HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061048 Ver 1_Agenda_20060701July 2006 WQC Meeting Agenda Titles and Descriptions Request for Site-Specific Variance from Wetlands Standards for Kinnakeet Sand Mine (Action Item) Under the provisions of 15A NCAC 2B .0226, DWQ Staff will present a request for a site specific variance from the Wetlands Standards contained in 15A NCAC 2B .0231 for the Kinnakeet Sand Mine located on Hatteras Island. Review of Letter from Marine Fisheries Commission Requesting Modification of Coastal Stormwater Rules DWQ Staff will review a letter submitted from the Marine Fisheries Commission (MFC) to the Water Quality Committee requesting that the WQC and Environmental Management Commission initiate rulemaking action to amend the Coastal Stormwater Rules contained in 15A NCAC ZH .1005. In addition, Staff will review specific provisions that the MFC would like to see incorporated into this revision of the stormwater rules and will discuss the options that are available to the WQC. Update on Legislative Activities Regarding 15A NCAC 2B .0240, the Nutrient Offset Payments Rule (Information Item) DWQ Staff will update the WQC on the latest activities regarding the introduction of legislation in the General Assembly to amend the implementation of the amendments to 15A NCAC 2B .0240, the Nutrient Offset Payments Rule, which the EMC adopted in January of 2006. These amendments raised the nitrogen fee in the Nutrient Offset Payments Program from $11 per pound to $57 per pound. Update on DWQ Issuance and Suspension of May 26, 2006 Memorandum Clarifying the Use of Coastal Wetlands in Impervious Surface Calculations (Information Item) DWQ Staff will review the sequence of events and circumstances regarding the issuance and subsequent suspension of a memorandum from the DWQ Director that was intended to clarify the relationship between coastal wetlands and low density impervious surface calculations for State Stormwater Permits. Staff will further discuss potential future actions that the WQC may pursue in this matter. Overview of Recent Supreme Court Decision in "Rapanos vs United States" and Potential Impact to the NC Wetlands Program (Information Item) Staff will provide a review of its interpretation of the meaning of the recent Supreme Court decision in "Rapanos Versus United States," which was primarily concerned with the federal regulation of wetlands. In addition, Staff will provide input regarding how this decision might potentially impact the North Carolina wetlands program and this State's regulation of wetlands and intermittent streams. Agenda Item # Approval of Water Quality Committee Recommendation Regarding aSite-Specific Variance for the Kinnakeet Sand Mine. Explanation: In accordance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2B .0226, the EMC will be requested to consider and approve a recommendation from the Water Quality Committee (WQC) regarding the granting of asite-specific variance from the Wetlands Standards contained in 15A NCAC 2B .0231 for the Kinnakeet Sand Mine on Hatteras Island. Recommendation: That the EMC consider and approve the WQC's recommendation in this matter. 1 Avon/Kinnakeet Sand Mine Expansion Project details ,,,,,2006 Introduction • Project setting • Request processed through Division of Water Quality's Wetlands and Stormwater Branch using Isolated Wetlands Rules as guidelines 7,,,,2006 Proposed Wetland Impacts • 404 Jurisdictional • 11.62 acre mine expansion area includes 6.16 acres of freshwater maritime grassland and freshwater maritime shrub wetlands • Conversion to freshwater ponds adjacent to surrounding Kinnakeet development 7I11I2006 Avon/Kinnakeet Sand Mine Expansion 1 Regular Review Process • Sequencing -Avoidance -Minimization -Mitigation 7/112006 Avon/Kinnakeet Sand Mine Expansion Avoidance • Alternative sites -Dredging from ocean bottom -Transport by barge or truck from mainland or other islands -Sand quality also at issue '!/1112006 Minimization • Onsite alternatives or construction techniques • Residential/Commercial surroundings ]11112006 Avon/Kinnakeet Sand Mine Expansion 3 Mitigation • 2:1 mitigation, at least 1:1 of which must be restoration or creation (6.16 ac) • 0.95 acre restoration + 0.49 acre creation + 4.75 acre by EEP = 6.19 ac (EEP rounds up to nearest 1/4 acre) • 30.65 ac preservation with Conservation Easement to preclude future impact nnnoos i ~ ra ~,.. .. ~. Y ~ ~ ~~ ~ ° 3 ~* ~ ~ ~ bi ~ ~F~ e ~ ~~~ ~ Avon/Kinnakeet Sand Mine Expansion 4 Summary Project purpose and need is public safety through maintenance of existing public infrastructure DOT documentation supports claims of difFculty locating or transporting appropriate material from elsewhere ni uzoos Next steps • Water Quality Committee to consider request for site-specific Exemption from Water Quality Standards • WQC to make recommendation to Environmental Management Commission • EMC to decide if site-specific exemption is applicable, along with conditions ]li I/2006 Avon/Kinnakeet Sand Mine Expansion