HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160347 Ver 1_Application_20160408h 7,a T}ansportatton Apri18, 201G Mr. John Thomas US Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Dr. 5uite 105 Wake Foresk, NC 27615 PAT McCRORY Governor NICHOLAS J. TENNYSON Secmtary SUBJECT: Nakionwide Permit #13 and 33 Bridge No. 17 on NC 47 (Junior Order Home Road) over Swearing Creek; Class C WBS project no.: 45736.1, l Davidson County, NC Dear Mr. Thomas, We are requesting a Nationwide 13 and 33 permit for replacement of Bridge No. 17 on NC 47 (Junior Order Home Road over Swearing Creek (Class C) iji Da�idson County. I ha�e attached a pre-construction notification application, a stormwater management plan, permit drawings, a Northern long-eared bat 4{d} Streamlined Consultation Form, concurrence letters with the USFWS, and No Survey Required forms from NCDOT Cultural Resources for Historic Architecture and Archeology. The project will perniaa�ently impact 85' of stream bank for bank stabilization and Eemporarily impact 2i' for instaliation of an imper�ious dike necessary for bank installation of bank stabilization. Also, 0.01 acres of the stream bed for a temporary causeway. This will be within the area of the pei�manent bank stabilization. The streambed wiil be restored to preconstruction contours once the causeway is remo�ed. The project area was sur�eyed for Schweinitz's 5unflower (T) on September 4, 2015 by Amy Euliss, and none were found. Also, there are no known populations of Schweinitz's sunflower within 1 mile of the project area. Therefore, it was determined that there will be no effect on 5chweinitz's sunflower. NCDOT previously committed to a tree clearing moratorium from May 15-August 15 as a conser�ation measure to avoid disturbing potential Northein long-eared bats in their summer roosting habitat under the 'Inte��im 4d z�ute'. See attached concurrence letters. However, with the issuance of the 'Final4d rule', NCDOT will no longer meet the moratorium. See attached `Northern Long-eared Bat 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consulkation form for more info��mation. Thus, for the proposed action, NCDOT has committed to the co�isecvation measures listed below: �Nothing Compares�...` Stnte of Nortli Carotina � Deparl�ueiit of Tra�asportation � Division 9— CONSTRUCTION 375 Silas Creek Yarkway � Winsron-Salem, NC 27127 (336) 747-7500 'f � {336) 703-6693 F l) No alterG�tions of a knawn hi�et�nac�ilum's enlrance or interior enviranment if it iTz���airs an essential bchavic,ral pattern, including she[lering Narchern long-eared l�ats (January I through D�ce�7�b�t� 3 I }; 2) IVo tree removal withii� a 0.25 n�ile radius af a knawn I}ibernacula (J�nua�y 1 t6t��ough Decembec- 31); �tnd 3} �io cuttil�g o�• �fest�•oying a la7own, �ccupied mlter��ity ►�oast kree, or a�ly ot�rer trees withi�� a I Sfl-foot i�adii�s from the knowi�, occupied maternity tree durir�g the �er'iod frarii Tune 1 thr�t�b17 and including July 3 I. NCDOT has cleteen�ir�ed that t}te p�'oposeel aetit�n daes not rec�uire separate consulta[ion o�� the grounds that the praposed �clian is consistent with the final Se�tion 4(d} ru]e, codifiecl at SO C.P.R. § 17.4Q(o) and effective Fcbruary lb, 201G, Section 7 respoz�sibilities are th�r�fore considered i��lfilled. The Division c�f Water ��so�rrces has beei� copi�e�i o�� the pef-mit ap�licatioia 1s a courtesy. By ca�y of this leitej-, we also request Mai-la Cha«1h�rs, NC Wilcilife Resourc�s Commission, to comn�erlt clirectly to ttte Cor�s conceri�ii�g the permit rec�uest. Tf yau have any questions, commcnls or »eec� additional ittfarrnatioi� after reviewin� tttis n��terial please contact me �t (336} 747-7802. Ta7�tnk yQt� for your cooperation in this matter. Sii7cerely, � Am Euliss Divisian Environme«tal Officer, NCDOT Division 9 Att�chments: Application F�cka�e a�7ci plans CC: D�ve Wanucl�a, I'�iCDENR-DWR, En�ir-on«�er�t�[ S�ecialist- e-eopy I�risti� Carpenker, NCDENR-DWR, Tt�ansporlatian Permitting Unil .Adn�i��istr�tive Assist�nt- e-capy Matt Jo��es, P.E., Division Brid�e Pro�i-ar�� Engirtie.cr- e-copy Pkiil Slrggs, I7ivision 9 Roatlside Environmenkal Engineer- e-copy MarIa Chambees, WRC- e-copy Andrew Henciersc�n, USFWS Ashe�ille Field Oi"fice, e-capy �Nothing Campares� St�te aF North Carolina I nzp�ruvem of Transportaiiai � I)irisiun 9- CONS'TidUC`CIOv ?7:'+ Silac Geek Paei:��.a}' I 41'in.ton-Sa1em. NC 27127 {3i6� 7�7-7500 f �[33G} 7Q3-(G4i � �,�F W'�r�9�� Office Use Only: �� f�" ° �; Corps ackion ID na. � s r� _,� i��� i v __ " DWQ project no. _- Form Versiora 1.4 January 2009 Pre-Construction Notificatian �PCN) Form A. Applicant Information 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: ❑X Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1 b. Specify Nationwide Rermit (NWP) number: 13, 33 or General Permit {GP) nurr�ber: 1 c. Has the NWP or GP nurnber been uerified by the Corps? ❑X Yes ❑ No 1 d. Type{s} of apprpval sought from the DWQ (check a�Y that apply}: ❑ 4�1 Water Quality Certification — Regular ��Jon-404 Jurisdictional General Permit []X 401 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is ihis not�fication solely for fhe record For the record only for DWQ For the recorci only for Gorps Permit: beeause written approval is not required? 401 Certification. � Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑X No 1 f. Is payment into a rnitigation barrk or in-Eieu fee prograrxi proposed for mitigativn af impacts'? If sq, attach khe accepfance letter f�om mitigation bank ❑ Y�s � No or in-lieu fee program. 1 g. Is the project focated in any of NCs twen#y coastal caunties. If yes, answer 1 h � Yes X❑ No below. 1 h. 6s the project located within a NC C]CM Area of Environmerrtal Concem (AEC)? '0 Yes ❑X Nv 2. Pra�ect Information 2a. Mame of project: Replacement of Bridge no. 1i on �kC 47 (J�nior Order Hdme F2oad) 2b. County: DaVidsan 2e. IVearest municipality 1#own: Lexington 2d. Subdivision name: NA �e. NCDOT only, TJ.P. ar state project no: B-57$Q 3. �wner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Qe�d: NCDOT Division 9 3b. Deed Book and Page No. 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if pa� I�ey, '�.E. Diuision �ngineer applica�le): 3d. Street address: 375 Silas Creek Parkway 3e. City, state, zip: Winstan Salem, NC 27127 3f. Telephone na.: 336-747-780Q 3g. Fax na.: 336-703-6693 3h. Email address: pivey@ncdot.gov '�age 1 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner} 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent �X Other, specify; DEO 4b, Name: Amy Euliss 4c. Business name NCDOT Di�ision 9 (if applicable): 4d. Stree# address: 375 Silas Creek �arkway 4e. City, state, zip: Winston Salem, NC 27127 4f. Telephone no.: 336-747-7802 4g. Fax no.: 336-703-6693 4h. Email address: aeuliss@ncdot.go� 5. AgentlCansultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: 5b. Business name (if applicable); 5c. Street address: 5d. City, state, zip: 5e. Telephone no.: 5f. Fax no.: 5g. Email address: Page 2 of 10 B. Project Information and Prior Project History 'I. Property Identification 1a. Property identificakion no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): NA 1 b. Site coordina#es (in decimal degrees}: Latitude: 3���55443 Longitude: 80.305883 1c. Property size: 2.15 acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water to proposed project: Swearing Creek 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest recei�ing water: Class C 2c. Ri�er basin: Yadkin-Pee Dee 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing condifions on khe sjte and the general land use in the �icinity of the project at the time of this application: The existing site is currently a 4ndge in a mixed agricultural, rural residential and industrial seriing. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 0 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of ali existing 5treams (intermittent and perennial} on the property: 500 3d. Exp[ain the purpose of the proposed project: Replace a sEructurally deficienl bridge in ihe same lacation. 3e. Describe the overall praject in detail, including the 4ype of equipment to be used: Replace a bridge with a new bridge in the same locaEion. Standarti road and bridge construction equipment wilf be used. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations �a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinaiions by the ❑ Yes ❑x No ❑ Unknown Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property � Camments: ro'ect includin all rior hases in the ast? 4b. If the Carps made the jurisdictional determination, what type � preEiminary ❑ Final of de#ermination was made? 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? PtigencylConsuitant Company: Name (if k�own): Other: Amy Euliss, NCDOT �EO 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. 5. Project History 5a. Ha►re permiks or certifications been requested or obtained for � Yes ❑X No ❑ Unknown this project {including al! prior phases) in the past? 5b. 1f yes, explain in detai� according to "help file" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased praject? ❑ Yes ❑x No 6b. if yes, explain. Page 3 of 10 PCN Form -- Version 1.4 ,�anuary 2009 C. Proposed Im�acts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply}; ❑ Wetlands ❑X Streams — tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2, Wetland Impacts IF there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, fhen complete this question for each wetland area impacted, 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of impact Type of wetland Forested Type of jurisdiction Area of number Corps (4Q4,iQ) or impact Permanent (P) or DWQ (401, oiher) {acres) 7em ora T W1 - Choose one Choose one Yes1No - VII2 - Choose one Choose one YeslNo - W3 - Choose one Choose one YeslNo - W4 - Choose one Choose one YeslNo - W5 - Choose one Choose one YeslNo - ws - Choose one Choose one YeslNo - 2g. Total Wetland Impacts: 2h. Comments: 3. 5tream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e, 3f. 39• Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial {PER) or Type of Average impact number intermittent {IN�? �urisdiciion stream length Permanent {P} or width {linear Temporary (T) (feet) feet) S1 P Stabilization blvearing Creek PER Corps 30 65 S2 T Dike blvearing Creek PER Corps 30 21 S3 - Choose one _ _ S4 - Choose one - - g� - Choose one - - S6 - Choose one - - 3h. Total stream and tribukary impacts 3i. Comments; A temporary causeway will be installed in the channel (or bent removal. The size will be approx. 0.01 acres, and will be within the footprint oi the permanent bank stabilization. Page4of10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2Q09 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, esluaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individuall list all o en water im acts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody Area of impact (acres) �ermanent (P) or type Tem ora 7 01 - Choose one Choose 02 - Choose one Choose 03 - Choose one Choose 04 - Choose one Choose 4f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comment5: 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or IaEce construction ro osed, then com leke the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c, 5d. 5e. Pond ID number �roposed use or Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland purpose of pond (acres) Flooded Filled Exca�ated Flooded Filled Excavated P1 Choose one p2 Choose one 5f. Total: 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: 5i. Expected pond surface area (acre5): 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres}: 5k, Method of construction: 6. Buffer Impacts (for pWQ� If project wiil impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If an im acts re uire miti aiion, ihen ou MUST fill out Sec#ion D of fhi5 form. fia. Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamfico ❑ Caiawba ❑ Randleman ❑ Qther: 6b. 6c. 6d, 6e, 6f. 6g. Buffer Impact Reason for impact Stream name Buffer Zone 1 Zone 2 number — mitigation impact impact Permanent (P) or required? (square {square Tem ora T feet feet 61 - Yes1No B2 - YeslNo B3 - YeslNo 84 - YeslNo B5 - YeslNo B6 - Yes1No 6h. Total Buffer Empacts: 6i, Comments: Page 5 of 10 D. fmpactJustification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Speciflcally describe measures taken io a�oid or minimize the proposed impacts in designir�g project. The bridge will be replaced with a bridge. Best management practices for stormwater ireatment have 6een implemented. See attached SMP. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to a�oid or minimize the proposed impacts through consiruction iechniques. Construction runoff has been minimized by designing the erosion control plan according to NCDOTs BMP manual. 2. Com ensato Miti ation for Im acts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a, Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for ❑ Yes ❑X No impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? 2b, If yes, mitigaiion is required by (check all that apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps ❑ Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigaiion option will be used for this ❑ Payment to in-lieu fee program project? ❑ Permittee Responsible Miiigaiion 3. Com lete if Usin a Miti ation Bank 3a. Name of Miiigation Bar�k: Type: Choose or�e Quantity: 3b. Credits Purchased (aitach receipi and letler) Type: Choose or�e Quantity: Type: Choose or�e Quantity: 3c. Commer�is: 4. Com �ete if Makin a Pa ment to In-lieu Fee Pro ram 4a. Appro�al letter from in-Eieu fee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: Choose ar�e 4d. Buffer mitigaiion requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4f, Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coasfal (tidal} weiland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Comments: 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mikigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, pro�ide a description of the proposed mikigation plan. Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will ii�e project result in an impact within a profected riparian buffer that requires � Yes OX No buffer mitigation? 6b. IF yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each xone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. CaEculate the amount of mitigation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impacf Total impact Multiplier Required mitigation (square feet} (square feet) Zone 1 3(2 for Catawba) Zone 2 �,5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: 6g, If buffer miiigakion is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g,, payment to pri�ate mifigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an appro�ed in-lieu fee fund}. 6h. Comments: Page 7 of 10 E. Stormwater Managemer�t and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse �low Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified � Yes ❑X No within one of the NC Ri arian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. Not in a buffered basin. ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a, What is the o�erall percent imperviousness of this project? 30 % 2b. does ihis ra'ect re uire a Stormwater Mana ement Plan? � Yes ❑ IVo 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Sformwater Management Plan, explain why; 2d. If ihis project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then pro�ide a brief, narrati�e description of the plan: A stormwater management plan has been developed, and is aflached to the PCN. 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the 5iormwater Management Plan? NCDOT Hydraulics 3. Certified Local Go�ernmer�t Stormwater Re�iew 3a. In which local overnment's'urisdiction isthis ro'ect? ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of the foflowing locally-impfemented stormwater management programs � NSW apply (check a1! that apply): � USMP ❑ Water 5upply Watersi�ed � Other: 3c. Has ihe appro�ed 5tormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Re�iew � Coastal caunties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of the foliowing state-implemented stormwater management pragrams apply �ORW (check all that apply}: ❑Session Law 20Q6-246 ❑Olher: 4b. Has the appro�ed Stormwater Management Plan with proof of appro�al been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 5. DWQ b01 Unit Stormwater Re�iew 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? � Yes � No 5b. Ha�e all of i#�e 40i Unit submittal requirements been met? � Yes ❑ No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 F. Supplementary Information 1, �nvironmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement} 1 a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federallstatellocal} funds or the 0 Yes ❑ No use of public (federallstate) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to ihe above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requiremenis of ihe National or State DYes ❑ No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPAISEPA}? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the Siate Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) N{inimum Criteria Checklist was prepared. The Siate Clearing House does not ❑ Yes ❑X NO Comments: review Minimum Criteria Checklists. 2. Viotations (DW� Requirementj 2a. Is the site in violaiion of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H ,0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑Yes ❑X No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit app{ication? ❑Yes ❑X No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirementj 3a. Wifl ihis project (based on past and reasonably anticipated fukure impacts) result in �Yes X❑ No addilionaE development, which could impact nearby downstream waier quality? 3b. if you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance wikh the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. Bridge to bridge ptojects are minor, and do not require indirect and cumulative analyses. 4. Sewage Disposal {DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capaciky of the subject facilify. NA Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 20a9 5. Endangereci Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a, WII this pToject occur in or near an area with federally protected species or 0 Yes ❑ No habitat? 5b. Ha�e you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act 0 Yes ❑ No impacts? 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Fiefd Office you ha�e contacted. Ashe�ille 5d. Whai data sources did you use fo determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? NC Natural Heritage data. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitak? ❑ Yes 0 No 8b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement} 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal go�ernments ha�e designated as ha�ing historic or cultural preservation � Yes ❑X No status (e.g., National Hisforic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina hisiory and archaeology)? 7b. What daia sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeologica! resources? 5uhmitted through NDOT Cultural Resources for review. Received 'No 5urvey Required' forms for both Historic Architecture and Atcheo�ogy. 5ee aKached. B. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement] 8a, Will this project occur in a FEMA-designafed 100-year floodplain? ❑X Yes ❑ No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: Type I MOA Sc. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? NC One map FEMA layer L! [.-L \ "' � r � � � Applicant/Agent's Printed Name piican gen s Signature ate (Ag E's s�gnature is valid only if an aulhorization letter from the a Eicant is rovided. Page 10 of 10 � �_ � � � 0 0�� � �'�" �, N N� N T � ._.. � M � O Z Z_� � U O > � C � a _ � m � � � � � N f0 > i0 > N � Q fl. �p f� y 01 i[) Z N �d" UZ m =o � c'> � a >� a�o u «' ° " � °' °' a� n� N � d o � !n -O o � m m d U y � C f6 L ip O C C� U N 'O � V y� N (6 � W � � U � •6 y� �- O — L � ' °' CO 3 � a�i � E � � o m �' Y a � � a a� 01 N� > > O N O W y� � -a � o 0 3� a� �'� � m w c� co . m o L Q 'N a�n a� U � o � d m a� � y -°'o a 2 Cp p� � 3 p� J°o o� �o U3 � 0 3 Q� fl- � 10 >. � m — d • a �� � �� � � � � � � 3 ° 3 y � c F U�� rn'c� y �0 m � L � 00 0 � o � V N N-� Z � N 01 S' C� d N C �6 � C > ��� Y O y �£ Q � C a s w -o � .X U m � .. � a -a a � o w a�B E ° > Q o c a� Z � " 'n c x a v �0 � @ in o m Z`m o � � 3 o a � U Z � `-' co — y � .o J ,°' �. � �� a �c U o a E a � •• � � o i �.o �' a ��Z o o m o � mN N@ in �o R m � � U � c o w F ° ;� ,� _ �a ° � a� o � a -o > p a W W� � c �� o a� -_�o M� a o o �m p � C7 y�� m o 0 o Q c x � o E m v� E U y � @ Q a � � U U U •� E � c� = a � o `o Z �.L. 3Z N b '�� 3 C � � Q � .. � � � m � � � � c �p . � o w d O � "o � a � � � d a�i fn W Z� d o c�f 01 � }� N � N O o � f6 y o� x � a �@ O� � � Q o 3 � � 'o � � � � � � y � � m :_ � � � � � � � � � � r U c m a c m o ��k �-o c � °'N �.� � � � o f6 =� � J y � V Q1 d n N V � y� U � C'p O (� a O@= y � � O � c� � � a o- � m Q o_ .� � � � `o_ 0 9 � a -o o�m a o� U d � vi Z £ o d � � m � � '� a� 3 N m a fl- �n �6 s d p�' Z � Q- � �@ c6 � O d � O. 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W W . � W C.J £ N d � a�i � �- @ � o 0 H � `� v c � N } f0 � � U O O � � (n � @ O O a � � �- � N � �� �^ �n ��_�� � _ �, �, � Q U � a � � � � �a �- " � � C . (Q U � � � � @ � U > W � c a o � Z o � � a ;��� J �p _�� lj w � � � a a c m � � — — m H � � v � c �n a� a C C C .-. � — �6 m E� �_. d � m c 3 o � N Q. N � �� U U � � � � T � N � � V% N Y � a m � m � H C�O M + + � � � � O � �0 � O O + + � LL Cfl CO J J � N J +- O (/) Z la- O F- � U m a E .� � N O � N N f0 � N O � N � 'o � No�-thern I,on�-�arer� B�t 4l,dl Rule Streaarn.lined Cons�iltatian �"orm Federal agencies should use this far�r� for the optiona.l streamCined eonsultation fram�work far the �to�-thern iang-eared bat (7'�ILEB). This framework allokvs �ederal agencies ta re�y upon the U.S. Fish and Wildiife Service's (USPWS) Jan�iary 5, 201 b, intra-Service Programmatic B�olog�cal Opinion ($O} on the �nal 4(d) rule for ihe NLEB for section 7(a)(2) complianee by: (t j nfltifying the U�FW � that an action age�scy wi11 use the streamlined fran�ework; (2) describin� ti�e projeci with suf�icient detail to support the required determanation; and (3) en�6ling t11� USFWS to track effects �nd detez�mit�e if reinitiat�oil of consultat�on is req�ired per 5d CFR 4�2.16. T�is farrri is not necessary if ar� agency deterniines that a proposed actian wi11 Eiave no effect to tl�e NLEB ar if th� USFWS k�as concurred in writing with an age��cy's cietermination that a prop�sed actr+an may afFect, but is not (ikely to adversely affeci the NL�B (i.e., the startdard informal consultaiia� process}. Actions thax may causc prflhi�ited incicien#al take �-equi��e separate formal consultation. Pr�viding this infornnation does nat addi-ess section 7(a}(2) compliai3ce far any other fisted species. Informa#ian to Dete�-m�ne 4(d} Ru�ie Compliance: YES 1`�TC? 1. Does the project occ�tr wholly outside ofthe WI�iS Zone�`? ❑ x 2. Have you cantacted the appro�r�at� agencyz to detennine if y�ur project is near X � kt�ow�t hibe�a�cuia or tnaternity roost trees7 3. Could t�e �rQject disturb hibernating NL�Bs in a kztawn hibernaculunt? 0 x 4. Could the praject alter th� entrance or interior environrnent �f a know�t Q x l�ibernaeu��am? 5. I�o�s the project re.mc�ve any t�rees within 0.25 nniles oFa knt�wn hibernacul��rn at � � any time of year? 6. Would ti�e project c�t or destr�y laiown c�ccupied enatemity roost trees, or any ot�er trees withi�� a 1 Sa-faot radius from the materi-�ity roast tre� f`ra� June l 0 x thrqtt h Jt�l 31. You a�-e eligibEe tcs use this farm if you 1�ave answered ye� to question # 1�yes to que�tion #2 �no to questioi�s 3, 4, 5 and 6. The remainder of t�te form wi�l be used by ti�e USFWS to t1•ack our assumptions in #he BQ, Ager�cy and Ap�licant� {Narne, �mail, Phane No.}: NCDC)T Division 9, aeuliss�7a ncdot.gov, 336-747-7$Q2 Froiect Na�e: Re�lacerzaent of Bridge No. 17 on NC 47 (B-57$4) Praject LQcation (include caardir�ates if kanowi�}: Basic� Projec# Descriptian (provide nan-ative belaw or attacfl ac�ditional i�formation): � http://wurw.fws.gov/midwest/endan�ered/mammals/nleb/pdfIWN5Z�ne.pdf 7 L�..� Lu_.11""'"""'""C_"_ �_"d"_""J""'__al_""J__�_.._.J!"'_.."'"""_1_1..1_LI'_t'"_:.__ L..'__1 General Pro,�ect Ie�formation I'ES NO Daes the project �ccur wi�in 0.25 miles of a lcnown hibe�vaculum? ❑ � Does the pro�ect occur wathit� 1 SO feet of a known maternity roost tree? ❑ � Daes ihe project inc[ude forest conversiot��? (if yes, report ac:reage belmw} x Estimated totai acres of fvr�st cUnversion D.Gp acres If kn.own, estimated acres� of �ores� conversion from April 1 ta Oct�ber 31 Bp If knc�wn, estimate� acr�s af forest conversian from June 1 to July 31 b BD Does �he pr�ject ir�clu�e timber harvest? (if yes, repart acreage below) ❑ � Estimated total acres of timber harvest If ic�own, estimated acres of timber harwest fiom April 1 t� Ockober 31 If Itnow�i, estirnated acres of timber harves� fram June 1 tb Ju�y 31 T�oes the project incl�de presc�ibed �.re? (if yes, report acreage below} ❑ ;� �stemated #otal acres of prescribed �'ire if known, estimated acres �fprescribed fire from April 1 tt� (�ct€rber 31 If l�n�w�, est�mated acres of prescribed fire frQm ]una 1 to .Tuly 31 Does fihe prc�je�t i��s#al� uew wtnd turb�es? (if yes, r�port c�pacity in �vT"� belawj ❑ � Esti�nated wind capacih' (NIW) A�ency Determination: By signing this form, the actian agency determanes that t�is project may affect tI�e NLEB, but t�.at an� resultir�g ineide�tal talce of the NLE� is not prohibited by th� final 4(d) z�ale. Lf tk�e �JSFWS does not respond �;vithin 30 days �rorr� s�bmit�al of this f�orm, the a.ction ageancy rr�ay presume that its deter�z�inatiora is ar�`ormed by the best ava.ilabi� in�ormatzon and that its project responsibilities �nde.r 7(a)(2) with re�pect to the NLEB are fulfi�l�d through the USFV1lS .�az�uary 5, 2�16, �ro�,�r�xunatic F�Q. �°he �ction ageney will update this deterr�unation annually f�r multi-year activities. The action a�ency u�derstands ihat the �JSFWS presumes that all activities are ixnplemented as c�escribed here�n. The acti�r� agency will promptly report any �.�pa�-tures From the described activp�tic;� to the appropriate USFWS Field Office. The action ag�ncy will prav�de the appropriate USFWS Fie�d Qf#ice with the results of �ny surveys conduete� for fhe NLEB. Involved parties will promptly natify the a�propriate USFWS Fzeid O�fce upon �ind�.g a dead, injured, or sick NLEB. Signature: Uate Subanitted: � � � 4 A�y activiry i�at tempararily o� perma�e��tly removes suitable forestec� habitat, includ�ing, but n�t limited to, tre� removal �-ozn develapine�t, energy production and transmissior�, mining, a�-icuIture, etc. (see pa�e 4$ of the BC3). s�f the project removes �ess than 10 Erees anci the acr�age is unkr�awr►, repvrt the acrea�e as less than O.l acr�. h Ifthe ac#iv°sty inciudes �-ee cl�a.ring, in June and ]uly, alsn i�ctude tho�e acreage in ApriI to �c[aber. United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Ashevillec�'ieldcOfficeq 160�illicoac�treetq Asheville,�Iarthc�arolinac� 8801 q Augustc�S,c�O15q Ms.c}�my�ulissq Divisionc�c�nvironmentalcQfficerq Northc�arolina�epartmentcpfqTransportationq 375c�ilasc�reek�arkwayq Winston-Salem,c�lorthc�arolinac�7127q Dear�Vls.�uliss:q q Subj ect: �ndangeredc�peciesc�oncurrence�or�otential�mpactsc�oc�he�Torthern�,ong-earedq Batc�romc�he�eplacementcpf�ridge�To.ql7cpn�TCc�7gn�avidsonc�ounty,�orthc�arolina,qTIP�To.q s-s�go,�vBs�vo.�s�36.l.1.q q Asqequestedcpyc�hec�lorthc�arolinacpepartmentcpfqTransportationc�NCDOT)c}nc�ourc�ettercpfq Julyc� 1,c�O15,c�vec]�aveqeviewedc�hec}�aturalqesourcesqnformationc�ndc�iologicaloFonclusionc�vithq regardc�oc�he�ederallyc�hreatenedqiorthernc�ong-earedcpatc�NLEB)c�Myotis septentrionalis)�orc�heq subj ectcproj ect.c�Thecproposedcproj ectgncludesc�eplacing�ridge�To.ql7cpn�TCc�7.g�Vecprovidec�heq followingc�omments�nc�ccordancecyvithc�hecprovisionscpfc�ectionq7cpfc�he�ndangeredc�peciesc�lctcpfq 1973,c�sc}�mendedc�l6c�J.S.C.q1531-1543)c�Act).q Habitat�orc�he�TLEB �xistscglongc�he�roj ectc�orridorcgndc]�ascpeencgvaluatedc�'or�otential4mpactsq fromcprojectqinplementation.q�ccordingc�oc�heqnformationcprovided,c�oc�avescprqninesq�verec�'oundq inc�he�rojectc�'ootprintcgndc�vithincpne-halfqnilecQfc�heq�rojectc�ndc�hecgxistingcpridgec�asc}�oq evidencecpfcpatc�se.c�Vlinimalc�reeoFlearingc�villopccurc�oc}mplement�hecproject.cg q B asedcpnc�hec�egativec�urveysc�'orc�vinteringc]�abitatc�ndcgc�oinmitmentcpyc�he�iCDOTc�ocgc�reeq cuttingc�naratoriumc�etween�Vlayql 5 thcgndq'�ugustql 5 thc�ofc�nyc�ear)�orc�hec�ubj ect�roj ect,c�vec�greeq thatc}mplementationcpfc�his�roj ect4sQ`not�ikelyc�oc�dverselycgffect"c�he�TLEB 4nc�he�roj ectcgrea. �nq viewcpfc�his,c�vecpelievec�heqequirementsqindergectionq7(c)cpfc�hec}�ctcgre�u1fi11ed.�Iowever,q obligationsc�ndergectionq7cpfc�hec�ctc�nustcpec�econsideredg£c�l)qiewgnformationc�evealsqmpactsq ofc�his4dentifiedcgctionc�hatqnayc}�ffectc�istedgpeciescQrc�riticalc�abitat4nc�qnannerc�ot�reviouslyq considered,c�2)c�hisc�ctionqsc�ubsequentlyqnodifiedqnc�qnannerc�hatc}�vasq�otc�onsideredc}nc�hisq review,cprc�3)c�q�ewc�peciesqsc�istedcprc�riticalc�iabitatqsc�leterminedc�hatqnayc�ec�ffectedc�yc�heq identifiedc}�ction.q q Ifc�ouc�iavecguestionsc�boutc�hesec�omments,�leasec�ontact�Vls.c�Vlarellac�uncickcpfopurc�taffc�tq 828/258-3939,c�xt.�37.c�nc�ny�uturec�orrespondencec�oncerningc�hisq�roject,q�leasec�eferencecpurq Logc�lo.c{�-2-15-419.q Sincerely,q - - ot-igirzal siglzed - - Janetc�l.c�Vlizziq Fieldc�upervisorq STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPAR`i'MENT OF TRANSPORTATI4N PAT L. MCCRORY GOVERNOR July 21, 2015 Marella Buncick U.S. Fish and Wildlife 5ervice Ashevilie Field Office l60 Zillicoa Sireet Asheville, NC 28801 ANTHONY J. TATA SECRETARY Subject: Section 7 Concurrence Request on the Northern-long eared bat for the project area associated with the replacement of Bridge No. 17 on NC 47 (Junior Order Horne Rd} in Davidson County. TIP no. B5780. WBS no.45736.1.1. As of Apri12, 2015, the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalas; NLEB) is listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (LTSFWS) as "Threatened" with an Interim 4d rule including Da�idson County within NCDOT Di�ision 9 (http://www.fws.go�/raleigh/species/cntylist/nc counties.html). The project involves a 404 permit and state funds and is subject to 5ection 7 of the Endangered Species Act. Using USGS mines shapefiie dataset, a desktop assessment was conducted for any mines within one half mile of the project area. No mines were shown in the area. Therefore, no mines needed to be checked on foot. In addition, no known caves are in the area for the project. Based on the lack of mines and caves, no winter habitat will be affected by the project. There are no manrnade dwellings of suitabie habitat that are proposed to be rernoved in the project area. The project involves replacing an existing bridge with a metal deck, timber end walls, timber beams, and metal raiis. The bridge was surveyed for presence of bats or e�idence of bats, and neither was found. Thus, no structure moratorium will be implemented on the pmject. According to the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program {NHP) Biotics Database, most recently updated in Apri12015, NLEB ha�e not been documented in Davidson County. Howe�er, a rabies lab record that lacks specific location inforrnation exists for Davidson County in Division 9. The closest specifically documented occurrence of NLEB is in Wilkes County (NHP 2001 rnist net record), more than 54 miles from the project site. Potential summer roosting and foraging habitat in the forrn of forested areas interspersed with fields, and water sources do exist in or around the project. The project area involves minirnal tree clearing. NCDOT commits to a tree clearing moratorium in the project area from May 15 to August t 5 of any calendar year to a�oid disturbing potential Northern long-eared bats in their summer roosting habitat. Based on the results of proxirnity to known occurrences of NLEB, potential foraging and roosting habitat within the study area, and currently a�ailable guidance from USFWS, we deterrnined that pIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DIVISiDk �+iINE DIVISfON OFFICE 375 Si�a,s CReEK PnR�cwnY, W[iJS70N-SAL�M, NC 27127 PHONE {336} 747-78fl0 FAX (338) 703-6693 the project area will have a biological conclusion of Mcry Affect-Not Likely to Adversely Affect for NLEB. NCDOT believes that the requirements of Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA have been satisited and hereby request your concurrence. Thank you for your assistance with the project. Ifyou have any questions or need additional information, please contact Amy Eutiss at {336} 747-7802 or at aeuliss@ncdot.gov. Si cerel , �f� y Euliss Division Environmental Offcer, NCDOT Division 9 Cc: Mr. Jo�►n Thomas, USACE Malt Jones, Division 9 Bridge Program Manager Cheryl Gregory, NCDOT Biological Surveys Group Prujec! Trsrcki�+i� i"Jr�. (h�t�r�s�+! Oxe} 1 s-a�-c�c�o 1 I�IST�RIC ARCH�C'TECTCIRE AND LAIr1DSCAPE� NQ SU�VCY 1�QUIRCiI �'QRM This farm only pertains to F�istori� �rchitecture a��ci Landscapes far this project. It is not walid For Archaealogical �esources. Y�ou anust c�nsult separa�ely with the Archae�l�gy �Gr�up. PR,�JECT INF�R11�9ATION Project 1Vo: Q-S78�D Cr��rnty: Davidson i�`13S 1VU.: 45736.1. i Dncumerrt Minimiim Criteria Ty �e: Fecl. Arrl1VU: T�IIA �r�rarling: � State ❑ Pederal J�'erler�rl � Yes ❑ No Permit NW 3 i'errnit .r : Ty e{�;�: Pra�ecl Description: Re�lacc I��•idgc No. l`� an NC 47 {JLiniar O�•cier Hame Raad} over Swearing �reek. S[7MIVIdR1' QF HI�TQItIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAP�S �EVI�W Uc�scrintrrsn r�frevie►v activiiees, rr��sr,rlls, rrnrl c�r�cfusia�s.• Rer�iew of IIPO c�l�acl ma�s, F�E'Q C�IS inf�rrn�ttion, his#oric desig�iatians roster, and indexes was unciertaEcen o�a Jtily 15, 2fl15. Bascc� �r� tl�is review, there are ncs existi��g NR, SL, LD, �l:, or SS pro�ei-ties iE� the Area c�f Pot�ntial Effects, which is 4�0' fi-oin each er}c] c�f ihe briclge anci I 00' fro��i the centerline each way. []�avirisart Cauraty GI5 i��dic�tes tftat ihe four p�•oper-ties �vitl;in t1�e APE: ac•e all unriea� �ifty years of �ge, and Goa�;le Maps Strect View c�nfirms tl�at tile str���tures consist of twc� one-sto�y ranch hotnes aeid two mr�bplc hotnes. Bridge No. l7, bui�t 1975, is tia�der tif'ty years of age a��cl ns�t eli�ible Far iV�tianal Re�`rst��� listicti�. "I'here �r4 i�4 Natior�al Fte�ister listed or eli�ible ��roJ�et-ties and nc� survey is r�eq��ire�l. lf desi�n pla��s cEiaal�e, �ddition�l re�ievv cvilC b�. requi��ed. Wlr tlre r�vnifrable irr armrrtr'v�r rovirlc�s � relirr6le brrsis ar reas�rnab! reclicti►a tlrrrt ti�ere rrre arr� arr�rrlefztr" reri si pt! dC(1ill IFfSt[Jl'dC (IYCIt1ft'Ct,C�Y(ll �Y I(l7Il�SCtt e rc•snrsrc�s in tii� ��'ect r,�rerr: E-iP(a c�uad �na�s anc� GIS i�it�rinatia�j rccorditi,� F+lR, SL, LD, L]�, a��ci SS praperties fo�• tl�e Da�ic3sc�n Co��nty s��rWey, I]���idsoi� Co�i�aty G1SITax ii�fc�rmation, and Go��le Ma�s a��e consi�iere�� valsd for t�ic �trr���e�s c�fciete��minin� tl�e lil�elihocsci ofl�istoric resn��e�ces laeing p��es�nt. "i'here are no 1'�atinnal Re�ister listed ar� eli�iblc �roperties witl}'sn tf�� rhF'E �nd no st�rvey is renui��ecl. S�]PF�1�T D(7CUMCNTA�I[]N �VIa�(s} []Previotis �ur�ey [r�fo. ❑Phatas ❑Cr�rrespr�ncience �Design Plans F�I�I)ING BY NCD�T AIiC��XTE�CTURAL ��STCII�IAN rchitecture and Lanc�scap�s -- N� SUl�V�1'1' I�E+QUIT��`I3 I'�CDOT Architectural I-Iistflrian �?ate Ht.sfoi•rc �trcirifcc-rrrr�e rm�l l.r�ir�tecrrpe•.+ h°L? .tif Iltifl; Y Rl+.'�Jf 1!!{fil.7 fi�i•rir fnr Mi�rrrr 'f'n�ra.e�rnrrariort f'r�jc rr:s ns �i'rrrrl�jir�F r1r �ke 1f7i)7 Pr�grurr�nrurlrc r8�,irrnr� ��7. Pag� l nf 3 Pro�ect Locaiian. Ifi.slerrrc �Irchirecretrc �r�r�ll'.rrruf.scirhes NCJ Sf11Zf�1:`Y ftl:'�Ji11PUs1)forrrr f'nr•,Idrrrnr'1"rar�.c�x�ifrrlrnr� 1'�»jrc1.� rr.r {)aralifieal111 the Zt]Oi 1'rn�rrrrr�nralic Agr•ec2�re��i. Pag� 2 af 3 � _. . .'. -..f �4L�i::++1�' .�, �.. � � � rr ` � . Z , ,� y,�� ��, . . N: i'`�S'1;' ti . .�• .s�'� . , w �y. �. � ` " • �, � �' , . . � • • � }�t Mt�'M�� i'�.. 1�, ,� r �� .r %+ � .. . ' k w. � i; . r��/„ ����4� ti;^ � . ' ; � i. �:�� K�I�. : � i"° �.� �i` ,� �`�4� ` � 1 . �" � � 4 . , ; "�:. �, � �`� ^I�ay\�r:y'i.:r.. ..ri� +t�'��.s Ytlr � (r.` r� ,�"� .. � .L ` ' + � . .,.�: � �'r�f .�� , } �. t1�j �d ���'�`�'xa A _ � � - �,�y . � /r -- � t'h �ys�- C �l � ! I� + " . .d�. - ' , � Y��'$�i,� .y�� �i i .r , �� '4'.Ir� .�f �i}t ���f � �µ ' • . `. ., �,j� Fh ' ,c _ ' �- � _t' . ��Y�, . �YN� � . �4' ' i � :{ � � . . � " � � . . R�� ��(� _ Q ^t �f 'iI: y i. . . �. � �$ d' ' ' y Y . . � �..�'��': � .t: . 4 �� � � . - .� � , `' • 4 � ., , , :;�: � ,� . ' � .' `�t . . ' ' �r �r� ` •r �' ° _�� , , �. , . } �. M1.r, ,�,;.� : �?j Y .;�; ,. �E 4 � �. '� �� . .� i� � . N .� , }.. �'��5�i . • . .,`, . 'M �, �4� ' ' ;� {*,� ,'.�y'4�14.ui � (� � 4 • � r =' '�� '� 1 :l - •�!� ,r h � .. . � I' i . �i - !*'w. . � '�"'/ . � , i ��� + ' � ' - .��.i � .:�.t 1'f¢;'rT�.�. �. f' ..r.! - �:.� t � A �.Y'�f:' ,i 1,��.. . �1`r,'�.M� y ' �. j•' � �-�.. � ' . - , ... .�! � •.1�+'�',�'t.,,; , � , wt; ., .� .. ,�.�•�'� �+���' � ••• . y _ ,� � � ,, , ;, , , `c: � , . , , . ' � � � , ./ . '� ,..s _- - 4.�t;. . :;� _ ::, r :�. •y • -~� : `� �+. ., , �' ' , �s. , t,�: , . _ •� , ` . . i _. •, --� . �, -..e��;�;:y,; �" � � ��—'a �� ��i '.Ilf���..r ��"�=��- � . ' rY � �v•'.v��'�. ••',y:�. �}�r _ ' .wi�.e �•M,o,� 3_� —,'= + . . � .�l.� T�i:S�W�... .', _. ..:.. •t'+w� � � .... � ` .11 .��. 4 � rrr� .i�� �� Frr�jeel Trackr+ig Na.: � �-o�-oao � ,'a ��`''�, N+a AI�CHACULO�+GICAL SUR'VEY R�QUIRED FD�tM ,�;,�}.�?�`'ti �� 4�ry R ��°�` 'This faian only pertains tt� �IRGHA�QL�GICIIL R�SOIJ�C�S for this pro�ect. lt is ¢fot �� ���� Ui�'.�,,�% �+r. J � � ._ I -�j� �.o �v �.� v�alid for Historic Ar�cl�itecturc anc� Lanc�scapes. You must co��sulC se�arately �vith the ; °.. �ic��`� ElisYaric ,Arcl7itecture anc� Landscapes �ira�ap, �-�'Q�`� PR�JECT INF(]RMATI(ll'�1 Pre�jecl �Va: W13S Nv: F.�I. Nc�: I3-578U 4S73G. � .1 ��la I'G'CIL'Y'Cll� PL'i'1T7Ii I�f'C�llfY�ed? CDafnfy: I�acurrtent: Davictson iVICS l+arrzdir��: � State � Yes ❑ No Perrr�it �y�e: NV'VP3 ❑ Federa! ProjeL! I�Z�sc�iplio�r: This ]�rojeet prnpo�es lo replrrce �rirlge No. 1 T, rufrrcll crrrries NC97 (Ju�iinr (7r�Ier Nn»ie Rr!) over Sk�earr�rg Creek i�r Drruirfsoia C'or��rt�, Nar11r Crrrrrfixrn. �ccorrliirg fc� th� e►ivirotr��re►rtrll irrptr! rc=rrreest, the rr��rdertrrkr`irg ijrvafves flre i�t �frrce replrece►ne��r Uf �he slre�rct��re r�fn�i� tlre eeisiir�g rrfig�rrire�rl, !lrereby rtraaei►�rrzirrg pttle►�lrrrf sr�rfrrce a�trl sirhsrrrfrtce riist�rr6rurces rrl !ltis fncrrrfrrfr. f4ir o►r-site rl'�tor�r rorrte rs rrrrtr'crpaterl. Tfre rirclrcrer�lugr`err! �rea �f Pote►�tirr! Ejfecls (APE} r's cer�tere�l rrpr�►i Brirtge 17 ar+r! rr�easrrres +�flflfl i�rr le�xgtf� (3011ft fro��� errclr brr`rlge e�acf-�airi�} rr�rr110t7_ f't r►r wr'rl�'h (SDf! f�nf�� erecl� sr`rle aj i%e �'VC47 ceirler-lrlrc}, S[7NIM�1tY ClF Ci]LTURAL �tES�UItCES 1tEV�'�W 8rief descriptiot� of review activities, res�lts vf review, a�d conclusions: First, funding infor�natian was reviewed fs�r determining the level of acchaeological input required by state and federal laws. As a result of federaf p�rmitting interactian (Nationwide Permat 3j, 5�ctior� 1fl6 of the Nationa� Histaric Preservation Act will apply. The U�i#ed States Rrrny Corp af Engineers (USCaE} wqll serve as the lead federal agency, N�xt, c�nstructior� design ar�d other data was �xamineti {when appEicable} ta define the character and exte�t af potential impaets to the graund surfac�s emhracing the im�arovement work. Based an the sut�mitted project specs, n� undisturbed areas f�ey6nd the RUW lims#s will he affected �y the praposed undertakir�g. Fallow�ng crutline af the APE, a map review and site f�le search was conducted (4I06/2�15} at the t]#fice of 5tate Archaeology {t75Aj. Within the presently defined APE na dc�cumented cultural resaurces are present. An inspection �f Nationai Reg�st�r of Historic Places (�CRHP}, State Study Listed (SL}, Locally 13esignated �L�j, Determined E�igible (dE}, and Sur�eyed Site {55j properties empaoy'sng the NCSHPC� wehsite revealed an a�sence af ineaningful hist�rric steuctural resaurces with patential archaealogical de{�osits in the praject area. Historic maps af Davidson �nunty were appraised fc�r formerj�ast structure IocatiQns, land use paxterr�s, or other eanfirmation of historic aecupatian in the project Wic'snity and archaeal�ogical/historical reference materials were �nspected as we�l. In general, the cultural p4rtifln of the reuiew confirmed #hat n�s cemet�eries, significant historic pt'operties, ar documented archaeological sites wil6 be impact�d by the ��ap�sed replacemeni of the exist�r�g pipe. �urther, topographic, gealogic, and NRCS soil survey maps jMEcB�, ChA, MeCJ, PaEj were referenced ta eva�uate pee�eologica#, geomorphalogical, hydrologieal, and ❑ther enwiranmental de'Eerminants that may have �'esulted in past occupatian �t this lacatian. Aerial and on-gro�and photagraphs {NCDCiT Spatia� t7ata 1liewerj and the Gaflgie Street View map application (when amenablej w�re also examined/utiliz�d fo� the assessment of project land surfaces and di�turban�es, bath naturai and human indueed, which comprart��se the integrity af archaealogical sites. 6rief Fxplanation af why the avarl�rble ir�forrncrtion provides cr refr'arlble 6asrs for reasc�nubly predicting that #here are na unrd�►�[ified his#o��t pr'nperties in #he APE: The pra�ect area contains no docurnented cultural resaurces. Examination of on-ground and aerial imagery confirm a moderate level �f disturbanee associaced with the APE. Also, sail data illustrates the majarity of the area ta be frequently flnoded, sarnewhat poorly dtained, or eroded. Do�umentati�n of intact, meaningful archae�+logical sites "No.ditC'1i.4f:!)L(JCiY��Jlfl�ls'Yl�I:�JlIfR1�U"fn��trfor bfir�o�• �'rarr.c��r�rtafru�a Pr�f���s�,s �1r��rf�trr,,,��� xzn� r'rr�Krrrrlril�arecrlgl•ec•arrcf�7 l c�#'2 Prnjec! "1'rrrcking No.: is cans+dered remote; the �resence of und�sturbed, National Register t�f Historic Places {NRHP) sligik�le arehaeological deposits/features is extremely uraliEcely. As such, no archaealogieal resour�es survey is neeessary for the effort and no additianal input w+ll be rer#uired. SUPP�RT DQCUMEIVTATlUN See attac��ec�: � Map(s} � P�•erriatas Survey I��fn ❑ Photocopy af County Survey Nates F�AfQING BY DOT ARCFIAF�L�GlST 1VC1�f�CII,4Ef)LC)CTYSC71cYEY1�E UI,f�,Bll � E'��atos �Correspondence Otl�er: �/'.S'"/•td! '.Ne� at!{C'lirllsUl.(1Ci Y StIRI�I:Y Rl:�11_Ifl�lil] "forrl� jor A�iri�r T'rrnrs�urrari*n, !'rr�jrrl.s r1.r �Jzralyicrf in rl�c 1r1117/'rohi�n��PrlraPic AKreeir�rrla 2 vf 2 ■ � .,� �,'�� �' u � �� � �.� ; S' ;, � S � ,� � i:l � e� fi i� � `��1 .i , -, ,; ., n, � �. _, �•7 � � :y a ��;�a� '��,�,�� .����� .,� � h � � :� � � # :. ,� ti ;; � :� � '� , ` `," a , ,, ` �f� fr � . 7��/���7n �Gyl pO.e� � i�R �Y Y f F�,�r'' d Y SCALE 1:2400Q o ioaa zoou saaa a000 saoa soao FEET �,; � . i:, �* �� �����, � i4.�' j��r�� ' � , ' ry,�� _ �� I,R..w _ !&; '� , � � -�y� ���' `yV�I��d �. - t; . .. . - . " . ' ' "� . .,j �� tY� ^ � � ' •' ' ��� � + . ���q , ! :,� y� . -� �.:2f.. 1 '. • ��. �r� _ �.' �► JM1 . � �� � � �Y � �`' K �, • �i.. � `� � � � �f' c� . �� � y� � • . i �' a�l:{� , �� � } . �l � � .�: � ( � � - � , 4, � ` � 4 ' ��� � , ' N . 7 . v2. ii ! � - - ',' �. ' 1 '. � � i F� ,�. r� . � �� - _ -1 . � "' � .: «� � � . � �� s`'�• P .�o � . . . ' � • � . r� , e�' � � . M, ' i ; t ,, r ', ,�! _:r ` yy. � ` � . _ • , � ,,. w �, ; � i t :r� � ' i�, �� ���'f i � . ;, . , ,.. .,` .._ ',� � .� , + * � k.�� \ • ! �•. , �,• � � �� �. � � . � � �, � i�, •T , s. � �{ � .,,,,, , :.+ '�a�' ,�'� . .' � ,. � '' �+� i � . �y , . �', �t{. • � ...r,.., , � � - '+ a:' . j � 5i 1.�_I� +' . � ' #1�. . •, � �h - -- �� r �. . � • � •1'.� �' � ' � , � .�' . 1 •y � G � ' . � �� M'k6z—fNecklenburg ciay loar�n, Z to 8 percent slopes, moderately eraded Map Uni# 5e4ting • Nationa! rrrap unit symbal: 2mc36 • Elevcrtr`o,�.� 20� to 1,40�1 feet • Mean annucal precipitatron: 37 to fiQ inches • Mecrn annua! air temperature: 59 ta fi6 degrees � • Frost free period: 2a6 ta 240 days • Farmlcrnd class�fication: All areas are prime farmland Map Ur►it Composftion • Meckler�burg, moderately eroded, and srmifar sorls: 85 percent • Mir�ar eompone,nts: 10 percent • Es[imates are 8ased on obseruatr`ons, descri�tions, and trarrseets of the mupu,�it. description af Mecklen6urg, Moderately Eraded Setting + Landfnrrrr.InterFlu�+es • LrxndfQrm positian (twa-dimensianalJ: 5urnmit • Landfqrm pasitian (three-dimensionalJ; Interffu�e � Dpwn-sfo�e sirr�pe: Canvex • Aeross-slope shape: Canvex • Porentmaterial: Saprolite derived frorn diorite andjflr gaiabro andJor diabase and/crrgneiss Typical ,praf�le • Ap - 0 to 7 rnrhes.' clay lo�m • 8t - 7[0 3[l in�hes: �lay + SC- 3D to 38 ineh�s: clay Ioam + C- 3$ ro 8(] rnehes: laam Proper�ies and qualities • Slp,pe: 2 ta $ qer[ent • (7epth fo restrrctive feature.� More than 80 inches • Na�ural drpinage dass: Well drained � Ru+�4ff [Ioss: Medium • Caparity af the mc�silimrring fayer to transmit water (Ksotf : Maderately low to moderatefy high ((7.06 to (}.20 injhr) • aepth to wtrter CabFe: Mare than $� Fnches • Frequency af ffaorling: �karre + Freq�ency �af pnncfing.• NQne • Available waterstarage in pr�file: h+1o�lerate {abaut 8.9 inei�esj MeU—Mecklenhurg loam, $ to 1S pertent slapes Ma� Unit Setting • lVc�trona! map unit symbvl.• 3rqg * FleuQtron: 20(} tc� 1,4Q(3 feet • lv�ean ernnuc�f precipitatior�: 37 ta 50 inc�es • fVtean nnnuaf nir te�rperature: 59'ta 65 degrees F • Frosf free periocf� 2(70 ta 240 days � Furml�rnd clrrssificotian.' Farmlar�d of statewide impor[ance Map Unit Composition • �NeckJenburg ar�d similarso�fs. 85 percent • Fstrmatgs are �Gas�d an c�hservatiQns, des[rr�rtiv�rs, anr� trnnsecrs of the mapunit. Oescription at Mecklen�urg Setting • tandform: Hiflslopesorr ridges • Cpndform positron }'two-dirnensipnalj: Bac�Cslope ■ tandfcrrm position (three-drmensional): 5�de slo�e • Dawn-slape shape.� Llr�ear • Rcross-slape shnpe: Cor�vex • Pr�rent maferial: 5aprolEke derived from ciiarfiEe andjar gabbro andjerr diafaase ar�c���r gneiss Typical profile • Rp - (7 ta & rnehes: Bgam • Bt - 8 ta 25 anches.• c€ay • BC - ZS to 36 inches: cday !aa r� • C- 36 ro 8tl lrrches: sandy cfay loarn Properties and qualities • Sfape: 8 to 15 per�en� + Depth to restri�tiue feature: N'tore than 8� inches • Norurpf drainage class: Weff drained � Runafjclnss' fvtedium • Capaeity of the most frmitrng tayer' ta transmrt water (Ksatj: MQderateiy faw to moderately �igh {LT.pfi ta fl.2�13nJhr) • aP�rth to waker table; More than Sa inches • Freq�ency aj`�lnodrng: None • Frequen�Yof pondrrrg: Nane • Rvaala�fe wafer sfvrage irr profile� Higi� Sabout 9.3 inches) ChA—Chewac�a foam, 0 to 2 percent slapes, frequent4y floodetl Map Unit SettPng * Notrdna! map un7t sym6ol: �mc32 � ,E�evtrtivr�: 2fi0 tv 1,40Q feet + Mean annual pre�i,prtu[inr�: 37 ta 6C1 Fnches • Me�rn annuQf nir [ernperature: 59 to &6 degrees F • F�'ast j`ree periad: 20�} to 24Q days • Fc�rmlcrnd clnssificafion: �'r�rr3e farmland if dra ined a�d eithe� protected frarn €laading ar ngt frequet�tly flacsdec� during the growing seasr�n Map Unit Composi#iara * Chewncda, frequently flaaded, ond si�'trfai� saffs: 85 percen4 ■ Mfrtor companents: 8 percent • EstrrrruCes are b,ased r�n a6serva[ians, des[riptions, and tr'a,�setfs of fhe mapunif. Description af Chewacla, Frequently Flooded SBtting � Lanetfarm: F€oad p€ains • Drawn-sfape shrrpe: Concave • Ac,�oss-slope shapP: Liriear • Farent materlaf: Laamy ailu�aurr� deriaed fr�om ignecaus and metamorp}�ic rack Typica� profile + ,4 - C7 to 4 inciaes: loam • 8w3 - 4 ta 26 inches: sklty [4ay laam • 8�v2 - 26 to 38 in�hes: laam • 6�v3 - 38 to 60 in[hes: cfay loam • C- 6C7 trr SC1 inehes: foam Properties and qualities + Slo,pe. 0 to 2 perc2n[ • ae�th tv restri�tive�eature: N�ore than 8(1 inches • Natura� drainage class.• 5omewhat porarly dra�ned • ftur�Off cfass: L4w + C�pp�ity of the most lirnitr,ng fayer [a trQnsmit tvater (Ksat}: Nloderaiely �igft to high �t�.57 iQ 1.9$ in/hrj • Depih to w�ter #alale: A�aui 5#a Z4 inches + F�reque��cy af f(oadir3g: Fre�}uer�i. + Fre�ueney of �ronding: Nane � AvQrlable water stc�rage in proffle: High (a���t 1i.5 i�chQs} PaE—Pacafet sandy laam, i5 to 2� percent slopes N1ap Unit Setting • IVatior�a! map u�it symbol: 2mn€t€ � Elew�atiara: Z{1D to 1,4f30 feet • Mean anrrual prectpitrrfron: 37 ta 6Q inches ► Nleara aranuaf air tem�rerafure: SJ to 66 rieg+�ees F + Frvst free perioda 20{} to 24Q days * Farrnlrand cfassifrcation: h3at pr'srr�e farmfand Nla� Unii Cnmposition • Pacolet �rrd simrfur saifs: 85 pQreeni • Minvr eompanents: 13 percen# • Estimates crre based on observprians, descrr'ptiorrs, ernd trarrsecrs af rhe mapanr`r. Aescription nf Pacofet Setti:ng • Landform: Hillsiopes on ridges � Lcrrrdfarm prasition �'twa-dr`mensionaFj: Backsio�ae • Carrd�prm �rositrcrn (thr�e-drmensron�l]: Side slope • £?crwn-sfa�re sh�pe.� Llnear • Across-s1a�e sha�e: Canvex ■ Ptrrent ms�terial: Sa�rafite der#ved fram+ gran�te and gneiss ar�ri�ar sc�isi iypital }�r�rfife • Ap - 0 to S inches: sandy Soam • E- 5 to 8 inrhes: saa��y Caam + �t - S tv 29 ir��hes; clay • eC - 29 t�r 38 inches: sandy ciay E�aarra • e-�s rn so rn�►�es; san�y iQa�, Properties and qualities • Sfope: 15 fo Z5 per�ent • Uepth to restrrctive feoture.• ivto�e tMan 8[3 rnches • Naturaldrainage rl�ss: WeEI dra�ned + Nunojf class. H'rgh � • Capa�aty of the mostlimiting lnyer tr� [ra,nsmrt water (Kscrt): kA�od�rate�y high to hi�h (4.57 to 2.95 in/hrj � n ' � J� •' ��[ �i . ��f ��. � t. i.J}�{ } ...���� ,.`i � �rf f�3��. � ,i+ f:� .�� .� � !/ �l-i ;j .. ;�. lJ ] ,� 'i� c '•.j fr • � i' ��( y`��' � ] a �r �, . � ' 1� ' .� y`"- � � , iv [��7y t � p5 �� � � ` *f ��� ��'i �1� + ff ,+�, 3�7...'f` ��` � �I .. - ff� l'_ .� ��� i a,4 �'V�� � � rD Iti �3' i"' �' t l{- t i �f i �11 , , �CI'd ! , � {:' „ '� , � / � � L, � _r:r f!7 r`v �} �. �'� i. 7 a A 4� 1 �� r i '.�'� � a` � � d�`��� Gt,j �a � � �+ �t!'t � �;� •:+ ] .;.� � � . `�+ � o � �„� � �. � r ..� I - ��iD y � +� � y ^ '� � 1 �� '� � + � i� ��r� ►'1 �'� ' �' /'� I •`e ;cmn � � ,� G � t�� ,�. � , � '.��p � � � ��! � � r�i- ,; `,�`� � �� ��`• �' '. � �; m �� ��` �r `� '� � - "�' � `' .� o on Gi Y�+�d; c. � r� 7�� k��7 J, �, .�`1 ^�fi i,�� -� • �� i ' `r�i '� _ z^� r�.`�`, � Q o ?� .. ._._ '•� B,� . ,.. `�.' 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