HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061048 Ver 1_Emails_20060710Re: [Fwd: wetland sand mining on Hatteras Island] Subject: Re: [Fwd: wetland sand mining on Hatteras Island] From: Tom Reeder <tom.reeder@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 13:18:08 -0400 To: Coleen Sullins <coleen.sullins@ncmail.net> CC: Cyndi Karoly <cyndi.karoly@ncmail.net> I think going as #2 will be fine. I have asked Cyndi to contact the consultant to find out: 1) How much sand did DOT need in the last five years and 2) using that rate how long will this source of sand last. Thanks. Coleen Sullins wrote: Tom - we will rearrange the meeting (Pete is ok with that). How about if we move it from #5 to #2 (or do we need to have Pitt go first)? The first one is a consensus item, so it should not take any time. We will need to attempt to answer the rate/volume question for Pete. Hopefully DOT and DLR can help with that. I would say to take an average using the last five years of sand demand for DOT and then I am certain that a mine must have some period/level of productivity projected. Thanks Coleen Tom Reeder wrote: Coleen - I spoke with John and he will be at the WQC on Wed. John needs to leave by 1:00 so we may need to ask Dr P to move this up on the agenda (it is currently item #5) to accommodate John M. Thanks. Coleen Sullins wrote: Tom - please do contact John. I don't think we can or should attempt to respond to that one. I was pretty certain of the other answers. However, do we have a contact at DOT that we have been working with that can answer the question to the rate of sand use (I don't know how it would be computed, cubic yards, perhaps) and also the projected life of the mine based on that rate (perhaps Floyd can help answer that question). Thanks Coleen Tom Reeder wrote: Coleen - Some brief answers: 1. DOT says they can use all the sand the mine can produce. Obviously, how fast they use it will depend on the weather & hurricanes, but DOT says that if it is stockpiled they will over time use every bit of it. 2. The sand will only be avail for DOT and no one else. 3. I think John M needs to answer this. Do you want me to approach him about coming to the WQC Mtg this Wed? Thanks. Coleen Sullins wrote: let's discuss Subject: wetland sand mining on Hatteras Island From: "C. Peterson" <cpetersc~email.unc.edu> Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:27:15 -0400 1 of 2 7/11/2006 4:10 PM Re: [Fwd: wetland sand mining on Hatteras Island] To: coleen.sullir_s~ncmail.net To: coleen.sullins,~-ncmail.net Dear Coleen- I have now done my homework for the EMC meetings. I continue to be displeased by the wetland mining on Hatteras Island. Here are three things I would like information on. Perhaps John Morris should be the source - is it possible for me to ask him to our WQC meeting Wed? I would like to know: (1) at the rate of use of "sand" for road, dune, breach fill, etc on the Outer Banks over the past 5, say, years, how many years worth of supply is being provided by this mining?; (2) will all the sand in the mine be set aside for this DOT need or will it be available commercially for any buyer?; and (3) given the NC General Assembly's bill of a few years back asking John Morris's group to prepare a sustainable sand resource plan for the NC coastal barriers, I want to know the progress on that request and whether mining an Outer Bank in the present context of global warming, sea-level rise, and ongoing erosion of the island from both sides qualifies as good sustainable public policy as opposed to importing new sand from off the island. Pete 2 of 2 7/I 1/2006 4:10 PM