HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151229 Ver 1_More Info Received_20160324Homewood, Sue From: Jason Kennedy <jken nedy@wkdickson.com> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 11:57 AM To: Homewood, Sue; Darling, Richard Cc: rossera@gsoair.org; Lisa Elmore; Kimberly Hodges; Paul Smith; Randall, Mike Subject: RE: DRAFT Haeco Sue, Good afternoon. Thank you for taking the time to discuss this with me over the phone yesterday. As we discussed, I believe there has been a misunderstanding regarding the proposed permit language under condition number 4a. The below email is lengthy but I believe it will be helpful in walking us through the needed clarifications regarding the permit language and our recently revised report. Draft Permit Language The text that was proposed does not reflect the stormwater plan that was outlined in our submitted report and plans. The proposed text reads: a. The high flow rate bioretention pond shall treat a total of 24.61 acres of existing and proposed built upon area. The approved high flow rate bioretention pond is proposed to treat a maximum built upon area of 44.52 acres. In the event that Piedmont Triad Airport Authority proposes to direct new stormwater from additional built upon areas beyond the proposed 24.61 acres they shall first submit and receive approval for a revised stormwater management plan by the Division. An analysis of the existing function and compliance of high flow rate bioretention pond shall be included in any request for a revised stormwater management plan. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(5)] I understand this text to say that the bio -retention area is being built with additional capacity so that future built upon area may be routed to it at a later date . Our report does not propose this condition. Instead, the proposed bio - retention area is designed for its ultimate condition and there are no plans at this time to direct additional stormwater flow from future project areas. The summary statement found in the introduction section of our report dated November 2015 reads as follows: "As outlined in this report, the proposed SCM will provide water quality treatment for a total of 44.52 acres of impervious cover which exceeds the minimum required for treatment (24.61 acres). As a result, the airport is formally requesting water quality treatment credits to offset a site development project in the future with up to 19.91 acres of impervious surface. The following table summarizes the water quality treatment credits being requested:" Table 1: Summary of Area Required for Treatment Location Impervious Cover (acres) Proposed Hangar 5.06 Proposed Apron 5.11 Proposed Access Route 0.32 Proposed Sidewalk 0.09 Existing HAECO Site (Wet Pond) 14.03 TOTAL = 24.61 acres The report states that the area required to receive water quality treatment is 24.61 acres which consist of the existing site treated by the wet pond and the proposed new impervious. Our stormwater management plan will treat 44.52 acres by also bringing in impervious areas which currently is not treated by a stormwater control measure. With this clarification in mind, I recommend a rewording of the permit language. This recommended revision is not a change in our approach, but is intended to make sure the permit correctly represents the stormwater plan that we are proposing. Proposed revised language would read: The high flow rate bioretention pond shall treat a total of 44.52 acres of existing and proposed built upon area. The approved high flow rate bioretention pond is proposed to treat a maximum built upon area of 44.52 acres. In the event that Piedmont Triad Airport Authority proposes to direct new stormwater from additional built upon areas beyond the proposed 24,6-1 44.52 acres they shall first submit and receive approval for a revised stormwater management plan by the Division. An analysis of the existing function and compliance of high flow rate bioretention pond shall be included in any request for a revised stormwater management plan. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(5)] Report Revision With regard to the report revisions dated 3-9-16. These revisions are very minor in nature and consist of two elements. 1) Evaluation of downstream channel stability. As a result of your correspondence with Dave Kiker regarding downstream channel stability, the report text was amended and a memorandum was completed and submitted via email to you on February 24th. This memo documents that the proposed shear stresses and velocities at the downstream receiving channel are within the permissible shear stress and velocity ranges. This memo has been added to our report as Appendix F. 2) Minor Drainage Area revisions. The revised report also includes minor revisions to the contributing drainage areas of the bio -retention area. This change shows that we will actually be able to capture and treat an additional 9.05 acres with the bio -retention area. This additional area is captured from two locations, 1) additional roof area from the proposed Hangar, originally thought unable to be directed to the bio - retention and 2) Basin 90 (existing Hangar and parking) which will now also be directed to the bio - retention. In November 2015, best available data showed that Basin 90 drained directly to Radar Road and could not be directed to the bio -retention area. Upon further review of as -built data and additional field survey, we have confirmed that this area will be directed to the bio -retention. I have prepared the table below to summarize this revision of drainage areas: HAECO Facility Improvements - 401 Water Quality Cert. Report Bio -retention area Contributing Drainage Area Revision Summary 3/23/2016 Description: This table summarizes the revisions to contributing drainage areas which drain to the proposed bio -retention area as documented in the 401 Water Quality Certification report dated November 2015 and revised March 2016. Location November 2015 Report Impervious Cover (Acres) Report Revised 3/9/2016 Drainage Area Change Reason For Change Proposed Hangar 3.35 5.06 1.71 See note 1 Proposed Apron 5.11 5.11 0 n/a Proposed Fire Access Road 0.32 0.32 0 n/a Proposed Side Walk 0.09 0.09 0 n/a Existing HAECO Site to the East 11.92 11.92 0 n/a Sub -Basin 60 0.42 0.42 0 n/a Sub -Basin 70 9.22 9.22 0 n/a Sub -Basin 80 14.09 14.09 0 n/a Sub -Basin 90 0 7.34 7.34 See note 2 Totals 44.52 53.57 9.05 1. Proposed Drainage System has been updated to capture all of the Hangar Roof and direct to the Bio -retention area 2. Review of Existing Facility As -built and additional field survey confirmed that Basin 90 will also be directed to the Bio -retention area We request that these changes be considered minor clarifications and allowed without another formal technical review. These are the only changes associated with the March report revision. No changes regarding the overall approach or stormwater management plan are proposed in this revision. The sizing of the proposed bio -retention area has been evaluated to ensure the design criteria outlined in section 3.1.2 of our report will be met with the larger drainage area. A PDF of the revised report may be downloaded at the following link. All of the revised elements in the report are shown in red text help expedite your review. https://transfer.wkdickson.com/message/3GS8kk6tcOlCeGkvlGeJAo Permit Text— update to reflect the revised Report Finally, by applying the report revisions to the recommended permit text revision, the revised text should read as follows: a. The high flow rate bioretention pond shall treat a total of 53.57 acres of existing and proposed built upon area. The approved high flow rate bioretention pond is proposed to treat a maximum built upon area of 53.57 acres. In the event that Piedmont Triad Airport Authority proposes to direct new stormwater from additional built upon areas beyond the proposed 53.57 acres they shall first submit and receive approval for a revised stormwater management plan by the Division. An analysis of the existing function and compliance of high flow rate bioretention pond shall be included in any request for a revised stormwater management plan. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(5)] Requested water quality credits We do not wish to delay permit approval to discuss the consideration of Water Quality credits. I hope this email is helpful and can keep us on track for the permit issuance in the next few days. I will make myself available for phone calls or meetings as needed to assist with the final approval. Thanks again for all your help, Jason Jason P. Kennedy, P.E. WK Dickson & Co., Inc. 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 Office: 919-782-0495 Direct: 919-256-5615 Mobile: 919-264-5972 Email: ikennedy@wkdickson.com 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION REPORT HAECO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Submitted on Behalf of. Piedmont-Triad International Airport Prepared by: WK Dickson & Co Inc.F °. , ' { 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 w `s+t R 9' March 2016 s �r jo/ Table of Contents 1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................1-1 1.1. Project Description.....................................................................................................1-1 2. Hydrology and Hydraulics.............................................................................................. 2-1 2.1. Methodology..............................................................................................................2-1 2.2. Hydrology................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2.1 Drainage Areas................................................................................................. 2-1 2.2.2 Rainfall...............................................................................................................2-1 2.2.3 Land Use............................................................................................................2-2 2.2.4 Hydrograph Translation................................................................................. 2-2 2.2.5 NRCS Curve Numbers.................................................................................... 2-3 2.2.6 Channel/Storage Routing................................................................................ 2-4 2.2.7 Summary of Hydrologic Results.................................................................... 2-4 2.3. Hydraulics..................................................................................................................2-4 2.3.1 Energy Loss Coefficients................................................................................. 2-5 2.3.2 Starting Water Surface Elevation...................................................................2-5 2.3.3 Model Run Descriptions................................................................................. 2-5 2.3.4 Hydraulic Evaluation of Radar Road............................................................ 2-6 2.3.5 Evaluation of Downstream Flooding............................................................ 2-6 2.3.6 Evaluation of Downstream Channel Stability ............................................. 2-8 2.3.7 Closed Drainage Systems............................................................................... 2-8 2.3.8 Outfall Protection for Closed Drainage System .......................................... 2-8 3. Water Quality Compliance............................................................................................. 3-1 3.1. Overview..................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.1 Proposed Impervious Areas........................................................................... 3-1 3.1.2 High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond Design Criteria .................................... 3-2 3.1.3 Water Quality Volume (WQV)...................................................................... 3-2 3.1.4 Pond Design Summary................................................................................... 3-3 3.2. Conclusion...................................................................................................................3-6 HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page i Stormwater Report Tables Table 1: Summary of Area Required for Treatment............................................................1-1 Table 2: Summary of Water Quality Treatment Credits.....................................................1-2 Table 3: Design Storm Rainfall Depths.................................................................................. 2-2 Table 4: Summary of Hydrologic Input Data....................................................................... 2-3 Table 5: Comparison of Peak Flows at Harris Teeter Downstream Channel .................. 2-4 Table 6: Energy Loss Coefficients........................................................................................... 2-5 Table 7: Bend Loss Coefficients.............................................................................................. 2-5 Table 8: Culvert Performance for at Radar Road................................................................. 2-6 Table 9: Hydraulic Summary of Harris Teeter Open Channel .......................................... 2-6 Table 10: Evaluation of Downstream Insurable Structures for Flooding ......................... 2-7 Table 11: Minimum Area of Impervious Cover Required for Treatment ......................... 3-1 Table 12: Proposed Impervious Cover to SCM.................................................................... 3-1 Table 13: Calculated Storage Volumes.................................................................................. 3-2 Table 14: Water Surface Elevations at Proposed Pond ........................................................ 3-3 Table 15: Summary of Flow Splitter Design......................................................................... 3-4 Table 16: Flow Splitter Performance...................................................................................... 3-4 Appendices Appendix A Proposed Concept Plan Appendix B Input Data for SSA Appendix C Existing and Proposed Conditions Drainage Area Maps Appendix D Existing and Proposed Conditions Land Use Mapping Appendix E CD with Digital Copy of Autodesk SSA Models Appendix F Stream Stability Evaluation Memorandum Appendix G Outlet Protection Calculation Appendix H Water Quality Calculation and Stage -Storage Relationship for SCM Appendix I Anti -Floatation Calculation for Riser Appendix J Detention Time Calculation Appendix K Maintenance and Operation Plan HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page ii Stormwater Report Section 1: Introduction 1.1 Project Description This report supports the design of the stormwater control measures (SCMs) needed to develop the HAECO Facility Improvements project at the Piedmont Triad International Airport in compliance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) regulatory requirements for new development at an airport. A 0.8 -acre high flow rate bioretention pond is being proposed to meet the regulatory water quality requirements for NCDEQ. This bioretention pond was designed to infiltrate runoff generated from the 1St inch of rainfall at a relatively high rate to satisfy the water quality requirements outlined in Session Law 2012-200. As shown in the concept plans included in Appendix A, the airport is proposing a 15.9 -acre site development project including the construction of the following: ♦ 5.06 acres of new impervious area associated with the proposed HAECO hangar; ♦ 5.51 acres of new impervious area associated with the proposed HAECO apron; ♦ 0.32 acres of new impervious area associated with the proposed HAECO fire lanes flanking the proposed hangar; ♦ 0.09 acres of new impervious area associated with the proposed HAECO sidewalks; ♦ Removal of an existing fire suppression pond; ♦ Removal of an existing 1.1 -acre wet pond being used for detention and water quality; and ♦ Construction of a new 0.8 -acre high flow rate bioretention pond that will result in infiltration of the water quality rainfall event. In addition to providing treatment for the proposed new impervious areas associated with the HAECO Facility Improvements project, the SCM will replace the treatment being provided by an existing wet pond located on the eastern side of the site. This existing wet pond has a contributing drainage area of 15.29 acres with 13.95 acres of impervious cover. In total, the proposed SCM will need to provide treatment for 22.51 acres of impervious cover as shown in the following table: Table 1: Summary of Area Required for Treatment Location Impervious Cover (acres) Proposed Hangar 5.06 Proposed Apron 5.11 Proposed Access Route 0.32 Proposed Sidewalk 0.09 Existing HAECO Site (Wet Pond) 11.92 TOTAL = 22.51 acres HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 1-1 Stormwater Report Section 1: Introduction As outlined in this report, the proposed SCM will provide water quality treatment for a total of 53.57 acres of impervious cover which exceeds the minimum required for treatment (22.51 acres). As a result, the airport is formally requesting water quality treatment credits to offset a site development project in the future with up to 19.91 acres of impervious surface. The following table summarizes the water quality treatment credits being requested: Table 2: Summary of Water Quality Treatment Credits Description Impervious Area (acres) Required Area for Treatment 22.51 Provided Area for Treatment 53.57 DIFFERENCE = 31.06 acres Also provided in this report is an evaluation of downstream flooding resulting from the proposed site changes. The analysis showed that the proposed project will cause increases to peak flows downstream but will not flood insurable structures, roads, or cause damage to existing property or the existing Harris Teeter detention pond. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 1-2 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics 2.1 Methodology Autodesk's Storm and Sanitary Analysis 2015 (SSA) was used to size the proposed collection system, flow splitters, and bioretention pond with riser. This model is based on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Storm Water Management Model 5.0 (SWMM). SSA simulates the surface runoff response to precipitation for an interconnected system of surfaces, channels, closed pipe systems, culverts, flow splitters, and ponds. SSA is an ideal model for a complex drainage system such as the one seen at the HAECO site as it combines hydrology and hydraulics and allows the user to not only size on-site improvements but also evaluate downstream flooding. Combining hydrology and hydraulics eliminates the need to iterate between a hydrologic model and a hydraulic model which eliminates the potential for errors. 2.2 Hydrology Input data for the model was developed using topographic, landuse, and soils maps in GIS to delineate and calculate the basin areas, percent impervious, and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) hydrologic parameters. The precipitation data for the 24-hour duration, Type II storm was used to represent the synthetic rainfall event. SSA estimates surface runoff for a sub -basin based on percent impervious, basin width, basin slope, and NRCS curve number for the unconnected pervious areas. A copy of the SSA input values for the existing and proposed conditions is provided in Appendix B. Unit hydrographs are translated using the watershed basin and slope parameters. This is unique to SSA. 2.2.1 Drainage Areas Drainage area maps for the existing and proposed conditions have been included with this report in Appendix C. Drainage areas were delineated using the following topography: ♦ 2 -foot contour interval existing conditions topographic mapping from Guildford County GIS; ♦ 1 -foot contour interval topographic mapping provided by Michael Baker & Associates titled "ADP Mapping (May 2014).dwg"; ♦ Inventory mapping of pipes and catch basins provided by Michael Baker & Associates titled "ADP Mapping (May 2014).dwg"; and ♦ 1 -foot contour interval proposed conditions topographic mapping generated by WK Dickson. 2.2.2 Rainfall Rainfall distributions for the SSA model were derived using the NRCS Type II standard distribution. Total rainfall depths for the modeled frequency storms were obtained HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-1 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics online from the NOAA's Nation Weather Service website. Table 3 shows the total rainfall depths used for this study. Table 3: Design Storm Rainfall Depths Design Storm Rainfall Depth (in) 2 -year, 24-hour 3.31 10 -year, 24-hour 4.77 25 -year, 24-hour 5.65 50 -year, 24-hour 6.35 100 -year, 24-hour 7.07 Source: NOAA's Nation Weather Service website 2.2.3 Land Use Land use is the watershed cover condition as it relates to the actual type of development within the watershed. Land use influences the runoff characteristics of a sub -basin, and combined with other basin characteristics is used to determine the percent impervious and NRCS curve number for the basin. Appendix D shows the existing and proposed conditions land use mapping for this project. Input data for the existing and proposed percent impervious values is found in Table 4. 2.2.4 Hydrograph Translation NRCS methodologies typically use a time of concentration parameter to help calculate the response of the watershed to rainfall. SSA uses watershed basin width and slope parameters to create the unit hydrograph used in the model that will translate the rainfall into runoff. The watershed width is a parameter unique to SSA that helps define the watershed shape by taking the watershed area and dividing it by the length of the longest flow path. Additionally, SSA requires input of a basin slope in the calculations used to translate the hydrograph. The basin slope is the maximum grade change from the upstream end of the watershed to the downstream end divided by the length of the longest flow path. The sub -basin slopes and widths are included in Table 4. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-2 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics Table 4: Summary of Hydrologic Input Data Drainage Basin ID Drainage Area (acre) Existing/ Proposed Pervious RCN Existing Percent Impervious M Proposed Percent Impervious M Proposed Basin Slope M Proposed Basin Width (feet) 10 77.1 74 31% 31% 0.6% 1019 20 28.8 74 34% 34% 0.8% 995 30 19.3 74 40% 40% 1.0% 454 40 4.1 74 44% 44% 1.1% 176 50 3.6 74 21% 21% 1.9% 301 60 5.2 74 8% 8% 1.7% 269 70 9.2 74 100% 100% 1.3% 331 80 14.3 71 99% 100% 1.9% 568 90 8.9 74 24% 82% 2.0% 286 100 19.3 74 82% 43% 0.6% 573 110 6.1 74 43% 29% 1.3% 531 120A 13.95 74 92% 85% 1.6% 409 120B 2.43 74 92% 90% 3.3 165 130 4.5 74 92% 47% 3.7% 207 142 9.9 74 44% 32% 5.0% 608 144-A 0.84 74 2% 100% 0.5% 266 144-B 0.86 74 2% 100% 0.5% 302 144-C 0.75 74 2% 100% 0.5% 239 144-D 0.88 74 2% 100% 0.5% 252 144-E 0.51 74 2% 100% 0.5% 126 144-F 0.47 74 2% 100% 0.5% 201 144-G 0.54 74 2% 100% 0.5% 220 144-H 1.74 74 2% 42% 0.5% 320 146-A 0.81 74 2% 100% 0.5% 86 146-B 1.71 74 2% 100% 0.5% 184 146-C 1.53 74 2% 100% 0.5% 164 146-D 1.99 74 2% 100% 0.5% 193 146-E 0.67 74 2% 28% 0.5% 274 148 1.08 74 2% 10% 16.2% 171 2.2.5 NRCS Curve Numbers The NRCS curve number approach was used in computing the runoff response in SSA. Runoff curve numbers (RCNs) were generated for the pervious areas of the sub -basins using the NRCS document entitled Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, dated June 1986 and commonly referred to as TR -55. This method relates the drainage characteristics of soil group, land use category, and antecedent moisture conditions to assign a runoff curve number. The runoff curve number and an estimate of the initial surface moisture storage capacity are used to calculate a total runoff depth for a storm in HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-3 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics a basin. 2.2.6 Channel/Storage Routing Flood peaks attenuate, or reduce, as they travel downstream due to the storage characteristic of the channel itself. Channel routing was simulated in the hydraulic block of SSA. Routing was modeled using dynamic wave routing. Dynamic wave routing uses the actual shape and condition of the stream channel input into the hydraulic model to calculate the attenuated downstream flows. 2.2.7 Summary of Hydrologic Model Results The SSA model was used to compute peak runoff for the 2-, 10-, 25-, 50- and 100- year design storms for the existing and proposed conditions. The results of the existing conditions hydrologic model are summarized in Table 5. A CD containing the digital files for the SSA model is included in Appendix E. Table 5: Comparison of Peak Flows at Harris Teeter Downstream Channel Condition Storm Event 1 -year (cfs) 2 -year (cfs) 10 -year (cfs) 25 -year (cfs) 100 -year (cfs) Existing 84 112 187 251 312 Proposed 264 343 537 616 700 Temporary Construction Condition 285 358 511 565 629 Temporary construction condition assumes concrete pad and building built and Phase 5 erosion control measures in place. High flow rate bioretention pond is offline in Phase 5. Although Session Law 2012-200 precludes the project from having to provide detention, a detailed hydrologic and hydraulic evaluation was performed to confirm there are no adverse impacts to downstream properties with regards to flooding. A summary of this evaluation is found in the following Hydraulics section of the report. 2.3 Hydraulics SSA was chosen as the hydrologic/hydraulic model because of its ability to model complex drainage systems and to evaluate downstream flooding. The project involves the construction of a single central high flow rate bioretention pond to provide water quality treatment for the proposed site development. The airport desires to reduce the potential for bird strikes by eliminating two existing wet ponds referred to in this report as the fire suppression wet pond and the existing HAECO site wet pond. The existing conditions SSA model attenuates peak flows through these two ponds to more accurately determine the proposed projects effects on peak flows. To fully evaluate the project's impacts on downstream properties, the SSA model was extended through the HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-4 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics Harris Teeter distribution site and immediate downstream open channel. In addition, a HEC -RAS model was developed to provide a quality control measure for the changes to water surface elevations developed using Autodesk SSA. 2.3.1 Energy Loss Coefficients Contraction and expansion of flow produces energy losses caused by transitioning. The magnitude of these losses is related to the velocity and the estimated loss coefficient. Where the transitions are gradual, the losses are small. At abrupt changes in cross- sectional area, the losses are higher. Energy losses resulting from expansion are greater than losses associated with contraction. Energy loss coefficients used for the SSA models are presented in Table 6: Table 6: Energy Loss Coefficients Type of Transition Expansion Contraction None 0 0 Manhole/Inlet 0.35 0.25 Culvert 1.0 0.9 - Projecting from fill CMP Open Channel 0.3 0.1 Additional energy losses for structures having bends were divided between the two joining pipes. The bend losses used for this project are based on NCDOT values, and are shown below in Table 7. Table 7: Bend Loss Coefficients Angle (°) Loss Coefficient Angle (°) Loss Coefficient 90 0.70 40 0.38 80 0.66 30 0.28 70 0.61 25 0.22 60 0.55 20 0.16 50 0.47 15 0.10 2.3.2 Starting Water Surface Elevation The downstream limit of the HAECO Facility Improvements study area is located near the mouth of Horsepen Creek. The starting water surface elevations for the SSA models were generated using the normal depth method based of the channel slope at the outfall (0.008 ft/ft). 2.3.3 Model Run Descriptions The Autodesk SSA model was used to compute flood elevations at each structure located in the HAECO Facility Improvements project study area for the water quality HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-5 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics event, 2-, 10-, 25-, 50- and 100 -year storm events. A digital copy of the SSA model is included on the CD provided in Appendix E. 2.3.4 Hydraulic Evaluation of Radar Road The following table summarizes the performance of the twin 8.9' x 6.6' corrugated metal pipe (CMP) arches at Radar Road: Table 8: Culvert Performance for at Radar Road Although there are increases to peak flows, the downstream drainage system can accommodate these increased flows. The existing twin 9.8' by 6.6' arched CMPs pass 896 cfs when flowing full. The 114" diameter closed CMP located at the Harris Teeter distribution center conveys 753 cfs when flowing full. The Radar Road culverts and Harris Teeter closed pipe will be flowing approximately half full during a 100 -year storm event therefore there are no impacts to the performance of either of these drainage systems. 2.3.5 Evaluation of Downstream Flooding Approximately 85 feet from the top of bank (in the left overbank) is the toe of the water quality pond embankment for the Harris Teeter distribution center. For this reason, a check was made to confirm that the additional flows from the HAECO Facility Improvements project would not cause adverse impacts to the existing water quality pond embankment. Table 9 summarizes the size, slope and hydraulic characteristics of the channel located immediately downstream of Harris Teeter. Table 9: Hvdraulic Summary of Harris Teeter Oven Channel Bottom Top Existing Water Proposed Water Channel Culvert Invert Roadway Depth Flood Surface Surface Width Elevation Elevation Slope Capacity Frequency Elevations Elevations (feet NAVD 1988) (feet NAVD 1988) (feet) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (feet NAVD 1988) (feet NAVD 1988) WQ Event 831.29 840.90 831.76 832.09 2 -Year 831.29 840.90 832.38 833.74 10 -Year 831.29 840.90 832.72 834.99 25 -Year 831.29 840.90 832.89 835.38 100 -Year 831.29 840.90 833.19 835.96 Although there are increases to peak flows, the downstream drainage system can accommodate these increased flows. The existing twin 9.8' by 6.6' arched CMPs pass 896 cfs when flowing full. The 114" diameter closed CMP located at the Harris Teeter distribution center conveys 753 cfs when flowing full. The Radar Road culverts and Harris Teeter closed pipe will be flowing approximately half full during a 100 -year storm event therefore there are no impacts to the performance of either of these drainage systems. 2.3.5 Evaluation of Downstream Flooding Approximately 85 feet from the top of bank (in the left overbank) is the toe of the water quality pond embankment for the Harris Teeter distribution center. For this reason, a check was made to confirm that the additional flows from the HAECO Facility Improvements project would not cause adverse impacts to the existing water quality pond embankment. Table 9 summarizes the size, slope and hydraulic characteristics of the channel located immediately downstream of Harris Teeter. Table 9: Hvdraulic Summary of Harris Teeter Oven Channel Bottom Top Side Channel Channel Floodplain Depth Width Width Slopes Slope Capacity Capacity (feet) (feet) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (cfs) (cfs) 10 25 4 2:1 0.001 260 2,150 Assumed Manning's 'n' value= 0.06 Floodplain capacity is the flow needed to inundate the toe of the existing Harris Teeter pond As shown in Table 9, the existing channel can almost convey the proposed conditions 10 -year flood without overtopping its banks. The flow needed to inundate the lowest HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-6 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics toe elevation of the Harris Teeter pond is 2,150 cfs which is significantly more than the 511 cfs that will leave the proposed HAECO site. This existing open channel extends approximately 295 feet downstream of the Harris Teeter culvert prior to entering Horsepen Creek which is a FEMA stream with an 832 - acre (1.3 square miles) drainage area and 100 -year peak flow of 1,598 cfs. On the upstream side of Radar Road (along Horsepen Creek), the drainage area increases to 1,344 acres (2.1 square miles) with a 100 -year peak flow of 3,018 cfs. The location where the drainage area at the airport becomes less than 10% of the total drainage area of Horsepen Creek is found downstream of Ballinger Road (DA = 3.1 sq. mi.) and a point 1200 feet downstream of Ballinger Road (DA = 5.6 sq. mi.). An aerial map of this area was evaluated to determine if there were any insurable structures inundated by the 100 -year storm inside this footprint where the drainage area was less than 10% of the drainage area leaving the HAECO site (241 acres). The following table summarizes this evaluation: Table 10: Evaluation of Downstream Insurable Structures for Flooding As shown in Table 10, there are no insurable structures in close proximity to the floodplain that would be adversely impacted by a relatively small increase to 100 -year peak flows from the proposed HAECO Facility Improvements Project. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-7 Stormwater Report Approximate First 100 -Year Water Structure Description and Approximate Floor Elevation (Ft Surface Elevation Location Freeboard (ft) NAVD '88) (Ft NAVD '88) Right overbank at confluence of Harris Teeter unnamed 839.0 824.0 15.0 tributary and Horsepen Creek Right overbank at FEMA Cross 845.0 818.0 27.0 Section 441 (at Radar Road) Right overbank just 818'0 800.5 17.5 downstream of I-840 About 340 feet downstream of 800.0 796.0 4.0 Ballinger Road As shown in Table 10, there are no insurable structures in close proximity to the floodplain that would be adversely impacted by a relatively small increase to 100 -year peak flows from the proposed HAECO Facility Improvements Project. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-7 Stormwater Report Section 2: Hydrology and Hydraulics FiLyure 1: FEMA FIRM 2.3.6 Evaluation of Downstream Channel Stability As shown in this report, peak flows are increasing due to the loss of the two onsite detention ponds. As a result, a detailed hydraulic evaluation of the downstream channel stability was performed at the request of DEQ. Appendix F includes a technical memorandum that summarizes this hydraulic evaluation. 2.3.7 Closed Drainage Systems Closed systems were designed to pass the 10 -year flood without surcharging the pipe. With the exception of the SCM underdrain system, all drainage pipes are reinforced concrete (RCP). 2.3.8 Outfall Protection for Closed Drainage System Rip -rap pads are proposed at two locations in the high flow rate bioretention. These outfalls are located where the flows enter back into the natural drainage system or the bioretention ponds. The NY DOT method was used to design the length, width, depth and size of the rip -rap pads. Appendix G shows the calculation used to size the rip -rap pads. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 2-8 Stormwater Report Section 3: Water Quality Compliance 3.1 Overview To satisfy the water quality requirements outlined in Session Law 2012-200, a proposed 0.8 -acre high flow rate bioretention pond is being proposed. Session Law 2012-200 requires runoff generated from the 1St inch of rainfall for a development project shall be infiltrated into the ground. There are no specific requirements to remove total suspended solids (TSS), nitrogen, or phosphorus. In addition, there are no requirements to detain the 1 -year or any other storm event to at or below pre -project conditions. As shown in this report, the proposed high flow rate bioretention pond exceeds the minimum infiltration requirements set forth in Session Law 2012-200. 3.1.1 Proposed Impervious Areas The separately attached construction plans and concept plan provided in Appendix A show the proposed pond, new and existing impervious areas, location of flow splitters and overall site layout. The following table summarizes the proposed impervious areas associated with the HAECO Facility Improvements project: Table 11: Minimum Area of Impervious Cover Required for Treatment Location Impervious Cover (acres) Proposed Hangar 5.06 Proposed Apron 5.11 Proposed Fire Access Roads 0.32 Proposed Sidewalk 0.09 Existing HAECO Site to the East 11.92 Sub -Basin 60 TOTAL = 22.51 acres Because the existing fire suppression pond is being abandoned as part of this project, the proposed SCM will need to be designed to accept runoff from the system currently going to the existing fire suppression pond. The stormwater runoff generated in sub - basins 60, 70 and 80 will be redirected into the proposed SCM. Appendix C highlights the areas that will drain to the pond along with a breakdown for the impervious area contributed from each sub -basin. As a result, an additional 31.06 acres of impervious area will be infiltrated in the proposed SCM as shown in the following table: Table 12: Proposed Impervious Cover to SCM Location Impervious Cover (acres) Proposed Hangar 5.06 Proposed Apron 5.11 Proposed Fire Access Roads 0.32 Proposed Side Walk 0.09 Existing HAECO Site to the East 11.92 Sub -Basin 60 0.42 Sub -Basin 70 9.22 Sub -Basin 80 14.09 Sub -Basin 90 7.34 TOTAL = 53.57 acres HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-1 Stormwater Report Section 3: Water Quality Compliance In total, the proposed SCM will have a contributing drainage area of 64.67 acres with 53.57 acres of impervious cover. 3.1.2 High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond Design Criteria The State BMP Manual does not specifically have a set of design guidelines for a high flow bioretention pond so the following guidelines were used in the design of the proposed high flow bioretention pond: ♦ Infiltrate 100% of the runoff generated from the 1St inch of rainfall; ♦ Side slopes shall be no steeper than 3(H):1(V); ♦ SCM shall be located in a recorded drainage easement; ♦ A bypass or internal overflow is required for bypassing storm flows in excess of the design flow; ♦ Media permeability shall be between 6 and 10 inches per hour with a targeted detention time of 10 to 15 hours for infiltrating the water quality volume; ♦ Ponding depth for the water quality event shall be limited to 4.0 feet; ♦ Media depth will be 2 feet for each of the two soil media zones of the bioretention pond; ♦ An underdrain shall be located under the soil media to keep the pond dry and prevent groundwater from entering the pond; and ♦ A rip -rap energy dissipater shall be located at the outfall of each pipe entering the pond. 3.1.3 Water Quality Volume (WQV) The volume of runoff generated from the 1St inch of rainfall was calculated using an in- house spreadsheet based on the Schuler Simple Method. This spreadsheet shows the calculated water quality volume along with proposed SCMs stage -storage sizing (see Appendix H). The following table summarizes the minimum required volume along with the provided volume: Table 13: Calculated Storage Volumes Description Impervious Area (acres) Surface Runoff (ft3) Required Area for Treatment 22.51 81,703 Compensatory Treatment of Sub -basins 60, 70, 80 & 90 31.06 105,057 Total Provided Area for Treatment 53.57 186,761 Net Credit for WQ Treatment 31.06 105,057 As shown in Table 13, the proposed high flow rate bioretention pond will infiltrate an additional 105,057 cubic feet of runoff and 31.06 acres of impervious cover more than required. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-2 Stormwater Report Section 3: Water Quality Compliance 3.1.4 Pond Design Summary A concrete riser structure is proposed to control flows leaving the high flow rate bioretention pond. The primary spillway will include the following elements: a poured, reinforced concrete box riser and reinforced concrete outfall pipe with gaskets at joints. Because the weir length on these structures is 18.67' and the flows entering the ponds are generally very small, there were no emergency spillways proposed for the pond. The following is a summary of the design for the proposed high flow rate bioretention pond (See the separately attached plan set for additional details): ♦ Surface Area: The proposed high flow rate bioretention pond is larger than the minimum size needed to achieve the water quality goals of the project. The surface area of the pond was achieved by targeting a pond depth of less than 4.0 feet and a detention time between 10 and 40 hours. The more well -draining the soils the smaller the footprint of the pond needed to drain the pond in approximately 10 hours. As shown in this report, the surface area that drains the pond in approximately 13 hours is 27,000 square feet (0.62 acres). ♦ Primary Outfall: A concrete box riser with an outside dimension of 6'x6' is proposed with a primary weir elevation set at 584.40 feet NAVD 1988. The total weir length of the primary outfall is 18.67 feet (four 4.66' long weirs). The primary weir elevation was iteratively raised inside SSA until elevation 854.40 feet NAVD '88 whereby 0 cfs was leaving the pond in the water quality rainfall event. ♦ Top of Dam: The top of dam is set at elevation 856.25 feet which is approximately 0.6 feet above the 100 -year flood elevation. The total dam height measured from the toe of the embankment on the downstream side is approximately 2.25 feet. The following table summarizes the water surface elevations at the proposed pond for the water quality event, 2-, 10- and 100 -year floods: Table 14: Water Surface Elevations at Proposed Pond Water Quality Event 2 -Year Storm (NAVD '88) 10 -Year Storm 100 -Year Storm (NAVD '88) (NAVD '88) 854.35 855.34 855.50 855.66 HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-3 Stormwater Report Section 3: Water Quality Compliance Riser The riser detail provided in the separately attached plan set shows the 6'x6' concrete box to control water surface elevations inside the proposed SCM. The primary spillway was set at elevation 854.40 feet which is the dynamic elevation calculated inside SSA for the water quality storm event (an NRCS Type II distribution with 1.0 inches of rainfall). The riser has a 42" diameter RCP barrel that conveys flow from the pond to a new 48" diameter closed drainage system. This 48"diameter closed system conveys the by-pass flows for larger storm events from the eastern side of the existing HAECO development. An anti -floatation calculation (See Appendix I) was performed for the pond riser resulting in a factor of safety of 1.22. This calculation ignores the friction forces of the underlying soil and therefore a factor of safety larger than 1.22 would be achieved in real conditions. Because this is a dry pond and water levels will rarely reach 6" above the crest of the weir therefore a factor of safety of 1.22 is acceptable. Flow Splitters Three flow splitters are proposed to divert stormwater runoff from the proposed closed drainage system into the high flow rate bioretention pond. For water quality rainfall event (1.0 inch of rain), 100% of the runoff generated will flow directly into the high flow rate bioretention pond. Inside each flow splitter is a weir wall that will direct flows generated from larger storm events into a closed by-pass pipe. The elevation of this weir wall was calculated in Autodesk SSA by iteratively adjusting the elevation of the wall until no flow was being diverted in the water quality rainfall event. The splitter box located just north and west of the pond (Structure 6) will require a special design. Flows that go over the weir wall will drop into a concrete manhole structure and eventually into the sites main 72 inch diameter RCP. The following table summarizes the key elevations for the three proposed concrete flow splitters: Table 15: Summary of Flow Splitter Design The separately attached design plans provide additional details on the size and construction of the flow splitters being used for this project. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-4 Stormwater Report Pipe to Pond Pipe Sizes Splitter # Invert Elevation Weir Wall Height Entering Splitter Pipe to Pond Diameter (in) (feet NAVD 1988) (ft) Box (in) 1 (structure 31) 870.94 1.15 24" 15" 2 (structure 53) 855.90 0.75 48" 24" 3 (structure 6) 851.69 3.2 72" and 42" 42" The separately attached design plans provide additional details on the size and construction of the flow splitters being used for this project. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-4 Stormwater Report Section 3: Water Quality Compliance Table 16: Flow Splitter Performance Splitter # Water Quality Event 10 -Year Storm Event Flow To Pond Flow Around Pond WS) (cfS) Flow To Pond Flow Around Pond (cfS) WS) 1 (structure 31) 3 0 4 18 2 (structure 53) 12 0 33 43 3 (structure 6) 32 0 60 148 As shown in Table 16, between 60% and 82% of the peak flows from the 10 -year storm event will be diverted around the pond. Detention Time and Soil Media for Hiah Flow Rate Bioretention Pond Per discussions with DEQ, it was agreed that the proposed high flow rate bioretention pond would detain the water quality event for between 10 and 40 hours. To achieve this goal, a well -draining sand media is needed that promotes infiltration at a rate that is not too quick (3 or 4 hours) and not too long (over 40 hours). With an assumed infiltration rate of 10 inches per hour for this well -draining sand, a footprint was iteratively determined until the time to drain the pond was approximately 10 hours. This area was calculated to be 14,563 square feet. For those areas outside the well -draining sands an infiltration rate of 2 inches/hour was assumed. As shown in Appendix J, the combined flow rate passing through the soil media and leaving the pond is 3.9 cfs. To achieve this infiltration rate the SSA model includes a small culvert (7.85" diameter RCP) that conveys 3.9cfs from the pond. For the area of well -draining sand, the construction of the high flow rate bioretention pond will mimic the design of a PGA golf green. It is assumed that the best draining soils that can be stockpiled from the onsite borrow area will be used for those areas outside the well -draining sands. At a minimum this media in Zone 1 will have a permeability of 2 inches/hour. The following is a summary of the construction for the area of the pond that mimics the PGA golf green: Option #1 for Zone 2 (No. 57 Stone at base) • 12" thick base of No. 57 stone (approximately 3/4" in size) • 4" of washed sand • T of well -draining sand -soil mix (with a permeability of 10 inches/hour) Option #2 for Zone 2 (Pea Gravel at base) • 12" thick base of peak gravel (100% passage of 3/8" sieve) • 2' of well -draining sand -soil mix (with a permeability of 10 inches/hour) Specifications for the two soil zones will be prepared at final design. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-5 Stormwater Report Section 3: Water Quality Compliance Energy Dissipation At the outfall of each pipe entering the high flow rate bioretention pond are designed rip -rap energy dissipaters. These energy dissipaters were designed similar to a plunge pool where the area immediately downstream of the pipe outfall will be excavated to a depth of 1.0 feet. As water fills the pool it will enter the upper limits of the pond by overtopping the outer limits of the rip -rap energy dissipater which will be acting like a "level spreader". Class 1 rip -rap is proposed to a depth of 24 inches as shown in the separately attached plans. Maintenance and Operation Procedures A maintenance and operation plan for the bioretention facilities has been included with this report as Appendix L. 3.2 Conclusion As shown in this report, the proposed high flow rate bioretention pond is designed to bring the HAECO Facility Improvements project at the Piedmont -Triad International Airport in compliance with the State's requirements for water quality as outlined in Session Law 2012-200. By diverting runoff for the water quality rainfall event from basins 60, 70, 80 and 90 into the proposed SCM, the airport is providing treatment for 53.57 acres of impervious cover. As shown in this report, the proposed SCM is providing treatment for approximately 31.1 acres more than the minimum required amount. The airport would like to request a water quality credit to offset the need to provide or minimize treatment with a future onsite development. HAECO Facility Improvements Project Page 3-6 Stormwater Report Appendix A Proposed Concept Plan WDICKSON community Infrastructure consultants Proposed Concept Plan - Appendix A F High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond Piedmont -Triad International Airport HAECO Site Development 200 100 1 inch = 200 feet 200 Feet Appendix B Input Data for SSA Project: HAECO Facility Improvement @ PTIA, Greensboro, NC Prepared by: DJK Date: March 9, 2016 SWMM Input Data Appendix B 241.31 EXISTING CONDITIONS SUBBASINS SWMM Sub- Basin ID Pervious RCN Area (acres) Area (sq. ft.) Flow Length ft Width (ft.) Elevation Change (ft.) Basin Slope (%) Percent Impervious % 10 74 77.1 3356329 3294 1019 21 0.6% 31% 20 74 28.8 1253061 1259 995 11 0.8% 34% 30 74 19.3 842697 1856 454 19 1.0% 40% 40 74 4.1 180429 1027 176 12 1.1% 44% 50 74 3.6 156421 520 301 10 1.9% 21% 60 74 5.2 225908 841 269 14 1.7% 8% 70 74 9.2 401743 1215 331 16 1.3% 100% 80 71 11.2 489458 1095 447 21 1.9% 100% 85 71 6.7 293360 338 868 36 10.7% 24% 90 74 6.5 282480 1359 208 27 2.0% 88% 100 74 19.3 840092 1465 573 9 0.6% 43% 110 74 6.1 263574 496 531 7 1.3% 29% 120 74 16.3 711138 958 742 25 2.6% 92% 130 74 4.5 1 195877 1 944 207 35 1 3.7% 44% 142 74 9.4 407511 707 576 35 5.0% 26% 145 74 12.2 529689 944 561 35 3.7% 2% 150 74 1.9 81743 850 96 5 0.6% 75% 241.31 241.31 PROPOSED CONDITIONS SUBBASINS SWMM Sub- Basin ID Pervious RCN Area (acres) Area (sq. ft.) Flow Length ft Width (ft.) Elevation Change (ft.) Basin Slope (%) Percent Impervious 0 � 10 74 77.05 3356329 3294 1019 21 0.6% 31% 20 74 28.77 1253061 1259 995 11 0.8% 34% 30 74 19.35 842697 1856 454 19 1.0% 40% 40 74 4.14 180429 1027 176 12 1.1% 44% 50 74 3.59 156421 520 301 10 1.9% 21% 60 74 5.19 225908 841 269 14 1.7% 8% 70 74 9.22 401743 1215 331 16 1.3% 100% 80 71 10.89 474558 1095 433 21 1.9% 100% 90 74 6.5 282480 1359 208 27 2.0% 88% 100 74 19.29 840092 1465 573 9 0.6% 43% 110 74 6.05 263574 496 531 7 1.3% 29% 120A 74 15.00 653246 1487 439 25 1.6% 88% 120B 74 2.43 105911 640 165 21 3.3% 90% 130 74 4.50 195877 944 207 35 3.7% 47% 142 74 9.36 407511 707 576 35 5.0% 32% 144-A 74 0.84 38104 143 266 0.715 0.5% 100% 144-B 74 0.86 38293 127 302 0.635 0.5% 100% 144-C 74 0.75 32703 137 239 0.685 0.5% 100% 144-D 74 0.88 38306 152 252 0.76 0.5% 100% 144-E 74 0.51 22097 175 126 0.875 0.5% 100% 144-F 74 0.47 20479 102 201 0.51 0.5% 100% 144-G 74 0.54 23709 108 220 0.54 0.5% 100% 144-H 74 1.74 75931 237 320 1.185 0.5% 42% 146-A 74 4.56 198487 849 234 4.245 0.5% 100% 146-B 74 1.71 74691 406 184 2.03 0.5% 100% 146-C 74 1.53 66657 406 164 2.03 0.5% 100% 146-D 74 1.99 86824 450 193 2.25 0.5% 100% 146-E 74 0.67 29025 106 274 0.53 0.5% 28% 148 74 1.1 47109 275 171 44 16.16% 10% 150 74 1.9 81743 850 96 5 0.59% 75% 241.31 Appendix C Existing and Proposed Conditions Drainage Area Maps PSWK Existing Conditions Drainage Area Map - Appendix C 500 250 0 500 Feet W DICKJON Piedmont Triad International Airport community infrastructure consultants HAECO Facility Improvements 1 inch = 500 feet WW.WK Contributing Drainage Areas and Impervious Cover to SCM - Appendix C 300 150 0 300 Feet DICKSON Piedmont -Triad International Airport community infrastructure consultants HAECO Site Development 1 inch = 300 feet Appendix D Existing and Proposed Conditions Land Use Mapping �'�l< Existing Landuse Map - Appendix D _� 500 250 0 500 Feet W DICKSON Piedmont -Triad International Airport community infrastructure consultants HAECO Site Development 1 inch = 500 feet �'�l< Proposed Landuse Map - Appendix D <�v 500 250 0 500 Feet W DICKSON Piedmont -Triad International Airport s , community infrastructure consultants HAECO Site Development 1 inch = 500 feet Appendix E CD with Digital Copy of Autodesk SSA Models Appendix F Stream Stability Evaluation Memorandum M E M O R A N D U M 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 TO: Sue Homewood & Mike Randall FROM: David Kiker, PE DATE: February 24, 2016 �N&WK "�r W DICKSON community Infrastructure consultants 919.782.0495 tel. 919.782.9672 fax RE: HAECO Facility Improvements Project— Evaluation of Downstream Stream Stability This memorandum summarizes the WK Dickson evaluation of downstream stream stability as a result of the onsite development of the HAECO Facility Improvements Project at the Piedmont Triad International Airport in Greensboro, North Carolina. An overview map that shows the closed drainage systems for the HAECO and Harris Teeter Distribution sites, and the unnamed tributary to Horsepen Creek is provided as Attachment #1. The conclusions drawn in this memorandum are based on the 2 -year storm event and a hydraulic evaluation that used the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC -RAS 4.1.1 model, AutoCAD Sanitary Sewer Analysis (SSA) model, and an in-house excel spreadsheet. This 2 -year storm event is typically used in the industry when evaluating stream stability given the assumption that a channel can repair itself in the less frequent storms. A check was also made using the 100 -year flood event to confirm that the proposed downstream improvements are sustainable for a larger storm event. Evaluating stream stability is an inexact science given the many variables that affect stream stability. Such factors as channel shape, channel slope, cohesiveness of bank material, riparian bank vegetation, bank armoring, bed composition, in -stream sediment load, downstream tailwater conditions, meander pattern and other variables can all affect a stream's stability. A common approach to evaluating stream stability is to determine the stream's velocity and shear stress and compare these values to published permissible shear stress and stream velocities for streams of similar conditions. The permissible shear stress and stream velocity presented in this memorandum are based on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers document titled Stability Thresholds for Stream Restoration Materials, dated May 2001. As shown in this memorandum, the post -project conditions along the unnamed tributary to Horsepen Creek will remain stable as the post -project velocities and shear stresses are within the permissible ranges for a stable channel. 7 Existing Downstream Open Channel Conditions The existing downstream open channel is approximately 295 feet in length prior to its mouth at Horsepen Creek. Horsepen Creek is a FEMA mapped stream with a drainage area of 2.1 square miles at Radar Road. The channel invert at Horsepen Creek is approximately 1 foot below the 114 inch diameter CMP leaving the Harris Teeter site. For this reason, during a significant storm event the entire length of the unnamed tributary to Horsepen Creek and the Harris Teeter culvert itself will be under the backwater effect from Horsepen Creek. This high tailwater condition will have the effect to dampen the energy of the flow leaving the Harris Teeter closed pipe system as it passes through the open channel prior to entering Horsepen Creek. Located at the downstream limits of the unnamed tributary to Horsepen Creek is an open channel that is partially covered with NCDOT Class A rip -rap with a Dso of 6 inches. This material is relatively small for rip -rap protection and the fact that it has not mobilized downstream supports that contention that the high tailwater conditions of Horsepen Creek will help dampen the effect of erosive flows passing through the unnamed tributary. Table 1 shows the 2 -year water surface elevation from Horsepen Creek interpolated from output found in the duplicate effective HEC -RAS model. Table 1: Tailwater Condition from Horsepen Creek Harris Teeter Culvert Invert (ft NAVD'88) 2 -Year WSEL from Horsepen Creek (ft NAVD'88) Tailwater Depth (ft) 820.21 823.4 3.2 WSEL - water surface elevation As shown in Table 1, the tailwater depth inside the Harris Teeter culvert is in excess of 3 feet. This equates to the majority of the open channel being inundated close to the channel banks in a 2 -year flood event. As a result, the unnamed tributary to Horsepen Creek will have its stream energy dampened by the high tailwater condition. Also providing protection from future erosion are two grade control structures located in the channel bottom as shown in Attachment #1. These grade controls that were constructed for the following reasons: • Grade Control #1: Approximately 50 feet downstream of the Harris Teeter culvert is a rip - rap (NCDOT Class B and Class I) lined grade control that was designed to create a pool of water at the outfall of the culvert (see photo #1 and #2). • Grade Control #2: Approximately 35 feet from the mouth at Horsepen Creek is a City of Greensboro sanitary sewer line. This sewer system is being protected by a series of gabion baskets set in the channel bottom (see photo #3 and #4). The top of these baskets are approximately 0.25 inches below the invert of the 114 inch diameter CMP leaving the Harris Teeter site. Although there are a series of pools located between the outfall of the Harris Teeter culvert and the Grade Control #2 that have localized slopes, the overall channel slope is extremely flat as shown in Table 1. r� Table 2: Overall Channel Slove Culvert Invert Channel Invert at Existing 112 Temporary Construction Condition (Phase 5) 359 Final Recommended Proposed Conditions 339 Overall Elevation at Harris Sanitary Sewer Elevation Channel Channel Slope Teeter Outfall Line Elevation Change (ft) Distance (ft) (ft/ft) (ft NAVD '88) (ft NAVD '88) 820.21 819.96 0.25 265 0.001 The existing downstream open channel is trapezoidal in shape with the following typical dimensions (see photo #5): • Bottom width: 12 feet • Top width: 15 feet • Bank height: 3.5 to 5.0 feet • Manning's "n" value: 0.05 • Channel capacity flowing full: 260 cfs The riparian corridor between the Harris Teeter culvert outfall and Horsepen Creek include small trees, underbrush and kudzu. The kudzu vines have choked out much of the trees and other vegetation that would typically provide a root system to protect the channel banks. Hydrologic Evaluation Peak flows in the model were obtained from a WK Dickson prepared AutoCAD Sanitary Sewer Analysis model that runs off the EPA SWMM engine. The model was developed to size the pipe infrastructure and high flow rate bioretention pond proposed for the onsite HAECO Facility Improvements Project. The following table is a summary of the peak flows for the existing (pre - project), the temporary during construction, originally proposed, and final recommended conditions: Table 3: Summary of Peak Flows Condition 2 -Year Peak Flow (cfs) Existing 112 Temporary Construction Condition (Phase 5) 359 Final Recommended Proposed Conditions 339 Hydraulic Evaluation In addition to the SSA SWMM model, WK Dickson developed a HEC -RAS model and an in-house spreadsheet to calculate shear stresses and further evaluate stream stability. The HEC -RAS model includes seven (7) cross sections based on field measured data and City of Greensboro GIS topographical mapping generated from LiDAR data. A copy of the in-house spreadsheet can be found in Attachment #2. 3 The following series of table summarize the findings from the WK Dickson hydraulic evaluation: Table 4: Summary of Calculated Overall Shear Stress for 2 -Year Storm Event Condition 2 -Year Shear Stress (lbs/sq ft) Existing 0.17 Temporary Construction Condition (Phase 5) 0.28 Final Recommended Proposed Conditions 0.27 Shear stresses calculated using WK Dickson in-house spreadsheet for overall channel slope The shear stress for all the evaluated conditions are extremely low for a typical open channel in the Piedmont region. WK Dickson typically targets a shear stress value of less than 0.50 lbs/square foot on their natural stream restoration designs and rarely achieves a value under 0.30 lbs/square foot in Piedmont stream. Once the vegetation is established these natural stream restoration projects with designed shear stresses of 0.50 lbs/square foot become stable fairly quickly. The following table summarizes the calculated channel velocity for the 2 -year storm event using both HEC -RAS and the AutoCAD SSA model (based on the EPA SWMM model): Table 5: Summary of Calculated Overall Stream Velocity Condition HEC -RAS Calculated 2 -Year SWMM Calculated 2 -Year Channel Velocity (ft/sec) Channel Velocity (ft/sec) Existing 3.5 2.7 Temporary Construction 5.4 3.2 Condition (Phase 5) Final Recommended Proposed 5.4 3.3 Conditions Note: HEC -RAS results were averaged over the entire reach. The 2 -year channel velocities shown in Table 5 for all the evaluated conditions are relatively low for a typical open channel in the Piedmont region. The average velocity calculated in HEC -RAS for the proposed conditions would have been 4.7 feet per second if the two rip -rap lined reaches of channel been removed from the calculation. The SSA model results were considerably lower than HEC -RAS because the model is generating a weighted velocity that includes overbank flows. A more detailed analysis of the results presented in Table 5 is provided in the next section of the report. Permissible Shear Stress and Velocity Based on WK Dickson February 5, 2016 field walk, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers document titled Stability Thresholds for Stream Restoration Materials, we are proposing the following permissible shear stress and velocity for the 2 -year flood event: 4 Table 6: Recommended Permissible Shear Stress and Velocity for 2 -Year Flood Event Permissible Shear Stress (lb/square foot) Permissible Velocity (ft/sec) 0.5 6.0 These recommended threshold values presented in Table 6 are relatively low given that natural stable streams with cohesive banks in the Piedmont region very often see velocities that exceed 6 feet per second for a 2 -year flood. A review of the 11 other tributaries to Horsepen Creek found in the FEMA duplicate effective HEC -RAS model shows that the typical 2 -year velocities range from 3 to 6.5 feet per second with maximum values approaching 10 feet per second. When evaluating the permissible shear stress and channel velocity downstream of the HAECO site, one must consider that the open channel is relatively short in length and has two significant grade control structures that set the overall channel slope. The gabion baskets at Grade Control #2 are set so that they are not exposed on the upstream face and as a result will be able to handle shear stresses that exceed 10 lbs/square foot. While the Class I rip -rap found at Grade Control #1 can withstand a shear stress of approximately 5 lbs/square foot. To evaluate channel bank erosion, you must understand that typically the banks become unstable as a result of the toe of the channel becoming unstable. This typically occurs when the channel thalweg experiences degradation. The presence of these grade control structures will limit future channel degradation, will maintain the existing overall channel slope and as a result help minimize and future channel bank erosion. Other Design Considerations The culverts at Radar Road are twin 8.9 feet by 6.6 feet CMP pipe arches that when flowing full convey approximately 896 cfs. The primary closed pipe that is located at the Harris Teeter site is a 9.5 feet diameter CMP that convey approximately 750 cfs when flowing full. It appears that the engineer who designed these two closed drainage systems considered ultimate build out for the landuse conditions of the upstream watershed. The landuse may have reflected an industrial landuse not reflective of the current airport's landuse which is primarily composed of highly impervious pockets of industrial landuse with the majority of the drainage area flat grass infields. The peak flows found in the existing and proposed conditions model prepared by WK Dickson are relatively low given the 241 acre (0.4 square mile) drainage area and culvert capacity of Radar Road and the primary Harris Teeter closed drainage system. It also appears that the existing open channel was constructed with this same "conservative" hydrologic approach used to design the Radar Road and Harris Teeter closed pipe systems. When evaluating channel capacity alone, the existing open channel is adequately sized to convey 260 cfs prior to overtopping its banks. The 1 - year peak flow is a storm event that should reach approximately the bankfull elevation. The 1 -year proposed conditions peak flow is 259 cfs which indicates that the existing channel is appropriately sized for the post -project conditions for the HAECO Facility Improvements Project. Conclusions The resultant shear stresses and velocities for the unnamed tributary to Horsepen Creek are under the permissible values found in Table 6. Grade Control Structures #1 and #2 are locking in the channel thalweg and as a result will limit future bank erosion. For these reasons, we are not recommending additional onsite or offsite changes to the current design. 5 AV le AV AL At �L ri i WDICKSON community Infrastructure consultants N Stream Stability Evaluation Map WF s Piedmont -Triad International Airport HAECO Site Development 100 50 1 inch = 100 feet 100 Feet Shear Stress Analysis of Unnamed Tributary to Horsepen Creek Project: HAECO Facility Improvement Project Location: Downstream Channel (Below Harris Teeter Distribution Center) Engineer: DJK Date: 2-23-16 Mannings Equation, Q=(A)( 1.49 Ro bb S0.5 n )I Shear Stress, T = yds T = shear stress in Ib/sq. ft. y = unit weight of water, 62.4 Ib/cu. ft. d = flow depth in ft. s = channel slope in ft./ft. TemporaryLiners Material A[[ow Shea6tress Phase 5 (During Construction Prior to Final SCM Online) Final Recommended Proposed Site Conditions Tacked Mulch Existing Conditions Jute Net Storm Design Storm Design Chan Bot Side Side Slope Design Storm Design Chan Bot Side Side Slope Design Chan Wetted Hydraulic Mann. Channel Q Calc. HEC -RAS Shear Temp. Perm. Event Flow (cfs) Width Slope Length Depth Area Perim., Pw Radius "n" Slope Allow. Depth Velocity Stress Liner Liner 1 -Year 84 12 1 5.7 4 64 23 2.7 0.050 0.0009 115 2.5 3.5 0.15 NA NA 2 -Year 112 12 1 5.7 4 64 23 2.7 0.050 0.0009 115 2.9 3.8 0.17 NA NA 10 -Year 187 12 1 5.7 4 64 23 2.7 0.050 0.0009 115 3.6 4.5 0.21 NA NA 100 -Year 312 12 1 5.7 4 64 23 2.7 0.050 0.0009 115 4.5 5.3 0.27 NA NA Shear Stress, T = yds T = shear stress in Ib/sq. ft. y = unit weight of water, 62.4 Ib/cu. ft. d = flow depth in ft. s = channel slope in ft./ft. TemporaryLiners Material A[[ow Shea6tress Phase 5 (During Construction Prior to Final SCM Online) Final Recommended Proposed Site Conditions Tacked Mulch 0.35 Jute Net Storm Design Storm Design Chan Bot Side Side Slope Design Chan Wetted Hydraulic Mann. Channel Q Calc. HEC -RAS Shear Temp. Perm. Event Flow (cfs) Width Slope Length Depth Area Perim., Pw Radius "n" Slope Allow. Depth Velocity Stress Liner Liner 1 -Year 259 12 1 5.7 4 64 23 2.7 0.050 0.0009 115 4.2 5.0 0.25 NA NA 2 -Year 339 12 1 5.7 4 64 23 2.7 0.050 0.0009 115 4.7 5.4 0.27 NA NA 10 -Year 518 12 1 5.7 4 64 23 2.7 0.050 0.0009 115 5.3 6.5 0.31 NA NA 100 -Year 675 12 1 5.7 4 64 23 2.7 0.050 0.0009 115 5.7 7.2 0.33 NA NA Shear Stress, T = yds T = shear stress in Ib/sq. ft. y = unit weight of water, 62.4 Ib/cu. ft. d = flow depth in ft. s = channel slope in ft./ft. TemporaryLiners Material A[[ow Shea6tress Phase 5 (During Construction Prior to Final SCM Online) (Ib/sgft) Tacked Mulch 0.35 Jute Net Storm Design Chan Bot Side Side Slope Design Chan Wetted Hydraulic Mann. Channel Q Calc. HEC -RAS Shear Temp. Perm. Event Flow (cfs) Width Slope Length Depth Area Perim., Pw Radius "n" Slope Allow. Depth Velocity Stress Liner Liner 1 -Year 286 12 1 5.7 4 64 23 2.7 0.050 0.0009 115 4.5 4.9 0.26 NA NA 2 -Year 359 12 1 5.7 4 64 23 2.7 0.050 0.0009 115 4.8 5.4 0.28 NA NA 10 -Year 509 12 1 5.7 4 64 23 2.7 0.050 0.0009 115 5.3 6.2 0.31 NA NA 100 -Year 634 12 1 5.7 4 64 23 2.7 0.050 0.0009 115 5.7 6.8 0.33 NA NA Shear Stress, T = yds T = shear stress in Ib/sq. ft. y = unit weight of water, 62.4 Ib/cu. ft. d = flow depth in ft. s = channel slope in ft./ft. TemporaryLiners Material A[[ow Shea6tress Material (Ib/sgft) Tacked Mulch 0.35 Jute Net 0.45 Straw w/Net 1.45 SytheticMat 2.00 ClassA 1.25 ClassB 2.00 Class[ 3.40 Class[I 4.50 Max. Permissibb Velocitiesfor Unproected Soilsin Ex. Channels Material Max Permissib6 Velocity(Us) FincSand(noncollidl) 2.5 Sand Loam(noncollidl) 2.5 SiltLoam(noncollidl) 3.0 OrdinaryFirm Loam 3.5 FincGravel 5.0 Stiff Clay(verycollidal) 5.0 Graded,Silt toCobbles 5.0 Notes: Side slope = horiz./vert. Depth and Velocity calculated using WK Dickson generated HEC -RAS model for average overall ax. Allow. Design V for Vegetative Channels 71Slope Soil Grass Lining Pemnssibb V 0t 0 5% Sands/Sill Bemuda 5.0 Tall Fescue 4.5 KYBhregrass 4.5 Gra,s-legarrcaix 3.5 ClayMixcs Bermuda 6.0 Tall Fescue 5.5 KY Bluegrass 5.5 Grass-legum,nix 4.5 10% Sands/Silt Bermuda 4.5 Tall Fescue 4.0 xYBluegrass 4.0 Grass -leges -aux 3.0 Clay Mixes Bermuda5.5 Tall Fescue 5.0 KY Bluegrass 5.0 Grass-legunvtnx 3.5 and velocity Attachment #2 Appendix G Outlet Protection Calculation 25 LIJ Q U 0 5 10 15 20 25 DIAMETER OF PIPE IN FEET APPENDIX F ZONE APRON CLASS MATERIAL OF STONE SIZE OF STONE LENGTH OF APRON • MINIMUM THICKNESS OF STONE I STONE FINE J. 4 X D 9" 2 STONE LIGHT 6" 6 X D 12" 3 STONE MEDIUM 13" 8 X D 18" 4 STONE HEAVY 23" B X D 30" 5 STONE HEAVY 23" 10 X 0 30" 6 STONE HEAVY I 23" 12 X D 30" 7 REQUIRES LARGER DEVICE. DESIGN IS PROCEDURE. STONE OR ANOTHER TYPE OF BEYOND THE SCOPE OF THIS MOTH = DIAMETER f 0.4 (LENGTH) : 6' MINIMUM • LENGTH TO PREVENT SCOUR HOLE, MIN LENGTH 10' NAME WEIGHT SIZE SPECIFICATIONS (LBS) I oma RIP -RAP roma 30% SHALL WEIGH AT LEAST 100 CLASS i 5 — 200 LBS EACH. NO MORE THAN 101 SHALL WEIGH LESS THAN 15 LBS. EACH. 60% SHALL WEIGH AT LEAST 100 CLASS 2 25 — 250 LBS EACH. NO MORE THAN 59 SHALL WEIGH LESS THAN 50 LBS. EACH. EROSION CONTROL STONE CLASS A 2' — 6" 10% TOP & BOTTOM SIZES. NO GRADATION SPECIFIED. CLASS B 15 — 300 1 NO GRADATION SPECIFIED. EMENEENNEENNE FR "' DDICKSON .. No 1607 R ej01 o,�s oma community infrastructure consultantssau roma SOURCE • 'BANK & CHANNEL LINING PROCEDURES•, NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DIVISION OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION, 1971. FR "' DDICKSON .. No 1607 R ej01 o,�s oma community infrastructure consultantssau roma Appendix H Water Quality Calculation and Stage -Storage Relationship for SCM Appendix H Water Quality Volume and Stage Storage at Proposed Central High Flow Bioretention Pond Project: HAECO Facility Improvement @ PTIA, Greensboro, NC Prepared by: DJK Date: March 9, 2016 Summary of Impervious Areas NODE INVERT Description Impervious Area ac Total Drainage Area ac Basin 60 0.42 5.19 Basin 70 9.22 9.22 Basin 80 14.09 14.09 Basin 90 7.34 8.93 Basin 120 11.92 13.95 Proposed Apron 5.11 6.59 Proposed Hangar 5.06 5.95 Proposed Access Rd 0.32 0.66 Proposed Sidewalk 0.09 0.09 Total Provided Treatment Area 53.57 64.67 DICKSON En;N e . Planners. S-eyors Landscape Aahilels R,., Runoff coefficient The R,- is a measure of the site response to rainfall events, and in theory is calctilated as: R,. = r/p, where rand pare the voltune of storm rttuoff and storm rautfall, respectively, expressed as inches. The R,, for the site depends on the nature of the soils, topography, and cover. However. the prullary influence on the R, in a bare areas is the amount of imperviousness of the site, hupervious area is defined as those surfaces in the landscape that cannot infiltrate rainfall consisting of building rooftops, pavement, sidewalks, driveways, etc. In the equation R. - 0.05 + 0.009(7), "1" represents the percentage of impervious cover expressed as a whole number. A site that is 75% impervious would use I = 75 for the purposes of calculating R,,. Total Required 22.51 27.25 Calculate the required volume to be detained for the first 1" of runoff (new impervious area only): Volume = 1.9 acre-feet Calculate the runoff coefficient: Volume = 81,703 ft' Rv=0.05+0.009(la) Calculate the required volume to be detained for the first 1" of runoff: Rv = runoff coefficient = storm runoff (inches) / storm rainfall (inches) Volume = (Design rainfaI1)(Rv)(Drainage Area) la = percent impervious = impervious portion of the drainage area (ac.)/drainage area (ac.) Volume = 1" rainfall * Rv * 1/12 (feet/inches) * Drainage Area la 82.84 Rv= 0.80 (in./in.) Stage Storage Relationship Volume = 4.3 acre-feet Volume= 186,761 W 112=h3 A,+Az+ A,•A, Stage -Storage from Contours - Proposed Detention Facility - High Flow Bioretention Pond NODE INVERT SWMM CONTOUR DEPTH CONTOUR AREA INCREMENTAL VOLUME S ACCUMULATIVE VOLUME S TOTAL VOLUME (FT) (FT) (FT) (AC) (SF) (GAL) (CF) (AC*FT) (GAL) (CF) (AC -FT) (%) 848.50 848.50 0.00 0.00 1 849.00 0.50 0.00 2 6 1 0.000 6 1 0.000 0% 850.00 1.50 0.00 3 19 2 0.000 24 3 0.000 0% Pond Bottom 851.00 2.50 0.33 14,563 4925 0.113 36,866 4,928 0.113 2% 852.00 3.50 0.56 24,328 143909 19238 0.442 180,775 24,166 0.555 9% 853.00 4.50 0.60 26,138 188715 25228 0.579 369,490 49,394 1.134 18% 854.00 5.50 0.64 28,005 202469 27066 0.621 571,959 76,460 1.755 289/6 855.00 6.50 0.69 29,929 216648 28962 0.665 788,607 105,421 2.420 38% 856.00 7.50 0.73 31,910 231254 30914 0.710 1,019,862 136,336 3.130 49% 857.00 8.50 0.78 33,948 246287 32924 0.756 1,266,148 169,259 3.8 1 61% 858.00 9.50 0.83 36,043 261745 34990 0.803 1,527,894 204,250 4.689 740% 859.00 10.50 0.88 38,196 539362 72102 1.655 2,067,256 276,352 6.344 100% Incremental volume determined using "conic' method as described in USACE HEC -1 manual Pond bottom Elevation that exceeds the water quality volume (assuming static elevation with no infiltration) Appendix I Anti -Floatation Calculation for Riser Riser Structure Flotation Calculation Project: HAECO Site Development Prepared by: DJK Dated: 11-19-15 3ottom of pond with regards to soil (invert of underdrain system is 848.5 :alc _alc _alc _alc _alc _alc _alc :alc Design Input (Target factor of safety of 1.2) _alc :alc Conservative Assumptions: Bouyant force measured at top of structure lid 100 -year flood depth is 8.6 feet in depth (calculation went to elevation 9.5 feet) Weight of soil on outfall pipe not accounted for in calculation Anti-Floatation.xls Appendix H QC Check on Calcs Invert Out Elev. 848.50 Primary Weir Elev. 853.80 Overflow Weir Elev. 853.80 Secondary Weir Hght (ft) 0.00 Secondary Weir Width (ft) 4.67 Primary Weir Hght (ft) 0.00 Primary Weir Width (ft) 4.67 Top of Box Elev. 853.80 Height of box (below top) 5.3 Inside Lgth (ft) (perpendicular to flow) 4.67 Inside Width (ft) 4.67 Outside Lgth (ft) (perpendicular to flow) 6.00 Outside Width (ft) 6.00 Primary weir hgth (ft) (CALCULATED) 5.30 Overflow weir hgth (ft) (CALCULATED) 5.30 Wall thickness (ft) 0.67 Top thickness (ft) 0.00 Base thickness (ft) 1.75 Weight of Concrete 20,203 Orifice diameter (in) 0.00 Orifice area (sq -ft) 0.00 Outlet pipe dia (in) 42.00 Outlet pipe area (sq ft) 9.62 15,837 Concrete weight (lbs/cu ft) 146.00 Water weight (lbs/cu ft) 62.40 Probable Str volume (cu -yd) 4.89 Str weight (lbs) 19,267 Buoyant force (lbs) 15,837 Resultant weight (lbs) 3,430 Factor of Safety 1.22 Bearing Weight (lbs/sq ft) 535.19 3ottom of pond with regards to soil (invert of underdrain system is 848.5 :alc _alc _alc _alc _alc _alc _alc :alc Design Input (Target factor of safety of 1.2) _alc :alc Conservative Assumptions: Bouyant force measured at top of structure lid 100 -year flood depth is 8.6 feet in depth (calculation went to elevation 9.5 feet) Weight of soil on outfall pipe not accounted for in calculation Anti-Floatation.xls Appendix H QC Check on Calcs Check on Volume Inside width of box 4.67 Outside width of box 6.00 Area of inside box 22 Area of outside box 36 Height of box (below top) 5.3 Net Volume of Walls 75.377778 cu ft Top Area of structure 36 Thickness of top 0.00 Volume of top 0 cu ft Volume of base 63 cu ft Total Volume of Concrete 138.4 5.1 Weight of Concrete 20,203 Volume of displaced water 253.8 cu ft Unit weight of water 62.4 Force of displaced water 15,837 Factor of Safety 1.28 Appendix J Detention Time Calculation Appendix J Detention Time and Design of High Flow Rate Media Project: HAECO Facility Improvement @ PTIA, Greensboro, NC WKPrepared by: DJK + 93ICKSC3N Date: March 9, 2016 F�'Urwr� -mmms. surnywn IAndx.rw AmMIM3 Description Impervious Area (ac) Total Drainage Area (ac) Basin 60 0.4 5.2 Basin 70 9.2 9.2 Basin 80 14.1 14.1 Basin 90 7.3 8.9 Basin 120 11.9 14.0 Proposed Apron 5.1 6.6 Proposed Hangar 5.1 6.0 Proposed Access Rd 0.3 0.7 Total Provided Treatment Area 53.6 64.7 Calculate the runoff coefficient: Rv=0.05+0.009(la) Rv = runoff coefficient = storm runoff (inches) / storm rainfall (inches) la = percent impervious = impervious portion of the drainage area (ac.)/drainage area (ac.) la 82.84 Rv= 0.80 (in./in.) Calculate the runoff volume for the water quality event (first 1" of runoff): Volume = (Design rainfall)(Rv)(Drainage Area) Volume = 1" rainfall * Rv' 1/12 (feet/inches)' Drainage Area Volume = 4.3 acre-feet Volume = 186,761 ft3 Infiltration Zone and Assumed Infiltration Rates for Pond Zone 1 Peak Flow (cfs) Zone 2 Peak Flow (cfs) Assumed Infiltration Rate Zone Area (sq ft) (inch/hr) Assumed Infiltration Rate (ft/hr) Assumed Infiltration Rate (ft/sec) 1 (moderately draining soils) 12,403 2 0.2 0.000046 2 (well draining sand) 14,563 10 0.8 0.000231 Calculate Peak Flows and Drawdown Time for WQ Event Zone 1 Peak Flow (cfs) Zone 2 Peak Flow (cfs) Total Flow (cfs) Time to Drain Pond (sec) Time to Drain Pond Time to Drain (min) Pond (hours) 0.6 3.4 3.9 47,338 789 13.1 Appendix K Maintenance and Operation Plan Permit Number: (to be provided by DEMLR) Drainage Area Number: High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond Operation and Maintenance Agreement I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. Important maintenance procedures: — The drainage area of the high flow rate bioretention pond will be carefully managed to reduce the sediment load to the sand filter. — Once a year, sand media will be skimmed. — The sand filter media will be replaced whenever it fails to function properly after maintenance. The high flow rate bioretention pond will be inspected once a quarter and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches. Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potentialproblem: How I will remediate theproblem: The entire BMP Trash/ debris is present. Remove the trash/ debris. The grass filter strip or Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to other pretreatment area erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the a depth of greater than six sediment and remedy the problem if inches. possible. Remove the sediment and dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. The flow diversion The structure is clogged. Unclog the conveyance and dispose structure (if applicable) of any sediment off-site. The structure is damaged. Make any necessary repairs or replace if damage is too large for repair. High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond O&M Page 1 of 3 Permit Number: (to be provided by DEMLR) BMP element: Potentialproblem: How I will remediate theproblem: The bioretention cell: Mulch is breaking down or Spot mulch if there are only random soils and mulch has floated away. void areas. Replace whole mulch layer if necessary. Remove the remaining mulch and replace with triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum depth of three inches. Soils and/or mulch are Check to see if the collection system clogged with sediment. Water is clogged and flush if necessary. If is ponding on the surface for water still ponds, remove the top more than 24 hours after a few inches of the filter bed material storm. and replace. If water still ponds, then consult an expert. Outlet device Clogging has occurred. Clean out the outlet device and dispose sediment in a location that will not impact a stream or the BMP. The outlet device is damaged. Repair the outlet device. The observation well(s) The water table is within one Contact DEMLR Stormwater foot of the bottom of the Permitting staff immediately at system for a period of three 919-707-9220. consecutive months. The outflow pipe is clogged. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to prevent future erosion problems. The outflow pipe is damaged. Repair or replace the pipe. The emergency overflow Erosion or other signs of The emergency overflow berm will berm damage have occurred at the be repaired or replaced if beyond outlet. repair. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the N.C. Division of Water damage have occurred at the Resources 401 Certification Program outlet. staff at 919-707-8789. High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond O&M Page 2 of 3 Permit Number: (to be provided by DEMLR) I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DEMLR of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project name: HAECO Site Development Project BMP drainage area number: Print name: Title: Address: Phone: Signature: Date: Note: The legally responsible parry should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, , a Notary Public for the State of County of , do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day of I , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing high flow rate bioretention pond maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires High Flow Rate Bioretention Pond O&M Page 3 of 3