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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00180_Annual Report_20250304RECEIVED ' IDWR/NPDES Town of Stanley Program # WQCS00180 2024 Pretreatment Annual Report I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. �4 - Heath R. Jenkins Manager Town of Stanley NORTH CAROLINA a" PAR Narrative January 1, 2024 — December 31, 2024 Town of Stanley— Program #WQCS00180 General Information A. General Program Information • The Town of Stanley has a modified pretreatment program. • The Town has a contract agreement with Two Rivers Utilities to operate its pretreatment program. • SUO and SIU permits are up to date. The Headworks Analysis, Allocation Table and a Short Term Monitoring Plan (STMP) are not required because all wastewater in the Town of Stanley's collection system is monitored and treated at the Long Creek W WTP by the City of Gastonia. • An IWS was submitted on 4/28/2023. The IWS form will continue to be updated with new information and available upon request. • A revised ERP was approved on 2/14/2020 with the case by case statement due to the Dental Amalgam Rule. • Historical SNC Report is not attached because DEQ is updating tracking program. • Comments regarding the Pretreatment Program Information Database are: o Last PCI was on 1/10/2023. o Last PCA was 11/7/2023. o Total CIUs is 1. o Stream details reference discharge from the decommissioned Lola Street WWTP to Mauney Creek. All wastewater is being treated at the Long Creek W WTP (NPDES #NC0020184), and the stream is South Fork Catawba River. o The primary contact on the PPID, Mr. Craig Roseberry, retired and should be removed. Daniel Hendrix who is already on the list is now the primary contact as the new Public Works Director at 416 Hwy 27 South, Stanley NC 28164. B. General Permit Information • No SRJ permits lapsed or expired prior to renewals. Permit #006 was modified due to a name change on 1/l/2025, and Permit #007 was renewed on 1/1/2025 with minor changes. None of these changes affected the 2024 data provided in this PAR. Page 1 of 2 IU Information A. Glatfelter — Mt. Holly (IUP # 006, SIU, Non -woven hygiene products) • Permit issued on 1/l/2023, and expiration of 12/31/2027. Modified for name change to Magnera on 1/1/2025. • Not in SNC for 2024 • No NOW in 2024 • No Missing Data B. J&L Machine Fabrication (IUP #007, CIU, Chemical etching using H3PO4) • Permit issued on 4/12/2020, and expiration of 12/31/2024. Permit renewal effective I/1/2025 with minor limit changes. • SNC for July -Dec 2024 for monthly zinc limit TRC violations exceeding 33%. • Two NOW in 2024, both for zinc violations. • No Missing Data • pH collected by Pemrittee per batch is performed at final rinse tanks, not the compliance monitoring location, so it is not used to judge compliance with limit. C. Other IU without permits • SC Johnson is not permitted but Town monitors via downstream pump station to ensure that industry does not discharge significant foam into the collection system. Attachments: o Pretreatment Program Information Database o Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) o Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) o SNC Publication — Gaston Gazette o Industrial Data Summary Forms (IDSF) Page 2 of Pretreatment Program Info Database (PPID) RA Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) Pretreatment Year End Summary Program Name: Stanley Program Approval Date: 3/10/1995 Status: Modified Audit Due: Last Audit: 11/7/2023 PAR Due: 3/1/2025 Last PAR: 2/23/2024 Activities Approved Received Due Enforcement Response Plan 02/14/2020 01/22/2020 Industrial Waste Survey 04/28/2023 Sewer Use Ordinance 09/10/2013 08/28/2013 Facilities Stanley is an SIU of TRU's Long Creek WWTP NPDES Permit Is Primary: Yes SIUs: 2 CIUs: 0 1 Effective Date: Permitted Flow MGD: 0.50000 HWA Received: Permitted SIU Flow MGD: 0.41000 HWA Due: % Permitted Flow is SIU Permitted: 82.00 Stream Details Report Date: 12/6/2024 Region: MRO Total SIUs: 2 NOVs Violation Date WQCS00180 (NC0020184) 10/01/2013 Expiration Date: 09/30/2021 06/04/2013 LTMP/STMP Received: 03/22/2012 LTMP/STMP Due: Flow 7Q10 Flow 1010 Flow 30Q2 Permit # Stream cfs mgd cfs mgd cfs mgd WQCS00180 MAUNEY CREEK 0.40 0.26 0.34 0.22 0.61 0.39 (NCo020184) - South Fork Catawba River - Long Creek W1/VFP Contacts Mike Alexander, Pretreatment Supervisor Government - Municipal P.O. Box 1748 Primary Contact Dallas, NC 28053 Secondary Contact 704-854-6672 Total CIUs: 0 1 Enforcement # IWC at Flow Avg 7Q10 cfs mgd % 2.92 1.89 65.790 Daniel Hendrix Craig Roseberry, Public Works Director Primary Contact 416 Hwy 27 South Stanley, NC 28164 eberr @townofsta.Jn...arn 704-912-2116 704-263-0298 Daniel Hendrix Heath Jenkins, Town Manager Government - Municipal 416 Hwy 27 South 7042630298 Stanley, NC 28164 (704) 263-4779 Chapter 9, PAR Guidance Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) 1. Pretreatment Town Name: Town of Stanley 2. "Primary" NPDES Number Two Rivers Utilities - Long Creeek W WTP NPDES# NCO020184 or Non -Discharge Permit # if applicable => WQCS00180 3. PAR Begin Date, please enter 01/01/yyyy 3. => 01/01/2024 4. PAR End Date, please enter 12/31/yyyy 4. => 12/31/2024 5. Total number of SIUs, includes CIUs 5. => 2 6. Number of CIUs 6. => 1 7. Number of SIUs with no IUP, or with an expired [UP 7. => 0 8. Number of SIUs not inspected by POTW 8. => 0 9. Number of SIUs not sampled by POTW 9. => 0 10. Number of SIUs in SNC due to IUP Limit violations 10. => 1 11. Number of SIUs in SNC due to Reporting violations 11. => 0 12. Number of SIUs in SNC due to violation of a Compliance Schedule, CO, AO or similar 12. => 0 13. Number of CIUs in SNC 13. => 1 14. Number of SIUs included in Public Notice 14. => 1 15 Total number of SIUs on a compliance schedule, CO, AO or similar 15. => 0 16. Number of NOVs, NNCs or similar assesed to SIUs 16. => 2 17. Number of Civil Penalties assessed to SIUs 17. => 0 18. Number of Criminal Penalties assessed to SIUs 18. => 0 19. Total Amount of Civil Penalties Collected 19. => $ 0 20. Number of IUs from which penalties collected 20. => 0 AO Administrative Order CRI Categorical Industrial User CO Consent Order IU Industrial User !UP Industrial User Pretreatment Permit NNC Notice of Non -Compliance NOV Notice of Violation PAR Pretreatment Annual Report POTW Publicly Owned Treatment Works SIU Significant Industrial User SNC Significant Non -Compliance Significant Non - Compliance Report (SNCR) r�� SNC Public Notice Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) PAR covers this calendar year => 2024 Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) Control Authority=Program= Town Name => Town of Stanley WWTP Name => Long Creek WWTP WWTP = Wastewater Treatment Plant, use separate form for each WWTP. NPDES # _> WOCS00180 SIU = Significant Industrial User SNC = Significant Non -Compliance A SNCR Form must be submitted with every PAR please write "None" if you had No SIUs in SNC during calendar year 1UP # Pipe # Industry Name Parameter or "Reporting" SNC? (Yes/No) for each 6-month period Jan. -June Jul — Dec. 007 001 J&L Machine Parameter (Zn) No Yes EVERY SNC MUST be explained in the Narrative, How was, is, or will it be resolved? REPEAT SNCs are serious matters that MUST be explained in the Narrative. Form name: PAR,SNCR.2001 Dace Form Reviud: 1/42001 LOCALiQ StarNews I The Dispatch ITimes-News PO Box 631697 Cincinnati, OH 45263-1697 Sun Journal I The Daily News I The Star The Free Press I Gaston Gazette AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Town Of Stanley Town Of Stanley PO Box 279 Stanley NC 28164 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF GASTON The Gaston Gazette, a newspaper printed and published in the city of Gastonia, and of general circulation in the County of Gaston, State of North Carolina, and personal knowledge of the facts herein state and that the notice hereto annexed was Published in said newspapers in the issue dated: OV24/2025 and that the fees charged are legal. Sworn to and subscribed before on 0112412025 Legal erk Notary,B ate of wjf¢oun y ol,56wn My commission expires Publication Cost: $69.40 Tax Amount: $0.00 Payment Cost: $69.40 Order No: 10950604 # of Copies: Customer No: 510703 1 PO #: THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE! Please do not we this form for payment remitranee. NANCY HEYRMAN Notary Public State of Wisconsin Public Notice of Significant Noncompliance (SNC). The Town of Stanley, in accordance with federal and state regulations, hereby gives public notice of signifi- cant industrial users that were in significant noncom- pliance (SNC) in 2024, with national pretreatment regu- lations 40 CFR Part 403, with state pretreatment regula- tions 15A NCAC 2H .0900, and with local pretreatment regulations Sections 9 of the Town of Stanley's Sewer Use Ordinance. Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant during the July -December 2024 reporting period: J&L Machine Fabrication, 201 South Buckoak Street, Stan- ley, NC 28164. For more information concerning this matter, contact the Town of Stanley at 704-263-0298. 1 /24/25 10950604 Page 1 of 1 Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use s.paravr.rmxror each industry/pip. Enter BDL .a...... < (..,u.) Total # of samples => • Maximum (mg/1) => • or Maximum (lb/d) => • or Average (mg/1) => AN or Average Loading (lb/d) => %violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%)=> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or Average (mg/1) => * or Average Loading (lb/d) => %violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or Average (mg/1) => * or Average Loading (lb/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => Control Authority, Town Name => Town of Stanley Industry Name Glatfelter - Mt. Holly W W TP Name => Long Creek IUP # 006 NPDES # => NCO020184 Pipe # 001 1st 6 months, dates => 1/1/2024 to 6/30/24 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2024 to 12/31/24 Flow, mgd BOD TSS Ammonia 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.098778 0.101531 9 31 29 85 < 0.2 < 0.2 0 0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 1 0 0 0 Silver Cadmium Chromium Copper lst 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.005 < 0.001 0.008 0.029 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Cyanide Lead Nickel Zinc 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months lst 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 < 0.08 < 0.008 0.0013 < 0.001 < 0.002 0.0012 0.035 0.074 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A u 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL => Ba— Didactic, LL met ,n°h => POTW .e an,., Pro.. ...., IUP=> Ind..,,., Ur Pernnt m/a => pound a pot day ..r ra.... R.... inm. a. .,. .p. ., r a.. �i. ea SNC => t N.,.-C..epn.... -.a => A. could he .. hha, r6 h&i, BDL. 1/2BDL,. .........a. TRC=>R.a.... C,,,-,. WWTP=>., Revised 2/12/2025 Pagel of 4 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use sop or ate farms for each Industry/pl as Enter BDL as < Total # of samples => " Maximum (mg/1) _> • or Maximum (Ib/d) _> • or Average (mg/1) _> • or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => • Maximum (mg/1) _> • or Maximum (lb/d) _> or Average (mg/I) _> • or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => • Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (lb/d)=> • or Average (mg/1) _> • or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Control Authority, Town Name => Town of Stanley Industry Name Glatfelter - Mt. Holly W W TP Name => Long Creek IUP # 006 NPDES # _> NC0020184 Pipe # 001 1st 6 months, dates => 1/l/2024 to 6/30/24 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2024 to 12/31/24 pH Temperature,'C Fluoride TKN 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months Ist 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months lst 6 months 2nd 6 months 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8.4 (max) 8.2 (max) 29.0 32.2 1.1 1.3 3.5 9.4 8.3 (min) 8.0 (min) 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/;\ Total Phosphorus Organic Nitrogen Chloride 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months Ist 6 months 2nd 6 months 2 2 2 2 2 2 4.0 4.1 3.42 9.33 141 79 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N'A N/A N/A BDL => Bm.— D...<n.n L -it mu/1 _> millg—m. per user ` POTWm,t m-an....t...."r,... IUP=>I„ cna Us -Permit Ido=> per e.y R...a.mea. ., .u. „, <a<mn SNC=> tN.n-C.mpu..e. mume,. d=> mi.... per d., A n, Qt. r6-m .&, BDL, 1/2BDI TRC=>T.< ,R...., Criteria WWTP=>w ....t Revised 2/12/2025 Page 2 of 4 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (II)SF) U.. ..p.r..e r.r,.. ina�nry/.I.. Enter BDL .a..... a (,,.w.) Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => " or 6-Mo Average (mg/1) => • or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => Total # of samples => • Maximum (mg/1)=> • or Maximum (lb/d) => " or 6-Mo Average (mg/1) => • or Average Loading (lb/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) => %TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => Total # of samples => ' Maximum (mg/1) => ' or Maximum (lb/d) => ' or 6-Mo Average (mg/1) => " or Average Loading (lb/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Control Authority, Town Name => Town of Stanley Industry Name J & L Machine W WTP Name => Long Creek IUP # 007 NPDES # => NCO020184 Pipe # 001 1 st 6 months, dates => 1/1 /2024 to 6/30/24 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2024 to 12/31/24 Flow m d BOD TSS Ammonia 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months Ist 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.00208 0.00214 333 133 3 132 5.25 0.91 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A o N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Silver Cadmium Chromium Co pper lst 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.001 0.015 0.087 0.344 0 0 0 0 0 n o 0 d 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cy anide Lead Nickel Zinc Ist 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 4 0.0107 0.0105 < 0.001 0.0018 0.012 0.043 0.115 3.489 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 BDL => B..- D-.-,.n L,mI, meh .,"',....... POTW I. .<..<.. .0 ..u.n..r <n... IUp->In ..n.i Us -Par,." I./a=>.... ..-a., R.... Intl.... ..r.e..., .. a.L..e SNC => Slemrm.n, N.n-C.,n.u.... -.a => .,un...."an. Par a., A. nw... ..,,Ia .. n,nn—, Q,.., 6r—..<n & I, BDL . 1/2BDL. C.I<.rl. WWTP=> .,...<..,,..<.r,r..<,n.n, Plant Revised 2/12/2025 Page 3 of 4 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Uso separate forms for each Intl ust,y/pl pe Enter BDL ........ < (..i..) Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or 6-Mo Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1)=> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or 6-Mo Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> • violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> o % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or 6-Mo Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> o % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is>= 33 %) _> g Control Authority, Town Name => Town of Stanley Industry Name J & L Machine W WTP Name => Long Creek IUP # 007 NPDES # _> NC0020184 Pipe # 001 1st 6 months, dates => 1/1/2024 to 6/30/24 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2024 to 12/31/24 TKN Organic Nitrogen Total Phosphorus TITO lst 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 l 1 1 1 Certified Certified 8.9 4.2 3.6 3.3 73.5 15.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A H Tem erature °C 1 st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 7.1 9.0 32.I 32.6 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL => B.1.— DR . LL-,r m°/1 => mi11i°r.m, p— Ater en... Il1P=> Ina. xna Us- P—Ir ie/a => ..ona. per a., R.... — „r.g.. —.1.a.lam.,.e SNC =>Sdr—...,t N..,-Campll.n.. -ad => mn�e.. 1°e..... p.r..y A. .1. „n0pra e6-m n&If BDL. 1/2BDI TRC=>T— IRe....C,I WWTP=>.,treatment c1. Revised 2/12/2025Page 4 of 4