HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080640 Ver 1_Individual_2008013005- 13604 31824954 January 30, 2008 Ms. Cyndi Karoly 401 Oversight/Express Permitting Unit "i., T NC Division of Water Quality y 1650 Mail Service Center ['.1 T Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Re: Extension of Morrisville Parkway Phase III Dear Ms. Karoly: Please find enclosed five (5) complete sets of the Department of the Army Individual Permit application for the Extension of Morrisville Parkway Phase III project that was submitted to the US Army Corps of Engineers — Raleigh Field Office on January 30, 2008. Also, please find enclosed a check for $570.00, made payable to NCDENR, for the application review fee. We would appreciate you reviewing this package for an Individual Water Quality Certification. Please call me at (919) 461-1435 if you should have any questions regarding this submittal. Sincerely, URS Corp ation — North Carolina Charles E. Benton, PWS Senior Environmental Scientist Enclosures cc: Russ Overton, Town of Cary Mike Babuin, Town of Cary File copy URS Corporation — North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel: 919.461.1100 Fax: 919.461.1415 www.urscorp.com JAN 3 0 2008 WETILMOS M� STORMW TER BRANCH Enclosures cc: Kim Leight, URS, Project Manager Russ Overton, Town of Cary Mike Babuin, Town of Cary Monte Matthews, USACE-Raleigh William D. Gilmore, PE, NC-EEP Cyndi Karoly, NC-DWQ — 401/Wetlands Unit (5 copies) Todd Preuninger, Withers & Ravenel, Inc. File copy P:UObsl\31824954_MPE3\lndividual Permit ApplicationTinal Permit Package\USACE Cover Letter.doc Page 2 of 2 d5_ [340 v� APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PEI At' I OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-0003 (33 CFR'325) Expires June 30, 2000 The Public burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 10 hours per response, although the majority of applications should require 5 hours or less. This includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washington, DC 20503. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, 33 USC 1413, Section 103. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies., Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided the permit application cannot be'evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be. attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED /ITFMQ RFI nW Tn Rx FII 1 ED RV APPI IC4A!n 5. APPLICANTS NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE (an agent isnot required Mr. Russ Overton, PE Mr. Charles E. Benton, PWS 6. APPLICANTS ADDRESS Town of Cary, Engineering Department 9. AGENTS ADDRES$ URS Corporation, 1600 Perimeter Park Drive P.O. Box 8005, Cary, NC 27512-8005 Suite 400, Morrisville, NC 27560-8421 7. APPLICANTS PHONE NOS. W/AREA CODE 10. AGENT'S PHONE NOS. W/AREA CODE a. Residence a. Residence b. Business 919-469-4036 b. Business 919-461-1435 11. STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize, Charles E. Benton to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to fumish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. �l10,lai8, APPLICANTS SIGNATURE DATE NAME LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (weinsmctims) Extension of Morrisville Parkway Phase III (Town of Cary Project No. ST -1123) 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (ifappkxble) 114. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS pfappkawe) Unnamed Tributaries to Panther Creek 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Wake COUNTY NC STATE JAN 3 0 2003 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN, (see in ms) WETLANDS AND STORMWATER Begin: 35.813720, -78.872747 END: 35.802659, -78.909490 (NAD83/WGS84) 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE From Raleigh, take Route 40 West to Aviation Parkway (Exit 285); continue straight onto Morrisville -Carpenter Road; left onto Route 55. Project site begins approximately 1/2 mile on the right (proposed NC 55/Morrisville Parkway intersection). See Figure 1: Vicinity Map (attached). ENG FORM 4345, Jul 97 EDITION OF FEB 94 IS (Proponent: CECW-OR) 18. Nature of Activity (Desaipam of project, it dude so features) Road construction. Sae attachment labeled Block 18. 19. Project Purpose (DesafbeMeressonorpurpowofMeProject, see inshucfions) The project purpose is to extend Morrisville Parkway to provide a continuous roadway from NC 55 westward to a new terminus with SR 16254Green Level to Durham Road) at SR 1600 (Green Level Church Road). There is a need for this new roadway, because there are few existing east -west routes through targeted areas of local development and access will continue to be a problem as the population of wake County grows. The Parkway will provide access to the Greystone subdivision and eventually connect to the Future 1-540 Interchange Area. The start and complete dates are 04/08 and 4/18 respectively. USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge The proposed activity will require the unavoidable discharge of fill into wetlands and streams for the construction of the road embankment, sidewalks, culvert placement, and associated erosion control. 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards See attachment labeled Block 21. 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see inshucum) See attachments labeled Block 22. 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes X No _!EYES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental list). See attachment labeled Block 24. 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED 'Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building and flood plain permits 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete arkd accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to underta the work described herein or am acting as the `dG �r a thorized a f t applipnt SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity{applicant) or may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345 - BLOCK 18 18. NATURE OF ACTIVITY The Town of Cary (TOC) proposes to construct an extension (Phase III) of an existing roadway, SR 3060 (Morrisville Parkway), from North Carolina Highway 55 (NC 55) westward for a distance of approximately 3 miles to a new terminus with SR 1625 (Green Level to Durham Road) at SR 1600 (Green Level Church Road) (TOC Project No. ST -1123) (Figure 1). As part of the future extension, an interchange is proposed at Morrisville Parkway Phase III (MPE III) and a planned North Carolina Turnpike Authority (NOTA) project, Western Wake Freeway (I-540). The interchange is not currently included in pending NCTA construction contracts; however, could be added in the future if traffic projections and financial feasibility dictate. The potential impacts for the interchange are included with this application submittal. The Extension would provide a centrally located, east -west connector in the western planning limits of the Town of Cary and western Wake County. There are few existing east -west routes through targeted areas of local development and access will continue to be a problem as the population of Wake County grows. 18.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS The project area is located in the Haw Watershed (Hydrologic Unit Code 03030002) (NC Cape Fear River Subbasin 03-06-05). The project study area is bordered to the east by NC 55, to the west by Green Level Church Road, to the north by undeveloped forested land and residential properties, and to the south by Green Hope School Road (Figure 2). The existing conditions within this project segment include upland hardwood/pine forest, Section 404 jurisdictional forested wetlands, and several jurisdictional perennial and intermittent streams. The upland forest is dominated by loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), white oak (Quercus alba), and tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), arrowwood (Virburnum dentatum), and saplings of red maple (Acer rubrum) dominate the understory. Typical wetland vegetation is dominated by sweetgum (Liquidambar styriciflua), red maple, and slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) within the canopy. Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum), sedge (Carex sp.), and soft rush (Juncus effusus) are common in the understory and herbaceous layer. Three U.S. Corps of Engineers (USACE) jurisdictional determinations have been conducted for the proposed project area (Appendix A). 18.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project construction activities will be developed in two stages. Stage 1 will initially construct the MPE III from NC 55 to Green Level Church Road as a 2 -lane, non -divided roadway (Figure 3). Stage 2 will expand the 2 -lane road to a 4 -lane, median -divided roadway, and could connect to the future I-540 Interchange Area (Figure 4). Stage 1 Stage 1 construction activities are further subdivided into Stage IA and Stage 1B. Stage IA At present, final design plans for the MPE III have been developed for the portion of the roadway that will service the future Greystone residential subdivision situated between Green Level Church Road and the future Western Wake Freeway (Figure 3). The proposed design is an approximately 2,500 -foot long, 40 -foot wide, 2 -lane paved road, with an associated 10 -foot wide Town of Cary Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase III Block 18: page 1 of 3 ENG FORM 4345 - BLOCK 18 concrete greenway trail (Appendix B). To accommodate the roadway alignment, two stream crossings will be required. Culverts are proposed for both stream crossings. The project would use standard road construction methods and use of heavy equipment, such as cranes, backhoes, bulldozers, and dump trucks. Stage 1B Stage 1 B is an approximately 12,500 -foot long, 40 -foot wide, 2 -lane road, with an associated 12 - foot wide concrete sidewalk, and would be constructed from NC 55 to the Stage IA terminus at the Greystone subdivision. Construction details are currently in preliminary design.' Figure 3 depicts the slope stake limits of the proposed 2 -lane road. To accommodate the roadway alignment, four stream crossings and one wetland crossing will be required. Culverts are proposed for each stream crossing; however, bridges may be considered for some stream crossings. The project would use standard road construction methods and use of heavy equipment, such as cranes, backhoes, bulldozers, and dump trucks. Stage 2 Stage 2 is proposed to be constructed at a future date when traffic forecasts support the expansion of the 2 -lane road to a 4 -lane road from NC 55 to Green Level Church Road (Figure 4). When complete, the roadway would look similar to the existing 4 -lane, median -divided roadway portions of the Morrisville Parkway located east of NC 55 (Appendix C). To accommodate the expanded roadway, the Stage IA and Stage 1B culverts at each of the six stream crossings identified above would be lengthened, and additional crossings would be required for the I-540 connector ramps if the interchange is built. 18.3 PROJECT IMPACTS TO WETLANDS AND STREAMS The proposed project would require the unavoidable discharge of fill material into wetlands and streams. These impacts are described in detail by impact area in the attachments labeled Block 21 and Block 22. 18.4 PROJECT IMPACTS TO RIPARIAN BUFFERS The project is located in the Cape Fear watershed; no federal or state riparian buffer rules apply. The TOC has implemented a riparian buffer protection ordinance to regulate land development near perennial and intermittent streams within its town limits, including areas within the Cape Fear watershed. 18.5 AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION Avoidance and minimization measures have been incorporated in the roadway design to limit the amount of wetland and stream impacts. Alternative analysis was completed for the project during the feasibility phase for the project. The alternative selected represented the best horizontal connection between NC 55 and Green Level to Durham Road considering the adjacent roadway network. The route was designed to minimize impacts to valuable natural systems located in the study area. Fill slopes were designed at 2:1 to limit fill within wetlands and streams. The project has been designed to avoid temporary wetland impacts to the greatest extent practicable. Where temporary wetland impacts are unavoidable, the heavy equipment working in wetlands would be placed on mats to minimize soil disturbance. All temporary disturbed Town of Cary Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase III Block 18: page 2 of 3 ENG FORM 4345 - BLOCK 18 wetlands would be restored to pre -construction conditions. In addition, the project would include a comprehensive sediment and erosion control plan to ensure that sedimentation and turbidity within wetlands and surface waters are minimized to the greatest extent practicable. 18.6 MITIGATION The applicant proposes to mitigate for their requested wetland and stream impacts through payment to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). The applicant is proposing to pay for mitigation in stages as final designs for each of the project areas are completed. Currently, only Stage IA of the project (Greystone subdivision) has site plans with sufficient detail to determine the required mitigation (Appendix B). In their letter, dated January 30, 2008, the NCEEP has stated that they are only able to accept payment for the wetland impacts associated with Stage IA within Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03030002 (Appendix D). However, NCEEP has also provided a letter accepting payment for the Stage IA stream impacts in the adjacent HUC 03030003 (Appendix D). Compensatory mitigation for Stage IA is shown in Table 1. TABLE 1. STAGE 1A — GREYSTONE SUBDIVISION AREA COMPENSATORY MITIGATION Town of Cary Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase III Block 18: page 3 of 3 Im acts to Waters of the U.S. Crossing 1 Crossing 2 ,Total SC -1 SC -2 Permanent Impacts Section 404 Forested Wetlands 244 sf. 7,155 sf. 7,399 sf. / 0.17 ac. Perennial Streams 3651f. 366 If. 731 If Temporary Section 404''. Forested Wetlands 0 0 0 Impacts Perennial Streams 0 0 0 Com ensation 2:'1 Ratio for Wetlands & Streams Crossing I Crossing 2 Total Permanent Impacts Section 404: Forested Wetlands 488 sf. 14,310 sf. 14,798 sf. / 0.34 ac. Perennial Streams 7301f. 732 If. 1,462 If. Town of Cary Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase III Block 18: page 3 of 3 E c N U Z Z o ° O LL T V m Ul i f0 Z m y c n a E nEQ m U U aa O T N U o ....... ,,. t m co 0— O U E4d L N 0 d 11) y fl - I.L dn N N 2p~. N N -0U ow a1 N A C (1) U o 0 0 m m' 0 0 rn m m m `E° c0 m m U U i/i � +�+ i O a` in N LL U) in in in in 5 cn W ~ I I( O fo W m I T z>p• ....... ,,. AW• ENG FORM 4345 - BLOCK 21 21.. TYPE(S) OF MATERIAL BEING DISCHARGED AND THE AMOUNT OF EACH TYPE IN CUBIC YARDS The roadway would be constructgd using a gravel/soil fill that meets NC Department of Transportation roadway embankment specifications. Reinforced concrete box culverts are proposed at each of the stream crossings. Class I Rip Rap will be used for erosion control at the culvert's inlet and outlet, and for slope toe protection. The fill material amounts within Section 404 jurisdictional waters for each project stage are presented in Table 2. Table 2: Summary of Fill Materials within Jurisdictional Waters . Estimate based on preliminary design. Town of Cary Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase 111 Block 21: page 1 of I ENG FORM 4345 - BLOCK 22 TABLE 31). STAGE 2 — 4 -LANE ROADWAY: NC -55 TO GREEN LEVEL CHURCH ROAD WETLAND AND STREAM IMPACTS Fi ' re`I+Tti � , �"� 4, , `Perrrianent Im act'I` linear fett*'�'� ..... ` '' uare feet*„*�` •: re.�='X+„'434Y<s .,v� 0 0 '£ Perennial-zSirea = 0 0 546 5,460 `, Per tirii=, ;M,, 84 840 Perentital1tt o, , , 50 500 �� �Perennia�"treaitr' ..WN 60 600 �F.x x ��r erennial�trear}i ,.:. P 508 508 ymay. Perennil Stteatti, .. ..' _ 136 136 1' 5 Secttolt€#resfeti iaif y : ` • N/A 2,178 s'z` W<. Secttott44ores%d N/A 9,583 WG- Sectton4U4Foresied� '- N/A 1,307 W $ecttQn 4(?4 Forested W� N/A 871 W"Sectiblti )F'o esed N/A 871 ., Wim= <Secti 4{)4Fbresie�et,r•¢z N/A 2,614 WC- Section39 Forested-SL't'";, N/A 2,000 xsi, � e. ,, , "r � .; TO- WI ,: 1,384 27,468 *** Estimate based on preliminary design for the Stage 2 additional impacts Town of Cary Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase III Block 22: page 2 of 2 ENG FORM 4345 - BLOCK 24 24. ADDRESSES OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS WHOSE PROPERTY ADJOINS THE WATERBODY OWNER STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE, ZIP FIN CURTIS, MARIAN 1819 SAINT MARYS ST RALEIGH NC 27608-2222 0734077765 DAYTON DAVE PAUL & CAROL S 1128 TWYLA RD CARY NC 27519.9765 0735209448 A J KEPLEY EXECUTOR 1044 PINEHURST DR CHAPEL HILL NC 27517-5655 0735516019 FRYAR FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 7210 GREEN HOPE SCHOOL RD CARY NC 27519-8890 0735402360 GIBSON CHARLES RAY & BETTY PERRY 316 BOLTSTONE CT CARY NC 27513-6018 0735608872 . GILBERT LAWRENCE J & DEBORAH S 1112 TWYLA RD CARY NC 27519-9765 0734392943 HAWES SARA JANE MILLS PO BOX 961 WILSON NC 27894-0961 0734283653 HIGHCROFT INVESTORS LLC PO BOX 3557 CARY NC 27519-3557 0735501446 HILLIARD ANNIE RUTH 7216 GREEN HOPE SCHOOL RD CARY NC 27519-8890 0734384492 HOLLY BARBARA J 1105 TWYLA RD CARY NC 27519-9765 0734294807 JONES DESTRY G & CATHERINE K 1140 TWYLA RD CARY NC 27519-9765 0735209740 KEARNS, TALBERT EDWARDKEARNS 1120 TWYLA RD CARY NC 27519-9765 0735209159 LEWIS RONALD 1624 WACKENA RD CARY NC 27519-2549 0735514004 MCLAMB, WILLIAM M 1500 WACKENA RD CARY NC 27519.9547 0735318386 MI HOMES LLC 1500 SUNDAY DR STE 113 RALEIGH NC 27607-5151 0724876936 MILLS ANNE B 2428 CARPENTER UPCHURCH RD CARY NC 27519-7006 0735702552 NEWKIRK ALFRED J & JEANELLEN 1704 WACKENA RD CARY NC 27519-2551 0735511148 OTTAWAY DANNY L 10401 CHAPEL HILL RD MORRISVILLE NC 27560 0735412287 PAULIN WILLIAM T & JANE MALLINSON 921 TWYLA RD CARY NC 27519-9769 0734282466 R & E JOHNSON FAMILY LLC 3510 NC HIGHWAY 55 CARY NC 27519-8370 0734794050 RIDGWAY SUSANCONE VIVIAN 10820 W BRIDGFORD DR CARY NC 27518-1518 0734179823 ROGERS CLINTON D & SHANNON H 1005 TWYLA RD CARY NC 27519-9768 0734283875 ROGERS MILTON H JR & RITA T 1017 TWYLA RD CARY NC 27519-9768 0734294217 SMITH, MICHAEL O & VICKI A 1100 TWYLA RD CARY NC 27519-9765 0734297619 SOMMERVILLE, MICHAEL W & ADELE 1404 WACKENA RD CARY NC 27519-2545 0735315492 STEPHENSON, RUSSELL & ELLEN LONGINO 213 OBERLIN RD RALEIGH NC 27605-1646 0734297234 STEWART, ROBERT EARL 1000 TWYLA RD CARY NC 27519-9764 0734288739 SWINGLE ROBERT J & SANDRA H 1101 TWYLA RD CARY NC 27519-9765 0734294615 TARLTON RUSSELL W JR & DIANNE N 1109 ATHENS DR RALEIGH NC 27606-2420 0735619230 TOWN OF CARY 316 N ACADEMY ST CARY NC 27513-4538 0734194339 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 4934 WINDY HILL DR RALEIGH NC 27609-4930 0735702009 WAKE MEMORIAL PARK LLC 1000 DARRINGTON DR STE 105 CARY NC 27513-8134 0734489517 WAKE MEMORIAL PARK LLC 111 CINNTBWEKATG CT STE 101 CARY NC 27511 0734581353 WAKE MEMORIAL PARK LLC 111 COMMONWEALTH CT STE 101 CARY NC 275114447 0734584166 WALL WARREN A & JO ANN L 1504 WACKENA RD CARY NC 27519-9547 0735400916 WELDON, JOHN A & KRISTEL M 1004 TWYLA RD CARY NC 27519-9764 0734286728 WILHELM, VAUGHN S 1616 WACKENA RD CARY NC 27519-2549 0735415117 WILLIAMS, FRANK E & NANETTE J 1708 WACKENA RD CARY NC 27519-2551 0735614322 WINSLOW PROPERTIES DEVELOPMENT CO 1 740 LOCH HIGHLANDS DR RALEIGH NC 27606-8431 0724976375 Town of Cary Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase III Block 24: page I of I ENG FORM 4345 — APPENDIX A APPENDIX A: USACE JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATIONS Town of Cary Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase III Appendix ENG FORM 4345 — APPENDIX A USACE JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATIONS Three U.S. Corps of Engineers (USACE) jurisdictional determinations have been conducted for the proposed project area. The three separate areas are depicted on Figure 5, and have been labeled as follows: Section A - NC 55 to Future 1-540 Interchange Area Section B — Future I-540 Interchange Area Section C — Greystone Subdivision Area SECTION A: Section A was field delineated by URS Corporation in June 2007. A USACE Jurisdictional Determination (JD) walk-through was conducted by Monte Matthews on August 16, 2007. A request for a signed USACE JD letter and Wetland Delineation Map for Section A was requested on November 9, 2007 (see attached). The JD is still pending USACE review. SECTION B: Section B was field delineated by URS Corporation in June 2005. A USACE Jurisdictional Determination (JD) walk-through was conducted by Monte Matthews in February and June 2006. A request for a signed USACE JD letter and Wetland Delineation Map for Section B was requested on November 9, 2007 (see attached). The JD is still pending USACE review. SECTION C: Section C was field delineated by S&EC. An approved JD of wetland and stream features within Section'C was issued by the USACE. The JD letter and signed Wetland Delineation Map were unavailable for the subject application. The un -signed Wetland Delineation Maps are attached, along with e-mail correspondence from Monte Matthews stating that the delineation was approved by the USACE and that this approved delineation was used to issue two previous permits in the Greystone Subdivision area (USACE Action IDs: 200620620 and 200620617) (attached). Town of Cary Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase III Appendix A c Z Z OU R Z a� 41 = otS c O c v� �c C) a+ m U O u o 0 7 3N 4- o O m F o O o_ O c U d O > �C o` U S U) LLW 41r NW Ha7 O o (n j J (n W m 1 La � r`F \ � �� --•r�� � ��1 'I �`\ �� V I � �\, I � 1 ' �� r� 4 `-'''i/���F ` �/ / f ' ' � 1 :� � 1 �� iT�,, � : � `} 1 ��, `;I 1 ',•1\ \\-tom � • I ` f :' i I 1 ! 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One wetland and three jurisdictional streams were identified in this area. Enclosed are the appropriate USACE and North Carolina Department of Water Quality (NCDWQ) data forms as well as GPS drawings with coordinate points. At your earliest convenience, please issue documentation of the official jurisdictional status of these features. Please contact me with any questions at (919) 461-1435 (direct line) or by e-mail at chanes—benton@urscorp.com. Sincerely, URS Corporation — North Carolina Charles E. Benton, PWD, PWS Senior Environmental Scientist CEB/TLS:bkc cc: Mr. Ian McMillan, - NCDWQ (w/Enclosures) Mr. Russ Overton, PE — Town of Cary (w/Enclosures) Enclosures GPS Drawings USACE Approved Jurisdictional Determination Form USACE Wetland Data Forms USACE Stream Quality Assessment Worksheet NCDWQ Wetland Rating Form NCDWQ Stream Classification Form P:\jobs1\31824954—MPE3vD Package (Section 3)\Matdbeas—Request Official JD Stama_110907 LTI doc �} t ,IL C. 16 k§$ _IL ! . Ikl CD C N , 0 2 } 01111 . ! �! 0� » §� $�I ' . § k�$ . . � . � | , ■&B■§ . h � Rd c�� -U��,w �����, ■ _. . f. .} . w k . _� ■w� _ I� � . \ ,� � «■� $�■ a § ` . 32:) HIS ©® a sifter . $f� r��.� . . � F7 � 8kk� � u | | & . ■■ . !■ �� � !� . . ■s|$�! . - . .. � �� ■ . � � .. $ . .. �. ... § �.�'�I ■s 2:) �a k�laa§ a 2 ,-��,�■§ . e " ���2�� k I � .'0 cc K ■! |���� � !■ . � o � ! , (■§§EE §Q§§§§§ � .� �■�a SI§m§° § kkk}Il��§§@ s■ . ■« k§g§§ggdIflIg� . 32:):S � $ kam/f/§§pw ft7§ a■ 2k0`k�iceli �§((�§M� 2�2 . Val ks* af� . � . '§2�§������� . ��� ��.■ ■b£I.,�@ �. ! ƒ k \�22 a -K . a § ®lkk . ■ u|| CD 0 § . . !! §e . . : . K . ■; � � . . � . ��■� ��2 ■ � �_ �S�R-mss§■§ �� �r 2. ■22��� I§�� TL -6 .e a§ K;■■g■■■ E% I � �� APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM U.S. Army Corps of Engineers This form should be completed by following the instructions provided in Section IV of the JD Form Instructional Guidebook. SECTION I: BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD): B. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER:Extension of Morrisville Parkway III, Stream 1 (UT to Panther Creek) C. PROJECT LOCATION AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: State: North Carolina County/parish/borough: Wake City: Morrisville Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format): Lat. 35.811865° I, Long. -78.879608' It Universal Transverse Mercator. Name of nearest waterbody: Panther Creek Name of nearest Traditional Navigable Water (TNW) into which the aquatic resource flows: B. Everett Jordan Lake Name of watershed or Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 03030002 Check if map/diagram of review area and/or potential jurisdictional areas is/are available upon request. Check if other sites (e.g., offsite mitigation sites, disposal sites, etc...) are associated with this action and are recorded on a different JD form. D. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): Office (Desk) Determination. Date: Field Determination. Date(s): SECTION II: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS A. RHA SECTION 10 DETERMINATION OF JURISDICTION. There = "navigable waters of the U.S." within Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) jurisdiction (as defined by 33 CFR part 329) in the review area. [Required] Waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide. Waters are presently used, or have been used in the past, or maybe susceptible for use to transport interstate or foreign commerce. Explain: B. CWA SECTION 404 DETERNIINATION OF JURISDICTION. There M "waters of the U.S." within Clean Water Act (CWA) jurisdiction (as defined by 33 CFR part 328) in the review area. [Required] Waters of the U.S. a. Indicate presence of waters of U.S. in review area (check all that apply). r TNWs, including territorial seas Wetlands adjacent to TNWs Relatively permanent waters (RPWs) that. flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Non-RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Wetlands directly abutting RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Wetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Wetlands adjacent to non-RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Impoundments of jurisdictional waters Isolated (interstate or intrastate) waters, including isolated wetlands Identify (estimate) size of waters of the U.S. in the review area: Non -wetland waters: Approx 120 feet linear feet: 4 width (ft) and/or acres. Wetlands: acres. c. Limits (boundaries) of jurisdiction based on:� Elevation of established OHWM (if known): Non-regulated waters/wetlands (check if applicable):3 Potentially jurisdictional waters and/or wetlands were assessed within the review area and determined to be not jurisdictional. Explain: 1 Boxes checked below shall be supported by completing the appropriate sections in Section III below. Z For purposes of this form, an RPW is defined as a tributary that is not a TNW and that typically flows year-round or has continuous flow at least -seasonally, (e.g., typically 3 months). 3 Supporting documentation is presented in Section III.F. SECTION III: CWA ANALYSIS A. TNWs AND WETLANDS ADJACENT TO TNWs The agencies will assert jurisdiction over TNWs and wetlands adjacent to TNWs. If the aquatic resource is a TNW, complete Section III.A.I and Section III.D.1. only; if the aquatic resource is a wetland adjacent to a TNW, complete Sections IH.A.1 and 2 and Section III.D.I.; otherwise, see Section III.B below. 1. TNW Identify TNW: Summarize rationale supporting determination: Wetland adjacent to TNW Summarize rationale supporting conclusion that wetland is "adjacent% B. CHARACTERISTICS OF TRIBUTARY (THAT IS NOT A TNW) AND ITS ADJACENT WETLANDS (IF ANY): This section summarizes information regarding characteristics of the tributary and its adjacent wetlands, if any, and it helps determine whether or not the standards for jurisdiction established under Rspreoshave been met. The agencies will assert jurisdiction over non -navigable tributaries of TNWs where the tributaries are "relatively permanent waters" (RPWs), i.e. tributaries that typically flow year-round or have continuous flow at least seasonally (e.g., typically 3 months). A wetland that directly abuts an RPW is also jurisdictional. If the aquatic resource is not a TNW, but has year-round (perennial) flow, skip to Section III.D.2. If the aquatic resource is a wetland directly abutting a tributary with perennial flow, skip to Section IILDA. A wetland that is adjacent to but that does not directly abut an RPW requires a significant nexus evaluation. Corps districts and EPA regions will include in the record any available information that documents the existence of a significant nexus between a relatively permanent tributary that is not perennial (and its adjacent wetlands if any) and a traditional navigable water, even though a significant nexus finding is not required as a matter of law. If the waterbody4 is not an RPW, or a wetland directly abutting an RPW, a JD will require additional data to determine if the waterbody has a significant nexus with a TNW. If the tributary has adjacent wetlands, the significant nexus evaluation must consider the tributary in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands. This significant nexus evaluation that combines, for analytical purposes, the tributary and all of its adjacent wetlands is used whether the review area identified in the JD request is the tributary, or its adjacent wetlands, or both. If the JD covers a tributary with adjacent wetlands, complete Section III.B.1 for the tributary, Section III.B.2 for any onsite wetlands, and Section III.B.3 for all wetlands adjacent to that tributary, both onsite and offsite. The determination whether a significant nexus exists is determined in Section III.0 below. 1. Characteristics of non-TNWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNW (f) General Area Conditions: Watershed size: Approx 7.5 Drainage area: Approx 7.5 Average annual rainfall: 45 inches Average annual snowfall: 7.5 inches (ii) Physical Characteristics: (a) Relationship with TNW: ❑ Tributary flows directly into TNW. ® Tributary flows through 1 tributaries before entering TNW. Project waters are M river miles from TNW. Project waters areriver miles from RPW. Project waters are aerial. (straight) miles from TNW. Project waters are aerial (straight) miles from RPW. Project waters cross or serve as state boundaries. Explain: Identify flow route to TNWS: Stream 1 flows into another UT to Panther Creek. The UT to Painter flows into Panther Creek. Panther Creek flows into Northeast Creek. Northeast Creek flows into B. Everett Jordan Lake. 4 Note that the Instructional Guidebook contains additional information regarding swales, ditches, washes, and erosional features generally and in the arid West. 5 Flow route can be described by identifying, e.g., tributary a, which flows through the review area, to flow into tributary b, which then flows into TNW. Tributary stream order, if known: 1 st. (b) General Tributary Characteristics (check all that aoolv): Tributary is: ® Natural ❑ Artificial (man-made). Explain: ❑ Manipulated (man -altered). Explain: Tributary properties with respect to top of bank (estimate): Average width: 4 feet Average depth: 3 feet Average side slopes: 11 Primary tributary substrate composition (check all that apply): ® Silts ® Sands ❑ Concrete ❑ Cobbles ❑ Gravel ❑ Muck ❑ Bedrock ❑ Vegetation. Type/'% cover. ❑ Other. Explain: Tributary condition/stability (e.g., highly eroding, sloughing banks). Explain: highly eroding. Presence of run/riffle/pool com le es. Explain: weak run/riffle/pool complexes. Tributary geometry: W. Tributary gradient (approximate average slope): 24 (c) Flow', Tributary provides for. Estimate average number of flow events in review area/year. Describe flow regime: Other information on duration and volume: Surface flow is: Characteristics: Subsurface flow: Explain findings: ❑ Dye (or other) test performed: Tributary has (check all that apply): ® Bed and banks ® OHWM6 (check all indicators that apply): ❑ clear, natural line impressed on the bank ® changes in the character of soil ❑ ❑ shelving ❑ ❑ vegetation matted down, bent, or absent ❑ ® leaf litter disturbed or washed away ID ❑ sediment deposition ❑ ❑ water staining ❑ ❑ other (list): ❑ Discontinuous OHWM .7 Explain: the presence of litter and debris destruction of terrestrial vegetation the presence of wrack line sediment sorting scour multiple observed or predicted flow events abrupt change in plant community If factors other than the OHWM were used to determine lateral extent of CWA jurisdiction (check all that apply): In High Tide Line indicated by: N Mean High Water Mark indicated by: ❑ oil or scum line along shore objects ❑ survey to available datum; ❑ fine shell or debris deposits (foreshore) ❑ physical markings; ❑ physical markings/characteristics ❑ vegetation lines/changes in vegetation types. ❑ tidal gauges ❑ other (list): (iii) Chemical Characteristics: Characterize tributary (e.g., water color is clear, discolored, oily film; water quality; general watershed characteristics, etc.). Explain: Little water in channel during field visit. Water was clear. Identify specific pollutants, if known: 6A natural or man-made discontinuity in the OHWM does not necessarily sever jurisdiction (e.g., where the stream temporarily flows underground, or where the OHWM has been removed by development or agricultural practices). Where there is a break in the OHWM that is unrelated to the waterbody's flow regime (e.g., flow over a rock outcrop or through a culvert), the agencies will look for indicators of flow above and below the break. 'Ibid. (iv) Biological Characteristics. Channel supports (check all that apply): ® Riparian corridor. Characteristics (type, average width): Forested riparian corridor. ❑ Wetland fringe. Characteristics: ❑ Habitat for: ❑ Federally Listed species. Explain findings: ❑ Fish/spawn areas. Explain findings: Other environmentally -sensitive species. Explain findings: ❑ Aquatic/wildlife dive,'sity. Explain findings: 2. Characteristics of wetlands adjacent to non-TNW that flow directly or indirectly into TNW (i) Physical Characteristics: (a) General Wetland Characteristics: Properties: Wetland size: acres Wetland type. Explain: . Wetland quality. Explain: Project wetlands cross or serve as state boundaries. Explain: (b) General Fl2w Reloonship with Flow is: � Explain: Surface flow is: Characteristics: Subsurface flow: Explain findings: ❑ Dye (or other) test performed: (c) Wetland Adiacencv Determination with Non-TNW: ❑ Directly abutting ❑ Not dinxtly abutting ❑ Discrete wetland hydrologic connection. Explain: ❑ Ecological connection. Explain: ❑ Separated by benn/banier. Explain: (d)Proximity Rel tionshi Project wetlands are river miles from TNW. ' q Project waters are aerial (straight) miles from TNW. Flow is from: KNEW— Estimate approximate location of wetland as within the floodplain. (ii) Chemical Characteristics: Characterize wetland system (e.g., water color is clear, brown, oil film on surface; water quality; general watershed characteristics; etc.). Explain: Identify specific pollutants, if known: (iii) Biological Characteristics. Wetland supports (check all that apply): ❑ Riparian buffer. Characteristics (type, average width): ❑ Vegetation type/percent cover. Explain: ❑ Habitat for. ❑ Federally Listed species. Explain findings: ❑ Fish/spawn areas. Explain findings: ❑ Other environmentally -sensitive species. Explain findings: ❑ Aquatic/wildlife diversity. Explain findings: 3. Characteristics of all wetlands adjacent to the tributary (if an All wetland(s) being considered in the cumulative analysis: Approximately ( ) acres in total are being considered in the cumulative analysis. For each wetland, specify the following: Directly abuts? (Y N) Size (in acres) Directly abuts?.(Y/N) Size (in acres) Summarize overall biological, chemical and physical functions being performed: C. SIGNIFICANT NEXUS DETERMINATION A significant nexus analysis will assess the flow characteristics and functions of the tributary itself and the functions performed by any wetlands adjacent to the tributary to determine if they significantly affect the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of a TNW. For each of the following situations, a significant nexus exists if the tributary, in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands, has more than a speculative or insubstantial effect on the chemical, physical and/or biological integrity of a TNW. Considerations when evaluating significant nexus include, but are not limited to the volume, duration, and frequency of the flow of water in the tributary and its proximity to a TNW, and the functions performed by the tributary and all its adjacent wetlands. It is not appropriate to determine significant nexus based solely on any specific threshold of distance (e.g. between a tributary and its adjacent wetland or between a tributary and the TNW). Similarly, the fact an adjacent wetland lies within or outside of a floodplain is not solely determinative of significant nexus. Draw connections between the features documented and the effects on the TNW, as identified in the Rapanos Guidance and discussed in the Instructional Guidebook. Factors to consider include, for example: • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), have the capacity to carry pollutants or flood waters to TNWs, or to reduce the amount of pollutants or flood waters reaching a TNW? • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), provide habitat and lifecycle support functions for fish and other species, such as feeding, nesting, spawning, or rearing young for species that are present in the TNW? • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), have the capacity to transfer nutrients and organic carbon that support downstream foodwebs? • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), have other relationships to the physical, chemical, or biological integrity of the TNW? Note: the above list of considerations is not inclusive and other functions observed or known to occur should be documented below: 1. Significant nexus findings for non-RPW that has no adjacent wetlands and flows directly or indirectly into TNWs. Explain findings of presence or absence of significant nexus below, based on the tributary itself, then go lo Section IIID: Significant nexus findings for non-RPW and its adjacent wetlands, where the non-RPW flows directly or indirectly into TNWs. Explain findings of presence or absence of significant nexus below, based on the tributary in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands, then go to Section IILD: 3. Significant nexus findings for wetlands adjacent to an RPW but that do not directly abut the RPW. Explain fmdingsof presence or absence of significant nexus below, based on the tributary in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands, then go to Section III.D: D. DETERMINATIONS OF JURISDICTIONAL FINDINGS. THE SUBJECT WATERS/WETLANDS ARE (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): 1. TNWs and Adjacent Wetlands. Check all that apply and provide size estimates in review area: TNWs: linear feet width (ft), Or, acnes. Wetlands adjacent to TNWs: acres. RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. Tributaries of TNWs where tributaries typically flow year-round are jurisdictional. Provide data and rationale indicating that tributary is perennial: Tributaries of TNW where tributaries have continuous flow "seasonally" (e.g., typically three months each year) are jurisdictional. Data supporting this conclusion is provided at Section III.B. Provide rationale indicating that tributary flows seasonally: Stream scored a 20 on the NCDWQ Stream Classification Form.. Provide estimates for jurisdictional waters in the review area (check all that apply): Tributary waters: 120 linear feet 4 width (ft). Other non -wetland waters: acres. Identify type(s) of waters: 3. Non-RPWs8 that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. Waterbody that is not a TNW or an RPW, but flows directly or indirectly into a TNW, and it has a significant nexus with a JNW is jurisdictional. Data supporting this conclusion is provided at Section HI.C. Provide estimates for jurisdictional waters within the review area (check all that apply): Tributary waters: linear feet width (ft). Other non -wetland waters: acres. Identify type(s) of waters: Wetlands directly abutting an RPW that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. Wetlands directly abut RPW and thus are jurisdictional as adjacent wetlands. Wetlands directly abutting an RPW where tributaries typically flow year-round. Provide data and rationale indicating that tributary is perennial in Section III.D.2, above. Provide rationale indicating that wetland is directly abutting an RPW: Wetlands directly abutting an RPW where tributaries typically flow "seasonally." Provide data indicating that tributary is seasonal in Section III.B and rationale in Section III.D.2, above. Provide rationale indicating that wetland is directly abutting an RPW: Provide acreage estimates for jurisdictional wetlands in the review area: 0.13 acres. S. Wetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting an RPW that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. Wetlands that do not directly abut an RPW, but when considered in combination with the tributary to which they are adjacent and with similarly situated adjacent wetlands, have a significant nexus with a TNW are jurisidictional. Data supporting this conclusion is provided at Section III.C. Provide acreage estimates for jurisdictional wetlands in the review area: acnes. 6. Wetlands adjacent to non-RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. Wetlands adjacent to such waters, and have when considered in combination with the tributary to which they are adjacent and with similarly situated adjacent wetlands, have a significant nexus with a TNW are jurisdictional. Data supporting this conclusion is provided at Section III.C. Provide estimates for jurisdictional wetlands in the review area acres. 7. Impoundments of jurisdictional waters.g As a general rule, the impoundment of a jurisdictional tributary remains jurisdictional. Demonstrate that impoundment was created from "waters of the U.S.," or Demonstrate that water meets the criteria for one of the categories presented above (1-6), or Demonstrate that water is isolated with a nexus to commerce (see E below). E. ISOLATED JINTERSTATE OR INTRA -STATE] WATERS, INCLUDING ISOLATED WETLANDS, THE USE, DEGRADATION OR DESTRUCTION OF WHICH COULD AFFECT INTERSTATE COMMERCE, INCLUDING ANY SUCH WATERS (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)?o which are or could be used by interstate or foreign travelers for recreational or other purposes. from which fish or shellfish are or could be taken and sold in interstate or foreign commerce. which are or could be used for industrial purposes by industries in interstate commerce. Interstate isolated waters. Explain: Other factors. Explain: Identify water body and summarize rationale supporting determination: sSee Footnote # 3. 9 To complete the analysis refer to the key in Section III.D.6 of the Instructional Guidebook. 10 Prior to asserting or declining CWA jurisdiction based solely on this category, Corps Districts will elevate the action to Corps and EPA HQ for review consistent with the process described in the Corps/EPA Memorandum Regarding CWA Act Jurisdiction Following Rapanos. Provide estimates for jurisdictional waters in the review area (check all that apply): Tributary waters: linear feet width (ft). Other non -wetland waters: acres. Identify type(s) of waters: Wetlands: acres. F. NON -JURISDICTIONAL WATERS, INCLUDING WETLANDS (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): If potential wetlands were assessed within the review area, these areas did not meet the criteria in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and/or appropriate Regional Supplements. Review area included isolated waters with no substantial nexus to interstate (or foreign) commerce. ❑ Prior to the Jan 2001 Supreme Court decision in "SWANCC," the review area would have been regulated based solely on the "Migratory Bird Rule" (MBR). Waters do not meet the "Significant Nexus" standard, where such a finding is required for jurisdiction. Explain: Other: (explain, if not covered above): Provide acreage estimates for non -jurisdictional waters in the review area, where the sole potential basis of jurisdiction is the MBR factors (i.e., presence of migratory birds, presence of endangered species, use of water for irrigated agriculture), using best professional udgment (check all that apply): Non -wetland waters (i.e., rivers, streams): linear feet width (ft). Lakes/ponds: acres. Other non -wetland waters: acres. List type of aquatic resource: Wetlands: acres. Provide acreage estimates for non jurisdictional waters in the review area that do not meet the "Significant Nexus" standard, where such a finding is required for jurisdiction (check all that apply): Non -wetland waters (i.e., rivers, streams): linear feet, width (ft). Lakes/ponds: acres. Other non -wetland waters: acres. List type of aquatic resource: Wetlands: acres. SECTION IV: DATA SOURCES. A. SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for JD (check all that apply - checked items shall be included in case file and, when: checked and requested, appropriately reference sources below): Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant: Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the applicanticonsultant. ❑ Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. Data sheets prepared by the Corps: Corps navigable waters' study: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: ❑ USGS NHD data ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name:7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangles of Green Level, NC. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: State/Local wetland inventory map(s): FEMA/FIRM maps: 100 -year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) Photographs: ❑ Aerial (Name & Date): or ❑ Other (Name & Date): Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter. Applicable/supporting case law: Applicabletsupporting scientific literature: Other information (please specify): B. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS TO SUPPORT JD: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM U.S. Army Corps of Engineers This form should be completed by following the instructions provided in Section IV of the JD Form Instructional Guidebook. SECTION I: BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD): B. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUAIBER:Extension of Morrisville Parkway III, Stream 3 (UT to Panther Creek) and Wetland 1 C. PROJECT LOCATION AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: State: North Carolina County/parish/borough: Wake City: Morrisville Center coordinates of site (]at/long in degree decimal format): Lat. 35.811865° 1y Long. -78.879608° Universal Transverse Mercator. Name of nearest waterbody: Panther Creek Name of nearest Traditional Navigable Water (TNW) into which the aquatic resource flows: B. Everett Jordan Lake Name of watershed or Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 03030002 Check if map/diagram of review area and/or potential jurisdictional areas is/are available upon request. Check if other sites (e g., offsite mitigation sites, disposal sites, etc...) are associated with this action and are recorded on a different JD form D. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): Office (Desk) Determination. Date: Field Determination. Date(s): SECTION II: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS A. RHA SECTION 10 DETERMINATION OF JURISDICTION. There = "navigable waters of the U.S." within Rivas and Harbors Act (RHA) jurisdiction (as defined by 33 CFR part 329) in the review area. [Required] Waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide. Waters are presently used, or have been used in the past, or maybe susceptible for use to transport interstate or foreign commerce. Explain: B. CWA SECTION 404 DETERMINATION OF JURISDICTION. There M "waters of the U.S." within Clean Water Act (CWA) jurisdiction (as defined by 33 CFR part 328) in the review area. [Required) Waters of the U.S. a. Indicate presence of waters of U.S. in review area (check all that apply): r TNWs, including territorial seas Wetlands adjacent to TNWs Relatively permanent waters2 (RPWs) that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Non-RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Wetlands directly abutting RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Wetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Wetlands adjacent to non-RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Impoundments of jurisdictional waters Isolated (interstate or intrastate) waters, including isolated wetlands b. Identify (estimate) size of waters of the U.S. in the review area: Non -wetland waters: Approx. 800 feet linear feet: 5-10 width (ft) and/or acres. Wetlands: 0.13 acres. c. Limits (boundaries) of jurisdiction based on: Elevation of established OHWM (if known): and OHWM. Non-regulated waters/wetlands (check if applicable):3 Potentially jurisdictional waters and/or wetlands were assessed within the review area and determined to be not jurisdictional. Explain: Boxes checked below shall be supported by completing the appropriate sections in Section III below. Z For purposes of this form, an RPW is defined as a tributary that is not a TNW and that typically flows year-round or has continuous flow at least "seasonally" (e.g., typically 3 months). 3 Supporting documentation is presented in Section III.F. SECTION III: CWA ANALYSIS A. TNWs AND WETLANDS ADJACENT TO TNWs The agencies will assert jurisdiction over TNWs and wetlands adjacent to TNWs. If the aquatic resource is a TNW, complete Section III.A.1 and Section IH.D.I. only; if the aquatic resource is a wetland adjacent to a TNW, complete Sections III.A.1 and 2 and Section III.D.1.; otherwise, see Section HLB below. 1. TNW Identify TNW: Summarize rationale supporting determination: Wetland adjacent to TNW Summarize rationale supporting conclusion that wetland is "adjacent': B. CHARACTERISTICS OF TRIBUTARY (THAT IS NOT A TNW) AND ITS ADJACENT WETLANDS (IF ANY): This section summarizes information regarding characteristics of the tributary and its adjacent wetlands, if any, and it helps determine whether or not the standards for jurisdiction established under R"Boshave been met. The agencies will assert jurisdiction over non -navigable tributaries of TNWs where the tributaries are "relatively permanent waters" (RPWs), i.e. tributaries that typically flow year-round or have continuous flow at least seasonally (e.g., typically 3 months). A wetland that directly abuts an RPW is also jurisdictional. If the aquatic resource is not a TNW, but has year-round (perennial) flow, skip to Section III.D.2. If the aquatic resource is a wetland directly abutting a tributary with perennial flow, skip to Section HI.D.4. A wetland that is adjacent to but that does not directly abut an RPW requires a significant nexus evaluation. Corps districts and EPA regions will include in the record any available information that documents the existence of a significant nexus between a relatively permanent tributary that isnot perennial (and its adjacent wetlands if any) and a traditional navigable water, even though a significant nexus finding is not required as a matter of law. If the waterbody° is not an RPW, or a wetland directly abutting an RPW, a JD will require additional data to determine if the waterbody has a significant nexus with a TNW. If the tributary has adjacent wetlands, the significant nexus evaluation must consider the tributary in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands. This significant nexus evaluation that combines, for analytical purposes, the tributary and all of its adjacent wetlands is used whether the review area identified in the JD request is the tributary, or its adjacent wetlands, or both. If the JD covers a tributary with adjacent wetlands, complete Section III.B.1 for the tributary, Section III.B.2 for any onsite wetlands, and Section III.B.3 for all wetlands adjacent to that tributary, both onsite and offsite. The determination whether a significant nexus exists is determined in Section IH.0 below. 1. Characteristics of non-TNWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNW (1) General Area Conditions: Watershed size: Approx 12 Drainage area: Approx. 12 Average annual rainfall: 45 inches Average annual snowfall: 7.5 inches (ii) Physical Characteristics: (a) Relationship with TNW: ❑ Tributary flows directly into TNW. ® Tributary flows through I tributaries before entering TNW. Project waters are M river miles from TNW. Project waters areriver miles from RPW. Project waters are aerial (straight) miles from TNW. Project waters are aerial (straight) miles from RPW. Project waters cross or serve as state boundaries. Explain: Identify flow route to TNWS: Stream 3 flows into another UT to Panther Creek. The UT to Panter flows into Panther Creek. Panther Creek flows into Northeast Creek. Northeast Creek flows into B. Everett Jordan Lake. ° Note that the Instructional Guidebook contains additional information regarding swales, ditches, washes, and erosional features generally and in the and West. 5 Flow route can be described by identifying, e.g., tributary a, which flows through the review area, to flow into tributary b, which then flows into TNW. Tributary stream order, if known: 1 st. (b) General Tributary Characteristics (check all that ap lwl. Tributary is: ® Natural ❑ Artificial (man-made). Explain: ❑ Manipulated (man -altered). Explain: Tributary properties with respect to top of bank (estimate): Average width: 7 feet Average depth: 3 feet Average side slopes: a Primary tributary substrate composition (check all that apply): ® Silts ® Sands ❑ Concrete ❑ Cobbles ❑ Gravel ❑ Muck ❑ Bedrock ❑ Vegetation. Type/% cover. ❑ Other. Explain: Tributary condition/stability [e.g., highly eroding, sloughing banks]. Explain: highly eroding. Presence of run/riffle/pool complexes. Explain: weak runhifiletpool complexes. Tributary geometry: Tributary gradient (approximate average slope): 2-4 % (c) Flow: Tributary provides for. Estimate average number of flow events in review area/year. Describe flow regime: Other information on duration and volume: Surface flow is: Characteristics: Subsurface flow: Explain findings: ❑ Dye (or other) test performed: Tributary has (check all that apply): ® Bed and banks ® OHWW (check all indicators that apply): ❑ clear, natural line impressed on the bank ® changes in the character of soil ❑ ❑ shelving ❑ ❑ vegetation matted down, bent, or absent ❑ ® leaf litter disturbed or washed away ❑ sediment deposition ❑ ❑ water staining ❑ ❑ other (list): ❑ Discontinuous OHWM.' Explain: the presence of litter and debris destruction of terrestrial vegetation the presence of wrack line sediment sorting scour multiple observed or predicted flow events abrupt change in plant community If factors other than the OHWM were used to determine lateral extent of CWA jurisdiction (check all that apply): High Tide Line indicated by: ll Mean High Water Mark indicated by: ❑ oil or scum line along shore objects ❑ survey to available datum; ❑ fine shell or debris deposits (foreshore) ❑ physical markings ❑ physical markings/characteristics ❑ vegetation lines/changes in vegetation types. ❑ tidal gauges ❑ other (list): (ill) Chemical Characteristics: Characterize tributary (e.g., water color is clear, discolored, oily film; water quality; general watershed characteristics, etc.). Explain: Little water in channel during field visit. Water was clear. Identify specific pollutants, if known: 6A natural or man-made discontinuity in the OHWM does not necessarily sever jurisdiction (e.g., where the stream temporarily flows underground, or where the OHWM has been removed by development or agricultural practices). Where there is a break in the OHWM that is unrelated to the waterbody's flow regime (e.g., flow over a rock outcrop or through a culvert), the agencies will look for indicators of flow above and below the break. 'Ibid. (iv) Biological Characteristics. Channel supports (check all that apply): ® Riparian corridor. Characteristics (type, average width): Forested riparian corridor. ❑ Wetland fringe. Characteristics: ❑ Habitat for. ❑ Federally Listed species. Explain findings: ❑ Fish/spawn areas. Explain findings: ❑ Other environmentally -sensitive species. Explain findings: ❑ Aquatic/wildlife diversity. Explain findings: 2. Characteristics of wetlands adjacent to non-TNW that flow directly or indirectly into TNW (i) Physical Characteristics: (a) General Wetland Characteristics: Properties: Wetland size: 0.13acres Wetland type. Explain: Palustrine Emergent. Wetland quality. Explain:Wetland scored a 29 on the NCDWQ Wetland Rating Worksheet. Project wetlands cross or serve as state boundaries. Explain: (b) General Flow Relationsh' with Non-TNW: Flow n - Flow is:Explain: Surface flow is: M Characteristics: Subsurface flow: Explain findings: ❑ Dye (or other) test performed: (c) Wetland Adjacency Determination with Non-TNW: ® Directly abutting ❑ Not directly abutting ❑ Discrete wetland hydrologic connection. Explain: ❑ Ecological connection. Explain: ❑ Separated by benn/barrier. Explain: (d) Proximity Relations 1 t Project wetlands are Mriver miles from TNW. Project waters are aerial strai ht miles from TNW. Flow is from: Estimate approximate location of wetland as within the - floodplain. (ii) Chemical Characteristics: Characterize wetland system (e.g., water color is clear, brown, oil film on surface; water quality; general watershed characteristics; etc.). Explain: Watershed is forested. Identify specific pollutants, if known: (iii) Biological Characteristics. Wetland supports (check all that apply): ® Riparian buffer. Characteristics (type, average width):Forested but%r. ® Vegetation type/percent cover. ExplainTorested cover - 100%. ❑ Habitat for. ❑ Federally Listed species. Explain findings: ❑ Fish/spawn areas. Explain findings: ❑ Other environmentally -sensitive species. Explain findings: ❑ Aquatic/wildlife diversity. Explain findings: 3. Characteristics of all wetlands adjacent to the tributary (if an All wetland(s) being considered in the cumulative analysis: g Approximately ( 0.13 ) acres in total are being considered in the cumulative analysis. For each wetland, specify the following: Directly abuts? (Y/N) Size (in acres) Directly abuts? (Y/N) Size (in acres) Y 0.13 Summarize overall"biological, chemical and physical functions being performed: C. SIGNIFICANT NEXUS DETERMINATION A significant nexus analysis will assess the flow characteristics and functions of the tributary itself and the functions performed by any wetlands adjacent to the tributary to determine if they significantly affect the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of a TNW. For each of the following situations, a significant nexus exists if the tributary, in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands, has more than a speculative or insubstantial effect on the chemical, physical and/or biological integrity of a TNW. Considerations when evaluating significant nexus include, but are not limited to the volume, duration, and frequency of the flow of water in the tributary and its proximity to a TNW, and the functions performed by the tributary and all its adjacent wetlands. It is not appropriate to determine significant nexus based solely on any specific threshold of distance (e.g. between a tributary and its adjacent wetland or between a tributary and the TNW). Similarly, the fact an adjacent wetland lies within or outside of a floodplain is not solely determinative of significant nexus. Draw connections between the features documented and the effects on the TNW, as identified in the Rapanos Guidance and discussed in the Instructional Guidebook. Factors to consider include, for example: • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), have the capacity to carry pollutants or flood waters to TNWs, or to reduce the amount of pollutants or flood waters reaching a TNW? • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), provide habitat and lifecycle support functions for fish and other species, such as feeding, nesting, spawning, or rearing young for species that are present in the.TNW? • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), have the capacity to transfer nutrients and organic carbon that support downstream foodwebs? • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), have other relationships to the physical, chemical, or biological integrity of the TNW? Note: the above list of considerations is not inclusive and other functions observed or known to occur should be documented below: 1. Significant nexus findings for non-RPW that has no adjacent wetlands and flows directly or indirectly into TNWs. Explain findings of presence or absence of significant nexus below, based on the tributary itself, then go to Section III.D: 2. Significant nexus findings for non-RPW and its adjacent wetlands, where the non-RPW flows directly or indirectly into TNWs. Explain findings of presence or absence of significant nexus below, based on the tributary in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands, then go to Section IILD: 3. Significant nexus findings for wetlands adjacent to an RPW but that do not directly abut the RPW. Explain findings of presence or absence of significant nexus below, based on the tributary in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands, then go to Section IIID: D. DETERMINATIONS OF JURISDICTIONAL FINDINGS. THE SUBJECT WATERS/WETLANDS ARE (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): 1. TNWs and Adjacent Wetlands. Check all that apply and provide size estimates in review area: TNWs: linear feet width (fl), Or, acres. Wetlands adjacent to TNWs: acres. RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWL Tributaries of TNWs where tributaries typically flow year-round are jurisdictional. Provide data and rationale indicating that tributary is perennial: Tributaries of TNW where tributaries have continuous flow "seasonally" (e.g., typically three months each year) are jurisdictional. Data supporting this conclusion is provided at Section III.B. Provide rationale indicating that tributary flows seasonally: Stream scored a 21 on the NCDWQ Stream Classification Form for the upper reach and a 29 for the lower reach. Provide estimates for jurisdictional waters in the review area (check all that apply): Tributary waters: 800 linear feet 5-10 width (ft). Other non -wetland waters: acres. Identify type(s) of waters: 3. Non-RPWs8 that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. Waterbody that is not a TNW or an RPW, but flows directly' or indirectly into a TNW, and it has a significant nexus with a TNW is jurisdictional. Data supporting this conclusiotfis provided at Section III.C. Provide estimates for jurisdictional waters within the review area (check all that apply): Tributary waters: linear feet width (ft). Other non -wetland waters: acres. Identify type(s) of waters: Wetlands directly abutting an RPW that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. Wetlands directly abut RPW and thus are jurisdictional as adjacent wetlands. IN Wetlands directly abutting an RPW where tributaries typically flow year-round. Provide data and rationale indicating that tributary is perennial in Section III.D.2, above. Provide rationale indicating that wetland is directly abutting an RPW: Wetlands directly abutting an RPW where tributaries typically flow "seasonally." Provide data indicating that tributary is seasonal in Section III.B and rationale in Section III.D.2, above. Provide rationale indicating that wetland is directly abutting an RPW: Hydrology from wetlands flows directly into RPW. Provide acreage estimates for jurisdictional wetlands in the review area: 0.13 acres. 5. Wetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting an RPW that flow directly or indirectly into TNWL Wetlands that do not directly abut an RPW, but when considered in combination with the tributary to which they are adjacent and with similarly situated adjacent wetlands, have a significant nexus with a TNW are jurisidictional. Data supporting this conclusion is provided at Section III.C. Provide acreage estimates for jurisdictional wetlands in the review area: acres. Wetlands adjacent to non-RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. Wetlands adjacent to such waters, and have when considered in combination with the tributary to which they are adjacent and with similarly situated adjacent wetlands, have a significant nexus with a TNW are jurisdictional. Data supporting this conclusion is provided at Section III.C. Provide estimates for jurisdictional wetlands in the review area: acres. 7. Impoundments of jurisdictional waters.9 As a general rule, the impoundment of a jurisdictional tributary remains jurisdictional. Demonstrate that impoundment was created from "waters of the U.S.," or Demonstrate that water meets the criteria for one of the categories presented above (1-6), or Demonstrate that water is isolated with a nexus to commerce (see E below). I. ISOLATED (INTERSTATE OR INTRA -STATE] WATERS, INCLUDING ISOLATED WETLANDS, THE USE, DEGRADATION OR DESTRUCTION OF WHICH COULD AFFECT INTERSTATE COMMERCE, INCLUDING ANY SUCH WATERS (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY):10 which are or could be used by interstate or foreign travelers for recreational or other purposes. from which fish or shellfish are or could be taken and sold in interstate or foreign commerce. which are or could be used for industrial purposes by industries in interstate commerce. Interstate isolated waters. Explain: Other factors. Explain: Identify water body and summarize rationale supporting determination: 'See Footnote # 3. 9 To complete the analysis refer to the key in Section III.D.6 of the Instructional Guidebook. " Prior to asserting or declining CWA jurisdiction based solely on this category, Corps Districts will elevate the action to Corps and EPA HQ for review consistent with the process described in the Corps/EPA Memorandum Regarding CWA Act Jurisdiction Following Repanos. Provide. estimates for jurisdictional waters in the review area (check all that apply): Tributary waters: linear feet width (ft). Other non -wetland waters: acres. Identify types) of waters: 0 W c;tlands: acres. NON -JURISDICTIONAL WATERS, INCLUDING WETLANDS (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): If potential wetlands were assessed within the review area, these areas did not meet the criteria in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and/or appropriate Regional Supplements. Review area included isolated waters with no substantial nexus to interstate (or foreign) commerce. ❑ Prior to the Jan 2001 Supreme Court decision in "SWANCC," the review area would have been regulated based solely on the "Migratory Bird Rule" (MBR). Waters do not meet the "Significant Nexus" standard, where such a finding is required for jurisdiction. Explain: Other: (explain, if not covered above): Provide acreage estimates for non jurisdictional waters in the review area, where the sole potential basis of jurisdiction is the MBR factors (i.e., presence of migratory birds, presence of endangered species, use of water for irrigated agriculture), using best professional 'udgment (check all that apply): Non -wetland waters (i.e., rivers, streams): linear feet width (ft). Lakes/ponds: acres. Other non -wetland waters: acres. List type of aquatic resource: Wetlands: acres. Provide acreage estimates for non jurisdictional waters in the review area that do not meet the "Significant Nexus" standard, where such a finding is required for jurisdiction (check all that apply): Non -wetland waters (i.e., rivers, streams): linear feet, width (ft). Lakes/ponds: acres. Other non -wetland waters: acres. List type of aquatic resource: Wetlands: acres. SECTION IV: DATA SOURCES. A. SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for JD (check all that apply - checked items shall be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources below):. Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant: Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant. ❑ Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report Data sheets prepared by the Corps: Corps navigable waters' study: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: ❑ USGS NHD data ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name:7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangles of Green Level, NC. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: State/Local wetland inventory map(s): FEMA/FIRM maps: 100 -year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) Photographs: Aerial (Name & Date): or ❑ Other (Name & Date): Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: Applicable/supporting case law: Applicable/supporting scientific literature: Other information (please specify): B. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS TO SUPPORT JD: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM U.S. Army Corps of Engineers This form should be completed by following the instructions provided in Section IV of the JD Form Instructional Guidebook. SECTION 1: BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD): B. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER:Extension of Morrisville Parkway III, Stream 6 (UT to Panther Creek) C. PROJECT LOCATION AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: State: North Carolina County/parish borough: Wake City: Morrisville Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format): Lat. 35.811865° ®, Long. -78.879608- Universal Transverse Mercator. Name of nearest waterbody: Panther Creek Name of nearest Traditional Navigable Water (TNW) into which the aquatic resource flows: B. Everett Jordan Lake Name of watershed or Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 03030002 Check if map/diagram of review area and/or potential jurisdictional areas is/are available upon request. Check if other sites (e.g., offsite mitigation sites, disposal sites, etc...) are associated with this action and are recorded on a different JD form. D. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): Office (Desk) Determination. Date: Field Determination. Date(s): SECTION 11: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS A. RHA SECTION 10 DETERMINATION OF JURISDICTION. There 1= "navigable waters of the U.S." within Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) jurisdiction (as defined by 33 CFR part 329) in the review area. [Required] Waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide. Waters are presently used, or have been used in the past, or maybe susceptible for use to transport interstate or foreign commerce. Explain: B. CWA SECTION 404 DETERMINATION OF JURISDICTION. There = "waters of the U.S." within Clean Water Act (CWA) jurisdiction (as defined by 33 CFR part 328) in the review area. [Required] 1. Waters of the U.S. a. Indicate presence of waters of U.S. in review area (check all that apply): r TNWs, including territorial seas Wetlands adjacent to TNWs Relatively permanent waters2 (RPWs) that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Non-RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Wetlands directly abutting RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Wetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Wetlands adjacent to non-RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs Impoundments of jurisdictional waters Isolated (interstate or intrastate) waters, including isolated wetlands Identify (estimate) size of waters of the U.S. in the review area: Non -wetland waters: Approx 1000 linear feet: 20 width (ft) and/or acres. Wetlands: acres. c. Limits (boundaries) of jurisdiction based on: Elevation of established OHWM (if known): Non-regulated waters/wetlands (check if applicable)? Potentially jurisdictional waters and/or wetlands were assessed within the review area and determined to be not jurisdictional. Explain: 1 Boxes checked below shall be supported by completing the appropriate sections in Section III below. 2 For purposes of this form, an RPW is defined as a tributary that is not a TNW and that typically flows year-round or has cortinuous flow at least "seasonally" (e.g., typically 3 months). 3 Supporting documentation is presented in Section III.F. SECTION III: CWA ANALYSIS A. TNWs AND WETLANDS ADJACENT TO TNWs The agencies will assert jurisdiction over TNWs and wetlands adjacent to TNWs. If the aquatic resource is a TNW, complete Section IH.A.1 and Section III.D.I. only; if the aquatic resource is a wetland adjacent to a TNW, complete Sections IH.A.1 and 2 and Section HI.D.1.; otherwise, see Section HLB below. 1. TNW Identify TNW: Summarize rationale supporting determination: Wetland adjacent to TNW Summarize rationale supporting conclusion that wetland is "adjacent': B. CHARACTERISTICS OF TRIBUTARY (THAT IS NOT A TNW) AND ITS ADJACENT WETLANDS (IF ANY): This section summarizes information regarding characteristics of the tributary and its adjacent wetlands, if any, and it helps determine whether or not the standards for jurisdiction established under Rapanoshave been met. The agencies will assert jurisdiction over non -navigable tributaries of TNWs where the tributaries are "relatively permanent waters" (RPWs), i.e. tributaries that typically flow year-round or have continuous flow at least seasonally (e.g., typically 3 months). A wetland that directly abuts an RPW is also jurisdictional. If the aquatic resource is not a TNW, but has year-round (perennial) flow, skip to Section III.D.2. If the aquatic resource is a wetland directly abutting a tributary with perennial flow, skip to Section III.D.4. A wetland that is adjacent to but that does not directly abut an RPW requires a significant nexus evaluation. Corps districts and EPA regions will include in the record any available information that documents the existence of a significant nexus between a relatively permanent tributary that is not perennial (and its adjacent wetlands if any) and a traditional navigable water, even though a significant nexus finding is not required as a matter of law. If the waterbody4 is not an RPW, or a wetland directly abutting an RPW, a JD will require additional data to determine if the ,svaterbody has a significant nexus with a TNW. If the tributary has adjacent wetlands, the significant nexus evaluation must consider the tributary in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands. This significant nexus evaluation that combines, for analytical purposes, the tributary and all of its adjacent wetlands is used whether the review area identified in the JD request is the tributary, or its adjacent wetlands, or both. if the JD covers a tributary with adjacent wetlands, complete Section HI.B.1 for the tributary, Section III.B.2 for any onsite wetlands, and Section III.B.3 for all wetlands adjacent to that tributary, both onsite and offsite. The determination whether a significant nexus exists is determined in Section III.0 below. 1. Characteristics of non-TNWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNW (1) General Area Conditions: Watershed size: Drainage area: Average annual rainfall: inches Average annual snowfall: inches (ii) Physical Characteristics: (a) Relationship with TNW: ❑ Tributary flows directly into TNW. ❑ Tributary flows through ZM tributaries before entering TNW. Project waters are c river miles from TNW. Project waters are c river miles from RPW. Project waters are c aerial (straight) miles from TNW. Project waters are aerial (straight) miles from RPW. Project waters cross or serve as state boundaries. Explain: Identify flow route to TW: Tributary stream order, if known: Note that the Instructional Guidebook contains additional information regarding swales, ditches, washes, and erosional features generally and in the and West. 5 Flow route can be descnbed by identifying, e.g., tributary a, which flows through the review area, to flow into tributary b, which then flows into TNW. (b) General Tributary Characteristics (check all that apply): Tributary is: ❑ Natural ❑ Artificial (man-made). Explain: ❑ Manipulated (man -altered). Explain: Tributary properties with respect to top of bank (estimate): Average width: feet Average depth feet Average side slopes: Primary tributary substrate composition (check all that apply): ❑ Silts ❑ Sands ❑ Concrete ❑ Cobbles ❑ Gravel ❑ Muck ❑ Bedrock ❑ Vegetation. Type/'/o cover. ❑ Other. Explain: Tributary condition/stability [e.g., highly eroding, sloughing banks]. Explain: Presence of run/riffle/pool complexes. Explain: Tributary geometry: Tributary gradient (approximate average slope): % (c) Elm Tributary provides for. Estimate average number of flow events in review area/year. Describe flow regime: Other information on duration and volume: Surface flow is: Characteristics: Subsurface flow: Explain findings: ❑ Dye (or other) test performed: Tributary has (check all that apply): ❑ Bed and banks ❑ OHWM6 (check all indicators that apply): ❑ clear, natural line impressed on the bank ❑ ❑ changes in the character of soil ❑ ❑ shelving ❑ ❑ vegetation matted down, bent, or absent ❑ ❑ leaf litter disturbed or washed away ❑ ❑ sediment deposition ❑ ❑ water staining ❑ ❑ other (list): ❑ Discontinuous OHWM.7 Explain: the presence of litter and debris destruction of terrestrial vegetation the presence of wrack fine sediment sorting scour multiple observed or predicted flow events abrupt change in plait community If factors other than the OHWM were used to determine lateral extent of CWA jurisdiction (check all that apply): High Tide Line indicated by: 0 Mean High Water Mark indicated by; ❑ oil or scum line along shore objects ❑ survey to available datum; ❑ fine shell or debris deposits (foreshore) ❑ physical markings; ❑ physical markings/characteristics ❑ vegetation lines/changes in vegetation types. ❑ tidal gauges ❑ other (list): (iii) Chemical Characteristics: Characterize tributary (e.g., water color is clear, discolored, oily film; water quality; general watershed characteristics, etc.). Explain: Identify specific pollutants, if known: 6A natural or man-made discontinuity in the OHWM does not necessarily sever jurisdiction (e.g., where the stream temporarily flows underground, or where the OHWM has been removed by development or agricultural practices). Where there is a break in the OHWM that is unrelated to the waterbody's flow regime (e.g., flow over a rock outcrop or through a culvert), the agencies will look for indicators of flow above and below the break. ')bid. (iv) Biological Characteristics. Channel supports (check all that apply): ❑ Riparian corridor. Characteristics (type, average width): ❑ Wetland fringe. Characteristics: ❑ Habitat for: Federally Listed species. Explain findings: ❑ Fish/spawn areas. Explain findings: ❑ Other environmentally -sensitive species. Explain findings: Aquatic/wildlife diversity. Explain findings: 2. Characteristics of wetlands adjacent to non-TNW that flow directly or indirectly into TNW (i) Physical Characteristics: (a) General Wetland Characteristics: Properties: Wetland size: acres Wetland type. Explain: Wetland quality. Explain: Project wetlands cross or serve as state boundaries. Explain: (b) General Flow Relationship with Non-TNW: Flow is: Explain: Surface flow is Characteristics: Subsurface flow: Explain findings: ❑ Dye (or other) test performed: (c) Wetland Adiacencv Determination with Non-TNW: ❑ Directly abutting ❑ Not directly abutting ❑ Discrete wetland hydrologic connection. Explain: ❑ Ecological connection. Explain: ❑ Separated by bemr/barrier. Explain: (d) Proximity Relationshi to T� Project wetlands are c river miles from TNW. Project watersio aerial (straight) miles from TNW. Flow is from: Estimate approximate location of wetland as within the floodplain. (ii) Chemical Characteristics: Characterize wetland system (e.g., water color is clear, brown, oil film on surface; water quality; general watershed characteristics; etc.). Explain: Identify specific pollutants, if known: (iii) Biological Characteristics. Wetland supports (check all that apply): ❑ Riparian buffer. Characteristics (type, average width): ❑ Vegetation type/percent cover. Explain: ❑ Habitat for. ❑ Federally Listed species. Explain findings: ❑ Fish/spawn areas. Explain findings: ❑ Other environmentally -sensitive species. Explain findings: ❑ Aquatic/wildlife diversity. Explain findings: . . 3. Characteristics of all wetlands adjacent to the tributary (if anyJ All wetland(s) being considered in the cumulative analysis: Approximately ( ) acres in total are being considered in the cumulative analysis. For each wetland, specify the following: Directly abuts? (Y/N) Size (in acres) Directly abuts? (Y/N) Size (in acres) Summarize overall biological, chemical and physical functions being performed: C. SIGNIFICANT NEXUS DETERMINATION A significant nexus analysis will assess the flow characteristics and functions of the tributary itself and the functions performed by any wetlands adjacent to the tributary to determine if they significantly affect the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of a TNW. For each of the following situations, a significant nexus exists if the tributary, in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands, has more than a speculative or insubstantial effect on the chemical, physical and/or biological integrity of a TNW. Considerations when evaluating significant nexus include, but are not limited to the volume, duration, and frequency of the flow of water in the tributary and its proximity to a TNW, and the functions performed by the tributary and all its adjacent wetlands. It is not appropriate to determine significant nexus based solely on any specific threshold of distance (e.g. between a tributary and its adjacent wetland or between a tributary and the TNW). Similarly, the fact an adjacent wetland lies within or outside of a floodplain is not solely determinative of significant nexus. Draw connections between the features documented and the effects on the TNW, as identified in the Rapanos Guidance and discussed in the Instructional Guidebook. Factors to consider include, for example: • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), have the capacity to carry pollutants or flood waters to TNWs, or to reduce the amount of pollutants or flood waters reaching a TNW? • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), provide habitat and lifecycle support functions for fish and other species, such as feeding, nesting, spawning, or rearing young for species that are present in the TNW? • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), have the capacity to transfer nutrients and organic carbon that support downstream foodwebs? • Does the tributary, in combination with its adjacent wetlands (if any), have other relationships to the physical, chemical, or biological integrity of the TNW? Note: the above list of considerations is not inclusive and other functions observed or known to occur should be documented below: Significant nexus findings for non-RPW that has no adjacent wetlands and flows directly or indirectly into TNWs. Explain findings of presence or absence of significant nexus below, based on the tributary itself, then go to Section III.D: Significant nexus findings for non-RPW and its adjacent wetlands, where the non-RPW flows directly or indirectly into TNWs. Explain findings of presence or absence of significant nexus below, based on the tributary in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands, then go to Section ULD: 3. Significant nexus findings for wetlands adjacent to an RPW but that do not directly abut the RPW. Explain findingsof presence or absence of significant nexus below, based on the tributary in combination with all of its adjacent wetlands, then go to Section III.D: D. DETERMINATIONS OF JURISDICTIONAL FINDINGS. THE SUBJECT WATERSIWETLANDS ARE (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): 1. TNWs and Adjacent Wetlands. Check all that apply and provide size estimates in review area: TNWs: linear feet width (ft), Or, acres. Wetlands adjacent to TNWs: acres. RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWL Tributaries of TNWs where tributaries typically flow year-round are jurisdictional. Provide data and rationale indicating that tributary is perennial: Stream 6 scored greater than 30 on NCDWQ Stream Classification worksheet. Tributaries of TNW where tributaries have continuous flow "seasonally" (e.g., typically three months each year) are jurisdictional. Data supporting this conclusion is provided at Section III.B. Provide rationale indicating that tributary flows seasonally: Provide estimates for jurisdictional waters in the review area (check all that apply): Tributary waters: Approx 1000 linear feet 20 width (ft). Other non -wetland waters: acres. Identify type(s) of waters: 3. Non-RPWss that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. Waterbody that is not a TNW or an RPW, but flows directly or indirectly into a TNW, and it has a significant nexus with a TNW is jurisdictional. Data supporting this conclusion is provided at Section M.C. Provide estimates for jurisdictional waters within the review area (check all that apply): Tributary waters: linear feet width (ft). Odier non -wetland waters: acres. Identify type(s) of waters: Wetlands directly abutting an RPW that flow directly or indirectly into TNWL Wetlands directly abut RPW and thus are jurisdictional as adjacent wetlands. Wetlands directly abutting an RPW where tributaries typically flow year-round. Provide data and rationale indicating that tributary is perennial in Section III.D.2, above. Provide rationale indicating that wetland is directly abutting an RPW: Wetlands directly abutting an RPW where tributaries typically flow "seasonally." Provide data indicating that tributary is seasonal in Section III.B and rationale in Section III.D.2, above. Provide rationale indicating that wetland is directly abutting an RPW: Provide acreage estimates for jurisdictional wetlands in the review area: acres. 5. Wetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting an RPW that flow directly or indirectly into TNWL Wetlands that do not directly abut an RPW, but when considered in combination with the tributary to which they are adjacent and with similarly situated adjacent wetlands, have a significant nexus with a TNW are jurisidictional. Data supporting this conclusion is provided at Section III.C. Provide acreage estimates for jurisdictional wetlands in the review area: acres. 6. Wetlands adjacent to non-RPWs that flow directly or indirectly Into TNWL Wetlands adjacent to such waters, and have when considered in combination with the tributary to which they are adjacent and with similarly situated adjacent wetlands, have a significant nexus with a TNW are jurisdictional. Data supporting firs conclusion is provided at Section III.C. Provide estimates for jurisdictional wetlands in the review area: acres. 7. Impoundments of jurisdictional waters! As a general rule, the impoundment of a jurisdictional tributary remains jurisdictional. Demonstrate that impoundment was created from "waters of the U.S.," or Demonstrate that water meets the criteria for one of the categories presented above (1-6), or Demonstrate that water is isolated with a nexus to commerce (sec E below). E. ISOLATED INTERSTATE OR INTRA -STATE] WATERS, INCLUDING ISOLATED WETLANDS, THE USE, DEGRADATION OR DESTRUCTION OF WHICH COULD AFFECT INTERSTATE COMMERCE, INCLUDING ANY SUCH WATERS (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY):" which are or could be used by interstate or foreign travelers for recreational or other purposes. from which fish or shellfish are or could be taken and sold in interstate or foreign commerce. which are or could be used for industrial purposes by industries in interstate commerce. Interstate isolated waters. Explain: Other factors. Explain: Identify water body and summarize rationale supporting determination: 'See Footnote # 3. 9 To complete the analysis refer to the Ivey in Section III.D.6 of the Instructional Guidebook. is Prior to asserting or declining CWA jurisdiction based solely on this category, Corps Districts will elevate the action to Corps and EPA HQ for review consistent with the process described in the Corps/EPA Memorandum Regarding CWA Act Jurisdiction FollowingRopnea. Provide estimates for jurisdictional waters in the review area (check all that apply): Tributary waters: linear feet width (ft). Other non -wetland waters: acres. Identify types) of waters: Wetlands: acres. F. NON -JURISDICTIONAL WATERS, INCLUDING WETLANDS (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): If potential wetlands were assessed within the review area, these areas did not meet the criteria in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and/or appropriate Regional Supplements. Review area included isolated waters with no substantial nexus to interstate (or foreign) commerce. ❑ Prior to the Jan 2001 Supreme Court decision in "SWANCC," the review area would have been regulated based solely on the "Migratory Bird Rule" (MBR) Waters do not meet the "Significant Nexus" standard, where such a finding is required for jurisdiction Explain: Other. (explain, if not covered above): Provide acreage estimates for non -jurisdictional waters in the review area, where the !g potential basis of jurisdiction is the MBR factors (i.e., presence of migratory birds, presence of endangered species, use of water for irrigated agriculture), using best professional udgment (check all that apply): Non -wetland waters (i.e., rivers, streams): linear feet width (ft). Lakes/ponds: acres. Other non -wetland waters: acres. List type of aquatic resource: Wetlands: acres. Provide acreage estimates for non jurisdictional waters in the review area that do not meet the "Significant Nexus" standard, where such a finding is required for jurisdiction (check all that applyr Non -wetland waters (i.e., rivers, streams): linear feet, width (ft). Lakes/ponds: acres. Other non -wetland waters: acres. List type of aquatic resource: Wetlands: acres. SECTION TV: DATA SOURCES. A. SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for JD (check all that apply - checked items shall be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources belowr Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/eonsultant: Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant. ❑ Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. Data sheets prepared by the Cups: Corps navigable waters' study: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. No U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name:7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangles of Green Level, NC. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: State/I.ocal wetland inventory map(s): FEMA/FIRM neaps: 100 -year Flood lain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) Photographs: 0 Aerial (Name & Date): or ❑ Other (Name & Date): Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter. Applicable/supporting case law: Applicable/supporting scientific literature: Other information (please specify): B. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS TO SUPPORT JD: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION r4007 rna W-*I—da rinlinn�4inn Manual% Project/Site: Date: Applicant/ Owner: E ra County: investigator: 0 State: Do Normal Circumstances exis on the site? 11 S NO- Communi ID: Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? YES NWI Transect ID: Is the area a eotential Problem Area % If needed, explain on reverse) YES CNO11 Plot ID: V C!_ GT AT InAI Dominant Plant Sp ecies Stratum I Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS [ ] Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge tii SGkwou r o S +r� F A f t ok wL { Pic a,k Gt� u i Z'A - o-T— Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL FACW or FAC(excluding FAG Remarks: HYUKULUUY [ ] Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS [ ] Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: [ ] Aerial Photographs [ ] Inundated [ ] OarSaturated in Upper 12 Inches �j O Water Marks No Recorded Data Available [ ] Drift Lines (] Sediment Deposits ,K -Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more Required) FIELD OBSERVATIONS Depth of Surface Water (in) [ ] Histosol [ ] Histic Epipedon [ ] Sulfidic Odor ] Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions Gle ed or Low-Chroma Colors V [ ] Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches 'Water -stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit f` (in) Z [ ] Local Soil Survey Data Test FAC -Depth [ ] Other (Explautralin [ ]Other (Explain in Remarks) P to Saturated Soil lin) Cnll Q Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Drainage Class: b r) tA.11ft Taxonomy (Subgroup): Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? YES NO Depth Horizon Matrix Color inches Munsell Moist PROFILE DESCRIPTION Mottle Colors Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture, Concretions, Munsell Moist Structure etc. .1 10kAA1 O O 9- U I (...o vw vv..e v... 0a*v- HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS: [ ] Histosol [ ] Histic Epipedon [ ] Sulfidic Odor ] Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions Gle ed or Low-Chroma Colors High Organice Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils [ ] Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils [ ] Listed on Local Hydric Soils List [ ] Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks Re arks: 1AICT1 AAIr% r1CTCDM1A1ATInN H dro h is Vegetation Present? Y NO Wetland Hydrology Present? S NO Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland. �i)NO DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION 11987 rOF Wetlands Delineation Manual) II Project/Site: Date: Applicant/ Owner: p A County: Investigator:,0 State:ILI Do Normal Circumstances exit on the sit J7 YES N Communi ID: Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? YES Transect ID: Is the arta a eotential Problem Area? If needed, explain on reverse YES NO A Plot ID: Dominant Plant S ecies Stratum I Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Irl —` WAIMA 140111\4 2 t T XNo Recorded Data Available o ao Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL FACW, or FAC(excluding FAG Remarks: Depth of Surface Water IYDROLOGY [ ] Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS [ ] Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: ( j Aerial Photographs [ ] Inundated [ )Other [ ] Saturated in Upper 12 Inches XNo Recorded Data Available [ ] Water Marks [ ] Drift Lines [) Sediment Deposits [) Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more Required) FIELD OBSERVATIONS Depth of Surface Water (in) [ ] Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches [ ] Water -stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data Depth to Free Water in Pit (in) N Remarks: [ ] FAGNeutral Test ( ] Other (Explain in Remarks) Depth to Saturated Soli (in) OILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): W1\ L)'7_ Drainage Class: A, o (Jl9 Taxonomy (Subgroup):<U Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? YES NO Depth Horizon Matrix Color inches Munsell Moist PROFILE DESCRIPTION Mottle Colors Mottle Abundance/Contrast Texture, Concretions, Munsell Moist -- Structureetc. S19 t= - HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS: (] Histosol [) Histic Epipedon (] Sulfidic Odor [ ] Aquic Moisture Regime O Reducing Conditions Gle ed or Low-Chroma Colors [ ] Concretions [ ] High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils [) Organic Streaking in Sandy Sods [) Listed on Local Hydric Soils List [ ] Listed on National Hydric Solis List Other (Explain in Remarks Remarks: VETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Ve etation Present? YES O Wetland Hydrology Present? YES O Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? YESNO Hvdric Soil Present? I YES USACE AID# DWQ # Site # S ( (indicate on attached map) ;,,,; STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET; Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment: 1. Applicant's name: TDVJn Of Cafe` 2. Evaluator's name: 3. Date of evaluation: 61/11,07 4. Time of evaluation: I I�t'1�6t 5. Name of stream: (AT JM 1)&rWW Oft Ck_ 6. River basin: �e 7. Approximate drainage area: dD ac 8. Stream order: Sf 9. Length of reach evaluated: up T{" 10. County: NO e 11. Site coordinates (if known): prefer in decimal degrees. 12. Subdivision name (if any): r1 Latitude (ex. 34.872312): -� 5 . Qi I Io L) 5 Longitude (rx 77.5%611): 1 g 1 1t Method location determined (circle): opo Sheet Onho (Aerial) Photo/GIS Other GIS Otho 13. Location of reach under evaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying streams) location): NtSt of W, 55 14. Proposed channel work (if any): as 15. Recent weather conditions: Clr_ar t- 0 8 "� 16. Site conditions at time of visit: ^ -1v 17. Identify any special waterway classifications known: _Section 10 Tidal Waters _Essential Fisheries Habitat Trout Waters _Outstanding Resource Wates _Nutrient Sensitive Waters _Water Supply Watershed (I-IV) 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES.f yes, estimate the water surface era: 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? YES 20. Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey?CYES )10 21. Estimated watershed land use: _% Residential % Commercial _% Industrial %--A��gricultunil ...................... :..................... ........... ................... .... ............�....._.......... ..........._............................................................................._...................._..._......... ._........................ _................................. .............. ....... ................ Q % Forested _% Cleared / Logged % Other ( 2 ) 22. Bankfull width:23. Bank height (from bed to top of bank): 3 _ 24. Channel slope down center of stream: _Flat (0 to 2%) Gentle (2 to 4°/s) _Moderate (4 to 10%) _Steep (>10%) 25. Channel sinuosity: Straight _Occasional bends Frequent meander _Very sinuous _Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2): Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section. Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluate each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Score (from reverse):._ Evaluator's Signature /�' G �X.- Date 8/16w7 This channel evaluation is intended to be used only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals In gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement. Form subject to change — version 06/03. To Comment, please call 919-876-8441 x 26. STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET - i nese cnaracteristics are not assessed in coastal streams. USACE AID# DWQ # Site #_-%)-2 (indicate on attached map) pet` Katch M STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment: 1. Applicant's name: -fow'1 0f 2. Evaluator's name: ;Cn1hXk 3. Date of evaluation: F"31 It 101 4. Time of evaluation: 5. Name of stream:_ I IT in Ph r.l?t,IL 6. River basin: &PC gw, 7. Approximate drainage area U 5 W 8. Stream order: 2nd 9. Length of reach evaluated: % nn4 10. County: We - 11. Site coordinates (if known): prefer in decimal degrees. 12. Subdivision name (if arry): Latitude (ex 34.11M12): 355. ?51(7 t0 `J Longitude (ex 773r�56611): - ' T. 919 (POR Method location determined (circle): GPS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo/GIS Other GIS Other 13. Location of reach under evaluation note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location): Wes+ Of or- 14. Cl4. Proposed channel work (if any): 15. Recent weather conditions: e4ae N/1 (ZAtOEVWTs t, IV010 'PBAOM-1 16. Site conditions at time of visit: Syhh 17. Identify any special waterway classifications known: _Section 10 Tidal Waters _Essential Fisheries Habitat rout Waters _Outstanding Resource Waters _Nutrient Sensitive Waters _Water Supply Watershed (I -m 18. I' there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES 0 If yes, estimate the water surface area 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? 46j)NO 20. Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? (a)NO 21. Estimated watershed land use: _/o Residential _% commercial _% Industrial _% Agricultural r, IM--AForested_ A Cleared / Logged °A Other ( 1 22. Bankfull width: J 4 23.3. Bank height (from bed to top of bank):_ � " o1F♦ 24. Channel slope down center of stream: _Flat (0 to 2%) J Gentle (2 to 4%) _Moderate (4 to 10%) _Steep (>10%) 25. Channel sinuosity: Straight •Occasional bends _Frequent meander Very sinuous . _Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2): Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of hoar to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section. Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluate each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Score (from reverse): Comments: Evaluator's Signature&z ! Date A 11r. 47 This channel evaluation form is intended to be used only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionab in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement. Form subject to change — version 06/03. To Comment, please call 919-876-8441 x 26. ' These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams. �t �t_Oa�ta t P1Edmon. .. �7�SSFr.!,�� •xa� r.az ^�ttJwa�a` �,, �.¢ .� i : 3 � c Presence of 1]0� pe sistent p ols rn stream � � a�, , .. .. no ilov5orsaturation,�H siron '�lo ,, tnax points ;.� 3 _ ,y dencer of ast��uman � el-atio ,, {extensive a feratrbn, nn. a1teratton �, rrit om# °2 ?Ri�atan 2 nt - &f A no, bu erg (] conn rso wt e:bufier�, max mts..« :b.. .N...s - `h„ Jvfl�-: Y.3Y..4 dE"iYW'•�-�>kt<• �Y`:Wtin'1.'hN YvYnSi, � " 9i .. Ei�dence ofnutnent or chemr:ca'i citschargesz n o`- nnd Ater discba e -Presence o,�' a��acent flb��`larn ' �> nofiioo�p airt„ . extens�Ye,il p �- ;-^xko z enchmt= 7loodp]atn access a ench�e U ire uent-flp m +inax. b"ints rr? . � 4 ... Prese��o� a�jaccn `wP#land9 a©rveIlamn--�—, .;U arQe:azija ent „ e an ON s y ensre Sedi Tient a. r exiensly ,', Cpositl -omts ,�.�' Sem&�)vxr qty o?rchanne7xbed subs#ra'f ' �fne, Dino eno �U 3ar a dr ers,_ �zes M;anax_ Danis - , `-bY'} 4 k'+nc ."- f:#�aAim+:Lad%'Sfk'�"�i••k #. ( h.'z � ,. r � E� i'dence of channe� rncisrott,.o�r H��emng�Y`�� � �,� �'-� ��:� r 3 :` eep] �ncrsed0�ta"b ez`b�ariks ?naX Dints ,.� Se�eie"e7o eKN fif '- Q. Ih an ile Ru' pD._ R isrb�e oohs de t5.throUe'hourl;z I � Tm act�by�a rrcul�ur� liyestoc�t ,flr #rmcr'ksproduction,�� ���=.. ]3 ��.. :. sq alrim a :no Ytdence max oras . _ Wrc� nce of�ifile p oy"ip �e 01 compyezes nflfles/npp]es or;pos U e]1 deve90 ed max Dints t� ?'Fa -� z Y.. abrtai com It `rt �� „� {Irii3e or,nn abr• tom' frequent, vari��hali�tat5m� rna�t' Dmfs � r�]g � ``"Canoe coverage ii�4e �s r;eambed '< " CAntanuolQ ,�an0, In83t-. omiS ibstaiE�'�`e�ne „g ijee., ;embe de,00sest�cnrr`em Orr.P':w'd+� laTa ra#est se.o eYadeiac�yc, mm p,nerpus pes=;points -! _ no evrrjen . common r�umero es, m"fix`" IM .. 4 ' These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams. USACE AID# DWQ # Site # (indicate on attached map)` STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment: I. Applicant's name: rMVJ Vti 3. Date of evaluation: t, IS 10-7 5. Name of stream: uT 7. Approximate drainage area: CpF.]Aie 9. Length of reach evaluated: (D 0 0 2. Evaluator's name: 42A.Q, t�'A kl 1 4. Time of evaluation: D a -le u 6. River basin: 8. Stream order: 2-11 10. County: Wig " 11 Site coordinates (if known): Prefer in decimal degrees. 12. Subdivision name (if any): q Latitude (ex. 34.872312): 3S • W as 31 Longitude (ex. - 77.556611): ` Method location determined (circle): PS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo/GIS Other GIS Other 13. Location of reach under evaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location): 14. Proposed channel work (if any): 15. Recent weather conditions: 16. Site conditions at time of visit: 17. Identify any special waterway classification known: ' Section 10 _Tidal Waters _Essential Fisheries Habitat _Trout Waters _Outstanding Resource Waters Nutrient Sensitive Waters _Water Supply Watershed (1 -IV) 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES NO If yes, estimate the water surface area: 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad mapYE NO 20. Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? !'ESS NO 21. Estimated watershed land use: _% Residential _% Commercial U% Forested _% Cleared / Logged 22. Bankfull width: ( ci R 23. Bank height 1 24. Channel slope down center of stream: _%• Flat (Oto 2%) Z% Gentle (2 to 40/6) 25. Channel sinuosity: _Straight Occasional bends _Frequent meander _% Industrial _•/. Agricultural L u % Other from bed to top of bank):. % Moderate (4 to 10%) _% Steep (>10%) Very sinuous _Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2): Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. if a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comments section. Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluated each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Score (from reverse):44 Comments: --Tin rl (+AfTXlni„ A 1 _Gale ►r,-l/OA'hAtn MnINrfitanr-1 T Evaluator's Signature: a4, CIe9(VD Date: (, 15 I O7 This channel evaluation form is intended to be use only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ration or requirement. Form subject to change - version 06/03. To Comment, please call 919-8776-8441 x 26. STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET ECOREGION ' RAN `# CHARACTERISTICS: Coa t. ,_ Piedrtlo I iVlountain SCORE" 1 Presence of flow / persistent pools in stream 0-5 0-4 0-5 a (no flow or saturation=O; strong flow=max points). 2 Evidence of past human alteration 0-6 0-5 0-5 i extensive alterationu no altergion=max points 3 " Riparian zone 0-6 0-4 0-5 no buffer -0; contiguous wide buffer--maxpoints) .. 4 Evidence of nutrient ox cip *cal. dischargers 0-5 0�:4 0-4 , ] extensive discharges -0, no discharges=max points _ . .` 5 Groundwater discharge. ' 0-4 no duel it e=0; s rin s; se s, aveilan&; :etc.=max points) ..:: presence ofadjacent floodplain 0 - 4 0 ='4 ` 0-2 no flood lain; extensiveA66 lain=max ints . . 7 Entrenchment / floodplain access - 0-5 0 4. 0 - 2 de 1. ;entrenched -O; fre uenf iioodin ax oints $ Presence of ad3acetif�wetland s 0-6 O no wetlands�l, la cad aee3,+eflands=max irts Channelii�011 ` extens�vEchannelizah©n ; iza _�fietinder-maxpoints) lt#Sedirnen n � 0 4 ensrye de ositton-il, l�itli _ sd�ment-max oints 4 L3 l3 z� Size & diverMtYof chap l bed substrate x Ott [# '1 k (fine fiomo ereous (i tai a Oc se sues=max mts� 4 l )✓iidence of chonnel mcisron Qr ►vid'eui il ; deeplyOC.Pply museazpoints)... ._:.... ... :::. V Presence of'xma oar p jn 4 ! 1 .a -ItnI{ailures severe.eros�on-0, no erosx"wp sa°ban"}cs-max omts� Itoolt.dtt► iQYi ens on tianit _ ; 0 :;. no!�stbe�roots-0, deme rob ttito ibl�t-iaxpoints)1 �.. . }� : 15 z{Tmpact agr�culturetLXo': rtmbr production, (subsarit�'a Dints .... .. roe.. ._ ` �� . lt}i"� =` Prese a of raffle-��b�o�� Ppb` wool completes 0 �` y;� �`�` � '�• R � a � :; _no riffle�n les or _oo]s , Oj vuec've%o ea -max oints ,,. "'. •r.} l k xk. ro {.ate h �abitaltcom c•� , br;nct haUiYat-0, fret; - ent d, ax .Dints`'. 1 { 01- Canopy cgverage oo , s#reambesl` � t . t i) no sh�atl n tee' etaiion .:0 c'onfinm nopj Max oints x . M4. z 1 #*` Substrate em" ednlndt ` emledded, 7ogsetninf;t�nax Dints ' 20* PrgsencC of strea tnvex�e `atcs (see age 4) - S:: a ` . no ev�denee=D, common, numerx�s, : es=rriax o�nts { 2I lE•resenae bfampriaoi p; 4 00 4 (no evidence -0, cornmon,nurn7Gmrg es=maX rots .:, oC 0 4 0 ik Oy4... O cq no ev)c3ence-ii, comiron,ume%us . ,--max orpts 23 EWdence Qf wll'dii a rase 0-6 0 `;i 0 5 O (no.evidence ;abundant yidenee=rnax points) , t ^� '� � +i ��•`' sib ,. .a ��r ,t -,� ",� t >ytbt� f.. ?. f .�. .ri.,-ia. ...4 .'�,S.F • 'fi x.4�"'. Y kTdi�f.+i Jt .. , r� •� �"s. .. sf ..4. � •` c.IS , `iY" t��'I q..-i`!A.(.•.yH���'+� S'C.! W��fE•, 4r 't PY.YlY1✓^ '''Y'a4*�„i8�``�� 5 r d ' TOTAICOI a so rater, on Trst 'K ..: USACE AID#. DWQ # Site # (indicate on attached map)' F' STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET .�. -meq_. Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment: 1. Applicant's name: -Nm 6 T o, 3. Date of evaluation: 6 lc;, ( o 1. 5.Numcof;tream: 'p FAIAJ(IA ty C�Cc-y— 7. Approximate drainage area: Z?✓~ �7��, 9. Lente h of reach evaluated: 1 000' 11 Site coordinates (if known): Prefer in decimal degrees. Latitude (ex. 34.872312): 3S 2. Evaluator's name: - ?I ud Q2?o 4. Time of evaluation: ( 2 hV�- 6. River basin: bk--of- & Stream order: 3 10. County:!1- 12. Subdivision name (if any): Longitude (ex. – 77.556611):$ Method location determined (circle):0 Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo/GIS Other GIS Other 13. Location of reach under evaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location): 14. Proposed channel work (if any): 15. Recent weather conditions: 16. Site conditions at time of visit: 17. Identify any special waterway classification known: _, Section 10 Tidal Waters _Essential Fisheries Habitat Trout Waters _Outstanding Resource Waters Nutrient Sensitive Waters _Water Supply Watershed (I-IV) 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES NO If yes, estimate the water surface arEES) ea 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? Y E NO 20. Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? NO 21. Estimated watershed land use _°/. Residential _%Commercial / [a% Forested _°/. Cleared / Logged 22. Bankfull width: j t1J 23. Bank height 1 24. Channel slope down center of stream: _% Flat (Oto 2%) X-2% Gentle (2 to 41A) 25. Channel sinuosity: _Straight Occasional bends Frequent meander --/* Industrial _%.Agricultural _% Other ( ) From bed to top of bank): t _Yo Moderate (4 to 109/6) '/o Steep (>10%) _Y° Very sinuous _Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksbeet (located on page 2): Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comments section. Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluated each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Score (from reverse): 150 Comments: Evaluator's Signature: 1044k Date: S fl -7 This channel evaluation form is intended to be used Inly as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ration or requirement. Form subject to change – version 06/03. To Comment, please call 919-8776-8441 x 26. STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET �QIiV�' '"` f CHARACTERISTICS'OIi ECQREGION E x` Coastal �! dmt :iVluuntA ; 1 Presence of flow / persistent pools in stream 0-5 0-4 0-5 1 (no flow or saturation; strong flow-maxpoints) 2 Evidence of .past human alteration extensive alteratiotOO; no.:alteratlon--maxpoints). 3 Rip..ian. ..o..n:.e.:.:... . ` ' Riparian z 0-6 0 - 4 0-5 (no buftet=t1; contiguous, wide buffer-maxpoints) 4..- Evidence of nutrient orchemical-dischargers extensive discharges; noischares=max points) 5 Groundwater dgebargs . 's,Arklar3Tds:etc.=maxpoints)2- 0-3 4: 0 a....... no discliar a=0; s nn S, CL _ _ ty. 6 Presence o1'`adacent ltoodp)sin 0- 4 0= 4 0-2 no flood lain; extensive -flood lain=max points) .: 7 Entrenchment / floo7 lain :access = dee 1 entrencbed-n; fro uent,11 n - rots $ Presence of adage t wetlands "e 0 wetlands=0, lar ad cer;,� etlands-max points t:� , =-5,z� A (extensive channebzatro i=o rf Vint naer=rnax mts .. rte.. %. lfifi l .. (extensive d osihon b,. Utfl�e, r ed rn6ax oints 1 Srze &diversity of ehanJI lJl e'd'' substrate v-A:Frz��'• -y y� - a . f '� ... i � �(fine,'homo eneous Olar a ,rust sizes max oints.«., 1 _ Evrde�rce of charm l ticrs"IILn o rvrtlPing •. f� yiti s V.:.. t de• : 1 incised O, staUe biiTC-max points) f. x j«iaA zwv f , 13~� Piesence gffmalo' bntfailur+es //�� �` "`:' :< �.' (severe -0, no eros�o�e far li cs-maz i '; erosion points w 1At fo61depth ana 3enM` JV. to � 511 Y„ ,--,no-vsiil,."xeotpoin ... 15, i - Impart>by ancultures�iestoc nrryi� bey production ' v D;� t s � substantial rm a Q Q. er'�+� ... ��k�:7r1aX 0]IItS �`:' �• t civ 'i.:';. 1 Presence Ai jrffle-AOl�il a tiol co7rr le=es rrn3 n flesh �es or .00 swel eve oed-7riax points). ,,, (little oraio ]iab�tai-0, fie t�ent1aricl"hab tats -max oints ' W�l (no Shadur ve etatibn, continuous rano ax Dints ire' Wk Substrafe em edded'eii$ Ak PR r Irk .K �. (dee l i m4iedded=U, basest hfre-maX oints 20 Presence of streau,anyerelzates`see page 4) (no':e�!rc�ence=l), common,nvnus es=max: Dints'. i Presence of aiiiphrinii8 z., t1 4 fl± �' ii-�4 (no evidence Q;. common num>e es=max. points!:. .. rte« �....: .... ::. 22 Presence d - ' -max D. _,.ctl no evidence Ci, comTrion, ry ou es Dints 'fir 23 Evidence o>%wai�h%tine 0 6 fl L5 D 5` (nq evidence -0, abundant;ev�d`encO_nMx points) TvPo nts�;d OSSII���� •��No-c ter � X� s_: .¢'p, ���'��3 }� , �.v �a���� .a w s� Sii°-wFij•,,.y,11' x. 2 � fiO�AL SCO n er.ronfi`rstparge� �- F � ° ' /✓lam/ ►�/ �sQ ✓ V WETLAND RATING WORKSHEET Fourth Version Project Name MQJF 111 Nearest Road &, 15.5 County 1VOUCG Wetland area D. 1.3 acres Wetland width 3�!> feet ;'dame of evaluator Wetland location _ on pond or lake on perennial stream on intermittent stream _ within interstream divide other: Soil series: Worsham _ predominantly organic - humus, muck, or peat predominantly mineral - non -sandy _ predominantly sandy Hydraulic factors _ steep topography _ ditched or channelized total wetland width > 100 feet Wetland type (select one; V Bottomland hardwood forest _ Headwater forest _ Swamp forest _Wet flat _ Pocosin — Bog forest Date Adjacent land use (within %Z mile upstream, upslope, or radius) ,/ forested/natural vegetation IQV% _ agriculture, urban/suburban % impervious surface % Dominant vegetation (1) ed VM9IG (2) I-{;ASQkwnnd (3) �onsvhvc Far. Flooding and wetness _ semipermanently to permanently flooded or inundated seasonally flooded or inundated 7/ intermittently flooded or temporary surface water _ no evidence of flooding or surface water Pine savanna Freshwater marsh _ Bog/fen Ephemeral wetland Carolina bay _ Other. The rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or stream chamtels R Water storage x 4.00 = . A Bank/Shoreline stabilization a, x 4.00 = ® Wetland T Pollutant removal •• 1 x 5,00 = ratio I Wildlife habitat_ x 2.00 = N Aquatic life value a x 4.00 = fG Recreation/Education_ x 1.00 = F -6-D I ** Add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and >10% nonpoint source disturbance within V2 mile upstream, upslope, or radius 1 North Carolina Division of Water Quality- Stream Identification Form; Version 3.1 Date: 51,31101 Project: HPE M Latitude: 1 (0 4 -Evaluator. AGI t 5 �.+ Site: Longitude: Total Points: Other 6 r(w Stream is at least intermittent County: y� /a1' p e.g. Quad Name: VG if 219 or rannial ff 230 Nod C L A. Geomorphology (Subtotal= Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1'. Continuous bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1.5 2 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 0 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 9' Natural levees 0 1 2 3 10. Headc uts 0 1 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 10.5 1 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0. 1 .5 13. Second or greater order channel on existing USGS or NRCS map or other documented evidence. No'= 0 Yes w 3 Man -mace cricnes are not rates; seenaiscussiom in mares 14. ounwater Grdflow/discharge 0 1 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, g Water in channel - d or growingseason 0 1 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1 0.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or plies (Wrack lines) 0 COZ 1 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) present? 0.5 No = 0 27. Filamentous algae; pedphyton Yes =1.5 2. Fibrous roots in channel 3 2 1 0 217. Rooted plants in channel 3 2 1 0 22. Crayfish 0 0.5 1 1.5 23. Bivalves 1 2 3 24. Fish 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 0.5 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0.5 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; pedphyton 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacteriatfungus. 0 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 Items 20 and 21 focus on the presence of upland plants, item [a focuses on the prebumm w aquawu w watwilu p muw Skekk Notes: (use back side of this form for additional nolss.) Phd nnel 44112A Au til rA l Ad fi'i/d VIs11 lit 'Nau North Carolina Division of Water Quality - Stream Identification Form; Version 3.1 Date: I Lr 101 Project: MPE I I Latitude: 35.811$ (v 5 Evaluator. Site:_r S3 _ �PPu' Longitude: -?g '�19 1v0& Total Points: Other Cltrl eVf.� Stream is at least intermHtent � I County: }/1 I n e e.g. Quad Nam!• H 219 orperennial H 2 30 Y v t^ A. Geomorphology (Subtotal= Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1'. Continuous bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1• 2 . 3 3. In -channel structure: riffle -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 5. Activeirelic floodplain 0 1 No = 0 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0) 1 2 3 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 9' Natural levees 1 2 3 10. Headculs 1 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 0.5 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 1 1.5 13. Second or greater order channel on existing USGS or NRCS map or other documented evidence. No's 0 Yes = 3 mawmaoe oiicnes are nor raiea; see ancussions in rrrerxrai R_ Hvdminnv fSuhtntal = A 1 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1" 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rain, g Water in channel - d or growing season 02 10 1 1.5 3 16. Leafiitler 1.5 1 0. 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines)'Co 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 1 0.5 1 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features) present? 1 1.5 No = 0 FAC = 0.5; FACW. = 0.75; OBL =1.5 SLes =1.5 C. Rininrnr /Suhtntal = In 1 20 . Fibrous roots in channel 2 1 0 . 21 Rooted plants in channel 2 1 0 22. Crayfish 0.5 1 1.5 23. Bivalves 0 1 2 3 24. Fish 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 0.5 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) Co 0.5 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphyton 0 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacteria/fungue. CO: 0.5 1 1.5 29 . Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW. = 0.75; OBL =1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 items zu ana zi rocus on ine presence of upland plants, item 29 focuses on the presence of aquatic or wetland plarNs Notes: (use bade side of this form for additional nobs.) Sketch: i North Carolina Division of Water Quality - Stream identification Form; Version III Date: ' lc;, � 01 Project: I , 'rlj m Latitude: 35, kl a a 3l Evaluator: �4wda720 St Ae t Q�i Site: 2 Q�tLovitr Longitude: _ /em L� Total Points: VtJ County: Other ,/� Stream is at least intermittent ✓7 e.g. Quad Name: t Qt ' ' if > l9 or erennial of > 30 �� A. Geomorphology Subtotal Absent Weak Moderate Stlpqng 1'. Continuous bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure; riffle -pool sequence 0 5 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 0.5 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 No = 0 3 7. Braided channel 0 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 28. Iron oxidizing bacteria/fungus C1 2 3 9'. Natural levees 0) FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5; SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 2, 3 10. Headcuts 3 11. Grade controls 0 1 . 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 1 1.5 13. Second or greater order channel on existing USGS or NRCS map or other documented evidence. No = 0 Yes Man-made ditches are not rated; see discussions to mutual R T-Tvrlrnlnov (Rrnhtntal = - 1 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 2 1 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rains, or Water in channel - dry or growing season 0 1 1 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 1.5 1 5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 24. Fish 0.5 1. 1 18. Organic debris lines or piles (wrack lines) 25. Amphibians 0 0.5 1' 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features resent? 0 No = 0 Yes= 1.5 1.5 (` Rinlnc v (Rrnhtntal = 1 1 20 . Fibrous roots in channel 2 1 0 21 b. Rooted plants in channel 2 1 0 22. Crayfish 0.5 1 1.5 23. Bivalves 0 1 2 3 24. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 OU 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 0.5 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; periphon 0 1 3 28. Iron oxidizing bacteria/fungus 0 0.5 1 1.5 29b. Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5; SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 'Items 2U and 11 locus on the presence of upland plants, item 19 focuses on the presence of aquatic or wettano plants Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes) Sketch: North Carolina Division of Water Quality - Stream Identification Form; Version 3.1 Date: 01 Project: n�'t� Latitude: �S O� 2 Evaluator: Site:dG22o S�� �l� o Longitude: 6 0 C4n T9tal Points: - County: Other Stream is at least intermittent ' Ik(n'/ p e.g. Quad Name: ' D if > 19 or perennial of> 30 7 A. Geomorphology Subtotal = `�) Absent Weak Moderate Stroup, 1'. Continuous bed and bank 0 1 2 3. 2. Sinuosity 0 1 2 2 3. In -channel structure; riffle -pool sequence 0 'T 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrate sorting 0 1 2 3 5. Active/relic floodplain 0 1 27. Filamentous algae; i h on 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 ] 7. Braided channel /'$? 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 k3 9°. Natural levees 0 1 2 3 10. Headcuts 1 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 05 1.5 12. Natural valley or drainageway 0 0.5 1 1.5 13. Second or greater order channel on existing USGS or NRCS map or other documented evidence. No = 0 Yes3 J ' Man-made ditches are not rated; see discussions in mimual o v..a_ i ... e..1..-4-1 - (/7 1 14. Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 1 2 3 15. Water in channel and > 48 hrs since rains, or Water in channel - dry or growing season 0 22. Crayfish 0.5 2 3 16. Leaflitter 1.5 2 1 0.5 0 17. Sediment on plants or debris 0 25. Amphibians 0. 1 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (wrack lines) 0 1 0.5 27. Filamentous algae; i h on 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features resent? 3 No = 0 Yes t1 ] r u:,.t,,.,., !c„ t,r^r01 = 4') 1 20b. Fibrous roots in channel 2 1 0 21 . Rooted plants in channel 2 1 0 22. Crayfish 0.5 1 1.5 23. Bivalves 1 2 3 24. Fish 0.5 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 1 1.5 26. Macrobenthos note diversityand abundance- 5 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae; i h on 1 2 3 28. Iron oxidizingbacteria/fun 0 .5 ] 1.5 29b. Wetland plants in streambed FAC = 0.5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5; SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 "Items 20 and 21 locus on the presence of upland plants, Item w focuses on the presence or aqutuic ur wcumlu puna Notes: (use back side of this form for additional notes) Sketch: ENG FORM 4345 — APPENDIX A APPENDIX A: USACE JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATIONS SECTION B - FUTURE I-540 INTERCHANGE AREA Town of Cary Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase III Appendix A — Section B 31824954 November 9, 2007 Mr. Monte Matthews Raleigh Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers 6508 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27615 RE: Request for 404 Final Jurisdictional Approval: Morrisville Parkway Phase 3/I-540 Interchange Area, Morrisville, Wake County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Matthews, As described in previous correspondence, The Town of Cary (TOC) proposes to construct a new segment of Morrisville Parkway on new location to intersect with the future alignment of I-540 (R-2836) in Wake County, North Carolina (Figure 1). URS Corporation — North Carolina (URS) has been contracted by the TOC to complete the planning and design tasks associated with Section B of Phase III of this project. Phase III will connect the existing Morrisville Parkway from its current terminus at the eastern side of NC 55 with Green Level Church Road. Section B includes only the proposed interchange with I-540 (Western Wake Expressway — R-2635) and Morrisville Parkway Phase III (Figure 1). Included in the scope of URS's tasks was the delineation of jurisdictional surface waters and wetlands. The project area for Morrisville Parkway Phase III overlaps the project area designated by North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) for I-540. URS and representatives from the USACE and North Carolina Department of Water Quality (NCDWQ) examined the jurisdictional features identified within the study area boundaries in February and June 2006. Figure 1 shows the approximate location of these areas. Also shown on Figure 1 is the approximate NCDOT study corridor in which wetlands were previously identified and a Jurisdictional Determination has already been obtained. Along with Figure 1, final plat maps sealed by a Professional Land Surveyor, which show more detailed wetland and stream information, are enclosed. Since the field investigations for this interchange area occurred before the revised USACE Jurisdictional Determination guidance was issued on June 5, 2007 as a result of the Rapanos vs. United States case, the TOC is willing to pursue a Jurisdictional Determination according to the pre-Rapanos case guidance. At your earliest convenience, please issue documentation of the official jurisdictional status of -these features. Please contact me with any questions at (919) 461-1435 (direct line) or by e-mail at charles_benton@urscorp.com. Best regards, URS Corporation - North Carolina Charles E. Benton, PWD, PWS Senior Environmental Scientist CEB/TLS:bkc cc: Mr. Ian McMillan — NCDWQ (w/Enclosures) Mr. Russ Overton, PE — Town of Cary (w/Enclosures) Enclosures Figure 1 Sealed Survey Plat Maps P:\Jobs3\31824954 Morrisville Parkway III\)D for Interchange im\Correspondence\Matthews_Regmu Fi W JD-110907—LTR„$cction B.doc a. Wetland M Approximate ■ t' NCDOT Study Corridor t Wetland LIN Wetland J ■ ' ■ Wetland Stream F ! Stream D t Wetland Bi ■ 3 ~' I" ■ Pond ,C Stream C tea:" 43 ■ .:, 1 le Stream A " " E :.' Legend Date: November 2007 Town of Cary N Q Study .Boundary w E '" 0 1 , --r- NCDOT Study Corridor - Approximate Centerline 0 250 500 1,000 Wetlands Feet Extension of Morrisville Parkway Ponds Figure 1 Phase Ill -- Streams Jurisdictional Wetlands Source: USGS Topographic Quad, Green Level, NC 1993 and Streams VICINITY MAP DATUM DESCRIPTION IE LOCALIZED COORDINATE SYSTEM DEVELOPED FOR THIS PROJECT IS BASED ON THE STATE PLANE COORDINATES ESTABLISHED BY NCDOT FOR MONUMENT'BL474' WITH NAD 83 STATE PLANE GRID COORDINATES OF NORTHING: 748,038.402(9) EASTMIG: 2,032,049.015(9) THE AVERAGE COMBINED GRID FACTOR USED ON THIS PROJECT (GROUND TO GRD) IS: 0.999893311 THE N.C. LAMBERT GRID BEARING AND LOCALIZED HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCE FROM 'BL -474' TO N.C.G.S.'SPILLWAY' IS S 54' 46' 48' E 71,849.3M) ALL LINEAR DIMENSIONS ARE LOCALIZED HORIZONTAL DISTANCES VERTICAL DATUM USED IS NGVD 29 NOTES: 1. THE DEPICTED WETLANDS WERE FIELD SURVEYED BY THIS OFFICE USING CONVENTIONAL SURVEY METHODS. 2. THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO DEPICT SECTION 404 JURISDICTION WETLANDS ONLY. BOUNDARY AND PROPOSED ROADWAY LINES ARE BY OTHERS AND ARE SHOWN HERE SOLELY FOR ORIENTATION PURPOSES. I. JESSE J. PRICE, PROFESSIONAL LAND I SURVEYOR HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SECTION 404 WETLAND SURVEY AND SUBSEQUENT PLANS WAS PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT IT IS CORREC ,',FQ jEiB ST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. (;AR ............: SECTION 404 a Eg wETLAND'M• t > y au + .'`GArtc. _ to PQM ''' iAA�sE. � :... ••� �-I`!' O � NONJURISDICTIO HYDROLOGIC L. I CONNECT\ N.C. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR L-3220 LU \NON -404 NORTH CAROLINA WETLANDS SECTION 404 WAKE COUNTY This certifies that this copy of this plat accurately depicts the boundary of the jurisdiction of Section — 'H' 404 of the Clean Water Act as determined by the undersigned on this date. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this; of Section 404 jurisdiction may be POND'B' relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from this date. This determination was made f utilizing the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. q 1 NON -404 Regulatory Official: v g WETLAND'S' i� Title: C Date' SECTION 404 USACE Action ID: crocsu WETLAND STREAM TE' DESIGNATION STREAM TION 'LOCAT POND C' DESIGNATION WETLANDS CE.HJ.JxL DESIGNATION sC7 G.K. I J.J.P. -0E:w"PwT..- WETUNOS DELINEATION 1 OF 13 SECTION 404 WETLANDS SURVEY FOR: ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS MORRISVILLE PARKWAY EXTENSION PHASE THREE CARY, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NON404 SECTION 404 WETLAND'D' GRAPHIC SCALE 0 250 500 ( IN FEET ) I inch - 500 it Ir N.C.G.& 9P81WAr Na 708,808.48 E -Z=. 7125 -Tom -AAFft ESP ASSOCIATES, P.A. enginee7 ing•aurueying•pta'nning 14001 Weston Parkway, Suite f00 Caru. A4; 27513 (919) 678-1070 NCDOTIL47C SubmbYed by N=748,078.402 E • 2l,032,oams Um URS Corporatlon - North Corollna s -REAM A' 1600 Perlmeter Pork Orlve Morrlsv/lle. North Corollno 27560 TELEPHONE (919) 461-1100 FAX (019) 461-1415 POND'A' COPYRIGHT ® 2000. URS CORPORATION. INC. STREAM TE' DESIGNATION STREAM TION 'LOCAT POND C' DESIGNATION WETLANDS CE.HJ.JxL DESIGNATION sC7 G.K. I J.J.P. -0E:w"PwT..- WETUNOS DELINEATION 1 OF 13 SECTION 404 WETLANDS SURVEY FOR: ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS MORRISVILLE PARKWAY EXTENSION PHASE THREE CARY, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NON404 SECTION 404 WETLAND'D' GRAPHIC SCALE 0 250 500 ( IN FEET ) I inch - 500 it Ir N.C.G.& 9P81WAr Na 708,808.48 E -Z=. 7125 -Tom -AAFft ESP ASSOCIATES, P.A. enginee7 ing•aurueying•pta'nning 14001 Weston Parkway, Suite f00 Caru. A4; 27513 (919) 678-1070 URS /601 Morrisvl TELEPHONE COPYRIGH i-07 • STREAM Y STREAM 9 Pao lc* I WETLNo! 5c t G.K. J.J.P. 2OF13 SECTION 404 WETLANDS SURVEY FOR: ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS MORRISVILLE PARKWAY EXTENSION PHASE THREE CARY, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA - ESP ASSOCIATES P.A. engineering•aurveying•ptunning 14001 Weston P47*u ay, Suits 100 Caru. NC 27519 f919) 678-1070 CooMinate Telae Pt E. No M ft Essfim LINEBEARING DISTANCE L' S1M'y 47.Z' STREAM 'E' DESIGNATION STREAM 'r LOCATION P 'C' DESIGNATION GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 26. so 100 ( IN FEET) 1 YMOJI * 60 R URS Corporation — North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Pork Drive Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 TELEPHONE (ele) 467-1100 FAX (e1e) 161-1116 COPYRIGHT O 2000, URS CORPORATION. INC. WETLANDS C.E,N,I.JA.L DESIGNATION °°" "°`E SECTION 404 WETLANDS SURVEY FOR: - aws r � so G.K. (MCIED J.J.P.e• ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS - _ ESP ASSOCIATES P.A. -0ESCMPi.CN- AN]S DELINEATION MORRISVILLE PARKWAY EXTENSION = engineering•aurueying•Ptanning S EE7 PHASE THREE 14001 Weston Plarkuny, Suite 100 3 OF 13 CARY, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA = Cary, JW 27513 (919) 678-1070 Coordinate Tads Pt6 NM Eas 732 748525.8734 20320192M 733 748518.9950 2031992.9306 734 748492.9559 2032011.0147 735 748485.4875 2031987AM 736 748482.1762 2031955.7424 737 748512.5131 2031957.8018 736 748511.4892 2031925.7968 739 748508.6925 2031898.9794 740 748483.7888 2031916.4077 741 748482.6254 2031890.1740 742 748484.3524 2031861.1267 743 748507.5642 2031874.8203 744 748484.5417 2031820.4112 745 748497.9485 2031849.0697 746 748504.2216 2031823.4681 747 748477.5289 2031794.5868 748 748493.7697 2031MAUI 749 748472.4327 2031763.7666 750 748490.3221 2031749.5075 751 748467.8716 2031738.6339 752 748478.0720 2031705.1435 753 748492.8337 2031721.9113 754 748499.9263 2031700.8618 755 748493.9906 2031674.3997 756 748498.9215 2031651.1105 806 748492.0255 2031644.1240 807 746492.3354 2031607.6&14 we 748488.7023 2031576.8876 809 748498.7991 2031562.4265 810 748478.9145 2031524.1107 811 748453.3871 2031489.4828 812 746436.7595 2031491.5818 813 748415.0880 2031453.3847 814 748416.3819 2031405.7462 815 749437.5970 2031380.6498 818 749415.6500 2031342.3971 817 746415.7345 2031318.6117 816 748376.0405 2031269.4226 819 748371.8778 2031242.4888 820 748389.4524 2031226.1800 821 748384.8807 2031206 ' 7425 822 748404.8081 1 2031204.1776 LINE BEARING DISTANCE L25 S12'46'49'E 20.64' L26 N73'4544E 17.17 L27 S44'33'48'E 24.67 L28 N81.12'S0'E 2725' L29 N49'5T49'E 61.88' L30 S89.48'44'E 25.79 L31 N39'3541'E 28.46' L32 I S64.51.17 -E 49.93' L33 S88.2637'E 47.64' L34 N60'2638'E 43.93' L35 N07'11'41'W 16.76 L36 N53'38'10'E 43.07 L37 N62'3420'E 43.1r L38 S55'02'23'E 17.67 L39 N83'1516'E 30.93' L40 S89'30'61'E 36.64' L41 N46'3438'E 10.03' L42 S77.5339'E 23.51' L43 N77'21WE 27.11' L44 S71'43'14'E 2227 L46 S84'47'69'E 27.71' L46 N85'1719'E 41.27' L47 N72'193rE 34.16' L48 S76.13UT 28.36' L49 N69'312WE 27.49' L50 N86 -51.10-E 24.20' L51 N64'2nVE 28.94' L52 N68'10'04'E 32.07 L53 N79'374rE 35.77 L54 N75 -21-34-E 2721' L650S74*482M Stw 33.93' L56mw 24.33' L5711w 32.37 L58'09w 39.3r L698w 2628' 88060w 29.19 L6101w 40.72' L6226'W 26.76'1,8360'W 31.25 L. S79'44'66'W 25.63' 1,86 1 N73-Wa-N 34.91' L66 I N62.3732'W 34.87 I SECTION 404 WETLANDS A7 AREA: 754 7,610 SO FTI 0.17 ACRESp1 718 743 L48 745 �a9 M U755 V" Coq 753 L45 760 UB 746 66 .7 744 L61 742 La I 752 L86 leo 749 bg 747 751 0 STREAM'B'617 n Z Z eta D 0 612 II 617J� 614 622 00Z --1 (3p 616 L33 613 u� 620 619 GRAPHIC SCALE so 0 25 50 10o rxvl0ras (IN FEET ) 0i-15-07 - STWM 4' DESIGNATION 1 ich • 60 R STMM T' LOCATION POND V DESIGAWIM WETLAMS C.EJIJ.JJL DESIGNATION UTE ""`` SECTION nA WETI RVEY FOR: L52 733 ;;7--u$7 736 1 �y-d7 Submitted by I= - URS Corporatlon - North Carollno 1600 Perimeter Park Orlve Morrlsvllle, North Carollno 27560 teLEPHONE (919) 461-1100 FAX (919) 461-1415 COPYRIGHT O 2000. URS CORPORATION, INC. 0203-06 I 4 NDS SU - aG.0 ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS --�E-ESP ASSOCIATES P.A. wETUNOSDRIWMORRISVILLE PARKWAY EXTENSION _ engineerin9--eying•planning SUPHASE THREE _ 14001 hest," ParkwaySu#9 100 4 OF CARY.WAKE 000NW.NORTH CAROLINA = Cary. Ivc xrsls (91a) 678-1070 r' 1 CGOTdMNae Table PIS Es 566 74897GA443 2032843.3813 587 746975.1300 2032798.1284 568 748993.7111 2032737.9048 589 748845.0192 2032719.5083 570 748MA235 2032760.0852 571 748MA390 2032771.7980 572 748921.0795 2032782.6470 573 748917.8405 2032825.4493 823 748808:8945 2030954.3840 824 748818.5127 2030983.3888 825 748537.8385 2031022.8921 826 748519.7249 2131051.6952 827 748677.1514 20310562393 828 748885.1058 - 2031114.2088 829 748886.5286 2031143.9358 830 748888:0404 2031180.6857 831 748907.8745 2031215.4705 832 748919.3907 2031247.8883 833 748917.1828 2031250.1511 am 74SM6417 2031243.4971 835 748966.4837 2031261.4651 836 748979.6878 2031261.3364 837 748957.7365 2031280.6492 838 748917.4838 2031295.3755 639 748938.3893 20313DDAM 840 748903.9933 2031284.8808 841 748891.3413 2031278.8571 842 748878.5362 1 2031252.9721 824 823 10 LINE BEARING DISTANCE L67 N73'24'17'E 40.68' L68 N56'53'10'E 35.01' LBO N67'2738'E 31.47 L70 N51'33'07E 41.11' L71. N74'0726'E 29.06' L72 N87'15'34E 29.76' L73 N87'38'40'E 36.78' L74 I N60'18'30'E 40.04' L75 N70'19'48E 3421' L76 N18'S1'38'W 20.56' LT7 N22'55'22'E 20.46' 1.78 N22'17'09'E 28.03' L79 S41'20'S9'E 29.06' L80 S45'17ti2'E 27.50' L81 S12'43'41W - 21.43' L82 S37.56'02'W 17.10' L83 I S32'57'33'W 15.08' L84 S57'5742'W 27.93' L85 NO3'SB'20'W 40.77 L86 N34'42116V 71.27' L87 N20'4I%VE 52.05 LES S72'51'11'E 83.07 LBO N87'49150'E 45.28' L90 S16'54'17'W 81.67' L91 1485'4MM 42.97 L92 S31'3547W 20.71' L93 S34.3715W 1 20.86' S8a i 567 Leg bee I y Z Z 569 iia F . D n C) G W, .-..572 Wt a7s 00 POND "C' 6770 ISOLATED AREA: 7,405 SO FT / 0.17 ACRES an an to �STREAM'C' Z6 831 SECTION 404 WETLANDS "B' AREA: 3,277 SO FT / 0.08 ACRES Su GRAPHIC GRAPHIC SCALE �� S »•"••^•• p,�. 50 0 25 50 100 sTEEAn Ti• ce9GNAnoN (IN FEET) STKEAM ♦• LOCATION 1 MMI • 80 0. POND T• DESIGNATMAND WETLANDS C.E N.I.J.K.L DESIGNATION -03.565 SECTION 404 WETLANDS SURVEY fOR: G.K. •I,JPo" ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS -Gf.'riF.MT.OH- AWS OEUNEATKIN RRVEY MORRISVILLE PARKWAY EXTENSION SHEET PHASE THREE 5 Of 13 CARY, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Submitted bi' um URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive Morrisville. North Carolina 27560 TELEPHONE (910) 451-1100 FAX (919) 461-1415 COPYRIGHT 0 2000, URS CORPORATN]N, INC. ��i✓ _ ESP ASSOCIATES, P. A. - " engi-e7i-g•eu7veying•ptanning 14001 Weston Parkway, Suds 100 Ca7lb NC 27513 (919) 676-1070 853 ISOLATED/NON-404 WETLANDS'K' 851 220 SO FT 10.01 ACRES 762 ISOLATED/NON-404 WETLANDS'( FT / 0.02 ACRES WETLANDS 'J"AREA: / 0.15 ACRES STREAM T' DESIC40TION STREAM F' LOCATIM EOND'C' DESNP ATNN WETLANDS C.EJI.I.Ok DESNRMATI N ' GATE SCALE 0203-06 1" -51 CFAKNSf CHECKED G.K. J.JP. aESCPWT; N. 1ETLNIDSDELNEATKXISU BEET 6OF13 TEDINON-404 WETLANDS'I'AREk 3,321 SO FT / 0.08 ACRES GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 25 50 100 (IN FEET ) tkWh- 608. SECTION 404 WETLANDS SURVEY FOR: ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS MORRISVILLE PARKWAY EXTENSION PHASE THREE CARY, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Coordinate Table - 1 PL8 Eamary 757 750240.8488 2031236.3881 756 7502652873 2031242.6553 759 750281.9702 20312532814 760 760248.8748 2031288.3406 761 750225.3275 203127SAM 762 750289.1994 20312482746 783 760292.0905 2031258.9286 .764 750315.6123 2031280.3550 785 750312.3897 20312672954 786 760331.1670 2031272.7826 757 75021OA513 2031256.0799 768 760185AOGO 2031283.1938 769 750185.4589 2031288.4135 770 750151.51" 2031287.8033 771 750152.1077 2031287.9345 772 750470.3808 2031287.7875 773 750447.0727 2031283.9728 774 750415.64. 2031292.0748 775 750458.7898 2031323.1958 776 750490.7105 2031316.6380 777 750522.8071 2031318.1488 778 750508.7508 2031295AM 779 750536.5214 2031292.0713 780 750558.6472 2031311A818 781 750558.1907 2031274.17" 782 760589.1638 2031281.5072 783 750593.4583 2031307.8882 784 750622.7644 2031298.9961 785 750649.0358 2031294AM 786 750645AM 2001278.8231 787 750610.3572 20312892621 843 750883.7710 2031494.8718 641 750683.8249 2031509.5427 845 750838.4112 2031624.0047 648 750642.1190 2031517.6467 847 750567.7005 2031494.2189 8" 750688.4290 2031463.2901 849 750703.5437 2031"1.2889 850 750693.8798 2031483.0988 851 750731.9471 2031401.7486 862 750745.8664 2031409.1752 853 7507552598 2031382.2489 LINE BEARING DISTANCE L257 N08.64S4'W 33.77 L2W N75'54"AM 25.95' L269 N32'S7'80'W 3627 L270 N14'51'54'E 2527 L271 N/2'466`l(rE 24.57 L272 N24'34'40'E 29.04' L273 N38'3T25'E 19A1' L274 I S16'177" 19.05 L275 S27 -03.9'W 2270' L276 S06'64'01'W 30.34' L277 S"'55'17'E 16.00' L278 S28'03'53E 25AW L279 S10'40'45E ".ST - L280 S02'00'27E 33AT L281 N88'16'27W 19.66' L282 N14'ZT06'W 32AW L283 N09.15'33E 23.50' L284 I N12'01%4'E 372Z L285 NOB'37'08'W 29AT L.286 N39'33'13'W 28.117 L287 N22'14'36 W 33AS L288 N20'05'53E 22Ar L289 N15'03'24E 36A1' L29D N78'4731E 16A7 L291 S09'3828E 28.65 L292 S16'5725E 30A7 L293 S05.007n 35.65 L294 311'2072E 35A4' L295 S02'41'54W 32.17 L296 S11'36AWS 32.M' L297 S35.4T52'W 5321' L298 N39'54'JIM 30.30' L299 S70'14'21E 28A1' L300 S28'34VM 16."3' L301 N07.3TOS:N 1525 . L302 S66*07WT 23.5T L303 S49.21R7'E 15.57 L304 S36'20'OS'E 24.78' L305 S29'3836E 2924' L306 N59'45WV 7.35 L307 N42'2910'W 34.80' L3W 1456'10116W 372T Submitted by I= iy L URS Corporation - North Corolina 1600 Perimeter Pork Drive Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 1LE1£PHONE (019) 481-1100 FAX (919) 461-1415 COPYRIGHT 0 2000. URS CORPORATM. INC. ESP ASSOCIATES P.A. engineering -surveying -planning 14001 Weston Parkway, suite 100 Cary, AC 27513 (919) 678-1070 Coordinate Table PI6 Nwtft E 500 749448.8912 2032427.0129 501 749448.6311 2032475.7182 502 749400.6039 2032454.5405 503 749373.7403 2032444.2851 504 749337.5140 2032436.9088 505 749304AM 2032418.0927 506 749275.7181 2032388.4094 607 749288.4243 2032363.1469 508 749340.3982 2032387.4205 509 749376AM 2032420.6002 510 749418.1573 2032424.5457 555 749891.3330 2032623.4729 556 749680.8885 2032838.1843 567 749681.1809 - 2032817.4080 556 7495MM77 2032830.4175 559 749545.7284 2032636.3590 560 7494982102 2032669.9005 501 749481.6084 2032861.5338 562 749442.2988 2032683.4501 563 749391.3045 2032709.8483 564 749370.5744 2032708.5372 585 749305.9919 2032741.9520 574 749587.1080 2032511.0300 575 749633.3753 2032513.3573 507 MATCHLINE SHEET 9 NON -JURISDICTIONAL HYDROLOGIC CONNECTION *E" 575 574 501 WETLANDS "E" AREA /0.15 ACRES 556 no r1- - GRAPHIC SCALE I50 o zs so 100 STREIW 'E' OESIGN4TI N (IN FEET ) STSEYI f' LOCATNSV 1 k1011 a 50 6. POND C' DESKrWT10/1 WETLANDS C.E.N.6JAI OESP ATION oo u� SECTION 404 WETLANDS SURVEY FOR: ,N„,7' `J"`a` �RA G.K. J.J.P. AV rOPIDC N:��I(;I�IFFR4 oexyPTIO AAT+ MORRISVILLE PARKWAY EXTENSION 7 Of 1SHEET 3 HREE CARY, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA LINE BEARING DISTANCE L116 N27.21'25'W 7071 - 71'L117 Ll 17 NO3.3rO7'E 20.77' L118 N27'22'08'W 57.47 1.119 N29'1711'W 44.7 L120. N26'36'31'E 15.86' L121 N35'13'01'W 58.18' L122 N06'4233'W 50.86' 1.123 1 N11'19'S3'W 68.27 L124 N43'29'00'E 27.29' L125 N50.4825'W 18.40' L126 N1('16'4rW 30.35' L153 N67'04'541N 27A9' L154 N24'14'4rE 56.11' L155 N42vr14'E 48.70' L756 N05'45'39'E 40.30' L157 N04.18'3rE 32AT L158 I S89'41'39'E 48.71' L169 S23'4r42 W 52AC L160 S20'5T47W 28.75' L161 S11'3=1111 36.97' L162 S29.5721'W 37AW L163 S45'2r5M 41.58' L232 NO2'08-dM 48.24' L233 N00'1r13'E 196.81' STREAM"D' 682 s Submlftsd by 97um URS Corporatlon - North Carollno 1600 Perimeter Park Drive Morrlsv/lle, Norlh Carollno 27560 TELEPHONE (919) 461-1100 FAX (919) 461-1415 COPYRIGHT O 2000. URS CORPORATION. INC. ESP ASSOCIATES, P.A. _ enginee7ting--eying•planning 14001 wmd.n. F¢rkuny, Sulu* 100 Cary. NC 27513 (919) 678-1070 Coordinate Tads ra= 60 Coordimle Tale 712 PIM NoMkg Easft Pt# Nodhing Easlirq 532 749875.4542 2032408.17513 55.55' L168 W'5T702W 41.44' 533 749843.8884 2032360.2951 708 S75'233VE 749671.8386 2032009.9830 534 749839.5015 2032331.6117 709 48.5 749727.0213 2032016.3425 535 749848.4982 2032299.5872 710 L175 749788.3031 2032012.7851 536 - 749849.2832 2032271.2355 711 N87.5927W 749910.5634 2032011.0228 537 749855.2850 2032231.0298 712 33.20' 749923.8025 2032040.3959 538 749822.9202 2032205.8980 713 L782 749933.3829 2031973.8470 539 749604.7412 2032210.9 295 714 N53.5511'E 749944.7721 2032001.0994 540 749791.1981 2032189.3712 715 40.15 749969.0461 2032034.4318 54 749799.4558 2032176.6094 718 L189 749948.4521 2032082.1248 5422 749828.1778 2032174.7898 717 N46.0027E 749989.1586 2032091.0167 543 749863.5524 2032201.7665 718 32.36' 749990.8238 2032126.1055 544 74986 2032226.4641 719 L196 750016.3689 2032151.2101 545 7498677.1528 .7399 2032281281 720 S44.IF42-W 750037.1310 2032133.3651 548 749853.5267 2032219.9510 721 750007.6145 2032101.7187' 547 74§752.5283 2032312.3501 722 749988.3417 2032062.6453 548 749849.1004 2032338.288 :1 723 750048.7649 2032164.4946 - 549 749861:0920 2032366.1 823 724 750035.7632 2032182.5758 550 749881.3157 2032397.1247 725 750048.8677 2032206.4981 598 750211.4139 2032399.1001 726 7500620055 2032197.4678 599 750197.5996 2032372.1199 727 750051.0338 2032240.5980 600 750193.5240 2032332.3374 726 729 750063.9538 750093.1343 2032265.5748 2032279.5366 601 750217.902 2032387.7075 70 750124.9142 2032279.7359 624 749913.5903 20319142114 731 750079.3777 2032232.5693 692 749890.8270 2031972.4352 693 749856.9715 2031918.7429 ON 749588AM 2031931.2894 695 749903.0332 2031930.0077 m 749929.7579 2031938.4821 697 749779.9015 2032081.9404 898 699 7497679171 749747.9465 2032127.9302 723 1,1g4 Z 700 749713.0838 20321622714 2032196.6424 L,188 720+ 701 7496324041 2032216.3560 702 749581.6455 2032198.4872 ' 703 704 749562.8279 2032166.2368 749550.7991 2032121.3340 721 719 705749552.6393 2032070.2001 {-<< 708 749579.9346 2032014.7824 722 Liao IFS 1 W tai SECTION 404 WETLANDS 'G' AREA: 8 0 3,039 SQ FT l 0.07 ACRES 601 �U 600 24 J GRAPHIC SCALE ra= 60 0 25 50 100 712 81.78' 711 (IN FEET) 58.10' 1 Wmh - 50 6. y. 694 r" 7 ISOLATED/NON-404 WETLANDS "H' AREA: 13,886 SO FT / 0.32 ACRES 543 POND "B" AREA:"= i x 38,629 SQ FT 10.89 ACRES 541� A LINE BEARING DISTANCE L164 N6346'42W 81.78' L165 N09'31VM 58.10' LISS NO6'58'43'E 36.85 L167 N06'34'28E 55.55' L168 W'5T702W 41.44' L1S9 NOW26WM 70.14' L170 S75'233VE 47.53' L171 S59'4922E 39.73' L172 S44.35'28'E 48.5 073 S13'43'81'E 83.05 L174 SWW4rW 50.99' L175 S55.5518'W 38.94' L176 S76*W14' W 46AIr L177 N87.5927W Fir L178 N51.32W'W 22.37 079 NO2.1V40'W 33.20' L180 N56.14W W 19.00' L111 N57.2323E 30.00' L782 N83.5W42E 34.W L193 N67"18'O9E 29.54' L714 N53.5511'E 41.23' L185 N43'5519'E 40.6T L188 N76.381M 40.15 L187 N46.59'4O'E 4321 LISS N69'302rE 332T L189 N68.OTt1"E 35.53' L190 N63'40'07'E 39.17 L191 N46.0027E 65.56' L192 - SOO'21W'W 31.75 L193 S25'34'10'W 32.36' L194 S62.39'01'W 28.17 L195 Sa2.38'23'W 32.35 L196 S66.46R6'W 2821' L197 S58.16Y3"W 36,5 L798- S44.IF42-W 35.95 SECTION 404 WETLANDS "F" AREA: 61005 SQ FT / 0.14 ACRES . STREM 4' OESI"TION STREAM F LOCATION OND PT. msIONATION WETLANDS CAMAAA L OESN TION 02-03-06 1 = 9 OO>AN ay OI iN G.K. I J.J.P. 4E5011MON 8 OF 13 SECTION 404 WETLANDS SURVEY FOR: ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS MORRISVILLE PARKWAY EXTENSION PHASE THREE CARY. WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Submitted byum Corporatlon - North Carollm low Perimeter Park Drive Morrlsvll/e, North Cardin 27560 TELEPHONE (919) 161-1100 FAX (919) 461-1416 COPYRIGHT O 2000. URS CORPORATION. INC. LINE BEARING DISTANCE L199 S58'3730"W 41.13' L200 S51.50'18'W 36.75 L201 S43.37481W 3125 L202 S65.5700'W 32AV L203 S675442"W 43.34' L204 S34'1716'W 42.15 L205 N56'4V49'W 15.03' L206 N04'19'21"W 26M L207 N44.34'51E 38.47 L208 N72.5345E 25M L209 N79'15'5M 35.37 L210 582.15-34E 29.61• L211 S63 -11.13E 26.08' L212 S82'28'44E 28.17 L213 N67 -14'25E 31,0' L214 N52'28'43E 38.13' L215 N59'56'22"E 48,5 L223 S59'26'00'W 31.W L224 ' S56'26'19W 57.48' L225 S81.41'43W 26.89' L226 N74.19'15'W 3328' L227 N88.2432'WR4Q04V L228 N81'32'15"W L229 S38 -03.58-W L230 S18'03'05'E 1231 557'51'45'9 L248 S66'4V12'W L249 S52'21'05'W L250 584'13'20'9 L251 N66'1V42E 60.83' L252 N46'36'SSE I 62.10' doh ESP ASSOCIATES P.A. engineering•eurveying•plan74ing 11001 Weston Parkway, Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 (919) 678-1070 MATCHLINE SHEET 10 582 lil SECTION 404 G WETLANDS'G"AREA: 3,039 SQ FT 0.07 ACRES .13 690 7�"1 597L247896 580 589 r p �Z Z NON -JURISDICTIONAL D t 7 HYDROLOGIC STREAM 'D CONNECTION 'E' 0. 1 G7 ` r 567 SECTION 404 WETLANDS "F' AREA 6,005 SQ FT / 0.14 ACRES Coordinate Table NO NorlNng Eas" 511 749942.3722 2032507.6032 512 749935.1617 2032482.3896 513 749950.7286 2032492.0755 514 749947.9647 2032474.4752 515 749915.6780 2032462.9145 516 749917.0869 203261&1288 517 749983.7709 2032587.8003 518 749962.2160 2032558.7061 519 749923.2088 2032564.9025 520 749870.8731 2032581.8803 521 749835.1184 2032564.6200 522 749796.9095 2032801.9451 523 749763.1598 2032621.1346 524 749733.8765 2032619.1779 525 749715.4727 2032628.4491 526 749763.6906 2032640.8721 627 749799.,1678 2032633.8777 526 749832.6201 2032626.1922 629 749874.40072032630.5006 L148 530 749988.0450 2032506.2202 531 749891.3696 2032435.1241 551 749908.7848 2032439.4028 562 749798.9435 2032632.5171 563 749742.6878 2032640.7532 554 749721.1964 2032618.0367 576 749832.1824 2032514.3534 577 749951.6808 2032508.9873 678 750023.4431 20325083482 579 750116.2428 2032508.5872 580 750227.7790 2032504.8619 581 750257.3062 2032502.0256 582 750377.9587 2032497.6818 586 750022.6408 2032570.6090 587 750071.4065 2032566.3335 588 750119.5193 2032560.2890 589 750227.8761 2032563.2709 590 750282.7978 2032553.5626 591 750381.8935 2032547.3000 594 750258.6108 2032502.0344 595 750246.3991 203247911574 596 750232.4278 2032454,1809 597 750231.9757 2032431.0451 602 750254.2379 2032426.0802 603 750284.4042 2032468.5890 604 750258.3325 2032483.6326 SECTION 404 WETLANDS'D" ARE L 9,641 SQ FT 10.22 ACRES LINE BEARING DISTANCE L126 N70'18'47W 4 30,35' L127 1,146'2048'E 31.39' L128 N08'2120'W 56,88' L129 N15'28'09'W 232.11' 530 NO2-40.21-W 48.87 L131 N09'3057W 48.78' L132 NO3'41'43'W 108.58' L133 N00.10131'E 54.97 L134 NO3.34%M 99.201 L135 N06'11031N 42.51' 039 N53'20111'E 36.21' L140 S24.2T18'E 73.28' L141 S18' 218E 44.3T 7142 S05'53'1BW 42.08' L743 S12'41'38'E 34.08' L144 S2247114E 38.77 1145 S22'4&13'W 52.201 L146 N26.44'15W 20.61' L147 N0349 22 29.35' L148 N29'3T18'W 38.87 L149 N24.22%M 41.95' L150 N04.23.40W 35188' L151 N17'5824W 55.07 L152 N09'0138.1N 39,50' L215 N59'5622'E 48.85' L216 N41.50101 -E 62.58' L217 N81.04.54 -E 17.87 L218 N20.45.29'E 39.91' L219 SO1'44'04'E 45.89' L220 S74.02.28'W 28.27 L221 S44'5914W 27.85' L222 I 548.49 -AV 36.92 L223 S59'26='W 31.30 L233 NOO'1T13f 198.61' L234 N00029W-W 71.69' L235 N01-05VM 92.67 L236 N00.5213W MAS L237 N05'31'31W 29.88' L238 NO2'03.43W 120.77 L239 N01'11D 'E 98-V L243 I S29'50106T 30.10 L244 I N89'5B'01'E 18.40' L246 S62'0038W 28117 L240 SW'40'50W 28.63' L247 SBB-62.50W 23.14' L248 S66'40'12W 34.24' L252 N46'W55'E 52.80 L253 N54'36.19'E 52.17 L310 NO2-34.37W 119.80 ;4 O� STREAM'D" .4 F �SE NON -JURISDICTIONAL HYDROLOGIC 521 $ 528 CONNECTION 'S'�{ GRAPHIC WALE 6o 0 25 5o 100 ¢ 527 522 (IN FEET) . I Yell- SOIL 523 ' 628 " * k SU&Wlted by " -f 553 524 ��%^.:,UM 14 szs URS Corporation - Nath Carolina ------ 0TCWLOIE SWEET _ - - - 1600 Perimeter Park Drive .EEl,sxxu- Morrisville. North Carollna 27560 4-15.01 - STREAM 'E' OESwwTwN STM_ : LOCAT,OM TELEPHONE (919) 461-1100 FAX (91 D) 461-1416 "Gm'C• DESIOATION COPYRIGHT 02000, URS CORPORATION. INC. WETLAP OS M. U JAL OESIONATI N DP3, °`°`E oz -03-0s i• • 59 SECTION 404 WETLANDS SURVEY FOR: - - �GKaaP ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS = ESP ASSOCIATES P.A. .OEIIFIF7")w wETUNOSOLUNLATOM MORRISVILLE PARKWAY EXTENSION = _ engineei ing--eying pia--ing DET 9 Of 13 PHASE THREE - = 14001 Weston Purkuay, Suite 100 CARY, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Cary, NU 27513 (919) 678-1070 NON-JURISDICTIOW HYDROLOGIC CONNECTION "E' STREAM E' DESIONATI N STREAM 'E' LOCATION P T' DESIGNATION WETLAND3 C,E,M,LJ.K,L DESIGWITION 1110808011 IWIED EY G.K. J.J.P, aEstwviip1. 10 OF 13 O Z Z Dn p• I C 00 ;a L4 - vp DLATED/NON-404 TLANDS "C" AREA: SO FT l 0.10 ACRES GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 25 50 100 (IN FEET) 1 Yrh• 602 404 WETLANDS SURVEY FOR: ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS MORRISVILLE PARKWAY EXTENSION PHASE THREE CARY. WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Coadkmft Table Pt k Noreft I E ' 563 750474.1414 2032499.6898 584 750819.6728 2032505.1882 585 750743.8462 2032508.7524 592 750424.1554 2032542.8014 593 750497.0416 2032547.0073 605 750540ANT 2032561.8780 808 750570.9668 2032567.3516 807 750578.1087 2032574.7298 808 750588.0022 2032559.6291 809 750596.7053 2032563.1056 610 75059OA W 2032577.3259 611 750606.6718 2032590.6920 612 750817.8816 2032581.4480 613 750628.8/41 2032572.2"1 614 750810.0716 2032562.1217 815 750629.9260 2032552.1493 616 750638.9646 2032593.8148 617 750675.3106 2032601.4332 818 750892AM 2032564.7528 619 750726.1800 2032564.4517 620 750724.7301 2032580.4961 621 750781A808 2032567.7288 LINE BEARING DISTANCE L135 NOO'1IVM 4251' L136 NO3'1909'E 73.01' L137 N18'45'20'E 48.25' L136 N10'1780'E 30.67 L239 N0t'1T07E 96.20' L240 NO2'1019"E 145.56' L241 N01'38'39'E 124.37 L242. N52'10'59f e200 L254 Se9101'00'E 25.86' L265 - S13.34'49E 60.6P L256 S12'OB'45'W 37.19 L257. S64'32WW 23.er L258 S40.0743'E 14.31' L259 S39'3328'E 14.51' L260 S62'14'S21N 15.10' L261 S06'5234W 21A9' OR Nte'29'00'E 1129 L263 N04.1755W 13.40 L264 N26.40'09'W 22.22' L265 N11'2737E 63.47 L286 NOO'31'17'W 33.0r L309 N62'3377'W .17.13' 19 (,, 7 Submlited by URS URS Corporation - North Corollna 1600 Perimeter Park Orlve Morrisville. North Carolina 27560 TELEPHONE (919) "1-1100 FAX (919) 461-1415 COPYRIGHT 0 2000, URS CORPORATION, INC. ESP ASSOCIATES P.A. enginee7ing•surueying•pianning 14001 Weston Phri'utay. Suits 100 Cary, NC 27513 (919) 676-1070 Coordinate Tads PIS 641 749323.3618 2033567.1139 645 749378.6993 2033554.3880 646 749410.0814 2033556.8450 647 749452.5885 2033537.3598 848 749501.3250 2033505.8950 849 749558.6885 2033488.5991 550 749621.6413 2033485.9690 651 749834.5393 2033521.2541 652 749700.4478 2033494.6845 853 749717.7497 2033457.4989 654 749757.0112 2033440.8121 655 749796.3354 2033420.1357 656 749783.6978 2033967.'578 657 749M.GM 2033691.7424 658 749884.3457 2033368.1788 8.59 749955.9283 2033369.9946 880 749980.9998 2033359.2923 661 750021.8238 2033362.4820 662 750049.3324 2033339.9448 663 750098.7788 2033312.3697 664 750168.9628 2033304.0967 665 750204.7213 2033263.3400 666 750237.0543 2033282.8872 LINE BEARING DISTANCE L94 N12.57V4'W 55.76' L95 N04'28'4TE 31.18' L96 N24.3738'W 48.78' L97 N32'50V9'W 58.03' L98 N75.4V44 W 59.91' L99 NO2'2333'W 63.01' L100 N69'S5'15'E 37.5r L101 N21'49Y6'W 71.00' L102 N65'09Y41N 41.18' L103 N23'0135'W 42.58' L104 N26'34'51'W 46.21' L105 S86'2123'W 38.00' 1.105 N10'305TE 25.17 L107 N22*SC4rW 80.57 L108 N01'08VTE 91 b0 L109 N23'OSW'W 27.25' L110 N04'2r24'E 41.05 L111 N39.25'451N 35.45 L112 N30'11'30'W 54.90 L113 NO6'30'S3'W 72.69' L114 N30-! W 41.35' L115 N00'48VBYJ 32.34' STREAM MATCHLINE 3;' 661 0 J 860 658 8 J 658 OJ 657 655 0? GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 26 50 100 (IN FEET) 1 IrDA - 50 R 0I.6-07 . sTRFAN T:' DEs1ONYT10N slTl&W 'r LOCATION FOND t• DESIDNATION w AMS C,EM.W.K.L DESI TKW °03- ` SECTION 404 WETLANDS SURVEY FOR: a2 -03o5 r=sm �G.Ker clj<�u06r ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WETlNIDB DWWATION SURVEY MORRISVILLE PARKWAY EXTENSION E' q PHASE THREE 11 OF 13 CARY, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA STREAM 'F' 649 Zz I 647 Submitted by Um 84 URS Corporation - North Corollno 1600 Perimeter Park DrIm Morrisville, North Corollno 27560 TELEPHONE (919) 461-1100 FAX (919) 461-1415 COP17d9HT O 2000. UR5 COWMATION. 91C. ESP ASSOCIATES P.A. engineering -surveying -planning 14001 Weston Parkway, suite 100 Cary, AV 27513 (919) 676-1070 Coordinate Table PIN NorthkV North'E 622 751615.1719 2031650.7249 623 751637.0005 2031619.2577 625 751451.8790 2031941.0624 626 751154.8659 2032285.0778 627 751176.7991 2032278.3933 628 751195.4848 2032235.4967 629 751212.8852 2032221.6034 630 751241.2050 2032166.0596 631 751264.2382 2032150.7070 632 751294.6315 2032175.6623 633 751254.8554 2032175 * 7337 634 751237.1605 2032218.8001 635 751208.5100 2032212.4525 636 751182.2389 2032196.0331 637 751198.9065 2032163.4370 636 751234.4149 2032139.4407 639 751271.8246 2032122.9264 640 751260.4713 2032096.1078 641 751333.3234 2032175.4896 642 751379.8277 2032151.7066 643 751430.1411 2032156.4497 788 751464,5919 2032150.5618 789 751371.1369 2032060.7811 790 751399.3468 2032037.2585 791 751440.0987 2031997.7590 792 751449.9611 2031974.4718. 793 751472.7931 203193SA522 794 751501.9097 2031922.2610 795 751485.9145 2031906.0066 796 751504.2909 2031869.4211 797 751500.8952 2031829 * 0133 798 751519.6825 2031793.1000 799 751530.3455 2031769.9592 800 751554.3211 2031756.7615 801 751580.7204 2031734.5801 802 751591.0174 2031 MAW 803 751606.8333 2031688.7673 804 751777.6072 2031607.4099 805 751792.6573 2031627.0131 864 751471.7591 2032263.2682 855 751488.3045 2032237.7196 656 751504.3635 2032220.4407 857 751516.0462 2032194.0779 858 751504.0453 2032157.5484 859 751735.9820 2032229.1407 660 7517212066 2032180.8188 881 751717.1647 2032134.7951 862 751717.5097 2032056.7719 863 751724.1799 2032039.1448 864 751744.3754 2031995.5016 865 751745.0209 2031956.0412 BB6 751753.7342 2031923.3382 867 751758.4774 2031903.8550 888 751767.9517 2031876.0876 669 751784.3237 2031840.3105 870 751796.16" 2031811.0663 871 751775.6374 2031752.9629 872 751776.5005 2031717.4599 873 751807.2083 2031684.9495 874 751395.7"2 2031994 ' 0010 875 751355.0723 2031985.4076 876 751319.9474 20319632502 877 751299.5782 2031962.9111 878 751276.4115 2031986.4382 879 751240.6944 2031940.6303 880 751183.6411 2031952.8680 881 751154.2514 2031939.7851 882 751133.5743 2031959 * 4348 883 751157.4640 2032005.0826 864 751183.4094 2032005.7406 885 751228.0504 2032013.7125 888 751270.5348 2032014.0032 887 751311.3840 2032019.0417 866 751347.3662 2032027.5190 889 751348.4601 2032073.1338 890 751299.3863 2032068.4533 STREAM F• DESI"TION STREAM F' LOCATION POW 'C' DESIGNATION WETLANDS C,EJLI,JA,L DEMNATIat LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N16'5658'W 22.93' L2 N66'27" W 46.79' L3 N38'36120"W 222r L4 N62 -59.04-W 62.35 L5 N33'41'06"W 27.68' L6 N62 -55'04"W 36.61' L7 N34°03'02'W 42.86' LB N23°49'07°W 40.89' L9 N72°07'491W 28.18' L10 N55 -37.43-W 33.50' L11 NOS -26.54-E 49.30' L12 N28°36'07'W MST L13 N39 -46-30-W 36.77 L14 S10'36'"°W 52.69' L15 S13"15'25W 36.9r L16 S06°54'26°W 41.16 L17 SOW30'48'W 42.49' L18 S10°07'29W 45.36 L19 S01°27110°W 25.96 L20 562'22'30"W 51.57 L21 N43'32'25W 28.57 L22 N23 -59-52"E 32.lr L23 N71'54'23'W 58.31' L24 N35.37'39"E 43.94' L25 NOB'39'06"W 23.43' L26 N00°5713"E 20.3r L27 N32'14'40"E 41.53' L28 N12'03'06"E 41.69' 129 N04°43'3rE 44.51' L30 N67'02'48°W 2529' L31 I N86 -42-62-W 33.46' L32 N15°00'57°W 21.86 L33 N24'2722°W 31.9r L34 S45@27 JM 22.60' L35 1,163.19.41M 40.94' L36 S85'11'47°W 40.86 L37 N62°23'05"W 40.83' L38 N65'15'37"W 25.48' L39 N28'49'52"W 27.3r L40 N40D3'48'W 34.49' L41 N67°1r251M 25.6r L42 N49.56'33°W 27.88' L43 NSO'32'25°W 38.5r L44 N55'15'04W 38.30' L45 N04.48'59"W 141.10' L46 N52°29'OrE 24.71' L47 N75.54'05'E 59.74' L48 S46"38'00"E 44.77 L49 S88'3626'E 35.51, L50 N70'32'32°E 81.67 L51 S67.57'30'E 31.56 L52 S65°2T39"E 39.37 L53 S71'10'40°E 29.3r L54 S76'19'00"E 20.06 L55 S75°54'T9'E 35.76' L56 S89 -00-46-E 37.4r L57 I S65 -10.05-E 48.09' L58 S82'01'39'E 46.OP L59 S89'35'19"E 48.02' L60 N84'58'52"E 46.20' L61 N72'59'52"E 50.53' L62 S07'21'35E 266.47 L83 N57'04'22W 30."' L64 N47.05'45'W 23AC L65 N66°05'58'W 26.64' L66 S71°48'48'W 36.46 L67 $10'02'33W 40.07' LOB S09'41'56"E 34.96 L69 SOS'23'08'W 50.64' L70 S27.05'09'E 52.23' L71 SOO'14'2rE 38.89' L72 S00'07'O2°E 39.76 1.73 S67'39'49°E 46.66' L74 512'29'32'W 29.35 L75 N32°DID, E 30.96' GRAPHIC SCALE 50 - 0 25 so 100 (IN FEET) -03D6 1:; 50. Y SECTION 404 WETLANDS SURVEY FOR: 40 G.K. CHECKED ?v G.K. APhAv roppC np pmriNFFRS J.J.P. -DESCRIPT:pI- oDSDEUNeaDNeu6vEY MORRISVILLE PARKWAY EXTENSION SIEET PHASE THREE 12 OF 13 CARY, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 07 SubaMed by U&S URS Corporation - North Corallno 1600 Perlmater Park Drive Morrisville. North Cardin 27560 TELEPHONE (919) 461-1100 FAX (919) 451-1415 COPYRIGHT Q 2000, URS CORPORATION. INC. = ESP ASSOCIATES P.A. = engineering. -eying -planning 14001 Weston Parkway. Suite 100 Cary° NC 27513 (919) 678-1070 I SECTION 404 WETLANDS "M* AREA: — 195,898 SO FT / 4.50 ACRES 674 NOTE: SEE SHEET 12 OF 13 FOR LINE AND COORDINATE TABLES. Vr.O,' " •.,� 3F a aA ,. GRAPHIC SCALE 60 0 .25 60 100 <I. a-15-41 - s1aEAn •E• DEs�GN4TNIN STRENI T• LOGAT04 (IN FEET ) FOW'C' OES NATNN 1 Nd1 • 50 R WETLANDS C.E.N,I,J.)..L DESIDNATIDN UTE SCALE SECTION 404 WETLANDS SURVEY FOR NON -JURISDICTIONAL HYDROLOGIC 29CONN'ECTION'E' 4 \\ um URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park DrNe Morrisville. North Carolina 27560 TELEPHONE (910) 461-1100 FAX (919) 161-1415 COFTRIOHT C 3055, URS CORPORATION, WC. 02asa 1•=50 = JP er ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS -- ESP AssocrATEs. P.A. �XR�1. - WETw41sDEUWATM MORRISVILLE PARKWAY EXTENSION = engineeTting.surueying.planning °EE' PHASE THREE _ 14001 Weston Parkuny, Suite 100 13 OF 1 CCARY, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA = Cary. Nc 27513 (919) 678-1070 ENG FORM 4345 — APPENDIX A APPENDIX A: USACE JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATIONS SECTION C - GREYSTONE SUBDIVISION AREA Town of Cary Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase III Appendix A — Section C russ.overton@townofcary.org — Forwarded by Russ Overton/Cary on 10/16/2007 10:37 AM — 'Todd Preuninger' <TPreuninger@withersrevenel.com> 10/16/20071021 AM To <Russ.Overton@TownotCary.org> cc Subject FW: Greystone - Wetlands Delineation From: Matthews, Monte K SAW [ma ilto:Monte.K.Matthews@saw02.usace.army.mil] Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 200710:09 AM To: Todd Preuninger Subject: RE: Greystone - Wetlands Delineation That's right - we couldn't issue the permit without approving our jurisdiction on these features - either by signed map or issuance of the permit. Monte From: Todd Preuninger[mailto:TPreuninger@withersravenel.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 8:03 AM To: Matthews, Monte K SAW Subject: Greystone - Wetlands Delineation Monte, Per our discussion yesterday, it's my understanding that when the 404 permits were issued for the wetland/stream impacts, the wetland delineation was approved by default. Please confirm. Thanks, Todd . t19 6 -1 . % ! . k�f\B� . m#�(3 § §$§ga- »41a�- . &� ®. \2Kac Ag . . .0 §§±%2■ . � \/ t LQ in . & O %(n���tk R , � 2 � 4Z:l §)� §q�§qe■ / Q §2e $ A k� � r r'. -.-r n..8n8h nN� Y n��m h :+��H `� 8. akna oY.�o�'gioon�o�'Hnn�'m rni$ 008 n r,'.,o� nog n n on$. 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I . « b22h|2|k22� a222ea2■bq� a f )� aay�s U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS C ApItL P9V WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action ID. 200620620 County: Wake USGS Quad: Green Level RFc, GENERAL PER UT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERMCATI 'VFQ I AZO Property Owner Authorized Agent: Mr. Tim Bailey MA Homes Winslow Properties Dey. ra Address: Town of Cary Attn: Jeremy Medlin Attn: John Brown 11"ene/ Town Hall Campus, 1500 Sunday Drive 740 Loch Highlands Drive Building B Suite 113 Raleieh, NC 27607 316 North Academy Street Raleigh, NC 27607 Cary, NC 27511 Telephone No.: 919-469-4030 919-828-0663 919-3624122 Size and location of property (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): The proiect site is located on the on the southern end of the existing Green Level to Durham Road, near Cary in Wake Countv, NC and is identified as the Green Level to Durham Road Improvements Description of projects area and activity: This permit authorizes 320 LF of permanent impacts to an intermittent stream having unimportant functions, 20 LF of temporary impacts to an intermittent stream having unimportant functions, and 0.24 -acre of permanent wetland impact associated with the construction of a road. Mitigation, at a 1:1 ratio is required for the wetland impacts (see Permit Conditions below). Applicable Law: ® Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) ❑ Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Act, 33 USC 403) Authorization: Regional General Permit Number. Nationwide Permit Number: 14 Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted plans. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order and/or appropriate legal action. This verification is valid until the NWP is modified, reissued, or revoked. All of the existing NWPs are scheduled to be modified, reissued, or revoked prior to March 18, 2007. It is incumbent upon you to remain informed of changes to the NWPs. We will issue a public notice when the NWPs are reissued. Furthermore, if you commence or are under contract to commence this activity before the date that the relevant nationwide permit is modified or revoked, you will have twelve (12) months from the date of the modification or revocation of the NWP to complete the activity under the present terms and conditions of this nationwide permit. If, prior to the expiration date identified below, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued and/or modified, this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it complies with all new and/or modified terms and conditions. The District Engineer may, at any time, exercise his discretionary authority to modify, suspend, or revoke a case specific activity's authorization under any NWP. Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Quality (telephone (919) 733-1786) to determine Section 401 requirements. For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the perniittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State or local approvals/permits. If there are any questions regarding this verification, any of the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Monte Matthews at (919) 876-8441 x30. Permit Condition: In order to compensate for impacts to 0.24 -acre of riparian wetland the permittee shall make payment to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NC EEP) in the amount determined by the NC EEP, sufficient to perform the restoration of 0.24 -acre of riparian wetlands in the Cape Fear River -Basin, Cataloging Unit 03030004. -2 - Construction within jurisdictional areas on the property shall begin only after the permittee has made full payment to the NC EEP and provided a copy of the payment documentation to the Corps, and the NC EEP has provided written confirmation to the Corps that it agrees to accept responsibility for the mitigation work required, in compliance with the MOU between the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, dated November 4, 1998. "Note: Habitat type may be described as found in Schafale and Weakley, Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation, 1990; or in accordance with Cowardin, et al (1979), Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the of the sited States" _ Corps Regulatory Official Monte Matthews _ JL /"L te: May 15, 2006 Expiration Date of Verification: March 18, 2007 -3 - Determination of Jurisdiction: ❑ Based on preliminary information, there appear to be waters of the US including wetlands within the above described project area. This preliminary determination is not an appea!-able action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process ( Reference 33 CFR Part 331). ❑ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ® There are waters of the US and/or wetlands within the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ❑ The jurisdictional areas within the above described project area have been identified under a previous action. Please reference jurisdictional determination issued—. Action ID Basis of Jurisdictional Determination: Areas on this site exhibit wetland criteria as described in the 1987 Corns Wetland Delineation Manual and are adincent to a UT to Panther Creek. The property also contains stream channels that exhibit an Ordinary Hieb Water Mark as indicated by changes in soil character and absence or terrestrial vegetation and are hydrologically connected to Panther Creek in the Cape Fear River Basin. Appeals Information: (This information does not apply to preliminary determinations as indicated by paragraph A above) This correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictional determination for the above descnbed site. If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the South Atlantic Division, Division Office at the Following address: Mr. Michael F. Bell, Administrative Appeal Review Officer CESAD-ET-CO-R U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division 60 Forsyth Street, Room 9M15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by July 15, 2006. **It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence.** Corps Regulatory lato Official: Monte Matthews1'V Date May 15, 2006 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETLAND DELINEATION FORMS, PROJECT PLANS, ETC., MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE FILE COPY OF THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. Copy Furnished: Withers and Ravenel Atlas: Todd Preuninger 111 MacKenan Drive, Cary, North Carolina 27511 WILMINGTON DISTRICT POST -CONSTRUCTION COMPLIANCE FORM Permit Number: 200620620 Permit Type: NW14 Name of County: Wake Name of Permittee: Town of Cary Tim Bailey Date of Issuance: May 15, 2006 Project Manager: Monte Matthews Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Attention: CESAW-RG-R 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 120 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by an U.S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. If you fail to comply with this permit you are subject to permit suspension, modification, or revocation. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said permit, and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Signature of Permittee Date y .,_ x 5 ♦a. z sY. ''A yvt..i*< y� Py"se?'5r c-�z"$;4k.a ro'.> Y`Yxi,-: 'f;.'i`T.i: 4:t:,ij"�i.` w:r,;r'-.;;2+ .� 'r �. F P$aft �+. R- f G X `Yit {y.-`�` i5. 'S./ Tuk ..42ta" {'.#{1Ss �U'. : i':!'L%5Y MF '^�.t1 R�ii��`.•'!}�.3�.+~`�`f}'�y�✓'.s l� f,' V Z'.rY. �. �E �iM'j 1 '� l Jr''` .l'.4 } 1T4.•la., l �� � �� �2 �.•v,'"�A t y .3'. r xK1 >����. • l.+iTi.- n/v t'4M��'XixYT .�yT� ����1. Y E�{?r. Y. �� f i;'��''-'�-�`pp•�'w•- 3����, .,NOTIF�ICATIO�I,OE�xADM1I��ISTRAT�NE-�AP�?E+(..�y OPT�ONSFA'I�DPROCESSiANID � _ .. �,A`. �i'� ii+.S".5.. .-V. yT 4" h. ai4 .11. 'c� 3 l }} C wS�Fc.. i+k} i 4.H •dLi L'�. �:5 Y � �}w�. RE3�7EST FO�t APP AY; � �� .� � 1 b� �4 l.1 ry � CF✓k f � S %� Y'L 1 '�.�i2 xl � C LG �� • L Egrt F..S Q' 4:'i y:'� Q � X �'.� �+`" - z t s+ .�.: ..� S 1r,^` i s:. 4f� ,3t JF ..9'��p, .', tcrv°�' .�} � •tx . _ .:5:• -_ _. e':.._ .M1J. J SY` _ .s� � Y.. h f� 3: S �c� � 4hz ryt .�R:� �.F.t. ���w� ::.; .•: i....t:...G:� _.f.,CiN':_. �.b.;x:,. .et, •...�9`:.t. �j" C.y��,S:%rtin:Yt:`S Applicant: Bailey Town of Cary File Number: 200620620 Date: May 16 2006 Attached is: See Section below INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of A permission) PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter ofpermission) B PERMIT DENIAL C X APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION D PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION E SECTION I - The following identifiesyour rights acid opforis regarding.-pp.-4 of the above decision. Additional .information may be found at b*tfl)://*ww.usace.anny.mil/i-n,''e,t/fuiictions/`cw/cecwo/re or Co s regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. A: INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. • ACCEPT: 1f you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly. You must complete Section II of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the permit • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Perrnission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of a permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. • ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved JD. • APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. E: PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You do not need to respond to the Corps regarding the preliminary JD. The Preliminary JD is not appealable. If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. SECTION II - RE. VEST. FOR APPEAL or.'OBJECTIONS TO;ANIIVITIAYI;'PO,FFEItED PER[''' ,: - ' '.:. REASONS FOR APPEAL OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons for appealing the decision or your objections to an initial proffered permit in clear concise statements. You may attach additional information to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the administrative record.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The appeal is limited to a review of the administrative record, the Corps memorandum for the record of the appeal conference or meeting, and any supplemental information that the review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information or analyses to the record. However, you may provide additional information to clarify the location of information that is already in the administrative record. POINT -OF-CONTACT FOR QUESTIONS `OR INFORMATIOi F` ; :• . ? :: ;: '. :.. :::. . If you have questions regarding this decision If you only have questions regarding the appeal process you and/or the appeal process you may contact: may also contact: Monte Matthews Mr. Michael Bell, Administrative Appeal Review Officer 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road CESAD-ET-CO-R Suite 120 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division Raleigh, NC 27615 60 Forsyth Street, Room 9M15 919-876-8441 x30 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 RIGHT OF ENTRY: Your signature below grants the right of entry to Corps of Engineers personnel, and any government consultants, to conduct investigations of the project site during the course of the appeal process. You will be provided a 15 day notice of any site investigation, and will have the opportunity to participate in all site investigations. Date: Telephone number: Signature of appellant or agent. DIVISION ENGINEER: Commander U.S. Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic 60 Forsyth Street, Room 9M15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3490 ,!�o`A3(oS.o U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action ID. 200620617 County: Wake �FCF® ith�rs 6?006 USGS Quad: Green Level '401" 017 0/ GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property Owner / Authorized Agent: Mr. Tim Bailey Address: Town of Cary 316 North Academy Street Cary, NC 27511 Telephone No.: 919-469-4030 Size and location of property (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): The project site is located on the east side of Green Level to Durham Rd app 3/, mile north of the intersection with Green Level Church Rd near Cary in Wake County, NC and is within UT to Panther Creek of the Cape Fear River Basin. The prosect is identified as the Greystone PPD/Off Site Sanitary Sewer Extension. Description of projects area and activity: This permit authorizes 0.42 -acre of temporary impacts to surisdictional wetlands, and 60 LF of temporary impacts to an intermittent stream durine the construction of a sanitary sewer line. Applicable Law: ® Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) ❑ Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Act, 33 USC 403) Authorization: Regional General Permit Number: Nationwide Permit Number: 12 Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted plans. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order and/or appropriate legal action. This verification is valid until the NWP is modified, reissued, or revoked. All of the existing NWPs are scheduled to be modified, reissued, or revoked prior to March 18, 2007. It is incumbent upon you to remain informed of changes to the NWPs. We will issue a public notice when the NWPs are reissued. Furthermore, if you commence or are under contract to commence this activity before the date that the relevant nationwide permit is modified or revoked, you will have twelve (12) months from the date of the modification or revocation of the NWP to complete the activity under the present terms and conditions of this nationwide permit. If, prior to the expiration date identified below, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued and/or modified, this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it complies with all new and/or modified terms and conditions. The District Engineer may, at any time, exercise his discretionary authority to modify, suspend, or revoke a case specific activity's authorization under any NWP. Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Quality (telephone (919) 733-1786) to determine Section 401 requirements. For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State or local approvals/permits. If there are any questions regarding this verification, any of the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Monte Matthews at (919) 876-8441 x30. Corps Regulatory Official Monte Matthews d.Date: April 3, 2006 Expiration Date of Verification: March 18, 2007 -2 - Determination of Jurisdiction: ❑ Based on preliminary information, there appear to be waters of the US including wetlands within the above described project area. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process ( Reference 33 CFR Part 331). ❑ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ® There are waters of the US and/or wetlands within the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ❑ The jurisdictional areas within the above described project area have been identified under a previous action. Please reference jurisdictional determination issued _ Action ID Basis of Jurisdictional Determination: Areas on this site exhibit wetland criteria as described in the 1987 Corps Wetland Delineation Manual and are adiacent to a UT to Panther Creek The property also contains stream channels that exhibit an Ordinary High Water Mark as indicated by changes in soil character and absence or terrestrial vegetation and are hydrologically connected to Panther Creek in the Cape Fear River Basin Appeals Information: (This information does not apply to preliminary determinations as indicated by paragraph A. above) This correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictional determination for the above described site. If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the South Atlantic Division, Division Office at the Following address: Mr. Michael F. Bell, Administrative Appeal Review Officer CESAD-ET-CO-R U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division 60 Forsyth Street, Room 9M15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within -60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by _. * *It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence.** Corps Regulatory Official: Monte Matthews Date April 3, 2006 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETLAND DELINEATION FORMS, PROJECT PLANS, ETC., MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE FILE COPY OF THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. Copy Furnished: Withers and Ravenel Attn: Todd Preuninger 111 MacKenan Drive, Cary, North Carolina 27511 ENG FORM 4345 — APPENDIX B APPENDIX B: FINAL DESIGN PLANS AND IMPACT DRAWINGS FOR STAGE 1- CiREYSTONE SUBDIVISION AREA Town of Cary Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase III Appendix B �Fw Vu U-ruRE 5 "! J -�- OUTER LOOPY•' Z :l (n �WQ W p:! r IL vv $ate •� q=S=in a .� I:t .,s WA t oda It a o LL U S WW ^Y z z V 9 \ O p o = !. W of IL �� ....nom. �..................:.......:::::::�:::::.:. , Z Z — c �. v ooh m � � n Q O = U a w , z O. ... ...... _.......: W� �o� a `� wa ga Z � � v3 �Fw Vu U-ruRE 5 "! J -�- OUTER LOOPY•' Z :l (n �WQ W p:! r IL vv $ate •� q=S=in a .� I:t .,s WA t oda It a o LL U S WW ^Y z z V 9 \ O p o = !. W of IL �� ....nom. �..................:.......:::::::�:::::.:. , Z Z — c �. v ooh m � � n Q O = U a w , z O. ... ...... _.......: 1C V i �` I ✓ s �j. 153 SF PROOSED �,. " CONSTRUfdfION WETLAND % LIt4ITS/ DOWNSTREAM IMPROVEMENTS '" -� 1B 91 SF ; 1 WETLAND f f 12'V1>X-14'HRC' (GREEN,Y UNDERP _t 10,o T01= i r PROTECTION t! a no° . } TEMP6RARY SEDIMENT `Af BASIN t i t A PROPOSED I '✓ 'A � ` �R HW#201 `` � CONSTR()CTIOM, i `,STA. 42+68,\• §5, 578' R LIMITS A \ 1A ' 1 1,135 SF � ♦ \ � � ` 365 LF %1'9C.,}� `I 1 45 CH } ��,p % / CHANNEL'A' UPST EAM j E1= RD NTS, �I�, �' �P�'�, ..� HISSFIEET1 NOTES: 1. WETLANDS DELINEATED BY S&EC AND SURVEYED BY WITHERS & RAVENEL, INC, t } 2. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY TAKEN FROM SURVEY BY WITHERS & RAVENEL, INC. WITH SUPPLEMENTAL I INFORMATION FROM LIDAR. 3. CULVERTS TO BE INSTALLED WITH INVERTS ONE GRAPHICAL SCALE FOOT BELOW EXISTING STREAMBED, WITH A WENT STRUCTURE INSTALLED IN EASTERN CULVERT AT 3A0' S0' 26 0 50' ABOVE THE INVERT ELEVATION (V2 PIPE) TO PROVIDE PASSAGE FOR AQUATIC LIFE THROUGH WESTERN CULVERT, Note: See Overall Wetlands Impact Map For Area Location 1 Inch = 5011. WITHERS & RAVENEL FIGURE 1— WETLAND AND BUFFER IMPACTS ENGINEERS 1 PLANNERS 1 SURVEYORS GREYSTONE THOROUGHFARE IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE 3 mw..a.�wr.. Gry, IlerN Groan. znn r: sar►aso an snrrsoss ....rr�..rM.�m. CARY WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA EJ LCN QS + B,#103, f - A T E RO &I N 1. EE DETA 28 2,617 SF WETLAND 'IN PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION LIMITS FES WU1 1\ % 2A 1,274 SF 366 LF CH TOE PROTECT S E DETAIL 2C PROPOSED STA. 484.17, 2M,*T. CONSTRUCTION-, HW#301 -- 4,597 SF 11MITS11 WETLAND CHANNEL'S' "UPSTREAM -- IMPROVEMENTS zl N/F STRtAm- Ile J;(HOMI!S iLL . CHANNEL PIN 0724771;a NOTES: 1. WETLANDS DELINEATED BY S&EC AND SURVEYED BY WITHERS & RAVENEL, INC. 2. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY TAKEN FROM SURVEY BY WITHERS & RAVENEL, INC. WITH SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM LIDAR. 3. CULVERTS TO BE INSTALLED WITH INVERTS ONE GRAPHICAL SCALE FOOT BELOW EXISTING STREAMBED, WITH A WEIR STRUCTURE INSTALLED IN WESTERN CULVERT AT NY 2V 0 2.75' ABOVE THE INVERT ELEVATION (1/2 PIPE) TO PROVIDE PASSAGE FOR AQUATIC LIFE THROUGH EASTERN CULVERT. Note• See Over We ands Imnact Mar) For Area location I Inch m 50 IL WITHERS & RAVENEL FIGURE 2 — WETLAND AND BUFFER IMPACTS ENGINEERS I PLANNERS I SURVEYORS GREYSTONE THOROUGHFARE IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE 3 ln-D"" CARY WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ENG FORM 4345 — APPENDIX C APPENDIX C: PRELD11NA.RY DESIGN PLANS FOR STAGE 2 - 4 -LANE ROAD FROM NC 55 TO GREEN LEVEL CHURCH ROAD Town of Cary Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase III Appendix C �y �E 1 r A i b g z .z o^ R 1 i UC N ^ 11 I i arl'1 u\ I o I o luec8 \ I 8 FE;Y; \ Q Y \ 1 \ K 1 \ 1 � \ 1 \ 1 J \ \ 1 a W \ 1 A W I W � ` xO � h \ r u\ E j \ \ \ yl yam\ r� 2 p�[LuQ. � x J p V WCV 91 WIN its 3N5 335 ?�..� i 8 q 13 Z R C) ow x ti _ aQ uj Zt Yti2 W 31a p u LU 2�0 wui. Luk C.. ` ` yl - —, '..... . -. - RIP InE fig+ 1%NEI Y W. ------ C R -------------- '-- \ � a C.. a rc] --- --------- ------ "'Y ... 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I \ 1 \ 4 i 1 1 I 1 I 1 �ff 1 I Ij I, l 11 l 1 .I , 1 I I I� Go I CD CDO! 1 1 LLJ Lu i a Z 1 , ` Lu O uj _ ti W�� \ 1 Zti � I j uj 1 � O An' f3 `335 W 3 wun . rsnrnrnrnrnrrP.M.-Aiaml I LLJ ! ii �� � i t�fl 0 a I; i�W c cr. ro a I I QQ� =V) c za81; to WN a v sz li LJo m LuLLj LU Uj ~W 1 Lij � y S O 1 i i f i i i 1 t - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 � £O 133HS 33S 00#21 YDS -£3d11- Nn H31YN wan aouoan.uoe�::i%:i�3as� ENG FORM 4345 — APPENDIX D APPENDIX D: MITIGATION LETTER FROM NCEEP Town of Cary Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase III Appendix D Ecosystem PROGRAM January 30, 2008 Russ Overton Expiration of Acceptance; July 30. 2008 Town of Cary PO Box 8005 Cary, NC 27512-8005 Project: Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase III County: WAKE This letter replaces one issued on January 24, 2008. We have received your request to access the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program's (NCEEP) In -Lieu Fee mitigation program for the above referenced project. We regret that we are unable to accept the full amount of credit requested at this time. This letter constitutes an acceptance of a portion of the mitigation you have requested. EEP recently proposed a revision to the fee schedule for wetland and stream mitigation as a means of allowing the program to collect fees commensurate with our project implementation costs. The revision was passed by the Environmental Management Commission and Rules Review Commission but has been delayed due to administrative rules regarding comment submittals. Per established protocols for rule-making, the fee revision will now be considered during the next legislat;ve session beginning in May 2008. Until that time, EEP has developed a strategy that considers the financial implications to the program for new requests to access the In -Lieu Fee Program and has determined that we are only able to accept a portion of your mitigation request at this time. If you want to resubmit your request form at a later time, EEP will reconsider the request in the future. We anticipate updating our strategy as new data and opportunities become available. EEP will consider all requests on a case -by- case basis. Based on the information supplied by you the impacts that may require compensatory mitigation are summarized in the following table. Cape Fear 03030002 Stream (feet) Wetlands (acres) Buffer I (Sq. Ft.) Buffer II (Sq. Ft.) Cold Cool Warm Riparian Non-Ri arian CoLstal Marsh Impacts Requested 0 0 731 0.17 0 0 0 0 Impacts Accepted 0 0 0 0.17 0 0 0. 0 Credits 0 0 0 0.34 0 0 0 0 EEP is willing to accept payment for impacts associated with the above referenced project as indicated in the table above. Please note that this decision does not assure that the payment will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact these agencies to determine if payment to the NCEEP will be approved. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Permit/401 CertiCcation/CAMA permit within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to NCEEP. Once NCEEP receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the In Lieu Fee to be paid to NCEEP by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed at www.nceep.net. Upon receipt of payment, EEP will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. If the regulatory agencies require mitigation credits greater than indicated above, and the applicant wants NCEEP to be responsible for the additional mitigation, the applicant will need to submit a mitigation request to NCEEP for approval prior to permit issuance. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers dated November 4, 1498. Rut riptg... r ... protP.GtG>t2Ofty' Stan✓ A. A NCDfTR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-0476 / www.nceep.net L11 If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 716-1921. Sincerely, (\a Wil U D. Gilmore, PE Director cc: Cyndi Karoly, NCDWQ Wetlands/401 Unit Monte Matthews, USACE-Raleigh Charles Benton, agent File R.P. t vrl K�5... f ... Prot-" Oar Staff NCDENR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1662 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-0476 / www.nceep.net Ecosystem'. PROGRAM January 30, 2008 Russ Overton Expiration of Acceptance: July 30. 2008 Town of Cary PO Box 8005 Cary, NC 27512-8005 Project: Morrisville Parkway Extension Phase III County: WAKE The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is willing to accept payment for impacts associated with the above referenced project. Please note that this decision does not assure that the payment will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact these agencies to determine if payment to the NCEEP will be approved. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 PermiU401 Certification/CAMA permit within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to NCEEP. Once NCEEP receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the In Lieu Fee to be paid to NCEEP by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed at www.nceep.net. Based on the information supplied by you the impacts that may require compensatory mitigation are summarized in the following table. Cape Fear 03030003 Stream (feet) Wetlands (acres) Buffer I (Sq. Ft.) Buffer II (Sq. Ft.) Cold Cool Warm Riparian Non -Riparian Coastal Marsh Impacts 0 0 731 0 0 0 0 0 Credits 0 0 1,462 0 0 0 0 0 Upon receipt of payment, EEP will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. If the regulatory agencies require mitigation credits greater than indicated above, and the applicant wants NCEEP to be responsible for the additional mitigation, the applicant will need to submit a mitigation request to NCEEP for approval prior to permit issuance. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers dated November 4, 1998. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 716-1921. Sincerely, V Ili m D. Gilmore, PE Director cc: Cyndi Karoly, NCDWQ Wetlands/401 Unit Monte Matthews, USACE-Raleigh Charles Benton, agent File Xfftore;i�j... Enka"... Prot�Gt' Our Stat Q� NCDENR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-0476 / www.nceep.net