HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuck CSAR Executive SummaryDuke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Buck Steam Station Ash Basin FN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Executive Summary - Buck Steam Station On August 20, 2014, the North Carolina General Assembly passed Session Law 2014-122, the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014 (CAMA). N.C. Gen. Stat. § 130A-309.211 requires the owner of a coal combustion residuals surface impoundment to submit a Groundwater Assessment Plan (Work Plan) to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) no later December 31, 2014 and a Groundwater Assessment Report (herein referred to as a Comprehensive Site Assessment [CSA]) no later than 180 days following approval of the Work Plan. Duke Energy submitted a Work Plan to NCDENR on September 25, 2014 establishing proposed site assessment activities and schedules for the implementation, completion, and submission of a CSA report in accordance with 15A NCAC 02L .0106(g) for the Buck Steam Station (Buck). NCDENR reviewed the Work Plan and provided Duke Energy with initial comments on November 4, 2014. A revised Work Plan was subsequently submitted to NCDENR on December 30, 2014 and NCDENR provided final comments and conditional approval of the revised Work Plan on February 24, 2015. This CSA was prepared to comply with the CAMA and is submitted to NCDENR within the allotted 180 -day timeframe. Data generated during the CSA will be used in development of the Corrective Action Plan (CAP), due 90 days after submittal of this CSA. The purpose of this CSA is to characterize the extent of contamination resulting from historical production and storage of coal ash, evaluate the chemical and physical characteristics of the contaminants, investigate the geology and hydrogeology of the Site including factors relating to contaminant transport, and examine risk to potential receptors and exposure pathways. This CSA was prepared in general accordance with requirements outlined in the following statutes, regulations and documents: • Groundwater Classification and Standards, Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Subchapter 2L • Coal Ash Management Act of 2014, N.C. Gen. Stat. §§130A-309.200 et. seq., • Notice of Regulatory Requirements (NORR) issued by NCDENR on August 13, 2014, • Conditional Approval of Revised Groundwater Assessment Work Plan issued by NCDENR on February 24, 2015, and • Subsequent meetings and correspondence between Duke Energy and NCDENR. For this CSA, the source area is defined as the ash basin, which consists of the active ash basin and the inactive ash basin. Source characterization was performed to identify physical and chemical properties of ash, ash basin surface water, ash porewater, and ash basin seeps. The ash, ash basin surface water, ash porewater, and seep analytical results were compared to 2L Standards, IMACs, and other regulatory screening levels for the purpose of identifying constituents of interest (COls). These COls are considered to be associated with potential impacts to soil and groundwater from the ash basin. This CSA also identifies constituents that exceeded 2L Standards or IMACs from groundwater sample locations outside the ash basin boundary. For the purposes of this report, these ES -1 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Buck Steam Station Ash Basin FN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY constituents were also identified as COls. Some COls (e.g., iron and manganese) are present in background and upgradient monitoring wells and thus require careful examination to determine whether their presence downgradient of the ash basin is naturally occurring or a result of ash handling and storage. Descriptions of COls outside the ash basin boundary are identified in Section 10 (Groundwater Characterization) and Section 11 (Hydrogeological Investigation) of this CSA. This inclusive approach to identification of COls will be refined during development of the CAP to focus on those constituents that are attributable to the ash basin. COls were also evaluated in the human health and ecological screening level risk assessment in Section 12.0. In addition to evaluating the distribution of constituents across the Buck site, significant factors affecting constituent transport, and the geological and hydrogeological features influencing the movement and chemical and physical character of the COls were also evaluated. Some Cols (e.g., antimony, cobalt, chromium, iron, manganese and vanadium) are also present in background monitoring wells and thus require careful examination to determine whether their presence downgradient of the ash basin or ash storage areas is naturally occurring or a result of ash handling and storage. The IMACs were issued in 2010, 2011 and 2012; however, NCDENR has not established a 2L Standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 2L.0202(c). For this reason, the IMACs noted in this report are for reference only. In addition to evaluating the distribution of constituents across the Buck site, significant factors affecting constituent transport, the geological and hydrogeological features influencing the movement and the chemical -physical character of the COls were also evaluated. The assessment consisted of the following activities: • Completion of soil and rock borings and installation of groundwater monitoring wells to faciliatate collection and analysis of chemical, physical, and hydrogeological parameters of subsurface materials encountered within and beyond the waste and compliance boundaries. • Evaluation of testing data to supplement the Site Conceptual Model (SCM). • Revision to the Receptor Survey previously completed in 2014. • Completion of a Screening -level Risk Assessment. Based on scientific evaluation of historical and new data obtained during completion of the above -referenced activities, the following conclusions can be drawn: • No imminent hazard to human health or the environment has been identified as a result of groundwater migration from the ash basin or ash storage areas. • Recent groundwater assessment results are generally consistent with previous results from historical and routine compliance boundary monitoring well data although some new COls were identified due to a more robust sampling program. • Upgradient, background monitoring wells contain naturally occurring metals and other constituents at concentrations that exceeded their respective 2L Standards or IMACs. This information is used to evaluate whether concentrations in groundwater ES -2 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Buck Steam Station Ash Basin EXECUTIVE SUMMARY downgradient of the basin and ash storage area are also naturally occurring, originate from upgradient sources or might be influenced by migration of constituents from the ash basin and ash storage area. Examples of naturally occuring metals and consituents include antimony, chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, and vanadium, which were all detected in background groundwater samples at concentrations greater than 2L Standards or IMACs. Groundwater flow is predominately in the north direction toward the Yadkin River and is downgradient from and not towards off-site receptors. However, there also is a component of groundwater flow to the west of Cell 1 and there is localized flow in an area east of the source that requires further evaluation (between Cells 2 and 3). No information gathered as part of this CSA suggests that water supply wells or springs within the 0.5 -mile radius of the compliance boundary are impacted by the source, aside from the single permitted well owned by Duke Energy. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has identified constituents for groundwater detection monitoring programs that can be used as indicators of groundwater contamination from coal combustion residuals which may be evaluated for statistically significant increases over background with time. Specifically, boron and sulfate would be expected to migrate rapidly and would provide early detection as to whether contaminants were migrating from the ash basin system. The horizontal and vertical migration of boron best represents the groundwater flow and potential transport system at the site. Sulfate, while generally a good indicator, can occasionally occur naturally above its applicable standards and should be used as an indicator with more caution. Sulfate exceedances at well locations outside the waste boundary appear to be unrelated to the ash basin, and may be related to the bedrock geology. This is indicated by the unique geochemistry and lack of boron observed at certain wells exhibiting exceedances of sulfate, as well as the general lack of sulfate exceedances in ash basin porewater. Figure ES -1 indicates the estimated horizontal extent of 2L Standard exceedances for boron in the shallow, deep, and bedrock monitoring layers at the site. The horizontal migration of boron in the flow layers best represent the dominant flow and transport system in the vicinity of the ash basin and ash storage area. Vertical migration of constituents is impeded but not eliminated by underlying bedrock. Boron is highly soluble and was identified by the USEPA as one of the leading indicators for releases of contaminants from ash. Because of these characteristics, boron can be used to represent the general extent of the shallow, deep, and bedrock flow layers impacted by the ash basin and ash storage area. The approximate extent of groundwater impacted with COI exceedances attributable to CCRs, such as boron, is limited to the shallow, deep, and bedrock flow layers beneath the ash basin and ash storage area, and areas immediately downgradient of the ash basin and ash storage area located to the north. Based on available data, it appears groundwater impacted by the ash basin and ash storage area is contained within the Duke Energy property boundary. • There are no indications of boron exceedances of the 2L Standards or IMACs upgradient from the Buck site. ES -3 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Buck Steam Station Ash Basin FN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The assessment identified potential soil and groundwater impacts. The approximate extent of measured constituents is primarily limited to an area within the ash basin compliance boundary and the area north of the compliance boundary to the Yadkin River. There also appears to be a smaller component of groundwater flow west of ash basin Cell 1 (and within the property boundary) resulting in potential movement of constituents beyond the western compliance boundary between Cell 1 and the unnamed tributary to the Yadkin River near the western extent of the Buck site. • NCDENR identified seeps and CSA -identified seeps that contained water were sampled during the CSA field program. The one NCDENR seep that could be sampled (BSWW002 S001) did not exhibit USEPA ash indicator exceedances of the 2L Standards.Samples obtained from CSA -identified seeps S-9 and TERRACOTTA PIPE #1, both located near the base of the Cell 1 dam, were reported above the 2L Standard for boron. • Sediment was sampled at 14 active and dry seep locations. The only USEPA ash related COI that exhibited an exceedance of the North Carolina Industrial Health and Protection of Groundwater Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) was boron which occurred at location TERRACOTTO PIPE #1. • The data included in this CSA are to be used in the development of a Corrective Action Plan, due 90 days after submittal of this CSA. This will include groundwater modeling to evaluate the site's suitability to use monitored natural attenuation (MNA). If not applicable, additional measures such as active remediation by hydraulic capture and treatment, among others, would be evaluated. When properly applied, alternatives such as these can provide effective long term management of sites requiring corrective action. Brief summaries of essential portions of the CSA are presented in the following sections. ESA Source Information Duke Energy owns and formerly operated the Buck station, located on the Yadkin River in Rowan County near the town of Salisbury, North Carolina. Buck began operation in 1926 as a coal-fired generating station. The Buck Combined Cycle Station (BCCS) natural gas facility was constructed at the site and began operating in late 2011. Subsequently, Buck was decommissioned and taken offline in April 2013. The coal ash residue from Buck's coal combustion process was historically disposed of in the station's ash basin system located adjacent to the station and the Yadkin River. The discharge from the ash basin system is permitted by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Water Resources (DWR) under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit NC0004774. Since 2006, Duke Energy has implemented voluntary and NPDES permit -required groundwater monitoring at Buck. Twice per year voluntary groundwater monitoring around the Buck ash basin was performed from November 2006 until May 2010, with analytical results submitted to the NCDENR DWR. Compliance groundwater monitoring as required by the NPDES permit ES -4 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Buck Steam Station Ash Basin EXECUTIVE SUMMARY began in March 2011. From March 2011 through July 2015, the compliance groundwater monitoring wells at Buck have been sampled three times per year for a total of 14 times. The Buck ash basin system is located near the Yadkin River and comprises three cells designated as Cell 1, Cell 2, and Cell 3, and associated embankments and outlet works. The ash basin is located to the south (Cell 1) and southeast (Cells 2 and 3) of the retired Buck Units through 6 and the BCCS. An area between Cell 1 and Cell 2 has also been utilized for storage of dredged ash from Cell 1 and is referred to as the ash storage area. This unlined storage area is located topographically upgradient and adjacent to the east side of Cell 1. The dry ash storage area was constructed in 2009 by excavating ash within the eastern half of Cell 1 in order to provide additional capacity for sluiced ash and covers approximately 14 acres. All coal ash from Buck was disposed of in the ash basin from approximately 1957 until 2013. Fly ash precipitated from flue gas and bottom ash collected in the bottom of the boilers were sluiced to the ash basin using conveyance water withdrawn from the Yadkin River. The ash basin system is operated as an integral part of the station's wastewater treatment system, which receives permitted and variable discharges from the ash removal system, coal pile runoff, landfill leachate, the station yard drain sump, and site stormwater. ES.2 Initial Abatement and Emergency Response No imminent hazard to human health or the environment has been identified; therefore, initial abatement and emergency response actions are not required. ES.3 Receptor Information Properties located within a 0.5 -mile radius of the Buck ash basin compliance boundary generally consist of residential, agricultural, and undeveloped properties located in Rowan County to the west, south, and east of the ash basin. The Yadkin River flows east along the northern boundary. Hunting and game lands are located north of the ash basin system across the Yadkin River in Davidson County. Duke Energy submitted a receptor survey to NCDENR (HDR 2014a) in September 2014, and subsequently submitted to NCDENR a supplement to the receptor survey (HDR 2014b) in November 2014 based on the CSA Guidelines. The update included contacting and/or reviewing the agencies/records to identify public and private water supply sources identified and reviewing questionnaires that were received after the submittal of the November 2014 supplement to the September 2014 receptor survey (i.e. questionnaires received after October 31, 2014). The purpose of the receptor survey was to identify the exposure locations that are critical to be considered in the groundwater transport modeling and human health risk assessment. The CSA receptor survey activities included contacting and/or reviewing the following agencies/records to identify public and private water supply sources, confirm the location of ES -5 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report �� Buck Steam Station Ash Basin EXECUTIVE SUMMARY wells, and/or identify any wellhead protection areas located within a 0.5 -mile radius of the Buck ash basin compliance boundary: • NCDENR Division of Water Resources (DWR) Public Water Supply Section's (PWSS) most current Public Water Supply Water Sources GIS point data set; • NCDENR DWR Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP) online database for public water supply sources; • Environmental Data Resources (EDR) local/regional water agency records review; • Rowan County Health Department Environmental Health Division; • Davidson County Health Department; • Salisbury -Rowan Utilities Department; and • USGS National Hydrography Dataset. The review of these records identified a total of 166 private water supply wells within a 0.5 -mile radius of the Buck ash basin compliance boundary. The Rowan County Health Department had records for 28 of the 166 identified private water supply wells. Ten additional private water supply wells are assumed to exist since well houses could not be visually observed at these residences located within a 0.5 -mile radius of the Buck ash basin compliance boundary. Two public water supply wells were identified within a 0.5 -mile radius of the Buck ash basin compliance boundary. One water supply well was identified within the Duke Energy property boundary that supplies drinking water to the site.. Several unnamed tributaries of the Yadkin River were identified within a 0.5 -mile radius of the ash basin, and several surface water features that flow toward the Yadkin River were identified within a 0.5 -mile radius of the Buck ash basin. ESA Sampling / Investigation Results ES.4.1 Background Findings As part of the CSA, Duke Energy installed seven additional nested wells (three shallow, two deep, one upper bedrock, and one bedrock monitoring well) in selected areas of the site upgradient from the ash basin and ash storage area to supplement the existing nested shallow and deep monitoring wells (installed in 2006) by providing additional background soil and groundwater quality data. The COI concentration range in background groundwater samples which exceeded the 2L Standard are provided below. Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Buck Steam Station Ash Basin FN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Constituent of Interest Groundwater 2L Standard or IMACs (Ng/L) Range of Exceedances Antimony 1 3.8 pg/L to 5.8 Ng/L Chromium 10 0.22J pg/L to 10.3 pg/L Cobalt 1 4 Ng/L to 7.2 pg/L Iron 300 306J Ng/L to 1,900 pg/L Manganese 50 54 pg/L to 850 Ng/L Vanadium 0.3 0.86J pg/L to 26.6 pg/L These COls were found to be present within groundwater monitoring wells at several locations across the site. Their presence within the background wells at concentrations exceeding the 2L or IMAC Standards requires analysis to determine whether downgradient exceedances are due to natural condition or impacts from the ash basin and ash storage area. ES.4.2 Nature and Extent of Contamination Soil and groundwater beneath the ash basin and ash storage area has been impacted by ash handling and storage at the Buck site. Concentrations of several COls appear to exceed their respective 2L Standards or IMACs in groundwater beyond the compliance boundary toward the Yadkin River, although some of these COls also exceed 2L in the background wells. These exceedances appear contained on Duke Energy Property. Samples obtained from on-site seeps also exhibit concentrations of COls exceeding their respective 2L Standards or IMACs. ES.4.2.1 Groundwater - Shallow Flow Layer Within the shallow flow layer (including beneath the ash storage area), there are five Cols identified as in the groundwater in multiple groundwater samples: cobalt, chromium, iron, manganese, and vanadium. All of these COls also appear within one or more of the background well locations at concentrations exceeding the applicable groundwater standard. Almost all of the iron exceedances within the shallow aquifer (12 of 13) occurred within unfiltered samples indicating the source of the iron within the shallow groundwater samples is primarily suspended solids. Six other COls identified in the shallow flow layer are antimony, boron, nickel, selenium, sulfate, and Total Dissolved Solids, but they are in isolated locations. ES.4.2.2 Groundwater - Deep Flow Layer Within the deep flow layer (including beneath the ash basin and ash storage area), there are seven COls identified in the groundwater (D wells): antimony, boron, chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, and vanadium. Vanadium also appears within three of the deep flow layer background well locations at concentrations exceeding the applicable 2L Standard or IMAC. Almost all of the iron exceedances within the deep flow layer (10 of 12) occurred within unfiltered samples indicating the source of the iron within the deep flow layer groundwater samples is primarily suspended solids. Two other COls identified in the deep flow layer are sulfate and TDS, but they are in isolated locations. ES -7 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Buck Steam Station Ash Basin FN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ES.4.2.3 Groundwater — Bedrock Flow Layer Within the bedrock flow layer (including beneath the ash basin), there are four COls identified in the groundwater (BR and BRU wells): antimony, chromium, iron, manganese, and vanadium. None of these COls appear within the bedrock background well location (BG-3BRU) at a concentration exceeding the applicable groundwater standard. All eight of the iron exceedances within the bedrock flow layer occurred within unfiltered samples indicating the source of the iron within the bedrock groundwater samples is primarily suspended solids. Six other COls identified in the bedrock flow layer are barium, boron, cobalt, selenium, sulfate and TDS, but they are in isolated locations. ES.4.2.4 Seep Samples Seep sampling results at the Buck site have identified nine Cols in the seep water: antimony, arsenic, boron, chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, thallium, and vanadium. Comparing COI concentrations in the seep water to the maximum COI concentrations encountered in groundwater sampled from the background wells indicates nine seep locations (BSWW002 S001, Terracotta Pipe #1, Culvert Discharge, S-1, S-2, S-3, S-5, S-8, and S-9) where at least one seep COI concentration exceeded the maximum background groundwater COI concentration (arsenic, boron, chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, thallium, and vanadium) . ES.4.2.5 Soil, Rock and Sediment Concentrations Soil samples were obtained from 29 separate locations during CSA drilling activities within the Buck site (including locations beneath the ash basin and ash storage area). Eight Cols were identified in soil samples obtained from these locations: arsenic (5 locations), barium (1 location), boron (4 locations), cobalt (29 locations), iron (29 locations), manganese (29 locations), selenium (5 locations), and vanadium (29 locations). With the exception of barium, all of these COls appear in one or more of the background well locations at concentrations exceeding the most restrictive PSRG standard. The COI concentrations observed in the soil from the various locations within the Buck site generally bracket the concentrations observed in soil samples from the background locations or within reasonable proximity of the bracketed background concentrations. Rock samples (including partially weathered rock [PWR] samples) were obtained from ten separate locations during CSA drilling activities within the Buck site, including locations beneath the ash basin and ash storage area. Five COls were identified in rock samples obtained from these locations: arsenic (1 location), cobalt (8 locations), iron (10 locations), manganese (9 locations), and vanadium (8 locations). With the exception of arsenic, all of these COls appear within the background location where rock was obtained (BG -2) at concentrations exceeding the most restrictive PSRG standard. Sediment samples were obtained from 14 seep locations at the Buck site. Seven COls were identified in the sediment samples: arsenic (4 locations), boron (1 location), cobalt (all locations), iron (all locations), manganese (13 locations), selenium (1 location) and vanadium (all locations). A background sediment location (SW -2) was not obtained due to dry conditions at the time of sampling; therefore a comparison of these results with background conditions is ES -8 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Buck Steam Station Ash Basin FN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY not possible at this time. Such a comparison may be possible after completion of the second comprehensive sampling event and will be included in the CSA supplement. ES.4.3 Maximum Contaminant Concentrations The maximum contaminant concentrations reported in groundwater, ash porewater, seep water, and ash basin surface water samples collected during the CSA are listed below. J = Estimated Concentration ES.4.4 Source Characterization Source characterization was performed through the completion of borings and installation of groundwater monitoring wells within the footprint of the ash basin cells, ash storage area, associated solid matrix (ash), and aqueous sample (ash porewater),and the collection and analysis of samples. Ash samples were collected for analysis of physical characteristics (e.g., grain size, porosity, etc.) to provide data for evaluation of retention/transport properties within and beneath the ash basin and ash storage area. Ash samples were collected for analysis of chemical characteristics (e.g., total inorganics, leaching potential, etc.). The results of the characterization will be used to refine the CSM and to provide data for use in the CAP. Review of laboratory analytical results of ash samples collected from the ash basin and ash storage area identified eight COls including arsenic, cobalt, barium, boron, cobalt, iron, manganese, selenium, and vanadium. COls identified in ash basin porewater include antimony, arsenic, barium, boron, cobalt, iron, manganese, thallium, and vanadium. COls identified in ash ES -9 Maximum Constituent of Interest (COI) Concentrations COI Background wells Groundwater (Ng/L) Ash Porewater (N9/L) Seep Water (N9/L) Ash Basin Surface Water (Ng/L) Aluminum 160 n/a n/a n/a 13,000 Antimony 5.8 19.3 24.4 1.8 n/a Arsenic 11 14.9 1,350 38.6 71.3 Barium 86 830 720 n/a n/a Boron 49J 3,000 6,500 820 n/a Cadmium 0.025J n/a n/a n/a 0.37 Chromium 10.3 65.4 n/a 32.7 n/a Cobalt 6.8 356 44.7 41.1 23.9 Copper 45.8 n/a n/a n/a 32.4 Iron 1,900 27,900 44,700 34,900 n/a Lead 0.24 n/a n/a n/a 12.7 Manganese 850 4,100 3,900 3,900 n/a Nickel 10.9 107 n/a n/a n/a Selenium 0.39J 30.3 n/a n/a n/a Sulfate 22,700 703,000 n/a n/a n/a TDS 175,000 1,046,000 565,000 n/a n/a Thallium 0.032J 0.24 0.67 n/a 0.45 Vanadium 26.6 67.9 347 132 n/a Zinc 77 n/a n/a n/a 50 J = Estimated Concentration ES.4.4 Source Characterization Source characterization was performed through the completion of borings and installation of groundwater monitoring wells within the footprint of the ash basin cells, ash storage area, associated solid matrix (ash), and aqueous sample (ash porewater),and the collection and analysis of samples. Ash samples were collected for analysis of physical characteristics (e.g., grain size, porosity, etc.) to provide data for evaluation of retention/transport properties within and beneath the ash basin and ash storage area. Ash samples were collected for analysis of chemical characteristics (e.g., total inorganics, leaching potential, etc.). The results of the characterization will be used to refine the CSM and to provide data for use in the CAP. Review of laboratory analytical results of ash samples collected from the ash basin and ash storage area identified eight COls including arsenic, cobalt, barium, boron, cobalt, iron, manganese, selenium, and vanadium. COls identified in ash basin porewater include antimony, arsenic, barium, boron, cobalt, iron, manganese, thallium, and vanadium. COls identified in ash ES -9 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Buck Steam Station Ash Basin FN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY basin surface water include aluminum, antimony, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, copper, lead, thallium, and zinc. SPLP (Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure) testing was conducted to evaluate the leaching potential of Cols from ash. Although SPLP analytical results are being compared to the 2L Standards and IMACs, these samples do not represent groundwater samples. The results of SPLP analyses indicated that the following COls exceeded their 2L Standards: antimony, arsenic, chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, selenium, thallium, and vanadium. However, many factors influence the transport of these COls and any potential impacts to groundwater over time will be investigated through modeling as part of the CAP. There are 14 seeps (S-1 through S-10, Culvert Discharge, Wet Area Near Pump House, Terracotta Pipe #1, and Terracotta Pipe #2) located within the Duke Energy property boundary and three seeps (S-1 A, S-1 B, and S-1 C) located outside of the Duke Energy property boundary associated with the ash basin at the Buck site, excluding the "NCDENR seeps." Duke Energy was not able to obtain permission from the property owner to obtain off-site seep samples S-1 A, S-1 B, and S-1 C; therefore these seeps were not sampled. Twelve of the 14 on-site seeps were sampled as the remaining seeps (Wet Area Near Pump House and Terracotta Pipe #2) were dry on the day of sampling. Of the seep locations sampled in time for this report, seven COls were reported exceeding the 2L Standards: boron, chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, thallium, and vanadium. There are six NCDENR seep locations identified at Buck for sampling. Only one seep, BSWWO02 S001, was active on the day of sampling and the rest were dry. Samples collected from BSWWO02 S001 exceeded the 2L or IMAC Standards for the following COls: antimony, arsenic, iron, manganese, and vanadium. ES.4.5 Regional Geology and Hydrogeology The Buck site is within the Charlotte terrane, one of a number of tectonostratigraphic terranes that have been defined in the southern and central Appalachians and is in the western portion of the larger Carolina superterrane (Horton et al. 1989; Hibbard et al. 2002; Hatcher et al. 2007). On the northwest side, the Charlotte terrane is in contact with the Inner Piedmont zone along the Central Piedmont suture along its northwest boundary and is distinguished from the Carolina terrane to the southeast by its higher metamorphic grade and portions of the boundary may be tectonic in origin (Secor et al. 1998; Dennis et al. 2000). The Charlotte terrane is dominated by a complex sequence of plutonic rocks that intrude a suite of meta -igneous rocks (amphibolite metamorphic grade) including mafic gneisses, amphibolites, meta-gabbros, and metavolcanic rocks with lesser amounts of granitic gneiss and ultramafic rocks with minor metasedimentary rocks including phyllite, mica schist, biotite gneiss, with quartzite and marble along its western portion (Butler and Secor 1991; Hibbard et al. 2002). The general structure of the belt is primarily a function of plutonic contacts. The groundwater system in the Piedmont region is described as being comprised of two interconnected layers, or two -medium system: 1) residual soil/saprolite and weathered fractured ES -10 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Buck Steam Station Ash Basin FN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY rock (regolith) overlying 2) fractured crystalline bedrock. The regolith layer is a thoroughly weathered and structureless residual soil that occurs near the ground surface with the degree of weathering decreasing with depth. The residual soil grades into saprolite, a coarser grained material that retains the structure of the parent bedrock. Beneath the saprolite, partially weathered/fractured bedrock occurs with depth until sound bedrock is encountered. This mantle of residual soil, saprolite, and weathered/fractured rock is a hydrogeologic unit that covers and crosses various types of rock (LeGrand 1988). This regolith layer serves as the uppermost zone of the unconfined groundwater system and provides an intergranular medium through which the recharge and discharge of water to and from the underlying fractured rock occurs. A transition zone (TZ) of higher hydraulic conductivity at the base of the regolith is present in many areas of the Piedmont (Schaeffer 2014a). Typically, the residual soil/saprolite is partially saturated and the water table fluctuates within it. Water movement is generally preferential through the overlying soil and saprolite and weathered/fractured bedrock of the TZ. The character of such layers results from the combined effects of the rock type, fracture system, topography, and weathering. Topography exerts an influence on both weathering and the opening of fractures, while the weathering of the crystalline rock modifies both transmissive and storage characteristics. ES.4.6 Site Geology and Hydrogeology The Buck site and its associated ash basin and ash storage areas are located in the Charlotte terrane. The Charlotte terrane consists of an igneous complex of Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic ages (Hibbard et al, 2002) that range from felsic to mafic in composition (Butler and Secor 1999). The Charlotte terrane is bordered on the east and southeast by the Carolina terrane and to the west and northwest by the Inner Piedmont (Cat Square and Tugaloo terranes) and the Kings Mountain terrane. The structural contact of the Inner Piedmont and Charlotte terrane is the Central Piedmont Shear Zone. The Buck site is underlain by interbedded felsic, intermediate, and mafic metavolcanic rocks. The felsic metavolcanic rocks are fine- to medium -grained, locally coarse-grained or agglomeritic, rhyolitic to dacitic metatuffs. The intermediate and mafic metavolcanic rocks are fine- to medium -grained, locally coarse-grained or agglomeritic rocks of basaltic, andesitic, and dacitic compositions. They are primarily tuffs and flows and with minor hypabyssal intrusives present. The rocks are metamorphosed to the upper amphibolite grade of metamorphism. Based on the site investigation, the groundwater system in the natural materials (alluvium, soil, soil/saprolite, and bedrock) at Buck is consistent with the Piedmont regolith -fractured rock system and is an unconfined, connected system of three flow layers. In general, groundwater within the shallow, deep (TZ), and bedrock layers flows radially from the ash basins and nouthward toward the Yadkin River. ES.4.7 Existing Groundwater Monitoring Data Twelve monitoring wells were installed by Duke Energy in 2006 as part of a voluntary groundwater monitoring system near the ash basin. Voluntary monitoring wells MW -2S and ES -11 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Buck Steam Station Ash Basin FN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MW -2D were abandoned during construction of the Buck Combined Cycle Station. With the exception of MW -6S, MW -6D, MW -3S, and MW -3D, no samples are currently being collected from the voluntary wells, and as a result, they are not included in this CSA. Compliance groundwater monitoring as required by the Buck NPDES Permit NC0004774 began in March 2011 and includes 14 wells. NPDES Permit Condition A (11), Version 1. 1, dated June 15, 2011, lists the groundwater monitoring wells to be sampled, the parameters and constituents to be measured and analyzed, and the requirements for sampling frequency and reporting results (provided in Table 2-1). Locations for the compliance groundwater monitoring wells were approved by the NCDENR DWR or it predecessor. One or more groundwater quality standards (2L Standards) have been exceeded in groundwater samples collected from each of the compliance monitoring wells. Exceedances have occurred for boron, chromium, iron, manganese, pH, sulfate, and total dissolved solids (TDS). ES.4.8 Screening -Level Risk Assessment The prescribed goal of the human health and ecological screening level risk assessments is to evaluate the analytical results from the COI sampling and analysis effort and using the various criteria taken from applicable guidance, determine which of the COls may present an unacceptable risk, in what media, and therefore, should be carried through for further evaluation in a baseline human health or ecological risk assessment or other analysis, if required. Constituents of Probable Concern (COPCs) are those COls that have been identified as having possible adverse effects on human or ecological receptors that may have exposure to the COPCs at or near the site. The COPCs serve as the foundation for further evaluation of potential risks to human and ecological receptors. To support the CSA effort and inform corrective action decisions, a screening level evaluation of potential risks to human health and the environment to identify preliminary, media -specific COPCs has been performed in accordance with applicable federal and state guidance, including the Guidelines for Performing Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessments within the North Carolina Division of Waste Management (NCDENR, 2003). The criteria for identifying COPCs vary by the type of receptor (human or ecological) and media, as shown in the comparison of contaminant concentrations in various media to corresponding risk-based screening levels presented in Tables 12-1 through 12-9. COls were not screened out as COPCs based on a comparison to background concentrations, as the NCDENR Division of Waste Management's Screening Level Environmental Risk Assessment guidance (2003) does not allow for screening based on background. Site-specific background concentrations will be considered in the uncertainty section of the baseline ecological risk assessment, if determined to be necessary. This initial screening, does not specifically identify that health or environmental risks are present, rather the results indicate constituents in the environmental media for further investigation by a site-specific risk assessment. It should be noted that the observed levels of ES -12 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report �� Buck Steam Station Ash Basin EXECUTIVE SUMMARY certain COls in the naturally occurring background at Buck would also warrant consideration of a BERA. ES.4.9 Development of Conceptual Site Model The human health and ecological risk assessment conceptual site models, illustrating potential pathways of exposure from source to receptors are provided in this report. In the initial site conceptual hydrogeologic model presented in the Work Plan, the geological and hydrogeological features influencing the movement, chemical, and physical characteristics of contaminants were related to the Piedmont hydrogeologic system at the site. A hydrogeological site conceptual model was developed from data generated during previous assessments, existing groundwater monitoring data, and 2015 groundwater assessment activities. Groundwater flow is predominately in the north direction toward the Yadkin River and is downgradient from and not towards off-site receptors. However, there also is a component of groundwater flow to the west of Cell 1 and there is localized flow in an area east of the source that requires further evaluation (between Cells 2 and 3). ES.4.10 Identification of Data Gaps Through completion of groundwater assessment field activities and evaluation of data collected during those activities, Duke Energy has identified data gaps that will require further evaluation to refine the CSM. The data gaps have been separated into three groups: 1) data gaps resulting from temporal constraints, 2) data gaps resulting from evaluation of data collected during the CSA, and 3) data gaps resulting from other sources. ES.4.10.1 Data Gaps Resulting from Temporal Constraints Data gaps identified in this category are generally present due to insufficient time to collect, analyze, or evaluate data collected during the CSA activities. It is expected that the majority of these data gaps will be remedied in a CSA supplement to be submitted to NCDENR following completion of the second comprehensive groundwater sampling event. • Mineralogical Characterization of Soil and Rock — a total of 16 soil, three TZ, and 9 bedrock samples were submitted to three third -party mineralogical testing laboratories for analysis of soil and rock composition. As of the date of this report, Duke Energy has not received all of the results of this testing; however, results will be provided in the CSA supplement. • Additional Speciation of Monitoring Wells — In order to meet the requirements of the NORR, Duke Energy conducted speciation of groundwater samples for arsenic, chromium, iron, manganese, and selenium from selected wells along inferred groundwater flow transects. Adjustments to the speciation sampling are proposed in Section 15.0, the results of which will be reported in the CSA supplement. • Dry Sampling Locations — Due to dry conditions at the time of the initial sampling event, several proposed surface water and seep sampling locations were dry and could not be sampled. Another attempt to sample these locations will be made during the second Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Buck Steam Station Ash Basin FN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY comprehensive groundwater sampling event. If successful, the results will be provided in the CSA supplement. These locations include: o Surface water locations SW -1 and SW -2 located along an unnamed tributary to the Yadkin River on the east side of the Buck site. o On-site seeps:. Seeps identified as Wet Area Near Pump House and Terracotta Pipe #2 were dry and could not be sampled. o NCDENR seep locations BS SWO01 AA S001, BS SWO03AA S001, BSSWO01 S001, BSSW074SO01, and BSSW074SO01. ES.4.10.2 Data Gaps Resulting from Review of Data Obtained During CSA Activities • A shallow groundwater monitoring well in the nest of GWA-2BRU and GWA-2BR would assist with the groundwater flow direction determination in this location. Additional monitoring well nests nortwest and southwest of GWA-2BRU/BR would assist in refining groundwater flow direction in this area and provide information regarding constituent concentrations between the Cell 2 Primary Pond and the southern pond associated with the Cell 3 Secondary Pond. • The bedrock background monitoring well BG -1 BR could not be sampled due to insufficient water in the well during the sampling event. A replacement bedrock background well in this location may be warranted if BG -1 BR is not a viable well. Also, a bedrock well installed at the BG-3S/D would provide additional data regarding background bedrock concentrations at the site. • Groundwater samples were not collected from all of the onsite voluntary wells or existing monitoring wells that were installed during the site closure investigation. During subsequent sampling events, groundwater elevations will be measured and groundwater samples will be collected from these wells in conjunction with the newly installed assessment monitoring wells. • The vanadium method reporting limit provided by the analytical laboratory was 1.0 ug/L. The IMAC for vandium is 0.3 ug/L. The vanadium results reported at concentrations less than the laboratory method reporting limit are estimated. During subsequent monitoring events, a laboratory method reporting equal to or less than the IMAC should be utilized. • Review of Non -Ash Contamination Information: Review of information regarding areas of non -ash contamination (i.e., petroleum -contaminated areas) to evaluate potential interference with remedial methods is needed, if applicable. • Obtain soil samples located outside of the ash basin for SPLP analysis to compare results against SPLP analysis of ash. • Perform mineralogy analysis of soil and rock samples in wells where COls are present above 2L or IMAC Standards to determine if constituents occur naturally ES.4.10.3 Data Gaps Resulting from Other Sources • Sampling of Off -Site Seeps — the Work Plan included obtaining a surface water sample (S -1A) and samples at two seep locations (S-1 B and S-1 C) associated with an off-site ES -14 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Buck Steam Station Ash Basin FN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY pond located near the eastern extent of Duke Energy's property boundary. Duke Energy was not able to obtain permission from the property owner to collect these samples. ES.5 Conclusions The CSA found that the source and cause of impacts (as shown on figure ES -1) for certain parameters in some areas of the site is the coal ash contained in the ash basin and ash storage area. The cause of this contamination, shown on the referenced figure, is leaching of constituents from the coal ash into the underlying soil and groundwater and subsequent transport of the groundwater downgradient from the ash basin. However, some groundwater, surface water and soil standards were also exceeded due to naturally occurring elements found in the subsurface. The CSA found no imminent hazards to public health and safety; therefore, no actions to mitigate imminent hazards are required. However, corrective actions at the Buck site are required to address soil and groundwater contamination shown on Figure ES -1. These will be addressed as part of the CAP. The CSA identified the horizontal and vertical extent of groundwater contamination within the compliance boundary (as shown in figure ES -1), and found that the source and cause of the groundwater exceedances within that boundary is a result of both natural conditions and the coal ash contained in the ash basin and ash storage area. In general, COls exceeding 2L Standards or IMACs on the northern side of the waste boundary are judged to be highly influenced by the source. Some of these exceedances were measured outside the compliance boundary, although within the Duke Energy property boundary. Background monitoring wells contain naturally occurring metals and other constituents at concentrations that exceeded their respective 2L Standards or IMACs. Examples of naturally occurring constituents include antimony, cobalt, iron, manganese, and vanadium. Some of these naturally occurring constituents were also detected in newly installed background monitoring well groundwater samples at concentrations greater than 2L Standards or IMACs. The horizontal and vertical extent of groundwater impacts above 2L Standards or IMACs is shown, with exception of the areas associated with the data gaps identified in Section 14.1 on Figures 10-10 through 10-51. Groundwater contamination is considered to be present where the analytical results were greater than the site background concentrations and in excess of the 2L Standards or IMACs. The assessment found COI groundwater concentrations above background concentrations for antimony, arsenic, barium, boron, chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, nickel, selenium, thallium, vanadium, sulfate, and TDS. The approximate extent of groundwater contamination is shown on these figures and is generally limited to an area within the ash basin compliance boundary and the area north of the compliance boundary near the Yadkin River (within the Duke Energy property boundary). Exceedances measured south, east, and west of the waste boundary are judged to be predominately related to natural conditions, although some source related exceedances were identified. All source related exceedances are ES -15 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Buck Steam Station Ash Basin FN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY judged to be within the compliance boundary in these areas; however, some data gaps were identified as discussed in Section 17. The CSA found that the primary direction of flow and mobile contaminant transport is predominately to the north toward the Yadkin River (within the Duke Energy property boundaries) and not towards other off-site receptors. No information gathered as part of this CSA suggests that water supply wells or springs within the 0.5 -mile radius of the compliance boundary are impacted by the source. This CSA also identified the horizontal and vertical extent of soil contamination as shown on Figures 8-1 through 8-4. Soil contamination is considered to be present where analytical results for COls were in excess of the maximum site soil background concentrations and in excess of the most restrictive PSRG for each COI. The approximate contaminated soil extent is shown on these figures. The assessment found the soil contaminants in excess of the maximum background soil COI concentrations are arsenic, barium, boron, and iron. Groundwater flow is predominately in the north direction toward the Yadkin River. However, there also is a component of groundwater flow to the west of Cell 1 and there is localized flow in an area east of the source that requires further evaluation (between Cells 2 and 3). Exceedances of COls have been observed in monitoring wells in these areas and near the ash basin west compliance boundary. The exceedances, however, do not include COls identified by the USEPA as indicators of CCR related contamination. Further, the constituents identified with exceedances to the south, east and west of the source have also been identified in the background wells. In accordance with CAMA, Duke Energy is required to implement closure and remediation of the Buck ash basin no later than August 1, 2029. Closure for the Buck ash basin was not defined in CAMA. However, CAMA does require Duke Energy to submit a proposed CAP such that NCDENR can prioritize site closure based on risk classifications. No later than December 31, 2015, NCDENR is to develop proposed classifications for all coal combustion residuals surface impoundments, including active and retired sites, for the purpose of closure and remediation. At which time a schedule for closure and required remediation that is based on the degree of risk to public health, safety and welfare, the environment, and natural resources posed by the impoundments and that gives priority to the closure and required remediation of impoundments that pose the greatest risk (CAMA 2014). The classification for the Buck ash basin will be based upon this CSA and the corrective action plan (CAP) which is to be submitted within 90 days of submittal of the CSA. The risk classifications as described in CAMA include: (1) High-risk impoundments shall be closed as soon as practicable, but no later than December 31, 2019. A proposed closure plan for such impoundments must be submitted as soon as practicable, but no later than December 31, 2016. ES -16 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC I Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Buck Steam Station Ash Basin FN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (2) Intermediate -risk impoundments shall be closed as soon as practicable, but no later than December 31, 2024. A proposed closure plan for such impoundments must be submitted as soon as practicable, but no later than December 31, 2017. (3) Low-risk impoundments shall be closed as soon as practicable, but no later than December 31, 2029. A proposed closure plan for such impoundments must be submitted as soon as practicable, but no later than December 31, 2018. Following NCDENR's risk classification determination, a Closure Plan for the ash basin is to be submitted for NCDENR's approval (CAMA 2014). Based on the findings of this CSA report, the future CAP, NCDENR's risk classification, and the approved Closure Plan, appropriate action will be taken for ash basin closure. In the subsequent CAP, Duke Energy will pursue corrective action under 15A NCAC 02L .0106 (k) or (1) depending on the results of the groundwater modeling and the evaluation of the site's suitability to use MNA. This would potentially require evaluation of MNA using the approach found in Monitored Natural Attenuation of Inorganic Contaminants in Groundwater, Volumes 1 and 2 (EPA Reference) and the potential modeling of groundwater surface water interaction. If these approaches are found to not be satisfactory, additional measures such as active remediation by hydraulic capture and treatment, among others, would be evaluated. When properly applied, alternatives such as these can provide effective long term management of sites requiring corrective action. ES -17