HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5828 alternatives memo May 3, 2016 Eric Alsmeyer, US Army Corps of Engineers Rob Ridings, NCDENR Division of Water Resources Charles Cox, NCDOT Project Development and Environmental Analysis RE: Project U-5828 (McCrimmon Parkway) Alternative Comparison Six conceptual alignments were considered for Project U-5828, McCrimmon Parkway from Airport Boulevard (SR 3015) to Aviation Parkway (SR 1002) as shown on the attached figures. Alternative 6 has been identified as the preferred alternative. The following table summarizes the potential estimated wetland and stream impacts for all six alternatives based on GIS data from the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) and NC Division of Water Resources (DWR). Tables 1 and 2 also list potential estimated wetland and stream impacts for Alternative 6 (the preferred alternative) based on delineations of field-verified features. None of the alternatives are expected to require relocations or impact historic or community resources. Additionally, no threatened or endangered species are expected to be impacted by the alignments. Table 1: Estimated Stream and Wetland Impacts Actual Delineated Estimated GIS Impacts* Impacts Length Alternative (ft) StreamsWetlandsStreamStreamsWetlands (lf)(ac)Crossings(lf)(ac) 17,8002,3800.410 27,8002,53607 37,7002,08307 47,3001,46505 57,2001,32104 6 (Preferred) 7,7002,288< 0.183760.9 Note: The delineated streams and wetlands in the study area vary from the GIS data. However, the GIS data is appropriate to use for comparing potential alignments. * Estimated Impacts are based on a 210-foot wide corridor along each alignment centerline. The 210- foot width includes an average 160-foot construction limit width with a 25-foot buffer on either side. kimley-horn.com421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC 27601919 677 2000 Page 2 Table 2: Estimated Delineated Impacts for the Preferred Alternative Alternative 6Actual Delineated Impacts (Preferred) Streams (lf)Wetlands (ac) Site 10.1 Site 264< 0.1 Site 30.1 Site 4740.2 Site 50.1 Site 62390.1 Site 70.3 Total3760.9 Note: Actual delineated impacts are based on the preferred alternative slope stakes and are subject to change slightly as final design progresses. Several factors contributed to the selection of Alternative 6 as the preferred alignment: Reserved right-of-way east of Airport Boulevard – This right-of-way was reserved for the purpose of the extension of McCrimmon Parkway. Alternative 6 utilized this area to minimize additional right-of-way impacts to property owners. Property impacts – Property owners along the corridor participated in meetings with the project team during the alternate selection process. Alternative 6 was adjusted to allow for more equal “property swaps” where corners of two properties were split to allow property owners to maximize their developable land while minimizing remnant parcels. Environmental impacts – Alternative 6 was designed so that no relocations or historic or community impacts are expected. No threatened or endangered species are expected to be impacted. Potential impacts to the Northern Long-Eared Bat will be handled under the current programmatic agreement between NCDOT, FHWA, and USFWS. Actual delineated stream impacts (376 lf) are lower than the estimated GIS stream impacts and will be less than the USACE Nationwide Permit threshold. Construction cost – To avoid higher earthwork costs, Alternative 6 was shifted north to balance cut/fill volumes and to avoid steep terrain. Alternatives 1, 3, 4, and 5 have similar levels of anticipated natural environment impacts to Alternative 6 but conflict with the future Wake County Competition Center project. Alternative 2 does not conflict with the future Wake County Competition Center project but has higher levels of anticipated natural environment impacts than Alternative 6. Alternative 5A, a modified version of Alternative 5, was developed to avoid impacts to Sites 1 and 2 before tying back into the preferred alternative. However, to avoid Sites 1 and 2, Alternative 5A has an unfavorable horizontal curve design, generally avoided by NCDOT. Additionally, Alternative 5A would create impacts to the pond located near Site 3 and kimley-horn.com421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC 27601919 677 2000 Page 3 would still result in impacts to Site 3. Additional avoidance and minimization may be possible during final design. Conclusion: Given the geometric constraints of the existing intersection of McCrimmon Parkway at Airport Boulevard, the future Wake County Competition Center project, the existing intersection of Evans Road at Aviation Parkway, and the environmental features along the corridor, Alternative 6 is recommended for selection. This recommendation is based on the limited environmental impacts associated with the preferred alternative and the support of the impacted property owners along the corridor. Processing of this project under a Nationwide Permit has been agreed to by USACE staff at a pre- application meeting that was held on October 6, 2015. Additionally, it was agreed to assign required mitigation ratios on a per feature basis. The USACE Action ID for the project is SAW-2014-02205, and the project contact is now Eric Alsmeyer. The DWR project ID is 14-304, and the project contact is Rob Ridings. Sincerely, Aaron Heustess NEPA Project Engineer kimley-horn.com421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC 27601919 677 2000