HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160313 Ver 1 - 160323_PCN_submittal - 4/6/2016Corps Submittal Cover Sheet Picric provide the following hift, 1. Project Name Lap Road Extension . Name of Property Owner/Applicaut: Hunsucker Farms, LLC and Lap Road Farms, LLC 3. Name of ConsultantlA,l ent: Huysman & handy, Attn: Tamp Bandy *Agent authari2ation needs to be attached. 4. Related/'Previous Action 1D number(s): . Site Ad&e-s -;° Lap Road -- - . Subdivision ,Marne.: 7. Citi: Conover 8. C,,,,t,: Catawba 9. Lat. 35-72531 song - ' cc (Decimal Dees Ie rs 10. Quad=ale a iuV: NeMon l 1. "atcrway: Mahaf#ie Branch — - - 12.Watershed: Catawba 13. requested Action: ZNation ide Permit # 14 _ General Permit # Ju.risdie oral Determination Request Pre-Applicat-ien Request The following infbm afion will be completed by Corps vice: prepare File Felder Ma H'UC 030501011102 Assign nurnber in ORM Authorization: SeOti(>n 10 Project Description/ Nature of Activity/ Project Purpose - Sur -tion 404 Site'1 st r 1 l Srie. -,ihaffie Branch HYLIC 03 05 0101110 2 eywords: HUYSMAN & BANDY, NC. WE"NDS AND WATERS CONS UI TANTS March 22, 2416 Mr_ William Elliott U.SACE,A5heviIIeRegulatoryField Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Ashf Wille, North Carolina 29901-5D05 Re: Lap Road Extension Project Hunsucker Farms, LLE and l-ap Roo Farms, LLC Conuoer, Catawba County, North Carolina Mr_ Elliott: This Rackage is being submitted on behalf of Hunsucker Farms, LLC and Lair Road Farms, I.I.C. with this submittal, we are seeking permit verification under Nationwide 14 Permit for the Lap Road Extension Project_ The proposed road will extend the existing Lap Road to Hwy 16, and will ,provide access from Rock Barn Road to Hwy 16 North_ The project will involve the installation of less than 150 linear feet of multiple box culverts with headwalls at each end at a crossing of Mahatfie Branch. Additionally, less than 1/10 acre of low quality wetlands will be filled at a separate location. Included in this package are resource maps,conceptual drawings and impact location neaps of the proposed project area_ Please contact me if you have any questions, comments, or if you would like to conduct a site visit. Respectfully submitted, Tamp Bandy cc: ( 5 copies) N.C. Division of Waicr Ra-sourcus Wetlands Branch 1617 Maril Service ('cuter Raleigh, NIC 27699-1617 Chn5tppher Huysmun Tamp Sandy 170 Dcw Drop Dead 4108 L8 Prgp5k Dive Sparta, NC 78575 Cantaver, NC 28613 336.41J06,o906 828.3102.3437 Ch ris.Huysmantmgmail.corn 3Tamp8ar.d-vftrall.com -HU Y MAN & BANDY, WC. WETLAND AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Clean Water Act, Sections 404 and 401 Agent Authorization The undersigned, registered property owners of the noted property, deo hereby authorize Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing of this jurisdictional verification, permit or certification request and any and all standard and special conditions attached. Idwe reserve the right to accept or appeal all final, proffered actions, jurisdictional determinations, permits or certifications and any and all standard and special conditions attached. Property Owner / Applicant: Contact Name' Street Address / PO Box City, State, Zip Cade: Phone 1 Fax Number: Project Name: Property Street Address: Owner J Applicant Signature Date: Chnstooer Huysman 174 Dew DroQ Road Sparta, NC 3%675 33GAo6.o9a6 Chris.Huysman fgmad-rom Hunsucker Farms LLC Dan A. Hun 32.23 John Daniel Dr. NE Coni�Ver1 PJC 28613 829-312-0102 Lap Road Extension Tax RIN's: 374211658809 (street address, city, State and :a.p, or Cou and Tax PIN) Tamp Aondy 47()8 LB Prop9t Drive Conover, NC 38673 82.8.3+67:3437 JTarmpBandy f tmall-corn Hl1YMAN & BANDY, INC. WETLAND AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Clean Water Act, Sections 404 and 401 Agent Authorization The undersigned, registered property owners of the noted property, do hereby authorize Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing of this jurisdictional verification„ permit or certification request and any and all standard and special conditions attached. I/we reserve the right to accept or appeal all final, proffered actions, jurisdictional determinations, permits or certifications and any and all standard and special conditions attached_ Property Owner I Applicant: Lap Road Farms, LLC Contact Name-. Edward C_ Neill ,Street Address 1 PO Box: PQ Box 3916 City, State, Zip Code: Hick) a, NC 28603 Phone !l=ax Number: 828.224.6771 Project Marne: Lap Road Extension Property Street Address: Tax PIN's= 3742117'63211, 374212767415 (street address, city, State and zip, or County and Tax PIN) Owner Y Applicant Signature: Date: 1 Chnstopher Hay§man Tamp &andv 170 Devi I]rop Road 4108 1,11 Plropst Drive Spann, NC ?8075 Conover, NC 29613 3.36A06.0946 R2 9,aW-3437 Chris, Huy rnan@gmail.cum JTampBandyLftmail_com A- Applicant Information Office Use Only, Corps action ID nr)_ MV0 project no. Fmn Version 1..4 January 200 Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought frorn the Corps: 1 b_ Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? Section 404 Permit © Section 10 Kermit or General Permit (GP) number: Z Yes ❑ filo 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): fl 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ 441 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ No4i4O4 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1e. Isthis notification solely for the recent For the record only for DWC2 I For the record only for Corps Permit= because written approval is not required? 401 Certification: ❑ Yes No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation hank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of irnpacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program, 1g. 15 the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes answer 1 h trciowu. 1 h, Is the project located within a NC DC Area of Environrnental Cone em (AEC)? 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project' Lap Road Extension 2b, County: 2c. Nearest municipality! town: {Catawba Conaver 2d_ Subdivision name: 2e_ NCDOT only, T -1-P. or state project no: 3. Owner Information 3a_ Name(s) on Recorded Deed: I Hunsucker Farms, LLC 3b. Deed Book and Page No_ 2785-1160 3c- Responsible Party (for LLC if Dan A. Hunsucker No applicable): 0No :d_ Street address: 3223 John Daniel Ear_ NE 3e_ Gity, state, zip: Conover, NC 28613 3f. Telephone no_,. 828-312-0102 3g. Fax no__ 3h. Email address: Q 'Yes 0 No ❑ `fes No ® Yes No ❑Yes 0No + Lap Road Farms, LLC 1 3221-1032 I Edward C. Neill 1 PO Box 3916 Hirkory, NC 28603 1 828-324-6774 Page 1 of 10 PC4d Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 4, Applicant Inforrmation (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: '❑ Agr: •t 0 Other, specify: 4b_ blame: 4c. Business name - {if applicable):. 4d_ Street address: 4e_ Gity, state, zip: 4f- Telephone no-: 4g. Fax no_: 4h, Email address: 5. Agent/Consultant Information (if applicable) Sa, Name; Tamp Bandy 5b. Business name Huysman & Sandy, Inc_ (if applicable), 5c_ Street address: 4108 LB Propst Drive 5d. city, state, zip: T Conover, NC 28613 5e. Telephone no_, 828-302-3437 5f Fax no.: 5g. Email address: jtarnpbandy@grnail_com Page 2 of `0 B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property IdentificzUon ia.. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel 10): 1b, Site coordinates (in decirnal degrees): Latitude: 35.72957 1 c, Property size. 2. Surface Nibs 2a. Name of nearest body of water to proposed project: 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: c. River basin: 3. Project description 3a. [describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land Use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application= agriCuituraL, residential, and commercial. 374211658809 f 374211753 11, 7412767415 Longitude: -81.20153 7.5 acres M-ahaffie Branch G Catawba 3b- List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 0,2 3G. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property, 150 3d_ Explain the purpose of the proposed project_ Con5Rruet road from existing Lap Road to NC Hwy 16, 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Grade and constFuct road with tyocal earthrnouing ;qnd and grading ei;uipmenit Install multiple box Cmuerts on Mahaffie Branch. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations _ 4a_ Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property f project (including all prior phages) in the past? 4b_ If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made? 4c, If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas' Name (if known): Yep 0 No N Unknown Comments: Q Preliminary Agency/Consultant Company Other: 4d. If yes. list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations a,nd attach documentation. ❑ Final 5_ Project History 5a- Have permits or oertifications been requested or obtained for this project (including ,all prior phases) in the past? 5b. if yep, explain in detail according to "help filen instructions, D "les © No 0 Unknown 6. Future Project Plans _ 6a. Is this a phased project's 0 Yes No bib. If yes, explain. Page 3of10 PCI Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1a- Which sections were completed below for your prc�ect (check all that apply): FX -1 Wetlands ❑ Streams- tributaries [] Buffers ❑ open ',Waters 0 Pone Construction 2, Wetiand Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b- 2a - 2d. 2e, 2f. Wetland impact Type of impact Type of wetland Forested Type of jurisdiction urea of number Corps (434,14) or impact Permanent (P) or DWO (441, other) (a CX es) W1 -p (Fill W2 Choose one Choose oce 3 W4 Choose o+ne choose one W5 6 Choose one manrrrade, linear Choose one Choose one Choose one Choose one Choose one Yes I Corps YesJNo YesMa - Yesmo - YeslNo - Yes1No - 2g- Total Wettand Impacts- 03 09 2h- Comments: Margnal, linear wetland located along toe of slope of 1-44, resulting frofn MT constrq ion- terminates in old sediment basin and labrkrrip•rep linad ditch 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream imparts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all, stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b- 3c. 3d- 3e- 3f. 39 - Stream impact Type of impact ,Stream name Perennial (PER) or Type of Aver -age Impact number intermittent (INT)2 jurisdiction stream length Permanent (P) or width (linear Temporary (T) Corps (feet) feet) S1 P CuNert Mahathie Branch PER 16 139 S2 Choose one 53 - Choose one - 54 Chooso one 6 - Choose one S6 Choose one 3h- Total stream and tributary impacts I 140 3i. Commen4s: ProWsW multiple box culverts, Saye Ilows to bre conveyed by a single box. Reference upstream box culverts from 1-40 exit ramp IS2 (see attached 10twol Page 4 of 10 PCN Form- Version 1-4 January 2009 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ooean, or any other open water of the U.S- then individually list all open water impacts below- 4a- 4b. 4c- 4d- 4e, Open water Name of waterbody impact number (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or type Temporary (T) W - ChDOSL one Choose 02 Choose cce Choose 03 Chooso one Choose 04 Choose orale choose 4f- Total open water impacts 4g- Comments: 5- Pond or Lake Construction It pond or lake cori-c3truction proposed, then complete the chart below- 5a- 5b- 5c. Pond ID number Proposed use or Wetland Impacts (acres) pufpose of pond Flooded FilledE�ated Pi Choow one P2 Choose one 5f, Totot: 5g. Comments: Sh, Is a dam high hazard permit required? 5i- Expected pond suftoe area (acres): El Yes 5d- Se- Struarn Impacts (feet) Upland (acres) Flooded I Filled Excavated E] No If yes, permit ID no: Sj- Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k- Method of cons"ction: S. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) It project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mirigaition, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Neuw, L] Tar -Pamlico 1-1 Catawba L] Randleman El tither 6b. 6c- 6d. 6e. ref. -T,;�--- Buffer Impact Reason for impact Stream name Buffer Zone 1 Zone 2 number— mitigation impact impact Permanent (P) or Temporary (T) required? (square (square feet) feet) 131 YesfNo B2 Yes1No I 83 YesIND B4 B5 Yi2s;ND YewNu 6h- Total Buffer Impacts: 6i. Comments: Page 5 of 10 I D_ Im pact J ustifi cati on and Mitiigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1 a_ Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed irnpacts in designing project_ Allernative alignments, inclining a parallel alignment with the existirig 140 for Exil Ramp 132, which would have involved an addifionel perennial stream crossing and w0and impacts was abandoned in order to reduce total project impacts to less than 150 If of stream and less flra,n 1110 acre of wetland, I b_ Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques_ Mtul!tkde boa€ culverts will be ulilixed wilh a. single bbx containing substrate and conveying base flaws m pilar to the DOT ramp crossing up stream, This design will allow for uninhibited aquatic life passage and contiguous subsirate habitat, and roduce)eliminate outlet armoring requirements_ Headwalls 1 retaining walls will be utilized to rninimire stream imppaGt length_ 2. for Impacts to Waters of the U.& or Watery of the State 2a_ Does the project require Campensatory Mitigation for irnpacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of theState? 2b. If yes, rnitigat on is required by (check all that apply) - c- If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this RroJe y 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a_ Name of Mitiga#ion funk_ 3b_ Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) 3c. Comments: Yes 0 No DWQ ❑ Corps ❑ Mitigation bank ❑ Payment to in --lieu fee program El Perrnlittee Responsible Mitiigatian Type: Choose one Quantity: Type. Choose one Quantity; Type: Choose one Quantity-. 4. Complete if Making a Payment bo In -lieu Fee Pri 4a_ Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached. 4b. Stream mitigation requested- _. 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DVVQ only) 4e_ Riparian weJarld mitigation requested: ❑ Yes linear feel Choose one square feet acres 4f_ Non -riparian wetland mitigation requested; acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested= acres 4h, Comments: 5_ Complete it Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Rear, 5a_ If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan, Rag e6of10 DCIV Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 6. Buffer Mitigabon (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Butes) -- required by DWO 6a.'Will the project result in an impact within aA protected riparian buffer that req uire-s ❑ Yes rxJ No buffer mitigation? 6b- If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required - 6c. 6d- 6e. Zane Beason for impact Total impact Multiplier Required mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Zine 1 3 (2 far Itawba) Zorn 2 1.5 5f, Total buffer mitigation require�: - if buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e -g-, payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restora ion, payment into an approved in -lieu fee fund) - 6h. Comments: Page 7 of 10 E_ Stormwater Management and Diffatse Flow Elan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Pwu+Plan ta_ Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified —TE] Yes [X7 No within one of the NC Riparian buffer Protection Rules' 1b_ if yes, then is a diffuse flow pian included? V no, explain why. 0 Y€; [] No 2. Stormwater Mart; 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan's 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a ,StonTmater Management Plan, explain why, Vf¢ 0 Yes © No 2d_ if this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: A Stormwater Man-agament plan is to be designed and implernefited utilizing guidelines from the North Carolina DOT Stormwater Best Managemeni Practice., Toolbox (NGDOT Highway Stormwater Program, Vs_ 2. April 2014). The plan is to be reviewod and approved throug-1 local pwrWam which satisfies Phase Il SW requirements. 2e. Who will be responsit4 a for the review of the ,Stormwater Management Plan? I City of Conover 3. Certified Local Government Stannwater Review 3a. In which ioeaI government's jurisdiction is this project', 3b_ Which of the following locally4mplemented stormwater management programs apply (check SII that apply): 3c_ Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Program Review 4a, Whirh of the following state -implemented stormwater management programs apply (check all that apply): City of Conover 0 Phase 11 0 NSW ❑ USMP D Water Supply Watershed 0 Ether. ❑ Yes 0 No ElCoastal counties CHQW ❑ORW Session Law 2006-2446 ❑{)thee 4b_ Has the approved Stornwiater Management Plan vrith proof of approval been ❑ Yes ® No 5_ DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a, Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements' 5b_ Have all of the 441 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No EYes ❑ leo Page8of10 PCN Form – Version 1.4 January 2009 F. Supplementary Information i. Environmental [?3cumentation (DWO Requirement) ta. Dees the pro*.t involve an expenditure of public (federallstateilocal) funds or the � Yes ❑ No use of public (federalfstate) land? b. if you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWO policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description_ Phase I I starmwater requirernCq%JS 1Y1USt W mat and will be entoreed by local govemment for any potential luivre, adjacent dovelapmenG 4. Sewage Disposal (DWO Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. ex,i:;tinq sranituy sewer Ality Page: 9 of 10 PCN Form — Vers+ren 1.4 January 2009 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requircmenis of the National or State ❑ Yes FXJ No (Norh Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPAWSEPA)? 1 c,. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (if so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval Q Yes 010 letter.) Comments, 2. Viiolabons (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H _'130 1), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards. ❑Yes ❑ No or riparian Suffer Rules (15A ADAC 2B _0200)? 2b. Is this an after -the -Fact permit application? ©Yes 0 No 2c. If you answered "yes" to orae or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Irnpae#s (DWQ Requirement) — 3a, Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in E] Yes ®No additional development. which could impact nearby downstream water quality's b. if you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWO policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description_ Phase I I starmwater requirernCq%JS 1Y1USt W mat and will be entoreed by local govemment for any potential luivre, adjacent dovelapmenG 4. Sewage Disposal (DWO Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. ex,i:;tinq sranituy sewer Ality Page: 9 of 10 PCN Form — Vers+ren 1.4 January 2009 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a- Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected, species or habitat? 5b. Have you checked With the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts? 5c- If yes, indicate the USF -W -S Field Office you have con=ted- El Yes 0 No El Yes D9 No 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? EI Yes 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impart Essential Fish Habitat's 0 No 7- Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a- Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal govemments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation El Yes 21 No qLlalus (e -g -r National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and arrhaeology)? 7b, What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? S. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requiremient) 8a- Will this proicct occur in a FEMA -designated 100 -year floodplain? Yes E] No 8b- If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements' * comply with FEMA design reqtjirernentS 8u, What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? 0olinty GIS Tamp Bandy 03-09-2016 Applicant/Agent's Printed Name Applfican')o Date (Agerifs signature i� valid only an authorization Wnr frorn the applicant. is provided.) Page 10 of 10 Lap Road Extension Project - Conover,� NC (Conceptual sketch glans provided as .an Illustrative description of proposed activities. Final design to be determined by project engineer.) Acr urnulaied edim nts Mole photo lmi i�patre:�m L3OT box cuNprt:: Inr urge'. cxw, ditinn ? reference) Plan View {not to !scale Sill 1 fact abov; slrearn bed at invert out Culvert Crass -Section LiDokilnq Up Stream ,(not to scalel Culvert Profile View not to scaile� existing stream Iced fN _ t 11ar. i , I Final design to ulilize head f retaining a wallsarrd wi reg walls to minimize- simpacts and ensure 1411e1 Wearn lass of less than 150 linear feet. Culvert Crass -Section LiDokilnq Up Stream ,(not to scalel Culvert Profile View not to scaile� existing stream Iced fN Parcel Report Parcel Report - Catawba County NC Parcel Information: Parcel ID: 374211658809 Parcel Address: 910 HUNSUCKER DR NE City- CONOVER, 28613 LRK(REID)' 67540 Deed BooklPage- 2785/1160 Subdivision: Lot dBlock: I Last Gale: $58,500 on 1981-06-01 Plat BooklPage, Legal: HWY 16 Calculated Acreage: 44.560 Tax Map- 3200 00073 Townsh# CLINES State Road #: TaxlValue Information: Tax Rates(pdf City Tax District: CONOVER County Eire District: CONOVER RURAL Building(s) Value: $0 Land Value: $943,700 Assessed Total Value: $16.-800 Use Land Value: $16,800 Year SuiltlRemodeled: I Durrant Tax Bill Miscellaneous: Building Permits for this parcel. Building Details WaterShed: Voter Precinct: P3 Parcel Report Data Descriptions List all Owners Deed History Repork Owner Information: Owner: HUN.SUCKER FARMS LLC Owner2-- Address: 3223 JOHN DANIEL DR NE Address2-. City: CONOVER State/Zip- NC 28613-8972 School Information: School District' NEWTON CONOVER E[ementary School: SHUFORD Middle School-. NEWTON CONOVER High School: NEVffON CONOVER School Map Zoning Information: Zoning District CONOVER Zoningl: R-20 Zoning2' COI Zoning3. CC Zoning Overlay-, Small Area: Split Zoning Districts-. I Zoning Agency Phone Nurnbefs Firm Panel Date: 2007-09-05 Firm Panel #' 371.0374200J 2010 Census Block' 2009 2010 Census Tract.- 010102 Agricultural District: PROXIMITY Assessment Report Page I of 1 This mWFeparipruduct was pfepafed from the Catawba Gounty, NC Gea2patal I nforrriation Sqnr'YiM Catawba County has rnadc!mWdanha eltoft to ensure the OMWK:y at kmation and kabclimg irAtxrfuilion oamained on this map 09 ft% on this report. Catawba Guun4y pfamoLas and recornmencks the indeoefxleM verification of .110 data contained an this rnaghkepW product by the user. The County of Catawba, its employms, agt4ft, aria personnel, disclaim, and shall not be Wo liable (Dr any and all damages, I= or Liability, whetrker dirucL jndin-* or wnsequenfol which arises or may arise from fts mapirrPcAl prociiact or the use thereof by any person or entity. 0 2016 , Catawba County Government, NOM Garohn,?. ALi ngftis reserves, http,l,lg-1,%--catawbacoijntyne.gov/nomap/parcel-itport-php`=lkey=374211658809&typ=P /9120) 6 Farce! Report - Catawba County NC Parcel Information. Marcel ID- 374211 x`63211 Parcel Address: 250 LAP RD NE City: CONOVER, 28613 L RK(RE I D ): 67538 Deed BooklPage:3221,1032 Subdivision: Lots ll3lock. l Last Sale: Plat BookJPage: Legal: Calculated Acreage: 12,140 Tax Map: 3200 0007 Township: CLINES State Road #: 1760 TaxNalue Information- Tax Rates(pdf) City Tax District: CONOVER County Fir+ District: CONOVER RURAL Building(s) Value, $0 Land Value: $100,900 Assessed Total Value: $100,900 Year BuiltlRemodelad: 1 Curren(Tax Bill Miscellaneous - Building 'Permits for this parcel_ Building Details WaterShed: Voter Precinct: P8 Parcel Report Data Descriptions List all Owners Deed History Report Owner Information. Owner: LAP ROAD FARMS LLC Owne r2: Address: PO BOX 3016 Address2: City: HICKORY S to telZi p: NC 28603-3916 School Information: School Distract: NEWTON CONOVER Elementary School, SHUFORD Middle School: NEWTON CONOVER High School: NEWTON CONOVER School Map Zoning Information, Zoning District: CONOVER Zoningl: B-4 Zoning2: Zoning3: Zoning Overlay: Small Area: Split Zoning Districts: I Zoning Agency Phone Numbers Firm Parcel Date: 2007-09-05 Firm Papel #. 3710374200J 2010 Census Block: 2000 2010 Census Trai:3: 010102 Agricultural District; PROXIM17Y Assessment Report Thi,; roplreport product was p rmfi rn3m tree Gatsw a +_xurdy, NC GurYsPati d I ormadion Sff%A :es. CaLawba Cckmky h;i5; made substantial afbm to unsure Itra aocurw y in Irx:ntion and labeling information wi ntarnecl on Viis map or data on ibis TUPTA (7; rtAwria t:ounty promotes and reromrrmnds'Lre Independent aeriraxation of any daLa runtulnwd on Uiis map+report product by IN,' t4wry 0 _ County of Catawba. its omployr; ;..°agents, and persGrirml, disclaim anis r.h ll ra he held Il;jbie fX any and all damages, lots or Iiak 'wy, wririhrr direct, indirect or ows4!queWI@l which arises or may arisc horn Chir, orgitan04a0rt product or the use thereof by any perawb or entity. k_)2C)1$, Catawba ount'y Government, North Carolina. All fights re eyed_ A TTA CN1I+JrE T A PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM BACKGROUNDS INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (,JD) - B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PRELIMINARY JD: Huysman & Bandy, Inc. Attn: Tamp Bandy 4108 LB Prc st Drive. Conover. NC 28813 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: USACE AILS: D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Lap Road Extension, Conover, NC (USE THE ATTACHED TABLE TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE WATERBODIES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NC oonty#parishlborough: Catawba City; Conover Center coordinates of site (latllong in degree decimal format); Lat. 35.72531 �N; Long. -81-20093 `VV. Universal Transv rise Mercator_ Name of nearest waterbody; Mahaffie Branch Identify (estirnate) amount of waters in the review area - Non -wetland waters - 1 So aters-1So linear feet: 16 width (ft) and/or acres. Cowardin Class: Rivedrie Stream Flaw; Perennial Wetlands: - 0.1 acres_ Cowardin Class: cmer ent Name of any water bodies on the site that have been identified as Section 10 waters- Tidal- Non-Tidal: aters.Tidal:Non-Tidal: E REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): Office (Desk) Determination. Elate: Field Determination.. Date(s): H&8 Field Evaluation oijv/1 SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for preliminary JD (check all that apply - checked items should be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources belcw )- Z Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicanticonsuItent: HL,yr.man & Bandy, Inc. Attn: Tamp Bandy Data sheets prepared submitted by or on 'behalf of the applie ntfconsultant- Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. Office duos not concur with data sheets/delineation report. Data sheets prepared by the Carps: F1Corps navigable waters' study: F1 U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: 71 LISGS NHD data 1JSGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps PROJECT HUC 030501011102 U.S. Geological Surrey map(s). Cite scale & quasi name; N,Lv tor, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey - Citation: WEB SCT SURVEY OR PAPER COPY OF Catawba National wetlands inventory maps)_ Cite name: National Wetlands Inventory 0 State/Local wetland inventory map(s). 0 FEMNFII M maps: 17 100 -year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1920) Photographs.: LA Aerial ( Name & Date); or Z Other (Name & bate): oifi2i16 ElPrevious determinations)_ File no. and date of response fetter: 1-1 Other information (please specify): 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be Jurisdictional waters of the United States on the subject site, and the permit applicant or other affected party who requested this preliminary JD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved jurisdictional determination (JD) for that site. Nevertheless, the permit applicant or other person who requested this preliminary JD has declined to exercise the option to obtain an approved JD in this instance and at this time. . In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring Lpre-construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non -reporting IVWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an approved JD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware of the following- (1 ) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a preliminary JD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional rosters, (2) that the applicant has the option to request an approved JD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an approved JD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) that the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) that the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) that undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without reque ting an approvers JD constitutes the applicant's acceptance: of the use of the preliminary JD, but that either form of JD will be processed as soon as is. practicable; () accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authoriz tion based cin a preliminary JD constitutes agreement that all wetlands and ether water bodies on the site affected in anyway by that activity are jurisdictional waters of the United States, and precludes any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an approved JD or a preliminary JD, that JID Will be processed as soon as is practicable. Further, an approved JD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C_F.R. Part 331, and that in any administrative appeal, Jurisdictional issues can be raised (see 33 C.F.R. 331.5(a)(2)). If, during that administrative appeal, it becomes necessary to marc an official determination whether CWA jurisdiction exists over a site, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional water's on the site, the Corps will provide an approved JD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. 3 This preliminary JD finds that there "may be"'waters of the United States on the subject project site, and identifies all aquatic features on the site that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information - IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarily been verified by the Cors and should not be relied upon for later jurisdictional determinations. Signature and date of Regulatory Project Manager (REQUIRED) 4 59- -714116 Signature and dataXf person requesting preliminary JD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable) Estimated Site Cowardin amount of number Latitude Longitude Class aquatic resource in review area Mahaffie 35.72586 -81.20187 I�iv :rine 150 I -f. WL 1 135.724161-81-19832 lEmergent 10.1 acres Class of aquatic resource wetfand jurisdictional Determination 'Request A. PARCEL i N F OIC MAT I O1 Sire[ Addresa: Cath®, State- C'ounty- Dircct ons—, 1446 N. NC Hwy 1 Conover, NC - Catawba (proposed Lap Road ROW)_ 1" arceI Index Number(,,) (I'l'R, portion of 374211658M - B. REQUESTOR INFOitMATIO N aTnc- Tamp Bandy Mal ling Addr s, 41o8 LB Propst Dr. Conover, NC 28613 — — Telephone Number., 828.3W1-3437 EIcc MMC Mail Address`. 1TampBandy@grnaii.com Select 'UnC: I am the currcnt property ONIMcr. I am ars Autht)Fized gent or Fnvironnictit rl multant` I_I Interestcd Buyer or Under r`'ontmct to PuTchast Other. pl=;c, explain, C. PRfyPE€1<TY0VV'''FR INFORMATION Mailing Address Telephone \Ualher-- Eie*ctronic Mad Ade res-;': Hunsucker Farms LLC 3223 John Daniel Dr. NE Conover. NC 78613 7 Proof ofLhwnr laap Attached (e,-9, a copy of Deed, Count ?]S Faro[ Tex Rcrcord data) It av4E1JhEe Must attacb completed Agent AukhmizalUon FGrm It a•4aiiaWle Version: December r 2013 Page 3 jurisdictional Determination Request D. PROPVR1')' O%wV FR CERTIFICATION 1, tht undt:T-Mt_.rie�L a duly authorized owner € f record of thii properv,-,-propenits identified herein, do authorize representatives ofthe Wilmington District, U.S.Amiy Carps c,f E tp,ittem (Corps to ewer upon the property herein desl rrberi for the purpose of conducting ort -site: ir1�'�str�atrprl�, and issUirlp a deltrMirrrftion a&wciated with Waters i -Mf the US- subject to Fedetul xurisdictiotr under Section 404- of the Clears Water .het anti;or Seg: ivn lel ot'The Rivers and f [arbors Act of 1899, Hunsucker Farms LLC kx- 1 Property Owrrcr (plm-w prinpi Datc Property E. JURISDICTIONAL DETER-%IINATIO TYPE S laws Orie: 1 am rtyudstirr- that thct CoTr., e ni% ire a prOjniinar- _1D for the property idcntifu rel herein, Thi, request st dry � include a delineation. 1 :arn requesting, ihai uhc Corps PTovidrt a prclimingia JD for the property identified hcreinti 1Thi�; request does ` OT inc.lu€te a delineation. 1 anti requesting that the €`carp; investigate the properly. -project area for Lite PTVSeTice (IT absence ot"WoUS" and provide an approved JD for the psope y identified Irerrin. Thi," requLsT does (Yr include a requesr ta?z ;a v%znfied delineation. I am re uewting that Clic Cat s deline rte the bound; ries of al l XVQL' an a property,`projec:t urea and provide an �p (Ehu, may ter may not include a survey plan. [ a:n teClLICS.IiII41 that the Caps eti-aluate ,arid approve a delineallon ral-Wol—,S (,conducted b%- others s) OFF a property proJLct area and pro%,, ie :gra apprcave D (may or may not rr elude R, plaT 1. For NCZ;kU" feguesis from ji°tg OT& curfertT NCD0riL:SA pratC:OIs. �krp To Fart [ '.Vann. of :nP Ur:its 'State's Version: B)e.r,emhpT-'?013 Page 4 Jurisdictinnai Determination Request Map of Propeny or Project Area (attached). This %lap t=Nz clearly depict the boundaries o r ttie area ofevaluatlona IJ Size. of Property or Vroicct :area r5 acres I verify that tiyc proprrty ioT-prc3Icct3 boundaries have recantly becn surveyed and marked h}, a liccnsed land survevor OR arc olhcr%vise clearty (narked or distin-uishabic. G. JD RFQUIESTS FROM CONSUI.T NTS OR AGFNCIES t i .i Preliminary JI) Requests: Cornpleted and sijm d PrciirrtanM_Jurtsdigi«ntsl_D-elu minatinij_Form I'rgjcct Coordina;es 5.7-2578 Latitude -81.20220 Longitude 'vIsps (no larger rhan � p x t 7) rith P rojcc t l ourickin, Overlay. Urge and irial I scale rnaps that depict, at mininvuriv sins;. interseetions. towpi-q Acrid Photogripliv of the pr+tl*cct *lrc t 2 1J,SCs S Tope graphie Map Soil Survev Map 01ht:1. Maps. it' appropri.ttV, � .{ N;;.- iomjl Wetlaud I'nvewory N -Jap, Proposcd Site Plan, pr-o,lous delineation maps. LJDAR maps. FENIA floo 1plam maps '' ��� ,y WSwie�rld x �: •,�t' i•. r cir..i Fc�r-� Renu°+�rQfy�iui��nt[��'Ct�'r ��+_ �-07. s�,r�r-d !`Jne` Zb. �t7"� Verston. Usccmber' 013 P.)ge jurisdictional Determination Request Delineation Information (,, hen applic.ablei' : Wetlands., PrI Wetland Data Shects' Tribut.ari+cs: zCASA L 1✓ Asst-s,,m. cnt Forms Upland Data SheeL4 � Other Assessment. )('(}rt't't (when appropriate) LV La n&cape Photos, if taken Field Skctch ox.-c:lam on legible Map that hOudcs: ■ All aquaiie resourcc-s (For slics with muhiple rrsourccs, lahcl and idc'ntifv) ■ Lmatiom, of wethind data points and.'or IT-fttanat. ws ssment reach • Locations of photo NU- ii0rt, • a`' pproxitrtate acreage linear footage of aquatic resources (2) Approved JDs including Verification ofa Delincation. PrIoJect C'oordinatcs; 35.72578 Latitude -81.20220 Longitude Maps (no larger than I Ix1 r) with PrgJect Boundary Overlaw_ 11 L,argc and small st:alc wraps th3L depict, at ruin mtum streets. intcrscctiOns. tit ums Aerial PhoLography of the project :area 0 USGS Topographic Nfap F] Sail Surer Map 0thcr)Aaps, ;ss appropniate (e.-. National W Ctlalld lrty enwry ?vlap, Proposed Situ Plan, pre -,haw; delineation maps) 1987 Manual Regional Supplements and Data ,, ;.in lit, found at: Welland and Stfeam A&sei&ment Wtiadologie% c,., ::iL• i aund at fi3and, SAXI Dcaft DC4ineato0rr irifDrMs 30n + UIM IMIUCfV, at minimum, ont- ivrTl.rnd data !.fir -M for wacb wrtJandl munA glDPe, Version, December 2013 Page f1, Jurisdictional Determination Request A. PARCEL INFORMATION ,trent A,ddT-cs--. Coijntw ; Dircctionti: 2-50 Lap Road NL Conover, NC Catawba ParL:,-11 Index N'umbet� o , i TN - B. RE LET R INFORMATION 374211763211 ame- Tarn,p # ndy MaiIRng add s- 41o8 LB Propst: fire Conover, NC 2861 Tele-pho11e dumber: 81&302.3437 Electronic, Mail AddressE: JTampEandy�'iagmal turn 1 am the current pmp rty cvwner. I:gym art Authorized AgL-nt �)r Fnvirmniental Consultant` Inicrested Buyer or Under Contract to Purchase ElOther, plea. e CXPh-liia, C PROPERTY CY► N RINFORMATIO Fame: i ailing Addres Telephone Number - Electronic :Mail Address': Lap Read Farms LLC PO Box 391 - Hirkar hiC z86�3 WI'roof of [. vmcrship Attached le.g. a copy -of Deed. County (rIS Pa -cel Tax Rr-,&ord data) ` klu°.t ARtreh completed Agent AuthoflZation Form If a{a�lah:� Version: Dei:ember 2013 Page 3 Jurisdictional Determination bequest 1_ ilte runeler.tgned. a d+ul ant}iorized owner off -ecord of slte prupertyiprop nic:-� identified herein, do authorize reTresentative of theWilmington District. U.& Anny corps of E.nginects l f'arp to eater upon the property herein described foo the pttrposw ofconducting part -site investigations and issuing a determination wssoe aced with Waters of the l...S,-Uhiect to FederaI jurisdiction tinder Section 4(W of the Clean Water Act acid, or Section W of the Rivers and Harbors Ac r of 1899 - Lap Road Farms LLC " rt ven y E lw Cx l.ple. Nc pri 1111 l'r��aeraer E. JURISDICTIONAL DETER-MINATIO TYPE Sek-U One: ll;rte - - -- T astir requestin" that tine cops prc�vidtf i ,+arelimingrr - 1l� for the property identified hc�rcln. TMiis reyue�;t ;goes include a delineatic ii, I am requesting thal the CoTpN prOVidC a PTChMippa JD for the propeny identified herein. This request does NOT inc tude a delineation. I am requesting that the Corps itivestigate the property -project area for alae presence or absence of WcaUS and provide an Approygd ID for the properiv, icientiiled herein. This request does NOT include a request for a verified delineattcn. I aM requesting that theCorp,; delineate the bound;iries of all WoUS on a prope ty,project :area and provide arm a�,�r�,� -4 JD I;tl�i� rr,ay or may not include a sur -my plat) - I aria regUe�,tiTl-' 111LA tht C OrpS C%'Aate Md approve a delineation of NVOUS i;cc}nducted by othem) on a property- prr-ject area and provide an arar Mygd lD (may or may not Mclu&7 a survey plaf)- For MCDCIT requestf follow --,i, the turrem { COOT/USACE proli o1s, �sk+p it hart E. .6 ti4iltc'ff of :".r r.l ifi;,.;' Mates Ile rsinn, Beaseminsr2033 Pagc4 urisdi ional Determination Request F. AAI, RIEQ YSTS Map cit' f'roperty or Project Area (attached). This, Mala must cleady depict the b undsriL:ti of tlxe area of+evaluation- Project area is porton of property designated as proposed Lap Road Extension Right -of -Way W] e Size orfProperry or Prgjcct Area —2.5 ;: rL1; Fl l l vcrify that the property lorprojtict a b0lindarl" have rc"ntly been sun,cvcd and marked b%, a l �:e!nwd sand sur.tvor OR are othcrwise clearly Marked or distinguishable. C. ,JD REQl' FSTS FROM C NSUI,TA TS OR AGENCIES # l) Preliminary ID Rcqucsts: Compictcd and signed Prclirnin n- Juritidictionai net —inal-on. FomiC%. Project Coofdialato53W2416, Latitude -81.79832 Longitude Maps (no larger than i l k i 7) with Project Boundary Overlay.- Large verlay. Lar e and small reale maps that depict, at mire muni: sheets, intersections, t wns WAenal Photography of the pToject irc�i 2 USGS Topographic Map of tung v Map Oihcy r Map,,. .t, appy-oprzatc (r.g National Welland !nventou Map, Prupuscdc; it Plan, Previous al =neation maps. LIDAR Tllaips. FEMA flotwlplam Mapsl See _ Pend X A;Sf , �.,... L,r••,. From Rtu=;rtorw Guidance Letter No. 05-G7, d7#+`d jurte 26. 2009 jurisdictional Determination Request Delineation Infbrrna►ion �whcn applicablei - Wetlands: I_"J Wetland Da-za Sheen' �i . F1 G Upland Data Sheet% C,.i�ndscape Photos. if taken Tributari . >JSACF Assessr cni Forms Field Sketch o erhparr on Ic ible. Map that includes: Cather A3..seer&rnent Forms (where appropriate) All aquatic re -sources (for site: with multiple rc%ourues, label and idem] -Ry) Locailions of wetland data point.% and car tributan, as_ es'%m nt rcaehcs ■ li_tx:;atlons of photo statitms ■ Approximate acreage; linear footage of aquatic resources (2) Approved JDs including VcrtEc:fnon of Dclincation: 7 Pn�jcct Coordinates., 35,7241 tiLUde -81-19832 Longiwdc Map (no larger than I x17) with Prqject Bowl ' verlay- Large and small scale maps that depict, at minimum: streets, inturseCtions, towns 0 Aerial Photography of the project area l_'SGS Topographic fklap Sail S umvv X1ap Cher ?4Sap , aN apprf lrr dtr (c.g. Natiortial u etlar7d inventory Map. Proposed Site Plan, previous delineation inaps) 1987 Manual Regional 5uarrl{emelits acrd Data forms can he found at: L7tg ";%vveW-m'acC Arm. i�f X1953, I:'Liwor4`dOFkyj? r_KL•_f w P -;;T �rra*udPz r ' t�+ 5g ]:j jL+ pi Welland ani tfieam A�,sessrnefrt Methodotogles can he found at: rta :r sl.n *nr,r,r. - =17, A=r6f3c'Mb so$- iq3 ib3*a1t}bf+lt pl and, Delineat-nn infCSer" aktion rriu�.' ::': Ir1: r , a, mirlir? um, one wetland d.ita shrt4 for each wetland/com nunity tYP Version. Ductnnber 2013 Page 6 ii St Stephens Sza nown Oxford Park 10 f-40 Exit 132 7D "'L 11C Witilhef SPOO70 Crossroad it PTOject Namc, LAP ROAD HUYSMAN & BANDY, INC. owner / Developer: CITY OF CONOVER (Project Proponent) W L ILAPAD AND f NVI RON MENTAL CON,5U LTArfr5 city / county, Conover / Catawba Tax PIN(s): 374211658809 (north of 1-40), 374211763211, 374212767415 Vicinity Map Coi)rdinates:1 Scale., Date: 81.2020 Lat. 35.7258 Long; nts 02-02-2015 Notes Mahaffie Branch (perennial tributary) Non -jurisdictional _- - - - Upland 140EkrtRa Drainages - — - — -- - l-4QXisfingaP Road Non -jurisdictional surface connection (fabric/rip-rap lined ditch) Wetlands Perennial Stream Tributaries (shown with dark blue lines) - Exhibit clear- indicators of Ordinary Nigh Water Mark Wetlands: Areas containing hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and indicators of wetland hydrology Marginal Areas: Areas have hydrophytic vegetation but weak or absent indicators of hydric soils and/or wetland hydrology. Non4urisdictional Drainages: Although depicted as streams on GIS and ,soil survey mapping, these drainages are assessed to lack the necessary indicators for designation as a regulated "waters of the US" *Wetland Sketch provided for illustrative pur poses for preliminary planning use only. Not intended to be relied upon for exact location, dimensions, or orientation. All findings and assessments made by wetland consultants regarding limits of jacrisdiction or permitting requirements are subject to verification by the US Army Corps of Engineers and other appropriate state and local authorities. Project Name: LAP ROAD HUYSM.AN & BANDY, INC. Owner / Developer: WETLAND AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS City / County: Tax PIN(s): CITY OF CONOVER (Project Proponent) Conover / Catawba 374211658809 (north of 1-40), 374211763211, 374212767415 Figure 1: Approximate Depiction Coordinates: Scale: of Waters and Wetlands Lac: 35.7258 Long: -81.2020 graphic Date: 02-02-2015 CATA)X7BA Geospatial Information Services Real Estate Search N 1 in=600ft W + I S This mv*,rej;oTJ producl, was proparud from tho Catawba County, NC q3eocipatial I ritoruvation Services- Catawba County has made sultYstanlial efforts to onsure the gg ]JMCY Of IDCabDri and laboling inlormabon Gwtained on thrix map or data on this report, Catawtki County pmrnwes and recommends tho in�operrdenl verif ication cH any data conliainW on this mapireport prodtw.1 by the user- The County of Catawba. its ernployee5, agents, and parsonnoll, idisclaim, and shall nQ1 be held liable [or any and all damages, Loss or liability, whether direct, Indirect or consequenVal which arises or may arise from this inapfroport product or the use thereat by any person or entity - Copyright 2014 Catawba County NG 03/0812016 Project Name; HUYSMAN & BANDY, INC. Owner I Devcloper: WETLAND AND FNVIRONMEN YAI CONSULTANTS City / County: Figure 2: County GIS Tax P1NJs1_ LAP ROAD CITY OF CONOVER (Projed. Proponent) Conover I Catawba 374211 SM809 (north -of 1-40). 374211 783211, 374212767415 Lat: 35.7258 Long. -81-2020 Scale= grapblc Date., 02-02-2015 K 1 v _ - NIX X Z. )T't 4119 T 500471 --- 4. }* ; I 1` 2iyo0 f! Project Name- HUY"SM AN & BANDY, INC- Owner f Developer-. WETLAND AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS City / Couniv: Tax PIN(s)= Figure! = USES 1 oipo Quad LAP ROAD CITY OF CONOVER (Project Proponent) Conover i Catawba 374211658MS (north of 1-40). 374211763211, 374212767415 Scale= Date: Lat 35-7258 Long; -81.2020 1 graphic 1 02-022015 Portion of Sheat 17 of Catawba County Sail Survey S13 ;e E t..r mIr _ MB) F I. - Projut Name: IAP ROAD HUYSMAN & BANDY, TNC- 1)wner/DevpIoper: CITY OF GONOVER (Project Proponent) WHLAND AND ENVIRONMENTAL COM ULTAN-15 .city f County: Conover / Catawba Tax PICA( }: 374211658809 (north of 1-40), 374211763211, 374212767415 Figure 4: Soil Survey Coordinates; Sole:155c_ Lat: 35.725$ Long_ -81,2020 not to se�1c 02-02-2015 This m&V 46; for gr.:nnmi refermre onty. TIw U5 FISh amd W111dife SeaViCe IS W Oct 2015 rasponsibie for tlw wnuracy or mu nlness. of the best Intn shnwn an this mn of AO u tlands reUied 4dta should be used in a mrdaneb with the lapr mntada"a !oc nd an The Wedande lkbppa`r' �.h wp- Wetlands Prrjol=t dame: LAP ROAD HuysmAN aANDY, INC. Owner/Developer- CITY OF CONOVER (Project Proponent) VVL3LAND AND fNVIRDNMENTAL CONSULTANTS City f County: C{flflpVef / Catawba Tax PIN(5): 374211658809 (north of 1-40), 374211763211, 374212767415 Figure 5: National Wetland Csaiordinates= s�a9ae: crate: Inventory Map tat: 35.725E Long. -81.2020 graphic 02-42-21715 Prewwvrater Emergent =ra5fvwater rorested?ahruti Eswarine and Marine Deepwater Evuanno and Mamas Freshyater Pond _Lake Riverine 01taer Prrjol=t dame: LAP ROAD HuysmAN aANDY, INC. Owner/Developer- CITY OF CONOVER (Project Proponent) VVL3LAND AND fNVIRDNMENTAL CONSULTANTS City f County: C{flflpVef / Catawba Tax PIN(5): 374211658809 (north of 1-40), 374211763211, 374212767415 Figure 5: National Wetland Csaiordinates= s�a9ae: crate: Inventory Map tat: 35.725E Long. -81.2020 graphic 02-42-21715 DIRECTION 35r.,7 aR7 `PJ H -1.204113"W ACCURACY 5 m VIRLLIIUN J�,'CSJ "N tlS.1WdaIDmW ALLUKAtT 5 PI 36 de 1 l DATUM WG394 182 degM DATUM WGSS4 vt -may s r! H ! NF1.• L�.a� s� '_ d •.i � - sttwy 16 5off rwnp COMKEiNT 2 1016-01-12 tr_b v 2�72b (91-12 _ .�. 13wwwrt -` 77.R�.'7A—RS•AA - -_ 'r�:�34']f3:—Y35sflS�IT TT md DIRECTTON 35.73586'N 82.:02WWl ACCURACY 5 m 21 deq,[T) DATI M WGSHj ' a F AdwW tri Y w 44a. L 2L,16 rryy DIRE IUPd : `..'Sad"N p1.20.8i7"n' KOOKY 5 � 2FO sd"i1r DA 'eJGS8 yrail At I 'dp 1 20i6 -47a-1 UIRECTIM 35.72531`N B1.20195°W ACCURACY 5 ri IG6 dei{7i _ DATLM WG; DLG --a'_-12 i '..5;'~; ; , F—ii5 a n DIRECTIM 359.72545'fi 131-NI34-W ALL . LY 5 In 273+Ti DATUM 1noS84 dp 20:16-01-12 01$ mw C wCY 5 n DATUM WGS84 T dp ? �01�i-111�1� 1A:�.9:31=05: ��16-!l1-12 1 IBN 35.12512'N 8I... .. N ACCO 5'm 135 ,tip .iT [3A7I1M WG554 F. 1 i.q _ "��ti:r� •`,F mow`. s.� r - e k =ream dp�ib-�_,Lc u a437:05-05: ri y NC Surface Water Classification March 9, 2016 1.18,0561 0 0.15 0.3 0.5 rrd — I?1J P ll Q Glassifi�cations ._ 0 0.25 0:5 1 kM &mrce2: EGn. HERE. I]d p. Wr niw haereent F Corp., CSCR I)SCS FAO. NP, NRCAR GeoBasee I L, Kad=er NL, 4tchimee Sirvey. EBrI JgFnrk. DETI, Esi Qiah (Hof* K0n91 & iWOM. . MaPrnytrdift, 0 O0er�.sUedMap4u.o.&dxFL=. a Awe GIS MarCrmmuriap FiCGENR -❑ gIonof%hbL--rRr:,nrm s W-DENR Lily WMr Rc&wr= alm ul Uuflh G; tAlla Val, Esn, HeRE. DrLacn , 34CRBWEN7 f . Inturm p. LMw%. ME VNASA EPA, USIJA I NCOENR - QM,,]n O Waex R2&w ms I WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM — Eastern Mountains and Piecirnont Region Prapeevsite: LAP Road Extension Cityleounty: Conover Sampling Date: 01112J16 Applicanvowner 'City of Conover State: NC Sampling Point' bpi Inuestigator(sy Bandy Isner Section, Tawrship, Range.- Landform lange,Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc-)- hillslepe Local retie( (conczve, convex, none): [onc2ve Skape Sabragion (LRR+or MLRA); LF4R P Lit: 35-13581 Long: -81.20185 Datum: WGS 84 Soil Map Ural Nanle' Dan #liver NWI dassification: Are climatio 1 hydreAngic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes _ + No(lf no, explain in Remarks-) Are Vegetation . Soil , or Hydrology Slgnifit-q.rttly disturbed? Are `Normal 0ruum;3talu:L-`S9 present? Yes tof No Are Vegetation Sail or Hydrology. . naturally problematic? f If npedpd, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach site snap showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. HydrWhylir Vegetation Present? Yes _ No ir, Is rlie -Sarrmpled Area we Hydrir~ Soil Present? Yes , Np_ V _ within a Wetland? fes No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes- _ No_ _ Remarks; AVL Ser`ieS 1 L Type Appx. Acreage 2-4 H R Weather Recent Weather HYDROLOGY YIletla id Hydrology IndicAtors: Be+ondary lndit tors (minimurn of two required) Phmary Indic9tors (minimum or o€re Js r uired-, check all that apply) _ — Surface Boil Cracks (8135) Surface Water (A1) True Aquatic Plants (B14) Sparm. y Vegetated Concave Suria (98) High Water Table (A?} Hydrogen Sulfide Odor ([;1} Drainage Patterns (816) Saturation (A3) Oxddized Rhizospheres on Living: Roots (C3) Uoss Trim Lines (B16) Water Marks {B1 Presence of Red'uued Iro€, (C4) Dry-Seasnri Water Table (C2) Sediment Deposit.: (132) Rer-ent Iron Reduction in Thad Bails (Erb) Crayfish Burrows (C8) — Dr ft Deposits (B3) Thin Murk Surface (C7) Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (CO Algal Mzia or Crust (B4) Other (Explain in Remarks) Stunted or Stressed Plants (C1 j Iron DeposiB; (35) Geornorphic Position (132) _ Inunda9an Visitrlc on Aerial Imagery (137) _ Shallow Akquitard (133) -Stained Leaves (B9) Micmtopographlc Relief (04) _'mater Aquatic Fauna (B13) FAC -Neutral Test (D6) Field Ob rvatlons: Surface Walpr Present? Yes No � Depth (inches): Water Table Present? Yes N. 'or Depth (inches): SaturaUon Present? Yes No + _ E]eplls (inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes irwr udes to illi fringe _ Desuibe Recorded Data (Stranm gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available, Remarks N. V LIS Army Corps of fEnglneers Eastem Mountains and Piedmont- Versioe 2.0 LAP Road extension VEGETATION (Five Strata) — Use scientific Flames of plants- Sampling Point: DP 1 Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size: 0' % Cover Species? Status Number of Dominant Species 1. LIr;<cder+la�fl rf tuhptera 25—Y FAGU That Are DBL, FAC V, or FAC: 5 (A) 2_ - — Total Number of Dominant 3. Species Across All Strata-. 4, 2- = Total Cover 6o%of totai cover: 1 -5 20% of total cover. � -- a `n tr.w. (Plat size: 15 } 1. Rhus cojoaff num 115 Y FACU 9 Betula niara 10 Y FAG 3- 5- 5 = Total Cover 5o% of total cover 12.5 ?o% of total eDvar- 5 Shrub Stratum (Plot we. 15 s 1 1. baustum sinense 10 Y FACU 2, Rebus affeahen ensis 5 Y FAGU 3. Rebus occidentalis 5 Y FA U 4. 06 Percent of Dominant Species That Are 06L, FAM or FAC' 45 (AfB) Prevalence index worksheet: Total % Cover of; M aM I by. ODL species x I FACW species _ X2= FAC species x3= FACU species x d = UPL speuuTi x 5 - Column Totals: (A.) (B) Prevalence Index - BfA Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 1 - Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Q 2 - Dominance Test is X50% Lj3 - Prentenca Index is 2�3.0' [� 4 - Morphological Adaptations' (Provide supporting I- -I data. in Rernarks. arson a separate sheet) L_J Problematic HydroPhytic Vegetation' (Explain) 'Indicators of hydric sail and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or probierilatic. Total Cover 5W. of total cover: 10 20% of total comer 4 Herm Stroll{rn (Plat size., 5 , 1- MicrosticTium vrm,'neum 50 Y FAG 2- Arundinarra a-ic7antea if FA VI a- Afliium ca nadense 15 N FACU 4. Bofidaw altfss ma 10 N FAGU 11 7. +3. 11. 105 = Total Craver 50% of total cover 20% of total cover. 21 Wog* Vine Stratum (Plot size: i 1- Lonicera iaponica 20 'Y FAG itis labrusca 20 Y FACU 3- ,Smilax ,rotundifolia 10 Y FAG Strata: Tree - Woody plant., excluding woody vines, approximataly 20 ft (96 m) or more in height and 3 in. (7-6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height JOBH). Sap ling - Woody plants, excluding woody varus, approximately 20 ft (6 m) or mom in height and less Man 3 in. (7.6 cm) DBH- Shrub -Woody plants, excluding woody wines. approxirnately 3 to 21D ft (1 to 5 m) in height. Herb - All herbaceous (non -woody) plants, including harbaoeous vines, regardless or sLe, grid woody plants, except woody vines, lass than apprarcimately 3 ft (1 m) in freight. Woody vine - All woody vines, regardless of height. 4- 'I'' - Hydraphyrtic 50 = Tn1a1 Cover Veg-etation 50% of tote! cover 25""'102t3°16 of total Present? Rernarks: (Include photo numbers, ire or can a separate sheet,) US Army Caps of Engineers Yes No Y Eastern Mountains and Modniant - Vrrsion 2-0 US Army Gufps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont-11er5iun 2.0 LAP Road Extension SOIL Sampling Point' E)P 1 Profile Description: ([Describe tt) the depth needed to document the indicator or ronfirrn the absence of indicators-) _7epkri Matrix Rodox. Features inch )Color (moist) % Color (nwist_� % TYM Loc` -T xtura Rernark:s 0-4 10 YR 5 13 100 _ fine sift loam 4-12 5 YR 4 16 1OO fine -.int loam 12-16 7.5 YR 5 14 1 D cepa, Concentration: D=Depietii RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains- 'Location: Pt_=Pcx * Lining, M=Matrix- Hydric Soll Indicators; In:dicatclrs fnr Problematic Hydric Soils3= Histofiol (Al) _ Dark Surface (S7) i 2 cm Muck (A 74) (MLRA 147) Histic Epipedon (A2) _ Polyvalue Clelow Surface (58;1 (V LRA 147, 14'4) _ C oam Prairie Redox (Al63) Black Histic (A3) Thirty Dark Surface (S9) (M LRA 147, 148) (VILRA 147, 1481 Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Loamy Cale¢ Matrix (F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Sails (F19) Stratrfied Layers (A5) Depleted Matrix (F3) (MLRA 138, 147) _ 2 cm Muck (Al 0) (I_RR Fl) _ redox Dark Suilace {F6} _ Very Shallow D3* Surface (TF12) Depleted Bolo'ww Dark Surface (Al 1) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Other (Explain in Remarks) Thick Dark Surface (Al2) _ Redox Depre iorts (FS) _ Sandy M Lirky Mineral (Si) (LRR N, Iron-Manganeso Masses (F12) (LRR N, MLRA 147. 14k) MLRA 136) _ Sandy GFeyed Matrix (S4) _ Urnbric Surface (F13) (N LRA 136. 122) �icatcxs of hydrophytic v talmn and Sandy Redox (55) _ Piedmont Floodplain soils (F19) (MLRA 148) wetland hydrolGgy must be presenl,, Stripped Matrix (S6) lied ParL-nt Material (F21) (MLRA 127, 147) unless disturbed or problemadc- - Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type= Depth (niches): Hydric snil Present? Yes No Remarks: US Army Gufps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont-11er5iun 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM — Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region Projecv&te: LAP Road IEXten5iOrr City)County. Corryvl!r Sampling date: 01112 16 ApplicanWwner: City Of Conover Stag_ NC Sanpl" point: C)P 2 ln+estigalor(;): Bandy Isner Section, Township. Range: Landform (hilislope, 1errj(;t2„ utt,_): hillslope Local relief (concave, convex, none); concave Sutrregion (LRR. or ML ): LFtR P Lat-. 35.72547 Long: -81.20182 datum: WG5 84 Sal Map Unit Marne: Batt River NWI classification; Are climatic I hydrologlt conditions on the site typical l5or this time of year? 'Yes _ No _ (If no, explain in Remarks_) AreVeg tion Soil_ orHydrolcigy significantly disturbed? Are'Nu2nial Circumstances' present? Yes, fila Are Vegetation Sol or Hydrologynaturally prpblerriatle? (If needed, explain any answers in Rmiarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach site map showing samplirtg paint locations, transects, irrtpoirtant features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes, No Is the Sampled Arear HyOc Soil Present? Yes _ No _ within a Wetland? Yes. No Wetlarid Hydrology Present? 'Yes _ _ No *If _ Rerrrarl4s,; L Series L Type Appx. Acreage 24 H R Weather Recent Weather HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Sewndarvr Indicators (minimum of tw3 reguiradi Prrrnafy I ndlcators f minimum or ❑rie is rc�guired. cl-ioek 711 that a ly) — Surrace Soil Cracks (B6) SurfAce Water (A1) Truo Aquatic Plants (814) _ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (W) High Water Table (A2) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (Cl) (Iminage Patterns (810) Saturation (A3) 0ddized Mizcrzpheres on Living Roots (C3) "s Trim Lines (B16) Water Marks (131) Presence of RWtjwd Iron (C4) Dry -Season Water Table (C2) Sedfr enl depiasits (82) Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) Crayfish Burrows (C8) — drift deposits (133) Thin Muc* Sutfacc (C7) Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Other (Explain in Remarl€s) Stunted or Stressed Plahts (d1) Iron. Deposits (85) Geomorphic Po5ition (W) _ Inundation VisiNe on Aerial Imagery (B7) _ Shadow Aquitard (1)3) — Water -Stained Leaves (B9) Microtopographic Relief (D4) Aquatic Fauna (1313) FAC -Neutral Test (D5) -Field 6biarvadons: Surface Water Present? 'res Ido Depth (inches): Water Table Present? Yes No +F depth (inches): _ -- Saturation Present? Yes No of Depth (iriches)_ Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No includes ca ill fringe) scribia Recorded Data (stronm -gauge, monitoring well, aenat photos, previous inspections), if available: F�emarks;: Area is marginal; weak gore Iinings. No strong eviderice of hydro Ioby= saturation, eater table, etc_ LIS Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Pledmarli - Version 7-0 LAS' Road Extension VEGETATION (Five Strata) — Use scientific names ofplants. Sampling Poirot, UP 2 Absolute Corrrinant Indicator I Dominance Test worksheet_ rree #e#t#5tm (Plot Size= j % Cover Species Status plumber of Dominant Species 1 _ That Are OBL. FACK or FAC' (A) Total Number of Dominant 3. I :cies Across All Strata, 7 (B) 4- 6- = Total Cover 50% of total cover. 20% of total waer Sapling Stratum (Plot size; _} 3 4- % of tow cover, Shrut) Siratum (Plat size: 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. = Tectal Cover % of total cover -- = over = Total Cover 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: Herb Stratum (PICA size- .5 � . Microstichim vimineum - 40 Y Carex spec_ 15 Y 3. Juncus effusus 1 N a._ EUAatorium caD llrfolr, . 10 N p3, 1' �fTCJ(rL7iRCtwn 'ViOfdlcus 10 ill 6- Sofidagg Itissxma 10 7_ Lud lata alternrfolia 5 N 10. _ - 11. VVood•y Vint'-_SlTn1UTTr (Plot size 1. FAC_ FAMA Porcent of Dominant Species That Are 06L, FACS', or FAC;. 100 ( ) Prevalence Index worksheet: Total % Corer of: Multiply by! COL species x 1 = FACW species x2 - 2=FAC FAC species x 3 =� FACU species x 4 UPL 5peoes x 5 = Golumrr Totals- — (A) (E) Prevalence Index = 8fA Hydr•ophytic Vection Indicators- D 1 - Rapid Test for Hydrop#rytic Vegetation Q 2 - Dominance Test is 5-50% Ij 3 - Prevalence index is :.0' Z] 4 - Morphological Adaptations' (Provide supporting p -_i -I data in Remarks or ort a separate sheet) El Problematic Hydrophyfic Vegetation' (Expfain) ' Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology mw t be present, unless disturbed or p mblemafic. brrftrastions of F 4 Vegetation Strata' Tree -Woody pli4nts, axciuding woody vines, approximately 20 ft (6 m) or more in height and 3 in - (7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast heighl (DEH )- Sapling - Woody plants, excluding woody wnw.;, approximately 20 ft (6 m) or more In height and less than 3 in. (7,6 cm) DDH. Shrub - WiDody plants, excItkding woody vines, approximately 3 to 21) R (1 to 6 m) in i aight. rxt- Herb- All herbaceous (iron -woody) plants, including hemaccous vines, regardless n€ sizes. and woody plants, except woody vines, less than approximately 3 (t (1 m) in height - 100 = T41a1 Cover sa% or teal ter_ 50 20% of Iota] cove, 20 2. — 3. 4. 5, — =Total Cover 50% of Aortal cover: 20% of total cover photo numbers here or on a-se€aaratt* sheet-) US Army Corps of Engineers Woody vire - Al woody vine), ragardless of height- Hydrophytic Vegetation present? Ye. N. Eastern Miiunta ns and P'iednnon€ - Version 2.0 7.5 Y9 5 16 40 )c: C=Concentration, t7--dep1ndon, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains £Location: PL=Pond Lininri, M=Matrix- Hydric Howl lndicatw5: Histosc4 (A1) _ Dark surfs (S7) Histic Epiped9ur (A2) LAC' Road Extension SOIL _ Thin dark Surface (59) (MLRA 147, 148.) Hydmgen Sulfide (A4) Loamy (+,ley d Matrix (F2) Stratified Layers (A5) Sampling Point; Dig 2 Profile Descriptilon: (Descrihe to the depth needed to document the indicator or conirtirm the absence of indicators.} 0epth de&tcd Below dark Stuface (A11) Matrix Thick OaA Surface (Al2) _F2u kjx Features Sandy Mucky Mineral (St) (LRR K, en .$j— Color (moist) % Color (moist) Type Loc' Texture - _ Rema{ks 4-3 1() YR 4 12 54 fine silt looms 7.5 YR 4 13 50 3-12 7.5 YR 5 13 'I OC.} fine silt loam - 12-16 10 YR 4 12 60 fine silt loam 7.5 Y9 5 16 40 )c: C=Concentration, t7--dep1ndon, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains £Location: PL=Pond Lininri, M=Matrix- Hydric Howl lndicatw5: Histosc4 (A1) _ Dark surfs (S7) Histic Epiped9ur (A2) _ Prlyvalue below $urfaae (S8) (MLRA 147. 14$) Black Hisbc (A3) _ Thin dark Surface (59) (MLRA 147, 148.) Hydmgen Sulfide (A4) Loamy (+,ley d Matrix (F2) Stratified Layers (A5) Devebad Matrix (1`3) 2 cm Mrick (Al D) (LRR N) Re&x Oary Surface (F6) de&tcd Below dark Stuface (A11) Depleted dark, Surface (1`7) Thick OaA Surface (Al2) _ Redox C7epressicns (F8) Sandy Mucky Mineral (St) (LRR K, lrxynnadlanganese Mosses (Ptd) (LRR N, MLRA 147, 1421) MLRA 136) Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) _ Umbric Surface (F13) (MLRA 136. 122) Sandy Redox ($5) _ Piedmont FFoodplain Soils (F 19) (MLRA 1481 Stripped ?4atrix (56) Red Parent Mat€ riaA (F21) (MLRA 127, 147) Restrictive Layer (if swved): Type: Depth (inches): Remarks Less than 2 oxidized rhizo5�pheres. Indicators fcr Prablematic Hydric Soils: 2 an Muck (A10) (MLRA 147) _Coa5t Prairie Redox (A16) (MLRA 147, 146) Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 136, 147) Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF1 21 other (Explain in Remarks) Ino icators of hydrophytuc vegetallon and wetland hydrology mu ;t be present, unless disturbed or prQblerrcatic_ Hydric Buil Presant7 Yes No v US Army Corps of Encgineefs Eastern Mountains and Piedmont – Ver art 2.0 WETLAND L7ETERMIN,ATION DATA FORM — Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region I eeUSite= LAP Road Extension Cityrounly: (onovc.-r Sampling Date: 011o/16 +441Pl1ir„a,UOurrre'_ City of Conover State: NG Sampling point: DP 3 Investigator(s): Bandy Isner Section, Township, Range. Landform (hillsh)pe, terr�we, etr;.): hillslope Local retie( �conr.�ve. crnvPx, none): corlcave Slope Subregion (L.RR or PALRA); LRR P Lat: 35.72554 Lang: -$1.217189 Datum. WG5 84 Soil Map Uriiil Name: Dan River NWVI classilicalion- - Are dirnatic 1 hyairologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes _ +� No (If no, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation Boil or Hydro"y :significantly disturbed? Are "Nomnal Oir rnu Eaarcos" present's Yes 'r No - Are Vegetation . Soil or Hydrology. naturally problemde? (if needed, explain any answers in Rernaft.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes _ Hydric Soil Present? Yes, Watland Hydrology Present? 'des Reniarkri: L Type 24 HR Weather Recient Weather HYDROLOGY Nc 15 the Sampled Area Air No_ _ within a VVetland7 Y(, No y N4 L Series Appx. Acreage C0.10 acre Vtfe#lan5f Hydrology Indicator: Sewnga[y tndiCators (minimum of two required) Primary Indicate )minimum of one is Wuirod: chock all that apply) � _ Surface Sot] Cracks (85) Surface Water (A1) True Aquatic Plants (B14) Sparsely Vegetated Coricave Surfaug (W) High Water Table (A2} Hydrogen Suli+de Odor (Gl) Drainage Patterns (6117) +r' Saturation (A3) V 0idized Rhizosphere on Living Roots (C3) Moss Trim Lines (5165) Water Marks (01 Presence of Reduced Irian (C4) Dry -Season Water Table (C2) Sediment Deposit, M2) Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C,6) Crayfish Sun (C$) Drift Deposits (B3) Thin Muck Surfaces (C7) Saturation Visible ort Aerial Imagery (C9) Algal Mat or Crust (134) Other (r=xplain in Remarks) i SluntW or Stressed Plants (01) Iron Deposits (85) Geomorphic Position (D2) _ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) � Shallow Aquitard (133) Leaves (B9.) Microtop phic Relief (D4) _Waler-Stoinnd Aquatic Fauna (1313) FAC -Neutral Test (D5) Flsld Observations: Sryrfac-Veratra Present? Yes No d Oepth Cinches): Water Table Present? Yes Ntr Depth (inches): Saturabon Prnsent? Yes V No- Veplir (tnc l>Ps): W gUand Hydrology Present? Yes I/ No ncludes capillary. fringe) Describe Recorded Da!a (stream gauge, rrwnitoring well, aerial pholos, previous inspeGions), sf available: Remarks: LIS Army Cortes or Enginee's Eastern mountains and Piedmont - Version 2.0 LAP Road Extension VEGETATION. (Five Strata) — Use scientific names of plants. Sampling F°oint, DP 3 Absolute Dominant tndicaw Dornfnance Test worksheet: � Tre urri (Plot size: I s Number of Dominant Specie 1 _ Thal. Are 06L, FACW, or FAC: (A) 2_ Total Number of Dominant 3. Species Across All Strata; 2 (B) 4. 50% ol'tortal comer. Sapkinft Skratum (Plot size- ? 1- = Total Cover 20% of totak cover 3_ `f- -- — 5- - = 'Total Cavrbr 5D9dr of total cover 20% of total cover.— Shrub werShrub Siratuni (Plot size: ,} 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total G calx Percent of Dominant Species That Are 08L„ FACW, or FAC: ]QCI (A S) Prevalence Index waficsheat: Tvtal 9' ver of: Multiply by: OBI -species x S FAC'4'd Spemes x2 - 2FAG FAC speri x3= FACU species - x4= UPI -species X5= Column Totals: (A) (B) Prevalerioa Index = BIA = Hydrophytic Vegetation indicators: E] I - Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Z2 - Dominance Te!;I is >50% 3 - Prevalence index is :93-0' h - Morphological Adaptations' ( Provide supporting data in RerrTk4 ryr on a separate sheet) LJ Problematic Hy+drophy#ic Vegetation' {I xptain� 'Indicators of hydric soil and wettand hydrology must be pm-nrit, unless disturbed or problematic. Defni# ons of Ffva Vagetation 5traW: 50% of total cover: _ 20% of total cover - 'Tree _ Woody plants, exclu&nrq woody vines, Herb Straium (Plot size: approximately 20 ft (6 m) or more in height and 3 in. 1. Microstiaiu ?7 viii illi eum 40 FA (7. Fa cm) or rergor in diameter at breast heighl (08H), ?_ Carex op. 15 Y- FAQ SaMing - Woody plants, exrlvdinq woody vines, 3. t fa f f 1 (} jib FAC_ ap�proximatoly 20 ft (S m) or more in height and less 4_ EuDatorium capillifyti.- 10 N F 4 :4J' than in. (7_6 crrr)DBI . 6.Andropmo i virainicus 10 N 'FAQU Shrub -Woody plants, exctudin+gwoody vines, 6, Sofidztao alf ssima 10 14 FA QU approxmiatelyr 3 to 20 ft (1 to 6 m) in height_ 7_ Luk7t",+ iaja alft13mifoiia 5 FAUA Herb -,All herbaceous (non -woody) ptants, including S. herb.K-eo rs vines, regardless of size, anti woody pdonts, except woody vines, less than approximately 3 g. ft (1 m) in height. i tD, 11. 100 = Total Cover 50% of total covver. �0 2Ci% of total cover: 20 Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size; _ ] 1. 2. 3_ 4. = Total Cover 510°% of total cover_ 20% of total wvesr: Fiemark5: (Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheer.) US Army Carps of Engineers '',Woody vine - All woody vines, regardless of height_ Hyrdrophytic Vegtion Preserrt? Yes No Eastern Mountains and Piedmont - Vemlon 2-0 LAP Road Extension SOIL Sampling Point' DP3 Profile Gescrlption- (Describe to the depth needed to dr curnent the Indicator or confirm the absence of indicators-) Depth MatrixRed6x Features (inches) Gulor (moist] % 'Color (moist) % -Type' Loo` Texture R rn rk 0-3 10 yR 4 12 70 _ fine silt loam T5 YR 4 13 20 10 YR 5 rr6 10 C PL 3-12 7.5 YR 5 12 90 10 YR 5 /6 10 PL fine silt loam 12-16 10 YR 4 12 60 fine silt loarn 7.5 Y H to 16 40 'I .- C=Concentration, U=(ep4eitan, RIVI= educad Matrix, MS=Masked $and Grains.Location. PL=Pare Lining, MzMatiix, Hydnic Sail Indicators- Indicators for Problematic Hydric So4tse: Histo l (Al) — Uark Surface (S7) _ 2 crn Muck (A14) (MLRA 147) Histic Epipedon (A2) _ Polyvaiue Below SUrfeGP (S18) (MLRA 147, 148) _ Coast Prairie Redox (A%) Black Hi5tic (A3) Thin bark surface (S9) (MLRA 147, 1411) (MLRA 147, 148) Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soft (F19) StTobllied Layers (Ari) DepIelfA Matroc (F3) (MI -RA 136, 147) 2 cm Muck (Al 0) (LR€i N) _ Redox Dark Surfaea (F6) _ Very Shadow Dark SurfaiGe (TF72) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) C7Lpplerr:d [lark Surtace (FT) tither (Explain in Remarks) Thirds Dark Surface (Al2) _ Redox Depre55iomi (FS) Sandy Mw*y Mi karal (S1) (LRR N. iron -Manganese Masses (r17) (LIT N, MLRA 147, 148) MLRA 136) _Sandy Gieged Matrix (S4) _ Umbric Suria : (F13) (MLRA 136, 172) sandy Redox (85) — Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MILRA 148) Siripped Matrix (S6) Red Parent Material (F21) (MLRA 127, 147) restrictive Layer (if observadj: Type, Depth (inches)_ Hydric Soil Present? Yes Ve N. `Indicators of hydrephytic vegetation and "tland hydroiDgy must be present, unless distort ed OF prcbinrn2tic. Remarks' Less than 2 oxidized rhi2aspheres_ US Army Corps o(Engirweerb Eastem ht unrainct and ;Piedra- ont – Version 2.0 IT 6 c. � c; CI 71 Ll ig IT 6 c. � c; CI 17 - mu vi -2� 7E