HomeMy WebLinkAboutResponse to SELC comments - Mayo - 12 12 2015_20160418MEMORANDUM Date: December 15, 2015 File: 1026.105 To: Ed Sullivan, Duke Energy From: Kathy Webb, Jerry Wylie Subject: Duke Energy Groundwater Assessment Program — Comprehensive Site Assessment Report — Comments by Southern Environmental Law Center for Mayo Steam Station dated October 8, 2015 On October 8, 2015, the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) provided comments to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) (formerly the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources [NCDENR]) pertaining to Duke Energy's Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) report for the Mayo Steam Electric Plant (referred to by SELC as "Mayo Steam Station"). SynTerra has considered these comments and offers the following responses. SELC Assertion: The CSA report is "inconsistent" and thereby 'fails to document the extent of pollution at the site and its likely impacts to public waters, including Mayo Lake." SynTerra Response: The CSA report provides substantive investigation and sampling results that support the conclusions presented to NCDEQ and the public. Based on the results of the assessment, SynTerra identified areas where supplemental investigation would be helpful to further evaluate the site and presented those areas as data gaps in the CSA report. NCDEQ, Duke Energy, and SynTerra understood and discussed the possibility of developing additional data as a result of the Site investigation process. The purpose of the CSA was to characterize the extent of impact resulting from historical production and storage of coal ash; to evaluate the chemical and physical characteristics of the constituents; to investigate the geology and hydrogeology of the Site, including factors relating to contaminant transport; and to examine risk to potential receptors and exposure pathways. SynTerra is confident that the CSA does determine the source -related constituents; provides substantive (but not conclusive) information regarding the underlying geology and hydrogeology of the Site; and correctly interprets groundwater flow at the Site and the potential risk to public and private drinking water wells and surface water. For findings that were considered incomplete, SynTerra is implementing, in collaboration with NCDEQ and Duke Energy, a supplemental data collection and evaluation effort to refine the delineation of the vertical extent of impact beneath the ash basin and to more completely characterize hydrogeologic conditions at the Site. SELC Comment: Section 6.1, Site Geology and Hydrogeology - Site -specific geology on the east side of the ash basin near the Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) ponds is inadequately defined. The Site Layout SELC Response to Comments (Oct 8 2015) — Mayo Steam Electric Plant December 15, 2015 SynTerra Corporation Page 2 of 4 Map (Figure 2-1) and Water Level Map (Figure 6-9) each show the FGD ponds located inside the waste boundary, apparently indicating that the FGD ponds were constructed over disposed ash. However, cross -sections identified as C-C' (Figures 6-3, 6-6, 8-3, 11 -1 b, 11-2b. 1 1-3b, 1 14b, 1 1-5b, 11-6b, 11-7b, 11-8b, 11-9b, and 11-1 Ob) each show coal ash waste boundary stopping short of the FGD ponds. Instead, the FGD ponds are shown in these figures as being located above soil/fill, rather than coal ash. The accurate location of the waste boundary must be determined and figures must be consistent throughout the report. This is important for at least two reasons. First, it appears that coal ash extends underneath the FGD ponds and is saturated by groundwater. Any closure plan must account for how to separate this coal ash from the groundwater so it does not continue to be a source of contamination. Second, the location of the waste boundary is important in evaluating the hydraulic gradient and groundwater flow velocity between the ash basin and Mayo Lake. As shown in the cross sections, groundwater will remain level across the extent of the ash deposits before sloping downward to the lake, so if the waste boundary extends closer to the lake, the gradient will be steeper and the velocity of groundwater flow will be greater. It appears this groundwater flow may carry contaminants from the edge of the FGD ponds east-southeast to Mayo Lake. SynTerra Response: The waste boundary is accurately located based on the current understanding of Site conditions at the time that the CSA report was prepared. Future submittals, including a planned supplement to the CSA report, will reflect updated interpretations and graphic representations of new information, as appropriate. Closure plans will incorporate available site -specific data and observations. The CSA report provides an interpretation that groundwater flow is to the northwest (towards the ash basin) on the west side of the railroad tracks that bisect the property, in the vicinity of the FGD ponds. To the east of the railroad tracks in this area, the flow is towards Mayo Lake. The interpretation of groundwater flow direction is consistent with the "slope -aquifer system" model by LeGrand (documented in the CSA). A review of analytical data from compliance wells CW-01 and CW-01D, located on the east side of the railroad across from the FGD ponds, indicates that no constituent concentrations associated with coal ash have been detected greater than the 2L. Vanadium has been detected greater than the IMAC at this location; however, the concentrations are less than background for the Site. SELC Comment. Section 6.3.1, Groundwater Flow Direction - The direction of groundwater flow in the vicinity of the FGD ponds is inadequately defined. The CSA report describes Mayo Lake as acting as a groundwater discharge area on the east side of the Plant. Each of the C-C' cross -sections (listed previously) show the water table declining to the east between the ash basin and wells CW-111D with flow toward the east beneath the area of the FGD ponds. But the Water Level Map (Figure 6-9) shows the hydraulic gradient flowing toward the north from a high beneath the electric plant toward the ash basin in this same location. In other words, one set of figures shows groundwater flowing into the ash basin, and another shows the groundwater flowing out of the ash basin in the same location. An additional well SELC Response to Comments (Oct 8 2015) — Mayo Steam Electric Plant December 15, 2015 SynTerra Corporation Page 3 of 4 cluster located just to the north-east of the FGD ponds, in the rectangular open area between the FGD ponds and the discharge canal, is needed to provide additional information on geology and groundwater flow direction, velocity and chemistry in the area of the FGD ponds. Again, it appears contaminated groundwater may be flowing from the coal ash basin to Mayo Lake in this location. SynTerra Response: Hydrogeologic conditions in the vicinity of the FGD ponds will be more completely evaluated during forthcoming (early 2016) assessment activities planned to comply with requirements of the federal Final Rule - Disposal of CCR from Electric Utilities (April 2015). As part of that assessment work, additional borings and monitoring wells will be drilled and installed around the FGD ponds. These data will be useful in better defining the groundwater flow regime in the area east of the ash basin/FGD ponds and west of Mayo Lake. SELC Comment: Section 6.4, Hydrogeologic Site Conceptual Model— The CSA report (p. 38) states that "there are no substantive differences in water level among wells completed in the different flow zones. " However, an examination of water level data provided on the Water Level Map (Figure 6-9) shows the following water level differences at clustered well locations: Wells (Water Elevation) Water Level Elevation Difference and Vertical Gradient Direction MW-08S (437.02) MW-08BR (432.54) 4.48 ft. Downward MW-07D (444.46) MW-07BR (445.94) 1.48 ft. Upward MW-16S (366.92) MW-16BR (365.41) 1.51 ft. Downward CW-05 (501.53) MW-05BR (501.94) 0.41 ft. Upward ABMW-02 (481.56) ABMW-02BR (482.75) 1.19 . Upward ABMW-04 (485.11) ABMW-04BR (483.42) 1.69 t. Downward Based on these data, it is inappropriate for the conceptual site model to indicate that there are no significant differences in water level between the different flow zones. The data show that significant water level differences are present and variable in direction. The conceptual site model must indicate that bedrock discharges into overlying units in some locations and is recharged from overlying units in other locations. The amount of groundwater that discharges into overlying units from bedrock or from overlying units to bedrock must be accurately incorporated into any valid groundwater model for Duke Energy's upcoming corrective action plan, and will likely become a critical component of any subsequent evaluation of remediation strategy. DENR must require Duke Energy to incorporate the vertical components of groundwater flow into its current and future analyses. SynTerra Response: Groundwater modeling performed and reported in the CAP Part 1 utilized the actual measured water levels and thus, the vertical gradients across the Site have been incorporated into corrective action plan evaluations. A refined Site Conceptual Model being developed with the Part Cap 2 will take the varying hydraulic gradients into consideration. SELC Response to Comments (Oct 8 2015) — Mayo Steam Electric Plant December 15, 2015 SynTerra Corporation Page 4 of 4 SELC Comment. Section 6.4, Hydrogeologic Site Conceptual Model— The CSA report (p. 38) states Section 11.2 Hydrostratigraphic Layer Properties - Cross -sections (Figures 11-1a through 11-1 ON presented in this section show concentration contours for various constituents based on concentrations detected in monitoring wells. Many of these figures are misleading because they do not incorporate the probability that contaminants have migrated downgradient beneath the ash basin. Concentrations of boron, manganese and vanadium have been detected in ash basin water in concentrations above the 2L standard. Infiltration of this water through the underlying ash and into the saprolite and bedrock will undoubtedly result in elevated contaminant levels below the impounded water. The cross -sections should incorporate the surface water data contained in the CSA and should indicate that the extent of contamination for extends downgradient beneath the ash basin, as appropriate. SynTerra Response: All data available at the time the CSA report was submitted are included on the cross -sectional figures. Groundwater data for the bedrock wells completed in the ash basin indicates no apparent impact to bedrock beneath the ash basin from boron, the most prevalent coal ash constituent observed in Mayo Plant groundwater. Further, other constituents (e.g., manganese and vanadium) in the bedrock aquifer were detected at concentrations at/near background concentrations (as detailed in the Corrective Action Plan Part 1). Regardless, NCDEQ and Duke Energy have agreed that an additional groundwater monitoring well will be installed at a deeper elevation to verify that the vertical extent of impact has been defined. Well installation is planned for January 2016.