HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080234 Ver 1_401 Application_20080204--~ ~'r~ p8-0234 ~~_ NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor James H. Gregson, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary February 1, 2008 MEMORANDUM: D ~~~ V L~ Fl.~- 4 2on8 WcTtflhU :~:. ~, ~~~.:!~WCH TO: ~ Cyndi Karoly, Supervisor 401 Oversight & Express Permits Unit Division of Water Quality-Surface Water Protection FROM: Doug Huggett, NC DENR-DCM Major Permits Coordinator 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 (Courier 11-12-05) SUBJECT: CAMA Major Permit Application Review Applicant: Roy Hawkins Project Location: 708 Arjean Dr., adjacent to Arjean Canal on the northern side of Pages Creek, in New Hanover County Proposed Project: to install a personal watercraft lift within an existing private docking facility Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by February 27, 2008. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, contact Robb Mairs at (910) 796-7215, when appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if ,the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATE 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Gpportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT APPLICANT'S NAME: Roy L. Hawkins 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: 708 Arjean Dr., adjacent to the Arjean canal, on the northern side of Pages Creek, in New Hanover County. Photo Index - 2006: 22-7428: B-8 2000: No Coverage 1989: 4-174-14: K-9 State Plane Coordinates - X: 2370109 Y: 193983 Latitude: 34°16'36.15244"N Longitude: 77°46'.29.75947"W 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA ROVER FILE # - O-Ol 1812A 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - 01/18/08 Was Applicant Present- No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received - 01/14/08 (Completed) Office -Wilmington 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use-Plan -New Hanover County Land Classification From LUP -Resource Protection (B) AEC(s) Involved: PT, EW (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Private (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing -Septic Planned - N/A (F) Type of Structures: Existing -Single-family residence, cover platform, wooden bulkhead and floating dock Planned -Personal watercraft lift (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7 HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED FILLED OTHER 8 (A) Vegetated Wetlands (coastal wetlands) (B) Non-Vegetated Wetlands (O en water) (incorporated) 84 s . ft. (C) Other (Highground) (D) Total Area Disturbed: 84 sq. ft. (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: SA Open: No PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant requests authorization to install a personal watercraft lift within an existing private docking facility. Roy L. Hawkins Page 2 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project site is located at 708 Arjean Dr., adjacent to the Arjean canal, on the northern side of Pages Creek, New Hanover County. To locate the property from Market Street (NC Highwayl7), turn onto Porters Neck Road and travel approximately 1 mile east. Turn Right on Edgewater Club Road and continue east for approximately 1 mile until it reaches Sea Shell Lane. Turn right onto Sea Shell Lane until you reach the cul-de-sac. Turn left at the cul-de-sac and the property of interest will be located on the right. There are approximately .87 acres of highground on the lot and averages approximately 6' above mean sea level. There is approximately 113' of shoreline that is stabilized by an existing wooden bulkhead. The applicant maintains an existing single-family residence on the property. There is an existing partially covered platform landward of the bulkhead where there is and indentation of the alignment. An access ramp leads onto an existing landing platform, measuring 12' in length by 8' in with, and a floating dock, measuring 53' in length by 6' in width, which runs parallel to the shoreline. The application states that the existing docking facility currently accommodates three (3) vessels. Existing highground vegetation on this tract consists of ornamental landscaping, lawn grass and hardwood and other woody species including: Oak, Dogwood, Hickory, Magnolia and Pine. Waterward of the bulkhead the Arjean canal, there is a narrow strip of coastal wetlands approximately 3' in width consisting primarily of Smooth Cordgrass (S~artina alterniflora). The New Hanover County Land Use Plan classifies adjacent waters as Conservation, and the adjacent high ground portion of the project area as Resource Protection. The waters of Pages Creek are classified SA by the Division of Water Quality. They are NOT designated as a Primary Nursery Area by the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries and they are Conditionally Approved-CLOSED to the harvest of shellfish by the N.C. Division of Environmental Health. PROPOSED PROJECT: The applicant requests authorization to install a personal watercraft lift within an existing private docking facility. The lift, measuring 8' in length by 8' in width would be installed just waterward of the existing bulkhead on the western side of the existing floating dock. The application indicates that current water depths range approximately -1.2' to -2.0' relative to Normal Low Water (NLW) within the area of the proposed slip. The lift would provide an additional slip to allow for a total of four (4) vessels at this docking facility (See Sheet 1 of 2). 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS: The proposed personal watercraft lift would incorporate an additiona164 sq. ft. of Estuarine Waters and Public Trust Area. Minor increases in turbidity should be expected during construction. The proposed lift would extend approximately 8' into a waterbody, which measures approximately 60' across. This proposed distance would conform to the 1/4 width rule and would not extend beyond the established pier head length. The lift would encroach into the adjacent riparian property owner's 15' setback requirement. However, the applicant has received a waiver from the property owner located to the west. Submitted by: Robb L. Mairs Date: 01/31/08 Office: Wilmington OCM MA-1 APPLICATION for '1 08-0234 Ma or De~etopmont Permtt (last revised 1212716} North Carolina JIVlSION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ~. Primary Applicantl Landowner information Business Name ~ Prcjec, Name (if apolicaole DAt last Name Applicant '. First Name ~ i MI .last Hama ApFlicani 2: First. ame ~~ If ao~ p;;lenaf apL!ic3~ts, pfeasa attach an adai!ionaJ page(s;~ wlt?~ names fisted. f PO Scx Mailing Address Z1P Country ~ Phone No. 7 ~ Imo" ~ ~~~ ~) (c ~n ~n 7 J ~/ `.2.. ezt. ~ ~~ r- r% , ~ - -_~_ ~ Slate r C,;y Street Address f.'; dillereN ,rem aoove) II < <_____ I Ernari 2. Agent/contractor Pnformatian Business ^Jame AgenU Contrac!or t: Frrsf Name .___.-- f~ Cwt ~ t c~1 AgenU Ccntraci.or 2: Fi ;Name j n,ta;iing Adorers ~~ C~ ~ ~ Z; P f ~~/o~~ ._ `FAX No. Street Address (if driteranf from abcve) ~ En~~a~t i tv11 ~ I i Est Nome // ___---- tail past Name l r a y ~ I PO Sax ,City ._._^. l prat., F''ncna Nc. t a ~~ Contractor # ~ Gty Ciiy i // t /r-'1 i r~= S I r~r- I, FP.X No. i ~e No. 2. Stata ~ ZiF I State ~-~ ZIF i~CM V~i,~i~~;~dG p +~~, (vC <Far;n cantiriues on back> corm DGr~1 ~.1P-1 (Page 2 of ~3) 3. Project Location Stare Rd. # County (can be multiple} j Street Andress ~ ~ ~.J E~ ~o.1~D L ~ f ~ ~ ~ r~ `City State ~''F Supdivision Name ` J~~ ~ mac: ,.~ ~'i ~~t~ S~'c. ~ L~.J, ~~~rr,uc ,c..~ _I Phone No. ~ Lot Na;s) (if,rany, a?fach addit;e~na+ page with fish ~~'~0 ~ b'[ ~ 5 ~!'er1'.. ext. ~ , a. In which NGriver basin is th,e project located? :~ C ~-- f' c1 ~- ! c. is the water body identified in {b} above, natural cr mar~made7 ~aturai QManmade r]Unknown e is proposed work within c,ty limits or plarn~ng jurisdiction i "les ~io 4. Site Descripiron a- Total length of shcreY,ne or. the tract ((t.) 1 1 1 `) h. Name of body of waier nearest to proposed project ..~ n d. Name the closest major water G~dY to the propGSed project site. ~ rr f, If appticao'.e, list the planning jurisdi:aion or city ilmit the proposed worK falls within. b. Size of antis tract (sq.ft.) ~% ~~ fk L' r" c' S d. Approwmate elevation of tract ancve tiN'dV (norma; sigh water) or r Nv~'~ (norn~af warerleveQ s ~NH4v o' QN4VL C Size of Individua'. iotsi J ~ C r" C. r;r menu for sizes. please arfach addiiicnal page w'f^ a fist e, Vegetation on !ract /i i f lc.y,°,~~~s slt,~~,rv ~~ Jc~,.~c~ sc~;• f. Man-made features and uses new on tract g d9FC~~cS -fOu~C' Urac~ g. 4denafy and descride the existing rand uses ad acent to the proUOSed proicci rite. -,t t; jd~,~~1,~ l i. Is :he proposed project cons~stam. w~th the applicable zoning r ~ h. Nov, does local government zone the tract? l r ( f I iAttacn zoning compliance ce,~tificate, +f applicable] _t! l 1 f' 4 S r C~~ F.•.: r ~ ` Yes ^r:c ^NA { I "~' Yes t~,iNo I. 4s :he proposed activity ;,art of an urban waterfront redevelopr^~ent proposah k. Nas a professional archaeological assessmertt been dons far the tract? II yes, attach a copy 1f yes, by whom? I, Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Nislono District or toes It involve a rlat~onal Register listed or eligible ,;roper.y^ __ ._ <Form continues or next pagE> nr r uv~.. ..... -. `v1ai~~r '~evelo~ment Permit ^Yes ~:o ^NA ~ ^Yes No GNA { DCM V'IEL~~i~~1~wU, ~v i,A~a ~. ~ 200 Form DCM 1~":F-' (Page 3 0` 4j 1,tajcr Development Fermi; ? m. (ij A,re there wetlands on the sire I r ~~es ^No i (ii} A.re there coastai wettands on the sits? i (iiil it pes to 2ith~er (i) or (ii) above, has a delineation been conducteb ^Yes ,~Nc ! (Attach dccJmertatio,n, i? avaiiabrz) n. Describe existing wastewater treat;ner,t (aciiities. i --.~ o. Describe existing drinking Nater supply source. I I r~ E ~ ~ .J_~ I r- p. Describe existing storm water managamen! or treatr,~er.t systems. f } ~~lr~Gie %"Utib't~ 5. Activities and Impacts ~ "~ ~ Will the protect be ter commercial, p::btlc, r priva a ^Commerciai QFub!iclGovernment ~ . ~~civaterC:.mmumry l b. G~ ive a brief descripiicn of p~~rpose, use, and daily operat'~ens et the project ~~+hen cornpi ~ L , e;e. ~ ~ ~~'i-~ .~1~ e ~~JC ~~~ I ~' f,/ ! ~Gr E' i'i(,l~ 1. ~ ~J r j , ' ~ ~ ~ CC ~L /~ -I ~C~ `fill C~ I r '~ ! 6~J i ~ , l ~! NL JF: ~' tea-+`c~ r-~ L' ~ ~=~t+v w~.~`(P, ~~o ,~~ o ~~ ~ ~ < ! p aJ ~ ~ i ; `~s i'~~`,'rcC`!! o„-,,i ~ ~o ~ ~ ,~ ~ o ~.,.7C ; ,~., t~~;s ~, c..~ /' the number Ot eBCn type t tion c. Gescride the proposed ccnstruc!ion mzthodoicgy, typos of ^_onstruct,an equipment to b , e used dunng construc i 1 of equipment ar.d wnzre it ~s rc oe stored. ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~-.,il-r <' ~, ti~ ca ~ ~~ ' `' ~ , I f ~r a. ~ ,. < <~ . t Q Sc"" ~Il.-J~ J ~ Jt ~fl~.~~ ~i 1..~" ~ J~".'I , ° P ,,, s i ~ d. t.isi aF 6eveirpment activities you propose. ~ / `~ .--~ r ~~ ~~ ,, P ~ i) r f ~, , I /~J sC ~ ~ J I e. Are the proposed activities maintenan.z cf an existing project: new work, or oo!h? r !. What i5 :hc approximate te!ai disturoed Iand area resuamg !nom the proposed proyect~ ~ =S ~~~'~ g, Wilt the propc:;ed pro;ecr enroach on any public easement, public accessway nr other area that the pubic has established use c'? Yes !~.~T" No ^NA q.Fl or ^Acres h. Describe 4ocaUCn and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of tha state. `~- ~' U /V ~~-~ S~U~ TCkC L i. '.'t'ill wastewater or stormwater be discharged into a ~,~et',and? ~ 03 ter be of t'~e soma salinity as the receiving waier7 Yes Ct~No L..~NA []Yes ^Nc ^NA It yes, wdI tn~s disc,:arg„ xa ~ - ^Yes i Nc ^NA I i, Is there any mitigation proposed % ~ i(yes, attach a mitgation proposal. ~Foim continues on back> L~~i~i V~~fa~~r~if~~~t~i~i, ~C~ ~h~,y ~ `~' ~UvU rarm DCf~1 MP-t (Page ':~f 4} "rtajar Ceveiopment Permit 6.. Additionallnformation ' In addition (o this completed application form. (MF• i V the fo!lcwirg items below, ii applicable, must bz submitted in c+dsr (er t~cat on,rcahcn I• package to be comp;ate. !tams ;a) - il? are a:ways applicable to ary major development application. Reese consu„ the app instruction booklet on haw to properly prepare the requhed items be-low. a. A project narrative. ~ b. An accurate, dated work plat (inc.uding plan view and crass-sectional drawings! drawn to scale. Please give the present status of the ~ proposed project, Is any portion already ccmple;e? if previously autl-~orized worK, clearly indicate on maps, plats, drawings to distinguish 'I between work completed and p-opcsed. I c. A site or location map that is suffciently detailed to guide agency personne4 unfamiliar with the area to the site. d. A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title ;c the affected properties. e. The appropnate applica;ion fee. Check or money order made payable to GENR ~ f, A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent':~aterfront ;ripahanj !arn~owners and signed return receipts as proof :hat such owners have received a dopy of the applica;ion and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised '.hat they have 3~ days in which to submit cammar,ts on the proposed project ;c the Division of Coastal Management. ~ ~ u ~>J ~~ ; ~ .z u ~ s ~•.~ Phone Nd. ~o a~ --~i `~lo G ~ Name (; c, te',~,~ pia Address '~L ~ ~~i'J E' G ~ ~ i t-J ~ ,` ~'e Phone No. Name t"ItG..Z~paf [' _ 1, b'G -S' b'C~ S' ' ~it~ Address 7iG ~`~i~~, ~o~~ J/ C~%, ~'-~ l.),C ', '`//~ ~ Name Phone No. ! ` I Address i 1 g. A fast of previous state or !edera! permits issued for wore, erg the project tract..inciude permit numbers, perm!!;e=, and Issuing dates. f I u i - I i _ 'i h, Signed consultant er agent authorization form, if applicatae. ~I IL i-Wetland deiir,eation, if necessary. ^~ { j. A signed AcC Hazard n%tire for proj'cts in oceanfront and ,,}le! areas r~~,usl ce signed by uroperty owner; k. A statement of ccmpuance sv,th. the N.C. Er~nronmenta! Policy Act (t~.G G 5. 113A t•1G), If necessary It the protect involves experdib;re of public funds or use et public lands, attach a s;aternant documenting cempiiancs w~lh the North Carolina ~nv~ronmenta{ Policy Act. 7. Certification and Permission to Enter on Land I understand that arty perm;; issued in response ;o this application will allow only the dave(opment described in the a~piicauen. ?he project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. l certify the! ! am authorized to grant, and do in lac' grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in conneclicn 'with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up meniieriny^ e` the project. I fur•,ner certify that the information provided in this applica±ion is truthful to the best of my knowlecoe. Print idnme -~1 ; ;~-t ~~~ t. /Ua L `Z--~. Oate _ J _ r ~ , . J~.. Signature ~ -- L ~' Please indicate application a!tachments pertaininc to your proposed project. CiCCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill lnformatidn ~DCM tviP-5 Bridges and Culverts CDCM MP-3 Upland OevEtoprnent '~.CU1 tiSP-4 structures Information CrC ~~l Vile 1_(~l! 1 ~;G t e7^1, ~f C ~,c~.~ 1 =~ 200 Form DCM MP-4 STRUCTURES (Construction within Public Trust Areas) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to complete al( other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. 1. DOCKING FACILITY/MARINA CHARACTERISTICS ^This section not applicable a. (i) Is the docking facilitylmarina: b. (i) Will the facility be open to the general public? ^Commercial ^PubliclGovernment (~rivate/Community ^Yes ~Jo c. (i) Dock(s) and/or pier(s) (ii) Number _L (iii) Length (iv) Width _~ (v) Floating ;Yes ^No e. (i) Are Pla[forms included? ^Yes ~lo If yes: (ii) Number ~~ ;iii) Length (iv) Width (v) Fioa[ing ^Yes ^No Note: Roofed areas are calculated from dripline dimensions. d. (i) Are Finger Piers included? ^Yes ~o If yes: (ii) Number (iii) Length (iv) Width (v) Floating ^Yes ^No f. (i) Are Boatlifts included? Yes ^No If yes: (ii) Number (iii) Length 1 ~_ (iv) Width a. (i) Number of slips proposed (ii) Number of slips existing 3 i. Check the proposed type of siting: ^ Land cut and access channe! Open water; dredging for basin and/or channel 0" ^Open water; no dredging required ^Other; please describe: r k. Typical boat length: ~~ m. (i) Will the facility have tie pilings? ^Yes ~lo (ii) If yes number of tie pilings? h. Check all the types of services to be provided. ^ Full service, including travel lift and/or rail, repair or maintenance service ^ Dockage, fuel, and marine supplies ^ Dockage ("wet slips") only, number of slips: ^ Dry storage: number of boats: ^ Boat ramp(s); number of boat ramps: Other, please d/escribe: j. Des?crib-e the typical boats tb be served (e.g., pen runabout, charter boatrs, sail~b/oats, mixed types). ~p f`J ~ O Rat S (. (i) Will the facilit be open to the general public? ^Yes I`-''~ a~M N~I~P,~ING ~ ON, NC - .,IAN 1 ~ Z008 ~ 2. DOCKING FAC1LlTY/MARINA OPERATIONS ~Zhis seotio~~ not applicable a. Check each of the following sanitary facilities that will be included in the proposed project. D Office 'oiiets ^ Toilets for patrons; Number. _ocation: D Showers ^ Boatholding tank pumpout Give hype and location: b. Describe treatment type and disposal Iocatian for all sanitary wastewater. c. Describe the disposal of solid waste, fish offal and trash, d. Haw will overboard tlisci^arge of sewage from beats be controlled? e. (i) Give the locancn and number at "No Sewage :Discharge" signs proposed. (ii) Give the location ?nC numoer or °Fvmpout Available' signs proposed. t. Describe the special design. if aooiicable, for containing industrial type pollutants, such as pains, sandblasting waste and petroleum products. g. Where will residue from vessel maintenance be disposed of? h. Give the number of channel markers and "No Wake' signs proposed. .. Give the location of fuel-handling iacililies, and describe the sa!ety measures planned to protect area water Guatity. j, WhaE will be the manna policy an overnight and live-aboard dockage? v k. Describe design measures that promote boat basin flushing? I. If ;his protect is an expansion of an existing marina, what types of services are currently provided? jp,N 1 ~ 2008 m. I5 the marinaldackirg facility prepcsed within a primer/ or sacor,da;y nw•sery areal ^Ye5 ^No n. Is the marirsaldccking facility proposed within ar adjacent to any shellfish n.arvestin.g area? Yes ^Na , a. is the marinaidocking facility proposed within •ar adjacent to coastal wetfandslmarsh (CW}, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV}, shell bottom (SB}, or other wetlands (WL)? if any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ^CV4' GSAV ^SB ^WL ^None p. is the proposed marinaldocking 4acility located within or within close proximity to any sheiltlsh teases? ^Yes ^No !f yes, glue the name and address of the leaseholder(s), and givo the proximity to the lease. 3. BOATHOUSE (i.^cluding covered lifts) y'~-Z'h,is sectlcn rrot applicable a. (i} Is the boathouse structure(s): ^Commercia rPubiic:Governme.^,t ^Private/Community (ii} Number (iuj Length i,iv) Width Note: Roored areas are carcu!atea ;rcm G~nFirtle ~;mFasra,^s. f 4. GROIN (e.g., wocd, sheetpile, Atc. r'I a rock groin, use A~?P-2, Excavation and Fi;t.) ~is saGtlcn nct applicable i a• ;i) Number (ii; Length (iii)'~iidth 5. BREAKWATER (e.g., wocd, sheetpile, etG.,l ~`Iz`trs sect,'on not ?ppticabte a. Length b. Average distance from NHW, N'.'VL. ar wetlands c. Maximum distance beyond NHW, NWI. or wetlands 6. MOORING PILINGS and BUOYS `this section not applicablE a. Is the strijctura(s): b. Number ^Cammercial ^PublidGavemment ~PrivaceiCammurity ~• Distance to be placed beyond shoreline ~. Cescnpt~on o! buoy (color, inschpticn, size, anchor. etc.) Note: This shcuid be measured from marsh eage. i/ prese,ai. a. Arc of the swiny ~: ~ ~` iAN 1 ~ 2008 7. GEIVFRAL a. Proximity of structure(s) to adjacent riparian property lines ~~S ~ ~ r Note: For buoy or mooing piling, use arc of swing including tengrh o/vessel. c. Width of water bady _.5~~ e. (i) Will navigational aids he required as a result of the project ^Yas '~o ANA (ii) if yes, explain what type and hcw they will be impiemzn:ed. b. Proximity of st:uc:urs(s) to adjacent dac;cing facilities. d. UVater depth at watenverd end of structure. at NLW ar MJVL ~~ r ~ 8. OTHERThis section nct appl;cable a. Give complete cescripticn: ~ ~- 02 ~ ~ Cate Project Name n r 5 (C e ~ f `l-~c> ~ c r ~- Appiicant Name ~~~~~ Apptican igr,at~fe 0 l~`+.J~~ hm~1~. L.t UCM U~,;!_~v~~~v~~T~N, N~ JAN 1 ~: 2008 ----- ----- - --- ----- -- -- - --- ~--~ Q- - ~ G cJ- Ic Lev S ---- e~-~ -_ ~ f 7 ~2-- = ~~ P C 'J -- ^ - -- ~ - --- ~ r---------------- y . ----- -------- ----- ----- -- ------ / - ~ ,~ ~l r__.5_~ ~ rt (_~c= ~1__C_G? ~,__- _~-~L-~-- ~__C1J~_ ~L~ ~_s.~ %~----K D_~~i~~ - c ----- ------ --- ,(~ (~/ ~/ ~1 / t _--- ---- --------- ---__ __-- - ----------- ~1--_~"G~~F er _.~: T--1 _i_C~._C.-~ ---k~ E_~~~~ _~-+'~ 2- _~1 a ~~L 1,j P~C.~ --- ( ~ _~ ~_-~ ~_~CI r~~~.._ ~1=_ ~ v_a ~ / t~ ~_- ~~~ jC.- tom? ~ ~~ -_c~. ~( <n _c-..~ ~ ~ .~!~~ ------ -- 2 G' - -- ~'~-~ - -S--.l~ P 1aP - - -- -- ------- - -------------------__------- --------- - ---- ---- __ -_----- ---- ------w..~ ------- ---------- --- ----------------------- ~ v ~ ,-- .: I ~L _ ~ 4 t ,_+ a.~~ t~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~'V ~ V _~~=- __--1-. - - ____-___.------ __ _ - x ~_ ; ~.~ ~ ~ ~ _ _l ~- j-;'7 ~'S~~ '`'~~ Q I `;!` Ary ~ n! 1 } 1 ~i ~~ ~'r l'~ ~' f ,` j ~p ~ ~ ~,~ J ~'~ J Cj r ~ ~'1 z ~ ~") O l_3 :~ ~~ a ~,1J ,-~Sz7~, / ~J t~_ -- 1 ' ~ I ~! ~ ~. /' ~' )~~~ ~ `) ~ -~1 ~ ~~ /~~ / i I ~ L v ~ r~ 1,/N_i~' _ ~1 T C~ ~.' C~ JJ 1 "i ~-`' ~ raj _;,~ //?/~ ~~ ~ ~ _ sue; ,f~~~~. ~~~ ~ _ __ ---- ;~ ~° ~ ~`~ ~1rc-- ~ ~~. ~" ~71+a j ~. _ - --- ,/ ~ ~ i/'T ~ ~~~ ill - - - - - - -- -~ ~ , ' ~Nt 1 I C~ ~' _ - y- _ ;- s ~~ ~ ~p ~~ . o ~ ~t ao ~ ~' ~' ~~ ) .~ ~v ~~ , ,- l r., ,.~ v' O - ~~ ~.s.~ t^ -~-i z -~ w~ J - ~. ~J °~ Q ('j C' _~ r rv n ~~ h~ ~~~~~~J~ DCM V~iILMINGTC)~~i, Nr;~ JAN 1 4 2008