HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070776 Ver 1_Stormwater Info_20080213I1~ WAnETiuM February 11, 2008 401 Oversite/Express Review Permitting Unit NCDENR -Division of Water Quality Parkview Building 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Attention: Ms. Annette Lucas Re: Waynesville Commons, Haywood County Dear Ms. Lucas: ~?-~~ ~a- Q~~~oe~~ FEB 1 3 2008 DENR -WATER QUALITY iMETLANDS AND $TORMWATER BRANCH Enclosed herewith, please find our submittal for the storm water review. We have included the following in our submittal: 1. One set of plans relative to the storm water management system. 2. One set of the Supplements for: a. Sand Filter A b. Sand Filter B c. Infiltration Basin A d. Infiltration Basin B 3. One set of the Storm water calculations for each drainage area 4. Drainage Area Map 5. One copy of the preliminary grading/landscape plan for Lot 2. I have asked Waynesville Commons Retail Associates to forward executed copies of the Inspection and Maintenance Agreements directly to you under separate cover. We have included one set of the above materials for your review and comment. We can forward additional sets if required. Please let us know of additional submittal requirements ASAP for you to begin your review. Sincerely, WADF~ TRIM, IN . ~~~~ es J. Chri , PE Associate cjc CDW2009-01 E wteim:projec[wise\Doc+imeMS~Land Developme~rt~Projects~CdW2009W 1 e~Docs~Storm Water~2008-State 401\Submittal Cover 2007-02-11 Enclosures cc: Mr. David Scarnati, Cedarwood Development, Inc. Wade Trim, Inc. 828.687.9500 1200 Ridgefield Boulevard 828.687.4090 fax Suite 145 www.wadetrim.com Asheville, NC 28806 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) ~F W ATF9 ~~~ o~ OG NCDENR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM SAND FILTER SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out on line, printed and submitted with all of fhe required information. Make sure to also fill out and submit the Required Items Checklist (Section III) and the 1&M Agreement (Section III I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project name Waynesville Commons Contact name Charles J. Christy Phone number Date Drainage area number 828-687-9500 February 11, 2008 4S -Sand Filter A II. DESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area (Ao) Impervious area Impervious (IA) Design rainfall depth (Rp) Peak Flow Calculations Does this project require pre/post control of the 1-yr 24-hr peak flow? 1-yr, 24-hr runoff depth 1-yr, 24-hr intensity Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff Pre/Post 1-yr, 24-hr peak control 213,085 ft OK 203,541 ft 95.5% 1.0 in YorN in in/hr ft3lsec ft3/sec ft3/sec Storage Volume Design volume (WQV) Adjusted water quality volume (WOVAd;) Volume contained in the sedimentation basin and on top of the sand filter Maximum head on the sedimentation basin and sand filter (hM~F;ne~) Average head on the sedimentation basin and sand filter (hA) Runoff Coefficient (Rv) Type of Sand Filter Open sand filter? If this is an open sand filter: The clearance between the bottom of the sand filter and the SHWT (dsr+wr) Closed/pre-cast sand filter? If this is a closed sand filter: The clearance between the bottom of the sand filter and the SHWT (dsH,n,r) If this is a closed, underground closed sand filter: The clearance between the surface of the sand filter and the bottom of the roof of the underground structure (ds~) 16,153 ft3 12,115 ft3 OK 27,600 aft OK 1.5 ft OK 0.91 (unitless) N YorN Y YorN 2ft Oft Form SW401-Sand Filter-Rev.2 Parts I and II. Project Design Summary, Page 1 of 3 Sedimentation Basin Surface area of sedimentation basin (As) Sand Filter Surface area of sand filter (Ar) Depth of the sand media filter bed (dF) Coefficient of permeability for the sand filter (k) Time to drain the sand filter (t) Time to drain the sand filter (t) Additional Information Does volume in excess of the design volume bypass the sand filter? Is an off-line flow-splitting device used? Does volume in excess of the design volume flow evenly distributed through a vegetated filter? What is the length of the vegetated filter? Does the design use a level spreader to evenly distribute flow? Is the BMP located at least 30ft from surface waters (50ft if SA waters)? Is the BMP located at least 100ft from water supply wells? Are the vegetated side slopes equal to or less than 3:1 Is the BMP located in a recorded drainage easement with a recorded access easement to a public Right of Way (ROW)? What is the width of the sedimentation chamber/forebay (Ws~)? What is the depth of sand over the outlet pipe? Figure 1: Open Sand Filter Seduueutatiou i'Iraiuber l or Forebm•) Flo~~• t~' ~'~, ~~ l Iu-Sihi Soil SeasonabhE Hislr Water TaUle .......... j~'sBa ............. Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) ftz OK. Meets minimum, but may need to be increased to 9,200 ftz contain the required volume if error under Storage Volume section. Oft 12 (ft/day) 16 hours OK. Submit drainage calculations. 0.67 days Y Y or N OK Y Y or N OK N Y or N Excess volume must pass through filter. Oft N Y or N Show how flow is evenly distributed. Y Y or N OK Y Y or N OK YorN Y Y or N OK _n 3.5 ft OK S:uxi Filter C'ba~ber r ~ t_hrtlet Pipe 2' ft ..J Clppe ;CIF i <~HWr Form SW401-Sand Filter-Rev.2 Parts I and II. Project Design Summary, Page 2 of 3 Permit Number: (to 6e provided by DWQ) Figure 2: Closed Sand Filter R'en F7otti• rh~erla»d F7o~~• C'onerete (or other chuchu:~l material) Lr-Sihi Soil/ Sea~ouabl}~ High water Table ~t'ater /~ Sedurrentatiou ("lrsuuba (."ollected (Hravy seCimeras, Orgarncs. Debris) C'ovcr t3ratcs Sand +~ , (h-tlet Pipe ...............: ~~pace etlPipe ?CIF y.: ............... C i ~HWf ~J Sand Filter ChanrUer (Trapped So6dsj ~~~$ed Form SW401-Sand Filter-Rev.2 Parts I and II. Project Design Summary, Page 3 of 3 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) III. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Initials Pagel Plan Sheet No. FAQ 2 1. Plans (1" - 50' or larger) of the entire site with labeled drainage area boundaries c- 3, ( 3 , o -System dimensions (length, width, and depth) for both the sedimentation chamber and the filter ~ ~ 3 3 chamber 5 C - 3 - Maintenance access, . c ~ 3•~ -Flow splitting device, -Recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), -Design at ultimate build-out, - Off-site drainage (if applicable), and -Boundaries of drainage easement. C -3. I 2. Plan details (1" = 50' or larger) for the sand filter showing: C - 3.3 -System dimensions (length, width, and depth) for both the sedimentation chamber and the filter ~ -3.S chamber c - 3 _G _ Maintenance access, - Flow splitting device, - Recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), - Design at ultimate build-out, - Off-site drainage (if applicable), and -Boundaries of drainage easement. ~ ~- 3•~ 3. Section view of the sand filter (1" = 20' or larger) showing: ~. ; .3 -Depth(s) of the sedimentation chamber and sand filter chamber, C - 3. ~ -Depth of sand filter media - Connection between the sedimentation chamber and the sand filter chamber, - SHWT level(s) - Outlet pipe, and -Clearance from the surface of the sand filter to the bottom of the roof of the underground structure (if applicable) ~;WF ~re~;ds~y 4. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation, soil borings, and infiltration tests. The ~ubN.:H ~ results of the soils report must be verified in the field by DWQ, by completing & submitting the soils sFd~u~ / investigation request form. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. ~ l~ra~tic,~e QSSt pporfing calculations (including drainage calculations) ~~ 6. Sign1ed av~nd~jn.~otarized inspection and maintenance agreement S~le~:+~f,~ 5(~~1gf~TG1h "J Cco~N~fwood t~avc~opw~C'~'~ 1~~, Form SW401-Sand Filter-Rev.1 Part III, Page 1 of 1 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) OF W ATF9 O~ O~ ~~~ > ti NCDENR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM SAND FILTER SUPPLEMENT This form must be tilled out on line, printed and submitted with all of the required information. Make sure to also fill out and submit the Required Items Checklist (Section Ill) and the 1&M Agreement (Section III I. PRQJECT INFORMATION Project name Waynesville Commons Contact name Charles J. Christy Phone number 828-687-9500 Date Drainage area number February 11, 2008 6S -Sand Filter B II. DESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area (Ap) 200,019 ft Impervious area 190,900 ftz Impervious (IA) 95.4% Design rainfall depth (Ro) 1.0 in Peak Flow Calculations Does this project require pre/post control of the 1-yr 24-hr peak flow? N Y or N 1-yr, 24-hr runoff depth in 1-yr, 24-hr intensity in/hr Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ft3/sec Pre/Post 1-yr, 24-hr peak control ft3/sec Storage Volume Design volume (WQV) 15,151 ft3 Adjusted water quality volume (WQVnai) 11,363 ft3 Volume contained in the sedimentation basin and on top of the sand filter 31,500 Maximum head on the sedimentation basin and sand filter (hM~F;ne~) 3 ft Average head on the sedimentation basin and sand filter (hA) 1.5 ft Runoff Coefficient (Rv) 0.91 (unitless) Type of Sand Filter Open sand filter? N Y or N If this is an open sand filter: The clearance between the bottom of the sand ft filter and the SHWT (dSHWT) Closed/pre-cast sand filter? Y Y or N If this is a closed sand filter: The clearance between the bottom of the sand 4 ft filter and the SHWT (dSHWT) If this is a closed, underground closed sand filter: The clearance between the surface of the sand filter and the bottom of the roof of the underground 3 ft structure (dsP~) OK OK OK OK Form SW401-Sand Filter-Rev.2 Parts I and II. Project Design Summary, Page 1 of 3 1 Sedimentation Basin Surface area of sedimentation basin (As) Sand Filter Surface area of sand filter (AF) Depth of the sand media filter bed (dF) Coefficient of permeability for the sand filter (k) Time to drain the sand filter (t) Time to drain the sand filter (t) Additional Information Does volume in excess of the design volume bypass the sand filter? Is an off-line flow-splitting device used? Does volume in excess of the design volume flow evenly distributed through a vegetated filter? What is the length of the vegetated filter? Does the design use a level spreader to evenly distribute flow? Is the BMP located at least 30ft from surface waters (50ft if SA waters)? Is the BMP located at least 100ft from water supply wells? Are the vegetated side slopes equal to or less than 3:1 Is the BMP located in a recorded drainage easement with a recorded access easement to a public Right of Way (ROW)? What is the width of the sedimentation chamber/forebay (Ws~)? What is the depth of sand over the outlet pipe? Figure 1: Open Sand Filter Sediuteutatiou S:u~d Filter C'I~amber l-1ia uber (or Foreba}'1 ~ ftZ Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) OK. Meets minimum, but may need to be increased to 10,500 ft contain the required volume if error under Storage Volume section. aft 12 (ff/day) 12 hours OK. Submit drainage calculations. 0.50 days Y Y or N OK Y YorN OK N Y or N Excess volume must pass through filter. Oft N Y or N Show how flow is evenly distributed. Y Y or N OK Y YorN OK YorN Y Y or N OK _~~ 2.5 ft OK clPipe c1F ~~HWT Form SW401-Sand Filter-Rev.2 Parts I and II. Project Design Summary, Page 2 of 3 I~rSih~ Soil' Seasooabl~E AisL eater Table Sed L Figure 2: Closed Sand Filter LL'en Flow- Or~erl.~a~d FIoH Concrete (or oHter xhnchunl nraterinD Li-Siht Soil/ Seasonabl}• High LVaker Table Ll'ater (:'ollected Seciunentation C7uuubn' (Fafreb:ry-) (H~vy sediments, Organics. Debris) `~-Sed i3ratcs Oaflet Pipe ...................: (space .tlPrpe ' C) E F + R .................... t~HWf L"YJ Saud Filter C"hatnbu (Trapped SoLds} Permit Number: (to be provided by OWQ) Form SW401-Sand Filter-Rev.2 Parts I and II. Project Design Summary, Page 3 of 3 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) III. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Initials Pagel Plan Sheet No. ~ ~~ <A~2 1. Plans (1" - 50' or larger) of the entire site with labeled drainage area boundaries 3,~ -System dimensions (length, width, and depth) for both the sedimentation chamber and the filter ~ -3. I chamber ~ . ~, ~~ -Maintenance access, ~ _ ~ ~ -Flow splitting device, - Recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), - Design at ultimate build-out, - Off-site drainage (if applicable), and -Boundaries of drainage easement. ~- 3.0 2. Plan details (1" = 50' or larger) for the sand filter showing: C - ~, i -System dimensions (length, width, and depth) for both the sedimentation chamber and the filter C - 3, ~, ~, chamber ~ -3 , (p -Maintenance access, -Flow splitting device, - Recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), - Design at ultimate build-out, - Off-site drainage (if applicable), and Q ,~c 4 ~-3 -Boundaries of drainage easement. " ' r~~ ~ 3. Section view of the sand filter (1 = 20 or larger) showing: ~ - 3.3r~ -Depth(s) of the sedimentation chamber and sand filter chamber, - Depth of sand filter media -Connection between the sedimentation chamber and the sand filter chamber, - SHWT level(s) -Outlet pipe, and -Clearance from the surface of the sand filter to the bottom of the roof of the underground structure (if applicable) ,~W~ Prev ~od~ 4. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation, soil borings, and infiltration tests. The SJb~',*~l results of the soils report must be verified in the field by DWQ, by completing & submitting the soils s~vr~/ investigation request form. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. l~a ~µagc~ZP~a'f" ~'^~ 5. upporting calculations (including drainage calculations) ~--~_ 6. Signed and notarized inspection and maintenance agreement SJ~rh,~~ .:r~~rF$~,I,,, b~ CFlwo~c~ ~~,le(UP~Q..-1~ .AMC. Form SW401-Sand Filter-Rev.1 Part III, Page 1 of 1 Permit No (to be provided by DWQ) O~O~ W AT ~9QG ~,,.,r ~ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM -, NCDENR 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM INFILTRATION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part III) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name Waynesville Commons Contact Person Charles J. Christy Phone Number 828-687-9500 Date Drainage Area Number 11-Feb-0B 2S & 8S -Infiltration Basin A II. DESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area 444,077.00 ft Impervious area 418,746.00 f~ Percent impervious 0.94 Design rainfall depth 1.0 in Peak Flow Calculations Is pre/post control of the 1-yr 24-hr peak flow required? 1-yr, 24-hr runoff depth 1-yr, 24-hr intensity Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff volume Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff volume PrelPost 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow control Storage Volume: Non-SR Waters Minimum design volume required Design volume provided Storage Volume: SR Waters 1-yr, 24-hr rainfall depth Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff Minimum volume required Volume provided Soils Report Summary Soil type Infiltration rate SHWT elevation Basin Design Parameters Drawdown time Basin side slopes Basin bottom elevation Storage elevation Top elevation Basin Bottom Dimensions Basin length Basin width Bottom SA N (Y or N) In in/hr ft3/sec ft3lsec ft3lsec 31,438 ft3 32,427 ft3 OK for non-SR waters in ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 Sandy loam 7.67 in/hr 2,750.00 fmsl 0.13 days OK 3 :1 OK 2752.00 fmsl OK 2754.00 fmsl 2755.00 fmsl 275 ft 75 ft 12,111 ftz Form SW401-Infiltration Basin-Rev.1 Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) Additional Information Total runoff volume captured by basin 8.93 ac-in Maximum of 2acre-inches allowed Length of vegetative filter for overflow ft Distance to structure ft Distance from surface waters ft Distance from water supply well(s) 500 ft OK Separation from impervious soil layer 5 ft OK Naturally occuring soil above shout 2 ft OK Bottom covered with 4-in of clean sand? Y (Y or N) OK Recorded drainage easement provided? Y (Y or N) OK Capures all runoff at ultimate build-out? Y (Y or N) OK Bypass provided for larger storms? Y (Y or N) OK Pretreatment device provided Forebays Form SW401-Infiltration Basin-Rev.1 Parts I. 8 II. Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) III. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Pagel Plan Initials Sheet No. ~v~ A1~2 C-2_a c-3.o c -3.3 C - 3.3u ~-3.G C - 3.7 ~-3.~ 1. Plans (1" - 50' or larger) of the entire site showing: -Design at ultimate build-out, -Off-site drainage (if applicable), -Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin) -Basin dimensions, -Pretreatment system, -High flow bypass system, -Maintenance access, - Recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), -Overflow device, and - Boundaries of drainage easement. ~_ C- Z .D 2. Partial plan (1" = 30' or larger) and details for the infiltration basin showing: C - 3. v -Bypass structure, C - 3.3 -Maintenance access, c -3.s~. -Basin bottom dimensions, C -3 ~ G -Basin cross-section with benchmark for sediment cleanout, C - 3• ~ -Flow distribution detail for inflow, G " 3 ~ g -Vegetated filter, and -Pretreatment device. U~I'~ C -3. ~ 3. Section view of the infiltration basin (1" = 20' or larger) showing: C ' 3 ~ 3 -Pretreatment and treatment areas, and C - 3.3 ~ C' ~• ~ -Inlet and outlet structures. W~ S~or~ ~~t~- 4. A table of elevations, areas, incremental volumes & accumulated volumes to verify the volume provided. ~~}cd ~~ P~ev~, a '0~'~~5. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation, soil borings, and infiltration tests. The results of the soils report must be verified in the field by DWQ, by completing & submitting the soils investigation request form. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. S~.tG~V~G~ ~V1 ''~~ Ch~N~~s~'. 6. An assurance that the installed system will meet design specifications upon initial operation once the °~~ff c ~c "~ project is complete and the entire drainage area is stabilized. ~~ C -3, 8' 7. A construction sequence that shows how the infitlration basin will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. ~!"M ~t~- 8. The supporting calculations. ~' Sdb~,~}~[~ 52p~'t`~~ ~ Celturwoad ~~al,pN.~~; T~~ . 9. A copy of the signed and notarized inspection and maintenance (I&M) agreement. ~~' T~d~d~l : h vwucrst+: 10. A copy of the deed restriction. A brGe b*c„} 5 Form SW401-Infiltration Basin-Rev.1 Page 1 of 1 Part III. Required Items Checklist, Page 1 of 1 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) O~O~ W AT F9~G h ~ ~~ ~ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM s NCDENR 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM INFILTRATION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part lll) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name Waynesville Commons Contact Person Charles J. Christy Phone Number 828-687-9500 Date 11-Feb-0B Drainage Area Number 5S & 7S -Infiltration Basin B 1!. DESIGI~INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area 381,599.00 ftz Impervious area 351,217.00 ftz Percentimpervious 0.92 Design rainfall depth 1.0 in Peak Flow Calculations Is prelpost control of the 1-yr 24-hr peak flow required? 1-yr, 24-hr runoff depth 1-yr, 24-hr intensity Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff volume Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff volume PrelPost 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow control Storage Volume: Non-SR Waters Minimum design volume required Design volume provided Storage Volume: SR Waters 1-yr, 24-hr rainfall depth Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff Minimum volume required Volume provided Soils Report Summary Soil type Infiltration rate SHWT elevation Basin Design Parameters Drawdown time Basin side slopes Basin bottom elevation Storage elevation Top elevation Basin Bottom Dimensions Basin length Basin width Bottom SA N (Y or N) m in/hr ft3/sec ft3/sec ft3lsec 29,993 ft3 30,553 ft3 OK for non-SR waters in ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 Sandy Loam 1.32 inlhr 2,738.00 fmsl 1.7 days OK 3 :1 OK 2749.50 fmsl OK 2754.00 fmsl 2755.00 fmsl 226 ft 50 ft 4,455 f~ Form SW401-Infiltration Basin-Rev.1 Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) Additional Information Total runoff volume captured by basin 8.42 ac-in Maximum of 2acre-inches allowed Length of vegetative filter for overflow ft Distance to structure ft Distance from surface waters ft Distance from water supply well(s) 500 ft OK Separation from impervious soil layer ft Naturally occuring soil above shwt ft Bottom covered with 4-in of clean sand? Y (Y or N) OK Recorded drainage easement provided? Y (Y or N) OK Capures all runoff at ultimate build-out? Y (Y or N) OK Bypass provided for larger storms? Y (Y or N) OK Pretreatment device provided Forebays Form SW401-Infiltration Basin-Rev.1 Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 Permit No (to be provided by DWQ) III. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Pagel Plan Initials Sheet No. ~NIF ~I R~Z 1. Plans (1" - 50' or larger) of the entire site showing: ~- z ~ ~ - Design at ultimate build-out, ~- 3, t C - 3.5 -Off-site drainage (if applicable), c-3.3q -Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin), c _ 3 ~ Co -Basin dimensions, c - 3.7 -Pretreatment system, ~ - 3 . g -High flow bypass system, -Maintenance access, - Recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), -Overflow device, and - Boundaries of drainage easement. C'~-I 2. Partial plan (1" = 30' or larger) and details for the infiltration basin showing: C-3~i -Bypass structure, c - 3, 3 -Maintenance access, C - 3, 30~ -Basin bottom dimensions, C " ~ • ~ -Basin cross-section with benchmark for sediment cleanout, ~ - ~•~ C- 3.8 -Flow distribution detail for inflow, -Vegetated filter, and -Pretreatment device. ~-~ - 3. Section view of the infiltration basin (1" = 20' or larger) showing: ~ <-3.3c, -Pretreatment and treatment areas, and C - 3 • G -Inlet and outlet structures. ~_ S~or~ t'CT6rf 4. A table of elevations, areas, incremental volumes & accumulated volumes to verify the volume provided. •~ ~ ~cJ ~ v~s~y S°b 5. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation, soil borings, and infiltration tests. The results of the soils report must be verified in the field by DWQ, by completing & submitting the soils ~ N`~~ e~ ~ h investigation request form. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. dw»ec ~~ 6. An assurance that the installed system will meet design specifications upon initial operation once the asrtcu.e~-1 s project is complete and the entire drainage area is stabilized. C- 3 ~~- 7. A construction sequence that shows how the infitlration basin will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. S ~ .~pr », ~ ~ ~ 8. The supporting calculations. ~ ~~.~LI ~ g,~~c ~ctik1~ ~j C C ldO+wJeaca d ~ee)~ D~ IN ~ ~`ii~T ~.~ 9. A copy of the signed and notarized inspection and maintenance (I&M) agreement. ~tiGIU~~ ;., ow~~s~+~P 10. A copy of the deed restriction. li G~ r,Z,.e w.(+a~ 5 Form SW401-Infiltration Basin-Rev.1 Page 1 of 1 Part III. Required Items Checklist, Page 1 of 1 ~wm. um sa~,p, ik. WgTNtSYILLt IUWN (;LNILK O V 0 Table 1 Wa nesville Town Center - Draina a Sub-DisVict Area Summa DESTINATION DRAINAGE DISTRICT AREA AREA Runoff Coef. DISTRICT ID # SF (AC C Se crate S stem Lot 2 1 S 116,657 2.68 0.76 Infikration Basin A Lot 1-1A 34,524 0.79 0.9 Infikration Basin A Lot 1-1B 13,827 0.32 0.2 Infikration Basin A H1 4,184 0.10 0.2 Infikration Basin A H2 5,161 0.12 0.9 Infikration Basin A I 8,325 0.19 0.9 Infikration Basin A L 40,042 0.92 0.9 Infiltration Basin A Al 49 838 1.14 0.9 Infikration Basin A A2 ~ 27,952 0.64 0.2 Infikration Basin A B N 25,115 0.58 0.9 Infikration Basin A C 3,710 0.09 0.9 Infiltration Basin A D 4 271 0.10 0.9 Infiltration Basin A E 5 850 0.13 0.9 Infikration Basin A F 7 973 0.18 0.9 Infikration Basin A G 9,011 0.21 0.9 Infiltration Basin A O 16,417 0.38 0.9 Infikration Basin A XX 3 610 0.08 0.2 Infiltration Basin A S ~ 176,928 4.06 0.9 Infikration Basin A T a0 7,339 0.17 0.9 TOTAL-Basin A 444,077 10.19 Imperv. 394,504 Perv. 49,573 In 0.89 Infikration Basin B II 104,141 2.39 0.9 Infikration Basin B JJ ~ 13,692 0.31 0.9 Infiltration Basin B TT 7,353 0.17 0.9 Infikration Basin B CC 38 547 0.88 0.9 Infikration Basin B GG 34,312 0.79 0.9 Infiltration Basin B HH 44 619 1.02 0.9 Infiltration Basin B KK 21 912 0.50 0.9 Infiltration Basin B LL 43,000 0.99 0.9 Infikration Basin B MM ~ 2,838 0.07 0.9 Infikration Basin B NN ~ 6,216 0.14 0.9 Infiltration Basin 8 00 15,209 0.35 0.9 Infiltration Basin B PP 2,893 0.07 0.2 Infikration Basin B RR 9,801 0.23 0.9 Infiltration Basin B SS 9,577 0.22 0.9 Infiltration Basin B UU 27,489 0.63 0.9 TOTAL - Basin B 381,599 8.76 Imperv. 378,706 Perv. 2,893 In 0.99 Sand Filter A M 3,788 0.09 0.2 Sand Filter A N 76,695 1.76 0.9 Sand Fitter A P 2 880 0.07 0.2 Sand Fiker A O v 46 292 1.06 0.9 Sand Filter A U 2 876 0.07 0.2 Sand Filter A V 45 176 1.04 0.9 SandFikerA BB 35,378 0.81 0.9 TOTAL - Filter A 213,085 4.89 Imperv. 203,541 Perv. 9,544 In 0.96 Sand Fiker B X 2,937 0.07 0.2 Sand Fiker B Y 44,325 1.02 0.9 Sand Fiker B Z 6,182 0.14 0.2 Sand Filter B AA ~ 37,486 0.86 0.9 Sand Fiker B DD `O 26 983 0.62 0.9 Sand Fiker B EE 49,923 1.15 0.9 Sand Filter B FF 28 324 0.65 0.9 Sand Fiker B QQ 3,859 0.09 0.9 TOTAL - Fitter B 200,019 4.59 Imperv. 190,900 Perv. 9,119 In 0.95 Waynesville Town Center Rv=0.05+0.9*In Table 2 -Runoff Coefficients Drainage Area In Rv Infiltration Basin A 0.89 0.85 Infiltration Basin B 0.99 0.94 Sand FilterA 0.96 0.91 Sand Finer B 0.95 0.91 V=3630"Ro"Rv"A Ro=1" Table 3 - Volume to be Controlled Drainage Area A (ac) WQV (cft) Forebay (cft) Infiltration Basin A 10.19 31,438 6,288 Infitration Basin B 8.76 29,993 5,999 Sand FilterA 4.89 16,153 3,230 Sand Filter B 4.59 15,151 3,030 Table 4 -Available Volumes Drainage Area WQV (cft) Storage Elevations Infiltration Basin A 32,427 2752.0-2754.0 Infiltration Basin B 30,553 2749.5-2754.0 Sand FilterA 16,221 2752.0-2755.0 Sand Filter B 16,996 2749.0-2752.0 Table 5 -Bypass Structures Drainage Area Structures Weir Elevation Infiltration Basin A #18 & #21 2754.0 Infitration Basin B #31a & #44 2754.0 Sand Finer A #9d 2755.0 Snad Filter B #26, #26a, & #27 2752.0 4S Drainage Dist. M,N,P,Q,U,V,BB S F-A Sand Filter A Subcat Reach Pon Link) Waynesville Sand Filter A 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Subcatchment 4S: Drainage Dist. M,N,P,Q,U,V,BB Hydrograph 32- - -- --- - - --- -- 30- " 28- ' - ' -- 26 I 24= - - - - 22- ' - - ,~ w 20= 3 18- - ~ - - -- ---- - ~---- LL 16 --- - - - ------- - - -- ,, 14 12- - - a- ' ' ' 6_ I r ~- - ~- Type II 24-hr 10yr- '- Rainfall=4.56" - -;----~ Runoff Area=213,085'sf ---~- I _ ---' Runoff Volume=70,745' cf --- - Runoff bepth=3.98'' - - ~ ~- --- Flow Length=83~` -- '-_-. ---- -' - Tc=4.6 min -- - -;---- --- -- - '; - -' --- --- CN=95 ® Runoff 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) Waynesville Sand Filter A 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Subcatchment 4S: Drainage Dist. M,N,P,Q,U,V,BB Runoff = 32.23 cfs @ 11.95 hrs, Volume= 70,745 cf, Depth= 3.98" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Area (sfl CN Description 3,788 39 M - >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 76,695 98 N -Paved parking & roofs 2,880 39 P - >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 46,292 98 Q -Paved parking & roofs 2,876 39 U - >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 45,176 98 V -Paved parking & roofs 35,378 98 BB -Paved parking & roofs 213,085 95 Weighted Average 9,544 Pervious Area 203,541 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 2.2 230 0.0240 1.77 Sheet Flow, PVMT Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 3.28" 0.6 122 0.0020 3.22 10.12 Circular Channel (pipe), Pipe #5~6 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 0.5 131 0.0038 4.44 13.95 Circular Channel (pipe), Pipe #6-#7 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 0.5 122 0.0022 3.92 19.24 Circular Channel (pipe), Pipe #7~8 Diam= 30.0" Area= 4.9 sf Perim= 7.9' r= 0.63' n= 0.013 0.5 132 0.0033 4.80 23.56 Circular Channel (pipe), Pipe #8-#9 Diam= 30.0" Area= 4.9 sf Perim= 7.9' r= 0.63' n= 0.013 0.3 101 0.0037 5.08 24.95 Circular Channel (pipe), Pipe #9~9A Diam= 30.0" Area= 4.9 sf Perim= 7.9' r= 0.63' n= 0.013 4.6 838 Total Waynesville Sand Filter A 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Pond SF-A: Sand Filter A Hydrograph 46 ;' 477f Bf5 lnflQw Area=2'.,13,085 sf 44: 42' --- ,9:94,5 Peak EIev=2,758.14' erg 40- ~ ~ --- 38. ~ -- a:' ~~ Storage=.,17,257 ~cf 36' --- -, ~" -' --~---'-- ,_ r ~ - - ' 34- 32 30- - ---,- - - --- - - - --- --- -- ------1--- 28'- --- --- --- - I ------ - - - --- --- - - -- ---------- w 26- ~ ~ /; - ~ ~ ~---~ ~ - - - I-- 1--- u --- -- - ---~- - -- -- 24- ~ - , --~ ~ - r-- r---r- 3 22- -~- ~ - - - - --- - - ~ -r- --- - --- ------ --- a 20' - -- --- --- -- ~ I - ~- - -- - 18- _ ~ - -- --- 14 ~ .. 12- , , f', ~~ 10 8 ~, ~- ^ Inflow Outflow ® Primary Secondary 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) Waynesville Sand Filter A 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Pond SF-A: Sand Filter A [88] Warning: Qout>Qin may require Finer Routing>1 Inflow Area = 213,085 sf, 95.52% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 3.98" for 10yr event Inflow = 32.23 cfs @ 11.95 hrs, Volume= 70,745 cf Outflow = 41.14 cfs @ 11.96 hrs, Volume= 70,745 cf, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.5 min Primary = 1.20 cfs @ 11.69 hrs, Volume= 51,357 cf Secondary = 39.94 cfs @ 11.96 hrs, Volume= 19,388 cf Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 2,758.14' @ 11.96 hrs Surf.Area= 8,638 sf Storage= 17,257 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 62.4 min calculated for 70,745 cf (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 62.4 min (828.2 - 765.8 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 2,752.00' 11,538 cf 5.00'W x 115.00'L x 4.00'H STONE x 15 34,500 cf Overall - 5,655 cf Embedded = 28,845 cf x 40.0% Voids #2 2,753.00' 471 cf 24.0"D x 75.00'L Header x 2 Inside #1 #3 2,753.00' 5,184 cf 24.0"D x 110.00'L PIPE x 15 Inside #1 #4 2,753.00' 78 cf 4.00'D x 6.18'H MH 9a 17,271 cf Total Available Storage Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 2,752.00' 6.000 in/hr Exfiltration over Horizontal area #2 Secondary 2,755.00' 18.0" x 104.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,751.17' S= 0.0368'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #3 Secondary 2,755.00' 24.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate Limited to weir flow C= 0.600 #4 Device 3 2,748.00' 30.0" x44.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,747.91' S= 0.0020 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior Primary OutFlow Max=1.20 cfs @ 11.69 hrs HW=2,753.02' (Free Discharge) L1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 1.20 cfs) econdary OutFlow Max=39.62 cfs @ 11.96 hrs HW=2,758.09' (Free Discharge) 2=Culvert (Inlet Controls 13.02 cfs @ 7.37 fps) Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 26.60 cfs @ 8.47 fps) 4=Culvert (Passes 26.60 cfs of 41.56 cfs potential flow) Waynesville Sand Filter A 2008 Type 11 24-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Subcatchment 4S: Drainage Dist. M,N,P,Q,U,V,BB Hydrograph 30 0 25 LL 20 15-# - ~ Hype ~I 24'rhr l0pyt' Runoff Area=213,0851 sf auno'ff 1/olume '=108,8:01! c;f F~ujnoff, Depth=G.13~~ -, ,' - ~ 3~. law Ler~g h 8 - ~ ~ ~ 1 G=~ ~ ~1'lll'I ,' ~ ,, ~ ,= ', ;CM~95 ^ Runoff 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) Waynesville Sand Filter A 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Subcatchment 4S: Drainage Dist. M,N,P,Q,U,V,BB Runoff = 48.31 cfs @ 11.95 hrs, Volume= 108,801 cf, Depth= 6.13" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Area (sf) CN Description 3,788 39 M - >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 76,695 98 N -Paved parking & roofs 2,880 39 P - >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 46,292 98 Q -Paved parking & roofs 2,876 39 U - >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 45,176 98 V -Paved parking & roofs 35,378 98 BB -Paved parking & roofs 213,085 95 Weighted Average 9,544 Pervious Area 203,541 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 2.2 230 0.0240 1.77 Sheet Flow, PVMT Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 3.28" 0.6 122 0.0020 3.22 10.12 Circular Channel (pipe), Pipe #5-#6 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 0.5 131 0.0038 4.44 13.95 Circular Channel (pipe), Pipe #6~7 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 0.5 122 0.0022 3.92 19.24 Circular Channel (pipe), Pipe #7-#8 Diam= 30.0" Area= 4.9 sf Perim= 7.9' r= 0.63' n= 0.013 0.5 132 0.0033 4.80 23.56 Circular Channel (pipe), Pipe #8-#9 Diam= 30.0" Area= 4.9 sf Perim= 7.9' r= 0.63' n= 0.013 0.3 101 0.0037 5.08 24.95 Circular Channel (pipe), Pipe #9~#9A Diam= 30.0" Area= 4.9 sf Perim= 7.9' r= 0.63' n= 0.013 4.6 838 Total Waynesville Sand Filter A 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Pond SF-A: Sand Filter A Hydrograph ~~ ~ ~ ~ s°~~°rg ``s~ Inflow Area=213,08~5'~~sf 55 I '~~ .9~e~s '~ ~~ ~ Peak Elev=2x769.60' 50- ~ - ~' storage=:17,271. cf 45- ~- - - 40 - - - - 35 - I - - ----- - - 30 -- - - - - --~ - - --- --- - -- - -- o . , -- -- --- - - - --- - --- -- --- 25 - -~- -_---•- u. ~ ~ ~~/ I .--- 20- ~ . --~--,--~ - / ~~ ~- -~---~--- ---,---,---,-- ---~---,---,-,--,---,----,---~,--- ,/ I ^ Inflow ^ Outflow ® Primary ^ Secondary 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) Waynesville Sand Filter A 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HvdroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Pond SF-A: Sand Filter A [93] Warning: Storage range exceeded by 0.42' [88] Warning: Qout>Qin may require Finer Routing>1 [85] Warning: Oscillations may require Finer Routing>1 Inflow Area = 213,085 sf, 95.52% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 6.13" for 100yr event Inflow = 48.31 cfs @ 11.95 hrs, Volume= 108,801 cf Outflow = 50.36 cfs @ 11.95 hrs, Volume= 108,801 cf, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 1.20 cfs @ 11.38 hrs, Volume= 65,552 cf Secondary = 49.16 cfs @ 11.95 hrs, Volume= 43,249 cf Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 2,759.60' @ 11.95 hrs Surf.Area= 8,638 sf Storage= 17,271 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 55.5 min calculated for 108,765 cf (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 55.5 min (811.3 - 755.8 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 2,752.00' 11,538 cf 5.00'W x 115.00'L x 4.00'H STONE x 15 34,500 cf Overall - 5,655 cf Embedded = 28,845 cf x 40.0% Voids #2 2,753.00' 471 cf 24.0"D x 75.00'L Header x 2 Inside #1 #3 2,753.00' 5,184 cf 24.0"D x 110.00'L PIPE x 15 Inside #1 #4 2,753.00' 78 cf 4.00'D x 6.18'H MH 9a 17,271 cf Total Available Storage Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 2,752.00' 6.000 in/hr Exfiltration over Horizontal area #2 Secondary 2,755.00' 18.0" x 104.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,751.17' S= 0.0368'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #3 Secondary 2,755.00' 24.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate Limited to weir flow C= 0.600 #4 Device 3 2,748.00' 30.0" x44.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,747.91' S= 0.0020'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior Primary OutFlow Max=1.20 cfs @ 11.38 hrs HW=2,753.01' (Free Discharge) t1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 1.20 cfs) econdary OutFlow Max=48.97 cfs @ 11.95 hrs HW=2,759.57' (Free Discharge) 2=Culvert (Inlet Controls 16.63 cfs @ 9.41 fps) Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 32.34 cfs @ 10.29 fps) 4=Culvert (Passes 32.34 cfs of 50.53 cfs potential flow) 6S Drainage Dist. X,Y,Z,AA, DD, EE, FF, QQ SF-B Sand Filter B Subcat Reach Pon Link Waynesville Sand Filter B 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Subcatchment 6S: Drainage Dist. X,Y,Z,AA,DD,EE,FF,QQ Hydrograph 34- ®Runoff 32. s~.oa crs 30- - -- --- Type 11 24-hr 10yr 28- - --~ -- ~-- , - -~ ; - : - - Rainfall-4.56., --~---- 26 '-_ ' ' - -- '-- unoff Area2~0,019 sf 24. 22= _ _-- __ ' Runoff Volurne.=66,407 cf v -, I Runoff Depth=3.9 a- -- _o ,6= =524 T Flow Length 14 - - -- -, - - ----;--- - Tc=3.8 min 12 , _ ~ ~ -- ----'- - ---- --- - - ~ - 10. -- - C 8- 6- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) Waynesville Sand Filter B 2008 Type II 24-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Subcatchment 6S: Drainage Dist. X,Y,Z,AA,DD,EE,FF,QQ Runoff = 31.04 cfs @ 11.94 hrs, Volume= 66,407 cf, Depth= 3.98" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Area (sfl CN Description 26,983 98 DD -Paved Parking 49,923 98 EE -Paved Parking 28,324 98 FF -Paved Parking 3,859 98 QQ -Paved Parking 2,937 39 X -Grass 44,325 98 Y -Paved Parking 182 6 39 Z -Grass , 37,486 98 AA -Paved Parking 200,019 95 Weighted Average 9,119 Pervious Area 190,900 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 2.2 230 0.0240 1.77 Sheet Flow, PVMT Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 3.28" 0.8 132 0.0020 2.66 4.70 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#8a to MH#9b Diam= 18.0" Area= 1.8 sf Perim= 4.7' r= 0.38' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.8 162 0.0035 3.52 6.21 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#9b to MH#26a Diam= 18.0" Area= 1.8 sf Perim= 4.7' r= 0.38' n= 0.013 Corruaated PE, smooth interior 3.8 524 Total Waynesville Sand Filter B 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Pond SF-B: Sand Filter B Hydrograph ^ Inflow • ~ ~ .- :-- -, ^ Outflow 38.53°,5 ' inflow Ares=200 019 sf ®Frimary 42.~ ~ ~ ~ .? ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ f ^ Secondary ~; 40= __ 37U7ofs ~,5' Peak Efev=2,754.79'. 38-: - ~ . 36 -- $toragQ=15,349 cf 34 ° _ _ / 30- - - ~ - t 3 22 ; ~ - - ~ - -- - - 0 20- -- ~ ~ --, ~ - - , --I .. ." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 16- ~ _ _________________________ _______ ____________________, 14_ 12: '~ 8= 6 :rs 4- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) Waynesville Sand Filter B 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Pond SF-B: Sand Filter B [88] Warning: Qout>Qin may require Finer Routing>1 [85] Warning: Oscillations may require Finer Routing>1 Inflow Area = 200,019 sf, 95.44% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 3.98" for 10yr event Inflow = 31.04 cfs @ 11.94 hrs, Volume= 66,407 cf Outflow = 38.53 cfs @ 11.93 hrs, Volume= 66,406 cf, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 1.46 cfs @ 11.93 hrs, Volume= 53,226 cf Secondary = 37.07 cfs @ 11.93 hrs, Volume= 13,181 cf Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 2,754.79' @ 11.93 hrs Surf.Area= 10,513 sf Storage= 15,349 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 57.8 min calculated for 66,406 cf (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 57.8 min (822.8 - 765.1 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 2,749.00' 10,841 cf 30.00'W x 350.00'L x 3.00'H STONE 31,500 cf Overall - 4,398 cf Embedded = 27,102 cf x 40.0% Voids #2 2,749.00' 4,398 cf 24.0"D x 350.00'L PIPE x 4 Inside #1 #3 2,746.00' 133 cf 4.00'D x 10.58'H STM MH #27 15,372 cf Total Available Storage Device Routina Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 2,746.00' 6.000 in/hr Exfiltration over Horizontal area #2 Secondary 2,745.18' 36.0" x 94.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,745.00' S= 0.0019'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #3 Device 2 2,752.00' 12.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate Limited to weir flow C= 0.600 #4 Device 2 2,752.00' 12.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #5 Device 2 2,752.00' 24.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate Limited to weir flow C= 0.600 Primary OutFlow Max=1.46 cfs @ 11.93 hrs HW=2,754.76' (Free Discharge) L1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 1.46 cfs) econdary OutFlow Max=37.07 cfs @ 11.93 hrs HW=2,754.76' (Free Discharge) =Culvert (Passes 37.07 cfs of 96.73 cfs potential flow) 3=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 6.28 cfs @ 7.99 fps) 4=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 5.68 cfs @ 7.23 fps) =Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 25.11 cfs @ 7.99 fps) Waynesville Sand Filter B 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Subcatchment 6S: Drainage Dist. X,Y,Z,AA,DD,EE,FF,QQ Hydrograph s ---- - -- _ ~- Type II 24~h,r 10pyr . '----. Ra'rnfal - 1=6.72.. Runoff Area=200,019 sf Runoff Volume=102,_1,30 cf Runoff Depth=6.13" . Flow Length~524' -'--- --- --- -- Tc=3.8 min - - ----= -- T --''-- CN=95 Runoff 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) Waynesville Sand Filter B 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Subcatchment 6S: Drainage Dist. X,Y,Z,AA,DD,EE,FF,QQ Runoff = 46.51 cfs @ 11.94 hrs, Volume= 102,130 cf, Depth= 6.13" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Area (sf) CN Description 26,983 98 DD -Paved Parking 49,923 98 EE -Paved Parking 28,324 98 FF -Paved Parking 3,859 98 QQ -Paved Parking 2,937 39 X -Grass 44,325 98 Y -Paved Parking 6,182 39 Z -Grass 37,486 98 AA -Paved Parking 200,019 95 Weighted Average 9,119 Pervious Area 190,900 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 2.2 230 0.0240 1.77 Sheet Flow, PVMT Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 3.28" 0.8 132 0.0020 2.66 4.70 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#8a to MH#9b Diam= 18.0" Area= 1.8 sf Perim= 4.7' r= 0.38' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.8 162 0.0035 3.52 6.21 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#9b to MH#26a Diam= 18.0" Area= 1.8 sf Perim= 4.7' r= 0.38' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE. smooth interior 3.8 524 Total Waynesville Sand Filter B 2008 Type 11 24-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Pond SF-B: Sand Filter B Hydrograph - ~ - 4 50- - ~ 4b.10 cfa 45 40- - 35 H 30- - F~ ~ - .. c 25- - -~ LL 20- - - 15- I I 10 i Inflov~r Ar ea=200,01',.9 sf Peak E~ev=2,756.04" Storage=,15,365 cf ^ Inflow ^ Outflow Primary ^ Secondary 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) Waynesville Sand Filter B 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Pond SF-B: Sand Filter B [88] Warning: Qout>Qin may require Finer Routing>1 [85] Warning: Oscillations may require Finer Routing>1 Inflow Area = 200,019 sf, 95.44% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 6.13" for 100yr event Inflow = 46.51 cfs @ 11.94 hrs, Volume= 102,130 cf Outflow = 46.56 cfs @ 11.95 hrs, Volume= 102,129 cf, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.2 min Primary = 1.46 cfs @ 11.84 hrs, Volume= 68,309 cf Secondary = 45.10 cfs @ 11.95 hrs, Volume= 33,820 cf Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 2,756.04' @ 11.95 hrs Surf.Area= 10,513 sf Storage= 15,365 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 49.9 min calculated for 102,095 cf (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 49.9 min (805.0 - 755.1 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 2,749.00' 10,841 cf 30.00'W x 350.00'L x 3.00'H STONE 31,500 cf Overall - 4,398 cf Embedded = 27,102 cf x 40.0% Voids #2 2,749.00' 4,398 cf 24.0"D x 350.00'L PIPE x 4 Inside #1 #3 2,746.00' 133 cf 4.00'D x 10.58'H STM MH #27 15,372 cf Total Available Storage Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 2,746.00' 6.000 in/hr Exfiltration over Horizontal area #2 Secondary 2,745.18' 36.0" x 94.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,745.00' S= 0.0019'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #3 Device 2 2,752.00' 12.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate Limited to weir flow C= 0.600 #4 Device 2 2,752.00' 12.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #5 Device 2 2,752.00' 24.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate Limited to weir flow C= 0.600 Primary OutFlow Max=1.46 cfs @ 11.84 hrs HW=2,753.33' (Free Discharge) L1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 1.46 cfs) econdary OutFlow Max=44.89 cfs @ 11.95 hrs HW=2,756.00' (Free Discharge) =Culvert (Passes 44.89 cfs of 103.90 cfs potential flow) 3=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 7.56 cfs @ 9.63 fps) =Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 7.07 cfs @ 9.01 fps) 5=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 30.25 cfs @ 9.63 fps) 8S Drainage Dist >in A 2S Drainage Dist. 1 A, Subcat Reach on Link Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Subcatchment 2S: Drainage Dist. 1A,1B,A1,A2,6-G,H1,H2,I,L,O,XX az- --- 40= " ~ ~ --- ~~- 38 C 36= 34= 32: ' -- --- -- 30- i---. ~ ~-- 28= - .-- 26- --- a 24 - ~ 22 ' ' - c 20 -- u. 18- ,6: --- ~- 14 ' ' ,---, - - ------' --- 12: 10: -- - ' ----'--- ,, ~~~~ 8, Hydrograph s - -- - Type 1124-h r '~ Oyr ', - --- --- -- ; ' Rainfall=4.56" - Runoff Area=25,810 sf ', , - ~ ~~ Runoff.,Volume=79~~,251 cf _, Runoff Depth=;3.66" ', -', --- =~6'5' - ~ Flow Lengfih Tc=4.5 min y -- -- 'CN~~~ ® Runoff 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Time (hours) Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 11 24-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Subcatchment 2S: Drainage Dist. 1A,1 B,A1,A2,B-G,H1,H2,I,L,O,XX Runoff = 37.69 cfs @ 11.95 hrs, Volume= 79,251 cf, Depth= 3.66" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Area (sfl CN Description * 34,524 98 Lot 1-1A * 13, 827 39 Lot 1-1 B 49,838 98 Drainage District Al * 27,952 98 Drainage District A2 * 25,115 98 Drainage District B * 3,710 39 Drainage District C 4,271 98 Drainage District D 5,850 98 Drainage District E * 7,973 98 Drainage District F * 9,011 98 Drainage District G * 4,184 39 Drainage District H1 * 5,161 98 Drainage District H2 * 8,325 98 Drainage District I * 40,042 98 Drainage District L * 16,417 98 Drainage District O * 3,610 39 Drainage District XX 259,810 92 Weighted Average 25,331 Pervious Area 234,479 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 2.3 200 0.0150 1.43 Sheet Flow, Lot 1 Parking Lot Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 3.28" 0.6 80 0.0025 2.27 1.78 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#14 to MH#3 Diam= 12.0" Area= 0.8 sf Perim= 3.1' r= 0.25' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.7 209 0.0052 5.19 16.31 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#3 to MH#16 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.7 212 0.0052 5.19 16.31 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#16 to MH#17 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= Ei.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.1 40 0.0052 5.19 16.31 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#17 to MH#18 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= ti.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. 0.1 24 0.0052 5.19 16.31 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#18 to IB-A Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE smooth interior 4.5 765 Total Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Subcatchment 8S: Drainage Dist. S-T Hydrograph 24-1 - -- -- - ®Runoff 2z ea cts 2z= -- --- - -- Type If 24-hr '~Oyr 2, ` - - - Rainfall=4.56•• 20. - - 18: " - 19- ' ~ 17wnoff area=184,267 s~ 17. - - 16` ,-- ~ ~ - - - t ... Run ff Vol me 66. ti , --: _ ,~96 cf ~- - ~ ~ - - u ,-. 15- ,4- Runoff Depth=4.32,, ;; - ~ Flow Length=756' ,0= - -. -- ' Tc=91.8 mfn 9= -, `- - - ." 8- " -' ~ ~---~ - ------- - --- --- - - -- - --- -- - -- 7- -`--- - r-- r-- -- --- --- - - - ' -` --` -~ 6= ---,- ---'---~-- ~ - -- - -- - 4- ~ - -- 3, - --- + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Time (hours) Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Subcatchment 8S: Drainage Dist. S-T Runoff = 22.84 cfs @ 12.03 hrs, Volume= 66,396 cf, Depth= 4.32" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Area (sfl CN Description 176,928 98 Paved parking & roofs 7,339 98 Paved parking & roofs 184,267 98 Weighted Average 184,267 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 9.6 300 0.0010 0.52 Sheet Flow, WM Roof Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 3.28" 1.3 251 0.0030 3.26 5.75 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#19 to MH#20 Diam= 18.0" Area= 1.8 sf Perim= 4.7' r= 0.38' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.4 91 0.0022 3.38 10.61 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#20 to MH#21 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.5 114 0.0030 3.94 12.39 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#21 to IB-A Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE. smooth interior 11.8 756 Total Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 H r~droCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Pond IB-A: Infiltration Basin A Hydrograph _ -- --___,-- ~ 56.43 cf 60- 55- - --- , so= 45 -, 40 35- 27.64 crs 1: 0 30- - ~ ' LL _ ~ - - - - ~ - 24.26 cfs 25 20 I 15- ... ~`> - -- - Inflow Area=444,077 s -- '~, '~ Peak ~E~le~~=2,754.9$' Stolra-ge=44,309 Cf ^ Inflow ^ Outflow ®Primary ^ Secondary 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 Time (hours) Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Pond IB-A: Infiltration Basin A Inflow Area = 444,077 sf, 94.30% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 3.94" for 10yr event Inflow = 56.43 cfs @ 11.96 hrs, Volume= 145,647 cf Outflow = 27.54 cfs @ 12.09 hrs, Volume= 145,647 cf, Atten= 51 %, Lag= 7.3 min Primary = 3.28 cfs @ 12.09 hrs, Volume= 108,579 cf Secondary = 24.26 cfs @ 12.09 hrs, Volume= 37,068 cf Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 2,754.98' @ 12.09 hrs Surf.Area= 17,690 sf Storage= 44,309 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 60.0 min calculated for 145,606 cf (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 60.0 min (827.3 - 767.3 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 2,752.00' 63,238 cf Custom Stage Data (Irregular) Listed below Elevation Surf.Area Perim. Inc.Store Cum.Store Wet.Area (feet) (sq-ft) (feet) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) (sq-ft) 2, 752.00 12,112 592.0 0 0 12,112 2,753.00 13,915 613.0 13,003 13,003 14,214 2, 754.00 15, 786 633.0 14, 841 27, 844 16, 293 2, 755.00 17, 722 654.0 16, 745 44, 588 18, 537 2,756.00 19,592 675.0 18,649 63,238 20,856 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 2,752.00' 7.670 in/hr Exfiltration over Wetted area #2 Secondary 2,750.28' 36.0" x 56.0' long Culvert CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Outlet Invert= 2,750.00' S= 0.0050'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #3 Device 2 2,755.00' 24.0' long Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir 0 End Contraction(s) #4 Secondary 2,752.25' 24.0" x 74.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,751.68' S= 0.0077'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #5 Device 4 2,754.00' 4.0' long Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir 2 End Contraction(s) #6 Secondary 2,752.38' 24.0" x 54.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,751.57' S= 0.0150'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #7 Device 6 2,754.00' 4.0' long Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir 2 End Contraction(s) #8 Secondary 2,755.00' 20.0' long x 5.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 Coef. (English) 2.34 2.50 2.70 2.68 2.68 2.66 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.67 2.66 2.68 2.70 2.74 2.79 2.88 Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Primary OutFlow Max=3.28 cfs @ 12.09 hrs HW=2,754.98' (Free Discharge) t1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 3.28 cfs) ~dary OutFlow Max=24.24 cfs @ 12.09 hrs HW=2,754.98' (Free Discharge) culvert (Passes 0.00 cfs of 48.09 cfs potential flow) 3=Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir (Controls 0.00 cfs) culvert (Passes 12.12 cfs of 18.49 cfs potential flow) 5=Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 12.12 cfs @ 3.24 fps) culvert (Passes 12.12 cfs of 19.15 cfs potential flow) ~7=Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 12.12 cfs @ 3.24 fps) Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Controls 0.00 cfs) Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Subcatchment 2S: Drainage Dist. 1A,1 B,A1,A2,B-G,H1,H2,I,L,O,XX 60- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 57.67 55- 50- 45- I I ; 40- ; ; 35: 0 30- ; --~ - LL 25 - 20- 15 ; 10 ; 5- " Hydrograph -~ ~ ~ ~ T ~eI ~~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~Yp 1 24~~hr 100~yr ~~ ; Rainfall=6!72" f Area=~ ' Runof 59,81'.0 sf - off ,Volume=125,fi0 Run 9 cf p ~7 Runoff be th~5. g' 'Flow Length=765` 5 min. T c 4. -; -- -- , CN,=9~ ® Runoff 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Time (hours) Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Subcatchment 2S: Drainage Dist. 1A,1 B,A1,A2,6-G,H1,H2,I,L,O,XX Runoff = 57.67 cfs @ 11.95 hrs, Volume= 125,109 cf, Depth= 5.78" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Area (sfl CN Description 34,524 98 Lot 1-1A 13,827 39 Lot 1-1 B 49,838 98 Drainage District Al 27,952 98 Drainage District A2 25,115 98 Drainage District B 3,710 39 Drainage District C 4,271 98 Drainage District D 5,850 98 Drainage District E 7,973 98 Drainage District F 9,011 98 Drainage District G 4,184 39 Drainage District H 1 5,161 98 Drainage District H2 '` 8,325 98 Drainage District I 40,042 98 Drainage District L 16,417 98 Drainage District O 3,610 39 Drainage District XX 259,810 92 Weighted Average 25,331 Pervious Area 234,479 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 2.3 200 0.0150 1.43 Sheet Flow, Lot 1 Parking Lot Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 3.28" 0.6 80 0.0025 2.27 1.78 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#14 to MH#3 Diam= 12.0" Area= 0.8 sf Perim= 3.1' r= 0.25' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.7 209 0.0052 5.19 16.31 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#3 to MH#16 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.7 212 0.0052 5.19 16.31 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#16 to MH#17 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.1 40 0.0052 5.19 16.31 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#17 to MH#18 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. 0.1 24 0.0052 5.19 16.31 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#18 to IB-A Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 4.5 765 Total Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 11 24-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Subcatchment 8S: Drainage Dist. S-T 36 -- -- - - 33.7ec 32 30= - _ - 28_ , 26= ' - a 22 ~- -- -------------- ---- - 20= ' - -'~ c 18- ~ ' ----- - LL 16_ I I I 14- ,z- ,o- 8: I 8- I 4- I Hydrograph --j-- j - j --; ~ - _ _ - -' -- - Type'II'2~4 hr 'I OOyr ---- ' _'- Rainfall=6:72' i ', ', ~twr>toff Aria=!1$4,,267 sf ----,- ' ', -'' Runoff Volume-99,522 cf - . - Runoff Depth-=6.48" ------,- -; -~------ Flow Length-756' '- -- Tc=11.8 min --~- ~ ----- - - - , -' --, --, CN~~8 ® Runoff 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Time (hours) Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Subcatchment 8S: Drainage Dist. S-T Runoff = 33.78 cfs @ 12.03 hrs, Volume= 99,522 cf, Depth= 6.48" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Area (sfl CN Description 176,928 98 Paved parking & roofs 7,339 98 Paved parking & roofs 184,267 98 Weighted Average 184,267 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 9.6 300 0.0010 0.52 Sheet Flow, WM Roof Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 3.28" 1.3 251 0.0030 3.26 5.75 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#19 to MH#20 Diam= 18.0" Area= 1.8 sf Perim= 4.7' r= 0.38' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.4 91 0.0022 3.38 10.61 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#20 to MH#21 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.5 114 0.0030 3.94 12.39 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#21 to IB-A Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE smooth interior 11.8 756 Total Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 11 24-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Pond IB-A: Infiltration Basin A '. - ~- 85. 95-: 90= - 75.40 c 85: ~ $o= ~ ~ ~ _ 77.95 cfs 75` r_ 70= I 65= 60= N SS. ~-__~, ___~_-----~ -_ ~ 50- -_, - 0 45- LL 40: -- -- - 35. ~ ~ ~ - -- ,- - 30: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ I 25 20= 15- Hydrograph cfs ~ _ _ _ _ _ ~ '. '. '. - Inflow Area=444',077 sf -- Peak Elev=2,755.39' - $tora~e~5'~,9~0 cf ^ Inflow ^ Outflow ®Primary ^ Secondary 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Time (hours) Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 11 24-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Pond IB-A: Infiltration Basin A Inflow Area = 444,077 sf, 94.30% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 6.07" for 100yr event Inflow = 85.31 cfs @ 11.96 hrs, Volume= 224,631 cf Outflow = 75.40 cfs @ 12.01 hrs, Volume= 224,631 cf, Atten= 12%, Lag= 2.6 min Primary = 3.45 cfs @ 12.01 hrs, Volume= 139,217 cf Secondary = 71.95 cfs @ 12.01 hrs, Volume= 85,414 cf Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 2,755.39' @ 12.01 hrs Surf.Area= 18,460 sf Storage= 51,950 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 53.3 min calculated for 224,569 cf (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 53.3 min (811.5 - 758.2 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 2,752.00' 63,238 cf Custom Stage Data (Irregular) Listed below Elevation Surf.Area Perim. Inc. Store Cum.Store Wet.Area (feet) (sq-ft) (feet) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) (sq ft) 2, 752.00 12,112 592.0 0 0 12,112 2,753.00 13,915 613.0 13,003 13,003 14,214 2,754.00 15,786 633.0 14,841 27,844 16,293 2, 755.00 17, 722 654.0 16, 745 44, 588 18, 537 2,756.00 19,592 675.0 18,649 63,238 20,856 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 2,752.00' 7.670 in/hr Exfiltration over Wetted area #2 Secondary 2,750.28' 36.0" x 56.0' long Culvert CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Outlet Invert= 2,750.00' S= 0.0050'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #3 Device 2 2,755.00' 24.0' long Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir 0 End Contraction(s) #4 Secondary 2,752.25' 24.0" x 74.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,751.68' S= 0.0077'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #5 Device 4 2,754.00' 4.0' long Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir 2 End Contraction(s) #6 Secondary 2,752.38' 24.0" x 54.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,751.57' S= 0.0150'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #7 Device 6 2,754.00' 4.0' long Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir 2 End Contraction(s) #8 Secondary 2,755.00' 20.0' long x 5.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 Coef. (English) 2.34 2.50 2.70 2.68 2.68 2.66 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.67 2.66 2.68 2.70 2.74 2.79 2.88 Waynesville Infiltration Basin A 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Primary OutFlow Max=3.45 cfs @ 12.01 hrs HW=2,755.39' (Free Discharge) t-1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 3.45 cfs) ndary OutFlow Max=71.78 cfs @ 12.01 hrs HW=2,755.39' (Free Discharge) Culvert (Passes 19.40 cfs of 51.08 cfs potential flow) -3=Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 19.40 cfs @ 2.05 fps) Culvert (Passes 20.02 cfs of 21.21 cfs potential flow) -5=Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 20.02 cfs @ 3.86 fps) Culvert (Passes 20.02 cfs of 21.47 cfs potential flow) -7=Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 20.02 cfs @ 3.86 fps) Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 12.33 cfs @ 1.57 fps) 7S Drains yin B Drainage Dist. C~, GG, H H, KK-PP, RR, SS, U U Subcat Reach on Link Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Subcatchment 5S: Drainage Dist. CC,GG,HH,KK-PP,RR,SS,UU Hydrograph r~~ ' 32 30 28 26 24 w 22 ~ 20 0 18 LL 16 _ 14 12 I 10 8 I I I 6 4 , ail~aff ~A a ~2- f p4~ 3, s -. ~ . aunaff ~_ Rurro~f b~pth=~~5~" --~- ', ', ', ', Flow h~944'---- L~ng# Tc=6~~`-min _ GN~9'l R -, , ^ Runoff 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Subcatchment 5S: Drainage Dist. CC,GG,HH,KK-PP,RR,SS,UU Runoff = 34.32 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 75,983 cf, Depth= 3.56" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Area (sfl CN Description 38,547 98 CC - Pvmt 34,312 98 GG - Pvmt 44,619 98 HH - Pvmt 21,912 98 KK - Pvmt 43,000 98 LL - Pvmt 2,838 98 MM - Pvmt 6,216 98 NN - Pvmt 15,209 98 00 - Pvmt 2,893 39 PP -Grass 9,801 98 RR - Pvmt 9,577 98 SS - Pvmt 27,489 39 UU -Grass 256,413 91 Weighted Average 30,382 Pervious Area 226,031 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 2.8 100 0.0023 0.59 Sheet Flow, Parking lot Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 3.28" 0.7 137 0.0035 3.11 3.82 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#34 to MH#35 Diam= 15.0" Area= 1.2 sf Perim= 3.9' r= 0.31' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.7 137 0.0040 3.33 4.09 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#35 to MH#36 Diam= 15.0" Area= 1.2 sf Perim= 3.9' r= 0.31' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.7 195 0.0040 4.55 14.31 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#36 to MH#41 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.5 104 0.0020 3.74 18.34 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#41 to MH#54 Diam= 30.0" Area= 4.9 sf Perim= 7.9' r= 0.63' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.8 222 0.0030 4.58 22.47 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#54 to MH#44 Diam= 30.0" Area= 4.9 sf Perim= 7.9' r= 0.63' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.2 49 0.0035 4.94 24.27 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#44 to MH#39 Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Diam= 30.0" Area= 4.9 sf Perim= 7.9' r= 0.63' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 6.4 944 Total Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Subcatchment 7S: Drainage Dist. II,JJ,TT Hydrograph ^ Runoff 20 L . 1- - 1929 cts J ' i ; :.yam' oyr 18 , I -' I - -- ', a1~=4:56" I~u~affA= e ;3 -' = I~ulrrdff r~tolur~e=45~F48', cf W 12 v - :Runoff b~p,th=4~~2~' „ - - - ~- 0 10 ' ._ , ~Flo~v L$x>I~th=80Q LL ~ ~ _____~ I '. ~ I I '. 9 ~ ~ ~__ ____,____ ____, ___ __ - ___,____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____,- ---___ __ ___ - - ___ '. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ 8 - -- - - 7 - ~- ~N 9 ti - ---- -- - - - ----- ---- 5 ' ' ' i 3 r I I- - I - r 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Subcatchment 7S: Drainage Dist. II,JJ,TT Runoff = 19.29 cfs @ 11.95 hrs, Volume= 45,108 cf, Depth= 4.32" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Area (sfl CN Description 104,141 98 Drainage District I I 13,692 98 Drainage District JJ 7,353 98 Drainage District TT 125,186 98 Weighted Average 125,186 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 3.2 250 0.0104 1.29 Sheet Flow, HD Roof Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 3.28" 0.6 155 0.0050 4.20 7.43 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#30 to MH#31 Diam= 18.0" Area= 1.8 sf Perim= 4.7' r= 0.38' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 1.1 395 0.0075 6.24 19.59 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#31 to MH#32 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE. smooth interior 4.9 800 Total Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 f~droCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Pond IB-B: Infiltration Basin B Hydrograph ', 53.23 cfs ~ '~ - ~r~flow Area=381,599 sf 55- ,Peak EI',ev- a -2 755.28 50- ~ ~~ - ~ ', ~~ ~'~ '~ ~' storage=4~ $5.5 cf 45- 3s.oa crs ' ' 35.31 cfs ~ '. '. ~ '. I ' 35- - --~- -. -------,- ~---.- - - --, - ,- - -------- ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ _ 30- - - - - - - ,--- , - 0 u. 25 --- -- -----,--- 20 - --~ ---- ---- -- -;-- -,-- - -- 15- I ` 10- ~ ~ _ ~ ~~ ~' ^ Inflow Outflow D Primary D Secondary 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Pond IB-B: Infiltration Basin B Inflow Area = 381,599 sf, 92.04% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 3.81" for 10yr event Inflow = 53.23 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 121,091 cf Outflow = 36.08 cfs @ 12.03 hrs, Volume= 105,402 cf, Atten= 32%, Lag= 4.0 min Primary = 0.77 cfs @ 12.03 hrs, Volume= 51,156 cf Secondary = 35.31 cfs @ 12.03 hrs, Volume= 54,246 cf Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 2,755.28' @ 12.03 hrs Surf.Area= 12,825 sf Storage= 45,855 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 215.2 min calculated for 105,367 cf (87% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 153.2 min (924.4 - 771.2 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 2,749.50' 55,570 cf Custom Stage Data (Irregular) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Perim. Inc.Store Cum.Store Wet.Area (feet) (sq-ft) (feet) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) (sq-ft) 2,749.50 1,608 267.0 0 0 1,608 2,750.00 4,427 444.0 1,451 1,451 11,624 2,751.00 5,813 474.0 5,104 6,555 13,863 2, 752.00 7, 301 505.0 6, 543 13, 098 16, 327 2,753.00 8,891 535.0 8,083 21,181 18,864 2,754.00 10,582 565.0 9,724 30,905 21,547 2,755.00 12,382 596.0 11,470 42,375 24,470 2,756.00 14,025 625.0 13,195 55,570 27,353 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 2,749.50' 1.320 in/hr Exfiltration over Wetted area #2 Secondary 2,746.00' 42.0" x 66.0' long Culvert CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Outlet Invert= 2,745.80' S= 0.0030'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #3 Device 2 2,748.59' 24.0" x 105.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,746.00' S= 0.0247'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #4 Device 3 2,751.82' 24.0" x 158.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,749.92' S= 0.0120'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #5 Device 4 2,754.00' 4.0' long Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir 2 End Contraction(s) #6 Device 3 2,751.94' 24.0" x 42.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,750.93' S= 0.0240'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #7 Device 6 2,754.00' 4.0' long Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir 2 End Contraction(s) Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 1124-hr 10yr Rainfall=4.56" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. #8 Device 2 2,755.30' 24.0' long Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir 0 End Contraction(s) #9 Secondary 2,755.80' 30.0' long x 10.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 Primary OutFlow Max=0.77 cfs @ 12.03 hrs HW=2,755.27' (Free Discharge) L1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.77 cfs) ry OutFlow Max=35.26 cfs @ 12.03 hrs HW=2,755.27' (Free Discharge) vert (Passes 35.26 cfs of 100.32 cfs potential flow) :ulvert (Passes 35.26 cfs of 36.07 cfs potential flow) 4=Culvert (Passes 17.63 cfs of 23.70 cfs potential flow) L5=Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 17.63 cfs @ 3.69 fps) Culvert (Passes 17.63 cfs of 23.11 cfs potential flow) 7=Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 17.63 cfs @ 3.69 fps) sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir (Controls 0.00 cfs) ad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Controls 0.00 cfs) Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Subcatchment 5S: Drainage Dist. CC,GG,HH,KK-PP,RR,SS,UU Hydrograph -- ^ Runoff 53.00 cfs ; '_. _!_ I ~4+~ 0 T 50 I I 45 I 40 ' 'I 35 , ! ! 3 30 I I I, LL - 25 2o I V I I I 15 I I I I I I I 10 " 5 ~J ~tpe ~ 2 ~ ~ 1 Oyu ', ', Rafrtfialh6:72--"' RWnoff #rea-2 -f - ~ - ~ - b6;41~ s ', ' ~lult>~c~ff uol~rtr>~e=12.1;,_0'14 c - U,nOff,_D~eptl'1 6_" ,- . ~-- Ic~YV_L h_~-~, _ ~~~ ~ . ~ 4~' ICN=91 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Subcatchment 5S: Drainage Dist. CC,GG,HH,KK-PP,RR,SS,UU Runoff = 53.00 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 121,014 cf, Depth= 5.66" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Area (sfl CN Description 38,547 98 CC - Pvmt 34,312 98 GG - Pvmt 44,619 98 HH - Pvmt 21,912 98 KK - Pvmt 43,000 98 LL - Pvmt 2,838 98 MM - Pvmt 6,216 98 NN - Pvmt 15,209 98 00 - Pvmt 2,893 39 PP -Grass 9,801 98 RR - Pvmt 9,577 98 SS - Pvmt 27,489 39 UU -Grass 256,413 91 Weighted Average 30,382 Pervious Area 226,031 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 2.8 100 0.0023 0.59 Sheet Flow, Parking lot Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 3.28" 0.7 137 0.0035 3.11 3.82 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#34 to MH#35 Diam= 15.0" Area= 1.2 sf Perim= 3.9' r= 0.31' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.7 137 0.0040 3.33 4.09 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#35 to MH#36 Diam= 15.0" Area= 1.2 sf Perim= 3.9' r= 0.31' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.7 195 0.0040 4.55 14.31 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#36 to MH#41 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.5 104 0.0020 3.74 18.34 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#41 to MH#54 Diam= 30.0" Area= 4.9 sf Perim= 7.9' r= 0.63' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.8 222 0.0030 4.58 22.47 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#54 to MH#44 Diam= 30.0" Area= 4.9 sf Perim= 7.9' r= 0.63' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 0.2 49 0.0035 4.94 24.27 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#44 to MH#39 Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Diam= 30.0" Area= 4.9 sf Perim= 7.9' r= 0.63' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE smooth interior 6.4 944 Total Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Subcatchment 7S: Drainage Dist. II,JJ,TT Hydrograph 30 I ^ Runoff 28.52 cis 28 TYp~ I1-24=hr_1',OOyr 24 . ufla 1~5a'~~6 s ~ ~f zz . la~'e~~ '~ i ~ - - - F~undff'Vollurne 67;6 2 2U ', -', - - - ° - -- cf- 18 ', ', ', ', ', ', -' ', ' -', ' Rur'}o~f b~ptf d8" 3 16 ~ - - -- - h=8 o aw Lengt LL 14 --' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' - '~ F~ - --' } 12 ~ Tc'=4.~~ rain 10 ., ._ -~ ~~ ~' CSI- ,9$ 8 6 q I I ~ I I I f I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 11 24-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Subcatchment 7S: Drainage Dist. II,JJ,TT Runoff = 28.52 cfs @ 11.95 hrs, Volume= 67,612 cf, Depth= 6.48" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Area (sfl CN Description 104,141 98 Drainage District I I 13,692 98 Drainage District JJ 7,353 98 Drainage District TT 125,186 98 Weighted Average 125,186 Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 3.2 250 0.0104 1.29 Sheet Flow, HD Roof Smooth surfaces n= 0.011 P2= 3.28" 0.6 155 0.0050 4.20 7.43 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#30 to MH#31 Diam= 18.0" Area= 1.8 sf Perim= 4.7' r= 0.38' n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior 1.1 395 0.0075 6.24 19.59 Circular Channel (pipe), MH#31 to MH#32 Diam= 24.0" Area= 3.1 sf Perim= 6.3' r= 0.50' __ n= 0.013 Corrugated PE. smooth interior 4.9 800 Total Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Pond IB-B: Infiltration Basin B Hydrograph - --- , ~ --i ,~~ -;- etoocrs ', !,- . ,~ Inflow Are - 90 1-381 599 sf 85- -- 7z.23~r5 Peak Efev=2,756.85' $5~ ~~ ~,~.aoors] ~ ~ ~; Storage=53,553 cf 70' .~__. ._~ 65: 60= - - - -- - I - 55' ,- -- -- -- - -- -- --- --- ~ -,- --- ----- - 3 45- ~ -- - - - - LL 40- - - _- - __~ ---- - --- 35- - ~ -~ y _, 25- i , 20= 15: z ~'', ^ Inflow O Outflow ®Primary ^ Secondary 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. Summary for Pond IB-B: Infiltration Basin B Inflow Area = 381,599 sf, 92.04% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 5.93" for 100yr event Inflow = 81.00 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 188,627 cf Outflow = 72.23 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume= 170,556 cf, Atten= 11%, Lag= 2.2 min Primary = 0.82 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume= 55,426 cf Secondary = 71.40 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume= 115,130 cf Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 2,755.85' @ 12.00 hrs Surf.Area= 13,780 sf Storage= 53,553 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 152.4 min calculated for 170,499 cf (90% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 102.1 min (863.6 - 761.6 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 2,749.50' 55,570 cf Custom Stage Data (Irregular) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Perim. Inc.Store Cum.Store Wet.Area (feet) (sq-ft) (feet) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) (sq-ft) 2, 749.50 1, 608 267.0 0 0 1, 608 2,750.00 4,427 444.0 1,451 1,451 11,624 2, 751.00 5, 813 474.0 5,104 6, 555 13, 863 2,752.00 7,301 505.0 6,543 13,098 16,327 2, 753.00 8, 891 535.0 8, 083 21,181 18, 864 2, 754.00 10, 582 565.0 9, 724 30, 905 21, 547 2,755.00 12,382 596.0 11,470 42,375 24,470 2,756.00 14,025 625.0 13,195 55,570 27,353 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 2,749.50' 1.320 in/hr Exfiltration over Wetted area #2 Secondary 2,746.00' 42.0" x 66.0' long Culvert CPP, projecting, no headwall, Ke= 0.900 Outlet Invert= 2,745.80' S= 0.0030'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #3 Device 2 2,748.59' 24.0" x 105.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,746.00' S= 0.0247'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #4 Device 3 2,751.82' 24.0" x 158.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,749.92' S= 0.0120'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #5 Device 4 2,754.00' 4.0' long Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir 2 End Contraction(s) #6 Device 3 2,751.94' 24.0" x 42.0' long Culvert CPP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 2,750.93' S= 0.0240'/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013 Corrugated PE, smooth interior #7 Device 6 2,754.00' 4.0' long Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir 2 End Contraction(s) Waynesville Infiltration Basin B 2008 Type 1124-hr 100yr Rainfall=6.72" Prepared by HydroCAD SAMPLER 1-800-927-7246 www.hydrocad.net Printed 2/8/2008 HydroCAD® 8.50 SAMPLER s/n 026033 ©2007 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC This report was prepared with the free HydroCAD SAMPLER, which is licensed for evaluation and educational use only. For actual design or modeling applications you must use a full version of HydroCAD which may be purchased at www.hydrocad.net. Full programs also include complete printed documentation, technical support, training materials, and additional features which are essential for actual design work. #8 Device 2 2,755.30' 24.0' long Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir 0 End Contraction(s) #9 Secondary 2,755.80' 30.0' long x 10.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 Primary OutFlow Max=0.82 cfs @ 12.00 hrs HW=2,755.85' (Free Discharge) L1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.82 cfs) ~ry OutFlow Max=71.16 cfs @ 12.00 hrs HW=2,755.85' (Free Discharge) Ivert (Passes 70.22 cfs of 104.11 cfs potential flow) Culvert (Inlet Controls 37.86 cfs @ 12.05 fps) -4=Culvert (Passes < 26.35 cfs potential flow) L5=Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir (Passes < 29.96 cfs potential flow) Culvert (Passes < 25.82 cfs potential flow) 7=Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir (Passes < 29.96 cfs potential flow) Sharp-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 32.36 cfs @ 2.43 fps) gad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 0.94 cfs @ 0.58 fps)