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0~-0~32,.~~ Environmental Consultants, PA Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Phone: (919) 846-5900 Fax: (919) 846-9467 www.SandEC.com January 28, 2008 S&EC Project No. 5815.W0 US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Attn: Monte Matthews 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Reference: Briar Chapel Development Repair and Stabilization Plan Chatham County, NC NC Division of Water Quality 401 Oversight and Express Permits Unit Attn: Cyndi Karoly 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Q~~~o~~~ JAN 2 S 2008 DENR - `NATEh QUAUT t ~gNDS AND STORMN1AiEN g~NCH Dear Mr. Matthews & Ms. Karoly: Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC) has been engaged by Newland Communities to prepare a stream and wetland Repair and Stabilization Plan for select utility and road crossing locations within the Briar Chapel Development which were inadvertently impacted as a result of site construction activities. These impact areas are in the immediate vicinity of three (3) new utility crossings and five (5) newly installed road crossings (and their associated culverts) on the referenced project site. Both the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Water Quality (DWQ) are aware of and familiar with site conditions based on their observations during a series of site visits performed during 2007. The repair and stabilization measures described below are recommended to address unstable channel (and adjacent wetland) conditions and incidental resource impacts which occurred during the installation of these crossings. The purpose of this letter is to summarize our findings regarding these temporary impacts and describe in detail our plan for the repair and stabilization of the stream channel and adjacent wetland areas in the vicinity of each crossing. Briar Chapel Development January 28, 2008 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Project No. 5815.W1 It is our recommendation that the repair and stabilization: measures described below not be performed until any remaining construction work (headwalls, dissipater aprons, etc.) and r~ ading associated with each of the crossings is complete. This approach will reduce the potential for future disturbance of newly restored are_a__s during the performance of any remaining construction. This document does not address specifics of any required 404/401 permitting or supplemental Agency coordination other than that required to execute this plan. Additionally we have assumed that any land disturbing activities associated with the proposed in this plan (including additions to the previously approved disturbance limits) would be covered under the existing approved Erosion & Sediment Control Plan and the Land Disturbance Permit (obtained by others) for the Briar Chapel Development project. This assumption should be confirmed prior to the execution of the proposed Repair and Stabilization Plan activities. Site Description The project site, a residential development project is located approximately 5 miles south of the Town of Chapel Hill in Chatham County, NC. The site is situated west of U.S. Highway 15-501, between Andrew's Store Road (SR 1528) to the south and Mann's Chapel Road (SR 1532) to the north (35.8251.°N / 79.1059°W) A series of unnamed tributaries onsite drain generally to the south and east to another unnamed tributaries which eventually drain to both Pokeberry Creek and Wilkinson Creek within the Cape Fear River Basin (HUC 03030002). A vicinity map is provided on Sheet 1 of the attached plan sheets. The impact areas are located immediately upstream and downstream of a series of eight (8) separate utility and road crossings on the subject property. Impacts in the vicinity of site utility crossings have been labeled Utility Crossings 4, 5 and 6. Impacts in the vicinity of site road crossings have been labeled Road Crossings A, B, D, O and M. Site impact areas are shown on Sheet 2 (attached). Proposed Stream Repairs On October 29, 2007 S&EC visited the project site to observe site conditions associated with reported impacts (both stream and wetland) and to determine their extent and severity of the impacts, and to the collect necessary site data to develop this plan. While onsite we observed the characteristics of the site (including current grading and stabilization operations), the surrounding area, verified surface and channel flow conditions, observed channel and wetland impacts and observed visible property boundaries, limits of construction, utilities, and water conveyance structures. We also collected a photographic record of select site conditions and the above described impacts. Page 2 of 5 Briar Chapel Development ~ January 28, 2008 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Project No. 5815.W1 A field survey of the impact areas was performed by The John R. McAdams Company of Research Triangle Park, NC on September 27, 2007. This data describes the extent of both permanent and temporary stream and wetland impacts. Sheets 3 through 10 show the approved disturbance limits (defined by others) as well as the areas which were disturbed (based on our site observations) during the installation of the crossings (culverts, headwalls/wingwalls, utilities, etc.). From the field survey data, at each of the eight (8) crossing locations, the stream channel both upstream and downstream has been disturbed (to varying degrees) beyond what was originally permitted. The impact maps provided served as the base mapping for our proposed restoration and stabilization plan. If you will recall, Crossings 4, 5 and 6 consist of utility crossings necessary to provide site utility services. At these three crossings the bed and banks of the stream channel in the vicinity of the utility easement have been impacted (below the ordinary high water elevation) through the placement of riprap. In each of these cases the un-permitted impacts extend from a point upstream of the utility crossing (through the crossings) to a point downstream of the crossing. Crossings A, B, D, M and O each consist of a single reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) culverts at each location. During the installation of these culverts incidental unpermitted impacts to the stream channel and adjacent wetlands occurred. Such impacts included the removal of herbaceous vegetation, general grading activities (channel excavation and fill placement), and the installation of temporary erosion and sediment control measures including temporary silt fence, on-line sediment traps, and riprap check dams. In each of these cases the un-permitted impacts extend from a point upstream of the installed culvert crossing to a point downstream of the crossing. The proposed Repair and Stabilization Plan requires that the stream channel (and adjacent wetland areas) be graded (and realigned as necessary) to varying degrees to return these areas to their approximate pre-disturbance condition. Based on the current channel alignment (just outside of the disturbed area both upstream and downstream of each crossing) a hydraulic connection will be made between the culvert and the upstream contributing (or downstream receiving) channel. These localized restorative efforts will occur through each of the utility easements and on both the upstream and downstream ends of each road crossing as necessary. Care will be taken to reconstruct a channel cross-sectional area similar to that of the channel upstream and downstream of each road crossing. In the case of the utility crossings an "average" channel cross-section will be restored through the easement to allow for a smooth transition from upstream to downstream). Within the utility crossings the upper channel banks (above ordinary high water elevation) will be maintained with a riprap erosion protection blanket. A schematic of the restored channel alignments are shown on Sheets 11 through 18 attached. One or more rock cross-vane structures maybe installed at each crossing depending on conditions observed during construction and our judgment and experience with similar projects. These structures, if installed, will serve to maintain the channel alignment and provide the necessary grade control (thereby stabilizing existing head-cuts and reducing the potential for future head-cutting) until such time that the channel banks can be stabilized with dense vegetation. If possible the sills of cross-vane structures will be tied (and extended if necessary) to the headwall or wingwall of the culvert. This will allow Page 3 of 5 Briar Chapel Development -January 28, 2008 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Project No. 5815.W 1 for the structure to be "anchored" to the crossing and reduce the potential for localized erosion which might eventually lead to structure failure or the bypass (and eventual head- cutting) of the structure. Because no means of controlling a head-cut exists (ie. no culvert) at the three utility crossings the installation of a cross-vane at the downstream end of the crossing maybe necessary to reduce such potential. As is typically the case in restoration and repair projects the exact channel alignment and structure locations require field location by the Designer at the time of construction. Similarly based on conditions encountered during construction select structures maybe constructed with a std (to control channel elevation drops). Based on our experience on large-scale restoration projects as well as numerous similar violation sites across the State this flexibility is warranted and typical acceptable to both USACE and NCDENR- DWO. Every effort will be made during construction to limit the extent of disturbance and minimize the removal of established vegetation however, based on the channel realig~unent necessary some vegetation losses can be expected. The floodplain on either side of the channel will be graded to match (through blending) the elevation of the existing (or estimated pre-disturbance) floodplain or topography. Wetland and buffer areas adjacent to the impacted areas will be graded to an elevation roughly coincident with their pre-disturbance condition. The exact elevation will be determined by the Designer based on topographic and soil conditions as well as the grading associated with the adjacent culvert and head/wing walls. At each repair location, the reconstructed stream banks will be stabilized with CF-7 coir matting (or similar material), seeded with appropriate erosion control grasses, and over planted with live stakes and select woody vegetation (tree and shrub) species during the appropriate season. Live stakes should be a minimum of 24-inches in length with a diameter of at least %2- inch and installed as shown on Sheet 19. We recommend following species be considered for bank planting; Silky Willow (Salix caroliniana), Silky Dogwood (Corpus amomum) or Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis). A minimum of two of these species should be planted to provide desired diversity. Any disturbed areas outside of the channel banks will be replanted with a combination of bareroot tree and shrub species installed as shown on Sheet 19 and seeded with appropriate erosion control grasses. Tree and shrub species recommended include; American sycamore (Plantanus occidentalis), River birch (Betula nigra), Willow Oak (Quercus phellos), Tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), and Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana). Any disturbed wetland areas should be replanted with trees and shrubs, and.over-seeded with a wetland seed mix. Transplants can be utilized where appropriate. Livestake, tree, and shrub species may require substitutions (with designer approval) depending on availability of plant material. The planting of live stakes and bareroot plants is typically recommended to occur after mid- Januarybut not later than mid-March, for highest survivability. As noted above, before any of the proposed work is performed S&EC recommends that all remaining construction within the vicinity of these crossings be completed and the areas immediately a~acent to these locations graded, and upslope areas stabilized. Completing these tasks before the stream repairs will reduce the potential for any Page 4 of 5 Briar Chapel Development Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA January 28, 2008 Project No. 5815. W 1 inadvertent damages to the stream/wetland areas once they are restored and will allow the final restorativegrading to be blended to the final ~xades of adjacent areas. Implementation Schedule Following the review and approval of this plan by you, this stream and wetland Repair and Stabilization Plan will be submitted to both the USACE and DWQ for their review and approval. The stream repair and stabilization activities can likely be completed (barring any inclement weather) within 60 days of the approval of this plan by USACE and DWQ (whichever is later). We recommend that we be engaged to observe construction and provide the necessary contractor guidance. Notification should be made to USACE and DWQ following the completion of site work. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding these recommendations. Sincerely, ~~~ ~'.E~ ~~~~~ SOIL & ENVIRONM~-,A~, ~,TANTS, PA ~~i .~ t ... F-- : . m .. P.. ~'.~ ,. ~./' _ ~_ @£r ~ . _.~ Patrick K. Smith, P.E~'~ ~ ~ 4t t'. ~ ~'~ ssica E. Regan ~ ~ N.C. License No. 25525` ~'~ ~ '-~`~ ". ~ ~~ Environmental Scie ' ,~3 Cc: Ms. Nikki Thomson, S&EC Mr. Sean Clark, S&EC Mr. Mitch Barron, Newland Communities Mr. Ed Timoney, Newland Communities Attachments: Construction Drawings -Sheets 1 through 19 Site Photos Page 5 of 5 f' •J ~~' j VICINITY MAP (USGS 7.5 MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC WAKE FOREST QUADRANGLE) (NOT TO SCALE) ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN FIRM: SOIL ~ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 1010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27614 (9 19) 846-5900 PREPARED FOR: NEWLAND COMMUNITIES 5850 Fayetteville Road, Suite 201 Durham, NC 277 13 3~ 3 ~ n ~ Z ~ IL .. L '. ~ua;`~o 0 CONSTRUCTION D~AWI NGS FOB: z ~Q ~ z ~F= ° v o > = N_ +~ UJ ~3 Uj QQ mZ z m~ 0~0 ~EPAI ~ ~ STABI LIZATI ON PLAN ° ~ s~~° aP w~ CHATHAM COUNTY, NC aw ~~ CONTENTS: ~ 0 COVER, CONTENTS, ~ VICINITY MAP q 2. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS ~ KEY INDEX SKEET "~ ~ ~z 3. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS UTILITY CROSSING 4 c~ 4. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS UTILITY CROSSING 5 ~~ 5. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS UTILITY CROSSING 6 ~~ 6. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS CULVERT CROSSING A ~ 7. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS CULVERT CROSSING B c 8. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS CULVERT CROSSING D ~'~ 9. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS CULVERT CROSSING M 0. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS CULVERT CROSSING 0 PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS UTILITY CROSSING 4 2. PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS UTILITY CROSSING 5 3. PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS UTILITY CROSSING 6 4. PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS CULVERT CROSSING A 5. PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS CULVERT CROSSING B ~ 6. PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS CULVERT CROSSING D ~ 7. PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS CULVERT CROSSING M 8. PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS CULVERT CROSSING 0 9. TYPICAL STRUCTURE, PLANTING, ~ COIR MATTING DETAILS ®2008 Sod ~ Environmental Consultants, PA. p3~ o ~ 3 ~z 0 ~ - pN Z ~ ~ II _ ". ~ Z Q uN °1 ~u 'gy ti N ° 0 0 m ~ m d ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~Z w~ ~ o 0 ~~ u =N 5 ON u? ~3 u~ Q~ UZ z ~~ ~N z N ~ ~+~ o z ~ u ~ ~~ -~ ~' _.. .__._ ;; Q oa~~ ~; u ~ - z ~ ~ ~/ ° v ~ ~ --- `4 P . . ~ . ~- I ~P ~'~ \UtilityCrossing 6%.; ~!.~-~ I I qw ~ - ~ -- Culvert Crossin A I I `~ ~ • ~ ~~-- Culvert Crossing B g ~ a \, ~ ~ f • . , .. .. ', __, ~ .. '= ~/ 1 ~ ~ '~ _ , / ~6t' \ \ / - o E f ,~ . o \ ~ ~ o u nc ~~~ ~ a ~~ ` ~ q g~ ~ Culvert Crossing D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L ~ 1 ~ O ,.-'~,, ~ Culvert Crossing M ,~ ~, ~`. `iii ~1 -~ ~ / -~ ~ ,~ \, ~ a _~ \ ~., \v \ ~m ~~.. ~ o ~ I _ ~ Vi \ o Culvert Crossing 0 \ ,~ ~ ~_ ~` ~'' - ~ ~ a \ -~,v , 3 ~ ~ __-~~--r-____ \ ,, , 3 ~ \ ~ - NOTES: I f ' I I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL I I IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. I I 2, LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES ~ ~ _--T,--\-~-~T-~- ARE APPROXIMATE. D \ ~ \ I I \ / ~ I I 1 13. CHANNEL IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. ~ ` ~ I \ / i ~ i ON 9127107. n ©2008 50,1 ~ Environmental Gonsultznts, PA EXISTING SITE C O f~ D I T I 0 N 5~ KEY I N D EX 5 h E ET 0 N O 0 0 ID DRAWINGS PRINTED AT HALF- SCALE NOTES: I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. CHANNEL IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. ON 9/27/07. SURVEYED CHANNEL IMPACT = 32 LINEAR FEET (0.003 ACRES). rn x z G> rn Exlsting Gravel O Check Dam z to be Removed _~ ~ Stream Channel _ O 9 Flow -~ z r ^ 9 \ ~ Approach Stabilization, C Above Ordinary 111gh (~ Water Mark, to Remain ) I ~ -~ I f I I n / f / O i, V ' + ( n V ' '; z 1 G> I I W i ~ UE UE UE UE E ----=.fr ._ _._ G G G G G-~ - ~ ~ F,,, Fh, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~-,, rn ~ ~ F-n - ( I ' ~ ~ ( ~ I (~ ' . ~ ~ ~ ( ~ ~ ~ r i ~ i ~ I ~ ~ ~' I ~ 1 ~ ' ~ I ' ~ ~ 1 ~' 1 4 I ~ Y ~ c~ NORTH SCALE I " = 10' 10 5 O 10 r ~ ~ Outer Edge " Exlsting 100' Stream Buffer ~ ~ Exlsting Rlpra In Channel, tc be Removed ~~ y~ '~ I 4~ ~ c~ >: i U' I Outer Edge Exlsting 100' Stream Buffer EXISTING STREAM CHANNEL ~ STREAM BUFFER I ~-~-{ UTILITY LINES -- - UTILITY EASEMENT 35' WIDE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR -~- SILT FENCE ' RIP RAP ~ UNPERMITTED Ct1ANNEL ~ WETLAND IMPACT AREA WETLANDS _ -`~ LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE PHOTO POINTS ~ Project: rro~ect No.: BRIAR CHAPEL sa I s.wo Pnon o~ ~ REPAIR +~ STABILIZATION PLAN Prod. Mgr.: Drawn: SC NMM Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Location: Bent: tale: 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Phone: (919) 846-5900 tax: (919) 846-9467 CHATHAM CO., NC NEWLAND COMMUNITIES I" = I O' www.SandF.C.com Sheet Title: Sheet No.: EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS - 3 OF 19 DRAWINGS PRINTED AT HALF- SCALE NORTH SCALE I " = 10' I o~~o '---- I __ ~' I -- ~ ~'~' UE - --- .T P111 '~--_, C~1 ~" UE G ----_ ~ _~_ ~ ~_ Stream Channel Existing Gravel Check Dam to be Removed Approach Stabilization, Above Ordinary high Water Mark, to Remain Outer Edge Existing 50' Stream Buffer 0 ~ -~ Existing Riprap b in Channel, to ,~:> ~be Removed EXISTING STREAM CHANNEL STREAM BUFFER )~~~~ UTILITY LINES ~ UTILITY EASEMENT ® ® 35' WIDE CONSTRUCTION -~- TEMPORARY CORRIDOR SILT FENCE RIP RAP ~ UNPERMITTED CHANNEL ~ WETLAND IMPACT AREA WETLANDS _ _ ~`~~ LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE PHOTO POINTS Existing P or gre _ Energy Maintenance Easement Crossing 0 Outer Edge Existing 50' Stream Buffer ue "---_ ~''~ UE _"--- '_ '~"" UE '-- G _- UE UE Fl11 __ ~ __ ~ G 1_ G ~_ G _~' UE _,~~' _~' FAI `C FM _.,~, ~ ~nyIIF~I .~~ ~ n~I ~y~I __ --_._ ~ ~~~ _ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ NOTES: I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. CHANNEL IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. ON 9127!07. SURVEYED CHANNEL IMPACT = 29 LINEAR FEET (0.005 ACRES). p3~ b to 3oz p N .. II .. ~ zm~, .Z p N v ~ t~v ~ z ~, g w , Z ~o ~ oN w_ o Q Q U °? =N UJ ;~3 ~0 QQ ~Z ~~ p[~ z N~ . ~~ m~ o zF ~ v ~F~ ~~N ~ ~=~u~ w ~ a °' ' ~/ o r a +~ LL ~~ U° ~ E ~_3 N c U e z ~~ ^~ 9 C 0° v, ° © 20D8 soil ~ Environmental Consultants, PA. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS - U T I L I TY C X05 51 N G 5 NORTH SCALE I " = 10' I o~-~o DRAWINGS PRINTED AT HALF- SCALE Stream Channel Existing gavel Check Dam to be Removed Existing Riprap In Channel, to be Removed o~ Outer Edge Existing 50' Stream Buffer ` _~~ "~ "- E G- 1 ~ ~-- G ~ ~~ _ UE\ ___ V ~~.. ~~ --_ ,_ ~ G FM 1, UE ~~' UE / ~''~ U G ~ ~i ~ .~ ~ --~,L ~ "'.-,- ~`" Flu ~'~ ~ ~../ ~ ~~ ~ w 11 1'' ~ '~-~ 4µ / 1 ~~---_ 1 -~. -7--__~ ~_ __ __. ~. 11 _- s~ :. _.. 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTES: I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES Outer Edge ~ AREAPPROxIMATE. Existing 50' 3. CHANNEL IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, wc. Stream Buffer ON 9/27107. SURVEYED CHANNEL IMPACT = 37 LINEAR FEET (0.004 ACRES). ©20G8 So,, ~ Environmental Consultants, PA. EXISTING 51 T E CONDITION S \ ~ EXISTING ~ ~ STREAM CHANNEL \ ~ UTILITY LINES `~ 35' WIDE \ ® ^ CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR RIP RAP 1 ~ ~` ,` ~ WETLANDS ~'~ °~ G JE PHOTO POINTS ,~/~/ // •~/ i ~ ~ i •~ \ Approach Stabilization, Above Ordinary High Water Mark, to Remain a ~1 ~ .' ~ _~ 6 6 ~~ '~/' 6 - UTI LITY CRO551 NG 6 STREAM BUFFER UTILITY EASEMENT _ TEMPORARY -~ SILT FENCE UNPERMITTED CHANNEL ~ ® WETLAND IMPACT AREA _ LIMIT OF ~`~~ DISTURBANCE I 4 ~~ `~\.. Existing Riser/~.., Barrel System with Outlet Protection ~ ~,~ o ~ ~~~ °~0 Z ~~ Z N gW Z Jo ~ o~ w _ o Fc~ =N u? ~3 °o ~m _Z ~~ ~N UZ `~~ . ~~ m ~ o z~ ~ ~ ~~~ N m ~ oz vW w °Q „ ~ a- r aq w~ W ~P OQ V° a ~~ U ~~~ Ah Y 0 ~U U ~~ ~a 9 ~a ~a ~° Io rn O 3 co v D DRAWINGS PRINTED AT HALF- SCALE NOTES: I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. WETLAND IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. ON 9/27/07. SURVEYED WETLAND IMPACT = 0.0248 ACRES. `rn' X \~ SF `- \ SF (1 \ SF UJ \~SF ~ -~ ~ SF ~ ~ sF / z ~~ ~ \ sF ~ SF V ~ \` ~ ___ ~ /sr ~ _ ~ ~ SE rn ~_.~ y ~ `., C> O z 0 _~ O z C T~ r rn 9 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Existing Rock O SF ~ Check Dam, 5~ SF ~ ~ to be Rem 1 ved y4 z ~ ~ '~ 1 ~1 Outer Edge ~ Exlsting 30' ~ Stream Buffer ~1 r1 1 ~\ ~` \_ ~ ~ ~~~ ~, ~ ~ _~ ,~ ~~ i~ /i I ti ~~ i Rlprap Outlet I Protection Apron ~ i ~ __ _ _ ti I ~ I 6 3y r 0 i I Z I I 1 Exlsting Temporary Sediment Trap ~ SF I ~SF\ ~ ~ ~ ~~ EXISTING STREAM CHANNEL ~ STREAM BUFFER _~. n UTILITY LINES --- -- UTILITY EASEMENT 35' WIDE CONSTRUCTION -~- TEMPORARY CORRIDOR SILT FENCE RIP RAP ~ UNPERMITTED CHANNEL ~ WETLAND IMPACT AREA WETLANDS ® PERMITTED PERMANENT CHANNEL ~ WETLAND IMPACT AREA _ LIMIT OF `~ DISTURBANCE PHOTO POINTS ' BRIAR CHAPEL sal REPAIR ~ STABILIZATION PLAN Pro~cMgr.: Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, Norih Carolina 27GI4 Phone: (919) 646-5900 Fax: (919j 846-9467 www.SandGC.com NEWLAND COMMUNITIES I" = I O' Sheet No.: E CONDITIONS - 6 OF 19 CROSSING A DRAWINGS PRINTED AT HALF- SCALE NORTH SCALE I " = 10' ~~~ 10 5 0 10 ~_ ~~ \ SF ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ \ ~, ~,/ 6 ~~. //~ I ~~~ Existing Rock ~ /~~~ Check Dam, to be Removed I a l /// ©2008 Soil ~ Environmental Consultants, PA. ,~ ~~~~~ U Outer Edge Exlsting 50' :ream Buffer ~ sF / ~SF\ ~ ~~~ , ~/ ~~ / \~ \ SF ~" SF ~~ ~~~ ~~ / / \,\ / /~ / ,, ~/ NOTES: j o ` / a~ ~ . 11 Channel I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. 0 0 ~ ~ ~ / 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES ARE APPROXIMATE. Z g ~ 3. CHANNEL AND WETLAND IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS w O COMPANY, INC. ON 9127/07. SURVEYED CHANNEL IMPACT = 39 C Q LINEAR FEET (0.003 ACRES). SURVEYED WETLAND IMPACT = = N 0.0202 ACRES. U J / Existing Rock Q~ Check Dam m , to be removed °` ~ ~ o ~ ~SF .~_ I SF / ~ - sF -~' SF -~ SF ,' 60" Diameter ~ RCP Plpe ,~ / - ` ~_ ~.\ / ~ /~ j ~ ~ \~ ~/ / ~//SFr\~ / ~~' Sp i ~'~ \ sF ~SRiprap Outlet ~ _ ~ _,._ sF - sF Protection Apron ~ ~-- SF -' ~ _ ~ Outer Edge Exlsting 50' Stream Buffer .~ EXISTING STREAM CHANNEL STREAM BUFFER a UTILITY LINES ~ UTILITY EASEMENT ^ ® 35' WIDE CONSTRUCTION -~- TEMPORARY CORRIDOR SILT FENCE ~~ RIP RAP ~ UNPERMITTED CHANNEL ~ WETIAND IMPACT AREA ® WETLANDS PERMITTED PERMANENT CHANNEL ~ WETLAND IMPACT AREA _ LIMIT OF , PHOTO POINTS -~ DISTURBANCE EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS -CULVERT CROSSING B b_ ~ ~~~o ~~ m~ Z' N~ a w w~ P O a ~~ qP Ur a E a rj ~ 9 N W ~~~ 0 ~` ~~ Wa 9 O ~o DfZAWI N6S PRINTED AT HALF- SCALE NORTH SCALE I " = 10' lo~~o / / SF ~-- sF S ~-- SF 6 6 6 s~ /~ _ /~ S eam Channel- Exlsting Rock Check Dam, be Removed SF -~(~ ~ ~o ,~ ~ - r N 1 1 N I N I T y SF ~ ~J ~ ~ / ~ SF ~ /_ SF ~ ~ Sf T ~Riprap Outlet Protection Apron /W~ 9 ~ ©2008 Sod # Environmental Consultants, PA. ~S ,~ ~~ sk ~~~ 3p I ~~ ~ sF EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS - EXISTING ~ STREAM CHANNEL f ~~ -~ UTILITY LINES 35' WIDE ® ® CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR RIP RAP WETLANDS _ LIMIT OF ~`~ DISTURBANCE STREAM BUFFER UTILITY EASEMENT _ TEMPORARY -~ SILT FENCE UNPERMITTED CHANNEL ~ ^ ® WETLAND IMPACT AREA PERMITTED PERMANENT CHANNEL ~ WETLAND 1 M PACT AREA PHOTO POINTS co \~ '~,~ Exlsting Rock ~j' ~'~ !, Check Dam, y~ 5~ to be Rem ved Q _ - 5E / ~ SF ~.. SF -~_ ~ ~, SF ~~ ~~ 66" Diameter RCP Plpe ~~ I ~~ ~ ~~ --\~~' NOTES: I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES ~Existing Temporary AREAPPROxIMATE. Sediment Trap 3. CHANNEL AND WETLAND IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. ON 9/27/07. SURVEYED CHANNEL IMPACT = 64 ~,_- Ln ` LINEAR FEET (0.004 ACRES). SURVEYED WETLAND IMPACT = _- t~ ~---° LD ~ 0.0436 ACRES. CULVERT CROSSING D ~ m p3~ O 3'~z - a~° IL Z~~ ~Zp m n m ai Z N g "' ~ ~ zo ~~ ~ 0~ W- ° ~z o ~N N UN y3 ~~ QQ ~Z ~~ ~~ Z ~W .~ m ~+ o Z3 ~ p ~~u Q ..a FN ~ ~=N~ ' w ~a o< a=. r aP ~~ a ~P ~o ~& ~~ Vo a E U ~~ ~ n .c ~~ ~U 0 z m ~~ ~~ b ~a 0= M o 0 N 0 Df~AUVi NGS ~f~l NTED ~, 0 rn AT HALE- SCALE 0 ~ NOTES: 3 CT C1 I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL o IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. N 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES N ARE APPROXIMATE. D 3. CHANNEL IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. ON 9/27/07. SURVEYED CHANNEL IMPACT = 139 LINEAR FEET (0.009 ACRES). rn /~ x_,~1` s V ~F ~ / -~ ~ SF ~ F -SF - SF - SF -SF ~ z ~ ~~ G> ~ ~`` Existing Rock ~~ Check Dams, 4~ m to be .Removed % O z 0 O z ~~ ~ \ H C ~ r ~ C rn- y ~ ~ ~ ~i ~i/'- SF - C~ , , ~~ ~Sf~/ ~ O SE N ~ c~ S~ 5E ~ I/ o ~ ,~o ~ z~ ~ I a ~ ~~ ~ I ~~ ~ ~ ~. Riprap Outlet Protection Apron 6 ~_ Existing Rock Check Dam, to be Removed NORTH ~ \ to \ ~0 \ ~D Stream Channel ~. -r.i - y Outer Edge `` Existing 100' Stream Buffer 72" Diameter RCP Pipe ~ / ;' / ;~ ,~ / ~~ .~ ~~ ~ ~~ - - Existing Sediment Basin 4U .~ •-~ . `^ ~ EXISTING STREAM BUFFER Q ~ i ~ s STREAM CHANNEL I ~, UTILITY LINES - --- - UTILITY EASEMENT ~ ~ ~~ ~ aC sF --- /~ ~ ® 35' WIDE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION - ~ - SILT FENCE ---- ~ CORRIDOR ~' RIP RAP ~ UNPERMITTED CHANNEL ~ WETLAND IMPACT AREA PERMITTED PERMANENT 6 ~ WETLANDS ~ CHANNEL ~ WETLAND IMPACT AREA _~_ LIMIT OF ' PHOTO POINTS DISTURBANCE Protect: BRIAR CHAPEL Pro~e5815~.W0 REPAIR ~ STABILIZATION PLAN Prol. Mgr.: Drawn, Location: bent: tale: Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA SC NMM 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Yhune: (919) 846-5900 fax: (919) 846-9467 Ct1ATt1AM CO., NC NEWLAND COMMUNITIES I " = I O' www.SandBC.com Sheet Title: Sheet No.: EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS - 9 OF 19 SCALE I " = 10' 10 5 O 10 ,~ ~sF~ N Sf' N DRAWINGS PRINTED AT HALF- SCALE ~ ~ O~ \` ~~ ~ ~L\, Stream hannel ~~:~ \~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~U . 0~ \ .~ oL \ ~ °U~~ o~ ~ ~ \ o\ .\ ~~ \ \ EXISTING STREAM CHANNEL UTILITY LINES 35' WIDE CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR RIP RAP WETLANDS LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE STREAM BUFFER /j >" Diameter .P Plpj J / / -i i --- UTILITY EASEMENT \~ ~\ _ TEMPORARY -~ SILT FENCE ~ \ ~. ® UNPERMITTEDCHANNEL~ \ `,,\ ^ WETLAND IMPACT AREA \ \ PERMITTED PERMANENT \ \ CHANNEL ~ WETLAND IMPACT AREA ~ \ PHOTO POINTS \ ` ~ .\ ~ / ~ NOTES: I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL ,/ IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. // 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURPS ARE APPROXIMATE. / 3. CHANNEL IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. ON 9127107. SURVEYED CHANNEL IMPACT = NORTH SCALE I " = 10' 1~ 10 5 0 10 Outer Edge Existing 50' ~~ Stream Buffer 1 Riprap Outlet Protection Apron ~G \\ a,, pp ~~ ., \~ m ~ - _° 0 0 ~O ~~ ©2008 So,, ~ En~,ronmental consoltznts, PA EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS -CULVERT CROSSING O N O 0 0 rn 0 v D DRAWINGS PRINTED AT HALF- SCALE NOTES: I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. CHANNEL IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. ON 9/27/07. SURVEYED CHANNEL IMPACT = 32 LINEAR FEET (0.003 ACRES). ( , ~ ~~ ' 1 ( j ~ ,' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ J I NORTH ~ f ~ ~ ~ I ~~ _ ~ ~ I ~ SCALE I - 10 r ~ ~ I 10 5 O 10 ! ' I r ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NOTE: ~ IN-CHANNEL ROCK CROSS-VANE STRUCTURES MAY BE ~ NECESSARY TO CONTROL GRADE FOLLOWING REPAIR AND STABILIZATION EFFORTS. THE EXACT LOCATION Outer Ed e AND ELEVATION OF STRUCTURES TO BE DETERMINED ~ g O BY DESIGNER AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. ~ " Exlsting 100' ~ Stream Buffer ~,^\ i ~ V ~ rn ~~ C1~ " -~ rn Remove Exlsting ~ Rlprap Above Ordinary Gravel Check Dam f11gh Water to Remain Stream Channel ~ rn l --~~ ~ ~- ~ - Flo - Approx. Upstream Q `° '` ``~~~.°,~,~~ ;' ~~`~~~~~~.; ._ Llmlt of Repalr ~ -' ~ ~ " , ~- ," ~ _ `` Approx. Downstream Stablllzatlon Efforts `~° `°` .r Llmlt of Repalr ~ " Stablllzatlon Efforts ~ Remove Rlprap from Channel, ;. ~ Restore Appropriate Stream w ~ ~~ .~ Channel, and Llne Banks with ;~ ~ ~~o~ Colr Matting as Directed ~ ~- , W I w /\~\\~ ~ / (' ) U' O ~ ~ 1,^J, ~ V I z +r ~ ~ -sF- -sF- sF- sF sF-~ c~ UE UE UE UE E -----~.c _ _ c c c - c c--= EXISTING ~ STREAM BUFFER - - - - - _ ~ ~ ~ STREAM CHANNEL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UTILITY LINES ---- UTILITY EASEMENT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PlA 35' WIDE TEMPORARY _ _ ~ -__ _ .! _ _ - ` _ __ - J CONSTRUCTION - g - SILT FENCE CORRIDOR RIP RAP _ LIMIT OF Outer Edge -`° DISTURBANCE Exlsting 100' Stream Buffer ~ WETLANDS w~ ..,.._ BRIAR CHAPEL ~ sa i s.wo mow o~ ~. REPAIR ~ STABILIZATION PLAN Prod. Mgr.: Drawn: Location: Bent: tale: • Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA SC NMM 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, Nodh Carolina 27614 Yhone: (919) 846-5900 Pax: (919) 846-9467 CHATHAM CO., NC NEWtAND COMMUNITIES I " = I O' www.SandEC.com Sheet Title: Sheet No.: PROPOSED STREAM REPAIRS - I I OF 19 D~AWI NGS PRINTED AT h ALF- SCALE NORTH SCALE I " = 10' I o~o ~o - _~ ~_~__ ___ ___ _ `1 UE -- ~"- UE - ~-G _" UE ~~~ C `` i~ UE ~~ c ~ UE ___, _ ~ -~.~_ ~ _,.,~ G`--~G`__G ° UE -`"'~ OF '_- FlA ~ -____ ---- G ---_ i`' ~ ~--___ ~ ~_ Flu e~~G_- ---_.. ~- ~... ~ _ ~ ~ __ ~ Stream Channel Remove Existing gavel Check Dam F~ Remove Rlprap from Channel, Restore Appropriate Stream Channel, and Llne Banks with Coir Matting as Directed ©2008 Sod 4 Environmental Consultants, PA. Outer Edge Existing 50' Stream Buffer 0 0 EXISTING STREAM CHANNEL n ~--~----~ UTILITY LINES STREAM BUFFER UTILITY EASEMENT 35 WIDE TEMPORARY ® CONSTRUCTION -~- SILT FENCE CORRIDOR RIP RAP LIMIT OF ~ ~~ ~~ ~ `~ e DISTURBANCE WETLANDS Approx. Upstream Limit of Repair ~ Stabilization Efforts `, NOTE: IN-CHANNELROCK CROSS-VANE STRUCTURES MAY 8E NECESSARY TO CONTROL GRADE FOLLOWING REPAIR AND STABILIZATION EFFORTS. THE EXACT LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF STRUCTURES TO BE DETERMINED Riprap Above Ordinary Nigh Water to Remain `G UE ~1 -''. G '~-__ N ~ G C UE -~,_.. UE F1A FlA ~ 1._ ~ ~_ ~~ C'~ G UE UE ~..~ UE ~,~ ~ ~~ C Fl1 _~_ Fl/ `~~~ .•~_ 9--~..--`'_- ~ •--"__ fill '.'~_ ~1 ~-~.~. _Fly FAl ~-. g-~_ Approx, Downstream -~ _ "--9-~~ Limit of Repair ~ ~~' Stabilization Efforts ~ ~~-~ Existing Progress Energy Maintenance Easement Crossing NOTES: I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. Outer Edge EXIStIng 5O~ 2 AORE APIPOROXIMATE.TIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES Stream Buffer 3. CHANNEL IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. ON 9127107. SURVEYED CHANNEL IMPACT = 29 LINEAR FEET (0.005 ACRES). PROPOSED STREAM REPAI R5 - UTI LITY CR0551 NG 5 ~ m 3"z O - N O IL 0 Z~~ .Z ~ uN~u N u .N41 v _ Z~ g °- ~ ~ JZ ~ ~N w~ o w~ QQ ~ ~Z z N =N UJ y3 ~0 ~m ~_ ~ Q Q ~ u,~ ~ N `; o~ W J ~ ~ ~o~ ~~o Q o=~~ w y Q ~, ~ ~ o,=..~ ~< a~ w °°, a ~Q ~w o ~1 a= Oq V° a ~•s ~~ ~' N q~ 5 r~ ~ ~U r z ~~ ^~ ~o ~~~yy ~ wl z ~~ DRAWINGS PRINTED AT h ALF- SCALE NOTE: IN-CHANNEL ROCK CROSS-VANE STRUCTURES MAY BE NECESSARY TO CONTROL GRADE FOLLOWING REPAIR AND STABILIZATION EFFORTS. THE EXACT LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF STRUCTURES TO BE DETERMINED Stream Channel Outer Edge NORTH Existing 50' Stream Buffer SCALE I " = 10' ,~ lo~~o °~ Approx. Upstream Remove Existing Llmlt of Repair ~ Gravel Check Dam ~Stabilizatlon Effortt; Riprap Above Ordinary High Water to Remain _. UE~~_ - __~ 1 UE / _"~ UE ~ C "~..' UE V6 G C-~,~G ,~_ UE ~~ / Fll ~~ ~ `__ g~ti,G~_ /G F16 ~,~ ~ -~ / ---_ ~- ~~. ~ 1 NOTES: I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. 2, LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES ARE APPROXIMATE. G f~ Approx. Downstream ~ I Limit of Repair ~ Stabilization Efforts Outer Edge I Existing 50' EXISTING STREAM CHANNEL -~ UTILITY LINES 35' WIDE ® ® CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR RIP RAP i ~ i ,'~ ~ . ~,' ~~' /' ~ WETLANDS / / G/ / / G UE ~ ~~ / i G ~~ /~ - ~ ~ i ~ . '/ ,~ I Remove Riprap from Channel, Restore Appropriate Stream Channel, and Lme Banks with Coir Matting as Directed ~1 ~~~_ / r--._- '`"_G-__ j~~--~~' _>~ ~ 6 ~ \ ~ ~ ~ // ~' 1 3. CHANNEL IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. Stream BUffer \ ~, ON 9/27107. SURVEYED CHANNEL IMPACT = 37 LINEAR FEET (0.004 AGRESL ®zoo8 So,l ~ En~ronmental Consultants. PA. PROPOSED STREAM REPAIRS - U T I L I TY C RO S S I N G 6 STREAM BUFFER UTILITY EASEMENT TEMPORARY _ -~ SILT FENCE LIMIT OF -`~ ~ DISTURBANCE /~ (,, ,~ I. ~ `, Existing Riser/ \~Barrel Systetr ~--~.- with Outlet \ `'Protection m ~ - ~~..~ _a m_ Z ,~ g w , ~~ ~o ~~ ~Z QQ ~ ~~ =N U~ N3 ~0 am ~Z ~ QQ = NU ~N Z o~ ~ ~ 0 N F- ~ u~~~ Q aQ,~o w Q ~~ o v ~ o= a aMyM~ ?. FP w P ~~_ OP V° a ~•~ P U b ~ N A VI r~r U Y 0 z 0~ ~~ q~ W ~a ~a 0' v, O N O 0 0 rn 0 3 ID 0 rn rn /~ rn D C~ C r- rn n rO VI z DRAWINGS PRINTED AT HALF- SCALE INOTES: II . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. NOTE: IN-CHANNEL ROCK CROSS-VANE STRUCTURES MAY BE _ NECESSARY TO CONTROL GRADE FOLLOWING R1=PAIR AND STABILIZATION EFFORTS. THE EXACT LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF STRUCTURES TO BE DETERMINED BY DESIGNER AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. Stream/~hannel 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES ARE APPROXIMATE. / NORTH SCALE I " = 10' 10 5 O 10 3. WETLAND IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. / O ON 9/27/07. SURVEYED WETLAND IMPACT = 0.0248 ACR%S. / f / / / / / ~9 ~ ;F ~ SF r.,,/ ~ s Approx. Upstream ~ SF \ Remove FIII, Regrade `~ ~ Llmlt of Repalr ~ SF ~ SF Wetland to Approximate ,~ ~ StabJllzatlon Efforts ~ SF ~ Original Elevation ~,~ s and Overplant (Typical) ~ . ~' Remove Exlsting ~ SF ~ ~ ;r. ~~ ;, Gravel Check Dam / ~~ / / ~~ ' ' / / SF ~.~ ^ \ / ~~ .. / ~ , ,F \ s s/ Outer Edge ~ ~ ~\~~~ Exlsting 30' /~ / / i I / i ~ i i ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ I ~' i ~ i SF ~- F / ~' 9 i ~~ S~ -~ ~,~ y~ Remove Exlsting f ~y~ ~ Gravel Check Dam ~1 1 ~ 0 Approx. Downstream Llmlt of Repair ~ - Stabllization Efforts 1 Outer Edge ~ Exlsting 30' ~~ Stream Buffer ~ ~\ ~\ i~ /~ ~ ~ ~~J' -~ ~ '~ I 6 T ~~ SF 0 _i I i I z . ~i ~ sF ~ \S°~ S,n I NSF .~ SF ~ ~~ SF EXISTING STREAM CHANNEL UTILITY LINES 35' WIDE CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR RIP RAP WETLANDS STREAM BUFFER UTILITY EASEMENT _ TEMPORARY -g SILT FENCE _ LIMIT OF -`~ DISTURBANCE R,~m Project: rro~ect rv o.: BRIAR CHAPEL sal s.wo "fl'' °"~"°" °'°` "'"` REPAIR ~ STABILIZATION PLAN Prod. Mgr.: Drawn: Location: Bent: tale: ~ Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA SC ""'"' 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Phone: (919) 846-5900 Pax: (919) 846-9467 CHATHAM CO., NC NEWLAND COMMUNITIES I " = 10' www.SandfiC.com Sheet Title: Sheet No.: PROPOSED STREAM REPAIRS - 14 OF 19 CULVERT CROSSING A _ m ~~ NOTES: o N ~ Z o ~ D~AWI NGS PSI NTED Z~~ . z °_ I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL ~'"~ ~ N Stream Channel IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOI1N R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. ~ ~ NN = AT h ALF- 5 CALF ~ 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES g w ~ Outer Edge / ARE APPROXIMATE. ~ Z Existing 50' ~ ~ 3. CHANNEL AND WETLAND IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS w ~ o w~ ~ Stream Buffer COMPANY, INC. ON 9/27107. SURVEYED CHANNEL IMPACT = 39 ~ F- ~ c[? ~~ LINEAR FEET (0.003 ACRES). SURVEYED WETLAND IMPACT = L N o ~N RemOVe EXIStIng 0.0202 ACRES. U~ ~~ ~~ ~'~SF Gravel Ch,~ck Dam / Q~ ~Z ~~ NORTH ~sF / ~N Z oW ~~' ~ l~J ~emove FIII, Regrade ~ ~ ~°~ SCALE I" = l o' ~ Wetland to Approximate '''' ~ ~ °L ~~ 1~ ,~'>~;~>~- :.~>~;`' Approx. Upstream ~ ~ o~~~ to s o to Original Elevation ~a;~..~~~;~~.` ",.< t<> Limit of Repair ~ and Overplant (Typical)._ s~ `' d' a / ~ ~ Stabilization Efforts a wP /~ Restore Stream Channel to q ~ ~'~ 'Appropriate Slze, Llne Banks +~ o 0 ~ / ~ ~ with Colr Matting and Llve ~, ___ ~F ~~ ;F - ~ / ~ ' Sake as Directed SF `~- 5F ~F ~% q ~' / ~ V a E 1 ~S~ c~ / c~ ~ ~ / / rya ~ ~ ,~ / °' ~ 3 s~ ~ - z /~ / ~ .~ ~ \ '~ ~ q ~ ~~ / w NOTE: ~ a ~~ .____ ~ IN-CHANNEL ROCK CROSS-VANE STRUCTURES MAYBE ay a NECESSARY TO CONTROL GRADE FOLLOWING REPAIR O o 6 j~ Q AND STABILIZATION EFFORTS. THE EXACT LOCATION ~ Remove /~ / AND ELEVATION OF STRUCTURES TO BE DETERMINED BY DESIGNER AT TI1E TI ME OF CONSTRUCTION. Existing ~` ~ ~ ~ ~ Gravels ~ ~~ / ~ / --_ ___________--..Y Check Dam `\y ~ \ ~ / EXISTING STREAM BUFFER SF ~ ~ STREAM Cf1ANNEL ~ ~ s~ / ~ ~ ~ ~` ,_-_-- SF n ~' ~ UTILITY LINES ~ UTILITY EASEMENT / \ ~ \ ~ ~._ Sf -""_' SF --'_" SF --'~" SF --~"_ SF ~" SF -~-" SF ~ 35 WIDE ® CONSTRUCTION -~- TEMPORARY ~0.,,~\ ~~ CORRIDOR SILT FENCE ~ `• ' ~~> LIMIT OF ~ {-~ RIP RAP - ~ - Approx. Downstream Outer Edge ~-~ ~~ DISTURBANCE Limit of Repalr ~ Existing 50' Stablllzatlon Efforts Stream Buffer ~ WETLANDS z~o8 s~ l~ Environrr~er~tai Cons~~ltants PA PROPOSED STREAM ~E P A I RS - C U LV E ~T C RO S 5 I N G 8 D~AWI NGS PSI NTED AT HALF- SCALE NORTH SCALE I " = 10' Io~~o Remove FIII, Regrade Wetland to Approximate Original Elevation and Overplant (Typical) Remove Existing °avel Check Dam s ~ ~ I ~` l I N N NOTE: IN-CHANNEL ROCK CROSS-VANE STRUCTURES MAY BE NECESSARY TO CONTROL GRADE FOLLOWING REPAIR AND STABILIZATION EFFORTS. THE EXACT LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF STRUCTURES TO BE DETERMINED 5Y DESIGNER AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. SF-~ v ~ ~ ~~ H ~~SF ~~ I ~~ i I ~---~~~SF~SF~SF _ SF ~ ~ __-- ~° '~ Approx. Downstream Limit of Repair ~ - Stabilization Effo~s ~~ _ LIMIT OF `~ DISTURBANCE ~~~p /,c ~,~ ~~ / ~ ~ ~~a~ 54 Remove Existing ,~~ Gravel Check~am \~ ~.\ ~~~~ I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES ARE APPROXIMATE. EXISTING ~ STREAM CHANNEL ~ -~--{ ~~~ UTILITY LINES 35' WIDE STREAM BUFFER j i UTILITY EASEMENT _ TEMPORARY -~ SILT FENCE 6` ~ CORK DORTION Edge of Road \ ,•~ RIP RAF s~ '~~^ ~ WETLANDS ~ -~ ~ SF '"_- SF Restore Stream Channel ~ ~ to Appropriate Size, Line Banks with Coir _ Matting and Live Stake as Directed. Typical Upstream and Downstream NOTES: m ~~ b - Z - ~ o..o .o ~~ai "mU Z N g ~ ~ z ~ Qo w0 0 ~~ QQ ~ ~~ = J 3 ao U_ N3 ~m °'z ~U Q Q ~ NF ~~ z ~w m a~ o ~ ~ ~ ci~U °=~0 w ~Q ~~ ' ~ gzr aP ~~ ~P q ~~ C1= Oq V6E o ~o w N h ~~~ 0 om ~yy M°~ W~ 9 ~~ ~~ 0~ ~, ° 2DO8 50,1 ~ En~,~onmenta, Consultznts, PA. PROPOSED STREAM REPAIRS -CULVERT C R05 5 I N G D to 1~ ID O V rn rn D /~ rn D C ~/ irn O z DRAWINGS PRINTED AT h1ALF- SCALE NOTES: I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. CHANNEL IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. ON 9/27/07. SURVEYED CHANNEL IMPACT = 139 LINEAR FEET (0.009 ACRES). Restore Stream Channel to Appropriate Slze, Llne Banks with Coir Matting and Llve - Stake as Directed. Typical \ SF ~ Uyr7stream and Downstream - ar ` ar ~r ar ar ~ SF ~~~.\ y Remove Existing Rock Check Dams ~~~ ~ ~, 0~ ~ 1 I / rh E~j-- SF - 9 ~~ ~~ \~ /5F ti SF I/ JJ/~y4 Q ~Q !~ 6 p \ / ~ /i 6 [ ~ \ \ ~ \ `:r \ \, 6 6 °r•.~ ------ ~ r, i C~.. Remove Exlsting Rock Check Dam H NOTE: Exlsting 100' Stream Buffer_ IN-CHANNEL ROCK CROSS-VANE STRUCTURES MAY BE NECESSARY TO CONTROL GRADE FOLLOWING REPAIR AND STABILIZATION EFFORTS. THE EXACT LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF STRUCTURES TO BE DETERMINED BY DESIGNER AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. . ~ ~; EXISTING o ~ ~ STREAM CHANNEL ._- ~_ ~ yr- SF ~{ ~• UTILITY LINES /~ ----- ,~ \ ® CONS RUCTION Approx. Downstream ~ CORRIDOR Llmlt of Repair ~ Stablllzatlon Efforts RIP RAP A5 WETLANDS STREAM BUFFER UTILITY EASEMENT _ TEMPORARY -~` SILT FENCE _ LIMIT OF `~ DISTURBANCE Project: rroject No.: BRIAR CHAPEL sa I s.wo ^~ °10E "'""~ REPAIR ~ STABILIZATION PLAN Prod. Mgr.: Drawn: 5C NMM Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Location: Bent: tale: 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, Norih Cazolina 27614 Phone: (919) 846-5900 I'ax: (919) 846-9467 CHATHAM CO., NC NEWLAND COMMUNITIES I " = I O' www.8and8C.com Sheet Title: Sheet No.: PROPOSED STREAM REPAIRS - 17 OF 19 Stream Channel Co \ ~ \ Cp Approx. Upstream Llmlt of Repalr ~ Stablllzatlon Efforts NORTH SCALE I " = 10' 10 5 O 10 SF ~~ 4 SF \ y / ~ ~ / ~ ~'S --___. ~ f Outer Edge m o~~ o - ;~ z~ ~~oo DRAWI NGS PRINTED ~ NOTEB: ~~Z / " I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, CONTOURS, UTILITIES AND CHANNEL ~ ~ ~'u Z ~ AT h ALF S CALF IMPACTS PROVIDED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. o a ~' _ / ~ / 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES Z N / ARE APPROXIMATE, g ~ ~ ~,. ~~~L ~ /~ 3. CHANNEL IMPACTS SURVEYED BY JOHN R. MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. ~ p o ~o / ON 9127107. SURVEYED CHANNEL IMPACT = ~ F- u ,_ / QQ ~ z~. \ \ ~ U~ ~ QO ~ Q Q u NH ~ / w \ ~+& p N~ ~ ~ ~o~ °~\ Stream hannel ~~ % ~ ~ ~_~°~ ~~ ~ NORTH Approx. Upstream ~ /" o ~ o==~ d SUN ~~~~~~_,~ ~ Llmlt of Repalr ~ ' ~~~ j ~ SCALE I ° = 10' d ~ Stablllzatlon Efforts / ~ ~ a °~ ~ / ~~ ~ I o~~o ~ °~ ~ \ a b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ,~ P ~~,\ ~ °~ ~ ~ ~ ~' as / \°G ~ %~ U0. \°\ E ~u G ~ U Outer Edge ~ ~ ~ a ~~ ~ °~ Exlsting 50' ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Stream Buffer ~ z ~ ~,~' 0m ~ ~ ~~ ~ \ q NOTE: ~ / ~ ~~ ~~. W a °L V~. ~~ (~ .a IN-CHANNEL ROCK CROSS-VANE STRUCTURES MAY BE ~ ~ ~ z NECESSARY TO CONTROL GRADE FOLLOWING REPAIR ' \ / ~ ~ O o AND STABILIZATION EFFORTS. THE EXAGT LOCATION ~ ='~~ ~ ~~~ ~ AND ELEVATION OF STRUCTURES TO BE DETERMINED \ ~\ BY DESIGNER AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. \ \ \ J~ ,, / / EXISTING STREAM BUFFER ~ \~ \ ,,"`~ Approx. Downstream STREAM CHANNEL ~ \ Llmlt of Repalr ~ Restore Stream Channel to Stablllzatlon Efforts ~---~ UTILITY LINES __ _ UTILITY EASEMENT 3~- ~ Appropriate Slze, Llne Banks °~ 35' WIDE \ ~ \ with Colr Matting and Live CONSTRUCTION -~_ TEMPORARY ~ Stake as Directed. T Ical °~ CORRIDOR SILT FENCE Yp Upstream and Downstream ~ ~ a RIP RAP _ LIMIT OF \ ~ `~\ ~ j -~ DISTUR6ANCE \ ~ °°~w m ~ WETLANDS ~ \ ,, ~° ~ ~\ 0 20°8 5°il ~ En~,r°nmencal ~°nsultznts, PA PROPOSED 5T REA M REPAIRS -CULVERT CROSSING 0 BANKFULLBENCH PROFILE VIEW 24" EC 2" ECO-STAKE® NCO-STAKE® ECO-STAKF~ • TRENCHED TOP OF MATTING TO A • MINIMUM 2' CENTERS ALONG BOTTOM • 12" ECO-STAKES INSTALLED IN BANK DEPTH OF AT LEAST 12", STAKE OR STAPLE IN PLACE, ~ BACKFILL • MINIMUM I' OVERLAP AT JOINING FLUSH WITI1 COIR MATTING ABOVE TO DESIGN GRADE SECTIONS OF COIR MATTING BOTTOM ROW OF 24" ECO-STAKES® • MINIMUM 24" ECO-STAKES • ECO-STAKES SPACED AT INSTALLED ALONG TOE OF MATTING MAXIMUM 3' CENTERS (APPROX.) (Intercept between water surface and bank) COIR MATTING DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) o ~ o - m ~ "00 -.. m o, _ PLAN / / BASE FLOW WATER ELEVATION PfZOFILE VIEW BANKFULL BENCH • LIVE STAKES INSTALLED IN BANK WITH DEAD-BLOW HAMMER • 415 OF STAKE IN GROUND • BUDS ORIENTED UPWARDS • 3' CENTERS (APPROX.) • CUT EXPOSED END OF LIVE STAKE AFTER INSTALLATION IF DAMAGED DUE TO INSTALLATION (i.e. damaged bark, split ends, etc.) LIVE STAKE PLANTING DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) !~ ©2008 Soil ~ Envmonmental 2 3 Open planting Place bare-root Close hole with hole with seedling in hole - Shovel or Auger- Shovel or Auger root collar at no air space surface around roots BAREROOT SEEDLING PLANTING DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) NUICS: I . OVERALL TREEISHRUB DENSITY IN BUFFER TO REMAIN NOT LE55 THAN 680 STEMS/ACRE. AREAS WITHIN THE BUFFER THAT COINCIDE WITH THE EXISTING SEWER EASEMENT WILL NOT BE PLANTED WITI1 WOODY SPECIES. 2. ALL AREAS TO BE STABILIZED WITH CUSTOM PERMANENT RIPARIAN BUFFER SEED MI NOTE: CROSS VANE MAYBE CONSTRUCTED WITH OR WITHOUT STEP DEPENDING ON SITE CONDITIONS. z g o_ ~" OR "B'. z ATE STONE w 0 ~F QQ =N U~ ~m QQ ~N LE FABRIC ~ v ~ o ~ BANKFULLSTAGE R POOL CROSS ROCK VANE WITh STEP-POOL DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) PA. TYPICAL STRUCTURE, PLANTI NG, ~ COI R MATTI NG DETAILS ~P a~ Z z c ~~ ~a P ~~ o V° a E . o a ;j .. V n m ~~~ r ~U om •~ a z m ~~ ~~ FLOW STREAM CHANNELBED~~ GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOOTER ROCKS PROFILE STEP FRONT VIEW ANGLE-CUT END RIGHT BANK LEFT BANK Site Photos Photo 1-Utility Crossing 4, with Permanent Easement (Looking Downstream) Briar Chapel January 2008 Photo 2-Utility Crossing 4, Upstream of Permanent Easement (Looking Downstream) Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&1/C Job # 5815.W0 Site Photos Photo 3-Utility Crossing 5, Immediately Upstream of Existing Permanent Easement (Looking Downstream) Briar Chapel January 2008 Photo 4-Utility Crossing 5, Downstream of Permanent Easement (Looking Upstream) Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job # 5815.W0 Site Photos Photo 5-Utility Crossing 6, Immediately Upstream of Permanent Easement (Looking Downstream) Photo f~Utility Crossing 6, Looking East at Crossing Briar Chapel Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA January 2008 S&EC Job # 5815.W0 Site Photos Photo 7-Culvert Crossing A, Downstream (Looking East) Photo 8-Culvert Crossing A, Downstream (Looking West) Briar Chapel Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Jamiary 2008 S&EC Job # 5815.W0 Site Photos Photo 9-Culvert Crossing A, Downstream of Outlet Pipe (Looking Upstream) Photo 10-Culvert Crossing A, Upstream (Looking West) Briar Chapel Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA January 2008 S&EC Job # 5815.W0 Site Photos Photo 11-Culvert Crossing B (Looking Downstream) Photo 12-Culvert Crossing B, Upstream of Inlet (Looking West) Briar Chapel Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA January 2008 S&EC Job # 5815.W0 Site Photos Photo 13-Culvert Crossing D (Looking Downstream) -~~_~-, ~. ~ ,,~, ~: y tia v '%~"' ~'`" e t~,. r" ~* .. r° ~.. rxF' ~ L .~ J°r:. ~~'`~~ .3 ~' . ~ , ~:'r~"` " ._ Photo 14-Culvert Crossing D (Looking Upstream) Briar Chapel Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA January 2008 S&EC Job # 5815.W0 Site Photos .., Photo 15-Culvert Crossing M (Looking Downstream) Photo 16-Culvert Crossing M (Looking Upstream) Briar Chapel Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA January 2008 S&EC Job # 5815.W0 Site Photos Photo 17-Culvert Crossing O, Downstream of Dissipater (Looking Downstream) Briar Chapel Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA January 2008 S&EC Job # 5815.W0