HomeMy WebLinkAboutMeeting Officer Speech Lee_CORRECTION May Edits_Meeting Officer Speech Duke Energy Progress, Inc. Coal Combustion Residual Impoundment Risk Classifications Public Meeting for H. F. Lee Steam Station 6 p.m. March 10, 2016 — Wayne Community College, Goldsboro, NC This meeting is called to order. Good evening. My name is David May. I have been appointed by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality to preside at this public meeting. I am the water quality supervisor in the N.C. Division of Water Resources' Washington Regional Office, which is part of the Department of Environmental Quality. I am joined tonight by other staff from the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality. They are: • Steve Lanter, hydrogeologist with the N.C. Division of Water Resources • Mike Rusher, communications director of environmental protection with the department • Debra Watts, groundwater protection branch chief with the N.C. Division of Water Resources • Eric Smith, hydrogeologist with the N.C. Division of Water Resources • Robert Tankard, assistant regional supervisor with the N.C. Division of Water Resources' Washington Regional Office • Wil Hart, hydrogeologist with the N.C. Division of Water Resources' Washington Regional Office I appreciate everyone's attendance tonight and would like to take this time to recognize any public officials in attendance tonight. Joining us tonight, we have: (Read list of names of public officials - Staff from the registration table will provide a list if any elected officials sign in.) At this time, I invite any additional elected officials to stand and introduce themselves. This meeting is being held under the authority of North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 130A- 309.200 and 130A-309.213, which requires the department to develop proposed classifications for all coal combustion residuals surface impoundments, including active and retired sites, for the purpose of closure and remediation. Within 30 days of the receipt of all public comments, the department must finalize its recommendations for classifications for coal combustion residuals impoundments at Duke Energy facilities statewide. Those recommendations will then be submitted to the Coal Ash Management Commission for consideration and final approval. As meeting officer, it is my responsibility to listen to your comments and assist in the preparation of a report, which summarizes the information presented tonight and provides recommendations on the classification of coal combustion residuals impoundments at the H.F. Lee Steam Station. To aid the department in preparing the report, audio of tonight's meeting is being recorded. In addition, I ask that you provide me with a written copy of your comments if possible. Comments should be relevant to the issue of coal combustion residuals impoundment risk classification for the H.F. Lee Steam Station in order to be considered in the final recommendation. At this time, I will provide an overview of how the meeting will be conducted: Staff will give a presentation which summarizes the draft risk classification for the H.F. Lee Steam Station. Following the staff presentation, I will hear all oral comments relevant to the issue of coal combustion residuals impoundment risk classification for the H.F. Lee Steam Station. 2. I will call on speakers in the order they signed up to speak. 3. Each speaker will be limited to 5 minutes. (Adjust the time limit to 3 minutes, or as needed, if a very large crowd attends.) 4. There will be no cross-examination of speakers or division staff. 5. All public comments will be directed to me as the meeting officer. 6. I ask that everyone respect the right of others to speak without interruption. At this time, Mr. Steve Lanter will give a brief summary of the risk classification for the H.F. Lee Steam Station. (POWER POINT Presentation) At this time we will hear from audience members who wish to speak in the order that they registered. Please limit comments to 5 minutes so that everyone who wishes to speak has an opportunity to do so. (Adjust the time limit as needed if a very large crowd attends.) The department may only consider technical and scientific information related to the risk classification of the H.F. Lee Steam Station when making recommendations for the final classification. Other issues concerning this facility or the issue of coal combustion residuals as a whole are beyond the scope of this public meeting. When your name is called, please come to the podium, state your name and indicate any group you may be representing or affiliated with. To ensure that we hear from all who wish to speak, there will be a _5_ minute time limit for providing comments. Staff will keep track of the time and raise a sign to indicate when you have one minute remaining and when you have 30 seconds remaining to finish your comments. Please keep your comments concise and limit them to the issue of coal combustion residuals impoundment risk classification for the H.F. Lee Steam Station. I appreciate your cooperation in complying with these requests. (Call out names.) That concludes tonight's line-up of registered speakers. If you did not register to provide comments and have not yet spoken tonight, but wish to do so, there is an opportunity to do so. Is there anyone else present tonight who wishes to provide comments? If so, please indicate such by raising your hand. Please come to the podium as recognized, state your name, and indicate any group you may be representing or affiliated with.) At this time, everyone has provided comments and this concludes tonight's comment session. We have use of this meeting room for a set time period, so department staff will not be available for questions or comments after the meeting. However, comments may be submitted through April 18 by sending an email to: leecomments&ncdenr. _ og_v. I would like to thank you all for attending tonight's meeting. Your input is greatly appreciated. After careful study of all comments received and the requirements of state laws and administrative rules, the department will make a recommendation based on this meeting on the coal combustion residual impoundment risk classification for the H.F. Lee Steam Station. This meeting is adjourned.