HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170525_Stream Call Letter_20160531��: �� E ���� ���, _� � �� ¢, . ��•''�:;1cr i;'trsr,x.arv��.� `�Ji�".r,hti�rrt�d.T�t i ,,.G:1y Ma� 31, 2Q16 Ch�rles Benton AECOM 701 Carparate Center �rive 8uii� 475 Morris�ille, NC 276D7 FA'1" MC��:RC�R`� r��,����,�n,�� C�QNALT� R. 'VAN C��;R `VAART 5ubject; NCDO'T" "l IP f�-5`703, Fel{x Harve� Parkwa� Extension, Lenair Cauraty Neuse River Basi�, HUC {�3Q2U202 ���� r� rf,, �, S. JAY Z1MME�MAN Cln-Sit� Determin�tidn for Appiicability tq the Neuse BuF�er Rules (15A NC.r�.0 2B.�233}. On-Site I3etermination for A,pplic�bility to the Mrtigation Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0506�h]) Dear Mr. Benton; Ott March 3, 2016, �t your request and in yaur attenciance, Garcy Ward, N� Divisian pf Wat�r �t�source (NCI�WR} �taff, conducted an on-site deter�ninatian to �eview draina�e features located within t1�e R-5703 pro,�ect corridar in l.enoir County fot- applicability to the Neuse River buffer Rules and for applicabi�ity to the xnitig�tion rules (15A NCAC 2H .q506[h]}. "T"he draina�e featrxres are approximated on the aYtached maps initialed and dated Nfay 31, 2016. The drainage features within th� prp��ck Gatxidor based an ihe revised JD packet dated March 22, 2Q 1 u an�i revisions submitted May 2b, 2p16 are as follow�: On EJS�GS On P�iRCS Stre�tn Subject to Feature ID ���s ��� ,�,�Pe Su�fer Rule� 1 e5 ___ e5 clito� no �' eS y85 C�1iC�1 C1Q � �S �5 C�1iC�1 Il0 4 es �s ditch no 7 �res es dztch no . 8 yes es ditch no 9 � es es ditch no 10 }res es �litc� no ll es yes ditch rto 12 yes es _ d�tch n� I3 es yes ditch no . 14 es yes e hemeral no 15 es yes ditch no 16 es es ditch no 17 es yes ditch no 1$ yes es diteh nca 19 yes yes e herneral no 2Q es yes e hemeral no 21 yes es e her�eral np 3l.ate uf Nocth Caralina IEnviepnmental Quali[y I Watea ltesources "46'€T Mail Service Ganter, Raleigh, NQrlh Carolirra 27699-9617 Phone:939-807-6300 (]►� USGS On NRCS �tream �'ubject to �"cature 1T) �aps �nap Type Suffer Rules 34 no es ditch no 55 es nc� ditich no 56 es nv ditch _ r�o �'l es no ditch no 58 es no ditch n4 59 es no ditch na 60 es nc� �itch no _ 61 es _ nQ ditch nfl sz e� �� a�tCn �,� i0 e� no ditch n� 73 es es ditch ano SAA es es erennial es SAB-int yes es intern�ittent es SAB- er es es erennial es 22 nv es d�tch na 24 es Es ditch no 35 no .. es ditch . no 36 es es ditch no 37 es es ditch �o _ 42 nca es ditch no 63 es nn diteh na 64 es no ditch no 2� I es es intermi�t�nt es SAG-int�` no no int�rmiLtent no SAC- er es �es �rennial es 5AD �s es erennial es SAD-� field es es _ erennial es SAE . na es int�rmittent es '�AF es yes erennial es 25 no es feature n�t �Q y resent 26I na �s i�termiitent es __ _. SAG es es erennial es SAG-a field es es erez�nial es _ SAH* no no intermittent no 2& es es e�emeral es 29 na es ditch r�o 3C1 no es e. h�emeral ' nn 31 ne _ y�s ditch no 32 no es ditch no 65 es no e t�emeral no fi6 es no c�itch no 6i es na ditch no 331 no yes int�rmittent es 68-69I es no intermittent es S�3 es es erenrziai es �aBA es es �ren�aial es SBA- a feld es es er�nnial es SBB es nQ erennial es SBC es es er�nnial es 43 no es ditch no 44 no es . feature nat no � resent 40 P es es �rennial es �47 no . es ditch no (�n USGS On I�TRCS Strea� S�bject ta Feature iD maps map Type Buff�r Ru�es 4$ no es diteh no 49 no es ditch no 50 no e� d gulle no 52 no es F�ature nat �� � resent S3 no es ditch no 54 es es e hemeral na 45I na es intermitteni yes S I 1 no es _ inter�itte�t y�s 7� I nc� yes inte�i�tent yes 72 P yes es ereruiial �s 72-trib* no no intermitten# no SA� es es eren�ia� es �� yes es erennial es SA yes es erennial es • ieature ae��rminea [o ne incermtttent and�urtsdictiqnal far pertnitting, but not o� either map th�refore nat subject tc� the buffer rules. Please note that other sites identi�ed i� the jurisdictian veri�caeion request pack�ge but nat revievved on site by NCDWR will be eonsidered accurate as preser�ted. Also, this l�tter only addresse� applicability ta tl�e 1"deus�e Buffer Rules at the sztes speci�cally marked on the a�taehec� znaps and does not apply to reaches af the channel [or drainage feature� further dc�wnstream fram the NCf�OT project area, or to any ather �drainage features in khe vieinity. �'his lett�r only addr�sses the applieability to the mitii�atian ruIes and the buffer ru�es and does �ot apprc�ve any act�vity within the buf%r, Waters af the United States, or Waters of the State. Any impacts ta wetlands, streams and buffers must camply with the Ne�se Buffer iZ�les, 4Q4/401 re�utations, water supply regulations (15A N�AC 28 .Q21 b), and any other required fec�erat, state ant� lflcal r�gulations. Please be aware that even if no dir�ct impacts are propased to the protected buffers, sheet flow �f all ner,v stc�r�nwater runoff as per I5 A, Ir1CA� 2B.�233 is required. The owner (ar future owners) or permiEte� should nati�y NCDV�v'I� (and ather relevant agenciesj ofthis determination in any future correspondences concerning this properiy and/�ar proje�t. This on-site deter�ination shall expire �ve {5) yea�-s ii-om th� date ofthis Ietter. �.andawners or affected parties that dispute a dete�xnination tnade b}r I*1C�WR or De�e�ated Lcacal Aa�Lhoarity that a surface water exists and thak it is subject tg tlte mitigativn rules may r�quest a determinafion by the Director. A reqr�est for a deterzni�at�t�n by the %7irectar shall be referred to the Director in writing c/o Amy Chapman, I*]GDWR Weilands/4(}I Unit, I617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. individuals that �isputi� a detennination by NCDWR or Delegated Local Autharity that "exempts" a surfac� water frdm the tanitigation rules znay ask far an ad�udicatary hearing. You tnay abtain the p�tition form from th� office of Aciministrative hearings. You must file tl�e petition with t�e offtce o#' Ad�inistrative Hearin�s wiihin sixty (6�) days of receipt vf this notice �ad the date i�ie afgected paz�y (i�cl�ading downstre�m and a�ljacent Iar�downers) is notified of this decision. A petition is cor�sidered f Ied wh�n it is received in tk�e pffice of Admin�strative �-learings during narmal office hm�rrs. The C7ffce of �.dmis�istrarive Hearings accepts filings Mor�day thrpugh �`riday between the hours of 8:�Qam and S:Q(lpm, except far official state holidays. Tl�e original and one (1) copy ofthe petition must be �led witl� Che (Jffice of Adm�inistrative Hearings. T'he petitican tnay be faxed-provided th� original and one copy of the document �s received by the (7f�ce of Administrative Hearings within �ive (S� business days following the Faxed transmission. The rnailing address far the Office oi Admi�istrative Hearings is: Office of Administrativ� Hearin�s b714 Maii Servic� Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 'I'elephane: (914} 431-3a00, Facsizniie: (919) 431-310t? A co�y of the petition mus# also be served on I�EQ as fallows: Mr. Sam M. Hayes, General Counsel l�ep�rt�aent of Environrnental iQualiry 1601 Mai[ Service Center This determination is final and binding unl�ss you as�C for a hearing wikhin 60 days. lf you have any additional c�uestions or re�uire add�tional infc�rrnation p�ease call Garcy 'Ward at 252-946-6481 or garey.�ard�a ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, �t'�t.� . �„�� c�.c� S. Jay Limmerman, Director I�ivision af Water Resources Attachments: maps �lect�onic copy on[y distribution: Tor�i St�f�ens, US E1rmy �arps of Engitteers, Washington �'ield Office Maria Rogerso�, I�iC DOT File C�pY 0 . �� � 0 � s �i'�" i � " �,' � 4 ( j � � � 4 � t' . ,`'r' � �_ �� �����„� �"_.> .;.;� : ' � `', � • � � _ � � 3 � � �'" 2 e'� � 3 f*! Ui� � (J'y � ,.� U E � @ �' C � b 2' ro � � cs `°, {J? � l�`y o u.' in y� r��u �,' V'T' � 97 �n � v ..� a � �." t�r '� � _ m Q � W � � "t �• � � Q � � < � � '^ � m d. 'i7 W � ,[ � � � �; � � � �� � �'� � ` � C; � a � �.. "�1 � VI i'7�� `'� 4+ C C�1