HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171172_Div 9 Scoping request 5-24-2016_20160608ITr�RSJ1p17CitLpF! Iviay 24, 2016 Ndr. Joi�n '�. Thomas, Jr. United 5tates Ar�ny Corps o�Engineers 3331 H�ritag� Trade Drive Suite l05 Wake Porest, NC 276 � 5 PA°y' h�cCRt�itY Governor NICHQLAS J. T�£1'JNYSON Secretary RE; Reqaest f4r eomments on NCDQT Divisiats 9 Bridge and Pipe Replacernent Frojecfs: WBS # l7BP.9.R.70 —17awidson Bridge 31, �C Hwy, 8 over Lick Creek 1"7BP.9.R,68 — Davidson Bridge 55, �C Hwy. �47 over Flat Swarnp Creek 1�BI'.9.R.�9 — Davidson Bri�ge $2, t�C Hwy. 47 over Lick Creek 1'7�P.9.C.1 -Davidson Pipe 564, S1Z 2522 (Handy Rd,) over U� to Cabu� Creek E"1�P.�.R..46 — Davie Bridge SQ, SR ] 4 i 1(Cana I�d.) over Dr�tchman's Greek I7BP.9.R.7� — Davie Bndg� 78, SR ] 338 (County Line Rd.) nver H�nting Creek 17�P.9,C.2 — Farsyth Pipe 133, SR 117a (Dull Rd.) ower Etlison Creek 17BP.9.C.5 — Rowan Pipe 59, SR 1547/C 747 (Hall Rd.) over �eaverdarn Cr�ek 17BP9.�.12 — Rowan Pipe b9, NC Hwy. 15� (Mooresville Rd.} over Slnan's Creek 17BP.9.Tt.67 — Rowan Bridge 152, SR 2379 (St. Luke's Church Rd.) nver Ghurch Creek 17BP.�.R.14 — Rowan Bridge 186, SR 2568 (Rimertc�wn Rd.} over UT tp Bufifalo Creek l7BP.9.C.10 — Rowan Pipe 295, SR 1355 (IJnary Church Rd.) over �_ Fork Cvddle Creek l7BP.9�.R72 — Stokes Bridge 8, NC Hwy. 704 over Dan River I7B1'.9.C.9 — Stokes Pipe 107, �R 1646 (I7�u��ins Rd.} Qver Lynn Branch 17�I'.9.C.6 — Stolces Pipe 128, 5R 1433 {Puckett Rd.) o�er �lk Creek 17f3�'.9.R.41 — Stolres Bridge 176, SR I926 {Fagg Rd.) aver Lick Creek 17BP.9.R.73 — Stokes Brid�e 2$6, SR T236 (Qld US Hwy. 5�) over Little Yadkin Dear N1r. Thomas: The Narth Carolina Iaepa.rtment of'�ransportation (NCDUT) is prepaa�ing �he ptanning and environr�ental studi�s for the above referenced state funded bridge and �ip� replacement projects. We anticipate that t��e projects wiil be process�d as State Minirnurr� Criteria Checklist and a 4�44 Nationwide Permit. The purpose c�fthis �etter is to s4iicit y+aur ulput concerning the pe�tential imp�ets af the seventeen proposed projects aapon social, ecoa�omic, demo�-aphic, Iand us� or environmentai conditiorts near the project s�tes, Vicinity maps are attached illustrating t�ie lacations of the p�•ojects. T'his letter carrsti%tes solicitatian fo� scoping comments. Flease prawide written comments by June 27, 2016. Those cammenis will enable us to evaluate tile impacts of tl�e prop€�sed prajects and address your concerns. Thank yoa f�r your assistance. By c4py of this letter, we also request that the US�'WS, EP'A, �1CDWR, and I'�iCWRC provide comments directly to NCI70T Di�ision 9. �lectra�ic copies of your comments are encauraged. �I+Jothirtg Compares�_ State of Noa1h Carolina � IJeparomenk of Tr�asporlatian � Division 9— CONS�Ri7CTI0Yd 375 Si�as Gteeic Parkway � Winston-Salem, NC 27i27 {336)'717-7800 T � (335)703-fi6J3 F Shauld you have any questian�, please feel free to contact myself or Amy Euliss at (336} 74'7- 78QU or by e-rnail at scbraquet�ncdot.gov ar aeuliss(a�nedatgov. Attachmen#s (location maps) Electronic c�npies Mar�a Cha�nbers, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Amy Ghapman, NCDWR Transportation P�rn�itting Unit Dave Wan�cha, NCDWI� Transportation Permittiz�g Unit Andretiv Henderson, iJSFWS Asheville Field Qffice Dr. Cynthia �an Dsr Wiele, i1SEPA R4 NE�A Program Office t Da►�idson Bric�ge 31-Hwy 8 7DDm 2000fk 27� �_ . i Ilr�ldng ��+rin�� `' 3t � � Denton � = Fr,�I �` �'._ �` � Q�i113 f�C'DOT �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agents, and employees make no warranty as to the correctness or a�curacy of the information whether express or implied, in Pact or in law, inclucEing, without limitation, the impfied warranties of inerchantability and fitness for a particuiar use. VJsers are ad�ised that their use Qf any NCDOT GI5 Data is at t�eir awn risk. Da�vidson Brid�ge 55-Hwy 47 F-" •� 55 '� 7DDm 2000ft fd. Pentan � _ , ,; , Q�i113 f�CD4T [7isclaimer: NCDDT, it's agents, and err�ployees make rao warranty as tca the carrectn�ss or accuracy of the infarrnation whethe�- express ar implied, in fact or in law, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of inerchantability and fitness for a particuiar use. Users are ad�ised that their use of any NCDOT GI5 Data is at td�eir own risk. Da�vids�n Brid�ge fi7-I-�5 �� N 529�� r , _. n' � c p C. Y 5Z7SZ$ ,� -G a ��. •r . 300m ' 140aft , - — -War.lil.alEAVe .. _ _ -- � 9 a` a � � � � BfaeiAne`a� �- Av0 � '� � F G � Y Iif.yalA��e y.. �,�a� Q Z013 f�C�D4T �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agents, and emp�oyees make no warranty as to the correctness ar accuracy of the inforrnation whether express ar implied, in Pact or in law, inclucfing, withouE limitation, the irnplied warranties of inerchantability and fitness for a particuiar use. Users are ad�ised that their use Qf any NCDQT GI5 Data is at t�eir own risk. Da�vids�n Brid�ge fi7-I-�5 BL S 529�� r , _. n' � c p C. Y 5Z7JZ$ ',i - I� A ��. •r . 300m ' 140aft , - — -War.lil.alEAVe .. _ _ -- � 9 a` a � � � � BfaeiAne`a� �- Av0 � '� � F G � Y Iif.yalA��e y.. �,�a� }I 'a �I ., . , 'EJ � �N .:�� r" > Y��r _ �,r Q Z013 f�C�D4T �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agents, and emp�oyees make no warranty as to the correctness ar accuracy of the inforrnation whether express ar implied, in Pact or in law, inclucfing, withouE limitation, the irnplied warranties of inerchantability and fitness for a particuiar use. Users are ad�ised that their use Qf any NCDQT GI5 Data is at t�eir own risk. Da►vidson Bric�g� 82-Hwy 47 F .I za2 7DDm 2000f[ �� � � �, ,. p � r �� m a7 �r C ��� `%a:h� R7 Q�i113 f�C'DC3T �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agenks, and err�playees make no warranty as to the correctness or accuracy of the information whether express ar implied, in Pact or in law, including, without limitation, the implied warranties oF merchantability and fitness for a particular use. Gsers are ad�ised that their a�se Qf any NCDaT GI5 Data is at t�eir own risk. Da►vidson Brid�ge 56�-Mandy Rd , �. penton � ;'`,; { p��� a� � 4 ,pIA FS . �a � ,� � � � � il � p i 1 �il1 �� i SF -.. �:;� � � ' ; �7 -. A II I �I,! "' � I %{i{�RI 2000f[ Q�013 f�CD4T �isclaimer: NCD[7T, it's agents, and erroployees make no warranty as tca the correctness or accuracy of the information whether- express or implied, in Pact or in law, inclucEing, withouE limitation, the implied warranties of inerchantability and fitness for a particuiar use. VJsers are ad�ised that their use of any NCDOT GI5 Data is at t�eir awn risk. Qa►vie Bridge 5a-Cana Rd F-`�3 740 m Z0�6ft ^ n r c -�- �a G � �li .� � d`{\ T� '601 P--1� f�ud�n9 Yii6.�. .. , �50 i-•�,�1 �+,u 'y I� i.F.. I I1 � Anq�elm Ra x Q�(l13 f�CD4T �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agenks, and employees make rafl warranty as tca the correctness or a�curacy of the infarmation whether express ar implied, in fact or in law, including, without limitation, the impfied warranties oF merchantability and fitness for a particuiar use. Gsers are ad�ised that their use Qf any NCDaT GI5 Data is at t�eir awn risk. Da►vie Bridge 78-Coun#y Line Rd C] 2ii13 f�C�OT �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agents, and employees make roo warranty as tca the carrectness ar aecuracy of the infarrnation whether express ar implied, in fact or in law, including, without limitataon, the implied warranties oF merchantability and fitness for a particuiar use. VJsers are ad�ised that their use of any NCDOT GI5 Data is at t�eir awn risk. Forsyth Bridge �33-�ull Rd -�_ i �.� ' - µa a . � ,, .,�+ - - n � R � a�k� l n C�, Bra�k� s. 7 F G �t C [s;d9 Hd 1� � i 7 ' p�-� .�.+� � 4 � ~ 70�m 2�flOft � F.- , ,t.. - _�, _ �' ��„ P �otnar- ; '' � ` � a �ixi�i - e ' � 6' +' - - �-' 1 e- _ - 3 - - � U�`r - = 3 Y fy ��a�;�ll �� � �F� ? /�.: Avnakei � a� Y, ,� da�ld � � � �` � ''' ` r � � CI@iR1lT10115 �� � 4 1 �4`i �P: � ;, � — � . � _ 0 ¢' :�y [r} 2i113 f�C�DOT �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agents, and errap6oyees make no warranty as to the correctn�ss �r accuracy of the informaticsn whether express or implied, in Pact or in law, including, without limitation, the implied warranties oF merchantability and fitness for a particuiar use. Users are ad�ised that their use of any NCDOT GI5 Data is at t�eir awn risk. Rvwan Bridge 59-Hall Rd .'°�s ,,, -�w,, r.r�Y 7DDm 2000f[ ,� . _4�,"'Y,y� B,r Cleveland 51' ll5� �" ���� � Mi UIIa F •;,• Q�i113 f�C�4T �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agents, and employees make nfl warranty as tca the correctn�ss �r accuracy of the inforrnation whether express or implied, in fact or in law, including, without lomitataon, the implied warranties oF merchantability and fitness for a particuiar use. Users are ad�ised that their use Qf any NCDaT GI5 Data is at td�eir own risk. Rowan Bridge 59-Monres+u�lle Rd z�a i9 [•="' Jr ;.i 1 �1 , ...� � ` Ei:a P-2`� . 257 � � � ���� lkm 4000ft 2f0 R-324 i i . 273 �'_ .,,�. �::, za� Q�i}13 f�C�OT �isclaimer: NCD[7T, it's agenks, and employees make no warranty as tca the correctness c�r accuracy of the infarmation whether express or implied, in fact or in law, including, without limitataon, the impfied warranties oF merchantability and fitness for a particuiar use. VJsers are ad�ised that their use Qf any NCDaT GI5 Data is at td�eir cawn risk. Rvwan Bridge 152-St. Lukes Church Rd �:� _. .� ,? . . ��, � � � o Grar�te ¢ Ou�r 6 - . + Fat th ��' ` > f. �, Rac�tw�ll 152 � s 4� � � . ��� �� � .0 7�JDm . - 2000ft Q�(l13 NC�OT �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agents, and err�ployees make no warranty as tca the correctness or accuracy of the infarmation whether express ar implied, in fact or in law, including, without limitataon, the implied warranties oF merchantability and fitness for a particuiar Use. Gsers are ad�ised that their use Qf any NCDaT GI5 Data is at t�eir own risk. Rvwan Bridge 18�6-Rimertc�wn Rd Q�013 f�C�DC3T �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agents, and employees make nfl warranty as tca the correctness ar a�curacy of the infarrnation whether express ar implied, in Pact or in law, including, without limitataon, the impfied warranties of inerchantability and fitness for a particular use. Gsers are ad�ised that their use of any NCDOT GI5 Data is at t�eir cawn risk. Rvwan Bridge Z95-lJnity Church Rd E i � y, ° � ,;2 � . _ k� � � � �o y�t5 � �,�� t� � r f D I 1 lg y { .F , , � ; 5 ` `4 r � f I 4 d I t r lkm + 1 4C�flOft � � 9P9 R � s , hinrsresV' �� p Gra � + Larecli� � Kannaqofi� aornelius o i, ; � i ' i.l'-�_- - -� � � fi ` — - �� �re n = �� P�Jr A, ��� ;��ry��- �f'�n sn��iri kd a ; �9 �� - P-217 1 �Ir" �- P-2 7 � � ir En oahc•i lle � K u i - � Q�013 f�C�4T �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agents, and emp6oyees make nfl warranty as to the correctness ar accuracy of the infarrnation whether- express or implied, in Pact or in law, inclucEing, withouE limitation, the implied warranties of inerchantability and fitness for a particuiar use. VJsers are adaised that their use of any NCDOT GI5 Data is at t�eir awn risk. Rvwan Bridge 3C2-dld US Hwy 7�} � � a z . . n r�d.'� � . , � � v � � \ � � � \� \ ` 4 � �i21 � � L [•�, . _� 7DDm 2000f[ n ��Q R Tfi p � r s� ��.,� d�� Cleweldnd � 4 � �`� � r A ��(f � • �. 3 � c � 3 33 � . .. ` ' 1 3fi1 , , � � ..Hr`� � sxaf � � f �� d C� �ii13 f�C�OT �isclaimer: NCD[7T, it's agents, and erraployees make no warranty as tca the correctn�ss or accuracy of the information whether express ar implied, in Pact or in law, including, without limitataon, the impfied warranties of inerchantability and fitness for a particuiar use. VJsers are ad�ised that their use of any NCDOT GI5 Data is at td�eir own risk. Stc�kes Bri+�ge 8-Hwy 7�4 ���fll 1000Ft $.it'EifP1'S T1�1�� � + t�,��� � � Q 2(l13 f�C�OT �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agenks, and emp6oyees make no warranty as to the correctness �r accuracy of the infarrnation whether express ar implied, in Pact or in law, inclucling, without limitataon, the implied warranties of inerchantability and fitness for a particuiar use. Gsers are ad�ised that their use Qf any NCDOT GI5 Data is at t�eir cawn risk. Stokes Bri+d�ge 107-Du�gins Rd � I � . � 4 , . . . r., �; �� � ��S 103 �, � , n. 7U�m 2000Ft oa�.. �� �- ,� �,�.��ee. �anbury -{�„�, �� C] Z(i13 f�C�4T �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agents, and employees make r�o warra�ty as tca the correctness ar accuracy of the information whether express or implied, in Pact or in law, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of inerchantability and fitness for a particular use. Users are ad�ised that their use of any NCDOT GI5 Data is at td�eir own risk. Stakes Bri+�ge 1�8-Puckett Rd i54 70Dm 2000F[ �'�rt�� � � � � �eu�rg�6 h1D 11 � � a.{�����. r'�n ����1�ti ��al[r.� C� Zi113 f�C�4T �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agents, and err�ployees make no warranty as tca the correctness or �ccuracy of the infarrnation whether express ar imp9ied, in Pact or in law, including, without limitataon, the implied warranties oF merchantability and fitness for a particuiar Use. Gsers are ad�ised that their use Qf any NCDaT GI5 Data is at t�eir cawn risk. Stokes Bri+d�ge 176-Fagg Rd = , ,, + fi,R,t Sti .. a ,�.�1�M �, o V s 1 L A 1 t � s � � � q � 6 r 1 �'Gra�n a� I� • -'------ u 'vi� � � � � � ' s � p Oak ��� 74�m 2000ft �r'�Go Ln 9 176 � 7LQI7 ��+.i� H.n� walnut [fjv2 + 8@�f`V,'S Creek 5tokes �ourrty Forsyth Cot�nty �------ Q�013 f�C�OT �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agents, and erraployees make no warranty as tca the correctness �r accuracy of the information whether express or implied, in Pact or in law, i�cluding, withouE limitation, the implied warranties of inerchantability and fitness for a particular use. Users are ad�ised that their use of any NCDOT GI5 Data is at t�eir awn risk. St�kes Bri+d�ge �53-�Id Ashbury Rd I 1 I I I I I ( 1 I I i � f J I I k I 76�m 1 2000ft � �253 71 _. �. +i, . _ � ���_ f�� - - � i Q Z013 f�C�4T �isclaimer: NCD[}T, it's agents, and emp6oyees make no warranty as tca the correctness ar accuracy of the informaticsn whether- express or impiied, in Pact or in law, including, withouE limitataon, the implied warranties of inerchantability and fitness for a particuiar use. VJsers are ad�ised that their use Qf any NCDOT GI5 Data is at t�eir awn risk. St�kes Bri+dige �86-N Qld 5� Rd 7Q�m 2004ft z ia I'.iE4 <<�2$6 � µ��rorei�n�d K'� ��fa� Ln r�t n �;�r�nacle '+ a �' k , t ��r���� �3 _� . • I ,,� M1�1Q !\ f ;, � '�.� --,, � -� -� s — — " 4 . �� _ � _ (�04 b '> {�. Q�i}13 f�C�OT �isclaimer: NCDC}T, it's agents, and err�ployees make rao warranty as tca the correctness or a�curacy of the infarmation whether express ar implied, in Pact or in law, inclucEing, without limitation, the impfied warranties of inerchantability and fitness for a particuiar use. YJsers are ad�ised that their use Qf any NCDOT GI5 Data is at their awn risk.