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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPCN Missing Text Correction 12 feb25 FEB 12, 2025 -- MISSING TEXT FROM EPCN, JAN 15 VERSION SAW-2017-00627; DWR # 2017-0500 -- BRUNSWICK H2GO WELLS 6-7-8 and ACCESS ROAD, LELAND MC Hi Samantha and David, Samantha asked me to provide the PCN Form Text that was omitted when I saved the form on the eDocs website. Some of my text apparently exceeded the printable capacity of the ePCN form fields. Below is everything that was incomplete in the PDF copy of the PCN form that I sent you on Jan 15. If there’s any trick to making it print the full text in PDF, please let me know for future reference! < ============================================================================================= C.4a. PROJECT DESCRIPTON & HISTORY The three proposed well sites are located immediately east of the Interstate I-140 right-of-way fence and approximately 5,000 feet apart from each other. The proposed raw water line connecting the new wells to an existing line will run for 10,400 feet alongside the highway right-of-way, 1,100 feet off-road through forest, and 4,800 feet alongside Wolfridge Rd. The segments along the highway right-of-way and off-road are undeveloped and mostly forested. Two small headwater streams with adjacent swamp forests are located south and east of the southernmost well site (Well-6). Land from Well-6 north to Well-8 is mostly pine plantation on ditched and drained flatwoods wetlands. The segment along Wolfridge Rd is mostly rural residential development. The connection point to the existing raw water line is near the corner of Wolfridge Rd and Goodman Rd. See further description in the attached cover letter. C.4g. ESTIMATED FEET OF STREAMS approx 800 ft streams + 4,000 ft excavated ditches C.4i. DESCRIBE OVERALL PROJECT & IMPACTS The access road for building and servicing all three wells will begin on Buckeye Road NE approximately 450 feet northeast of Well 6. It will parallel the north edge of Well-6 westward to the highway right-of-way fence, then follow the right-of-way northward from Well-6 for approximately 10,200 feet to Well-8. The access road will be 20 feet wide on top with a footprint ranging from 25 to 40 feet wide depending on the depth of fill required. The road will be built first, followed by the wells and raw water line. The line will be installed directly beneath the road by horizontal directional drilling (HDD) except for the segments within 100 to 200 feet from each well which must be installed by open trenching in order to connect the wells and install butterfly valves. No permanent access road will be needed along the water line south of Well-6. Most of the off-road water line segment south of Well-6 will be installed by HDD except for the northernmost 200 feet near Well-6. Construction of Well-6 and the access from Buckeye Road will require clearing approximately 1.5 acres, of which 0.9 acre will be permanently maintained and 0.6 acre will be reforested. Construction of Well-7 and Well-8 will require clearing approximately 0.7 acre each, of which 0.4 acre will be permanently maintained and 0.3 acre will be reforested. Underground power cables to the well sites will be installed extending westward to Well-8 and Well-7 from the existing Duke Power right-of-way, adjacent to the railroad at the north and south ends of the Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point (MOTSU) property. The power cable installation corridor to Well-8 is approximately 2,900 feet long and is entirely along the MOTSU fence and perimeter road. The cable installation corridor to Well-7 is approximately 3,400 feet long including 1,600 feet along the MOTSU perimeter road and 1,800 feet off-road through pine flatwoods forest. Both cable installation corridors will be 20 feet wide and easements will be owned by Duke Power, not by H2GO. The cable installation to Well-6 will be within the access road construction corridor from Well-7 to Well-6 and will not create any additional impacts. The cables will create a complete loop between the three wells and the two end point connections to the Duke Power network to reduce the risk of power failure. The project will support additional land development in the H2Go service area and may thus contribute to additional indirect impacts to streams, wetlands, and forests, but it is not a primary driver of new development. See further discussion in the cover letter. C.5a. JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION COMMENT Delineated Nov 2023 - Feb 2024, revised Nov 5, 2024. D.2a. WETLAND IMPACTS INVENTORY TABLE 2a. Site #* (?) <Permit A 2a1 Reason* (?) 2b. Impact type* (?) 2c. Type of W.* 2d. W. name* 2e. Forested* 2f. Type of Jurisdicition* (?) 2g. Impact area* WA-1, Fig 8C buried pipe; perm convert P Bottomland HW Forest W-A Yes Both 0.071 (acres) WA-2, Fig 8C pipe install; temp clearing T Bottomland HW Forest W-A Yes Both 0.051 (acres) WB-1, Fig 8D Buckeye access road; perm fill P Pine Flat + Bottomland HW W-B Yes Both 0.190 (acres) WB-2, Fig 8D well 6 site; perm fill P Pine Flat + Bottomland HW W-B Yes Both 0.086 (acres) WB-3, Fig 8D well 6 site; perm convert P Bottomland HW Forest W-B Yes Both 0.171 (acres) WB-4, Fig 8D well 6 site; temp clearing T Bottomland HW Forest W-B Yes Both 0.056 (acres) Permit B WC-1, Fig 8H access road north; perm fill P Pine Flat W-C Yes Both 0.189 (acres) WC-2, Fig 8H access road north; perm fill P Pine Flat, mowed W-C No Both 0.189 (acres) WC-3, Fig 8H access rd north; temp clearing T Pine Flat W-C Yes Both 0.257 (acres) WD-1, Fig 8H access road north; perm fill P Pine Flat W-D Yes Both 0.023 (acres) WD-2, Fig 8H access road north; perm fill P Pine Flat, mowed W-D No Both 0.022 (acres) WD-3, Fig 8H access rd north; temp clearing T Pine Flat W-D Yes Both 0.030 (acres) WE-1, Fig 8H access road north; perm fill P Pine Flat W-E Yes Both 0.013 (acres) WE-2, Fig 8H access road north; perm fill P Pine Flat, mowed W-E No Both 0.011 (acres) WE-3, Fig 8H access rd north; temp clearing T Pine Flat W-E Yes Both 0.018 (acres) WG-1, Fig 8Q Power cable; temp clearing T Pine Flat, mowed W-G No Both 0.597 (acres) WG-2, Fig 8Q Power cable; temp clearing T Pine Flat, mowed W-G No Both 0.712 (acres) WF-1, Fig 8R Power cable; temp clearing T Pine Flat W-F Yes Both 0.689 (acres) WF-2, Fig 8R Power cable; temp clearing T Pine Flat W-F Yes Both 0.849 (acres) D.2i. WETLAND IMPACT COMMENTS Wetland impacts are divided into two NWP-58 permits for two single and complete projects, as instructed by ACE agent David Moose. Permit A (Well-6 and Buckeye Rd access) includes 0.276 acre of permanent wetland fill, 0.242 acre of permanent conversion (no-loss), and 0.107 acre of temporary clearing. Permit B (remainder of project to the north) includes 0.447 acre of permanent wetland fill, and 3.152 acre of temporary clearing. D.3a. STREAM IMPACTS INVENTORY TABLE A 3a. Reason for impact* 3b.Impact type* 3c. Type of impact* 3d. S. name* 3e. Stream Type* 3f. Type of Jurisdi 3g. S. width* 3h. Impact length* S1 arch culvert Permanent Culvert imp S2-1, Fig 8D Perennial Both 6 35 S2 riprap @ outlet Permanent, no-loss Stabilization imp S2-2, Fig 8D Perennial Both 6 50 B S3 culvert extend Permanent Culvert Imp D1-1, Fig 8I Ditch RPW Both 4 25 S4 riprap @ outlet Perm, no-loss Stabilization Imp D1-2, Fig 8I Ditch RPW Both 4 15 S5 culvert extend Permanent Culvert Imp D2-1, Fig 8J Ditch RPW Both 5 34 S6 riprap @ outlet Perm, no-loss Stabilization Imp D2-2, Fig 8J Ditch RPW Both 5 32 S7 culvert extend Permanent Culvert Imp D3-1, Fig 8M Ditch RPW Both 6 38 S8 riprap @ outlet Perm, no-loss Stabilization Imp D3-2, Fig 8M Ditch RPW Both 6 40 S9 culvert extend Permanent Culvert Imp D4-1, Fig 8N Ditch RPW Both 4 28 S10 riprap @ outlet Perm, no-loss Stabilization Imp D4-2, Fig 8N Ditch RPW Both 4 10 S11 culvert extend Permanent Culvert Imp D5-1, Fig 8O Ditch RPW Both 4 34 S12 riprap @ outlet Perm, no-loss Stabilization Imp D5-2, Fig 8O Ditch RPW Both 4 15 S13 Buried power cable Temporary Excavation Imp D6-1, Fig 8P Ditch RPW Both 4 20 S14 Buried power cable Temporary Excavation Imp D7-1, Fig 8Q Ditch RPW Both 4 350 S15 Buried power cable Temporary Excavation Imp D7-2, Fig 8Q Ditch RPW Both 4 1590 S16 Buried power cable Temporary Excavation Imp D8-1, Fig 8R Ditch RPW Both 4 1560 D.3j. STREAM IMPACT COMMENTS Stream and ditch impacts are divided into two NWP-58 permits for two single and complete projects, as instructed by ACE agent David Moose. Permit A (Well-6 and Buckeye Rd access) includes 35 feet (0.005 acre) of permanent culvert impact and 50 feet (0.007 acre) of permanent (no-loss) riprap impact to stream S2. Permit B (remainder of project to the north) includes 159 feet (0.017 acre) of permanent culvert extension impacts and 112 feet (0.013 acre) of permanent (no-loss) riprap impact to six RPW ditches along the access road, and 3,520 feet of potential temporary impacts to ditches along the power cable corridors. E.1a. AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION The selected alignment takes advantage of the existing 15-ft wide mowed trail along the highway right-of-way fence to minimize the area of forested wetland clearing. The bottomless arch culvert and riprap will be installed to preserve the approximate existing stream bed elevation and width. Grading at the three well sites will be the minimum required to direct surface flow away from the wells as required by the DEQ Public Water Supply Section. F.1a. DIFFUSE FLOW PLAN EXPLAIN: NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules do not apply in the Town Creek sub-watershed of the Cape Fear River basin. However, Brunswick County does require riparian buffers and the applicant is coordinating with the County watershed administrator regarding buffer impacts along stream S-1 and S-2 near Well-6. G.3b. CUMULATIVE IMPACTS DESCRIPTION This water supply expansion project will support additional land development in the H2Go service area and may thus indirectly contribute to additional impacts to streams, wetlands, and forests, but it is not a primary driver of development. G.5j. ENDANGERED SPECIES SOURCES FWS-IPaC project evaluation tool and NC Natural Heritage Data Explorer. See Biological Assessment Report assessing potential impacts to listed species in the DEQ edocs project folder, including an impact determination key letter (MANLAA) for the northern long-eared bat. G.6b. NMFS ESSENTIAL FISH HABITAT SOURCES Town Creek 3 miles downstream of Well-6 is designated EFH for South Atlantic Snapper-Grouper complex species. The project will have negligible effect on Morgan Branch which flows into Town Creek. G.7b. HISTORIC & CULTURAL RESOURCES Based on the NC HPOweb tool, two historic structures along Goodman Road (McKeithan House and Goodman House) are more than 0.25 mile from the project and will not be affected. No features are shown along the corridor extending up Wolfridge Rd or the line to the wells. G.8c. FLOOD ZONE DESIGNATION NC flood risk information system: The nearest FEMA flood hazard mapping begins along Morgan Branch 0.5 mile downstream from Well-6. No construction will occur in FEMA flood hazard areas. xxx