Survey USL Upper Simultaneous Limit UTL Upper Tolerance Limit 1. Introduction North Carolina passed the Coal Ash Management Act (CAMA) of 2014 (CAMA, 2014), which is primarily administered by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), now the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). CAMA requires the DENR (now DEQ) to, as soon as practicable, but no later than December 31, 2015, prioritize for the purpose of closure and remediation coal combustion residuals surface impoundments, including active and retired sites, based on these sites' risks to public health, safety, and welfare, the environment, and natural resources. To this end, CAMA includes the following requirements for coal -fueled facilities that manage coal ash or coal combustion residuals, the material that results from the combustion of coal for the creation of electric energy: An assessment of groundwater at coal combustion residuals surface impoundments Corrective action for the restoration of groundwater quality at coal combustion residuals surface impoundments Duke Energy (Duke) owns and operates, or has operated 14 coal -fueled electric generating facilities in the state of North Carolina. Figure 1 shows the locations of the Duke coal -fueled fleet in North Carolina. The facilities are color -coded to indicate those facilities (seven) that have operating coal -fueled units, and facilities where all coal -fueled units been retired (seven). Each of these facilities is subject to investigation of groundwater under CAMA. Per CAMA, the investigation reporting milestones for each facility include: • A Groundwater Assessment Work Plan • A Groundwater Assessment Report, referred to as a Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) Once the investigation is completed, a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is prepared. Duke has submitted the Groundwater Assessment Work Plans and CSAs as required by the CAMA schedule. Duke is in the process of developing the CAP reports. As agreed with DEQ the CAP reports are being prepared in two parts. CAP-1 reports have been prepared and submitted for all facilities (as of December 8, 2015). CAP-2 reports are in progress. The CAP-2 reports will also include a site -specific human health and ecological risk assessment that will be used to inform the remedial decision making for each facility. CAMA also requires a survey of drinking water supply wells and replacement of water supplies when DEQ makes a determination that they are contaminated. DEQ has yet to make such a determination under CAMA. Duke has voluntarily provided bottled water to residents who received a "Do Not Drink" notice from DEQ and North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) (see Section 4 for a discussion of the private well sampling results). As required under CAMA, Duke provided to DEQ a survey of drinking water wells in the vicinity of each of its facilities. DEQ then selected wells for sampling, and coordinated the sampling. DEQ released data in August 2015 from the sampling of public and private wells located in the vicinity of Duke ash ponds (the August 20, 2015 announcement with links to the data is here: http://porta1.ncdenr.org/web/guest/coaIashnews/-/blogs/updated-well-water-testing-results-and- information-posted-3? 33 red irect=%2Fweb%2Fguest%2Fcoa lash news). Eligibility for testing was broadly defined as wells that were located within a half -mile radius of each facility. The objective of this report is to provide a review of the DEQ private well data with respect to regulatory and risk -based screening levels, as well as to available data on background levels of many of the constituents in groundwater in the vicinity of the Duke facilities, in the state of North Carolina, and in the U.S. It is hoped that the results of this risk -based review will help inform DEQ as they review the drinking water results. This report has been prepared in two volumes. Volume 1 provides the text, figures, tables, and appendices. Volume 2 provides the detailed results of the facility -by -facility, well -by -well, sample -by - sample screening of the private wells conducted for this evaluation, as described in Section 2. 1.1 APPROACH TO EVALUATION OF PRIVATE WELL DATA There is not a single metric that can be used to identify if a well has been impacted by a release from a coal ash management unit. This is due in large part to the fact that all of the constituents that are present in coal ash and that could be released to groundwater are naturally occurring. The challenge is to understand these background conditions, and in that context evaluate whether there has been an impact from a release from coal ash. Based on our understanding of the behavior of constituents that can be released from coal ash into groundwater, USEPA has identified those constituents that are considered together to be indicators of a potential release from coal ash; these are the CCR Rule Appendix III constituents. Of these, boron and sulfate are the most common constituents used to evaluate the potential for an impact in groundwater. Constituent concentrations alone are not sufficient to identify whether impact has occurred. There must also be a transport pathway from the coal ash management unit of interest to the specific well or wells of interest. For an exposure pathway to be complete, the following conditions must exist (as defined by USEPA (1989)): 1. A source and mechanism of chemical release to the environment; 2. An environmental transport medium (e.g., air, water, soil); 3. A point of potential contact with the receiving medium by a receptor; and 4. A receptor exposure route at the contact point (e.g., inhalation, ingestion, dermal contact). Thus, to understand if a particular well or wells have been impacted by a release from a coal ash management unit, the following are needed: • An evaluation of the magnitude of concentrations of the constituents in the well, An evaluation of those detected constituents in relation to background concentrations in groundwater, • An evaluation of the potential correlation between the co -presence and concentration of constituents considered to be indicators of a release from a coal ash management unit, and • Consideration of the information available on the potential for there to be a complete transport pathway between a coal ash management unit and a well. The evaluation of private well data is further complicated by a lack of information on construction, depth, and well screen for these wells. Each aquifer or water -bearing unit has its own constituent characteristics, and these can differ greatly between different water -bearing unit layers. These water - bearing units can be separated by confining layers that prevent communication between water -bearing units. Thus, evaluation of analytical data from private wells in a given area provides information about the areal extent of constituents in groundwater, but these data do not necessarily provide information on vertical extent. Because coal ash management units are present on the land surface, the depth to which groundwater may be impacted by a release depends on the setting of the coal ash management unit, and the groundwater regime in the area. Coal ash constituents in groundwater are generally limited to the surficial or upper most aquifers where ash may be placed. To further our understanding of the DEQ private well data, an evaluation has been conducted using several lines of evidence in a weight of evidence approach. This has included: • Constituent presence/absence in private wells, and the concentration, • Comparison to sources of information on background concentrations of constituents in groundwater locally, regionally, and nationally, • Evaluation of potential correlations between constituent presence/absence and concentration, and • Evaluation in the context of groundwater flow at each of the facilities. 3 1�%UICH 2. Sources of Data Private well analytical data are available from three sources, which are discussed in the following sub- sections: DEQ Private Well Data: Available at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/guest/coal-ash-news-blog/- /blogs/updated-well-water-testing-results-and-information-posted- 3? 33 red irect=%2Fweb%2Fguest%2Fcoal-ash-news-blog. NC DEQ provided Duke with an Excel version of the PDF table that is posted to the website. Note that the Excel file contains blank results rows and some location identifications (IDs) have a single strike -though line. This formatting has not been changed here. DEQ Reference or Background Private Well Data: Available at: http://Portal.ncdenr.org/web/guest/coal-ash-news-blog/-/blogs/groundwater-reconnaissance- well-water-sampling-study-results-posted? 33 red irect=%2Fweb%2Fguest%2Fcoal-ash-news- blog. NC DEQ provided Duke with Excel versions of 16 of the 24 analytical results posted on the website. The Excel versions were used in this evaluation and supplemented with the missing results that are available in PDF on the website. • Duke Background Private Well Data: Data provided by Duke. 2.1 DEQ PRIVATE WELL DATA DEQ collected 500 samples of water from 333 private wells; some wells were resampled more than one time to address technical or analytical issues. The information is provided by facility in Table 1. In addition to the PDF table of the data posted on the DEQ website, DEQ provided Duke personnel with an Excel version of the data table. The Excel data have been used as provided; there are some locations where results are not reported, and there are some locations where the ID has a strike though. As the reasons for these edits are not known, the Excel format was used as provided. DEQ provided a "Summary of Well Testing at Coal Ash Ponds" on their website (see: http://Portal.ncdenr.org/c/document library/get file?uuid=09b93b4b-039f-4986-bc50- 7d1227b422bb&groupld=14). The well count provided in the document is similar to the well count developed from the spreadsheet provided by DEQ to Duke, and summarized in Table 1. The reasons for this discrepancy have not been determined. The DEQ private well data are provided by facility in Volume 2 of this report. These facilities are: • Allen Steam Station • Asheville Steam Electric Plant • Belews Creek Steam Station • Buck Steam Station • Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant • Cliffside Steam Station • HF Lee Energy Complex • Marshall Steam Station • Mayo Steam Electric Plant 4 L1LY1'SRN7 • Roxboro Steam Electric Plant • LV Sutton Energy Complex • WH Weatherspoon Power Plant Note that no private well samples were collected in the vicinity of the Dan River Steam Station or the Riverbend Steam Station. 2.2 DEQ REFERENCE OR BACKGROUND WELL DATA In what it describes as a reconnaissance study, DEQ collected 24 water samples from 24 locations in the vicinity of three of the Duke facilities: Allen Steam Station (seven [7] locations), Buck Steam Station (seven [7] locations), and Marshall Steam Station (ten [10] locations). DEQ provides the following description: "The study provides a limited evaluation of the distribution of metals and other parameters that may be naturally occurring in the groundwater, and provides data for staff to develop a better understanding of background concentrations of metals and other parameters in areas that are not hydraulically connected to groundwater beneath Duke Energy's coal-fired power plant facilities." The DEQ background data are provided by facility in Appendix N of Volume 2 of this report. Figure 2 though Figure 13 provide the approximate locations of the private wells and background private wells sampled by DEQ for each facility, based on available information. 2.3 DUKE BACKGROUND WELL DATA Duke developed a background private well data set by offering to sample private drinking water wells for facility employees, contractors, and others associated with Duke Energy, if their well was located generally between 2 miles and 10 miles of each facility. As shown on Table 1, 198 samples were collected and analyzed by Duke. The Duke background data are provided by facility in Appendix O of Volume 2 of this report. 5 �UICH 3. Screening Methodology 3.1 SCREENING LEVELS The screening levels used in this evaluation are provided on Table 2. They are from both State and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) sources, as follows: • 2L Standards: NCAC. 2013. 15A NCAC 02L.0202. Groundwater Standard (2L), Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to Groundwaters of North Carolina. North Carolina Administrative Code. April 1, 2013. Available at: http://Portal.ncdenr.org/c/document library/get file?uuid=laa3fa13-2cOf-45b7-ae96- 5427fb1d25b4&groupld=38364 Federal Drinking Water Standards: Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) and Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels (SMCLs). USEPA. 2012. 2012 Edition of the Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories. Spring 2012. Available at: http://water.epa.gov/drink/contaminants/index.cfm. Note that the MCLs are enforceable standards for public drinking water supplies, and that the SMCLs are not enforceable standards. DHHS Screening Levels: NC DHHS. 2015. DHHS Screening Levels. Division of Public Health, Epidemiology Section, Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch. April 24, 2015. Available at: http://Portal.ncdenr.org/c/document library/get file?p I id=1169848&folderld=24814087&na me=DLFE-112704.PDF. Note that these screening levels have been developed for water supply well sampling near coal ash facilities, and do not apply to other areas of the state, or to drinking water supplies. USEPA Risk -Based Screening Levels (RSLs): USEPA. 2015a. USEPA Risk -Based Screening Levels. November 2015. Available at: http://www2.epa.gov/risk/risk-based-screening-table- generic-tables. The RSLs are purely risk -based levels, derived using standard default exposure parameters, that do not take into consideration treatment technologies or regulatory issues. 3.2 SCREENING METHODOLOGY The analytical results for each well for all three data sets described in Section 2 are compared to each of these four types of screening levels. SOURCES OF DATA SCREENING LEVELS DEQ Private Well Data 2L Standards DEQ collected 500 samples of water from 333 private wells DEQ Reference or Background Well Data Federal Drinking Water Standards DEQ collected 24 water samples from 24 locations in the vicinity of three of the Duke facilities Duke Background Well Data DHHS Screening Levels Duke collected 198 samples from private wells located between 2 miles and 10 miles of the stations USEPA Risk -Based Screening Levels (RSLs) 6 1�%UICH The screening comparisons are presented in Volume 2 of this report. The DEQ private well data are organized by facility, in alphabetical order. The results for each facility are separated by tabs in Volume 2. For example, the Appendix A tab provides the results for the Allen Steam Station. A Table of Contents is also provided for Volume 2. Each table provides the analytical data by facility, by well location, and by constituent. Each row presents the analytical data from one well sample. The constituents have been organized in columns left to right based on the constituents required for groundwater monitoring under the federal Coal Combustion Residual (CCR) Rule (USEPA, 2015b) (see Section 3.3, below). Thus, Appendix III (Detection Monitoring) constituents are listed first, followed by Appendix IV (Assessment Monitoring) constituents, followed by all others. In the "All Others" category, vanadium has been listed first — the remaining are presented by alphabetical order. It is important to note that all of these constituents are naturally present in our environment, as shown by work conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS, 2014), and they are also naturally occurring in groundwater (USGS, 2011). The four sets of screening levels are listed at the top of each table. There are four screening tables for each set of private well data for each facility; each of the tables provides the results of screening using one set of screening levels. For example, for Allen Steam Station: • The first table presents the results of the comparison to 2L groundwater standards, • The second table presents the results of the comparison to federal MCLs/SMCLs, • The third table presents the results of the comparison to DHHS screening levels, and • The fourth and last table presents the results of the comparison to RSLs. Yellow highlighting is used to indicate results that are above the applicable screening level; gray highlighting is used to indicate that the detection limit for a non -detect result is above the applicable screening level. 3.3 CCR RULE CONSTITUENTS The constituents identified for Detection Monitoring and Assessment Monitoring under the CCR Rule were identified by USEPA as part of the six -year long rule -making process that culminated in the 2015 Final Rule (USEPA, 2015b). The constituents included on the DEQ private well sampling analyte list that are also identified for detection monitoring in the CCR Rule are: boron, calcium, chloride, pH, sulfate, and total dissolved solids. These are constituents that are considered to be indicators of potential releases from a coal ash management unit. The presence of these constituents in groundwater is not enough to conclude that there has been a release from a coal ash management unit; it is the magnitude of the concentrations, the potential correlations between the constituent concentrations, and importantly the information on the hydrogeology of an area that are used to make such a determination. The constituents identified by USEPA in Appendix IV for Assessment Monitoring are those that USEPA has identified as constituents most likely to be present in groundwater at levels that may present a risk 7 L1LY1'SRN7 to human health or the environment if there has been a release from a coal ash management unit. The Appendix IV constituents included in the DEQ private well sampling are: Antimony Cadmium Mercury Arsenic Chromium Molybdenum Barium Cobalt Selenium Beryllium Lead Thallium The Appendix IV constituents were identified by USEPA using a very conservative national risk assessment evaluating potential impacts of ash management units on groundwater (USEPA, 2015c). This is not to say that all of these constituents would be present at concentrations above screening levels in all locations if there has been a release from an ash management unit — only that there is the potential for release of these constituents that could result in concentrations in groundwater above screening levels. This potential is the basis for the development of the Appendix IV list. The USEPA risk assessment considered many other constituents, as shown in the table from the Executive Summary of the risk assessment: Table E5-1. List of Chettllcal Cot7Stitti tits Evaltlated it] the CCR Risk Assesstrtent ■ Aluminurn ■ Cadmium ■ Iron ■ Molybdenum Strontium ■ Ammonia ■ Calcium ■ Lanthanum ■ Mickel Sulfate ■ Antimony ■ Chloride ■ Lead ■ Nitrate f Nitrite Sulfide ■ Arsenic i Chromium ■ Lithium • Selenlum Thallium • Barium a Cobalt ® Magnesium ■ Silicon Uranium ■ Beryllium Copper ■ Manganese ■ Silver Vanadium ■ Baron Fluoride Mercury ■ Sodium Zinc Most notably, vanadium was evaluated quantitatively but was not included in Appendix IV based on the national risk assessment results. 4. Summary of Screening Results This section provides a summary of the private well screening results. Two of the available data sets are for background locations within the vicinity of the Duke facilities; these results are also compared to the screening levels. (See Section 3 for descriptions of the data sets and screening levels used). Summary statistics are calculated for the background data sets, and a background threshold value (BTV) is calculated for each constituent in the background data sets. The private well data are then compared to the BTVs for the two background data sets. To put the results in context, other sources of data on background levels of some of the constituents are provided for comparison. Specific results from the screening are also presented. 4.1 DEQ PRIVATE WELL RESULTS Table 3 provides a statistical summary of the 500 DEQ private well sample results. The table provides the frequency of detection both numerically and by percent, the arithmetic mean of the detected concentrations, and the percentiles of all of the results (i.e., the percentiles include consideration of the detection limits for the results reported as non -detect). The table also identifies the type of distribution of the data (e.g., normal, nonparametric, etc.). Of the inorganic constituents analyzed, the least frequently detected constituents (less than 10%) are: antimony, beryllium, cadmium, mercury, selenium, and thallium. The most frequently detected constituents (>90%) are: calcium, chloride, barium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and strontium. 4.1.1 Screening Results Volume 2 provides the screening tables for all of the private well data provided publicly by DEQ. The results are summarized in Table 4. This table provides the frequency of detection and the range of detected concentrations for all private wells sampled by DEQ combined. The summary provides the number of results above each of the four screening levels for both detected results and the results reported as not detected. In addition, for each constituent, the frequency of a detected result at a concentration below all four screening levels is provided. The following summarizes the results with respect to each screening level: • There are 15 constituents with at least one detected result at a concentration above a 2L standard. The most frequent of these are for pH (outside of the target pH range), and vanadium. • There are 18 constituents with at least one detected result at a concentration above a DHHS standard. The most frequent of these are for vanadium and hexavalent chromium. • There are 11 constituents with at least one detected result at a concentration above a federal MCL. The most frequent of these is for pH (outside of the target pH range). 9 1�%UICH • There are 6 constituents with at least one detected result at a concentration above a USEPA RSL. The most frequent of these is arsenic. Note that the RSL for arsenic is so low that all detections of arsenic are above the RSL, as are all detection limits. The following constituents are not detected above any screening level: boron, barium, beryllium, cadmium, mercury, nickel, and selenium. There are a total of 19,263 analytical results for the DEQ private well sampling. Of these, 805 results or 4% are above a 2L standard, 733 results or 4% are above a DHHS screening level, 476 results or 2% are above an MCL, and 100 results or 0.5% are above a USEPA RSL. There are 5,670 analytical results or 29.4% that are not above any screening level. From this summary, pH, vanadium, and hexavalent chromium have the highest frequency of results above a screening level. From almost 500 samples, there are 256 results outside of the regulatory pH range, there are 344 results above the 2L and DHHS screening levels for vanadium, and there are 239 results above the DHHS screening level for hexavalent chromium. 4.1.2 "Do Not Drink" Letters Based on these results, the DHHS reviewed the sampling results for each well and conducted a health risk evaluation (HRE). The HRE was sent with the analytical results to each well owner. According to the DEQ (NC DEQ, 2015), of the 327 HREs prepared and issued, 288 or 88% included a "Do Not Drink" warning. Only 15 well owners were provided "okay recommendations." The majority of the "Do Not Drink" advisories were for vanadium and hexavalent chromium. 4.2 DEQ BACKGROUND PRIVATE WELL RESULTS Table 5 provides a statistical summary of the DEQ background well sample results. The table provides the frequency of detection both numerically and by percent, the arithmetic mean of the detected concentrations, and the percentiles of all of the results (i.e., the percentiles include consideration of the detection limits for the results reported as non -detect). This is a smaller data set (n=24) than the private well data set (n=500), and the results are from the vicinity of only three Duke facilities: Allen, Buck, and Marshall. Of the inorganic constituents analyzed, the following were not detected: antimony, beryllium, cadmium, cobalt, mercury, and thallium. The least frequently detected constituents (less than 10%) are: arsenic. The most frequently detected constituents (>90%) are: calcium, chloride, barium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and strontium. In addition, because this is a background data set, a BTV was calculated for each constituent using USEPA's ProUCL (Version5.0.00) program (USEPA, 2013). See Section 5.1 for additional detail on the derivation of the BTVs. 4.2.1 Screening Results Appendix N of Volume 2 provides the screening tables for all of the background private well data provided publicly by DEQ. The results are summarized in Table 6. 10 1�%UICH There are a total of 936 analytical results for the DEQ background well sampling. Of these, 32 results or 3% are above a 2L standard, 35 results or 4% are above a DHHS screening level, 16 results or 2% are above an MCL, and 2 results or 0.2% are above a USEPA RSL. There are 249 analytical results or 26.6% that are not above any screening level. From this summary, pH, vanadium, and hexavalent chromium have the highest frequency of results above a screening level. For vanadium, all 19 detected results are above the 2L and DHHS screening levels for vanadium. All 12 detected results for hexavalent chromium are above the DHHS screening level. 4.2.2 "Do Not Drink" Letters HREs were also conducted by the DHHS for the DEQ background wells. Of the HREs prepared, 20 of the 24 well owners received a "Do Not Drink" recommendation from the DHHS. There were 19 "Do Not Drink" recommendations for vanadium, and 12 "Do Not Drink" recommendations for hexavalent chromium with additional recommendations for retesting. As a reminder, these wells are located in areas described by DEQ as "not hydraulically connected to groundwater beneath Duke Energy's coal-fired power plant facilities." Thus, in this background data set, vanadium and hexavalent chromium are present in groundwater at concentrations above the DHHS screening levels, at similar frequencies to the results for the DEQ private well data for wells located in the vicinity of a Duke facility. 4.3 DUKE BACKGROUND PRIVATE WELL RESULTS Table 7 provides a statistical summary of the Duke background well sample results; these are 198 samples collected from wells with a distance of 2-10 miles from a Duke facility. The table provides the frequency of detection both numerically and by percent, the arithmetic mean of the detected concentrations, and the percentiles of all of the results (i.e., the percentiles include consideration of the detection limits for the results reported as non -detect). This is a larger data set (n=198) than the DEQ background data set (n=24). Review of the data (see Appendix O of Volume 2) indicates that the results for the background wells near the Sutton facility are higher than for other locations. The boron results for all other locations in the Duke background data set range from 5.1 to 113 micrograms per liter (ug/L); there are six results for Sutton that at 212 to 928 ug/L are above the background range for the remaining data set. The results for Sutton, therefore, are not included in the calculation of the background summary statistics, as their inclusion would tend to bias the results high. The reason for these higher boron levels are not currently known, but could be associated with the local geology and/or the proximity to the coast. The concentration of boron in seawater ranges from 4 to 5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) (Health Canada, 1991). Of the inorganic constituents analyzed, the least frequently detected constituents (less than 10%) are: beryllium, cadmium, mercury, selenium, and thallium. The most frequently detected constituents (>90%) are: calcium, chloride, sulfate, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and strontium. In addition, because this is a background data set, a BTV was calculated for each constituent using USEPA's ProUCL (Version5.0.00) program (USEPA, 2013). See Section 5.1 for additional detail on the derivation of the BTVs. 4.3.1 Screening Results Appendix O of Volume 2 provides the screening tables for the background private well data from samples collected by Duke. The results are summarized in Table 8. There are a total of 4,995 analytical results for the Duke background well sampling. Of these, 271 results or 5.4% are above a 2L standard, 293 results or 5.8% are above a DHHS screening level, 123 results or 2.4% are above an MCL, and 48 results or 0.1% are above a USEPA RSL. Vanadium and hexavalent chromium have the most instances of a result above a screening level in the Duke background data set. DHHS did not review these data, but using their criteria, "Do Not Drink" letters could be issued to the owners of wells where vanadium and hexavalent chromium were detected above the 2L and/or DHHS screening levels. S. Background The DEQ private well results are compared to background levels derived statistically, or available in the literature. 5.1 BACKGROUND THRESHOLD VALUES USEPA provides a statistical calculation software package, ProUCL (USEPA, 2013). Data can be summarized statistically using the program; it is most commonly used in risk assessment to calculate the 95% upper confidence limit (UCL) on the arithmetic mean, which is the value used to define an exposure point concentration. ProUCL can also be used to develop BTVs for use in understanding background conditions for a particular medium. USEPA guidance discusses the use of upper percentile, upper prediction limit (UPL), upper tolerance limit (UTL), and upper simultaneous limit (USL) as possible BTVs (USEPA, 2013). Upper percentile and UPL values are associated with a high false positive rate (i.e., site data or even other background data, when compared to the values, has a high probability of being identified as 'higher' than background and thus indicative of potential contamination, when in practice such a finding is simply an artifact of the limited statistical power of the upper percentile and UPL values). Therefore, USEPA recommends against using those values as BTVs. Rather, USEPA recommends the use of the USL, followed by the UTL, as BTV values. The following excerpted from USEPA (2013) provides an overview of the UTL and USL values. "Based upon an established background data set free of outliers and representing a single statistical population, a USL95 represents that statistic such that all observations from the "established" background data set are less than or equal to the USL95 [95% USL] with a CC [confidence coefficient] of 0.95. A parametric USL takes the data variability into account. It is expected that all current or future observations coming from the background population (comparable to background population, unimpacted site locations) will be less than or equal to the USL95 with CC, 0.95 (Singh and Nocerino, 2002). The use of a USL as a BTV estimate is suggested when a large number of onsite observations (current or future) need to be compared with a BTV. It is noted that by definition, USL95 does not discard any observation. The false positive error rate does not change with the number of comparisons, as the USL95 is designed to perform many comparisons simultaneously. Furthermore, the USL95 also has a built in outlier test (Wilks, 1963), and if an observation (current or future) exceeds USL95, then that value definitely represents an outlier and may not come from the background population. The false negative error rate is controlled by making sure that the background data set represents a single background population free of outliers. Typically, the use of a USL95 tends to result in a smaller number of false positives than a UTL95-95 [95% Upper Tolerance Limit with 95% coverage], especially when the size of the background data set is greater than 15." Tables 5 and 7 provide the BTVs calculated for the DEQ background data set and the Duke background data set, respectively. For each analyte, the BTV is provided, the underlying data distribution that the 13 1�%UICH BTV is based on is identified, and the type of USL identified by ProUCL as appropriate for the data set is provided. Table 9 compares the frequency and range of detected results from the DEQ private well results to the BTVs calculated for both the Duke background data set and the DEQ background data set. 5.2 LITERATURE SOURCES OF BACKGROUND To provide additional context, available information on background levels of the analyzed constituents is presented in Table 10. The data are from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS, 2011) and the North Carolina Public Health Department (NCPH, 2010). USGS also provides groundwater data as part of the National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance (HSSR) Program (USGS, 2006). Review of the supporting documentation for the USGS 2011 groundwater data set from the "Trace Elements and Radon in Groundwater Across the United States, 1992-2003" report does not indicate whether or not the NURE data were included in the analysis. The USGS 2011 report was used here as it provides readily available statistical summaries of the background data. The NURE data is provided as an interactive website; time considerations did not allow for extraction and evaluation of data from the website for inclusion in this evaluation. Background data specifically for boron and hexavalent chromium are available from an American Water Works report (AWWA, 2004), and are presented in Table 11. Table 12 provides additional background data for hexavalent chromium. To understand the occurrence of hexavalent chromium and other constituents in U.S. drinking water that are currently not regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act, the USEPA is conducting a nationwide survey of public water systems (PWS) under the Third Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR3) (USEPA, 2015d,e). Table 12 provides a summary of the results for all states. 5.3 COMPARISON TO BACKGROUND The project -specific BTVs and the literature data have been used to compare to the DEQ private well data. The comparison focuses on the constituents that are consistently above screening levels, specifically vanadium and hexavalent chromium. Boron is also evaluated as an indicator constituent for the CCR Rule. 5.3.1 Boron The 90t" percentile concentration for boron of 100 ug/L in the DEQ private well data set is below the Duke background BTV of 113 ug/L; the DEQ background BTV is much lower (39.87 ug/L), though this is based on a much smaller data set. The 75t" percentile of the DEQ private well data (43.38 ug/L) is close to the DEQ background BTV. The average concentration of boron in drinking water supplies in the U.S., 167.9 ug/L, as reported by the AWWA in Table 11, is well above the BTVs for the Duke and DEQ private well drinking water results as presented in Table 9 and listed above, and is well above the DEQ private well 90t" percentile 14 1�%UICH concentration of 100 ug/L. The DEQ private well concentrations are within the USGS background range for boron. These comparisons are shown graphically on Figure 14a. Thus, the levels of boron reported in the DEQ private well data are consistent with the information on background levels of boron in North Carolina and in the U.S. 5.3.2 Vanadium The 901h percentile value for vanadium of 13.3 ug/L for the DEQ private well data is below the DEQ background BTV (24.07 ug/L) and well below the Duke background BTV (127.8 ug/L). The concentrations of vanadium reported in the DEQ private well data set are consistent with both the background data collected by Duke and DEQ, and consistent with the background levels nationally, as reported by the USGS (USGS, 2011). This is shown graphically in Figure 14b. Background concentrations of vanadium in groundwater of North Carolina are provided on the map in Figure 15. As can be seen, there are areas in North Carolina where background levels are elevated. The Duke facilities of Allen, Buck, Marshall, and Belews Creek are located within these areas. Thus, the results of the DEQ private well sampling, as well as the DEQ background well sampling, and the Duke background well sampling, are not unexpected. 5.3.3 Hexavalent Chromium The 901h percentile value for hexavalent chromium of 20 ug/L is below the Duke background BTV of 73.5 ug/L; the DEQ background BTV is much lower (3.168 ug/L), though this is based on a much smaller data set. The 75th percentile of the DEQ private well data (5 ug/L) is close to the DEQ background BTV. The average concentration of hexavalent chromium in drinking water supplies in the U.S., 1.1 ug/L, as reported by the AWWA in Table 11, is consistent with the 901h percentile values from the Duke and DEQ background private well data (1.5 ug/L and 1.56 ug/L, respectively). The average concentration of hexavalent chromium in PWS in North Carolina is 0.13 ug/L, and ranges from 0.015 ug/L to 9.1 ug/L (USEPA, 2015d,e); see Table 12. As noted on Table 2, the DHHS screening level for hexavalent chromium is 0.035 ug/L. Thus the average concentration of hexavalent chromium in PWS in North Carolina is well above the DHHS screening level. These comparisons are shown graphically on Figure 14c. Thus, the levels of hexavalent chromium reported in the DEQ private well data are consistent with the information on background levels of boron in North Carolina and in the U.S. 15 1�%UICH 6. Evaluation of Potential Correlation To further our understanding of the DEQ private well data, an evaluation has been conducted using several lines of evidence in a weight of evidence approach. This has included: • Constituent presence/absence in private wells, and the concentration, • Comparison to sources of information on background concentrations of constituents in groundwater locally, regionally, and nationally, • Evaluation of potential correlations between constituent presence/absence and concentration, and • Evaluation in the context of groundwater flow at each of the facilities. 6.1 CORRELATION EVALUATION APPROACH The results in the DEQ private well data set do not numerically suggest that constituents originating from coal ash are present in any of the private wells; there are few results above screening levels (only 4% of the 19,263 analytical results are above a North Carolina screening level; see Section 4.1), and the results are consistent with background (see Section 5.3). To further evaluate these data, the DEQ private well results for all facilities were plotted using correlation plots to determine if the data display the correlations that would be expected if constituents were present due to a release from a coal ash source. The plots focus mainly on boron, sulfate, and calcium as indicators of a potential release to groundwater from coal ash. Boron and sulfate detection frequencies were low in the DEQ private well results (23% and 61%, respectively), so correlations were also conducted using calcium, which is detected in 99% of the samples (calcium was detected in 100% of both background data sets). It must be kept in mind that these constituents are naturally occurring, as evidence by their presence in the background wells sampled by both DEQ and Duke, and as discussed at length in Section 5. If there was a release from a coal ash management unit that was affecting near -by private wells, one would expect to see a pattern of correlation (consistent increasing trend) between each combination of these three constituents. All of the correlation plots are provided in Appendix A of Volume 1 of this report. For each facility the following are plotted in this order: • Boron (on the x-axis) v. Sulfate (on the y-axis) • Boron v. Arsenic • Boron v. Vanadium • Boron v. Hexavalent Chromium • Calcium v. Sulfate • Calcium v. Arsenic • Calcium v. Vanadium 16 1�%UICH • Calcium v. Hexavalent Chromium • Boron v. Calcium Table 13 provides the minimum, maximum and mean detected concentrations by facility for each constituent analyzed in the DEQ private well samples. 6.2 ALLEN STEAM STATION There are 182 sample results in the DEQ private well data set for 119 wells in the vicinity of the Allen Steam Station. The screening tables for Allen are provided in Volume 2, Appendix A. Table 13 provides the summary statistics for the constituents evaluated in the DEQ private well data. The correlation plots for Allen are presented in Figure 1 of Appendix A. As can be seen, there are no straight line or near straight line correlations between any of the constituents and boron or calcium. Only one boron result in the DEQ private well data set is above the Duke background BTV of 113 ug/L, and only one sulfate result is above the Duke background BTV of 275 mg/L (see Section 5.1), and these results are not co -located. Boron and calcium, and sulfate and calcium also do not show a correlation. Thus, the three indicators of potential release from a coal ash management unit do not show a concentration correlation. Arsenic does not show a pattern of correlation with boron or with calcium, and the arsenic concentrations at Allen are below the BTVs derived from both the Duke (3.968 ug/L) and DEQ (4.4 ug/L) background data sets. There is no correlation between vanadium and boron or calcium concentrations for Allen. There are two vanadium results that are above the BTV for the DEQ background data (24.07 ug/L), but the results are well below the Duke background BTV of 127.8 ug/L. There is no correlation between boron or calcium and hexavalent chromium concentrations for Allen. The maximum detected hexavalent chromium concentration is 8.4 ug/L which is well below the Duke background BTV of 73.5 ug/L. There are several results above the DEQ background BTV of 3.17 ug/L, but boron is not detected in any of these samples. Thus, it is concluded that the private well data for the Allen facility do not show impacts from a release from a coal ash management unit, and the results with few exceptions are consistent with background. The results of the CSA groundwater flow evaluation for Allen are shown on Figure 2, and support the analytical evaluation. The blue arrow flow paths indicate that groundwater is flowing away from the residential areas towards Lake Wylie/the Catawba River. 6.3 ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT There are nine (9) sample results in the DEQ private well data set for eight (8) wells in the vicinity of the Asheville Steam Electric Plant. The screening tables for Asheville are provided in Volume 2, Appendix B. Table 13 provides the summary statistics for the constituents evaluated in the DEQ private well data. The correlation plots for Asheville are presented in Figure 2 of Appendix A. As can be seen, there are no straight line or near straight line correlations between any of the constituents and boron or calcium. There is one boron result (325 ug/L) that is above both the Duke (113 ug/L) and DEQ (39.87 ug/L) BTVs (but well below all of the screening levels) (see Section 5.1). However, that sample was collected downstream of a water treatment device, so cannot be interpreted as being representative of groundwater conditions. That said, the sulfate concentration associated with this result is low and well below the Duke and DEQ BTVs for sulfate, and the calcium concentration associated with this result is 117,000 ug/L, which is below the Duke BTV for calcium (150,923 ug/L) but above the DEQ BTV of 100,163 ug/L. Thus, the results do not suggest that the boron result is associated with coal ash impacts. Arsenic, vanadium, and hexavalent chromium were not detected in any of the DEQ private well samples. The results of the CSA groundwater flow evaluation for Asheville are shown on Figure 3, and support the analytical evaluation. The blue arrow flow paths indicate that groundwater is flowing from the facility to the French Broad River, and that all but one well are located across the river from the facility. Taking into account the direction of flow in the river, most of the private wells are upstream of the facility as well. As discussed in the CSA, streams and rivers, especially large rivers as here consistently serve as a groundwater divide. Only under very uncommon and unusual situations would groundwater flow under a river of this size. Thus the French Broad River is a discharge zone for groundwater. The issues are more fully discussed in the CAP report. Thus, it is concluded that the results of the DEQ private well testing do not show evidence of the impact of a release from a coal ash management unit. 6.4 BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION There are 36 sample results in the DEQ private well data set for 24 wells in the vicinity of the Belews Creek Steam Station. The screening tables for Belews Creek are provided in Volume 2, Appendix C. Table 13 provides the summary statistics for the constituents evaluated in the DEQ private well data. The correlation plots for Belews Creek are presented in Figure 3 of Appendix A. As can be seen, there are no straight line or near straight line correlations between any of the constituents and boron or calcium. There are only three (3) detected results for boron, and all are well below the Duke and DEQ BTVs (see Section 5.1). Sulfate was detected in all but three (3) samples, but the maximum detected concentration (20.2 mg/L) is well below the Duke and DEQ BTVs of 275.3 mg/L and 148.4 mg/L, respectively. Calcium was detected in all samples, but the maximum concentration of 43,800 ug/L is well below the Duke and DEQ BTVs of 150,923 ug/L and 100,163 ug/L, respectively. There are five (5) results for arsenic above the drinking water standard of 10 ug/L, and seven (7) results above the Duke and DEQ BTVs. As the results are not correlated with the coal ash indicators boron, sulfate and calcium, it is not known if the arsenic is naturally occurring, or if there is a local source. The maximum detected concentration of vanadium of 23.5 ug/L as shown on Table 13 is below both the DEQ background BTV (24 ug/L), and the Duke background BTV (127.8 ug/L). The maximum detected concentration of hexavalent chromium of 2.1 ug/L as shown on Table 13 is below the Duke BTV of 73.5 ug/L and the DEQ BTV of 3.17 ug/L. 18 1�%UICH Thus, it is concluded that the results of the DEQ private well testing do not show evidence of the impact of a release from a coal ash management unit. The results of the CSA groundwater flow evaluation for Belews Creek are shown on Figure 4, and support the analytical evaluation. The blue arrow flow paths indicate that groundwater is flowing away from the residential areas. 6.5 BUCK STEAM STATION There are 114 sample results in the DEQ private well data set for 84 wells in the vicinity of the Buck Steam Station. The screening tables for Buck are provided in Volume 2, Appendix D. Table 13 provides the summary statistics for the constituents evaluated in the DEQ private well data. The correlation plots for Buck are presented in Figure 4 of Appendix A. As can be seen, there are no straight line or near straight line correlations between any of the constituents and boron or calcium. All of the detections of boron are well below the screening levels as shown in Volume 2 Appendix D, and below both the DEQ and Duke BTVs for boron (see Section 5.1). There is one well that has two sets of reported results in the DEQ data set (B61 and B61R). The results for calcium (226,000 and 246,000 ug/L) are above the Duke and DEQ BTVs of 150,923 ug/L and 100,163 ug/L, respectively, and are associated with sulfate concentrations (566 mg/L and 711 mg/L, respectively) above the screening levels and above the Duke and DEQ BTVs for sulfate (275.3 mg/L and 148.4 mg/L, respectively). Total dissolved solids are above screening levels and BTVs in this well, but the boron and chloride concentrations are low. Vanadium and hexavalent chromium were not detected in this well. The reason for these results is unclear at this time. All concentrations of arsenic are below the drinking water standard of 10 ug/L. The maximum detected concentration of vanadium (25.6 ug/L) shown on Table 13 is slightly above the DEQ BTV of 24.07 ug/L, but below the Duke BTV of 127.8 ug/L (see Section 5.1). All other detected concentrations of vanadium are below both BTVs. All concentrations of hexavalent chromium (maximum concentration 22.3 ug/L) are below the Duke BTV of 73.5 ug/L, though most are above the DEQ BTV of 3.168 ug/L (again, the DEQ BTV is based on a much smaller data set; see Section 5.1). Thus, it is concluded that the results of the DEQ private well testing do not show evidence of the impact of a release from a coal ash management unit, however, the results at well B61/B61R bear further scrutiny. The results of the CSA groundwater flow evaluation for Buck are shown on Figure 5, and support the analytical evaluation. The blue arrow flow paths indicate that groundwater is flowing away from the residential areas. 6.6 CAPE FEAR STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT As shown in Volume 2 Appendix E, there is only one private well sample result for the Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant. For the sake of completeness, correlation plots for Cape Fear are presented in Figure 5 of Appendix A. The results for this well are below all screening levels, with the exception of sodium, which is above the DHHS screening level, and arsenic which is below the drinking water standard of 10 ug/L but above the tap water RSL. This well does not show any evidence of impact from constituents from a 19 1�%UICH coal ash management unit. The results of the CSA groundwater flow evaluation for Cape Fear are shown on Figure 6; the well is located across the Haw River from the facility. 6.7 CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION There are 29 sample results in the DEQ private well data set for 17 wells in the vicinity of the Cliffside Steam Station. The screening tables for Cliffside are provided in Volume 2, Appendix F. Table 13 provides the summary statistics for the constituents evaluated in the DEQ private well data. The correlation plots for Cliffside are presented in Figure 6 of Appendix A. As shown in Volume 2, Appendix F, all concentrations of boron and sulfate are below screening levels. The maximum detected concentrations of boron (27 ug/L), calcium (71,000 ug/L), and sulfate (13 mg/L) are below the Duke and DEQ BTVs, as shown on Table 9. Thus, while there is some potential indication of correlation between these constituents on some of the graphs, the results are all within the range of background. Arsenic concentrations (maximum concentration 2.6 ug/L) are below drinking water standards (10 ug/L and below Duke and DEQ background (3.968 ug/L and 4.4 ug/L, respectively). The maximum detected concentration for vanadium (22 ug/L) as shown on Table 13 is below the Duke and DEQ BTVs of 127.8 ug/L and 24.07 ug/L, respectively (see Section 5.1). The maximum detected concentration for hexavalent chromium (2.2 ug/L) as shown on Table 13 is below the Duke and DEQ BTVs of 73.5 ug/L and 3.168 ug/L, respectively (see Section 5.1). These results are consistent with the CSA results for Cliffside; as can be seen in Figure 7, groundwater flow paths are away from residential areas. The DEQ private well results for Cliffside are all below regional background levels. 6.8 HF LEE ENERGY COMPLEX There are 29 sample results in the DEQ private well data set for 16 wells in the vicinity of the HF Lee Energy Complex. The screening tables for Lee are provided in Volume 2, Appendix G. Table 13 provides the summary statistics for the constituents evaluated in the DEQ private well data. The correlation plots for Lee are presented in Figure 7 of Appendix A. As shown in Volume 2, Appendix G, all boron and sulfate results are below screening levels. The maximum detected concentration of boron is 130 ug/L, and this result is associated with the maximum detected sulfate concentration of 38 mg/L. All sulfate concentrations are below the Duke and DEQ BTVs for sulfate (275.3 mg/L and 148.4 mg/L, respectively) (see Section 5.1). There are two results for boron at 42.8 ug/L and 40.3 ug/L, which are slightly above the DEQ BTV of 39.87 ug/L; these results are well below the Duke BTV of 113 ug/L. The calcium concentration associated with the sample having the maximum boron and sulfate concentrations is 47,600 ug/L, which is well below the Duke and DEQ BTVs for calcium of 150,923 ug/L and 100,163 ug/L, respectively. Thus, this sample is unique compared to the remaining samples for Lee. zo W�LEj( DR 6LICH Arsenic was detected in only 1 sample, at a concentration of 1 ug/L that is well below the drinking water standard of 10 ug/L, and below the Duke and DEQ BTVs (3.968 ug/L and 4.4 ug/L, respectively). There are very few detections of vanadium and hexavalent chromium. The maximum detected concentration of vanadium of 2.4 ug/L is well below the Duke and DEQ BTVs of 127.8 ug/L and 24.07 ug/L, respectively (see Section 5.1). The maximum detected concentration of hexavalent chromium of 0.32 ug/L is essentially equal to the DEQ BTV of 3.168 ug/L, and is well below the Duke BTV of 73.5 ug/L. These results are consistent with the CSA results for Lee; as can be seen in Figure 8a and Figure 8b, groundwater flow paths are towards the Neuse River. Other than the single boron result, sulfate, calcium, vanadium, and hexavalent chromium results are consistent with background. 6.9 MARSHALL STEAM STATION There are 57 sample results in the DEQ private well data set for 38 wells in the vicinity of the Marshall Steam Station. The screening tables for Marshall are provided in Volume 2, Appendix H. Table 13 provides the summary statistics for the constituents evaluated in the DEQ private well data. The correlation plots for Marshall are presented in Figure 8 of Appendix A. Boron was detected in very few wells at Marshall, as shown in Figure 8 of Appendix A. Thus, there are no relationships that can be identified between boron and the other constituents. The maximum detected concentration of boron of 77 ug/L is below the Duke BTV of 113 ug/L and is above the DEQ BTV for boron of 39.87 ug/L. Sulfate was detected in roughly half of the samples, and calcium was detected in all but one of the samples. Sulfate concentrations (maximum detect is 18.7 mg/L) are all below the Duke and DEQ BTVs for sulfate (275.3 mg/L and 148.4 mg/L, respectively) (see Section 5.1). Calcium concentrations (maximum detect is 41,000 ug/L) are all below the Duke and DEQ BTVs for calcium of 150,923 ug/L and 100,163 ug/L, respectively. The maximum detected concentration of arsenic of 3.2 ug/L is below the Duke and DEQ BTVs (3.968 ug/L and 4.4 ug/L, respectively). The maximum detected concentration of vanadium (14 ug/L) is below the Duke and DEQ BTVs of 127.8 ug/L and 24.07 ug/L, respectively. The maximum detected concentration of hexavalent chromium (2.74 ug/L) is below the Duke and DEQ BTVs of 73.5 ug/L and 3.168 ug/L, respectively. There is no discernable relationship between concentrations of calcium compared to sulfate, arsenic, vanadium, or hexavalent chromium. These results are consistent with the CSA results for Marshall; as can be seen in Figure 9, groundwater flow paths are away from the residential areas. Thus, the constituents detected in the private wells in the vicinity of Marshall are consistent with regional background, and do not indicate impact from constituents derived from coal ash. 6.10 MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT There are 5 sample results in the DEQ private well data set for 3 wells in the vicinity of the Mayo Steam Electric Plant. The screening tables for Mayo are provided in Volume 2, Appendix I. Table 13 provides the summary statistics for the constituents evaluated in the DEQ private well data. The correlation plots for Mayo are presented in Figure 9 of Appendix A. zi H6L/jLEj( DRICH Boron and arsenic were not detected in the wells at Mayo. Calcium results (maximum detect is 84,800 ug/L; see Table 13) are below the Duke and DEQ BTVs for calcium of 150,923 ug/L and 100,163 ug/L, respectively. Sulfate results (maximum detect is 66 mg/L; see Table 13) are below the Duke and DEQ BTVs for sulfate (275.3 mg/L and 148.4 mg/L, respectively). Vanadium results (maximum detect is 3.03 ug/L; see Table 13) are below the Duke and DEQ BTVs of 127.8 ug/L and 24.07 ug/L, respectively. Hexavalent chromium results (maximum detect is 0.63 ug/L; see Table 13) are below the Duke and DEQ BTVs of 73.5 ug/L and 3.168 ug/L, respectively. These results are consistent with the CSA results for Mayo; as can be seen in Figure 10, groundwater flow paths are away from the residential areas. Thus, the constituents detected in the private wells in the vicinity of Mayo are consistent with regional background, and do not indicate impact from constituents derived from coal ash. 6.11 ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT There are 18 sample results in the DEQ private well data set for 11 wells in the vicinity of the Roxboro Steam Electric Plant. The screening tables for Roxboro are provided in Volume 2, Appendix K. Table 13 provides the summary statistics for the constituents evaluated in the DEQ private well data. The correlation plots for Roxboro are presented in Figure 11 of Appendix A. The maximum detected concentration of boron (86 ug/L) is above the DEQ BTV for boron of 39.87 ug/L, all of the remaining boron results are below the DEQ BTV for boron, and all boron results are below the Duke BTV of 113 ug/L. There are two calcium results (150,000 ug/L and 145,000 ug/L) that are above the DEQ BTV of 100,163 ug/L, but all calcium results are below the Duke BTV for calcium of 150,923 ug/L. The maximum boron and calcium results are not co -located. Sulfate results (maximum detect is 77.6 mg/L; see Table 13) are below the Duke and DEQ BTVs for sulfate (275.3 mg/L and 148.4 mg/L, respectively). Vanadium results (maximum detect is 10.6 ug/L; see Table 13) are below the Duke and DEQ BTVs of 127.8 ug/L and 24.07 ug/L, respectively. Hexavalent chromium results (maximum detect is 2.69 ug/L; see Table 13) are below the Duke and DEQ BTVs of 73.5 ug/L and 3.168 ug/L, respectively. The correlation charts do not show any specific relationships between these constituents. These results are consistent with the CSA results for Roxboro; as can be seen in Figure 11, groundwater flow paths are away from the residential areas. Thus, the constituents detected in the private wells in the vicinity of Roxboro are consistent with regional background, and do not indicate impact from constituents derived from coal ash. 6.12 LV SUTTON ENERGY COMPLEX There are 17 sample results in the DEQ private well data set for 10 wells in the vicinity of the Sutton Steam Electric Plant. The screening tables for Sutton are provided in Volume 2, Appendix L. Table 13 provides the summary statistics for the constituents evaluated in the DEQ private well data. The correlation plots for Sutton are presented in Figure 12 of Appendix A. zz H6L/jLEj( DRICH Approximately half of the boron results in the DEQ private well data set for Sutton are above the Duke BTV of 113 ug/L, and above the DEQ BTV of 39.87 ug/L; the maximum detected concentration for boron is 690 ug/L. The maximum detected concentration for sulfate, 160 ug/L, is above the DEQ BTV of 148.4 ug/L. All other results for sulfate are below both the DEQ BTV, and below the Duke BTV of 275.3 ug/L. The maximum detected concentration for calcium of 60,700 ug/L is below the Duke and DEQ BTVs for calcium of 150,923 ug/L and 100,163 ug/L, respectively. Vanadium results (maximum detect is 1.2 ug/L; see Table 13) are below the Duke and DEQ BTVs of 127.8 ug/L and 24.07 ug/L, respectively. Hexavalent chromium was not detected. The relationships shown in the correlation charts for boron and sulfate and for calcium and sulfate are indicative of a relationship between these constituents. Interestingly that relationship is not as strong when looking at the boron and calcium chart. Boron is clearly present above background concentrations, though below screening levels. The CSA results for Sutton are shown in Figure 12, and there are groundwater flow paths that are in the direction of the off -site wells. Thus, it is likely that the wells with boron concentrations above background are impacted by constituents from the Sutton ash basins. That said, hexavalent chromium was not detected in these wells. The concentrations of vanadium in the wells are all consistent with background. Thus, the presence of vanadium in these wells is likely a background condition and not related to the ash basins. It is interesting to note that in the Duke private well background data set, there are six results for Sutton that at 212 to 928 ug/L are above the background range for the remaining data set. However, these results may represent a localized background level, which is similar to the DEQ private well results. The reason for these higher boron levels are not currently known, but could be associated with the local geology and/or the proximity to the coast. The concentration of boron in seawater ranges from 4 to 5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) (Health Canada, 1991). That said, there is a relationship between boron and sulfate and calcium for some of the DEQ private wells, and the CSA groundwater evaluations indicate flow in the direction of the private wells, thus indicating a potential impact from coal ash on these wells. 6.13 WH WEATHERSPOON POWER PLANT There are 3 sample results in the DEQ private well data set for 2 wells in the vicinity of the Weatherspoon Power Plant. The screening tables for Weatherspoon are provided in Volume 2, Appendix M. Table 13 provides the summary statistics for the constituents evaluated in the DEQ private well data. The correlation plots for Weatherspoon are presented in Figure 13 of Appendix A. These charts are not informative due to the small number of results. The concentrations of boron, calcium, sulfate, and vanadium are all below the Duke and DEQ BTVs. Arsenic and hexavalent chromium were not detected. The CSA results for Weatherspoon shown on Figure 13 indicate that groundwater is flowing away from the two private wells. Thus it can be concluded that these well results do not indicate impact from constituents derived from coal ash. 6.14 CORRELATION SUMMARY The evaluations of the DEQ private well data for areas in the vicinity of these 12 Duke facilities indicate that the majority of the results are consistent with regional background. The only correlation seen was at Sutton, where boron concentrations are above background both the Duke and DEQ background, and 23 1�%UICH the CSA groundwater evaluation indicated that groundwater is flowing from the site in the direction of the off -site wells. By virtue of the scattered nature of the correlation plots, numerical calculation of correlation is not necessarily appropriate. However, RZ values have been calculated for each correlation plot. These are shown in Table 14. Only two of the values are above a level of 0.8, which is generally used as a point to indicate if further evaluation is warranted. The calcium v. sulfate Rz value is 0.8637; as already discussed, both the analytical data and the CSA results indicate that some wells in the vicinity of the Sutton facility may be impacted by coal ash constituents. The calcium v. sulfate Rz value for Weatherspoon is 0.9124; as this "relationship" is based on the results of three samples from 2 wells, it is not significant. The concentrations of boron, calcium, sulfate, and vanadium are all below the Duke and DEQ BTVs, and the CSA results indicate that groundwater is flowing away from the two private wells. Thus, the weight of evidence does not suggest that this is a statistically significant result. 7. Screening Level Considerations The two DHHS screening levels with the greatest degree of uncertainty are also the screening levels upon which the majority of the "Do Not Drink" letters were based; these are vanadium and hexavalent chromium. 7.1 VANADIUM The 2L and DHHS screening level for vanadium is 0.3 ug/L. Derivation of the screening level was not available for review for this report. The screening level is in contrast to the USEPA RSL for tap water for vanadium of 86 ug/L. There is no Federal MCL for vanadium. To put these values in context, it is worthwhile to consider: • Based on the DEQ/DHHS screening level for drinking water of 0.3 ug/L and assuming that an adult drinks 2 L of water per day, the resulting daily dose of vanadium from drinking water at the DEQ/DHHS screening level is 0.6 ug/day. • Based on the USEPA tap water RSL for vanadium of 86 ug/L, and assuming an adult drinks 2 L of water per day, the resulting daily dose of vanadium from drinking water at the RSL screening level is 172 ug/day. • The adult daily diet (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry [ATSDR], 2012) provides approximately 20 ug/day of vanadium. • Many adult vitamins (Centrum, 2015) provide vanadium at 10 ug/day. • The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences (IOM, 2001) defines the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for vanadium as 1,800 ug/day. As defined by the IOM: "The Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) is the highest level of daily nutrient intake that is likely to pose no risk of adverse health effect for almost all individuals" (emphasis added). Note that the UL is 3,000 times higher than the dose of 0.6 micrograms per day (ug/day) that DHHS is using as the basis for its "Do Not Drink" recommendations to well owners. The amount of vanadium we get in our diet is 33-fold higher than the DHHS "Do Not Drink" level. As noted by ATSDR: "Vanadium is a naturally occurring element that is widely distributed in the environment. It is found in many foods, typically in small amounts. You cannot avoid exposure to vanadium. Exposure to the levels of vanadium that are naturally present in food and water are not considered to be harmful." This information is of value when evaluating the DEQ private well results for vanadium. 25 1�%UICH 7.2 HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM Many metals can exist in different oxidation states; for some metals, the oxidation state can have different toxicities. This is the case for chromium. Chromium exists in two common oxidation states: trivalent chromium (chromium-3, Cr[III], Cr3 or Cr+3), and hexavalent chromium (chromium-6, Cr[VI], Cr6 or Cr+6). Trivalent chromium is essentially nontoxic, as evidenced by its RSL for residential soil of 120,000 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), and the tapwater RSL of 22,000 ug/L. It can be bought over- the-counter as a supplement, and is included in most vitamins. Hexavalent chromium has been concluded to be a human carcinogen by the inhalation route of exposure, as identified on USEPA's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) (USEPA, 2015f), the source of final USEPA-approved toxicity values. Currently on IRIS (USEPA, 2015f), an oral noncancer toxicity value or Reference Dose (RfD) is available for trivalent chromium. For hexavalent chromium, IRIS provides an inhalation cancer toxicity value for potential inhalation carcinogenic effects, and an oral RfD and inhalation noncancer toxicity value or Reference Concentration (RfC). Note that the oral noncancer dose response value (RfD) for hexavalent chromium is based on a study where no adverse effects were reported. Recent studies by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) have shown that when present in high concentrations in drinking water, hexavalent chromium can cause gastrointestinal tract tumors in mice (NTP, 2008). Note that the drinking water concentrations in the NTP study were very high. The lowest exposure level in the test was 5,000 ug/L — this is 50-fold higher than the MCL of 100 ug/L for total chromium, and 125,000-fold higher than the DHHS screening level of 0.07 ug/L. Note that the tap water RSL used in the screening tables, as shown on Table 2, is a value (44 ug/L) calculated using the final USEPA toxicity values available on IRIS. The tapwater screening level that appears on the RSL table (0.035 ug/L, USEPA, 2015a) is derived from other sources as described below. IRIS does not present an oral cancer toxicity value for hexavalent chromium; a value developed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP, 2009) (and similarly developed by the California Environmental Protection Agency [CaIEPA]) was used in the development of the RSLs. USEPA developed a draft oral cancer dose -response value for hexavalent chromium, based on the same study and was the same as the NJDEP value. However, it should be noted that USEPA's Science Advisory Board (SAB) provided comments in July 2011 on the draft USEPA derivation of the oral cancer slope factor (CSF) for hexavalent chromium and indicated many reservations with the assumptions of mode of action, and in the derivation itself. The SAB review can be accessed at http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris drafts/recordisplay.cfm?deid=221433. Thus, the value used to develop the RSLs for hexavalent chromium, and likely the DHHS screening level, has been called into question by USEPA's peer review panel. Currently there is much scientific debate about whether the mode of action of hexavalent chromium in very high concentrations in drinking water (as used in the NTP study) is relevant to the low concentrations most likely to be encountered in environmental situations (Proctor, et al., 2012). Based on detailed studies of mechanism of action, an RfD has been developed in the literature that is protective of both noncancer and cancer effects of hexavalent chromium in drinking water, and corresponds to a safe drinking water equivalent level of 210 ug/L (Thompson, et al., 2014), which is above the current MCL for total chromium. Thus, the current MCL is protective. This is in contrast to 26 1�%UICH the proposed CaIEPA drinking water level of 10 ug/L (CalEPA, 2014), and the NC DHHS screening level of 0.07 ug/L, which are orders of magnitude below this risk -based level. Data from the American Water Works Association (AWWA, 2004) indicates that the average background level of hexavalent chromium in water supplies in the US served by groundwater is 1.1 ug/L, though many of the results were below the limit of detection in the study of 0.2 ug/L. The majority of the detected results in groundwater in the AWWA study ranged from 1-10 ug/L, with a maximum of 52.6 ug/L. The results from the AWWA study, the site -specific Duke BTV value of 73.5 ug/L, and the comparisons in Figure 14c indicate that the detected results in the DEQ private well study (0.033 ug/L to 22.3 ug/L) are within the range of background concentrations in North Carolina and the U.S. 27 �UICH 8. Summary There is not a single metric that can be used to identify if a well has been impacted by a release from a coal ash management unit. This is due in large part to the fact that all of the constituents that are present in coal ash and that could be released to groundwater are naturally occurring. The challenge is to understand these background conditions, and in that context evaluate whether there has been an impact from a release from coal ash. Based on our understanding of the behavior of constituents that can be released from coal ash into groundwater, USEPA has identified those constituents that are considered together to be indicators of a potential release from coal ash; these are the CCR Rule Appendix III constituents. Of these, boron and sulfate are the most common constituents used to evaluate the potential for an impact in groundwater. Thus, to understand if a particular well or wells have been impacted by a release from a coal ash management unit, the following are needed: • An evaluation of the magnitude of concentrations of the constituents in the well, • An evaluation of those detected constituents in relation to background concentrations in groundwater, • An evaluation of the potential correlation between the co -presence and concentration of constituents considered to be indicators of a release from a coal ash management unit, and • Consideration of the information available on the potential for there to be a complete transport pathway between a coal ash management unit and a well. This report has evaluated the DEQ private well results: • By constituent and by facility, • In the context of four sets of screening levels for drinking water, • In the context of background, both regional and national, • In the context of the CCR Rule Appendix III constituents that are considered to be indicators of potential release from coal ash management units to groundwater, and • In the context of the groundwater assessments conducted as part of the CSA for each facility. The results for boron, sulfate and calcium are not suggestive of a release, or of a significant release, of constituents from coal ash management units to groundwater in these private well areas. There are few instances of the USEPA CCR Rule Appendix IV and other constituents above screening levels, and in most cases, the private well results are within the range of background, as discussed in Section 5. There are two notable exceptions: • Vanadium — Almost all results are above the 2L and DHHS screening levels, however, all results are below the tapwater RSL and all results are below the background levels discussed in Section 5.3.2. • Hexavalent Chromium —The majority of the results are above the DHHS screening level, however, the majority are within the range of background as discussed in Section 5.3.3 and shown on Figure 14c. The CSAs for each of the facilities have demonstrated that groundwater is flowing away from residential areas in the vicinity of the facilities. Thus taken together, and with the exception of Sutton, the results do not indicate an impact of coal ash management units at Duke facilities on private wells. za W�LEj( DR 6LICH 9. References 1. ATSDR. 2012. Toxicological Profile for Vanadium. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Public Health Service. U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services. 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