HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140333 Ver 1_IRT Field Meeting-Holman_20140411IRT Field Meeting Notes — Holman Mill April 11, 2014 Meeting Attendees Todd Tugwell/USACE Tyler Crumbley/USACE David Bailey/USACE Andy Williams/USACE Keleigh Yelverton/USACE Eric Kulz/NCDWR Ginny Barker/NCDWR Travis Wilson/NCWRC Kristie Corson/NCEEP Jeff Schaffer/ NCEEP John Hutton/Wildlands Jeff Keaton/Wildlands Angela Allen/ Wildlands John Hutton of Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (Wildlands) led the group on a tour of the proposed mitigation site. The purpose of the tour was to present the site to a group of IRT members and to get input into the management/mitigation options implemented at the site. During the tour, the group openly discussed the condition of the stream channels on the site and the design options and crediting scenarios they felt would be most appropriate to restore and enhance the channels. UT1 The tour began with Reach UTI. John explained that Enhancement II (E2) was proposed for this reach with short sections of restoration where appropriate (to be determined after a full survey and existing conditions assessment). Fencing out of cattle is proposed as part of E2 activities. The upstream end of this reach is a culvert under Holman Mill Road and the downstream end is the confluence with Pine Hill Branch. The following suggestions were made by members of the group: • John mentioned that bedrock on site holds grade along the reach and that native rock will be used on site for structures. Todd recommended that if there was not enough bedrock found in the survey that grade control should be added. • Travis mentioned the merits of doing restoration to establish floodplain connection from the upstream culvert approximately 200' downstream to the nick point. Todd concurred that this was a good approach and was a large enough reach to be called out separately for crediting as restoration. • It was discussed whether UT 1 downstream of the nick point should get a single credit ratio between E2 and restoration because of the combination of these two practices. It was agreed upon by Jeff S., Todd, and John that if habitat was added, the stream bed was raised so that the stream could access to the floodplain, and the sections needing bank grading were repaired that the combined treatments would be beyond E2 activities and it would be preferable for Wildlands to request Enhancement 1 (E1) rather than a lower ratio or combination of E2 and restoration ratios. • Travis mentioned that the pond would limit the sediment load to UT1. John said that material harvested from other channels and elsewhere on-site would be used to "seed" the UTI streambed. • Todd mentioned making sure the 90° bend approximately mid -way down UT1 is addressed in the plans by adjusting the pattern. • Tyler and David noted several potential jurisdictional wetland areas and questioned whether a Jurisdictional Determination was being performed. John said that a JD would be performed and assured all impacts would be accounted for. • There was a discussion on re -using the fescue that currently lines the banks as sod mat during construction in those areas. Todd and Travis agreed that limited use of existing fescue sod for bank treatments was an acceptable practice but cautioned that extensive use of fescue is discouraged. Pine Hill Branch The tour moved from UT1 and walked north along Pine Hill Branch. John explained that preservation with a ratio of 5:1 would be requested for this reach. John noted that most of the floodplain would be included in the riparian buffer, which is to extend 75-100 ft on either side of the stream. The following discussion and suggestions were brought forth by members of the group: • It was asked if the conservation easement would extend to the adjacent property on the eastern bank of Pine Hill Branch. John noted that the property line is not along the stream centerline, but rather is located off the right top of bank some currently unknown distance; however there is an option on the adjacent property should a portion of that land need to be included. • Travis asked if there would be any landowner crossings. John responded that there would be no crossings for the entire project. • Tyler noted that bedrock seams were spaced throughout the reach and there were very few areas of erosion. • Eric noted that the reach appeared stable and there were areas of sand deposition on the floodplain indicating connection to the floodplain. • The quality of the reach was discussed further and Todd suggested that E2 should be requested for the reach maintaining the ratio of 5:1 because the stream wasn't high enough quality for preservation and E2 activities were being performed in some locations. • Jeff Shaffer wanted to ensure that the wetland area near the confluence with UT2 is included in the riparian buffer and conservation easement in the final plans. UT2A The group then walked along UT2A. John explained that restoration was proposed for this reach with a short section of Priority II restoration to tie into UT2. He also pointed out the remnant channel feature and noted that it would be utilized in the restoration pattern and that cattle would be fenced out of the area. Todd agreed with this approach and noted that this section had gravel and cobble substrate with better bed formation than some other reaches. It was agreed that this material would be salvaged and re -used on the restored channel. UT2 The group then walked along UT2 and John explained that restoration would be requested for this reach from the confluence with Pine Hill Branch until the bedrock nick point observed by the group. He also stated that E2 was requested upstream with cattle fencing and buffer planting throughout. The following recommendations and discussion were made by the group: • The group noted that a small portion of the channel (from the nick point to just upstream of the confluence with UT2A) was incised and likely had been ditched on the edge of valley but was of higher quality. and the group questioned whether E2 would be more appropriate for that portion of channel than restoration. John noted that in order to achieve a Priority I restoration for the degraded downstream section, it may be necessary to raise grade through the higher quality section through a restoration or E1 approach. Wildlands will assess both possible design scenarios following site survey and will proceed with enhancement in the higher quality section if it allows for a Priority 1 approach downstream. . • E2 was agreed upon as the approach above the nick point. UT2B The group finished the site tour by walking along UT2B. John explained that it was an intermittent channel and no work would be done on it except for fencing out cattle and planting a riparian buffer. Todd and other members of the group agreed on the approach. Overall, Todd noted that it is a strong project with low risk and high water quality improvement potential. Eric noted the good uplift potential for the site.