HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160329 Ver 1_Br no 83 on Pinebrook School Road concurrence request_20160404STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRf1NSPORTAT'ION PAT L. MCCRORY GOVERNOR July 13, 2015 Marella Buncick U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Asheville Field Office 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, NC 28801 ANTHONYJ.TATA SECRETARY Subject: Section 7 Concurrence Request on the Northern-long eared bat version 4 for the project area associated with the replacement of Bridge No. 83 on SR 1436 in Davie County. WBS no.17BP.9.R.25. As of April 2, 20 ] 5, the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrronalis; NLEB) is listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as "Threatened" with an Interim 4d rule including Davie CounTy within NCDOT Division 9 (http://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntylistlnc_counties.html). The project imolves a 404 permit and state funds and is subject to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. Using USGS mines shapefile dataset, a desktop assessment was conducted for any mines within one half mile of the project area. No mines were shown in the azea. Therefore, no mines needed to be checked on foot. In addition, no known caves are in the area for the project. Based on the lack of mines and caves, no winter habitat will be affected by the project. There aze no manmade dwellings of suitable habitat that are proposed to be removed in the project area. The project involves replacing an existing bridge with a concrete deck, steel beams, timber end walls and timber guard rails. The bridge was surveyed for presence of bats or evidence of bats, and neither was found. Thus, no structure moratorium will be implemented on the project. According to the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NHP) Biotics Database, most recently updated in Apri12015, NLEB have not been documented in Davie County. However, a rabies lab record that lacks specific location information exists for Davidson County in Division 9. The closest specifically documented occurrence ofNLEB is in Wilkes County (NHP 2001 mist net record), more than 50 miles of any of the project sites. Potential summer roosting and Foraging habitat in the form of forested areas interspersed with fields, and water sources do exist in or around the project. The project area involves minimal tree clearing. NCDOT commits to a tree c(earing moratorium in the project area from May 15 to August 15 of any calendar year to avoid diswrbing potential Northem long-eared bats in their summer roosting habitat. Based on the results of proximity to known occurrences of NLEB, potential foraging and roosting habitat within the study area, and cunently available guidance from USFWS, we determined that DIVISION OF HIGHWAVS DIVISION NINE DIVISION OFFICE 375 SIIAS CREEK PARKWAY, WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27127 PHONE (336) 747-7800 FAX (336) 703-8893 the project area will have a biological conclusion of May Affect-Not Likely to Adversely Affect for NLEB. NCDOT believes that the requirements of Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA have been satisfied and hereby request your concurrence. Thank you for your assistance with the project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Amy Euliss at (336) 747-7802 or at aeuliss@ncdot.gov. Sin rely, � Amy liss Division Environmental Officer, NCDOT Division 9 Cc: Mr. John Thomas, USACE Matt Jones, Division 9 Bridge Program Manager Cheryl Gregory, NCDOT Biological Surveys Group