HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050732 Ver 08_Final Design Calculations_20080130~._; i ~' ~~ ~~~'~" .~ ' . €,~ , .. irFa~? r' F ~ , ~, FY 1 [ 7 ~F~fi i'I ~ ~ _Gy,•'_ ,, ; ~~ ~ w ` ~ ' ! ~ F,' , Since 1979 THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. ;~ • BRIAR CHAPEL -PHASE 5 NORTH CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FINAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS WATER QUALITYPOND #7 & WATER QUALITYPOND #8 NEW-06030 January 2008 Research Triangle Park, NC Post Office Box 14005 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 800-733-5646 919-361-5000 919-361-2269 Fax Charlotte, NC 5311 Seventy-Seven Center Drive, °'"° 66 orth Carolina 28217 80 46 704-52 -0800 704-527-2003 Fax Beth Ihnatolya, PE Project Engineer Jeremy V. Finch, PE Stormwater Project Manager ~o"«~ur •~`' GAR .• • ssi •~ •o ' 1 a_~ _ +vJ Y ~rrrruoio a ~~~ ~.-~~'~ +.s J q~ 3p ~ENR 2~~8 ,. OS~~ST ~~~ UU ~' 'A~ Comprehensive Land Development Design Services www.johnrmcadams.com We help our clients succeed. BRIAR CHAPEL -PHASE 5 NORTH • Final Stormwater Management Facility Design -Water Quality Ponds #7 & #8 General Description Located off of US Highway 15-501, north of Andrews Store Road and south of Mann's Chapel Road in Chatham County, NC is the proposed development known as Briar Chapel. Phase 5 North of the proposed dev lopment is approximately 50-acres and will consist of the construction of single-family lots an~ townhome lots, along with the associated utility, parking, and roadway infrastructure. For stormwater permitting purposes, Phase 5 North will be broken up into 3 sections: high density pocket (i.e. will be constructed during this phase), temporary low density pocket (i.e. future phase will be constructed around the Spine Road), and permanent low density pocket (i.e. no future phase will be constructed around the Spine Road). The overall proposed Briar Chapel development is located within the Cape Fear River Basin, and drains to a stream (Pokeberry Creek) classified as Water Supply IV (WS-IV), and Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW). As a result of the proposed development exceeding the maximum allowable limit for stream impacts, an individual permit issued by The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) was required (Clean Water Act Section 404 permit). Also, a Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification from NCDWQ was attached to the individual permit. Under the 401 Water Quality Certification issued by NCDWQ, the proposed site will be required to comply with the following Stormwater management requirements: 1. A final written Stormwater management plan for each subwatershed (including signed and notarized Operation and Maintenance agreements) shall be submitted to the 401 Oversight and Express Permitting Unit. The Stormwater management plan may be • submitted to DWQ in phases for written approval as long as no impact to wetlands or streams occur in that phase until written approval is received from DWQ. 2. The Stormwater plans shall utilize constructed wetlands, bioretention areas, wet ponds followed by forested filter strips and similar best management practices designed to remove nutrients. The Stormwater management plan must include plans, specifications, and worksheets for Stormwater management facilities that are appropriate for the surface water classification and designed to remove at least 85% TSS according to the most recent version of the NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual. 3. For low density areas of the project with low impervious surface area, engineered Stormwater management facilities are not expected. For these areas of lower impervious area, similar best management practices that remove nutrients such as grassed swales and vegetated riparian buffers should be sufficient rather than more intensive engineered Stormwater devices such as constructed wetlands. In addition to the above DWQ stormwater requirements, the following stormwater quality and quantity items are required per Section 8.3 ("Stormwater Controls") of the Chatham County Compact Communities Ordinance: 1. Control and treat the first inch of runoff from the project site and from any offsite drainage routed to an on-site control structure. Ensure that the draw down time for this treatment volume is a minimum of forty eight (48) hours and a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) hours. 2. Maintain the discharge rate for the treatment volume at or below the pre-development • discharge rate for the 1 year, 24-hour storm. To satisfy these stormwater requirements, the high density pocket will be treated via water quality • ponds with preformed scour hole/level spreader outlets that will provide sheet flow of the 1" runoff volume into the existing stream buffer. The existing stream buffers downstream of these facilities will be utilized as the forested filter strips. The temporary low density pocket will be treated via temporary preformed scour holes/level spreader outlets that will be torn out during construction of the future surrounding- phases and the drainage directed to permanent structural best management ~ - - practice facilities. The permanent low density pocket will be treated via preformed scour holes/level spreader outlets tha will remain in perpetuity. This report contains the final design calculations for water quality pond #7 & water quality pond #8 only. These water quality ponds will be designed so that both the water quality and water quantity requirements described above are satisfactorily met. Please refer to the summary of results and discussion of results sections of this report for additional information. Calculation Methodology - Rainfall data for the Chatham County, NC region is derived from USWB Technical Paper No. 40 and NOAA Hydro-35. This data was used to generate adepth-duration-frequency (DDF) table describing rainfall depth versus time for varying return periods in the Chatham County region. These rainfall depths were then input into the meteorological model within HEC-HMS for peak flow rate calculations. Please reference the rainfall data section within this report for additional information. - Using maps contained within the Chatham County Soil Survey, the watershed soils were determined to range from hydrologic soil group (HSG) `B' to HSG `C' soils. Since the method chosen to compute the post-development peak flow rates and runoff volumes is dependent upon the soil type, all hydrologic calculations are based upon the percentage of • HSG `B' and HSG `C' soils within each subbasin. Within each subbasin, the proportion of each soil group was determined using soils information. Once the proportion was determined, a composite SCS CN was computed for each cover condition. For example, the post-development condition of the drainage area to WQ Pond #7 consists of approximately 66.9% HSG `B' soils and 33.1% HSG `C' soils. Therefore, for the open area cover condition, the composite SCS CN is computed as follows (assuming good condition): Composite Open SCS CN = (0.669 *61) + (0.331 *74) = 65 This type of calculation was done for each of the studied subbasins in the post-development condition in an effort to accurately account for the difference in runoff between HSG `B' soils and HSG `C' soils. - A composite SCS Curve Number was calculated for the post-development condition using SCS curve numbers and land cover conditions. Land cover conditions for the post- development condition were taken from the proposed development plan. - The post-development time of concentration to the water quality ponds was assumed to be 5 minutes in the post-development condition. - All on-site topo was taken from a topographic survey performed by The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. The drainage map for the post-development condition has been included in this report. • - HEC-HMS Version 2.2.2, by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, was used to generate post- . development peak flow rates for the water quality ponds. Final routing calculations for the ponds were also performed within HEC-HMS. - Pondpack Version 8.0, by Haestad Methods, was used to generate the stage-discharge rating curves for the proposed water quality ponds. These rating curves were input into HEC-HMS for routing calculations. - The stage storage rating curve and stage-storage function for tie proposed water quality ponds were both generated externally in a spreadsheet and then input into HEC-HMS. - Velocity dissipaters are provided at the end of the principal spillway outlets for the water quality ponds to prevent erosion and scour in the downstream areas. The dissipaters are constructed using riprap, underlain with a woven geotextile filter fabric. The filter fabric is used to minimize the loss of soil particles beneath the riprap apron. The dissipaters are sized for the 10-year storm event using the NYDOT method. It is a permanent feature of the outlets. - Water quality sizing calculations were performed in accordance with the N.C. Stormwater Best Management Practices manual (NCDENR October 2007). The normal pool surface area for the water quality ponds were sized by calculating the average depth and then selecting the appropriate SA/DA ratio from the water quality pond section of the NCDENR manual. A temporary storage pool for the 1" runoff volume is provided in the pond, to be drawn down in 2 to 5 days using an inverted siphon. - For 100-year storm routing calculations, a "worst case condition" was modeled in order to ensure the proposed ponds would safely pass the 100-year storm event. The assumptions • used in this scenario are as follows: 1. The starting water surface elevation in the ponds, just prior to the 100-year storm event, is at the top of the principal spillway structure. This scenario could occur as a result of a clogged siphon or a rainfall event that lingers for several days. This could also occur as a result of several rainfall events in a series, before the inverted siphon has an opportunity to draw down the storage pool between NWSE and the riser crest elevation. 2. A minimum of 0.5-ft of freeboard between the peak elevation during the "worst case" scenario and the top of the dam was achieved for both water quality ponds. - The downstream tailwater elevations for the ponds were assumed to be a free outfall condition during the 1-year storm event (a conservative assumption). - The 100-year tailwater elevations for the ponds were assumed to be free outfall because the 100-year floodplain elevation downstream of the ponds is below the invert out elevation. Discussion of Results As previously stated, this report contains the final design calculations for the proposed water quality pond #7 and water quality pond #8 located within Phase 5 North of the Briar Chapel development. Ultimately, there will be a total of three (3) water quality ponds for the overall Phase 5 of Briar Chapel. The final design for the remaining water quality pond is under separate cover. These ponds will function as "dual-purposed facilities" by providing both water quality and water quantity (for • the 1-year storm only). Please refer to the Summary of Results tables for additional information. Conclusion • If the development on this tract is built as proposed within this report, then the requirements set forth in the Water Quality Certification #3402 (WQC #3402) and Section 8.3 ("Stormwater Controls") of the Chatham County Compact Communities Ordinance will be met with the proposed water quality ponds.' However, modifications to the proposed development may require that this analysis be revised. Some modifications that would require this analysis to be revised include: r ~ I . The proposed site impervious surface exceeds the amount accounted for in this report. 2. The post-development watershed breaks change significantly from those used to prepare this report. The above modifications may result in the assumptions within this report becoming invalid. The computations within this report will need to be revisited if any of the above conditions become apparent as development of the proposed site moves forward. BRIAR CHAPEL SUMMARY OF RESULTS B. IHNATOLYA, EI NEW-06030 1/8/2008 • WATER QUALITY POND #7 Return Period Inflow [cfs] Outflow [cfs] Maa. WSE [ft] Freeboard [ft] 1-Year 52.8 0.6 450.81 3.19 10-Year 112.7 41.8 451.58 2.42 100-Year (Siphon Clogged) 169.7 89.2 452.83 1.17 Desi Draina a Area = 20.97 acres Desi Im ervious Area = 11.56 acres To of Dam = 454.00 ft Re uired Surface Area /Draina a Area Ratio = 2.02 Surface Area at NWSE = 27975 sf Re uired Surface Area at NWSE = 18481 sf Si hon Diameter = 3 inches Total Number of Si hons = 1 Riser Len = 5 ft Riser Width = 5 ft Riser Crest = 450.80 ft Barrel Diameter = 36 inches # of Barrels = 1 Invert In = 444.50 feet Invert Out = 444.20 feet Len = 53 feet Slope = 0.0057 ft/ft • • WATER QUALTl'1' POND #8 Return Period Inflow [cfs] Outflow [cfsJ Maz. WSE [ft] Freeboard [ft] 1-Year 33.7 0.4 467.19 2.81 10-Year 76.6 42.6 467.99 2.01 100-Year (Siphon Clogged) 118.9 88.6 468.76 1.24 Desi Draina a Area = 15.41 acres Desi hn ervious Area = 8.28 acres To of Dam = 470.00 ft Re uired Surface Area /Draina a Area Ratio = 1.84 Surface Area at NWSE = 12701 sf Re uired Surface Area at NWSE = 12377 sf Si hon Diameter = 3 inches Total Number of Si hons = 1 Riser Len = 5 ft Riser Width = 5 ft Riser Crest = 467.20 ft Barrel Diameter = 36 inches # of Barrels = 1 Invert In = 460.50 feet Invert Out = 460.20 feet Len = 58 feet Slope = 0.0052 ft1ft • RAINFALL DATA 1 SOILS DATA 2 US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MAP 3 FEMA FLOODPLAIN MAP 4 POST-DEVELOPMENT 5 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS WATER QUALITY POND #7 FINAL 6 DESIGN CALCULATIONS WATER QUALITY POND #8 FINAL 7 DESIGN CALCULATIONS ;• RAINFALL DATA C BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 W 0 0 rn "a(~IN ~N~NI NIN ^'!~~^~N~N~N a d r% N ~A ~ N h ~ . i • ~ ffi ~f o0 ~ 00 ~ ~ O Vim' ~ 0~0 O i~ O •-• ^• N M V V' ~/1 ~O 00 ,y .~ n N~ 7~ ~O O~ N N ~ .~ O 'r '. 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' ~ v ~~~ tv ~-' ~ ~~ ~ ~ y f ~~ ~ r ~ »w ~ 1 ,r I ~~ Yr, -. ~~r+l ~:~ '~..'!i4t1b~9w'I ~"d'wNl~/~ ~1+. r ti ~~ 1~ "~' G 1 'y '~ ~ ~ k _. ~ ~~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ 1 ~.~ ~ ~~ __w. _ .,_ BRIAR CHAPEL WATERSHED SOIL B. IHNATOLYA, EI NEW-06030 INFORMATION 11/27/2007 WQ POND #7 •_> Watershed soils - To WQ Pond #7 Symbol Name Soil Classification 37B Wedowee Sandy Loam B 37C Wedowee Sandy Loam B 37D Wedowee Sandy Loam B 37E Wedowee Sandy Loam B 57B Vance Sandy Loam C References: 1) SCS TR-55. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. 1986. HSG B = 66.9% %HSGC= 33.1% _> Conclusion Watershed soils are from 'HSG B' and 'HSG C'soils. The relative percentage of each HSG was calculated. These percentages were then used in the computation of the composite curve numbers. Cover Condition SCS CN - HSG B SCS CN -HSG C • Impervious 98 98 Open 61 74 Wooded 55 70 Cover Condition Composite SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 65 Wooded 60 • BRIAR CHAPEL WATERSHED SOIL B. IxrIATOLYA, PE NEW-06030 INFORMATION 1/7/loos WQ POND #8 • _> Watershed soils - To WQ Pond #8 Symbol Name Soil Classification 37B Wedowee Sandy Loam B 37C Wedowee Sandy Loam B 37D Wedowee Sandy Loam B 37E Wedowee Sandy Loam B 57B Vance Sandy Loam C References: 1) SCS TR-55. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. 1986. HSG B = 99.9% %HSGC= 0.1% _> Conclusion Watershed soils are from 'HSG B' and 'HSG C'soils. The relative percentage of each HSG was calculated. These percentages were then used in the computation of the composite curve numbers. Cover Condition SCS CN - HSG B SCS CN -HSG C • Impervious 98 98 Open 61 74 Wooded 55 70 Cover Condition Composite SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 61 Wooded 55 C~ • US GEOLOGICAL SURYEYMAP • BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 ~ ~ I ' A`Vr~ ,L ' ~: `. ...... ~ ~ alY ( .. ~ .. .. ~ _ j ., 'a :, ,__ ~ i + ~ ~ ~ ~•Ii I ~f ......_ _ ~ \~ . , •; i ~ ., ;`' ._ _~,.. ,. ..__ ,..._ _ ''~', w, ,r , '" , , ~`:za.i ~~r:1,; a R` ~ __~'• ,~. '~~~ .. ~ ; ~, y ' ,,. i ~, ~ • ~ . ~ f~ , ,.,.~,,: „.. ~~ ~ ' ~~- F ~„~ h,.~ ~~ - , f 4 ~_ )'I/~ ;. ;. ra`' i ;fi:~ ,*v ~- ti~ ~1 "pit i~ 1 ;/ ~l ,, .~. ,~ 1 . ~k ~ ~~ - ~a. i /F 9 ~i. Copyright (C) 1998, Maptech, Inc. • FEMA FL OODPLAIN MAP r~ • BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 • POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 BRIAR CHAPEL HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS B. IHNATOLYA, EI NEW-06030 Post-Development-To WQ Pond #7 1/8/2008 • Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Irn ervious 98 - O en 65 Assume ood condition Wooded 60 Assume ood condition Water 100 ~~ , ~8 . _> To WQ Pond #7 A. Watershed Breakdown Total Number of 30'-40' Residential Lots = 35.5 lots Assumed Impervious Area Per 30'-40' Residential Lot = 2400 square feet Total Impervious Area from 30'-40' Residential Lots = 1.96 acres Total Number of 50' Residential Lots = 31.0 lots Assumed Impervious Area Per 50' Residential Lot = 3400 square feet Total Impervious Area from 50' Residential Lots = 2.42 acres Total Number of Townhome Lots = 51.5 lots Assumed Impervious Area Per Townhome Lot = 2400 square feet Total Impervious Area from Townhome Lots = 2.84 acres Total Roadway/Alleyway Impervious Area = 3.67 acres Total Sidewalk Impervious Area = 0.68 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments On-site o en 65 7.99 Assume good condition On-site im ervious 98 11.56 - On-site wooded 60 0.78 Assume ood condition On-site water 100 0.64 - Off-site o en 65 0.00 Assume ood condition Off-site im ervious 98 0.00 - Off-site wooded 60 0.00 Assume good condition Off-site water 100 0.00 Total area = 20.97 acres 0.0328 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 84 B. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration was assumed to be a conservative 5 minutes Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.0500 hours Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) HEC-HMS Project: WQ Pond #7 Basin Model: • To WQ Pond #7 ;..~ • WQ Pond #7 • _~ HMS * Summary of Results Project WQ Pond #7 Run Name 1-Yr Post • Start of Run 05Nov07 0000 Basin Model Post-Development End of Run 06Nov07 0000 Met. Model 1-Yr Storm Execution Time 27Nov07 1641 Control Specs 1 Min dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) To WQ Pond #7 WQ Pond #7 • 52.815 05 Nov 07 1156 2.6493 0.033 0.62188 05 Nov 07 2227 0.43104 0.033 • • BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Post-Development-To WQ Pond #8 Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Irn ervious 98 - O en 61 Assume good condition Wooded 55 Assume good condition Water 100 _> To WQ Pond #8 A. Watershed Breakdown Total Number of 30'-40' Residential Lots = 27.5 lots Assumed Impervious Area Per 30'-40' Residential Lot = 2400 square feet Total Impervious Area from 30'-40' Residential Lots = 1.52 acres Total Number of 50' Residential Lots = 10.0 lots Assumed Impervious Area Per 50' Residential Lot = 3400 square feet Total Impervious Area from 50' Residential Lots = 0.78 acres Total Number of 60' Residential Lots = 14.0 lots Assumed Impervious Area Per 60' Residential Lot = 3700 square feet Total Impervious Area from 60' Residential Lots = 1.19 acres Total Number of 70' Residential Lots = 4.0 lots Assumed Impervious Area Per 70' Residential Lot = 4000 square feet Total Lnpervious Area from 70' Residential Lots = 0.37 acres • Total Number of Townhome Lots = 24.0 lots Assumed Impervious Area Per Townhome Lot = 2400 square feet Total Impervious Area from Townhome Lots = 1.32 acres Total Roadway/Alleyway Impervious Area = 2.60 acres Total Sidewalk Impervious Area = 0.51 acres B. IHNATOLYA, PE 1/7/2008 Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments On-site o en 61 6.47 Assume ood condition On-site im ervious 98 8.28 - On-site wooded 55 0.37 Assume ood condition On-site water 100 0.29 - Off-site o en 61 0.00 Assume good condition Off-site im ervious 98 0.00 - Off-site wooded 55 0.00 Assume good condition l? r itc « ~t=,~ I 100 0.00 Total area = 15.41 acres 0.0241 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 81 B. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration was assumed to be a conservative 5 minutes • Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.0500 hours Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) • HEC-HMS Project: WQ Pond #8 Basin Model: WQ Pond #8 HMS * Summary of Results Project WQ Pond #8 Run Name 1-Yr Post • Start of Run 05Nov07 0000 Basin Model Post-Development End of Run 06Nov07 0000 Met. Model 1-Yr Storm Execution Time 07Jan08 1022 Control Specs 1 Min dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) To WQ Pond #8 WQ Pond #8 • 33.659 05 Nov 07 1157 1.6861 0.024 0.40945 05 Nov 07 2323 0.40360 0.024 r~ • WATER QUALITYPOND #7 FINAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 ooos-Tee (8T8) .•`•°""~~",,•••,, SIIVS.~QL#QNOdbLl1VII82IiLLdAA „~, ~ Q SOOT•-80LLZ dIZ SOOYI ~XOH '0'd ~a~. •'•••••., o' h,'; 1°0 $ g ~ ~N 'xavd TI~NVItI L e~avH5aa ~ . ` ; , ? d '~ ' ' • ~ ~ r e . o:o ~„ ,~: = ~ JN t~ K ' dHI I021V~I3L2IOAI Ai1Q[10~L11dFILdH~ SdIFISNMQL 3 m m ~ I C SXOA3A2III5/SH3NNtl'Id/S2I33NI~N3 , . . - < •tn ¢ a ~ i y c g u ,n ,,, ~ ; - N ETLLZ dNI'IONV~ [{ygON '-VtlHB(10 ' ' S7KVPPIIAS ~ AIfdAQ'1dHQVOZI'I~ddH~ S.NNd7R ~ T04-9T '.LMH 'S'fl • Z ~ z a ~ Q C '~l~iI ~l~iddlli0~ " S+~ ° ~~~c a • = d ioa 811(15 OYON Z7 [IAB.[.LHAtld OS9S •~~z•z'z~a~~x~xg-axx ~7~r ~ ~7 T T ~ n T ~T ^ (- Vr T S1H V ld 1H~iJnJl1~.1..~1~1~V 7 .~S V 1Zd ~ w ~ a ~ .; ....... ,~..° °H o ~ ® ~ 1idQd~i~i '2I 1~IHOI' ~HZ ,,,,,,, ~ ~'lI8NY0 ~~~H 7 ~~~g ~ e SNOISIABH - c Z ° ~ R t~ G ~~ PORE ~ <m 7 m~ ZC B N~~ ~OF~ ~ ~ Z S1 mm a ~~, ~~i ¢ ~w ~n olN ~<~ w gS¢~ 8$7 V=1~ '~^~~F$ a' °~Z~ b~' ~$ T/~ •b~ ~3~,~ aE ~ml°w5`~b mb, ~ '~~ & ~B ~ i iz'~'oa~ ~ mz 'm w ~z~ Jz° .b z< oui ~ k1 ~ ~ m~wa~. ~~J< `~. 8°w LS $ ~u~ m z$mw o $ 8'a ~ $ ff m8$•o u b~ ~m~ Z°b-~ 8~~w ° o ;~ x ~i~' ¢ Ln€ ~w Sw as ~ ~' a z &' ~- m ~ ~ <} ~ k'e+'~ ~¢1 b~ ~ b ° b LL W~ ~ + 8 ~u $'r ~ o~+ ~cm Buz zw bsu ~ < v is dg rc ~ S"$~• b ~^:~ b ~°S d°5 m~3> ° ~o~~z6 0 ~ °rb b6 3 oL~ ~ ~'~I`u3 < <m [< °~~ < bw~ $ L?8 ~ K'~Z bi <~~~b c~6 ~ ~<$b~b ~i o z< Y F8 ~ ~~yj~m ~o~!;; ~mwg~Q3 ~y+ ~ ,.zw °6~w ~~~~¢ ~`~'Cw ~ $ ~[r6 m$ ~yl~~CCU ^ zZpp I4. <WW~ Erca~b >> $~ yy 2~ q~' 17i ~ O~ ~ ~~ >~ F<<~ < <~ ~ ~ ~ iDj `0 U02 V> IXO~~ Uw $~.O ° ~ >Hi~ LL ~ rct=i 3 X31 Lia s ~~ ~ 8 ~ ~KI rc$rcwZb sz_ b~I~ VV ~<L" ~ ~ os fU[ ~ < °bo <r~ N z ~u~w ~''~ m2 ~a ~F EKb ~m (~ ^•• °~° u0 aNF~ < ° ¢ ^y<~ ~`~~ O ~ m`~ ~$ ~_ ° _ ~€ < € G Ug, ~ IJ xU~wU3 pZ 'f ~2~ 2 8F0 1Y ~< ~x2 p F _< 32 W UZZ`~~Z<,~ y~Z < ~ ~•< ~ < ~ U «S gga~ U> ¢ W }{ ~wW 6~< y<~ Zp ¢ d ~~~ ~ ~$ZF. 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McADAMS FILENAME: NEW-06030X ~O~ ~ ~~~~ COMPANY, INC. ~ SCALE: '. o 'oo, BRIAR CHAPEL ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS ~ DATE: CHATHAM COUrTIY, NOR1H CAROLINA P~o.EBOxHlaooSNG P 27 o9N4oo5 ~~-2$-~7 (919) 381-5000 PROPOSED PREFORM D HOLE /LEVEL EADER OUTLET I 2 3 4 POND 7: BUFFER DESCRIPTION: AREA CONSIST OF DECIDUOUS AND CONIFEROUS TREES 2' - 22' dbh. PRIMARY SPECIES INCLUDE PINE, OAK, MAPLE, HOLLY AND POPLAR. UNDERSTORY AND GROUND LAYER VEGETATION CONSIST OF MAPLE, MUSCADINE GRAPE, HONEY SUCKLE, POISON IVY. LEGEND: ~ PHOTO ~ AND DIRECTION INSET OF POND OUTFACE Raecr No. NEW-06030 ~~NA°e` POND ? EX~IIBIT THE JOHN R. McADAMS NEW-06030X COMPANY, INC. ~ ~"~' ~" ~ 20~ BRIAR CHAPEL ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVBYORS ~ OAT6: ~ t1~T~t7 C~THAM COVa~ a 1 ~ NQ~H ~RD~A RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC P.O. BOX 14003 ZIP 27709-4005 ~~-Z8-~7 (61D) 381-5000 RaECI' No. NEW-06030 POD 7 EX~-IIBIT THE JOHN R. McADAMS PlLENAME: NEW-06O3OX COMPANY, INC. ~ ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS d SCALE= BRIAR CHAPEL ~ RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC [q DATE: ~,1-2$-07 C~~M CiDU~Y, N~~H ~R®~ (g19) 38115000 Z!P 27709-4005 "°~ NEw-ososo PO~ ~ ~~~~~ THE JOHN R. McADAMS NEw-oso3ox COMPANY, INC. scALE: [/~ ~ DATE: B'pT /~ D CL7 A DTI T ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS c~~M11Cl~LuNt ' ~~~~ ~RO~ PEO.EBOXH14005 G PP277 9N4005 ~~-2$-Q] (919) 381-5000 Roaecr No. NEW-06030 P®~ 7 E~IB~ THE JOHN R. MCADAMS F'~y"~E` NEW-06030X COMPANY' INC, n a ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS a scALe: BRIAR CHAPEL ~ RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC [/y DATE: .~, -2807 C~~M C~U~Y, No~~ ~1R0~ (919) 381'5000 ZIP 27709-4005 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 Stage-Storag e Function • Project Name: Briar Chapel Designer: B. Ihnatolya, EI Job Number: NEW-06030 Date: 11 /27/2007 B. IHNATOLYA, EI 11/27/2007 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn lfParl lfearl l4Fl ISFI (CFl (CFl (feed ~~~a ~ r 448.0 E 0.0 27975 448.5 s 0.5 ' 31646 ( 29811 14905 14905 0.51 X450.0 2.0 35256 33451 50177 65082 1.95 _ 452.0 4.0 40303 37780 75559 140641 3.96 454.0 6.0 45613 42958 85916 226557 6.13 • Ks = 31339 b = 1.0909 • BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 • _> Stage - Ks= b = Zo = Storage Fun 31339 1.0909 448 ction Elevation Stor a~ [feet] [cfJ [acre-feet 448 0 0.000 448.2 5415 0.124 448.4 11534 0.265 448.6 17950 0.412 _ 448.8 24568 0.564 449 31339 0.719 449.2 38235 0.878 449.4 45237 1.039 449.6 52331 1.201 449.8 59506 1.366 450 66754 1.532 450.2 74069 1.700 450.4 81444 1.870 450.6 88875 2.040 450.8 96358 2.212 _ 451 103891 2.385 451.2 111469 2.559 451.4 119090 2.734 451.6 126752 2.910 451.8 134453 3.087 452 142191 _ 3.264 • _ 452.2 149964 3.443 452.4 157771 3.622 452.6 165610 3.802 452.8 173481 3.983 453 181381 4.164 453.2 189310 4.346 453.4 197267 4.529 453.6 205250 4.712 453.8 213260 4.896 454 221294 5.080 B. IHNATOLYA, EI I 1 /27/2007 • • Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 1.01 Name.... WQ Pond #7 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-06030\Storm\Design Files\PHASE5N.PPW Title... Project Date: 11/5/2007 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya Project Title: NEW-06030 Project Comments: REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 498.00 ft Increment = .20 ft Max. Elev.= 454.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Orifice-Circular OR ---> TW 448.000 454.000 Inlet Box RI ---> BA 450.800 454.000 Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 944.500 454.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel • • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 1:15 PM Date: 11/21/2007 • Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... WQ Pond #7 Page 1.02 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-06030\Storm\Design Files\PHASE5N.PPW Title... Project Date: 11/5/2007 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya Project Title: NEW-06030 Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = OR Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 948.00 ft Diameter = .2500 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Structure ID = RI Structure Type = Inlet Box ----- ------ ----------------- # of Openings -------- = 1 Invert Elev. = 450.80 ft Orifice Area = 25.0000 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 20.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Submerged = .000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Kb,Barrel = .000000 (per ft of full flow) Barrel Length = .00 ft Mannings n = .0000 • • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 1:15 PM Date: 11/21/2007 • Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... WQ Pond #7 Page 1.03 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-06030\Storm\Design Files\PHASESN.PPW Title... Project Date: 11/5/2007 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya Project Title: NEW-06030 Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type ----------------- = Culvert-Circular ------------------- No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 3.0000 ft Upstream Invert = 444.50 ft Dnstream Invert = 444.20 ft Horiz. Length = 53.00 ft Barrel Length = 53.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00566 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 Kb = .007228 Kr = .5000 HW Convergence = .001 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.157 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.304 Slope Factor = -.500 • • Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 447.97 ft ---> Flow = 42.85 cfs At T2 Elev = 448.41 ft ---> Flow = 48.97 cfs S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 1:15 PM Date: 11/21/2007 J Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... WQ Pond #7 Page 1.09 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-06030\Storm\Design Files\PHASE5N.PPW Title... Project Date: 11/5/2007 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya Project Title: NEW-06030 Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFACE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES ... Maximum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs • • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 1:15 PM Date: 11/21/2007 • • • Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... WQ Pond #7 Page 1.11 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-06030\Storm\Design Files\PHASESN.PPW Title... Project Date: 11/5/2007 Project Engine er: Beth Ihna tolya Project Tit le: NEW-06030 Project Commen ts: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ---------- --------------- Elev. Q TW E lev Error ft -------- cfs ------- f - t +/-ft Contributing Structures 998.00 .00 ---- Free --- ----- - Outfall ------------------------- (no Q: OR, RI, BA) 998.20 .06 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI, BA) 448.40 .12 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI, BA) 448.60 .16 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI, BA) 448.80 .19 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI, BA) 449.00 .22 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI, BA) 449.20 .24 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI, BA) 449.90 .27 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI, BA) 999.60 .29 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI, BA) 499.80 .31 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI, BA) 450.00 .32 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RIBA) 450.20 .34 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI, BA) 450.40 .36 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI, BA) 450.60 .37 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI, BA) 450.80 .39 Free Outfall OR (no Q: RI, BA) 451.00 5.77 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA 451.20 15.59 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA 451.40 28.31 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA 451.60 43.37 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA 451.80 60.45 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA 452.00 83.55 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA 952.20 85.06 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA 952.40 86.53 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA 452.60 88.00 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA 452.80 89.43 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA 453.00 90.85 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA 453.20 92.23 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA 453.90 93.60 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA 953.60 94.95 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA 953.80 96.29 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA 959.00 97.60 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 1:15 PM Date: 11/21/2007 HMS * Summary of Results for WQ Pond #7 Project WQ Pond #7 Run Name 1-Yr Post • Start of Run O5NOV07 0000 Sasin Model Post-Development End of Run 06NOV07 0000 Met. Model 1-Yr Storm Execution Time 27Nov07 1691 Control Specs 1 Min dT Computed Results Peak Inflow 52.615 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow OS Nov 07 1156 Peak Outflow 0.62188 (efs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow OS Nov 07 2227 Total inflow 1.51 (in) Peak Storage 2.2195 (ac-f t) Total Outflow 0.25 (in) Peak Elevation 450.81 (f t) C • HMS * Summary of Results for WQ Pond #7 Project WQ Pond #7 Run Name 10-Yr Post • Start of Run O5NOV07 0000 Basin Model Post-Development End of Run 06Nov07 0000 Met. Model 10-Yr Storm Execution Time 28NOV07 0909 Control Specs 1 Min dT Computed Results Peak Inflow 112.71 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow OS Nov 07 1204 Peak Outflow 41.776 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow OS Nov 07 1215 Total Inflow 3.62 (in) Peak Storage 2.8914 (ac-f t) Total Outflow 2.34 (in) Peak Elevation 451.58 (f t) • C7 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 • => Stage -Storage Function Ks = 31339 b = 1.0909 Zo = 448 Elevation • 448 ~ 0 ~ 0.000 448.2 5415 ~ _ 0.124 448.4 11534 0.265 448.6 17950 0.412 448.8 24568 a 0.564 449 31339 0.719 449.2 38235 0.878 449.4 45237 1.039 _ _ 449.6 52331 1.201 449.8 59506 1.366_ 450 66754 1.532 450.2 74069 1.700 _ ~ ,s-S ~~ 450.4 81444 1.870 ~ Elevation Storage 450.6 88875 2.040 ~ feet [cfJ [acre-fei 450.8 96358 2.212 450.8 0 0.000 451 103891 2.385 451 7532 0.173 451.2 111469 2.559 451.2 15110 0.347 451.4 119090 2.734 451.4 22732 0.522 451.6 126752 2.910 451.6 30394 0.698 451.8 134453 3.0_87 451.8_ _ _ 38095 0_.875_ 452 142191 3.264 452 45833 1.052 452.2 149964 3.443 _452.2 53606 1.231 452.4 _ 157771 3.622 452.4 61413 1.410 _ 452.6 165610 3.802 _ 452.6 69252 1.590 _ 452.8 173481 3.983 452.8 77122 1.770 453 181381 4.164 453 85022 1.952 453.2 189310 4.346 453.2 92951 2.134 453.4 197267 4.529 453.4 100908 2.317 453.6 205250 4.712 453.6 108892 2.500 453.8 213260 4.896_ 453.8 116901 2.684 454 221294 5.080 454 124936 2.868 B. IHNATOLYA, EI 11 /27/2007 • • • • Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... WQ Pond #7-WC Page 1.09 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-06030\Storm\Design Files\PHASESN.PPW Title... Project Date: 11/5/2007 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya Project Title: NEW-06030 Project Comments: N~p/„E ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Elev. Q ft cfs -------- 450.80 ------- .00 451.00 5.37 451.20 15.18 451.40 27.89 451.60 42.93 951.80 60.00 452.00 83.09 452.20 84.58 452.40 86.05 452.60 87.50 452.80 88.92 453.00 90.32 453.20 91.70 453.40 93.05 453.60 99.40 453.80 95.73 454.00 97.02 S/N: 621701207003 PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Notes ------ -- Converge ------------------------- TW El ev Error ft +/-ft Contributing Structures ------------------- ------ Free -- ----- - Outfall ------ (no Q: RIBA) Free Outfall RIBA Free Outfall RI, BA Free Outfall RIBA Free Outfall RIBA Free Outfall RIBA Free Outfall RI, BA Free Outfall RIBA Free Outfall RIBA Free Outfall RIBA Free Outfall RI, BA Free Outfall RI, BA Free Outfall RI, BA Free Outfall RIBA Free Outfall RIBA Free Outfall RI, BA Free Outfall RIBA The John R. McAdams Company Time: 1:20 PM ~~-YR s-r~E Disc C ~ i~~ Date: 11/21/2007 HMS * Summary of Results for WQ Pond #7 Project WQ Pond #7 • Start of Run O5NOV07 0000 End of Run 06NOV07 0000 Execution Time 27Nov07 1641 Computed Results Run Name 100-Yr WC Basin Model Worst Case Met. Model 100-Yr Storm Control Specs 1 Min dT Peak Inflow 169.69 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow OS Nov 07 1204 Peak Outflow 89.155 (efs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 05 Nov 07 1212 Total Inflow 6.09 (in) Peak Storage 1.8006(ac-f t) Total Outflow 6.06 (in) Peak Elevation 452.83 (f t) • • BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 Project Name: Briar Chapel -Phase V Checked by: B. Ihnatolya, EI Job Number: NEW-06030 Date: 11/27/2007 1" RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATION SHEET • B. IHNATOLYA, EI 11 /27/2007 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) 448.0 0.0 27975 448.5 ~ 0.5 31646 29811 14905 14905 0.51 450.0 2.0 35256 33451 50177 65082 1.95 452.0 4.0 40303 37780 75559 140641 i 3.96 454.0 6.0 45613 42958 85916 226557 6.13 Calculation of Runoff Volume required for Storage The runoff to the water quality pond for the 1" storm runoff requirement is calculated by simply multiplying the total watershed area draining to the water quality pond times the runoff depth. Total Drainage Area to WQ Pond = 20.97 acres Runoff Depth = 1 inches C7 Therefore, total runoff from reci itation in uestion = 76121 CF This amount of runoff must be stored in the pond above normal pool elevation, and be released in a period of two (2) to five (5) days, by an inverted PVC siphon, the invert end of which is set at permanent pool elevation. KS = 31339 b = 1.0909 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 B. IHNATOLYA, EI 1 I /27/2007 • Calculation of depth required for runoff storage pool (above normal pool) Normal pool depth (above invert) = 0.00 feet Storage provided at permanent pool depth = 0 CF (calculated) Total storage required for normal + storage pool = 76121 CF Stage (above invert) associated with this storage = 2.26 feet Therefore, depth required above normal pool for storm storage = 2.26 feet 27.07 inches Set crest of principal spillway at stage = 2.80 feet and EL = 450.80 feet • At principal spillway crest, storm pool storage provided = 96358 CF • BRIAR CHAPEL WATER QUALITY POND #7 B. IHNATOLYA, EI NEW-06030 11 /27/2007 Inverted Sip hon Design Sheet D siphon = 3 inches No. siphons = 1 Ks = 31339 b = 1.0909 Cd siphon = 0.60 Normal Pool Elevation = 448.00 feet Volume @ Normal Pool = 0 CF Siphon Invert = 448.00 feet WSEL @ 1" Runoff Volume = 450.26 feet • Drawdown Time = 3.58 da s By comparison, if calculated by the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is half the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 1.068 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 X-Sectional area of 1 - 3" inverted siphon = 0.049 ft2 Q = 0.2442 cfs Drawdown Time =Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec/day) Drawdown Time = 3.62 da s WSEL (feet) Vol. Stored (cf) Siphon Flow (cfs) Avg. Flow (cfs) Incr. Vol. (cf) Incr. Time (sec) 450.26 76275 0.345 450.06 68992 0.328 0.337 7283 21637 449.86 61773 0.311 0.320 7219 22579 449.66 54624 0.293 0.302 7149 23680 449.47 47552 0.273 0.283 7072 24990 449.27 40566 0.252 0.263 6985 26591 449.07 33680 0.229 0.241 6886 28611 448.87 26910 0.204 0.216 6770 31283 448.67 20281 0.174 0.189 6630 35077 448.47 13830 0.139 0.157 6451 41160 448.27 7627.5 0.091 0.115 6202 53903 Conclusion : Use 1 - 3.0" Diameter PVC Inverted Siphon to dawdown the accumulated volume from the 1.0 "storm runoff, with a required time of about 3.58 days. • BRIAR CHAPEL Below NWSE-WQ Pond #7 B. IHNATOLYA, EI NEW-06030 11/27/2007 Stage-Storaa • Project Name: Designed By: Job Number: Date: Te Function Briar Chapel B. Ihnatolya, E] NEW-06030 11/27/2007 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) ._~_ ~_. ~ __.. _i_.__ _.._ .____._.. 443.0 .1__0__0._._) 15936 ~ ~ j .__~_ ~.._.~___._~ __~.a_______~__ 444A 1.00 fe ~~ ~ ~.17418 ~~. _ 16677 16677_._ ~ ~ ~ _ 16677 ~ ___~~__ 1.01 _ 44b.0~ _ _ '~ 300 ~ 20760 19089_ 38178 fi ~ 54855 ~ 2.94 ~ 447.5 f 4.50 I 23353 22057 33085 87940 ~ ( 4.49 448.0 ; 5.00 [ 27975 25664 12832 100772 5.08 • Storage vs. Stage tzoooo tooooo y = 16554x'"'S LL aoooo RZ = 0.9996 v rn 60000 A 0 N 40000 20000 0 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 Stage (feet) Ks = 16554 b = 1.1115 L' BRIAR CHAPEL Forebay-WQ Pond #7 B. IHNATOLYA, EI NEW-06030 I 1 /27/2007 Stage-Storal • Project Name: Designed By: Job Number: Date: Te Function Briar Chapel B. Ihnatolya, EI NEW-06030 11/27/2007 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) ~ 443.0 ' 0.0 ~ 3301 ~ ~ 444.0 ~ 1.0 3818 3560_ ~ ;_ 3560 ~_ ~ 3560 ~~ 1.01 446.0 ~ 3.0 ~ 5136 ~ ~ 4477 ' 8954 12514 2.94 447.5 1 4.5 6129 5633 ~ 8449 20962 4.57 r~ ~~ Storage vs. Stage 2sooo 20000 y = 3536.9x1'116 V 15000 Rz = 0.9995 m rn A 10000 5000 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Stage (feet) Ks = 3536.9 b = 1.1716 • BRIAR CHAPEL Volume Check-WQ Pond #7 NEW-06030 BRIAR CHAPEL - WO POND #7 DESIGN w=~~>. • Per NCDENR "StormwaterBestManagementPractices ", the forebay volume should equal about 20% of the total basin volume. A. Water Quality Pond -Below Normal Pool Volume Volume = 100772 cf B. Forebay Volume Forebay Volume = 20962 cf %Forebay = 21 Impervious Area = 11. Sfi acres Drainage Area = 2i1.~)7 acres C7 Impervious = 55.13% Total Below NP Volume 100772 cf Surface Area 27975 sf Average Depth = 3.60 ft __> From the NCDENR Stormwater BMP Handbook (10/07), the required SA/DA ratio for 85% TSS Removal in the Piedmont is as follows: 3.0 3.60 4.0 Lower Boundary => j0.0 2.06 1..73 Site % impervious => 55.1 2.23 2.02 1.88 Upper Boundary => 60.0 2.4t) 2.03 Area Required = 18481 sf Area Provided = 27975 sf YES B. 1HNATOLYA, EI 1/8/2008 • Briar Chapel-WQ Pond #7 Project # NEW-06030 VELOCITY DISSIPATOR DESIGN • Designed By: B. Ihnatolya Velocity Dissipator - WQ Pond #7 NRCD Land Quality Section Pipe Design Entering the following values will provide you with the expected outlet velocity and depth of flow in a pipe, assuming the Mannings roughness number is constant over the entire length of the pipe. flow Q in cfs :41.776 Flow depth (ft) = 2.09 slope S in % :0.566 Outlet velocity (fps) = 7.944 pipe diameter D in in.: 36 Manning number n :0.013 NRCD Land Quality Section NYDOT Dissipator Design Results • Pipe diameter (ft) 3.00 Outlet velocity (fps) 7.94 Apron length (ft) 18.00 AVG DIAM STONE THICKNESS (inches) CLASS (inches) --------- -------- 3 ----- A 9 »6 B 22« 13 B or 1 22 23 2 27 Width Calculation WIDTH = La + Do WIDTH=18.0+3.0 WIDTH = 21.0 FEET CONCLUSION Use 8" DIA NCDOT Class `B' Rip Rap 18'L x 21'W g 22"Thick • BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 • Input Data => Sauare RiserBarrel Anti-Flotation Calculation Sheet Inside length of riser = Inside width of riser = Wall thickness of riser = Base thickness of riser = Base length of riser = Base width of riser = Inside height of Riser = Concrete unit weight = OD of barrel exiting manhole = Size of drain pipe (if present) _ Trash Rack water displacement = Concrete Present in Riser Structure => Total amount of concrete: Adjust for openings: 5.00 feet S.UU feet 6.00 inches 8.00 inches 6.00 feet 6.00 feet 6.30 feet 142.0 PCF 45.50 inches 8.0 inches 61.74 CF Base of Riser = 24.000 CF Riser Walls = 69.300 CF Opening for barrel = 5.646 CF Opening for drain pipe = 0.175 CF . Total Concrete present, adjusted for openings = Weight of concrete present = Amount ojwater displaced by Riser Structure => Displacement by concrete = 87.480 CF Displacement by open air in riser = 157.500 CF Displacement by trash rack = 61.740 CF B. IHNATOLYA, EI 11/21/2007 Note: '`IC I'ra~iu~~ts li,ts unit tit. of manhole cunorata of 1-12 PC;F. 87.480 CF 12422 lbs Total water displaced by riser/barrel structure = 306.720 CF Weight of water displaced = 19139 lbs Calculate amount of concrete to be added to riser => Safety factor t0 use = 1.15 frecomcuand 1.15 ar liiglierj Must add = 9588 lbs concrete for buoyancy Concrete unit weight for use = 1-12 PCF (note above observation for NCP concrete) Buoyant weight of this concrete = 79.60 PCF Buoyant, with safety factor applied = 69.22 PCF Therefore, must add = 138.521 CF of concrete Standard based described above = 24.000 CF of concrete • Therefore, base design must have = 162.521 CF of concrete 1 OF 2 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 • Calculate size of base for riser assembly => Length = 9.000 feet Width = 9.0(}0 feet Thickness = 25.0 inches Concrete Present = 168.750 CF OK Check validity of base as designed => Total Water Displaced = 451.470 CF Total Concrete Present = 232.230 CF Total Water Displaced = 28172 lbs Total Concrete Present = 32977 lbs Actual safety factor = 1.17 OK Results of design => • • B. 1HNATOLYA, EI 11/21/2007 Base length = 9.00 feet Base width = 9.00 feet Base Thickness = 25.0 inches CY of concrete total in base = 6.25 CY Concrete unit weight in added base >= 142 PCF 2OF2 BRIAR CHAPEL WATER QUALITY POND #7 -12" RCP NEW-06030 • Anti-Seep Collar Design Sheet This sheet will, given the barrel length of interest and minimum seep collar projection from the barrel, determine the number of anti-seep collars to place along the barrel section, and the expected spacing of the collars. Design Requirements => Anti-seep collars shall increase the flow path along the barrel by 15%. Anti-seep collars shall be spaced a maximum of 14X the minimum collar projection or 25 feet, whichever is less. B. IHNATOLYA, EI 12/3/2007 Anti-Seep Collar Design => WQP #' • Flow Length Min. Calc'd # Max. # of Use Pond along barrel Projection of collars Spacing collars to Spacing ' Spacing ID (feet) (feet) required (feet) nse (feet} OK? " 0 3 7 - 12 RCP 55.0 2.07 1.99 25 2. 0 ..18.3333 YES Note: If spacing to use is greater than the maximum spacing, add collars until the spacing to use is equal to or less than the maximum spacing allowable for the collar design. Anti-seep collars shall be a~sed under the structural fill portions of all berms/dams unless an approved drainage diaphragm is present at the downstream end of the barrel. • • WATER QUALITYPOND #8 FINAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 S'IINdr'iQ 8~ QNOd.LLT1VIIS2iZLtlAA ~ ~ Q U S00'b-BOLLZ dIZ SOOhi X09 '0'd o'~~2P: •"""'••• Sj ~': om vi ~ ~ oN 'xatld a~~Ntllai Hoatlasaa ; , ? o :02~ dam;; ~=: dNPI02IrTJ FiT2ION '1LiNf10~ NiVHLVH~ 'S~ISNAAQL 3 m m r ~ 1 ~ Sa0A3A2IRS/Sa8NNtl7d/Sa33NIRN3 -'_ ~I"n w ° ~i': y ~ CILL2 tlN170atl0 H1a0N 'WtlHana SNIV1TIiM$ t1IdAQ1dHQVO~I'I~dVH~ S.NNiVIN ~ 108"81 ~.ZdSH 'S'R Z Yt i Z `j Q Q 7 T 1 7 1 ' ` .~+' too =~; > c i ` IOZ 3bins 'aYOa aTIIA3YL5Atld OsBS - • " Sv~d ATOT.T ~1 f1V T .cI~TO-~ (~ ~S~][;d l~lYlll~l 1LAJ11Q-IialH7 •aa s~ ~ = a , ~ ~NddYQO~ JNI • -Ydo~a......~';~~'~ ~~ " •• ..~ `~ Z Z j~~jaj~g-~j~j ~ ~ ~ ~ t a 2I Nxor ~x.L 1idQ~~Y~ ° ",,,~~,,.,",. :sNOlslnaa ~aaxxo C1 V 1C1 1~1C1 V 11 ~ ' ~ a I I I it I 462 1 \ I ~ ~ 1 \ Lo i ~ I ~ I I ~ I 1 \ ~: ~ ~ •r ~1 I ~ \ \ r~~l ~ r `'~ ~ \I I 11&0 1 ~I ~o~ 1~ ~ ~ \ ~~ bb_ ~ `` ~ II I~ Ire 1 1 1~ ~~ /I ~ \ ~ ~ Mpg \ 1~ ~ g=\\ I \w ~ _ \ ~ -, 1 ~ ~~_ ~ <~~ ~~~ g~~ `' ° ~ ., ~ G ~~ 10~~ ~ ~m f1~~l7 $~ Zrc ,~~ ~~~ s~~CS m ~ F ~ ~W~ n ~~ >d R rc $N ~b~§ uxi f § Sy U I p %~ m Y• ~ ~~f ~ ~ rc ~ Fi iiC ~~ ~ ai ~~$ ~~W ~°m~l ~ ~~~~ xdjb` ~~$ m."S$§<~z ~~Zu ~' § to ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~°S$~W ~ u F $~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ b N$~ o ~ z ~„~ m~~= '~~Wa _ ~w o,3~ ~ ~~~~' ~ ° a< ~~~ ~~ x sew ~~~ $~W N s ~< u y<_ ~w= ~"a ~ s uW z b$~ ~~n~a`~ $nY 1~1W ~y O °u~m z$W- ~ <b~`oQ ~~ ~ ~~Yl~b N~~ ~ €~ ~~~ s a O < Zsw W < y O- Wl.am ~.r ~ ss g gp <o b `~Bs db N~Iy ° ~o~i z-o °W O <j°~ is $b > $~ ~m ~z ~bii l^ ~~ <o ~ ~ K'~ bl S-~ ~>C y~ O o z § ~mW Z ~'! cz •~'W o°m "ww Lb~'k's ~~$ `m ~ S. o~'&' N6$ ~ ~~`~ s z It <kY~ b ~ o ~ j ~$f ~~ F ~-$rJFw<m~ ~ I:iU=a ~"< <w~ C ~F~ U` ~ y m ~WU ~ a` bib ~ >L^ ° rcF< ~ k' a s m°z ~~"~i ~'_^ ~~~ Fy~BWb &F3i ` <~ (J ~k+ §u k' ~ ~ Imo< ~ < ~§ ~~~ s u ~ ozo z $a~inm~Fbl swU w ss- ~ m€7c~ $ ~a u6 o L~$ w ~x " m~~ ~~ m`$ ~ z$ x o `niJ' ~ °~ ~~ = F § u$y1 s °O zo3w°a" K aa~ psi «n oaff°s ~u ¢¢m "t'{yl aw < ~` ~ ~ ~ C ~ $_ 30~ ~_~~ ~ ~ ~~ Uu2< O UO~F<<w?Z<Zi~xKKZ < >° ~3$ ~W~a j~° N°~K~U~O Lll N ~ ~ 11'6' <a /~ 6~6 S m "~ ~~<n d0 ~ m ~~Z ~ ~ ~~ Z S ~ nW & < A ~p ~ ~Ux~OUFO<<m W ~'pWW {~i1~ OO W O ~¢$ ri' FL~4 ~N Up U~~~ d¢i ~ U~( I ~ § ~ ° ° F< 3~a Z ~~G4 O~F mm G NW~.I ~+ y~ q p(JW `y ~ •~~~ $ i<c<~FZbNS ~>W s § ~N £t ~~Sai ~ i Idi 3G€c7 $ ~ ~ I is ~r W~'< ~ ~~:6om'~~w<w m '~'$O$~o? 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BOX 14005 ZIP 27709-4005 ~ DATB: , ~ -.Z$-07 (619) 381-5000 ~~ ~" a y~' BRIAR CHAPEL BNG[NBBes/PUNN6RS/SURYBYORS CHATHAM COUNIY~ NOR1H CAROLINA PO BOX 1400u5 GZIPP27?'09N~oo5 DATB: ~ ~ -'28-07 (9to) S51-5000 PROJBCf NO. NEW-o6o30 THE JOHN R. McADAMS P~NA~B: NEw-oso3ox POND 8 E~~-IIBIT COMPANY, INC. ~~ c~~ .° ~ r, E $~ ,, +9 s ~ ~ ,r .. ~ ~ .yam -F .... .tt'. Psaecr "o. NEW-06030 POND 8 EXHIBIT THE JOHN R. McADAMS ~ COMPANY, INC. ~ '"'~"""g' NEW-06030X a BRIAR CHAPEL BNG[NBERS/PUNNBRS/SURVEYORS d scAl.e: RESEARCH SRIANCLB PARK, NC ~ (i~~M CiQIJl\lY~ NOi\iri GARQLINial P.0. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709-4005 ~ DAT6: 11 -2e-07 (919) 381-5000 0 eawEcr No. NEW -06030P® EXHIBIT COMPANY, INC. THE JOHN R. McADAMS FILENAME: NEW-0603OX a BRIAR CHAPEL ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS Ci SCALE: a RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC M CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709-4005 ' DATE: "-28-07 (919) 381-5000 1 ~; ~ :::~ w ~'7" PHOTO ~5 rRO~ecr No. NEW-06030 ~ ~"~"""E° NEw-06030X d SCALB: VJ DATE: ~~-ZS-O7 POND 8 EX~IIBIT THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. BRIAR CHAPEL ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC CHATHAM COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA P.o. eox I4oos ZIP 21709-4005 (919) 381-s000 • BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 B. IHNATOLYA, PE I /7/2008 Stage-Storage Function Project Name: Briar Chapel Designer: B. Ihnatolya, PE Job Number: NEW-06030 Date: 1 /7/2008 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feed (feed (SFl ISFI (CFl (CFl (feed -464.0 0.0 12701 ~ ~ 464.5 0.5 15237 13969 6985 6985 ' ~ 0.51 _ ~I66.0 2.0 17816 16527 24790 31774 1.94 468.0 4.0 21533 19675 39349 71123 i 3.95 470.0 6.0 2554-} 23539 47077 118200 6.18 Ks= 15030 b = 1.1324 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 __> Stage -Storage Function Ks = 15030 b= 1.1324 Zo = 464 464 " ~ 0 3 0.000 _464.2_ 2429 ~ 0.056 464.4 ! 5325 0.122 464.6 8428 0.193 _ 464.8 ' 11674 0.268 465 15030 0.345 465.2 18477 0.424 465.4 22001_ _ 0.505 __.. _ 465.6 25592 0.588 465.8 29244 0.671 466 32949 0.756 466.2 36704 0.843 466.4 40505 0.930 466.6 44348 1.018 466.8 48230 1.107 467 52150 1.197 467.2 56104 1.288 467.4 60090 1.379 __ 467.6 64109 1.472 467.8 68156 1.565 _ 468 72232 1.658 468.2 76335 1.752 468.4 80465 1.847 468.6 84619 1.943 468.8 88797 2.038 469 92998 2.135 469.2 97221 2.232 469.4 101466 2.329 469.6 105732 2.427 469.8 110018 2.526 470 114324 2.625 B. IHNATOLYA, PE 1 /7/2008 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... WQ Pond #8 Page 1.01 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-06030\Storm\Design Files\PHASESN.PPW Title... Project Date: 11/5/2007 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya Project Title: NEW-06030 Project Comments: REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 469.00 ft Increment = .20 ft Max. Elev.= 470.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Orifice-Circular OR ---> TW 464.000 470.000 Inlet Box RI ---> BA 467.200 470.000 Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 460.500 470.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel i S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 6.0058 Time: 3:47 PM Date: 11/21/2007 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... WQ Pond #8 Page 1.02 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-06030\Storm\Design Files\PHASESN.PPW Title... Project Date: 11/5/2007 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya Project Title: NEW-06030 Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = OR Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 464.00 ft Diameter = .2500 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Structure ID = RI Structure Type = Inlet Box ----------------- # of Openings ------------- = 1 ------ Invert Elev. = 467.20 ft Orifice Area = 25.0000 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 20.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Submerged = .000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Kb,Barrel = .000000 (per ft of full flow) Barrel Length = .00 ft Mannings n = .0000 • • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 3:47 PM Date: 11/21/2007 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... WQ Pond #8 Page 1.03 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-06030\Storm\Design Files\PHASESN.PPW Title... Project Date: 11/5/2007 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya Project Title: NEW-06030 Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type = Culvert-Circular ------------------------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 3.0000 ft Upstream Invert = 460.50 ft Dnstream Invert = 460.20 ft Horiz. Length = 58.00 ft Barrel Length = 58.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00517 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 Kb = .007228 Kr = .5000 HW Convergence = .001 i • INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.158 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.304 Slope Factor = -.500 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 963.97 ft ---> Flow = 92.85 cfs At T2 Elev = 464.41 ft ---> Flow = 98.97 cfs S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 3:47 PM Date: 11/21/2007 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... WQ Pond #8 Page 1.04 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-06030\Storm\Design Files\PHASESN.PPW Title... Project Date: 11/5/2007 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya Project Title: NEW-06030 Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFACE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES ... Maximum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs u • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 3:47 PM Date: 11/21/2007 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... WQ Pond #8 Page 1.11 File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-06030\Storm\Design Files\PHASESN.PPW Title... Project Date: 11/5/2007 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya Project Title: NEW-06030 Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Elev. Q ft cfs -- -------- 964.00 ----- .00 964.20 .06 464.40 .12 464.60 .16 464.80 .19 465.00 .22 465.20 .24 965.40 .27 465.60 .29 465.80 .31 466.00 .32 466.20 .34 466.40 .36 466.60 .37 466.80 .39 467.00 .40 467.20 .41 467.40 5.79 467.60 15.62 467.80 28.34 468.00 93.40 468.20 60.48 468.40 86.53 468.60 88.00 468.80 89.43 469.00 90.83 969.20 92.23 469.40 93.60 469.60 94.94 469.80 96.28 970.00 97.60 • -------- Converge TW Elev Error ft +/-ft Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Notes ------------------------- Contributing Structures (no Q: OR,RI,BA) OR (no Q: RI, BA) OR (no Q: RI, BA) OR (no Q: RI, BA) OR (no Q: RI, BA) OR (no Q: RI, BA) OR (no Q: RIBA) OR (no Q: RIBA) OR (no Q: RIBA) OR (no Q: RIBA) OR (no Q: RI, BA) OR (no Q: RI, BA) OR (no Q: RIBA) OR (no Q: RIBA) OR (no Q: RIBA) OR (no Q: RIBA) OR (no Q: RIBA) OR, RI, BA OR,RI,BA OR, RI, BA OR, RI, BA OR, RI, BA OR,RI,BA OR,RI,BA OR,RI,BA OR, RI, BA OR, RI, BA OR, RI, BA OR,RI,BA OR, RI, BA OR, RI, BA S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 3:48 PM Date: 11/21/2007 HMS * Summary of Results for WQ Pond #8 Project WQ Pond #B Run Name 1-Yr Post Start of Run 05Nov07 0000 Basin Model Post-Development End of Run 06Nov07 0000 Met. Model 1-Yr Storm Execution Time 07Jan08 1022 Control Specs 1 Min dT Computed Results Peak Inflow 33.659 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 05 Nov 07 1157 Peak Outflow 0.40945 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 05 Nov 07 2323 Total Inflow 1.31 (in) Peak Storaqe 1.2830 (ac-f t) Total Outflow 0.31 (in) Peak Elevation 467.19(ft) • HMS * Summary of Results for WQ Pond #8 • Project WQ Pond #6 Start of Run OSNov07 0000 End of Run 06Nov07 0000 Execution Time 07Jan08 1023 Run Name 10-Yr Post Computed Results Basin Model Post-Development Met. Model 10-Yr Storm Control Specs 1 Min dT Peak Inflow 76.603 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow OS Nov 07 1204 Peak Outflow 42.560 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow O5 Nov 07 1211 Total Inflow 3.32 (in) Peak Storage 1.6528 (ac-f t) Total Outflow 2.31 (in) Peak Elevation 467.99 (f t) • • BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 __> Stage -Storage Function ICs = 15030 b= 1.1324 Lo = 464 464 ! 0 ~ 0.000 464_ ~ _ 2429 ~ _ 0.056 464.4 ( 5325 ~ 0.122 464.6 j 8428 ~ 0.193 464.8 ~~ 11674~ _ ~ 0.268 465 15030 0.345 465.2 # 18477 0.424 __.. 465.4 ~ 22001 _ 0.505 ~_~ 465.6 i 25592 0.588 465.8 0 29244 0.671 466 32949 ~ 0.756 466.2 36704 0.843 466.4 40505 __._ 0.930 466.6 44348 1.018 _ ~ ~- yR S'S ~~C /~ _ 466.8 48230 _ 1.107 _ Elevation _ _ Storage 467 52150 1.197 feet [ct] [acrere-fei 467.2 56104 1.288_ 467.2 0 0.000 467.4 _ 60090 1.379 _ 467.4 ~ 3987 ~ __0.092 467.6 64109 1.472 467.6 8005 0.184 _467.8 ~ _ _ 68156 _ __ ~ 1.565 _ _! 467.8 _~~~F 12053 0.277 468 72232 1.658 468 ~ 16129 0.370 468.2 76335 _ 1.752 _ 468.2 _ 20232 0.464 468.4 80465 1.84 7 468.4 24361 0.559 _ 468.6 ^ 84619 _ __ 1.943 468.6 28515 0.655 468.8 88797 2.038 _ 468.8 ~ 32693 0.751 469 92998 2.135 469 36894 0.847 469.2 97221 2.232 469.2 41118 0.944 469.4 101466 2.329 469.4 45363 1.041 469.6 105732 2.427 _ 469.6 49629 1.139 469.8 110018 2.526 469.8 53915 1.238 470 114324 2.625 470 58220 1.337 B. IHNATOLYA, PE 1 /7/2008 • i Type.... Composite Rating Curve Page 1.07 Name.... WQ Pond #8-WC File.... X:\Projects\NEW\NEW-06030\Storm\Design Files\PHASESN.PPW Title... Project Date: 11/5/2007 Project Engineer: Beth Ihnatolya Project Title: NEW-06030 Project Comments: ,~~~ S1aG~ DISeNARUE CJjzV C ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** ~ WS Elev, Total Q ------- Converge TW Elev Error ft +/-ft Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Notes Contributing Structures (no Q: RIBA) RIBA RIBA RI, BA RI, BA RI, BA RIBA RI, BA RI, BA RIBA RIBA RI, BA RI, BA RIBA RIBA Elev. Q ft cfs 467.20 .00 467.40 5.37 467.60 15.18 967.80 27.89 468.00 42.93 968.20 60.00 968.40 86.05 468.60 87.50 468.80 88.92 469.00 90.31 969.20 91.70 469.90 93.05 469.60 94.39 469.80 95.71 970.00 97.02 S/N: 621701207003 PondPack Ver. 8.0058 The John R. McAdams Company Time: 3:49 PM Date: 11/21/2007 HMS * Summary of Results for WQ Pond #8 • Project WQ Pond #8 Start of Run OSNov07 0000 End of Run 06Nov07 0000 Execution Time 07Jan08 1025 Run Name 100-Yr WC s Computed Results Basin Model Worst Case Met. Model 100-Yr Storm Control Specs 1 Min dT Peak Inflow 118.94 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 05 Nov 07 1204 Peak Outflow 88.634 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow OS Nov 07 1208 Total Inflow 5.74 (in) Peak Storage 0.73169(ac-f t) Total Outflow 5.72 (in) Pe~lc Elevation 468.76 (f t) • BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 B. IHNATOLYA, PE 1 /7/2008 1" RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATION SHEET Project Name: Briar Chapel -Ph ase V Checked by: B. Ihnatolya, PE Job Number: NEW-06030 Date: 1 /7/2008 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) 464.0 ~ 0.0 i 12701 j ~ ~ ~~ ~ -_ ~ v _ 464.5 ~~~0.5 ~ 15?37 ___ ~ 13969 (_ ~ 6985 j 6985 ~ 0.51 466.0 j 2.0 178 16527 ~ 24790 ~ 31774 ~ ~~ 1.94 468.0 ~ 4.0 j~ 21533 j 19675 39349 71123 ~ 3.95 470.0 i 6.0 I 25541 i 23539 47077 118200 6.18 C7 Ks= 15030 b = 1.1324 Calculation of Runoff Volume required for Storage The runoff to the water quality pond for the 1" storm runoff requirement is calculated by simply multiplying the total watershed area draining to the water quality pond times the runoff depth. Total Drainage Area to WQ Pond = 15.41 acres Runoff Depth = i inches Therefore, total runoff from reci itation in uestion = 55938 CF This amount of runoff must be stored in the pond above normal pool elevation, and be released in a period of two (2) to five (5) days, by an inverted PVC siphon, the invert end of which is set at permanent pool elevation. • BRIAR CHAPEL WATER QUALITY POND #8 B. IIINATOI.vA, PE NEW-06030 1/7/2008 Inverted Si phon Design Sheet D siphon = 3 inches No. siphons = 1 Ks = 1030 b = L 1324 Cd siphon = 0.60 Normal Pool Elevation = 464.00 feet Volwne @ Normal Pool = 0 CF Siphon Invert = 464.00 feet WSEL @ 1" Runoff Volume = 467.19 feet • Drawdown Time = 2.11 da s By comparison, if calculated by the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is half the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 1.533 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 X-Sectional area of 1 - 3" inverted siphon = 0.049 ftZ Q = 0.2926 cfs Drawdown Time =Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec/day) Drawdown Time = 2.21 da s WSEL (feet) Vol. Stored (cf) Siphon Flow (cfs) Avg. Flow (cfs) Incr. Vol. (cf) Incr. Time (sec) 467.19 55905 0.413 466.91 50436 0.394 0.404 5470 13553 466.64 45035 0.374 0.384 5401 14067 466.36 39708 0.353 0.363 5326 14661 466.08 34465 0.330 0.341 5244 15362 465.80 29313 0.306 0.318 5152 16206 465.3 24265 0.279 0.293 5048 17253 465.25 19338 0.250 0.265 4927 18607 464.97 14555 0.217 0.234 4783 20468 464.69 9951 0.178 0.198 4604 23292 464.42 5590.5 0.128 0.153 4361 28524 Conclusion : Use 1 - 3.0" Diameter PVC Inverted Siphon to drawdown the accumulated volume from the 1.0 "storm runoff, with a required time of about 2.11 days. • BRIAR CHAPEL Below NWSE-WQ Pond #8 B. IHNATOLYA, PE NEW-06030 1 /7/2008 . Stage-Storage Function Project Name: Briar Chapel Designed By: B. Ihnatolya, PE Job Number: NEW-06030 Date: 1 /7/2008 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~•~~~~~ Contour Average Contour Incremental Contour Accumulated Contour Estimated Stage tt Contour Stage Area .Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) E (SF) ( (SF) (CF) } (CF) (feet) ~ c _ . ` 456.0 ~ ._. __ 0.0 r _ X815 __ __._~...._ .__~... __~., 3 = _. _,_....._._.. ~ ~ ........_..._._...~.._._...__ __ _ 458.0 ~ ~ _ 2 00 ~ X4324 ~ 3570 -_ ,__ 7139__~_ i 7139 ___W__ 2.04rv~ '' 46Q0 ~ 4.00 6096 ? _~ ~^ 5210 i 10420 ~ 17559 i 3.87 _ 462 0 f 6 00 8083 [ 7090 ; 14179 ~ 31738 5.88 463 5 7 50 1 9757 ~ _ 8920 13380 45118 7.55 46-4.0 ~ 8.00 12701 , 11229 ~ 5615 E 50733 8.21 • Storage vs. Stage 60000 - - --- 50000 ~ y = 2610.3x14oss U aoooo Rz = 0.998 30000 0 ~ 20000 10000 0 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 Stage (feet) Ks = 2610.3 b = 1.4095 r~ ~.J BRIAR CHAPEL Forebay-WQ Pond #8 B. IHNATOLYA, PE NEW-06030 1 /7/2008 . Stage-StoraEe Function Project Name: Briar Chapel Designed By: B. Ihnatolya, PE Job Number: NEW-06030 Date: 1 /7/2008 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) I i _ ._._.___ _~ .. . ~_~ __~ __.__t ______ i 458.0 j 2.0 ~ 859 ~, 6~6 1312 ; 1312 ~ 2.04 .F ~ _ _ _ .__.._. r 460.0 ~ 4.0 _____.... . 1104 i -__. _ , , 1132 _ 2263 I ~ _ 3575 i ~ ~_ 3.86 462.0 ~ 6.0 ~ 2074 ( 1739 3478 7053 j 5.94 463.5 ~ 7.5 2657 2366 3548 { 10601 ~ 7.70 • Storage vs. Stage 12000 - - -- 10000 y = 428.6x's~'3 a 8000 Rz = 0 9975 I U . I 6000 II y 4000 2000 0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 Stage (feet) Ks = 428.6 b = 1.5713 • BRIAR CHAPEL Volume Check-WQ Pond #8 B. IIINATOLYA, PE NEW-06030 1 /7/2008 • BRIAR CHAPEL - WO POND #8 DESIGN L FOItEBAY vOLi.TME CFIEf h .. Per NCDENR "Stormwater BestManagement Practices ", the forebay volume should equal about 20% of the total basin volume. A. Water Quality Pond -Below Normal Pool Volume Volume = 50733 cf B. Forebay Volume Forebay Volume = 10601 cf %Forebay= 21% Impervious Area = 8.'8 acres Drainage Area = l:i..a l acres Impervious = 53.73% Total Below NP Volume 50733 cf Surface Area 12701 sf Average Depth = 3.99 ft __> From the NCDENR Stormwater BMP Handbook (10/07), the required SA/DA ratio for 85% TSS Removal in the Piedmont is as follows: .3.0 3.99 4.0 Lower Boundary => >0.0 2.06 1.73 Site % impervious => 53.7 2.19 1.84 1.84 Upper Boundary => fi0.1) 2.4U 2.03 Area Required = 12377 sf Area Provided = 12701 sf YES • Briar Chapel-WQ Pond #8 Project # NEW-06030 • VELOCITY DISSIPATOR DESIGN Designed By: B. Ihnatolya Velocity Dissipator - WQ Pond #8 NRCD Land Quality Section Pipe Design Entering the following values will provide you with the expected outlet velocity and depth of flow in a pipe, assuming the Mannings roughness number is constant over the entire length of the pipe. flow Q in cfs :42.560 Flow depth (ft) = 2.20 slope S in % :0.517 Outlet velocity (fps) = 7.668 pipe diameter D in in.: 36 Manning number n :0.013 NRCD Land Quality Section NYDOT Dissipator Design Results • Pipe diameter (ft) 3.00 Outlet velocity (fps) 7.67 Apron length (ft) 18.00 AVG DIAM STONE THICKNESS (inches) CLASS (inches) -------- 3 ----- A --------- 9 » 6 B 22 « 13 B or 1 22 23 2 27 Width Calculation WIDTH = La + Do WIDTH=18.0+3.0 WIDTH = 21.0 FEET CONCLUSION Use 8" DIA NCDOT Class `B' Rip Rap 18'L z 21'W z 22"Thick • r1 U r~ LJ BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 Square RiserBarrel Anti-Flotation Calculation Sheet Input Data => Inside length of riser = 5.00 feet Inside width of riser = S.OU feet Wall thickness of riser = 6.00 inches Base thickness of riser = 8.00 inches Base length of riser = 6.OU feet Base width of riser = f>.00 feet Inside height of Riser = 6.70 feet Concrete unit weight = 142.0 PCF OD of barrel exiting manhole = 45.50 inches Size of drain pipe (if present) = 8.0 inches Trash Rack water displacement = 61.74 CF Concrete Present in Riser Structure -> Total amount of concrete: Adjust for openings: Base of Riser = 24.000 CF Riser Walls = 73.700 CF Opening for barrel = 5.646 CF Opening for drain pipe = 0.175 CF Total Concrete present, adjusted for openings = Weight of concrete present = Amount ojwater displaced by Riser Structure => Displacement by concrete = 91.880 CF Displacement by open air in riser = 167.500 CF Displacement by trash rack = 61.740 CF B. IHNATOLYA, EI 11/21/2007 i~lofe: 1C:1's.:xlu~~45 !i;ts unit «T. of msnhnla connate zf 7.-42 1'C;k'. 91.880 CF 13047 Ibs Total water displaced by riser/barrel structure = 321.120 CF Weight of water displaced = 20038 lbs Calculate amount ojeoncrete to be added to riser => Safety factor t0 use = 1.15 (recommend t.15 or Iziglirr) Must add = 9997 lbs concrete for buoyancy Concrete unit weight for use = 142 PCF (note above observation for NCP concrete) Buoyant weight of this concrete = 79.60 PCF Buoyant, with safety factor applied = 69.22 PCF Therefore, must add = 144.424 CF of concrete Standard based described above = 24.000 CF of concrete Therefore, base design must have = 168.424 CF of concrete 1 OF 2 BRIAR CHAPEL NEW-06030 • Calculate size ojbase jor riser assembly => Length = 9.000 feet Width = 9.000 feet Thickness = 25.0 inches Concrete Present = 168.750 CF C!K Check validity oJbase as designed => Total Water Displaced = 465.870 CF Total Concrete Present = 236.630 CF Total Water Displaced = 29070 lbs Total Concrete Present = 33601 lbs Actual safety factor = 1.16 OK Results oJdesign => :~ • Base length = 9.00 feet Base width = 9.00 feet Base Thickness = 25.0 inches CY of concrete total in base = 6.25 CY Concrete unit wei tin added base >= 142 PCF B. IHNATOLYA, EI 11/21/2007 2OF2 BR[AR CHAPEL WATER QUALITY POND #8 - 12" RCP NEW-06030 • Anti-Seep Collar Design Sheet This sheet will, given the barrel length of interest and minimum seep collar projection from the barrel, determine the number of anti-seep collars to place along the barrel section, and the expected spacing of the collars. Design Requirements =_> Anti-seep collars shall increase the flow path along the barrel by 15%. Anti-seep collars shall be spaced a maximum of 14X the minimum collar projection or 25 feet, whichever is less. B. IHNATOLYA, EI 12/3/2007 Anti-Seep Collar Design => WQP # • Flow Length Min. Calc'd # Maz. # of Use Pond along barrel Projection of collars Spacing collarsto Spacing: Spacing ID (feet) (feet) required (feet) use (feet) OK? 8 - 12" RCP X5.0 2.07 1.99 25 2.00 18.33333 YES Note: If spacing to use is greater than t12e maximum spacing, add collars until the spacing to use is equal to or less than the maxinsum spacing allowable for the collar design. Anti-seep collars shall be used under the structural fill portions of all berms,'dams unless an approved drainage diaphragns is present at the downstream end of the barrel. •