HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071399 Ver 1_Buffer Determination_20080109~~`~~~ WAr~~~~ {~~' \;n6 +~i...:,Ik'~:rt+it + -vr r. n~an+i `ws~4r~u ti~-.,f,ia1 I .n'r ~ . F ,7f '~'c ~+t r a ~ ,;3f sC; _ _. _. Jant.tar1 ~. `'1~QR I~tt c~ I'rip~et = ~t~1t.,;y 1 ;~~ ~Vra~4tl t_~i~i.it3t'+ 's~~alter (."'t91rr 5711 & I.n.~~lronrltcntal C;c~ttsultants t l itl U f~ti~•en Ridge kr~ad I~al~:.i~,1t.~C ??f~14 .linen (a. Thcjl-n~ls. tir. rhCrn'ld~s F.n~incerinz, P:.~, I'. C1. Fic~~ 1~CI9 ~Ier~~ F3ern_ `vC ?~l'~fi_ 'pub;ett }'repert~ : S~+~ift Creek Plantation l..l' to S~a~itt C"reek. ?~et$se Riper basin ()n-Site 1?etermination far Applicabilitt~ to the leuce R.i~~er Riparian Area Prt~tecti4n Rules (1 ~,'1 'tiC';1,(. ZB .l)233~ I~}ettr htr. C"t}le: :~.t , c+>.rr reyuea€ I 4t1nc#uctcd an un-site dettrntittatic~n tc} r~r>i~c{ i3raina~e f~atur~s iz~cat~.~ cjrt tC~~ ~ub~cct prc~p~rt~ ?i1r app(icabilit~ tc1 the'~euse Buffer Rules C. I~, '~C'.~C' ?C3 .U2 ~~i. I'he prap~rtti~ is Cc--cated c?rt the. east side of Streets Derr} }~~a~f (SIt ICU}. sautl~ ttf ~'aticek~c~ru. The feature is Iaf~eled as "~"aR~)_t}~=l ~~~" can the attachcci I113p lritttaled l}~' rl]~ 4i1 :~tl~tiSt ~~, 2I1t17 The Divisian of V4`ater (duality (C1VV"+~) tt~s de#ermined that the partian of the future that is h-~hli~htecl in pink an the attached map is Etcemot from the Itieuse CE3uffer lFtules. °T"he portians of the feature that are circled and highlighted in blue on the attached map are Subject to the tieuse >~uffer Rules. This T'eatcare sltc~uld lie identified can any future plans fir this prupert~•. The c~ti7ter (ctr futtue c~r~~ers) she}uld nc,tif}' the l)1'~'(~) rand ckther rel4~artt agencies) r~#`this decision in and future ec~rresponel4nccs c:uncernin~ thi4 prc~Ile1-t~~. ~I-his c~eterrninatic~n pertains to the subject prop~:rty c~nl~~. -I~his un-site dcte:rrrtinatic~n shall wsI-~irt #i~e (~} years frc~lr, th,: date +~f this letter. lWattdt~~~ leers «r affected parties that dispute ~~ deterrtZiriation rt3ade C_iL• the L)E~~c~ ~,r Uclegatcd Lr~ca! :°luthc>ritr xhat a surface 4;ater exists artd that it is 4ulziect tcj the huger rule rt~a~ request a cietcrrninatic~n h~ the I~irectclr. reaatett far a detertt'iinatir~ti b~- thz Director shall be rzferred tc~ the Director itt ~~+•riting c. ~-~ C~t7di l~ar4~l~. I~4~'(3 ~~'etlands.~~l(ll [.init. ? a? l C'ral?tree I~lti~d.. Raleigh,'~C' 271}t~~-?~f}t#, Inditi idtrals that ~isptrt~ r~ ~~t~rn~tnatii~at h~_,• the T}'r~'E~ c}r Delegated I.s~c:al .~uthc~rity €hat "exempts" a 4urface ~~"ater frc?In the huf#'er rtzf~ rtia~ asl: t~~r ttr7 tt~ljtrclicatt~r~ hearing. 4'ctu must. act ~iithin 6th dtt~s of`th date tha€ tictu reeeite this later. .~l~plic7r~ts are h~rc:h; notiiec# that the btl-day statutc~r~ appeal time dais not start until the at~#~ectecl partti i:inelui~it~~_ d~~~~-ttstrcartt ar~d adi:~cc:nt landc~ls~-tt4rs t is n~-1ti#ied of this ciecisic:~n< U~t"(~ rc.t.ilmmcncls that €he ;~p~lic:il~t ~r~ttduct this nc~tii~cati~t~ ita ~~rder tc~ Lie cc~rtaitl th;tt third part~~ ap~~als ~~. Inad~ in a tin~el~ rnatt~aer. __ \,°rt~ { .~r>~;7^« 1~+5~7ab,n a~i '~~ a[er t~iriatst5 !*t8f118t. ?12G,8ttt.-51318-~~~ u~ u~3 lw ahm~L++r,'.yr3:ui Rat.' ('h~rne: ''~~ ~~.b-b~FY;I TMTM~~l~C1L /~'~ ,a,4~;hm i m. A.'f ' x.89 F ~.x '~' ~1t,•9~ ~ l~~~ ~~~f}~(l/l~[!; tip: ~;~~~ ..ys~rtu ~'~ ~.k+rm~cve ~.c:~. ~mp~ry~r - ti;~a ~eryc :,~. ~+ ~~ suer ~a,~e° ~~`~t~t>>~,~t111 i ~~r ask fc~r a h~arin~, send ~ ~4~ritten petition, ~i~hich ccnfomts ttt Chapter 1 ~~113 c?f the ~`dc+nlt ~`aa-~-rlirta CBeni:ral Statues to the Ufticc of.'ldministrati~e Hearings. G'~14 1~4ai1 Service Center, l~alcizh. N.C'. ??(i~r~-E,?14. l~lti: detertninatic-n is final and binding; unless ~~c~u ask. for a hearing ~vitl~in 6() dais. (r~is letter an14~ addresses the ap}ylicdbility tc~ the buffer roles and dc~e4 ~lc~t appr~~e t~r~~ actiait~- c~~ithin the: buffers. "~ior does this letter appre~~~e anti aetivite r~-ithitt ~`atcrs c7f'the [nited States u~r ~4'aters ctf'tl~e'~tatw. li~ ~4~u h~s~e an}~ additional questions i~r rec{uire additional information please call one at t3~?} ~i48_~~?fy. Sincerely. Chris Pullin~er~lrn~iriinmental S1.3zc. 11 D~l•`Qlu4'aRC} «`etlands ~ ~(}1 Unit Lnclc±sures: enp}~ of l .2~1,U~0 scale i:SCiS topo~raphie n7ap, Vanceboro quadrangle cc. l.~r~~~'c~ t~~ aR() file ~U1 Central Office file C'c:ntral Files :'~licn 1-IzIler iFiiename: 'Ct07-l s~4 • __ f ,,~`', : `' ~ tt ~ 1, `5 P V~ncebnro • ' ~~ ~~ - ... AY.' S. . ~' f,~ uF ;. V• '~'. ' -. d~ ~S m ~~. .l - - ~ .y ~ P 4 ., ,,'~w- ~ ~ ~' ~. -- ,. ~- '~*-i, ~~^- 6? s ~ ~ ~ j J.:~l~ ,~~~ T, f yr- .~`; SFr-. C,~••""z ~~~ r 1' f!J } ~~. ~} sre/, * h1_ `` ._ _yi.`M-~ t -- ..- ~ f ' •. f ivy' ~`+,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -• ,fir Norft, Carotir4a Ernironmerr!aj ~ •'t __ ~''`~` emerrt Cornrn~aia~ \ _ ~ .,~ C~ivi- Of War Qy ~ : -., ~ _. ~ , ~ T . '~~ ~; - ~'. { Dade ~' ~ ~ l: ~~ 2£3 L` ~ _ ~ ~,' -~ ~ 1,` _ z - - _ - • -- ''~ { ~... • ~,_~.~ _ _ _ s +~, .~ .-_ - - ~, ~, "- i ~} ~. .. ,. ~ .. /,' - ,_- r ,;~ ,'~~~,~ `, North Carr~fina Environmen±si f r ~~ :~ ~.7 ~'• ~ Management CorRlrri~ssion .r • ~.~ ~ ~ ~ . .,'~l ~it~'ESl{7n ~3iG*( QE7a~1~/ i ~ t*{ ,,f'~ k~. ~} ``f,,.,~.~__>~-~ f For ~~'`` F3asin Bt -~trt~r ~ z x ~_ ..~ I r, { ' ~t -~ v _ .: a O •s ~ • ~ ~:,,~y ,~~ \ ~, ~ •',~ gat `4 17.7J r _ `y ~ ~'~ a„ey.`.. r~ai ~+~EA3 : `'~~.,-, ~' tai 3•yi e~ Suai~~tCree~c Plantation ~ ><ar+ ~ r , ~^ ~ ~~; ~wrft~r~ek PRan~tse., '.,. ~ r`'+,;` ,. a ract A / ~ ~ Tact ~ ~ar~'~~ __ . _ '~~ ~ _- -- _ ~ ., ~_ , ; ., . - ~ ~ f',K,T . ~ ~ - ~ ,, ' ; •: _ .. _... • ,' . __. .» rs ~ d ~'. - CS i _ M r - ~- , ..l --,•-~.'tWu'~ F~ipar:an B~`t~gr , s ; I ~ ,.~ -"-, --~ - .__ _ exempt 1~9 feet each •- ~~ way ~1Csrth anti st}t~th ..+i`" ~c ~ ~~, of 35-16-x+1.97 IV & 77-x$-33.6"s IN ` f .. .. } °- - '~-. ~r ' T_ _ . i +5 } . ~ •. ~ t j - ~ __,.,,i,,. ~t'S _ ~ ,ry t •~,,,y„ ' V~ ...^'1L~ r - -~ ._ ' ~t ., , ~ 4.K, ~ ^ f i~drh~ 'tr.+~NCEB~:)Rw ~a::atctn: t~35` ~ r :~? ::~' ~ ~t~•. ,s' 35 C~" C?ate: 1~ ~~7Qti C3 Gin. Starktt ~;~ r k P! r7 @~ ei^2a+IsUF- S~.a'e nch equals ~C;>a^ fe~T :;;t#r? :C: ?~6 1a;;t?tr sr.:-